Coastal Point — March 10, 2023

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Brienza,Parentfinish atopelection


Oneofthethreeseatsupforgrabsin theMarch4electionforMillvilleTown Councilcamedowntotheflipofacoin

Roboticsprovides earlyexposure toSTEMcareers

MelissaBleile,instructionaltechnologyspecialistfortheIndianRiver SchoolDistrict,remembersthatwhen shestartedwiththeschoolsystemeight yearsago,therewereonlyeightrobotics teams intheentiredistrict.

Lastweekend,attheregionalVEX IQRoboticscompetitionhostedbythe schoolsystematIndianRiverHigh School,36localelementaryschool teamsandsixlocalmiddleschoolteams qualifiedtocompete.Thestudents movedtheirrobotsthroughaseriesof tasks,includingremovingdisksfrom theirtowersandslidingthemacrossa goalzonetocollectpoints.

“Itisawesomeforthekidstowork togethertogainpointsontheflooror movingtheirdisktargetsunderthebar,” saidBleile.“Wearelookingatfuture engineerswhoaregarneringanearlyinterestinSTEMeducation.”



thisweek,followingatiebetweentwo ofthecandidates.

Whenthevoteswerecountedafter pollsclosedat6p.m.onSaturday, SharonBrienzaandJosephParenthad securedtwooftheseats.Thethird, however,camedowntotiebetween BarbaraRyerandRobertWisgirda, both ofwhomreceived205votes.


Wisgirdasaid“alloptionsarebeing pursued”inthewakeofthetiebetween himandRyer.Then,anhourlater,both candidatesconfirmedthattheyhad agreedtoflipacointodeterminewho wouldbedeclaredthewinner.

“Icalledheads.Itcameupheads,” Wisgirdasaid.

Ryersaidtheydiscussedwhetherto doasingletoss,orabest-ofarrange-


“BobandIdecidedthatitwasinthe bestinterestofthetown,”Ryersaid,to decidebetweenthemselveswhowould taketheseat,ratherthanforcearunoff electionwheretheywouldbetheonly


Ashetriedtoexpressthedepthof gratitudeheandhiswifehaveforarea residents,policeandfirefighterswho

rushedtotheiraid,findingthemshelter,providingthemwithclothing,gift cardsandcashafterarecentfiredestroyedtheirOceanViewhome,Jim Carrstartedtocry.


versationwiththeCoastalPointthis week,beforeheregainedhiscomposureandsaidtheshockoflosingtheir hometheeveningofFeb.18has robbedhis85-year-oldwife,Ada,of sleepandcausedhimtolosehisap-


“EverytimeIgetnearfood,Ifeel likeI’mgoingtogetsick.I’mstillin shock,”Carr,80,said.

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“Butthewaythecommunityhas cometogetherforuscannotbeputin words,becauseit’sjustmagnificent. Wehavenowayofthankingthecommunity.Wearewritingaletter,and wewanttoputitintheCoastalPoint tothankthepeople.It’sjustbeen phenomenalthewaythepolicedepartmenthastreatedusandtheway



candidatesontheballot.“Hewon,fair andsquare,”shesaid.

Sixcandidateswerevyingforthree seatsonthecouncil.Itwasacloseelection.Notonlywasthereatiebetween RyerandWisgirda,thetoptwovotegetterswerewithinonevoteofeach other.

DeputyMayorSharonBrienzareceived288votes,followedcloselyby newcomerJosephParentwith287,so theywonspotsonthefive-member council.AlongwiththeRyer-Wisgirda tieat205votes,ChristyKarrJr.received 159votes,andPatriciaOrtlipreceived 100.

Af terthevoteswerecountedandthe tiebetweenRyerandWisgirdawasannounced,TownSolicitorSethThompsonhadannouncedthatthethree membersofMillville’sElectionCom-

thefiredepartment,thevariousfire departments,havetreatedus.

“Thepolicehavebeencheckingon us.OceanViewPoliceChief[Kenneth]McLaughlinhasbeenfantastic. Ihaveanextensiveguncollection,and hehastakenthegunsandheldthem forus.We’renotsureiftheyareruined.I’mtryingtogetagunsmithto lookatthem,butI’mhavingaproblemfindingone,”hesaid.


mission,PatGuilday,DebbieMyerand JimMarshall,wouldcountthevotes fromeachofthethreevotingmachines again,aswellastheabsenteeballots.

Thatprocesstookabout90minutes, andasitwascompleted,Thompsonsaid quietly,“Allright,wehaveatie.”

A totalof482voteswerecastinthe election—422inpersonand60byabsenteeballot.

Aftertheresultsoftherecountwere announced,bothWisgirdaandRyerofferedtostepaside.

“I’dliketostanddown,”Wisgirda said,quicklyfollowedbyRyerexclaiming,“No,no,no—I’llwithdraw.”

Ryersaidshedidn’twanttheTown toincurtheexpenseofanotherelection, whichisrequiredbystateelectionlaws inthecaseofatie.

Thompsonsaid,“ThestateElection Commissionershallorderanewelection,inwhichtheonlycandidatesor positionstiedwillbeontheballot.”

whosehomeisonSunriseLane,to staythereforthreenights,freeof charge,afterthefire,untiltheysettled intoaneighbor’sunoccupiedhomein theCountryVillagecommunity.

Mariner’sBethelUnitedMethodist Churchestablishedadrop-offlocationforgiftcards,aGoFundMepage wasstartedandtheownersofSummerSaltsrestaurantinBethanyBeach hostedafundraiser,withtheCarrsas guestsofhonor.

InresponsetoaquestionfromWisgirdaaboutaddingasixthcouncilposition,Thompsonsaidthetowncharter doesnotincludethepotentialforadditionofanothercouncilmember.

WhenRyeraskedifonecandidate couldwithdraw,Thompsonsaidthey could,“Butthatwouldn’thappenuntil aftertonight.Wewanttomakesureyou guysthinkitover.Ijustdon’twantyou guystomakearushdecision.”

“ Thetwoofyoucanhaveafriendly conversationaboutthat,andsomebody’s goingtohavetofilloutsomepaperwork,”Thompsonsaid.

WisgirdasaidWednesdaythathe hadreachedouttobothKennethMcDowell,directorofelectionsforSussex County,andstateElectionCommissionerAnthonyAlbence,forclarificationonrunoffprocedures,butneither hadrespondedyet.Helatersaidthathe andRyerplannedtofilepaperworkat thetownofficeonWednesdaydeclaring

Thecouplehas,foryears,invited youngmenattendingtheNavalAcademyinAnnapolistotheirhomefor holidays,lookedafterthemandconsideredthemfamily.Thefiredestroyedtheirpicturesandall associatedmemorabilia,soCarrwas delightedwhenMcLaughlindelivered tohimaBiblethatbelongedtooneof theyoungmen—“myboys”hecalls

their intentions,withRyeroptingto withdraw.

Thompsoncouldnotbereachedfor commentfollowingthetwocandidates’ announcementoftheircoin-tossagreementonWednesday.

Ryersaidtheelectionhadbeena “greatlearningexperience”forherand fortheTown,andsheanticipatedpotentialchangesinthetowncharterto addresstheissueforfutureelections.

Shesaidshewouldstillattendtown councilmeetingsandplanstostayinvolvedintownactivities.


TownManagerDeborahBotchie saidthisweekthatwhenthecouncil meetsonTuesday,March14,thenew councilmembersarescheduledtobe sworninandthecouncilissettoreorganize,nominatingofficersforthecomingyear.AsofnoononWednesday,the agendaforthemeetinglistedonly BrienzaandParenttobeswornin.

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2 CoastalPoint March10,2023
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“It’sjustmeandmywife,andwe’re stickingtogether…”hestartedtosay, thenstopped.

“Waitaminute.Letmerephrase that.It’snotjustmeandmywife.It’s allthepeoplewhohavehelpedus. Thegirlsfromthebuncocardgroup mywifeisamemberofhavebeen phenomenal.Mybrothercamedown fromMarlboro,Md.,andhehas walkedthroughthehousewithus. He’sbeendownhere,andhebought meanewcomputerandprinter.Our daughter,Susan,andson-in-law, DavidCaldwell,theyspent10days here.Ifnotforthem,Idon’tknow whatIwouldhavedone.Theytook over.Theyjusttookover.BecauseI wasincapableofdoingit,”Carrsaid.

“Wearestruggling.Wearemaking listsofwhatwasinthehouse.Ihad alreadyvideoedthehouse,butallthat wasdestroyedinthefire.Ourlocal CorvetteClubhasdonatedquiteabit ofmoneytous.Peoplearestilldonating,”hesaid.

Theownerofthehomewherethey arestayingisnotchargingthemrent, althoughCarrsaidheisinsistingon payingutilitybills,“becauseIfeelin myheartitistherightthingtodo.”

Thecouplehasenoughfood, thankstothegiftcardstheyreceived.


“Thedayofthefire,wewalkedout ofhousewithwhathadonourbacks, andthatwasit.Thedaybeforeyesterday,Iboughtapairofshoesanda coat,”saidCarr,whoisretiredfrom theArmyandNavyDepartmentsof ProcurementandtheIRS.

Itisn’tyetcertainifthehousewill berepaired,orrazedandrebuilt,but Carrsaidexpertsintheconstruction businesshavetoldhimitwillbeless expensivetorebuild.

“Partoftheframeofthehouseis stillleft,buttherewassomuchsmoke damageanddamagetothehousethat, structurally,itispartiallysoundand partiallyunsound.Whenyoutakeinto considerationthecostoftearingout allthesheetrockandsanitizingand thenpainting,itwillbecheapertorebuild.Plus,ithasbeensittinginwater forseveralweeks.Alltheplumbing andelectricalhastoberedone.Ithas tobebroughtuptocurrentstandards,”hesaid.

Thedayaftertheblaze,Millville VolunteerFireCompanyChiefWalt Johnsonsaidthat,afterthecoupleescaped,uninjured,theywereledtoa waitingambulance.

“Wewantedtogetthemoutof there,tosomewheremorecomfortable,andChiefMcLaughlintookit uponhimselftofacilitatethat,toget

themtoahotel,”hesaid,addingthat otherrespondingfirecompaniesincludedthoseofBethanyBeach,Dagsboro,Frankford,Selbyville,Millsboro, RehobothBeach,RoxanaandBishopville,Md.,allonthesceneabout threehours.

Carrrecalledbeingasleepina chair,withhiswifesittingnearby, reading,whenhesmelledsmokethat afternoon.

“Wewentlookingthroughthe house.Icaughtthesightofaflame outofcornerofmyeye.OurChristmasdecorationswereonfire.Ican’t explainhowithappened.Theyhad beentakendown.Theywereinabox, andthesearethingsthatbelongedto mygrandmother.Somethingcaused themtosetonfire.Ithinkitmight havebeenoneofthoseglobesthatyou shake,thathasbatteriesinit.Isatit onthewashingmachine,andwhenI satitthere,itexploded.Everything thatwasinthebox—thedecorations andall—explodedbecausetheywere allwrappedintissue.BythetimeI gottothedoor,thefirehadblownout thewindowsthatfast.Iwasafireman for10years,andIneversawanything likethatinmylife.

“Theboxwasinthelaundryroom, andthatlaundryroommeantalotto us.Wesponsored32midshipmen fromtheNavalAcademythrougha



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technology,engineeringandmath,allof whichcomeintoplayinbuildingand maneuveringtherobots.

“Wewillhave144competitionshappeningatIndianRiverhereonSaturday,”saidtheinstructionaltech specialistofthescaleofthecompetition onMarch4.

BleilecreditedtheIRSD’sstrong connectionwiththeNASAWallops

FlightFacilityCenteratWallopsIsland, Va.,fortheequipment,includingfields ofplayand,inmanycases,the$350roboticsassemblykits.

“AmyWilsonatNASAisanunbelievablechampionforourprogram,” saidBleile.“It’sallexpensive,andwe couldnotdothiswithoutNASA’sgenerousdonationofthe12gameboards weneedtorunthetournament.”

Gameboardsarechangedorupdated everyyearforVEXIQRobotics,providingdifferenttasksandcompetitive elementsforthestudents.

JayF.Owens,superintendentofthe IRSD,wasinattendanceandseemedas excitedaboutthetimedroboticsheadto-headcompetitionashemightbeata high schoolfootballgame.

“ThisisthefifthVEXIQchampionshipwehavehosted,andlastyeara totaloffiveofourIRSDteamsmadeit totheWorldVEXIQcompetitionin Dallas,Texas,”saidOwens.“Theexcitingpartisthatourteamscanqualifyfor WorldstodayattheregionalDelmarva eventwearehosting.”

“Thereare275studentsherefrom Grades3through12whoareallinvolvedinroboticsintheIRSDsystem,” saidOwens.

Withanadditional10teamsoutside of IRSDcomingfromtheCapeHenlopenSchoolDistrict,Owenssaidthere were46totalelementaryschoolscompetingandsixmiddleschools.

RoboticsisactuallyapartofthecurriculumatIndianRiverschools,inthe ProjectLeadtheWayPathway (PLTW)program.

“Oneoftheunitsisrobotics,inthe PLTWprograminmostofour schools,”saidBleile.“Everyelementary schoolandmiddleschoolhasone.”

SheexplainedthatSelbyvilleMiddle Schoolcompetesatthehighschool levelintheVEXVRCprogram,and theywillbegoingtothestatecompetitionnextweek.

Accordingto“LeadtheWay”curriculum:“PLTWstudentsengagein hands-onactivities,projects,andproblemsthatarereflectiveofreal-world challenges.Thiscompelling,real-world approachempowersstudentstolearn essential,in-demandskillsvalidatedby theworld’sleadingcompanies,while alsoprovidinganinvaluableconnection betweenwhatstudentsarelearningin the classroomtodayandhowitapplies tothepathsthey’lltakeinthefuture.”

NASAWallopssupportsIRSD robotics

Wilsonisprogrammanagerofthe NASAWallopsFlightCenterrobotics alliance,whichsupportsyoungpeople

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Joseph“Jay”Tyminskihasfiledfor theOceanViewTownCouncil’sDistrict3seat,makinghimthesecond candidateinterestedinsucceedingincumbentTomMaly,whoisnoteligible torunagainthisyearbecausehehas servedtwoconsecutivethree-year terms.

TheBaltimorenativewillfacechallengerDickJennisonintheSaturday, April8,election.Candidatesforcouncil mustfilebyMonday,March13.The dead linetofileformayorwasonFeb. 28.

AresidentofOceanViewwho movedtotownwithhiswife,Andrea, fiveyearsago,Tyminskiisaretired electricalengineerwhoworkedfor UnileverandMcCormickSpiceCompany.Thecoupledoesn’thavechildren, buthespokefondlyofRosie,thedog theyrescued.

“I’vebeenveryfortunateinmylife, andIliketogiveback,”hesaid.“Ifeel



fromkindergartentohighschool.She grewupontheEasternShore,andfirst attendedEasternShoreCommunity Collegefollowinghighschool.Her luckybreakcamewhenshelandedacooperativeinternshipatNASAinWallopsIsland.

“Igotaco-op,learnedofmypassion forelectronicsandengineering,and thengotmybachelor’sdegreeatSalisburyUniversity,”saidWilson.“Iaminto physics,microelectronicsandmath.”

“EveryNASACenterhassomeone likemedoingtheroboticsalliance.The kids hereatIRSD’scompetitionarere-

liketherearepeoplewhoareworseoff thanmeandbetteroffthanme,butI havethe opportunitytotry togive backto mycommunity, whichI love,andI wantto doit.

“Ilistento people. Thatis oneofmystrengths.Iusedtomanage peopleatUnileverandMcCormickand myphrasewas,‘WhenIlookatyou,I don’tseeaperson.IseeaUnileveremployee.Everybodygetsthesametreatment.’ThatishowIhavelivedmylife. Ithinkthat’sastrength,”saidTyminski, whowasformerlypresidentofthe OceanViewBeachClubandMcCabe TaxDitchboardandwhocurrently

allyexcitedtocompetewithanopportunitytogototheWorldVEXIQ competition,”shesaid.

“Iloveworkingwiththeteachers, coachesandthekids,”saidWilson.

“Theyhavereallygrowntheirteamsin theDelmarvaregionalarea,butespeciallyhere.Thisiswhereyoucanengage kids,andIRSDissosupportiveofthe roboticsteams.”

Wilsonnotedthat,“STEMisnotfor everyone,”butthattheprogramcan buildcareerinterestforawidevarietyof students.

“Kidscanbeinchargeofthejournalingbooksandfindoutthattheymay liketheliterarypieceorwanttobecome journalists.Ortheycanmarketthero-


Committedtopreservingopen space,hesaidhewantstoseemorebicyclepathsandsidewalksinOcean View,andisconcernedabouthaving adequatepublicandprivateparking.

“Consideringallthedevelopment andhowtheyarepackingthesehomes together,whenyoulookatBethany Beach,whattheyhavedonetolimit parking,isthatsomethingwehaveto lookat?Ialsowanttolookatlivability. OgreDrive,thestreetbehindme, whereIlive,hasnosidewalks,sothey havetogo totheOceanViewBeach Clubtowalk.Weneedmorebicycle paths,bicyclefacilities.

“Ialsospokeatonetownhallmeetingaboutextendingpublictransportation.IeventalkedtoDelDOTabout tryingtomovesomeexistingtrolliesto extendtheroute.Weneedpublicaccess togettoBethanyBeachorjusttoget toCVS.Iwouldliketocontinueconversationsaroundseasonalandyearroundbusservice,whichcouldprovide

boticsprogramandhelpwiththe fundraisingtogetroboticsteamand equipmentfunds,andlearntheyhave thatsalesinterest.”


residentsawaytobemobilewithout driving.Thismaycutdownontheeffectsofdrivingoncongestedroads,as wellaskeepingourairclean,”hesaid.

Thecandidatesaidheisconcerned aboutoverdevelopmentandrebuilding older,existingstructures.

“Soyoubuysomething,tearitdown andwhataretheygoingtodo?There shouldbenewzoningandplanning lawsforpermittingorpermittingto allowbuilding,butthatmaychange howyoubuild.Itmightreducethesize ofthefootprintofthehouse.When yourebuild,thedensityshouldbe smaller,”hesaid,addingthathefeels stronglyaboutcontrollingmoreconstructioninthetown,“sinceallof OceanViewisnearlybuilt-outandno moretractsareavailablefornewconstruction.”

“Weneedtocontrolthereuseand preserveourexistingOceanViewhistoricstructures,”hesaid.

“WhenvisitorsridethroughOcean View,Iwantpeopletobeenviableof ourcommunity.”

foreachteachingagegroup.Thefield boardscomeapartandcanbetransportedforsharingatthelocalIRSD schoolsafterthebigregionalcompetition.

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TheFrankfordTownCouncilon Monday,March6,votedtoadd$80,000 totheTown’sbudgetforthe2024fiscal year,withtheintentionofaddingasecondfull-timeofficertothepolicedepartment.

Thedecisioncomesjustweeksafter thecouncilapprovedtheannexationof about264acresoflandintothetown limits.

Duringtheannexationprocess,the councildiscussedtheneedforadditional policeprotectionwhentheannexedland isdeveloped.TheFrankfordPoliceDepartmentcurrentlyconsistsofChief KevinSmithandtwopart-timeofficers.

Plansareproceedingfordevelopment ofoneofthetwoparcelsannexed,in-


TheTown’stotalbudgetforsalaries andbenefitsforthepreviousfiscalyear was$253,128.30,includingthepolice department,thetownclerkandthe maintenancesupervisor.

TownCouncilTreasurerJohnWright proposedamendingthebudgetforthe comingfiscalyear,whichstartsJuly1,by addinganexpenditureof$80,000for policesalaries.Theexpenditurewould likelycomefromthemorethan $400,000theTownhasreceivedinfederalAmericanRescuePlanAct(ARPA) funds,whichhavebeendistributedto municipalitiestohelpdefraycostsassociatedwiththeCOVID-19pandemic.

TownCouncilPresidentGregWelch saidtheproposedbudgetamendment wasnecessary“tobumpupthepolice departmentalittlebit.”

Frankford’spolicedepartmentwas reactivatedthreeyearsagoafterseveral yearsinwhichthetownwentwithoutits owndepartmentandinsteadcontracted withtheDelawareStatePolice.The TownhiredLaurenceCorriganaspolice chief.Corriganresignedin2022after bringingtwopart-timeofficerstothe department,andoverseeingthepurchase ofanSUVandothernewequipmentfor theofficers.

Publicsafetyisoneoftheallowable areasforuseofARPAfunds.Frankford hasalsoconsidereduseofsomeofthe fundsforimprovementstothetown park.

“We’reataplacewherewehaveto havethatearmarkedbyOctober2024,” andutilizedby2026,Wrightsaid.His proposalhastheTownusingARPA fundingforthefull-timepoliceofficer


Withtheanticipatedincreaseinreal estatetransfertaxfundsfromthedevelopmentoftheannexedproperty,the Townshouldbeableto“sustainthose fundsoncetheARPAmoney ’sspent.” ThecouncilpassedWright’smotion unanimously.


•Approvedpursuingacontractwith DelmarvaPoleBuildingsforamaintenancebuildingacrossfromTownPark. DelmarvaPoleBuildingssubmittedthe onlybidfortheproject,withabase priceof$161,158.Themotionwasapproved4-1,withWrightvotingagainst it;and

•AnnouncedthatEnvisionFrankfordwillholditsEggScrambleeventon Saturday,April8,inFrankfordTown Park.

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Inmemoryoffallensoldiersand first-responders,theSouthernSussex RotaryClubwillpresentitsFlagsfor HeroesMemorialDayprogram,inconjunctionwiththenationalRotaryprogram.

