FenwicktoholdJan.18 hearingonrevised parkingordinance
ByKerinMagill StaffReporter
FenwickIslandofficialshavesetWednesday,Jan.18,forthenextpublichearingon proposedchangestotheTown’scommercial parkingregulations.
TheJan.18hearingfollowsseveralmonths ofcontentioushearingsandmeetings, throughoutwhichmanyofFenwickIsland’s businessownershaveexpressedtheirunhappinesswithproposedchangesthatwould doublethenumberofparkingspotsrequired if thepropertyundergoessubstantialchanges.
TheDec.19towncouncilmeetingwas heldafterthecouncilhadrescheduledtwice fromtheoriginalDec.2meetingtime,followingawaterleakinthenewlyremodeled meetingroomandtheninternetissuesthat shutdowntheabilitytolivestreamthemeeting.
TheFenwickIslandTownCouncilhasadvancedyetanotherversionofacommercial parkingordinancethathasbroughtoppositionfromtownbusinessownersinrecent months.
OntheagendafortheJan.18hearing, whichbeginsat11a.m.inthetownhall,area
Localleadersdiscuss goalsfor2023
BySusanCanfora StaffReporter
ItwasphilosopherRalphWaldoEmerson whoadvised,“Writeitonyourheartthat everydayisthebestdayintheyear.”
It’sgoodadviceasthewell-intentioned— includingareaofficialsandthoseinthebusinesscommunity—makeNewYear’sresolutionsandsetgoalsforanewyearbrightwith promise.
AlthoughOceanViewMayorJohnReddingtonisn’tinthehabitofmakingresolutions,because,hesaidwithalaugh,hehasa tendencynottokeepthem,heoutlinedseveralgoalsfortheTown.
JANUARY 6, 2023 THE LOCAL VOICE OF YOUR COMMUNITY. Volume 20, Issue 1 FREE Sports A look back at the IR 2022 sports year Page 43 Fun Revelers splash into a new year Page 32 CoastalPoint•ShaunM.Lambert Worst.Camouflage.Ever.Still,youcan’tdenythatthisisonebeautifulblueheronhangingaroundtheWorldHeadquartersoftheCoastalPoint(Itmattersnotthatweonlyhaveoneoffice,mindyou).
Electedofficialsbegin theirterms
BySusanCanfora StaffReporter
Withlovedonesattheirsides,recently-electedSussexCountyofficials placedtheirlefthandsontheBible, raisedtheirrighthandsandvowedto carryouttheirresponsibilities“freely acknowledgingthepowersofthisofficeflowfromthepeopleIamprivilegedtorepresent.”
CountyCouncilmenJohnRieley andDougHudson,SheriffRobert Lee,RegisterofWillsGregFullerand RecorderofDeedsAlexandraReed Baker,duringaswearinginceremony onTuesday,Jan.3,furtherpromisedto “placethepublicinterestsaboveany specialorpersonalinterests,torespect therightoffuturegenerationsandto
•ToChapter160-2(Definitionof “floorarea);
•ToChapter160-5CandChapter 160-5G(relatedtomechanicalequip-
sharetherichhistoricandnatural heritageofDelaware.”
Rieley—thefatherof11children andgrandfatherof25,withtwomore expected—wasaskedbyaphotographerif,alongwithhiswife,anyother familymemberswouldbeinthepicture.Helaughedandsaid,“Ifthey wereallhere,we’dtakeuphalfthe room.”
Theofficialswereallelectedin November.
Noneofthemcommentedor talkedabouttheirgoalsafterbeing sworninattheCountyAdministrationBuildinginGeorgetownonTuesday,butafewdaysearlier,Rieleytold theCoastalPointthatCouncilPresidentMikeVincenthadaskedhimand Hudsontosubmittheirprioritiesto him.
“Theimmediatethingsare:We haveaMasterPlanCommunitiesordinanceinprocess.Wehavetocom-
mentandpools,hottubsandspasinthe commercialzone);and
•ToChapter160-10(off-street parkingregulations).
Thenewestversionoftheparking ordinancechangesdoesnotalterthe originalamendment’sincreasein parkingrequirementsfromonespace
pletethatandgetitupandrunning. Itwillbeforlargerresidentialdevelopments,likeFreemanistalking aboutanotheroneonRoute9.We haven’tseentheplansyet,butthe rumorisitwillbelikeBaysideinSelbyville,whereFreemanStageisnow.” (TheformerFreemanStageatBaysideisnowknownastheFreeman ArtsPavilion.)
“Alargedevelopmentlikethat wouldgiveguidelinesforwhatwe wouldliketosee,”saidRieley“We wanttoseeadditionalservices,retail, embeddedaspartofthedevelopment, toreducetheamountoftripsouton theroads,sopeopledon’thavetogo outasmuch.Thatisontheimmediate horizon,”hesaid.
RieleysaidSussexCountyEngineerHansMedlarzhadmadeapresentationtothecountycouncila monthorsoago“aboutwhathecalled enhancementtotheCleanWater
forevery100feetofpatronareato onespaceforevery50feetofpatron area.
Introducedatthecouncilmeetingon Monday,Dec.19,thenewversionof proposedOrdinance160-10removesa banonparkinginsetbacks.Italsoremovesaspecificsquarefootagerequirementforparkingspacefordelivery vehicles.
Athirdchangefromtheearlierversionoftheordinanceaddressesshared parkingarrangementsbetweenbusinesses—anideathathasbeensuggestedasapotentialsolutionwhere daytimebusinessescouldofferuseof theirparkingareastootherbusinesses, suchasrestaurants,thatarebusiestin theevening.
Accordingtothenewproposal,15 percentofabusiness’requiredparking
“Ifwecanlaunchitproperly,we cancreatewetlandsandsetthemaside toimprovewaterqualityforinland baysandgetcredits.Itcreatesamarketplacewherewegetthesecredits fromtheEPA,andwecansellthem topeoplewhoneedadditionalcredits forwhatevertheyaredoing.Wecan monetizethosecredits.Iwanttosee usbuymoreopenspaceforthat,sowe wouldgetactualcredits,andtakethat cashandbuyadditionalopenspace.
“Wealsoneedtofollowthrough withaffordablehousingandmakeit affordableforownership.Wedid rentals,andnowweneedtodohome ownership.
“Ihavealotofongoinggoalsthat weneedtomakesurewestayontop of—publicsafety,thatresponsetimes areasgoodorimproving.TheState
Thecouncilvoted7-0toapprovethe newfirstreadingoftheparkingordinance,despiteconsiderableobjections frommembersoftheFenwickIsland businesscommunity.
Questionsregardingtheproposed amendmentscanbeaddressedatTown Hall,MondaythroughFridayfrom8 a.m. to4p.m.
TownManagerPatriciaSchuchman saidthisweekthatwrittencomments onthenewordinancechangeswillbe accepteduptothetimeoftheJan.18 hearing,whichwillbeheldinthetown hallandwillalsobeavailablevirtually. Thelinktoallowaccesstothe livestreamofthehearingisavailableon thetownwebsite,athttp://www.fenwickisland.delaware.gov.
2 CoastalPoint January6,2023 HOURS Sunday-Thursday 9am-9pm Friday-Saturday 9am-10pm BREAKFAST Monday-Friday 9am-11am Sat & Sun 9am-Noon Order Online @ ccfbayside.com FOOTBALL SPECIALS! Sun. 1-7pm LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Carley Twigg - Friday, 1/6 - 5 PM OFF SEASON SPECIALS Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Sunday: Cheesesteak with Fries $12 All Day Happy Hour Drinks, $20 Crabcake Combos & Taco Tuesday Slow-Cooked Prime Rib Dinner with 1 Side $18 Burger with Fries $10 Fish & Chips $18 2 Single Crabcake Platters w/ FF & Slaw $25 (Dine-In Only) MINGO Monday/Trivia Tuesday/BINGO Thursday - 6-8pm No Reserved Seats Daily Lunch & Dinner Specials - Check Our Facebook Page Every Day! Happy Hour - Mon.-Fri.: Drink Specials - Noon-5 PM Food Menu - 2-5 PM 37314 Lighthouse Road | Rt. 54, Selbyville, DE • 302-988-5000 Crabcake Factory With Beverage Purchase • Subject to Change/Availability Blind Wind - Wednesday, 1/11 - 5 PM 302-386-7022 baysideheatingandcooling.com Experience the Bayside Way Sales & Service • Installation Maintenance Contracts 24/7 Emergency Service Let Us Keep You Warm This Winter!
dofortheTown,attheleastcostpossible,tryingnottoraisetaxes,tryingto completetheprojectswehaveforsidewalksafetyandenhancingtheuseof JohnWestParkforouryouthandfamiliesandalsomakingsurethatwegive ourpolicetheresourcestheyneedtobe surewecanbethesafesttownin Delawareforthesixthyearinarow.”
TheRev.Dr.BeckyCollison,pastor ofMariner’sBethelUnitedMethodist ChurchinOceanView,hasresolvedto learnsomethingnew,“liketryingmy hand atvisualarts.”
“Andsecond,tomarkoutatleastone dayeverymonthtodedicateonlyto spendingtimewithfamilyandfriends. Especiallyinlightofmymom’sdeath thisfall,IrealizesometimesIgettoo busywithworkorchores,andIforget thepreciousgiftofmomentsandrelationshipsrightinfront,”shesaid.
StateRep.RuthKingBriggssaidshe doesn’tmakeresolutions,butinsteadis “reflectingandevaluatingmanythings importanttofamiliesandindividualsto createintentionalactionitemsthisyear inthelegislature,aswellaspersonalpriorities.”
“Iwanttofocusonkeyissuesand notbedistractedbynoise.Thismeans tuningoutchatterandfocusingonrelevantdiscussion.I’mlookingforwardto ayearofchangeandopportunities,”she
MillsboroPoliceChiefBrianCallowaysaidhisgoalaschiefistoseethe newpolicestationfinished,andhispersonalresolutionisto“getintoshapefor theopeningceremony.”
MillsboroPoliceDetectiveDavid Moyersaidhispersonalresolutionisto improvehisfitness,andhelistedpolice departmentgoalsasaddingtwomore officers,“withhopestheywillattendthe DoverPoliceAcademyinApril.”
“Wealsolookforwardtothecompletionofthenewpolicestation,with hopesofmovingintothenewstationin early2024.Additionally,weplantohost anotheryouthacademyinthesummer andcontinuetoincreasesafetyforall Millsbororesidents,”hesaid.
MillsboroMayorFayeLingosaid that,althoughsheisnotoneformaking resolutions,hergoalsasmayorinclude gettingthenewwastewatertreatment facilityunderwayandseeingthenew policestationcompleted.
MillsboroTownCouncilwoman KimberleyKaanisintentoncontinuing “toexplorewaystocommunicatemore frequentlyandmeaningfullywiththe residentsandtaxpayersofMillsboro.”
“Iwanttohelpexpandwaysforcitizenstoengageandparticipatewith their localgovernment.Iamlookingto partnerwithtownstaff,Millsboro ChamberofCommerce,residentsand otherstakeholderstodowhatisnecessarytoputaspotlightondowntown
anditsrevitalization.Millsborohasthe ideallocationinSussexCounty,andour highwaydistrictanddowntownshould bothreflectthat,”shesaid.
SelbyvilleCouncilwomanCarolCary saidshewantsto“followthroughona beautificationprojectconceptindowntownSelbyville.”
“ WorkingwithMountaire,PhillipC. ShowellstudentsandtheSelbyville CommunityClub,ourgoalistobringa vibrancytothetownwithseasonal plantingsthroughouttheyear.Wehope alocalgardencenterwillalsogetinvolvedintheproject.Apersonalgoalis tocontinuetohelpstudentsatPhillip C.Showellbethebeststudentstheycan beandtoencouragealoveforlearning ineachofthem,”shesaid.
SussexCountyCouncilmanJohn Rieleysaidhedoesn’tmakeresolutions but isinterestedinlosingweight.His daughter,ahealthcoachwhousesthe FacebookandInstagramname“Nurse Kate,”hasbeenurginghimtosignup fora100-daychallengeforbetterhealth andforweightreduction.Sheandher husband,BennyJohnson,werenamed thefourthmostinfluentialcoupleinthe UnitedStatestwoyearsago,Rieley’s wifeadded.
“Shewantsmetotakeownershipfor myhealth,”saidRieley,thefatherof11 andgrandfatherof24,withtwomore grandchildrenexpected.
January6,2023 CoastalPoint 3 boardandbrush.com/bethanybeach • (302) 402-6973 30447 Cedar Neck Rd Unit 2 • Bethany Beach, DE 19970 WOOD SIGN WORKSHOPS TO GUIDE YOUR INNER-DIY! BethanyBlues.com 6 North Pennsylvania Avenue • Bethany Beach, DE • 302.537.1500 SUNDAY Brunch & Football BRUNCH IS BACK 10AM-2PM *NFL Specials Starting @ Kickoff SUNDAY CARRYOUT SPECIAL 20% Off Wings | 15% Off Family Meals Off-Season 2022-2023 SPECIALS Bethany Beach, DE MONDAY Burger Night $7 BYO Burger • Over 60 Choices $5 Drafts TUESDAY Taco Tuesday $3 Chips & Salsa $4 Blues BBQ Tacos (Brisket + $1.5) $8 BBQ Quesadilla (Brisket + $1.5) $8 Nachos (Choose your BBW, Brisket + $1.5) $6 House Margaritas $3 Modelo Pints • $4 Corona Bottles Carryout Special $45 Nacho Kit + Taco Kit + 4 Pack Margaritas WEDNESDAY Wing Night Half Priced Wings $5 Half LB. Boneless Wings $8 Pigs & Frizzles Kategories | Triple B Entertainment Starting @ 7:30PM THURSDAY Meat & Potatoes $16 Chef Inspired Entrees Half Priced Bottles of Wine FRIDAY Rye-Day Sagamore Spirit Specials SATURDAY College Game Day 11 HD Flat Screen TV’s! HAPPY HOUR 11:30AM - 6PM Available at the Bar and Bar Rail HAPPY HOUR Monday - Saturday Open - 6 PM Available at the Bar and Bar Rail Open 7 Days: Mon-Fri 4-Close • Sat 11:30-Close • Sun 10-Close ForRenovations Reopening EndofJanuary Sorry,weare Open Fri - Mon 10-4 • Sun 11-4 302-537-1414 Coastal Hwy. & Dagsboro St., Fenwick Island SouthernExposureFenwickIsland.com TOTAL SELL OFF 2022 INVENTORY Charlie B • Escape French Dressing • Habitat • Ruby RD • Zac & Rachel Tribal • Multiples Parsley & Sage Skye • Violet Ruby Many More *Basics & year round, as marked 50%-75% Off Orig. Clothing • Accessories Footwear Women’s & Men’s
Goals Continuedfrompage1
commissionerandathischurch, StevensonUnitedMethodistinBerlin.
“Thisyear,2023,willbeBruce MearsDesigner-Builder’s38thyearin whichIwillcreateandbuilddream homesformyclients.Homesthat,
hopefully,arefeaturedonafutureSouth CoastalLibraryBeachtoBayCottage Tour,”hesaid.
JakeBooth,presidentandmanaging partnerofCapstoneHomes—who alsovolunteersforHabitatforHumanityand,forthepast12years,hasbeen involvedwithContractorsforaCause —hasresolvedto“maketimetounplug andfocusonthepresent.”
“Weliveinsuchafast-pacedworld andneedtounplugtonoticewhatis aroundyouandsavorit,”hesaid.
GeorgetownMayorBillWestsaid hisgoalistogetthehomelesssheltered inavillageofabout408-by-8-foot sleepingcabinscalled“Pallethousing,” “andgivethemasafeplacetosleep.”
SpecialtotheCoastalPoint•MarianDowling ThesceneatHerringPointinCapeHenlopenStateParkwasoneofunseasonableweather,andpeopleenjoying outdooractivitiesinearlyJanuary.You neverknowwhatyou’llgethere,folks.
nitytogetherasone,”Westsaid,referringtorecentdisagreementonthe towncouncilaboutwhetherornota Confederateflagshouldcontinuetofly outsidethemuseumthereandifthe historicalsociety,locatedonthesame propertyastheflag,shouldreceive Townfunding.
Thearguingisanembarrassmentto Georgetown,thecountyseatofSussex, WesttoldtheCoastalPoint,because theTowncouldbeapopulardestination,aplaceforapubwherelawyersunwind afterworkingalldayandfamilies havedinner,atownknownforavariety ofethnicfoods.
“Thisisn’tgoodforGeorgetown. Thisyear,let’sdestroyhate,”themayor said.
CommissionerBruceMearssaidhewill “carryonservingmycommunity”asa
4 CoastalPoint January6,2023 Why Choose Us? Veteran Owned and Operated (302) 251-8252 Serving Millville & the surrounding area We look forward to meeting you! Schedule an appointment today! Bethany Beach & South Bethany Bracelets OPEN DAILY - 10AM 302.539.9334 ON THE BOARDWALK • BETHANY BEACH JEWELRY REPAIR & WATCH BATTERY INSTALLATION Goals Continuedfrompage3
saidtheywilltakeoverhigh-speedinternet.Ihaven’tseenit,butIwantto besuretheyaredoingthat,andifthey aren’t,wehavetoseewhatwecando,” Rieleysaid.
Hudson,retiredafteralifelongcareerasapoliceofficer,saidpublic safetyishismaingoal.
“Whenitcomestothepoliceand lawenforcement,andfireandEMS services—makingsuretheyhave enoughfunding,thatwehaveenough peopleandtherecruitmentandretentionofyoungerpeople.Thecouncil supplementsthestatepolicewithapproximately$3.8millionfor22extra troopersinourcounty.Thisyear,the Countyincreasedourbudgetby $800,000forfireandEMS,”hehad saidbeforetheNovemberelection, whilespeakingataneventduringhis
Manfounddead fromgunshotwound atMillsboroPD
BySusanCanfora StaffReporter
Millsboropolicethisweekwereinvestigatingthedeathofamandiscovereddeadinhiscar,parkedatthe MillsboroPoliceDepartmentonMain StreetonMonday,Jan.3.
Theman,inhis40s—whosename wasbeingwithheldmid-weekuntilnext ofkinwasfullynotified—wasdiscoveredbetween4and5:30p.m.bya Millsboropoliceofficerinvestigating whythecarhadbeenparkedinthelot foranextendedperiod,DetectiveDavid MoyertoldtheCoastalPoint.
Atfirst,theincidentwasreportedas cardiacarrest,butMoyersaidthatonce anambulancewascalledandtheman wasexamined,itwasdeterminedhehad beenshot.Moyersaiditwasn’tyetclear whetherthegunshotwasself-inflicted.
Hesaidthemanwasnotknownto thepolicedepartmentandthatitwas unlikelyhehadcommittedacrimeand wasatthepolicedepartmentdeciding whetherornottoturnhimselfin.
Foulplaywasnotsuspected,andnobody hasbeenarrested,Moyersaid.
“Inmy14-yearcareer,thisisthefirst timewe’vehadanythinglikethishappenattheMillsboroPoliceDepartment.Thingslikethishavehappenedin otherareaswithinourjurisdiction,but forthistooccurrightintheparkinglot isveryodd.I’veneverheardofanything likethishappening,”Moyersaid.
“Wereceivedmultiplecallslastnight —alotofcopsdid—inregardto, ‘Whathappenedupthere?’Somepeople werewonderingifthecopsgotinto ashootoutortheythoughtoneofour guyshadbeenshot,but,no,thatdidn’t happen,”Moyersaid.
“Anotherimportantissuefacing SussexCountyisland-usedecisions. Andwhenitcomestolanduse,it’s importanttokeepourbalance—the balancebetweenthegrowthweare seeinginSussexwhilemaintaining ourrural,coastalcharacterand,atthe sametime,providingtheservicesthat ourresidentsandvisitorshavecome toexpect.Also,thebalancebetween propertyrightsandthedevelopment pressurethecountyisexperiencing,” Hudsonsaid.
Heisalsocommittedtopreserving landanddonatingapieceofproperty theCountyownstotheNanticokeIndians.
“Weboughtapieceoflandon Route24,eastofMillsboro,andmy goalistoreachanagreementwiththe NanticokeTribe,”hesaid.
The40-acreparcelabutslandthe Nanticokesalreadyown,acrossfrom
theIndianCenteronRoute24and neartheNanticokeIndianMuseum.
“Italkedtothem.Ihavebeenin severalmeetingswiththemsofar,and theyarecertainlyinfavor.Wejust havetoworkoutsomedetails,”HudsontoldtheCoastalPoint.
Lee,aRepublicanwhohasserved assheriffforthepasteightyears,was aSeafordpoliceofficer25years,and worked10moreyearswiththeFugitiveUnitfortheAttorneyGeneral’s Officebeforerunningforsheriff.
“Therearenorealissuesinregard towhatwearedoingrightnow.We haveovercomemanyobstaclesduring thevirus,theCOVIDtime,andcreatedawarenessthathavemadeusbetterabletobesuccessfulinthe executionofsheriffsalesanddelivery oflegaldocuments,”hesaid.
Heandhisstaff“willcontinueto handlelegaldocuments,sheriffsales andmunitionpostingsanddelinquen-
Hesaidifhewasreelected,he wouldworktobettereducatethepublicaboutthedutiesoftheSheriff’s Office.
InNovember,Hudson,representingDistrict4,andRieley,representing District5,bothwonsecond,four-year terms.
RepublicanHudsondefeatednewcomerchallengerDemocratNathan Mitchellwith64percentofthevote. Hudsonreceived15,189,andMitchell garnered8,668votes.
RepublicanRieleyreceived10,629 votes,for63percent,andcontender BillyEdwards,aDemocrat,got37 percentor6,124votes.
Leewonathirdfour-yearterm, soundlywinningoverchallenger JamesBrittingham.Leereceived 61,644votes,or82percent,toBrittingham’s12,884votes.
January6,2023 CoastalPoint 5 Jan 7th 7am - 3pm Millville Fire Hall $5 ADMISSION Featuring FISHING HUNTING & BOATING Raf es Door Prizes Food
Several vendors have giveaways to sign up for.
Jason Lee will be there most of the day. starting in the morning.
WBOC Outdoors Delmarva Host
Officials Continuedfrompage2
County(andallSussexCountymunicipalities),refertoforinstructionconcerningacceptableusesofAmerican RescuePlanAct(ARPA)funding.
Theothercouncilmembersare DougHudson,CynthiaGreenand MarkSchaeffer.
VanessaPettyjohn—who,inDecember,retiredfromtheSussex County’sFinanceDepartmentBilling Divisionafter46years—waspresented withaplaquefromtheSussexCounty Council. SheworkedfortheCounty fromNovember1975untilDecember 2022.Councilmembersexpressedappreciationforheryearsofserviceand posedforaphotographwithher.
“Nomatteryourposition,yourdepartment,Iwantouremployeestoremembertobekind,courteous,tohelp peoplethebesttheycan,becauseweare thefaceofSussexCountygovernment, andletusallrepresentitwell,”Pettyjohnsaid.
TheMillsbororesidentbeganhercareerasaclerkintheAssessmentDivisionandwasnamedEmployeeofthe Yearin2014,atwhichtimeCounty AdministratorToddLawsonpraisedher forherprofessionalism,personality,enthusiasmandcommitment.
BySusanCanfora StaffReporter
SussexCountyCouncilPresident MichaelVincentwasagainnamedpresidentofthefive-memberpaneland CouncilmanJohnRieleywasselectedas vicepresident,asthecouncilwasreorganizedfollowingaswearing-inceremonypriortotheTuesday,Jan.3, meeting.
CountyAttorneyJ.EverettMoore willcontinuetoprovidelegalcounsel.
AtthesuggestionofFinanceDirectorGinaJennings,theCountywilladd toitsrosterthelegalcounselofthefirm Barnes&Thornburg,basedinWilmington,becauseitisthefirmthe
Thecouncilreviewedandapproved its2023RulesofProcedure.
Rule12,ConductDuringMeetings, wasexpandedtoincludeRule12.4, whichprovidesguidanceformembers’ conducttowardeachother,CountyAdministratorToddLawsonexplained.
“ Thislanguagecomesfromthe RulesoftheDelawareStateSenate Rule17andinvolves…theStandards ofConductbypersonsattending CountyCouncilmeetingsandwasupdatedatRule17.6toreflectcurrent
6 CoastalPoint January6,2023 patiosystems.com • 302-644-6540 • TOLL FREE 866-644-6540 Stop By Our Showroom and Save! Self Serve Outdoor Display with Product Info 16083 New Road Lewes, DE • Showroom Open Weekdays 8am–4:30pm By • Encloseyourscreenporch orbuildfromthegroundup! • 3or4Season • BESTVinyl4-Track Senior, Military & First Responder Discounts Now Available! WINTER SAVINGS Up To 20% OFF A Sunroom or Porch Expires 1/20/2023 • Valid upon initial pricing only 302-537-2433 | 121 Campbell Place Bethany Beach | patsysgourmet.com Key West & Creative Coastal Cuisine • Everything Freshly Made In House Open Thursday - Saturday at 5:30pm Closed Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays & Wednesdays ❖ Whole Flash-Fried Snapper ❖ ❖ 14oz. Bone-In Pork Chop ❖ All Natural NY Strip Steaks ❖ ❖ Cioppino ❖ Shrimp & Grits ❖ Gluten-Free & Vegetarian Available
SpecialtotheCoastalPoint•Submitted Fromleft,SussexCountyCouncilMembersMarkSchaeffer,JohnRieley,CynthiaGreen,MichaelVincentandDougHudsonare startingtheirnewterms. SeeCOUNTYpage8
ByKerinMagill StaffReporter
Frankford’stworecentannexation requestsaremovingforward,with“plan ofservices”documentsnowinthehands ofstateofficials,whowillreviewthe proposalforprovidingfeedbacktotown officials.
AtitsTuesday,Jan.3meeting,the towncouncilapprovedordinancesregardingbothannexationrequests— which,ifapproved,wouldbringanadditional264acresintoFrankfordtown limitsandcouldmorethandoublethe number ofhomesinthetown’sincorporatedarea.
ThecouncilvotedinNovemberto moveforwardwithtwoannexationrequests,fora150-acreparcelknownas theCress-Parsonsfarmanda114-acre parcelknownastheBernardLynch Trustfarm.Therequests,whichcould potentiallyinvolvetheconstructionof between600and900homes,weresent tothecouncilbythetown’sPlanning& ZoningCommissionfollowingthe commission’sNov.2meeting,withthe subsequent recommendationthatthe councilapprovethem.
TheLynchpropertyislocatedjust southofthetownboundaryalongMain Street/PepperRoad,extendingalmost toGumRoad,Wrightsaid.TheCress-
ParsonspropertyfrontsonClaytonAvenue,andthepartofthepropertyalong Claytonisalreadyintownlimits, Wrightsaid.
The“CressFarm,”asthelarger propertyisknownlocally,isundercontractwithaLaureldeveloper,DoubleH DevelopmentLLC,representedbyBob Horsey.TheLynchfarmpropertyisnot undercontractyet,andthereisnodeveloperyetinvolved,Welchsaid.
TownCouncilTreasurerJohn WrightsaidinNovemberthatthere werenoschematicsordetailedplansas yetforeitherpropertyandthatpresentationstotheplanningcommission mostlyconsistedofmapsshowing wheretheparcelsarelocated.Theapplicationwasrecommendedforcouncil considerationbyavoteof3-0,withtwo members,includingcommissionchair D uaneBeck,absentfromtheNov.2 meeting.
ThecouncilonJan.3approvedordinancesregardingbothrequests.Inboth cases,theverbiageoftheordinances citedthefollowingreasonsforconsideringtheapplications:
•Therequestsareinalignmentwith Frankford’s2020Comprehensiveplan, whichistheTown’sblueprintfordevelopmentandcitedthedesiretoexpand thetown’sboundariesthroughannexationsofappropriateproperties;
•TheannexationswouldbringadditionaltaxrevenuetotheTown,through realestatetransfertaxesandproperty taxes;
•Iftheannexationsareapproved,the town’sboundarieswillexpand;and
•Thelargerpopulationresulting fromdevelopmentoftheannexedpropertiescouldattractmorebusinessesto thetown.
Thecouncilhastentativelyscheduledapublichearingontheannexation requestsforFeb.6,inconjunctionwith thenextregularcouncilmeeting.The hearingcouldbepushedtoalaterday, however,ifthestatePreliminaryLand UseService(PLUS)hasnotcompleted itsreviewoftheannexationapplications bythattime.
TownClerkCherylLynchsaidthis weekthatthePLUSagencyhasnowreceivedalldocumentationrequiredregarding“planofservices”fromthe Town,whichoutlineswhetherthereare resourcestoprovideadequateservicesto anydevelopmentintheannexedareas. Thoseservicesincludesuchthingsas publicsafety,fireandambulanceservices, waterandsewer.
Meanwhile,thestateofsidewalksin theexistingtownlimitswasdiscussed duringtheJan.3meeting,withboth
January6,2023 CoastalPoint 7 Lunch Specials 11:30-3 DINE-IN ONLY 302.537.7373 • saltedrimde.com • 35553 Atlantic Ave., Millville DRINK SPECIALS Sun - Fri 11:30–6pm | Sat 3–6pm FOOD SPECIALS Everyday 3–6pm Happy Hour Specials In House Only, No Doggie Bags Taco Tuesday - ALL DAY & NIGHT 2 Tacos & Soda - $13 2 Tacos & Margarita (house non-frozen) - $16 2 Tacos Beef or Chicken - $12 2 Tacos Fish or Shrimp or Pork - $14 2 Tacos Veggie - $11 BINGO - Monday 6pm GAME NIGHTS! MUSIC Fri 1/6 Sat 1/7 • • Jack Bannon 8-11pm Hot Sauce Band 8-11pm NFL Specials Every Sunday All Day & Night Dinner Specials 4-9 DINE-IN ONLY Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Shrimp Night - $15.99-$17.99 Taco Tuesday - all day and night Burger Night - all day and night Prime Rib Night - $23.99 (while supplies last) Fajita Friday - All Fajitas - $16.99--Mon Wed Thur Fri Cheesesteak or Chicken Cheesesteak - $10 Build-a-Burger - $9 and up Fried Grouper Sammy - $9 2 Shrimp Tacos - $10-TRIVIA - Wednesday 7pm MINGO - Thursday 7pm OpenYearRound•Heated•OutdoorGames Check Out Our Outside Bar & Patio Open Thurs-Sat 5pm–8:30pm For Dine In & Curbside Pickup Buy a bottle of wine get 1/2 price pizza Artisan, hand rolled, grilled pizzas, awesome wine & local craft beer Thursday Special
BySusanCanfora StaffReporter
BurkintroducednewlyhiredAssistant TownManager
AshleySander whentheMillsboroTownCouncilmetonTuesday, Jan.3.
“Wearereally excitedtohaveher jointheteam.She startedinDecember,andweare gladtohaveher.Shehasalotofexperience.Herrésuméjustblewusaway,” Burksaid.
“I’mhappytobehere,”Sandersaid, smiling.
councilmembersandresidentsagreeing thatthetown’ssidewalksaregenerally inbadshapeandthatsourcesoffundingshouldbesoughttobeginrepairingthem.
CouncilPresidentGregWelchsaid thetowncharteraddressessidewalk repairandsetsforthguidelinesfor
“We’regladtohaveyou,”Mayor FayeLingoreplied.
Ear lier,BurkhadtoldtheCoastal PointthatSanderhadpreviouslybeen employedbytheTownofDeweyBeach.
“Wedidanationalsearch.Shehas theskillsweneedwithgrant-writing. Deweydoesn’thaveapropertytax.They runabudgeteveryyearwithoutapropertytax.Theybasethebudgetontransfertax,buildingpermitsandbusiness licenses.Tobeabletomanagethatsort ofbudgetwithoutpropertytax,thatsays alot,”Burksaid.
MirandaManelski,treasurerand eventcoordinatorfortheGreaterMillsboroArtLeague,whilepresentingher monthlyreporttothecouncil,said
whatpercentageoftheprojectwillbe paidbytheTownandwhatpercentage wouldbeassessedtoresidents.
“Allthesidewalksallaroundtown areterrible,”Welchsaid.“Ithinkwe needtoaddressthesidewalksall throughtown,”hesaid,“butifthere’s anemergencysituationorarealbad areathatweneedtolookat…we needtodosomething.”
“It’sahugeexpense,”Welchsaid, addingthatoncetheTownstartsfix-
membersfacedchallengesin2022and atonetimethegrouphadonlyabout $300infunds.
“Butthroughfundraising,networking,wearenowsustaining.Wearegettingnewmembersinvolved.Icouldnot bemoreproudofourteam.Ithasbeen awesome.That’sablessing,”shesaid, addingthattheartleagueheldasuccessfulblooddriveonDec.20andhasa fullcalendarofeventsplanned.
AJan.19writingworkshop,tocelebrateEdgarAllanPoe’sbirthday,is amongtheeventsplanned.Itwillbe taughtbytheCoastalPoint’sSusan Canfora.
Thisyear,apleasedandclean-shaven MillsboroPoliceChiefBrianCalloway
ingsidewalks,“everybody’sgoingto lookattheirsidewalksandsay,‘Well, doours,too.’”
CouncilMemberPamDavissaid effortshadbeenmadetosecureState fundingforsidewalksincertainareas, includingClaytonAvenue,buthadnot beensuccessful.
Thecouncilalsodiscussedefforts tocompleteditchrepairsintown,in anefforttoreducefloodingissues. Thoseeffortshavebeenstymied,
toldthecouncil,morethan$8,000was raisedforthe2022Whiskersfor Wishes,anannualfundraiserthatallowspoliceofficersandotherswhocontributetonothavetoshaveduringthe Christmasseasoninexchangeforthat contribution.
