BySusanCanfora StaffReporter
Unofficialvotetotalspostedthe morningaftertheTuesday,Sept.13,RepublicanprimaryelectionstronglyindicatedthatincumbentSussexCounty CouncilmanJohnRieleyhaddefeated challengerKellerHopkins.
Lawsuitfiledagainst Fenwickbyowner offormerDQproperty
ByKerinMagill StaffReporter
Theownerofthesiteoftheformer DairyQueenrestaurantinFenwick Islandhasfiledalawsuitagainstthe Town,seekingactionbytheTownon asiteplanforimprovementstothe propertythatwouldincludeenlarging theexistingsecondfloor.
ThelawsuitwasfiledSept.1inthe stateSuperiorCourt,andwassigned byRichardAbbott,attorneyforBalsamoRealEstateLLC,whichowns thepropertyonCoastalHighway.The DairyQueenthathadbeenlocated therefordecadeshasbeenclosedfor aboutayear.
Inthesuit,thedeveloperasksfora “writofmandamus,”whichinthis casecouldrequiretheTowntomove forwardonplanssubmittedbyBalsamotoredeveloptheformerDQ property.
Accordingtothelawsuit,Balsamo’s engineer,EricWahlofPennoniAssociates,submittedplanstothetownon Aug.9fortheproposedproject.
See SUITpage4
unofficialvotetotalswereposted,Rieley had2,511votes,or62percent,and Hopkinshad1,527,or38percent.
Votetotalswereexpectedtobecertified byThursday,afterCoastalPoint presstime,butit’sunlikelyanythingwill changeforRieley,aRepublicanseeking asecond,four-yeartermontheCouncil, representingDistrict5.
voteswerebeingtallied,Rieleytoldthe CoastalPointthathebelievedaccusationsagainsthim,andacallforhimto resignmadebyfellowCouncilman MarkSchaeffer,weretacticsofa“smear campaign”votersfounddistasteful.
“Ithinkthatpeoplejustrecognize that itwasunethicalanddirtycampaigning,andtheystoodupandsaid, ‘No.’Theydon’twantthatkindofcam-
paignhereinSussexCounty,andthey don’twantthatkindofastatement. Theydon’tlikethatkindofacampaign,”Rieleysaid.
Schaeffer,whosupportsHopkins,accusedRieleyofwronglyandunethically acceptingtonsofdirtfromadeveloper lookingforaplacetoputit,butRieley,
ByKerinMagill Staff Reporter
ChiefLaurenceCorriganisapparently closertoreality,giventheFrankford
TownCouncil’sacceptanceofhisresignationduringanexecutivesessionlast week.
Thecouncilheldtheclosedmeeting Thursday,Sept.8.Themeetinghad beenscheduledforTuesday,Sept.6,fol-
lowingtheregular,publiccouncilmeeting,buthadtoberescheduledwhen CouncilTreasurerJohnWrighthadto leaveforafirecall.(Wrightisalsothe chiefoftheFrankfordVolunteerFire Company.)
Corrigantoldthecouncilthree monthsagothatheplannedtoleavethe posthehasheldsinceDecember2019. Atthattime,heofferedtostayonuntil
SEPTEMBER 16, 2022 THE LOCAL VOICE OF YOUR COMMUNITY. Volume 19, Issue 37FREE Sports Indians get on the field for fall sports Page 66 Community IRSD schools put emphasis on safety Page 31
are fine-grained and velvety.
$44.00 Sale $35.20 with purchase of a case
Notes of pear, white nectarine, apple and lime.This world beloved grape variety in this wine assumes notes of faint honey, aromas of honeysuckle and a distinct minerality, refreshingly dry with brilliant acidity and an almond note on the finish.
$11.00 Sale $8.80 with purchase of a case
$9.00 Sale $7.20 with purchase of a case
Peach, green apple, lemon, and graham cracker crust headline the aromas on this mediumbodied Chardonnay. A creamy entry extends on the palate with delightful flavors of tropical fruit, melon and hints of baking spice. The grand finale is a long and lavish finish.
$20.00 Sale $16.00 with purchase of a case
Aromas of dark stone fruits and toast burst from the glass. classic Cabernet Sauvignon flavors of black cherries with subtle hints of baking spice dance across the palate.
$13.00 Sale $10.40 with purchase of a case
Light bodied rosé made from the indigenous varietals Sangiovese, Canaiolo, and Ciliegiolo. These indigenous grapes of Tuscany are the perfect foil for a great, light bodied rosé. Their natural high acidity, crisp, tart cherry, and herbaceous all create an ideal Tuscan rosé.
$11.00 Sale $8.80 with purchase of a case
This is a crisp, dry white with delicate grassy aromas, lemon and lime flavors leading to a mouthwatering zesty finish. Pairs well with seafood, chicken, salads and truffle popcorn.
$9.00 Sale $7.20 with purchase of a case
Bouquet of citrus and tropical fruits backed by characteristic herbaceous notes. An exuberant wine brimming with flavors of pineapple and stone fruit with a hint of herbaceousness on the palate. The finish is fresh and zesty.
$15.00 Sale $12.00 with purchase of a case
Peach and citrus aromas are supported by a deft touch of oak that provides structure. The fresh, stone fruit flavours flow gracefully through to the clean and elegant palate.
$9.00 Sale $7.20 with purchase of a case
100% estate bottled Pinot Grigio. Clean, crisp aromas of apple, citrus, and peach carry over to the fruity and refreshing palate. Easy drinking and easy to love, pair this wine with a zesty pasta or seafood dish.
$8.00 Sale $6.40 with purchase of a case
A rich wine with layers of tropical fruit, peaches and pears. The fruit opens up into creamy textures of apples and pears that glide across the palate. Hints of citrus and rich oak tones highlight the wine's lingering finish.
$42.00 Sale $33.60 with purchase of a case
From the first aromas of black fruit, pencil lead and forest floor, you’re in for something special. This is a benchmark of dry Pacific Northwest Bordeaux-esque Cabernet Sauvignon—with intense flavor, depth and complexity.
$20.00 Sale $16.00 with purchase of a case
A blend of Zinfandel, Petite Sirah, and Merlot, this wine has aromas and flavors of black fruit, smoke, caramel and vanilla.
$21.00 Sale $16.80 with purchase of a case
12-3pm 3-6pm
Enticing aromas of wild strawberry, Bing cherry and plum, as well as subtle undertones of dried herb, forest floor, sweet vanilla and baking spices. On the palate, the lush red berry flavors are framed by smooth, refined tannins and a silky texture, with a tantalizing hint of bright acidity lingering on the long, focused finish.
$22.00 Sale $17.60 with purchase of a case
Sea Sun celebrates ongoing exploration of California and its great diversity of land. Our Pinot Noir is Sourced from premier coastal regions. A layered wine that holds broad appeal. Strikingly soft, with scents of baked cherries, vanilla and brown spice.
$19.00 Sale $15.20 with purchase of a case
Aromatics showcase the volcanic influence having impressive depth of pronounced Bing Cherry and Marionberry. Warm flavors of cola, and baking spices, with perfectly balanced acidity.
$27.00 Sale $21.60 with purchase of a case
2 CoastalPoint September16,2022 RUFFINO PROSECCO 750ML Bright straw yellow with fine bubbles. Bubbles are full textured and persistent. On the nose the wine brings fresh citrus with hints of apples and pears. $13.00 Sale $10.40 with purchase of a case VELVET DEVIL MERLOT 750 Balanced, rich and explosive. Think red plums and bittersweet cocoa with hints of smoke and cedar. So smooth, so naughty, and so very, very nice. $13.00 Sale $10.40 with purchase of a case CA FURLAN PROSECCO 750ML Pale straw in color with very fine bubbles. Pronounced aromas of lemon, melon, white peach, pear, and white flowers. Fruit-forward and off dry on the palate with medium acidity and delicate mousse. $10.00 Sale $8.00 with purchase of a case THE BEACH ROSE 750ML Clear & very expressive with great aromatic freshness on the nose, inclduding aromas of red berries with hints of lime and melon. $16.00 Sale $12.80 with purchase of a case DOMAINE CHANDON ROSE 750ML Reveals a gorgeous shade of pink in the glass with aromas of fresh strawberry, watermelon and cherry that proceed through the palate and finish. $21.00 Sale $16.80 with purchase of a case Rt. 26, Millville, 38014 Town Center Dr., 3 mi. west of Rt.1 next to Millville Town Center bankswinesandspirits.com | 302.537.8008 Open Mon ~ Thurs 9am-9pm • Fri & Sat 9am-11pm • Sun 10am-8pm MixandMatch: 12,750mlor6,1.5Ls. Salepricesreflect 20%discount. Somesalewinesareexcluded.Norain
Please Drink Responsibly. Not responsible for typographical errors in pricing. oncasesof instock wines Tastings 20% Sat.,Sept17-Sat.,Sept.24 SAVE Specializing in professional beverage planning
checksordiscountsonpriorpurchases. Otherrestrictionsmayapply.
aromas merge to perfection with tropical notes resulting in a complex elegant Vinho Verde. It is delicious, refreshing and fruity with a long persistent after-taste.
VINEYARD FREDERICK RED 750ML SBordeaux style blend is packed with raspberry and strawberry flavors as well as some floral notes. The mid-palate is complex and the tannins
BySusanCanfora StaffReporter
RhysBradshawwillbethenewfulltimeschoolresourceofficeratLord BaltimoreElementarySchool.
Hisannualsalaryis$75,658,with theIndianRiverSchoolDistrictproviding$40,000eachyear,OVPDChief KennethMcLaughlintoldtheCoastal Point.
Duringthesummer,Bradshawcompleted40hoursofspecializedtraining forschoolresourceofficers.Training “coveredalotofdifferenttopics,includinglawsinvolvingwhatyoucanand can’tdointheschoolsandwithjuveniles,”McLaughlinsaid.
thecouncilhiredareplacementforhim. Althoughseveralcandidateshavebeen interviewed,nonehavebeenofferedthe job.Lastweek,CouncilPresidentGreg Welchhadannouncedthatthecouncil hadreceivedtwonewapplicationsbut hadnotinterviewedthoseindividuals.
Thepolicechiefsaidhehadoffered tostayinthejobforasalaryof$70,000 —a$15,000increasefromhiscurrent
Baltimoreformorethan20years,but thedemandhasbeengrowing,thechief said.
“Wewantedtomakesureourkids aresafe.Thatisourtoppriority,”he said,sharinghisfour-partplanthatincludesassistingschooladministrationin maintainingasafeandsecureenvironment,makingtheSROresponsiblefor investigatingviolationsofcriminallaw thatoccuroncampus,havingtheSRO provideeducationtopromoteresponsiblecitizenshipandgivestudentsabetterunderstandingofhowthelegal systemworks,andassuringtheSROinteractswithstudentsasapositiverole modelandestablishesrelationshipswith at-riskstudents.
“Everyyear,wewerespendingmore andmoretimeattheschool,andthat
salary.Theemailhereceivedlastweek fromWelch“informedmethatthey’re notgivingmeasalaryincrease,”and wereacceptinghisresignation,Corrigan saidthisweek.HeaddedthatWelch hadnotrespondedtohisrequestfora meetingtodiscussadeparturedate.
Welchdidnotreturnphonemessagesthisweekaskingforinformation oncouncilactiontakenfollowingthe executivesession.
pullsusawayfromtheroad.Wereached adecisionlastyearbecauseitwasevolving intoafull-timejob.That’swhenwe startedtalkingaboutdevelopingthis intoafull-timeposition,tomeetthe demandandmakesurewearedoingall wecandotokeeptheschoolsafe—the kidsandthestaffattheschool,” McLaughlinsaid.
Therehaven’tbeenanyproblems withunrulystudents,orchildrentaking weaponstoLordBaltimore.
“No,notatall.Youneverknowin today’ssociety,butwe’vebeenveryfortunate.LordBaltimoreisoneofthe safestschoolsintheIndianRiver SchoolDistrict.We’vegotawonderful, outstandingstaffattheschool,sowe’ve
befound,“Ihadnoideatherewouldbe apaucityofapplicants.”Hesaidheregretsdepartingthejobandthat“Ihad kind ofintendedtospendmyremaining workyearsatFrankford.Ilovethe town,Ireallydo.”
Herebuiltthetown’spolicedepartment,whichhadbeenshutteredforseveralyears,toincludeasmanyasthree part-timeofficers,aswellashimself. Thedepartmentcurrentlyconsistsof Corriganandpart-timeofficersMegan LoulouandKevinDorney.
September16,2022 CoastalPoint 3 Open Mon - Sat 10-6 • Sun 10-5 302-537-1414 Coastal Hwy. & Dagsboro St., Fenwick Island Charlie B • Escape F rench Dressing • Habitat Kaktus • Santiki • Jams L ULU B • Ruby RD Skechers • Zac & Rachel Tribal • Multiples Parsley & Sage Democracy • Skye India Boutique • Maggy London Violet Ruby Men’s Shirts Shorts Swimwear Summer Sale! Great Selection Early Fall Up to 65% Off ALL* Summer Clothing SouthernExposureFenwickIsland.com *Basics & year round, as marked Open 7 Days: Mon-Thurs 4-Close • Fri - Sat 11:30-Close • Sun 10-Close Bethany Beach –6 North Pennsylvania Ave., 1 Block from the Totem Pole Lewes –18385 Coastal Highway Rt. 1 North, just past Midway Open Lunch & Dinner Closed Wednesdays Fresh Fish • Jerk Chicken • Tacos • Kids’ Menu OCEANFRONT DINING Now Hiring Hostess, Bussers, Food Runners & Servers Opens at 11am • Happy Hour Starts at 1 pm (at the bar) On the Bethany Beach Boardwalk • 302.537.6621 • MangosBethany.com GlutenFree CrabCakesAvailable Mon - Sat • Open - 6pm (At the bar & bar rail) During Pro Games (At the bar & bar rail) BRUNCH IS BACK! Sundays 10am-noon Bites $6 Fried Green Beans $13 Boom Boom Shrimp $4 BBQ Taco $3 Cup of Chili $8 Pigs and Frizzle $12 Brisket Burger Sliders $8 BBQ Quesadilla $9 BBQ Slider Trio $5 Delmarva Deviled Eggs (3) $3 Domestic Bottles $3 Bud Light Pints $6 House Wine (glass) $6 Titos Cocktails $7 Crushes $9 Maker's Mark Old Fashioned $6 Old Forester 86 Cocktails BOOZE
Inalettersubmittedwiththe plans,WahlsaidBalsamo“wishesto makeimprovementstohisproperty,” whichincludedaddingasecondfloor (asmallsecondstoryalreadyexisted) andincreasingtheamountof“patron space”withinthebuilding.
“Wearenotproposinganychanges totheparkingarea,”Wahlsaidinthe letter,addingthat“theparkingrequirementsof28spacesisalready beingmet.”
JosephBalsamoJr.saidinaphone interviewthisweekthattherearecurrently“38or39”parkingspacesonthe property.IftheTown’sproposed changestoparkingrequirementson commercialpropertyareapproved,the requirementwouldchangefromone
spaceper100feetofpatronspaceto onespaceper50feetofpatronspace —doublingtheamountofparkingrequired.Inthiscase,theDQproperty wouldberequiredtohave56parking spaces.
“That’salotofparkingforasmall restaurant,”Balsamosaid.
Thecruxofthelawsuit,however,is thatTownManagerPatSchuchman indicatedtoPennoniandtoAbbott thattheapplicationwouldnotmove forwarduntilthependingparking changesarevotedon.Thechangesare partofaproposedordinance,which hasnotyetbeenvotedondespite inputfromthepublic—including localbusinessowners—duringTown CouncilandCharter&Ordinance Committeemeetings.
Anotherpublichearingonthe parkingproposalisscheduledfor
whorunsafamilyfarminMillsboro, contendedthatisacommonagriculturalpracticeandthathewasfullyin complianceandpermitted.
RieleytoldtheCoastalPointhis messagetovotersafterthevotewas, “Thankyou,thankyoutoeverybody.
“Nobodydoesthisbythemselves.It’s ateameffort.Volunteers,peoplewith financialcontributions.It’sagroupef-
fort.Iamveryhumbledbythat.Imake thispledgetothenewFifthDistrict, becausethegeographyissodifferent” since redistricting.“Ipledgetogoout, tomeetwithpeople,toheartheirconcerns,”hesaid.
IntheNov.8generalelection,Rieley willfaceDemocraticchallengerBilly EdwardsofGeorgetown.
Alsorunningforreelectiontothe SussexCouncilthisyearisCouncilman DougHudson,whoranunopposedin theprimary,butwhowillfaceDemocraticchallengerNathanMitchellof
Monday,Sept.19,at10a.m.Balsamo saidheandhisfather,JosephBalsamo Sr.,plantoattendthehearing,asdo severalotherownersofbusinessesin FenwickIsland.
InaletterdatedAug.30,TownSolicitorLukeMettestatedthatabuildingpermithadnotyetbeengranted fortheproposedimprovements,althoughonehadbeengrantedearlier forreplacementoftheroofandforinteriordemolition,whichwaspartof anearlierplantoleasethebuilding foratake-outtacobusiness.
Thatplanfellthrough,Balsamo said,andthecompanyhasbeenseekinganothertenantfortheproperty whileplanningtomakefurtherimprovementstothebuildingthatwould allowforalargerrestaurant.
Otherunofficialprimaryvotetotals, postedby10:30p.m.onTuesday,were:
• IntheAuditorofAccountsrace, DemocratLydiaYorkofWilmington had35,881votes,or71percent,and DemocratKathleenMcGuinnessof RehobothBeach,theembattledincumbent,received14,640votes,or29percent.
•IntheRecorderofDeedsrace,RepublicanAlexandraReedBakerof Harbesonhad8,262votes,or50.61percent,andRepublicanScottDaileyof
evaluatedundertheChapter142of theTownCodearenotbasedon properinterpretationofthecode. Schuchmanhasdetermined,Mette said,thatthenewplansshouldbe evaluatedunderChapter61,whichaddressesbuildingandutilityconstruction,ratherthanChapter142,which addressessubdivisionanddevelopment,orrearrangementofproperty.
Schuchman,Mette’slettersaid, “hasconcludedthattheprocedural pathforwardfortheTown’sconsiderationoftheproposedimprovementsis tosubmitabuildingpermitapplicationunderChapter61.…Itismyunderstandingthatnosuchbuilding permitapplicationhasbeensubmitted totheTown,”saidtheletter,which hasbeensubmittedbyAbbottaspart
•AmongRegisterofWillscandidates,RepublicanGregFullerofLincoln got6,503votes,or39percent, CandiceGreenWilkinsonofEllendale received6,182votes,or37percent,and EllenMageeofSelbyvillegarnered 3,953votes,or24percent.
Candidateswhowininthegeneral electionwillbeswornininJanuary 2023.ReturnDaywillbeinGeorgetowntwodaysafterthegeneralelection, whichisscheduledforNov.10.
4 CoastalPoint September16,2022 Why Choose Us? Veteran Owned and Operated (302) 251-8252 Serving Millville & the surrounding area We look forward to meeting you! Schedule an appointment today! Stop in and enjoy our beers, along with Delaware wines and cider, all in a casual atmosphere. 302-616-2691 BethanyBrewing.net 38450 Hickman Road, Ocean View Live Music 6-9pm Sept. 17 Sept. 30 Happy Hour Every Day 4-6pm Don’t let the stairs limit your mobility. Regain your independence Age safely in place Eliminate the risk of falls Access all of your home Why choose the Rave 2 stair lift? AmeriGlide Rave 2 stair lift is the solution for you. 1-866-416-3540 Call today to save
Suit Continuedfrompage1 See SUITpage5
ByMikeSmith StaffReporter
Thequestionofincreasingtheharvestofhorseshoecrabs,forbaitorother uses,andreinstatingthepermittedharvestoffemalehorseshoecrabshaspittedtraditionalalliesinDelaware’sbays andcoastlines—environmentalorganizationsincludingAudubon,Conserve WildlifeFoundationandDelaware CenterfortheInlandBays(CIB)— againstscientificorganizationsincludingtheAtlanticStatesMarineFisheries CommissionandtheU.S.Fish& WildlifeService.
Thesciencemaystatethatthepopulationofhorseshoecrabsisnowso abundantthatfisheriesmanagersmay increaseharvestlimitsandlifttheban
onfemalecrabstakenasbait,butenvironmentalsentimentsaysdon’ttouch thefemaleswholaytheprecioushorseshoecrabeggs.
Lastweek,ASMFChostedapublic hearingontheissue,withabroadrange ofspeakersandattendees.Theissueis volatilebecausetheendangeredspecieslisted redknotbirddependsonhorseshoecrabeggsforitsduringmigration andthusitssurvival.Meanwhile,the U.S.Fish&WildlifeServicehas weighed-inthatanincreasedharvestof maleandfemalehorseshoecrabshas lessthana1percentchanceofimpactingmigratoryshorebirds,andthered knotinparticular.Thebirdsflyoverthe Mid-Atlantic,andDelaware’sshorelines,includingMispillionHarbor,are primefeedinggroundsfortheredknot.
erty,butforthebuildingtobeasuccessfulundertaking,“Wehavetohave thatsecondfloor.”
Caitlin Starksistheseniorfishery managementplancoordinatorfor ASMFCandprovidedthescientific overviewofthehorseshoecrabpopulation.
Thepublicisbeingencouragedto commentonthehorseshoecrabharvest issueuntilSept.30,andtheboardwill makeafinalapprovalinNovember.For moreinformation,theplanscanbereviewedatwww.asmfc.org.
“Theadaptiveresourcemanagement frameworkhasmanagedthehorseshoe crabinthebayfisheryforyears,andit considersboththehorseshoecrabpopulationandtheviablepopulationsof shorebirdsandthethreatenedredknot,” saidStarks.
thatwemaintainthestopoverhabitatof thesebirdsandnotlimittheabundance ofeggsorstopoverpopulations.”
Starksaddedthatnewdatasources, newmodellingsoftwareandothertools availabletofisheriesmanagement meansthatthewayhorseshoecrabsare counted hasbeenupdated.Infact,the oldersoftwareusedforcountsis“no longerfunctionaloncomputers,”Starks said,“sonewprogramsandmodelsgave morecertaintytothelifecyclesofhorseshoecrabandtheredknot.”
Therevisedmodelswillnowsetthe baitharvestoffemalehorseshoecrabs, statedAFMFC.
“Thestatusquoisnotanoption,” Starksnoted.
Inthebodyofthelawsuit,Abbott calledthebuildingpermit“illogical,” statingthat“itputsthecartbeforethe horse”since“structuralplansneeded forabuildingpermitcannotbeprepareduntilthesizeofthebuildingis approvedbytheTownCouncil.”
Thelawsuitalsoclaims“subterfuge”onthepartoftheTown, “wherebyFenwickishopingtohold uptheabilityofBalsamotoreceive approval”oftheplanfortheproperty.
JosephBalsamoJr.saidthisweek thattheTown’sactionsarepreventing hisfamily’scompanyfromseeingany incomefromthepropertyuntilthey canmoveforwardwiththeredevelopmentproject.
Hesaidheiscurrentlyintalkswith severalpotentialtenantsfortheprop-
HealsoquestionedtheTown’seffortstochangetheparkingrequirementsduringthesummermonths, whenmanybusinessownersaretoo busytoattendTownmeetingstoprovideinput.
“It’snotgoodwhatthey’retrying todo,”Balsamosaid,addingthat “thereshouldbearoundtable”discussiononthetopicbetweenbusiness ownersandtownofficials.“Let’stalk aboutthisinareasonableway,”he said.
FenwickIslandMayorNatalie Magdeburgerdeclinedtocommenton theBalsamoaction.
“Itwouldbeimproperforthe Towntocommentsinceitisnowa litigationmatterandhasbeenreferred toourtownsolicitor,”Magdeburger saidinanemail.
September16,2022 CoastalPoint 5 RetireWise: Educational Workshops for Pre-retirees and Retirees Office Address: 32828 Reba Road, Suite B Millville, DE SECURITIES OFFERED THROUGH LPL FINANCIAL, MEMBER FINRa/SIPC. INVESTMENT ADVICE OFFERED THROUGH PRIVATE ADVISOR GROUP. A REGISTERED INVESTMENT ADVISOR AND SEPARATE ENTITY FROM LPL FINANCIAL. Building Con idence Through Guidance Please join us for our 1-hour Kickoff Workshop on Tuesday, October 4th at 8 a.m. or Thursday October 6th at 5 p.m. at the Bethany-Fenwick Chamber of Commerce, 36913 Coastal Hwy, Fenwick Island, DE RETIRE WITH PURPOSE * The non-financial aspects of a Purposeful Retirement * Discover new ways to enjoy your freedom * Take a proactive approach to your happiness in retirement * Developing a Retirement Lifestyle action plan **This is the first in a series of FREE Educational Workshops highlighting ALL aspects of your Retirement Life offered by local CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ Daniel W. Rowles Limited seating is available, so please RSVP Dave Ryan at Dave.Ryan@LPL.com or call 302-526-2565 x5 Bethany Beach & South Bethany Bracelets OPEN DAILY - 10AM 302.539.9334 ON THE BOARDWALK • BETHANY BEACH JEWELRY REPAIR & WATCH BATTERY INSTALLATION
6 CoastalPoint September16,2022 Lifetime Warranty Blocks 97% of Harmful UV Rays Reduce Energy Costs German Engineered Visit Our Showroom and Save! patiosystems.com • 302-644-6540 • TOLL FREE 866-644-6540 Self Serve Outdoor Display with Shade Product Samples 16083 New Road Lewes, DE • Showroom Open Monday-Friday 8am–4:30pm TM Call Now & Receive Free Off-Season Installation (Up to $600 Off) END OF SEASON SPECIAL Up To 25% OFF Shade Products Expires 9/28/22 • Valid upon initial pricing only Shopping Hours Open Thurs-Sat 10-5 Sun & Mon 10-4 Closed Tues & Wed Open by Chance or Appointment 33119 Main Street Dagsboro, Delaware 19939 (302) 927-0601 Order Online www.piecesonmain.com @piecesonmain piecesonmain@gmail.com Furniture • Antiques Home and Kitchen Gifts • Local Art Vintage Finds Come Experience the Charm of Chalk Our Paint Has Finally Been Restocked Heroesaplenty CoastalPoint•ShaunLambert MembersofthecommunityshoweduponFriday,Sept.9,toshowtheirsupportfor the‘VeryImportantFamilies’intownforWarriorBeachWeek,throughOperation SEAstheDay.
Thefisheriesmodelsareprecisionbased,withaerialcounts,integrated populationreviewsandunderstanding ofArcticsnowlevelsandicemeltimpactingsea-levelrise,aswellasrecounts andre-sightingsofbirdpopulations.
Since2012,theAtlanticStatesMarineFisheriesCommission (ASMFC)hasusedanadaptiveresourcemanagement(ARM)framework toguideharvestofhorseshoecrabsin theDelawareBayregion.TheARM frameworkincorporatesbothshorebird and horseshoecrababundancelevelsto setoptimizedharvestlimitsforhorseshoecrabsofDelawareBayorigin.
TheARMframeworklinkspopulationdynamicsmodelsforhorseshoe crabsandredknotstomakeannualharvestrecommendationsthatinformthe permittedharvestofhorseshoecrabs.
goteverythingweneedforsuccess there.
“Wecanattributeabigpartofour successtoourcommunityoutreach.We wanttodomorewithkids.Wehavea lotofdifferentprogramsthatwewant toinstituteovertherewiththekidsand interactwiththemanddeveloprelationships,”hesaid.
Iftherewasanemergencyatthe schoolandchildrenwereindanger, OceanViewpolicewouldimmediately rushin,hesaid.
“Ourofficershaveanabundanceof training.Ourmindsetiswewillnotbe standingaroundinthehallway.Wewill be activelyengaginganythreats.
“Whenthatschoolisinsessionand thatschoolisfullofpeople,wehavea responsibilitytokeepthemsafe.This SROisjustanotherexampleofhowse-
TheDelawareBayquotaforfour statesdrawinghorseshoecrabsfromits fisheriesis523,148harvestsofallindividuals.Thenewoptionswouldinclude 50,000femalesminimumandupto 150,000 females.Anotheroptionwould include500,000malesandnofemales. TheStateofNewJerseyhasdetermined thattheseuniquecreaturesmaynotbe harvestedforbaitfish.
ChrisBason,formerexecutivedirectoroftheCIBandauthorofarecent EconomicValuationoftheInlandBays report—whichincludesfisheriesoutput—questionedtheoptimalharvest options.
Heaskedthefisheriesmanageron thevirtualhearing,“Whydoesitvary forfemales?Themaleharvestatthe maximumlevels[inplace]willnotimpacttheredknotpopulations.”
“Theboardandthestatescanstill choosenottoadoptthefemalehorseshoecrabharvestoption,”addedBason
riouslywetakethatresponsibility,”he said.
TheideatoputanSROinthe schoolcamefromCouncilmanSteven CobbandMayorJohnReddington,and councilmembersagreed,TownManagerCarolHouckstated.
“Itismyhopethatoureffortsto increasesafetyandprogramsatLord Baltimorewillhavearippleeffectfor yearstocomeinregardtotheprogramswecanofferifwededicateone officertothetask,”Cobbstatedinthe release.
Reddingtonsaidthesafetyandwellbeingofyouthandaccesstoprograms thatprovidetoolsfortheirsuccess “screamssmall-townvaluesandcommitmenteverydayoftheweek.”
“TheTown’sengagementwithIndian RiverSchoolDistrictSuperintend-
TheCIBisasignatorytotheHorseshoeCrabRecoveryCoalition.TheorganizationquotedEricStiles,president andCEOofNewJerseyAudubon,who stated,“Nowisnotthetimetomove forwardwithaproposalthatfurther destabilizehorseshoecrab,andredknot, populationsalongtheDelawareBay. Rushingsuchadecisioncouldhave tragicconsequencesforbothspeciesand theoverallecosystemoftheBay.”
AllenBurgensonofthebiotechnologyandpharmaceuticalcompany Lonza,whichusesthebluebloodofthe horseshoecrabtocreatelifesavingproducts,saidthecurrentcrabpopulation supportsthepotentialharvestchange.
“Thereare40millionhorseshoe crabsintheDelawareBayrightnow,” hesaid.“Ibelievethesexratioistwo males toonefemale.So,noodling throughthemathinmyhead,thatgives
entOwens,LordBaltimorePrincipal PamWebb,thechildrenandfacultyhas beenapositiveoneforsometime,” Houckstated.
“Beinginthepositiontoformalize oureffortsandfocusonspecificprogramssuitedtoelementary-schoolchildrenandfamiliesallowsforboth immediateandlonger-termbenefits thataredesirabletofull-servicecommunitieslikeOceanView,”shesaid.
September16,2022 CoastalPoint 7 2023 Calendar is here! h a d $ 6 $1 of every sale goes to Justin’s Beach House in Bethany Beach where families with cancer can have a place of respite & enjoy some fun & family time. To Learn More Visit: justinjennings.org Make Ellen Rice’s classic work of art and history part of your home Ocean View, Delaware Discover Ellen’s many fine paintings & prints Open Studio 11‐4 Saturday, Sept. 17 Call to visit other days www.ellenrice.galler y 302-539-3405
Harvest Continuedfrompage5 SeeHARVESTpage9
BySusanCanfora StaffReporter
TheSelbyvilleTownCouncil,atits Monday,Sept.12,meeting,unanimouslyapproved$12,608.69tohave emergencyequipmentinstalledina 2022ChevyTahoethatwillbeusedby thepolicedepartment.
PoliceChiefBrianWilson,during hismonthlyreport,toldthecouncil thattheequipmentwillincludelights andcomputerandemergencyequipment.
Healsoreportedthat,duringAugust,policeanswered280callsandissued197tickets,includingthreefor drivingundertheinfluence.
Oneofficer,injuredduringanarrest madeduetoadomesticdispute,remainsonmedicalleave,Wilsonsaid.
CouncilmanRichardDuncan,presentingthemonthlywaterreportto thetowncouncil,said13.3million gallonsofwaterwereproducedduring August,andanother5milliongallons werepurchasedinordertoprovideadequatewaterpressureintown.
ligatedtofollowadetailedplantoget leadoutofdrinkingwaterandhas until2024toimplementaplanand submitittotheEnvironmentalProtectionAgency.GrantmoneyisavailablethroughtheEPA,Duncansaid.
DuncansaidthatonWednesday, Sept.21,theTown’slatestwaterproject,involvingbuildinganewwater towerandupgradingthetreatmentfacility,willgobeforethestate’sWater InfrastructureAdvisoryCouncil,an agencythatinitiates,developsandrecommendstotheDelawareGeneral Assemblyprojectsfortheplanning, construction,repair,renovationorexpansionofdrinkingwaterandwastewaterfacilities.
InMay,Selbyvilleresidents,byreferendumvote,authorizedtheTownto spend$6.05millionforthetowerand upgrades.Atthereferendum,152 voteswerecast,with140infavorand 12opposed.
Constructionofanewwatertower, onHudsonRoad,isexpectedtobe completedby2024.
Duringthecouncilmeetingthis week,Duncansaidtownofficialshave beenintouchwithseveralwatertower manufacturersandareconsideringa compositetankonaconcretepedestal. Thebenefitofacompositetankisit requireslessmaintenance,Duncan
“Welookataesthetics,whatpeople wanttolookat,”hesaid.
Oncetheprojectisapprovedbythe state,landonaboutthree-quartersof anacre,donatedtotheTownbythe SelbyvilleVolunteerFireCompany, willbeclearedinpreparationforconstruction.
Townofficialshavetalkedabout buildinganewwatertowerforsome time,Duncansaid,sincetheystarted hearingcomplaintsaboutlowpressure insomedevelopments,oftenduetoirrigationsystems.
Preliminarysiteplanapproved forRoyalFarmsexpansion
Councilapprovedthepreliminary siteplanforRoyalFarms,toconstructa 10,726-square-footretailcenterwith drive-throughsectionat38166Dupont Boulevard,tomakespaceforanational retailer,fast-foodrestaurantwithdrivethroughandtwomoretenants.
ArepresentativefromBeckerMorganGroupinSalisbury,Md.,representingtheRoyalFarmsowner,whowas notatthecouncilmeeting,saidRoyal Farmsrepresentativesarecurrently lookingforanationalretailerasatenant.
CouncilmanRichardDuncan— discussingtherequestforsite-planapprovalwhilepresentingthemonthly Planning&Zoningreporttothetown council—saidDavis,Bowen&Friedel, the Town’sengineeringfirm,gavethe projectafavorablerecommendation.
Thevotetoapprovethepreliminary siteplanwasunanimous,withCaryabsent.
Textileprintingcompanytoopen inSelbyville
CouncilalsoapprovedthepreliminarysiteplanforSelbyvilleTextile Printing,anew,7,750-square-foot buildingontwoparcels,at38177and 38183DupontBoulevard.
Duncan,whilepresentingthe monthlyPlanning&Zoningreport, toldcouncilthebuildingwillbesouth of RiteAid,inanareanowzonedGeneralCommercial.Thebusinesswillprovidefabricandtextileprintingfor banners,furnitureandhomedécor.
Davis,Bowen&Friedelgavethe projectafavorablerecommendation, Duncansaid.
CouncilmanClarence“Bud”Tingle askedhowmuchoftheinkusedwill gointothetown’ssewagesystem,anda representativeforSelbyvilleTextile Printingsaidtheinkisecologically friendly,containedincartridgesand sprayeddirectlyontofabricandtextiles,sonotmuchwilldrainintothe system.
Thevotewasunanimous,withCary absent.
8 CoastalPoint September16,2022 Tuesda 8:0 ay, Septemb 00 - 10:00 am ber 20 m 35785 Atlantic Ave., Millville Ocean View Jewelers thequietresorts.com | (302)539-2100 t 9:00 am ibbon Cutting a a R or r oin us f for J Shopping with a Purpose Home Decor & Gifts 302.251.8830 TickledPinkofBB.com 100 Garfield Pkwy, Bethany Beach (In the Bethany Town Center) Open Fri & Sat • 10-5pm Sun, Mon, Thur • 10-3pm #yippeefreeparking #shoppingsmallisBIG #giftingmadeeasy This month, help us support South Coastal Village Volunteers
ByMikeSmith StaffReporter
AshleyStern,CPA,withauditorPKS &CompanyCPAs,providedtheSouth BethanyTownCouncillastweekwithan auditpresentationonthebudgetandsaid thetownisthebestoneamongthefirm’s clients,intermsofpreparationandmaintaininghealthybalances.
CouncilTreasurerRandy Bartholomewnoted,“Wearepleasedwith theworkthatAshleyandherteamdidon thisauditreport.Iwillmakeamotionto approve.”
Theonlywrinkleinthenearlyperfect auditwasintheone-timeARPAmoney receivedbytheTown,whichonlycounts asincomewhenitisspent.
TheTownalsobenefitedfroma $117,000taxrebatefromSussexCounty, asarestorationoftransfertaxes,andthat fundingcountedasincomefortheyear.
“Anauditisneverfun!”saidStern.“But witheverythingwerequestedfromSouth Bethany,Maureenwaspreparedandofferedasmileoneachofourrequests,”she addedofTownManagerMaureenHartman.
“Wehaveissuedanunmodifiedopinionontheaudit,whichisthehighestlevel ofsupportthatanauditorcangive—so
youabout13million[female]horseshoe crabs,”hesaidbeforethehearing.
“Theredknotisathreatenedspecies undertheEndangeredSpeciesActand currentlynotshowingthenumberswe wouldliketoseetoallowharvestofone oftheirmainfoodsources,”saidrepresentativesoftheNationalWildlifeFederationbeforethesession.
“Ifredknotsdroporfallbelowa criticalpopulationvalue,”saidStarks, “youwouldgetnocreditforthefemale harvestnumbers”undertheARM,“and the redknotwillhaveremainedintact evenatthe50,000femaleharvest range.”Shepredictedtheywillnotseea scenario“wheretheendangeredred knotwillhavefallenbelowamath threshold.”
StarksremindedtheseminaraudienceandstakeholdersthattheU.S.Fish &WildlifeServicedidanevaluationof thenewARMmethodology.
“Weseealessthan1percentchance ofredknotdeclinebasedonfemale harvest,”saidStarks.“TheServicehas lookedatthisformulaandsaysthat thereisnotlikelytobeareducedtake ofredknot.”
Oneenvironmentalistcounteredthat assertion,saying,“Wearecedingthe amountofredknot,andwehavenot evenmetourgoalsyettorestorered knotpopulations.Wearenotseeingthe eggsonthebeachorthehorseshoecrab spawningontheDelawareshores”that areneeded.
kudostotheTownonthequalityofthe financialreporting,”saidtheCPA.
“Wedid notfindanycomplianceissues,”shesaid.“Therearetwoissueson internalcontrols.Forthepreparationof auditmaterials,wefoundasmalldeficiency.Allofthelocaltownshavethis issue,andyouwouldneedateamof25 peopleinyourfinancedepartmenttodo monthlygovernmentaudits”toreport it.
SouthBethanyreportedtotalassetsof $2million.Thatwasanincreaseinits healthandfinancialposition,whichwent up$1.1millionthisyear.
“Fortheoverallincomestatement,we alsosawasmallincreaseintotalrevenue, whichincludedtheARPAfundingfrom thefederalgovernment.Also,thebuilding permitsareup,withallofthenewconstruction,whichnobodycouldhavepre-
“Expenseswentdownfrom$2.4millionto$2.2millioninthesameperiod. So,theexpensesaredownoverthisperiod.”
“Someoftheexpensefocusisonpublicworks,andonpoliceandpublicsafety. Youreceiveapositivereportonhowyou investbackinthecommunity,”Stern addedofthereportsfromtheauditor.
Actualincomeamountsarefavorable byabout$132,000,whichisthebuilding permitsrevenueandsomeAmericanRescuePlandollars.
“Thegeneralfundincreasedby $132,000thisyear,andwehadalosslast yearinfiscal2021of$42,000,”notedthe CPAfirm.
“Thefundbalanceof$1.2millionisa healthybalance.Youshouldhave60to90 daysoffundingforyourtown—sofor
the60days,itwouldbe$400,000,andat the90-daysmarkwouldbeover$600,000 andthereforethereisfundingforthecontinuationoftownservices.Youareata goodplacewiththat,”addedStern.
“Wehaveanoperatingreserveoffour monthsinaddition,whichisnotpartof theunassignedmoney.So,thereisalarger reserveforTownofSouthBethanythan whatisshownintheoperatingbudget,” saidSaxton.