About100flagswillbeerectedat bothLordBaltimoreElementary SchoolinOceanViewandatBlades HVACinDagsboro,andwillremainup fromaboutaweekbeforeMemorial Day,Monday,May29,untilaboutone week after.Theywillbesalutedduringa patrioticprogramat1p.m.onSaturday, May27,attheschool.(WhenFlagDay fallscloseenoughtoMemorialDay,the flagsareleftupthroughthatholiday, too,weather-permitting.)

OceanViewPoliceChiefKenneth McLaughlinwillbeguestspeakerfor theMay27event,talkingaboutthe meaningofMemorialDayandhowit alsorelatestofirst-responders.Boy Scoutswillpresentthecolors.TheIndianRiverHighSchoolBandwillplay patrioticsongs.Thenationalanthem willbesung,“ThePledgeofAllegiance” saidandthenamesofallhonoreesread bydignitariesincludingstateRep.Ron Gray.




programtheyhave,andallofthose boyswenttotheNavalAcademy,and alloftheirpictureswerehungup there.Thosepicturesareirreplaceable,”saidCarr,who,withhiswife, raiseddaughtersSusanCaldwelland thelateKimberlyPoremski.They havetwograndchildren,fivegreat-

dominantly,hasbeentomemorialize andhonorourveteranswhohavefallen. Butinrecentyearsithasmorphedinto howitallrelatesto9/11.Wedoa9/11

grandchildrenandallthechildrenof theyoungmenfromtheNavalAcademy.

TheDelawareStateFireMarshal’s Officeestimatedthelossofthehome at$300,000.

“Myheadisjustspinning,”Carr saidthisweek.

“Butthecommunityisbehindus morethanIeverthoughtitwouldbe. Therehavebeensomanyfriendswho havestuckwithus.”

flagerection,too,tomakepeoplestop andthink,‘It’ssomethingbiggerthan me,’”ScottSmithoftheSouthernSussexRotaryClubsaid.

SmithsaidtheRotaryClubpartners withmembersofVeteransofForeign

Tickets: $10

March10,2023 CoastalPoint 7 y s O Bethany’’s ONL ear-Round Bike Shop! Y Year-Round ONLY p SELLINGBIKES! ONBESTSELECT VE HUNDREDS SAAVE UP ANDE-BIKES! PERFORMANCE ONSELECT VE $500+ SAAVE ACCESSORIES! APPARELAND PAREL O 40% OFF P T ues.-Sat. 10am-5pm T Tues.-Sat. TION VICE LOCAATION SERFULL ed.-Sat. 10am-4pm; Sun. 12-3pm Wed.-Sat. W t S B Serving cyclists for over 49 years! FENWICK – BETHANY t. INDIAN RIVER HIGH SCHOOL PROUDLY PRESENTS... MAMMA MIA!
17 & 18 at 6:30 Indian River High School 29772 Armory Rd., Dagsboro, DE Mamma Mia! is presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI) All authorized performance materials are also supplied by MTI
CoastalPoint•FilePhoto ThesouthernSussexRotaryClubisalreadypreparingforitsannualFlagsforHeroesevent,scheduledforMay27. SeeFLAGSpage12


‘Thebestthingyoucandoistobea womanandstandbeforetheworldand speakyourheart.’


WhenNatalieDouglastakesthe stageatDickensParlourTheatrenext weekend,shebringswithherthehearts andthevoicesoffouriconsinAmericanmusic:NinaSimone,LenaHorne, AbbeyLincolnandBillieHolliday.

NotonlydoesDouglashonorthe musicofthefoursingers,shealso weavesintotheshowthestoriesofthe womenandhoweachofthemreflected andevenchanged—thetimesin whichtheylived.

Aself-described“historygeek,” Douglassaidinarecentinterviewwith theCoastalPointthatsheishappyto beperforming“FourWomen:Nina, Lena,Abbey&Billie”duringWomen’s HistoryMonth,addingthatshehas learnedoverthecourseofhercareer thatperformersmaynotliveforever,but themusictheyareknownforkeepsimpactingaudienceslongafterthey’re gone.

Douglas,whose“home”venueis Birdland—thestoriedNewYorkjazz c lub—saidshehasdone“tribute”

showsforyears,honoringartistsranging fromNinaSimonetoStevieWonder.

“Iloveddoingsortofadeepdive intotheirmusicalhistoriesandtheir musicalpointofviewandtheirperspective,andallofthat,”shesaid.

The“FourWomen”show,Douglas said,premieredinLondonin2017. WiththeNinaSimonecatalogueasa startingpoint,shebeganthinkingabout Simoneandherrelationshipswiththe otherthreewomen.

“ Theyallkneweachother,”shesaid, “andtheyalladmiredeachother.”Billie

Hollidaydiedveryyoung,shesaid,“so wetendtothinkofthemasdrastically different,intermsofwhatgeneration they’rein.Butreally,BillieandLena werecontemporaries,andthenNina andAbbeyLincolnwerecontemporaries.Butbecausetheirliveshaddifferenttracks,wethinkofthemasbeing verydifferent,”Douglassaid.

“Ikindofrealizedthattherewasthis interestingoverlapoftheirartisticlives and thentheirlivesasactivistsandas BlackartistsintheUnitedStates,and thatthattoldadifferentstory,”shesaid. “Itkindoflinedupperfectlywithone ofmyfavoriteNinaSimonecompositions,whichis‘FourWomen.’”

Writtenin1966,thesongtellsofthe sufferingandstrengthoffourBlack women.

SimoneandLincolnwroteonesong together—“BluesforMama,”—“And thatsongisverymuchabouttheirpoint ofviewoftheworld,andabout,inparticular,theeconomicrealitiesofbeing BlackinAmerica,”Douglassaid.

Onethingthatconnectsallfour women,Douglassaid,istheverything thatmadethemeachstandout.

“Theyweresouniquelythemselves, andalwaysthemselves.”

Inthatway,shesaid,theshowthat bringsthemtogether“justfellinto place,withoutalotofforcingit.Itjust madesense.Thestoriesjustmadesense, andtheplaceswheretheyconnectmade sense.”

“Earlyintheshow,there’samoment whereIsingonesongthatbothLena andNinarecorded,immediatelyfollowedbyasongthatbothAbbeyand Billierecorded.Andthosetwosongsare kindofonthesamesubject,butthey’re verydifferent.Butthey’rebothfullyauthentic,andfullyhonest…andthatjust kindoftellsyoualot,Ithink,”about whothosepeoplewere,“inthoseparticularmoments.”

“Itwasjustreallyfuntobringall thesethingstogether,”Douglassaid.“It wasastoryIwantedtotell,andastory Ithought peoplemightwanttohear.”

Shesaidthat,intheyearssincepremiering“FourWomen,”shehasfound thatmanytimes,audiencemembers mightbefamiliarwithoneortwoofthe four,but,“Invariably,Ifindpeoplewho aresurprisedattheoverlap,surprised thattheykneweachother,surprised thattheywerefansofoneanother.” Also,shesaidshefindsthatmanyinthe audiencemightknowtheworkofthe fourasperformers“butdon’tknowtheir workasactivists.”

“Ijustlovebeingabletosharethose storieswithpeople,”Douglassaid.

Partofthechallengeofdoingtribute shows,shesaid,isthatshehastobuilda showthatappealsto“uber-fans”ofthe performers,aswellasthosewhoaren’t

8 CoastalPoint March10,2023 Tow o Easter Y A AY APRIL TURD HUN EGG wn of Millville Celebra 1 t s 10AM CTIVIT A KIDS NT / 2PM 1 MTIES WI OS T PHO a r bask B TER TH THE EAS pril 2 ain date A nd et! k BUNNY! • 2-day Immune Boosting Meal Plan • Full Espresso Bar- Organic Juice & High Protein Smoothies • Vegan & Gluten Free Options & Baked Goods • Açaí Bowls & Breakfast Sandwiches 1, 2, or 3 Day Organic
3 Town Road, Ocean View • 302.616.1025 31264 Americana Pkwy, Selbyville Bayside • 302.564.7718 Open Daily 8am-3pm Both Locations Order Ahead on Chow Now! 1/2 Soup 1/2 Sandwich Special $10
Juice Cleanse
NatalieDouglaswillcelebratethevoicesandlegaciesofNinaSimone,LenaHorne, AbbeyLincolnandBillieHolidayatDickensParlourTheatreonMarch17-18.


AllThingsSpring,anewOceanView event,isbeingplannedfor1to4p.m.on Saturday,May6,atJohnWestPark.



asfamiliarwithaparticularartist’sbody ofwork,orthosewhomayonlyknow oneoftheirsongs.

Shesaidshefeelsaresponsibilityto thoseattendinghershowstofindmusic andstoriesthatare“alittleoffthe beatenpath.”

Asa“historygeekfromwayback” whosaidshehad“somewonderfulhistoryteacherswhotoldstoriesabout people’slivesandhowthingsthatreverberateddownthroughthecenturies weresimplychoicethatahumanmade, inamoment,basedontheirexperience growingup,orsomethingthathappenedtothemoranideatheyhad.And thatjustisfascinating—thatwearethe livingexperimentofpeoplewhocame beforeus.”

“Iloveputtingthatwiththemusic,” shesaid,“becauseIfeellikemusic touchessomethingemotionallyinus thatsometimeswordsdon’tgettothe levelof.”

Growingupwith“olderparents,” Douglassaid,shehearddifferentmusic athomethanperhapsothersofhergeneration,andshedevelopedakeenear forthe“poetry”ofthemusic,andhowit differedfromoneeratothenext.

“It’sveryeasytotalkaboutwhat people’sdailyliveswerelikein1934vs. 1944ifyou’rejusttalkingaboutthe songsthatwerewritteninthatera,or thesongsthatwerepopularinthatera,”

willberepresented,andadmissionwill befree,”TownManagerCarolHouck toldtheCoastalPoint,explainingthat theoriginalplanwastohaveanEaster egghunt,butsinceMillvilleishaving one,theTownofOceanView didn’t wanttocompetewiththeneighboring town’sevent.

shesaid,using“AndtheNightingale SanginBarclaySquare”asanexample ofasongthatbecamepopularyears afteritwaswritten,inthatcasebecause itspoketotheexperiencesofsoldiers duringWorldWarII.

“Ialwaysfindthatstufffascinating,” Douglas said.

Whensheteachesmasterclassesto musicstudentsindifferentcities,she emphasizestothemtheimportanceof drawingaudiencesinbyofferingthem somethingtheycan’tgetfromlistening tomusicathome.

“I’mtalkingtothemalotabout bringingthemselvestothematerialand findingtheirownstorieswithinsongs, andencouragingthemtounderstand thatallofthismusicispartofourheritage.Wedon’tgettoChuckBerryor The JacksonFiveorBoyz2MenorBeyonce…Wedon’tgettoanyofthose peoplewithoutBessieSmith,without RobertJohnson.NinaSimonehasto existbeforeBeyoncecanexist.

“Iwantthemtounderstandthatall ofthismusicbelongstous,”Douglas said.“Itallcomesfromthesamewellspring.You’renotonlyallowedtosing musicfrompeoplewholooklikeyou.

“Americanmusic,”shesaid,“doesn’t existwithoutpeoplewhowereenslaved. Itcan’t.Thesoundsthatweknowas Americans,don’texistwithoutus.We arejustasmuchapieceofthehistoryof bluegrassandcountryandclassical Americanmusicaswearerhythm-andbluesandrapandeverythingelse.

“Wethoughtwewouldspreadoutthe funintheareaanddosomethingtruly kindofspring-focused,”shesaid.

Characterswillbeincostume,and vendorswillsellplantsandotheritems. BoyScoutswillsellhotdogsandhamburgers,andpossiblyhaveanexpanded menu,andhotchocolateandcoffee

“Ialwaystrytobringhistorytothe classroom,”evenwhenmusicisthe mainsubject,Douglassaid.

Shealsoimpressesuponherstudents theimportanceofbringing“emotional connection”tothemusic,becauseshe feelsstronglyabouttheemotionalaspectsoflivemusic.

“Standingonthestage,”Douglas said, “thereasonthatitwipesyououtis becausethereisanenormousenergy emanatingwhenyouarereallypresent andyou’redoingtheemotionalwork.

loverswillbeabletobuycupsfreshly brewed.

Alsoplannedarecottoncandyfor sale,arock-climbingwall,giantslideand cow-milkingcontest,althoughnotwitha realcow.

Charlie&theCoolToneswillprovide liveentertainment.

“It’sthebestjobintheworld,”she said.

“NatalieDouglaspresentsFour Women:Nina,Lena,Abbey&Billie” comestoDickensParlourTheatreon Friday,March17,andSaturday,March 18,at7p.m.bothnights.Forticketinformation,gotowww.dickensparlourtheatre.comorcall(302)829-1071. DickensParlourTheatreislocatedat 31810 GoodEarthLane,OceanView.

March10,2023 CoastalPoint 9
MMAC’S CATERING Thurs & Fri 3pm–8pm • Sat 3pm–8pm • 302-448-0862 • Catering: 443-880-2567 • • 35265 Atlantic Ave, Millville $5 OFF SECOND ENTREE ORDERED Limit 2 Coupons Per Order Sides & Extras Excluded Dine In or Carry Out Dine In or Carry Out! Exp: 5/21/23 Every Thursday is Pasta Bar Friday Fish Dinner Specials All Thru Lent Fridays...Feb 24 - April 7 Taco Tuesdays in March! Mexican Fiesta Night $2 Tacos Quesadillas (Chicken/Cheese/Veggie) Burritos (Chicken/Beef) Taco Salad (Chicken/Beef) All Meals Served with Rice & Black Beans HONESTY, DEPENDABILITY, PROFESSIONALISM, PRIDE, QUALITY All too often business will use words like these in order to gain the trust of their customers. We would like to elaborate... PHILOSOPHY We believe that strong ethical and moral principals are essential for the success and growth of any organization. You will realize this the minute you walk through our door. GOAL Our Goal is to provide you with the personalized service you deserve at a fair price. We will listen to your needs and tailor our services to meet them. INVITATION If you desire moral and ethical customer service, coupled with professionalism and quality, we encourage you to call on us! CALL TODAY to schedule your FREE Estimate. Ocean Bay Plaza, Fenwick Island, De 1-800-298-9470 • 302-537-1899 HOURS: Monday – Friday 9-5 Saturday 9-4 • Closed Sundays “We Measure Each Job With A Golden Rule” GET READY FOR THE SEASON Our Project Managers are Standing by to Help You with Your Projects to Fit Your Budget Mike’s Flooring & Design Center LUXURY VINYL PLANK • CARPET • TILE • HARDWOOD WINDOW TREATMENTS We Also Do QUARTZ COUNTERTOPS! Up To 24 Months Financing Available


StateSen.GeraldHocker(R-20th) saidthisweekthathewastoldbya DelDOTofficialthatthesectionof FredHudsonRoadinOceanView, fromjusteastoftheSaltPondresidentialcommunityandextendinglessthan onemile,willbestripedtoprohibit passing.

“WegottheattentionofDelDOT,” apleasedHockersaid.

Hereceivedwordstripingwillbe changedtosolidlinesonthesectionof FredHudsonRoadfromjusteastofthe SaltPondtothefirstslightbendinthe roadbeforethepedestriancrossingto

GuestspeakerOceanViewPolice ChiefKennethMcLaughlindiscussed humantraffickingwithattendeeswhen theSoutheastSussexMinisteriummet

thepathtoFreshPond.DelDOTwill alsoworkonextendingthebikepathto Route1,aprocessthatinvolvesplanningandpermittingnearwetlands, Hockersaid.

“Thereissomuchbiketrafficand joggingtrafficandpedestriantrafficon thatroadthattheydon’tneedtobe passingcars—especiallywiththe crossoverwiththebikepath.Theyare doingsomeconstructionworknowfor the entranceofthenewdevelopment, newtownhouses.Theystartedthatconstructionthisweek,andIhopethey’ll doitaspartofthat.It’ssomethingthat needstobedone.

“IwouldlovetoseeFredHudson widenedinthefuture,”Hockeradded.

onMarch2,butheassuredmembersitis notaproblemintheOceanViewarea.

Therehavebeencasesofhuman traffickinginNorthernDelaware,but nonelocally,McLaughlinsaid.

Heprovidedinformationfromthe DelawareDepartmentofJustice,ex-

“Youmightnotseefourlanes,butthey couldputinadecentjoggingpath. Theseroadsarenotdesignedforjoggers andbikers,butthatisaveryheavily usedarea.”

Newsaboutthestripingalsopleased SussexCountyPlanning&Zoning CommissionerBruceMears,whocontactedHockertoaskforthechange.

“Thereismoreandmoretrafficthere everyday.Itjustcan’tbeapassingzone anylonger,”Mearssaid.

“Forthesecondtimeinamonth,my girlfriend,Nancy,andIwereheading towardthebeachonFredHudson Road,andwehadtoswerveoveronto theshouldertoavoidsomebodywho waspassing.Thatsectionisallapassing

plainingthathumantraffickingisa “formofmodern-dayslaveryinwhich traffickersuseforce,fraudorcoercionto controlvictimsforthepurposeofengagingincommercialsexactsorlabor servicesagainsthisorherwill.”


zonenow.Iwenttomygo-toguy,Sen. Hocker,andaskedhimtomakethat sectionnopassing.Theygavemeacall andtheysaid,‘Believeitornot,DelDOTlistened,’”Mearssaid. HockertoldMearshenoticedthe problem,too,especiallysinceheowns theG&EHockergrocerystorelocated ontheroad,atoneentrancetoSalt Pond.

“That’showIroll,”Mearssaid.“IfI seesomethingnotworking,Isaysomething.Italwaysmakesmehappytonoticesomethingthatmakesthe communitysaferandbetter.Itmakes meveryhappythatIcanmention thingstoSen.GeraldHockerandhe getsitdone.”

advocacypartners,theDelawareDepartmentofJusticehasprosecuted humantraffickersinDelawareandshut downbusinessesfoundorsuspectedto SeeTRAFFICKINGpage12

10 CoastalPoint March10,2023 Settle their loved ones’ estates. (302)541-8000• 42aAtlanticAve,OceanView Carry Out Only • Open Year Round Wed-Saturday10-7•Sunday11-5 FollowUsOnFacebookforDailySpecials! Weekly Specials Wednesday $18ShrimpandGrits Thursday $15CrabCakeSandwich $22CrabCakeEntree Friday $12FishSandwich11-4 $19Fish&Chips4-close Sunday $5NashvilleHotFishTaco andMiniMac HOME & GARDEN 302.732.6159 Thurs-Sat • 10-5 | Sun • 10-4 –31854 James Lowe Lane New Merchandise Arriving Daily! Amazing Assortment Of Specialty Foods, Amish Baked Goods Pot Pies & Homemade Soups Our Peaches Are Back! Spring sale! WED. MARCH 15 - SAT. MARCH 18 20-50% OFF SELECT Perennials • Houseplants • Succulents Shrubs • Pottery 302-539-1839 38320 Muddy Neck Road (2 miles from Bethany Beach) Open Monday-Saturday 10-4 pm LOCAL ART • VINTAGE UNUSUAL • ANTIQUE ARCHITECTURAL SALVAGE 302.927.0049 On the corner, south of the stoplight 33034 Main St., Dagsboro Call or Follow us on Facebook and Instagram or email: OPEN Fri-Sun 10–4pm



Lunch Specials 11:30-3 DINE-IN ONLY 302.537.7373 • • 35553 Atlantic Ave., Millville DRINK SPECIALS Sun-Fri11:30–6pm|Sat3–6pm FOOD SPECIALS Everyday3–6pm Happy Hour SpecialsInHouseOnly,NoDoggieBags Taco Tuesday - ALL DAY & NIGHT 2 Tacos & Soda - $13 2 Tacos & Margarita (house non-frozen) - $16 2 Tacos Beef or Chicken - $12 2 Tacos Fish or Shrimp or Pork - $14 2 Tacos Veggie - $11 BINGO - Monday 6pm GAME NIGHTS! MUSIC • • • • Dustin Showers Band 8-11 DJ Rupe 12-6 Lauren Glick Trio 7-10 Danny Dolan Duo 3-6 Dinner Specials 4-9 DINE-IN ONLY Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Shrimp Night - $15.99-$17.99 Taco Tuesday - all day and night Burger Night - all day and night Prime Rib Night - $23.99 (while supplies last) Fajita Friday - All Fajitas - $16.99--Mon Wed Thur Fri Cheesesteak or Chicken Cheesesteak - $10 Build-a-Burger - $9 and up Fried Grouper Sammy - $9 2 Shrimp Tacos - $10-TRIVIA - Wednesday 7pm MINGO - Thursday 7pm Sunday Funday Jam Session 3-6 Danny Dolan Duo Happy Hour Food & Drink Specials Fri 3/10 Sat 3/11 Sat 3/11 Sun 3/12 2 2 PARTY WEEKENDS ALL DAY & NIGHT OC Parade Weekend Friday 3/10 Dustin Showers Band • 8-11pm Saturday 3/11 DJ Rupe OC Parade • 11am DJ Rupe Restaurant • 12-6pm Lauren Glick Trio • 7-10pm Sunday 3/12 Danny Dolan Duo • 3-6pm Watch Us in the OC Parade Drink Specials
Draft Jello Shooters Pickle Shots Green Shooters
Beef &
They Last!
Stew While
St. Pat’s Weekend
Locals Blow Out
Rupe • 12-6pm
Denny • 6-12am Saturday 3/18 DJ Rupe • 12-6pm
Denny • 6-12am Sunday 3/19 Darren O’Neil • 3-6pm
Shepard’s Pie Bangers & Mash Fish & Chips
to be... St. Pat's
Weekend & St. Pat's Weekend March10,2023 CoastalPoint 11
Green Margaritas
Irish Coffee Car Bombs "THE" Place


TheMarineEducationRescue& RehabilitationInstitute(MERR)rescuedayoungmaleharpsealinNorth ShoresinRehobothonTuesday,Feb. 28.

Theseal,representativessaid,was observedbyabeachgoerwhowascon-



beengaginginhumantrafficking,” withconcernsorinformationaboutpotentialhumantraffickingisaskedtocall thehotlineat1-888-373-7888.