Atotalof13familiesinneedwere sponsored,Callowaysaid.
“TwodaysbeforeChristmas,Santa Clauswaswithus,andwegaveout thosegifts.Itwasanothersuccessful year.WewanttothankGraceUnited MethodistChurch.Withoutthem,we couldneverhavethisprogram.It’sa wonderfulteamandpartnershipwe have.I’mgladtobepartofit,”Calloway said.
Welchsaid,bytwohomeownerswho havedeclinedtoparticipateinthe project,whichwouldresultinremoval ofvegetationfromtheirproperty, whichtheysaywouldalsoremoveprivacy.Thehomeownersarerequesting thatthestateprovidefencingontheir propertytoreplacetheremovedvegetation.
Inotherbusiness,thecouncilremindedresidentsoftheJan.13deadlineforcandidatestofilefortheFeb.4 towncouncilelection.TheseatscurrentlyheldbyWelchandWrightare upforelectionthisyear.Jan.13isalso thedeadlineforresidentstoregisterto voteinthisyear’stowncouncilelections.
statelaw.…TheGeneralAssemblyrecentlypassedlegislationrequiringpubliccommentduringallpublic meetings,”hesaid.
Rule20involvestheCodeofConduct“bywhichcouncilmembersare subjecttoinDelawareCode,”headded, explainingRule20isnewtotheCouncil’sRulesofProcedureandwasinserted tospecifytheCounty’sCodeofConduct,andtherequirementthatacouncil membermaynotparticipateinamatter whenapersonalorprivateinterestexists.
Councilapprovesappeals amendment
TheSussexCountyCouncilapprovedanordinancetoamendthe coderelatingtohowmuchtimethe councilhastorenderadecisiononan appealafteradecisionismadebythe Planning&ZoningCommission.
Thetimelimitwasincreasedfrom 60to120daysafterthecouncilreceivesthetranscriptfromthePlanning&ZoningCommission.
8 CoastalPoint January6,2023 Second Season SPECIALS Monday Fried Oyster Dinner $18 Grilled Pork Chops $17 Tuesday Cottage Fried Chicken $16 BBQ Baby Back Ribs $16 Wednesday Fried Shrimp Dinner $17 Cottage Shrimp & Grits $18 Thursday Prime Rib Dinner 8oz. $24 12oz. $30 Seafood Mac & Cheese $23 Friday “Fryday” Fish Fry $20 Choice of Cod, Flounder, or a combination Bourbon Bacon Salmon $20 Sunday Roast Turkey Dinner $16 PUB PARTY TRIVIA with DJ Bump TUESDAYS @6PM DJ Bump Friday @ 5PM Open 7 Days at 11am • 302.539.8710 • 33034 Coastal Hwy, Rt. 1, Bethany Beach, DE
ConcernsofPoliceSurvivors (COPS)hasforthelastfewyearsrecognizedthosewhoserveandprotect peopleintheircommunities.Jan.9, 2023,isLawEnforcementAppreciationDay(LEAD),andFraternal OrderofPoliceLodge16inBethany Beachisurgingpeopletotaketimeon Jan.9tosupportpoliceofficers.
Callowayannouncedthatseveralofficersrecentlyunderwenttraining.Cpl. MichaelGormanandPatrolmanTravis Shockleyweretrainedinethicaldecision-makingonDec.12,Cpl.John WhartonandCpl.ChristopherEbke receivedbackgroundinvestigations trainingonDec.15,andCpl.Michael GormanandEbkehadcertifiedfield trainingonDec.20and21,allatthe DelawareStatePoliceAcademy.
Additionalfundingforpolice stationconstruction
Thecouncilunanimouslyapproved anadditional$19,770forabout100 loadsofdirtthatwashauledtothesite wherethenewMillsboropolicestation isbeingbuilt,onWestRailroadAvenue. Thechangeorderbringsthetotalcost ofthestructureto$7,191,170,anincreasefromtheoriginallyapproved $7,171,400.
Millsboro’swaterandsewerengineeringconsultant,CarrieKrugerof DuffieldAssociates,basedinWilmington,toldthecouncilthatthefilldirt wasneededtoelevatethebuilding.
“ Thatwasanunforeseen.Therewere soilboringsdone,buttheyarehit-or-
TheFraternalOrderofPolicereportedthat,asofDec.1,302lawenforcementofficershavebeenkilledin thelineofduty.
“Nowmorethaneveristimeto showourpolicethatthecommunity supportsthem,”saidPaulBolton,aretiredU.S.ParkPoliceofficerand memberofFOPLodge16.
miss.Theyhitalotofclayandsiltwhen theystartedexcavating.Itwasunsuitablematerial,sotheyhadtobringthis in,”shesaid.
Groundwasbrokenforthe$9.3million,13,000-square-footstructureon Oct.4.Itisexpectedtobefinishedin thefall.
Councildeniesannexation request
OntheadviceofacommitteeappointedbyLingo,todiscussarequestto annexlandintothetownforthePatriot’sWaydevelopment,thecouncil deniedtherequest.
InSeptember2022,Lingohadappointedthecommitteetodiscussthe desiretoannexabout240acresinthe PatriotsWayareaofMillsborofora newresidentialdevelopment.Attorney DavidHuttoftheMorrisJameslaw firminGeorgetownhadmadetherequest,tellingthecouncilthatthe acreageincludes“everythingfromthe cemeterynorthtoeast,”referringtothe DelawareVeteransMemorialCemetery at 26669PatriotsWay.
Wetlandsareinvolvedandareexcludedfromtheannexationfee.Ifthe Townapprovedannexation,itwould havetobediscussedwhetherthecemeterywouldbeexcludedfromtheannexationfee,hesaid.
LingoappointedCouncilmanJohn Thoroughgoodtobechairmanofthe
•Flyingablueribbonontheir mailbox,motorcycle,vehicleoranywhereonecanbetied.
•Shiningabluelightintheirhome window.
committeeandworkwithCouncilwomanKimberleyKahnandCouncilmanJamesKells.Atthecouncil meetingthisweek,Burksaidcommittee memberswerenotinfavor,citingincreasedtrafficandwaterandwastewater needs.TheysaidtheTown’sinfrastructure“isn’treadyyetforthesizeofthis project.”
“Thecommitteerecommendswenot moveforward,”Lingosaid,ascouncil membersvotedtoacceptthecommittee’sreportanddenytherequest.
MillsboroDirectorofPublicWorks KennyNibletttoldthecouncilthathydrantflushinghasbeencompleted.The maintenanceproceduresometimes causestemporarydiscolorationofwater.
“ Wehadseveralresidentsaffected, butthatistobeexpected.Weplantodo itagaininAprilandplantoincludean
•Hostingorattendingalocalrally insupportoflawenforcement.
“Mostimportantly,”hesaid,“ifyou seeapoliceofficer,thankapoliceofficer.”
announcementinApril’swaterbillsto getthewordout.Alotofpeoplewere unaware.Wewillalsoputanoticeon thelocalTVstation.Itwasontheelectronicsignintownandonthewebsite. Wewanttotrytomakeresidentsaware. Wedon’twantthemtoruintheirlaundry,”Niblettsaid.
Thecouncilacceptedacommittee recommendationtoannexMillsboro TowneVillageintotownlimits,citing apositivefinancialimpactandgood locationforresidences,althoughthere wasconcernaboutincreasedtraffic.A publichearingonthematterwillbe heldattheMonday,Feb.6,council meeting.
“Partofthisdevelopmenthadalreadybeenannexedintotownseveral yearsago,andthisjustcompletesthat project,,”Lingoexplained.
January6,2023 CoastalPoint 9 Bethany Massage & Healing Arts bethanymassage.com 33298 Coastal Highway, Bethany Beach, DE THURSDAY EVENING SPECIAL $25 OFF a 60 Minute Massage! Call to schedule 302-537-0510 or text 302-448-0269 New Evening Hours –Thursdays until 8 PM (Last Appointment at 7 PM) 3 PM – 8 PM (Limited Availability) Juried vendor show for all mediums For More Information: 443-235-2926 www.delmarvaartexpo.com Ocean City Convention Center 40th St. Bayside Saturday 10-5 & Sunday 10-3 $3.00 Admission January 14-15th 2023 Millsboro Continuedfrompage8
ByMalloryPanuska OceanCityToday
Justunderayearago,OceanCity, Md.,areabusinessrepresentativesand dignitariesjoinedOceansDowns CasinoofficialstoclipacelebratoryribbonlaunchingsportsbettingkiosksinsidethegamblingfacilityonRoute589.
Now,accordingtodatafromthe MarylandStateLottery&Gaming ControlAgency,thecasinohasnetted morethan$1.4millioninrevenuefrom betsoncollegeandnationalfootball, baseball,basketball,soccerandother sportingevents.
BobbiSamplesaidinanemailrecently thattheNFLandNBAhaveseemedto generatethemostwagersoverthelast
yearatthe20TwinspiresSportsbook kiosksinfrontofPoseidon’sPubinside thecasino.
Shealsosaidthattheexistenceofthe sportsbookhashadatrickle-downeffectbybringingmorefoottrafficinto thecasino,andincreasingfoodand drinksales.
OceansDownswasoneofninelocationsacrossthestatethatreceivedalicensetolaunchasportsbookoperation followingtheapprovalofthemeasurein aNovember2020referendum.
Thelegislationallowed60online operatorsand30retailsportsbooks— includingcasinos,professionalsports stadiums,smallbusinessesandothers— toobtainlicenses.
Afteratediousregulationprocess thatgarneredcriticismfromGov.Larry
Hoganandotherseagertolaunchthe measure,physicalsportsbooklicenses werefinallyissuedandlaunchedlatelast year.OceanDownswasamongthefirst clusteroffivecasinoapprovals,along withHorseshoeCasinoBaltimore,Live! CasinoinHanover,MGMNational HarborinOxonHillandHollywood CasinoinPerryville.
Mobilebettingtookevenlonger, withthefirstonlinewagersmadejust beforeThanksgivingthisyear.
AccordingtotheState’sdata,seven licenseswereissued.Andwhiletwoof thelicenseesreportednumbersinthe blackforthefirstfewweeks,theothers wereallinthered,withamorethan $38milliondeficitoverallafterpromotionsandotherdeductions.
mobilelicenseholders,andSamplesaid casinoofficialswillnotbepursuingone. Shealsosaidofficialshavenoplansto expandthephysicalsportsbookatthis time.
Whensportsbettinglaunchedlast year,Marylandwasalreadysignificantly behindneighboringVirginia,Pennsylvania,WestVirginia,NewJerseyand Delaware,whichallhadsometypeof wageringinplace.
Theabsenceofitinthestateprolongedcollectionofmoneytohelppay fortheBlueprintforMaryland’sFuture, aworkingmulti-billion-dollareducationoverhaulplanthatneedsfunding sources.Accordingtothegaming agency’snumbers,nearly$2.9million hasalreadybeenallocatedtotheeffort sincesportsbettinglaunched.
Aftertheholidays,theDepartment ofNaturalResourcesandEnvironmentalControl(DNREC)encourages
DelawareanstokeeptheirrealChristmastreesoutofthestate’slandfillsby recyclingthematanyofthemany yardwasterecyclingsiteslocated throughoutthestate.Treemulchis greatforhelpingconserveanden-
hanceFirstStatesoilbysequestering carbonthatbothfertilizesthesoiland helpsitretainmoisture.
Christmastreerecyclingalsosaves valuablespaceinDelaware’slandfills. Morethan176,000tonsofyardwaste —whichincludesgrass,leaves,brush, trees(Christmastreesprominent amongthem)andotherlawn/land-
scapematerials—wasrecycledin 2021.Pr iortoDelaware’syardwaste ban,manyofthesematerials—consideredreusableresources—were senttolandfills,takingupspace ratherthanbeinghandledthrough localmarketsformulchandhome composting.
Residentshavetheoptionto choosefromamongmanysitesin DelawaretodropofftheirChristmas tree.Someofthesesitesaccepttrees atnocost,whileotherschargeforthe service.
Beforeresidentsdropofftheirtree, callthesiteinadvancetoseewhatrestrictionsareinplaceandwhether thereisachargeforacceptingatree toberecycled.
Residentswhopayforcurbside collectionserviceshouldcalltheir wastehaulertoseeiftheyoffer Christmastreepickup.Ifpickupis unavailablefromhaulers,checkthe listofyardwastedrop-offsitesonthe DNRECwebsiteatde.gov/yardwaste.
Treesmaybeacceptedassoonas Dec.26andaslateasJan.28,2023,
but,aseachyardwastefacilityhasits ownschedule,callingaheadorcheckingtheDNRECwebsiteisadvised. Likewise,commercialhaulersorlandscapersshouldcallafacilitypriorto deliveringloadsofChristmastreesto bemulched.Christmastreesarenot acceptedforrecyclingatDelaware StateParksanditisillegaltoleaveor dumpthemondunesorbeaches,or anywherewithinastatepark.
WhetherdroppingoffaChristmas treeorhavingitcollected,preparethe treeforrecyclingintomulchbystrippingoffalldecorationsandlights,removinganyflocking(fakesnow)and detachingtreestands.
Delawareansalsoarereminded thatSunday,Jan.15,2023isthelast daytodropoffmaterials,including Christmastrees,atthePollyDrummondHillRoadyardwastesitein northernNewCastleCounty.The DNREC-administeredsitewillclose atsundownSunday,Jan.15andwill reopenforspringonSaturday,March 25.Moreinformationcanbefoundat de.gov/yardwaste.
10 CoastalPoint January6,2023 Magic,Music&Entertainment! Tickets on sale now at DickensParlourTheatre.com 31810 Good Earth Lane Ocean View, DE *All Performances Subject to Change MovieandLecture: "TheIllusionist” with Rich Bloch Jan 6, - Jan 7, 7pm The 2006 movie, The Illusionist, was a cinematic masterpiece that received numerous accolades and followed the life of a ctional illusionist. Throughout the movie, there is constant reference to RobertHoudain and some of his most famous magical inventions are featured. Owner of the Dickens Parlour Theatre, Rich Bloch, has had a long standing love affair with the history of Magic. Over the years, he has curated a catalog of original pieces and will share the history of some of the special pieces invented by Robert-Houdain and featured in the movie. RandyForster Sunday, January 15 - 2:00 PM Randy Forster has been performing Magic since he was rst mesmerized as a young man, mainly in the middle Atlantic states, for corporate events, private organizations, and parties, as well as local restaurants, clubs, and charities. Randy’s style has made him a favorite performer of young and old alike. LiveJazzBrunch Sunday, January 29, 2023 - 10:00 AM Sundays 10 AM – 1 PM Join us for a relaxing Jazz Brunch in the Dickens Parlour Dining room! Mouth-watering entrees prepared by the “Good Earth Chef” will make for a perfect Sunday while enjoying the sounds of live jazz. Ann’s Mobile Salon Cuts • Color & Perms at Your Front Door Specializing in Homebound Clients Haircuts- $25 Insured. Licensed in DE & MD since 1993 Email: AnnsMobileSalon@yahoo.com 302-245-3609 29P Atlantic Ave. • Ocean View, DE 302.616.2604 • OceanVayuYoga.com Ocean Vayu Yoga New Student Special $49 for 30 Days! Tai Chi & Qigong Starts Jan. 12th & 17th Register Now! Start the Year Off Right! “What you do today will define your tomorrow”
Special-needsschool openson-time, under-budget
ByMikeSmith StaffReporter
TheHowardT.EnnisSchoolin GeorgetownopeneditsdoorsonTues., Jan.3,withabrandnew$45million schoolfacilitydeliveredbystateboard ofeducationfundingandlocalschool districtoversight,on-timeandunderbudget.Infact,someofthesavings fromthestatebondissuemaybetransferredoverquiteliterallyacrossthe street,tohelppayforthenewSussex CentralHighSchool,wheregroundwas justbrokeninlateDecember.
Morethan140studentsandtheir parentsandcaregiverswalkedthrough thedoorsofthespacious,high-tech learningcenteratthenewHowardT. Ennis,withitslargerclassrooms,more labsandspecial-needsphysicaltherapy facilities,includinganaquaticscenter andoccupational-therapyrooms.
Ennisprovideseducationalservices tospecial-needschildrenthroughout theIndianRiverSchoolDistrictand largerSussexCountysystems.Thespecial-educationschoolisanaward-winninginstitution,andformorethan50 yearshasservedthecommunityinspiringyoungpeopletoworkbeyonddisabilityandtransitiontomore independentadultlife.
“Theenergyisveryhigh,”saidPrincipalMelissaKansak,whohelpedshepherdtheprojectthroughtocompletion. “Weareherewithbigsmilesonour facesandareallreadyforthekids.Itis allaboutthekids,”saidKansak,repeating theschoolmotto.
“WeopenedourdoorsforourteacherslastFridaysotheycoulddecorate classroomsandpreparetheirlearning center,”saidtheprincipal.“Theydida lotofchorestoprepareforschool.We areopeningon-time,justastheypromised.”
“TheStatedidagreatjobrecognizingtheneedforastate-of-the-art learningfacility,”saidPageLyons,special-educationcoordinatoratthe school.“Itwastime,andourstudents deserveafacilitylikethis,justlikeevery otherchildinthedistrictandthe county.Ourkidsshouldbeaffordedthe sameopportunities,”saidLyons,who hasworkedfortheIRSDfor10years.
Constructioncrewswereoutinfullforcelastweekend,completingthe “punchlist”offinalbuildingupgrades. Brickmasonscutandplacedbricksidewalksrightuptothefrontdoorsofthe newschool,locatedonPatriot’sWay. Asphaltpavingcompaniesandlinestripingcrewsworkedonstripingthe parkinglotforteachersandguests.
Landscaperstookadvantageofthespringlikeweathertoplant shrubsonwalkways leading-uptothe school.
Itwasachoreographyofoutdoorconstructionservices,along withcafeteriaworkers andteachersinside, preparingfoodservices, interiordecoratingand placingmotivational messagesalongthehallwaysandintheirclassrooms.
“Wearesohappy, andwereallydoappreciatealltheovertime theconstructionteams andlaborersputinover theirholidaystomake suretheschoolwas readyforopeningthis week,”saidLyons,who servedontheplanning committeeforthenew construction.“Itisjust gorgeous,insideand out.Allourstaffareextremelyexcited,because wereallyhadoutgrown thepreviousbuilding. ThenewHowardT. Ennishasbeenupgradedforourneeds.”
EliseDenny,acafeteriaworkerpreparing foodalongsideCafeteriaManagerMichele Esham,said,“Everythingispannedup,and wearereadytofeed over140kidsonTuesday.”
“Weareworkingovertheholiday breakandintoNewYear’sweekendbecauseourovensandmajorappliances arejustbeinginstalledtoday,overthe break,”shesaid.“Wearegettinga jumpstartonschoolbreakfastsand lunches.”
DennysaidtheH.T.Enniscafeteria staffisexpectingthestudentpopulationtogrow.
“Weareinamuchbiggerfacility, andhavemoreroomforstudentsand forthefoodservice.”
Lyonsaddedthattheplanningteam “workedcollaboratively,andeveryone providedinputonwhatourteachers willneedincomingyears.”
ShecreditedPrincipalMelissa Kansakfor“makingtheefforttoincludethestaffinthedecision-making process.Therapists,teachersandour supportstaffwereallinvolvedinthe collaboration.”
“Everyoneinvolvedhasworkedtirelessly,andourexpandedclassroom spaceandwide-openhallwayswill
allowustomovefreelythroughoutthe newH.T.Ennisbuilding,”noted Lyons.
“Weareveryexcitedforthecompletionofournewschool,”wroteKansak inamessagetoparentsandcaregivers. “Wehavebeenwaitingpatientlyforits completionandhavebeenplanningfor theshiftinlocationsincethespringof 2022.UponreturnfromChristmas break,allstudentsandstaffwillbeattendingatthenewlocationat26021 Patriot’sWay.Weareexcitedforour studentstoenjoythenewlargerclassrooms,ournewplaygroundandpool.” (Cementhasbeenpouredbutthepool isstillunderfinalconstruction.)
“Thisisgoingtobeasuperexciting time,”addedKansak.“Butwewillalso beworkingthroughoperationalproceduressuchasbusandparentdrop-off andpick-up.Aswemakethetransition, buspickupanddropofftimesmay needtobeadjustedwiththenewlocation.Pleaselookfortheseupdatesin ClassDojoandinyourstudent’sdaily communicationfolders.Weaskforpatienceduringthefirstweekatthenew
location asweworkthroughthechallenges.”
Kansaksaidthereweresomedelays causedbysupply-chainissues—specificallywiththemetalbuildingmaterials designedforceilingtilesandsupport.
“Weareworkingthroughthedelays, andwere-setouroriginalcompletion date,”tothemid-yearcrossoverperiod betweenthetwoschools.“Wearea county-wideprogramandsoallofthe $45millionprojectwasState-funded.”
AccordingtoanIRSDspokesperson,aribbon-cuttingeventandgrandopeningceremonyisplannedforthe firstquarter,afterthespecial-needsstudentsaresettledintheirnewschool home.
Aspecialmemorialtributetoformer H.T.EnnisPrincipalKristinaPerfettiis beingcompleted:ahandblownglass bouquetofsunflowers—herfavorite flowers—saidKansak.Thetributeto Perfetti,whoapproachedtheState aboutfundingthenewfacilityand startedtheprojectbeforeherdeathtwo yearsago,inFebruary2021,willbe placednearthecafeteriaentrance.
January6,2023 CoastalPoint 11
CoastalPoint•MikeSmith WidehallwaysareanimportantfeatureofthenewHowardT.EnnisSchool,asithelpswithstudents whomightrequirealittlehelpmovingfrompositiontoposition.
Left,fromleft,BethanyBeachMayor RosemaryHardiman,runnerMike Sewell,SouthBethanyMayorTim SaxtonandStateRep.RonGraypose forthecameras.Bottomleft, Bethany-FenwickAreaChamberof CommerceExecutiveDirectorLaurenWeaver,alongwithherdaughter, June,takeintheday’sevents.For morecoverage,turntopage32.
andwalk,andraceorganizerDoug Purcellsaid$20,000hadbeencollectedbytheparticipants—though somedidnotphysicallyparticipate. AftertechnicalT-shirtexpensesand Races2Runracemanagementby DrewGonserandhisfamily,the QRCFexpectstoclearsome$14,000 fromtheeventforscholarshipsand grants.
ByMikeSmith StaffReporter
Withspringliketemperaturesapproachingnearly60degreesonNew Year’sDay,familiestooktodowntownBethanyBeachindrovesto enjoytwokeystoneeventsheldevery yeartoraisemoneyforlocalscholarshipsandeducationalgrants.
TheBethany-FenwickArea ChamberofCommercehostedits annualoceanplungeeventwith watertemperatureshoveringat45 degrees.LaurenWeaver,executive directoroftheChamber,saidmore than350peopletook tothewater andwavesforachillyswim.However,therewerewellmorethan 1,000onlookersandsupporterscarryingbeachtowels.TheTownof BethanyBeachworkedfeverishly withDNRECtoensureacrossover sandbridgeovertheduneswascreatedsothatplungerscouldmake theirwaytotheocean.
Weaversaidtheproceedsofthe plunge,whichcost$25forthebrave swimmers,wouldfundtheWilliam O.Murrayscholarshipfund.
TheHairoftheDog5Kraceand 1-mile walkalsodrewmorethan350 peoplewhocrossedthestartingline atGarfieldParkwayandAtlanticAvenueindowntownBethany,witha post-raceeventhostedbyMango’s restaurant.
TheHairoftheDogracingseries issponsoredbytheQuietResorts CharitableFoundation.Morethan 550peoplehadregisteredfortherace
TomLannen,whomanagesthe Mango’svenue,openedhisdoors earlyforachilicook-offeventwith judgingtakingplacewhiletherace andwalkwasunderway.Judgesfor thekick-offincludedstateRep.Ron GrayandMayorsRosemaryHardimanofBethanyBeachandTimSaxtonofSouthBethany.Thepublic officialsalsoservedasracemarshals, and Hardimanwastheofficial starter.
“IwanttoreallythankMango’s, Tom,andtheownershipgroupfor openingtheirrestaurantonNew Year’sDayandprovidingsuchagreat spaceoverlookingtheoceanforour racersandwalkersaftertheHairof theDog,”saidDougPurcell,presidentoftheQRCF.“Theyalwaysgo aboveandbeyondtomakesure everyonefeelswelcome.”
Donatedbeer,thechilibowls, cornbreadfromGiantFoodsandhot coffeefromDriftingGrounds roundedouttherepast.
BethanyBluesprovedvictorious inthecook-off,byunanimousconsentofthejudges.However,a chickenchiliproducedbyNorthEast SeafoodKitchenoftheSoDelfamily ofrestaurantsalsodrewstrongkudos. OthercontestantsincludedSummer Saltsrestaurant,aswellastheCommonwealthrestaurantgroup(formerlytheHookedrestaurantgroup). AlargebatchortwoofchiliwasdonatedtotheBethanyBeachVolunteerFireCompany,whichgratefully acceptedthefoodgiftbythese restaurantsandQRCF.
TheHOD5Kwinnerforthesecondyearinarowwasafemalerunner,NatalieLutzoftheHockessin RunningClub.MikeSewellwasa master’swinnerandalsotookhome topprizes.
12 CoastalPoint January6,2023
CoastalPointencourages theexchangeofideas. Letterstotheeditormustbe signedbytheauthorwith phone numberincludedfor purposesofverification.
Editorial Thestaff
LocalstudentsandteachersweregreetedwithaNewYear’s treatonTuesday,Jan.3,asthenewHowardT.EnnisSchoolin Georgetownopenedthedoorstoits$45millionfacility.
Beforewegofurther,let’stalkaboutsomestuffoffthetop thatisprettydarnimpressive:Theprojectwasfundedbystate boardofeducationmonies,hadlocalschooldistrictoversight andactuallywascompletedon-timeandunder-budget.
Butmore importantly,thenewschoolishere,andareachildrenwithspecialneedshavealearningfacilitythatcanmeet theirneeds,nowandintothefuture.
“Theenergyisveryhigh,”explainedPrincipalMelissa Kansak.“Weareherewithbigsmilesonourfacesandareall
“WeopenedourdoorsforourteacherslastFriday[Dec.30] sotheycoulddecorateclassroomsandpreparetheirlearning center,”Kansakcontinued.“Theydidalotofchorestoprepare forschool.Weareopeningon-time,justastheypromised.”
Thewide-openhallwayswillparticularlystandouttothose whohadbeeninthepreviousbuilding—whichisabigdeal, consideringthechallengessomeofthestudentshavemoving withoutwheelchairsorotherassistance.Thenewschoolalsohas moreclassroomspace,anewplaygroundspecificallydesigned forEnnis’studentsandapool.
It’sabigdeal,andweapplaudtheState,IRSDandKansak fortheireffortsinhelpingtoprovideapropereducationalfacilityforSussexCountystudents.Bravo,allaround.
Shoppinglists,to-dolists,goals,resolutions,top-five moviesorsongs,bucketlists,packinglists,CaseyKasemand hisAmericanTop40,liststhatlistalotoflists...
me,andIimmediatelydroppedeverythingIwasdoingto checkitoutandseewhatcaughtmyeyethemost.There wasplenty.
DARINJ.MCCANN darin.mccann@coastalpoint.com
SUSANMUTZ susan.mutz@coastalpoint.com
M.PATRICIATITUS patricia.titus@coastalpoint.com
TARYNKING taryn.king@coastalpoint.com
SHAUNM.LAMBERT shaun.lambert@coastalpoint.com
CHRISAUBE chris.aube@coastalpoint.com
Point of No Return
Darin J. McCann
Yougetmypoint.Welikelists.Maybeit’sbecausewe haveevolvedintobeingsthatprioritizeorderandefficiency. Maybewesimplyliketheprocessof rankingthings,andthe conversation/debatethatcomesfrom that.Maybewehaveincrediblysmall attentionspansanymore,andthemost wecanfullyabsorbatanygiventimeis abulletpointandbriefdescription.Or, maybe,wejustlikemakinglistsbecausethere’ssomethingtherapeuticaboutmentallyorphysicallyputtingintoordersomethingthathasourattention.
Regardless,wedomakeandconsumealotoflists.And thereprobablyisn’tabiggerfanofthemthatyouwillfind onthisspinningballwecallEarththanyourstruly.Look, I’llproveit.Here’salistofthegreatestfansofliststhe worldhaseverseen.
That’sreallyasfarasweneedtogowiththis.Game.Set. Match.
Theendofoneyearandthedawnofanotherinevitably bringsatonoflists—celebritieswhodiedin2022,trends, whathaveyou.It’skindoffuntorehashsomeofthestuff thatmighthaveslippedourmindsoverthepast12months, andIenjoyreadingorhearingaboutwhatsmartpeoplebelievewillhappenoverthenext12months.AndIreceived onefromouresteemedpublisher,SusanLyons,thattruly stolemyattention.
ThefinepeopleatGoogle—ortheirparentcompany, Alphabet—sharedtheirlistofwhatpeoplewereGoogling themostintheUnitedStatesduring2022.AndbeforeIgo anyfurther,youhavetoadmitthatifyourcompanynameis usedasaverbinregulardiscourse,you’vedonesomething right.Justonce,I’dliketofindmyselfsittingontheboardwalkonanice,mildmorningandoverhearsomeonesay, “Yeah,soIwasCoastal-PointingtheWashingtonPostthe otherdayand...”
Themostsearcheditemfor2022willprobablynotsurpriseanybodywithasocial-mediaaccountwhoopensit, well,atall.“Wordle”toppedthelist,followedby“election results,”“BettyWhite,”“QueenElizabeth”and“BobSaget.”
Goaheadandperusethatfirstlist again.Letthosewordswashoveryour mind,andfullyembracethenotion thatweliveinasocietywhereBob SagetandQueenElizabetharepaired togetherinsomethingthatmeasures humaninterestlevels.Also,itisofat leastalittleinterestthatawordgame isresearchedmorethantheresultsofahotly-contestednationalmidtermelection.
Idolovenews,ifyoucouldn’ttellbymyoccupation,and itisoflittlesurprisereallythat“electionresults,”“Queen Elizabethpassing”and“Ukraine”holdthetopspots.That justmakessense,right?HurricaneIan,andallthatthe stormbroughtwithit,finishedfifthfortheyear,which makesallthesenseintheworldconsideringthedamageit broughtandpeople’sdesirestotrackitbeforeitcameto theirlocations.Thefourthmost-searchediteminthenews? “Powerballnumbers.”
Consideringmyowncontributionstothathighsearch numberasItrytostayontopofmy“retirementplan,”I guessthatoneshouldn’tsurprise,either.
Themost-searchedrecipeof2022?Sugo—whichmeans “sauce,”inItalian,butI’mguessingmostofyoualready knewthatsinceyousearcheditlastyear.Mostsearched song?“WeDon’tTalkAboutBruno”fromEncanto,which hasbeenplayedinmyhomebymy8-year-olddaughter enoughtimesthatIdidn’tevenraiseaneyebrowonthat one.Movie?Again,Encanto.Again,notsurprised.
Letmegobackafewtopicsifyou’llindulgeme.Doyou knowwhatthethird-mostsearchedrecipewasfor2022? “MarryMeChicken.”IhadneverheardofthisonesoI contributedtoitssearchnumbersforearly2023.Let’sjust saythattherewillbesomeMarryMeChickencooking whilelisteningto“WeDon’tTalkAboutBruno”thisweekend.
NADINETIMPANARO nadine.timpanaro@coastalpoint.com
JANEJOHNSON jane.johnson@coastalpoint.com
KERINMAGILL kerin.magill@coastalpoint.com
SUSAN CANFORA susan.canfora@coastalpoint.com
JASONFEATHER jason.feather@coastalpoint.com
MIKESMITH mike.smith@coastalpoint.com
MIKESTERN mike.stern@coastalpoint.com
TheCoastalPointispublishedweeklyat 111AtlanticAve.,OceanView,DE19970.
Themailingaddressis: P.O.Box1324, OceanView,DE19970. Phone:302.539.1788. Fax:302.539.3777.
Deadlineforadvertisingandnewssubmissions is5p.m.Monday.Alladvertisementscreatedby theCoastalPointarepropertyofCoastalPointLLC, andcannotbereplicatedwithoutpermission. www.coastalpoint.com
Editorial Columns LetterstotheEditor
January6,2023 Page13
RegistrationbeginsJan.5forthe UniversityofDelaware’slifelonglearningprogramforage50-plus.Morethan 300classesareofferedthisspring,with nogrades,examsoreducationalprerequisites.
Asavolunteer-drivenlearningcooperative,UD’sOsherLifelongLearningInstitute(OLLI)programhas nearly2,000activemembersandholds classesandactivitiesinDover,Lewes, OceanView,Wilmingtonandonline.
Severalnewclassesareexpectedto bepopularthisspring.
“Good Sports:MoreThanaPastime,”isanonlineclassledbyretired CNNjournalistRalphBegleiter,of OceanView,andlifelongsportsbroadcasterPhilWood,featuringprominent guestspeakersinsportsmanagement andmediawhowillprovideaninside viewontheworldofsports.
“GolfFun-Damentals”taughtby golfinstructorJonMachmuller,of Frankford,focusesontakingtheintimidationoutofthegameofgolf(offered inOceanViewandonline).
“TheMooninArt,ScienceandCulture” istaughtbyJimO’Leary,retired seniorscientistfromtheMarylandScienceCenterinBaltimoreandhostof RadioRehoboth’sweeklySkywatchat theBeach(offeredinLewesandonline).
And“CriticalRaceFacts:AHistory ofRacismInAmerica”isledbyDaniel Pritchett,longtimehistoryfacultyfor CapitalSchoolDistrictandDelaware StateUniversity(offeredinDoverand online).