The TownhasfullyfundeditsrequiredcontributionsfortheTownpensionfundsforemployees.TheTownhas apensionassetfund,andtheinvestmentsarevaluedmorethanwhatthe
September16,2022 CoastalPoint 9 RON GRAY Invites You to His “Rally in the Park” 2022 State Representative I am looking forward to meeting old friends and making new ones in 2022. Refreshments and Hocker’s BBQ sandwiches will be provided as well as dessert. See you at the Rally. Tuesday, September 20 ★ 5:30–7:30 PM John West Park ★ 32 West Avenue, Ocean View, DE R.S.V.P. to COPAT213@aol.com or Call Colleen at 302.537.1719 www.RepRonGray.com Paid for by Friends of Ron Gray
tralAvenue)from untilNov.12.
FellowBethanyFenwickArea ChamberofCommercemembers,as wellascommunity members,friendsand family,cameoutto showtheirsupport.
ruralroots.Theexhibitofferspeoplein smalltownsacrossAmericaachanceto lookattheirhistoriesandhighlightsthe changesthataffectedtheirfortunesover thepastcentury.ItdiscusseswhathappenedwhentheUnitedStates’rural populationbecameaminorityofthe country’spopulation,andtherippleeffectsthatoccurred.
Amongthoseattendingthegrandopeningandribbon-cuttingare,fromleft:OceanViewHistoricalSocietyPresidentBarbaraSlavin,Bethany-FenwickAreaChamberofCommerceExecutiveDirectorLauren Weaver,Lt.Gov.BethanyHall-Long,OceanViewMayorJohnReddington,CoastalTownsMuseumcreatorKimberlyGrimes,theDelawareHumanityForum’sDanielleLevredgeandtheSmithsonianInstitution’sMuseumonMainStreetDirectorCarolHarsh.
OnFriday,Sept.9,theHistoricVillageinOceanViewcelebratedthe grandopeningandribbon-cuttingfor thenewCoastalTownsMuseum,locatedat40WestAvenueinOcean
View.Theeventalsomarkedthedebut ofthenewSmithsonianexhibit“Crossroads:ChangeinRuralAmerica,” whichisondisplayattheHall’sStore Visitor&EducationCenter(39Cen-
TheCoastal TownsMuseumfeaturesdisplaysof SoutheastSussex Countytowns(FenwickIsland,Selbyville,South Bethany,Bethany Beach,Millville, Frankfordand OceanView).The displaystellthestory oftheregion,aplace whereseafarers, farmers,teachersand entrepreneurs,work andlivealongside touristsandfamilies whohavebeenin theareaforcenturies.
ThenewSmithsonianexhibit, “Crossroads:ChangeinRuralAmerica,” celebrateslocalhistoryandthecountry’s
“‘Crossroads’allowsustoreflecton SoutheastSussexCounty’shistory,and present-daystatus,andfostersmuchexcitementtoexplorewhatthefuturemay holdforourcommunities,”saidKimberlyGrimes,localcoordinator.“We wanttohaveconversationsaboutwhat makesourcommunitiesuniqueand whatmakesthemsimilartootherareas.”
Fundingforthe“Crossroads”exhibit hasbeenprovidedbyagrantfrom DelawareHumanitiesForum,astate programoftheNationalEndowment fortheHumanities.“Crossroads: ChangeinRuralAmerica”ispartofthe MuseumonMainStreet,acollaborationbetweentheSmithsonianInstitutionandstatehumanitiescouncils acrossthecountry.Parkingforthose wishingtoseetheexhibit,andthemuseum,isavailableat32WestAvenuein OceanView.
TofindoutmoreabouttheHistoric VillageinOceanView,visitthehvov.com.
futureliabilitywillbe.Itwasat $722,000lastyear.
“The2022pensionfundbalanceis notasgood,duetoadeclineinthe stockmarket.However,youcannotaffectwhatishappeninginthemarket,so thebestpracticeisjusttocontinue makingyourrequiredcontributions,” saidtheCPAfirm.
Bartholomewthenthankedthe SouthBethanyBudget&Finance Committeewhichhaslookedatthe currentEdmundsfinancialreporting softwareforanupgrade.
“Wehaveknownaboutthissoftware issue forawhile.Wekeepputting Band-aidsonthis,”hesaidoftheobsolescence,“andwewillcomebackto towncouncilwithaplanandabudget forimplementinganewfix.Thesoftwareisdatedandnotabletohandlethe accountingupdates.”
“TheTownisoneofthebestwe workwith,intermsofthestaffand workingwithRandy,”notedStern.
SouthBethanyalsoadoptedanew provisionandamendment,whichstates, “SouthBethanywilladoptenvironmentallysustainablepracticesinalltownactions.”Thestatementwasaddedtothe newcomprehensivefive-yearstrategic planupdate.
10 CoastalPoint September16,2022 New Location 18 Pennslyvania Ave., Bethany Beach Thursday –Monday • 11-5•302.539.6992 Beautiful, Unique Jewelry Open Thurs-Mon • 11–5pm Keeping Bethany in Style for Over 30 Years! Cut Loose Kleen • Habitat Prairie Cotton Whimsey Rose Jag • CMC Oh My Gauze Sushi Sets Windchimes Hello Kitty • Pottery Gifts & More! 302-539-2311 16 Pennslyvania Ave | Bethany Beach Up to 50% Off Summer Clothing Fall Collections Look Fabulous
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12 CoastalPoint September16,2022
Editorial Columns LetterstotheEditor
CoastalPointencourages theexchangeofideas. Letterstotheeditormustbe signedbytheauthorwith phonenumberincludedfor purposesofverification.
Editorial Thestaff
SUSANLYONS susan.lyons@coastalpoint.com
Inwhathasbeenalong,windingroadtoapparentlynowhere, discussionsaboutextendingtheemploymentarrangementbetweentheFrankfordTownCouncilandPoliceChiefLaurence Corriganapparentlycametoanendlastweek.Andtheresultis thatCorriganwillbeleavinghispositionsooner,ratherthanlater.
Itisashameitcametothis,andweareobviouslynotprivyto theconversationsbehindcloseddoorsthattakeplace—either betweenCorriganandTownofficials,oramongstthecouncil duringanexecutivesessiononThursday,Sept.8,thatapparently sealedCorrigan’sfate.
So,we’renotheretocastblameoranythingofthatnature. Wesimplydon’thaveenoughinformationatourdisposaltodo that,anditwouldn’tbefairtoleaptoaconclusiontotrytomake somekindofpoint.
ButitisimperativethattheTownnowmoveforwardand findachiefthatworkswithintheirbudget,embracescommunity relationstotheextentthatCorriganhas,andfirmupsafetyand securityfortheresidentsofFrankford—aswellasthosewho earntheirlivingwithinthoseborders.
Whetherpeopledemandalotorverylittlefromtheirgovernment,it’susuallyimportanttoallsidesthatpublicsafety isonething thatcannotbecompromised.OnceCorriganleaves,thedepartment willhousetwopart-timeofficers.Twodedicated,respectedofficers, butstilltwopart-timeofficersattheendoftheday.
TheTownmustactquicklytofindareplacementtoleadthe department,oritmustsecuretheservicesofDelawareStatePolicetoassistinpatrollingthetownandkeeppeoplesafe.
Oneareaofourremarkablenationthathasalwaysheld asoftspotformeistheSouthwest.
ThereweresomememorabletripsthroughArizonaand NewMexicoinmyrambling20sthatalwaysleftmewitha smile—and,often,anext-morningbattlewiththe“bottle flu,”asmygrandmotherusedtocallit.Fromthepicturesquelandscapestothedazzlinganddeliciouspeppersto theallergy-friendlyatmosphere,there wereatonofreasonsIlookedforwardtosomeofthosetripsinmy daysofCalifornialiving.
Point of No Return
Andthat’snotevenincludingthe bluecornpancakeswithhoneyin NewMexicothathelpedtacklethose bottle-flusymptomsthatseemedto arriveeachtrip.Isoakedineverysecondoftimeinthe SouthwesteverychanceIhad,andstillhadpositivereviews,evenifIneverdidseeaUFOorthree-headedarmadilloleftoverfromtheatomicbombtestsinthe’40s.
Darin J. McCann
sessthem,pertheSun-News. But,alas,notiger.
Therewasnotigerinthefirsthouse.Therewasnotiger inthesecondhouse.Therewasnotigerwithamouse. Therewasnotigerhereorthere.Therewasnotigeranywhere.Therewasnotiger... ButIdigress.
I’vereadalotofDr.Seussinmy life.Thatonejustkindofgotaway fromme.
Regardless,therehasbeennoretrievalofthistigerasofthemomentI beganboringyoutotearswhilewritingthiscolumnearlierthisweek.And thatiscausingsomeconcern.
Accordingtoauthorities,reportstheyhavesuggestthat thetiger(whichislessthan1yearold)weighsabout60 pounds.That’snotasmallkittycat,byanymeans.Butit couldgrowmuchlarger.
DARINJ.MCCANN darin.mccann@coastalpoint.com
SUSANMUTZ susan.mutz@coastalpoint.com
TARYNKING taryn.king@coastalpoint.com
SHAUNM.LAMBERT shaun.lambert@coastalpoint.com
CHRISAUBE chris.aube@coastalpoint.com
NADINETIMPANARO nadine.timpanaro@coastalpoint.com
JANEJOHNSON jane.johnson@coastalpoint.com
KERINMAGILL kerin.magill@coastalpoint.com
SUSAN CANFORA susan.canfora@coastalpoint.com
YouknowwhatelseIneversawinNewMexicoduring mytravels?Awildtiger.
WhenauthoritiesraidedtwohomesinAlbuquerquein August,theyallegedlyseizeddrugs,gunsandmoney.It wasagoodbust—bringinginabout2poundsofheroin, 10.5poundsofcocaine,49poundsofmarijuana,17rifles andpistols,fentanylandXanaxpills,alongwithnearly $42,000incash,accordingtoanAssociatedPressstory. Oh,andanalligator.A3-footalligatorthatwaseventually takentoawildlifefacilityaftertheraid.Because,you know,there’salwaysanalligatorinthesestories.
Itseemedlikeareallygooddayforlawenforcement,all thingsconsidered.Lotsofdrugsoffthestreet,alongwith someweaponsthatprobablyshouldn’tbeinthehandsof allegeddrugdealers,andasuspectunderarrest.That’sa win.Usually.
Butauthoritiesdidn’toriginallygotothesehouseswith visionsof“puttingdrugsonthetable”orfreeinganalligator,perreports.Theycameforatiger.
TheLasCrucesSun-NewsreportedonTuesdaythat theNewMexicoDepartmentofGame&Fish(NMDGF) hadobtainedwarrantsforthetwohousesbecausetheyhad receivedinformationthatatigerwasbeingkeptinoneof thehomes.Apparently,alligatorsandtigersareconsidered “Group4”species,meaningonlyzoosarepermittedtopos-
“Certainspeciesoftigerscangrowupto600pounds,” explainedRyanDarroftheNMDGF,perKOB-4.“Sothis youngtigerhasalongwaytogo.Especiallywhenwehave atigerthatisfull-grown,webegintohavemanymore concernsaboutpublicsafety.”
Yeah,a600-poundcouldbecomeastaggeringproblem I’dimagine—forpeople,smallanimals,biganimalsand theexistenceofthosetastylittlebluecornpancakes.
AccordingtoDarr,theyoriginallyreceivedatiponthe tigerfromsomeonewhoturnedouttobeaprettygood source,andtheyhaveitongoodauthoritythatthe600poundfelineisinNewMexicostilloraneighboringstate —sodon’texpecttoseeitwalkingupanddowntheAssawomanCanalTrailanytimesoon.
•Ifso,wasthetigerwearingdarkglassesandatiny trenchcoat?Because,youknow,thatwouldbekindof adorable.
•Andifthetigerwaswearingacostume,didtheyhave itinthefrontseatofthecarwearingatrendyscarf?
JASONFEATHER jason.feather@coastalpoint.com
MIKESMITH mike.smith@coastalpoint.com
MIKESTERN mike.stern@coastalpoint.com
TheCoastalPointispublishedweeklyat 111AtlanticAve.,OceanView,DE19970.
Themailingaddressis: P.O.Box1324, OceanView,DE19970.
Phone:302.539.1788. Fax:302.539.3777.
Deadlineforadvertisingandnewssubmissions is5p.m.Monday.Alladvertisementscreatedby theCoastalPointarepropertyofCoastalPointLLC, andcannotbereplicatedwithoutpermission. www.coastalpoint.com
Frankfordmustmovequicklyonpolicechief September16,2022 Page13
Eventorganizers thankfulforsupport
Editor: TheBethanyBeachJazzFuneral committeewouldliketosincerely thankBethanyBeachMayorRosemaryHardimanfordeliveringthe keynoteaddressatthisyear’sJazzFuneral.Thiswasthefirsttimeamayor ofBethanyBeachgracedtheBethany Beachboardwalktogiveanoverview ofthesuccessandchallengesofthe pastseason.
OnLaborDayMonday,the BethanyBeachboardwalkwaspacked withresidentsandvisitorswho wantedtopaytributetotheSummer of2022,toparticipateinthewhimsicalandlegendaryJazzFuneral,andto
heartheremarksfromthreespeakers abouttheirperspectivesofthissummer.Theskiesweresunny,the weatherwaspleasant,andtheattendanceatthe36thannualJazzFuneral wasestimatedbetween1,800and 2,000appreciativeonlookers.
ThepresenterswereBethany BeachMayorHardiman;Marie Wright,whoportrays“SisterMarie”at theJazzFuneralevents;andBob Rhodunda,theexecutivedirectorof theAmericanRedCrossthatserves Delmarva,NationalCapitaland GreaterChesapeakeregions.
BethanyMayorHardimanspoke aboutthebrutalMaystorm,thework thatwasdonetoensureasuccessful summer,thememoriesoftheyear,and theshoulder-seasoneventsthathave
encouragedmorefolkstoreturnagain inthefallandwinter.
ThemayorthankedallofthedepartmentsofthetownofBethany Beachforworkingtheirhardestto providevisitorsandresidentswiththe bestpossibleservices.Shemadeparticularnoticeofhowallthetowndepartmentsworkeddiligentlytorepair thebeachesandcrossoversafterabrutalMaystormcausedseveredamage.
ShepointedtothePoliceDepartmentasastrongandreliableforce.To besureshecoveredallthebases,the goodmayoralsocomplimentedthe meter-readingpatrolforbeingsureall theparkingrulesweredulyenforced, forwhichtheaudiencemetthiswith anunderstandinglevelofacknowledgement.
Amongtopicsthemayorspoke aboutwastheoutstandingworkofthe BethanyBeach-FenwickIsland ChamberofCommerce.Themyriad ofeventsplannedbytheTownand theChambergavesummervacationersandsecond-seasonvisitorsmore reasonstovisittheQuietResorts.She alsoencouragedeveryonetoattend thenationally-recognizedBoardwalk ArtsFestivalpresentedbytheChamberthefollowingweekend.Toemphasizehowmuchtherewastoenjoyhere aftersummer,themayorusedthe term“second-season”ofteninher presentationtoacknowledgeitsimportance.
Manyinthecrowddidnotknow andhadnothadthepleasureofmeetingtheBethanymayor.Theaudience appreciatedthefactthatshewastakingthetimetospeaktothemand werehighlyintentoncatchingevery word.Thoseintheaudiencefound outfirsthandhowimportanttheresidentsandvisitorsaretothetownof BethanyBeachandtoalltheQuiet Resortscommunities.ItwastheopinionofallthatMayorHardimanwasa thoughtful,open-mindedmayoranda talentedcommunicator.
AschairmanoftheJazzFuneral committee,thiswas,withoutadoubt, thefinestandmostcomprehensive speecheverypresentedatourBethany BeachJazzFuneral.Inourhumble opinion,ifyouwerenotinattendance, youmayhavemissedoneofthebest landmarkspeecheseverpresented aboutBethanyBeach.BethanyBeach andtheQuietResortscommunities arefortunatetohavesuchagreat mayorandexcellentcommunicator leadingtheway.
TheAmericanRedCrossofDelmarvawasthebeneficiaryoffunds raisedontheBethanyBoardwalkon LaborDayandalsoonSept.2atthe BethanyBeachJazzFuneralSilent AuctionhostedbyownerJimWeisgerberoftheBethanyBluesrestaurant.
AccordingtoAmericanRedCross ExecutiveDirectorRhodunda,the RedCrosspreventsandalleviates humansufferinginthefaceofemergenciesbymobilizingthepowerof volunteersandthegenerosityof donors.HepointedoutthattheRed Crossresponds24hoursadaytohelp localfamilieswhohavebeenaffected byadisaster,militaryfamilieswho haveanemergencyandneedtocommunicatewiththeirlovedone,and manyotherinstances.
ThegoaloftheJazzFuneral fundraisingactivitieswastohelpthe AmericanRedCrossofDelmarvaso theymaycontinuetoassisttheresi-
14 CoastalPoint September16,2022 PREMIUM PAID ON RARE DATES • FOREIGN & DOMESTIC FREE APPRAISALS • 1 COIN OR AN ENTIRE COLLECTION D.A. Kozma Jewelry Serving the Community For More Than 44 Years 410-213-7505 410-BUY-GOLD (410-289-4653) Lic. No. 2294 9936 Stephen Decatur Hwy. West Ocean City Food Lion Shopping Ctr Rt. 611 at Rt. 50 Not Sure What You Have? — BRING IT IN! Any Quantity Large or Small! Immediate Evaluation and Payment Highest Prices Paid Gold And Silver Prices Are At Record Highs! — We Pay Top Dollar! Letters SeeLETTERSpage15
dentsofthelocalcommunitieswith emergencyandpreventiveservices.
Theaudiencewelcomedbackwith applauseSisterMarieafteratwo-year hiatus.Herreturnwasatriumphant one.ShewasalwaystheJazzFuneral favoriteasshereachedoutduringthe paradetoJazzFuneral-goerswith smilesandpointedhumor.Sister Marieprovidedahumorouscommentaryofthisseason’seventsastheactingsister-in-disguiseoftheday.She mentionedonefactthatallinattendancecouldagreeuponbysaying, “Howluckyweareallbeingin BethanyBeachtoday?”
Howmanygoodthingscanwesay abouttheJazzFuneralband?Plenty. LedbyJohnStrawley,the14-member JazzFuneralensemblekeepsgetting bettereveryyearastheycontinueto playtogether.Theseareveryserious professionalmusicianswhogather onceayeartodelivertheirbestperformancesattheJazzFuneral.
AlthoughtheJazzFuneralisafun andspontaneousexperience,thereare manysubtlecomponentstothejazz celebrations.Whiletherearetoo manyindividualstothankfortheireffortsincewebeganin1985,aswellas alonglistofloyalgiftdonorstothe silentauction,weshouldrecognize thisyear’stirelessgroupofJazzFu-
neralcommitteepeoplethatincluded CarolynBacon,MarilynPanagopoulosandDaveRickards,aswellasSisterMarie.
BoththeBethanyBeachJazzFuneralandSilentAuctionweredeemed successful.Oneofthemainreasons wastheadditionofSarahDietz.She provedtobehighlycompetentand veryexperiencedineventmanagement.Sarah’sdesignandexecutionof Friday’sSilentAuctionwassuperb. Thisyear’sSilentAuctionwasachallenge,sincewewereunabletoaccept thegenerosityofownerJimWeisgerbertouseBethanyBluesforthelast twoyearsbecauseofCOVID-19.Asa group,westartedfromscratchtomake theSilentAuctionatBethanyBlues happenthisyear.ToSarah’scredit,it provedtobeoneofourbestever.
Finally,manythankstoallthose affiliatedwiththeParishofSt.Annin BethanyBeachfortheirinvolvement inthisyear’sandlastyear’sJazzFuneral.Awinningticketwasdrawnat theBethanyBandstandforabrandnew2023KIASorrento.St.Ann’sreceivedthisgenerousdonationfrom HollyKIAinSelbyville.TheSorrento isaverypopularsport-utilityvehicle, andtheworthisestimatedtobe $32,000.TheJazzFuneralowesaspecialthank-youtoAlexisSclamafor choosingtheJazzFuneraltohostthe eventandtoPastorJohnKlevencefor drawingthewinningticket.
Additionalthanksgoestothelocal newsmediaforhelpingtheJazzFuneralandRedCrossbyspreadingthe wordaboutouractivities.Whilemany well-intentionedcharitablecausesdisappearaftertwoorthreeyears,the JazzFuneralhaslastedover36years. Oureventscouldnothavesurvived yearafteryearwithoutthegenerosity andassistanceofthepress.Thankyou editorsforviewingourinformation andhelpingusout.
Paul Jankovic,Chairman
Readerappreciative ofreporter’swork
Iapplaudthegoodreportingand transparencybystaffwriterSusanCanforaonthearticle“SchaefferCallson Rieleytoresignfromcouncil,”which appearedintheCoastalPointonSept. 2,2022.
Thearticledocumentscorrectlythe eventunfoldingattheCountyCouncil meetingonAug.30.Ascenethat should neverhavehappened,butbecausepoliticshavebecomesovolatile, politiciansresorttomean-spiritedand fraudulentaccusations.
Thankyou,CoastalPoint,forkeepingnewstransparentthroughaccurate reportingandfollowingfreespeech.
DorisP.Pierce Selbyville
South Coastal Library is now accepting donations of gently used books, audiobooks & DVDs. All items must be brought to the library lobby on Tuesdays from 2-4:00 pm.
Please note that some of our programs have limited in-person seating. Visit our website or call the library to register & learn more about our events!
Monday, September 19
Makerspace Monday 1-4:30 pm
Join us and create your own DIY project. Appointments are required for using the Cricut. Learn more on our website.
Tuesday, September 20
iPad & Apple Users Group 11:00 am-12:00 pm
iPad & Apple users of all skill levels are welcome to attend to discuss new features, tips, & ask questions.
Zumba 4-5:00 pm
Join Zumba instructor, Linda, for a fun, free Zumba class!
Wednesday, September 21
Baby Bookworms Story Time 10-10:45 am
Children ages birth-2 can practice language, motor, social, & listening skills through a variety of activities! Registration is not required.
Little Learners Story Time 11-11:45 am
Kids ages 3-5 can enjoy a variety of activities designed to help Improve pre-literacy skills! Activities include stories, music, songs, & simple crafts. Registration is not required.
Mindful Eating with Beebe Healthcare 2-3:00 pm Learn how to reframe the way you think about food, how food affects your mind & body, & what foods are important to incorportate into your daily life.
Thursday, September 22
RBWG FreeWrites 10:30 am-12:30 pm
Writers of all skill levels meet to practice creative writing & explore different genres with other writing enthusiasts!
Classical Guitar Concert with Douglass Seth 4-5:00 pm Join us for a concert with local, classically trained musician Douglass Seth!
Saturday, September 24
Pop-Up Book Sale 10:00 am- 12:00 pm Support your local library by shopping for books, DVDs, & more!
Engineer Early STEM Kits 2 Go Stop by the library & pick up a STEM kit courtesy of Engineer Early! Kits available at the library while supplies last.
September16,2022 CoastalPoint 15 O C BUILD OL DING C S y Finished Fiihd k Turn-k e / She Sheds e e with e COM O s@gmamail Impro Loc Free Back ovement Sinc alua cal Qu Quauaallitity ty Ba Bacacck o S Sititte ua v va kyard a ce 197 ation yarrd ya 197 7 72 We Do It ALL W t A P F t-u y L Qli Qualit v C one o up er ii & S , Pricing & Se s d , oduct y Pro l sult Qli e = Qualit vic i s A wner ome O t Sp ed d Lic & Insur ociation ii pecialis ool l H adition dii T a ache a ag s nal l ed g ork k e W G Gar shop Sheds h Shd
302–858-5518 43 Kent Avenue, Bethany Beach South Coastal Library Enrich. Inspire. Educate.
Letters Continuedfrompage14
Facultyandstaffatinstitutionsof highereducation,representativesof non-profitorganizationsandprivatesectorprofessionalsworkinginsustainabilityandenvironmentalplanningcan nowjoinstateandlocalgovernment employeesinregisteringforandenrollinginthefallDelawareClimate LeadershipAcademy,DNRECofficials announcedrecently.
Ninetystateandlocalemployees, representing10stateagenciesandfive localgovernments,participatedinthe inauguralDelawareClimateLeadership Academyclasses,whichlaunchedin April.Eligibilityforparticipatinginthe ClimateLeadershipAcademyhasbeen expandedtoincludeenrollmentofnon-
governmentprofessionals.Thecurriculumistargetedtowardexperiencedprofessionalswithsustainability, environmental,engineering,planning, infrastructure,energy,health,agriculture,emergencymanagement,facility andriskmanagementbackgrounds.
The academy’strainingcurriculumis designedtohelpparticipantslearnhow climatechangeisimpactingtheFirst State,howDelawarecanbestprepare forthosechallenges,andhowthestate canreduceemissionsandimproveresilience.
“Everystateagency,localgovernmentandbusinessinourstateisaffectedbyclimatechange.Delaware’s ClimateLeadershipAcademyhasalreadyhelpedanumberofstateandlocal governmentsprepareforclimatechange andbegintodevelopsolutions,”said DNRECSecretaryShawnM.Garvin. “OpeninguptheAcademytoother professionalswillfurtherexpandour abilitiestoidentifyandaddressthe challengesofclimatechangeacrossthe state.”
Theacademy,whichisadministered byDNRECinpartnershipwiththeAssociationofClimateChangeOfficers (ACCO),providestrainingthatteaches participantstointegrateconceptsofclimatechangemitigationandadaptation intotheirprofessionaldecision-making.
The virtualtrainingincludesinstructionon:
•understandingclimatescienceand assessingvulnerability;
•theeconomicsofclimatechange andmanagingclimateriskinyourorganization.
Delaware-specificsessionsinclude trainingon:
•dataontemperature,precipitation, extremeweathereventsandsealevel risetrendprojectionsintheFirstState;
•minimizingemissionsandutilizing initiativesalreadyinplacetoachievereductions;
•maximizingresilience,withafocus onadaptingtoincreasingtemperatures, precipitation,floodingandsea-levelrise.
Thelive,onlinetrainingisadministeredinbothdaytimeandeveningcohorts.Thereisnofeeforthe40-hour, two-monthtraining.However,participantsoutsideofgovernmentpursuing ACCO’sCertifiedClimateChange Professional(CC-P)credentialwould berequiredtopaytheCC-Papplication andexamfee.Thosefeesarewaivedfor governmentemployees.
ThedeadlinetoregisterisOct.24. Formoreinformationabouttheacademyandtoregister,visitde.gov/climateacademy.
16 CoastalPoint September16,2022 e, DE er 21 only) v ea o ar IST N ART OOALL ISANS S • ART RO Sp Ev M6P M - P1 M 2PAMpns ponsors: vans Park 32517 D EST BE BERFTO-SANKB D & D O ALL • FO K W WALL R O AMES • BSGIDREEKF Dukes Drive Millville, (ticketed SING STA EER T TA REAM • B E CS • ICRINK ENDES • VSUNCYHOU M Tickets n 6PM - 4P o infFor HE needed for Beer tasting ERT BY TNCOREECF spaces, em endor mation on v or (brin gs only All other events ANDIMEBERT E OV call 3 com ail:orwn.tovk@m par hair) s are FREE! g a c 302.616.1935 of beers and jo s, Okto Fall seasonal tasting tickets Beer E ST BE OVMU ur S un with o oin in on some f umpkins, Marzens ests, P berf ch orevprnt s sold at the e ea den ar Gar Beerto enter ER 21 MOR S F E BEER STAT TA ompetition, music Stein holding c ide w ceen a ortersfv and e s, P winesandspirits.com : banks hase ain, it will be held in the Co . If r RLO HE W ND T UOAR orn hole! and c sic y a huge variety ers. Enjo estfbankstober m/pages/ ommunity Center LD! ideosVes • eetball P inball • Skkeetball P 10$ FOR ARD C GAME 20$ OF HALF t: 12pm - 9pm • Sun: 12pm - 6pm aS ri: 3pm - 9pm F OPEN eunions and Just F R Spor ,thdayss, Bir OU ABOUT ASK -250120098439781 e D 21842 CREAM ICE FF tiesra un P Fun milya , F Fa y y, F ompan , C tingg, C r !!! ANNING PL Y ARTP PART UR cade rter-AuarQ-tric om/Elecebook.c .facwwttps://wh (410) 250-4442 , MD ean Cityy, MD 21842 Oc ,y y, oastal High 13713 C
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September16,2022 CoastalPoint 17
18 CoastalPoint September16,2022 Mon–Sat•10–5 | Sun•10–4 31854 James Lowe Lane Frankford, DE HOME & GARDEN 302.732.6159 Amazing Assortment Of Specialty Foods, Amish Baked Goods Pot Pies & Homemade Soups New Merchandise Arriving Daily! Beautiful Flowers & Plants! 302-539-7676 116 Garfield Pkwy.Bethany Beach (Next to Rhodes 5 & 10) Life is Better In Bethany Beach! 118 Garfield Pkwy. • Bethany Beach • 302-539-9191 Rhodes 5 &10 Over 40 Chair Styles Including Telescope Visit Us Online | rhodes5and10.com 52 Years 1969-2021 Lowest Prices including Online on Old-fashioned, Rental Type, Wooden Pole Umbrellas Up to 7.5ft Wide in 20 colors Huge Selection of In atables $50 Purchase of Any Chair or Umbrella One Coupon per person. Thru September 30th $5OFF NO SALES TAX! Sandals & Flip Flops • T-Shirts Life is Good, Salt Life Old Guys Rule & Vineyard Vines YETI, Swig • Unique Gifts Puzzles & More We’ve Got It All! Tees, Sweats, Hats and so much more SpecialtotheCoastalPoint•MarianDowling Apairofegretsfoundacomfortable‘snag’atCapeHenlopenState Parkrecently.
Sign up to get the inside scoop on The Peninsula's newest neighborhood, Still Waters!
The Peninsula is the only 24-hour guarded community in Delaware! Enter your own private oasis where every day feels like a vacation at a high-end resort. Take a dip in the adults-only pool or splash with the kids in the wave pool! Play golf with one of our golf pros on our Jack Nicklaus golf course, or play putt-putt and enjoy ice cream cones. Work out in our gym, or relax in our spa. Dine alfresco at the Terrace Grill or dine in style in our clubhouse. Trek our many paths and trails that include butterfly gardens, lookouts, and more. Whatever you choose, there is always something to do at The Peninsula.
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©2022 Schell Brothers LLC. All Rights Reserved. All information and pricing is subject to change without notice. September16,2022 CoastalPoint 19
RoseMaryRoseAlbert,87,of Millville,Del.,andformerlyofBaltimore,Md.,passedawayonSept.9, 2022.Shewasthedaughterofthe lateAlphonseandGraceRose.
AlbertgraduatedfromSt.Andrew BusinessSchoolinBaltimore,Md. Aftergraduation,shebecameemployedasasecretaryatJohnsHopkinsHospital,workinginmedical records.Shewasmarriedin1956and beganherfamilyin1958.Shereturnedtotheworkforceinthemid1970s,employedbyBaltimoreCity PublicSchools.
Afterraisingherfamily,sheand herhusband,ThomasM.Albert,retiredtotheeasternshore,whereshe workedatLordBaltimoreElementarySchoolforseveralyears.Shewas anactivememberoftheMillville VolunteerFireCompanyandwasa memberoftheLadiesAuxiliaryfor nearly25years.
Inhersparetime,Albertlovedto read,cook,makecandy,watchQVC andthePhiladelphianews,andplay solitaireonhercomputer.Shealso enjoyedspendingqualitytimewith herbrothersandsisters,andlooked forwardtofamilygatherings.“The Boss”asshewasaffectionatelycalled, willberememberedforherhard workorganizingvariousfundraisers forthefirecompany,hervintagecoconutEastereggs,andinterjecting herfavoritephrase,“Itiswhatitis.”
Albertwasprecededindeathby herhusband,ThomasM.Albert,to whomshewasmarriedfor61years; andbyherbrothers,theRev. AlphonseRose,FrankRoseandVincentRoseSr.Shewastheproud motherofFrancis“Frank” Albert (andCheryl),GraceNeal(and
Gary),Thomas“Tom”AlbertJr.(and Laura)andJudith“Judy”Graziosi. Sheissurvivedbysixgrandchildren, ColinandKerriAlbert,Michaeland ErinAlbert,andFabio&Giuliano Graziosi;andagreat-granddaughter, AudreyWilliams-Albert.Sheisalso survivedbyasister,FrancesPilson.
Aviewingwastobeheldon Wednesday,Sept.14,2022,from3to 7p.m.atRucksFuneralHomein Towson,Md.Amemorialservicewas tobeheldThursday,Sept.15,2022, at11a.m.attheRucksChapel.ServingaspallbearerswereFrankAlbert, TomAlbert,ColinAlbert,Michael Albert,FabioGraziosiandGiuliano Graziosi.Thefamilyrequestedthat visitorsrefrainfromwearingperfumes/colognesattheservices,as familymembersareverychemically sensitive.Inlieuofflowers,contributionsmaybemadeinAlbert’smemorytotheMillvilleVolunteerFire Company,35554AtlanticAvenue, Millville,DE19967.
MichaelAnnFraser,84,passed awayonJune22,2022,atherhome inOceanView,Del.Shewasbornin Pittsburgh,Pa.,completedherearly educationinMaryland,andgraduatedfromWestLibertyUniversityin WestVirginiawithadegreeindentalhygiene.
Fraserbeganhercareerasadental hygienistforthePittsburghpublic schoolsystem,workingintheirprogramforyoungchildren.Shemoved toBethesda,Md.,in1969andwasa hygienistforseveraldentistsinthe area,untilsheleftthefieldandbecameasoftwaresalesrepforCom-
20 CoastalPoint September16,2022
& Toy Show Or contact Bill Ziegler at 302.537.0964 Delaware Seaside Railroad Club Sat., Sept.24th,2022 • 9am–2pm in the Roxana Firehouse on Rt. 20 between Millsboro & Fenwick Island, Delaware Admission $6 Children 10 and Under –Free Operating Layouts, Refreshments & Door Prize Visit our Website for more information and directions ~ delawareseaside railroadclub.com 1 Acre Greenhouse • Family Owned & Operated Now Accepting Major Credit Cards Directions from Selbyville: Turn on Hosier St. Ext. (Next to Arby’s). Follow to stop sign, turn right on Morris Rd. Greenhouses approximately 3/4 mile on right. New Fall Hours Thurs. & Fri. –8:30-5:00 • Sat –8:30-1:00 1 mile West of Rt. 113 on the MD/DE line near Selbyville DOES YOUR YARD NEED AN UPDATE? Now offering Landscape Design & Planting Services Call for a free estimate Greenhouses opening again on 1st day of Fall - September 22 CEDAR SWAMP FARM 9211 Morris Road Bishopville, MD 21813 Phone 410.352.5370
September16,2022 CoastalPoint 21
BySusanCanfora StaffReporter
TheOceanViewTownCouncilhas purchased4acresoflandatthecorner ofMuddyNeckandDoubleBridges roads,alongtheAssawomanCanal,ata costof$500,000,tocreateanaturepark forthecommunity.
Fundingcomesfroma$211,747 portionoftheTown’sAmericanRescue FundActawardand$288,253froma SussexCountyExcessTransferTax grant,TownManagerCarolHouck said,addingthattheyarebothone-time grantsourcesandthat“noregularrevenue streamswillbetappedforthepurchase.”
ThepropertywassoldtotheTown byRaymondBerzins,trusteeofthe RaymondBerzinsRevocableTrust,and SusanL.Berzins,trusteeoftheSigurd F.BerzinsRevocableTrust.
“TheTownreachedouttoinquire abouttheirplansfortheproperty,which isinthetownlimits,”Houcktoldthe CoastalPoint.“RayBerzinsandfamily havedevelopedorsoldalotoflandin thearea,includingTidalWalk,which sits acrossthestreetfromthisproperty. TheywerequicklyinterestedindiscussingitssaletotheTownforthepurposeofanaturalarea.”
DescribedbyHouckas“apristine andscenicnaturalarea,”thenaturepark willhavearaisedboardwalkwithoverlookareas,walkingtrailsthroughthe woods,educationalkiosks,apicnicarea, parkinglot,andbikeandtrailconnectionstothepark.
“Havingmoreopenspacewithinour communityreceivedstrongsupportduring ourcomprehensive-planning process,andtheuniqueopportunities providedbythislocationforoutdoor recreationandaccesstonaturewithin
OceanViewmadethedecisiontoacquireitawin-winforourproperty ownersandthelocalenvironment,” OceanViewMayorJohnReddington stated.
AlthoughtheTownalreadyhas JohnWestPark,“Thisnewtownpark …willofferthecommunityaverydifferentstyle,onejustascommittedto aestheticsandbeingagreatpublic spacetobeproudof,butwithagreater focustowardtheenjoymentoftheenvironmentsurroundingourarea,” Houcksaid.
Councilman TomMalysaidthenew parkwill“providemuch-desiredand saferwalkingandexerciseoptionsina sectionoftownwhereit’sneeded.”
Aribbon-cuttingwillbescheduled, butcompletionoftheprojectdepends ontowneffortstofundthecost.
“Weareworkingonvariousgrants,” Houcksaid.
Publicinformationsessionsregarding schoolchoiceforthe2023-2024 schoolyearwillbeconductedateach IRSDschoolduringopen-housesessionsinAugustandSeptember.Representativesfromeachdistrictschoolwill beonhandtogreetparents,answer
questionsandprovideinformation abouttheirschools.
Thefullopen-housescheduleis availableonthedistrictwebsiteat irsd.netandonitsFacebookpage.Note thatmostschoolswillbehostingmultipleopenhousescateringtodifferent
Thedeadlinetosubmitschool choiceapplicationsforthe2023-2024 schoolyearisJan.11,2023.ApplicationswillbeavailableafterNov.7.
Formoreinformation,contactthe districtofficeat(302)436-1000.
22 CoastalPoint September16,2022 Call 410-449-4090 Today for more information or to schedule a visit to our on-site showroom. 410-449-4090 Our Staff is Regularly Tested for Covid-19 24 Hour Awake Staff All Private Rooms & Baths Three Home-Cooked Meals a Day! All Inclusive Pricing In-House Doctor Visits VA and MAC Subsidy Approved Respite Care and Hospice Care Fresh, Local Seasonal Cuisine R e s e r v a t i o n s O n l y We Recommend Making Your Reservation 1-2 Weeks In Advance 84 Atlantic Avenue, Ocean View, DE 19970 www.thecafeon26.com The Beach’s Premier Boutique Restaurant Call 302.539.Café (2233) Summer Hours Wed - Sun 5-9pm Indoor & Outdoor Dining (Weather Permitting) Closed Sept. 26 - Oct. 4 Reopening Oct. 5
Overtheyears,Fraserwasatirelessvolunteer:inPittsburghatafree dentalclinic,andlaterforSt. Gertrude’sSchoolforchildrenwith developmentaldisabilitiesinWashington,D.C.,whereherdaughter, Anita,wasenrolled.ShewasamemberofAl-AnonandanavidDemocrat.Shelovedtogarden,readand refinishantiquefurniture.Sheenjoyedmanyyearsofvacationingat thebeachandretiredinOceanView.
Fraserwasprecededindeathby herbelovedhusband,JackFraser;a sister,PatDerrickson;andtwostepsons,JohnFraserandWilliamFraser. Sheissurvivedbyherchildren,DiannePurcell(andThomas),Anita MariniandDavidMarini,whoresideinSussexCounty,Del.;three step-children,JamesFraser(and Grace),AmyFraserVanSlykeand JeffreyFraser,whoresideinupstate NewYork;10grandchildren;16 great-grandchildren;hertwosisters, SheilaBrittofOceanViewand KaarenWalkerofBoston,Mass.;and abrother,DennisKelly(andAlice) ofMaryland.Shealsoleavesbehind manyniecesandnephews.
AMassofChristianBurialwillbe heldat11a.m.onMonday,Sept.19,
2022,atSt.AnnCatholicChurch, 691GarfieldParkway,Bethany Beach,Del.Inlieuofflowers,the familysuggesteddonationsbemade toSpecialOlympicsDelawareby visitinghttps://www.sode.org.Condolencescanbesentbyvisiting www.melsonfuneralservices.com.
DonaldE.JohnsonJr.,76,of Lewes,Del.,passedawayonSunday, Sept.4,2022.HewasborninWilmington,Del.,onOct.9,1945,to DonaldE.JohnsonSrandMary Johnson.
HegraduatedfromConradHigh Schoolin1964andwasafour-year veteranasasergeantintheU.S.Air Force.
Heenjoyedwatchingthe PhiladelphiaEagleswithhisson DavidandgrandsonBrandon,travelingtoWildwoodNewJerseyand Pennsylvania,spendingqualitytime withhisbelovedfamily,takinghis grandkidstoamusementparksand spoilinghisgrand-dogs.
Johnsonwasprecededindeathby hisparents,DonaldE.JohnsonSr. andMaryJohnson.Heissurvivedby hissonDavidandhiswife,Chrystal, andtheirthreechildren,Allison, BrandonandEvan;daughterPaula andherdaughter,Mackenzie;daughterDonnaandhersonD. J.;andson MichaelandhissonMikey.Heis
alsosurvivedbyhisfriends,manyof whomheconsideredfamily.