“ChiefMcLaughlinwasreallyinformative.Hewasabletosharewithus someredflags,”theRev.VictoriaPretti, rectorofSt.Martha’sEpiscopalChurch andmemberoftheministerium,said.

cernedwhenhesawthesealrolling aroundonitsbackinthesand.

“Thisissometimesanindication thatthesealisinfestedwithlice,” MERRrepresentativessaid.“Luckily fortheseal,thebeachgoercalled MERRtoreportthislittleguy.Theseal

“Asclergyfolks,weallhavefolks comingtousforservices—money,a placetolive,food,clothes.Theremight bepeoplewhoareinatraffickingsituation,whomighttendtobeseeking servicesbecausetheyarekeptfromhavingadequateresources,theyarenotallowedtohavetheirownmoney.Weare gratefulthatheeducatedusonthesubject,”Prettisaid.

Ministeriummembersplantowork ontheproblemofaffordablehousingat thebeach,shesaid,“bandingtogether andpoolingourvoices.”

wasassessedasbeingunderweightin additiontohisbehaviors,sothedecisionwasmadetorescuehimimmediately.Hewasveryalertandlivelyduring therescue,whichisagoodsign.”

Hewascollectedfromthebeachand takenbacktoMERRfortreatmentand

“Wedon’twanttobesomeofthepeoplewhodonothing.Wewanttobeable todosomething.Weneedsomeguidance.Idon’tthinkanyofusknowswhat todo.Wearefeelingtheneedtodo somethingandtoamplifyourvoice.It keepscomingupinmanydifferentways. Thereisverylittleaffordablehousing.In thatregard,mostofourchurcheswork withagencieslikeHabitatforHumanity Weareseeingthatpeoplecannotafford housing,alongthecoastespecially.

“TheotherthingsisSt.Martha’shas alottodowithinternationalstudents,



WarsPost7234,BoyScoutsand DelawareNationalGuardastheyplace theflags.Duringtheceremony,Boy Scoutsalsopassoutbottlesofwaterto guests,atnocharge.

Thosewhowouldliketoremember lovedonescanpurchaselargemedallionsthatwillfitoveroneoftheflags.

assessment,andthentransportedtothe NationalAquariumthateveningforthe remainderofhisrehabilitation.“We hopeforthebestforthisbeautifulanimal,andwearegratefultoeveryone who helpedthisyoungsealgetthecare thatheneeds.”

and thereisnohousingforthesekids, nohousingforanybodywhodoesn’t havealotofmoney,”shesaid. ChurchesthatbelongtheministeriumincludeSt.AnnCatholic ChurchinBethanyBeach,Community LutheranChurchinFrankford,MillvilleUnitedMethodistChurchinMillville,OceanViewPresbyterianChurch inOceanView,Mariner’sBethelUnited MethodistChurchinOceanView,St. GeorgeUnitedMethodistChurchin FrankfordandUnionWesleyUnited Methodist inFrankford.

Thenameofthepersonbeinghonored andtheirbranchofserviceorfirstresponderagencywillbeprintedonthe medallion.Thecostis$50perflag,or $75iftheyarepurchasedforboththe MemorialDayand9/11events.

Those whobuytheplastic5-inch medallionsmayremovethemfromthe flagandtakethemhome.


12 CoastalPoint March10,2023 Wednes 8:00 [ JOIN US FOR A MORN day, March 0 - 10:00 am FESSIONAL NING OF PRO TH h 15 ] m L NETWORKING @thequietresorts


CoastalPointencourages theexchangeofideas. Letterstotheeditormustbe signedbytheauthorwith phonenumberincludedfor purposes ofverification.

Editorial Thestaff


IntheweehoursofSundaymorning,March12,asubtle changewilltakeplacethatmostpeoplewon’trealizeishappeningatthetimebutwillcertainlytakenoteofastheday,and daysthatfollow,progress.

Yes,it’s“springahead”time,asDaylightSavingTimetakes overourbiological,andreal,clocks.

Whatweloseinthemornings,intermsofanextrahourof soul-definingsleep,wegaintenfoldwithmoresunattheendof theday,andthepromiseofspringcomingintofocussoon.Yes, we’re beginningtocrawloutofthesewinterdoldrumsanddark rideshomefromwork,andenteringatimeofwarmthand, well...stilldarkrideshomefromworkformanyofus,because weendupworkingalotmorethistimeofyear.


OceanCitySt.Patrick’sDayparade.Monday,March20,isofficiallythefirstdayofspring.We’reonlyfourshortweeksaway fromEaster.

Springisdefinitelyintheair.Andsummerisoftenhotonits heels.

Withthechangingseasons,weoftenseesomeofourlocal businessesopenbackuptheirdoorsafterasmallhibernation, andsomenewbusinessesopenupforthefirsttime.These placeswilloftenbeusingnewstaff,aslastyear’screwshave oftenmovedontonewopportunities.Thatmeansalotofpeoplegettingtrainedandlearningwhattheyneedtodotoprovide thebestkindofservicepossible.

Weaskthateveryoneshowssomepatienceastheseplaces workout“thebugs.”Andlet’shaveagreatspringallaround.


Thereareevilforcesamongus,andthey’reattacking fromseveralfronts.

And,tomakeitworse,theirweaponsarerifewithaddictiveyumminessandpresentedtothepublicthrough adorablespokespersonsandmascots.Rememberwhen everyonewokeuponemorningandwassuddenlyveryoffendedthatJoeCamelwastargetingchildrentosmoke cigarettesandSpudsMackenziewas appealingtoateenagedemographic forabeercompany?

It’slikethat,butinsteadofcigarettesandsuds,we’rebeingbombed withchocolateandpeanutbutterand egg-hidingbunnies.Andinsteadof ouryouth,thesene’erdowellsaretargeting,,handsomecherubicguyswith highbloodsugarandlowself-control.

Putyourselfinmyshoesforaminute.You’reminding yourownbusinessandheadingintothegrocerystoreto buyfruitsandvegetablesandwhateverotherhorrific thingswe’resupposedtotellpeoplethatwe’rebuyingat thestore,andyouaregreetedbyateamofyoungentrepreneurswhodon’tonlyhaveimpressivesalesmanshipskills butarealsoarmedwithTagalongs.AndDo-si-dos.And Samoas.AndThinMints.

Look,it’shardenoughformetosaynotoayoungpersonwhoisshowingsomehustle—I’masuckerwhenit comestorootingforyoungpeoplewho“putinthework.”

So,it’sabsolutelyludicroustoexpectmetojustwalkby thesehard-chargersandthebountyofcookiesbehind themwithoutputtingafewboxesinmycart.


So,intothecartmynewly-purchasedboxesofcookies go.Thereisamixtureofshameoveryetanotherpoordietarydecisiononmypart,andelationoverthathintof peanutbutterandchocolatethatwillwaftovermysenses assoonasItearopenthepackagingtomyTagalongswhen Ifinishmychoreandgethome.

Andthatanticipationcaptureseverypartofmysenses asI(quickly)makemywaythroughtheproducesection andtothemeats.Youknowthatsaying,“Likeakidina candystore?”That’smeinthemeatdepartment.Isubconsciouslywipeawayagrowingpuddleofsalivafrommy chinasIscopeoutthebeef,chickenandporkproductslaid

outbeforeme—chillytemptressesthatarebeckoningfor metobringthemhome.

Foramoment,Idon’teventhinkaboutmydelicious stackofGirlScoutcookiesthataresittinginthecart.No, thisis“myzone,”andtheonlythingoccupyingmynormally-muddledmindisthescrumdiddlyumptiousarrayof flavorsthatawaitaspotinmyfridgeathome.AsIsaid, thisismypersonalcandystore. Only...sometimesitisn’t. Navigatingmynow-heaviercart awayfromthemeatsection,sparks flyingfromthecart’smetalthatis beingdraggedalongthefloorunder thetonnageofmeatandcookies,Inoticeadisplayattheendofoneofthe aisles.It’sacandystore.

Well,it’sattheleastagiganticdisplayofcandy.Easter candy,tobeprecise.

Onasidenote,haveyounoticedhowmuchbetterEaster candyisnowthanitusedtobe?Irememberuntangling Peepsfromplasticgrass,andthensittingdownto“enjoy”a moundofhard-boiledeggs,JordanAlmonds,jellybeansand ahollowed-outchocolateEasterBunnythatcrumbledfaster thanmywillpoweratGirlScoutcookietable.

Eastercandynowisamazing.ThefinepeopleatReese’s havemanagedtomarrypeanutbutterandchocolatein nearlyanyproducttheywishtopush,andevenjellybeans arebeingofferedinaplethoraofflavorsandthemes.There arenowTootsieRollEggsforsale,people.TootsieRoll Eggs,fortheloveofGod.

Weliveinexcitingtimes.Andwe’regoingtoneed largershoppingcartsiftheykeepmakingbettercandy.

Yeah,yeah.Ihearyou.Alittleself-controlonmypart wouldprobablygoalongway,andthat’sfair.Butyoucan’t tellabirdnottofly,orasingernottosingorafatguynot toattempttoshove394poundsofprocessedsugarinto...


Yes,Iknewthatloadingupthecartwithallthatnotso-good-for-youstuffwasnotthemostresponsibleofdecisionsI’veevermade.Igetit.Ihadadequatelevelsof uneasinesswhenIcheckedoutandstartedmywayback outtomyvehicle,onlytoseethoseGirlScoutswerestill outfront.















Editorial Columns
TheCoastalPointispublishedweeklyat 111AtlanticAve.,OceanView,DE19970. Themailingaddressis: P.O.Box1324, OceanView,DE19970. Phone:302.539.1788. Fax:302.539.3777. Deadlineforadvertisingandnewssubmissions is5p.m.Monday.Alladvertisementscreatedby theCoastalPointarepropertyofCoastalPointLLC, andcannotbereplicatedwithoutpermission.
Point of No Return
Darin J. McCann
It’sjustabouttimetospringintothenextseason March10,2023 Page13

Keeleyweighsin onACCIIproposal

Editor’snote:Thefollowingletterwas addressedtoDNRECSecretaryShawnM. GarvinandwassenttotheCoastalPoint forpublication.

Iamwritingtoexpressmydisbelief inyourcontinuedplanstoimplement California’sAdvancedCleanCarII (ACCII)regulationshereinDelaware.I understandthatyouaredoingsoat Gov.JohnCarney’sinstructions.That doesnotmakeitright!Norwrong,for


Iandmanyothersquestiontheneed and reasoningofoneseekingtoimplementACCIIanywhere!Ialsodonot understandthehysteriaassociatedwith climatechangethathassomanyinvestedinvirtuallydestroyingourand theworld’seconomytofixaproblem thathasbeendiscreditedbyseriousdetractors,almostallofwhichhavebeen virtuallyignoredbyWesternWorld leadersandthemedia.Additionally,I donotunderstandwhywe,i.e.,the WesternWorld,thinkthatifwetake draconianactions,likeimplementing ACCII,wewillsavetheworldwhileso manyothers,mostofwhichareour competitors,continuetorampuptheir useofavailableenergysources!That seemstomeismorethanalittledelusional!

ButIdigress,letmegetbackto Delaware.Ithinkyoumaybeawareof arecentCaesarRodneyInstitutepoll onthisverysubject.CaesarRodneyInstituteusedmethodologythatinsureda representativedistributionwithamarginoferrorofplusorminus6percent. Thequestionaskedis,“Doyousupport oropposeabanonthesaleofnewcars andtrucksthatarepoweredbygasoline ordiesel”?Theresponsewasaresounding“No”!Itwas“No”acrossRepublican,IndependentandDemocratparty lineswithresponsesof82percent,77 percentand64percent,respectively! Anditwas“No”for73percentofall Delawareans!Tomethat’sasignificant response,soIaskthatyoureconsider yourposition.

Onefinalquestion.DoyouandGov. CarneyreallywanttolowerDelawareto the standardsofCalifornia?

ThomasM.KeeleyIII OceanView

Readergratefulfor community’sefforts


Iwouldliketosendmajorkudosto ourwonderfulcommunityafterthe tragicfireinOceanView.Fromthepolicedepartment,firedepartment,neighborsandfriendsthathaverallied aroundtheCarrshaswarmedmyheart.

Iespeciallywasoverwhelmedbythe supportatthedine-and-donateatSummerSalts.Theworkandeffortsby manymadetheeventasuccess,Thanks to vendorsfordonationsandthepeople whoaskedandcollectedsame.

Mr.Rogerswouldsay,“WhenIwas aboyandIwouldseescarythingsin thenews,mymotherwouldsaytome, ‘Lookforthehelpers.Youwillalways findpeoplewhoarehelping.’”

Thankyouforyourhumanityand love.Itwasaprivilegetowitnessandto beapartof.

NancyPiel OceanView

SouthBethanyoffers replenishmentupdate


TheU.S.ArmyCorpsofEngineers (USACE)PhiladelphiaDistricthasannounced thebeachnourishmentschedulefortheCityofRehoboth,and TownsofDewey,Bethany,South Bethany,andFenwickIsland.

Thetotalprojectconsistsofa1.129 millioncubicyardbase,withSouth Bethanyreceiving287,000cubicyards. Inadditiontobeachfillwork,thebase bidincludestherepairofpedestrian,vehicularandAmericanswithDisabilities Act(ADA)dunecrossovers,plantingof dunegrass,andinstallationofnewsand fence.Thecontractor,WeeksMarine

Inc., willperformbeachfillwork24 hoursperday,sevendaysaweek,to completethecontract.Workrestrictions includethecompleteshutdownofoperations(FridaythroughMonday)MemorialDayweekend,July4thweekend andLaborDayweekend.

Accordingtotheinitialproject schedule,theprojectisexpectedto begininRehobothinMarchandmove south,endinginFenwickIsland.Barringnoconstructionorweatherdelays, workinSouthBethanyisslatedto begin May15andisscheduledtobe completedwithin17days.However,becauseoftheextensivedamagesfromthe 2022Maynor’easter,optionalworkhas beenproposed,whichcouldextend SouthBethany’sprojectpossiblyinto mid/lateJune.Crossoverrepairsand sandfenceinstallationisscheduledfor August.

Duetothetimingofthisprojectand thelossofourADArampatS.3rd Street,theTownCouncilisinvestigatingotheroptionsfortheuseofMobimatstoassistbeachgoersacrossthe dunes andontothebeach.Wehopeto havetheseplansreadybymid-March andwillannounceoncefinalized.Asin thepast,ourlifeguardswillbeavailable foranyassistancerequestedinnavigatingthebeachcrossovers.

Undoubtedly,manyquestionthe timingofthisproject.Unfortunately, neithertheUSACE,StateofDelaware, northeaffectedcommunitieshavethe abilitytoschedulenourishment.Instead,schedulingisdrivenbymanyfactors suchasfundingandsupply availability,acquisitionofpermits,surveyandplandevelopment,andtheextensivebiddingprocessforthe project.WhiletheTownrecognizesthat

14 CoastalPoint March10,2023 Fresh, Local Seasonal Cuisine 84 Atlantic Avenue, Ocean View, DE 19970 Call 302.539.Café (2233) R e s e r v a t i o n s O n l y We Recommend Making Your Reservation 1-2 Weeks In Advance The Beach’s Premier Boutique Restaurant Winter Hours Thurs - Sat 5-9pm Indoor & Outdoor Dining (Weather Permitting) Prime Rib Night $30 Thursday Nights e V n snt i o EL : ECTION Before Frida 201 Centr Tow To mail your voter r y in Stop b March 24 ay, Avenue tral n Clerk m to: ation for registr n person or r a Vie Ocean DE 19979 ew, 29P Atlantic Ave. • Ocean View, DE 302.616.2604 • Ocean Vayu Yoga “Bend so you don’t break.” Tai Chi Starts Back Up 3/14 & 3/16 for a 6 Week Series Spring Equinox Sound Healing 3/25 3:30-4:30 Letters SeeLETTERSpage15


OnWednesday,March15,localfood writerDeniseClemonswillpresenta talkbasedonherbook,“ACulinary HistoryofSouthernDelaware.”She willdescribethehistorybehindlocalingredientsandcookingtechniquesfrom thetimeoftheNanticokeIndians throughthefoodsstillbelovedtoday, includingscrapple,beachplumsand muskrat.

Theeventissponsoredbythe BethanyBeachCultural&Historical


thisisnotidealtiming,wearegrateful tohaveourdunesrebuiltfortheprotectionofthebeachandourcommunity.

What’snext?Oceanfrontproperty ownerswillreceiveinformationfrom SeismicSurveysLLC,regardingmonitoringalongthecoastduringconstruction.Questionsregardingthis informationshouldbedirectedtothe namesspecificallydesignatedintheletter.Asareminder,forthesafetyof everyonevisitingSouthBethany,work zonesarestrictlyoff-limits.

Weanticipate sendingoutroutine updatesoncetheprojectisinitiatedand —alongwithTownstaff—willkeep thecommunityapprisedasmoreinfor-

AffairsCommitteeandwilltakeplace in TownHall,214GarfieldParkway,at 5p.m.

DeniseClemonsholdsabachelor’s degreeinbiopsychologyfromVassar Collegeandamaster’sdegreeinwritingfromJohnsHopkinsUniversity.

Shespenttheearlyyearsofhercareer asanexecutiveinthetechnologyindustry,thenturnedtothenon-profit arena,focusingonmuseums.Sheserves ontheBoardofTrusteesoftheRe-


Readerresponds topreviousletter


AFenwickIslandEnvironmental Committeepresentedalettertothe CoastalPointofFeb.24regarding theirfearsofmarine-lifedeathsdueto thepresenceofoffshorewindactivities. Thisconcernismisdirectedbecause thereisno“smokinggun”relativeto offshorewindactivities.If,infact,we sawharpoonsstickingintothedead whales,wecouldidentifythesourceof thekillersbyfindingwhohasharpoons ontheirboats,butinthecaseofmysteriouswhaledeaths,thehypothesisthat

Don’t just go to the movies. Go to the...

hobothArtLeagueandtheLewes HistoricalSociety.Sheispast-regent oftheCol.DavidHallChapter DaughtersoftheAmericanRevolution andservesthegroupatthestateand nationallevels.

Clemonshaswrittenaweeklyfood columnfortheCapeGazettenewspapersince2005,andheraward-winning book“ACulinaryHistoryofSouthern Delaware”waspublishedbytheHistory Press.Shehaspublishedfiction,non-

somehowwindcompaniesareaccidentallyresponsibleistoovagueandalso ignoresthemassiveresearchscientists haveconductedontheeffectofsonar surveysbyU.S.WindandØrsted.

Whaleshaveahearingresponseat frequenciesthataretoolowtobeaffectedinanywaytothehigherfrequenciescomingfromsonar.Infamous governmentregulationsplaceextreme restrictionsonwindcompanies,which musttakeextraordinaryprecautionsto avoidhurtingwhales,dolphinsand otherpreciousoceanmammals.

Therealdangertothemcomes fromrisingoceantemperaturesand risingacidlevels,whichdriveawaythe foodneededtokeepwhalesalive.This isdirectlycausedbyhumansburning fossilfuelsforenergy.Windturbines willprovidethatenergyinspadesifallowedtodosobythepoliticalsystem.

fictionandpoetryinjournals,chapbooksandanthologies.Sheconducts writingworkshops,cookingdemonstrationsandhistorylecturesacrosstheregion.

Since2005,theBethanyBeachCultural&HistoricalAffairsCommittee hasbeensponsoringculturaleventsduringtheoff-season.Topicsofinterestrun thegamutfromshipwrecksandtreasurestomusicandhistorictales.Allprogramsarefreeandopentothepublic.

Thoseofuswhoreallycareabout whalesapplaudtheeffortsofwind companieswhomustusethefinancial resourcesmadeavailablethroughcapitalismtobuildouttheturbinefarms. Touristswhoareassumedtofleeto otherplacesbecausetheymightsee turbinesonthehorizonwhenpeeking throughbinocularshaveaproblem: Whatotherplacescantheygoto? NewJerseycoastswillalsohaveturbinefarmsasfarastheeyecansee, andVirginiaBeach,alongwithNorth Carolinabeaches,allhaveplansfor these“green”sourcesofenergy. Meanwhile,weneedfreshelectricitytofuelelectriccarsandtheturbines canandwillprovideitwithoutkilling whalesandanyotherprecious denizensofthedeep.

March10,2023 CoastalPoint 15
DELAWARE’S ONLY CLASSIC SINGLE-SCREEN THEATRE! RATED PG13 Fri. 03/03 thru Thurs. 03/16 RETURNS TO THE BIG SCREEN Mon. March 13th 7 PM CURRENT FEATURE: Tues.-Sun. Evenings at 7 PM Fri., Sat., Sun. & Mon. Mat. at 3 PM Open Caption Screening: Wed. 03/15: 3 PM CLASSICS RETURN: Mon. 03/13 at 7 PM THE QUIET MAN (1959) Advance Tickets for all shows available at: Same Day Tickets available at the Box Office 30 Mins. before showtime Location: 33246 Main St., Dagsboro, DE 19939 Box Office Info.: (302) 732-3744 • Of An Age Sat Mon Mar 11 Mar 13 5:00 pm 6:00 pm Let It Be Morning Fri Sat Thu Mar 10 Mar 11 Mar 16 1:00 pm 4:00 pm 1:00 pm Linoleum Fri Mon Thu Mar 10 Mar 13 Mar 16 5:00 pm 1:00 pm 5:00 pm Living Sun Wed Mar 12 Mar 15 4:00pm 4:00pm JFF: Lost in Transport WedMar 153:00 pm Close Fri Sat Mar 10 Mar 11 2:00 pm 2:00 pm The Whale Sat Wed Mar 11 Mar 15 1:00 pm 1:00 pm Turn Every Page: The Adventures of Robert Cairo & Robert Gottlieb 17701 Dartmouth Drive Lewes 302-645-9095 Mary Cassatt: Painting the Modern Women MonMar 132:00 pm March 15-19 JFF: America WedMar 156:00 pm JFF: The Narrow Bridge ThuMar 163:00 pm JFF: Farewell, Mr. Haffmann ThuMar 166:00 pm Sun Mon Mar 12 Mar 13 1:00 pm 5:00 pm Women Talking Fri Sun Mar 10 Mar 12 6:00 pm 5:00 pm Anime Matinee Belle SunMar 12 2:00 pm


OnSaturday,March11,afterseveral weeksofprayer,discussionandlistening toguestspeakers,membersofMariners UnitedMethodistChurchinOcean ViewwillvoteonwhetherornottodisassociatefromtheUnitedMethodist Church.