Withvolunteerinstructorsatthe heartoftheprogram,theexpertisefrom their professionalcareers,educational backgrounds,avocationsandpassions providethesourcematerialforthe breadthanddepthofOLLI’sclassofferings.Asamplingincludes:
•WhatEveryAmericanShould KnowAboutChina(alsoofferedonline)
•TamingTexas:EarlyYearsofthe TexasRangers(alsoofferedonline)
•TraditionalMusicSlowJam(Celtic andold-timetunes)
•21stCenturyChallengesThrough the EyesofStarTrek(alsoofferedonline)
•KingLear:Shakespeare’sOdeto OldAge,ItsWisdomandFolly
•TheaterAppreciation(alsooffered online)
•1968:YouMayHaveBeenThere, ButWhatDoYouReallyKnow?
•WinterWalkingGroup(various SouthernDelawarelocations)
•IntroductiontoPacificIsland Dance
•Languages:German,French,Italian, Spanish
•Photography,includingiPhone Photography
Thecommunityisinvitedtolearn moreaboutOLLIatopenhouseevents plannedforJan.9(Lewes),Jan.10 (Wilmington),Jan.11(OceanView), andJan.12(Dover).Theopenhouses takeplace10a.m.tonoon,exceptfor theWilmingtonevent,whichissetfor 10a.m.to1p.m.
VisitorscantourOLLIclassroom locations,meetvolunteersandfellow participants,andpickupaprogramcatalog.In-personregistrationassistance willbeavailable.Theopenhousesare heldatOLLI’sprimaryclassroomlocations:
•Lewes-TrinityFaithEducation Building,15516NewRoad,Lewes
•OceanView-OceanViewCommunityCenter,32WestAve.,Ocean View
•Dover-WyomingChurch,216 WyomingMillRoad,Dover
RegistrationforOLLIspring semesterbeginsJan.5
OLLI’sspringsemesterbeginson Feb.6with13-week,11-weekandfiveweeksessions.Asecondfive-weeksessionstartsApril3.ToregisterforOLLI classes,participantssignupforOLLI membershipeachsemesterforaflat membershipfeeof$250forthesemester,whichincludesunlimitedclasses andactivitiesatallUDOLLIlocations andonline.Afewclassesmayhavean additionalfeenotedinthecoursedescription,forsuppliesorspecialpartnershipprograms.Thereisnocostfor parkingatUDOLLIlocations.Needbased financialassistanceisreadily available.Formoreinformation,visit https://www.olli.udel.edu/.
UD’sOsherLifelongLearningInstituteisavolunteer-basedlearningcooperativeforadultsage50-plustotake andteachclassestogetherwithno grades,examsoreducationalprerequisites.OLLIprogramsarelocatedacross Delaware.
InDelawareandacrossthecountry, OLLIisaffiliatedwithandreceives partialsupportfromtheBernardOsher Foundation,aphilanthropicorganizationfocusedonhighereducation,lifelonglearningandthearts.
14 CoastalPoint January6,2023 Classic Italian Cuisine Served in a Cozy, Rustic Setting 302.829.8727 35715 Atlantic Ave • Millville, DE Behind Morning Buns Bake Shop Limited Parking: Please Park in front of Morning Buns Gluten Free Menu Available Fantastic Off Season Specials! Dine-in only ~ Beverage purchase required Open For Dinner Tues-Sun @5pm • Reservations Only Tuesday: “Endless pizza” per person $12.00 Wednesday: “Endless pasta” per person $12.00 **Off-season specials are dine in only and require the purchase of a beverage per person. Sunday: “Ladies’ night” 1/2 Off Entire Check Shopping Hours Open Thurs, Fri & Sat 10-4 Sun 12-4 Mon, Tues, Wed Open by Chance or Appointment 33119 Main Street Dagsboro, Delaware 19939 (302) 927-0601 Order Online www.piecesonmain.com @piecesonmain piecesonmain@gmail.com Furniture • Antiques Home and Kitchen Gifts • Local Art Vintage Finds A Carefully Curated Mix of Old & New Come Experience Autentíco, the Charm of Chalk UD’sOLLIprogramoffersdiverselineup
ThongchothSayarath Bouaphakeo,80
ThongchothSayarathBouaphakeo, 80,ofWestFenwick/Selbyville,Del., passedawayonSunday,Dec.25,2022, atAtlanticGeneralHospitalinBerlin, Md.HewasbornFeb.18,1942,in Nakok,Laos,sonofThongsaiSayarath BouaphakeoandBounmaSayarath Bouaphakeo.Thongchothandhisfamilyimmigratedin1980tostartnewlife intheUnitedStates.
Heattendedasmallschoolinhis villageatBanhKakok,Laos,and workedinthefamilyfarmsbefore comingtoAmerica.Heretiredaftera longcareerinthepoultryindustry.He waswell-lovedandrespectedinthe LaotiancommunityinSussexCounty andintheDelmarvaarea.Hewasa hardworkerandacaringmanwho woulddoanythingforhisfamily, friendsandtheLaocommunityin theirtimeofneed.
Heenjoyedgardening,fishing,cookinghisfavoriteAsiancuisinesand spendingtimewithhisfamily,aswellas morningwalkswithhiswifeatthelocal casino.Hewillbemisseddearlybyhis familyandfriends.
Bouaphakeowasprecededindeath byhisparents,andbyabrother,KhamphengThongsai.Heissurvivedbyhis belovedwifeof57years,Hang(Sayarath)Bouaphakeo;theirchildren,a daughter,DawnPhanousithandher husband,Sam,ofWestFenwick,Del.,a daughter,Somphone“Som”Webster andherhusband,Forrest,ofMilton, Del.,ason,Homhouanh“Hom” BouaphakeoofWestFenwick/Selbyville,Del.,ason,Vanphab“Vance” Bouaphakeoandhiswife,Samantha,of Salisbury,Md.Heisalsosurvivedby hisgrandchildren,Christopher PhanousithofWestFenwick/Selbyville, BrianPhanousithandhiswife, Gabrielle,ofFrankford,Del.,Scott WebsterofMilton,Del.,Adeline BouaphakeoofSalisbury,Md.;andtwo great-granddaughters,KiraandMisa PhanousithallofFrankford,Del.;a grand-dog,JackpotPhanousith;a brother,LoungSayarathofNakok, Laos;andnumerousnieces,nephews andotherfamilyrelativeslivinginLaos andThailand.
AtraditionalLaofuneralritualwill beheldat1p.m.attheFrankford ChapelofMelsonFuneralHome,43 ThatcherStreet,Frankford,Del.,on Thursday,Dec.29,2022,wherefriends andfamilymaygatherstartingatnoon. Condolencesmaybesentonlinebyvisitingwww.melsonfuneralservices.com.
RolandHoraceBrosekerJr.,84,passed awaypeacefullyathishomeinMillsboro, Del.,onDec.24,2022.Hewasbornon Feb.8,1938,inBaltimore,Md.thesonof thelate“Roland”HoraceBrosekerand
HeattendedLinthicumHighSchool, wherehewasclasspresident.Healso wontheMarylandelectionforattorney generalofBoy’sStatefortheCapitalof MarylandinAnnapolis.HewasagraduateoftheUniversityofMaryland,CollegePark,wherehewasjustafewvotes shyofbeingclasspresident.Healsoobtainedaprivatepilotlicenseandplane, whichheusedtoflyhisfamilytoand fromCollegeParktotheeasternshoreof Maryland.
Whileincollegeasabusinessmajor, Brosekercreatedthefirstofhismany successfulbusinesses.Hiscompanyof morethan500employeeswasawarded contractstopaintPentagonCity,and manyhigh-riseapartmentbuildings, shoppingcentersandcityscapesin BethesdaandSilverSpring,Md.Helater
obtainedpaintmanufacturingpatentsfor hisothercompany,CoastalCoatings Corporation,ofwhichhewasveryproud.
Formorethan30years,hewasthe ownerandfounderoftheHoraceHardwareCorporationontheeasternshoreof Maryland,oneofthelargesthardware companieswithlocationsinOceanCity, Md.,andOceanPines,Md.Hetook greatprideinprovidingtop-qualityhardwareandpainttoalllocalbusinessesand wasamuch-respectedmemberofthe close-knitbeachcommunity.Heloved workinghard,aswellashisemployees andallthepeoplehedidbusinesswith.
Inhispersonallife,hewasagreatgardener,anadventurousandavidworld traveler,whoattheageof70wentwhitewaterraftingdowntheColoradoRiver withhismuchyoungerfriends.Inhisretirement,heenjoyedanactivesociallife,
travellingtosunnyMexicoandtheislands,ofwhichSt.Luciawashismostfavorite.Hewasanexperthelmsmanand sportfishermanwhoparticipatedin manyWhiteMarlinOpenfishingtournaments,andwholovedracinghisSonic Oceanraceboatincompetitionsinhis youngerdays.Hedelightedinspending timehearingabouttheaccomplishments ofhismostbelovedchildrenandgrandchildren.
Hewasverykindheartedandanextremebelieverinthepowerofpositive thinking.Hetaughthisfamilytohave courageandtoalwaysthinkofbrighter days.Heavenhasgainedawonderfulperson.Hewillbegreatlymissed.
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threechildren,Janet(andDean)Ventola, Rhonda(andRobert)FrickandBradford (andLaurie)Broseker.Heisalsosurvived byhisbrother,Gary(andKaren) BrosekerofBaltimore,Md.Hehassix grandchildren,BethanyFrick,Alexandra Broseker,MargaretHay,DavidHay, SamanthaVentolaandMatthewVentola, ofwhoseaccomplishmentshewasalways soproud.
ThefamilywillholdaprivateintermentattheBaldwinMemorialUnited MethodistChurchCemeteryin Millersville,Md.Anannouncementwill bemadelaterforacelebrationoflifeto beheldinthespringof2023inOcean City,Md.Thefamilyrequestedthat,in lieuofflowers,donationsbemadetothe AmericanHeartAssociationat https://www.heart.org/.Arrangements werebeingprovidedbyWatsonFuneral HomeinMillsboro,Del.Condolences maybesentonlineat www.watsonfh.com.
Elizabeth“Diane”Conklindiedfrom complicationsofAlzheimer’sonDec. 12,2022,atSilveradoMemoryCarein Alexandria,Va.ShewasborntoCol. GlennConklinandPearlConklinin 1933inSantaMonica,Calif.,thesame yearherparentsopenedElsinoreNaval MilitarySchoolontheshoresofLake
Elsinore.Shegrewupthere.Archivesof theschool,whichincludesomewonderfulpicturesofayoungDianeConklin, weredonatedbythefamily(amongthe foundingmembers)totheLakeElsinoreHistoricalSociety,whichisopen tothepublic.
ConklinwaseducatedatAnokia (formerlyLaRew)HighSchool.She graduatedfromUniversityofRedlands andwentontoteachinCaliforniaand Rome.
AftershereturnedtotheU.S.,she joinedhercousinPatriciaWoodwardat theUnitedStatesInformationAgency (USIA)MotionPicture&FilmService, whereWoodwardassistedGeorge StevensJr.Conklinthenworkedinthe GeneralCounsel’sOfficeandwenton toheadthePublicAffairsOfficeatthe VoiceofAmerica.Sheretiredinthelate 1980sandsplithertimebetweenWashington,D.C.and“Seahorse,”herbeach houseinSouthBethany,Del.,untilshe requiredfulltimememorycare.
Shewasastrong,feistywomanwho wasfullofhumorandlife.Shewas knownforherfabulousChristmasparties,herhugewhiteChevyconvertible “AwesomeCruisemobile,”herloveof Schnauzersandherwonderfulfriends.
DonationstotheAlzheimer’sAssociation(Alz.org)inhermemoryare suggested.
MaryAnnCreasy,74,ofMillsboro, Del.,passedawayonTuesday,Dec.27,
2022.ShewasborninLancaster,Pa., onAug.8,1948,tothelateWalter CanfieldandRuthEllenSmuck.
Shewasahomemaker.Shespent mostofherlifeinLancaster,Pa.,and hadfulfilledherlifelongdreamoflivingatthebeachabouttwoyearsago. Spendingtimewithherfamilywas mostimportanttoher.Sheloved findingtreasureswhilethrift-shoppingoratyardsales.Herhobbies weregardening,crafting,bakingand mostofallanythingthatinvolved water,suchasboating,fishingand crabbing.
Shewillberememberedasakind, loving,friendlyandgenerouswoman whoalwaysputherfamilyfirst.She wasawonderfulmother,grandmother, sisterandfriendwhowillbedearly missedbyallwhoknewher.
Inadditiontoherparents,Creasy wasprecededindeathbyherson ClaytonCreasyonAug.15,1987,as wellasthreebrothersandasister.She issurvivedbyherdevotedhusbandof 55years,EarlP.CreasyJr.;ason, MatthewCreasyandhiswife,Stacy, ofMillsboro,Del.;andadaughter, MistyMaysofLancaster,Pa.;asister, JudyIrizarry,alsoofLancaster,Pa.; andspecialfriendsRayandValHeim. Shealsoleavesbehindfivegrandchildrenandfivegreat-grandchildren;as wellasextendedfamilymembersand friends.
Allservicesweretobeprivate. ArrangementswerebyWatsonFuneral
HomeinMillsboro,Del.Condolences maybesentonlineat www.watsonfh.com.
JanetElizabethDaisey,84,ofMillsboro,passedawaypeacefully,athome, onJan.2,2023.Shewasborntothelate ClarenceWootenandMargaretMay WootenonFeb.221938,inShowell, Md.
DaiseywasagraduateofStephen DecaturHighSchool,intheClassof 1956,beforebecomingalongtimeresidentofDelaware.Shemetandmarried herlovinghusbandof58years,Rudolph Daisey.For27years,sheworkedasa para-professionalatHowardT.Ennnis SchoolinGeorgetown,cherishingher students andco-workers.
Shespentnumeroushoursinthe garden,alongsideherhusband.Shealso enjoyedbakingandcanningforfamily andfriends.JanetandRudolphDaisey spentmanyhourstogethercrafting woodprojectsthatshesharedwithothers.Herfamilywasanintegralpartof herlife,assheenjoyedhostingweekly familygatherings.Sheenjoyedspending timewatchinganyeventherchildren, grandchildrenandgreat-grandchildren participatedin.Shewasanavidbaseball fan,especiallyoftheBaltimoreOrioles.
Daiseywasprecededindeathbyher husbandof58years,RudolphT.Daisey; andhersiblingsJeanHudson,Griffin Wooten,FlorenceCathell,Tommy Wooten,RuthAnnMitchelland WilliamBillWooten.Sheissurvivedby hersiblingsJohnWootenandMary LouSmith;sons,MichaelT.Daiseyof Wiwa,Fla.,TonyDaisey(andhiscompanion,Barbara)ofMillsboro,Del.,JeffreyDaisey(andhiswife,Suzanne)of Millsboro,ChrisDaisey(andhiswife, Bonnie)ofMillsboro,andRudyDaisey Jr.(andhisfiancée,Carisa)ofGeorgetown,Del.Shealsoleavesbehindthree grandsons,TylerDaisey(andhiscompanion,Lisa)ofGeorgetown,Del.,Seth Daisey(andhiswife,Alexis)ofGeorgetown,Del.,andTrevorDaisey(andhis fiancée,McKinsey)ofGeorgetown;a great-granddaughterAudreyDaiseyof
16 CoastalPoint January6,2023 - UnconfirmedCheck Website for Details Advance Tickets for all shows available at: www.ilovetheclayton.com Same Day Tickets available at the Box Office 30 Mins. before showtime Box Office Info.: (302) 732-3744 • www.illovetheclayton.com • Location: 33246 Main St., Dagsboro, DE 19939 Don’t just go to the movies. Go to the... MONDAY CLASSICS RETURN RATED PG13 Fri. 01/06 thru Thurs. 01/12 CURRENT FEATURE: One Week ONLY Evenings at 7 PM Fri., Sat., & Sun Mat. at 3 PM Open Caption Screening: Wed. 01/11 at 3 PM DELAWARE’S ONLY CLASSIC SINGLE-SCREEN THEATRE! CLASSICS RETURN: Mon. 01/16 at 7 PM 12PM:ICEAGE 3PM:TOWERINGINFERNO 3 p :3 N Y EO E m 0 n 6 a i J Fr n 7 Ja Sat pm 6 m 2 p 1 n 1 Ja Wed SAG RSAGEORSAGCOR CO m 2 p n 6 a i J Fr m 0 p 5:3 n 7 Ja Sat m 5 p n 8 Ja Sun m 0 p :3 m & 6 3 p 1 n 1 Ja Wed A E W WA H HE L T TH L LL G A N NGI OINGOI m 0 p 4:3 n 6 a i J Fr m 2 p 3 n 7 Ja Sat m 0 p 6: 6 2 n 1 a u J Th O IONTIONSPECTI INSPEC INSP E I H THE TH tmouth D 17701 Dar es 302-645-9095 ehobothFilm.com T m 0 p 7 p n 6 a i J Fr m 2 p 3 p n 8 Ja Sun m 2 n 1 a u J Th LER ALER R A LE ILEROILEPOISPO SP m 6 p 3 p n 6 a i J Fr m 3 n 7 Ja Sat m U 5:3 2 n 1 a u J Th N ENUMEN ME E M TH THE m 3 p n 8 Ja Sun m 0 p 5:3 1 n 1 Ja Wed m 2 p 2 n 1 a u J Th R Obituaries Continuedfrompage15 SeeOBITUARIESpage18
Visitourawardwinningfloorplan,TheChesapeake,at WelchesPondtoday.Laidoutamongstnaturaland manmadeponds,wetlands,creeks,andwoods,Welches Pondhasanaturalandenchantingfeelwhileonlybeing minutes fromdowntownLewesandRehobothBeach. SchellBrothers.com|302.226.1994 ©2022SchellBrothersLLC. AllRightsReserved . TolearnmoreaboutWelchesPond First Floor Second Floor January6,2023 CoastalPoint 17
Georgetown;dedicatedcaregiverJanet Jogee;aswellasmanynieces,nephews andfriends.Shewillbemissedby Dusty,herbelovedcat,whoservedasa greatcompanion.
Afuneralservicewillbeheldatnoon onFriday,Jan.6,2023,atWatsonFuneralHome,locatedat211S.WashingtonSt.,Millsboro,Del.Aviewingwill beheldanhourbeforetheservice.IntermentistofollowatDelawareVeteransCemetery,locatedat26669Patriots Way,Millsboro,Del.Inlieuofflowers, donationstoSt.JudeChildren’sResearchHospitalat501St.JudePlace, Memphis,Tenn.,orNemoursChildren’s Hospitalat1600RocklandRd.,Wilmington,DE19803.Condolencesmaybe sentonlineatwww.watsonfh.com.
BeatriceE.Ennis,90,ofDagsboro, Del.,wenthometobewiththeLordon Saturday,Dec.31,2022,whilesurroundedbyherlovingfamilyatAtlantic ShoresNursing&RehabilitationCenterinMillsboro,Del.
EnniswasborninBerlin,Md.,on Dec. 24,1932,the11thchildofthelate WilliamJ.JonesandthelateLauraJane (Hayman)Jones.SheattendedBuckinghamSchoolinBerlin,andlaterin lifegraduatedfromJamesH.Groves AdultHighSchool.
SheworkedattheSilcoDepartment StoreinLaurel,Del.,asamanagerand workedbrieflyattheStockleyCenterin Georgetown,Del.,beforefindingher dreamjobasalibrarianforSussex County.Notonlywasshealibrarian, shewasalsoadriverfortheSussex CountyBookmobile.Sheenjoyedreading tokidsontheBookmobile.Shewas alsooneofthevoicesheardonDiala Story,anoutreachprogramshehada passionfor.
Enniswassuchanoutgoingperson thateverywhereshewent,someone wouldrecognizehersmilingface.Her largefamilywasimportanttoher.She enjoyedattendingallofhergrandchildren’seventsandwasproudtoseeher familygrowtothethirdgeneration.She andherbelovedAltonlovedtraveling andtakingbustripstoAtlanticCity, N.J.,wheresheenjoyedplayingthe slots.Sheandhertwobestfriends, KathleenSteenandIreneMurray,spent countlesshourstogether,alwayshaving agoodlaughortwo.
Inadditionstoherparents,Ennis wasprecededindeathbyherloving husband,AltonS.Ennis;twochildren, KathyWilkinsandBillEnnis;a grandson,StephenR.EnnisJr.;twin great-grandchildren,Josephand AnnieAdkins;ason-in-law,Richard “Dickie”Baker;sixbrothers,Frank, Norman,Randall,Bill,Gordyand GeorgeJones;asister,ViolaPhillips, andthreeotherinfantsiblingswho
passedshortlyaftertheirbirth.Sheis survivedbyadaughter,DebbieBaker ofDagsboro,Del.;ason,SteveEnnis andhiswife,Connie,ofLaurel,Del.; adaughter-in-law,DenaEnnisof Dagsboro,Del.;sixgrandchildren, RichieBakerandhiscompanion, TammyRust,KatieAdkinsandher husband,Jody,LauraRogersandher husband,Evan,KristenFurryandher husband,Adam,JohnEnnisandhis companion,ErinWood,andJamie Dickersonandherhusband,Jason. Sheisalsosurvivedby14greatgrandchildren,EllieBaker,McKenna Baker,AbigailAdkins,AllisonAdkins,JackRogers,ShepardRogers, GavinFurry,AshtenFurry,Rhett Dickerson,HattieDickerson,JacquelynEnnis,JuliannaEnnis,LilyGrace EnnisandNoahEnnis.
Afuneralservicewillbeheldatnoon onFriday,Jan.6,2023,attheFrankford ChapelofMelsonFuneralServices,43 ThatcherSt.,Frankford,Del.,where friendsandfamilymaygatherafter11 a.m.TheRev.KermitHines,ministerat FrankfordUnitedMethodistChurch, willofficiate.Intermentwillfollowat PrinceGeorge’sCemeteryinDagsboro, Del.Flowersarewelcome,ordonations maybemadeinEnnis’nametoSt.Jude Children’sResearchHospitalbyvisiting www.stjude.org.Condolencesmaybe sentonlinebyvisitingwww.melsonfuneralservices.com.
PatriciaG.‘Pat’Fulton,81 PatriciaG.“Pat”Fulton,81,of OceanView,Del.,passedawayonSaturday,Dec.31,2022,atBeebeHealthcareinLewes,Del.Shewasbornin WestChester,Pa.,onOct.20,1941, daughterofthelateFrankMillard WagnerandthelateEmmaLouise (Williams)Wagner.
Inadditiontoherparents,Fulton wasprecededindeathbyherbrother, FrankWagner.Sheissurvivedbyher lovinghusbandof36years,GeneE. Fulton;fourchildren,LarryUlmerIII, KennyUlmer,JulieAdamovichand DarrinUlmer;andtwostepchildren, JamesFultonandTommyFulton;seven grandchildren;twogreat-grandchildren; andseveralniecesandnephews.
Servicesandburialweretobeheld privately.Condolencesmaybesentonlinebyvisitingwww.melsonfuneralservices.com.
MaryM.Hall,78,ofMillsboro, Del.,passedawaypeacefullyonThursday,Dec.22,2022.Shewasborntothe lateEugeneCharlesHallandRosella M.(Block)HallonSept.2,1944,in Baltimore,Md.
18 CoastalPoint January6,2023 CP CP CP CP COUPON GOOD FOR ONLY 1 PERSON. Coupons cannot be combined with other offers or specials. COUPON GOOD FOR ONLY 1 PERSON. Coupons cannot be combined with other offers or specials. COUPON GOOD FOR ONLY 1 PERSON. Coupons cannot be combined with other offers or specials. COUPON GOOD FOR ONLY 1 PERSON. Coupons cannot be combined with other offers or specials. Sasha’s Jewels, LLC JEWELRY REPAIR • CUSTOM DESIGNS & APPRAISALS (302) 296-6909 • sashas.jewels@yahoo.com Jewelry BUY• SELL TRADE Why consign? Immediate payment for your items. You will be treated like family & given individual attention. Gemologist New Location: 202GumboroRd,Selbyville,DE Wed.12-4,Thurs.1-4,Sat.2-4•ApptsRecommended ApptsAvailableForLaterHours/AlternateDays LOCAL ART • VINTAGE UNUSUAL • ANTIQUE ARCHITECTURAL SALVAGE 302.927.0049 On the corner, south of the stoplight 33034 Main St., Dagsboro Call or Follow us on Facebook and Instagram or email: jaynesreliable@gmail.com Reopening Fri, Jan 6th & back to Fri-Sun 10-4pm schedule
Obituaries Continuedfrompage16 SeeOBITUARIESpage20
Visit our award winning floor plan, TheKingfisher,at MarshIslandtoday.WithdirectaccesstoLoveCreekand the Rehoboth Bay,thiscommunityfeaturesawaterfront amenity,walkingpaths,beautifullylandscapedcommon areasandpondviewsthroughout.MarshIslandisthe epitome of everythingcoastalDelawarehastoo er. SchellBrothers.com|302.226.1994 ©2022SchellBrothersLLC. AllRightsReserved TolearnmoreaboutMarshIsland Second Floor January6,2023 CoastalPoint 19
MountaireFarmsInc.Shethenwent toworkatBeebeHospitalintheFood ServiceDepartment,andretiredin 2015.
HallwasamemberoftheFirst BaptistChurchofGeorgetown.She especiallyenjoyedattendingthelife groupBiblestudythere.Shetruly lovedherfamilyandfriends,andwill berememberedasaloving,generous, compassionateandencouraging woman.
Alongwithherparents,Hallwas precededindeathbyherbrothersand sisters-in-law,Eugene(andLee)Hall, HuettP.HallandRonald(andMay) Hall;andagranddaughter,Angel.She issurvivedbyherbrothersRobertHall (andRomona)ofLancaster,Pa.;her threechildren,EdJackson(andHelen) ofDagsboro,Del.,Delores“Dee”WalterofMillsboro,Del.,BrookeMcCabe (andRobert)ofPreston,Md.;15 grandchildren,Kenny,Sierra,Savannah (andKenny),Saige,Carleigh(and Becca),Ryan,MaryEllen(andGreg), Leslie,Justin,Ronnie(andMaria), Dylan,Morgin(andChase),Will(and Maryn),Mackenzie(andRaidel), Samme(andZach);13great-grandchildren,withtwomoreontheway; andseveralniecesandnephews.
Afuneralservicewillbeheldat noononSaturday,Jan.7,2023,atthe
FirstBaptistChurch,20304NDupont Blvd,Georgetown,Del.Inlieuofflowers,thefamilysuggesteddonationsbe madetoAccentCare,220Continental Drive,Suite207,Newark,DE19713 orbyvisitingwww.accentcare.com. Condolencescanbesentbyvisiting www.melsonfuneralservices.com.
StephenW.Halminskireceivedhis heavenlycrownonDec.23,2022.He was75.Heresidedwithhiswife, WandaHalminski,inFernandina Beach,Fla.HewasborninPasadena, Calif.,andwasthesonofSylvester Halminski,acareernavalofficer,and MargaretLenoreHalminski.
Halminskiwasakind,humble,compassionatemanwiththebiggestheart. Hisgreatestjoywashischildren,grandchildrenandfamily.
Healwayslookedforwardtoseeing his siblingsatthefamilybeachhousein SouthBethany,Del.,wherehespent manyenjoyabledaysasayoungman. Healsolovedplayinggolfwithhis friends,watchingthebirdsinhisyard andhisbeloveddogKatie.
HewasagraduateofVillanovaUniversity,whereheplayedontheirgolf team.Hiscareerwasincommercial roofingandrestoration,andhelater wentontoownacompanyinFernandinaBeach,Fla.Everyonewhoknew Stephenlovedhim.
Halminskiisleavingbehindhiswife, WandaHalminski;children,BethNu-
enschwander(andMike)ofAsheville, N.C.,StephanieLedden(andRyan)of Cumming,Ga.,andAndyHalminski (andJessica)ofEagle,Colo.;his stepchildren,JosephHicksofEnterprise,Ala.,andJacobHicksofHonolulu,Hawaii;eightgrandchildrenand step-grandchildren;hissiblings,Sandy Halminski(ChesterSprings,Pa.), KathySuper(Leesburg,Va.),Michael Halminski(Waves,N.C.),Robert Halminski(BethanyBeach,Del.),MargaretAnnHalminski(Tucson,Ariz.) andChristineDarges(Carey,N.C.).
AChristianservicewillbeheldata laterdate.Inlieuofflowers,contributionscanbemadetotheCornellLabof Ornithologyatwww.birds.cornell.edu.
LoganHahnLongstreetJr.,92,of Millsboro,Del.,hasenteredrestonDec. 25,2022,atBeebeHealthcareinLewes, Del.Hewasthehusbandofthelate Elizabeth“Betty”Longstreet,who passedin2021.Hewasbornin Philadelphia,Pa.,onMay22,1930,son ofthelateLoganandDorothy(Brown) Longstreet.
Longstreetneverretiredfromworking.OnecouldconsiderLogananentrepreneur,aself-employedcarpenter. Hewasalwayseagertokeephimself busy,andnojobwastoosmallforhim tostartandtocomplete.
Heenjoyedcamping,deep-seafishing,hunting(especiallywhenhissons weregrowingup)andtraveling.
Longstreetwasprecededindeathby hismuch-misseddaughter,TracyLynn. He issurvivedbyhissons,LoganHahn IIIandToddWilliam(andDonna); threegranddaughters,RachaelMarie (andRay),AshleyMarieandJessica Lynn;andthreegreat-grandchildren, Abigail,HannahandMatthew.Heis alsosurvivedbyhisex-wife,Margaret, ofGreenLane.
Servicesweretobeprivate.ArrangementswerebeingprovidedbyWatson FuneralHomeinMillsboro,Del.Condolencesmaybesentonlineat www.watsonfh.com.
MatthewCharles“Matt”Revel,59, ofDelmar,Del.,passedawayon
Wednesday,Dec.21,2022,athishome. HewasbornonDec.21,1963,inMilford,Del.,asonofthelateDorisIrene (Baker)RevelandJamesAlfredRevel Sr.
Helovedwatchingthe“Yellowstone” TVseriesandtheFoodNetwork,ashe lovedcookingandtryingnewrecipes. Helovedcookingfortheguysatwork andwasknownforhisBLTs.Hewould alwaystakefoodintoworkforhiscoworkers.HeworkedfortheNRG PowerPlantinMillsboro,Del.,andVienna andwasrecentlyhonoredforhis 30yearsofservice.Hewasalsoa diehardWashingtonCommandersfan.
Revelissurvivedbyhislovingwife, GailLynnRevel;step-son,Brandon Breasure;brother,JamesRevel(and Cathy)ofMillsboro,Del.;asister,Vikki Saltsman(andKemmy)ofBlairsville, Pa.;nephews,CodyRevel(andAshley) andColeRevel;aniece,JessicaSaltsman;great-nieces,JosephineandMadelynRevel;hismother-in-law,Elizabeth Sullivan;andgoodfriend,ChrisSonnier.
Avisitationforfamilyandfriends wastobeheldonFriday,Dec.30,2022, atShortFuneralHomeinDelmar.The Rev.DaleArgotwillofficiate.Interment wastofollowatCarey’sCemeteryin Millsboro.Arrangementswereinthe careofShortFuneralHomeinDelmar. Condolencesmaybesenttothefamily byvisitingwww.shortfh.com.
RobertE.“Bert”Ross,72,ofFrankford,Del.,passedawayDec.29,2022,in his home.HewasbornSept.16,1950, sonofthelateAlpheusDanielRossand EileenE.RossStevens.
Rossreceivedhisbachelor’sdegreein educationfromTowsonStatein1972 andwouldspend18yearsteachingsocialstudiesatBaltimoreCityPublic Schools.Laterinhiscareer,hereceived hismaster’sdegreefromTowsonUniversityandretiredfromBaltimoreCity PublicSchools,after44years,bothin theclassroomandasdirectorofinstructionaltechnology.
Anavid sportsfan,helovedtheBal-
20 CoastalPoint January6,2023 GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP Help and encouragement after the death of a spouse, child, family member, or friend GriefShare is a special weekly seminar and support group designed to help you rebuild your life after losing a loved one. Our group is led by caring people who have experienced grief and want to help you through the dif cult days ahead We know it hurts, and we want to help. Contact Us with Questions 302-436-8841 There is NO fee for materials Tuesdays: 6:30pm –8:30pm January 10 - April 4 The River Church 35175 Roxana Road, Frankford, DE Register at riveronline.church 302-539-3049 34610 Atlantic Ave, Ste A, Ocean View SPECIAL EVENT First Saturday of the Month - Next Event January 7th 10–2pm • No Charge for 1st Few Items Somerhouse Verbal Appraisal of Antiques, Coins, Jewelry, and Sterling Obituaries Continuedfrompage18 SeeOBITUARIESpage21
timoreOriolesandtravelingwith friendstowatchMinorLeagueBaseball.Hewasalifelonglearnerwhoenjoyedreadinghistory,agoodIrish whiskey,kayakingandlisteningtolive music.Inretirement,hemovedto Delawareandcontinuedhisloveof learningnewthings,spendingtimewith hisgrandchildrenandexploringthearea withfriends.
SurvivingRossishiswifeof50years, Rosemary(Baltus)Ross.Alsosurviving himaretwosons,JasonRossandJeffrey Ross(andGabrielle);threegrandchildren,DeanRoss,AutumnRossand TatumRoss;astep-granddaughter, BellaSmedley;abrother,AlRossJr. (andPolly);andasister,PatriciaHodgson.