AviewingwillbeheldonSaturday,Sept.17,2022,from11a.m.to1 p.m.atWatsonFuneralHomeat211 S.WashingtonStreet,Millsboro, Del.,immediatelyfollowedbyaserviceat1p.m.Intermentwillbeheld privately,attheDelawareVeterans MemorialCemetery.Johnson’swish wasforgueststowearfootballattire and,inlieuofflowers,donationscan bemadeinhishonortotheEagles AutismFoundation(eaglesautismchallenge.org)ortheAmericanLegion.Condolencescanbesentonline atwww.watsonfh.com.
DuaneC.Lynch,87,passedaway suddenlyinhercaronSept.8,2022, surroundedbythegraceofGodand hergoodfriendDorisDorazio.Born onNov.26,1934,inDagsboro,Del., shewasthedaughterofHerbertand MyrthaCalhoun.
Shewasaveryfaithfulandloyal servanttoherGodandherfamily. Shelovedtotravel,playthepiano, attendchurch,cook(inheryounger years)andbeinthepresenceofher family.Shelovedandappreciated goodfoodandlovedtosharethestoriesofherenjoyment,especiallyregardinghergoodfriendMaria’s preparationsatCaféon26.
VanMurrayBrowne,shestarted TuckahoeAcresCampgroundin 1966onherfather’sfarm.Vanlost hislifetocanceronJune20,1966, andsheperseveredwiththehelpof herparentsandSydneyandAgnes Hurleytokeepitgoing.Herfaith andstrongwillhavebeenabackbone initssuccessfulsurvivalof56years.
Sheremarriedin1968,toHoward Ly nchJr.,andtheyoperatedthe businessuntilHoward’sdeathon Jan.23,2010.Forall56years,she hasmadesuretherewasachurch serviceinthesummermonths,asshe coordinatedlocalchurchesand singerstoparticipateatTuckahoe.
ShegraduatedfromJMCHigh Schoolandwentontogainamusic degreeatPennHallinPennsylvania. Foryears,shetaughtpianolessons outofherhomeandplayedthe pianoinherchurch.Shequietlyand withoutfanfareparticipatedinher communitythroughtheDelaware CommunityFoundation.Shewasa veryloyalmemberoftheDagsboro GospelFellowship(nowCrossroad CommunityChurch).
Ly nchissurvivedbyhersonMark Browne(andPamela)andtheirtwo children,VanandLisa;great-grandchildrenAdison,Abott,Ashtonand AyvenandShawnMize;greatgrandchildrenSydneyandLuke;
Don’t just go to the movies. Go to the... A family friendly, historic movie theatre experience just minutes from the beach Delaware’s ONLY Classic Single-Screen Theatre! OPEN 7 NIGHTS A WEEK! Tues. thru Sun. Evenings at 7:00 PM (Mon. Night Classic on 9/19: Singing in the Rain ('52)) Fri/Sat/Sun. Matinee at 3:00 PM Box Office Info: (302) 732-3744 For Advance Tickets Visit: www.ilovetheclayton.com 33246 Main St. Dagsboro, DE 19939 LIVE COMEDY COMES TO THE CLAYTON STAGE Sunday, October 2, at 3 PM Join Delaware native and New York based comedian Frank Vignola and his good friends Mark Riccadonna & Jay Yoder for an afternoon of familyfriendly stand-up comedy. Visit our website for tickets and more information. COMEDIAN FRANK VIGNOLA MARK RICCADONNA JAY YODER TICKETS IN SALE NOW at www.ilovetheclayton.com Tickets $20 September16,2022 CoastalPoint 23 Y E H L S TR NTR U CO D’S GO T TH IMSHGIHGN I V VI ANC E NG E V VE DSOB EOOG TH NA I M I R C E TH LY I M E 95 S L N es 302-645-90 ew , L eriv tmouth D 17701 Dar O O H SC LD O Y M PARI TO GOES HARRIS HA MRS MR E OHEN OH CD EONARLEO AH: H: J UJAHELUJHALLEL HAL 29P Atlantic Ave. • Ocean View, DE 302.616.2604 • OceanVayuYoga.com Ocean Vayu Yoga Beach Yoga Saturdays & Sundays,7 - 8 am $10 Kids Yoga 4 week session starts Oct. 6th $50 New Student Special $49 for 30 Days! See website to register and for details. Obits Continuedfrompage20 SeeOBITSpage24
Open Through October!
daughter,ElyceDodd(andJess);son HowardLynchIII(andJovita);and grandchildrenJosue,Briannaand Luciana.
Kayak Sale
Kayak Club! $120
4 weeks, 4 different local launches. We provide all equipment, guide, & narrative. Beginning Sept. 16th through Sept. 30th. All tours depart from the James Farm Ecological Preserve w/ exception of the club.
call Lisa Daisey at (302) 841-2722 or www.ecobaykayak.com
AviewingwastobeheldonTuesday,Sept.13,2022,attheFrankford ChapelofMelsonFuneralServices, 43ThatcherSt.,Frankford,Del.A funeralservicewastobeheldon Wednesday,Sept.14,2022,atthefuneralhome.TheRev.JimApgar,pastorofCrossroadCommunity Church–DagsboroCampuswasto officiatetheservice.Intermentwas tofollowatSt.George’sCemeteryin Clarksville,Del.Inlieuofflowers thefamilysuggestsmemorialcontributionsinLy nch’snametoCrossroadCommunityChurch,20684 StateForestRoad,Georgetown,DE 19947,orHowardT.EnnisSchool, 20346EnnisRoad,Georgetown,DE 19947.Condolencesmaybesentonlinebyvisitingwww.melsonfuneralservices.com.
GlennRogerMiller,70,ofMillsboro,Del.,andformerlyof Lenhartsville,Pa.,passedaway peacefully,surroundedbyhisloving family,onWednesday,Sept.7,2022. HewasborninMoslemSprings,Pa.,
onJune19,1952,sonofthelate LesterMillerandShirley(Shenk) Miller.
HeretiredfromLocal500in Philadelphia,Pa.,asatractor-trailer driver.HedroveforCampbellSoup for20years,andretiredin2014after 13yearsofserviceforAcme.
HelovedridinghisHarleyDavidson,andfishingandclamming. Healsolovedspendingtimewithhis grandchildrenandgreat-grandchildren.
Inadditiontohisfather,Miller wasprecededindeathbyhissister, KellySt.Clair.Inadditiontohis mother,ShirleyMillerofOley,Pa., heissurvivedbyhislovingwifeof 40years,DonnaL.(Reider)Miller; twodaughters,AmyRodriguezof Lewes,Del.,andBarbaraBurkhart ofLeesport,Pa.;fivegrandchildren, AliyaValdezandhersignificant other,CoreySteeleII,Brianna Burkhart,RaquelRodriguez,Rey RodriguezandAngeloRodriguez; andtwogreat-grandchildren,Corey andCaspianSteele.Heisalsosurvivedbytwobrothers,KevinMiller andhiswife,Barbara,ofPottsville, Pa.,andJaimeMillerandhiswife, Christine,ofOley,Pa.;anda brother-in-law,MarkSt.Clairof Fleetwood,Pa.
Servicesandburialweretobeprivate.Condolencesmaybesentonline byvisitingwww.melsonfuneralser-
NaomiP.Morrison,74,passed awaypeacefullyonWednesday,Aug. 24,2022,athome.Shewasbornin Lewes,Del.,onJan.24,1948,tothe lateErnestSturgisandEstherM. PhillipsSturgis.
MorrisontiredfromtheUSDA, wheresheworkedasameatinspector.SheattendedtheCommunity ChurchofOakOrchard,aswellas St.JohnSecondBaptistChurch, wheresheservedasanusher.
Sheenjoyedfishing,cooking, playingcards,dressingupandorganizingfamilyreunions.Shewasa wonderfulmother,grandmother,sisterandfriendwhowillbedearly missed.
Inadditiontoherparents,Morrisonwasprecededindeathbyasister, MaryBailey.Sheissurvivedbytwo sons,MelvinWinslowPhillips(and Jeanette)ofSeaford,Del.,andEfrem Phillips(andCurethaBlackinston) ofMillsboro,Del.;twostepsons, DanielS.MorrisJr.ofDover,Del., andAnthonyMorrisofFlorida.She alsoleavesbehindabrother,Pete Smith(andGladys)ofCoolSpring, Del.;andasister,Dorothy“Dolly” CrawfordofMilford,Del.;anda grandson,EfremEmmanuelPhillips
24 CoastalPoint September16,2022 Lunch Specials 11:30-3 DINE-IN ONLY 302.537.7373 • saltedrimde.com • 35553 Atlantic Ave., Millville DRINK SPECIALS Sun - Fri 11:30–6pm | Sat 3–6pm FOOD SPECIALS Everyday 3–6pm Happy Hour Specials In House Only, No Doggie Bags CornHole•GiantJenga•RingGame•ConnectFour Check Out Our Outside Bar & Patio Taco Tuesday - ALL DAY & NIGHT 2 Tacos & Soda - $13 2 Tacos & Margarita (house non-frozen) - $16 2 Tacos Beef or Chicken - $12 2 Tacos Fish or Shrimp or Pork - $14 2 Tacos Veggie - $11 BINGO TRIVIA MINGO GAME NIGHTS! MUSIC Fri 9/16 Sat 9/17 • • Frankie Moran - 8-11 DJ Pat - 8-11 Now Hiring ALL Positions NFL Specials Every Sunday All Day & Night Customer Appreciation Party & Pig Roast Tuesday, September 27 Starts 1:00pm Food • Fun • Entertainment Dinner Specials 4-9 DINE-IN ONLY Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Shrimp Night - $15.99-$17.99 Taco Tuesday - all day and night Burger Night - all day and night Prime Rib Night - $23.99 (while supplies last) Fajita Friday - All Fajitas - $16.99Mon Wed Thur Fri Cheesesteak or Chicken Cheesesteak - $10 Build-a-Burger - $9 and up Fried Grouper Sammy - $9 2 Shrimp Tacos - $10Monday 6pm Wednesday 7pm Thursday 7pm Pulled Pork Platter Pulled Pork Sandwich Pulled Pork Sliders (3) While Supplies Last - Dine-In Only Happy Hour Drink Specials ALL DAY Entertainment DJ Pat 5-8pm $15 $10 $10 E COBAYKAYAK andSU P T h e JamesFarm EcologicalPreserv e ocean view, de EST. 2004 For more info, please
Sunset Paddles! Enjoy a quieter time of year at the James Farm Ecological Preserve.
@ 9
Used Kayaks for Sale
Obits Continuedfrompage23 SeeOBITSpage25
ofMillsboro;alongwithextended familymembersandfriends.
Amemorialservicewillbeheldat theCommunityChurchofOakOrchardatalaterdate.Lettersofcondolencemaybeemailedvia www.watsonfh.com.
EdwardJoseph ‘BaseballEddie’O’NealJr.
EdwardJoseph“BaseballEddie” O’NealJr.passedfromthislifetothe nextoneonMonday,Sept.5,2022, whileinthecareofAtlanticShores Nursing&RehabilitationCenter,in Millsboro,Del.Hewasthesonof thelateEdwardJ.O’NealSr.and VirginiaE.HitchO’Neal.
O’Nealspenthisentirelifeinthe splendorandexcitementofbeinga boyinaman’sbody,duetohishealth anddevelopmentalissuesresulting fromchildhoodinjuries.Hewas eternallyoptimistic,lovedeveryone, andwasvirtuallyasavantregarding baseballfacts—ashecouldquote withouthesitationallthestatistics, battingaverages,runsandoutsof eachmemberoftheBaltimoreOrioles.TheBirdsneverhadamore loyalandexcitedfanthan“Baseball Eddie.”
workedattheHolidayHousein BethanyBeachasahelper,andhe wasabelovedfixtureknowntothe localSussexresidentsashetraveled bybicyclebackandforthbetween Bethany,Millville,Clarksvilleand Millsborowithhisever-presentbaseballgloveandball.Afterthepassing ofallofthemembersofhisfamily, heremainedawardoftheStateuntil hisdeathonSept.5,2022.
Inaccordancewithhiswishes, O’Nealwasburiedprivately,beside hisparentsandhisyoungerbrother, whohaddiedinanaccidentin1969. HewasburiedwithOrioles-themed flowersandaBaltimoreOrioles plaque,anddressedinOriolesthemedclothing.TheRev.BobHudson,whowashisfriend,officiated andmembersofthestaffofWatson FuneralHomeattendedashis friends,notjustthecaretakersofhis finalrestingplaceinMillsboro Cemetery.Itwouldn’tbesurprisingif hewasmetinHeavennotjustbySt. Peter,butmembersoftheOrioles teamwhogotthereaheadofhim,to welcomehim.Arrangementswere beingprovidedbyWatsonFuneral HomeinMillsboro.
WilliamA.PrettymanSr.,91,of Millville,Del.,passedawaypeacefullyathomeonSaturday,Aug.27, 2022.
HeproudlyservedintheU.S.Air ForceduringtheKoreanWar.He hadalongcareerwithBellTelephoneCompanyandretiredfrom Verizon,havingspecializedinfiberoptics.
Inhissparetime,heenjoyed musicanddancing.
Prettymanwasprecededindeath byhislovelywifeof62years,Joyce, andhisdaughterJaniceL.Crouch. HeissurvivedbyhischildrenRicky, Cathy,Glenn,BillJr.andBarry.He isalsosurvivedbynumerousgrandchildrenandgreat-grandchildren.
Amemorialservicewillbeheldat theVeteran’sCemeteryatalater date.
EuniceScheibeRollings,94,of Dagsboro,Del.,passedawaythe morningofTuesday,Aug.23,2022, atCarrollLutheranVillageHealthcareCenter,whereshewasaresident.BornMay19,1928,in Baltimore,Md.,shewasthedaughter ofthelateJamesScheibeand Frances(Ellerman)Scheibe.
RollingswasagraduateofSouthernHighSchoolandattendedthe MarylandInstituteCollegeofArt (MICA).SheworkedasaRealtor intoher80s,forColdwellBanker andHickmanRealty.
Sheenjoyedtravelingacrossthe countryandworld,socializingwith
Inadditiontoherparents, Rollingswasprecededindeathby herhusband,RichardNelson Rollings,whoprecededherindeath onAug.6,2008.Survivingherare hersonsRickRollingsandhiswife, Kathy,ofGlenville,Pa.,andMitch Rollingsandhiswife,Paula,ofOolagah,Okla.;abrother,JamesScheibe, ofHanover,Pa.;grandchildrenJason, Cody,Jonathan,Elizabethand Kathryn;step-grandchildrenEmily, JoeandAmanda;agreat-granddaughter,Serenity;step-great-granddaughtersEleanorandEliot;and manyniecesandnephews.
Memorialserviceswillbeheldon Wednesday,Oct.5,2022,at2p.m., atKrugChapelatCarrollLutheran Village,300St.LukeCircle,Westminster,Md.,wherethefamilywill receivevisitorsfrom1p.m.untilthe startoftheservice.Anadditional memorialservicewillbeheldonSaturday,Oct.8,2022,at11a.m.,at OceanViewPresbyterianChurch,67 CentralAve.,OceanView,Del., wherethefamilywillreceivevisitors from10a.m.untilthestartofthe service.Intermentwillbeprivate,in OceanView,Del.Inlieuofflowers, Rollingsrequestedmemorialcontributionsinhermemorybemadeto CarrollFoodSunday,10Distillery
Magic,Music&Entertainment! Tickets on sale now at DickensParlourTheatre.com 31810 Good Earth Lane Ocean View, DE SuburbanCountry September 30 - October 1 Jim Gibney fronts the band “Suburban Country,” which is comprised of ve men who have been playing great music all over America. He promises songs with fascinating stories that may surprise you. *All Performances Subject to Change ABritofMagic September 15-17 “HeyLookMeOver” ALiberaceTribute withDavid Maiocco September 23 & 24 David Maiocco has been dazzling audiences since 2016 in the US and abroad with his playful and loving tribute to Mr Showmanship –Liberace! This is a fast paced, funny, and loving trip with Lee jam packed with lots of new rollicking piano arrangements as well as the classic tunes you expect to hear the man tickle on the ivories. Amazing magic, hilarious comedy ,and a delectable insight into the life of two very un-ordinary people. They were described as ‘Aliens of extraordinary ability’ by the US government and they bring their distinctly British sense of humor to every show. September16,2022 CoastalPoint 25 Ann’s Mobile Salon Cuts • Color & Perms at Your Front Door Specializing in Homebound Clients Haircuts- $25 Insured. Licensed in DE & MD since 1993 Email: AnnsMobileSalon@yahoo.com 302-245-3609 302-539-1839 inlandbaysgardencenter.com info@inlandbaysgardencenter.com 38320 Muddy Neck Road (2 miles from Bethany Beach) Open Mon-Sat 9-5pm/ Sun 10-3pm Mums - 50 Colors! Asters • Pansies Violas • Kale • Cabbage FAll is here! CP CP CP CP COUPON GOOD FOR ONLY 1 PERSON. Coupons cannot be combined with other offers or specials. COUPON GOOD FOR ONLY 1 PERSON. Coupons cannot be combined with other offers or specials. COUPON GOOD FOR ONLY 1 PERSON. Coupons cannot be combined with other offers or specials. COUPON GOOD FOR ONLY 1 PERSON. Coupons cannot be combined with other offers or specials.
Obits Continuedfrompage24 SeeOBITSpage26
Dr,Westminster,MD21157,tothe giver’slocalfoodbank,and/ortoSt. JudeChildren’sResearchHospital, 501St.JudePlace,Memphis,TN 38105.PrittsFuneralHome& Chapelwerehandlingarrangements. Condolencesmaybeofferedtothe familyonlineatwww.prittsfuneralhome.com.
Geraldine‘Dini’ CullenRomito,83
Geraldine“Dini”CullenRomito, 83,ofOceanView,Del.,diedpeacefully,surroundedbyherfamily,on Saturday,Sept.10,2022.Shewas bornonMay29,1939,inNorthTarrytown,N.Y.,daughteroflate GeorgeW.CullenandHelena WalkerCullen.
Shegraduatedin1957fromClaymontHighSchoolinClaymont, Del.,wheresheexcelledinher schoolwork,becameheadbatontwirlerforthemarchingbandand metherbelovedfuturehusbandVirgil“Virg”Romito,andtheybecame highschoolsweethearts.Upongraduationfromhighschool,sheworked asasecretaryforDuPont.Upon theirmarriage,thecoupleimmediatelystartedtheirfamilyofsixchildren.
Romito’sverybusycareerasa mombeganat22yearsofage,yet shealsobecameatopsalesmanager forHomeInteriorDecorating.She ultimatelyfocusedherattentionon hergreatpassionforbridge,achievingLifeMasterstatusintheAmericanContractBridgeLeague.She thenopenedandsuccessfullyran ShufflesBridgeClubformorethan 25years.Shededicatedherenergy intorunninganall-aroundclubfor playersatallskilllevels.Shewasa
wonderfulteacher,introducingthe gamenotonlytohundredsofstudentsintheareabutalsohelpingto mentorotherdirectors.
Fromayoungage,Romitowasalwayslearningandexploringnew things.Itallbeganwiththeloveof games—marbles,cards,Scrabble, wordgames,horse-trackbetting, casinoslotsand,ofcourse,hergreatestpassion,bridge.Deeplyintelligent,hercreativespiritledherto pursuemanyinterests,includingastronomy,opera,fishing,vegetable canning,cakedecorating,piemaking, crafts,learningMandarinChinese, watercolorpainting,ancestryand, mostrecently,handbellringing.Her loveoftravelstartedinthefamily camper.Sheexpandedhertravels throughouttheU.S.andinternationally,includinglivingabroadinTaiwanandSingapore,whichinspireda travelbucketlistthatherfamilywill continuetocarryon.
Romito’sconstantsmile,humor, laughterandgenuinelovetoward otherswillbemissedbyallwhowere luckyenoughtohavespenttime withher.Theysharedpreciousmomentssittingonthebackporchin themorningwhileshedrankher freshcupofcoffee.Shewasfun,simplythebest,alwaysplanningsurprisesandadventures,establishing lifelongdearly-heldtraditionsand encouragingeachontheirownpath.
Hergrandchildrenreferredtoher as“TheGrammy”andalllovedplayingdice,cardsandcribbagegames lateintonight,withherbucketof quartersatherside.Herchildrenand grandchildren,familyandfriends willcherishthelegacyoftogetherness:“Familyfirst,keepdoingyour best,butmostofalltaketimeto enjoyeachotherwithunconditional love.Weholdmanycherishedmem-
26 CoastalPoint September16,2022 Go to: agh.care/urology Here’s a prostate story with a good ending.
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©2022 Atlantic General Hospital. All rights reserved. DON’S TREE FARM 6396 Hickman Road Greenwood, DE 19950 302-349-0555 PRIVACY EVERGREENS Green Giant, Leyland, Emerald Green, Hollies, Schip Laurel, Spruce, Pine, Large Fruit Trees, Maple Trees, Crape Myrtle Eastern Shore’s Finest Christmas Trees & Evergreens STOP PAYING RETAIL Drive a little, save a lot! www.donstreefarm.com Hours - Saturday • Sunday 10 to 2 Monday through Friday by Appointment Saturday, September 17th 9 AM –3 PM 31806 Good Earth Lane, Ocean View, DE 19970 302.537.7100 | goodearthmarket.com
& CRAFTS FESTIVAL Come out and support your favorite local artists! Pottery, glass, sea glass, paintings, driftwood art, jewelry, photography, local lavender products, hand sewn items & much more! We will be serving lunch in the garden and
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BPH can be an issue for men over 45 … but it doesn’t need to be! Thanks to advanced medicine, our physicians can treat prostate enlargement e ectively – without medications or
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on the porch from 11-3 PM.
Parlor Theatre Tours Will Be
from 9 AM - 3
Continuedfrompage25 SeeOBITSpage52
TourdeFriendsbikescavengerhunt plannedatCapeHenlopenonOct.2
“Weseemoreandmorefamiliesand groupsridingtogetheronthetrailsand bikepaths,”FriendsofCapeHenlopen StateParkrepresentativessaid.
Inrecognitionofthat,theFriendsof CapeHenlopenStateParkhavecreated abike-relatedfundraisingeventthat willbeheldonSunday,Oct2.The event,calledtheTourdeFriends,isa bicycle-focusedscavengerhunt,opento individuals,familiesandteamsofall ages.Prizeswillbeawardedtocyclists whocompletethehuntandcorrectly identifyalloftheitemstobescavenged. Amongtheswagthatwillbeprovided toallregisteredparticipantswillbea commemorativeinauguralTourde FriendsT-shirt.
Inadditiontothescavengerhunt, DelDOT,SussexCyclists,andotherorganizationsandlocalbikeshopswillbe onhandtoconductabikerodeofor childrenages4to13,hands-onworkshopsonbicyclesafetyandbasicbike repair/maintenance,andotherfunactivitiesforthewholefamily.
CrookedHammockisthepremier foodandbeveragesponsorforthisinauguraleventandwillprovidealunch-
eon/after-partyand“backyardgames” followingtheconclusionofthescavengerhunt.
TheTourdeFriendsisarain-orshineevent.Participantsshouldarrive andcheckinattheHawkWatchPavilionstartingat8a.m.TheScavenger Huntwillstartat9a.m.andendat11 a.m.CrookedHammockwillbeserving foodanddrinksfrom11:30a.m.to1 p.m.
Participantswillneedtobringtheir ownbikes,andhelmetsaremandatory forallparticipantsyoungerthan18.
Incaseofinclementweather,alimitedselectionoffungamesandevents willbeheldintheOfficer’sClub,followedbylunchprovidedbyCrooked Hammock.
RegistrationfeesfortheTourde Friendsare:$35forindividuals,$60for familygroupsofuptofourparticipants and$10foreachextrafamilymember, up toamaximumofeightfor$100.
Totalparticipationislimitedto150 bikeriders,andadvanceregistrationis required.
Participantsmustpre-registerat https://www.friendsofcapehenlopen.org /tour-de-friends-info.html.TheFriends websiteacceptsallmajorcreditand debitcards,aswellasPayPal.
Misses 2–18 Women’s 1–3x Petites 4P–18P Men SMALL-3X Ocean View: Open Mon- Sat 9:30am-6pm • Sunday 10am-5pm 30244 Cedar Neck Road 302-539-6597 50% OFF Sale Most Swimwear & Sportswear Ladies & Men Downtown Bethany: Open Mon - Thurs 10am-6pm • Fri - Sun 10am-9pm 98 Garfield Parkway 60% OFF 15 Racks 50% OFF Thousands of Pieces Ladies & Mens 70 Racks $19 Swimsuits (Valued up to $100) Under the Awning 30% OFF 8 Racks of Fall Fashions September16,2022 CoastalPoint 27 Thinking of Retiring BUSINESS FOR SALE 302-245-1639 If Not Sold, Business as Usual Ocean View: Open Mon-Sat 9:30–6 - Sun 10–5 • 30244 Cedar Neck Road Downtown Bethany: Daily 9:30am–9:30pm • 98 Garfield Parkway 302-539-6597 Property & Building: $650,000 Serious Inquiries Only • Call Ken for Appointment
TheDelawareOfficeofHighway Safety(OHS)ispartneringwithstateand locallawenforcementinanticipationof DelmarvaBikeWeek,wherethousands ofmotorcyclesareexpectedtorollinto theDelmarvaareainconjunctionwith theOceanCity,Md.-basedBikeFest event.
Thehigh-visibilityenforcementwill runfromSept.15throughSept.18,with afocusonkeepingmotorcyclistssafeand areminderthateveryoneshouldbefollowingsaferidinganddrivingpractices.
Asofearlythisweek,therehadbeen 15fatalities,144crashesand47seriousinjuriesinvolvingmotorcyclesin2022.In 2021,Delawaresawitshighestmotorcycle fatalityrateinmorethan40years,with24 fatalities,inadditionto224crashesand66 seriousinjuriesinvolvingmotorcycles.The leadingcontributingfactorsinvolvingmo-
torcyclefatalitiesaremotoriststurningleft intothepathofamotorcyclist,aswellas motorcyclistsspeedingandimpaireddriving.Speedingwasacontributingfactorin 46percentofmotorcycle-relatedfatalities, andtherehavebeenfiveDUI-related crashesin2022—anincreaseof15percentoverthe9.1percentfive-yearaverage.
“TheDelawareOfficeofHighway Safetywantstoremindeveryonewho travelsonDelawareroadsthatweallhave apersonalresponsibilitytofollowtraffic safetylawswhichareespeciallyimportant toprotectvulnerableroaduserslikemotorcyclists,”saidKimberlyChesser,directoroftheDelawareOfficeofHighway Safety.“DelmarvaBikeWeekwillbringan influxofmotorcyclistsacrossDelaware. Responsibleandproperlyequippedmotorcyclistscanhelpreduceriderdeathsand injuries.Motoristsshouldbeawareofthe
Asthesummerseasoncomestoan end,OHSofficialsalsoremindedallroad userstopracticesafedrivingandriding practicesthatwillhelpreducethenumber offatalitiesandinjuriesonDelawareroadways.
Motoristsandriders,theysaid,should makesureto:
•Obeythespeedlimit,tohelplimit theseverityintheeventofacrash.
•Yieldtomotorcyclists,especially whileturningatintersections,astheyare moredifficulttojudgespeedanddistance duetothesmallersize.
•Whileriding,wearhigh-visibilitypersonalprotectivegearandDOT-compliant motorcyclehelmets.Learnhowtoidentify asafe,DOT-complianthelmet atwww.nhtsa.gov/motorcyclesafety/choose-right-motorcycle-helmet.
TheDepartmentofMotorVehicles (DMV)offersmotorcycletrainingcourses forridersofalllevels—novice,experiencedandadvanced.Toexploredriving coursesofferedinDelawareandfindthe rightcourseandlocation, visithttps://www.arrivealivede.com/respect-the-ride.
Formoreinformationonthecampaign,statisticsandeducationonmotorcyclesafety, visithttps://www.arrivealivede.com/respect-the-ride.
BrasforaCause fundraiserreturns
TheWomen’sCouncilofRealtors ofSussexCountywillpresentthe 11thannualBrasForaCause Fundraiser,atIvyinDeweyBeachon Sept.21.Afteratwo-yearhiatus,the fundraiser,BrasforaCause,isback again.Thethemeforthisyear’seven is“Superheroes—SavetheTatas!”
Moneyisraisedataliveauction —localbusinessesenteradecorated andthemedbratobeauctionedoff. Thebrasarewornbymodels(traditionallymale,butwomenmodelsare alsowelcome),andattendeesbidon theirfavoritebraasthemodelwalks therunway.
Theeventhasgrownthroughout theyears,withproceedsbenefitting breastcancerawareness,education andsupportservicesthroughthe DelawareBreastCancerCoalition, fortheCenterforBreastHealth throughBeebeMedicalFoundation andforeducationopportunitiesfor SussexCountyWomen’sCouncilof Realtors.
Doorsopenat5p.m.,andthe eventstartsat5:30p.m.Heavyappetizerswillbeserved,andacashbar willbeavailable.Ticketsareavailable inadvancefor$35atwww.wcrbrasforacause.comorfor$40atthedoor.
FormoreinformationcallDayna Feher,president,SussexCounty Women’sCouncilofRealtors,at (443)783-0727,orfundraiserchairpersonCherylMyers,ownerof AmerispecHomeInspections,at (302)218-0405.
28 CoastalPoint September16,2022
TheCapitalWingoftheCommemorativeAirForce(CAF),inconjunction withtheDelawareAviationMuseum Foundation(DAMF),willprovide WorldWarIIwarbirdridesatthe DelawareCoastalAirportinGeorgetownonSaturday,Oct.1,duringtheannualWings&Wheelseventfrom10 a.m.to4p.m.Allparking,at$5pervehicle,willbeattheMarvelMuseum, 510S.BedfordStreet,withshuttles runningto/fromtheairportstartingat9 a.m.
WarbirdsscheduledtoappearincludetheB-25Panchito,aBoeingPT17 StearmanbiplaneandaFairchild UC-61Forwarder.Thepublicwillhave theopportunitytopurchasewarbird ridesinalltheaircraftasatributetothe thousandsofmenandwomenwho built,servicedandflewthem.Advance ticketingforanywarbirdrideisavailableonlineathttps://www.capitalwingwarbirdrides.org/.Thepubliccan purchaseseatsontheB-25Panchitoas well,athttps://delaware-aviation-museum-foundation.checkfront.com/reser ve/.Warbirdflightsnotsoldin advancewillbeavailableforsaleon-site attheairport.
Therewillbeotherattractionsfor theentirefamilyattheairport,includingtheClassicCarShow,theU.S. NavalAcademyParachuteJumpTeam andanumberofaircraftonstaticdisplay.
TheCapitalWing–Commemorative AirForceandDelawareAviationMuseumFoundationarebothnon-profit
501(c)(3)organizationsandarestaffed entirelybyvolunteers.Formoreinformation,contact CapitalWingRides@gmail.comor info@delawareaviationmuseum.org.
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MembersofTempleBatYaminOcean Citywillcelebrate25yearsonSaturday, Oct.8.
TempleBatYamishostingacommunitycelebrationtohonorthe25th anniversaryofitspermanentHouse ofWorship.Theeventwilltakeplace onOct.8from6to9p.m.atThe BLUMezzanineoverlookingthebay on24thStreetandCoastalHighway inOceanCity,Md.Thetempleis invitingitsmembersandthesurroundingcommunitiestojointhe celebration.
Theeventisafundraiserforthe nonprofittempleandwillfeaturean iconicviewofthebay,heavyhors d’oeuvres,acashbar,plusgiftsfrom theorganization’ssupportingsponsors,includingsilentandliveauctions,atreasurechestofjewelryand awingspan50/50raffle.Ticketscost $50perperson.
TempleBatYamhasservedthe growingJewishpopulationonthe DelmarvaPeninsulasince1992. Pr iortotheconstructionofitspermanentbuildingin1997onOld WorcesterHighwayinBerlin,Md., memberscongregatedinvariouslocationsinOceanCityformorethan fiveyears.Thefundraiserisdesigned tohelpwithneededinteriorrenovationsofitssanctuaryandtheadditionofstainedglasstothememorial foyer,aswellasother“much-needed refreshening.”
TempleBatYamisaReformJewishcongregationcommittedtothe idealsandeternaltruthsofJudaism. ItsintentistomaintainthetraditionsandlessonsoftherichJewish heritagewhilerespectingtherealities andintegrityofinterfaithmarriages andinterfaithfamilies.TempleBat Yamis501(c)(3)nonprofitorganization.
Ticketstotheeventandmoreinformationareavailableatwww.templebatyamoc.org,byemailingTemple BatYamat
TempleBatYam97@aol.com,orby calling(410)641-4311.
30 CoastalPoint September16,2022
ByMikeSmith StaffReporter
TheIndianRiverSchoolDistricthadincredibleforesight,byall accounts,tolaunchaconstableand schoolresourceofficerprogramin 2013,almost10yearsago.Now,the constableprogramisbeingexpandedandnewschoolresource officersarebeingswornin.And theTownofOceanViewisholdingatowncouncilvotethisweek toactonPoliceChiefKen McLaughlin’srecommendationto maketheschoolresourceofficer positionpermanentandfull-time.
TheIndianRiverSchoolDistrictBoardofEducationisalso consideringthatrequesttoensure continuityofanactive-dutypolice officerforthelocalelementary school.
PrestonA.Lewisistheadministratorofstudentserviceswithin theIRSDsystemandisincharge ofsafetyanddiscipline.
“Itrytopreachtoourconstables,whenwehavetraining,that youmustbealerteveryday.We couldhavea‘badday’everyorany dayoftheweek.”
Thedistrictisnotimmunetoat leastthethreatofviolence.
“Wehavehadnomajorissues,” saidLewisofschoolviolence.“We hadaseriesofbombthreatsearly inmytenure,andwehavehadto donewapproachestoschoolreunificationduringemergencies.Itall wentwell.”
ConstableDougMesseckspent 31yearsasnatural-resourcespolice officerbeforehisretirementand, afteratwo-monthsummerbreak, wasbackonthejobthisweek,now asanewconstableatLordBaltimoreElementarySchoolinOceanView.Hewas seenpatrollingtheperimeteroftheelementaryschooltwiceonhisfirstweekas constable.
“Mysonisateacher,andheattended IRSDschoolsandIndianRiver,andI alsohaveaneighth-graderinMillsboro Elementary,”saidMesseck.Sohetakes hisjobverypersonally.
Messecksaidhehasknown McLaughlinformorethan30years, since1990,whentheywerefinishingthe policeacademytogether.Itwasaneasy conversationtobringMesseckaboard.
“It’sashamewehavetobehere.ButI amveryhappytosupportthiscommunityworkingwithstaffandthesestu-
dents,”saidMesseck.“Thesearenew times,andI’mheretokeepeveryonesafe forourschools.”
MesseckaddedthatMcLaughlinhad temporarilyassignedOceanViewSgt. RhysBradshawasresourceofficerat LordBaltimore,pendingthecouncildecisiontomakeapermanentschoolresourceofficeravailable.
“Wearetheirfriends,andweprovide counselforthesekids,”saidMesseck.“I havealreadyidentifiedthosekidswho arealittlebitafraidoftheirfirstweekof school,and[havebeen]tryingtoreassure them.”
Messeckagreedthatthejobrequires patienceandsaidaretiredlaw-enforcementofficeristheperfectmodelforthe
“Wehaveallofthevinegaroutofour systemsalready.”
TheIRSDboardisnowtalkingabout asecondreadingofcurrentschoolpolicy ontheuseofforcebytheseofficers.
“Currentpolicyisthatdeadlyforce maybeusedinactive-shootersituations,” saidLewis.“Deadlyforceisavailableto uniformedofficerswherethereisriskof seriousinjury.”
“Thecurrentsafetypolicyreviewisto makesureeveryoneunderstands:‘What aretherestrictionsandwhatcanthey do?’‘Whencantheyexhibitagun?’This isapolicythatwasadoptedalongtime ago—backin2013—andwhilewe wereaheadoftheschedule,wewantto
“Wereviewthesafetypolicy everythreeyears,”saidLewis.“We reachouttolegal,incasewemight havemissedsomething.Wewant tobeinlinewithlegalandguidelinesinthestateofDelaware.This timearound,thereareonlysome minorrevisionsandeditorial changes.”
Parentsinterestedintheconstableandgun-safetypolicymaylook ontheIRSDwebsiteformoreinformation.
“Youhavetostopthethreatto thekids,”saidLewis.“Thathas beeninourtrainingsincedayone. Iamretiredlaw-enforcement,and Iunderstandyoumustgotoand disablethethreat.”
“Itusedtobeyouwouldcontain andwaitforaSWATteam,”said Lewis.“Ifyouhaveanimmediate threat,youneedtogotothat threat.Theywouldbeourfirst-responders.”
Asforpersonnel,LewisindicatedthatIRSDisstayingwiththe retired-officerformulaforhuman resources.
“Wearefillingtheconstable slotsnow,”hesaid.“Wearelooking toaddsomesubstitutes,ifthereare law-enforcementpeopleinterested.”
“I amworkinghardonfilling theseroles,”saidLewis.“Chief McLaughlinisaskingtohave IRSDfundaschoolresourceofficertobeatLordBaltimore,and thatisstillinconversation.It wouldbeoneofhisofficers.”
Lewissaidhewaswiththe DelawareStatePolicefor22years.
“Iretired2012,andIgotthe positionofadministratorofschool serviceshereatIRSD.In2013,intalking withIRSDandtheBoardofEducation, wewantedtoaddanotherlayerofprotection,andtheconstableprogramwas started.”
“Ourconstablesallhaveatleast20 yearsofasuccessfullaw-enforcementca reer,andwehavebeenveryfortunateto employmanygreatofficers,”saidLewis. “Thesekidslovetheirconstables.”
ThatloveissomethingConstable Messeckisexperiencinginhisfirstweek.
“Iamalwaysouttherecheckingwith ourofficers—itismymainfocus,” addedLewis.“Ioverseeschooldiscipline withinIRSD.Iseehowtheseguysreact totheconstables,”anditkeepsthepeace, hesaid.
September16,2022 Page31
CoastalPoint•MikeSmith ConstableDougMesseckisthenewconstableatLordBaltimoreElementarySchool.
TickledPink…ShoppingwithaPurposepresentedadonationintheamountof $985toSanta’sLettersInc.foundersSean andKristinaMaloneonFriday,Sept.2.The donationrepresentsaportionofprofitsfrom theshopforthemonthofAugustperownersEliseLindsey’andMichaelLoftus’commitmenttolocalareanon-profitsand charities.
“KristinaandSeanMalonearethemost generouspeopleinourcommunityandwe werethrilledtosupportSanta’sLettersInc. forthemonthofAugust.Manyofourshopperswerefamiliarwiththeirorganization, andthosethatweren’taskedformoreinformation,sowehopetherewillbeaboostfor themwithonlinedonations,too,”saidLindsey.
LindseyalsoannouncedthattheyhadselectedtheSouthCoastalVillageVolunteers (www.southcoastalvillagevolunteers.org)as theirSeptembernon-profit.
TickledPinkofBethanyBeachoffers homedécorandgifts.Aportionofprofitsis donatedmonthlyduringtheseasontovariouscommunitycharitiesandnon-profits.In additiontoTickledPink’sdonation,the ownershaveselectedamajorityofmerchandisefromvendor-partnerswhoalsohavea charitycomponenttotheirsales,arewomenownedbusiness,smallbatchenterprisesand alsomadeintheUSA.Since2021Tickled PinkofBethanyBeachhasdonatedmore than$8,640tolocalnonprofits.
32 CoastalPoint September16,2022 302-537-2433 | 121 Campbell Place Bethany Beach | patsysgourmet.com Key West & Creative Coastal Cuisine • Chef Owned For Reservations Text: 302 858-1203 Open Thursday - Monday at 5:30pm Celebrating 23 Years! Closed Tuesdays & Wednesdays LOCAL ART • VINTAGE UNUSUAL • ANTIQUE ARCHITECTURAL SALVAGE 302.927.0049 On the corner, south of the stoplight 33034 Main St., Dagsboro Call or Follow us on Facebook and Instagram or email: jaynesreliable@gmail.com OPEN Fri-Sun 10–4pm
SeanandKristinaMalone,leftandcenter,respectively,foundersofSanta’sLettersInc.,andownersofKristina’sKitcheninMillville, receiveadonationfromEliseLindsey,co-ownerofTickledPinkofBethanyBeach.