“Wehavebeengoingthroughadiscernmentprocess.Wehavebeenhaving churchmeetings.Districtrepresentativeshavecomedown.Wehavebrought inpeoplewithdifferentpointsofview. Wehavehadpresentations,questionand-answerperiodsforourchurch,and about10otherchurchesparticipatedas well,fromtheregion,”DennisRader, actingchairmanofPastorParishRelations,toldtheCoastalPoint.

Todisassociate,thevotehastobea two-thirdsmajority.Raderwouldn’t predicttheoutcomeandtheRev.Dr. RebeccaCollison,churchpastor,said shecouldn’tcommentindepth,butwas thankfulchurchmemberswere“prayerfullyandintentionallyconsideringwhat nextstepstotakeornottakeasa church.”

ThereasonforpossibledisassociationisthatMethodistdoctrinedefines homosexualityasincompatiblewith Christianteachings,yetbishopswhoare insame-sexrelationshipswereelected

andareservinginthechurch,despite whatthechurch’sBookofDiscipline says.

“Thatisaproblemforsomeofus. Notbecauseofthehomosexualityissue —webelieveallindividualsareofsacredworth—butbecausetherules aren’tbeingenforced.Wheredoesthat stop?Andwheredoesitstart?Bishops arenotupholdingtheBookofDiscipline,andwecannolongertrustthe denomination’sleadershiptorepresent thebeliefswehold.Youcan’tjustapply therulesyouagreewith.Thesearethe rulesoftheworldwideMethodist Church,”Radersaid.

“Ifwevotetostay,itmeansweare goingtostaywithintheUnited MethodistChurch,whatevertherules are.Ifwevotetodisassociate,that means wedon’ttrustcurrentleadership andwecanmakeourowndecisions.We wouldbeeitheranindependentchurch orjoinanotherdenomination.It’sa hugestep,”hesaid.

“Fromourperspective,it’smorethat theleadershipisnotfulfillingitsobligation.Itisignoringtherulesandthe doctrineoftheUnitedMethodist Church.Theyhavechosennottofulfill theirduties.OurBookofDisciplineis 800pageslong.Oneitemsays,ascurrentlywrittenandashasbeenupheld since 1968,homosexualityisnotkeepingwithourChristiansbeliefs.Thatis


“Mariners’positionis,wearetraditionalists,andmarriageisbetweenone manandonewoman,andwewanttobe awelcomingchurchtoallpeople,regardlessofwhotheyare.Wedon’tsee thatasacontradiction,becauseevery oneofushassinned.Youcan’tjustpick outonesin,”hesaid.

Asthedecisionisbeingmade,the churchhasundertakenathree-pronged effort“todeterminewhereGodisleadingus,”hesaid.

“ThisincludesBiblestudieswehave hadonthediscernmentpath.Wehave hadtwice-weeklyprayersessionsforthe community,andwehavehadalistening-postsessions.Wehavebroughtin outsidepastorswhorepresentdifferent pointsofviewregardingthepositions,” hesaid.

ThoseincludedDistrictSuperintendenttheRev.JosephArchie,who outlinedtheUnitedMethodisthistory;theRev.DavidBennettofWesleyanCovenantAssociationandthe GlobalMethodistChurch,visiting Mariner’swiththeRev.Jonathan Whitney,aretiredUnitedMethodist pastorwhoisaffiliatedwiththe GlobalMethodistChurch;theRev. TomPastmore,representingthe UnitedMethodistChurchNext,a moreprogressivewing;andtheRev. BruceRogersofLongneckMethodist,


The churchhasalsopostedfrequentlyaskedquestionsandanswers, inc ludingreasonsthat“informedour movetodisaffiliate.”

Asstated,theyarelackoftrustand confidenceintheUMC’sseniorleadership,ashiftintheprior“Conservative CentristProgressive”leadershipthatled toa“moreprogressivepaththatwehave todayunderthecurrentBookofDisciplineandhistoricalWesleyandoctrine” anddifferingviewsonbeliefsabout humansexuality.

Radersaidhomosexualcoupleshave alwaysbeenwelcomeatMariners,and that willcontinue.

“Wewelcomeandinviteallpeople, regardlessofwhotheyare.Ipersonally believehavingpeopleofdifferenttheologiesishealthyforourorganization. Everybodybelievingthesamething, everybodyhavingthesamethoughts— youwanttohavedifferentviewpoints andyouwanttohavedifferentsolutions.Ithinksomepeoplewillleaveregardlessofthedecision.Andother peoplewillcomeandjointhechurch. GodhasaplanforMariners,andallwe havetodoistrustinhisplanandhe willguideuswherehewantsustobe,” Radersaid.

Marinershasabout800members, butnotallofthemareactive.

16 CoastalPoint March10,2023


It may be cold out but we are already dreaming up an epic summer.At Governors, downtown Lewes and resort style living are at your fingertips but the opportunity to live in this one of a kind community won’t last! With only 10 homesites remaining, now is the time to make Governors your home by summer.

Scan the QR code to learn more and schedule an appointment

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Covered patio with outdoor fireplace Kids’ splash zone and tot lot Clubhouse and fitness center Tennis and pickleball courts

All information and
to change without notice. March10,2023 CoastalPoint 17
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FrancisAnthonyAvallone,93,of Selbyville,Del.,diedThursday,Feb. 16,2023,athome.Hewasbornin Rochester,N.Y.,sonofthelateGene AvaloneandViolet(Curingha)Avalone.

Hewasaretiredresearchbiologist atArmedForcesInstituteofPathologyattheWalterReedCampusin Washington,D.C.HeservedinU.S. AirForceduringtheKoreanWar, andwasamemberoftheAmerican LegionandVFW.

Avalloneissurvivedbyhiswife, HedwigG.Avallone;adaughter, JaniceJ.PattersonofOceanPines, Md.;astep-daughter,MartaBaxter ofSt.Thomas,V.I.;abrother,Robert Avalone,andhiswife,Valerie,of Webster,N.Y.;hisnephews,Chad andCraigAvaloneofWebster,N.Y.; andabrother-in-law,WilliKalvitis ofWestChazy,N.Y.

Amemorialservicewillbeheld laterinthespring.Inlieuofflowers, donationsinAvallone’smemorymay bemadetotheNationalFederation oftheBlind, JerniganPlace,Baltimore,MD 21230.Condolencesmaybesentby


RobertMartin“Bob”GrossSr., 86,ofMillsboro,Del.,andformerly ofUpperMarlboro,Md.,passed awayonTuesday,Feb.21,2023,at Bayhealth—SussexCampusinMilford,Del.HewasbornonOct.10, 1936,inWashington,D.C.,tothe lateGeorgeW.GrossandHelen HoyleGross.

HegrewupinPrinceGeorge’s County,Md.,mainlyinGreenbelt andHyattsville.Hewasahuge sportsfan,andplayedbasketballand baseballallthroughouthisyouthand highschoolyears.Hewasafanofall theprofessionalsportsteamscenteredaroundWashington,D. C., mostlytheWashingtonRedskins, Capitals,BulletsandSenators(now theWashingtonNationals).Hewas especiallyfondofhisdaysinthe 1950ssneakingintoByrdStadiumto watchtheMarylandTerrapinsplay football.Grossenjoyedsportsso muchthat,laterinhislife,hetooka

part-timejobintheexecutivesuites attheCapitalCentreandlaterthe VerizonCenter,justtobeableto catchalltheaction.

AfterhegraduatedfromBladensburgHighSchoolin1954,Gross joinedtheU.S.Army,wherehewasa radarrepairer.Afterhegotoutofthe Army,hejoinedthePr inceGeorge’s CountyPoliceDepartmentand served20years,retiringasasergeant in1980.In1968,hemarriedBarbara.Theyraisedtheirfamilyona quietstreetinUpperMarlboro,Md. Heenjoyedtheirlargeyard,wherehe andBarbaraspenttheirtimelandscapingtheirheartsout.HealsoenjoyedthedaytripsheandBarbara wouldtake.Somedays,theywould getintothecarandgotowherever theirheartswouldtakethem,destinationunknown.Theyenjoyed spendingtimeatSkylineDrive,SugarloafMountain,andC&OCanal NationalPark.

HeenjoyedreadingandDIYprojects.Oneofhisprojectsincluded buildingalargewooddeckthatcompletedtheiringroundpool.Itwas therethattheyenjoyedmanysummerafternoonsandeveningswithhis friendsfromthepolicedepartment.

Grosswasahardworkerandhad astrongworkethic.Afterretiring fromthepolicedepartment,he workedforChevyChaseBankasan investigator.Heultimatelyworked formanyyearsattheTeamsters buildinginWashington,D. C.,and alsohispart-timejobjustafew blocksawayattheVerizonCenter. AfterheandBarbaramovedtothe DelmarvaPeninsula,hesloweddown alittleandworkedonlyonejob:asa bailiffintheDistrictCourtinSalisbury,Md.

Hewasknowntobeakindman withagreatsenseofhumor.Hewas awonderfulhusband,father,grandfather,brotherandfriendwhowillbe dearlymissed.

Grossissurvivedbyhisdevoted wifeof54years,BarbaraAnnGross, ofMillsboro,Del.;abrother,Warren (andJayne)GrossofNewSmyrna Beach,Fla.;fivechildren,Debbie MarzecofManassas,Va.,Patricia Ly nnBecraftofRanson,W.Va., RobertMartinGrossJr.(andDebra) ofBossierCity,La.;TracyAnnWilfredofO’Fallon,Mo.,andWilliam Gross(andJennifer)ofAnnapolis, Md.Healsoleavesbehind12grandchildrenandmanygreat-grandchildren,alongwithextendedfamily membersandfriends.

Amemorialservicewillbeheldat 2p.m.onMarch25,2023,atthe WatsonFuneralHome,211S.WashingtonSt.,Millsboro,Del.,where friendsmaycallfrom1to2p.m.for visitation.IntermentwillbeatArlingtonNationalCemeteryatalater dateandtime.Lettersofcondolence

ThomasEdward ‘Tom’Knight,74

ThomasEdward“Tom”Knight, 74,wasbornJuly28,1948.HedepartedthislifeonMarch2,2023,at hishomeinSeaford,Del.Hewasthe sonofthelateEthelKnightof Bridgeville,Del.

Hewasadedicatedemployeefor manyyearsofGeorge&Lynchbeforeretiring.

Inadditiontohismother,Knight wasprecededindeathbytwosisters,

18 CoastalPoint March10,2023 & Package Cocktail Accessories, Mixers, Garnish & Cups 302-616-2657 Open Fri., Sat. & Sun • 1-5:30pm 98 Garfield Pkwy., Unit 108 Blue Surf Building on the Boardwalk Justice For Gavin Wines, Beer, Spirits, Cocktails & Seltzers
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Obituaries SeeOBITSpage43


Minutes to both Lewes and Rehoboth

Arbor-Lyn is a local’s dream perfectly placed just minutes away from all that Rehoboth and Lewes have to offer. Travel like a local and enjoy easy access to local restaurants, grocery stores, and shopping without ever going on any major highways.

This community is 4.2 miles to downtown Rehoboth and 4.8 miles to Lewes. Homeowners can go “Left for Lewes” and “Right for Rehoboth” with ease allowing them to enjoy both coastal beach towns.

Clubhouse and Outdoor Pool

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Basement Homesites Available

Easy Access to Restaurants and Shopping

Scan the QR code to learn more and schedule an appointment

information issubjectto
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change without notice.
March10,2023 CoastalPoint 19


TheSussexConservationDistrict (SCD)recognizedsevenofthe county’stop2023Conservation StewardshipAwardwinnerson Wednesday,March1,atPlantation LakesGolf&CountryClubin Millsboro.D.R.Hortonwonthe homebuilderandresidentialdeveloperoftheyeartopprizes.Environmentalconsultingcompany Envirotechpickeduparecognition, asdidtheCarlM.Freemancompaniesforaresidentialproject.

BillPfaff,directoroftheSussex CountyEconomicDevelopmentauthority,providedakeynoteaddress onthedynamicworkofbalancing smartdevelopmentandconservation. Hesaidwhateconomicdevelopment


CoastalPoint•MikeSmith EnvirotechEnvironmentalConsulting Inc.(EECI)acceptsthe2023ConservationStewardshipAwardforgreenconservationonWednesday,March1. Picturedfromleft,are:DavidBaird,SCD district coordinator;ToddFritchman, EECIpresident;andJessicaWatson,SCD sedimentandstormwaterprogrammanager.

20 CoastalPoint March10,2023 CP CP CP CP COUPON GOOD FOR ONLY 1 PERSON. Coupons cannot be combined with other offers or specials. COUPON GOOD FOR ONLY 1 PERSON. Coupons cannot be combined with other offers or specials. COUPON GOOD FOR ONLY 1 PERSON. Coupons cannot be combined with other offers or specials. COUPON GOOD FOR ONLY 1 PERSON. Coupons cannot be combined with other offers or specials. Sasha’s Jewels, LLC JEWELRY REPAIR • CUSTOM DESIGNS & APPRAISALS Jewelry BUY• SELL TRADE Why consign? Immediate payment for your items. You will be treated like family & given individual attention. Gemologist (302) 296-6909 202GumboroRd,Selbyville,DE HoursComingThisSpring AppointmentsOnlyNow Nancy LaFontaine AKC CGC Evaluator ABC Certified Dog Trainer Got Behavioral Problems? LET’S TALK! AKC Canine Good Citizen Group & Private Classes • Positive Reinforcement 302-236-2497

reallymeansisthecreationofwealth fromwhichcommunitybenefitsare derived.

“SussexCountyisfocusedonthe retention,attractionandexpansionof business,andmypersonalmissionis tocreateanentrepreneurialculture here,”saidPfaff.

“Followingasuccessfulfirstyear, wewereexcitedtoseeincreasedinterest,andwereceivednearlydouble thenumberofentriesfromlastyear. Ourgoalistorecognizeorganizationswhoexceedregulations,”said JessicaWatson,SCDsedimentand stormwaterprogrammanager.

Watsonsaiditwas“evidentthat everyoneintheroomcaresdeeply aboutwheretheyliveandwork.”

StateRep.RonGray,Sussex CountyCouncilVicePresidentJohn L.Rieley,whoservesontheboardof theSCD,andChristopheTulou,executivedirectoroftheDelawareCenterfortheInlandBays(CIB)who helpsoverseetheconservationdistrictwinningentries,werealsoinattendance.

“Thesebuildersaredoingitright,” saidRieley.“Iaminauniqueposition ofservingonboththecountycouncil andtheconservationdistrict.Ithink thisisabigdeal”toreceivethese awards.

Duringtheawardsceremony,SCD sharedvideotestimonialsofeach winnertoshowcasethewinner’senthusiasmanddedicationtoprotectingnaturalresources.

For2023,27entriesweresubmittedacrosssevencategories;awardrecipientswereselectedbyapanelof sevenjudgesconsistingofconservationpartnersDNREC,theCIB,SussexCountyEngineeringDepartment, SCDstaffandboardmembers.

2023ConservationStewardship Awardcategoriesandwinnersinclude:

•CertifiedConstructionReviewer —NateTorrijos,TORREngineering;

•DesignTeam—Davis,Bowen& Friedel;

•Developer(residential)—D. R. HortonInc.;

•GreenConservation—EnvirotechEnvironmentalConsulting Inc.;

•HomeBuilder(51+homesor more)—D.R.HortonInc.;

•ProjectManager(residential)— RichRishel,CarlM.FreemanCompanies;and

•SiteContractor(residential)— CorradoConstructionCo.

SCDheldtheinauguralConservationStewardshipAwardin2022 andhopestocatalyzefuturevoluntaryconservationwiththesesecondyearrecipientsandthebehaviorsthey aremodeling.

RichRishelofCarlM.Freeman Companiesreceivedastandingovationforhislongtimeserviceinthe communityandfriendshipwithother developers.Henotedinacceptingthe projectmanageraward,“Ourwork startsfromthegroundup.Wedoour workinthedirt.Itisournaturalland wherepeoplewanttomoveto,sowe needtokeepitthatway,”saidRishel. HealsopraisedtheFreemanfamily duringhisacceptance.

ToddFrichtman,presidentofEnvirotech,whichwonforgreenconservationandisheadquarteredin Lewes,said,“Thisisarealfeatherin ourhat.Wedevelopedalivingshorelinetohelpusstoperosion.WestabilizedabanktoprotecttheRehoboth Bay.”

“Iwantedtoalsoaddthatwe thinkJessicaWatsonatSCDisthe bestintheindustry.Sheisalwaysorganizedandhasagreatdemeanor,”

workinginsedimentandstormwater control,addedFrichtman,toapplause fromthecrowd.

SteveFrisina,alanddevelopment managerforD. R.Horton,saidthat non-pointsourcepollutionor stormwaterandfieldrun-offisstill themajorpollutionissuehereinSussexCounty.

“Thisisourhome,too,”said FrisinaaboutHorton’swork.

JayHeilman,alsowithD. R.Horton,notedthattheconstructioncompanytriestocreatea“smart partnershipwithDNRECandSCD andensurethatourdevelopmentsexceedthesedimentreductiongoals.”

Gray,whohasworkedasadeveloperinhiscareer,saidhewasamazed attheenvironmentalengineering workinmanyoftheSussexCounty developmentprojects.

“Ihavetogivecredittothese awardwinnersandwhattheyare

doing,”saidGray.“Iapplaudallfacets oftheseprojects,andIbelievethe SCDConservationAwards,byexample,willencourageotherstowantto doagoodjob.”

“Everyonehereisworkingso closelytogether,ithasbecomea community,”saidGray.“JessicaWatsonreallyhelpsourtowns.Sheis helpingtofixtheenvironmentalimpacts,andsoit’snicetoseeherable torewardthoseaward-winningprojects.”

“Wehadtwiceasmanyapplicants astheyearbefore,”saidWatson.“The DelawareCenterfortheInlandBays hasreviewedallofourprojects,andI wantedtothankChristopheTulou andtheenvironmentalscienceteams atthecenter.”

“Thesehigh-valueconstruction anddevelopmentprojectscanbereallychallenging,”saidWatson.

Ocean View: Open 7 Days –10am-5pm • 30244 Cedar Neck Rd. • 302-539-6597 Watch Batteries Installed | Watch Bands Installed Bracelet Watch Bands Shortened | Key Fob Batteries Installed OUR BEST SALE IN 50 YEARS! 4,000 PIECES OF WINTER & SUMMER FASHIONS $14.90 EACH or 2 for $20 Ryka Ladies’ Walking & Tennis Shoes Approx 24 Different Styles Only$39.99 (MSRP $79.98) (Sizes 5-11, Med. & Wide) Over 100 Pairs to Choose From! 60% OFF Fall 2022 Fashions TKD $48-$99 New Spring Arriving Daily March10,2023 CoastalPoint 21 Stewardship Continuedfrompage20

OceanCity,Md.,willbeaglowin greenastheSt.Patrick’sParade&Festival,sponsoredbytheDelmarvaIrish AmericanClub(DIAC),returnsSaturday,March11.WhileCOVID-19restrictionsandstormsforcedthe cancelationoftheOceanCitytradition thelastthreeyears,theDIACannouncedthisweekthattheparadewill bebiggerandbetterthaneverin2023. Theevent,whichbeganin1980,has growntobecomethelargestSt. Patrick’sDayparadeinMarylandand istheseasonalkick-offformanylocal businesses.Overtheyears,theDIAC —a501(c)(3)socialorganization— hasdonatedmore than$530,000from paradeproceedstoscholarshipsfor localhighschoolstudentsandtoother charitiesandorganizations.TheDIAC isespeciallyproudtohavemadea $50,000donationtotheMackyand PamStansellHouseatCoastalHospice,representativessaid.

Pipeanddrumbandswillbringthe soundsofIrelandtothestreetsof OceanCity,alongwithhighschool marchingbandsandfestivelydecorated floatssponsoredbylocalbusinesses, groupsandorganizations.Leadingthe paradewillbeBillyandMadlyn Carderasthisyear’sgrandmarshals. LarryHogan,formergovernorof Maryland,willmarchintheparadeas thehonorarygrandmarshal.

Theprocessionbeginsatnoonon CoastalHighwayat57thStreetand marchessouthtothe45thStreet ShoppingCenter,wheretheviewing bleachersandjudgingstandwillbelocated.Trophieswillbeawardedfor bestmarchingband,bestcommercial float,bestnon-commercialfloat,best motorizedunit,bestadultmarching unit,bestyouthmarchingunit,special committeeaward,judges’choiceaward andbestoverallentryintheparade.

Inadditiontothecelebrationonthe paraderoute,the45thStreetShopping Centerwillagainbetransformedintoa spiritedIrishfestival,completewith livemusicfromthePatO’Brennan Trio,Irishapparelandsouvenirsfor sale,aswellasfoodanddrink.Spectatorscanenjoythefree-admissionfestivalbeginningat11a.m.andrunning until3p.m.

Toavoidtrafficdelays,spectators arebeingurgedtoarrivebefore10:30 a.m.andtoviewtheparadefrom57th Streetsouthto45thStreet.

MikeBradleywillserveasparade emceeonthejudges’stand.Theparade willbelive-streamedbyUnSceneProductions,anddetailsofthestreamwill besharedontheDIACFacebook page.