AcelebrationofRoss’lifewillbe heldTuesday,Jan.10,2023,at11a.m.at theOceanViewChapelofMelsonFuneralServices,38040MuddyNeck Road,OceanView,Del.,wherefriends maycallafter10a.m.Inlieuofflowers, contributionsmaybemadetoDelmarva ShorebirdsFlyTogetherFund,P.O.Box 1557, Salisbury,MD21802.Condolencesmaybesentonlinebyvisiting www.melsonfuneralservices.com.
JonathanMichael“Jon”Shapiro,64, ofSelbyville,Del.,passedawayDec.12, 2022,followingashortillness.Hewas borninWashington,D.C.,onJuly17, 1958,toMiltonH.ShapiroandEmma BinderShapiro.Hegrewupin Bethesda,Md.,andgraduatedfrom WaltWhitmanHighSchool.After highschool,heattendedSyracuseUniversity.
Hewasajackofalltradesandafter discoveringthegameofcornhole,decidedhecouldbuildqualityboardsand Adirondackchairs,andmakealiving sellingthem.Withthat,Delaware
Cornholewasborn,andhesawhis businessflourish.
In2015,hemovedDelawareCornholeintoSouthernDelawareSignsin Lewes.Itwastherehedevelopedaclose andlastingfriendshipwithD.J.Baker, ShawnMurphyandC.J.Jarrell.The lengthsthefourwenttowithpractical jokeswasunmatched,andtherewas neveradullmomentwhentheywere together.Itwastherehewasgiventhe nickname“Cornholio,”anditstuck.
Shapiroenjoyedplayinginleagues aroundSussexCountywithhisclose friends.Hecouldalwaysbefoundon ThursdaynightsatDuffy’sTavern(unlessthetemperaturedroppedbelow60 F.—hewaswell-knownforhisdisdain ofcoldweather).Itwastherehemet manyotherclosefriendsanddiscovered hewasanamazingplayer,andaneven betteronewithafewBuschbeersin him.
He spentmanyyearscoachingthe IndianRiverHighSchoolbaseball team.HewasanavidWashingtonNationalsfanandespeciallyenjoyed watchinghisCanadianFootballteam, theEdmontonEskimos,play.
Shapiroissurvivedbyhiswife,Ann Maher-ShapiroofRehobothBeach, Del.;stepdaughter,SavannahMaher; herson,Kaiden;stepsonRyanFlood; andhissister,EllenShapiroofSan Francisco,Calif.Hewasanactivefather figuretoCurtisHarne(andhiswife, Emily),andtheirchildrenBrooke,LelandandJulian,aswellastoAmanda Diehlandherfamily.Heleavesbehind ahostoffriends,includingHamish McCallum,hislifelongbuddyandpartnerincrime,whoaredeeplysaddened byhispassing.
Therewillbenoformalfuneralor service.Shapirowouldhavehatedthat. Therewillbeacelebrationoflifefor himatalaterdate.Inthemeantime,the familysuggestedpeopleraiseacold Buschbeer(orawarmone,asShapiro
January6,2023 CoastalPoint 21 our donation helps provide food, clothing, h Y Your hope. R , CK U TR , AR C YOUR ATE DON OF MD LUTHERAN MISSION SOCIETY V R 410-228-8437 MINISTRIES licensed #1044 A AMV MVA . ax deductible T Tax www.CompassionPlace.org Misses 2–18 Women’s 1–3x Petites 4P–18P Men SMALL-3X Ocean View: Open 7 Days –10am-5pm 30244 Cedar Neck Road 302-539-6597 70% OFF Sale! Asst Fall & Most Summer 3,000 Pieces Misses • 600 Pieces Plus & 200 Pieces Petites (All Sized) 60% OFF 5 Racks of Mens 50% OFF Ladies Swim New Winter Hours All merchandise from Bethany Store has been moved to Ocean View 50% OFF Most Fall Clothing (after exchanges) Watch Batteries Installed | Watch Bands Installed Bracelet Watch Bands Shortened | Key Fob Batteries Installed
Obituaries Continuedfrompage20 SeeOBITUARIESpage35
BySgt.IndiaSturgis, PublicInformationOfficer DelawareStatePolice
Thecalendaryear2023marksthe 100thanniversaryoftheDelawareState Police.Whileouragencyhasexistedfor morethan100years,itwasnotuntil 1923thatitbecameafull-servicepolice agency.Thisagencyhasevolvedsince theonsetofitshumblebeginningsand hasstrengthenedoverthecourseof those100-plusyears.
WiththecreationoftheStateHighwayCommissionin1917,amovement begantocreateastatewidepolicing forcethatwouldfocusonthestate’s growingroadwayinfrastructure,andin 1919,theStateHighwayPolice,theprecursortotheStatePolice,wasformed. Thefour“officers”originallyassignedto theStateHighwayPolicepatrolledthe highwaysofthestateyear-roundonmotorcyclesandwereknownasthe“Four Horsemen.”
By1923,thegrowingconsensuswas thatthescopeoftheStateHighwayPoliceneededtobeexpanded.OnApril28, 1923,legislationwaspassedbytheGeneralAssemblythatledtothecreationof aStatePoliceforceundertheauthority oftheStateHighwayCommission.
Initsearliestyears,theStatePolice forcefocusedon“speedingcarsof35 milesperhourandrovingbandsoftroublemakersandbootleggers.”Thisexpandedfocusonareasofconcern, beyondmereenforcementofhighway laws,servesasthefoundationofthefullserviceagencytheDelawareStatePolice istoday.
AfterthecreationoftheStatePolice force,many“firsts”soonfollowed.By 1925,fourdogsweredonatedtoserveas securityforthestations.Thosedogsultimatelylaidthefoundationforwhat wouldbecometheagency’sfirstcanine units.
Whiletheagency’stoppriorityremainedtrafficsafety,theresponsibilities oftheDSPincreasedastheGreatDepressioncausedaninfluxincriminalactivity.Theagencysoonbecamefocused
onthefts,aswellasthesaleandimport ofalcoholicbeverages.
Bythelate1930s,policestationshad beenestablishedinallthreecounties. Withthatcamethepurchaseofthefirst setofpatrolvehiclesin1935andthe purchaseofpoliceradio-transmitting equipmentin1936.By1938,theDSP hadestablishedacivilianworkforceto managesomeoftheday-to-dayadministrativedutiesofthedepartment.This provedtobeanextremelyvaluablemove fortheStatePolice,asitallowedmore timefortheofficerstopatroltheroads ofDelawareandkeepthecitizenrysafe
Inthe1940s,inconjunctionwiththe DelawareAssociationofChiefsofPolice,theDSPestablishedasummer youthcampinSussexCounty.Asa mechanismfor1940s-eramentorship, thiscamp,laternamedCampBarnes,
hascontinuouslyservedthousandsof girlsandboysthroughoutthestatefor oversevendecades.Tothisday,Camp Barnescontinuestohelpdevelopinitiativeandleadershipskillswithinour Delawareyouth,whilesimultaneously fosteringtrustinlawenforcementprofessionals.
Bythe1960s,theStatePoliceexpandeditsrolebyacquiringitsfirst fixed-wingaircraft.Intheyearstofollow,thenewlyformedAviationSection expandedtoincludeseveralhelicopters. Atthattime,helicoptersweresuggested tobeusedfortrafficcontrolandemergencies.Today,theunithasmanyfunctions,whichincludeprovidingrapid transportofcriticallysickorinjuredpersonstomedicalfacilitiesandsupporting lawenforcementgroundpersonnelin theapprehensionofcriminalsuspects.
Duringthissameperiod,DSPtook significantstepstowardbreakingseveral barriersbyeffectivelyrecruitingandhiringqualityminorityapplicants.These stepsledtothehiringofthefirst AfricanAmericantrooperin1969and thefirstfemaletrooperin1976.Today, thecompositionoftheDelawareState Police,bothcivilianandsworn,contains womenandmenfromvirtuallyallethnic,religiousandculturalbackgrounds. WhiletheDSPhassignificantly evolved,wecontinuetostrivetoward hiringadiverseandincreasinglycapable workforce!
Inmorerecentyears,theevolutionof theStatePolicehascontinuedandhas positionedtheDSPtotrulyserveasa full-servicelawenforcementagency.
Toys, Board Games and the best selection of Vintage Finds on the Eastern Shore 302.406.0135• yesterdaysfuntoys.com 117AtlanticAve.•Millville,DE19967 OpenThurs - Mon •10am–6pm • Closed Tues & Wed
22 CoastalPoint January6,2023
(302) 406-5864 • 117 Atlantic Ave. • Millville, DE 19967 Open Thurs - Mon • 10–6pm • Closed Tues & Wed Stop by Our New Store!
Thisevolutionhasledtotheincorporationof“stateoftheart”technology,new unitsfocusedoncybercrime,criminal analyticsandmuchmore.Presentlycapableofsecuringthesafetyofthestate byland,airandsea,thankstothecreationofafull-timeMaritimeUnitseveralyearsago,theciviliansandtroopers withintheDSPtakegreatprideinsettingthestandardformodern-daylaw enforcement.
Whileweareexcitedtocelebrateour first100yearsofservicetotheFirst State,weareevenmoreexcitedtosee whatthefuturehasinstoreforour agency.Inallways,DelawareStatePolicetroopersareproudtoprovideprofessional,competent,andcompassionate lawenforcementservicestothecitizens andvisitorsofDelaware24hoursaday and365daysayear.Aswebeginour nextcenturyofservice,theDelaware StatePolicecontinuestoenhanceitsapproachestointelligence-ledpolicing, communityengagement,andanoverall commitmenttodedicatedservices.
Throughout2023,therewill bethree publiceventsthatwillbeheldtocommemorateourhistoricmilestone.A 100thAnniversaryTributewillbeheld atLegislativeHallinDoveronFriday, April28,2023.OnSaturday,June17, 2023,a100thAnniversaryCarShow& CommunityShowcasewillbeheldat theHeadquarterscomplexinDover. Thefinalpubliceventwillbethe100th Anniversary5KinDeweyBeach,which willtakeplaceonSaturday,Sept.23, 2023.
OneofthemanywaystheStatePolicewill bemarkingthishistoricanniversaryisthroughthedeploymentof “retro”patrolvehiclesthroughout2023. Severalmodern-daypolicevehicleswith historicalmarkingswillbepatrollingthe entiretyofthestatewhilepayingrespect
tothemanyproudwomenandmenwho previouslyworetheuniformofa DelawareStatePolicetrooperandestablishedthefoundationthatcurrenttrooperscontinuetobuildupon.
Ifyouwanttobecomepartofthe DelawareStatePolice’snextcenturyof service,pleasevisitourrecruitingwebsite toBecomeaTrooperorBecomeaDSP Civilian.Ifyoucannotjoinoursworn or civilianranks,pleaseconsidersupporting ouragency’slegacywithdonationstoeitherCampBarnesortheDelawareState PoliceMuseum.Youcanalsovisitthe CampBarneswebsiteathttps://campbarnes.net/anddonatedirectlytothem. Contributionstobothentitiescanalso bemadeviaU.S.MailsenttoDelaware StatePolice,P.O.Box430,Dover,DE 19903-0430.
100 Different Tables to Choose From 35 Different Benches to Choose From Teak…Lasts A Lifetime! Teak/Sunbrella Deep Seating! WE SHIP NATIONWIDE! DIRECT FACTORY IMPORTER PRICES WEHAVE IN-STOCK INVENTORY! WINTER SALE! January6,2023 CoastalPoint 23 Parsons& Robinson,P.A. Still the preferred law office. Our Aim Is Client Satisfaction. 302.539.2220 • Ocean View, DE • steve-parsons.net For All Your Needs: Real Estate • Settlements Contracts • Leases • Wills & Estates Corporations & LLCs DSP Continuedfrompage22 CoastalPoint•Submitted DSPmedicsatworkinthe1990’s.
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24 CoastalPoint January6,2023
FreeWrite— TheRehobothBeachWriters Guild(RBWG)willhostaweeklyFreeWrite sessionatSouthCoastalLibraryat10:30 a.m.Participants18andolderofallskill levelswillpracticecreativewritingina friendlyandnurturingatmosphere.Attend inperson,orviaZoom.Thisisfree,and registrationisrequiredfortheZoomoption.Toregister,visitsouthcoastal.lib.de.us orcall(302)858-5518.
CashBingo— TheBishopvilleVolunteerFire departmentAuxiliarywillbeholdingitsannualCashbingoeventatthemainstation. Thecostis$30inadvance,or$35atthe door.Therearefourearly-birdgames,beginningat5:45p.m.;20regularcash games,twospecials,ajackpotanda 50/50.Doorsopenat5p.m.Foodand beveragesareavailableforpurchase.For reservations,call(619)922-9950.
GentleYoga— MyraStock,acertifiedRYT instructorandregisteredYogaforArthritis teacher,isleadingagentleyogaclass at SouthCoastalLibraryat10a.m.Ayoga matisrequired,andnotprovided.Participantsshouldalsobringatowelforextra cushioning.Registrationislimitedandrequired,andavailableat southcoastal.lib.de.usorbycalling(302) 858-5518.
BookClub— FrankfordPublicLibrary’s AdultBookClubmeetsthefirstFridayof themonthat1p.m.todiscussafiction, nonfictionorclassictitle.Thismonth’s bookisAnnPatchett’s“TheDutchHouse.” Copiesofthebookwil lbeavailableatthe library.Formoreinformation,visitfrankford.lib.de.usorcall(302)732-9351.
IntheGenes— SponsoredbytheLewes HistoricalSocietyandtheSussexCounty GenealogicalSociety,theGenealogistin ResidenceprogramisonthefirstSaturday
ofeachmonthfrom10a.m.to2p.m.in theReadingRoomattheLewesHistory Museum.MembersoftheSocietywillbe availabletohelpanyonewhohasquestions abouttheirfamilytree.TheLewesHistoricalSocietyArchivesFamilyFileswillbe availableforresearch.Formoreinformation,visitthematscgsdelaware.orgorhistoriclewes.org.
SuperSaturday— FrankfordPublicLibrary willbehostingacraftsessionatnoon whereparticipantswillbemakingafamily “IHaveaDream”craft.Formoreinformation,visitfrankford.lib.de.usorcall(302) 732-9351.
OutdoorsmanMarketplace— TheMillville FireCompany’sOutdoorsmanMarketplace willtakeplacefrom7a .m.to3p.m.atthe firehall.Therewillbefishing,huntingand boatingdisplays,alongwithraffles,door prizesandfood.Admissionis$5.
ChristmasCelebration— PrinceGeorge’s ChapelwillhostitsOldeChristmasMusical Celebrationat1:30p.m.Thisissponsored bytheFriendsofPrinceGeorge’sChapel, andtherewillbeaspecialchoralconcert bySingersofNote,thechorusofthesouth coastalDelawareAARPchapter.A$5donationisrequestedperpersonat thedoor, butnodonationisaskedofchildren12 andyounger.Alldonationswillbenefitthe Chapel.Formoreinformation,callVickieat (302)732-3824orJoAnnat(302)7326340.
ZumbaClass— MarinersBethelUnited MethodistChurchisholdingazumbaexerciseclassinthesocialhalleveryMonday at10a.m.Thereisa$6drop-infee.No registrationisnecessary,andallarewelcome.Formoreinformation,contact jolin.zumba@gmail.com.
PuzzlesandColoring— SouthCoastalLi-
January6,2023 CoastalPoint 25 Don’t let the stairs limit your mobility. Regain your independence Age safely in place Eliminate the risk of falls Access all of your home Why choose the Rave 2 stair lift? AmeriGlide Rave 2 stair lift is the solution for you. 1-866-416-3540 Call today to save We Cancel TIMESHARES for You Every year 150,000 people reach out to us for help getting rid of their timeshare. In 2019, we relieved over $50,000,000 in timeshare debt and maintenance fees. We can help. Get your free information kit and see if you qualify: 888-984-2917 Calendar
GalleryOne’snewshow, “Artist’sChoice,”willbeon viewJan.5throughFeb.28.
“InDecember,ourpatrons selectedourtheme,butfor ournewestshow,eachartistis choosingtheirownfavorite painting,”representativessaid, addingthatthegalleryartists “feelthatthisgivestheviewer theopportunitytopeerinside theuniqueinspirationsthat eachartistbringstotheirartwork.”
Theartistsseemedtofall intooneoftwocamps:either longingfor,andreminiscing about, summer;orappreciatingthequietjoysofthebeach inwinter.
ArtistLauraHickmanrepresentsthelatterwithher pastelpainting“#2Lifeguard Stand,”symbolizingthat yearning.
“DuringWintermonths,it isnicetorememberthebeach inwarmerweather.This imagewasfromabeautiful morninginearlyJune,before thesummercrowds.”
ArtistMaryBodeByrd’s mixed-mediapainting“Beach People”bringstheviewer backtothebeachatthepeak of theseason.
“Mywhimsicalpeopleare theearlyfolkstothebeach, gettingaspotevenbeforethe lifeguardsarrive!”
“Regatta,”anacrylicpaintingbyartistJoyceCondry, bringsbackmemoriesof summersinAnnapolis,sitting onthedockwatchingsailboat racesonthebay.Thecrisp whitesailsaresetagainsta bluesky.
Formany,thebirdsthat maketheareahomeforthe wintertimeprovidecomfortandjoy overthechillymonths.LesleyMcCaskill’soilpainting“FlightPattern”is an example.
“Iliveonamarsh,andduringthis timeofyear,theskycanbecoolblues andlavenders,juxtaposedagainstthe goldenwintermarsh.Theskyisoften dottedwithformationsofgeesein flight,theirvoiceshonkinginrhythm astheyflyoverhead.”
ArtistEileenOlsonenjoysthat rhythmaswell,inheracrylicpainting, “Cacophony.”Sheillustratedthedelightthewinterfriendsbringherall season.
“WhenIamoutdoors,Ihearand seethemeverywhereIgo,anditis suchajoyoussight!”
AnotherisMichelleMarshall’sjocularroostersinheracrylicpainting “Cock-a-doodle-duo.”“Therooster’s
ArtistDaleSheldon’sacrylicpainting“SmithIslandTranquility”offersa glimpseofthepeaceandquietthat manymissduringthehecticsummer touristseason.Somefindthecolda smallpricetopayforthathealingsolitude.
“Peacefulandquiet,theislandsin the ChesapeakeBayareknownfor
theirwatermenandseafood.While losinglandtorisingsealevels,theyare stillhostingavarietyofnesting seabirdsastheyhavefordecades.They areatreasure.”
GalleryOneisopendailyfrom10 a.m.to4p.m.,andislocatedat32AtlanticAvenue(Route26)inOcean View.Formoreinformation,call(302) 537-5055oremail art@galleryonede.com.
Page26 January6,2023
CoastalPoint•Submitted DaleSheldon’sacrylic,‘SmithIslandTranquility’isoneofthe‘Artist’sChoice’showbeingheldatGalleryOneduringthemonthof
Astheyear2022ended,theSons &DaughtersofItalyLodge2474of OceanCity,Md.,continueditstraditionofdonatinggiftsforChristmas toless-fortunatefamilies.InDecember,fourfamilieswith16childrenreceivedanestimated100wrapped
presentsand30giftcardstolocal stores.
Thefamilieswerebeingsupported bytheSt.VincentDePaulSociety operatingthroughSt.Ann’sCatholic ChurchinBethanyBeachandSt. MaryStaroftheSea/HolySavior
ParishofOceanCity. TheSons&DaughtersofItalyis acceptingnewmembers.Visitthe websiteatsonsofitalyoceancity.com formoreinformationandamembershipapplication.
Sons&DaughtersofItalycontinuegift-givingtradition MILLSBORO 28422 DuPont Boulevard 302-934-3970 1-888-934-3970 LEWES 1240 Kings Highway 302-645-2207 1-800-331-4241 JackLingo.com REHOBOTH 246 Rehoboth Avenue 302-227-3883 1-800-345-3469 PRIVACY IN LEWES! CHARMINGLY UPDATED DUPLEX BAYSIDE #1 Loca y Owned Real Estate Company in Sussex County for 2022* * AS PER INFORMATION FROM BRIGHT MULTIPLE LISTING SYSTEM HOLLYPATCH - HARBESON This exquisite custom Cape Cod is situated on a rare 1+ acre parcel fronting Burtons Pond, and features 3 BR, 4 BA, gourmet kitchen, multiple sun decks, porches, patios, heated pool, & beautiful landscaping. The 220 +/- feet of water frontage offers stunning views. $1,200,000 Call the Lingo/Tull Team 302-226-6417 (Direct) #4450T This 3 BR, 2.5 BA Cape Cod features screened porch, sunroom and a guest suite built over the 2 car garage. $475,000 Call Susan Mills 302542-4146 (Cell) #4446TM Less than 5 miles to the beach! Well maintained 2 BR, 1 BA home on .92 acres w/open floor plan, HW floors, well equipped kitchen, loft, new rear deck, new 2-ton Carrier heat pump, & two-level barn w/ each level being 1,500 SF. $575,000 Call Gary Brittingham 302-7455605 (Cell) #4257TM 4 BR, 3 BA furnished corner penthouse now available in a resort community offering large open kitchen, gas FP, screened porch overlooking two pools, a pond, and common grounds. Attached guest suite has a bath with walk-in shower and kitchenette. All furnishings convey! $599,900 Call the Ava Cannon Team 302-249-5620 (Cell) #4427M Located just 5 miles to the beach, this 3-story coastal style home offers an inverted floor plan, abundant sunlight, decks w/views of the Indian River Bay, private inground saltwater pool, great room w/ventless FP, chef's kitchen, HW floors, custom moldings, landscaped yard, irrigation system, 2-car garage, & more! $1,290,000 Call Melinda Ingram 302-462-6581 (Cell) #4401M 14 acres +/-, stables, fenced pastures, run in sheds, can board up to 15 horses, 100 X 150 outdoor riding arena, 83 x 133 indoor riding arena, 6 bay garage, workshop, dog kennel & excellent income producing history. Residence is a 2 BR, 1 BA that could be expanded. $597,000 Call Gary Brittingham 302-745-5605 (Cell) #4284OM Exquisite 4 BR, 2 BA w/ stunning curb appeal. Features large open living area w/ HW floors, Kitchen w/ SS appliances & island, living space w/ FP, sunroom, FF owner’s suite, fenced backyard, landscaping, patio & 2-car garage. $489,900 Call the Carrie Lingo Team 302-3449188 (Cell) #4327TL Just steps to downtown Georgetown. A welcoming slate porch opens to two levels, each featuring 2 BR, 1 BA, kitchen, & entrance. HW floors throughout, this property features large, light-filled living areas, complimented by bay windows & built-ins. $415,000 Call Cheryl Crowe 302-745-9915 (Cell) #4230T EQUESTRIAN DREAM NEW CONSTRUCTION IN SWEETBAY By Foxlane Homes! 4 BR, 3.5 BA, kitchen w/granite, SS appliances, FR w/natural gas FP, media room, flex room, pond view, side entry 2-car garage, community pool, Sept delivery. $779,990 Call Shirley Kalvinsky 302-236-4254 (Cell) #4360M This duplex includes 804 & 806 Moore Streetboth units. The property presents a rare opportunity to own two units side by side in Seaford, DE! Both sides of the duplex have been gutted & are ready for cosmetic remodel. $249,900 Call Chelsea of the Carrie Lingo Team 302-382-6090 (Cell) #4141TL RARE INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY QUILLEN'S POINT CHARMING CAPE COD! WOODS AT WALLS CREEK January6,2023 CoastalPoint 27 Fresh, Local Seasonal Cuisine 84 Atlantic Avenue, Ocean View, DE 19970 www.thecafeon26.com Call 302.539.Café (2233) R e s e r v a t i o n s O n l y We Recommend Making Your Reservation 1-2 Weeks In Advance The Beach’s Premier Boutique Restaurant Winter Hours Wed - Sat 5-9pm Indoor & Outdoor Dining (Weather Permitting) CoastalPoint•Submitted GeorgeandRoseMadden,left,andMaryandSal Castorina,right,standbeforeatableofgiftsdonatedbymembersoftheOceanCitySons& DaughtersofItaly.Thetwocoupleschairedthe drivetoacquirethegiftsgiventofourlocalfamiliesforChristmas.
By David Alfred Bywaters
FundForWomen acceptinggrant applicationsfor2023
TheFundforWomen(FFW)At theDelawareCommunityFoundation hasbegunacceptingapplicationsforits 2023grantscycle.AllDelawarenonprofitagencieswithprogramsbenefitingwomenandgirlsarewelcometo apply.
TheFFWacceptsapplicationsfrom nonprofit,tax-exempt,501(c)(3)organizationsforprogramsthataddressthe needsandenhancetheworthandpotentialofwomenandgirlsinDelaware byhelpingthemtoleadproductive,selfsufficientlives.TheFFW’sone-year grantoffersorganizationsanopportunitytoobtainseedmoneyforinnovative,creativeprogrammingorfunding tocontinueorexpandprogramswhere effectivenesshasbeendemonstrated. Grantswillnotbeawardedtoindividuals.
Completedapplicationsshouldbe submittedonlinebyJan.31.Thelinkto theapplicationisatwww.fundforwomende.com/grants/.Onlyonlineapplicationswillbeaccepted.
The FFWhostedtwograntapplicationworkshopstoassistorganizations inpreparingtheirapplications.Attendingtheworkshopwasoptionalandwill notaffectthegrantawards.Toviewthe grantworkshoprecordingandpresentation,aswellasthe2023grantrubric, visitwww.fundforwomende.com/grants.
SCAMPRehoboth Chorustosing
Movieandmusicloverscangotothe movieswiththeCAMPRehoboth ChorusinFebruary2023atEpworth UnitedMethodistChurch.The83member choruswillsaluteHollywood withhitsongsfromfavoritemovies, suchas“BreakfastatTiffany’s,”“Sister Act,”“Shrek,”“Titanic,”“LaLaLand,” “MoulinRouge,”“LionKing”andmore TheconcertwillbeunderthemusicaldirectionofMusicandArtisticDirectorDougYetterandCollaborative ArtistandAccompanistDavidZipse, andwillbeaccompaniedbyaliveband. FurtherexpertiseisprovidedbyProductionManagersLarryRosenandBarry Bugg,aswellasAssistantMusicDirectorJeffBuhrman.Thechorushasalreadybegunrehearsing.
“HoorayforHollywood!”willbeperformedatEpworthUnitedMethodist ChurchonFridayandSaturday,Feb.17 and18,2023,at7p.m.,andonSunday, Feb.18,2023,at3p.m.
Ticketsfor“HoorayforHollywood!” areavailablenowandmaybepurchased onlineatwww.camprehoboth.comorby calling(302)227-5620.
Allshowswillincludeaninterpreter forthehearing-impaired.TheEpworth venueishandicapped-accessible.
28 CoastalPoint January6,2023 S DOWN IN FRONT
ACROSS 1 Breezily unconcerned 5 Storage tower 9 Emotional exhalation 13 Mint metal, once 19 Wine opener? 20 Home of the Railroad Museum of Oklahoma 22 Whomever 23 Sent on 25 Group with ancestral ties 26 Paranormal cases 28 Nintendo consoles 29 Designer Versace 31 Habituate 32 Swindles 34 Eject forcibly 35 Cost of hand delivery? 37 CEO, CFO, etc. 38 Go furtively 39 82-Down subcompacts 42 Low places 45 Finish 47 Outdated, spelled in an outdated way 48 Is able to 49 NBC founder 50 Purple flower 55 Render aghast 57 Intend 58 Hindu deity 59 Cry of dismay 60 Owns 61 McShane of 62 Spanish ayes 65 Rebuke from Caesar 69 Raised trains 70 Minor quibbles photographer Goldin 73 Ebro y Douro 74 Anger 75 Hit the slopes 76 Shrugworthy 77 Hounds, e.g. 80 Grant-giving gp. 81 Soy block 83 Pad krapow gai cuisine 85 Glass piece 87 Disney CEO Bob 89 Choir attire 93 Forfeited auto 95 Earth-friendly prefix star Gadot 97 Aficionados 100 Spot with patio furniture 103 Relatively reliable sources of income 105 Defame in print 106 Chemical suffix 107 Tiny amt. of time 109 Coin receiver 110 Country estate 112 Release 114 Targeted, as a basketball hoop 116 Not ajar 117 Bank drive-thru device 118 Warmed the bench 121 Relaxes 123 Cheese in some bagels 124 Pre-Easter period 125 Out of control playwright 129 Salon array 130 Secondhand DOWN 1 Lead 2 Like a maned cat 3 Orchestra heading? 4 Gift topper 6 So-so golf swings? 7 Reclines 8 Peculiar 9 Transcending the individual 10 How married couples may spend Thanksgiving? 11 FBI guy 12 Reddish brown dye 13 Jazz horn 14 Baseball problem? Eagles hit 16 Encyclopedia unit 17 Cabinet department created under Carter 18 Creates anew, as a password 24 Roused 29 Rte. provider 30 Religious seminary? 33 Wrap brand 34 Some cars author Lavin 40 Worshipper of the goddess Pachamama Surviving Hollywood m 51 Affirm 53 Dragon tattoos, e.g.? 54 Evening party debut album 56 Converse with 57 Month between abril and junho 61 Take out a policy for replacement value? 63 Finding actors for a small-studio film? 64 First word of some Brazilian city names 66 Ripped apart 68 Close 71 Little Italy neighbor 78 Tap 82 Maker of Explorers and 39-Across 84 Still tucked in 87 Indigenous people of the far North 90 Nondairy coffeehouse order 92 Not quite spherical 94 Mac alternatives 99 Had a dry spell at the plate 100 Taco bar array 101 Disquiet 102 Geneticist Stevens who discovered sex chromosomes 104 Write (down) 108 Cook-off dish 113 Superlative acronym 115 Sign 116 More than none skating jump 121 Fall behind
Crossword SeeCrosswordAnswerspage31
ItmaybewinterinDelaware,butinthe fictionaltownofMysticBeach,summeris stillgoingstrong!“RemindMe,”Book4in theMysticBeachFantasyRockstarRomanceseriesbylocalauthorAislinnArcher willbereleasedonFriday,Jan.6,returning readerstoanunforgettablesummeratthe Delawarebeaches,thistimethroughthe eyesofchart-toppingleadsingerDeclan Carterandhisfirstlove,chefCallie.
“Wedovedeepintourbanfantasyterritoryinthelastbook,‘SmokeontheWater,’ withbassistDavidCarterandsoundengineerPiper,whohadsomedeepanddangeroussecretsshewashiding,”Archersaid. “Thistime,we’rediggingintothesecretsof David’sbrother,Declan,who’sbeenthe band’sresidentgrump(toputitpolitely),as wellasitscockyfrontman.”
Oneofthosesecrets,Archersaid,is rootedinDeclan’sromanticpast,andisrevealedtothebandandalltheirfriendsina dramaticscenewhereheunexpectedly comesface-to-facewithhisfirstloveand realizesfatemayjusthaveofferedhima secondchanceathappiness.
“Callie’sahardnuttocrack,”Archer said.“Shewasaromanticteenagegirl who gotherheartbroken,anditwasahardlearnedlessonthatchangedwhosheis, howsheinteractswitheveryone—includingherfriends.She’sputallofherpassion intohercareer,andshe’sfinallyseeingsuccess—justintimeforDeclantoshowup againandturnitallupside-down.”
Callie’slategrandmotherwasachef,too —butonewithsomeuniqueandmagical cookingskillsthatitturnsoutCallieinherited.
“I’vebeencallinghera‘kitchen-witch,’” Archersaid.“Thinkalongthelinesof‘Like WaterforChocolate.’ButCallie’sthenonbelieveramongherfriends,sowheninexplicablethingsstarthappeninginher restaurant—rightafterDeclanstartsturningupnightlyfordinner—she’sataloss,” Archersaid.“Herfriendsaredeterminedto
AislinnArcher’sfourthbookintheMysticBeachRockstarRomanceseries,‘RemindMe,’isbeingreleasedonFriday, Jan.6.
getherstraightenedoutbeforesomething goesterriblyawry.”
4 BD 3 BA $799,500 Ocean View, DE 19970 20855 Cormorant Way, Bay Forest NEWPRICE! January6,2023 CoastalPoint 29 Our Readers Don't Hibernate For The Winter... YOU SHOULDN'T EITHER! Contact Us Regarding Print & Digital Opportunities adsales@coastalpoint.com 302.539.1788 Magical,musicalromanceseriesgettinganewlocaltale CoastalPoint•Submitted
ByMikeSmith StaffReporter
Thenewfederalbudgetwillinclude fundingforaNationalFallenJournalists Memorial,accordingtotheFallenJournalistsMemorialFoundationbasedin NorthernVirginia.Maryland’slegislatorsSen.BenCardinandSen.Chris VanHollenhelpedco-sponsorthefundinglegislationandhaveledthewayin honorofthejournalistskilledattheAnnapolisCapitalGazettenewspaperwhile workingintheirnewsroomin2018.
Theideaofbuildingapermanent memorialtofallenjournalistsinWashington,D.C.,wasthebrainchildofformerCongressmanDavidDreier,who servedaschairmanofTribunePublishingCompany.Thisfoundationtofallen newspeoplewaslaunchedinJune2019,
flambé,amealofmuskratandghostpeppers,aNSFWphoto,acookingcompetition,amagicalintervention,adrinking game,concerts,andtherevealofthesecret CallieandDeclanhavekeptfortwelve years.Andthenthere’sthesecretnoone knows—whatDeclan’sreallybeendoing duringhistimeoffduringtheband’stours.
attheone-yearanniversaryoftheCapGazettemassacreTheFallenJournalists MemorialActwassignedin2020and lastweektheAppropriationsBillprovidedfundingfortheactualremembrancemarker.