September16,2022 CoastalPoint 33
By Lynn Lempel
MercantileProcessing expandingbothoffices
MercantileProcessingInc.,a Delaware-basedmerchantservicesand point-of-salecompany,thisweekannouncedcompanygrowth.MPI’sheadquarterislocatedinSussexCounty,with asecondlocationinHavredeGrace, Md.Overthepastmonth,MPIhas rampedupitshiringefforts,bringingon pivotalpositionstoinclude:national salesdirector,headofmarketing,bank relationshipmanager,andapayrollspecialist.Expandingbothofficesand addingtotheirwell-organizedteamisa strategicplansetbytheCEOKyle MorganandCROKathrynMcMillan tocontinuethegrowthplanofitslocal company.
TimFunk,nationalsalesdirector,will bemanagingtheindependentagentdivisionofMPI.Funkwillberesponsible forengagingandmanagingnewagents, ISOsandpartnerswithMPIfortheir products,includingprocessing,payroll, giftandpoint-of-sale.With15yearsof industryexperienceandmorethan 10,000LinkedInconnections,representativessaid,“heissuretobeagreatfitat MPI.”
ShelbyLoudon,headofmarketing, will continuetodrivethebrandexperienceofMPI,aswellascoordinatecompanyeventsandadvertisingeffortsto meetsalesgoals.LoudonjoinsMPI withjustunder10yearsofmarketing experience.“Sheiswell-versedinthe creativespaceandlooksforwardtotakingMPI’sbrandtothenextlevel.”
SJakeVacura,bankrelationshipmanager,basedoutofFrederick,Md.,joins MPIwithfouryearsofexperience. WhenaskedwhyhejoinedMPI,he stated,“Iwaslookingforacompanythat Icouldcallhomeforquitesometime, andMPIexceededmyexpectations.” Vacuraistaskedwithmanagingbankrelationships.Someofthoseresponsibilitiesincludeworkingwithbankpartners toestablishaprogramandworktoward bankbranchesreferringprocessing,payroll,giftandpoint-of-saleclientsto MPI.Additionally,Vacurawillberesponsiblefortrainingbankpersonnelon theproductline,meetingsalesgoals,and providingongoingsalessupport.
AmandaCrisostomo,payrollspecialist,hassixyearsofexperiencespecializingintrainingandaccounting.Inthis role,Crisostomowillassistwithdemos, presentationsandonboardingnewmerchantsaroundthepayrollservices.“She willhelpdrivepremierepayrollexperiencesaswellasprovideescalatedsupporttoMPI’spayroll customers.”
“Thisisjustthebeginning.Wehave sethighexpectationsandplantorelease muchmoreexcitingnewsinthemonths ahead,”statedKyleMorgan,CEOof MPI.
TocontactMercantileProcessing Inc.,call1-877-508-2831orvisitthe companywebsiteatwww.mpiprocessing.com.
34 CoastalPoint September16,2022 S GAME DAY
ACROSS 1 Interpretation 5 Left on board? 9 Smartphone array 13 Church reading 18 Falafel bread 19 Civil rights leader Medgar 21 Vault 22 Submit for judging 23 Bind with a cord 24 Piece of history 25 Gumbo pod 26 Lines on GPS displays 27 Vague amount 28 Prompt to a Twister player? 31 Over the speed limit 33 Glove material 34 Half-baked, as a plan 37 Impulse 38 Bursts 40 Former NBA star Ming 42 Figs. 43 Correspond 45 Encouragement to a Yahtzee player? 50 One in a dory 51 Biblical preposition 53 “Mr. & Mrs. Smith” co-star 54 Psychology 101 subject 55 Brief times, briefly 57 Coarse 59 Heavenly octet 61 Benchmark 63 “Salt Fat __ Heat”: Samin Nosrat cookbook 65 “Mr. & Mrs. Smith” co-star s 68 Actor Alan who hosts the “Clear+Vivid” podcast 69 Sad request to opponent? 72 Microwaves 76 “Summertime Sadness” singer Lana __ Rey 78 Equally matched 79 Climate change sci. 80 Entertainment industry grand slam, for short 81 Diminished 85 Vegas calculation 89 Atmosphere 90 One way to think 91 Prosecco kin 93 Trim, perhaps 95 Originate 97 Advice to a checkers player? 100 Connective tissue 101 Sports drink suffix 102 Sculling need 103 Botanist Gray and actor Butterfield 104 Crown array 105 __ opener 108 Like the River Shannon 111 Forced (on) 114 Prayer for a chess player? 118 Damage 119 Geometry surface 121 “A __ technicality!” 122 Real doozies 124 Knuckle or knee 125 Prune, before drying 126 Singer Ronstadt 127 Turn over __ leaf 128 Some TVs 130 Over 131 Spill the beans DOWN 1 Bug-hitting-thewindshield sound 2 Yamaha with a bench seat 3 With 73-Down, Scrabble opponent? 4 “Not gonna happen” 5 Read 6 1980 Olympics track medalist Steve 7 Count (on) 8 The Jonas Brothers, e.g. 9 In flight 10 Black tea 11 Sudden burst of emotion 12 Quarrel 13 Woman on peso note 14 Bamboozles 15 Slanted 16 Spearheaded 17 “__ America”: 2020 miniseries about the ERA movement 20 Artist who works with a chisel 28 On-call devices 29 Impetuous 30 French fashion giant 32 Priceless? 35 Like two 2015 Max Scherzer games 36 Will of “Blue Bloods” 38 Thoughtful 39 Classical pianist Alice Sara __ 41 Resting on 44 Nikolai who wrote “The Overcoat” 45 Italian fashion giant 46 __ pale ale 47 Do a slow burn 48 Allowing access 49 Charge, in a way 56 Philadelphia NFLer 58 Overturn 60 Chili scoop 62 Fabricated 64 Dedicate, as time 66 Strategic steps 70 First-aid dispenser 71 Opposite of sur 73 See 3-Down 74 Grace under fire 75 Spread around 77 Medieval Icelandic collection 81 Hindu royalty 82 Give the slip 83 “Huh?” 84 Survey results, e.g. 86 Beachcombing prize 88 Enter gingerly 92 Dries up 94 Strands in a lab 96 Wheel parts 98 Lots and lots 99 __ out: resolve 104 Attacks 106 Jazz saxophonist Rollins 107 “Waiting for Lefty” dramatist Clifford 109 TV Land fare 110 Agenda entries 111 Extended conflicts 112 Stand for something? 113 Southern twang 116 Witticism 117 Pinkie-side arm bone 119 Comfy loungewear 120 Lav
Crossword SeeCrosswordAnswerspage39
Whatdoseaglass,claydishes andartisansoapshaveincommon withSmashMouthBurgers, acousticguitarmusicbyNorman Gaitherandnativeplants?They canallbefoundatInlandBays GardenCenter’s7thAnnualArts intheGardenonSunday,Oct.9, from10a.m.to3p.m.(raindate, Oct.10).
Thiscelebrationofautumnnow boastsmorethan20localartists;a photoboothforfamiliesand friendsdesignedbyAlisonWebb, AIFD;abonsaidisplay;akids’ crafttable;andSouthern Delaware’smostextensivecollectionofnativeplants.
Thehighlightofthisyear’s eventwillbethecompletionofa participatorymuralatthegarden createdbyJohnDonato,tobenefit theCenterforInlandBays.
•JohnDonato—“Bold,humorous,vibrantprintsthatembody aunique‘smileimpact’withhighspiritedsubjectslikesurfinghorses,flyingpigsanddinosaursonpogosticks, yoursensesareheldhostagebyoutrageouslyplayfulcharactersandirresistibleblastsofcolor.”
•TravisBower—Woodencreations reflectwood’snaturalbeauty,transformedintobowls,vases,candlesticks, traysandmore.
of-a-kindtabletoppotteryusingboth coastalandearthtones.
•CathyCranfield—Jewelryreflectingtheloveofthebeachandgardening combinedwithabitofwhimsyand
•MarianDowling—Nature andwildlifephotostransformed into notecards,canvas,andprints.
•JenniferMoon-Child— Scroll-sawcutoutsofbeach,animal andholiday-themedpiecesusinga varietyofwood,includingcherry, walnut,oak,ash,beechandmaple.
•JoyPeterson—Grapevinesilk wreathsadornedwithdriedflowers forfallandChristmas.
•AlisonSchweiger—Decorativebrooches,bowls,baskets,and hangingornamentsdoneinthe traditionalformofcoiledbasketry usingpineneedles.
•C-GlassSisters—Framedart pieces withauthenticseaglasscollectedontheEasternShore.
•KerryStewart—artisanal soapscreatedbyusingherbaland plantinfusionsororganicearth claysscentedwith100percentessentialoils.
•GaryStewart—Hardwood cuttingboards,servingtraysanda varietyofhardwoodproductsfor thehome.
•DelawareBayClay—Functional ceramicbeach-themeddishes,serving
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September16,2022 CoastalPoint 35 Seafood Market Come by Car or Boat! Open Thursday - Sunday Closed Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday 39401 Inlet Rd. • North Indian River Marina • Rehoboth, DE 302-226-8220 • hookemcookem.com FRESH! Yummy! 15 FRESH LOCAL FISH & MORE! Flounder • Sea Bass • Tautog • Rock Fish • Tuna Mahi • Sword sh • Scallops • Clams • Crabmeat Soft Shell Crabs • Snow Crab Legs • Crab Cakes Shrimp Salad • Tuna Salad and Steamed Items To Go
MargieSamero’ssteppingstoneswillbeoneofthefeaturedartworksavailableattheInland Bays GardenCenter’s‘ArtsintheGarden’eventonSunday,Oct.9.
pieces,andflowerpotsfor dailylife.
•MargieSamero— Steppingstonesmadewith auniquemixtureofconcreteandstainedglassto createfunctionalstepping stoneswithbeachandnaturedesigns.
•GeorgeTodd—Createshisworkoutofresin andwood,shapinghis “resinwaves”intocharcuterieboards,cuttingboards, frames,vasesandjewelry.
•SaltTown Candles/AmyShields Muller,SaltTownTrading Co.—“Inspiredbynature’s coastalsurroundings,we curateluxurioushomefragrancestocapturethe beautyofourregion’slandandseascape.Ourcleaningredientandethically-sourcedcoconut soycandlesaresustainable,non-toxic, andhand-pouredalongtheDelaware coast.”
•KimMcFadden—“Tapestryglass paintingtheworldwiththecolorsof peace,loveandkindnessreflectedin hangingvasesbasedonbeachandnaturethemes.”
•BethWhitman-Pitzer/MoonShell PaperCo.—Creativenotecardsinspiredbythebeach,flowersandnative plants.
• RachelPayne—Artworkmadeby andinspiredbynature,usedtocreatea varietyofitems,fromoneofakind printstojewelry.
•BackyardJellies&Jams—Featuringbeachplumjelly,frombeachplums foundalongtheshore,“theperfect gourmetgift,alongwithlocallymade jamsandjelliesguaranteedtoplease
•MaryYeagleyBower—“Handmadetilesthatreflectsimplisticcolors andthediversityofnaturefoundon andaroundourbeaches.”
•ZoeSeavey—BoxesofTangerines is awhimsical,bohemian-stylehandcraftedjewelrycollection.
•TinaCelia—Bringingbackthe oldartofframedpressedflowers.
•StoryHillFarm—featureshandraisedall-naturalnon-GMOheritagebreedporkandpasturedeggs,anda varietyofotherlocallysourcedgoods, fromgrass-fedbeefandA2dairyto localhoney.
InlandBaysGardenCenterisopen MondaythroughSaturdayfrom9a.m. to4p.m.,andSundayfrom10a.m.to3 p.m.Formoreinformation,contact SandyDanielsat(302)539-1839or events@inlandbaysgardencenter.com.
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36 CoastalPoint September16,2022
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Garden ContinuedfrompageA61
CoastalPoint•Submitted TravisBowerwillshowcasesomeofhisartattheInlandBaysGardenCenter’s‘ArtsintheGarden’event onSunday,Oct.9.
September16,2022 CoastalPoint 37
TheFriendsoftheLewesPublicLibrarywillholdaHistory&AntiquarianBookSaleonFriday,Sept.16,from 4 to6p.m.,andSaturday,Sept.17, from10a.m.to2p.m.atthelibrary,at 111AdamsStreet,Lewes.
Morethan1,500booksonhistory andpolitics,aswellasawideselection ofold,unusualandrarebooks—some datingbacktothemid-1800s—will beavailableforpurchase.Pricesstartat $3,withproceedsbenefittingthelibrary.
Historybooksinthesalefeature Americanhistory(includingCivilWar, WorldWarI,WorldWarIIandthe VietnamWar),Russianhistory(includingtheSovietmilitary),Chinesehistory,andbiographiesofimportant figuresinU.S.andinternationalhistory (presidents,militaryfiguresandothers).
Volunteerswithboatsareneededto helptheDelawareCenterfortheInland Baysremovedebrisfromthebaysduring theAnnualInlandBaysCleanUpfrom 9a.m.to1p.m.onSaturday,Sept.17.
Theeffortwillfocusontheshores alongRehobothandIndianRiverbays, byboat,withcoordinatedcleanupsoccurringonlandaswell.Thewater-based cleanup,whichhasbeenorganizedbythe CIBsincetheearly2000s,issupported byDNREC.
Throughdonations,thelibraryhas accumulatedmorethan500antiquarian bookstooffer,includinglocalinterest, biographyandhistory.Theitemswill besortedbycategoryandprotectedby acid-freeclearbags.Pricingforantiquarianbooksissetat30-65percent belowonlineresellerprices.
“Ourvolunteersarestillmaking amazingdiscoveriesastheygo through thedonations,”saidCandaceVessella, presidentoftheBoardfortheFriends oftheLewesPublicLibrary.“Collectorswillfindsomerealtreasures—and atpriceswellbelowmarketvalue.”
Vessellanotedthatpeopleinthe Lewesareareallyappreciatebooksand tendtoholdontotheirfavorites,butas residentsdownsizeorbooksgetleftto estates,donatingbookstothelibrary canreallymakeadifference.
“We’redelightedtopassthesewon derfulbooksontopeoplewhowillappreciatethemand,intheprocess,raise much-neededfundsforourlibrary.”
Admissiontothesaleisfree,andall arewelcome.Creditcardswillbeacceptedforpurchasesof$10ormore. Everyoneparticipatinginthebooksale isbeingencouragedtowearamask.
TheFriendsoftheLewesPublicLibraryisa501(c)(3)organizationdedicatedtosupportingtheLewesPublic Library,itsservices,andprograms throughvariousactivities,including fundraisingevents,volunteersupport, programmingsupportandbooksales. Proceedsfromthesalewillbeusedfor bookandmediapurchases,libraryprogramming,specialprojectsandotherlibraryneeds.Formoreinformation,visit lewes.lib.de.us.
Previouscleanupeffortshavenetted thousandsofpoundsoftrash,including plasticbottlesandbags,tires,cans,wrappers,fishinggearanddockinglumber. Trashinlocalwaterwaysisconsidered harmfultobothbayusersandavariety ofcoastalandaquaticlife,including birds,fishandmammals,suchasdolphins.
TheCIBisinneedofboatcaptains withpowerboatstocollectandtransport debrisduringtheclean-up.Boatcaptains
whoareinterestedinvolunteering shouldcontactGabriellaFritzat GFritz@inlandbays.org.
Thoseinterestedinvolunteeringbut whodonotownaboatarebeingencouragedtoassistwithtrashcollectionon land.Volunteerscanregisterforthe2022 CleanUponlineatinlandbays.org.Advanceregistrationisrequired.
Theclean-uplaunchpointwillbethe Massey’sLandingpublicboatramp,locatedattheendofLongNeckRoadin Millsboro.Volunteerswillbeassignedto specificcleanuplocationsfromthe launchpointonthedayoftheevent.
Volunteersshouldbepreparedforthe weather(includingpotentiallycooler, breezyconditionsonthewater)and shoulddressfordirtyandwetconditions. Workglovesarerecommended,and closed-toeshoesarerequired.Lifejackets willbeprovided.Volunteersalsoshould bringtheirownwaterandsnacksor lunch.
Thedayoftheclean-up,eachvolunteermustsignawaiverinordertoparticipate.Theeventisnotrecommendedfor childrenyoungerthan12,andparticipantsyoungerthan18mustbeaccompaniedbyaparentorguardian.
DNRECisonceagainlendingsupportthroughitsDelawareNaturalResourcesPolice.Sponsorsincludethe DNRECDivisionofFish&Wildlife, DNRECDivisionofParks&Recreation,DeweyBeachLionsClub,GFL Environmental/WasteIndustriesof Delaware,stateSen.ErnieLopezand theDelawareSolidWasteAuthority’s CommunityCleanupInitiative.
TheDelawareCenterfortheInland Baysisanonprofitorganizationestablishedin1994,andisoneof28National EstuaryPrograms.Withitspartners,the CIB workstopreserve,protectandrestoreDelaware’sInlandBaysandtheir watershed.Learnmoreatinlandbays.org.
Formoreinformation,contactCaitlin Chaneyatcchaney@inlandbays.orgor visitinlandbays.org.
38 CoastalPoint September16,2022 Wines, Beer, Spirits, Cocktails & Seltzers & Pack age Cocktail Accessories, Mixers, Garnish & Cups 302-616-2657 Open Daily Sun - Thurs Noon-8pm Fri & Sat 11am-8:30pm 98 Garfield Pkwy., Unit 108 Blue Surf Building on the Boardwalk LeweslibrarytohostHistory&AntiquarianBookSaleonSept.16-17
ByKerinMagill StaffReporter
ACommunityFunDayisplanned forSaturday,Sept.17,inFrankford TownPark,accordingtothepresident oftheLowerSussexNAACP,whichis sponsoringthefirst-timeevent.
LowerSussexNAACPPresident LucindaSpencesaidtheeventwilloffer freefood,fellowshipandfunforall,and thatshehopesitwillbethebeginning ofbuildingarelationshipwiththecommunity.
“Igrewuphere;IleftandIcame back,”Spencesaid.“Iwanttotrytoget thingsgoing,”thatwillencourageunity
within Frankford,aswellassurrounding towns.
ShesaidattheTuesday,Sept.6, FrankfordTownCouncilmeetingthat townofficialsandtheFrankfordPolice Departmenthaveworkedwithherin planningtheevent.OutgoingPolice ChiefLaurenceCorrigansaidheplans toattendtheevent,whichisscheduled for11a.m.to3p.m.
Spencesaidtherewillbegamesfor children,aswellasrafflesandsome speakerstobringthemessageofunity. Entrytotheeventisfreeofcharge. FrankfordTownParkislocatedatthe intersectionofClaytonAvenueand HickoryStreet.
pg sions. esented at both ses xt steps followed by a question and he same information will be pr py d covering the study task T g y h ifi he meeting will consist of a pr tps://de.gov/sr1coastalcorridor s and ne d e p d g flld b sed via the project website, he informational meeting can be acces Th hdk T ht g //d/1lid j if p iill h T AD
AL M SR 1 COASTA ONLINE INFORMATIONAL MEETING L CORRIDOR wey Beach y B S mation pg e infor for mor https://de.gov/sr1co Visit followed by a Q&A session Join us at 5:00pm or 6:00p , Septem uesdayy, September 20, 2022 T Tuesday RESILIENCY STUDY oastalcor n. pm f b eac 1 1 han h 17 54 how to
and how to
DOVER, 778, BOX (P.O MAIL DELDOT CONTACT TO REQUESTED ARE INTERPRETERS QUALIFIED AS SUCH SERVICES AND W PERSONS VING DISABILITIES. O PERSONS HA T ACCESSIBLE MEETING IS VIRTUAL THIS September16,2022 CoastalPoint 39 Open Mon - Sat 10 AM - 6 PM Next to BP gas station 30305 Vines Creek Rd, Ste. 1, Dagsboro (302) 364-0024 myriadsgifts.com EveryFridayisGrandparents’DayWithaSpecialDiscount! Call today and receive a FREE SHOWER PACKAGE PLUS $1600 OFF With purchase of a new Safe Step Walk-In Tub. Not applicable with any previous walk-in tub purchase. Offer available while supplies last. No cash value. Must present offer at time of purchase. CSLB 1082165 NSCB 0082999 0083445 1-877-338-0602 1600 today SPECIALOFFER FINANCING AVAILABLE WITH APPROVED CREDIT Fillinthegridsothateveryrow,everycolumnandevery 3x3 gridcontainsthedigits1through9.Thatmeansthat no numberisrepeatedinanyrow,columnorbox. Copyright©KevinStone[www.brainbashers.com]
stay involved
submit comments
evaluation criteria the study’s pr mitigation alternatives to be ange of ras,eoblem ar p y l
s purpose and needs the study’•
about: tendees will le atttendees At the meeting, tudy ested parties to a virtual informational meeting r esiliency S d orridor R p l S oastal CSR 1 C e d ansportation (DelDO e Department of and all other inter d e to T) would lik p ( l f p he DelawarT sion. answer ses esentation and e studied, ding the egar esidents invite r
OnFriday,Aug.26, theBethany-Fenwick AreaChamberofCommercepresenteda $1,000checktotheSelbyvilleVolunteerFire Companyfromfunds raisedatthe65thAnnualOldTimer’sDay ClassicCar&Family Festival.Thisyear’sBeer Garden,sponsoredby BanksWines&Spirits, andCornholeTournament,sponsoredby BeebeHealthcare,were thetwoeventsthat raisedthedonatedfunds.
Presentedbythe ChamberandBunting &MurrayConstruction Corporation,Old Timer’sDayisafamilyfriendlyeventthatincludesfoodvendors, children’sactivities,a pettingzoo,historic walkingtour,music,and classiccarsacrossmultipledecadesasfarbackas the1920s.
Sponsorsincluded MountaireFarms,Bank ofOceanCity,Billy
Reese–StateFarm,MurraySod,McDonald’sof Selbyville,Rt.113Boat Sales,EdwardJones–ScottSmith,NorthwesternMutual,Lord’s Landscaping,WestFenwickCarwash,Bishop HastingFuneralHome, TrickTrucks,JamesK. KramerDMD,Funny FarmPettingZoo, MAGD,ForeverMedia (TheWave),theCoastal Point,47ABC–WMDT andDelmarvaTwo-Way Radio.
OldTimer’sDaywill returntotheTownof SelbyvillenextJune,on Father’sDayweekend. Tolearnmoreaboutthe SelbyvilleVolunteerFire Company,visitselbyville88.comasthey celebratetheir100thanniversaryofprotecting thecommunity.Tolearn moreabouttheBethanyFenwickAreaChamber ofCommerce,visitthequietresorts.comorcall (302) 539-2100.
40 CoastalPoint September16,2022 $2,600.0 TO UPGET s.com RODUCTS 00 7 gPlumbin ater Heaters Water d , In VAC g, H T ater H ankless W Water Heaters Tankless oor Air Qua NEW ality Ches AC System W Bryant HVVAC C vicessapeakeHomeSer ALIFYING PR TES ON QU A ATES IN REB W! 410-881-3537 ll us NO Ca UTUMN AUTUMN AUTUMN A OC • ATE DATE VE THE A AVES & t O • 2022 16, 4 OBER 1 T OC P T CNTR ONV. V. OC C C PE EXPO H x TH xhi HR n o O Inf Request or E F N 09 NEE! 0-213-809 IN ON t o: 41 ibitor Inf REE SHO omotio 90 or .oceanpr nline at www 0-213-8090 o r ons.inf CEILING FANS INSTALLED Fast Professional Service Services Include: No Job Too Small! 37 years’experience Tommy Thompson’s Full Service Electrician 302.228.0038 Licensed & Insured Member SCECA Ceiling Fan Installation Light Fixtures Additional Outlets Smoke Detectors Security Lighting Electrical Repairs
SelbyvilleVolunteerFireCompanyrepresentativesreceiveadonationfromproceedsraisedduringthe65thAnnualOldTimer’sDayClassicCar&FamilyFestival.Pictured,fromleft,are:LaurenWeaver,JustenAlbright,Travis Timmons,MarkHudson,KamiBanksKaneandStaceyLong.
TheRehobothArtLeaguewill offer“GettinginTouchwithYour PaintingSkills”withlocalartistJoe TerroneonSept.21throughOct.26. Theclassisforbeginners,aswellas moreseasonedpainters,andwilltake placeattheRehobothArtLeagueon Wednesdays,Sept.21throughOct. 26from6:30to9p.m.
Thesix-weekclassisopentostudentsworkinginacrylicsoroils. Eachclasswillcoveraspecifictopic, suchasdrawingskills,colortheory, composition,theimportanceofvalue andperspective.Participantswillalso learnhowtoreadatubeofpaint, whatkindofbrushesareneededand whatalternativesubstratescanbe used.
Individualinstructionwillbe giventoeachstudenttohelpdevelop aspecificplanforgrowth.Asthey advanceweekly,theywillbecome moreequippedtounderstandandanalyzetheirartwork.Thecostofthe classis$245formembersor$280for non-members.
Registrationisrequiredforall classes.Toregister,gotowww.rehobothartleague.orgorcalltheRehobothArtLeagueat(302) 227-8408,ext.112.Allclassesare heldattheRehobothArtLeague,locatedat12DoddsLaneinRehoboth Beach.
th e a dif donor advised fund a owerful Philanthr s so much to love about Delawar here’ ng views to diverse cultur ence in Delawar ised ul Phil ch al diverse cultur e. e Delawarre. t the DCF helps a lanthropy ropy ort the advantages AF) fund (D else — you ’s hether it Delaware. elps py e C onger thr f ee and helping you support the ax able fund that brings you tax advantages ommunity F ough a donor advised fund (D nger libr ve about this community — whether it e elping at brings you tax Foundation. h a donor advised ter or something s T g/d delcf.or visit e arn mor o le af wn e e even bet war ut how your D e about — for etter. e what you AF can mak D s a smart way to ’ It rever at you o a P o g mdipaolo@delcf.or or 302.856.4393 t esident for Southern Delaw r Vice , aolo e DiP Mik or contact e, , e war September16,2022 CoastalPoint 41 Open Thurs-Sun Closed Wednesdays 5pm–8:30pm For Dine In & Curbside Pickup Artisan, hand rolled, grilled pizzas, awesome wine & local craft beer CoastalPoint•Submitted ‘Gordon’sPond’isapaintingbylocalartistJoeTerrone,whoisteaching‘Gettingin TouchwithYourPaintingSkills’attheRehobothArtLeagueonWednesdaysfrom Sept.21throughOct.26.
U.S.Rep.LisaBluntRochester(DDel.)recentlyvisitedthefuturesiteof CHEER’snewadministrativebuildingin Georgetowntohighlightthenon-profit agency’sCommunityProjectFundingrequestforthe2023fiscalyear.Thepotentialfederalinvestmentwouldsupport infrastructuredevelopmentoftheAdministrativeBuildingtohouseCHEERstaff inonecentrallylocatedspace,representativessaid.
CHEERprovidesservicestosenior citizensinSussexCountytohelpkeep themintheirhomes.BluntRochesteris advocatingfortheprojectastheapplicationmovesthroughtheCommunityProjectFundingprocessrunbytheHouse AppropriationsCommittee.TheCHEER applicationwasoneofonly15accepted outofmorethan100applicationsrequestingcommunityservicefederalfunding.
“Thisprojectrepresentsthefoundation forthenext50yearsofCHEER,”said KenBock,CHEERCEO.“Wearevery appreciativeoftheCongresswoman’ssupportfortheseniorcitizensinSussex County.”
Besidesthenewadministrativebuilding,theproject,knownas“GatewayEast,” willconsistsoffournewapartmentbuildingsforlow-incomeseniors.Allwillbe builton34acresbehindtheCHEER CommunityCenteroffSandHillRoad, eastofGeorgetown.
42 CoastalPoint September16,2022 patiosystems.com • 302-644-6540 • TOLL FREE 866-644-6540 Stop By Our Showroom and Save! Self Serve Outdoor Display with Product Info 16083 New Road Lewes, DE • Showroom Open Weekdays 8am–4:30pm By • Encloseyourscreenporch orbuildfromthegroundup! • 3or4Season • BESTVinyl4-Track END OF SEASON SPECIAL Up To 20% OFF A Sunroom or Porch Expires 9/28/22 • Valid upon initial pricing only Senior, Military & First Responder Discounts Now Available! Rt. 26 & Central Ave. • Ocean View • 302.539.9510 UNITED METHODIST CHURCH LOOKINGFOR GRIEF SUPPORT? The death of a loved one can be overwhelming if you try to cope on your own. Starts Mon., Sept. 19th Classes offered @ 10am GriefShare starts Monday, September 19 at 10:00 am in the Hope Center Meeting Room Call Pastor Joe at 302.362.1129 MINISTRIES licensed #1044 A A ax deductible - MVVA T 410-228-8437 Phone: V R , CK U TR , AR C YOUR ATE DON ovide food, clothing, hope. our donation helps prrovide Y Your pr OF MD LUTHERAN MISSION SOCIETY www.CompassionPlace.org w.CompassionPlace.org
CHEERseeksfederalcommunityservicefunding CoastalPoint•Submitted U.S.Rep.LindaBluntRochester,center,meetswithCHEERCEOKenBock,left,andCHEERBoardPresidentWalterKoopmanon the groundswhereanewCHEERadministrativebuildingwillbebuilt.TheCongresswomanisadvocatingfortheprojectaspart oftheCommunityProjectFundingrequest.
Beachwillonceagainbepainted pinkasTheStarboardhoststheir annualraceandfundraiserforthe DelawareBreastCancerCoalition (DBCC),DeweyGoesPinkandthe GugieRun.Lastyear’seventwasa milestoneofitsown,beingthe10th annualrace,aswellasthefirstbig racebacksinceCOVID-19.But thisyearisanothermarkerinthe event’shistory:Itistheyearthat TheStarboardwillsurpassthemillion-dollarmarkinfundraisingfor DBCC.
TheStarboard’sSteve“Monty” Montgomerysaid,“WhenAdam [Howard]andIstartedthisevent 11yearsagoasawaytohonormy motherandraisemoneyforpeople fightingbreastcancerinDelaware, wehopeditwouldcatchon,butthis isquiteremarkable.”
Partieswithapurposeareaway oflifeatTheStarboard,andthis oneisespeciallysignificant.Aseaof pinkturnsouteachyearforthis personalevent,andit’sdeeply meaningfultothosewhoparticipate.Almosteveryoneinthemassivecrowdthatpracticallyshuts downDeweyBeachhasaconnectiontosomeonewhohasfought breastcancer,orisasurvivorthemselves.Lastyear,morethan3,200
peopleparticipatedintheevent,and thisyear’seventissellingeven faster,evenwith3,500ticketsavailable.
“It’sawonderfultimeofyearto comeoutinDeweyBeach,enjoy theeasysunshineandtheautumn weather,andmeetupwithloved onesforatrulybeautifulevent,”organizerssaid.
Allofthemoneyraisedgoesto theDelawareBreastCancerCoalition,anorganizationthathelps peopleandtheirfamiliesfighting breastcancerinDelaware.Keeping allthatmoneylocal,anddirectly benefitingthecommunity,isof hugeimportancetoMontgomery, hesaid,andDBCC isanorganizationhismotherbelievedinaswell.
Crossingthemillion-dollarmark infundraisingfortheorganization bringsanextralayerofrevelryto thisyear,astheracebecomesanotheroneofthestaplesofthefall seasoninDeweyBeach,andallows DBCC tocontinuetoprovidecare andservicestothosefightingbreast cancerinDelaware.
Theracestartspromptlyat11 a.m.,andthepartygoeson,with foodfromBethanyBlues,livemusic andmore.Formoreinformation, visithttps://deweygoespink.com/.
MakingMem ies! 23rd St “Temple Of Dragons” 28th St “Medieval Faire” OC’s Only 27 Hole Mini Golf! 68th St Dinosaurs! And Indoor UnderSea Adventure 136th St Caribbean Pirates And Indoor Safari Village 68th St. Outdoor Dinosaur Course 23rd St. Outdoor Temple Of Dragons 136th St. Outdoor Caribbean Pirate 68th St. Indoor UnderSea 28th St. Outdoor Renaissance 27 Hole 136th St. Indoor Safari Course ALL 4 LOCATIONS OPEN! OPEN DAILY 9AM- 11PM September16,2022 CoastalPoint 43 Serving Dinner Wednesday - Saturday @ 5pm 26 Pennsylvania Avenue Bethany Beach • 302.539.1200 Reservations Suggested Fall Wine Dinner With Ouro Wine Selections Thursday, September 22 • 6pm - $95pp Limited Seating - Reservations Required Seaside Jewish Community An Unaffiliated Egalitarian & Welcoming Jewish Congregation invites you to HIGH HOLY DAYS Services in Rehoboth Beach, DE No Charge –Donations Welcome seasidejewishcommunity.com • 302-226-8977 L’Shanah Tovah! Join us in person or virtually to celebrate the Jewish holidays of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Led by Rabbi Julie Hilton Danan with Cantor Michele Rozansky Please visit our website to get the service schedule & access information. DeweyGoesPinkracefundraisersetforOct.8
44 CoastalPoint September16,2022
WeShip Nationwide TAXFREE DELAWARE WINDSOR Premium Grade A Teak…World's Best Outdoor Furniture END OF SEASON SALE! We Have In-Stock Inventory! FURNITURE’S TEAK OVER 100 TABLES TO CHOOSE FROM! 1300 Coastal Hwy, Ocean Bay Plaza, Fenwick Island, DE 19944 877-323-TEAK (8325) • www.windsorteak.com Counter Height Dining Height Extension Tables Dropleaf Folding Tables Bar Height Dining Height Non-Folding Tables Teak Lasts A Lifetime! September16,2022 CoastalPoint 45
ByMikeSmith StaffReporter
SouthBethanypoliceandtheBethany BeachVolunteerFireCompanyrespondedthisweektoareportofamanin thewateratWestThirdStreet.Theman wasreportedashavingagapingleg woundandgashthatranthelengthofhis calfmuscle.
OfficerJanFarrelloftheSouth BethanyPoliceDepartmentandBBVFC EMSChiefPhilBrackinweretherespondingemergencyofficersonthescene afteran85-year-oldresidentslippedfrom
hisdockandtorehislegontheboatcleat, requiringatourniquettostopthebleeding.
“Hetorehisshinrightdowntothe bone,”saidFarrellindescribingtheemergencyresponsesituation.“TheEMSchief andIhadtopullhimoutofthewater aftertheownerslippedwhiletryingto boardhisboatandtakehiswifeoutonthe waterlastweekend.”
“Itwasextremelyfortunatethatthe elderlygentlemanhadonhislife-preserver,”saidFarrell.“Whenheslippedoff
thedock withasevereleginjury,hemight havelostconsciousness.Hewasnotable togetbacktothedockonhisown”to emergefromthewaterway.
Farrellofferedappreciationtothe BethanyBeachVFCEMSresponse.
“TheEMSteamalwaysreachesusat SouthBethanyveryquickly.”
FarrellsaidBrackinandEMSworkers hadtoapplyatourniquettothegaping woundtostanchthebleeding.Theman wasthentransportedtoBeebeHealthcare andtreated.TheSouthBethanypoliceofficersaiditcouldbeexpectedthatitwould take“morethanstitches”toclosethegash
andthatsomeamountofreconstructive surgerywouldberequiredduetothenatureofthewound.
AccordingtotheCentersforDisease Control,therearemorethan3,980fatal drowningseveryyear,orabout11deaths perday—manyofthemwithinreachofa dockorshoreline.Whiletherewereonly 600boating-relateddeaths,accordingto CDCstatisticsfromthreeyearsago,nearly allofthemaredrowning-related.Wearing lifejacketswhileboatingcanpreventfatalitiesinthewater.Oftheboating-related injuriesanddeaths,86percentoccurwhen boatersarenotwearingalife-preserver.
thecampusofMarinersBethelUnited MethodistChurchinOceanView.
Whiletheprogram,forwhichthere isnotuition,isaimedatstudentswho needextrahelpwithschoolworkandlife skills,itisopentoanystudentinmiddle schoolorhighschool.Variousphysical activitieswill emphasizehealthandfitness.Theprogramwillincludesnacks and“amessageofhope,aimedatcharacter-building.”Severalslotsarestillavailablefortheprogram,whichprovides one-on-onehelpwithhomeworkand tutoring.
EnrichmentofHopewillbeheld Tuesdays,WednesdaysandThursdays from3:15to5:30p.m.whentheIndian RiverSchoolDistrictholdsfull-daysessions.Studentswilltravelbyschooldistrictbusesfromtheirrespectiveschools totheHopeCenter,locatedonCentral Avenue,justwestofRoute26.Transportationtothestudents’homeswillbe provided,ifneeded.
Toapplyfortheprogram,contact TiffanyKelleyat familyandyouth@marinersbethel.orgor (302)841-8354.
tendSelbyvilleMiddleSchool,Southern DelawareSchooloftheArtsorIndian
RiverHighSchool,willresumeTuesday, Sept.20,attheHopeCenter,locatedon
46 CoastalPoint September16,2022 1300 Coastal Hwy, Ocean Bay Plaza, Fenwick Island, DE 19944 877-323-TEAK (8325) • www.windsorteak.com WINDSOR Exclusive TEAK WeShip Nationwide Stock & Custom Designs B e n c h e s • D e c o r a t i v e S i g n s C u t t i n g - S e r v i n g B o a r d s Great Gift Ideas REQUEST A FREE QUOTE CALL NOW BEFORE THE NEXT POWER OUTAGE (855) 993-0969 Prepare for power outages today WITH A HOME STANDBY GENERATOR $0 MONEY DOWN + LOW MONTHLY PAYMENT OPTIONS Contact a Generac dealer for full terms and conditions *To qualify, consumers must request a quote, purchase, install and activate the generator with a participating dealer. Call for a full list of terms and conditions. FREE 7-Year Extended Warranty* – A $695 Value!
E King St, Fenwick Island
OCEANSIDE! Just 30 yards to the beach. A very spacious home offers a living room with a gas fireplace, an upgraded kitchen with dining area, 3 primary bedrooms with private bathrooms plus an additional 3 guest rooms and 2.5 bathrooms, decks to enjoy the cool ocean breezes, 2 outdoor showers, and your own private pool with a surround deck to enjoy after a long day at the beach. Excellent rental history with $170,360 projected for 2022.
Minutes away from Ocean City and Bethany destinations.
MLS DESU2022456 $2,499,900
Call Vickie York 302.542.4457
Well maintained 2nd floor end unit condo with wetland views.
Turn-key and ready to move into. Offering 2 bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms, kitchen/dining area, living room with electric fireplace, Pergo flooring throughout and screened porch that offers phenomenal sunrises. Plus, a one car garage. Amenity rich community and short drive to the beach.
MLS DESU2028524 $409,900
Call Sondra Connor 302-245-1435
West Fenwick
Lovely coastal home in award-winning community. Well-appointed home offers open floor plan with 4 BR, gorgeous gourmet kitchen, spacious living area, first floor primary suite, office/den or extra sleeping area. Single level living with 2nd floor bonus room/4th bedroom. Beautiful custom back porch & 2 car garage.
Bayside is an exceptional community with Jack Nicklaus Signature Golf and fabulous amenities close to the beach.
MLS DESU2024130 $749,900
Call Vickie Binsted 302-542-6253
Lakes, Millsboro
Enjoy amazing golf vistas and pond views! This gorgeous home offers an inviting living room with a gas fireplace, a gourmet kitchen with a breakfast nook, dining room, office, den, luxurious primary bedroom with golf course views and a private bath, 2 guest bedrooms and a guest bathroom. Finished lower level with a rec room, dry bar with refrigerator, microwave, and cabinets, a bedroom and full bathroom. Plus, screened porch, a paver patio, 3 car garage and lots of storage. Enjoy the great times at Plantation Lakes with wonderful amenities.MLS DESU2024130 $749,900
Call Vickie York 302.542.4457
Waterfront! Enjoy mesmerizing water views from almost every room.
Fabulous end unit Grand Villa is an impressive home with numerous upgrades throughout offering a stunning living room with a new electric fireplace and easy access to the deck and the 4-season room, a dining room, an upgraded gourmet kitchen, gorgeous primary bedroom with a recently updated bathroom and 2 guest bedrooms with an updated Jack and Jill bathroom. Plus, a garage with storage above and a storage room outside the front door. Conveniently located near the gorgeous beaches, restaurants and shopping. MLS DESU2028084 $529,900
Call Vickie York 302.542.4457
Denton Woods, Ocean View
Jerry Dr., Ocean View
A beautiful like new home situated on a quiet country lane with no HOA and less than 3 miles to the beach. This impressive home offers a living room with electric fireplace, large country style kitchen with granite, stainless appliances, and dining area, stylish primary bedroom, 2 guest bedrooms, guest bathroom and a large deck. Do not miss out on this great vacation getaway or enjoy living year-round. Great location near golfing, fishing, restaurants, and shopping.
