South Coast Prime Times - May/June 2020

Page 22


To navigate these difficult times, we need to be especially conscious and aware, relaxed and calm, as well as energized and resilient.

Ancient meditations by D an B rule

If ever there was a time to pause and take a breath, this is it! In fact, life seems to be forcing us all to pause and to take a breath whether we want to or not. Practically everyone on the planet is affected. We are all in this together: one world. Viruses don’t discriminate and they don’t respect borders. COVID-19 is a great equalizer! And maybe it ain’t so bad that mass consumerism takes a pause either, or that many people have no choice but to unhook from the rat race. Maybe we can use this time as an opportunity to focus on what’s really important. Many people are always talking about how they don’t have enough time to exercise or read or meditate or spend quality time with loved ones. Now, they have all the time in the world. No excuse! Let’s use this time wisely. 20

S ou th C oast P r ime T imes

M ay /J une 2020

Many people know that I am a yogi. I was initiated and given the name Guchu Ram Singh in August of 1980 by the legendary Haidakhan Babaji. He is known as the Immortal Yogi Christ of India and is written about in the classic book, Autobiography of a Yogi. He was Pramahansa Yogananda’s guru’s guru’s guru. And so, I am blessed to be part of an ancient living lineage. I’m a bonafide, card-carrying practicing yogi even though I no longer shave my head and I haven’t worn robes or carried prayer beads around with me for many years. You could say I am a western yogi, or a yogi in disguise. I am definitely a rebellious yogi – innovative, creative, unconventional, and often irreverent. I believe we shouldn’t be putting new wine in old bottles… or is it old wine in new bottles? Anyway, we live in uniquely new times, so we need new and unique methods and techniques. I have never been able to sit in the full lotus position and I have no intention of ever mastering that pose or any of the other pretzel positions. My focus has

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