RobHiaasen,GeraldFishman,John McNamara,WendiWintersandRebecca SmithallperishedwhenJarrod Ramosbarricadedtheexitsandshot themwithashotgun.In2021,Ramos wassentencedtofivelifetermsplus345 yearsinprisonforhiscrimes,afterjurors rejectedhisinsanitydefense.
The2023OmnibusAppropriations Billincludedaprovisionapprovingthe constructionoftheFallenJournalists Memorialin“Area1,”acovetedlocation adjacenttotheNationalMallinWashington,D.C.
“Declan’sachallengingcharacter,” Archersaid,“butmyearlyreaderswho hatedhimintheotherbookscameaway completelyenthralledwithhim.It’sjusta matterofkeepinganopenminduntilthe truthplaysoutandfatehasitswaywith thesetwo.”
Theauthorisagaindonatingaportion ofherroyaltiesfromhernewbook—this timetoSoDelCares,inhonorofthelate chefMattHaley.Archer,afull-timejournalist,saidshefirsttalkedtoHaleyin2005
sponsoroftheFallenJournalistsMemorialAct,stateduponitsenactment:“The freemedia,oneofthepillarsofournation,isunderattackfigurativelyandliterallyacrossAmerica.Toomany, includingfiveinnocentsoulslostinthe shootingattheCapitalGazetteinAnnapolis,gaveeverythingtheyhadindefenseofdemocracy,transparencyand freedom.”
“Thisnewmemorialwillhonorthe livesofthosewhodiedreportingthe newsandsupportingthemediaonbehalfoftheAmericanpeople,”said Cardin.“Itwillbeasteadfastsymbolof theirsacrificeandthefragilityofour democracy.Thosewhopersonifythe FirstAmendmentrightsgrantedto everycitizenhavemadeournation stronger.”
forastoryonhislocalrestaurantventures, andwasinspiredbyhispersonalhistory andtherootsofthephilanthropicwork thatearnedhimaJamesBeardHumanitarianAwardshortlybeforehisdeathin2014.
NextupforArcheris“SafeHarbour,” thefirstbookinherurbanfantasyseries alsosetinMysticBeachandfeaturing somecrossovercharactersfromtheromanceseries.Itwillbereleasedinearly 2023,alongwithBook5intheromance series,“MadWorld,”featuringaMUSEd
FallenJournalistsMemorialFoundation founderandchairman,theformerRep. DavidDreier,issuedthefollowingstatement:
“Thankstomyformercolleaguesfor approving,aspartofthe2023Omnibus AppropriationsBill,thelocationofthe FallenJournalistsMemorialadjacentto theNationalMallinWashington,D.C.”
“Forthepastthreeyears,sponsors BenCardin,GraceNapolitano,Tom Cole,RobPortmanandChrisVan Hollenhaveledthiseffort.Thiswill allowustobuildthememorialatthe centerofthenation’scapital.Itwill commemorateourcountry’scommitmenttoafreepressbyhonoringjournalistswhohavesacrificedtheirlives.This memorialwilleducateandinspirecurrentandfuturegenerationstocome.”
drummerRhys“TheMadman”Madigan. AllofthebookscanbepurchasedonAmazon.comasKindlee-booksandarefreeto readforKindleUnlimitedsubscribers.Paperbackeditionsofbooksintheseriesare alsoavailableonline,aswellasthroughindependentbookstores.
Formoreinformation,includingaseries prequelnovellathat’sfreetonewsletter subscribers,visittheauthor’swebsiteat AislinnArcher.com.
30 CoastalPoint January6,2023 Supplies for Inshore, Offshore & Jetty Fishing Rods • Reels • Tackle • Bait Fresh Local Seafood • Fish Cleaning Service 302-226-8220 www.hookemcookem.com • Open Daily • Call For Hours 39401 Inlet Rd. • North Indian River Marina • Rehoboth, DE Beach Goods • Bait • Tackle • Ice Chairs • Towels • Umbrellas • Beach Toys Hunting Supplies • Firearms • Ammunition 302-539-6243 www.hookemcookemout tters.com • Open Daily 34444 Coastal Hwy. • York Beach Mall • Bethany, DE Judy V. 39401 Inlet Rd. North Indian River Marina Rehoboth, DE 302-226-2214 www. shjudyv.com Capt. Bob II Beginning May 27th / Daily 1/2 Day Advance Reservations Recommended Through mid-October Limited Space | Full Day Advance Reservations Recommended Now Running Daily Come by Car or Boat! BEACH GOODSNOW AVAILABLE! AND
TheFriendsoftheLewesPublicLibrarywillhostabooksalefeaturing hundredsofmysterytitlesonFriday, Jan.13,from4to6p.m.,andSaturday, Jan.14,from10a.m.to2p.m.,atthelibrary,111AdamsAvenue,Lewes.
Theeventwillincludemorethan 1,500mystery,thrillerandsuspense novelsforhalf-offinternetprices.Also availableatthesale—andthroughout themonthofJanuary—isaspecial10percent-off-all-DVDsoffer,aswellasa bargainselectionof$1nonfictionaudio and videodiscs.
“Thissaleoffersgreatdealsand thrillingtitlesforourcustomers,”said CandaceVessella,presidentofFriends oftheLewesPublicLibrary.“Andwe
arethrilledthattheproceedswillgotowardpurchasingnewmaterialsforthe library.”
Admissiontothesaleisfree,andall arewelcome.Creditcardswillbeacceptedforpurchasesof$10ormore. ProceedsbenefittheFriendsofthe LewesPublicLibrary.
TheFriendsoftheLewesPublicLibraryisa501(c)(3)organizationdedicatedtosupportingtheLewesPublic Library,itsservices,andprograms throughvariousactivities,including fundraisingevents,volunteersupport, programmingsupport,andbooksales. Formoreinformation,visit lewes.lib.de.us.
Family Owned & Operated Fabricating & installing quartz, granite and solid surface tops 34407 Dupont Blvd., Unit 9 • (Rt. 113 North) Frankford, DE Visit our website for showroom hours • www.creativeincounters.com Call: 443. 856.4437 or See Us On Facebook Up to date, state of the art equipment January6,2023 CoastalPoint 31 Stress Relief for Kids & Adults! Open Mon - Sat • 10 AM - 6 PM 30305 Vines Creek Rd, Ste. 1, Dagsboro (302) 364-0024 • myriadsgifts.com Award-WinningFidgetCube DiscoverAll70Shapes! Call today and receive a FREE SHOWER PACKAGE PLUS $1600 OFF With purchase of a new Safe Step Walk-In Tub. Not applicable with any previous walk-in tub purchase. Offer available while supplies last. No cash value. Must present offer at time of purchase. CSLB 1082165 NSCB 0082999 0083445 1-877-338-0602 1600 today SPECIALOFFER FINANCING AVAILABLE WITH APPROVED CREDIT Fillinthegridsothateveryrow,everycolumnandevery 3x3 gridcontainsthedigits1through9.Thatmeansthat no numberisrepeatedinanyrow,columnorbox. Copyright©KevinStone[www.brainbashers.com]
32 CoastalPoint January6,2023 CoastalPointphotos•ButchComegys&CarlaVarisco Top,plungersofallagesbravethecoldoceantemperatureduringtheLeoBrady— NewYear’sDayPlungeonSunday,Jan.1.Aboveleft,ElliottMason,12,ofFrankford, smilesasthecountdownbegins.Above,severalhundredspectatorsandplungers cameoutfortheplungeonNewYear’sDay.Farleft,clockwise:Aswimmerleaps
January6,2023 CoastalPoint 33 CoastalPointphotos•ButchComegys&CarlaVarisco Top,clockwise:,SwimmersbravethecoldAtlanticOceanduringtheFen-
playsinabeachpuddlebeforetheevent;FenwickFreezeparticipants runtowardstheocean;Awomanishelpedbackonherfeetafterlossing herbalanceintheroughsurf;Dozensofspectatorsandplungerscame
outforSunday's2023FenwickFreeze. Fenwick Freeze
braryishostingfunpassiveactivitiesfor adults.Theycurrentlyhaveanadultcoloringstation,jigsawpuzzles,crosswords, Sudokuandwordfinds.Participationis free,andregistrationisnotrequired.
JewelryMakingWorkshop— South CoastalLibraryishostingRiaCarraro,who willleadajewelry-makingworkshopat10 a.m.Thisisforbeginners,andparticipants willbemakingclay-basednecklaces.Registrationislimitedandrequired.Online registrationi savailableat southcoastal.lib.de.us,oryoucancall (302)858-5518.
HooksandNeedles— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostingatimeofknittingandcrochetingforalllevelsat1p.m.Formore information,visitfrankford.lib.de.usorcall (302)732-9351.
GriefShare— TheRiverChurchinRoxana ishosting“GriefShareYourJourneyfrom MourningtoJoy”everyTuesdaythrough April4,2023,from6:30to8:30p.m.Each classwillincludeavideoandbreakoutdiscussionsencompassingthedifferentaspectsofgrief.Aworkbookwillbeprovided foreachparticipantatnocharge.
TravelExpo— CHEERishostingitssecond annualTravelExpoattheWarrenL.and CharlesC.AllenJr.CHEERCommunity CenterinGeorgetownfrom5to7p.m.The eveningwillfeaturesamplesofthecuisine ateachdestinationtowhichtripsarebeing offered.Representativeswillalsobethere
toansweranyquestionsyoumighthave abouttheitineraryandcost. Doorprizes willbeofferedthroughouttheevening.Advancereservationsarerequiredat$5per person,andtheycanbeobtainedbycontactingRobinGreeneat rgreene@cheerde.comor(302)853-4199. Noticketswillbesoldatthedoor.
MeetYouriPad/iPhone— SouthCoastal Libraryishostingaverybasicintroductory classonknowingyouriPadoriPhone,led byexpertTomKinsella,at10a.m.Bring fully-chargeddevicesandyourAppleID andpassword.Registrationislimi tedand required,andavailableat southcoastal.lib.de.usorbycalling(302) 858-5518.
StepBackinTime— SouthCoastalLibrary ishostingabookclubfocusingonhistoricalfictionat2p.m.Thismonth,theywill bediscussingSadeqaJohnson’s“Yellow Wife.”Registrationisappreciated,and availableatsouthcoastal.lib.de.usorby calling(302)858-5518.
PAWSforReading— SouthCoastalLibrary ishostingPAWSforReadingat4p.m. Well-trainedteamsofdogsandow ners provideasupportiveandfunwayforkids togainconfidenceinreadingaloud.Childrenreadfor15minutes,andmaybring theirownbookiftheywish.Thisisfor ages5andolder.Registrationisrequired, andavailablebycalling(302)858-5518.
YogaforBeginners— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostingasix-weekcoursefor yogisandbeginneryogisat11a.m. Whetheryouareyoungorold,overweight orfit,abeginneroradvanced,yogahas thepowertocalmthemindandstr engthen thebody.Youcanpayadrop-inpriceof $10,or$50forthewholesix-weekcourse
andgetonefreeclass.Toregister,visit frankford.lib.de.usorcall(302)732-9351.
NutritionClass— FrankfordPublicLibrary ishostinganutritionclassat3p.m.For moreinformation,visitfrankford.lib.de.us orcall(302)732-9351.
PAWSforPeople— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostinga5p.m.programthatallowsparticipantstoreadaloudtoafurry, f riendlytherapycompa niontohelpinspirealoveofreading.Thisissponsored byPAWSforPeople.Registrationisrequired,andreadersofallagesand stagesarewelcome.Formoreinformation,visitfrankford.lib.de.usorcall(302) 732-9351.
ShoreDems— TheShoreDemocrats meetsattheDenatBearTrapDunes clubhousefrom11a.m.to1:30p.m. Thisisasocialorganizationthateducates,informsandcreatescamaraderie amongtheirmembersthroughmonthly lunchmeetingsthatf eatureengaging speakers.Formoreinformation,visit shoredemocrats.com.
WethePeople— "WethePeople"isaneffortputtogetherbyBillMurphytocelebratepatriotismandcelebratetheflag,by meetingattheBethanyBeachbandstand everyWednesdayat8:30a.m.tosupport themilitary,lawenforcementandfirefighterswhoserveandprotect.Allarewelcome.
TerrapinTalk— SouthCoastalLibraryis hostingtheDelawareSeashoreStatePark at10a.m.,wheretheywi llpresentapro-
34 CoastalPoint January6,2023 *Prices listed do not include site costs, permitting, and other possible fees relating to individual homesites. Photos shown are for illustrative purposes only and do not reflect exact finishes offered. Speak to a sales representative for complete details and a custom cost estimate. Evergreene's Signature On Your Lot Program is the right choice for you! Owners can personalize their plans with a wide variety of selectable upgrades and alterations process! The home’s architectural plans are produced quicker, shovels hit the ground faster and the home is delivered in a timeframe that is unattainable in a true custom home—with an end product that is no less luxurious. CALL TODAY TO SCHEDULE A FREE CONSULTATION! FLOOR PLANS STARTING FROM $ , ! Wines, Beer, Spirits, Cocktails & Seltzers & Package Cocktail Accessories, Mixers, Garnish & Cups 302-616-2657 Open Thurs. - Mon. • 1:30-5:30pm Closed Tuesday & Wednesday 98 Garfield Pkwy., Unit 108 Blue Surf Building on the Boardwalk Justice For Gavin
Calendar Continuedfrompage25 SeeCALENDARpage36
wasn’tpicky)inhishonor,“andifyou haven’tbeenvaccinatedforCOVIDor theflu,pleasedoso.”
Arrangementshavebeenentrusted toParsellFuneralHomes&Crematorium,Atkins-LodgeChapel,Lewes, Del.Shapiro’slifememorialwebpage andhisvirtualguestbookareonlineat www.parsellfuneralhomes.com.
MaritaA.Snore,87,ofOceanView, Del.,passedawayonSunday,Dec.25, 2022.ShewasborninRiga,Latvia,on May17,1935,toJanisE.SnoreandElfride(Sperijs)Snore.
Alongwithhertwinsister,Renate,and theirmotherandfather,shefledtheir homecountrybeforeWorldWarII.They ownedastoreinSloka,Latvia,andhadto
leaveeverythingexceptforwhatthey couldcarry.TheyleftbytraintoGermany and,finally,in1951,movedtotheU.S.
SnorelivedinPottstown,Pa.,before relocatingtoOceanView.Sheheldseveraljobsbutwasknownforbeingatalentedseamstress.
WhenrelocatingtoOceanView,she helpedfarmthelandsandraisedchickens. Sheandhercompanion,Talivaldis Berzinss,developedwhatwasoncethe farmintoahousingdevelopmentcalled OceanWayEstates.
Snorewasprecededindeathbyher companion,TalivaldisBerzins,and leavesbehindhertwinsister,Renate PaukstsofOceanView,Del.,anda niece,AnitaSmawley,andherhusband, Whitmore,alsoofOceanView.
Agravesideservicewillbeheldata laterdate.Condolencescanbesentby visiting www.melsonfuneralservices.com.
JohnEdmund“Jack”Woolbert,89,of Millsboro,Del.,formerlyofSewell,N.J., passedawaypeacefullyonThursday, Dec.29,2022,atthehomeofhisson, JamesWoolbert,andundertheloving careofVitasHospice.Hewasbornin Camden,N.J.,onApril12,1933,tothe lateJohnandBettyAnnWoolbert.
HewasagraduateofAudubonHigh Schoolandimmediatelyenteredthe U.S.Navyforfouryears,andthen workedforPepsi-Cola,laterbecominga unioncarpenteruntilheretiredand movedtoDelaware.Helovedboating andfishing,spendingtimewithhissisterandfamilyeverysummer,workingin theyard,woodworkinginhisgarage, watchinghisgreat-grandson’ssporting eventsandspendingtimewithhisextendedWestfamily.
Woolbertwasprecededindeathby hiswifeof62years,Joan.Heissur-
vivedbyhissonJackandhiswife,Carolann;sonJimandhiswife,Chris;sister,BettyAnn;granddaughterJill Burgerandherhusband,Michaeland great-grandchildrenTylerandZachary; grandsonMarkAvisandhiswife, Meghan,andgreat-granddaughter Avery;manyniecesandnephews;his “adopted”West-Rohlfingfamily;and extendedfamilyandfriends.
Aservicewillbeheldat11a.m.on Tuesday,Jan.10,2023,attheVeterans MemorialChapelat11a.m.Burialwill beprivate,attheDelawareVeterans MemorialCemeteryinMillsboro,Del. (Everyonewhoplanstoattendtheservice willneedtomeetatthefuneral homeandthenwilltraveltoDelaware VeteranCemeterytogether.)Inlieuof flowers,donationsmaybemadein memoryofJackWoolberttoVitasHospice,100CommerceDrive,Suite302, Newark,DE,19713.
January6,2023 CoastalPoint 35
Obituaries Continuedfrompage21
gramforkids5andyoungerondiamondbackterrapinsandtheirhabitatneeds,life cycle,andwhat’sbeingdonetohelpthem throughhabitatrestorationprograms.Registrationisnotrequired.
SeniorMedicarePatrol— SouthCoastal Libraryishostingameetingonlearning aboutMedicareinthelobbyofthefacility between1:30and3:30p.m.
TrueCrimeClub— SouthCoastalLibraryis hostingaTrueCrimeClubmeetingat2 p.m.ThemurderofBettyGorewillbediscussedduri ngthismeeting,andJimAtkinsonandJohnBloom’s“EvidenceofLove” issuggestedreading.Registrationisappreciatedandavailableat southcoastal.lib.de.usorbycalling(302) 858-5518.
BabyBees— EveryWednesday, Frankford PublicLibraryhostsBabyBeesstorytime forchildrenfrombirthto24monthsold at10:30a.m.Comelistentostories, songsandengagewithotherbabies. Registrationisrequired.Formoreinformation,visitfrankford.lib.de.usorcall (302)732-9351.
FamilyLineDancing— FrankfordPublic Libraryishostingafreefamilyline-dancingclassat5:30p.m.Learndancesteps, workonflexibilityandburnsomecalories.Toregister,visitfrankford.lib.de.us orcall(302)732-9351.
CommunityClub— TheSelbyvilleCommunityClubiswelcomingnewmembers,and
meetsonthesecondThursdayofeach monthatSalemMethodistChurchat1 p.m.Formoreinformation,visitselbyvillecommunityclub.o rgoremailselbyvillewomensclub@gmail.com.
NARFEMeets— NARFECoastalSussex CountyChapter1690willholditsmonthly luncheonatnoonatthe1776Steakhouse inMidwayCenter.Thereisachoiceof threeentrees,plusdessert.Thecostis $19perperson,whichincludesgratuities, andpaymentistakenatarrival.Reservationsmustbemadeby5p.m.onThursday, Jan.5.Formoreinformation,emaillocal ChapterPresidentBillJenkinsatbill.jenkins1@verizon.net.
F reeWrite— TheRehobothBeachWriters Guild(RBWG)willhostaweeklyFreeWrite sessionatSouthCoastalLibraryat10:30 a.m.Participants18andolderofallskill levelswillpracticecreativewritingina friendlyandnurturingatmosphere.Attend inperson,orviaZoom.Thisisfree,and registrationisrequiredfortheZoomoption.Toregister,visitsouthcoastal.lib.de.us orcall(302)858-5518.
ArmchairTraveler:Egypt— TomKinsella willdiscusshisrecentjour neytoEgyptat SouthCoastalLibraryat2p.m.Youmay participateinpersonorviaZoom(Meeting ID:82561138268Passcode:029000). Registrationisappreciated,availableat southcoastal.lib.de.usorbycalling(302) 858-5518.
WinterBirds&Migration— R.O.O.T.S. Youthdevlopmentwillpresentinformation onlocalwinterbirdsandbirdmigration andfunbirdfactsatSouthCoastalLibrary at5p.m.Thegroupwillalsobemaking treatsforlocalwinterbirds.Thisisfor elementary-agechildren.Registrationispre-
ferred,andavailableat southcoastal.lib.de.usorbycalling(302) 858-5518.
LittleLearners— FrankfordPublicLibrary ishostingLittleLearnersat10:30a.m. forastorytimesessionforages3-4,and theircaregivers,topromoteliteracy T hereisalsoacraft,andanopportunity toengagewithotherpre-schoolers.Registrationisrequired,andavailableat frankford.lib.de.usorbycalling(302) 732-9351.
Supe rLearners— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostingSuperLearnersat1p.m. forastorytimesessionforages5-7,and theircaregivers,topromoteliteracy. T hereisalsoacraftorSTEMproject,and anopportunitytoengagewithotherchildren.Formoreinformation,visitfrankford.lib.de.usorcall(302)732-9351.
TeenDIYMakerspace— FrankfordPublic LibraryishostingaTeenDIYMakerspace at5:30p.m.,andparticipantswillbe makinghotchocolateinajar.Formore i nformation,visitfrankford.lib.de.usor call(302)732-9351.
GentleYoga— MyraStock,acertifiedRYT instructorandregisteredYogaforArthritis teacher,isleadingagentleyogaclassat SouthCoastalLibraryat10a.m.Ayoga matisrequired,andnotprovided.Participantsshouldalsobringatowelforextra cushioning.Registrationislimitedandrequired,andavailableat southcoastal.lib.de.usorbycalling(302) 858-5518.
FridayMatinee— Frank fordPublicLibrary ishostingamatineeat1p.m.,andthe weeklyfeaturesareamixofadult,children andfamilymovies.Formoreinformation, visitthematfrankford.lib.de.usorcall (302)732-9351.
DenimandDiamonds— Contractorsfora CauseishostingDenimandDiamonds RampitUpforAccessibilityProgram FundraiseratHarvestTideRestaurantin BethanyBeachfrom6to10p.m.Tickets cost$125each,andincludesachampagnereception,four-coursedinne r,live musicanddancingfeaturingMonkeePaw. Therewillalsobeasilentauction.For moreinformation,visitthemonlineatcontractorsforacause.org.
LegoClub— SouthCoastalLibrary’sLego Clubwillmeetat11a.m.Legosanda themewillbeprovided,andthisisforages
6-10.Registrationisencouragedand availableatsouthcoastal.lib.de.usorby calling(302)858-5518.Walk-insareacceptedifspaceallows.
SuperSaturday— FrankfordPublicLibrary willbehos tingyogaforadultsatnoon.For moreinformation,visitfrankford.lib.de.us orcall(302)732-9351.
ZumbaClass— MarinersBethelUnited MethodistChurchisholdingazumbaexerciseclassinthesocialhalleveryMonday at10a.m.Thereisa$6drop-infee.No registrationisnecessary,andallarewelcome.Formoreinformation,contact jolin.zumba@gmail.com.
GriefShare— TheRiverChurchinRoxana ishosting“GriefShareYourJourneyfrom MourningtoJoy”everyTuesdaythrough April4,2023,from6:30to8:30p.m.Each classwillincludeavideoandbreakoutdiscussionsencompassingthedifferentaspectsofgrief.Aworkbookwillbeprovided foreachparticipantatnocharge.
WethePeople— "WethePeople"isaneffortputtogetherbyBillMurphytocelebratepatriotismandcelebratetheflag,by meetingattheBethanyBeachbandstand everyWednesdayat8:30a.m.tosupport themilitary,lawenforcem entandfirefighterswhoserveandprotect.Allarewelcome.
DemsMeet— The41stDemocratRDmeets thethirdThursdayofeverymonthatPizza KingRestaurantinMillsboroat6p.m.This isopentoanyDemocrats.Formoreinformation,callDonnaSpicklerat(302)9270050.
CapitalRingersOrientation— TheCapital Ringersareholdinganorientationfor ringersofanylevelwhocanreadmusicat Conley’sUnitedMethodistChurchat9a.m. Thegroupisalso lookingfornon-ringers, too,particularlyvideoproductionvolunteers.Registrationisrequired,andavail-
36 CoastalPoint January6,2023 CEILING FANS INSTALLED Fast Professional Service Services Include: No Job Too Small! 41 years’experience Tommy Thompson Licensed Electrician 302.228.0038 Free Estimates Owner Operated Ceiling Fan Installation Light Fixtures Additional Outlets New Construction Hot Tub Wiring EV Chargers Calendar Continuedfrompage34 SeeCALENDARpage40
January6,2023 CoastalPoint 37 ADDRESS PRICE BR/BASTYLEAGENT/AGENCY DAYTIME 38511BlueHenDr.,Selbyville $499,900 3BR/2BAHouse TheRealMcCoyGroup|ColdwellBankerRealty Sat.,1/712-2 33TecumsehPass,Millsboro $299,900 3BR/2BAHouse TheRealMcCoyGroup|ColdwellBankerRealty Sat.,1/712-2 21211BrentwoodCt.,BayPines,Lewes $550,000 4BR/3BAHouse ChristineLombardi|NorthropRealty Sat.,1/71-3 38511BlueHenDr.,Selbyville $499,900 3BR/2BAHouse TheRealMcCoyGroup|ColdwellBankerRealty Sun.,1/812-2 33TecumsehPass,Millsboro $299,900 3BR/2BAHouse TheRealMcCoyGroup|ColdwellBankerRealty Sun.,1/812-2 Callusat302.539.1788 OurlicensedRealtors inviteyoutotheir Having an Open House? ors GOGREEN! Submityour OpenHousesonlinefrom thelinkatthetopofour homepage.Visit coastalpoint.com today! Get the news with a local perspective! Find it each week in the THE LOCAL VOICE OF YOUR COMMUNITY In print every Friday and online 24/7 at www.coastalpoint.com
38 CoastalPoint January6,2023 ReligiousServices
Andrew e Apostle
OrthodoxDelmar.org 302.645.5791 Saturday Vespers Sunday Orthros Sunday
Visitors Always Welcome! 6:00 pm 9:00 am 10:00 am Frankford Presbyterian Church A welcoming church family committted to serving a God known for Unconditional Love and Acceptance. 302.537.5944 Pastor P. G. Maurer Main Street, at the foot of Thatcher Street in Frankford Nearly New Thift Shop Fri., 9-5 & Sat., 9-1 10 am Sunday Worship in-person Helping others help themselves MILLVILLE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Sunday Worship at 9:30 am - or - join via ZOOM (call the office for info) MillvilleMethodistChurch.org Like us on Facebook! Grounded in God’s Grace Moving in Christ’s Love across from Millville
Hall Pastor Wendy Butterworth 302.539.9077 Saturday 6 pm Sunday 9 & 11 am River Kids Sat. 6 pm & Sun.9 am Friday 6-8 pm Momentum, a group for Teens Wellsprings International a healing & deliverance ministry for more information: ron@riveronline.church 35175 Roxana Rd. Frankford, 19945 RiverOnline.Church Lead Pastor Bryan Sells BLACKWATER FELLOWSHIP CHURCH All Are Welcome! Traditional Services Traditional Values Traditional Church Sunday Services Pastor Dennis Bradford 410.430.7104 mbsvp51@gmail.com Rt. 17 & Daisey Rd., Roxana 34478 Roxana Rd.; Frankford, 19945 Wednes. Bible Study 6:30 pm Jan 1, 6 pm Fellowship Sunday School Morning Worship 9:00 am 9:30 am 10:30 am PRAISE & WORSHIP! Join us in person on SUNDAYS 9 am: Praise & Worship 11 am: Traditional SUNDAY SCHOOL 8 am Open Door Adults 9 am ARMOR Kids’ Church 10 am: Joy - Adults 10:15 am Young Adults Bible Study 4 pm CRASH Youth (for grades 6-12) Facebook Live, YouTube or
302.539.9510 Rt. 26 & Central Ave. Ocean View Rev. Dr. Rebecca Collison HOLY TRINITY CATHEDRAL WORSHIP EDUCATION OUTREACH COMMUNITY JOIN US IN-PERSON OR FACEBOOK LIVE HTCAnglican.org • 410.641.4882 11021 Worcester Hwy., Berlin, MD 21811 Seaside Jewish Community Shabbat Services Religious Leader Rabbi Julie Hilton Danan Visit our website to sign up for our email newsletter for noti cation of events and worship services. Adult and youth education programs, activities, social events, discussion groups, religious school www.SeasideJewishCommunity.com An egalitarian unaf liated congregation 18790 Holland Glade Rd., Rehoboth Beach Celebrating 25 Years (302) 226 8977 CC Delaware Coast A Calvary Chapel Fellowship Verse by Verse Teaching 48 N. Main Street, Selbyville or join us on Facebook - click link on ccdelcoast.church Sunday Worship Wednesdays 10:00 am 7:00 pm For more information, contact Pastor Rob LoRusso 302.500.1774 info@ccdelcoast.org ST. MARTIN’S IN THE FIELD EPISCOPAL CHURCH The beautiful church with a small congregation and a Big, Welcoming Heart! Sunday Service at 10 a.m. Get-acquainted coffee hour after the service The Rev. Glenn Duffy 75 West Church St.; Selbyville Parking: Front or Back 302.436.8921 • StMartinsSelbyville.org Ocean View Church of Christ Sunday 10 am Preacher Ethan Magee • 302.539.7468• CCOVDE.org 55 West Ave., Ocean View In-Person LIVE broadcast on: CCOVDE.org Wednesday 6:30 pm Facebook Live Bible Study oC Co eht th iv reS e MdetinU G .tS e S ya aydnuS e civres ay dnuSr fe ffeoff We i ojotemoclewerau oY Yo 6181 ec ce nisy t ty inumm hcru h g Ctsidoht s’ ’se ro e secivr deen y r very ve er fo s !yadnuSnosun MU GtS erooMJArotsaP 9 91,dr of fok kf narF,.dRramO73343 segroe C 0471.952.203 ST CAfotsewtsuj-54 gro. SOUND UNITED METHODIST CHURCH “Loving & Living so that Others see Jesus in us” Pastor John Schutt 302.436.4011 37890 Sound Church Road, Selbyville 19975 Established in 1779 In-Person & Live-Streamed every Sunday, 8:30 a.m. Facebook.com/RoxanaZionAndSoundUMC TEMPLE BAT YAM A Reform Jewish Congregation TempleBatYam-oc.org Welcome Back! We’ve Missed You! Please join us for live, in-person services Fridays at 7:30 p.m. For more information, you can reach us at the Temple from 9 AM – 2 PM Tuesday - Friday 410.641.4311 or TempleBatYam97@aol.com Only 20 minutes from Bethany Beach
Orthodox Church Fr. Herman Acker,
33384 Mackenzie Way - Lewes, 19958
ReligiousServices Get theWord out 302.539.1788 Sharing the Truth of God’s Word, Verse by Verse TheBeachFellowship.com Sundays 9 am Christian Conference Center Octagonal Building 211 N. Pennsylvania Ave., Bethany Beach THE BEACH FELLOWSHIP ST.MARTHA’S EPISCOPALCHURCH GodisLoveandthosewholiveinlove,liveinGod, andGodlivesinthem.
WatchfortheLight readingsforAdvent&Christmas SundayBookStudywithReverendRia •9-9:45am•Narthex 302.539.7444 TheRev.VictoriaPretti,Rector 117MaplewoodStreet;BethanyBeach Visitourwebsitetosignupforourtwice-weekly newsandSaturdayInspirationemails.Weoffer BibleStudy,adulteducationcourses,andmore! stmarthasbethanybeach.org SUNDAYHOLYEUCHARIST 8:00am 10:00am withmusic and onYouTube FENWICK ISLAND BAPTIST CHURCH FenwickIslandBaptist.com 36806 Lighthouse Rd., next to Float-ors SUNDAYS SundaySchool-allages-9a.m. Worship&Celebration-10a.m. EveningBibleStudy-5p.m. WEDNESDAYS InteractiveBibleStudy-6p.m. Chapter by Chapter, Verse by Verse Approach to Scripture HighTideChurch.org 302.732.3303 2 Sunday Services 9 & 10:30 a.m. Roxana Volunteer Fire Co. BETHANY BEACH CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Disciples of Christ) SUNDAY SERVICE 9:30 am In-Person & Live-Streaming on YouTube Social Distancing Serving • Inclusive • Open-Minded • Open Communion 302.539.4118BethanyBeachChristianChurch.org 7 N. Pennsylvania Avenue, Bethany Beach Ocean View Presbyterian Church SUNDAY WORSHIP 9:30 AM 67 Central Ave., Ocean View, DE 19970
SUNDAY WORSHIP 9:30 am live on Facebook & YouTube BEACON Baptist Church TheBeaconBaptistChurch.net SUNDAY SERVICES 10 am: Small Groups for All Ages 11 am: Family Worship
7 pm: Adults/KidsKlub/Teens 32263 Beacon Baptist Rd.; Rt. 26,
19967 Je
60 Isaiah ruoy rof ;enihS ,esirA h cruhC ytinummoC 9 9 1 l k i L n imaertSsecivreSllA :1 .emoc sah thgiL ACLE narehtuL 5 4 ebuTuoYnog Pastor Wolinski, Bettye Reverend The light blinking the at Dagsboro of South 20, Rt clc19945.org • 302.732.1156 g r o c c : n ma9 PIHSROW YA AY DNUS noinummoCyloH&cisuMhtiw ma11 PIHSROW th onth me th foyadse Wedn We tsaL ma03:11 YDUTSELBIB.DEW Welcome Home! 29 W. Church St. • Selbyville • 302.436.8412 www.sumc.com SUNDAY 8:30 Informal Service 9:45 Contemporary Service 9:45 Sunday School 11:00 Traditional Worship Salem Church United Methodist Pastor Reverend Blair Hall January6,2023 CoastalPoint 39
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of news, information and features you’ll find every week
the… The Local Voice of Your Community www.coastalpoint.com
ovpc.org PC(USA)
Pastor Terry Dougherty
67 Central Ave., Ocean View,
19970 ovpc.org PC(USA) 302-539-3455 Pastor
Millville, DE
Smith, Pastor 302.539.1216
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ZumbaClass— MarinersBethelUnited MethodistChurchisholdingazumbaexerciseclassinthesocialhalleveryMonday at10a.m.Thereisa$6drop-infee.No registrationisnecessary,andallarewelcome.Formoreinformation,contact jolin.zumba@gmail.com.