MLS DESU2027860 $399,900
Call Vickie York 302.542.4457
Murrays Estates, Ocean View
This cottage-style home offers a spacious living room with a fireplace plus a large bay window, an updated country kitchen with dining area, primary bedroom and bathroom with a walk-in tiled shower, 2 guest bedrooms, a guest bathroom, beautiful hardwood floors and outside shower. Situated on a 1/2-acre lot. Small community with low HOA dues. Less then 2 miles to the beach.
MLS DESU2021756 $389,900
Call Vickie York 302.542.4457
You can have it All! Stick built home with hardwood floors. and knotty pine cabinets. Upgraded over time with family room, 2 car garage, patio and shed. 3 bedroom/1.5 baths. New roof, hot water heater, and septic system. Easy to see once pre-approved. Estate Sale. Only 10 miles to Lewes beach. Only $259,900
MLS DESU2025614
Call Kathy Cramer 302-236-5630
MLS DESU2025238
Please contact one of our experienced agents for your real estate needs!
Bethany Bay, Ocean View
Bethany Bay, Ocean
Well-kept 3 bedroom 2 bath single wide in Denton Woods on your own lot with room to add what you want. Home has updated windows and new carpet. Lovely screen porch with easy Breezy windows added in 2000. Easy to show.
1.89 ACRE
St, Selbyville
rare opportunity to own a large 1.89-acre homesite located on a quiet street in town with public water and sewer available and electrical power provided by Delmarva Power. This property has lots of potential for the buyer who wants privacy and flexibility. A great location just minutes to the beach and 30 minutes to Salisbury, Millsboro, and Georgetown.
York 302.542.4457
Call Linda Mueller 302-245-0741
S Main
MLS DESU169386
Call Vickie
THE BEACH Plantation Park, Near Ocean View Attention DIY buyers! This home needs your magic touch and vision. Located close to the beach and in a quiet community with public sewer, this could be the home for you! Spacious and roomy floorplan offering a large great room, open kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, an office or 4th sleeping area and a family room. Plus 2 sheds for gardening and beach things, outdoor shower, front and rear decks. Park your boat on your property. MLS DESU2026660 $174,900 Call Vickie York 302.542.4457 FUTURE BEACH RETREAT Pyle Center Rd Wooded .87-acre, 100 x 354 parcel, site evaluation ordered, East Of Rt #113. Only 9 miles to the beach. MLS DESU2020506 Only $89,900 Cat Man Rd Sale Pending Cleared .99-acre 105 x 405 parcel, septic installed, West of #113. Extra bonus 5 loads of fill dirt to be distributed on the front.MLS DESU2026962 Just $99,990 Call Kathy Cramer 302-236-5630 Vickie Binsted 302-542-6253 Julia Hudson 301-641-6267 Nicole Frank 610-842-4521 Sondra Connor 302-245-1435 Kathy Cramer 302-236-5630 Rupert Smith 302-228-8900 Linda Mueller 302-245-0741 Martha Smith 302-249-0464 SALEPENDING SALEPENDING SALEPENDING September16,2022 CoastalPoint 47
Ifthisquestionwasaskedinlate 2020or2021,itwouldlikelyhavebeena differentanswerthantoday!Ourmarket hasshiftedin2022,andit’smoreimportantnowthaneverfortheRealtorand lendertobehypersensitivetothiseverchangingmarketwe’reexperiencing.
Tobestanswerthisquestion,I’dhave tolookatthespecificsituationofmy client.However,therearefewthingsIwouldconsiderbefore makingarecommendation:
•Hastheclientprovidedincomeandassetdocumentationto supporttheirpreapproval?
Iwouldonlyadviseonnothavingamortgagecontingencyif thedocumentationwasprovidedinadvanceoftheoffertoconfirmtheirqualifications.
Likewise,iftheclientdocumentedthattheyhavetheadditionalfundsinthecaseofashortfallandtheirrealtorconfirms theiropinionoftheofferprice,thenIcouldseesupportingmakinganofferwithouttheappraisalcontingency.
Clearandconcisecommunicationbetweenallpartiesiskeyto makingeitherrecommendationintoday’senvironment.
ProsperityHomeMortgage,LLC (302)537-5076
Contingenciestypicallyprotect thebuyersfromlosingtheir earnest-moneydepositwithout breachingthesalesagreement.Ifa buyercannotobtainfinalapproval ontheloanbythestateddeadline onthesalesagreement,theycan backoutofthepurchaseandstill receivetheirearnestmoneydeposit.
Inaddition,appraisalsprovideanestimatedmarket valueofthepropertybyalicensedprofessionalbasedon detailedinformationincludingbutnotlimitedtocomparablesalesrecentlysold,replacementcosts,recent renovationsandanydeferredmaintenanceonthehome.
Someinstitutionsmayrequireanappraisalonthe property,whichcouldhinderyourabilitytopurchase thepropertyifthebuyersdonothavetheresourcesto coverthedifferenceiftheappraisalcomesinlowerthan thepurchaseprice.Alwaysconsultwithyourrealestate agentandloanofficerbeforewaivinganyappraisalor loancontingency.Forthemajorityofbuyers,itisnot wisetoforgotheappraisalandloancontingencies.Be smartandstrategic.Therighthomewillfindyou!
CoryWalsh TaylorBank (302)541-0500,ext.1505 CWalsh@TaylorBank.com
On behalf of TheTown of Millville, we would like to thank everyone who facilitated the Delaware State Police Operation “Troopers Have Your BACKpack!” The Town was overwhelmed by the generosity displayed by residents and business owners of the Town of Millville and its surrounding towns. There is no way to adequately express our gratitude in receiving these much‐needed school supplies for the children. We thank you all for your continued help and support for this worthwhile program, each of you made a difference in the lives of school children in Delaware!
Making anofferwithoutan appraisalorloancontingency doeshavesomerisktothebuyer, sortoflikeflyingatrapezewithoutanet.Thisstrategycanbe usefulinahighlycompetitive biddingsituation.
Ariskexample:ifabuyer planstoobtainamortgagewith 20percentdown,thenanappraisaltoqualifyforthe mortgagewillberequired.Iftheappraisalvalueis lowerthanthecontractualofferprice,thelenderwill lendagainstthelowerofthetwo.TheRealtorshould havedonetheirhomeworkonevaluatingcomparable recentsaleswiththeirbuyertodeterminetherisklevel ofmakinganofferwithoutanappraisal.Thisrisk wouldbegreatlyreducedifthebuyerhasadditional cashonhandtomakeupanyshortfallinvalue.
Theloanofficeristheprofessionalthatisbest suitedtoassesstheriskofmakinganofferwithouta loancontingency.Thekeyhereistogetthebuyerpreapprovedandtackleanyhurdlespriortotheirhome search.Anyrisksshouldbereviewedwiththeirclients. In theend,itisthebuyer’sdecisionwhetherornot theywanttomakeanofferwithoutcontingencies.
LizBayer ProMortgage (302)581-2035 LizForLoans@gmail.com
48 CoastalPoint September16,2022
Flaherty Walsh
SussexTechprovidesnew mobilesecurityforschoolbuses
Inacontinuingefforttoprovide safetyandsecuritytoSussexTechnicalHighSchoolstudents,theSussex TechnicalBoardofEducationrecentlyapprovedthepurchaseofa newcamerasystemfortheschool’s buses.
TheAngelTraxmobilesystem cameraswereinstalledoneachbus andwereactiveonthefirstdayof school.Thenewsystemincludestwo cameras—onecoveringtheinterior, andthesecondcoveringtheexterior nearthestop-arm,facingpassing motorists’rearlicenseplates.
passivemonitoringsystemandalso utilizesapassiveGPSsystemthat canpinpointlocations(s)ofincidents andvehiclestatisticsincludingspeed, brakes,indicatorstatusandstop-arm deployment.
Thenewsystemreplacedaging camerasfromvariousmanufacturers thatwereoperatingonseveraldifferentsystems,representativesnoted.
Additionalfundswerealsoallocatedforanannualmaintenance contract.SussexTechnicalHigh Schoolwilloperate33buseswith13 differentcontractorsforthe20222023schoolyear.
To schedule an appointment, call (302) 524-5007. Meet Gynecologist Dr. Michael DiClemente agh.care/GYN ©2022 Atlantic General Hospital. All rights reserved. Atlantic General Women’s Health 38394 Dupont Blvd., Selbyville, DE Hours: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm (M, W, F) 8:30 am – 6 pm (Th) 12308 Ocean Gateway, Ocean City, MD Hours: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm (T) September16,2022 CoastalPoint 49 Jay Taylor II, OD OurFocusisYou Now Scheduling Appointments 302-470-9616 Oceaneyecare.net 13717 Coastal Hwy. 137th St., Ocean City, MD 21842 HAIR - SKIN - NAILS 410-213-4724 BookwithCasey or Tayler for 20% off any one service Call or Book Online northandcoastal.com
Atlantic General Health System welcomes Michael DiClemente, MD to Atlantic General Women’s Health in Selbyville, DE, and West Ocean City, MD.
addition to general women’s health services, he specializes in minimally invasive surgical procedures such as hysteroscopy, endometrial ablation and laparoscopy – some of which can be performed in the o ce. Dr. DiClemente has been providing comprehensive women’s healthcare for nearly 21 years. A er earning his medical degree at Georgetown University School of Medicine, Dr. DiClemente completed an internship in obstetrics and gynecology at Cook County Hospital, in Chicago, and his OB/GYN residency at University of Massachusetts, in Worcester.
50 CoastalPoint September16,2022 beebehealthcare.org eBestCareisHere. WeightLoss Surgery CENTERFOR is Our Specialty SUSSEX COUNTY MikeK. BariatricSurgeryPatient TODAY “Ihaveablueprintnowforwhat worksforme that'scustomizedtomyworkandlifestyle.” Asanactiveandin uential gureintheentertainmentindustry,Mike's fast-pacedlifestyleandintensetravelledtoongoingweightmanagement challenges.Whileweightlosssurgerywasapowerful rststepinhelpinghim achievedramaticpermanentweightloss,Mikeisgratefultoknowthathis teamatBeebeHealthcare’sCenterforWeightLossSurgerywillalwaysbethere tosupportandguidehimwhereverhisnextadventuretakeshim. TarekWaked,FACS,FASMBS BoardCerti edSurgeon, specializinginweightlosssurgery Scantolearn aboutachieving permanent weightloss. BEFORE
Nominationsopen forSouthernDelaware TourismAwards
Tourismisa$2.3+billion(and growing)industryinSussexCounty. Infact,morethan16percentofall jobsinthecounty—almost20,000of them—aretourismrelated.Tourism revenuesaveseachDelawarehouseholdnearly$1,600intaxeseachyear.
“Thisisdefinitelydue,inlarge part,toourfortunategeographicallocationandourbeautiful5Star beaches,”representativesofSouthern DelawareToursimsaid,“butit’salso theresultofalotofinitiative,creativity,planningandhardworkbythe manypeopleandorganizationswho strivetokeepupwithchangingtravel trendsandtocreateandprovidethe typesofattractions,events,activities, andservicesthatdrivevisitorstoSussexCounty.”
Arearesidentsandbusinessesare beingaskedtonominategroupsorindividualswhohavemadesignificant contributionstothetourismindustry inSussexCountybetweenOctober 2021andOctober2022.Nominations mustbecompletedandsubmittedby Friday,Nov.4,tobeconsidered.The winnerswillbeannouncedinDecember.
“TourismisahugeeconomicengineforSussexCounty,”saidScott Thomas,executivedirectorofSouthernDelawareTourism.“Thisisour wayofhonoringthosethathavegone aboveandbeyondtocontributetothe tourismindustryinourarea.Weencourageeveryonetoconsiderwho theythinkmaybeworthyrecipients oftheseawards,andtonominate them.”
Previousnomineeswhohavenot wonanawardareeligibleforre-nomination.
Thecategoriesandcriteriaforeach are:
Criteria:ThisawardwillbepresentedtoaneventheldinSussex Countyduringtheeligibilityperiod andisbasedonvisitationdraw, uniqueness,out-of-areapromotion, helpingtospotlightSussexCountyas adestination.
(2)BestNewEvent(forfirsttime eventsheldinSussexCounty)
Criteria:Thisawardwillbepresentedtoaneventheldforthefirst timeinSussexCountyduringtheeligibilityperiodandisbasedonvisitationdraw,uniqueness,out-of-area promotion,helpingtospotlightSussexCountyasadestination.
Criteria:ThisawardwillbepresentedtoatourismattractioninSussexCountyandisbasedonvisitation draw,tourismeconomicimpacttothe
September16,2022 CoastalPoint 51 h 44th Boardwalk h y Beac an e Beth th mmun azing co y am an e m o th To THANK ble, l possi Festiva Arts ade o m wh partners nity OU! K Y San Bec Nikk ther DeM Hea Bob E mmittee t Co enntv Even Ev Troescher Garth aughan Pam V Va StepSasluohan er ln Mil Kristi yman e Haaym Jami egan Deck R M e la, in Pszczo r o, Ka ovell oe N y, J urphy dy Mu n organ, ey, Lisa Mo ahon i M err an, Te ym cki Hay dy, egina Han te, R llan e Ga chel er, Mi ulm ki F burg, ci Gins ar , M ahringer dra F en a r DeM e Cummings, d Chen, Ann ck Xinsors:roeripo S B lunteers u o t V ven e E Mich Bob Ch Tom t C f C iti Ch ur c Chhur iloth t. Ann’s Ca S h y Beac anny wn of Beth o The T To upport Support mmunity munity Co ponsors t S vent e urek tte Yu ea t, Jean incen b V Bob urssline, via Tu i pper, Ol o ey T rl t, Ca wift e S hell wift, t eigh S yl , R teel e S u as, S oul e S u vin, S Slav kelly, usan S te, S uma per Shu b, Pi chau uck S h
yn S vel h Rock, E edding, Hanna R y ch y ElytoahnSrtaenemn M. CloJ eacher t T Teac burg - Ar ci GinsraM tenrtem ce DepalioPBB MtaFirstesrinate S - Leo’s Cl ver dian RiIn orks rks c W Wor bli h Puub y Beac annyBeth ter ce Cennter nferen feren an Co risti o BET S JOIN U nsorspo13 S nprofits nprof o N10 stsed Arti uri 0 J Juri 10 l Thanks WAL A ARD CH BOA A NY BE THA MBER 9, 2023 FOR THE 45TH A N SEPTE O IVAL A FEST TS AL LK ART OR THE 45TH A
See AWARDSpage53
oriesinourheartsandareextremely gratefulforherfulllife,welllived, andsharedwithusall.Herwholehearteddevotionanddedicationto familyisalegacythatwillliveonfor generationaftergeneration.”
Romitowasprecededindeathby herhusband,VirgilA.Romito,and twinbrother,Gerald“Jerry”Cullen ofClaymont,Del.Sheissurvivedby hersisterPatricia(andFran) OkoniewskiofLewes,Del.;brother GeorgeCullenofWilmington,Del.;
sister-in-LawLynette(andRick) DavisofSarasota,Fla.,andtheirextendedfamilies;hersixmuch-loved children,SusanWest(andSusan)of Downingtown,Pa.;MaryEllen Hagerty(andEarl)ofChaddsFord, Pa.;LauriePatricia(andBill)of Kimberton,Pa.;Stephen(andAndi) RomitoofOceanView,Del.;Nancy Romito(andScott)ofChaddsFord, Pa.;andCarrieMink(andGreg)of GlenMillsPa.;13grandchildren, Ryan(andAmanda),Shawn,Kyle (andMaria),Casey,Corey(and Claire),Megan,Danielle,Makenna, Michael,Cullen,Andrew,Morgan andMerrin;andfivegreat-grand-
the only tool you
children,Kinley,Landon,Roman, ReaganandLuca.
Amemorialservicewillbeheldto celebrateRomito’slife,onFriday, Sept.23,2022,atMarinersBethel UnitedMethodistChurch,81CentralAvenue,OceanView,Del.,where friendsmayvisitfrom9to10:30 p.m.,followedbyacelebration-oflifeservicebeginningat10:30a.m. Intermentwillbeprivate.ArrangementshavebeenentrustedtoParsell FuneralHomes&Crematorium, ClarksvilleChapel,OceanView,Del. Inlieuofflowers,thefamilyasked peopletoconsiderdonatingtothe ACBLEducationalFoundationat https://www.acbleducationalfoundation.org/donate.phptohonor Romito’spassionforteachingbridge, ortotheAmericanLungAssociation athttps://action.lung.org/site/Donation2?df_id=31272&mfc_pref=T& 31272.donation=form1.Romito’slife memorialwebpageandvirtual guestbookareonlineatwww.parsellfuneralhomes.com.
LouiseB.Toomey,90,ofOcean View,Del.,passedawaypeacefully, surroundedbyherlovingfamily,on Thursday,Sept.8,2022,atherhome. ShewasborninOceanViewonJuly 28,1932,daughterofthelate WilliamBurbageandDorothy (Tyre)Burbage.
Sheandherhusband,Ralph “Pete”Toomey,werehardworkers andwerepoultrygrowersformany years.
Toomeywasalifetimememberof theMillville(Del.)VolunteerFire CompanyAuxiliaryandenjoyed playingcardswithherfriends.
Inadditiontoherparents, Toomeywasprecededindeathby herhusband,Ralph“Pete”Toomey, in1988;ason-in-law,BarryPr yor; andtwobrothers,AllenBurbageof Frankford,Del.,andRalphBurbage ofMillville,Del.Sheissurvivedby hertwochildren,BillToomeyand hiswife,Cissy,ofOceanView,and ConniePryorofMillville;four grandchildren,StewartPryorandhis wife,Megan,Jesseandhiscompanion,LindsaySteigerwald,of Philadelphia,Pa.,AshleyUlizioand herhusband,Brad,ofPittsburgh,Pa., andBillyEltonofFrankford.
Agravesideservicewillbeheldat 11a.m.onThursday,Sept.15,2002, atMariner’sBethelCemeteryin OceanView,Del.Inlieuofflowers, thefamilysuggestedmemorialcontributionsinToomey’snameto Mariner’sBethelUnitedMethodist Church,81CentralAve.,Ocean View,DE19970,orSt.JudeChildren’sResearchHospitalbyvisiting www.stjude.org.Condolencesmaybe sentonlinebyvisitingwww.melsonfuneralservices.com.
52 CoastalPoint September16,2022
Obits Continuedfrompage24
Our Service Directory ~ Full of local craftsmen with all the tools and skills
you need.
Criteria:Thisawardwillbepresentedtoanindividual,businessor organizationandisbasedoncontributingtoandpromotingthewelfareofthecommunitythatmakes SussexCountyabetterplacetovisit. Nomineesshouldhighlightallrelevantresourcesandassistanceprovided tomakethecountyabetterdestination.
(5)TourismPartneroftheYear Award
Criteria:Thisawardwillbepresentedtoanindividual,businessor organizationandwillbebasedoncollaborativeeffortsworkingwithSouthernDelawareTourismand/or ChambersofCommerceinSussex County.Nomineesshouldhighlight sharedresourcesusedtodevelop tourismproducts,servicesorattractions.
The2021recipientsoftheannual awardsincluded:
·PerseveranceAward—Ashley Houdbert—VisitRehoboth/Visit Lewes
·PivotAward—FreemanArts Pavilion
·TourismPartneroftheYear— DelawareSeaGrantCollegeProgram /UniversityofDelaware Pastrecipientsoftheannualaward alsoincludeVietnamVeteransMemorialMovingWall,theAmericanLegionFamilyofPost17,Lewes;Cinema ArtTheater,RehobothBeachFilmSociety;SouthernDelawareWine,Food &MusicFestival;DelawareBeachLife magazine;MidAtlanticSeaGlass& CoastalArtsFestival;Fire &IceFestival;LadybugMusicFestival;Freeman Stage;DelawareStateParks;Dogfish Dash;WinterWonderfest;Lefty’s Alley&Eats;DelawareBeachBook; ReturnDay;FirstAnnualBooBQue bytheSea;CapeHenlopenState Park’sGordonsPondTrail&Junction andBreakwaterTrail;WesternSussex TourismCommittee;TheFreeman StageatBayside;NassauValleyVineyards;theAppleScrappleFestival; DogfishHeadBreweryTours;theRehobothBeachFilmFestival;theLewes MaritimeHistoryTrail;theOceanto BayBikeTour;EatingRehoboth WalkingFoodTours;andTheSea WitchHalloween&Fiddlers’Festival.
Nominationformsandinstructions forthe2022SouthernDelaware TourismAwardscanbeobtainedat www.VisitSouthernDelaware.com/tou rism-award-nomination,orbycalling (302)856-1818.
September16,2022 CoastalPoint 53 *Prices listed do not include site costs, permitting, and other possible fees relating to individual homesites. Photos shown are for illustrative purposes only and do not reflect exact finishes offered. Speak to a sales representative for complete details and a custom cost estimate. Evergreene's Signature On Your Lot Program is the right choice for you! Owners can personalize their plans with a wide variety of selectable upgrades and alterations process! The home’s architectural plans are produced quicker, shovels hit the ground faster and the home is delivered in a timeframe that is unattainable in a true custom home—with an end product that is no less luxurious. CALL TODAY TO SCHEDULE A FREE CONSULTATION! FLOOR PLANS STARTING FROM $ , ! THE BEST FOR LESS! QUALITY • PRICE • SERVICE CELEBRATE YOUR SUMMER VACATION WITH GREAT SEAFOOD PREMIUM SEAFOOD BEST PRICES MED/LG • LARGE • EX-LARGE • JUMBOS SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY* NO TAX • PACK FOR TRAVEL • FREE COOLER & ICE Sandwiches & Dinners • Seafood & Chicken • Homemade Soups 1/3 lb. MD Crab Cakes • Steamed Shrimp Open Daily At 10 a.m. • 302-537-5882 • BahamasCrabShack.com Oceanside Md./Del. Line, Coastal Highway, Fenwick Island, Delaware Great Menu, Quality Food Call Ahead-Ready In Minutes MD CRAB MEAT FRESH CLAMS SCALLOPS OYSTERS KING CRAB SNOW CRAB SWEET CORN SHRIMP VOTED #1 CRABS & SEAFOOD CARRY OUT FREE SHRIMP/CORN OFFERS JUMBO AND BIGGER EVERYDAY • CRABS GRADED BY WEIGHT GUARANTEED “FAT” CRABS CALL FOR SUPER DAILY SPECIALS AND PARTY PLATTERS! *Subject To Availability* $39 CP 1 Dozen Crabs w/ 1/2 lb. Shrimp RESERVE CRABS EARLY! BEST BUSHEL VALUE AT THE BEACH 3 DOZEN CRABS $75 CREAM OF CRAB SOUP $26 QT. 1/3 LB. MD JUMBO LUMP CRAB CAKE W/FRIES & DRINK $19.95 1 LB. GULF JUMBO SHRIMP $19.95 MARYLAND CRABMEAT CRAB BALLS $16.95 Jumbo BAHAMAS Crabshack *1/2 BUSHELS FROM $99
TheFriendsofCapeHenlopenState ParkwillhosttheirannualWine, Cheese&BeerTastingintheparkon Oct.1.Theeventwillbeheldfrom4to 6p.m.intheOfficersClubatthepark.
Asattendeessamplewines,using theirincludedcommemorativewine glass,theywillbeabletoplaceanorder withR&LLiquorsforlaterpick-upat theirstore.Salesofthefeaturedbeers willbeavailableattheR&Lstoreat regularprices.
Thecheesetastingswillbeoffered with thesupportoflocalvendors.Inaddition,volunteerswillbepreparingappetizersdesignedtopairwellwith winesandbeersofferedfortasting. Friendsvolunteerswillbepassingout horsd’oeuvresdesignedtopairwell withthewinesandbeers.Thegroup’s traditionalraffle,featuringfunalcoholrelatedprizes,willbeback,too.PresidentJohnBraccosaidthisWine, Cheese&BeerTastingmayshowthe broadestrangeofflavorsyet.
Ticketspurchasedinadvancecost $27 each,whichincludesthefeeforentrancetothepark.Theyareavailable fromR&LLiquors,on2ndStreetin Lewes(from9a.m.to10p.m..)aswell astheCapeHenlopenStateParkOffice (from9a.m.to4p.m.),andtheLewes ChamberofCommerce(10a.m.to4 p.m.).Ticketswillalsobesoldatthe doorfor$30,cash,creditordebitcards
TheOfficer’sClubhasaspacious publicareawithacommandingfireplace.Thereisplentyofparking.The historicclubbuildingwasbuiltbefore WorldWarIIaspartofFortMiles, nowCapeHenlopenStatePark.Its fireplaceissaidtobemadeofstones salvagedfromtheoriginal1767Cape HenlopenLighthousethatcollapsedin 1926.TheOfficer’sClubislocatedat YouthCamp#3.DirectionstotheClub willbeclearlypostedinthepark.
TheFriendsofCapeHenlopenState Parksponsorsavarietyofactivitiesin supportofthepark.Theactivitiesinc ludepurchasingbenches,operatingthe freebicycleloanprogramattheBike Barn,maintenanceoftrails,constructingthechildrens’playground,supportingoftherecentlyupgradedospreycam, reconstructingofthehawkwatchplatformandofferingeducationfundsfor statewideschoolstobringstudentsinto theparkfornatureopportunities.
PeopleinterestedinmoreinformationabouttheFriends’currentandpast projectsandforinformationaboutjoining orvolunteeringordonatingmay visittheirwebsiteatwww.friendsofcapehenlopen.org,whichalsoincludesa photogalleryoflastyear’sevents,oremailthematfochsp@gmail.com.
54 CoastalPoint September16,2022 MILLSBORO 28422 DuPont Boulevard 302-934-3970 1-888-934-3970 LEWES 1240 Kings Highway 302-645-2207 1-800-331-4241 JackLingo.com REHOBOTH 246 Rehoboth Avenue 302-227-3883 1-800-345-3469 THE ESTUARY OAK DRIVE SEA COLONY WEST #1 Loca y Owned Real Estate Company in Sussex County for 2021* * AS PER INFORMATION FROM BRIGHT MULTIPLE LISTING SYSTEM SOUTH BETHANY This charming 3 BR, 2.5 BA cottage sits on a 70’ x 70’ ocean block parcel, just steps to the beach. Unique floor plan includes 3 living spaces allowing for separation & privacy. Multi-level decks to enjoy fresh ocean breezes. $1,350,000 Call the Lingo/Tull Team 302-2266417 (Direct) #4318M Less than 5 miles to the beach; bring your horses! 2 BR, 1 BA home on 1.85 acres; 2 separate parcels. Open floor plan, HW floors, well equipped kitchen, loft rear deck. The 2-level barn could be converted into addl. living space. Short drive to Hospital, shopping, & dining. $825,000 Call Gary Brittingham 302-745-5605 (Cell) #4257TM Enjoy this 4 BR, 3 BA ranch-style home, w/a 2nd floor, featuring luxury upgrades, gourmet kitchen w/ granite, engineered HW flooring, GR w/gas FP w/stone surround, year-round SR, custom paver patio and fire pit, primary BR w/gas FP, & situated in an amenity rich community just outside of Bethany Beach! $930,000 Call Melinda Ingram 302-462-6581 (Cell) #4310V Penthouse 3 BR, 2 BA condo located less than a mile to the beach in a Delaware Beach best resort community! This sun-flooded, 2nd level, fully furnished corner-unit offers peace and tranquility & world-class amenities. $595,000 Call Shawn of the Carrie Lingo Team 302-5428591 (Cell) #4332ML Just west of Millsboro, this gently used 3 BR, 2 BA home features an open floor plan, great kitchen, a large porch overlooking the woods, & an oversized insulated garage with 12' high doors. Don't wait! $569,000 Call Susan Mills 302-542-4146 (Cell) #4367QM Community of Sweetbay - 3 BR, 2.5 BA, kitchen w/quartz counters & island, FR w/gas fireplace, screened-in porch, loft, walk-in attic, garage bump-out, community pool, & overlooks pond. $699,990 Call Shirley Kalvinsky 302-2364254 (Cell) #4359M 4 BR, 3 BA farmhouse on 11.15 +/- partially wooded acres, giving you plenty of privacy w/the convenience of proximity to Ocean City, the Lewes/Rehoboth beaches, & Salisbury Airport. If you're considering commercial use, this property would make a lovely equestrian center, vineyard, or wedding venue. $1,199,900 Call Paul Townsend 302-236-3212 (Cell) #4354VL 3 BR, 2 BA home featuring a second-floor family room, attached 2-car & detached 2-car garage! This convenient location offers easy access to all town amenities, shopping, restaurants, & medical while still maintaining a private atmosphere. Just 30 minutes to resort areas! $339,000 Call Gary Brittingham 302-745-5605 (Cell) #4289QM ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES! NEW CONSTRUCTION! SWEETBAY New construction home featuring 4 BR, 3.5 BA, KIT w/granite counters, SS appliances, FR w/natural gas FP, media room, flex room, pond view, Side entry 2 car garage, community pool, Sept delivery. $799,990 Call Shirley Kalvinsky 302-236-4254 (Cell) #4360M Ranch style home features 3 BR, 2 BA, open floor plan, living room w/gas FP, kitchen w/granite countertops, and two-car garage. Community offers a clubhouse and pool. $344,900 Call Susan Mills 302-542-4146 (Cell) #4352VM GREAT MILLSBORO LOCATION! NESTLED ON 3.66 ACRES! PRIVACY IN LEWES! a K e i t 1 2 0 2 9 1 y a M m To & D D K T C B d W We G h N Ta V Ve b B A D D e new 2022 magazines are here! Find the ideal local venue, vendors & ideas in one easy place. Pick up your free magazine in select locations • Bethany Travel/Dream Vacations • Hooked Up Ale House & Raw Bar • Bethany Beach Books • S.A.L.T. Provisions • Ocean View Jewelers • Good Earth Market • Carltons Menswear e a h p h d p p d d h p d y g y g p Favo Local Fla Local , rs vors A C fo D
Photograph by Heather Baker Photography
FreeWrite— ThroughanagreementbetweenSouthCoastalLibraryandtheRehobothBeachWritersGuild(RBWG),the RBWGwillhostaweeklyFreeWritesession atthelibraryfrom10:30a.m.to12:30p.m. Participants18andolderofallskilllevels willpracticecreativewritinginafriendly andnurturingatmosphere.EachFreeWrite isfacilitatedbyaRBWGmemberwithexperienceinteaching,writingand/orleading suchgroups.Participationisfree,andreg istrationisnotrequired.
PerennialMaintenance— TheMillsboro GardenClubishostingaclassonperennial maintenanceatEastCoastGardenCenterat 10a.m.Perennialgardensarerelatively low-maintenanceoncetheplantsareestablished,butdorequiresomeupkeep.The costis$10,andisacceptedatthedoor.To register,visitmillsborogardenclub.com.
GentleYoga— TheSouthCoastalLibraryin BethanyBeachwillofferagentleyogaclass from9to10a .m.MyraStock,acertified 500RYTinstructorandregisteredYogafor Arthritisteacherwillofferthein-personyoga classforthosewhohavenotattendedoneof theclassespreviously.Ayogamatisrequiredandisnotprovided.Participantsare alsobeingencouragedtobringatowelfor extracushioning.Registrationislimitedat delawarelibraries.libcal.com/event/9257543, orregisterbyphonebycallingthelibrary. Thelibraryislocatedat43KentAvenue, Beth anyBeach.Formoreinformation,call (302)858-5518orvisit www.southcoastal.lib.de.us.
SilentAuction— DelawareWomenadeis hostingavirtualsilentauctiontobenefit PeoplesPlaceSAFEprogram,from9a.m. onSept.16through9p.m.onSept.25.The SAFEprogramprovideshousingforvictims ofdomesticviolenceandtheirchildrenin SussexandKentCounties.Allprofitsfrom theauctionwillbegiftedtoSAFE.Youmust createanaccountbeforeyouare ableto participate,anditrequiresminimalinformationandcanbedonepriortothebeginning oftheauction.Paymentwillbeaccepted throughPayPal.Forinformationontheauctionitemsortojoin,gotowww.32auctions.com/DEWomenadeGamesDay2022.
SelbyvilleMuseum— TheSelbyvilleMuseumisopenforthepubliconthethirdSaturdayofeachmonththroughOctoberfrom 10a.m.to2p.m.Therearevariousrailroad andtownartifactsdatingbacktotheea rliesttownagriculturaldaysthroughlate20th Century.Policememorabiliaisalsoondisplay.Admissionisfree,andthemuseumis locatedat6RailroadAvenue.Formoreinformation,visitselbyville.delaware.gov.
DelawareWomenade— TheDelaware Womenade5thAnnualGamesDaywilltake placeatOceanViewVFWPost7234from9
a.m.to3:30p.m.Therewillbegametables, acontinentalbreakfast,lunchwithbubbly, dessert,acashbar,basketraffle,50/5 0 andasilentauction.Thedonationis$60 perperson,withallproceedsbenefitingthe People’sPlacedomesticviolencevictims andsurvivorsinSussexandKentCounties. Forinformation,emaildelawarewomenade@gmail.com.
ChorusOpenHouse— TheDelmarvaChorus ofSweetAdelinesInternationalisholdingan OpenHouseattheOceanPines(Md.)CommunityCenterat6p.m.Formoreinformation,callMaryat(410)208-4009orvisit delmarvachorus.org.
AdultPuzzles— S outhCoastalLibraryis hostingaPuzzles&Coloringeventfor adultsfrom10a.m.to5:30p.m.Thereis anadultcoloringstation,alongwithjigsaw puzzles,crosswords,SudokuandWord
September16,2022 CoastalPoint 55 Calendar SeeCALENDARpage58
OnAug.16-17,theCrippleCreekGolf ClubhostedthePinkonthePatio Ladies’PartyandRallyforaCureGolf Tournament.Theyearlyeventbenefits theDelawareBreastCancerCoalition. Picturedpresentingtheeventdonation are,fromleft:firstrow,DianRuberia, GloriaFarrar,NancyFocht,Meridith RothsteinandchairmanLindaZadjura; and,secondrow,ConnieHoldridge,Mary AnnKenney,MaryAnnGrigoletti,Rita Schaffran andPatVallesse.
OldeTymersSoftballto supportSeniorOlympics tournamentSept.24
TheOldeTymersSoftballLeague willsupporttheDelawareSenior OlympicsduringitsannualtournamentinDoveratSchutteParkon Saturday,Sept.24.TheOTSis sendingfourteamsofdifferentage groupstoplayduringthecompetition.
ThefourOTSall-starteamswill featuremorethan60oftheleague’s playersandcoaches,eachofwhom capturedamedalduringthe2021 tourney.
DaveLovelaceandCarlPierce willmanagethe75-and-olderteam. JesseBareandPatCareywillmanagethe70-74team.SteveUngerand KeithPurdywillmanagethe65-69 teamthatwonthe2021goldmedal. PatSullivanandBobLaDucawill managethe60-64team.
Admissiontothetournamentis free.Intheeventofinclement weather,theraindatewillbeSunday, Sept.25.
Foradditionalinformationabout OTS,visitthewebsiteat https://www.teampages.com/leagues /118816.
56 CoastalPoint September16,2022
website facebook™ twitter bask in the cool glow of our stunning content to the Coastal Point. coastalpoint.com
September16,2022 CoastalPoint 57 ADDRESS PRICE BR/BASTYLEAGENT/AGENCY DAYTIME 33856WatersideDr.,Waterside,Frankford $559,900 4BR/3BAHouse ChrisyTingle|KellerWilliamsRealty Sat.,9/1711-1 33TecumsehPass,Millsboro $325,000 3BR/2BAHouse TheRealMcCoyGroup|ColdwellBankerRealty Sat.,9/1712-2 38511BlueHenDr.,Selbyville $535,000 3BR/2BAHouse TheRealMcCoyGroup|ColdwellBankerRealty Sat.,9/1712-2 46SandyBranchDr.,SandyBranch,Selbyville $475,000 4BR/4BAHouse ChrisyTingle|KellerWilliamsRealty Sun.,9/1811-1 Callusat302.539.1788 OurlicensedRealtors inviteyoutotheir Having an Open House? ors GOGREEN! Submityour OpenHousesonlinefrom thelinkatthetopofour homepage.Visit coastalpoint.com today! 24/7 Emergency Service $75 Value with the purchase of annual maintenance agreement: $250/year ($150 per additional unit) includes bi-annual cleaning & tune-up. FREE HVAC INSPECTION Voted Best HVAC Company in Sussex! 302.500.3334 BIGWAVEHVAC.COM INFO@BIGWAVEHVAC.COM
Finds.Participationisfree,andregistration isnotrequired.
MarkerspaceMonday— SouthCoastalLibraryishostingaspecialHauntedMarkerspaceMondayeventfrom1to4:30p.m., wherepeoplehavetimetocreatetheirown spookyDIYproject.Noregistrationis neededatthefollowing“marker”stations: ButtonMaker,AdultColoring,Jewwelry Making.Registrationisrequiredfor30minutecircuitappointments.Pleasevisit delawarelibraries.libcal.com.
GriefSupport— GriefShareisaweeklyseminarandsupportgroupdesignedtohelp peoplerebuildtheirlivesafterlosingaloved one.Thereisnofeeformaterials,andthe groupmeetsatTheRiverChurchinFrankfordeveryTuesdayfrom6:30to8:30p.m. Toregister,visitriveronline.church.
AARPMeeting— AARPholdsameeting luncheonatCrippleCreekthethirdTuesday ofthemonth,featuringaguestspeakerthis monthwhowilldiscussthehistoryandprogramsof feredattheIndianRiverLife-SavingStation.Formoreinformation,call(302) 541-9412.
MOAAMeeting— TheMilitaryOfficersAssociationofAmerica(MOAA)Southern DelawareChaptermeetsonthethirdTuesdayofeachmonthfromJanuarythrough Mary,andSeptemberthroughNovember,at theLewesDineratnoon.Thechapteris opentomenandwomenwhohaveserved orareservingonactivedutyorinoneofthe
reservecomponentsasacommissionedor warrantofficerinoneoft heU.S.uniformed services,aswellassurvivorsofanydeceasedindividuals.Formoreinformation, call(301)943-3434.
iPad&AppleUsers— TheiPadandApple UsersGroupshavemerged,andtheymeet atSouthCoastalLibraryfrom11a.m.to noon.Usersmeettodiscussnewfeatures, tipsandaskquestions.Themeetingwill takeplaceindoorswithsocialdistancing. Thefirst20patronswhoregisterforin-personseatingwillbeguaranteedaseatinthe audience.Subsequent registrantsmay watchviaZoom.Registrationisrequired andavailableat delawarelibraries.libcal.com/event/9222580 orbycalling(302)858-5518.
Zumba!— SouthCoastalLibraryishosting JohannaandLindaforaZumbaclassfrom 4to5p.m.Thereislimitedspace,andparticipantsmustsociallydistance.Registration isnotrequired.
WethePeople— "WethePeople"isaneffortputtogetherbyBillMurphytocelebrate patriotismandcelebratetheflag,bymeetingattheBethanyBeachbandstandevery Wednesdayat8:30a.m.tosupportthemilitary,lawenforcementandfirefighterswho serveandprotect.Allarewelcome.
FallBibleStudy— GraceUnitedMethodist ChurchwillhostafallBiblestudy,called “RedSeatotheJordanRiver,”every Wednesdayfrom10a.m.tonoon.Formore information,andtoregister,visitthemonlineatsussexcounty.cbsclass.org.
58 CoastalPoint September16,2022 B G gard er anic g inne E t part Ce i W cott a & S Lis ay,thursday 302 r SoD with nership 10-year lebrating o-Chai ry C nora h Ho oDe f S r o Kammere er 2 septemb Roa Neck iney P 220 s el oncepts l C 8 PM – 29, 5 d y d b resente s p food oastal s c Deliciou • Concepts SoDel by presented Wine • 66 in B n n i sicia y Mu t b ten the nder c u Musi • Residence, Varrassi ince V and venu h A Av 5t Meadow Magnificent the Viewing • by created Garden Oudolf iet P Enj Members: 140/s $ ingle, 70/couple $2 Nonmembers: $290/couple 150/single, $ ABLE.VAILABAVA AV SPONSORSHIPS awaregardenswed@delawsherylsw Swed, Sheryl Contact 30220 19939 DE Dagsboro, e ry ratoryCelebra ubbly f b s o glas val.arriva upon org s Family Owned & Operated Fabricating & installing quartz, granite and solid surface tops 34407 Dupont Blvd., Unit 9 • (Rt. 113 North) Frankford, DE Visit our website for showroom hours • www.creativeincounters.com Call: 443. 856.4437 or See Us On Facebook Up to date, state of the art equipment We Cancel TIMESHARES for You Every year 150,000 people reach out to us for help getting rid of their timeshare. In 2019, we relieved over $50,000,000 in timeshare debt and maintenance fees. We can help. Get your free information kit and see if you qualify: 888-984-2917 from Physicians Mutual Insurance Company Call to get your FREE Information Kit 1-855-337-5228 Dental50Plus.com/MDDC Product not available in all states. Includes the Participating (in GA: Designated) Providers and Preventive Benefits Rider. Acceptance guaranteed for one insurance policy/certificate of this type. Contact us for complete details about this insurance solicitation. This specific offer is not available in CO, NY; call 1-800-969-4781 or respond for similar offer. Certificate C250A (ID: C250E; PA: C250Q); Insurance Policy P150 (GA: P150GA; NY: P150NY; OK: P150OK; TN: P150TN). Rider kinds: B438, B439 (GA: B439B). 6208-0721 DENTAL Insurance Calendar Continuedfrompage55 SeeCALENDARpage59
ShoreDems— TheShoreDemocrats meetsattheDenatBearTrapDunes clubhousefrom11a.m.to1:30p.m.This isasocialorganizationthateducates,informsandcreatescamaraderieamong theirmembersthroughmonthlylunch meetingsthatfeatureengagingspeakers. Formoreinformation,visitshoredemocrats.com.