There isnoraindatefortheparade orfestival.Formoreinformation,visit www.delmarvairish.orgorcontact BuckMannat(410)289-6156.

22 CoastalPoint March10,2023 Professional Service at the standard you deserve. Home • Auto • Farm • Flood • Boat & RV Renters • Commercial • Liability Over 50 Years Experience 302.539.9052 • 800.252.9052 1100 N. Pennsylvania Avenue & Coastal Highway • Bethany Beach, Delaware 19930 St.Patrick’sParade returnsSaturday



Mr.andMrs.Smithrecently purchasedtheirsecondhomein SussexCounty.Thepre-qualificationprocessisoneofthefirst stepstohouse-hunting.Itallows borrowerstonarrowdowntheir homesearchpriortoshopping foracondominium,townhomeor single-familyresidence,basedon severalfactors(income,downpayment,condominium fees,floodinsurance,etc.).Somefactorscouldincrease yourdebt-to-income,whichmayreduceyourborrowingability.ThisstepsavedMr.andMrs.Smithalotof time beforefindingtheirdreamhome.Pre-qualificationsareaquickhigh-levelviewofyourfinancialsituation.

Thepre-approvalprocessdemonstratesborrowers areseriouswhenmakinganofferonaparticularpropertyandthattheyarereadytomoveforward.This processrequiresverificationoftheborrower’sfinancial andpersonaldocuments.Mr.andMrs.Smithstood outinthiscompetitivemarketbecausetheysubmitted theirpre-approvalwiththeoffer.Pre-approvalsare morecomplex,withdiggingdeeperintothenumbers andverifyingthesupportingdocumentation.Pre-approvalscouldtakemoretimetoobtainfromyour lender,becausetheyaremoredetailed.

Whetheryouarepurchasingyourfirsthomeor yourlast,gettingpre-qualifiedandobtainingapre-approvalaretwosmartstepswhenapplyingforamortgage.


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Apre-approvalisamuch morereliableapprovalthana pre-qualification.Seasoned Realtorswhorepresentthe sellerwillbeabletodistinguishthisbythelanguageused inthelender’sapprovalletter. Inthepre-qualificationletter, thelanguageindicatestheapprovalisbasedoninformationthatthebuyertold theloanofficerbuthasnotbeenvettedwithactual documentation.Apre-approvalletter,however, willuselanguageintheapprovalletterthatspecificallystatesthattheincome,assetsandcredit scorehavebeenverified.Abigdifference!

Thebenefitofthepre-approval(whichstates documentationhasbeenverified)isthiswill greatlyminimizethechancesforaloantobedeclinedlateron.

Sometimes,Iamapproachedbyapotential clientwhowantstoknowwhattheyqualifyfor withoutyetprovidingtheirdocumentation,andI amhappytodothis.However,thisisnottobereliedonuntilIsetupamorecompleteloanfile.On morethanoneoccasion,theactualpre-approval thatIpreparelaterhascomeupwithdifferentresults,duetosomeomissionormisunderstanding onthepartoftheclient,soit’salwaysbesttodo thedocumentationlegworkearlyintheprocess, ratherthanlater.




Apre-qualificationisanestimateofwhatyoucanafford inamortgage.Apre-qualificationdoesnotincludeacredit pullorverificationofincome orassets.Itisgoodforsomeoneinthebeginningstagesof consideringpurchasinga home.

Apre-approvalwouldbeusedwhenyouare readytobeginlookingathousesandworkingwith aRealtor.Apre-approvalrequiresahardcredit pull,anddocumentationofyourincomeandassets.Itisamorein-depthlookandindicationof yourborrowingpower.MostRealtorsrequirea pre-approvalbeforetheywilltakeyoutolookat housesorsubmitwithanofferonahome,asthe pre-approvalshowsthattheborrower’scredit,incomeandassetshasbeenverifiedandissufficient forthehomeandfinancingthattheyarerequesting.

Afewyearsago,Ihadacallfromabuyerthat hadobtainedapre-qualificationfromanother lender.HisRealtorreferredhimtomeforaformal pre-approval.WhenIreceivedthefinancialdocumentsfromtheborrower,theydidnotqualifyfor theloanthattheythoughttheydid.Theyhadto purchasealower-pricedhome.



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The2023SpringDelawareState PoliceCitizensPoliceAcademywill beginonWednesday,March29.The academywillconsistofnineWednesday-nightsessions,eachrunning from6to8p.m.Mostoftheclasses willtakeplaceatDelawareStatePoliceTroop7,locatedat19444Mul-

berryKnollRoadinLewes,andthe SussexCountyEmergencyOperations Center,locatedat21911RudderLane inGeorgetown. Participantswilllearnaboutan arrayofpoliceactivitiesconsistent withwhattheDelawareStatePolice experiencetoday.TheAcademyin-

cludes,butisnotlimitedto,classroom instructiononevidenceprocessing, criminalandtrafficinvestigations, toursofDSPfacilities,familiarization withspecialunitsandothertopics. Additionally,participantswillhavethe opportunitytoridewithpatroltroopers.

Classsizewillbelimitedto25participants,andbackgroundcheckswill beconductedonallapplicants. ApplicationscanbesubmittedonlinethroughtheCitizensPoliceAcademywebsiteat

March10,2023 CoastalPoint 23 VintageToys&Games Toys, Board Games and the best selection of Vintage Finds on the Eastern Shore 302.406.0135• 117AtlanticAve.•Millville,DE19967 OpenThurs - Mon •10am–6pm • Closed Tues & Wed (302) 406-5864 • 117 Atlantic Ave. • Millville, DE 19967 Open Thurs - Mon • 10–6pm • Closed Tues & Wed Stop by Our New Store!
Walsh Bayer Sheats

Second Season SPECIALS

CommunityClub— TheSelbyvilleCommunity Clubiswelcomingnewmembers,andmeets onthesecondThursdayofeachmonthat SalemMethodistChurchat1p.m.,withasocialhourfromnoonto1p.m.Formoreinformation,visitselbyvillecommunityclub.orgor

FreeWrite— TheRehobothBeachWriters Guild(RBWG)willhostaweeklyFreeWrite sessionatSouthCoastalLibraryat10:30 a.m.Participants18andolderofallskilllevelswillpracticecreativewritinginafriendly andnurturingatmosphere.Attendinperson, orviaZoom.Thisisfree,andregistrationis requiredfortheZoomoption.Toregister,visit


NotesontheBeach— JeffCooperandhis long-timepianopartnerswillperformalively programofpastmusicalwinnersof“The Oscar”atSouthCoastalLibraryat3p.m.This isfree,andregistrationisgreatlyappreciated fortheZoomoption.Toregister,

YogaforBeginners— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostingacourseforyogisandbeginneryogisat11a.m.Whetheryouareyoung orold,overweightorfit,abeginneroradvanced,yogahasthepowertocalmthemind andstrengthenthebody.Youcanpay$20a monthforunlimitedyogaToregister,visit

LittleLearners— FrankfordPublicLibraryis hostingLittl eLearnersat10:30a.m.fora storytimesessionforages3-4,andtheir caregivers,topromoteliteracy.Thereisalso acraft,andanopportunitytoengagewith otherpre-schoolers.Registrationisrequired, orbycalling(302)732-9351.

SuperLearners— FrankfordPublicLibrary ishostingSuperLearnersat4p.m.fora storytimesessionforages5-7,andtheir caregivers,topromoteliteracy.Thereisalso acraftorSTEMproject,a ndanopportunity toengagewithotherchildren.Formoreinformation, (302)732-9351.


GentleYoga— MyraStock,acertifiedRYT instructorandregisteredYogaforArthritis teacher,isleadingagentleyogaclassat SouthCoastalLibraryat10a.m.Ayogamat isrequired,andnotprovided.Participants shouldalsobringatowelforextracushioning.Registrationislimitedandrequired,and .usorby calling(302)858-5518.

FridayMatinee— FrankfordPublicLibrary ishostingafridaymatineeat1p.m.The moviesareamixofadult,childrenand familymovies.Formoreinformation,visit

TuningUptheTemple— MarinersBethel UnitedMethodistChurchhosts“TuningUp theTemple”onMondays,Wednesdaysand Fridays,from9to10:15a.m.atTheHope Center.Theclassesaresession-based,not drop-in,socontactCar olLynchat(302) 745-8237orcklynch02@gmail.comfor moredetails.

24 CoastalPoint March10,2023 • Roland E. Powell Convention Center • 40th Street • Ocean City, MD Home Improvements, Décor and More! Fri. 10-5 • Sat. 10-5 Sun. 10:30-3:30 with Art & Craft Fair MARCH 17 • 18 • 19 Talk to the Pros. Hundreds of ideas for your home all under one roof!
Monday Fried Oyster Dinner $18 Grilled Pork Chops $17 Tuesday Cottage Fried Chicken $16 BBQ Baby Back Ribs $16 Wednesday Fried Shrimp Dinner $17 Cottage Shrimp & Grits $18 Thursday Prime Rib Dinner 8oz. $24 12oz. $30 Seafood Mac & Cheese $23 Friday “Fryday” Fish Fry $20 Choice of Cod, Flounder, or a combination Bourbon Bacon Salmon $20 Saturday Corned Beef & Cabbage $17 Sunday Roast Turkey Dinner $16 PUB PARTY TRIVIA with DJ Bump TUESDAYS @6PM Frank, Elvis & Raines Friday @ 5PM Open 7 Days at 11am • 302.539.8710 • 33034 Coastal Hwy, Rt. 1, Bethany Beach, DE
Saturday, March 11th & April 8th 10am–2pm @ Cottage Cafe Calendar
Evergre F FE f or fodaCalliny t f the most o x eene Homes is e NWICK ail vtion on a orma able neighb t desir ve ffer seo o cited t ISLAND lability and schedu t the be borhoods a om home al cust er D AREA our! ule a t each. or sale in some es f e Immedia oom 4 Bedr TER A A ATER ACCESS! W WA FENWICK t $1,225,000! ted a ve-in! Lis te Mo a ths | 3,070 SF ms | 3.5 Ba AREA learnmmo! Scodesto Scancodes lrnmore! Immedia oom 4 Bedr 38893 Ve Y VIEW A AYB RONT! t $950,000! ted a ve-in! Lis te Mo a ths | 3,016 SF ms | 3.5 Ba yville, DE 19975 y Drive, Selb andah Ba r WS! AREA BEACH ANAL F C B BETHANY oom 5 Bedr 28237 Pin ANAL F C n oom 4 Bedr 28235 Pin ths | 2810 SF ms | 45 Ba w, DE 19970 oad, Ocean Vie t Roiny P ne t $1,234,9 ted a f 2023! Lis Y FEBRUoAR ths | 2,632 SF ms | 3.5 Ba w, DE 19970 oad, Ocean Vie t Roiny P ne 900! FEBRUAR ALES@EVERGREENEHOMES.C S 1.855.54.BEACH t $1,309,900! ted a Y! Lis Y DELIVER R OM EHOMES.C ACH M March10,2023 CoastalPoint 25

FridayFlick— SouthCoastalLibrarywillhost afreePGmovie,includingpopcorn,at2p.m. ThemoviecelebratesWomen’sHistoryMonth withareal-lifestoryregardingtheemergence ofthefirstwomen’sprofessionalbaseball leagueduringWWII.Registrationisappreciatedandavailablebycalling(302)858-5518


LegoClub— SouthCoastalLibraryishostingitsLegoClubat11a.m.Legosandthe themewillbeprovided,andthisisforages 6-10.Registrationisencouraged,and calling(302)858-5518.Walk-insareacceptedifspaceallows.

YogaforBeginners— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostingacourseforyogisandbeginneryogisat11a.m.Whetheryouareyoung orold,overweightorfit,abeginneroradvanced,yogahasthepowertocalmthemind andstrengthenthebody.Youcanpay$20a monthforunlimitedyogaToregister,visit call(302)732-9351.


StateConstitutionClass— TheInstituteon theConstitutionwillleadacourseonthe DelawareConstitutionatOceanViewTown HalleverySundaythroughMarch19from6 to8p.m.IOTCcertifiedinstructorsMichelle Parsons,TomMolnarandBobLawlesswill leadtheclasses.Youmaypurchasethe DelawareConstitutionstudentmanualon-

TheStetson Experience



ZumbaClass— MarinersBethelUnited MethodistChurchisholdingazumbaexerciseclassinthesocialhalleveryMondayat 10a.m.Thereisa$6drop-infee.Noregistrationisnecessary,andallarewelcome.For moreinformation,contact

AlphaConversations— MarinersBethel UnitedMethodistChurchishostingAlpha,a seriesofgroupconversationsthatexplorethe basicsoftheChristianfaithinafriendlyenvironment,everyMondaythroughMay15at 6 p.m.Dinnerwillbeprovided.Therewillbeno meetingApril10becauseofEaster.

StorytimeattheFarm— FrankfordPublicLibraryisholdingstorytimeatParsons’Farmat 11a.m.Thisisopenforallages,andis weatherpermitting.Watchthelibrary’sFacebookpageforanyweatherupdates.Formore information, (302)732-9351.

HooksandNeedles— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostingatimeofknittingandcrochetingforalllevelsat 1p.m.Formore information, (302)732-9351.

TuningUptheTemple— MarinersBethel UnitedMethodistChurchhosts“TuningUp theTemple”onMondays,Wednesdaysand Fridays,from9to10:15a.m.atTheHope Center.Theclassesaresession-based,not drop-in,socontactCarolLynchat(302) 745-8237orcklynch02@gmail.comfor moredetails.


GriefShare— TheRiverChurchinRoxanais hosting“GriefShareYourJourneyfrom MourningtoJoy”everyTuesdaythroughApril 4,2023,from6:30to8:30p.m.Eachclass willincludeavideoandbreakoutdiscussions encompassingthedifferentaspectsofgrief.A workbookwillbeprovidedforeachparticipant atnocharge.

MSWordIntro— SouthCoastalLibraryis hostingatwo-hourclassat10a.m.featuring hands-oninstructioninMSWord2016,includingcreating,editing,savingandprintinga documentinasmall-classsetting.Youmay bringyourownlaptopwithpowercordifyou prefernottouseoneofthelibrary’s.Thisis free,

PAWSforReading— Well-trainedteamsof dogsandownerswillprovideasupportive andfunwayforkidstogainconfidencein readingaloudatSouthCoastalLibraryat4 p.m.Childrenreadfor15minutes,andmay bringtheirownbooksiftheywish.Toregister, call(302)858-5518.

YogaforBeginners— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostingacourseforyogisandbeginneryogisat11a.m.Whetheryouareyoung orold,overweightorfit,abeginneroradvanced,yogahasthepowertocalmthemind andstrengthenthebody.Youcanpay$20a monthforunlimitedyogaToregister,visit

PAWSforPeople— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostinga5p.m.programthatallowsparticipantstoreadaloudtoafurry, friendlytherapycompaniontohelpinspire aloveo freading.Thisissponsoredby PAWSforPeople.Registrationisrequired, andreadersofallagesandstagesare welcome.Formoreinformation,visit


ShoreDems— TheShoreDemocratsmeets

attheDenatBearTrapDunesclubhouse from11a.m.to1:30p.m.Thisisasocial organizationthateducates,informsand createscamaraderieamongtheirmembers throughmonthlylunchmeetingsthatfeatureengagingspeakers.Formo reinformation,

WethePeople— "WethePeople"isaneffort puttogetherbyBillMurphytocelebratepatriotismandcelebratetheflag,bymeetingat theBethanyBeachbandstandeveryWednesdayat8:30a.m.tosupportthemilitary,law enforcementandfirefighterswhoserveand protect.Allarewelcome.

BibleStudy— Women’sBibleStudyat MarinersBethelUnitedMethodistChurchwill beeveryWednesdaythroughApril26.There aremorningsessionsfrom10to11:30a.m. orafternoonsfrom7to8:30p.m.Thefocus willbe“Amos,”byJenniferRothschild,with theheading,“AnInvitationtotheGoodLife.” Registerbycallingtheofficeat539-9510or womenarewelcome.

Dine&Donate— TheSouthCoastalDEAARP Chapter5226willsponsoradineanddonate event,includinga50/50cashraffle,atNorthEastSeafoodKitchenfrom 4to9p.m.This willraisemoneyforcollegescholarships.This year,theChapterisexpectedtoaward $8,000inscholarshipstoseniorsatIndian RiverHighschoolandadultstudentsat DelawareTechnical&CommunityCollege.

BabyBookworms— SouthCoastalLibraryis hostingBabyBookwormsStoryTime—for agesbirthto2—at10a.m.Thishelpschildrenlearnlanguage,social,motorandlisteningskillsthroughavarietyofactivities. Registrationisnotrequired.

Litt leLearners— SouthCoastalLibraryis hostingLittleLearnersStoryTime—forages 3to5—at11a.m.Thishelpschildrenwith languageacquisitionandimprovepre-literacy skills.Activitiesmayincludestories,music,




Calendar Continuedfrompage24 26 CoastalPoint March10,2023
Tickets on sale now at 31810 Good Earth Lane Ocean View, DE *All Performances Subject to Change NatalieDouglasPresentsFour Women:Nina,Lena,Abbey&Billie March 17 & 18 Called, “a true
of nature,” and “in a
reviews of two London appearances, Natalie Douglas is a Nightlife, two-time Backstage Bistro & thirteen-time MAC (Manhattan Association of Cabarets and Clubs) Award Winner and recipient of the Donald F. Smith & Margaret Whiting Awards from the Mabel Mercer Foundation. This popular artist & educator has spent the last few years bringing her concerts, workshops & Master Classes to audiences & students across the USA.
league of her own” by Clive Davis of The Times (UK) in ve-star
March 24 & 25 Anthony Salazar developed his skill in the art of magic at a very young age and has since made this part of show business his life’s
work.His onstage personality is a combination of a slight edge and likability that wins over the hearts of audiences anywhere.
March 18 -
Stetson “America’s Master Mentalist” is the one entertainer in America who truly understands the meaning and importance of capturing the mind share and heart share of his audience. The Stetson Experience is Intelligent, Interactive, Fun!
Club Dickens Every Wed. at 5:30 Lois James d.d.s. GENERAL DENTISTRY RoutineDentalCleanings•Fillings Crowns•Bridges•ImplantRestorations CosmeticProcedures•TMJDisorders &SleepAppliances 302-537-4500 • 17 Atlantic Ave, Ste. 4 Route 26 • Ocean View (Next to Oceanova) Accepting New Patients (877) 912-8092 SeeCALENDARpage27
& 11 Jon


songsandsimplecrafts.Registrationisnot required.

HappyBookers— JuliaandTheowillleada HappyBookersmeetingatSouthCoastalLibraryat2p.m.Theclubwillbediscussing AnthonyHorowitz’s“MagpieMurders.”You mayattendinpersonorviaZoom.RegistrationisrequiredforZoomparticipation,andis (302)858-5518.

HistoricalPresentation— TheHistoricVillage inOceanViewispresentingthenextinstallmentintheirlectureseriesatHall’sStoreEducationandVisitorCenterat7p.m.George Kent,anOceanViewresidentandPrincipal CartographerandMappingSupervisoratthe DelawareStateHighwayDepartmentwilldicussthehistoryofDelaware’smapping,and theState’slongbattlewithborderdisputes. Tobecomeamember,

BabyBees— EveryWednesday,Frankford PublicLibraryhostsBabyBeesstorytime forchildrenfrombirthto24mont hsoldat 10:30a.m.Comelistentostories,songs andengagewithotherbabies.Registration isrequired.Formoreinformation,visit

STEMWednesday— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostingSTEMWednesdayat5:30 p.m.—afunandeducationalprogramfor kids6-12.Registrationisrequired.Formore information, (302)732-9351.

TuningUptheTemple— MarinersBethel UnitedMethodistChurchho sts“TuningUp theTemple”onMondays,Wednesdaysand

Fridays,from9to10:15a.m.atTheHope Center.Theclassesaresession-based,not drop-in,socontactCarolLynchat(302) 745-8237orcklynch02@gmail.comfor moredetails.

YogaClasses— MarinersBethelUnited MethodistChurchhostsyogaclassesat5 p.m.onWednesdaysintheArmorRoom, upstairsinthechurchbuilding,with HeatherMurphy.Thereisa$5drop-infee. Classesareopentothecommunityandall arewelcom e.


DemsMeet— The41stDemocratRDmeets thethirdThursdayofeverymonthatPizza KingRestaurantinMillsboroat6p.m.Thisis opentoanyDemocrats.Formoreinformation, callDonnaSpicklerat(302)927-0050.

FreeWrite— TheRehobothBeachWriters Guild(RBWG)willhostaweeklyFreeWrite sessionatSouthCoastalLibraryat10:30 a.m.Participants18andolderofallskilllevelswillpracticecreativewritinginafriendly andnurturingatmosphere.Attendinperson, orviaZoom.Thisisfree,andregistrationis requiredfortheZoomoption.Toregister,visit

SecretRosies— TrishChamberswillleadan informativepresentationatSouthCoastalLibraryat3p.m.ontheSecretRosiesofWWII, agroupofmagnificentwomen,theirsecret actionsandthesurprisingimpacttheyhadon theoutcomeofthewar.Thisisafreeevent, andregistrationisappreciatedandavailable 858-5518.