PuzzlesandColoring— SouthCoastalLibraryishostingfunpassiveactivitiesfor adults.Theycurrentlyhaveanadultcoloringstation,jigsawpuzzle s,crosswords, Sudokuandwordfinds.Participationis free,andregistrationisnotrequired.
GriefShare— TheRiverChurchinRoxana ishosting“GriefShareYourJourneyfrom MourningtoJoy”everyTuesdaythrough April4,2023,from6:30to8:30p.m.Each classwillincludeavideoandbreakoutdiscussionsencompassingthedifferentaspectsofgrief.Aworkbookwillbeprovided foreachparticipantatnocharge.
WethePeople— "WethePeople"isaneffortputtogetherbyBillMurphytocelebratepatriotismandcelebratetheflag,by meetingattheBethanyBeachbandstand everyWednesdayat8:30a.m.tosupport themilitary,lawenforcementandfirefight-
MarinesMeet— TheFirstStateDetachmentoftheMarineCorpsLeaguemeets onthefourthWednesdayofeachmonth attheOceanCity(Md.)AmericanLegion Post166on23rdStreetatnoon.Any MarinesandNavyCorpsmenwhohav e servedintheCorps,livinginWorcester orSussexCounties,arewelcometojoin tomeettheirfellowveteransandconsiderjoiningtheorganization.Theirmissioniscommunityservicethrough camaraderieandvolunteerism.Formore information,call(410)430-7181oremail websergeant@firststatemarines.org.
BenefitforLocalFamily— FinsAleHouse &RawBarwillhostafundraiserforthe Samplefamily,wholosttheirhometoa fireinearlyDecember.Theeventruns from 5to9p.m.,andFinswilldonateaportion oftheproceedsfromfoodanddrink,and allproceedsfromtheraffleswillgodirectly tothefamily.
ZumbaClass— MarinersBethelUnited MethodistChurchisholdingazumbaexerciseclassinthesocialhalleveryMonday at10a.m.Thereisa$6drop-infee.No registrationisnecessary,andallarewelcome.Formoreinformation,contact jolin.zumba@gmail.com.
PuzzlesandColoring— SouthCoastalLibraryishostin gfunpassiveactivitiesfor adults.Theycurrentlyhaveanadultcoloringstation,jigsawpuzzles,crosswords, Sudokuandwordfinds.Participationis free,andregistrationisnotrequired.
GriefShare— TheRiverChurchinRoxana ishosting“GriefShareYourJourneyfrom MourningtoJoy”everyTuesdaythrough April4,2023,from6:30to8:30p.m.Each classwillincludeavideoandbreakoutdiscussionsencompassingthedifferentaspectsofgrief.Aworkb ookwillbeprovided foreachparticipantatnocharge.
WethePeople— "WethePeople"isaneffortputtogetherbyBillMurphytocelebratepatriotismandcelebratetheflag,by meetingattheBethanyBeachbandstand everyWednesdayat8:30a.m.tosupport themilitary,lawenforcementandfirefighterswhoserveandprotect.Allarewelcome.
DemocratsMeet— The38thRepresentativeDistrictDemocraticCommitteemeets thefirstWednesdayofeverymonthat S outhCoastalLibraryfrom7to8:30p.m. Formoreinformation,call(302)364-5830, orvisitonlineatdeldems38.org.
IntheGenes— SponsoredbytheLewes HistoricalSocietyandtheSussexCounty GenealogicalSociety,theGenealogistin ResidenceprogramisonthefirstSaturday ofeachmonthfrom10a.m.to2p.m.in theReadingRoomattheLewesHistory Museum.MembersoftheSocietywillbe availabletohelpanyonewhohasquestions abouttheirfamilytree.TheLe wesHistoricalSocietyArchivesFamilyFileswillbe availableforresearch.Formoreinformation,visitthematscgsdelaware.orgorhis-
DancetheNightAway— TheLordBaltimoreWomen’sClubishosting“Dancethe NightAway—MusicFromthe’50sand Beyond,”attheMillvillefirehallfrom7to 10p.m.RadioDJRickRockfrom94.3 WYBGinNewJerseywillbeleadingthe tunes.Dressycasual,orafavorite-era dress.Thecostis$25perpersonthrough Eventbr ite,andtheeventisBYOB.There willalsobea50/50raffle,andsnacksfor purchase.
ZumbaClass— MarinersBethelUnited MethodistChurchisholdingazumbaexerciseclassinthesocialhalleveryMonday at10a.m.Thereisa$6drop-infee.No registrationisnecessary,andallarewelcome.Formoreinformation,contact jolin.zumba@gmail.com.
SocratesCafé— BethanyBeachChristian Churchwillbethelocationforthenext meetingofSocratesCaféagroupofindividualsfromdifferentbackgroundsthat discussphilosophicalideas.Themeetings arethefirstTuesdayofeachmonth,from2 to3:30p.m.Everyoneiswelcome.For moreinformation,call537-9440oremail bonniejd.rae@gmail.com.
GriefShare— TheRiverChurchinRoxana ishosting“GriefShareYourJourneyfrom MourningtoJoy”everyTuesdaythrough April4,2023,from6:30to8:30p.m.Each classwillincludeavideoandbreakoutdiscussionsencompassing thedifferentaspectsofgrief.Aworkbookwillbeprovided foreachparticipantatnocharge.
40 CoastalPoint January6,2023 SINCE 1976 FEATURED LISTING TanseyWarner.com • 302-539-3001 39824 Hickman Plaza Rd. • Bethany Beach • Across From Sea Colony Vacation Rental Specialists Accepting Rental Listings for Vacation Summer Homes & Condos. Call our Rental Dept. Today! This rarely available 2 BR with sleeping loft end of row townhouse is located in the easternmost part of Sea Colony. You can walk, bike or ride to the 1/2 mile Sea Colony private beach. Outdoor shower and a private deck to enjoy. Inside you will find hardwood floors throughout the first floor with an ample great-room and kitchen as well as a first floor main BR and bath. Upstairs is another bedroom w/bath and sleeping loft. Very close to pools and a shuttle ride or walk to tennis courts and the indoor fitness facility. Property is being sold in fee with no ground rent. 39745 Forest Hills, Sea Colony West • $595,000 NEWPRICE! Hanna’s Fitness 302.542.7601 HannasFitness1@gmail.com Specialized in-home Personal Training for older adults and those who don’t want to go to the gym SENIOR FITNESS SPECIALIST Balance Training • Couch to 5K Strength & Mobility • Core Training Walking Programs Weight Management Specialist Calendar Continuedfrompage36
9 p.m. on & WBOC Fire
Every rescue is an opportunity for disaster. An internal investigation is launched after a difficult rescue went awry and a life was lost, in the winter premiere episode “No Good Deed.” Just who, if anyone, is at fault? The series stars Max Thieriot, Billy Burke, Kevin Alejandro, Diane Farr, Stephanie Arcila, Jordan Calloway and Jules Latimer.
8 p.m. on 6
Movie: Reba McEntire’s The Hammer
Kim Wheeler (Reba McEntire) is one of the few traveling judges left in America. After the reigning judge passes away under suspicious circumstances, Kim finds herself covering a circuit that stretches between Las Vegas and Reno — a rugged, often desolate area where anything and everything can happen. With gavel in hand, she lays down the law with a no-nonsense brand of justice, that quickly earns her the nickname “The Hammer” in this 2023 mystery.
5 a.m. on ,
ACL 8th Annual Hall of Fame Honors Sheryl Crow
There’s no doubt that an “Austin City Limits” Hall of Fame taping is something special. Legends being saluted by their peers and fans always makes for an emotional, exciting evening. This time around the “ACL” stage honors Austin music icon Joe Ely and superstar singer/songwriter Sheryl Crow. The new special features a deep dive into each artist’s work, highlighted by extended tributes, allowing the guest performers to share personal stories about their connection for a very special night.
8 p.m.
on % FOX µ WTXF
Alert: Missing Persons Unit
Police officers Jason Grant (Scott Caan) and his ex-wife Nikki Batista’s (Dania Ramirez) work in the Philadelphia Police Department’s Missing Persons Unit (MPU). Each heartpounding, life-or-death search for a missing person tugs at their heartstrings as they continue their personal quest to find out the truth about their long-lost son in this new series. This procedural drama also stars Adeola Role, Ryan Broussard and Graham Verchere.
on ¨ AMC
Mayfair Witches
Neurosurgeon Rowan Fielding (Alexandra Daddario) discovers she is the unlikely heir to
Bethany FRIDAY EVENING JANUARY 6, 2023 6:006:307:007:308:008:309:009:3010:0010:3011:0011:30 # CW Judge LakeJudge LakeDivorceDivorce Penn & Teller: Fool Us ’ Whose LineWhose LineNews Chicago P.D. “Fagin” ’ Family Guy % FOX Last ManLast ManBig BangBig Bang WWE Friday Night SmackDown (N) ’ (Live) WBOC News Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ Friends ’ & WBOC NewsCBS NewsNewsEnt. Tonight S.W.A.T. “Pariah” (N) Fire Country (N) ’ Blue Bloods (N) ’ NewsLate-Colbert _ WMDT 47abc NewsWorld NewsFamily FeudFamily Feud Shark Tank (N) ’ (:01) 20/20 ’ DelmarvaJ. Kimmel + WBAL 11 News at 6Nightly NewsInside Ed.HollywoodLopez vsYoung Rock Dateline NBC (N) ’ NewsTonight Show , WCPB PBS NewsHour (N) State CircleRubensteinSister Boniface Mysteries The U.S. and the Holocaust ’ Wash(:40) Start Up 3 TNT “Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back” Movie: ››› “Doctor Strange” (2016, Action) Benedict Cumberbatch. All Elite Wrestling All Elite Wrestling: Battle 5 FX (5:30) Movie: ››› “Ted” (2012) Mark Wahlberg. ’ Movie: ›› “The Hangover Part II” (2011) Bradley Cooper. ’ Movie: ›› “The Hangover Part II” (2011) 6 LIFE Castle ’ Castle “Ghosts” ’ Movie: ››› “Pretty Woman” (1990) Richard Gere, Julia Roberts, Ralph Bellamy. “Husband Met” 7 A&E The First 48 “Last Wish” ’ The First 48 ’ The First 48 ’ The First 48 ’ The First 48 ’ The First 48 ’ 8 TRUTV Inside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside Jokes Movie: ›› “The Change-Up” (2011) Ryan Reynolds. < ESPN SportsCenter NBA NBA Basketball Chicago Bulls at Philadelphia 76ers. (N) (Live) (:05) NBA Basketball Miami Heat at Phoenix Suns. (N) = ESPN2 BasketballInterruption College Basketball Detroit Mercy at Wright State. (N) Women’s College Gymnastics SportsCenter (N) (Live) A GOLF PGA Tour Golf Sentry Tournament of Champions, Second Round. From Plantation Course in Maui, Hawaii. (N) Golf Central (N) (Live) PGA Golf I HGTV Dream HomeDream HomeUgliest House in AmericaUgliest House in AmericaUgliest House in AmericaHunters Int’lHunters Int’lDream HomeDream Home K FOOD Diners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, Drive L DISC Gold Rush “FUBAR” Gold Rush: Pay Dirt (N) ’ Gold Rush “Who’s the Boss” The Claytons face a family emergency. (N) Gold Rush: Freddy Dodge’sGold Rush M HIST Ancient Aliens ’ Ancient Aliens ’ Ancient Aliens ’ Ancient Aliens (N) ’ (:03) The Proof Is Out There (:05) Ancient Aliens ’ N ANPL Dr. Jeff: RMV Dr. Jeff: RMV Dr. Jeff: RMV Dr. Jeff: RMV Dr. Jeff: RMV Dr. Jeff: RMV P DISN Big City (:20) Movie: ››› “Monsters, Inc.” ’ MonstersMonstersHamster &Hamster &Big CityBig CityMonstersMonsters R TVLND Andy GriffithAndy GriffithAndy GriffithAndy GriffithRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondKingKing ¨ AMC (5:15) Movie: ›› “Passengers” (2016) Premiere. Movie: ›››› “Jaws” (1975, Suspense) Roy Scheider, Robert Shaw. Movie: ›› “Jaws 2” ≠ BRAV Below Deck Below Deck Below Deck Below Deck Below Deck (N) Movie “Step Brothers” ‘R’ µ WTXF The Six (N) Props TMZ (N) ’ Bet Your Life WWE Friday Night SmackDown (N) ’ (Live) The 10 NewsSpecialFox 29 NewsFeed Bethany SATURDAY EVENING JANUARY 7, 2023 6:006:307:007:308:008:309:009:3010:0010:3011:0011:30 # CW BurgersBurgers The Good Doctor “Smile” Criss Angel AnimalsAnimalsNews Movie: ››› “The Fisher King” (1991) % FOX BasketballLast ManBig BangBig Bang Hell’s Kitchen ’ Special Forces-ToughestWBOC News Friends ’ Hell’s Kitchen ’ & WBOC Inside Edit.CBS NewsNewsOutdoors CSI: Vegas “She’s Gone” CSI: Vegas ’ 48 Hours ’ NewsOutdoors _ WMDT (4:30) NFL Football Teams TBA. (N) Countdown NFL Football Teams TBA. (N) ’ (Live) NewsOutdoorsman + WBAL 11 News at 6Nightly News Ravens Report ’ Password ’ Password ’ Saturday Night Live NewsSNL , WCPB Moments to Remember (My Music Presents) Hits of the 1950s and ’60s. John Sebastian’s Folk Rewind (My Music Presents) ’ Quincy Jones: A Musical Celebration 3 TNT (5:30) Movie: ››› “Pitch Perfect” (2012) (:45) Movie: ›› “Pitch Perfect 2” (2015) Anna Kendrick. (DVS) Movie: ››› “A Simple Favor” (2018) Anna Kendrick. 5 FX (4:30) Movie: ››› “Iron Man” (2008) ’ Movie: ›› “Iron Man 2” (2010, Action) Robert Downey Jr. ’ Movie: ››› “Iron Man 3” (2013) Robert Downey Jr. 6 LIFE (5:00) Movie: ››› “The Devil Wears Prada” (2006) Movie: “Reba McEntire’s The Hammer” (2023) Premiere. (:03) Movie: “Dirty Little Secret” (2022) Lizzie Boys 7 A&E (5:00) Movie: ››› “Hacksaw Ridge” (2016) ’ Movie: ››› “Deepwater Horizon” (2016) Mark Wahlberg. ’ Road WarsRoad WarsRoad Wars 8 TRUTV Imp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside Jokes < ESPN (4:30) NFL Football (N) Countdown (:15) NFL Football (N) PostgameSportsCenter = ESPN2 (5:30) ESPN Films ESPN Films ESPN Films ESPN Films A GOLF PGA Golf Golf Central (N) (Live) PGA Tour Golf Sentry Tournament of Champions, Third Round. I HGTV Love It or List It Love It or List It Love It or List It Rico to the Rescue Love It or List It Love It or List It K FOOD Diners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, Drive L DISC Naked and Afraid ’ Naked and Afraid ’ Naked and Afraid ’ Naked and Afraid ’ Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid M HIST History’s Greatest Mysteries ’ History’s Greatest Mysteries ’ (:05) History’s Greatest Mysteries ’ N ANPL Treehouse Masters ’ Insane Pools: Deep EndInsane Pools: Deep EndInsane Pools: Deep EndInsane Pools: Deep EndInsane Pools: Deep End P DISN Movie: ››› “The Incredibles” (2004) ’ Proud FamilyProud FamilyBig CityBig CityHamster &Hamster &Proud FamilyProud Family R TVLND Mike & MollyMike & Molly MomMomMomMom Two MenTwo MenTwo MenTwo MenTwo MenTwo Men ¨ AMC (5:15) Movie: ››› “Point Break” (1991, Action) Movie: ››› “John Wick” (2014) Keanu Reeves. (:15) Movie: ›› “U.S. Marshals” (1998, Action) ≠ BRAV (5:00) ›› “50 First Dates”Movie ›› “Just Go With It” (2011) Adam Sandler. ‘PG-13’ Movie ›› “Just Go With It” (2011) Adam Sandler. ‘PG-13’ µ WTXF BasketballNews TMZ (N) ’ Hell’s Kitchen ’ Special Forces-Toughest The 10 O’Clock News (N) Hell’s Kitchen ’ Bethany SUNDAY EVENING JANUARY 8, 2023 6:006:307:007:308:008:309:009:3010:0010:3011:0011:30 # CW Family GuyFamily Guy The Good Doctor “More” AnimalsAnimalsWhose LineWhose LineNews Chicago P.D. “I Was Here” WOW % FOX (4:25) NFL Football Teams TBA. (N) The OT (N) Alert: Missing Persons UnitBurgersFamily GuyWBOC News Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ Friends ’ & WBOC (4:25) NFL Football Teams TBA. (N) 60 Minutes (N) ’ East New York “10-13” (N) NCIS: Los Angeles (N) ’ East New York ’ News at 11 _ WMDT NewsWorld NewsFunniest Home Videos Movie: ›››› “Beauty and the Beast” (1991) Voices of Paige O’Hara. The ConnersNewsMarquee + WBAL 11 News at 6Nightly NewsFootball Night in America (:15) NFL Football Teams TBA. (N) ’ (Live) News , WCPB John Sebastian’s Folk Rewind (My Music Presents) ’ Miss Scarlet and the DukeAll Creatures Great Vienna Blood The Brain Revolution 3 TNT (5:15) Movie: ›› “Quantum of Solace”Movie: ››› “Knives Out” (2019, Mystery) Daniel Craig, Chris Evans. Premiere. Movie: ›› “Ocean’s 8” (2018, Comedy) 5 FX (5:00) Movie: ››› “Iron Man 3” (2013, Action) ’ Movie: ››› “Guardians of the Galaxy” (2014) Chris Pratt. ’ Movie: ››› “Guardians of the Galaxy” 6 LIFE Movie: “House of Chains” (2022) Mena Suvari. Movie: “My Sister’s Serial Killer Boyfriend” (2023) (:03) Movie: “Reba McEntire’s The Hammer” (2023) 7 A&E The First 48 ’ The First 48 ’ The First 48 ’ The First 48 “Money Move” The First 48 ’ The First 48 ’ 8 TRUTV Imp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. Jokers < ESPN (5:00) ESPN Films SportsCenter (N) Championship Drive (N) (Live) PlayoffPlayoff SportsCenter (N) = ESPN2 College Basketball Women’s College Basketball Oregon at Arizona. (N) (Live) Professional Fighters League World Championship 2022. A GOLF PGA Golf Golf Central (N) (Live) PGA Tour Golf Sentry Tournament of Champions, Final Round. I HGTV Home Town Home Town Home Town (N) (:01) Home Town (N) (:01) Home Town (:01) Home Town K FOOD Guy’s Grocery GamesGuy’s Grocery Games Worst Cooks in America (N) Chef Dynasty Beat BobbyBeat BobbyBeat Bobby L DISC Dirty Jobs (DVS) Dirty Jobs ’ Dirty Jobs (N) ’ (:01) Sewer Divers (N) (:02) Dirty Jobs ’ (:01) Dirty Jobs ’ M HIST Pawn Stars (DVS) Pawn Stars (DVS) Pawn Stars (DVS) (:02) Pawn Stars ’ (:05) Pawn Stars ’ (:05) Pawn Stars ’ N ANPL Lone Star Law ’ Lone Star Law ’ Lone Star Law ’ Lone Star Law ’ (:01) Lone Star Law ’ (:01) Lone Star Law ’ P DISN Big CityBig City Movie: ››› “Lilo & Stitch” (2002) ’ Bunk’dBunk’d JessieJessieJessie Big CityBig City R TVLND Mike & MollyMike & Molly MomMomMomMom Two MenTwo MenTwo MenTwo MenTwo MenTwo Men ¨ AMC Movie: ››› “John Wick: Chapter 3 -- Parabellum” (2019) Keanu Reeves. Premiere. Mayfair Witches (:14) Mayfair Witches Rowan loses control. John Wick 2 ≠ BRAV Housewives/PotomacHousewives/PotomacHousewives/Potomac Family Karma “Cooked and Served” (N) Housewives/PotomacFamily µ WTXF (4:25) NFL Football Teams TBA. (N) The OT (N) Alert: Missing Persons UnitBurgersFamily Guy The 10 O’Clock News (N) Fox 29 NewsFeed Bethany MONDAY EVENING JANUARY 9, 2023 6:006:307:007:308:008:309:009:3010:0010:3011:0011:30 # CW Judge LakeJudge LakeDivorceDivorce All American ’ All American: HomecomingNews Chicago P.D. (DVS) Family Guy % FOX Last ManLast ManBig BangBig Bang Fantasy Island (N) ’ Alert: Missing Persons UnitWBOC NewsSeinfeld Seinfeld ’ Friends ’ & WBOC NewsCBS NewsNewsEnt. Tonight NCIS “Too Many Cooks” ’ NCIS: Hawai’i “Deep Fake” NCIS: Los Angeles (N) ’ NewsLate-Colbert _ WMDT 47abc NewsWorld NewsFamily FeudFamily Feud The Parent Test ’ The Parent Test ’ Will Trent “Pilot” ’ NewsJ. Kimmel + WBAL 11 News at 6Nightly NewsInside Ed.Hollywood America’s Got Talent: All-Stars “Auditions 2” (N) Quantum Leap (N) ’ NewsTonight Show , WCPB PBS NewsHour (N) ConnectionCollectibles Antiques Roadshow (N) CodeSwitching: Race POV Freakdom, vision and (in)visibility. (N) Amanpour 3 TNT (5:00) Movie: ››› “Shazam!” (2019) Movie: ›› “Aquaman” (2018, Action) Jason Momoa, Amber Heard. (DVS) Movie: ››› “Joker” (2019) (DVS) 5 FX Movie: ›› “Snatched” (2017) Amy Schumer. ’ Movie: ››› “Girls Trip” (2017) Regina Hall, Queen Latifah. ’ Movie: ››› “Girls Trip” (2017) ’ 6 LIFE Castle ’ Castle “Deep in Death” ’ Castle “The Double Down” Castle “Inventing the Girl” (:03) Castle “Fool Me Once” (:03) Castle ’ 7 A&E The First 48 “Chat Trap” ’ The First 48 “Murder Rap” The First 48 ’ The First 48 ’ The First 48 “Family First” The First 48 “Tracked” ’ 8 TRUTV Inside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. Jokers Movie: ›› “A Knight’s Tale” (2001) Heath Ledger. < ESPN (5:00) College GameDay CFP National Championship Teams TBA. (N) (Live) SportsCenter = ESPN2 SportsCenter (N) Pregame (:45) CFP National Championship Teams TBA. (N) (Live) PostgameFootball Final A GOLF Golf Central PGA TOURGolf U.S. Open Epics (N) PGA Tour Golf Sentry Tournament of Champions, Final Round. I HGTV Fixer Upper Fixer Upper Fixer Upper: WelcomeFixer Upper: Welcome (:05) House Hunters (N) HuntersHunters Int’l K FOOD Chopped Kids Baking ChampionshipKids Baking Championship Bake It ’Til You Make It (N) Chopped Chopped L DISC Street Outlaws “Money” ’ Street Outlaws: Red Line Street Outlaws “Red River Rivalry” The 405 gets a callout from Team Woo. (N) Street Outlaws: Red Line M HIST Ancient Aliens ’ Ancient Aliens ’ Ancient Aliens: Declassified “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena” Aliens bending time and space. (N) ’ N ANPL Naked and Afraid ’ Naked and Afraid ’ Naked and Afraid ’ Naked and Afraid The frigid Montana wilderness. ’ Naked and Afraid ’ P DISN LadybugLadybug Movie: ››› “Tarzan” (1999) ’ (:35) Jessie JessieJessie Big CityBig CityLadybugLadybug R TVLND Andy GriffithAndy GriffithAndy GriffithAndy GriffithRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondKingKing ¨ AMC “John Wick: Chapter 3” Movie: ››› “The Italian Job” (2003) Mark Wahlberg. Movie: ››› “Vice” (2018) Christian Bale, Amy Adams. Premiere. ≠ BRAV Below Deck Below Deck (N) Below Deck (N) Southern Hospitality (N) Watch What Below Deck Below Deck µ WTXF The Six (N) The Pulse TMZ (N) ’ Bet Your Life Fantasy Island (N) ’ Alert: Missing Persons Unit The 10 O’Clock News (N) Fox 29 NewsFeed Best Bets
January6,2023 CoastalPoint 41 the best of the
in ink and online. every friday.
a family of witches in New Orleans who are guided by a spirit called Lasher (Jack Huston). The arrival of Rowan into the family makes her the 13th witch and completes the coven, making Rowan the key, as she contends with a sinister presence that has haunted her family for generations in the series premiere episode “The Witching Hour.” The series is based on the novels “Lives of the Mayfair Witches” by Anne Rice.
7 p.m. on < ESPN 7:45 p.m. on = ESPN2 CFP National Championship
SoFi Stadium in Inglewood, Calif., is the setting as the winners of the Fiesta (TCU or Michigan) and Chick-fil-A Peach Bowl (Georgia or Ohio State) square off in the CFP National Championship game. In last year’s contest, the Georgia Bulldogs came away with their first national title in 41 years and fourth overall after defeating the Alabama Crimson Tide 33-18.
8 p.m.
It’s a triple threat, as for the first time the NCIS universe brings together “NCIS,” “NCIS: Hawaii” and NCIS: Los Angeles” in a special three-hour crossover. The opening episode “Too Many Cooks,” centers around a case to take down a mysterious hitman. Team members from the different NCIS divisions come together in Washington, D.C., to celebrate a beloved professor who taught multiple members of each of the squads. The professor is found dead of an apparent suicide, but his former students suspect foul play. Vanessa Lachey and Noah Mills guest star.
8 p.m. on & WBOC FBI
Bell (Missy Peregrym), “OA” (Zeeko Zaki), Valentine (Jeremy Sisto) and Castille (Alana De La Garza) must jump into action when JOC analyst Kelly Moran (Taylor Anthony Miller) is taken hostage by unknown assailants in the winter premiere episode “Heroes.” John Boyd, Katherine Renee Turner, Vedette Lim, James Chen and Roshawn Franklin also star.
8 p.m. on + WBAL 80th Annual Golden Globe Awards
One of the few awards ceremonies to recognize both motion picture and television achievements, the Golden Globes are watched in more than 220 countries and territories around the world. Jerrod Carmichael will helm this year’s three-hour telecast from the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills, Calif. “The Banshees of Inisherin” leads the film nominees, while “Abbott Elementary” is the most-nominated TV series.
8 p.m. on % FOX µ WTXF Name That Tune
Can you name that song in three notes? You can test your musical knowledge alongside a list of celebrities as a new round of this hit show returns with host Jane Krakowski.
Season 3 brings a host of famous faces including Olympic medalist Adam Rippon, professional wrestler Chris Jericho, comedian Craig Ferguson and actor Jack McBrayer. Other upcoming matchups include skating icons Johnny Weir vs. Tara Lipinski, singers Jordan Sparks vs. Clay Aiken, and actresses Tisha Campbell vs. Elizabeth Berkley Lauren.
9 p.m. on & WBOC
RuPaul Charles brings his one-of-a-kind personality to this clever, competitive and unpredictable new game show where teams of two face off in fast-paced puzzle rounds to guess letters that reveal seemingly simple words. At the end of each one-hour episode, filled with hilarious commentary and gameplay, the two winning teams will make it through to a nerve-racking final showdown where one team will walk away with an additional big cash prize.
8 p.m. on I HGTV Christina in the Country
She made a name for herself flipping houses in Southern California. Now, real estate expert and designer Christina Hall is expanding her design business across the country and putting down roots at her second home, a Tennessee farm, in this docuseries premiere. In each of the six one-hour episodes, Christina will create breathtaking renovations for eager clients and make even more life-long memories with her children and new husband, Josh Hall.