BabyBookworms— SouthCoastalLibraryis hostingBabyBookwormsStoryTimefrom 10to10:45a.m.forchildrenagesbirthto 2.Participantscanbegintolearnl anguage, social,motorandlisteningskillsthrougha varietyofactivities.Registrationisnotrequired.
LittleLearners— SouthCoastalLibraryis hostingLittleLearnersStoryTimefrom11 to11:45a.m.forchildrenages3to5.Participantscanenjoyavarietyofactivitiesdesignedtohelpwithlanguageacquisition andimprovepre-literacyskills.Activities mayincludestories,music,songsandsimplecrafts.Registrationisnotrequired.
MindfulEating— SouthCoastalLibraryis hostingSharonMack,MS,Beebe’sIntegrativeHealthandWellnessCoach,forafree educationalclassonmindfuleatingfrom2 to3p.m.ThisissponsoredbyBeebe,andis ahybridevent.Participantsmayattendin person,orviaZoom.In-personattendees mustwearmask/facecoverings.Toregister, visit delawarelibraries.libcal.com/event/9266036
FreeWrite— ThroughanagreementbetweenSouthCoastalLibraryandtheRehobothBeachWritersGuild(RBWG),the RBWGwillhostaweeklyFreeWritesession atthelibraryfrom10:30a.m.to12:30p.m. Participants18andolderofallskilllevels willpracticecreativewritinginafriendly andnurturingatmosphere.EachFreeWrite isfacilitatedbyaRBWGmemberwithexperienceinteaching,writingand/orleading suchgroups.Participationisfree,andregistrationisnotrequired
GuitarConcert— SouthCoastalLibrarywill hostclassically-trai nedlocalmusicianDouglasSethforafreeguitarconcertfrom4to 5p.m.Registrationisappreciatedat delawarelibraries.libcal.com/event/9257544
AAUWCelebration— TheCoastalGeorgetownbranchoftheAmericanassociationof UniversityWomenwillcelebrateits65thanniversaryatBigFishGrillinRehobothbeach at11a.m.TheguestspeakerwillbeCristi Gillean,theformerbranchpresident,and currentpresidentofAAUW-Delaware.Inaddition,thebranch willhonoritsmemberof theyear,andrecognizeallmemberswho havebeeninvolvedfor20yearsormore. Formoreinformationgotogeorgetownde.aauw.net.
GentleYoga— TheSouthCoastalLibraryin BethanyBeachwillofferagentleyogaclass from9to10a.m.MyraStock,acertified 500RYTinstructorandregisteredYogafor
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Calendar Continuedfrompage58 SeeCALENDARpage60
Arthritisteacherwillofferthein-person yogaclassforthosewhohavenotattended oneoftheclassespreviously.Ayogamatis requiredandisnotprovided.Participants arealsobeingencouragedtobringatowel forextracushioning.Registrationislimited at delawarelibraries.libcal.com/event/9257544 ,orregisterbyphonebycallingthelibrary. Thelibraryislocatedat43KentAvenue, BethanyBeach.Formoreinformation,call (302)858-5518orvisit www.sout hcoastal.lib.de.us.
TrainsandToys— TheDelawareSeaside RailroadClubisholdingaTrain&ToyShow attheRoxanafirehousefrom9a.m.to2 p.m.Admissionis$6,withchildrenunder 10welcomedfornocharge.Therewillbe operatinglayouts,refreshmentsanddoor prizes.Formoreinformation,callBillZiegler at(302)537-0964orvisitthemonlineat delawareseasiderailroadclub.com.
AdultPuzzles— SouthCoastalLibraryis hostingaPuzzles&Coloringeventfor adultsfrom10a.m.to5:30p.m.Thereis anadultcoloringstation,alongwithjigsaw puzzles,crosswords,SudokuandWord Finds.Participationisfree,andregistration isnotrequired.
DanceWorkshop— SouthCoastalLibraryis hostingdanceinstructorJohnBrillantesfor
afunandinstructionaldanceworkshop from10to11:30a.m.Duetosocialdistancing,theclassislimitedto20participants,andpatronsarerequiredtobringa partnerandwear leather-soledshoes.Registrationisnotrequired.
GriefSupport— GriefShareisaweeklyseminarandsupportgroupdesignedtohelp peoplerebuildtheirlivesafterlosingaloved one.Thereisnofeeformaterials,andthe groupmeetsatTheRiverChurchinFrankfordeveryTuesdayfrom6:30to8:30p.m. Toregister,visitriveronline.church.
WethePeople— "WethePeople"isaneffortputtogetherbyBillMurphytocelebrate patriotismandcelebratetheflag,bymeetingattheBethanyBeachbandstandevery Wednesdayat8:30a.m.tosupportthemilitary,lawenforcementandfirefighterswho serveandprotect.Allarewelcome.
FallBibleStudy— GraceUnitedMethodist ChurchwillhostafallBiblestudy,called “RedSeatotheJordanRiver,”every Wednesdayfrom10a.m.tonoon.Formore information,andtoregister,visitthemonlineatsussexcounty.cbsclass.org.
MarinesMeet— TheFirstStateDetachmento ftheMarineCorpsLeaguemeets onthefourthWednesdayofeachmonthat theOceanCity(Md.)AmericanLegionPost 166on23rdStreetatnoon.AnyMarines andNavyCorpsmenwhohaveservedin theCorps,livinginWorcesterorSussex Counties,arewelcometojointomeet theirfellowveteransandconsiderjoining
theorganization.Theirmissioniscommunityservicethroughcamaraderieandvolunteerism.Formoreinformation,call (410)430-7181oremail websergeant@first statemarines.org.
LoveLifeConference— Mariner’sBethel UnitedMethodistChurchishostingalive streamoftheJoyceMeyersLoveLife Women’sConference.OnFriday,therewill beaChrisTomlinconcertfrom7to9p.m., andSaturdaywillfeaturespeakersandworshipmusicfrom9a.m.to3p.m.Thereisa $20registrationfee,whichincludeslunch. Toregister,call(302)539-9510orgoonlineat marinersbethel.churchcenter.com/registration/events /1406114.
IntheGenes— SponsoredbytheLewesHistoricalSocietyandtheSussexCountyGenealogicalSociety,theGenealogistin ResidenceprogramisonthefirstSaturday ofeachmonthfrom10a.m.to2p.m.inthe ReadingRoomattheLewesHistoryMuseum.MembersoftheSocietywillbeavailabletohelpanyonewhohasquestions abouttheirfamilytree.TheLewesHistorical SocietyArchivesFamilyFileswillbeavailableforresearch.Formoreinformation,v isit thematscgsdelaware.orgor historiclewes.org.
PokerRallye— Justin’sBeachHouse’s Poker,ScrabbleandFunCarRallyIXwill startoffatHookedUpAleHouse&RawBar. TherestaurantwillofferaDine&Donate from11a.m.to4p.m.Participantscanreg-
isterfortheRallyebetween10and11a.m. atHookedUp,andtherewillbeadrivers’ meetingat11a.m.Thefirstcarisoffat 11:15a.m.Thisisrainorshine,andthe costis$30percar.Allproceedsbenefit Justin’sbeachHo use.Formoreinformation, callBobL.at(443)299-9125orBobS.at (845)656-5438.
SocratesCafé— BethanyBeachChristian ChurchwillbethelocationforthenextmeetingofSocratesCaféagroupofindividuals fromdifferentbackgroundsthatdiscussphilosophicalideas.Themeetingsarethefirst Tuesdayofeachmonth,from2to3:30p.m. Everyoneiswelcome.Formoreinformation, call537-9440oremail bonniejd.rae@gmail.com.
GriefSupport— GriefSharei saweeklyseminarandsupportgroupdesignedtohelp peoplerebuildtheirlivesafterlosingaloved one.Thereisnofeeformaterials,andthe groupmeetsatTheRiverChurchinFrankfordeveryTuesdayfrom6:30to8:30p.m. Toregister,visitriveronline.church.
WethePeople— "WethePeople"isaneffortputtogetherbyBillMurphytocelebrate patriotismandcelebratetheflag,bymeetingattheBethanyBeachbandstandevery Wednesdayat8:30a.m.tosupport themilitary,lawenforcementandfirefighterswho serveandprotect.Allarewelcome.
FallBibleStudy— GraceUnitedMethodist ChurchwillhostafallBiblestudy,called
Sunday, Sept. 25, 7:30 p.m. Monday, Sept. 26, 10 a.m.
Tuesday, Oct. 4, 7 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 5, 10 a.m.
60 CoastalPoint September16,2022 JOIN TEMPLE BAT YAM IN THE CELEBRATION OF: THE HIGH HOLY DAYS - THE DAYS OF AWE 2022/5783 Live Services in the Sanctuary THE SOUND OF THE SHOFAR A CALL TO ACTION A CALL FOR RENEWAL Temple Bat Yam A Year-Round Reform Jewish Temple
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Calendar Continuedfrompage59 SeeCALENDARpage63
9:31 p.m. on , WCPB
Great Performances
The Season 50 broadcast premiere features Nashville Ballet’s “Black Lucy and The Bard,” which explores the love life of William Shake speare and his muses, the “Dark Lady” and “Fair Youth,” presenting the idea that these subjects and inspirations in his love sonnets were a black woman and a young man. The original score features Grammy Award-winning artist and MacArthur “Genius” Grant recipient Rhiannon Giddens and Francesco Turrisi, with spoken word performed by poet Caroline Ran dall Williams.
8 p.m. on 3 TNT
Movie: Justice League
One of the most polarizing major releases of 2017, Zach Snyder’s follow-up to 2016’s “Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice” finds the titular league of superheroes forming to honor Superman’s memory and save Earth from the villainous Steppenwolf (Ciaran Hinds). The stellar ensemble includes Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Ezra Miller, Amy Adams and Gal Gad ot, among many others.
8 p.m. on , WCPB
The U.S. and the Holocaust
From filmmakers Ken Burns, Lynn Novick and Sarah Botstein comes this three-part series about how the American people grappled with one of the greatest humanitarian crises of the 20th century, the Holocaust, and how this struggle tested the ideals of our democracy. The film dispels the competing myths that Americans either were ignorant of what was happening to Jews in Europe, or that they merely looked on with callous indifference. The truth is much more nuanced and compli cated, and raises questions that remain essential to our society today.
9 p.m. on ¨ AMC
Tales of the Walking Dead
The Season 1 finale episode “La Dona” tells the haunting tale of an apocalypse-traumatized couple Idalia (Daniella Pineda) and Eric (Danny Ramirez) who may or may not be tormented by a haunted house. Their terrifying memories coupled with inexplicable phenom ena taking place in the secluded house take a toll on the couple’s psyche and their relationship that seems to be rooted in death forever.
Bethany FRIDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 16, 2022 6:006:307:007:308:008:309:009:3010:0010:3011:0011:30 # CW Judge LakeJudge LakeDivorceDivorce Killer Camp (N) ’ Dynasty “Catch 22” NewsLiquidatorCreekFamily Guy % FOX Last ManLast ManBig BangBig Bang WWE Friday Night SmackDown (N) ’ (Live) WBOC News Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ Friends ’ & WBOC NewsCBS NewsNewsEnt. TonightSecret Celebrity RenovationFall PreviewSheldon Blue Bloods “Long Lost” NewsLate-Colbert _ WMDT 47abc NewsWorld NewsFamily FeudFamily Feud Shark Tank (DVS) (:01) 20/20 (N) ’ DelmarvaJ. Kimmel + WBAL 11 News at 6Nightly NewsInside Ed.Hollywood College Bowl “Qualifiers 3” Dateline NBC (Season Premiere) (N) ’ NewsTonight Show , WCPB PBS NewsHour (N) State CircleRubensteinMidsomer(:45) Midsomer Murders (:31) Great Performances ’ BeyondWash 3 TNT (4:33) Movie: ››› “Wonder Woman”(:34) Movie: ›› “The Meg” (2018) Jason Statham. (DVS) All Elite Wrestling Movie: “Need for Speed” 5 FX (5:30) Movie: ››› “Thor” (2011) Chris Hemsworth. ’ Movie: ››› “Thor: Ragnarok” (2017) Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston. ’ Movie: ››› “X-Men” ’ 6 LIFE Castle “Murder, He Wrote” Castle “Probable Cause” ’ Movie: ›› “Fifty Shades of Grey” (2015) Dakota Johnson. “The Secret Sex Life of a Single Mom” 7 A&E The First 48 ’ The First 48 ’ The First 48 ’ The First 48 “Fatal Mistake” (:01) The First 48 ’ (:04) The First 48 ’ 8 TRUTV Imp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. Jokers Movie: ››› “Superbad” (2007) Jonah Hill. < ESPN SportsCenter (N) Countdown College Football Florida State at Louisville. From Cardinal Stadium in Louisville, Ky. (N) SportsCenter (N) (Live) = ESPN2 Daily Wager (N) (Live) NFL Live Portraits: Steve Spurrier Portraits: Mike LeachNFL Live StevensonMax A GOLF PGA Tour Golf Fortinet Championship, Second Round. (N) (Live) Golf CentralPGA Champions PGA Golf I HGTV Dream HomeDream HomeDream HomeDream HomeDream HomeDream HomeDream HomeDream HomeDream HomeDream HomeDream HomeDream Home K FOOD Diners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, Drive L DISC Gold Rush ’ Gold Rush ’ Gold Rush (N) ’ (DVS) Gold Rush: Freddy Dodge’sGold Rush: Freddy Dodge’s M HIST Ancient Aliens ’ Ancient Aliens ’ Ancient Aliens (N) ’ (:03) Ancient Aliens ’ (:03) Ancient Aliens ’ (:05) Ancient Aliens ’ N ANPL North Woods Law ’ North Woods Law ’ North Woods Law ’ North Woods Law ’ North Woods Law ’ North Woods Law ’ P DISN (:10) Movie: ››› “Zootopia” (2016, Children’s) ’ Movie: “Zombies 3” (2022) Milo Manheim. The VillainsThe VillainsThe Villains Movie: “Zombies 3” (2022) R TVLND Andy GriffithAndy GriffithAndy GriffithAndy GriffithRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondKingKing ¨ AMC (5:15) Movie: ›› “Meet the Fockers” (2004) Movie: ›› “Sixteen Candles” (1984) Molly Ringwald. Movie: ›› “Revenge of the Nerds” (1984) ≠ BRAV Movie ›› “Pitch Perfect 2” (2015) Anna Kendrick. ‘PG-13’ (DVS) Movie ››› “Pitch Perfect” (2012) Anna Kendrick. ‘PG-13’ Movie “Pitch Perfect 2” µ WTXF The Six (N) Props TMZ (N) ’ Bet Your Life WWE Friday Night SmackDown (N) ’ (Live) NewsSpecialFox 29 NewsFeed Bethany SATURDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 17, 2022 6:006:307:007:308:008:309:009:3010:0010:3011:0011:30 # CW BurgersBurgers The Good Doctor ’ Great Chocolate ShowdownMasters ofMasters ofNewsCreekCreekCreek % FOX College Football College Football Toledo at Ohio State. From Ohio Stadium in Columbus, Ohio. (N) ’ (Live) College Football Fresno State at USC. (N) & WBOC College Football NewsOutdoors FBI: Most Wanted ’ 48 Hours (N) ’ 48 Hours (N) ’ NewsOutdoors _ WMDT FootballColl. FootballColl. Football College Football Michigan State at Washington. From Husky Stadium in Seattle. (N) ’ (Live) NewsOutdoorsman + WBAL 11 News at 6Nightly News Ravens Report ’ America’s Got Talent “Finale” ’ Dateline NBC ’ NewsSNL , WCPB (5:30) MPT by Request Classical Rewind (My Music) ’ This Land Is Your Land (My Music) Suze Orman’s Ultimate Retirement Guide ’ 3 TNT “Birds of Prey (Fantabulous Emancipation of Harley)” Movie: ›› “Justice League” (2017, Action) Ben Affleck. (DVS) “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” 5 FX (5:00) Movie: ››› “Thor: Ragnarok” (2017) ’ Movie: ›› “Jurassic World” (2015, Adventure) Chris Pratt. ’ Movie: “Mission: Impossible -- Fallout” ’ 6 LIFE “Girl in the Shed: The Kidnapping of Abby Hernandez” Movie: “Girl in Room 13” (2022) Anne Heche. Premiere. (:03) Movie: “Girl in Room 13” (2022) Anne Heche. 7 A&E The First 48 ’ The First 48 ’ The First 48 ’ Cold Case Files (N) (:01) American Justice (N) (:04) The First 48 ’ 8 TRUTV Imp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside Jokes < ESPN College Football Mississippi State at LSU. From Tiger Stadium in Baton Rouge, La. (N) College Football Miami at Texas A&M. From Kyle Field in College Station, Texas. (N) = ESPN2 FootballScoreboard College Football Texas Tech at NC State. From Carter-Finley Stadium in Raleigh, N.C. College Football San Diego State at Utah. (N) (Live) A GOLF PGA Tour Golf Fortinet Championship, Third Round. (N) (Live) Golf CentralPGA Champions PGA Golf I HGTV Help! I Wrecked My HouseHelp! I Wrecked My HouseHelp! I Wrecked My HouseHelp! I Wrecked My House (:01) First Home Fix (N) Help! I Wrecked My House K FOOD Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives Halloween Wars Halloween Wars Halloween Wars Halloween Wars Halloween Wars L DISC Expedition UnknownExpedition UnknownExpedition Unknown (:01) Expedition Unknown(:01) Expedition Unknown(:01) Expedition Unknown M HIST American Pickers ’ American Pickers ’ American Pickers A sensory-overload attic in Detroit. (N) (:05) American Pickers Mike uncovers vintage relics. N ANPL Dr. Jeff: RMV Dr. Jeff: RMV Dr. Jeff: Rocky Mountain Vet “Daredevil Dog” (N) ’ Dr. Jeff: RMV Dr. Jeff: RMV P DISN LadybugLadybug Movie: ››› “Inside Out” (2015) ’ Hamster &Hamster &Big CityBig CityBig CityBig CityLadybug R TVLND Mike & MollyMike & Molly MomMomMomMom Two MenTwo MenTwo MenTwo MenTwo MenTwo Men ¨ AMC Lethal Movie: ››› “Lethal Weapon 2” (1989, Action) Mel Gibson. Movie: ››› “Lethal Weapon 3” (1992, Action) Mel Gibson. Lethal 4 ≠ BRAV Million Dollar LA Movie ››› “The Blind Side” (2009, Drama) Sandra Bullock. ‘PG-13’ Movie ››› “The Blind Side” (2009) Sandra Bullock. µ WTXF College Football College Football Toledo at Ohio State. From Ohio Stadium in Columbus, Ohio. (N) ’ (Live) College Football Fresno State at USC. (N) Bethany SUNDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 18, 2022 6:006:307:007:308:008:309:009:3010:0010:3011:0011:30 # CW Family GuyFamily Guy The Good Doctor ’ AnimalsAnimals Penn & Teller: Fool Us ’ News Movie: “The Benefactor” (2015, Drama) % FOX Drag RacingOutdoorsGreat NorthBurgersSimpsonsGreat NorthBurgersFamily GuyWBOC News Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ Friends ’ & WBOC NFL Football: Bengals at Cowboys 60 Minutes (N) ’ Big Brother (N) ’ The Equalizer ’ NCIS: Los Angeles ’ News at 11 _ WMDT NewsWorld NewsFunniest Home Videos Celebrity Family Feud (N) The $100,000 Pyramid (N) The Final Straw ’ NewsMarquee + WBAL 11 News at 6Nightly NewsFootball Night in America (:15) NFL Football Chicago Bears at Green Bay Packers. (N) ’ (Live) News , WCPB They Survived Together ’ The Carol Burnett Show The U.S. and the Holocaust (Series Premiere) (N) (:12) The U.S. and the Holocaust ’ 3 TNT (5:55) Movie: ›› “Suicide Squad” (2016, Action) Will Smith. (DVS) Movie: ›› “Aquaman” (2018, Action) Jason Momoa, Amber Heard. (DVS) Movie: Joker 5 FX (5:30) Movie: ›› “Jurassic World” (2015) Chris Pratt. Movie: ›› “Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom” (2018, Adventure) Chris Pratt. ’ “Jurassic World” 6 LIFE Movie: “Girl in Room 13” (2022) Anne Heche. Movie: “Revenge for My Mother” (2022) Sami Nye. (:03) Movie: › “The Boy Next Door” (2015) 7 A&E Biography: WWE Legends “Bret Hart” ’ Biography: WWE Legends “Lex Luger” ’ (:01) Biography: WWE Legends ’ 8 TRUTV Imp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersInside JokesInside Jokes < ESPN Sunday Night Countdown MLB Baseball Los Angeles Dodgers at San Francisco Giants. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter = ESPN2 USL Championship Soccer SportsCenter (N) (Live) PFL 2022StevensonUFCTrueSouth3-Day Week. World of X Games A GOLF PGA Tour Golf Fortinet Championship, Final Round. (N) (Live) Golf CentralPGA Champions PGA Golf I HGTV Dream HomeDream HomeDream HomeDream HomeRenovation Island Renovation Island (N) Island LifeIsland LifeRenovation Island: Back to K FOOD Guy’s Grocery GamesGuy’s Grocery Games Halloween Wars (N) Halloween Wars Three teams are in New Orleans. Beat BobbyBeat Bobby L DISC Naked and Afraid XLNaked and Afraid XL Naked and Afraid XL “Cold Grudges Die Hard” ’ (:02) Naked and Afraid XL Naked and Afraid’s best. M HIST The Food That Built America A revolution takes place. The Food That Built America “Best Served Cold” (:04) The Food That Built America “The Spoils of War” N ANPL Lone Star Law “Rattled” ’ Lone Star Law ’ Lone Star Law ’ Lone Star Law ’ (:01) Lone Star Law ’ (:01) Lone Star Law ’ P DISN Hamster &Hamster & Movie: ››› “Incredibles 2” (2018, Children’s) ’ Hamster &Hamster & JessieJessie Big CityBig City R TVLND Mike & MollyMike & Molly MomMomMomMom Two MenTwo MenTwo MenTwo MenTwo MenTwo Men ¨ AMC Lethal 4 Movie: ››› “The Goonies” (1985) Sean Astin, Josh Brolin. Tales of the Walking DeadInterview With the VampireTales of the Walking Dead ≠ BRAV Housewives-AtlantaHousewives-AtlantaHousewives-Atlanta Married to Medicine “Rumor Mill” (N) Housewives-AtlantaHousewives µ WTXF Drag RacingNewsGreat NorthBurgersSimpsonsGreat NorthBurgersFamily Guy The 10 O’ Clock News (N) Fox 29 News Extra (N) ’ Bethany MONDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 19, 2022 6:006:307:007:308:008:309:009:3010:0010:3011:0011:30 # CW Judge LakeJudge LakeDivorceDivorce Mysteries Decoded Penn & Teller: Fool Us ’ News Chicago P.D. Family Guy % FOX Last ManLast ManBig BangBig Bang 9-1-1 (Season Premiere) (N) (:02) The Cleaning Lady ’ WBOC News Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ Friends ’ & WBOC NewsCBS NewsNewsEnt. TonightNeighborBob-Abishola NCIS “A Family Matter” ’ NCIS: Hawai’i ’ NewsLate-Colbert _ WMDT 47abc NewsWorld NewsFamily FeudFamily Feud NFL Football Minnesota Vikings at Philadelphia Eagles. (N) ’ (Live) News + WBAL 11 News at 6Nightly NewsInside Ed.Hollywood The Voice The coaches seek America’s best voice. Quantum Leap ’ NewsTonight Show , WCPB PBS NewsHour (N) ConnectionCollectibles The U.S. and the Holocaust Individuals help refugees escape Nazis. (N) (:20) The U.S. and the Holocaust ’ 3 TNT (5:30) Movie: ›› “Green Lantern” (2011) (DVS) Movie: ›› “Aquaman” (2018, Action) Jason Momoa, Amber Heard. (DVS) Movie: ›› “Hulk” (2003) 5 FX Movie: ›› “Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer”Movie: ›› “Iron Man 2” (2010, Action) Robert Downey Jr. ’ Movie: ›› “Iron Man 2” (2010) ’ 6 LIFE The First 48: Wrong Place The First 48 The First 48 Phrogging: Hider Phrogging: Hider (:03) Sleeping With a Killer 7 A&E (5:00) Movie: ›››› “The Shawshank Redemption” ’ Movie: ›› “Jack Reacher: Never Go Back” (2016) Tom Cruise. ’ (:32) Movie: ›› “Jack Reacher” (2012) 8 TRUTV Inside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside Jokes Movie: › “Fantastic Four” (2015, Action) Miles Teller. < ESPN Monday Night Countdown NFL Football Tennessee Titans at Buffalo Bills. (N) (Live) PostgameSportsCenterSportsCenterSportsCenter = ESPN2 SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter StevensonUFC Top 10 UFC 274: Oliveira vs. Gaethje (N) A GOLF Live from the Presidents Cup (N) (Live) PGA TOUR ClassicsLive from the Presidents Cup PGA TOURPGA TOUR I HGTV Love It or List It Love It or List It Love It or List It Love It or List It (N) (:01) Love It or List It (:01) Love It or List It K FOOD Outrageous Pumpkins Halloween Baking Championship Halloween Baking Championship “Croquem-boots” (N) The Big Bake (N) L DISC Street Outlaws: Countdown Street Outlaws: Countdown Street Outlaws: No Prep Kings (N) ’ (DVS) M HIST Ancient Aliens ’ Ancient Aliens ’ MysteryQuest (N) ’ MysteryQuest (N) ’ (:03) MysteryQuest (N) ’ (:05) MysteryQuest (N) ’ N ANPL Naked and Afraid ’ Naked and Afraid ’ Naked and Afraid XL ’ Naked and Afraid XL ’ Naked and Afraid ’ Naked and Afraid ’ P DISN LadybugLadybugBig CityBig CityBig CityBig CityBig CityBig CityBig CityBig CityLadybugLadybug R TVLND Andy GriffithAndy GriffithAndy GriffithAndy GriffithRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondKingKing ¨ AMC (4:30) “The Goonies” (1985) Movie: ›› “The Great Outdoors” (1988) Dan Aykroyd. Kevin Can F... Himself (N) (9:58) Movie: ›› “The Great Outdoors” (1988) ≠ BRAV Below Deck MediterraneanBelow Deck MediterraneanBelow Deck Mediterranean Real Girlfriends in Paris (N) Watch WhatBelow Deck MediterraneanBelow Deck µ WTXF The Six (N) The Pulse TMZ (N) ’ Bet Your Life 9-1-1 (Season Premiere) (N) (:02) The Cleaning Lady ’ The 10 O’ Clock News (N) Fox 29 NewsFeed Best Bets
September16,2022 CoastalPoint 61 the best of the beach. in ink and online. every friday.
8 p.m. on % FOX µ WTXF 9-1-1
The end of Season 5 gave us a lot of shocking moments and we’re finally getting a chance to see where all of that was headed in the Season 6 premiere. Among the questions: are Buck (Oliver Stark) and Taylor (Megan West) really splitting up? What’s the status of Maddie (Jennifer Love Hewitt) and Chimney’s (Kenneth Choi) relationship? Is Bobby (Peter Krause) going to hold on to his sobriety? What we do know is that Angela Bassett and Corinne Massiah will return.
8 p.m. on + WBAL
The Voice
We can finally breathe again — the Season 22 premiere of our favorite singing competition returns. Last year history was made as Girl Named Tom became the first group to win. But one thing we know is that Team Kelly will not be bringing home another trophy this time around as this year’s coaches include Blake Shelton, John Legend, Gwen Stefani and new coach Camila Cabello. Will the “Havana” singer have beginner’s luck? Or will the newly-married Stefani pick up where she left off?
8 p.m. on & WBOC
The team pivots when their sting operation to secure a massive bomb from an illegal broker leads them to discover that the device is already in the wrong hands in the Season 5 premiere episode “Hero’s Journey.” Also, Jubal’s (Jeremy Sisto) promise to be present at his son’s birthday party is put to the test as the case continues to heat up. Zeeko Zaki, Alana De La Garza, Katherine Renee Turner and John Boyd also star.
10 p.m. on + WBAL New Amsterdam
Bloom (Janet Montgomery), Iggy (Tyler Labine) and Reynolds (Jocko Sims) rally around Max (Ryan Eggold) as he deals with the fallout from Helen’s (Freema Agyeman) decision. Bloom gives extra space to Leyla (Shiva Kalaiselvan) but she’s in for a surprise. Reynolds and Wilder (Sandra Mae Frank) help a young terminal patient realize his dream to “star” in a Bollywood show. Iggy has a breakthrough with a challenging patient in the Season 5 premiere episode titled “TBD.”
8 p.m. on & WBOC Survivor
After 22 years, 620 episodes, 646 contestants and 639 torch snuffs, it’s time for 18 strangers to get stranded on the beautiful islands of Fiji in hopes of surviving long enough to claim the $1 million prize. The two-hour Season 43 premiere brings us yet another social experiment where people must manage risk over reward in a complex social game of wills and skills. Castaways include a U.S. Paralympian, a pharmacist, a clinical psychologist, an event planner and a pet cremator. Jeff Probst hosts. 9 p.m. on _ WMDT
Abbott Elementary
Teachers are back for development week, a time to prepare before the students’ first day of school. Post-breakup, Janine (Quinta Brunson) is determined to start the year off right and takes on organizing the faculty mixer, announcing a special celebrity surprise she planned for the kids’ first day. Meanwhile, Ava (Janelle James) runs a side hustle out of the school parking lot and Gregory (Tyler James Williams), now a full-time teacher, is in over his head with the curriculum in the Season 2 premiere “Development Day.”
8 p.m. on + WBAL
Law & Order: Organized Crime
The “Law & Order” multiverse seemed to grow exponentially when Det. Elliot Stabler (Christopher Meloni) made his return in this spinoff.
The series’ Season 3 premiere “Gimme Shelter — Part 1,” begins the first time that the “L&O” series “Organized Crime,” “SVU” and the original do a three-show crossover event covering one crime that covers all the bases. This episode also features the new faces of Rick Gonzalez (“Arrow,” “Coach Carter”) and Brent Antonello (“Pam & Tommy”) as new detectives assigned to the unit. Danielle Moné Truitt and Ainsley Seiger also star.
9 p.m. on _ WMDT
Norman Lear: 100 Years of Music
and Laughter
Legendary screenwriter and television producer Norman Lear (“All in the Family,” “The Jeffersons,” “Sanford and Son,” “One Day at a Time,” “Maude,” “Good Times”) celebrated his 100th birthday in July and the icon is feted in this two-hour special. A host of celebrity guests and musical performances pay homage to producer, activist and philanthropist who continues to work, currently planning a reboot of “Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman.”
62 CoastalPoint September16,2022 Bethany TUESDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 20, 2022 6:006:307:007:308:008:309:009:3010:0010:3011:0011:30 # CW Judge LakeJudge LakeDivorceDivorce Leonardo “Episode 106” (N) Devils “Episode 6” (N) ’ News Chicago P.D. Family Guy % FOX Last ManLast ManBig BangBig Bang The Resident “Two Hearts” (:02) Monarch (N) ’ WBOC News Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ Friends ’ & WBOC NewsCBS NewsNewsEnt. Tonight FBI “Hero’s Journey” FBI: International ’ FBI: Most Wanted ’ NewsLate-Colbert _ WMDT 47abc NewsWorld NewsFamily FeudFamily Feud The Bachelorette (Season Finale) (N) ’ (DVS) NewsJ. Kimmel + WBAL 11 News at 6Nightly NewsInside Ed.Hollywood The Voice The coaches seek America’s best voice. (N) ’ New Amsterdam ’ NewsTonight Show , WCPB PBS NewsHour (N) Farm-HarvestOutdoors The U.S. and the Holocaust Allies liberate German camps. (:15) The U.S. and the Holocaust ’ 3 TNT Movie: ›› “Total Recall” (2012) Colin Farrell, Jessica Biel. (DVS) Movie: ›› “Terminator: Dark Fate” (2019) Linda Hamilton. (DVS) Titans “Faux-Hawk” (N) ’ 5 FX ›› “Pacific Rim Uprising”Movie: ›› “Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw” (2019) Dwayne Johnson. ’ Movie: ›› “Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw” 6 LIFE Castle “The Fifth Bullet” ’ Castle ’ Castle “Sucker Punch” ’ Castle “The Third Man” ’ (:03) Castle ’ (:03) Castle ’ 7 A&E The First 48 “Spellbound” The First 48 ’ The First 48 ’ The First 48 “Blood Feud” (:01) The First 48 ’ (:04) The First 48 ’ 8 TRUTV Inside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside Jokes Movie: ›› “Beerfest” (2006) Jay Chandrasekhar. < ESPN SportsCenter (N) ESPN Films 2022 WNBA Finals Connecticut Sun vs Las Vegas Aces. SportsCenter W/Van Pelt = ESPN2 Around/HornInterruptionNFL Greatest NFL Live (N) WNBA ESPN Films ESPN Films A GOLF Live from the Presidents Cup (N) (Live) Live from the Presidents Cup I HGTV Good Bones Good Bones Good Bones Risky Business HuntersHunters Int’l (:01) Good Bones (N) K FOOD Chopped Chopped Chopped “Spooked” Supermarket Stakeout (N) Supermarket Stakeout Chopped L DISC Deadliest Catch “Frozen” Deadliest Catch: On Deck Deadliest Catch Rip takes on extra quota. (N) ’ (:01) Deadliest Catch(:01) Deadliest Catch M HIST Pawn Stars ’ Pawn Stars ’ Pawn Stars ’ Pawn Stars (N) ’ (:03) Pawn Stars ’ (:05) Pawn Stars ’ N ANPL Homestead RescueHomestead Rescue Homestead Rescue Misty and Matt are alone on a rescue. Homestead Rescue Young homesteaders in Alabama. ’ P DISN LadybugLadybugHamster &Big CityBig CityBig CityBig CityBig CityBig CityBig CityLadybugLadybug R TVLND Andy GriffithAndy GriffithAndy GriffithAndy GriffithRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondKingKing ¨ AMC (5:15) Movie: ››› “Star Trek Beyond” (2016) Movie: ››› “Unstoppable” (2010) Denzel Washington. Movie: ››› “American Gangster” (2007) ≠ BRAV Below Deck Down UnderBelow Deck Down UnderBelow Deck Down UnderBelow Deck Down UnderWatch WhatBelow Deck Down UnderBelow Deck µ WTXF The Six (N) The 215 (N) TMZ (N) ’ Bet Your Life The Resident “Two Hearts” (:02) Monarch (N) ’ The 10 O’ Clock News (N) Fox 29 NewsFeed Bethany WEDNESDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 21, 2022 6:006:307:007:308:008:309:009:3010:0010:3011:0011:30 # CW Judge LakeJudge LakeDivorceDivorce DC’s Stargirl (N) ’ AnimalsAnimalsNews Chicago P.D. “Chin Check” Family Guy % FOX Last ManLast ManBig BangBig Bang The Masked Singer ’ (:02) LEGO Masters ’ WBOC News Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ Friends ’ & WBOC NewsCBS NewsNewsEnt. Tonight Survivor (Season Premiere) (N) ’ (9:59) The Amazing RaceNewsLate-Colbert _ WMDT 47abc NewsWorld NewsFamily FeudFamily FeudThe ConnersGoldbergsAbbott ElemHome Econ. Big Sky ’ (DVS) NewsJ. Kimmel + WBAL 11 News at 6Nightly NewsInside Ed.Hollywood Chicago Med (DVS) Chicago Fire (DVS) Chicago P.D. “Let It Bleed” NewsTonight Show , WCPB PBS NewsHour (N) Project FireMotorWeek Nature ’ (DVS) NOVA (N) ’ (DVS) NOVA ’ (DVS) Amanpour and Company (N) 3 TNT Lucifer “Quid Pro Ho” ’ Lucifer ’ (DVS) Movie: ›››› “Star Wars: A New Hope” (1977) Mark Hamill. “Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back” 5 FX (4:30) Movie: “Bohemian Rhapsody” (2018) Movie: ››› “Deadpool 2” (2018) Ryan Reynolds, Josh Brolin. ’ Welcome to Wrexham (N) Welcome to Wrexham ’ 6 LIFE Castle “The Late Shaft” ’ Married at First Sight (N) Married at First Sight One couple shares a getaway. (N) Married-Sight (:33) Married at First Sight “Baby Steps” 7 A&E Court Night Live ’ Court Night Live (N) ’ (Live) Court CamCourt Cam 8 TRUTV Inside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. Jokers < ESPN SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter ESPN Films SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter W/Van Pelt = ESPN2 Daily Wager (N) (Live) Leagues Cup: FC Cincinnati vs Chivas de Guadalajara Leagues Cup Nashville SC vs Club America. (N) Portraits: Mack Brown A GOLF Live from the Presidents Cup (N) (Live) Live from the Presidents Cup I HGTV Farmhouse Fixer Farmhouse Fixer Farmhouse Fixer Farmhouse Fixer (N) HuntersHuntersHuntersHunters K FOOD Guy’s Grocery GamesGuy’s Grocery GamesGuy’s Grocery GamesGuy’s Ultimate Game NightNo Recipe Road Trip-Try(:01) Guy’s Grocery Games L DISC Expedition UnknownExpedition Unknown Explorers Club (:01) Mysteries of the Deep(:03) Mysteries of the Deep(:03) Expedition Unknown M HIST Forged in Fire ’ Forged in Fire ’ Forged in Fire ’ Forged in Fire ’ (:03) Forged in Fire ’ (:03) Forged in Fire ’ N ANPL The Zoo “Mending Willow” The Zoo ’ The Zoo “Beloved Bugs” The Zoo ’ The Zoo: San Diego ’ The Zoo: San Diego ’ P DISN LadybugLadybugBig CityBig CityBig CityBig CityBig CityBig CityBig CityBig CityLadybugLadybug R TVLND Andy GriffithAndy GriffithAndy GriffithAndy GriffithRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondKingKing ¨ AMC Movie: ››› “Unstoppable” (2010) Denzel Washington. Movie: ››› “Lethal Weapon” (1987) Mel Gibson, Danny Glover. Movie: ››› “Lethal Weapon 2” (1989) ≠ BRAV Real Housewives/BeverlyReal Housewives/BeverlyReal Housewives/BeverlyWatch WhatReal Housewives/BeverlyHousewives-AtlantaReal SLC µ WTXF The Six (N) ClassH-Room TMZ (N) ’ Bet Your Life The Masked Singer ’ (:02) LEGO Masters ’ The 10 O’ Clock News (N) Fox 29 NewsFeed Bethany THURSDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 22, 2022 6:006:307:007:308:008:309:009:3010:0010:3011:0011:30 # CW Judge LakeJudge LakeDivorceDivorce Bump (N) ’ Whose LineGreat Chocolate ShowdownNews Chicago P.D. ’ Family Guy % FOX Last ManPregame MLB Baseball (N) ’ (Live) WBOC News Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ Friends ’ & WBOC NewsCBS NewsNewsEnt. TonightSheldon(:31) Ghosts Big Brother (N) CSI: Vegas ’ NewsLate-Colbert _ WMDT 47abc NewsWorld NewsFamily FeudFamily Feud Celebrity Family Feud ’ Norman Lear: 100 Years of Music and Laughter (N) ’ NewsJ. Kimmel + WBAL 11 News at 6Nightly NewsInside Ed.HollywoodLaw & Order: OrganizedLaw & Order: SVU Law & Order (DVS) NewsTonight Show , WCPB PBS NewsHour (N) BBC NewsCookHamish Macbeth The Hour “Bright Stones” Broadchurch ’ Farm-HarvestConnection 3 TNT (5:15) Movie: ››› “Shazam!” (2019) Zachary Levi. Movie: ›› “Minions” (2015) (DVS) (:45) Movie: ›› “Liar Liar” (1997, Comedy) Jim Carrey. (:45) Click 5 FX Deadpool 2 Movie: ››› “Avengers: Infinity War” (2018, Action) Robert Downey Jr., Chris Hemsworth. ’ Atlanta (N) Atlanta ’ Atlanta ’ Deep Horizon 6 LIFE Rizzoli & Isles Rizzoli & Isles Rizzoli & Isles Rizzoli & Isles Variety’s Power of Women (:03) Rizzoli & Isles 7 A&E The First 48 ’ The First 48 “The Standoff” The First 48: Scared Silent 60 Days In “The Gambit” (:01) Inmate to Roommate (:04) The First 48 ’ 8 TRUTV Imp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside Jokes < ESPN SportsCenter (N) Countdown College Football West Virginia at Virginia Tech. From Lane Stadium in Blacksburg, Va. SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt (N) (Live) = ESPN2 Daily Wager (N) (Live) SportsCenter The Captain The Captain The Captain The Captain A GOLF Live from the Presidents Cup (N) (Live) 2022 Presidents Cup Day 1. I HGTV 100 Day Dream Home100 Day Dream HomeRenovation Impossible Renovation Impossible (N) HuntersHunters Int’lHuntersHunters Int’l K FOOD Halloween Baking Halloween Baking Halloween Baking Halloween Baking Halloween Baking Championship “Finale: The Killer Is ...” L DISC Lone Star Law ’ Lone Star Law ’ Lone Star Law (N) ’ (:02) Lone Star Law(:02) Lone Star Law(:01) Lone Star Law M HIST Mountain Men ’ Mountain Men “Bear Lair” Mountain Men (N) ’ Alone: Frozen (N) ’ (:03) Alone: Frozen ’ (:05) Mountain Men ’ N ANPL Deadliest Catch ’ Deadliest Catch ’ Deadliest Catch ’ Deadliest Catch ’ Deadliest Catch ’ Deadliest Catch ’ P DISN LadybugLadybugHamster &Big CityBig CityBig CityBig CityBig CityBig CityBig CityLadybugLadybug R TVLND Andy GriffithAndy GriffithAndy GriffithAndy GriffithRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondKingKing ¨ AMC (5:30) Movie: ››› “Lethal Weapon 2” (1989) Movie: ›› “Caddyshack” (1980) Chevy Chase. Movie: ›› “Revenge of the Nerds” (1984) ≠ BRAV Southern Charm Southern Charm Southern Charm (N) Southern Charm (N) Watch What Southern Charm Below Deck µ WTXF The Six (N) Pregame MLB Baseball (N) ’ (Live) The 10 O’ Clock News (N) Fox 29 NewsFeed Best Bets
TheSouthernDelawareAlliancefor RacialJustice(SDARJ)recentlyintroduceditsnewDialogueTowardEnding Racismprogram.Beginningtheweek ofSept.25,theseven-weekseriesof structuredconversationswillfocuson endingracismanditscorrosiveconsequences.Participantswillhaveopportunitiestoengageindeepreflection andconversationsaboutracism,withan invitationtojoinSDARJ’sDialogue AlumniGroupuponcompletionofthe program.