Investors in money market funds should carefully consider information contained in the prospectus, or, if available, the summary prospectus, including investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses. You can request a mutual fund prospectus by calling Schwab at 1-800-435-4000. Please read the prospectus carefully before investing. You could lose money by investing in the Schwab Money Funds. SWVXX seeks to preserve the value of your investment at $1.00 per share, but cannot guarantee it will do so. SWVXX may impose a fee upon the sale of your shares or may temporarily suspend your ability to sell shares if the fund’s liquidity falls below required minimums because of market conditions or other factors. An investment in the Schwab Money Funds is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government

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March10,2023 CoastalPoint 27 Compare rates to see how we stack up. CD rates Money Market Fund 6 months (as of 3/7/23) 5.06 Minimum deposit $1,000 APY % 12 months (as of 3/7/23) 5.20 Minimum deposit $1,000 APY % 2 years (as of 3/7/23) 5.10 Minimum deposit $1,000 APY % 7-day yield (with waivers) as of 3/6/23 Schwab Value Advantage Money Fund® SWVXX $0 investment minimum 4.48 Minimum deposit $0 % Competitive yields on money market funds and CDs available through Schwab could help you that’s always a good thing. Call your local Schwab branch at 302-260-8731 or visit Mark E. Engberg, CFP® Branch Leader 19266 Coastal Hwy, Unit #5 Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971 302-260-8731
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LegoClub— SouthCoastalLibraryishostingitsLegoClubat5p.m.Legosandthe themewillbeprovided,andthisisforages 6-10.Registrationisencouraged,and calling(302)858-5518.Walk-insareacceptedifspaceallows.

WelcomeSpring— DelawareBotanicGardens atPepperCreekiscelebratingOpeningDay from9a.m.to4p.m.Therearemorethan 200,000springbulbsplantedinfivemain gardens—RhyneGarden,PietOudolf Mea dowGarden,LearningGarden,FollyGardenandWoodlandsGarden.Membersareadmittedforfree,andhavea$10feefortours andclasses.Non-memberspay$15foradmissionandhavethesameclassandtour fee.Children16andyoungerhavefreeadmissionandtour/classfees.Reservetickets

YogaforBeginners— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostingacourseforyogisandbeginneryogisat11a.m.Whetheryouareyoung orold,overweightorfit,abe ginneroradvanced,yogahasthepowertocalmthemind andstrengthenthebody.Youcanpay$20a monthforunlimitedyogaToregister,visit

LittleLearners— FrankfordPublicLibraryis hostingLittleLearnersat10:30a.m.fora storytimesessionforages3-4,andtheir caregivers,topromoteliteracy.Thereisalso acraft,andanopportunitytoengagewith otherpre-schoolers.Registrationisrequired,andavailableatfr orbycalling(302)732-9351.

SuperLearners— FrankfordPublicLibrary

ishostingSuperLearnersat4p.m.fora storytimesessionforages5-7,andtheir caregivers,topromoteliteracy.Thereisalso acraftorSTEMproject,andanopportunity toengagewithotherchildren.Formoreinformation, (302)732-9351.

TeenDIYMakerspace— FrankfordPublic Libraryishostingacollaborativespaceat5 p.m.whereteenscan gatherandgetcreativewithDIYprojectsandactivities.This month,thegroupwillbemakingSqueegee art,anditisforages12-18.Registrationis required.Formoreinformation,


GentleYoga— MyraStock,acertifiedRYT instructorandregisteredYogaforArthritis teacher,isleadingagentleyogaclassat SouthCoastalLibraryat10a.m.Ayoga matisrequired,andnotprovided.Participantsshouldalsobr ingatowelforextra cushioning.Registrationislimitedandrequired,andavailableat 858-5518.

FridayMatinee— FrankfordPublicLibraryis hostingafridaymatineeat1p.m.The moviesareamixofadult,childrenandfamilymovies.Formoreinformation,

TuningUptheTemple— MarinersBethel UnitedMethodistChurchhosts“TuningUp theTemple”onMondays,Wednes daysand Fridays,from9to10:15a.m.atTheHope Center.Theclassesaresession-based,not drop-in,socontactCarolLynchat(302) 745-8237orcklynch02@gmail.comfor moredetails.


SafeBoating— TheUnitedStatesCoastGuard AuxiliaryisteachingaDelawareBoating SafetyClassattheMooseLodgeinFrankford from8a.m.to4p.m.Thosewhocomplete thisclasswillreceiveaDelawareSafeBoatingCertificatebymail.Thisisrequiredforall boatersbornonoraft erJan.1,1978.Allmaterialsfortheclasswillbeprovidedatregistration.Thecostis$10perperson,and sign-instartsat7:30a.m.Pre-registrationis required,andcanbemadeat USCGAUX0531201@outlook.comorbyphone at(302)616-3175.

SpringBulbTour— StephenPryceLea,the directoroftheHorticultureandEducational programsatDelawareBotanicGardensat PepperCreek,isleadingaGuidedSpringBulb Tourat2p.m.Membersareadmittedforfree, andhavea$10 feefortoursandclasses. Non-memberspay$15foradmissionand havethesameclassandtourfee.Children16 andyoungerhavefreeadmissionand tour/

SuperSaturday— FrankfordPublicLibrary ishosting“GamesUnplugged”atnoon,featuringboardandcardgames.Formoreinformation, calling(302)732-9351.

FOCHSPFleaMarket— FriendsofCape HenlopenStateParkwillsponsoritsa nnual fleamarketatTheOfficer’sClubfrom9 a.m.to3p.m.Cleandonationitemscanbe broughttotheOfficer’sClubonFriday, March17,from10a.m.to1p.m.Formore information,call(302)858-6127orvisit


StateConstitutionClass— TheInstituteon theConstitutionwillleadacourseonthe DelawareConstitutionatOceanViewTown HalleverySundaythroughMarch19from6 to8p.m.IOTCcertifiedinstructorsMichelle P arsons,TomMolnarandBobLawlesswill leadtheclasses.Youmaypurchasethe,


ZumbaClass— MarinersBethelUnited MethodistChurchisholdingazumbaexercise classinthesocialhalleveryMondayat10 a.m.Thereisa$6drop-infee.Noregistration isnecessary,andallarewelcome.Formore information,contactjolin.zumba@gm

AlphaConversations— MarinersBethel UnitedMethodistChurchishostingAlpha,a seriesofgroupconversationsthatexplorethe basicsoftheChristianfaithinafriendlyenvironment,everyMondaythroughMay15at6 p.m.Dinnerwillbeprovided.Therewillbeno meetingApril10becauseofEaster.

StorytimeattheFarm— FrankfordPublicLibraryisholdingstorytimeatParsons’Farmat 11a.m.Thisisopenforallages,andis weatherpermitting.Watchthelibra ry’sFacebookpageforanyweatherupdates.Formore information, (302)732-9351.

HooksandNeedles— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostingatimeofknittingandcrochetingforalllevelsat1p.m.Formore information,


28 CoastalPoint March10,2023 e a dif donor advised fund a owerful Philanthr ence in Delaware. Delaware e DCF helps t the ised opy ul Philanthrthro encched spots... Sundr el py h m li — e lps y e make fe es is t dt AF) at th nd (D s — you can m k otecting wildlife o onment — s ennvir ach a autiful be T g/d delcf.or visit e arn mor o le af e what you love ak y to be gener support the u tax advanta l ro c a love ous. charities ges o a P o g mdipaolo@delcf.or or 302.856.4393 t esident for Southern Delaw r Vice , aolo e DiP Mik or contact e, , e war
Calendar Continuedfrompage27
March10,2023 CoastalPoint 29



TuningUptheTemple— MarinersBethel UnitedMethodistChurchhosts“TuningUp theTemple”onMondays,Wednesdaysand Fridays,from9to10:15a.m.atTheHope Center.Theclassesaresession-based,not drop-in,socontactCarolLynchat(302) 745-8237orcklynch02@gmail.comfor moredetails.


GriefShare— TheRiverChurchinRoxanais hosting“GriefShareYourJourneyfrom MourningtoJoy”everyTuesdaythroughApril 4,2023,from6:30to8:30p.m. Eachclass willincludeavideoandbreakoutdiscussions encompassingthedifferentaspectsofgrief.A workbookwillbeprovidedforeachparticipant atnocharge.

FeelingsRock— SouthCoastalLibraryis hostingFeelingsRock,amusicandmovementprogramdesignedtohelpchildren under5andtheirfamiliesworkthroughemotions,at10:30a.m.Theywillalsobemaking acraft.Thisisfree,andnoregistrationisrequired.

iPad&AppleUsers— iPad,iPhoneandApple deviceusersofallskilllevelsarewelcometo attendthissupportgroupmeetingatSouth CoastalLibraryat11a.m.Usersmeettodiscussnewfeatures,sharetipsandaskquestions.Attendin-personorviaZoom. Registrationisrequired,andavailableonline 858-5518.

CelticMusic— SouthCoastalLibrarywillhost

a3p.m.freeCelticMusicconcertpresented byWillowTree.Registrationisencouraged, orbycalling(302)858-5518.

AARPLuncheon— AARPisholdingaluncheonmeetingatCrippleCreekCountryClub. TheguestspeakerisBobCairo,physical therapistfromTidewater.Formoreinformation,callMaryAnnDoughertyat(302)5419412.

YogaforBeginners— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostingacourseforyogisandbeginneryogisat11a.m.Whetheryouareyoung orold,overweightorfit,abeginneroradvanced,yogahasthepowertocalmthemind andstrengthenthebody.Youcanpay$20a monthforunlimitedyogaToregister,visit


WethePeople— "WethePeople"isaneffort puttogetherbyBillMurphytocelebratepatriotismandcelebratetheflag,bymeetingat theBethanyBeachbandstandeveryWednesdayat8:30a.m.tosupportthemilitary,law enforcementandfirefighterswhoserveand protect.Allarewelcome.

MarinesMeet— TheFirstStateDetachmen t oftheMarineCorpsLeaguemeetsonthe fourthWednesdayofeachmonthatthe OceanCity(Md.)AmericanLegionPost166 on23rdStreetatnoon.AnyMarinesand NavyCorpsmenwhohaveservedinthe Corps,livinginWorcesterorSussexCounties,arewelcometojointomeettheirfellow veteransandconsiderjoiningtheorganization.Theirmissioniscommunityservice throughcamaraderieandvolunteerism.For



moreinformation,call(410)430-7181or BibleStudy— Women’sBibleStudyat MarinersBethelUnitedMethodistChurchwill beeveryWednesdaythroughApril26.There aremorningsessionsfrom10to11:30a.m. orafternoonsfrom7to8:30p.m.Thefocus willbe“Amos,”byJenniferRothschild,with theheading,“AnInvitationtotheGoodLife.” Registerbycallingtheofficeat539-9510or gistrations/events/1598632orbystoppingin.All womenarewelcome.

BabyBookworms— SouthCoastalLibraryis hostingBabyBookwormsStoryTime—for agesbirthto2—at10a.m.Thishelpschil-


LittleLearners— SouthCoastalLibraryis hostingLittleLearnersStoryTime—forages 3to5—at11a.m.Thishelpschildrenwith languageacquisitionandim provepre-literacy skills.Activitiesmayincludestories,music, songsandsimplecrafts.Registrationisnot required.

CrimeSolvers— SouthCoastalLibraryishostingatabletopboardgamethatfeaturesusing evidenceandcluestosolveafictionalmurder at5p.m.Forages14throughadult.Itisfree, andallmaterialsareprovided.Registrationis required,andavailableonlineat

BabyBees— EveryWednesday,Frankford PublicLibraryhostsBabyBeesstorytime

forchildrenfrombirthto24monthsoldat 10:30a.m.Comelistentostories,songs andengagewithotherbabies.Registration isrequired.Formoreinformation,visit

TuningUptheTemple— MarinersBethel UnitedMethodistChurchhosts“TuningUp theTemple”onMondays,Wednesdaysand Fridays,from9to10:15a.m.atTheHope Center.The classesaresession-based,not drop-in,socontactCarolLynchat(302) 745-8237orcklynch02@gmail.comfor moredetails.

YogaClasses— MarinersBethelUnited MethodistChurchhostsyogaclassesat5 p.m.onWednesdaysintheArmorRoom, upstairsinthechurchbuilding,with HeatherMurphy.Thereisa$5drop-infee. Classesareopentothecommunityandall arewelcome.


FreeWrite— TheRehobothBeachWriters Guild(RBWG)willhostaweeklyFreeWrite sessionatSouthCoastalLibraryat10:30 a.m.Participants18andolderofallskilllevelswillpracticecreativewritinginafriendly andnurturingatmosphere.Attendinperson, orviaZoom.Thisisfree,andregistrationis requiredfortheZoomoption.Toregister,visit

SeaGlassCanvas— Clairwillleadaclassat SouthCoastalLibraryat2p.m.ondecorating acanvaswithlook-alikeseaglass.Youmay bringyourownseaglassifyoul ike.Thisis free,andallmaterialsareprovided.Registra-

March10,2023 CoastalPoint 31
Calendar Continuedfrompage30

Hometown Heroes


WhenYolandaGallegotalks aboutherpositionasdirectorofthe CHEERCenterinOceanView,she doesithumbly,downplayingherrole andcreditingthemanyvolunteers andscoresofmemberswhosedays arebrightenedbymealsandactivities,plays,speakers,trips,thecamaraderietheyfindthere—allthatshe carefullyplans.

“WecallittheCHEERCenter becauseitbringscheerintosomebody’slife.Ilovebeingabletohelp providetheopportunitytokeeppeopleactiveandengaged,”saidthe59year-oldVirginianative,whose backgroundisintherapeuticrecreationandwhohasbeenwith CHEER11years.

“Someofourmembersgetupset astheygetolderandstartlosing theirfriends,butIencouragethem tocomeherebecausetheyareconstantlymakingnewfriends.Someof themareallalone.Someofthem movedherewithahusbandorawife, andnowtheyhavelostaspouseand theyareherebythemselves.Thisisa wayforthemtomakenewfriends.

“WhenItookthisjob,Iwasglad tobewitholderadults.Ihadbeen applyingaroundatdifferentplaces, buttherewerenoopenings.Atthe timeIwaslookingforsomething else,andIgotaphonecallthatthey wereinterviewingandIgotthejob,” shesaid,describingherdaysasbusy butpleasurable.

“Wehaveacentralkitchenwhere theycook.MealsonWheelsarrives alreadypackaged,andtheygooutat 10:30or11everymorning.Wehave lunchMondaythroughFridayat 11:30.Anyoneinthecommunitycan comeandjoinusforlunch.Itcosts $3.50foranyone60andolderand $4.50for60andunder.Somefolks joinusforluncheveryday,butthey don’tdoanyoftheotheractivities withus,”shesaid.

Lunchselectionsmightinclude chickencacciatoreoverpastawith greenbeansandpears,fishwith spinachandabanana,andchickenand-ricesoupwitheggsaladsandwich,beetsandfruitcocktail. Gallegoscheduleslunchtimespeakers,suchasFoodBankofDelaware representativesandthosefromother non-profitorganizationswhoexplain

Page32 March10,2023
CoastalPoint•SusanCanfora HometownHeroYolandaGallego,DirectoroftheCHEERCenterinOceanView,withMissGertrudeSochurekwhorecentlycelebratedher100thbirthday.


Pickleballplayershavegamesin theparkinglot.Birthdaysarecelebrated,andmemberspracticechair yogaandgoouttolunchandshopping.

“WegoasfarasDover,toHarrington,Salisbury,Laurel,Seaford. Wedon’tgotocasinos,butevery Mondayanybodywhoneedstransportationcangotothebank,shopping,tothepostoffice.OnThursday afternoons,wehaveacardgame.We haveamembershipmeetingevery month,andIgetideasforactivities fromthemembers.

“Wefinallyarehavingplaysagain. Wehadn’thadonesincebefore COVID.Ourmembersputonthe plays.TheyaretheOceanView Players.Wehavetwomemberswho likedirectingplays.MurryGatlingis oneofourdirectors.Wejustdid ‘MuggsyMalone.’BeforeCOVID, wedida‘TwilightZone’episode, ‘TheMonstersareDueonMaple Street,’andIhadabitpartasoneof thecrazyaliens.BeforeCOVID,we did‘TheWizardofOz.’Marie Buckleyalsohelps.Shedoesthe paintgroup,artsandcrafts,anda knittinggroup.


theaterswithour members,”she added.“We’re notpretending tobeactorsat ClearSpace Theatre.They readfromscripts, sotheydon’t havetomemorizelines,but theygoall-out. Theygetall dressedup.Theygetalotoflaughter. Forourdinnertheaters,weputup tablesinabiggiantsquare,andthe playtakesplacearoundit,thenthey eatbetween,”shesaid.

Threepaidemployeesstaffthe CHEERCenter—Gallego,abus driverandcleaner—plusabout100 volunteers,includingthosewhodeliverMealsonWheels.Thecenteris openfrom8:30a.m.to4p.m.MondaythroughFriday.

Anyone50oroldercangotothe CHEERCenter,foranannualmembershipfeeof$30.Duringthewinter,30to60membersarrivemost days,withmorethan100arrivingfor specialevents.

“Wehavemembersintheir50s and60sandsomeintheir70sand 80s,andagrowingnumberintheir 90s.Andatleastthreeareintheir mid-90s.


weofferthis?’ andItrytofitit in.Thathasalwaysbeenfun.I trytofind themesandideas —dinnerideas, speakerideas— andtheycome upwithmainactivities.Afew yearsago,somebodyaskedifwe coulddemonstratepickleball,and theylikeditsowegotitstarted,”she said.

Previously,aftermovingtoOcean Viewwithherhusband,RoyPietrovito,about15yearsago,Gallego workedattheNextStepLearning CenterinSelbyville,providingafterschoolcare,andwasalsoasubstitute teacher.

“Ialwaysworkedwithchildren,up throughadults,”shesaid.

AgraduateofWashingtonUniversitywhoalsohasamaster’sdegree ineducation,specializingintherapeuticrecreation,Gallegoalso workedforlocal,stateandfederal governments,atarehabilitationcenterinVirginiaandwithchildren withspecialneeds.

“MyhusbandandIwerereadyto makeachange,andwecametothe beach.It’sbeenfun.Imissthe mountains,butIlovethebeach.We

gotinvolvedwiththeMarineEducation,Research&RehabilitationInstitute,tryingtolearnaboutthearea, Iwasn’tabeachpersonbefore,but thiswasahugelearningopportunity andlotsoffun.Forexample,Ihad noideaDelawaregotsealsinthe winter.It’sbeenveryinteresting,”she said.

Her65-year-oldhusband,alongtimeself-employedcontractorand remodeler,nowdrivesthebustransportingpatientstreatedatBeebe Healthcare’sSouthCoastalCancer Center,andstillremodels.Thecoupledoesn’thavechildren.

“HereattheCHEERCenter,we havefolkswhoareextremelyactive andsomewhoaremoresedentary,so wetrytoofferavarietyofactivities. Wewillbestartingcornhole.John WestParkhasbocceballnow.We haveawalkingclub,sowhenitgets warmerwewillgototheAssawoman CanalTrail,toBethanyBeachCentralPark,tolocalflatplaces.Itryto encouragememberstogetout,becauseit’ssoimportanttheygetfresh air,sunshine,exercise,butout-ofdoors,”shesaid.

“Theycomehere,andtheyforma realtightlyknitgroup.Theyenjoy goingout.Inmyjob,thereisalotof planning,butIenjoythatpartofit. I’mbusyallthetime.Theykeepme busy.Theykeepmeyoung.Andthey keepmeinspired.”

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Heroes Continuedfrompage32
March10,2023 CoastalPoint 33
“HereattheCHEER Center,wehavefolkswho areextremelyactiveand somewhoaremore sedentary,sowetryto offer avarietyofactivities.


Getmanjoins AutismDelaware

AutismDelawareannouncedthis weekthatDanGetmanhasjoinedthe staffofthestatewideautismagency. Getmanhassteppedintotheagency’s roleoffunddevelopmentandengagementdirector.Responsibleformeeting anannualrevenuetarget,Getmanis chargedwithachievingtheagency’s strategicvisionandinitiativesthat translateintooperationalgoalsandprioritiesrelatedtocommunityengagement,philanthropy,stewardship, volunteerismandcommunications.To thatend,Getmanwilloverseeallfund developmentinitiatives,whilesimultaneouslyprovidingdirectleadershipto funddevelopmentandengagement staff.

“Iamincrediblyexcitedandgrateful fortheopportunitytojoinAutism Delaware,”saidGetman.“AsafairlyrecenttransplanttoDelaware,Ilookforwardtomakinganimpactonthe familiesinmyadoptedcommunity.”

BeforejoiningAutismDelaware, Getmanworkedastheseniormanager of donorrelationsatMANNA,a Philadelphiacompanythatempowers peopletoimprovetheirhealthand qualityoflifethroughmedicallytailored mealsandnutritioneducation (

Acertifiedfund-raisingexecutive (CFRE),Getmanoversawallof MANNA’sdonorfundraisingefforts, volunteerandcorporateteam-building programs,andboardrelations.Healso developedstrategiesforacapitalcampaign andmajorgiftstewardship.Getmanalsoledallpublicrelationswiththe localpressandmanagedMANNA’ssocialmediaandwebsitewhilecreating andoverseeingMANNA’sdevelopment budgetandprovidingstatisticalanalysis forstrategicplanning.

Inaddition,Getmanhasservedas theretailaccountmanagerattheMarch ofDimesandcommunityengagement anddevelopmentmanagerattheFood BankofSouthJersey.Theresidentof NewCastlehasalsoauthoredastandardoperatingmanualforvolunteer management.Currently,GetmanisaffiliatedwiththeGreaterPhiladelphia ChamberofCommerceandtheGreater PhiladelphiaMarketingCouncil,and servesasaboardmemberandmarketingcommitteeco-chairfortheAssociationofFundraisingProfessionals.

“Wearethrilledtogetsomeoneof DanGetman’sstatureandabilities,”said BrianHall,AutismDelaware’sexecutive director.“Asthepreeminentautism agencyinDelaware,weintendtoexpand ourservicestomeetthegrowing needinthecommunity,andweexpect togrowourfinancialsupportaccordingly.So,welookedforthebestinthe developmentfieldandbelievewe’ve founditinDan.”