42 CoastalPoint January6,2023 Bethany TUESDAY EVENING JANUARY 10, 2023 6:006:307:007:308:008:309:009:3010:0010:3011:0011:30 # CW Judge LakeJudge LakeDivorceDivorce The Winchesters ’ Mysteries Decoded News Chicago P.D. (DVS) Family Guy % FOX Last ManLast ManBig BangBig Bang The Resident (Season Finale) (N) ’ (DVS) WBOC NewsSeinfeld Seinfeld ’ Friends ’ & WBOC NewsCBS NewsNewsEnt. Tonight FBI “Heroes” (N) ’ FBI: International “BHITW” FBI: Most Wanted (N) NewsLate-Colbert _ WMDT 47abc NewsWorld NewsFamily FeudFamily Feud The Rookie (N) ’ The Rookie: Feds (N) ’ Will Trent (N) (DVS) NewsJ. Kimmel + WBAL 11 News at 6Nightly NewsInside Ed.Hollywood 80th Annual Golden Globe Awards Celebrating the best in TV and film. (N) NewsTonight Show , WCPB PBS NewsHour (N) Farm-HarvestOutdoorsFinding Your Roots American Experience ’ Frontline (N) Amanpour and Company (N) 3 TNT (4:00) Movie: “Aquaman”NBA Tip-Off NBA Basketball Detroit Pistons at Philadelphia 76ers. (Live) NBA Basketball Phoenix Suns at Golden State Warriors. 5 FX (5:30) Movie: ››› “Ant-Man and The Wasp” (2018) ’ Movie: ›› “Iron Man 2” (2010, Action) Robert Downey Jr. ’ Movie: ›› “Iron Man 2” (2010) ’ 6 LIFE Castle ’ Castle “Kill the Messenger” Castle “Love Me Dead” ’ Castle ’ (:03) Castle ’ (:03) Castle ’ 7 A&E Neighbor.Neighbor.Neighbor.Neighbor.Neighbor.Neighbor.Neighbor.Neighbor.CustomerCustomerNeighbor.Neighbor. 8 TRUTV Inside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside Jokes Movie < ESPN SportsCenter College Basketball Teams TBA. (N) (Live) College Basketball (N) (Live) SportsCenter W/Van Pelt = ESPN2 The Point College Basketball Teams TBA. (N) (Live) College Basketball Teams TBA. (N) (Live) NFL Live A GOLF Golf Central Roots (N) Roots (N) Wonderful World of Golf Wonderful World of Golf Wonderful World of Golf I HGTV Fixer to Fabulous Fixer to Fabulous Fixer to Fabulous (N) Fixer to Fabulous (N) HuntersHunters Int’lHuntersHunters Int’l K FOOD Chopped Chopped “Lighten Up” Chopped (N) Chef Dynasty Chopped Chopped L DISC Bering Sea Gold Emily drops a bombshell. (N) ’ Bering Sea Gold Shawn and Kris try to settle their feud. (:01) Ice Cold Catch “The Void” (N) ’ M HIST The Curse of Oak Island ’ The Curse of Oak Island ’ Oak Island: Digging Deeper The Curse of Oak Island (N) (:03) Beyond Oak Island (N) The Curse of Oak Island ’ N ANPL Lone Star Law ’ Lone Star Law “Red Flag” Lone Star Law ’ Lone Star Law ’ Lone Star Law ’ Lone Star Law ’ P DISN LadybugLadybugHamster &Big CityBig CityBig CityThe VillainsThe VillainsBig CityHamster &LadybugLadybug R TVLND Andy GriffithAndy GriffithAndy GriffithAndy GriffithRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondKingKing ¨ AMC (4:30) “The Italian Job” Movie: ››› “Casino” (1995) Robert De Niro. A mob employee makes a play for power in 1970s Las Vegas. Movie: ››› “Scarface” ≠ BRAV Below Deck AdventureBelow Deck AdventureBelow Deck Adventure Below Deck Adventure (N) Watch WhatBelow Deck AdventureBelow Deck µ WTXF The Six (N) The 215 (N) TMZ (N) ’ Bet Your Life The Resident (Season Finale) (N) ’ (DVS) The 10 O’Clock News (N) Fox 29 NewsFeed Bethany WEDNESDAY EVENING JANUARY 11, 2023 6:006:307:007:308:008:309:009:3010:0010:3011:0011:30 # CW Judge LakeJudge LakeDivorceDivorce Penn & Teller: Fool Us ’ Kung Fu “Harvest” News Chicago P.D. (DVS) Family Guy % FOX Last ManLast ManBig BangBig Bang Name That Tune ’ Special Forces-ToughestWBOC News Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ Friends ’ & WBOC NewsCBS NewsNewsEnt. TonightThe Price Is Right at Night Lingo Four teams face off. Tough as Nails (N) NewsLate-Colbert _ WMDT 47abc NewsWorld NewsFamily FeudFamily FeudThe ConnersGoldbergsAbbott ElemHome Econ. Big Sky “Are You Mad?” ’ NewsJ. Kimmel + WBAL 11 News at 6Nightly NewsInside Ed.Hollywood Chicago Med (N) ’ Chicago Fire (N) ’ Chicago P.D. “Long Lost” NewsTonight Show , WCPB PBS NewsHour (N) Milk StreetMotorWeek Nature (DVS) NOVA ’ (DVS) Secrets of the DeadAmanpour and Company (N) 3 TNT Lucifer ’ (DVS) NHL on TNT NHL Hockey Nashville Predators at Toronto Maple Leafs. (Live) NHL Hockey San Jose Sharks at Los Angeles Kings. 5 FX (5:30) Movie: › “Gone in 60 Seconds” (2000) ’ Movie: ›› “The Fate of the Furious” (2017) Vin Diesel, Dwayne Johnson. ’ “The Fate of the Furious” 6 LIFE Wife Swap “Aguirre/Ray” Married at First SightMarried at First Sight “Runaway Groom?” (N) Married-Sight (:33) Married at First Sight 7 A&E The First 48 ’ The First 48 ’ The First 48 “Blood Lust” The First 48 ’ The First 48 ’ The First 48 ’ 8 TRUTV Inside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. Jokers < ESPN SportsCenter NBA NBA Basketball Milwaukee Bucks at Atlanta Hawks. (N) (Live) NBA Basketball Houston Rockets at Sacramento Kings. = ESPN2 Around/HornInterruption College Basketball Teams TBA. (N) (Live) College Basketball Teams TBA. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) A GOLF Golf Central Tito’s Shorties Classic (N) RootsRoots Wonderful World of Golf Golf Central Wonderful World of Golf I HGTV Bargain Block Property Brothers Property Brothers Brother vs. Brother HuntersHuntersHuntersHunters K FOOD Guy’s Grocery GamesGuy’s Grocery Games Guy’s Grocery Games (N) NFL Tailgate Takedown (N) Guy’s Grocery GamesGuy’s Grocery Games L DISC Moonshiners (DVS) Moonshiners: Outlaw Cuts Moonshiners (N) ’ Moonshiners: Double ShotMaster Distiller M HIST American Pickers ’ American Pickers ’ American Pickers (N) American Pickers (N) ’ (:03) Secret Restoration ’ (:05) American Pickers ’ N ANPL River Monsters ’ River Monsters ’ River Monsters ’ River Monsters ’ River Monsters ’ River Monsters ’ P DISN LadybugLadybugHamster &Big CityBig CityBig CityBunk’dBunk’dBig CityHamster &LadybugLadybug R TVLND Andy GriffithAndy GriffithAndy GriffithAndy GriffithRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondKingKing ¨ AMC (3:00) Movie: “Casino” Movie: ››› “Tombstone” (1993, Western) Kurt Russell, Val Kilmer. Movie: ››› “Gladiator” (2000) Russell Crowe. ≠ BRAV Real Housewives of SLCReal Housewives of SLCReal Housewives of SLC Love Without Borders (N) Watch WhatReal Housewives of SLCLove Without µ WTXF The Six (N) ClassH-Room TMZ (N) ’ Bet Your Life Name That Tune ’ Special Forces-Toughest The 10 O’Clock News (N) Fox 29 NewsFeed Bethany THURSDAY EVENING JANUARY 12, 2023 6:006:307:007:308:008:309:009:3010:0010:3011:0011:30 # CW Judge LakeJudge LakeDivorceDivorce Walker “Cry Uncle” (N) ’ Walker Independence (N) News Chicago P.D. “Promise” ’ Family Guy % FOX Last ManLast ManBig BangBig Bang Hell’s Kitchen ’ Welcome toCall Me KatWBOC News Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ Friends ’ & WBOC NewsCBS NewsNewsEnt. TonightSheldon(:31) Ghosts (:01) So Help Me Todd (N) CSI: Vegas “Trinket” (N) ’ NewsLate-Colbert _ WMDT 47abc NewsWorld NewsFamily FeudFamily Feud Celebrity Jeopardy! (N) ’ The Parent Test (N) The Chase (N) ’ NewsJ. Kimmel + WBAL 11 News at 6Nightly NewsInside Ed.Hollywood Law & Order (N) ’ Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: OrganizedNewsTonight Show , WCPB PBS NewsHour (N) BBC NewsGreek Table The Musketeers ’ The Seaside Hotel Broadchurch ’ Farm-HarvestConnection 3 TNT (5:00) ›› “Bad Teacher” NBA Tip-Off NBA Basketball Boston Celtics at Brooklyn Nets. (N Subject to Blackout) NBA Basketball Dallas Mavericks at Los Angeles Lakers. 5 FX Movie: ›› “xXx: Return of Xander Cage” (2017) ’ Movie: ››› “Enemy of the State” (1998) Will Smith, Gene Hackman. ’ “Enemy of the State” ’ 6 LIFE Castle “The Third Man” ’ Castle “Suicide Squeeze” Movie: ››› “Pretty Woman” (1990) Richard Gere, Julia Roberts, Ralph Bellamy. “Madam-Purity” 7 A&E The First 48 “Truly Lost” ’ The First 48 ’ The First 48 (N) ’ Accused: Guilty Taking the Stand (N) The First 48 ’ 8 TRUTV Imp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside Jokes < ESPN SportsCenter NHL Hockey Toronto Maple Leafs at Detroit Red Wings. (N) (Live) College Basketball Gonzaga at BYU. (N) (Live) SportsCenter = ESPN2 Daily Wager College Basketball Michigan at Iowa. (N) (Live) College Basketball Teams TBA. (N) (Live) College Basketball A GOLF Golf Central Pregame (N) PGA Tour Golf Sony Open in Hawaii, First Round. (N) (Live) Golf CentralPGA Golf I HGTV Christina on the CoastChristina on the CoastChristina in the Country(:01) Married to Real EstateHuntersHunters Int’l(:02) Married to Real Estate K FOOD Beat BobbyBeat BobbyBeat BobbyBeat Bobby Restaurant: Impossible (N) Beat BobbyBeat BobbyBeat BobbyBeat BobbyBeat BobbyBeat Bobby L DISC BattleBots (DVS) BattleBots (N) ’ BattleBots Week two of the championship season. (N) ’ BattleBots Eight hopefuls slug it out to the death. ’ M HIST Swamp People: Serpent Swamp People ’ Swamp People “The Big 10” (N) ’ Swamp People: Serpent (:35) Swamp People ’ (DVS) N ANPL Homestead Rescue ’ Homestead Rescue ’ Homestead Rescue ’ Homestead Rescue Homestead Rescue ’ Homestead Rescue ’ P DISN LadybugLadybugHamster &Big City Movie: ›› “Cars 3” (2017) Voices of Owen Wilson. ’ Hamster &Hamster &LadybugLadybug R TVLND Andy GriffithAndy GriffithAndy GriffithAndy GriffithRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondKingKing ¨ AMC Gladiator Movie: ››› “Rocky III” (1982, Drama) Sylvester Stallone, Mr. T. Movie: ›› “Rocky IV” (1985) Sylvester Stallone. Movie: › “Rocky V” (1990) ≠ BRAV Below Deck Below Deck Million Dollar LA Million Dollar LA Watch WhatMillion Dollar LA Below Deck µ WTXF The Six (N) Kelly Drives TMZ (N) ’ Bet Your Life Hell’s Kitchen ’ Welcome toCall Me Kat The 10 O’Clock News (N) Fox 29 NewsFeed Best Bets
ByMikeStern StaffReporter
Theyear2022inIndianRiver HighSchoolathleticswashighlighted byitsshareofpleasantsurprisesand outstandingeffortsinbothvictoryand defeat.
Weproudlycelebrate2022witha lookbackattheachievementsofeach IRHSgirls’andboys’team.
HeadcoachDevinMann’smen wonfourofitslastsixgames,includingthefinaltworegularseasoncontestsagainstSussexAcademyand SussexCentral.However,theIndians (10-10overalland7-8Henlopen Conferenceaction)justbarelymissed theplayoffs.JuniorswingmanBrendonBradfordledtheteaminscoring witha17ppgaverage,whilesophomoreRashadHopkinsledthesquad inreboundingwithanaverageoffour grabspergame.
HeadcoachRogerClay’ssquadintroducedtheoutstandingtalentsof freshmanMyaWhittingdon.Thetalentedguardledtheteaminscoring witha13ppgaverage.TheIndians finishedat4-16overalland4-14in HenlopenConferenceplay.
SecondyearheadcoachSam O’ShieldsledtheIndianstothe DIAAstateplayoffsfortheirfourth straightyear.TheIndiansdefeated WilliamPenninthefirstround,2922asseniorsMattEngelandReece Stonecontributed11andninepoints. respectively.IndianRiverlost25-21in thesecondroundtoeventualstate champDover.Stoneledthe5-3Indianswith14pointsagainsttheSenators.
HeadcoachJeffWindish’s wrestlerscompiledanimpressive10-4 mark,losingtoLaurel60-9inthe DIAAquarterfinals.SeniorheavyweightT.J.Burkebroughta34-0 recordintothestateindividualchampionshipagainstCapeHenlopenseniorLucasRuppert.WithBurke nursinga2-1leadheadingintotriple overtime,therefereeassesseda stallingpenaltyonT.J.with:07left. ThearbiterlatergrantedRuppertan escapepenaltywithjust:01leftonthe
clock,earningtheCapewrestlerthe goldmedal.BurkeisafreshmanstudentandfootballplayeratLehigh UniversityinBethlehem,Pennsylvania.
HeadcoachDanaSchaeferledthe 2022Indianstoa7-4record(6-4in conferencecompetition).AttheHenlopenConferencemeetonFeb.12,the girlswerefifthoverallwith212 points.Inthe200-medleyrelay,junior JordanGonzalezswamthe50backstrokeportionasecondfasterthanher
previousbesttime.Sophomore Elly Moore’sbreaststrokesplitinthesame relaywas3.5secondsfaster,followed byjuniorKendraAukland’s50butterflythatwastwosecondsfaster.FreshmanMichaelaMcDowell’sfreestyle wasalsoasecondfaster.IntheDIAA statemeetonFeb.22and26,the400relayquartetofGonzalez,McDowell, sophomoreBrynnCrandelland Scharpcamewithinafewsecondsof theschoolrecord.JuniorBellaScharp swamaneffective200freestylethat wasclosetoherqualifyingtime.
January6,2023 Page43
Pleasantsurprisesandoutstandingeffortsdotted2022IRathletes CoastalPoint•FIlephoto IndianRiver’sAvaQuetschenbach,right,getstangledupwithCapeHenlopen’sJosephineIngerskiforcontroloftheballlast spring. SeeREVIEWpage46
ByMikeStern StaffReporter
Hedidn’thearthebulletemerging fromthecooldarkness.
ThemissileoffthefootofCaesar RodneysoccerstandoutDerek Hawkinsemanatedfromjustinside the18-yardline.Ontheeveningof Sept.27,theshooter’sintendeddestinationwastheIndianRivergoal’s interiorbehindsophomoregoalkeeperKaiKelley.
Forasplitsecond,itappearedthat Hawkinswouldbetheheroofthe night,thathisnamewouldappearin thebold-facedheadlinefont.He wouldbecelebratedastheplayer whodecidedawell-playedscoreless tiewhilepreventingtheIndiansfrom settinganewconsecutiveshutout record.
Butthe5-foot-6Kelleyhad workedtoohard,makingsevenearliersavesagainstCaesarRodney,a big-schoolsoccerpowerandperennialHenlopenConferenceNorth Divisionchampions.
Kelleyrespondedasquicklyashis musclememoryandexperience wouldenablehim.
Thecrucialfootsavethathemade —admittedlyhistougheststopof thenight—washisseconddeflectionofaRiders’blastinthefinal threeminutesofregulation.
Itpreservedaspecialmomentfor teammateJordanIllian,whowould scoreanimprobablehighlightreelworthy“BenditlikeBeckham” game-winninggoalfourminutesinto thefirstovertimesession.The1-0 victoryalsotiedschoolandindividualrecordsforconsecutive“clean sheets”atfive.
TheIndians—andKelley— wentontosetanewschoolrecord, witheightconsecutiveshutouts,after addingthreemorewhitewashes,at DelmarandDelmarvaChristian,and athomeagainstSussexCentral.
GoalkeeperKelleywasquickto credithisteammates—“Kelley’sZeroes”—fortheirstellarplayand hardworkinthedefensivezoneand throughmidfield.
“My‘backfour,’”Kellysaid,consistsofseniorsCalebGalbreath, EvanPetersonandParkerSteeleand juniorLukeVeirs.“Allofthemare verystrongindividualswhoprovide mewithsafetyandstrength.They areoneofthemanyreasonsthatwe wonthegameatCaesarRodney.
“Andourmidfield,”hesaidofthe groupthatincludesIllian,junior
44 CoastalPoint January6,2023
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ByMikeStern StaffReporter
ThevisitingWoodbridgegirls’ basketballteamusedarelentless pressingdefenseandacontinuous offensiveattacktosnapIndian River’stwo-gamewinningstreak.
TheBlueRaiders(5-1overall,4-0 HenlopenConference)upendedthe hostIndians(2-5overall,2-4HenlopenConference)byan84-21count onTuesday,Jan.3.
“Weplayedaroughgameriddled withturnovers,”saidIRheadcoach RogerClay.“Wefellhardtoavery defensivelytoughWoodbridge team.”
SophomoreguardMyaWhittingtonledtheGreen&Goldwith10 points.Freshmancenter/forwardZoe Quillenaddedfourpointsanda quartetofblockedshots.
TheBlueRaidersareranked amongthe10bestgirls’basketball teamsinthestateofDelaware.They wereledbyseniorDe’AsyaJones, whoeruptedforagame-high25 points.JuniorReghanRobinson added15points,whileseniorPayton KeelerandjuniorTiannaNealadded 13each.SeniorIyannaMims chippedinwith11points.
throughonanoutsideshotfortwo points,duringthefirsthalfagainst WoodbridgeonTuesdaynight.
ByMikeStern StaffReporter
Seniorforward/guardBrendon Bradfordexplodedforagame-high26 pointstoleadvisitingIndianRivertoa clutch64-56triumphatWoodbridge onTuesdaynight.
ThetriumphsnappedtheIndians’ two-gamelosingstreakandevened theirHenlopenConferencerecordat22(4-2overall).
“Tonightwasagreatteamwinfor us,”saidheadcoachDevinMann. “Whatmakesmeproudisthatwewere abletowithstand”theBlueRaiders’rallies“andnotsurrenderourlead.Inparticular,”hesaid,sophomoreJaceJarmon, witheightpoints,andseniorJamie
IndianRiverseniorJamaalJones added11pointswhilejuniorRashad Hopkinschippedinwith10markers.
TheIndiansstartedthegameimpressively,racingouttoa17-7leadafter onequarter.Woodbridge(2-4overall, 2-2HenlopenConference)cuttheIndianRiverdeficitto29-23atintermission.TheIndiansmaintainedcontrolof thelead,45-36afterthreequartersand finishedstrong.
BlueRaiders’sophomoreTraciJohnsonandseniorBruceMosleyledtheir team’sattackwith13pointseach.SeniorCi-AtrickStonesadded12points whilesophomoreIsaiahGilestallied11.
Freshman /Girls’ Basketball
The multi-talented freshman forward/center figured prominently in the Indians’ recent two-game winning streak. Zoe chipped in with five points along with several key blocks (she’s averaging one per game) and rebounds in each of IR’s victories. Indian River won its first game of the season, 49-26 at Seaford on Tuesday, Dec. 20. Two days later, they defeated visiting Milford, 36-27, improving their record to 2-3 in Henlopen Conference play.
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January6,2023 CoastalPoint 45 Bradfordexplodesforgame-high 26inboys’basketballtriumph SpecialtotheCoastalPoint•ButchComegys
Snapped & Submitted by Indian River High School Athletics
ByMikeStern StaffReporter
The2022-2023IndianRiverHigh SchoolUnifiedbasketballteamwill havenewleadership.
First-yearheadcoachJamaalBivens andassistantLoriannSentmanaretakingthehelmfromSamO’Shields,who ledtheIndianstoa5-3won-lostmark andthesecondroundoftheDIAA stateplayoffsayearago.
BivensandSentman,whohave helpedpreviousIRUnifiedhoops teams,willbeassistedbyTana
HeadcoachColinCrandellled the2022Indianstoa7-4record(6-4 inconferencecompetition).Atthe HenlopenConferencemeetonFeb. 12,theboyswerefourthoverallwith 210points.JuniorShaneHallearned twoindividualmedalsandanotherin arelayevent.Hallplacedthirdinthe 200freestyleandwassecondinthe 100butterflyevent.Healsoswama legfortheIndians’third-place200 freestylerelayquartetwithsenior
TheUnifiedsquadopensitssevengame regularseasonscheduleonTuesday,Jan.10,whentheytakeonvisiting Seaford.Theopeningtipoffissetfor4 p.m.
Unifiedbasketballispartofastrong partnershipbetweentheDelawareInterscholasticAthleticAssociation (DIAA)andSpecialOlympics Delaware(SODE).Studentsparticipate onteamsthatplaybasketballandflag football,andparticipateintrack-andfield.
FinnBellistri,sophomoreAlex ArnoldandJuniorMaxForrey.JuniorQuinnGonzalezhadastaggering 32-seconddropinhis500freestyle. IntheDIAAstatemeetonFeb.22 and26,Hallwas11thinthe200 freestyleevent.The200freestyle relayquartetofForrey,Arnold,BellistriandHallrecordedaneighth placefinish.Thatsamefoursomefinished14thinthe400freestylerelay.
Inbasketball,SpecialOlympicsstudent-athletesarepairedwiththeir “ buddies,”whopracticetogetherandsee gameactiononthehardwood.
“Wearelookingforwardtoagreat season,”saidSentman.“Weareexcited tohavesomenewplayersandseveral whoarereturning.Theathletesareexcitedtogettheseasonstarted,aswell.”
Keyreturneestothe2022-2023UnifiedteamareseniorsRichieSparksand KinsleyHall.SophomoresDonald
DIAAstatetournamentasIRwent 13-5overalland5-5inHenlopen Conferenceplay.TheydefeatedvisitingNewarkCharterinanopening roundgame,11-5behinda13-hit attack.JuniorRomanKeith(aSalisburyUniversitycommit)ledtheIndianswiththreedoubles,anRBIand threerunsscored.SeniorColbyBentonwenttwo-for-fourwithahome run,threeRBIandtworunsscored. TheIndianswereeliminatedinthe secondround,4-3byAppoquinimink,whichreachedthetitlegame beforelosingtostatechampCape Henlopen.
LingoandElmerHernandezarealso excitedtostepupwiththeirfirstyears ofexperienceundertheirbelts.
PromisingnewcomersincludefreshmenJohnProctor,JosephTaglientiand ZakiDrummond,aswellasseniors RomanKeith,BenCordrey,Harold ToomeyandCalebGalbreath.
“Wearelookingforwardtohavinga greatgroupofathletes,”saidSentman. “Thereisalotofenthusiasmaboutour program’sinclusionandteamwork.It’s alwaysmovingtoseethesestudents workingtogetherandhavefunouton thecourt.”
HeadcoachSaraPowellledthe IndiansintotheDIAAplayoffsafter postingrecordsof13-4overalland 10-2inHenlopenConferenceplay. Theydroppeda9-3verdictto Smyrnainthefirstroundofthe postseason.JuniorrighthanderKinsleyHallstruckoutaneye-popping 163hittersandcompiledanimpressive2.96earnedrunaverage.The FirstTeamAllHenlopenConferenceandSecondTeamAllDIAA hurleralsoproducedattheplate,
46 CoastalPoint January6,2023 302.500.3334 BIGWAVEHVAC.COM INFO@BIGWAVEHVAC.COM Voted Best HVAC Company in Sussex! 24/7 Emergency Service $75 Value with the purchase of annual maintenance agreement: $250/year ($150 per additional unit) includes bi-annual cleaning & tune-up. FREE HVAC INSPECTION
HeadcoachSteveLongoledthe Indianstotheirsecondconsecutive
Continuedfrompage43 SeeREVIEWpage48
ByJasonFeather StaffReporter
IndianRiverHighSchool’s JayvionChandlerhasmadequitean impressiononprettymucheveryopponenthehascomeacrossthis wrestlingseasonthusfar.Somuchso thatChandlerhasrackedupanimpressive23-0marktothispoint, addingyetanothertournament championshiptohisrésuméwitha sweepofthe165-poundbracketin the17thAnnualBattleattheBeach lastweek.
Theyearlymatshowcasehad16 teamsjointheIndiansforthe2022 edition,withneighboringSussex Centraltakingtheoverallteam championshipwith256.5total points.SpringGrove(Pa.)High Schoolwassecondintheteam standingswith234.5points.Fellow PennsylvaniaentryDallastownHigh Schoolwasthirdwith197points, followedbyLakeForest(149)and RedLionChristianAcademy(147). ThehostIndianswereeighthinthe teamstandings,with99points.
“The17thAnnualBattleatthe Beachwasanothersuccessfulevent fortheIndianRiverwrestlingteam,” veteranIRheadcoachJeffWindish said.“Wewerepleasedwithour team’sfinish.Thereweresomevery goodteams,includingsomeveryimpressiveout-of-stateteams,atthis event,andIthinkourkidsshowed thattheycancompetewithsomeof thebestkidsinthearea.Placing sevenofourwrestlersintheTop8of thistournamentdefinitelygivesus someconfidencegoingintothenext monthofourseason.”
Windishsaidhewasonceagain thrilledwiththeperformanceturned inbyChandler.
“Jayvioncontinuestoimpresswith histechniqueandconditioning,”said Windish.“Going23-0inthemonth ofDecemberisoutstanding,andhis workethicinthewrestlingroomis payingdividendsintheclose matches.”
TheIRmatbosswasalsovery pleasedwiththeeffortsturnedinby anumberofhisotherwrestlers.
“Wehaveseencontinuedgrowth andimprovementthroughoutthe lineupduringthemonthofDecember,”headded.“Eachofourkidshas hadtheopportunitytocompete againstsomeverygoodcompetition. RickyWiggins,AlexButtsandTer-
rellLewishavegainedvaluablevarsityexperienceoverthelasttwo weeks,”hesaidoftheathletescompetingat120,150and215pounds, respectively.“Theyhavesteppedup whenweneededthemandhave shownthattheyarereadytogo,no matterwhatthecircumstancemay be.”
TheIndianswerebackonthe matswithadualmatchagainstHenlopenAthleticConferenceSouth DivisionfoeWoodbridgeon Wednesday,Jan.4,(afterCoastal Pointpresstime).Theyarethenset totraveltoanothertournament,this timeinEaston,Md.
•106—AndrewTelencio(Spring Grove)overAustinDecker(Sussex
•113—MalachiStratton(Sussex Central)overTyeBellarin(RedLion ChristianAcademy),Dec.(8-1)
•120—ChaseMurray(Sussex Central)overJazmonSnead(Delmar),Tech.Fall,15-0(4:12)
•126—DamianKey(Dallastown)overEvanCordrey(Sussex Central),TB-1(5-2)
•132—TalanSavage(Sussex Central)overJoshKamenizter (CharterSchoolofWilmington), MajorDec.(17-6)
•138—LeviSnyder(Spring Grove)overDustinElliott(Sussex Tech),Tech.Fall,16-1(4:21)
•144—AndrewLong(Sussex Central)overJarodBaker(Spring Grove).Dec,(8-5)
(LakeForest)overTyrusKamenitzer (CharterSchoolofWilmington), Fall(4:36)
•157—JoeClark(Oakland Mills)overJacobEbaugh(RedLion ChristianAcademy),Dec.(7-0)
•165—JayvionChandler(Indian River)overChaseAmspacher (SpringGrove),Dec.(5-2)
•175—IsaiahFeeney(Dallastown)overGabeCannon(Sussex Central),Dec.(5-4)
•190—IvanNeal(SussexCentral)overJordanCurry(Milford), Fall(5:39)
•215—TeagueConover(Spring Grove)overKheleiTillman(Woodbridge),Fall(3:13)
•285—MichaelHershey(Spring Grove)overAbubSaccoh(RedLion Christian),Fall(5:26)
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witha.429battingaverage,three homerunsand25runsbattedin. HallhascommittedtotheUniversity ofMountOlive,joiningteammates LilyHoban(HolyFamilyUniversity)andIzzyWade(Universityof Lynchburg)ascollegecommits.
HeadcoachBillyWingateledthe Indianstoa5-8HenlopenConferencerecord.Everyvarsityplayerparticipatedinatleastonematch,which couldprovetobevaluableforthe largenumberofyoungplayers. Everyonealsomanagedtobreakthe 200-strokeplateau.Intheseasonendingmatch,IRdefeatedHenlopen ConferencerivalWoodbridge200-
300onMay12.JuniormatchmedalistThomasGogartyledthewaywith a10-over-par46.
HeadcoachCatRoselliledthe Indianstoa5-10overallrecord(2-8 inconferenceplay).OnMay12 sophomoreattackKylieHarrisnettedsixgoalsina14-7victoryover visitingHodgsonVo-Techintheir seasonfinale.Harris’shalf-dozen markersalsoenabledhertobecome thefirstfemalelacrosseplayerto eclipsethe100+careergoalmark andsetanewsingleseasongoal scoringmarkwith69markerstofinishtheseasonwith101.Kyliealso becameonlythefifthlacrossestudentathlete—andthethirdina nine-dayspan—toeclipsethecenturymarkforscoring.Shejoined boys’lacrossestandoutsReeceStone
(106careergoals)andMaxForrey (121careergoals)inbecomingpart ofthe100-pluslacrossecareergoal scoringclub.ThatthreesomefollowedinthecleatstepsofIndian RiveralumsGeorgeMartin(Classof 2017,178careergoals)andWilliam “Cole”Josetti(Classof2018,153careermarkers)as100+careergoal scorersatIR.
HeadcoachDaveSpencerledthe Indianstoa9-6overallrecord(8-4 inconferenceplay).Theylosttheir seasonfinale,11-7tovisitingSussex Academy,missingthepostseasonfor thefirsttimesince2018.OnMay4, juniorattackMaxForreyrecorded his100thcareergoalina19-9victoryatLakeForest.Fivedayslater onMay9,seniorReeceStonejoined Forreyintripledigitsduringa12-10 victoryovervisitingDelmar.That twosomejoinedIndianRiveralums GeorgeMartin(Classof2017,178 careergoals)andWilliam“Cole” Josetti(Classof2018,153career markers)as100+careergoalscorers atIR.ThreedayslateronMay12, girls’lacrossestandoutKylieHarris madeitafivesomewhenshesurpassedthecenturymarkinavictory againstHodgsonVo-Tech.Forrey has121whileStonefinishedhiscareerwith106.
HeadcoachSteveKilbyledthe Indianstoa10-4overallrecord. Their9-2markinHenlopenConferenceplayhelpedthemcapturethe SouthernDivisioncrown.TheIndiansdroppedtheirplayoffopenerto visitingDelawareMilitaryAcademy, 2-1onMay21.Freshmanforward SophieScurciledtheteamwith28 goals(includingsixgame-winners)
and63points.Hersister,juniormidfielderBellaScurci,netted18goals (includingthreegame-winners)and 40points.Sophomoregoalkeeper AlexDavidsonnotchedfourshutouts andcompileda9-4-0record.
HeadcoachGregHockmanled theIndianstoa6-6record(4-6in conferenceplay).JuniorMyaMcDonaldreachedthesecondroundof theHenlopenConferencetournamentbeforelosingatoughmatchto Dover’sTeriCrawford,whonow playsDivisiononetennisat DelawareStateUniversity.Senior LiaDiakosfinishedhertenniscareer atIndianRiverbyadvancingtothe thirdroundoftheconferencetournament.Theseconddoublesteamof juniorYessicaBenavidesandsophomoreKylieCourtneyadvancedtothe semifinalsoftheconferencechampionship.YessicaandKyliequalified forthestatetournamentandnearly advancedtothesecondroundofthe tournamentonaveryhot,earlySaturdaymorningatSmyrnaHigh School.
HeadcoachNeilBeahanearned HenlopenConferenceCoachofthe YearhonorsafterleadingtheIndians totheSouthernDivisionchampionship.TheIndians(10-2overall,82inconferenceplay)wasledbythree outstandingseniors—ChrisSichina, DaneShuart,andMattEngel.All threewerefour-yearstarterswho eachplayedineverysinglesmatchin 2022.NumberoneseedSichinawent 10-2againstsomeofthebestplayers inthestate.Secondandthirdseeds ShuartandEngeleachposted11-1
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recordsforanearly90%victoryrate betweenthetrio.
HeadcoachBobHahnledtheIndianRivergirlstoa4-2record,while theboysfinishedat5-1.
AttheHenlopenConference meetonMay12,sophomoreBrynn Crandelltookfirstplaceinthegirls’ 3200mandthirdplaceinthegirls’ 1600m.
FortheGreenandGoldboys, juniorHaydenHallfinishedsecond inthetriplejump,whilejuniorCole Brickmantooksecondinthe110meterhurdles.
AdditionalpointscorersforIndianRiverincludedfreshmen JayvionChandler,JacobMasseyand GavinHarrell,sophomoresCaleb Rodgers,AlexanderArnoldand GraceRobinson,juniorsColeDonnelly,AshtonStephens,andChase Sims,andseniorDaltonHall.
Theboysfinishedsixthoverall whilethegirlswere11th.
AttheMeetofChampionsfeaturingthetopperformersfromthe DIAAD1andD2Statetrackmeet, juniorChaseSimscompetedinthe 1600m,andBrickmantookthird overallinthe110mhurdles.
Stephenscompetedinthe100m dashandHaydenHallcompetedin thepolevault.
IndianRiverathletesalsosetsix newschoolrecordsthisyear–sophomoreLillyJohnsoninthediscus, Brickmaninthe110hurdles,Simsin the3200m,andHaydenHallinthe longjump,triplejump,andpole vault.
HeadcoachJimBarnesledthe IndianstotheDIAAstatechampionship.IndianRiver’ssecondsuch titleinthelastfourseasonswas achievedbya3-1victoryoverdefendingchampDelawareMilitary Academyinthestatechampionship showdownonMay19atSmyrna HighSchool.The12-3Indians caughtfirelateintheseasontowin theirlastfivestraightmatches,includingplayofftriumphsovervisitingMt.PleasantandhostsCape HenlopenandSalesianumSchool. SeniorCarsonBarnesearnedhissecondstraightDelawareBoys’VolleyballCoachesAssociationPlayerof theYearaward.
HeadcoachPhillipTownsendled theIndianstotheirsecondconsecutiveDIAADivision1Aplayoff berth.The5-6-0Indians(4-1-0in Division1Acompetition)defeated Brandywine,Seaford,Polytech,First StateMilitaryAcademyandEarly College@DSUtoearnaspotinthe postseason.IRdroppeditsquarterfinalmatchupwithfinalistSt.Elizabeth,32-21onNov.18.Freshman quarterbackDylanGrisefinishedthe seasonwith578passingyardsand sevenTDtosses,whilejuniortight endBryceJohnsonledtheteamwith threeTDgrabs.SeniorHayden Hallrushedfor890yardsand12 touchdowns,whilesophomore JayvionChandleraddedfiverushing TD’s.Defensively,juniorCollinKing ledthesquadwith65tacklesand Hallcontributed64stopsandfour interceptions.
LongtimeleadassistantandfirstyearheadcoachMollyChamberlinLundyledtheIndiansa6-9-0 overallmarkanda5-8-0recordin HenlopenConferenceplay.Freshmancenter-forwardBaylie Williamsonscoredherfifthand sixthgoalsoftheseasontohelpdefeatplayoff-boundSussexAcademy, 2-1.Williamsonledtheteamin scoringwith13points,whilesenior KinsleyHallwassecondwitheight goalsand12points.Sophomore goalkeeperJazmineMayfieldmade 13savesonegameaftereclipsingthe 100+careersavemarkagainstCaravel.
HeadcoachRickHundley’sstar pupilcapturedhersecondstraight DIAADivisionIIcrosscountrystate championship.JuniorBrynnCrandell,a5-foot-1dynamoofastudent athlete,crossedthefinishlinewith animpressivetimeof18:49.1atKillensPondStateParkonSaturday, Nov.12.
HeadcoachBrigidWolfgangled theIndianstoan11-7overallrecord (9-2inconferenceplay).TheGreen andGoldreturnedtotheDIAA playoffsafteraone-yearhiatus,their seasonhighlightedbyastunningvictoryovertoprankedUrsulineon Sept.17andaconferencetitledecidingSussexAcademyonOct.22. Afterlosing3-1toSmyrnainthe conferencetitlematchOct.29,the No.15-seededIndiansopenedthe 24-teamstatewidetourneybyhandlingthevisitingPaduaAcademy Pandas3-1athomeonNov.3.The
victorysentIndianRivertoNo.2seededDelmarvaChristianthefollowingevening,wheretheywonthe secondandthirdsets,25-17and2522,totakeatwo-sets-to-oneadvantage.ButtheRoyalsralliedfora 25-22victorytotiethematch,then wonitwithadecisive15-5triumph inthefifthanddecidingset.Senior outsidehitterCamrynEhlersfinishedherIndianRivergirls’volleyballcareerastheschool’scareerassist leader.Unofficially,shefinishedwith approximately1,100helpers.Asa sophomorein2020,EhlershadsurpassedMcKenzieJohnson’scareer markof650assists.Johnson,asetter whograduatedfromIndianRiverin 2018andSalisburyUniversityin 2022,isateacherandgirls’volleyball coachatSelbyvilleMiddleSchool.
Longtimeleadassistantandfirst yearheadcoachBrandtMaisledthe Indianstoa13-2-2record(10-0-1 inconferenceplay)andtheSouthern Divisiontitle.TheIndians,whoseta newschoolrecordofeightconsecutiveshutoutsbehindanairtightdefenseandsophomoregoalkeeperKai Kelley,defeatedCapeHenlopen4-1 intheHenlopenConferencetitle gameonNov.5.Theydefeated Woodbridge5-1inaDIAAstate quarterfinalmatch,butlostinthe semifinaltoSaintMark’sonpenalty kicks.SeniorforwardJordanIllian finishedhiscareerwith65goalsto setanewrecord.
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Review Continuedfrompage48
ColeVeirsandseniorSamKerneklian,“playsaverybigpartinthegoal scoringandforcinghighpressurein themidfield.”
The“Zeroes”putonadefensive clinicinthehard-fought1-0triumphoverhard-chargingSussex CentralonOct.11thatextendedthe recordtoeightstraightshutouts. Kelleymadeninesavesbehindadefensethatworkedforasolid80minutestodenytheGoldenKnights’ desperateoffensiveonslaught.