Duringthisfallpilotseason,SDARJ willoffertwoin-persongroups,one
“RedSeatotheJordanRiver,”every Wednesdayfrom10a.m.tonoon.Formore information,andtoregister,visitthemonlineatsussexcounty.cbsclass.org.
FamilyFunDay— TheSelbyvilleCommunity Clubishostingits2ndAnnualFamilyFun DayatMillvilleBoardwalkfrom11a.m.to4 p.m.Therewillbeminiaturegolf,basketsto raffleandplentyoffamilyfun.Itisanonprofitorganization,andallproceedsgoback intothecommunityviaserviceprojectsand scho larships.
meetingattheLewisPublicLibrary andanotherattheRichardAllen SchoolinGeorgetown,andonevirtual groupthatwillmeetviaZoomvideoconference.Participantswillgatherin studycirclesofeightto12peoplewho willmeetwithtrainedfacilitatorsonce aweektotalkaboutrace,racismand possiblesolutionstoendracism.
“Racismaffectsourcommunityand everyperson’squalityoflife,”saidDon Peterson,chairoftheSDARJOutreach Committee.“Itshowsupininequities betweengroupsandintensionsamong peoplefromdifferentethnicback-
GriefSupport— GriefShareisaweeklyseminarandsupportgroupdesignedtohelp peoplerebuildtheirlivesafterlosingaloved one.Thereisnofeeformaterials,andthe groupmeetsatTheRiverChurchinFrankfordeveryTuesdayfrom6:30to8:30p.m. Toregister,visitriveronline.church.
WethePeople— "WethePeople"isaneffortputtogetherbyBillMurphytocelebrate patriotismandcelebratetheflag,bymeetingattheBethanyBeac hbandstandevery Wednesdayat8:30a.m.tosupportthemilitary,lawenforcementandfirefighterswho
grounds,andweneedtofaceitheadon.Sofar,over100SussexCountyresidentshavecompletedoursponsored dialogueprogram.Weareproudtobe partofthegrowingmovementchallengingracisminoursociety.”
CharlotteKing,chairofSDARJ, saidsheis“greatlyencouragedbythe levelofcommitmenttotakeactionexpressedbytheparticipants.Now,more thanever,wehaveachancetomakea realdifferenceinthelivesofthoseaffectedbyracism.”
FallBibleStudy— GraceUnitedMethodist ChurchwillhostafallBiblestudy,called “RedSeatotheJordanRiver,”every Wednesdayfrom10a.m.tonoon.Formore information,andtoregister,visitthemonlineatsussexcounty.cbsclass.org.
GriefSupport— St.Lukeisofferingasixweek,once-a-week,non-denominational griefsup portprogramforanyonewhohas recentlylostaspouse.Theprogram,developedbyHospice,runs90minutespersession,andtakesplaceatSt.Andrewcatholic CenterinOceanCity,Md.Formoreinformation,andtoregister,call(410)250-0300.
CommunityClub— TheSelbyvilleCommu-
MarleneSaundersdescribedtheDialogueTowardEndingRacismprogram asanopportunity“toformpurposeful andenlighteningrelationswithwhite people…relationshipsthatare groundedonempathy,trustandrespect.”
Theprogramisfreeandopento anyonereadytodiveintotherealissues androotcausesofracismandtochanneltheirconversationsintosustainable change,organizerssaid.Toregister,go towww.sdarj.comandclickontheDialogueTowardEndingRacismarticleon firstpageofthewebsite.
nityClubiswelcomingnewmembers,and meetsonthesecondThursdayofeach monthatSalemMethodistChurchat1p.m. Formoreinformation,visitselbyvillecommunityclub.orgor emailselbyvillewomensclub@gmail.com.
SelbyvilleMuseum— TheSelbyvilleMuseumisopenforthepubliconthethirdSaturdayofeachmonththroughOctoberfrom 10a.m.to2p.m.Therearevariousrailroad andtownartifactsdatingbacktotheearliesttownagriculturaldaysthroughlate20th Century.Policememorabiliaisalsoondisplay.Admissionisfree,andthemuseumis locatedat6RailroadAvenue.Formoreinformation,visitselbyville.delawar e.gov.
September16,2022 CoastalPoint 63 T
QR USE FOR CODE R SEE T US M M IGHTTI N NG DI U NCL I DEO VI E EWS VI E : Your o W W y an olic e p urate r place for acc Y ARRODNE S W.CAE sis y nal .ORG
64 CoastalPoint September16,2022 ReligiousServices SOUND UNITED
“Loving & Living so that Others see Jesus in us” Pastor John Schutt 302.436.4011 37890 Sound Church Road, Selbyville 19975 Established in 1779 In-Person & Live-Streamed every Sunday, 8:30 a.m. Facebook.com/RoxanaZionAndSoundUMC BETHANY BEACH CHRISTIAN
(Disciples of Christ) SUNDAY SERVICE 9:30 am In-Person & Live-Streaming on YouTube Social Distancing Serving • Inclusive • Open-Minded • Open Communion 302.539.4118BethanyBeachChristianChurch.org 7 N. Pennsylvania Avenue, Bethany Beach MILLVILLE
In-Person Sunday Worship at
am or - join via ZOOM (call the office for info)
St. Andrew e Apostle Orthodox Church Fr. Herman Acker, Pastor 33384 Mackenzie Way - Lewes, 19958 OrthodoxDelmar.org 302.645.5791 Saturday Vespers Sunday Orthros Sunday Liturgy Visitors Always Welcome! 6:00 pm 9:00 am 10:00 am HighTideChurch.org 302.732.3303 2 Sunday Services 9 & 10:30 a.m. Roxana Volunteer Fire Co. Seaside Jewish Community Shabbat Services Religious Leader Rabbi Julie Hilton Danan Visit our website to sign up for our email newsletter for noti cation of events and worship services. Adult and youth education programs, activities, social events, discussion groups, religious school www.SeasideJewishCommunity.com An egalitarian unaf liated congregation 18790 Holland Glade Rd., Rehoboth Beach Celebrating 25 Years (302) 226 8977 Co eht th iv vi reS e MdetinU G .tS e S a ay dnuS y 6181 ce ynis t ty inumm hcru h g Ctsidoht s’ ’se ro e secivr o BT: of fo nirodneV.mp2-8;8.tcO V & BAZAAR FALL FA oreMo AJ Pastor 9 91,dr of fok kf narF,.dRramO73343 M UsegroeGtS moc.liamg@831nedw FAIR FA OR END 302.259.1740 ST CAfotsewtsuj-54 gro.C BEACON Baptist Church TheBeaconBaptistChurch.net SUNDAY SERVICES 10 am: Small Groups for All Ages 11 am: Family Worship WEDNESDAY 7 pm: Adults/KidsKlub/Teens 32263 Beacon Baptist Rd.; Rt. 26, Millville, DE 19967 Je Smith, Pastor 302.539.1216 Ocean View Church of Christ Sunday 10 am Preacher Ethan Magee • 302.539.7468• CCOVDE.org 55 West Ave., Ocean View In-Person LIVE broadcast on: CCOVDE.org Wednesday 6:30 pm Facebook Live Bible Study BLACKWATER FELLOWSHIP CHURCH All Are Welcome! Traditional Services Traditional Values Traditional Church Sunday Services Pastor Dennis Bradford 410.430.7104 mbsvp51@gmail.com Rt. 17 & Daisey Rd., Roxana 34478 Roxana Rd.; Frankford, 19945 Wednes. Bible Study 6:30 pm PRAISE & WORSHIP! Sept. 18, 6 pm Fellowship Sunday School Morning Worship 9:00 am 9:30 am 10:30 am Join us in person on SUNDAYS 9 am: Praise & Worship 11 am: Traditional SUNDAY SCHOOL 8 am Open Door Adults 9 am ARMOR Kids’ Church 10 am: Joy - Adults 10:15 am Young Adults Bible Study 4 pm CRASH Youth (for grades 6-12) Facebook Live, YouTube or MarinersBethel.org 302.539.9510 Rt. 26 & Central Ave. Ocean View Rev. Dr. Rebecca Collison CC Delaware Coast A Calvary Chapel Fellowship Verse by Verse Teaching 48 N. Main Street, Selbyville or join us on Facebook - click link on ccdelcoast.church Sunday Worship Wednesdays 10:00 am 6:30 pm For more information, contact Pastor Rob LoRusso 302.500.1774 info@ccdelcoast.org FENWICK ISLAND BAPTIST CHURCH See updates on: FenwickIslandBaptist.com 36806 Lighthouse Rd., next to Float-ors 10a.m.Sundays 6p.m.Wednesdays FACEBOOKLIVE Chapter by Chapter, Verse by Verse Approach to Scripture
MillvilleMethodistChurch.org Like
on Facebook! Grounded in God’s Grace Moving in Christ’s Love across from Millville Town Hall Pastor Wendy Butterworth 302.539.9077 Saturday 6 pm Sunday 9 & 11 am River Kids Sat. 6 pm & Sun.9 am Friday 6-8 pm Momentum, a group for Teens Wellsprings International a healing & deliverance ministry for more information: ron@riveronline.church 35175 Roxana Rd. Frankford, 19945 RiverOnline.Church Lead Pastor Bryan Sells
ReligiousServices Get theWord out 302.539.1788 Welcome Home! 29 W. Church St. • Selbyville • 302.436.8412 www.sumc.com SUNDAY 8:30 Informal Service 9:45 Contemporary Service 9:45 Sunday School 11:00 Traditional Worship Salem Church United Methodist Pastor Reverend Blair Hall TEMPLE BAT YAM A Reform Jewish Congregation TempleBatYam-oc.org Welcome Back! We’ve Missed You! Please join us for live, in-person services Fridays at 7:30 p.m. For more information, you can reach us at the Temple from 9 AM – 2 PM Tuesday - Friday 410.641.4311 or TempleBatYam97@aol.com Only 20 minutes from Bethany Beach SUNDAYWORSHIP9:30am In-Person live on Facebook & YouTube Shaped by God, we Love & Serve Pastor Terry Dougherty (302)539-3455 67 Central Ave.; Ocean View - ovpc.org Ocean View Presbyterian Church ST. MARTIN’S IN THE FIELD EPISCOPAL CHURCH The beautiful church with a small congregation and a Big, Welcoming Heart! Sunday Service at 10 a.m. Get-acquainted coffee hour after the service The Rev. Glenn Duffy 75 West Church St.; Selbyville Parking: Front or Back 302.436.8921 • StMartinsSelbyville.org Grow Come. h cruhC ytinummoC clc199 cl Link: in mae tr Ssec vi reSllA us! with ACLE narehtuL rg org 45 ebuTu Yo on g 146:1 Psalm Pastor Wolinski, Bettye Reverend The light blinking the at Dagsboro of South 20, Rt clc19945.org • 302.732.1156 ma9 PIHSROW YA AY DNUS noinummoCyloH&cisuMhtiw ma11 PIHSROW th onth me th foyadse Wedn We tsaL noon21 YDUTSELBIB.DEW lm Ps .luosymO,droLehtesiarP Frankford Presbyterian Church A welcoming church family committted to serving a God known for unconditional Love and Acceptance. 302.537.5944 Pastor P. G. Maurer Main St. at the foot of Thatcher St., Frankford Nearly New Thift Shop Open Fri., 9-5 & Sat., 9-1 10 am Sunday Worship in-person Helping others help themselves Sundays 8 am THE BEACH FELLOWSHIP Worship on the Beach at the end of Ocean View Parkway Sharing the Truth of God’s Word, Verse by Verse TheBeachFellowship.com ST.MARTHA’S EPISCOPALCHURCH Visitourwebsitetosignupforourtwice-weekly newsandSaturdayInspirationemails.Weoffer BibleStudy,adulteducationcourses,andmore! StMarthasBethanyBeach.org SUNDAYHOLYEUCHARIST Thisweek,wewelcomeourBishop, the Rt.Rev.KevinS.Brown! OneService:9:00am GodisLoveandthosewholiveinlove,livein God,andGodlivesinthem. 1John4:16 302.539.7444 TheRev.VictoriaPretti,Rector 117MaplewoodStreet BethanyBeach September16,2022 CoastalPoint 65 EVERY SINGLE WEEK. FRESH NEWS
ByJasonFeather StaffReporter
TheIndianRiverHighSchool boys’soccerteamstartedtheirfirst seasonoftheBrandtMaisregime witha0-0tiewithNewarkCharter anda5-0winoverPolytechoverthe lastweek.
AgainstNewarkCharter,both teams’defenseswereextremely strong,asneitherteamcouldmuster muchmomentumoffensively,both teamsregisteringjusttwoshotsa piece.IRsophomoreKaiKelley turnedasidebothshotsfromthePatriotstoregisterthecleansheet.The Indianshelda6-3edgeincornerkickchances.
OnTuesday,Sept.13,theIndians gottheoffensegoingearlywithfour first-halfgoals.ConnorBirdscored twiceintheopening40minutes, withJordanIllianandJoseSavala recordingtheothers.Illianaddedhis secondgoalofthegameinthe46th minuteofthesecondhalf.
TheIndiansheldan18-2edgein shotsforthegame,aswellasa6-0 advantageoncornerkicks.Kelley onceagainmadetwosavesforthe shutoutwin.IRwassettotravelto SeafordonThursday,Sept.15,(after CoastalPointpresstime)foraHenlopenAthleticConferenceSouth DivisioncontestwiththeBlueJays.
MyaWhittingtonscoredthelone goalintheIndians’2-1season-openinglossontheroadtoWoodbridge onThursday,Sept.8.
OnTuesday,Sept.13,theIndians edgedoutDover,2-1,intheirhome opener.Noresultswerepostedon thegameasofpresstimethisweek.
IRwassettohostSeafordon Thursday,Sept.15,(afterCoastal Pointpresstime)withachanceto makeittwoinarow.
Crandelltakessecond inseason-openingmeet
IndianRiverHighSchooljunior BrynnCrandellturnedinatimeof 19:03.8tofinishsecondoverallin theIndians’season-openingmeetat the64thAnnualLakeForestInvitationalonSaturday,Sept.10.
Padua’sSophiaHolgadocrossed thefinishlinefirst,at18:49.5,with Middletown’sIsabelleWalshclockinga19:31.6,whichwasgoodfor thirdoverall.
IR’sChaseSims—aseniorthis season—finishedinseventhforthe boys’racewithhistimeof17:30.3.
ColeDonnellywas26that18:40.1 andMarcosGonzalezwas45that 19:44.5.
SeniorshelpleadIndians towinoverSt.Georges
Thequintetofseniors—Scarlett Dunn,CamrynEhlers,Madison Geppi,LilyHobanandMyaMacDonald—ledthechargefortheIndianRiverHighSchoolgirls’ volleyballteaminacome-from-behindwinoverSt.Georgesinthe 2022season-openeronThursday, Sept.8.
sists,anaceandablockacrossher statline,whileEhlersregistered14 digs,10aces,8killsand2assists. Hobanhad12kills,4digs,3aces and1block,withMacDonaldturningin14digs,6kills,6acesanda block.Geppichippedinwith2kills, 2blocksandadig.
TheIndiansdroppedthefirsttwo setsbyscoresof27-25and26-24beforerollingallthewaybackwith winsinthenextthreeat27-25,2518and15-12.
InthenextmatchagainstDover, theIndiansdroppeda3-0decision totheSenatorsbyscoresof25-20, 25-17and25-21.Nootherinformationwasavailableasofpresstime thisweek.
Page66 September16,2022
ByMikeStern StaffReporter
Onvigilantwatch.Onguard.On thestand.Ontheirtoes.
ThatisthejobforaBethanyBeach Patrollifeguardfrom10a.m.to5p.m. weekdaysthroughSept.2,and9:30 a.m.to5:30p.m.onweekendsandholidaysthroughSept.25.
Whilevirtuallyeveryoneelsearound themonthebeachiscavorting,reading, sleeping,talkingorjusttakinginthe magicalsaltair,theGuardiansbythe Seaarereadytospringintoaction.
Evenwhilebeingcordialtothose whoapproachthelifeguardstand,they arealwaysonalert.Evenwhilethey aresippingandchewingforsustenance duringthelongbeachday.
Someone’slifemaybeindanger. Andtheyaretheoneswhocanrescue swimmersinneed.
TheCoastalPo intspotlightingone oftheseGuardiansbytheSeawitha beachlifeguardfeaturestoryeachweek duringthesummerseason.
BethanyBeachPatrollifeguard PatBanksrecallstherescueasifit wereyesterday.
“Itwasasimpleonepersonpullin adecently-sizedrip,”herecalled. “Justaswe’dbeentrained–goget them.Imadetherescueandmade mywaybackin.
“Tomysurprise,therewasmydad onmystandbackingmeupincase helpwasneeded,”Banksaddedof BBPLt.MarkBanks.“Itwasreally cooltobeabletomakeasaveand seemydadcoveringmywaterwhile Imadetherescue.Itreallystandsout inmymind.”
TheBethanyBeachPatrolisa UnitedStatesLifesavingAssociation
CoastalPoint•MikeStern BethanyBeachPatrollifeguardPat BanksposesforaphotointheAtlantic.
enjoy. Don't miss out on this one! 910 Georgetown House, Bethany Beach $1,450,000 • MLS SEACOLONY Vacation Rental Specialists Call our Sales department to schedule your home’s FREE personalized Comparative Market Analysis. Accepting Rental Listings for Vacation Summer Homes & Condos. Call our Rental Dept. Today! TanseyWarner.com • 302-539-3001 39824 Hickman Plaza Rd. • Bethany Beach • Across From Sea Colony ATHLETE OF THE WEEK! BRYNN CRANDELL Brought to you by: Reese Insurance & Financial Services, Inc. Billy Reese, Agent/Owner 6 W Church Street Selbyville, DE 19975 (302) 436-8032 Billy@beach2farm.com www.beach2farm.com Junior / Cross Country Crandell ran an impressive 19:03.8 to finish in second place at the 64th Lake Forest Cross Country Invitational at Killens Pond State Park on Saturday, September 10. The Indian River High School junior outran the third place finisher (9:31.6) and was fast on the heels of the winning time of 18:49.5. September16,2022 CoastalPoint 67
SINCE 1976
Spacious Condo, Gorgeously decorated with Breathtaking views from this unique find in the popular private community of Sea Colony. This beautifully remodeled PENTHOUSE suite has plenty of room featuring a primary suite with en suite bathroom, a spacious 2nd bedroom , a private den for sleeping or lounging and a spiral staircase leading to an open 2nd floor loft overlooking the living room. This 2 bedroom, den, loft, 2 bath home boasts a fully equipped kitchen with granite countertops, updated appliances, premium luxury vinyl flooring in the living room, dining room, kitchen and hallways. Sea Colony is a gated private community with amenities including a half mile of private beach, 12 heated pools (2 indoor), New 25 person Hot Tub, 6 indoor and 14 Har-Tru outdoor tennis courts, pickleball courts, state of the art fitness center, exercise room, walking paths, bike paths, lakes, ponds and community tram/shuttle services. This gem of a property will not last!
bids. Great rental property with repeat guests or keep it all to
ByMikeStern StaffReporter
Determinewhatmustimprove, thenputthemotionpicturesaway afterabsorbingwhatwentrightand whatturnedoutwrong.
That’swhatIndianRiverHigh SchoolheadfootballcoachPhillip Townsendandhiscoachingstaffdid afterperformingtheirpost-mortem oflastFridaynight’sseason-opener,a forgettable42-0losstoopentheir 2022seasonatStephenDecatur(20-0)inBerlin,Md.
TheIndians(0-1-0)maybecomingoffaseasoninwhichtheymade theDIAAplayoffsforthefirsttime since2013,butafterlosing11key seniorstograduation,theyare,inreality,ayoungcollectionofemerging footballtalent.
Thatmeanstheyhadtoendure thistypeoflessonagainstamoretalentedteaminordertolearnandimproveintimeforthisFridaynight’s District1AopeneratOdessaHigh.
“Thisgameallowedustoseehow wecouldcompeteagainstavery goodandexplosiveteam,”said Townsend.“Wewilllearnfromour
68 CoastalPoint September16,2022 It’s Here! W M N Available at: Pick Up Your Copy Today!
SpecialtotheCoastalPoint•ButchComegys IndianRiverrunningbackHaydenHallisliftedoffhisfeetwhilehitfrombehindbyStephenDecatur’sAmar-ianManuelduring thefirsthalfonFridaynightinBerlin.
mistakesandgetbacktowork.Many ofourplayersareyoungwithvery littlevarsitygameexperience.We willonlygetbettereachweek.”
TheIndianswerefacinga StephenDecaturteamresemblinga well-oiledmachineonbothsidesof theballinthefirsthalfoflastweek’s game.
Decaturtookan8-0leadlatein theopeningquarteronjuniorquarterbackBrycenColeman’s31-yard TDpasstosophomorewidereceiver DavinChandleranda2-pointconversionjauntbyseniorLukeMergott.
Colemanquicklyaddedapairof 29-yard6-pointersonquarterback keepersbeforeconnectingwithseniorwidereceiverLoganBadshawon a46-yardscoringtossthatgavethe Seahawksa27-0intermissionlead.
thefourthquarteronsophomore quarterbackNathanTapley’sfouryardscoringrunanda19-yardinterceptionreturnforatouchdownby seniorlinebackerDagenRisser.
TheGreen&Goldoffense showedsignsoflifeandthreatened toscoreinthethirdperiod.They reachedtheSeahawks’6-yardline beforeturningtheballoveron downs.
TheIRattackwasheldto40 yardsoftotaloffense,withsenior runningbackHaydenHall’s48rushingyardson12carriesleadingthe Indians’groundgame.Sophomore quarterbackTreyHill,makinghis firstvarsitystart,finishedwith9 yardspassingaftercompletingfour of14attempts.Freshmansignal callerDylanGrisealsogotsome reps.SeniortightendChance Hockerledthereceiverswith12 yardsonhisonlycatchofthenight.
“IthoughtTreyHilldidagood jobmanagingtheoffenseandthe huddletogeteveryonesetupcor-
rectly,”saidTownsend.“Hedidwell managingtheoffenseforhisfirstevervarsitystart.Hewillonlyget betterwithgameexperience,andwill startnextweek’sgameatOdessa.”
Defensively,seniordefensiveback DonovanRoosledIndianRiverwith sixtacklesandblockedanextrapointattempt.Hallcontributedfive tackles,andseniorDennisNorwood addedfourstops,whilesophomore defensivebackJayvonChandler brokeupaSeahawks’passattempt.
“DonovanRoosplayedwithalot ofheartandpassionondefense,”said Townsend.“Andourcenter,Austin Grise,didnothaveonebadsnap.”
Theraceforthepost-seasonbeginsthisFridaynight,whentheIndiansvisittheirDivision1A,District 2rivalsinOdessafora7:30p.m.
openingkickoff.TheDucks(0-1-0), intheirsecondseasonasavarsity squad,droppedtheiropenerlast weekatWilmingtonMcKean,2814.
“Wedon’tplananymajorchanges forourgameatOdessa,”said Townsend.“Wejusthavetoimprove atwhatwedo.Wemustlimitthe numberofmistakeswemakeand limitthenumberofpenaltieson bothsidesoftheball.”
IndianRiverdefeatedthevisiting Ducks31-0lastyear.Odessafinishedtheseasonwitha3-7-0record, includinganopening-round49-0 losstoeventualDIAADivision1A championLaurel.
“Theyareayoungteamwithathleteswhoarewell-coached,”said Townsend.“Theyarestilltryingto workthingsout,andthisgameisimportantforbothofus,becauseitisa districtgame.”
Serving Maryland and Delaware OFFERING COMPETITIVE PAY AND BENEFITS CALL US TODAY AT 410-641-1434 OR APPLY ONLINE ARCTICHEATANDAIR.COM September16,2022 CoastalPoint Football Continuedfrompage68 SpecialtotheCoastalPoint•ButchComegys IndianRiver’s#32BryceJohnson,#63AustinGrise,and#80DennisNorwoodgang tackleStephenDecaturtightendLukeMergott. Hungry? Check out our restaurant ads and Dining Guide each week. THE LOCAL VOICE OF YOUR COMMUNITY
ByMikeStern StaffReporter
That’showquicklythesoftball travelsfromKinsleyHall’sright handtohomeplate.
Letthebatter’segobewareas theyattempttomakecontact againstthiskindofheat,traveling upwardsof62mph.
Asajuniorthispastspring,Hall struckoutaneye-popping163hittersandcompiledanimpressive 2.96earnedrunaverage.TheFirst TeamAllHenlopenConference andSecondTeamAllDIAAhurler alsoproducedattheplate,witha .429battingaverage,threehome runsand25runsbattedin.
Asaseniorthiscomingspring, Hallwillgivefuturecollegiatehit-
tersaglimpseofwhat’sinstore afterrecentlyverballycommitting totheUniversityofMountOlive,a privateuniversitylocatedinMount Olive,N.C.,thatcompetesinthe NCAADivisionIIConference Carolinas.
“Ialreadyfeelaweighthasbeen liftedoffmychest,”shesaidon Sept.8,thedayaftershemadethe commitment.“I’msogratefulfor theopportunitytoplaythesportI loveatthecollegiatelevel.Iamso excitedfornextyear.Ihavebeen lookingforwardtothissincemyTballdays.”
Hallandhermom,AmyHall, feltrightathomewhentheytoured thecampusinlate-August,shesaid.
“Everythingwassowelcoming,” saidKinsleyHall,a5-foot-2hurler whoalsoplaysfortheIRgirls’field hockeyteamduringthefalland playsUnifiedbasketballduringthe wintersportsseason.“Theschoolis justlikemyhometown,whichI love,”shesaid,referencingher hometownofFrankford.“Theyalso haveaverysuccessfulteamanda motivatingandknowledgeable coachingstaff.Ialsohavefamily livinginGreensboro,whichisnot toofarawayifIeverneedanything.”
Hall,whowillmajorinexercise scienceatUMO,impressedhead coachMandySansburyandassistantcoachLukeShamblinwhen theysawherplaythispastsummer ataVirginiaBeachtournament.
“Theyinvitedmetotheir prospectcamp,whichIreallyenjoyed,”saidHall.“Ialsotouredthe campusandmettheteam.Sofar, thecoacheshavebeenverysupportiveandhelpful.”
IndianRivergirls’softballhead coachSaraPowellbeamedwith prideuponhearingofHall’sverbal commitment.
“Kinsleyisthetypeofathlete anycoachorprogramwouldloveto have,”saidPowell.“Kinsley’swork
70 CoastalPoint September16,2022 302-616-4760 | mercersydelldental.com | 90 Atlantic Avenue | Ocean View, DE ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS NOW OPEN IN OCEAN VIEW! Nancy LaFontaine AKC CGC Evaluator ABC Certified Dog Trainer Got Behavioral Problems? LET’S TALK! AKC Canine Good Citizen Group & Private Classes • Positive Reinforcement 302-236-2497 K10DogTraining.com IRsoftballhurlerHall‘takinghergametothenextlevel’atUniversityofMountOlive SpecialtotheCoastalPoint•JillCollins KinsleyHallthrowsapitch. SeeHALLpage72
The60-and-oldersoftballstandoutsoftheOldeTymersSoftball Leaguecontinuedintothesemifinal andchampionshiproundsoftheir double-eliminationpostseasontournamentlastThursday,Sept.8,followingtwodaysofrainoutsonthe ChurchofGodfieldsneartheintersectionofRoutes113and26in Dagsboro.
ThesemifinalgamefeaturedNo. 6seedColonialEastandNo.7seed CommunityBankofDelaware.With thegametiedat11-11aftertheregulationseveninnings,Community Bankscoredfourrunsinthetopof theeighthandheldonfora15-12 win.
CommunityBank’s22-hitattack wasledbymultiplehitsfromFrank
Edwards,SteveColen,Warren Lloyd,BillMcNamee,BillMoore, DaveSchaub,FrankSica,Wally SiegfriedandMikeKrieg.Colonial EastwasledbyRodMurphyand DaveCollins,bothofwhomwere three-for-fourattheplate.
No.7seedCommunityBankof DelawarethenfacedNo.4seedB&E Tire&Alignmentinthetitlegame.
B&EPitcherJohnSmartallowed onlyonewalkandrippedthreehits, whileteammatesLanceO’Connell, DaveCesaniandKeithWagneralso contributedattheplatetohelpB&E Tire&Alignmentwinitsthird straighttournamenttitle,11-4.
CommunityBankwasledbyBill McNamee’stripleandtwoRBIs,and MikeKrieg’sexcellentpitching.
TheSelbyvilleVolunteerFireCompanywillholdits14thAnnualGolf TourneyonOct.14atCrippleCreek Golf&CountryClubnearDagsboro.
Theeventisinafour-personteam scrambleformat,includingluncheon, doorprizeandraffleprizes.Additionally,ahole-in-oneonHole16willwin
thatgolferanewKiafromSelbyville HollyKia.
Formoreinformationonthetournament,sponsorshipandentry,visit thewebsiteatstation88.com,orcontactGolfChairmanRoyGouldat (302)436-3232or rgould@selbyville88.com.
AdvancedCertifiedAgencythat servestheresidentsandvisitorsof theTownofBethanyBeach.The30memberbeachpatrolprovidesrescue servicesincludingoceanrescue,firstrespondercareandgeneralpublic service.Thebeachpatrol,withthe assistanceofthepolicedepartment, enforcesallTownrulesandregulationsregardingthebeach.
ToBanks,beingalifeguardis— aboveall—awaytoprovideservice forothers.
“It’snotjustwatchingthewater —rather,it’saboutneverpassingup anopportunitytohelpsomeone,” saidtheresidentofGumboro.“Our patrolisonebigfamily,sometimes dysfunctional,butwe’refamily.We celebrateouraccomplishmentstogether,wegrowtogether,westruggle together,andmostofallweprotect the[beachgoers]inthetownof BethanyBeachtogether.”
BanksgrewupintheBethany Beachcommunity,watchinghisparentsserveaslifeguards.
“ThiswasalwayssomethingI couldn’twaittodoonceIgotolder,” hesaid.“I’dsaymyfamilywasvery impactfulonme.Wehaveastrong reputationinservingaslifeguards, andtheymadesureIheldtothat standardeverystepoftheway.They pushedmetobethebestIcouldbe ineveryaspectoflife,andbeinga lifeguardwasnodifferent.
community,alongwiththedesirefor athleticcompetition,”addedBanks, whowasborninLewes.“There aren’tmanyjobsoutthereforwhich youwakeupexcitedeveryday.Each ofusmadeadecisiontobehere,and wealllovewhatwedo.”
Banksiscurrentlycompletinghis degreetobecomeaparamedic.Upon graduation,heisplanningtobecome afull-timefirefighterandparamedic, enablinghimtoservethelocalcommunityevenoffthebeach.
ethicdayinanddayoutinpractices iswhatseparatesherfrommost
athletes.Shepracticesthewayshe competesandgives100percentall thetime.Shealsoexcelsinthe classroomandamongherpeers.I can’twaittoseeallthethingsshe willaccomplishthisseasononthe
Kinsleyhasreceivedtremendous supportfromteachers,coachesand
administratorsatIRHSand throughoutthetravelsoftballcommunity.
“ThesupportI’vereceivedfrom pitchingandhittingcoaches,andof courseToddistrulythereasonwhy Ihavethisopportunitytocontinue mysoftballcareeratthecollege level,”saidHall,whowasbornin Seaford,ofIRHSAthleticDirector ToddFuhrmann.“Theyhavemotivatedmetoworkharderthan everyonearoundme,andtopush myselftobethebestversionofmyself.Icannotputintowordshow thankfulIamtothem.”
Hallispartofaclosely-knit familywhosemembersattendvirtuallyeveryoneofhergames.
“Iwouldn’tknowwhattodo withoutmyfamily,”shesaid.“My parentshaveputsomuchtimeand moneyintosoftballbecausethey understandthepassionIhavefor thisgame.Mymomtakeshervacationtimejusttoattendmysoftball games.Myfather,”sheaddedof ChadHall,“tookmetoeverypracticeandlessoneachweeksinceI was6yearsold.andhealsocoaches someofmyteams.Mysister,”she saidofKayleeHall,“wouldwakeup earlyeverygamedayjusttobraid myhair.Mygrandparentsandmy AuntTerrawouldnevermissa game,nomatterwhattheyhad goingon,”Halladded.
“Withoutthesupportofmy family,mysoftballexperience would’vebeencompletelydifferent. Ihavemyownfanbaseatevery game.Myfamilywillnevertruly knowhowmuchIlovethemand howmuchIlookforwardtoplaying myheartouteverygameforthem.”
72 CoastalPoint September16,2022 Lifeguard Continuedfrompage67
Hall Continuedfrompage70 Supplies for Inshore, Offshore & Jetty Fishing Rods • Reels • Tackle • Bait Fresh Local Seafood • Fish Cleaning Service 302-226-8220 www.hookemcookem.com • Open Daily • Call For Hours 39401 Inlet Rd. • North Indian River Marina • Rehoboth, DE Beach Goods • Bait • Tackle • Ice Chairs • Towels • Umbrellas • Beach Toys Hunting Supplies • Firearms • Ammunition 302-539-6243 www.hookemcookemout tters.com • Open Daily 34444 Coastal Hwy. • York Beach Mall • Bethany, DE Judy V. 39401 Inlet Rd. North Indian River Marina Rehoboth, DE 302-226-2214 www. shjudyv.com Capt. Bob II Beginning May 27th / Daily 1/2 Day Advance Reservations Recommended Through mid-October Limited Space | Full Day Advance Reservations Recommended Now Running Daily Come by Car or Boat! Seafood Market OPEN Thurs-Sun Closed Mon-Tues-Wed BEACH GOODSNOW AVAILABLE! AND
BeebeHealthcarehasmadevisitationpolicyupdatesforitsMargaretH. RollinsLewesCampusasofMonday, Sept.12.
Inpatientsmaynowhavewellvisitorsthroughouttheirstay.Pediatricpatientsmayhavetwowellparentsor caregiverspresentaroundtheclock.
Oncologypatientsmayhaveone wellsupportpersonaccompanythem forallappointmentsandtreatmentsat theTunnellCancerCenterand/or SouthCoastalCancerCenter.
AsacontinuationofBeebe’sexistingpolicy,visitorsare notpermittedfor COVID-19patientsandpatients undersuspicionforCOVID-19,except forspecialcircumstances.Additional considerationsaremadeforlabor-anddelivery,surgerypatientsandend-oflifepatients.
BeebeHealthcare tohosthiringevents
BeebeHealthcarewillbehosting morehiringeventsinSeptember.
Candidatesmustbringacopyof theirresumeandwearamask.RSVP onlinebyvisitingthiswebpageand selectingthedate: https://tinyurl.com/2p95u932.Applicantsmayalsocall(302)645-3336 oremailemployment@beebehealthcare.org.Walk-insarewelcome.
Forcompletejobdescriptionsand requirementsforanyofthelistedpositions,goto www.beebehealthcare.org/career-opportunities.
EnvironmentalServiceshiring events:
•6to8p.m.Wednesday,Sept.21 —Beebeisconductingon-siteinterviewsattheSunshineCaféonthe MargaretH.RollinsLewesCampus forEnvironmentalServices.Thisis specificallyforafull-timeshiftfrom 3to11:30p.m.
•9a.m.to1p.m.,Wednesday, Sept.28—BeebeisconductingonsiteinterviewsattheSouthCoastal HealthCampusforEnvironmental Servicesforallshifts.
•OncologyHiringEvent,9a.m. to11a.m.,Saturday,Sept.24— Beebeishostingon-siteinterviewsat theMcCurryConferenceCenterin theMedicalArtsBuildingattheRehobothHealthCampus.Positions includenurses,RNclinicalresearch specialists,radiationtherapists, physicists,certifiedmedicalassistants,oncologyinpatientnursepractitioners,socialworkersand registrars.
wearepleasedtocontinuetooffer moreopportunitiesforourpatientsto havethesupportoftheirlovedones,” saidDr.DavidA.Tam,MD,MBA, CPHE,FACHE,presidentandCEO ofBeebeHealthcare.“Weknowthat supportfromfamilyandfriendsisan importantpartoftherecoveryprocess, especiallyduringacancerjourney,and thereforeit’sourobligationtoprovide toourpatientstheseopportunitiesina safemanner.”
Allvisitorscontinuetoberequired towearasurgicalmaskduringtheir entirevisit,includingwhensittingwith apatientintheirroom.Visitorswho donothaveoneuponcheck-inwill haveoneprovidedtothem.ThatincludesattheLewesCampus,the SouthCoastalHealthCampus,the SpecialtySurgicalHospitalandTunnellCancerCenter.
BeebeHealthcareupdatesvisitorpolicy Positions Available Now! GREAT PAY PERFECT PART TIME OR RETIREMENT POSITION Will train and assist in obtaining CDL We need YOU! We need YOU! 302-245-0315 School Bus Drivers & Bus Aides Needed for the 2022/2023 School Year September16,2022 CoastalPoint 73 1-844-566-3227 CALL US TODAY FOR A FREE ESTIMATE Promo Code: 285 FINANCING THAT FITS YOUR BUDGET!1 1Subject to credit approval. Call for details. THENATIONS GUTTER GUARD1 EXCLUSIVE LIMITED TIME OFFER! TO THE FIRST 50 CALLERS ONLY! SENIORS & MILITARY! YOUR ENTIRE PURCHASE & + 5 10 15% % % OFF OFF OFF LIFETIME WE INSTALL YEAR-ROUND! Y EAR-ROUND CLOG-FREE GUARANTEE
Town of Bethany Beach Planning and Zoning Commission Public Notice
The Planning Commission of the Town of Bethany Beach will consider the Application for a Partitioning for property identified as Lots 22 and 24, Block 17, at 122 Fifth Street, in the R-1 Zoning District at its meeting scheduled to be held October 22, 2022 at 9:00 a.m. in the Town meeting Room at 214 Garfield Parkway, Bethany Beach, DE.