34 CoastalPoint March10,2023 S
ACROSS 1 Jorts fabric Mountains 11 Cranberry sites 15 TV ads for good causes 19 One who may live by the Strait of Hormuz 20 Go 21 Old Testament twin 22 Actress Wilson of “His Dark Materials” 23 “I always wanted to be a ballerina, but I ... ” 27 Specimen for a volcanologist 28 Gown location, informally sticker 31 North Carolina university 32 Uniform accessory 33 Ambulance wailers 34 “I always wanted to be a baker, but I ... ” 41 German article 42 Northeastern octet 43 Show clearly 46 Small tastes 48 Vega, e.g. 49 Phony 53 “I always wanted to be a Gregorian monk, but I ... ” 57 Undefeated boxer Laila 58 Means of access 59 Goatee spot 62 Soy-based frozen dessert brand 65 Think of, as a solution TV drama 69 Classic Windows catchphrase 70 Bygone Dodge subcompact 71 Messy scuffle 72 Customizable Wii Sports avatar 73 “I always wanted to be a perfumer, but I ... ” 81 French infinitive 83 Give more than a darn? 84 Midday 85 On the clock 86 Setting for many Stephen King novels 88 After the whistle calculation 91 “I always wanted to be a gardener, but I ... ” 98 Sugar shack surrounders 99 Actress Mireille 100 MLB stat 101 Massive old computer 102 Amazon crime series based on Michael Connelly novels 106 Needle a bit 109 “I always wanted to be a wedding officiant, but I ... ” 113 Not aweather 114 Canine pal of Nermal and Garfield 115 British elevators 116 Pie feature 117 Young 67-Down 118 Batik artist 119 Sherwin-Williams product 120 Toast opener DOWN Cat 2 Some Down Under sprinters 3 Graham in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 4 QB misfire 6 Pasta specification 7 Till stack 8 Muscles near delts 9 Batting stat 10 Vacillate 12 Dept. of Labor arm political party 14 Dine by candlelight, maybe 15 “The Canterbury Tales” character 16 Beverage brewed with solar energy 17 Go to 18 Gets rid of 24 Appliance in some hotel room closets 25 Reggae pioneer Peter 26 Like a ram or a lamb 31 Balanced “Splash Brothers” 33 Bypass 34 Home with cells 36 Main points 37 Taking action 38 Captain of industry 39 Novelist Turgenev 40 Family room 44 Pants part 45 Award quartet for John Legend, for short 47 Grapefruit wedge 50 Lighting effect 52 Puny parasite 55 Sulu player John 56 Choose 61 Routes without tolls 62 Person of the Year designator 63 Skip over 64 So-so 65 Some med. plans 66 Company abbr. 67 Guys 68 “Frozen” sister 70 Advent 71 Ramadan, e.g. music partner 76 Gets into shape? 77 Castle trench 78 Standard 79 Koala hangout 80 Genre of the Mighty Mighty Bosstones 82 Tries to live up to 89 Most uncanny 91 Cooking oil option 92 Weighed in 93 “The Addams Family” uncle 94 Foot part 95 Totally worthless 96 Recipe amt. 97 Built for NASA, say 102 Soul mate? 103 Scrape covered with a Paw Patrol bandage, e.g. 104 Library convenience 105 Memo abbr. 107 “Will there be 108 Dampens 110 Drift off 111 Fjord kin 112 One of five principal resources in the game Catan L
Crossword SeeCrosswordAnswerspage39


DaffodilswithKids— ROOTSYouthDevelopmentwillteachelementary-agechildren aboutthelifecycleofdaffodilsatSouth CoastalLibraryat5p.m.Childrenwillalso havetheopportunitytoarrangeasmallbouquetofdaffodilswithtwinetogiveasagift. Thisisfree,andregistrationisrequiredand

YogaforBeginners— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostingacourseforyogisandbeginneryogisat11a.m.Whetheryouareyoung orold,overweightorfit,abeginneroradvanced,yogahasthepowertocalmthemind andstrengthenthebody.Youcanpay$20a monthforunlimitedyogaToregister,visit

LittleLearners— FrankfordPublicLibraryis hostingLittleLearnersat10:30a.m.fora storytimesessionforages3-4,andtheir caregivers,topromote literacy.Thereisalso

acraft,andanopportunitytoengagewith otherpre-schoolers.Registrationisrequired, orbycalling(302)732-9351.

SuperLearners— FrankfordPublicLibrary ishostingSuperLearnersat4p.m.fora storytimesessionforages5-7,andtheir caregivers,topromoteliteracy.Thereisalso acraftorSTEMproject,andanopportunity toengagewithotherchildren.Formoreinformation,visitfrankford.lib .de.usorcall (302)732-9351.

AdultCraftNight— FrankfordPublicLibrary ishostinganAdultcraftNightat5:30p.m., featuringDIYcleaningsupplieswithnatural ingredients.Registrationisrequired.For moreinformation, call(302)732-9351.

Dine&Donate— NortheastSeafood KitchenishostingaDine&Donatefor GardenersBytheSeafrom4to8p.m. Theclubisinvolvedinofferingscholarshipstostudentswishingtofurthertheir car eersinhorticulture,HospiceTree, HabitatfortheHumanity,gardentherapy, youthprogramsatLordBaltimoreElementarySchoolandmore.A50/50rafflewill

beannouncedat8p.m.Formoreinformationontheclub,callJacquiMaliziaat (302)

FriendsoftheLibrary— Friendsofthe SelbyvillePublicLibraryisholdingameetinginthelibrary’smeetingroomat5p.m.


GentleYoga— MyraStock,acertifiedRYT instructorandregisteredYogaforArthritis teacher,isleadingagentleyogaclassat SouthCoastalLibraryat10a.m.Ayoga matisrequired,andnotprovided.Participantsshouldalsobringatowelforextra cushioning.Registrationislimitedandrequired,andavailableat 858-5518.

FridayMatinee— FrankfordPublicLibrary ishostingafridaymatineeat1p.m.The moviesareamixofadult,childrenand familymovies.Formor einformation,visit

TuningUptheTemple— MarinersBethel

UnitedMethodistChurchhosts“TuningUp theTemple”onMondays,Wednesdaysand Fridays,from9to10:15a.m.atTheHope Center.Theclassesaresession-based,not drop-in,socontactCarolLynchat(302) 745-8237orcklynch02@gmail.comfor moredetails.


Chicken&Dumplings— TheBishopville(Md.) VolunteerFireDepartmentAuxiliarywillbe holdingachicken&dumplingcarryoutfrom noonto2p.m.atthemainstation.Chicken, dumplings,greenbeansandsweetpotatoes areavailablefor$15perdinner.Anextrapint ofdumplingscanbehadfor$8.Toreservea dinnerandpint(byMarch20),call(619)9229950.

STEMKits— PeoplecanswingbySouth CoastalLibrarystartingat10a.m.topickup anEngineerEarlySTEMkit.Thekitshelp teachaboutthekeypartsofmostofthecommonshapes.Theseareavailablewhilesup-

March10,2023 CoastalPoint 35 100 Different Tables to Choose From 35 Different Benches to Choose From Teak…Lasts A Lifetime! Teak/Sunbrella Deep Seating! WE SHIP NATIONWIDE! DIRECT FACTORY IMPORTER PRICES WEHAVE IN-STOCK INVENTORY! SPRING SALE! our donation helps provide food, clothing, h Y Your hope. R , CK U TR , AR C YOUR ATE DON OF MD LUTHERAN MISSION SOCIETY Y V R 7 D MINISTRIES 410-228-843 licensed #1044 A A MVVA ax deductible T Tax 4102288437 Parsons& Robinson,P.A. Still the preferred law office. Our Aim Is Client Satisfaction. 302.539.2220 • Ocean View, DE • For All Your Needs: Real Estate • Settlements Contracts • Leases • Wills & Estates Corporations & LLCs
Calendar Continuedfrompage31
See CALENDARpage36


FamilyOpenHouseandAuthorVisit— AuthorAllisonWeistwillsharetheadventuresof“RoamingRiley”fromtwoofher childrensbooks.atSouthCoastalLibraryat 1p.m.Librarystaffwillalsointroduceyou toalltheresourcesthelibraryhastooffer families.Parentsmustaccompanychildren, andmaybringtheirdriver’slicensetoob-

tainlibrarycardsforthefamily.Thisis hostedbyFriendsoftheSouthCoastalLibraryandtheSouthCoastalLibrary.

Yoga forBeginners— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostingacourseforyogisandbeginneryogisat11a.m.Whetheryouareyoung orold,overweightorfit,abeginneroradvanced,yogahasthepowertocalmthemind andstrengthenthebody.Youcanpay$20a monthforunlimitedyogaToregister,visit

SuperSaturday— FrankfordPublicLibrary ishostingEngineerEarlyGrabN’GoSTEM

bagsatnoon.Formoreinformation,visit frankford.l

FamilyEaster— MarinersBethelUnited MethodistChurchishostingaFamilyEaster Eventfrom2to4p.m.Therewillbeglitter tattoos,balloontwister,DJRandy,anEaster egghuntandtheStationsoftheCross.


ZumbaClass— MarinersBethelUnited MethodistChurchisholdingazumbaexercise

classinthesocialhalleveryMondayat10 a.m.Thereisa$6drop-infee.Noregistration isnecessary,andallarewelcome.Formore information,

RepublicansMeet— The38thDistrictRepublicanClubwillmeetatSouthCoastalLibrary. Socialhoursbeginat6p.m.,andthemeeting startspromptlyat6:30p.m.Informationon theclubandmeetingscanbefoundat,orthroughemailat

AlphaConversations— MarinersBethel UnitedMethodistChurchishostingAlpha,a seriesofgroupconversationsthatexplorethe basicsoftheChristianfaithin afriendlyenvironment,everyMondaythroughMay15at6 p.m.Dinnerwillbeprovided.Therewillbeno meetingApril10becauseofEaster.

WindDownTime— SouthCoastalLibraryis invitingadultstocomebyforanhourortwo at2p.m.tojustunwindwithagameinthis funandfreeprogram.Socializewithother adultsandmeetnewpeopleinyourcommunity.Participationisfree,andregistrationis optional.Formoreinformation,ortoregister, orcallthemat (302)858-5518.

HooksandNeedles— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostingatimeofknittingandcrochetingforalllevelsat1p.m.Formore information, (302)732-9351.

TuningUptheTemple— MarinersBethel UnitedMethodistChurchhosts“TuningUp theTemple”onMondays,Wednesdaysand Fridays,from9to10:15a.m.atTheHope Center.Theclassesaresession-based,not drop-in,socontactCarolLynchat(302) 745-8237orc klynch02@gmail.comfor moredetails.

IntheGenes— TheSouthCoastalGenealogy GroupwillmeetatSouthCoastalLibraryfrom arenomembershipfees.


GriefShare— TheRiverChurchinRoxanais hosting“GriefShareYourJourneyfrom MourningtoJoy”everyTuesdaythroughApril 4,2023,from6:30to8:30p.m.Eachclass willincludeavideoandbreakoutdiscussions encompassingthedifferentaspectsofgrief.A workbookwillbeprovidedforeachparticipant atnocharge.

Eco-FriendlyGardening— Locallandscape designerandnatureconsultantChantal Bouchardwilldiscusstheimportanceoforganicandenvironmentally-friendlygardening andhowitcanbeaccomplished,attheSouth CoastalLibraryat2p.m.Thisisfree,

PAWSforReading— Well-trainedteamsof dogsandownerswillprovideasupportive andfunwayforkidstogainconfidencein readingaloudatSouthCoastalLibraryat4 p.m.Childrenreadfor15minutes,andmay bringtheirownbooksiftheywish.Toregister, call(302)858-5518.

YogaforBeginners— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostingacourseforyogisandbeginneryogisat11a.m.Whetheryouareyoung orold,overweightorfit,abeginneroradvanced,yogahasthepowertocalmthemind andstrengthenthebody.Youcanpay$20a monthforunlimitedyogaToregister,visit

PAWSforPeople— FrankfordPublicLibraryis hostinganopportunityat5p.m.toreadaloud

36 CoastalPoint March10,2023 410-641-1100| ©2016AtlanticGeneralHospital.Allrightsreserved. Youcanrelyon ustohelpyou keepdoingthe thingsyoulove. • AtlanticGeneralBariatricCenter • AtlanticGeneralEndoscopyand UrologyCenter • EmergencyServices • EuniceQ.SorinWomen’s DiagnosticCenter • JointSurgeryCenter • AtlanticGeneralDiabetesand EndocrinologyCenter • JohnH.‘Jack’Burbage,Jr. RegionalCancerCareCenter • SleepDisordersDiagnosticCenter • StrokeCenter • WoundCareCenter • AtlanticGeneralWomen’sHealth Center,WestO.C. Berlin,MD Thank you for your votes! I look forward to serving the residents of Millville on the Town Council! Thank You! Sharon Brienza Calendar Continuedfrompage35 SeeCALENDARpage38





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Call Vickie York 302.542.4457


Bethany West, Bethany

A meticulously cared for beach cottage. Furnished with an inviting, nautical style, wide plank wood flooring throughout, 4 bedrooms, 2 full remodeled bathrooms, 2 outdoor showers and an expansive backyard. Many recent upgrades. Take the Town Trolley, walk or bike to the beach, shopping and dining. Kayak on the Assawoman Canal. Grab your racket, paddle, or basketball. Lounge by one of the community pools! Very low annual HOA.

MLS DESU2026346 $779,000

Call Julia Hudson 301-641-6267


Bishops Landing, Millville

Pond front! Like new home with numerous custom upgrades offers a kitchen with island/breakfast bar and dining area, a dramatic 2 story living room, flex room and primary bedroom with an upscale bathroom. Upstairs offers a large loft, 3 large guest rooms and guest bathroom. Plus 2 car garage with a finished floor. Enjoy the patio and watch the wildlife on the pond, ducks, geese, turtles, and fish. Premier community with outstanding amenities.MLS DESU2035912 $649,900

Call Vickie York 302.542.4457


Ocean Mist, Ocean View

Stunning spacious townhome with a pond view features an open floor plan, numerous upgrades, gourmet kitchen with an island, breakfast bar, and dining area, living room with a gas fireplace, powder room, screened porch, and deck. The second floor offers a large primary bedroom with private balcony, 2 guest rooms and a bathroom. The third floor has a huge ensuite with separate office space or sitting/tv room and private balcony. Plus, there is an outdoor shower and garage. Less than 2 miles to the beach. Easy access to restaurants, walking trails, golfing and more.

MLS DESU2035318 $629,900

Call Vickie York 302.542.4457



Villas Of Cedar Cove, Millville

Perfection! A stunning upgraded villa offers an open floorplan with an eat-in kitchen, dramatic living/dining room area, an exceptional 3 season room that offers an inviting and cozy space and a spacious primary bedroom and bath. Upstairs offers a very nice loft area, 2 large guest rooms and a full bath. Plus, you have an attached garage. Community offers a pool, lawn, and exterior maintenance and is conveniently located to the lifeguarded beaches the Bethany beach boardwalk, and great restaurants and shopping.

MLS DESU2036736 $409,900

Call Vickie York 302.542.4457

Bethany Bay, Ocean View

Enjoy mesmerizing early morning sunrises, tidal wetlands, and amazing wildlife from an extensively upgraded home with one of the best views in Bethany Bay. Carefree living from this contemporary home offering an open floor plan with an electric fireplace, remodeled kitchen, improved primary bedroom and bathroom, 2 guest rooms, guest bathroom and an amazing 3 season room with breathtaking views. Plus, a garage, front porch and a wraparound deck. Gorgeous community with rich amenities, water access and conveniently located to the public beaches, shopping, and awesome restaurants. MLS DESU2034646 $599,900 Call Vickie York 302.542.4457


Wingate Rd, Frankford

A 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom Class C home on 2.3 acres with NO HOA. Being sold as is.

MLS DESU2028628 $299,000

Call Martha Smith 302-249-0464

Bethany Bay, Ocean View

Fantastic views of the wetlands, water, and wonderful wildlife from every room in this top-floor furnished luxury condo. This spacious condo offers a 2-story living /dining room area with an electric fireplace, a large eat-in kitchen, screened porch, large primary bedroom, and a guest bedroom. Upstairs are 2 spacious ensuites with excellent views. Discover Bethany Bay and its 1st class amenities while being located near many of the state parks, beaches, quaint shopping, and quality restaurants.

MLS DESU2034422 $495,000 Call Vickie York 302.542.4457


Bayshore MHP, Ocean View

Bayfront community with a large marina (rental) and just minutes by boat to the Atlantic Ocean. This adorable mobile offers an impressive sunroom, 2 bedrooms (no closets), 2 updated bathrooms, plank flooring, shiplap in the living room and bedroom, updated light fixtures, an electric wall fireplace, a newer shed and gorgeous landscaping with a firepit. The community has a beautiful marina and some slips available for rent. The buyer needs to be approved by the park owner, lot rent is $472 PER MONTH AND NO RENTALS ARE ALLOWED.MLS DESU2034874 $89,999 Call Vickie York 302.542.4457

Bethany West, Bethany Beach

A rare opportunity to build your dream home on this 81x100 cleared lot with an in-town location! Located in the very popular Bethany West community featuring 2 outdoor pools, tennis/pickleball courts, a fitness center, a meeting room, playgrounds, and access to the Assawoman Canal. Jump on the trolley (.25) to the beach or take advantage of your Oceanside permit parking (on permit only) streets. Impact fees are due when construction starts. Great price and a great opportunity.

MLS DESU2033514 $424,900

Call Vickie York 302.542.4457


Booker St: Sale Pending

Ready to build your home? An In town, lot several blocks from the Georgetown Circle. Cleared with sewer and water availability. 50x100 MLS DESU2032944 Only $43,900

Pyle Center Rd

Wooded .87-acre, 100 x 354 parcel, site evaluation ordered, East Of Rt #113. Only 9 miles to the beach.

MLS DESU2020506 Only $89,900

Call Kathy Cramer 302-236-5630

Please contact one of our experienced agents for your real estate needs!

Vickie Binsted 302-542-6253 Julia Hudson 301-641-6267 Nicole Frank 610-842-4521 Sondra Connor 302-245-1435 Kathy Cramer 302-236-5630 Rupert Smith 302-228-8900 Linda Mueller 302-245-0741 Martha Smith 302-249-0464
March10,2023 CoastalPoint 37

V Vis s D A

toafurry,friendlytherapycompaniontohelp inspirealoveofreading.Thisisofferedby PAWSforPeople.Registrationisrequired,and readersofallagesandstagesarewelcome. Toregister, (302)732-9351.


WethePeople— "WethePeople"isaneffort puttogetherbyBillMurphytocelebratepatriotismandcelebratetheflag,bymeetingat theBethanyBeachbandstandeveryWednesdayat8:30a.m.tosupportthemilitary,law en forcementandfirefighterswhoserveand protect.Allarewelcome.

BibleStudy— Women’sBibleStudyat MarinersBethelUnitedMethodistChurchwill beeveryWednesdaythroughApril26.There aremorningsessionsfrom10to11:30a.m. orafternoonsfrom7to8:30p.m.Thefocus willbe“Amos,”byJenniferRothschild,with theheading,“AnInvitationtotheGoodLife.” Registerbycallingtheofficeat539-9510or ts/1598632orbystoppingin.All womenarewelcome.

BabyBookworms— SouthCoastalLibraryis hostingBabyBookwormsStoryTime—for agesbirthto2—at10a.m.Thishelpschildrenlearnlanguage,social,motorandlisteningskillsthroughavarietyofactivities. Registrationisnotrequired.

LittleLearners— SouthCoastalLibraryis hostingLittleLearnersStoryTime—forages 3to5—at11a.m.Thishelpschildrenwith languageacquisitionandimprovepre-literacy s kills.Activitiesmayincludestories,music, songsandsimplecrafts.Registrationisnot required.

MedicareFraudInformation— South CoastalLibraryishostinganinteractivediscussionat2p.m.onseveraldifferent Medicarefraudandabusescamsthatoccur daily.Thepresentationwillincludetake-home information,ashortsurveyandafewgiveaways.Thisisfree, and(302)858-5518

BabyBees— EveryWednesday,Frankford PublicLibraryhostsBabyBeesstorytime forchildrenfrombirthto24monthsoldat 10:30a.m.Comelistentostories,songs andengagewithotherbabies.Registration isrequired.Formoreinformation,visit TuningUptheTemple— MarinersBethel UnitedMethodistChurchhosts“TuningUp theTemple”onMondays,Wednesdaysand Fridays,from9to10:15a.m.atTheHope Center.Theclassesa resession-based,not drop-in,socontactCarolLynchat(302) 745-8237orcklynch02@gmail.comfor moredetails.

YogaClasses— MarinersBethelUnited MethodistChurchhostsyogaclassesat5 p.m.onWednesdaysintheArmorRoom, upstairsinthechurchbuilding,with HeatherMurphy.Thereisa$5drop-infee. Classesareopentothecommunityandall arewelcome.


BookSale— TheFriendsoftheGeorgetown PublicLibrarywillholditsbooksaleoverfour days.Thehoursare:Wednesday,5-7p.m.(for

38 CoastalPoint March10,2023
AW EL WARE B from fr Be OTANIC E B awareDelaw Southern m tion ac tr t t A At s D E D AWAR ENS C GARD Tourism o 2022 S del Da 302 9 a Thu unt Op ki aw 19939 DE gsboro Rd. Neck iney P 220 m 4 p m.– a ursdays–Sundays, id-November l m i 023 6, 2 h 1 arc n M e k s r rs a j yBo oj a yR ob t o Ph
Calendar Continuedfrompage36 SeeCALENDARpage40


TheSouthCoastalLibraryrecentlyannouncedthewinnersoftheir8thAnnual TeenArtShow:


•1stPlace:MaecyOhlinger,forher pen/inkdrawing,“TheDreamingGirl,”$50 giftcardtoMichael’scraftstore

•2ndPlace:AliyaBerger,forherphotograph,“Simplicity,”$25giftcardto Michael’scraftstore

•3rdPlace:JudyJohnston,forherwatercolor/inkpainting,“Self-Portrait,”wooden clockcraftkit


•1stPlace:IsabelHou,forheroilpainting,“PortraitofLove,”$50giftcardto Michael’scraftstore

•2ndPlace:DashaCamper,forher graphitedrawing,“Fish,”$25giftcardto


•3rdPlace:IsabelHou,forherpencil drawing,“BabySteps,”woodenclockcraft kit.

