April has many definitions; there’s the one about April showers, and poets ranging from Shelley toKeats to Fost to Omar Khayam have celebratedthe month. And then there’s April 15 and the IRS. On page 36 SherriMahoney-Battles has updates on the latest tax laws and what it willmean for you.The South Coast is poised for growth, and the cities of Fall River,Taunton and New Bedford are about to begin reaping the rewards ofyears of hard work. Jay Pateakos has the full story, beginning on page 14.Over-the-counter drugs are safe, right? Well, not always, especially if theyare taken with other drugs or even certain foods. This important story byElizabeth Morse Read starts on page 18.It seems there are as many ways to learn a foreign language as there areforeign languages. Dan Logan does all the hard work and delivers areport on the various methods and techniques so you can prepare foryour next trip abroad. His story starts on page 30.