Thestreakwaseventuallysnapped byseniorNicholasPanykowith sevenminutesremaininginregulationofIR’s2-1victoryatCapeHenlopenonOct.18.
IndianRiveropenedthe2022seasonwithascorelesstieatNewark CharterasKelleymadetwosaveson Sept.9.Kelleymadetwomoresaves duringa5-0victoryovervisiting PolytechonSept.17.Heturned asidesevenmoreshotsina2-0win atSeafordonSept.15andmade threemoresavesonSept.20,ina6-0 triumphovervisitingLakeForest.
Oneweeklater,IRHSmadetheir moveintotheschool’srecordbookin
Rollcallforrecord-tying fivestraightshutouts
Monday, January 9
Jewlery Making Workshop 10:00 am—12:00 pm
Join Ria Carraro for a fun, free jewelry making class for beginners.
Tuesday, January 10
Meet Your iPad/iPhone Class 10:00 am—12:00 pm Get to know your iPad/iPhone in this very basic introductory class.
Step Back in Time Book Club 2—3:00 pm
Join us for our next historical fiction book club! This month, we’ll be reading The Yellow Wife by Sadeqa Johnson.
PAWS for Reading 4—5:00 pm
Children read to a team of well-trained dogs to build confidence & improve their reading skills!
Wednesday, January 11
Terrapin Talk w/DE Seashore State Park 10—11:00 am
You & your child will learn about the diamondback terrapin in this informative, interactive program.
Did They Do It? True Crime Club 2—3:30 pm
Share theories, memories, & knowledge of the case with other true crime enthusiaists! This month, we’ll be taking a look at the murder of Betty Gore.
Thursday, January 12
RBWG FreeWrites 10:30 am- 12:30 pm
Writers of all skill levels meet to practice creative writing & explore different genres with other writing enthusiasts!
Armchair Traveler 2—3:00 pm
Tom Kinsella will take you through along for a virtual journey through Egypt
Winter Birds & Migration 5—6:00 pm
Learn about birds & their migrations with ROOTS Youth Development!
Saturday, January 14
LEGO Club 11:00 am—12:15 pm
Let your child’s imagination run wild at LEGO Club!
Theexistingrecordoffivestraight shutoutshadbeenachievedbyfour previousIndianRiverHighSchool boys’soccerteamsunderthedirectionofformerheadsoccercoach SteveKilby,whothisyearmovedon toassisttheCapeHenlopenHigh Schoolteams.
ThefirsttimetheIndiansturned thetrickwasin2003,behindgoalkeeperPatrickDevine.
LongtimeIRleadassistantcoach andcurrentfirst-yearIRsoccerhead coachBrandtMaiswasaseniorstudent-athleteonthe2003squad,en routetoplayingcollegesoccerand earninghisdegreeatFlaglerCollege inSt.Augustine,Fla.
In2009,juniorgoalkeeperKevin Roweandhisteammatesblanked hostCapeHenlopen2-0onOct.6, hostWoodbridge6-0onOct.8,visitingDover3-0onOct.12,visiting Delmar3-0onOct.13andhost LakeForest4-0onOct.20.The stringwassnappedina6-3Indian RivervictoryatLaurelonOct.22.
In2015,seniorgoalkeeperIan Wallsandhisteammatesshutout CapeHenlopenintheHenlopen Conferenceplayoffchampionship,10,onNov.3;Brandywineinthefirst roundoftheDIAAplayoffs,6-0,on Nov.10;DelawareMilitaryAcademy inthequarterfinals,1-0,onNov.14; Archmereinthesemifinals,2-0,on Nov.18;andCaravelintheDIAA DivisionIIchampionshipmatch,10,onNov.21,fortheirsecondtitlein threeseasonsbehindgoalkeeper Walls.
In2019,juniorgoalkeeperBastian Perryandhisteammatesshutout
hostLakeForest,7-0,onOct.3,visitingDelmar4-0onOct.10,host Laurel2-0onOct.24,visitingSussexAcademy1-0onOct.26and hostSussexCentral1-0onOct.17. Thestreakwassnappedbyvisiting WilmingtonCharter,1-0,onOct. 26.
In2020,goalkeeperPerry(Class of2021)andhisstatechampionshipwinningteammatesopenedtheir seasonwithfourconsecutive2-0victoriesovervisitingPolytechonOct. 20,SussexAcademyonOct.22, CaesarRodneyonNov.12andat SmyrnaonOct.27.Theirrecordtyingfifth-straightgooseeggwasa 7-0triumphatSeafordonNov.4. Thestringendedwitha6-1victory overLakeForestonNov.10,en routetowinningtheirthirdDIAA DivisionIIboys’soccertitleinsix seasons.
Kelley Continuedfrompage44 50 CoastalPoint January6,2023
that some of our
have limited
Visit our website or call the
to register & learn more
South Coastal Library is now accepting donations of gently used books, audiobooks & DVDs. All items must be brought to the library lobby on Tuesdays from 2-4:00 pm. Please note
in-person seating.
302–858-5518 43 Kent Avenue, Bethany Beach South Coastal Library Enrich. Inspire. Educate. Lois James d.d.s. GENERAL DENTISTRY Routine Dental Cleanings • Fillings Crowns • Bridges • Implant Restorations Cosmetic Procedures • TMJ Disorders & Sleep Appliances 302-537-4500 • DrLoisJames.com 17 Atlantic Ave, Ste. 4 Route 26 • Ocean View (Next to Oceanova) Accepting New Patients Got Behavioral Problems? LET’S TALK! AKC Canine Good Citizen • Obedience Training Private & Group Classes Nancy LaFontaine AKC CGC Evaluator ABC Certified Dog Trainer 302-236-2497 K10DogTraining.com CoastalPoint•Filephoto KelleymakesadivingsaveduringtheDIAAplayoffsatCaesarRodneyHighSchool.
On January 16, 2023 at 6:00 p.m., the Dagsboro Town Council will hold a Town Council meeting at the Bethel Center, 28307 Clayton Street, Dagsboro, DE to conduct a public hearing to discuss and vote upon the following proposed resolution:
All interested persons are welcome to attend this hearing and to make comment.
Please call (302) 732-3777 for further information and/or to make accommodations for persons with special needs.
CP 202301061T
By virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas Monition, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, 17th day of January, 2023
At 9:30 AM & Thereafter
At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:
Tax Parcel:335-8.07-99.00
Property Address: BURTONS SUBDIVISION, LOT 14, 406 WEST FOURTH STREET, Lewes, DE 19958
Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.
TERMS: 100 percent of the purchase money will be demanded at the time of sale. Cash or Cashier's Check is required. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 2/24/23subject to the owner’s right of redemption pursuant to Title 9 Del. C. § 8728; subject to the approval of the Department of Finance or the Chief County Financial Officer, pursuant to Title 9 Delaware Code § 8726; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.
Seized and taken in execution the property of HEIRS OF GRETA N. BEACH; JAMIE MINOR; LEE SCOTT; ALVESTER MINOR; ALVIN PHILLIPS; PAMELA MCKENNEY & TIFFANE HOWELL (12) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff
The Annual Election for the Town of Frankford Town Council shall be held at the Frankford Town Hall, #9 Main Street, Frankford, Delaware on Saturday, February 4, 2023 from 1:00PM to 4:00PM. Two (2) Town Council Members shall be elected and the Town Council terms are for a period of two (2) years.
Qualifications for Candidate(s) for the Town Council must meet all of the following requirements:
Each Council member shall be at least eighteen (18) years of age: shall have resided in The Town for at least one year immediately preceding the date of election; shall be a qualified voter (as set forth below) in the Town of Frankford; and shall not have been convicted of a felony.
Anyone wishing to file as a candidate for the election must file a written Notice of Intention at the Frankford Town Hall no later than 4:30pm on January 13, 2023
Qualifications to vote for the Town of Frankford Elections must meet all, of the following requirements:
Every person who is a citizen of the United States; is at least eighteen (18) years of age; Has resided within the corporate limits of the Town for at least thirty (30) days prior to the next Town election; and is registered as required by law, shall be a qualified voter of the Town.
Every qualified voter of the Town shall be entitled to vote in any or all Town elections:
Voter Registration will close on Friday January 13, 2023
CP 20221223 3T
By virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas Monition, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, 17th day of January, 2023 At 9:30 AM & Thereafter
At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:
Tax Parcel:334-5.00-137.00 UNIT 3207
Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.
TERMS: 100 percent of the purchase money will be demanded at the time of sale. Cash or Cashier's Check is required. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 2/24/23subject to the owner’s right of redemption pursuant to Title 9 Del. C. § 8728; subject to the approval of the Department of Finance or the Chief County Financial Officer, pursuant to Title 9 Delaware Code § 8726; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.
Seized and taken in execution the property of DAVID J. CURRAN, SR. & DAVID J. CURRAN, JR. (5) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff
CP 20230106 2T
2T January6,2023 CoastalPoint 51
By virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas Monition, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, 17th day of January, 2023
At 9:30 AM & Thereafter
At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:
Property Address: DEER RUN ACRES, LOT 5, p37208 WEST WHITETAIL DRIVE, Selbyville, DE 19975
Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.
TERMS: 100 percent of the purchase money will be demanded at the time of sale. Cash or Cashier's Check is required. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 2/24/23subject to the owner’s right of redemption pursuant to Title 9 Del. C. § 8728; subject to the approval of the Department of Finance or the Chief County Financial Officer, pursuant to Title 9 Delaware Code § 8726; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.
Seized and taken in execution the property of DANIEL PACINI, III; MARIA PACINI & JONATHAN SPECK (8) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff
CP 20230106 2T
By virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas Monition, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, 17th day of January, 2023
At 9:30 AM & Thereafter
At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:
Tax Parcel:134-12.00-1259.00
Property Address: BANKSVILLE PARK, LOT 31, Ocean View, DE 19970
Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.
TERMS: 100 percent of the purchase money will be demanded at the time of sale. Cash or Cashier's Check is required. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 2/24/23subject to the owner’s right of redemption pursuant to Title 9 Del. C. § 8728; subject to the approval of the Department of Finance or the Chief County Financial Officer, pursuant to Title 9 Delaware Code § 8726; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.
Seized and taken in execution the property of CHRISTINE MARTIN & THE HEIRS OF JAMES A. MARTIN, SR. (16) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff
By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, 17th day of January, 2023
At 9:30 AM & Thereafter
At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:
Tax Parcel:334-19.00-1414.00
Property Address: 35564 COROLLA PLACE, Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971
Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.
TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 2/21/23. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 2/24/23; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.
Seized and taken in execution the property of VINCENT R. CASTRO (20) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff
By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, 17th day of January, 2023
At 9:30 AM & Thereafter
At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:
Tax Parcel:533-19.00-280.00 Property Address: 38796 BAYVIEW W, Selbyville, DE 19975
Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.
TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 2/21/23. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 2/24/23; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.
Seized and taken in execution the property of STEVEN R. WACKER & RUSSELL E. WACKER (26) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff
52 CoastalPoint January6,2023
CP 20230106 2T
CP 20230106 2T
To Whom it May Concern:
This is to advise that Sharon E Loftus of 36414 Birdie Lane, Frankford, of Sussex County, Delaware, will be filing with the Prothonotary in and for Sussex County, State of Delaware, an application for a License to Carry a Concealed Deadly Weapon, according to the laws of the State of Delaware.
CP 20230106 1T
To Whom it May Concern:
This is to advise that Joseph M Loftus of 36414 Birdie Lane, Frankford, of Sussex County, Delaware, will be filing with the Prothonotary in and for Sussex County, State of Delaware, an application for a License to Carry a Concealed Deadly Weapon, according to the laws of the State of Delaware.
CP 20230106 1T
By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, 17th day of January, 2023
At 9:30 AM & Thereafter
At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:
Tax Parcel:334-12.00-105.00-1-8
Property Address: 35552 EAST ATLANTIC CIRCLE, UNIT 108, Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971
Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.
TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 2/21/23. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 2/24/23; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.
Seized and taken in execution the property of GENNADY OSIPOV (19) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff
CP 20230106 2T
Estate of Rodrigo Ribeiro Gonzaga, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Letters of Administration upon the estate of Rodrigo Ribeiro Gonzaga who departed this life on October 27, 2022, late of Lewes, DE were duly granted unto Araceli A. Gonzaga on December 16, 2022 and all persons indebted to the said deceased are required to make payments to the said Administrator without delay, and all persons having demands against the deceased are required to exhibit and present the same duly probated to the said Administrator on or before June 27, 2023 or abide by the law in this behalf.
ADMINISTRATOR: Araceli A. Gonzaga 9117 Wandering Trail Drive Potomac, MD 20854
Ellen M. Magee, Register of Wills
ATTORNEY: Parsons & Robinson, P.A. 118 Atlantic Ave.; Suite 401 Ocean View, DE 19970
CP 20230106 3T
By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, 17th day of January, 2023
At 9:30 AM & Thereafter
At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:
Tax Parcel:334-5.00-282.00 Property Address: 31755 DUNE CIRCLE, Lewes, DE 19958
Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.
TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 2/21/23. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 2/24/23; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.
Seized and taken in execution the property of CHARLES S. KNOTHE, AS PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE(S) OF THE ESTATE OF DANIEL GRONKE; DANIEL R. GRONKE, HEIR & THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (22) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff
CP 20230106 2T
January6,2023 CoastalPoint 53
Coastal Venues, LLC has on December 20, 2022, applied with the Alcoholic Beverage Control Commissioner for a Bottling License, for a premise located at 246 Clayton Avenue, Frankford, DE 19945. Persons who are against this application should provide written notice of their objections to the Commissioner. For the Commissioner to be required to hold a hearing to consider additional input from persons against this application, the Commissioner must receive one or more documents containing a total of at least 10 signatures of residents or property owners located within 1 mile of the premises or in any incorporated areas located within 1 mile of the premises. The signatures of residents or property owners must also include the mailing address for the property and the email address (if one exists) for the resident or property owner. The protest(s) must be filed with the Alcoholic Beverage Control Commissioner at the 3rd Floor, Carvel State Office Building, 820 North French Street, Wilmington, DE 19801. The protest(s) must be received by the Commissioner’s office on or before January 25, 2023. Failure to file such a protest may result in the Commissioner considering the application without further notice, input, or hearing. If you have questions regarding this matter please contact the Commissioner’s Office.
CP 20221223 3T
By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, 17th day of January, 2023
At 9:30 AM & Thereafter
At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:
Tax Parcel:433-6.15-18.00
Property Address: 17 KAUFFMAN LANE A/K/A LOT 8, Frankford, DE 19945
Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.
TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 2/21/23. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 2/24/23; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.
Seized and taken in execution the property of SHERRI A. ELLISON, HEIR (23) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff
Dough Bar, LLC has on December 15, 2022, applied with the Alcoholic Beverage Control Commissioner for extension of our bar - 5 more seats, for a premise located at 109 Union Street, Milton, DE 19944. Persons who are against this application should provide written notice of their objections to the Commissioner. For the Commissioner to be required to hold a hearing to consider additional input from persons against this application, the Commissioner must receive one or more documents containing a total of at least 10 signatures of residents or property owners located within 1 mile of the premises or in any incorporated areas located within 1 mile of the premises. The signatures of residents or property owners must also include the mailing address for the property and the email address (if one exists) for the resident or property owner. The protest(s) must be filed with the Alcoholic Beverage Control Commissioner at the 3rd Floor, Carvel State Office Building, 820 North French Street, Wilmington, DE 19801. The protest(s) must be received by the Commissioner’s office on or before January 15, 2023. Failure to file such a protest may result in the Commissioner considering the application without further notice, input, or hearing. If you have questions regarding this matter please contact the Commissioner’s Office.
By virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas Monition, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, 17th day of January, 2023 At 9:30 AM & Thereafter
At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:
Tax Parcel:134-5.00-181.00
Property Address: TWO ISLAND AT QUILLEN’S POINT, 34.78 ACS., Ocean View, DE 19970
Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.
TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 2/21/23. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 2/24/23; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.
Seized and taken in execution the property of CLIFFORD HAYNES, JR.; DIXIE BASSETT; WARREN E. TYDINGS; ANNA MARIE TYDINGS; JULIE A. HAYNES JOHNSON & SCOTT B. HAYNES (6) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff
54 CoastalPoint January6,2023
CP 20230106 2T
CP 20230106 2T
CP 20221223 3T
Se R I D v r F O Y R O T C E viices Shore Home Improvements, LLC Design • Build • Remodel ShoreHomeImprovements.com 302.537.5988 Established 1989 • Licensed & Insured Additions Quality Service by Certified Technicians Since 1983 302.436.5652 BrasuresCarpetCare.com Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Tile & Grout Cleaning Oriental Rug Cleaning & Repair Carpet Cleaning appliances furniture cars boats box of junk stu in the garage exercise equipment toys TVs GET THIS CRAP OUT OF MY HOUSE! BIG or small, I’ll haul it all! 302.236.2670 PASTURE-RAISED CHICKEN EGGS FOR SALE • POWER WASHING Also Cleaning CASH FOR CARS! 302-249-3444 jwilguscars.com 38531 DuPont Blvd., Selbyville We Will Buy Your Car Even if You Don’t Buy One of Ours! Auto Buying Service 302.732.3529 WE BUY CARS. Running or Not! Auto Buying Service APPLIANCE MASTER Prompt, Quality Repairs at A ordable Prices Washers • Dryers • Dishwashers Ranges • Disposals • Refrigerators Call Phil: 302.278.1441 Serving the Rt. 54 area with 50 years’ experience of honest work Appliance Service F abian’s CarpetCare 302-745-7547 FabiansCarpetCare.com Water Damage • Restoration • Mold & Mildew Carpet Cleaning - 2 rooms: $79; 4 rooms: $125 With Ad Residential & Commercial Carpet & Upholstery Licensed & Insured • Free Estimates • 25+ Years’ Experience Carpet Cleaning Expert Bathroom Remodeling Bath-to-Shower Conversions Prompt & Professional Serving Sussex for over 20 years 302.542.1162 Licensed in DE & MD Master Plumber Bathrooms Computer Sales –Service –Support Servicing PC & MAC • Walk-In & On-Site Services 302-539-6421 35583 Atlantic Avenue • Millville Computer Service & Support CONCRETECONTRACTOR 302-581-2541 CONCRETE FLOORS • SIDEWALKS PATIOS • DRIVEWAYS CONCRETE FLOORS • SIDEWALKS PATIOS • DRIVEWAYS Concrete Services 38205 Dupont Blvd., Selbyville 443.523.2476 DRIVEWAY SEALCOATING FPS Hand Brushed Don’t Pay to Spray! Driveway Services 301.602.2628 BEACH VALET Your Personalized Ride Service Washington - Baltimore - Philadelphia Airports - Train Stations Driving Services CLL ,T T, NEMEGANAMYTREPORP EROHSAESRAMLED moc.oohay@namkcotSaiilA 9414.125.344namkcotSaiilA y ng ot or , M e e oreMor d , an s l ts r L Parkking Pa , s k ecks D w s s, a r e k Walkkw Wa , s s, L reaAre Pool es Includes In kly webi- • daily • roiretxe•roiretni• LAICREMMOC elb la iavAng ina Cle ep ylkeew-ib•ylkeew• oxteri • N ri E inte • A IT SIDE R derusnidesnecildednob Cleaning Services call Al Lewis 302.462.8614 AtlanticDiversified Construction,Inc. For Quality and Experience, Additions • Decks • New Construction Making your dream home a reality Siding, Windows, Baths, Kitchens, Outside Showers, Property & Storm Management and much more! Construction January6,2023 CoastalPoint 55
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$3,700/month+utilities. Pcourse.golfartiallyfurnished. 4BR/3BAsingle-familyhome
single-family$3,300permonth+utilities. home. 3BR/2BA,newbrand StonewaterCreek,Millsboro: +Propertyislistedforsale. utilities. ge.gara2-car$3,000monthper single-family 4BR/3.5BA CreekBethanatOceanView: Whites on$2,700/month+utilities.sunroom,thecanal. Beautiful2BR/1BArancherwith KeenwickWest: +2%rentaltaxutilities.+ considered. etsPge.gara2-car single-level newBrand,2BR/2BA bySea:the Millville utilities. permonth+5%rental+tax single-familyhome. 3BR/2.5BA SavannahsLanding,OceanView: overlooking$2200/month thegolfcourse 1stfloorunitcondo 3BR/2BAfullyfurnished :pa raeBTr
62 CoastalPoint January6,2023 YEAR-ROUND/S unitwithscreenedporch1mi otedrvalenNy ew :.tpAedisretWa living$1,700/month+ut room. separawithteentrawithoffice 2BR/ BramhallSt.,Georgetown: EASONAL security deposit required. Credit application and unless otherwise noted. N/P All units are N/S, ilefromBethanyBeach 2floorBnd2AuBR/2dnit! ilities. nce.Largeandkitchen /1.5BA,single-level F YEAR-ROUND FRA • VEN FOX HAAVEN Partia Islan Ocea Conv with Exce FITNESS TANEOCTA egassem evael-5009.634.203 52$.stlov21otstlov 021RETREVNOC LT OV-21 9463.742.906 53$.drocnoisnetxe lacirtceles’rotcartnoc EGUAG41,’001SDOOW 2578.866.203 O BO521$.noitisop - 2,pma001.hctiwsytefas ATOR AT RENEGDERAUQS SLOOT ESICREXE&STR O SLOOT SERVICES LAICREMMO C GONE IT GET 9 2 5 3 . 2 3 7 . 2 0 3 .ton ro gninnuR CARS. BUY WE 02.537.5599 $2,000/month accepting new rental listings Perfect size for you! 60 sq. ft. open space Rt. 26, Millville ANKFORD 00/month + utilities potential for extension. e month-to-month until allyfurnished. d,andmore! anenwick CityF venientlytedto loca ttachedge. agara llent4BR/3BAhome ext. 1 7967.334.484 .derusnI&desneciL .ytnuoCxessuS follagnivreS.t’now srotcartnocrehtotaht sbojllamsesohtodlliw TSILAICEPS BOJLLAMSEHT month+utilities. tonewwnhomege.garawithper$2,200 1/2BA,+2BR/2fullBA(2) PlantationLakes,Millsboro: month+utilities. ge.gara2-carper$2,200 withgolfcourse wtoanhomel3rge 3.5BA BR/ MLo:illsbor takes,Pation lan considered.$2,200permonth+utilities. 3BR/2BArancherP.ets Lane,ronsDagsboro: I $1,800/month+utilities. porch,mileBeach. 2 DNUOR-RAEY 166 $2,00 with June 30th, Available 302.257.5555 e aera hcaeB ynahteB PARTMENTAPA BR/2BA 0701.889.203 OBO05$.gnirtsleetS TAR TA IUGRONETNOSBIG 2654.148.203 .derreferpstxeT.hcae 2$.srolocthgirb,euqinu RY EV-SEIPPUGYCN FA ro yapS ?sevil ’stac fo s001 evasottnaW.stacfogniret -uen AYDNAPAY PA STSOCWOL 3 n d esu h cam L atsiser .ekib r evoC L AEH SEILPPUS&STEP CISUM
WINTERALS RENTTALS 30 P Now 1,66 2 4 0 0 2 6 6 2 0 3 :egassem evaeL htnom/005,1$ - 056$ dedulcni tenretni & seitilitu llA '-.3 4024.245.20 OBO001,1$ .evomeru oY Yo .noitid tnellecxE.ylgniraps ;1202desahcruP.eni KO ROWLACITPI scip rof llaC ecn rofdetsujdaebnaC yranoitatsotekibst EKIBOBRUTENILH T LT 2 e hcs o u i ava m i ttik T T 5 d nib o laS W SP Listyourrentalwithusforproblem-freemanagement. Wilgus has a list of qualified yearly renters waiting for vacancies. Owners:acant! Pleasedon’tletyourhousessitv WilgusAssociatesPropertyManagementDivision DE 19930 Bethany Beach, ., 32904 Coastal Hwy 800.441.8118 or 302.539.7511x3030 tion: Call Kim for more informa For a complete list of our WilgusAssociates.com rentals, visit our website: orF $2,500/month+5%rentaltax. blilava15Mayruthe.garar2-cthwiee.A milyh fa ,BAs :weiVnaecO,segalliVya rw Fairw overlooking$2,200/month. thegolfcourse. Get local news 9799.553. .noitareponaelud otyteicoSnw oT To u staCllaC.ENOret 4815.632.203.elbal srolocynaM.se gnivolrofgnikoolse lufituaeB ATS AT C/SNE 3366.858.203 .hcae05$.elbaliava)2( 7634.935.203 057$.desureveN.Z890 YTREBILEKIBCIRTCELE 1967.933.20307$.edir citsilpmiS.kcaJamanaP .noitidnocdoogyrev niresiurc HCAEBS’NEMOW EXERCISE & ORTS 5461.935.512.mrif .selopnobracdnasgni 5MrekraMhtiwnom ”11’5,SIKSLLIHN 5 .512 g issoR S ORC 5461.93 52$.94stSlon -SEIKSYRTNUOC-S from a local at y and online 24/7 rida riday ery F In print ev perspective. www.coastalpoint.com ww THE LOCAL VOICE OF YOUR COMMUNITY
1. Every strawberry has about 200 tiny ____ on its outer skin 3. It's what blueberries, mulberries and most other berries grow on (or the two American presidents named George whose last name wasn't Washington) 6. Want to grow berries in the winter? Plant them in a owerpot and place it next to a ______ so that they can reach for the 2D 8. Nature's amazing art supplies: Black mulberry, raspberries and elderberries make colorful dye and ____ for arts and crafts 9. Breakfast buddies: This tasty toast spread is the "cousin" of jam 11. It's a "whirl-wind" of an kitchen appliance that makes a superdelicious smoothie 15. A pie baker that stays in the kitchen night and day 16. Though it's only about the size of a grape, the sweet little ____ berry is bursting with the avor of the 10D that it's named for 18. The prickly parts on a blackberry's stem that can make picking them a sticky situation
20. It's the color of a strawberry milkshake
Huckleberry's last name that sounds ike a shark's body part
Although most berries grow on 3A, holly ____ bear berries, too (if there's a male holly and a bee somewhere nearby) 23. For "pick-y" families who only want the freshest strawberries, it's the perfect place to spend a summer afternoon
Parents Down 1. Lasting impression a splash of cranberry juice can leave on a pastel shirt 2. Solar ripener for berries everywhere 3. Grab a spoon: A dish for serving fresh berries that also holds a serving of strawberry ice cream 4. He's 21A's friend, Tom 5. Your symbolic uncle who might enjoy a slice of your blueberry pie (but every red-blooded American knows he'd rather have apple) 6. Uncommon treat: An albino hybrid which appeared in the U.S. about a decade ago, the pineberry
and Their Favorite Adults
is a small, _____ strawberry, speckled with red dots that tastes a lot like pineapple 7. Berry shady: Ever demanding, the elderberry told the other berries that he should be highly revered because he was ____ (even though he had only reached the age of ripeness just a few days ago)
10. Berries, cherries and similar juicy little treats from Mother Nature 11. Marshy place cranberry growers ood with water at harvest time 12. Smoothie operator: Way to get your RDA of 10D through a straw 13. Berry (Gordy's) baby: This R&B label launched legions of stars, from Gladys Knight to Bruno Mars 14. Classi ed as stone fruits, co ee berries (also known as "co ee cherries") have a hard ____ at their core
17. Viva vino (and rhyme)!: If you've got lots of time -- and you're so inclined -- you can turn blackberries into sweet ____ 19. What Halle Berry is (In '07, she got one on the Walk of Fame)
David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek
By Jan Buckner Walker
A Berry Exciting Puzzle
January6,2023 CoastalPoint 63
This Week’s Solution ™ ™
The across clues are for kids and the down clues are for grown-ups!
kris@kapd.com KAPD ebooks now available on www.kapd.com 1/8/23 © 2023 KAPD, LLC ANSWER (HOLD UP TO MIRROR) Jumbles: Answer: rip trim horn mall “Mir-roar” THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME! ® By
The letters of these crazy words are all mixed up. To play the game, put them back into the right order so that they make real words you can find in your dictionary. Write the letters of each real word under each crazy word, but only one letter to a square. you can put them in order so that they make your funny answer. Getthefree JUSTJUMBLE @PlayJumble RPI OHNR LAML RTMI ©2023 Tribune Content Agency, LLC Print your answer here: ”“
The Original Crossword Puzzle for Kids
Kids Across
Welcome to Windmill Woods! Practically new and sold partially furnished, this pond front single family beach cottage is a must see! With three bedrooms and two full bathrooms, this home allows for the ease of first floor living.
$484,999 (DESU2030912)
Call Christina Antonioli (c) 302-542-9152 or Call Laurie Mcfaul (c) 443-254-1863
Looking for a home out of Town with no HOA fees and lots of space? This home is situated on an acre with a wooded back yard. Plenty of parking with a possibility of addition of a utility building. The home has potential for expansion. Use your own creative and decorative design ideas. Just a short drive to shopping and restaurants. Also just a quick drive to the new Beebe Health Center. Don’t miss this rare opportunity.
$345,000 (MDWO2008322)
Call Frank & Audrey (c) 302-541-4000
Beautiful Waterfront 4BR/3BA Model-like home located in the wonderful amenityrich coastal community of Lighthouse Lakes. Situated on a large serene pond lot less than 15 minutes to the DE & MD Beaches this home boasts all that you need to start enjoying the coastal lifestyle as soon as you turn the key.
$599,900 (DESU2029870)
Call Eddie Rohe (c) 410-908-9137
Home is situated on nearly 1 acre of property with additional 5 bonus buildings & 2 carports. Recently remodeled kitchen. Relax on your porches and enjoy the large yard with a privacy fence. Perfect for the RV or boat owner or someone who needs workspace or areas for parking. Located just out of the Town of Millsboro but close enough to walk into town or Cupola Park which offers public docking. No HOA with community restrictions!
$349,900 (DESU2026106)
Call Chris DeStefano (c) 443-306-4474
state parks. Single wide, double wide, modular or site built permitted. $79,000 (DESU2023336)
Call Sandy Greene (c) 302-745-2382
$849,000 (DESU2032502)
Home offers panoramic open views of the Bay and undisturbed wooded wetlands. Situated just south of South Bethany in Bayview Park, a community surrounded by State Parkland. Perfect for the avid boater- boat lift, pier, docks, and boat slip. Southern exposure with windows and decks overlooking the panoramic views. This unique property has an owners’ home with separate guest quarters. Situated on 1 ½ lot. Rare and fantastic opportunity.
$2,500,000 (DESU2030714)
Call Frank & Audrey (c) 302-541-4000
64 CoastalPoint January6,2023 For a con dential interview about starting your Real Estate Career call us today! Carrie Cosgrove (c) 302-339-5519 • Email: ccosgrove@kw.com | Rutica Patel (c) 252-623-8806 • Email: realtorrutica@gmail.com 31252 American Pkwy. Selbyville, DE 105 High St. Seaford, DE 37169 Rehoboth Ave. #11 Rehoboth Beach, DE 39682 Sunrise Ct. Bethany Beach, DE
Live The Vacation in Lighthouse Lakes!
classic beach home offers the rare opportunity to live and play in the private community of Seatowne. With an of ce, 3 beds, 2 baths, and views of both the ocean and the bay, the location is unmatched. Walk to the beach for a sunrise, play a round of tennis, hop in the pool, and enjoy the sunset from the multi-level decks. This private community offers the very best of the beach.
Logan Burke (c) 443-797-9217
be converted to BR) hardwood ooring, high ceilings, gas replace. Partially furnished and Move in Ready.
(DESU2033580) Call Chrisy Tingle (c) 302-377-4159 SALEPENDING WORK with an AGENT WHO KNOWS The MARKET! * Over 38 YEARS of Experience in DE & MD Sales * Associate Broker: DE & MD * CRS: Certi ed Residential Specialist * GRI: Graduate REALTOR Institute * SRES: Senior Real Estate Specialist Lifetime Achievement Winner! Cindy Spieczny (c) 302-228-1450 Email: Fenwickstar@yahoo.com (o) 302.360.0300 • KWDelawareBeaches.com NOW IS THE TIME TO LIST! You MUSH RUSH and list now before interest rates go even higher Tammy Mushrush (c)302-381-8868 READY BUYERS NEED HOMES TO BUY! 26461 KINGSTON COURT, MILLSBORO Gorgeous home built by local custom builder in Kingston Ridge. Better than new, beautifully maintained with high quality nishes throughout. First oor Owner's Suite, three full baths, open oor plan, formal dining space, gas replace, attached 2-car garage. In a quiet area east of 113, with easy access to beaches and shopping. Will be available for showings as of 12/26. $592,500 (DESU2033560) Sarah Schifano (c) 302-858-3945 37178 HARBOR DR #2405 In the resort-style, waterfront community of Bethany Bay, find this gorgeous condo. A colorful, beachy atmosphere welcomes you the moment you walk through the door. With 2 levels, 4 bedrooms, and 4
BETHANYBAY OPENHOUSE SAT.,1/711-1PM 32298 HIDDEN ACRE DR. Great building lot with current septic permit and well on site. No builder tie-in. NO HOA. Only 6 miles from downtown Bethany
Close to shopping, dining and
31332 TERRY CIR, BETHANY BEACH Pondfront- 3300 sq ft rst oor living home with fenced in backyard. Amenity rich gated community less than 1.5 miles to downtown Bethany. Boasting 4 bed, 3.5 bath, 2 car garage with ample storage, large loft, wrap around porch, patio area, balcony, indoor storage room (could
bathrooms, there is plenty of room for the entire family and enough space to entertain guests. Being sold furnished, this condo is ready for you to call this home today! $490,000 (DESU2030918) Call Shelby Smith (c) 856-236-0469