The application may be inspected in the office of the Building Inspector, 214 Garfield Parkway, Bethany Beach, Delaware between the hours of 8:00am – 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday, except scheduled Holidays. All interested persons are hereby notified to be present and to attend this hearing where a determination may be made by said commission without further notice.
CP 20220916 1T
CP 20220916 1T
NOTICE: DEStorage.com Millsboro
Located at 28862 DuPont Blvd., Millsboro DE 19966
Will be holding a Public ONLINE Auction at www.ibid4storage.com. Closing October 19, 2022, at 10 AM. The following units will be sold because of nonpayment of rent pursuant to the Delaware Self Service Storage Facilities Act. Auction bidding and additional information about the contents, including photographs, is available on ibid4storage.com. Sale and payment will take place at the storage facility.
Containing: Furniture, Household items, Totes, and Boxes
•Faith Cox C14 •Christopher Merlo J09 •Desomee Jacobs H06
CP 202200916 2T
Town of Fenwick Island FY2022 Project Fenwick Island Sidewalk Improvements Contract Number: 2022-123-01
ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed bids for the Town of Fenwick Island, FY2022 Project Fenwick Island Sidewalk Improvements Contract Number: 2022-123-01 will be received by the Town Manager of Fenwick Island until 2:00 PM, local time, on October 10, 2022, at the Town Hall office located at 800 Coastal Highway Fenwick Island, DE 19944, at which time they will be opened, read, and recorded. The work involves furnishing all labor, materials, transportation, tools, supplies, and equipment necessary to construct proposed sidewalk along SR 1 Coastal Highway as prepared in the Contract Documents. The Contract Documents may be examined or obtained at the Town of Fenwick Town Manager’s Office, Town Hall, 800 Coastal Highway Fenwick Island, DE 19944, upon payment of $25.00 for each set, nonrefundable. Checks should be made payable to the Town of Fenwick. Prospective Bidders may examine the Bidding Documents on Mondays through Fridays between the hours of 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM at the above address.
Purchasing of the Bidding Documents is required to be eligible to submit a bid. Partial sets of Bidding Documents will not be available from the Issuing Office. Neither Owner nor Engineer will be responsible for full or partial sets of Bidding Documents, including Addenda if any, obtained from sources other than the Issuing Office. A pre bid meeting has been scheduled for September 27, 2022 at 11:00 AM. The meeting will be held at the Town Hall 800 Coastal Highway Fenwick Island, DE 19944. The pre-bid meeting is not mandatory. Bids shall be submitted in a sealed envelope and shall be marked clearly as follows: Sealed Bid Town of Fenwick Island FY2022 Project Fenwick Island Sidewalk Improvements Contract Number: 2022-123-01. A 10% bid Bond is required. The Town of Fenwick Island reserves the right to reject any or all bids, and make such award as appears most advantageous to the Town.
74 CoastalPoint September16,2022
CP 20220916 1T
got legals? Call Jane to place your legal advertisments ~ 302.539.1788
By virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas Monition, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, 20th day of September, 2022
At 9:30 AM & Thereafter
At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:
Property Address: RIVER VILLAGE II, LOT 66, CARVEL DR, T#36136, 27275 CARAVEL DRIVE, Millsboro, DE 19966
Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.
TERMS: 100 percent of the purchase money will be demanded at the time
By virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas Monition, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, 20th day of September, 2022 At 9:30 AM & Thereafter
At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:
Tax Parcel:234-29.00-268.00
Property Address: NE/RT 5, 550’ NE/RT 311, 32091 OAK ORCHARD ROAD, Millsboro, DE 19966
Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.
TERMS: 100 percent of the purchase money will be demanded at the time of sale. Cash or Cashier's Check is required. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 10/21/22subject to the owner’s right of redemption pursuant to Title 9 Del. C. § 8728; subject to the approval of the Department of Finance or the Chief County Financial Officer, pursuant to Title 9 Delaware Code § 8726; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.
Seized and taken in execution the property of HEIRS OF SHEILA K. DAVIS (10) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff
CP 20220909 2T
of sale. Cash or Cashier's Check is required. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 10/21/22subject to the owner’s right of redemption pursuant to Title 9 Del. C. § 8728; subject to the approval of the Department of Finance or the Chief County Financial Officer, pursuant to Title 9 Delaware Code § 8726; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.
Seized and taken in execution the property of MARION SUMPF; KUNO SUMPF; XAVER ALEXANDER SUMPF & SHAWN T. LITTLE (6) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff
By virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas Monition, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, 20th day of September, 2022 At 9:30 AM & Thereafter
At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:
Tax Parcel:234-29.00-270.00
Property Address: NE/RT 5,RT 311, 32139 OAK ORCHARD ROAD, Millsboro, DE 19966
Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.
TERMS: 100 percent of the purchase money will be demanded at the time of sale. Cash or Cashier's Check is required. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 10/21/22subject to the owner’s right of redemption pursuant to Title 9 Del. C. § 8728; subject to the approval of the Department of Finance or the Chief County Financial Officer, pursuant to Title 9 Delaware Code § 8726; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.
Seized and taken in execution the property of HEIRS OF SHEILA K. DAVIS & DALENE G. NORWOOD (11) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff
CP 20220909 2T
CP 20220909 2T September16,2022 CoastalPoint 75
By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, 20th day of September, 2022
At 9:30 AM & Thereafter
At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:
Tax Parcel:334-5.00-1006.00
Property Address: 32948 SANDSTONE DRIVE, Lewes, DE 19958
Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.
TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of
By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, 20th day of September, 2022 At 9:30 AM & Thereafter
At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:
Tax Parcel:133-20.00-13.00
Property Address: 30252 MILLSBORO HIGHWAY, Millsboro, DE 19966
Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.
TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 10/17/22. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 10/21/22; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.
Seized and taken in execution the property of LAWRENCE R. FALZONE (13) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff
sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 10/17/22. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 10/21/22; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.
Seized and taken in execution the property of BRIAN F. LOROM & COLLEEN M. LOROM F/K/A COLLEEN MARKOVCHIK (17) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff
By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, 20th day of September, 2022
At 9:30 AM & Thereafter
At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:
Tax Parcel:133-20.00-320.00
Property Address: 108 NORTH ALNWICK LANE, Millsboro, DE 19966
Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.
TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 10/17/22. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 10/21/22; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.
Seized and taken in execution the property of RAYMOND KATALENAS (20) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff
76 CoastalPoint September16,2022
CP 20220909 2T
CP 20220909 2T
Sealed bids for the Town of Ocean View, FY2023 Street Paving Project, Project Number OVPZ&D 23-01 will be received by the Town Manager of Ocean View until 2:00 PM, local time, on October 13, 2022, at the Office of the Administrative Official, Wallace A. Melson Municipal Building, 201 Central Ave, 2nd Floor, Ocean View, Delaware 19970, at which time they will be opened, read, and recorded.
The work involves furnishing all labor, materials, transportation, tools, supplies and equipment necessary to make necessary roadway repairs, which include milling, patching, paving on several roads in the Incorporated Town of Ocean View.
Interested Contractors may obtain an electronic copy of the Contract Documents during normal working hours by contacting Susan Miller, at smiller@oceanviewde.gov. A copy of the bid documents will be emailed to interested parties.
A pre bid meeting has been scheduled for Thursday, September 29, 2022, at 11:00 AM. The meeting will be held at 201 Central Ave, 2nd Floor, Ocean View, Delaware 19970. This pre-bid meeting is not mandatory.
Bids shall be submitted in a sealed envelope and shall be marked clearly as follows: Sealed Bid Ocean View – FY2023 Street Paving Project, OVPZ&D 23-01. A 10% Bid Bond is required.
The Town of Ocean View reserves the right to reject any or all bids, and make such award as appears most advantageous to the Town.
CP 20220909 2T
By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, 20th day of September, 2022
At 9:30 AM & Thereafter
At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:
Tax Parcel:134-17.20-43.00
Property Address: 103 BRANDYWINE ROAD, Bethany Beach, DE 19930
Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.
TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 10/17/22. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 10/21/22; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.
Seized and taken in execution the property of BRIAN M. MCCOMAS & JENNIFER A. MCCOMAS (23) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff
On Tuesday, October 11, 2022, at 6:30 p.m. at the Millsboro Town Center, 322 Wilson Highway, Millsboro, Delaware, the Board of Adjustment for the Town of Millsboro will sit and hear the request from Michael Keenan to be granted a variance related to setbacks (§ 210-13(E)(1)). The property is zoned High-Density Residential/Residential Planned Community (HR/RPC) and has been assigned a Sussex County tax map and parcel number 133-16.00-2054.0.
Notice is hereby given that on September 29, 2022, at 6:30pm a Public Hearing has been scheduled located 9 Main Street, Frankford, Delaware 19945.
Meeting to consider the following:
• A Resolution to vacate a road on the property of Louis Travalini, Tax Map Parcel number 433-6.18-48.00 and 433-6.18-48.08
Interested person may attend the public hearing or contact Town Hall for information.
CP 20220909 2T
VIEW, DE 19970
Sealed bids for the Town of Ocean View, Hudson Avenue Culvert Replacement, Project Number OVPZ&D 23-02 will be received by the Town Manager of Ocean View until 2:00 PM, local time, on Thursday, October 13, 2022, at the Office of the Administrative Official, Wallace A. Melson Municipal Building, 201 Central Ave, 2nd Floor, Ocean View, Delaware 19970, at which time they will be opened, read, and recorded.
The work involves furnishing all labor, materials, transportation, tools, supplies and equipment necessary to make necessary for culvert replacement on Hudson Ave., in the Incorporated Town of Ocean View.
Interested Contractors may obtain an electronic copy of the Contract Documents during normal working hours by contacting Susan Miller, at smiller@oceanviewde.gov. A copy of the bid documents will be emailed to interested parties.
A pre bid meeting has been scheduled for Thursday, September 29, 2022, at 10:00 AM. The meeting will be held at 201 Central Ave, 2nd Floor, Ocean View, Delaware 19970. This pre bid meeting is not mandatory.
Bids shall be submitted in a sealed envelope and shall be marked clearly as follows: Sealed Bid Ocean View – Hudson Avenue Culvert Replacement, OVPZ&D 23-02. A 10% Bid Bond is required.
The Town of Ocean View reserves the right to reject any or all bids, and make such award as appears most advantageous to the Town.
CP 20220909 2T
CP 20220909 2T
CP 20220916 1T September16,2022 CoastalPoint 77
78 CoastalPoint September16,2022 Se R I D v r F O Y R O T C E viices Shore Home Improvements, LLC Design • Build • Remodel ShoreHomeImprovements.com 302.537.5988 Established 1989 • Licensed & Insured Additions APPLIANCE MASTER Prompt, Quality Repairs at A ordable Prices Washers • Dryers • Dishwashers Ranges • Disposals • Refrigerators Call Phil: 302.278.1441 Serving the Rt. 54 area with 50 years’ experience of honest work Appliance Repairs Quality Service by Certified Technicians Since 1983 302.436.5652 BrasuresCarpetCare.com Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Tile & Grout Cleaning Oriental Rug Cleaning & Repair Carpet Cleaning appliances furniture cars boats box of junk stu in the garage exercise equipment toys TVs GET THIS CRAP OUT OF MY HOUSE! BIG or small, I’ll haul it all! 302.236.2670 PASTURE-RAISED CHICKEN EGGS FOR SALE • POWER WASHING Also Cleaning Cleaning CASH FOR CARS! 302-249-3444 jwilguscars.com 38531 DuPont Blvd., Selbyville We Will Buy Your Car Even if You Don’t Buy One of Ours! Auto Buying Service F abian’s CarpetCare 302-745-7547 FabiansCarpetCare.com Water Damage • Restoration • Mold & Mildew Carpet Cleaning - 2 rooms: $79; 4 rooms: $125 With Ad Residential & Commercial Carpet & Upholstery Licensed & Insured • Free Estimates • 25+ Years’ Experience Carpet Cleaning Expert Bathroom Remodeling Bath-to-Shower Conversions Prompt & Professional Serving Sussex for over 20 years 302.542.1162 Licensed in DE & MD Master Plumber Bathrooms call Al Lewis 302.462.8614 AtlanticDiversified Construction,Inc. For Quality and Experience, Additions • Decks • New Construction Making your dream home a reality Siding, Windows, Baths, Kitchens, Outside Showers, Property & Storm Management and much more! Construction Paul Henkel, President Certi ed Master Carpenter Dept of Labor & Industry - 2002 RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL General Contractor Interior/Exterior Renovations Historical Restoration • Structural Repairs • Termite Repairs Handicap Remodels Seasonal Exterior Maintenance Over 25 Years’ Experience HENKEL CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC 302.362.0712 302.362.0115 HenkelsonLLC@gmail.com Construction Computer Sales –Service –Support Servicing PC & MAC • Walk-In & On-Site Services 302-539-6421 35583 Atlantic Avenue • Millville Computer Service & Support 38205 Dupont Blvd., Selbyville 443.523.2476 DRIVEWAY SEALCOATING FPS Hand Brushed Don’t Pay to Spray! Driveway Services 301.602.2628 BEACH VALET Your Personalized Ride Service Washington - Baltimore - Philadelphia Airports - Train Stations Driving Services Find the local services you need in our Service Directory Call JANE for more information • 302.539.1788 GetEverything OnYour ‘ToDo’List… DONE! Got a List? PROFESSIONAL HOUSE CLEANING Call Terri: 443.622.1514 • Flexible Pricing • Free Estimates Serving South Bethany, Bethany, Fenwick, Ocean View areas It’s a Mitzvah! Cleaning
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82 CoastalPoint September16,2022 Se R I D v r F O Y R O T C E viices Locally owned/operated since 2000 For a FREE In-Home Consultation, call Kathy 302.542.2527 Plantation Shutters Custom-made locally! • Roman, Honeycomb, & Roller Shades • Faux Wood Blinds • Vertical Woven Draperies Custom Window Treatments Window Treatments Free In-Home Consultation! Window Treatments Creative Drapery • Draperies • Slip Covers • Blinds and Shades • Indoor/Outdoor Cushion Covers CUSTOM Call owner, Bonnie Johnson 717.235.7800 JCreativeLady@aol.com Insured with over 40 years’ experience Window Treatments FREE In-Home Consultation Professional Measuring and Installation Shutters, Roman Shades, Draperies, Top Treatments Woven Woods, Honeycombs, Roller Shades, Solar Shades Window Film, Awnings, Wood & Faux Wood Blinds, & more... 302.856.6799 BudgetBlinds.com Window Treatments Millville across from the Dollar General, approx. 1/2 mile on the left on Whites Neck Rd. Jeremy Smith • 302.423.2601 Yard Waste Recycling & Retail Material Mulch • Top Soil • Mushroom Soil (Nutrient Rich) Soil Amendment Pine Needles Accepting tree limbs, leaves and plant material. Pick-up available. DELIVERY AVAILABLE • MON-FRI 9-4 Yard Waste Find the local services you need in our Service Directory Call JANE for more information • 302.539.1788 GetEverything OnYour ‘ToDo’List… DONE! Got a List? Window Treatments HOME - AUTO - MARINE 302.236.2670 TOP WERKS UPHOLSTERY Professional Service New - Repairs - Alterations Experienced Staff Call for an appointment: Upholstery
TNEMYOLPME TNEMYOLPME 00.9$eraselaSdr Ya ds. ds row02ot up fr are le ro000,1$smetir fo ds ala ci remmoc-n No ch inch in mn lumn lu ocrep05.8$ ds:ads ay laysplaispDis d. row ’l dd’l dd arep5¢ 25¢ s, ds, ds row 02r fo 52.8$: ds ae in Lin RSETA RA DEIFISSALC Ca l d Tu is inelindliadl ad eDd ie fieifilassifCla Cl DETNA ANW WA SRER REOBLAAB dnuoR-ra Ye ,emiT-ll Fu TNEMYOLPME TNEMYOLPME ME ised s Mon Mo m, 4pm, 4p am 9m ro fro fr det ep cep ce ds A|m 4p ay daay 302.245.0315 !niarTlliW.tcirtsiDloohcSreviRnaidnI VE IRDSUBLOOHCS All ST R WA TNEMYOLP TNEMYOLPME moc.tnioPlatsaoC@ nosnhoJ.enaJ 8871.935.203 dade fi ifi if la Cla Cl ruoyec la pot enaJtcatnoC s y. ay.dayidaFrid Fr ay day da to: to ts requirements re y r salary and resume re send se . EOE T T. ASS’ADMINTIMEULL eek, 40 hrs/woundear-r Y , ull-time.Fed equir not r , buts a plus A ing with HOorke in wxperiencevious e r .Pills e sk omerusttcellene e v . Must ha o multi –taskyte the abilit va ce OSMnint eic orpretupm co ebtsuM.slliksnoitacinu m en erbal and writt t vellen ed and possess e ganiz ust be or e assistantiva ed administr torien en, and goal- ,drived tiv ing aiew is seek V eanc y in Oommunit d-winning carw , a utiful 0089.253.0 41 fo:nfo nf ieromr fo llacasu e ab va Ava Av ka caPs t eneBevititepmoC& ay Ptne l ng irihwonsino ti tr Co es ates te t Stat R TERPENCA • TE WORECONC • REROB LA • ICS CHANMEIFS E & O UCC SRETNI PA • REVIRDYREVILEDESUOHE sulPaeraesneciLs’revirDdil Va ,noitatropsna Tr s, derr fe erPecneirepxEsnoitisoPemiT-ll Fu NOW HIR 30 ir aMtt irrMe Ple le !sulPasllikStnem Equip to RING! 02.436.2881 th ithwit ge agessagess es mev ea lea le a ea onsmbts@veriz y-the- s Bw tthe t MtSa. , w, A ICH P PT CHUR ORGANIST/ACCOM To schedule an inter v iew p & Special Music, and accompany choir orship Services with Hymns o accompany W .net UeMCa -S ANIST/ PA PANIST lease contact . mpany ces FU Giv l Ex • To e s inclu Join 100% Paid Life Insurance & Paid Holidays e Plan, centage-Paid Health Car Employer Per ement Plan, centage-Paid Retir Employer Per acations, Full-Time bene ts - Paid V Vacations, -Round, excellent pay ear Full-Time, Y Year ed o ciency Requir • Computer Pr • Operate a Multi-line Phone System eet Customers , Enthusiastic Personality to Gr • Bubbly RECEPTIONIST Full-Time OC BEER ST m pirits is a smok iT-traP&emit-ll Fu o ll out an applic op in t St ines & SWanks . Btsouneediscy mplo ision Insur V, & talenealth, D ene ts include H B e equiry is railabilitvendaeekt and wNigh viding o, and preasagearor ock in the back st st ing and ock,stetail aislestaining the r ude main es either full time tock associaeam as st n our t CKER e esume: op o r resume: tion or drrop lica ca tonmenvireeen-fre a smok , 401(k), and O O, , PTeancur .ysunda , including S d .evicomerserusty c g qualit , managingtoductingprota d r . Responsibilities t time or par Plea e and h mco Mu mot A bea ca esume to: Stop in or send r Rudy Marine, 32606 DuPon vailable imme A areers@rudymarine.com o, DE t Blvd, Dagsbor ediately y , 62. Rt Tow To 38014 pp p H in & land Ocean R PT ellivlliM Dent.rer wn C p s ac@rewerB.nas Su iew Ocean V ec o b m D armol Em O Expe DEN MAINTENANCE TY Y ERKER PROPERRTY esume to Email r holidays & vacation. Simple IRA, alth, nclude partial he benefits Salary: $50K+, rearachas.eesort be Delawar dankforr operty maintenance company in F dscaping & pr for full service GER FIELD MANA Seeking full time Ger@comcast.net herk or call 610-459-5857 S VICE ELECTRICIANS SERRVICE ty nuoCxessuSgniv er iew Presbyterian V T MUS zib.cni , DE ew • ll gor .cp ov@ Contact: OVPC.org @yahoo.combiz Resume: mail View Ocean Preferred erience S’T.ASTAL N Chairside S HELP ERS SER P W S HEN POSITTIONS y • ompan es • CtivencallincOn-author yortacruck • FTy 1 ,tyy, ilibasid, ef fe il,noisiv age e bene t pack ehensiv l aV•ecneirepxe’sraey2mumin Mi ATIO AT CIFIL QUA UA dnuoR-ra Full-Time•Ye ELECTR Pines iew & Ocean Ocean V Locations in Long Neck, Exc. Pay & Benefits !! Call Matt – 302-344-9846 opportunities! with advancement energetic atmosphere dependable. Fast paced, echnicians. Must be T Technicians. for , now has openings center Full Service automotive OPPORTUNITIES!!!! -GREAT AT -GREAT AT T GREAT-GREA AT TECHNICIANS EVITOMOTUA 302.539.3455 or call: ell phone vailable c ainingedtrizor nalpk - health, den esnecils’revirdd i OTA RICIANS 1 moc.apoc m , F tal Hwyas ets, 601 Co •Nantuck (Rt. 54) hthouse R , 37310 Lig ty •Lobster Shan e! and mor 717.610.209 er@allergnaM.nn Ly Fenwick , Fenwick Rd September16,2022 CoastalPoint 83
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6271.935.203 .llarof03$.noitidnoc dooG.s08-s07etalmorf
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September16,2022 CoastalPoint 85
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6666.292.014 eT Te 53$.dildegnih htiw;peed”9xh”8xw”81 yletamixorppA.seilppus
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llac m y u t r e A e n oit
nois e fiL t sys roir a A M MISCELLANEOUS GARDEN & AWNLAW
1998.004.30 7 ellivskralC54$.eso h HTIWROSSERPMOCRI A 0059.245.20 3 53$/52$ .slerra b niar,skcodgnitaolf,eg a -rots,gninrubroF.sdiltu o -htiw/htiwcitsalprolate M SLERRABNOLLAG-5 5 2745.172.042051$:sriah c ruofhtiwelbatdnuo R TESOI AT PAT PA ROODTU O 0048.045.20 2 llaC.weiVnaecO.re ffo ekaM.12‘ni59.221$ro f thguoB.ecnodesu,we n dnarB ORPREHCTITSDEE S 03$ED!CEDUCEEDUCRED RE rof fo
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9610.443.203.ekiM esaelp,ecivresroynap tropsnartawonkuo .HO,itannicniCnirethg otyrmaCaekatotre -snartracadnifotd DEDEENTROPSN 1340.208.103ytiCna .egassemevaelesaelP. -idnocdoogyreV.dlog x’8)1(.hsidder,’5.5x’ TAL TA NEIRO,SGURAER won llaC sllatsni la -seforp&ytnarrawemi t .secirpelbadr of fof atasme rewohsdnahtabytilauq -epuS.yadenosaelttil s setadpu ATH AT BLUFITU 9690.399.558.egatuo rewoptxenehterofebwon llaC.etouqeerfatseuqeR .snoitpotnemyapylhtnom wol+nwodyenom0$ .rotarenegybdnatsemoh careneGahtiwyadotsega -tuo REWOPROFER PA ERP 2263.605.448 llaC .retsamdeepS dna ,r r,
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9799.5 .noitareponae l 4815.632.203.e srolocynaM gnivolrofgnikool lufituaeB ATS AT C/S 1908.636.016 rewoL,staCne llacesaelP.stohs l ,dexiF.semohgni efasdnifstacdeucs AT CREDLONA 1441.8 .hcae05$.moobd nobrachtiw0.7,5.6 SLIASGNIFRUS-D ELCYCIBTNEK taCoasaointPl place B twHoo y ry.ayrytsmayestsdividlresIndi*In *.gniw flo othsactflothe for awanditfor
2578.866.203 r aper.’spapay’sdayFrida ri to ay,ortouesdy, Tday.m.p5Tuesd deadadifiedsslacOurisline ad. ourymailsnail y, ston,bopy, sifielasCourdAd
86 CoastalPoint September16,2022 UOR RAEY mo 6-12 unit.floor 2BR Bay,View:OceanyethanBy, $1,500/month + uti .ytinummoc 2 ay,nVrBy, DN c EB p ot 3 security deposit required. Credit application and unless otherwise noted. N/P All units are N/S, considered. lease nth sec- furnished fully R/2BA lities. 5+5 in itunorflost 1 A2B C DNUOR RAEY 5702.365)203( .CLL ,y y, tlaeRfruS taymm aT Ta llaC htnom/059,1$.tider dooG.stepoN .HCA OTEKIB .sinnet,loo ytinummoC.emohnw dehsinrufnuAB5.2/R B EZEERBYNAHTEB 30 P Now accepting new rental listings 1,66 LAICREMMO ✃ skooB i ❏ 02.537.5599 2,000/month$ Perfect size for you! 60 sq. ft. open space Rt. 26, Millville ppa llams erawnehctik stluda nerdlihc : 2-771.tpeS,.taS;?-8:61.tpeS,. neewollaH secnail L $3200 th tiliti ge.gara2-car with community ted gain home family single furnished 5BR/3.5BA llivybleS,slaohSkciwn Fe Property is also for sale. s.tieiliut+ hontm erp 003,0 $ e.g ragar 2-caith w meho 4BR/3.5BA CreekBethanatOceanView: White’ $2,900 per month + utilities. t dock.boa thwialcanonme ho A 3BR/3B ck:wien s,reActerwageEdF ets considered. P Home is listed for sale. .seitilitu+htnom/005,2$ shed. and ge garawith home y milfae-nglsi5BA2.R/4B eaOcve,riewVin: WillD utilities. + htnom/051,2$1.Oct.after Available home.family dshe nifurun2BAR/3B ceanView:
.meholymifae-lngsiBA /2
H ECUDORPLACO 0 7 6 2 . 6 3 2 . 2 0 3 :ellivybleS nezod/6$ SNEKCIHC DESIAR ERUTSAP MORF SGGE n! un!funavefefu av ward o mac g nir ts d naH Sa ❏ 4943 !ffu ts desu r oced o t,)llif r oced ; Dr ingdinLandi Bishop Bi 32472 rences:fererefe re PS GPS 19967 le lleill .esuohbulcevirDgnidnaLpohsiB27 4 elbaliavaspamteertS! ts st ilothcumoot-eromhcumdnasme t -esuoH.tnempolevedfosedisHTOB-ytinummocgnidnaLs’ p ENIHSRONIAR 2-971.tpeS,. t ds Roads Ro rbageBurb Bu &n io tiotati ta ff O. ve riveDri ay te White Wh 63513:ecn re fererefe re PS G.76991, le lleill .ytinummocyrt n ENIHSRONIAR ?-871.tpeS,. t 7 7. 6991, le lleillvilllviillMil Mi y, ty, ty inummoc y r tryventrCove Co ve,rive ri Dn ro Hero He lueBlu Bl 8 .sbl05-04thgiew ;elxaotelxa”8/154:wobdnuopmocuobiraCxelfeR,stnecca deiravhtiwswobCVPedam-dnah,srepeek-gnirtsrehta el&s ,sworramotsuc,htuoy&tluda-swobgnolnedoowedam ENIHSRONIAR 2-871.tpeS,. t .enaLsn ro Iro Ir ff O.93991, ro obs Dag d, Road, Ro ng tangMusta Mu 6 gniticxeeromhcumdna,seuqitna,seilppuseci ff ff o&loohcs &wen,sexobhcnulwen,sDVD,seirossecca&pu-ekam ,V V,T , r, emoh,yrlewejemutsoc&sesrup,seohs’seidal,erawdrah,slo -gabrofton(sre ta ews&s ta ocretniw;5$:gaballif-gnihtolc , r, , , , OBO 002 2$ wen,taergsnuR e lohwgnilles-eltitoN O CCAADNOH1002 v llviillMil Mi ta i dloh o hsiB Sa ❏ sbuS v llviillMil Mi evoC Sa ❏ 1403 .stra p .straprof, 6-VDR Listyourrentalwithusforproblem-freemanagement. Wilgus has a list of qualified yearly renters waiting for vacancies. Owners:acant! Pleasedon’tletyourhousessitv $3,200 per month + utilities. tion: Call Kim for more informa $2,700/month + 2% rental tax + utilities. vailable. a lease month 4-12 ge.gara2-carwith home familysinglefurnished 4BR/3BA :ellivlliM,ediskr Pa WINTERAL RENTTAL c 4 9.237.203 , S ❏ re fererefe re n aecO a hteB Sa ❏ 5 554555355 n erni ivlliM Sa ❏ 1173 09 srotaregirfer sevaworcim steliot seitinav srood rewohs moo ENIHSRONIAR 2-871.tpeS,. t .eun ve Al ra trantr ff O.03991 h, Be ny thany th eB,esuohb lu Ce th ta-op ny thanyBeth .snenildna,stelrevoc,yrlewej,sloot,sehsid,seuqitn a ,secnailppallams,stekcajefil,stcejbo tr rt A!niagrabaroflla , lufesu,ytilauqp oT To !edneVeS.ytinummocdnoPtlaS-kc a ENIHSRONIAR 21-871.tpeS,. t d d. yaoR r rryyberraybBay Ba &1 t t. Rfore rn oC.03991 h, Be ex lesex le .ytinummocxes e ENIHSRONIAR 21-871.tpeS,. t .enaLtaobma te S303:ecn SPG.62 t t. Rm ro fro fr top to St Pe le lleillvilllviillMil Mi rn Turn Tu .07991 w, View, Vi .ytinummoc ts st eroFyn AY DNUS:E AT DNIAR 2-971.tpeS,. t 7 7. 6991, le lleillvilllviillMil Mi ,eun ve Ave ic ticlantitlaAtl 4 .4477.189.379llacesaelp,elbatagnit ts st eretnifI.elasekab&dr aY Ya .yrailixuA.oCeriFreetnuloVel l ENIHSRONIAR 21-771.tpeS,. t y ay.wayrkwaPark Pa toningtorinrriBarr Ba 1 r. , WilgusAssociatesProperty Bethan ., 32904 Coastal Hwy 302.539.7511x3030 i For a complete list of our WilgusAssoci ren orF ManagementDivision DE 19930 ny Beach, 800.441.8118 or ates.com ntals, visit our website: rhtaB Sa ❏ eCfo 004 ,syot s meti bs’tI Sa ❏ d ddliddMid Mi l ddiM a 8243 m rofni e moH e G.tS Sa ❏ 1382 a liava o dtoh e hteB Sa ❏ in kinrki rk E 902 stfa e suoH Sa ❏ we Powe Po 9 4143 t inruF itluM Sa ❏ 9 8082 peed .8871.935.20 hcaeusat3uoYcr .gniwor ssenisugruobyadoagy.tnemtsevnCllaustlanimoni deewhtiaerusopxynagtaerwtogtetnioislatsaoPehTC .we secudortnytonstneilaignitsixctnorofespeekyinf tah erusopxt,erusopxe,erusopxe,renwykniessenisuo ab .noitaco .noitacoL.noitacoLsidrowevitarepLeht,etatsolaernIe ?ssenisu b ruo y wor g to gni Try ENIHSRONIAR 2-88.tcO,. t .93991, ro obsgaD t, reet,tre tr Sn to aytolayCla Cl 1 .elb oslasdoogdekabdnamaerceciedamemohdnahcnulrofsg ,sehciwdnastsa fk kf aerbelpparcS.hcruhCtsidohteMdetinUl ENIHSRONIAR 1-842.tpeS,. t KEEWTXEN t lot. lo g in re tre tr se th ro rk Park Pa .66991, ro ls llsillMil t, reet,treStr te ta Sta .muucav,stnalp,smetineewollaH,pmalynaffiT, ,yrlewej,smetitfig,snenil,sesrupwen,sehtolc,smetidloh /24 /2 9:E AT DNIAR 21-871.tpeS,. t ds rmaoRFarm Fa ll dnar te wate wa la Bne we teB 5 4991 d, rd,fordkforankfFra Fr d, aoRe rbag rb .dlosraey05-04smeti,semag,selzzup,eru .smetis’nerdlihcon;ffutSfotnem tr rt ossaegraL.ylimaf ENIHSRONIAR 21-871.tpeS,. t d d. aoRr we Towe To re ireFir Fi ff O.93991, ro obsgaD, ve rive ri Dr Ca Ra .secnailppadesu&weN!eromdna,srezeer f , , , , , 5 5. 4991 d, rd,fordkforankfFra Fr d, Road, Ro ramO 1 m g@831nedwoBT ta araTtcatnoc,noita h dna,s tr rt essed,puos,dalasnekcihcedam L riaF rodneV & raazaB llaF CMU s’egro .moc.li a rodnevroF.sgodto sgniht taerg fo sto
sewer retaw,cirtcelesedulcnihtnom/000,2$lease.month
BRR/ 3
elSe,anLnmackriByv .seitilitu+htnom/058,1 home with gara
3BR/2.5BA BarklayEstates,Selbyville:
considered. P $1,750/month + utilities.
By Jan Buckner Walker
The Original Crossword Puzzle for Kids and Their Favorite Adults
Kids Across
1. Hard times for a hard-shelled reptile: If a box ______ accidentally turns over, he could be stuck on his back until help comes along
6. It's the place to go to get a tasty turnover (or other favorite pastry)
7. Good dog!: To teach a puppy to roll over 9. These round breakfast treats get ipped before they're stacked on your plate
0. Get a sheet of paper: She's the person in your house who would surely ip out if anyone wrote on the wall
11. White grains that fall all over your popcorn when you turn its shaker over 13. If you see a ____ ip himself out of and dive back into the water, he
might be trying to catch a ying bug (or maybe he's just showing o ) 16. Whip it and ip it: It's the main ingredient in an omelet 17. This tree gives us syrup for our 9A 19. Bottom on top: I get ipped after I've been baked (I'm a pineapple upside-____ cake) 21. Not quite sure what a word means? Just take a moment to ip through the ____ of a dictionary 22. They're your ip ops' favorite body parts
Parents Down
2. More bounce to the ounce: Apparatus whose taut canvas surface lets a gymnast launch for a ip in mid-air
3. Flip op's footwear genre 4. To place bacon strips in a sizzling situation
5. Hidden treasures: A music lover is thrilled to discover a great song on its B-side
Digit that sends a quarter soaring
Good plan: The user of this ubiquitous device saves money using rollover minutes (2 wds)
Oops!: A turnover on the gridiron
Coin toss outcome that could bring you face-toface with a past president
Cookware you need to make a crepe
No need to wait for spring: Anytime is a good time to turn over a new ____
Light switch's position after everyone has said goodnight
September16,2022 CoastalPoint 87
This Week’s Solution © 2016 KAPD, LLC kris@kapd.com KAPD ebooks now available on www.kapd.com 9/18/16 ™ ™ The
across clues are for kids and the down clues are for grown-ups! Flipped!
ANSWER (HOLD UP TO MIRROR) Jumbles: Answer: few sock quit flop A post office THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME! ® By
The letters of these crazy words are all mixed up. To play the game, put them back into the right order so that they make real words you can find in your dictionary. Write the letters of each real word under each crazy word, but only one letter to a square. you can put them in order so that they make your funny answer. Getthefree JUSTJUMBLE @PlayJumble UQTI ©2022 Tribune Content Agency, LLC A
David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek
This spacious 1 level home is located the Hawthorne which is conveniently located between Georgetown and Lewes. Offering an open oorplan with a formal dining room, gourmet kitchen with quartz countertops and stainless appliances, breakfast bar and a sunroom. There are 3 bedrooms which includes a primary suite. There are hardwood oors and a replace in the living area. Enjoy the deck and wooded backyard. Close to the community pool and clubhouse. Ready for immediate occupancy!
$549,000 (DESU2025960)
Call Noreen Scalice (c) 302-245-1108
Highly sought after Millville by the Sea!
Casual living is yours in this 3 BR, 2.5 bath Coastal Cottage. The open oor plan offers rst oor primary BR with en suite bath. Upstairs you'll nd 2 additional BRs and bath along with a charming reading or study nook. Enjoy the peace and quiet on your private screen porch. There's plenty of storage for bikes, beach chairs or kayaks in the attached 2 car garage accessed from the rear alley. Millville by the Sea offers the best in community amenities.
$489,000 (DESU2026142)
Call Sandy Greene (c) 302-745-2382
This beautiful home,
Live Bayside & Live The Vacation!
Location Location Location! One-owner, never-rented! This luxurious 4BR/3.5BA Monocacy Villa by NV Homes is like a model home and has been expertly appointed with all-included high-end furnishings all within a 2 block walk to the main Sun Ridge Pool & Tennis Facility. The property is located on a no-thru street and backing up to a wooded berm, peace and tranquility will greet you.
$789,900 (DESU2022818)
Call Eddie Rohe (c) 410-908-9137
Home is situated on nearly 1 acre of property with additional 5 bonus buildings & 2 carports. Recently remodeled kitchen. Relax on your porches and enjoy the large yard with a privacy fence. Perfect for the RV or boat owner or someone who needs workspace or areas for parking. Located just out of the Town of Millsboro but close enough to walk into town or Cupola Park which offers public docking. No HOA with community restrictions!
$349,900 (DESU2026106)
Call Chris DeStefano (c) 443-306-4474
is a rare nd! This spacious and well-maintained home has 3 bedrooms and 2.5 baths with of ce space as well. Harwood throughout. Also includes a screened in porch , laundry room and a 2 car garage. Situated across from the the Parke clubhouse and also includes the ability to use of Ocean Pines amenities. Don’t miss this opportunity!
$429,900 (MDWO2008322)
Call John Mead (c) 410-849-6569
88 CoastalPoint September16,2022 For a con dential interview about starting your Real Estate Career call us today! Brigit Taylor (c) 302-500-0750 • Email: brigittaylor.com | Rutica Patel (c) 252-623-8806 • Email: realtorrutica@gmail.com 37458 Lion Dr, Suite 7 Selbyville, DE 11244 Whitesville Rd. Laurel, DE 24994 Sussex Hwy. Seaford, DE 18344 Coastal Hwy. Lewes, DE 39682 Sunrise Ct. Bethany Beach, DE
with the Sanderling oorplan, is
in Ocean Pines on a quiet cul-de-sac
the Parke. The Parke
. This
WORK with an AGENT WHO KNOWS The MARKET! * Over 38 YEARS of Experience in DE & MD Sales * Associate Broker: DE & MD * CRS: Certi ed Residential Specialist * GRI: Graduate REALTOR Institute * SRES: Senior Real Estate Specialist Lifetime Achievement Winner! Cindy Spieczny (c) 302-228-1450 Email: Fenwickstar@yahoo.com UNDERCONTRACT! UNDERCONTRACT! 37464 PETTINARO DR. #7202 Enjoy incredible sunsets over Collins Creek from this beautifully renovated first-floor end condo. Granite kitchen counters, stainless appliances, double oven, contrasting cabinets with upgraded interior organizers and new LVP flooring are just a few of the features. This condo is ready for you to start making your beach memories today! $370,000 (DESU2028634) Call Shelby Smith (c) 856-236-0469 NEWLISTING! 46 SANDY BRANCH DR,SELBYVILLE Just Reduced- Amazing value-sprawling 4 bed, 4 bath, 2900 sq ft open concept home with rst oor living, 2 primary suites (one upstairs, one downstairs) separate of ce, huge loft space, 2 car garage, screened porch, paved patio, front porch, 2 car garage, fenced in backyard, low HOAplenty of room for family and friends. Short drive to beach, restaurants, shopping, entertainment, golf. Asking $475,000 (DESU2025208) Call Chrisy Tingle (c) 302-377-4159 MILLVILLEBY THESEA DREAMINGOFA HOMEATTHEBEACH? OPENHOUSE SUN.,9/18•11–1PM LOT 1 JONES RD One of a kind 1850sqft cottage oorplan including vaulted ceilings, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, full font porch, additional storage space n garage and a covered back porch. Located on 1.6 acres. Minutes from Bethany Beach. $577,890 (DESU2027406) Call Christina Antonioli (c) 302-542-9152 or Call Laurie Mcfaul (c) 443-254-1863 NEWCONSTRUCTION! Looking to Buy or Sell? Logan Burke (c) 443-797-9217 logan.burke@kw.com Let my work ethic work for you. 39683 ROUND ROBIN WAY #3607 Turnkey, crisp & refreshing and ready to start enjoying - east of Kent Ave in Sea Colony's Beach & Tennis Community! Featuring an open floor plan, this bright and sunny, 3 bedroom, end unit in a superb location offers easy access to all of Sea Colony's top notch amenities. Sold tastefully updated and furnished! $649,000 (DESU2027890) Sarah Schifano (c) 302-858-3945 31 BRIDGE RD, SOUTH BETHANY Adorable Beach Cottage in the Private Beach of South Bethany Beach, in MIDDLESEX !! This 3 BR, 2 full bath home is A GREAT INVESTMENT, or purchase keep and let the home make you money then build your DREAM HOME !! Walking distance of Downtown Bethany Beach .. a fantastic Lot can be enjoyed by ALL! $1,450,000 (DESU2024064) Call Jane Baxter-Miller (c) 302-245-8831 janesellsde@gmail.com ONLYPRIVATE BEACHIN S.BETHANY UPGRADED ENDUNIT