HonorableMentionswerealsoawarded toAliyaBerger,KassandraBird,LenaBird andEricaSzymanskiintheSeniorDivision,andtoEleanorAlban,OliviaAustin, AnnaBaker,JessicaBaker,AnastasiaBarlow,DashaCamper,IsabelHou,Bryn Mortenson,MorganSteeleandKatieVogel intheJuniorDivision.

Teens12to18wereaskedtocreatean originalworkofartinanymedium.Inall, 19teenssubmitted41entries.Winners wereselectedbylocalartistsTaraGrim, MorganGolladayandMarinaBorovok, andprizeswereprovidedbytheFriendsof theSouthCoastalLibrary.


SINCE 1976 FEATURED LISTINGS Come see this well maintained 2 BR home in the quiet community of Magnolia Meadows. Rentals are not allowed in this community. Conveniently located in the town of Millsboro, just a 30 minute drive to the beach. Tile floors in the kitchen, living area, bedrooms and sun room. The yard is fully fenced in,giving lots of privacy. It is freshly painted and waiting for your personal touches! 241 Magnolia Dr, Millsboro • $219,000 • DESU2037074 NEWLISTING • 302-539-3001 39824 Hickman Plaza Rd. • Bethany Beach • Across From Sea Colony Vacation Rental Specialists Accepting Rental Listings for Vacation Summer Homes & Condos. Call our Rental Dept. Today! Location, Location, Location! Very desirable 2 BR plus sleeping loft townhome, just minutes from the beach, restaurants, coffee/ice cream shops, pools & tennis courts. Updated kitchen with granite countertop and upstairs bath. Flat screen TVs in living room and primary room. Fully equipped kitchen, furnished dining area and living room plus outdoor furnished deck. Ready for your enjoyment, ready for you to rent! Unique opportunity to own your very own beach retreat. 2022 gross rental income currently $20,235.96. 33623 Singles, Sea Colony West • $610,000 • DESU2030544 SEACOLONY March10,2023 CoastalPoint 39 Fun, Creativity & Nostalgia All In One! Next to High’s Gas station 30305 Vines Creek Rd, Suite 1, Dagsboro, DE (302) 364-0024 Don’t Forget... Easter Is Right Around the Corner! Physicians Mutual Insurance Company For complete details, including costs and limitations, please contact us. Product not available in all states. 6294 1-888-928-1656 Affordable pet INSURANCE Fillinthegridsothateveryrow,everycolumnandevery 3x3 gridcontainsthedigits1through9.Thatmeansthat no numberisrepeatedinanyrow,columnorbox. Copyright©KevinStone[]

Friendsonly);Thursday,from10a.m.to7 p.m.;Friday,from10a.m.to5p.m.;andSaturday,from10a.m.to12:30p.m.


FreeWrite— TheRehobothBeachWriters Guild(RBWG)willhostaweeklyFreeWrite sessionatSouthCoastalLibraryat10:30 a.m.Participants18andolderofallskilllevelswillpracticecreativewritinginafriendly andnurturingatmosphere.Attendinperson, orviaZoom.Thisisfree,andregistrationis requiredfortheZoomoption.Toregister,visit

ZooAnimals— TheSalisburyZooiscomingto SouthCoastalLibraryat2p.m.withliveanimalstopresentaneducationalprogramfor children.Thisisfree, (302)858-5518.

SpringPlantersClass— JanPoli,adesigner

atDelawareBotanicGardens,isholdinga SpringPlantersClassattheGardensat11:30 a.m.Membersareadmittedforfree,andhave a$10feefortoursandclasses.Non-memberspay$15foradmissionandhavethe sameclassandtourfee.Children16and youngerhavefreeadmissionandtour/class

YogaforBeginners— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostingacourseforyogisandbeginneryogisat11a.m.Whetheryouareyoung orold,overweightorfit,abeginneroradvanced,yogahasthepowertocalmthemind andstrengthenthebody.Youcanpay$20a monthforunlimitedyogaToregister,visit

LittleLearners— FrankfordPublicLibraryis hostingLittleLearnersat10:30a.m.fora storytimesessionforages3-4,andtheir caregivers,topromoteliteracy.Thereisalso acraft,andanopportunitytoengagewith otherpre-schoolers.Registrationisrequired, orbycalling(302)732-9351.

SuperLearners— FrankfordPublicLibrary ishostingSup erLearnersat4p.m.fora storytimesessionforages5-7,andtheir

caregivers,topromoteliteracy.Thereisalso acraftorSTEMproject,andanopportunity toengagewithotherchildren.Formoreinformation, (302)732-9351.


FridayMatinee— FrankfordPublicLibrary ishostingafridaymatineeat1p.m.The moviesareamixofadult,childrenand familymovies.Formoreinformation,visit 2)7329351.

TuningUptheTemple— MarinersBethel UnitedMethodistChurchhosts“TuningUp theTemple”onMondays,Wednesdaysand Fridays,from9to10:15a.m.atTheHope Center.Theclassesaresession-based,not drop-in,socontactCarolLynchat(302) 745-8237orcklynch02@gmail.comfor moredetails.


IntheGenes— SponsoredbytheLewesHistoricalSocietyandtheSussexCountyGenealogicalSociety,theGenealogistin ResidenceprogramisonthefirstSaturdayof eachmonthfrom10a.m.to2p.m.inthe ReadingRoomattheLewesHistoryMuseum. MembersoftheSocietywillbeavailableto helpanyonewhohasquestionsabouttheir familytree.TheLewesHistoricalSociety ArchivesFamilyFileswillbeavailableforresearch.Formoreinformation,visitthemat

BoatingSafetyClass— TheUnitedStates CoastGuardAuxiliaryisteachingaDelaware BoatingSafetyClassattheIndianRiverMarinaAdministrativeBuildingfrom8a.m.to4

p.m.Succesfulcompletionofthiscoursewill resultinreceivingaDelawareSafeBoating Certificatebymail—thisisrequiredfor boatersbornonorafterJan.1,1978.Allmaterialsfortheclasswillbeprovidedatregistration.Costis$10perperson,whilesign-in startsat7:30a.m.Pre-registrationisrequired.Call(302)616-3175,oremailthemat

SuperSaturday— FrankfordPublicLib rary ishostingSuperSaturdayatnoon.For moreinformation, orbycalling(302)732-9351.

Poker,ScrabbleandFunCar— Justin’s BeachHouseisthebeficiaryofPoker, ScrabbleandFunCarRallye#9,startingat HookedUpRawBar.Participantswilldraw aseven-cardpokerhand,picksevenletters tomaketheirbestwordandanswerquestionsusingobservationanddeduction skills.Registrationisbetween10and11 a.m.,withadrivers’meetinga t11a.m. andthefirstcarleavesat11:15a.m.All proceedsbenefitJustin’sBeachHouse,and HookedUpwillofferaDine&Donatefollowingtheevent.Formoreinformation,call (845)656-5438.


ZumbaClass— MarinersBethelUnited MethodistChurchisholdingazumbaexercise classinthesocialhalleveryMondayat10 a.m.Thereisa$6drop-infee.Noregistration isnecessary,andallarewelcome.Formore information, AlphaConversations— MarinersBethel UnitedMethodistChurchishostingAlpha,a

40 CoastalPoint March10,2023 Serving Maryland and Delaware OFFERING COMPETITIVE PAY AND BENEFITS CALL US TODAY AT 410-641-1434 OR APPLY ONLINE ARCTICHEATANDAIR.COM 302.539.7352 790 Gar eld Parkway — Bethany Beach Atlantic Auto’s Euro pean Sp ecialty Sh op — Bethany Beach, Delaware — Our highly trained technicians specialize in repair & maintenance of European branded vehicles including: COMING SOON: Tesla! Mercedes BMW Volkswagen Audi Volvo Fiat Mini Porsche Calendar Continuedfrompage38 SeeCALENDARpage42

March10,2023 CoastalPoint 41



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South Coastal Library is accepting donations of gently used books, audiobooks & DVDs. All items must be brought to the library lobby on Tuesdays from 2-4:00 pm.

Please note that some of our programs have limited in-person seating. Visit our website or call the library to register & learn more about our events!

Monday, March 13

Puzzles, Checkers, Crosswords, & Coloring

Stop by the library and unwind with some fun, passive activities for adults.

Tuesday, March 14

Microsoft Word Intro. Class 10:00 am—12:00 pm

Hands-on instruction in MS Word including creating, editing, saving, & printing a document in a small-class setting.

PAWS for Reading 4—5:00 pm

Children read to a team of well-trained dogs to build confidence & improve their reading skills!

Wednesday, March 15

Baby Bookworms Story Time 10—10:45 am

Children ages birth-2 can practice language, motor, social, & listening skills through a variety of activities!

Little Learners Story Time 11—11:45 am

Kids ages 3-5 can enjoy a variety of activities designed to help Improve pre-literacy skills!

Happy Bookers Book Club 2—3:00 pm

Join Julia & Theo for another Happy Bookers meeting! Thismonth, we’ll be reading Magpie Murders by Anthony Horowitz.

Thursday, March 16

RBWG Free Writes 10:30 am—12:30 pm

Writers of all skill levels meet to practice creative writing & explore different genres with other writing enthusiasts!

Secret Rosies of WWII 3—4:00 pm

Join us for an informative presentation on the Americanwomen who took over industrial & manufacturing jobs during WWII!

LEGO Club 5—6:15 pm

Let your child’s imagination run wild with LEGOs!

Featuring a unique theme each time!

seriesofgroupconversationsthatexplorethe basicsoftheChristianfaithinafriendlyenvironment,everyMondaythroughMay15at6 p.m.Dinnerwillbeprovided.Therewillbeno meetingApril10becauseofEaster.

NeedlepointGuild— Delaware’sSeashore ChapterofTheAmericanNeedlepointGuild meetsonthefirstMondayofthemonth from10a.m.to2p.m.attheLewesPublic Library.Bringingaboxlunchisencouraged.Newmembersarealwayswelcome. Fordetails,senda nemailtothechapterat

TuningUptheTemple— MarinersBethel UnitedMethodistChurchhosts“TuningUp theTemple”onMondays,Wednesdaysand Fridays,from9to10:15a.m.atTheHope Center.Theclassesaresession-based,not drop-in,socontactCarolLynchat(302) 745-8237orcklynch02@gmail.comfor moredetails.


Dine&Donate— BethanyBluesinBethany BeachishostingaDine&DonateforBeta SigmaPhi-XiPhiChapterfrom4to9p.m. ProceedswillgotoHALO,whichprovides emergencyshelterforthehomeless.There willbea50-50rafflealso.

SocratesCafé— BethanyBeachChristian ChurchwillbethelocationforthenextmeetingofSocratesCaféagroupofindividuals fromdifferentbackgroundsthatdiscussphilosophicalideas.Themeetingsarethefirst Tuesdayofeachmonth,from2to3:30p.m. Everyoneiswelcome.Formoreinformation,

call537-9440oremail bonniejd.rae@gmail .com.

GriefShare— TheRiverChurchinRoxanais hosting“GriefShareYourJourneyfrom MourningtoJoy”everyTuesdaythroughApril 4,2023,from6:30to8:30p.m.Eachclass willincludeavideoandbreakoutdiscussions encompassingthedifferentaspectsofgrief.A workbookwillbeprovidedforeachparticipant atnocharge.


WethePeople— "WethePeople"isaneffort puttogetherbyBillMurphytocelebratepatriotismandcelebratetheflag,bymeetingat theBetha nyBeachbandstandeveryWednesdayat8:30a.m.tosupportthemilitary,law enforcementandfirefighterswhoserveand protect.Allarewelcome.

TuningUptheTemple— MarinersBethel UnitedMethodistChurchhosts“TuningUp theTemple”onMondays,Wednesdaysand Fridays,from9to10:15a.m.atTheHope Center.Theclassesaresession-based,not drop-in,socontactCarolLynchat(302) 745-8237orcklynch02@gmail.comfor moredetails.

YogaClasses— MarinersBethelUn ited MethodistChurchhostsyogaclassesat5 p.m.onWednesdaysintheArmorRoom, upstairsinthechurchbuilding,with HeatherMurphy.Thereisa$5drop-infee. Classesareopentothecommunityandall arewelcome.

DemocratsMeet— The38thRepresentative DistrictDemocraticCommitteemeetsthefirst WednesdayofeverymonthatSouthCoastal Libraryfrom7to8:30p.m.Formoreinformation,call(302)364-5830,orvisitonlineat

BibleStudy— Women’sBi bleStudyat MarinersBethelUnitedMethodistChurchwill beeveryWednesdaythroughApril26.There aremorningsessionsfrom10to11:30a.m. orafternoonsfrom7to8:30p.m.Thefocus willbe“Amos,”byJenniferRothschild,with theheading,“AnInvitationtotheGoodLife.” Registerbycallingtheofficeat539-9510or womenarewelcome.


TuningUptheTemple— MarinersBethel UnitedMethodistChurchhosts“TuningUp theTemple”onMondays,Wednesdaysand Fridays,from9to10:15a.m.atTheHope Center.Theclassesaresession-based,not drop-in,socontactCarolLynchat(302) 745-8237orcklynch02@gmail.comfor moredetails.


AlphaConversations— MarinersBethel UnitedMethodistChurchishostingAlpha, aseriesofgroupconversationsthatexplorethebasicsoftheChristianfaithina friendlyenvironment,everyMonday th roughMay15at6p.m.Dinnerwillbe provided.TherewillbenomeetingApril10 becauseofEaster.

TuningUptheTemple— MarinersBethel UnitedMethodistChurchhosts“TuningUp theTemple”onMondays,Wednesdaysand Fridays,from9to10:15a.m.atTheHope Center.Theclassesaresession-based,not drop-in,socontactCarolLynchat(302) 745-8237orcklynch02@gmail.comfor moredetails.

42 CoastalPoint March10,2023 Is this your screen porch? BEFORE AFTER Is this your screen porch? BEFORE AFTER YOU CALL –WE SCREEN! • New Screen Porches with SUPER SCREEN • Eze Breeze 3 Season Enclosures • Porch Re-Screen & Eze-Breeze Panels Re-Vinyl • Phantom Retractable Screen Doors • Phantom Motorized Screens with Screen Mesh and/or Clear Vinyl • New Sliding or Swinging Screen Doors & Re-Screen • Solar Screens for Windows & Roll Down Solar Shades 410-520-0025 302-604-0006 Drop-Off&Pick-Up SlidingDoor, WindowRe-Screen &Re-VinylService CallforDetails MHIC# 12462 NEW
302–858-5518 43 Kent Avenue, Bethany Beach South Coastal Library Enrich.Inspire.Educate.
Calendar Continuedfrompage40

LillieJohnsonandSheritaDoughty; abrother,RobertKnight;anda grandson,ToyanaKnightJr.He leavestomournason,Toyana KnightofLincoln,Del..;adaughter, QuaniahHandy(andTiant)ofLincoln,Del.;fivesisters,GloriaE. Rogers(andRoss)ofFrankford, Del.,TheresaM.JohnsonofSeaford, Del.,AndreaB.KnightofMilton, Del.,MashellD.KnightofPhiladelphia,Pa.,andTrudeannaK.Nealof Portsmouth,Va.;ninegrandchildren; threegreat-grandchildren;theSelby family;andahostofnieces, nephews,cousinsandfriends.

Afuneralservicewillbeheldat1 p.m.onSaturday,March11,2023,at WatsonFuneralHome,211S.WashingtonSt.Millsboro,Del.,where friendsmaycallfromnoonto1p.m. forviewingandvisitation.Interment willfollowatZoarGoldenAcresin Bishopville,Md.Condolencesmay


CarolAnnMalkus,77,ofGreenwood,Del.,passedawayonFriday, March3,2023,atherhome.Bornon April4,1945,inBaltimore,Md.,she wasthedaughterofthelateVincenzoDiGiacomoandLeah(Fisher) DiGiacomo.

BornandraisedinMaryland,she wasa1963graduateofDundalk HighSchool.Shedevelopedadeep andabidingloveforcars,andparticularlyhotrods.Itwasthroughthat hobbythatshemetthetrueloveof herlife,JohnMalkus.Theymarried onOct.17,1964,andthendrove their’64GTOtotheGreatSmoky Mountainsfortheirhoneymoon. Theyspentthenext57yearstogethercreatingabeautifullifeto-

getherandenjoyingmanyadventures throughtravelingandtheirshared loveofcars.

Malkusworkedseveralyearsfor BethlehemSteel,performingclerical duties.Followinghertimethere,she washiredtobeamanagerforAutomotive&Marine,wheresheworked formanyyears,untilherretirement. Followingretirement,theMalkuses brieflylivedinFlorida,beforedecidingtomaketheirpermanenthome inGreenwood,Del.Morethananything,shetreasuredtimespentwith thosesheheldmostdear.Shewasa lovinganddevotedwife,daughter andfriend.Lovedbymany,shewill beforevermissedbyallwhowere fortunateenoughtoknowher.

Inadditiontoherparents,Malkus wasprecededindeathbyherson, VincentJohnMalkus.Sheissurvivedbyherbelovedhusband,John A.Malkus;threebrothers-in-law, JackMalkus,GaryMalkusandLarry Malkus;andtwosisters-in-law,BeverlyMattheuandKathleenHoeck.

FinalcareforMalkuswasentrustedtoParsellFuneralHomes& Crematorium,Atkins-LodgeChapel, Lewes,Del.Herlifememorialwebpageandvirtualguestbookareonline


Ann“Birdie”HicksonPease,91, longtimeresidentofDagsboro,Del., passedawayonMarch3,2023,surroundedbyherlovingfamily,ather home.ShewasbornonMay29, 1931,inHartford,Ct.,thedaughter ofAnnaandChristopherHickson. Shespenthermarriedlifedevoted toherhusband,Philip,andherfamily.Sheenjoyedvisitswithherchildrenandgrandchildren,goingtothe beach,boatoutingsandpreparing familymeals.Herhusbandjokingly referredtoherasthe“chiefofstaff,” asshemanagedthePeasefamily


Peasewaspassionateaboutthe gameofbridgeandhermanycherishedfriendshipsfosteredoverthe bridgetable.Shelovedtendingto hergarden,thebeach,mastering crosswordpuzzlesandreading,and wasawhizatthegameshow“Jeopardy.”

ThePeasefamilyisforevergratefultoCharlotteDennisforthedevotedandtendercaresheprovided toPeaseduringherillness.ThefamilyalsothankedthestaffatDelaware Hospicefortheircareandcompassion.

Peasewasprecededindeathby herthreesisters,Mary,Peggyand KayHickson.Sheissurvivedbyher belovedhusband,Philip;herfour children,CynthiaofEaston,Md., Stephen(andCarol)ofOceanView, Del.,Robert(andPeggy)ofBoulder, Colo.,andSusanofChester,Md.; fourgrandchildren;andagreatgrandson,Danielle,Laura,Greg, KyraandDevin.

AMassofChristianBurialwillbe celebratedattheChurchofSt.Ann onMarch16,2023,at11a.m.at691 GarfieldParkway,BethanyBeach, Del.TheMasswillbelivestreamed lieuofflowers,memorialcontributionsmaybemadeinPease’smemory,totheAmericanCancerSociety. Tosharecondolencesonline,visit


Elizabeth“Mrs.Babe”Smith,83, ofFrankford,Del.,departedthislife onMarch3,2023,atherhome,surroundedbyherfamily.Shewasborn onJuly7,1939,tothelateEddie TaylorandJanieWestTaylorof Williamsville,Del.Shereceivedher earlyeducationintheWilliamsville area.


RobertSmithSr.,onMay7,1956. Theyremainedmarriedfor56years, untilhispassing,andtotheirunion wasbornthreesons,Woodrow Smith;RobertSmithJr.andEugene Smith.SheworkedforBunting’s NurseryinWilliamsvilleduringher earlyyears.Laterinlife,shebecame aresidentialcleanerforprivate homesandmotels,untilherhealth declined.

Smithwasafaithfulmemberof St.JohnsAMEChurchinBishopville,Md.,undertheleadershipof theRev.DeborahWright.Sheserved asastewardandsanginthechurch choir.Shewasaverylovingperson. Shewouldhelpanyoneinneed.She tookgreatprideincookingforher boysandeveryoneintheneighborhood.Herfamousdisheswereher ricepuddingandsweetpotatopie. Shelovedtorideandshopwithher sister,MargaretHagans.Theycould beseenridingalloverSussex County!Theywereaffectionately knownas“theGoldenGirls.”Her favoritesayingwas“It’s5o’clock somewhere!”

Smithwasprecededindeathby herparents;ason,WoodrowSmith; herhusband,RobertSmithSr.;a brother,RobertTaylor;andhersister DaisyTaylor.Alsoprecedingherwas herbrother-in-law,AlbertLeeHa-

March10,2023 CoastalPoint 43
Melson’s Funeral Services & Cremation Services Ocean View Chapel 38040 Muddy Neck Road Ocean View, DE 302.537.2441 Long Neck Chapel 32013 Long Neck Road Millsboro, DE 302.945.9000 Frankford Chapel 43 atcher Street Frankford, DE 302.732.9000



gans.Sheleavestocherishhermemorytwosons,RobertSmithJr.(and Montoya)andEugene(and Michele),bothofMillsboro,Del.; twobrothers:HaroldTaylor(and Rosanne)ofWilliamstown,N.J.,and RussellTaylor(andDiane)ofSelbyville,Del.Alsosurvivingareher sister,MargaretHagansofFrankford,Del.;andsixgrandchildren,RebeccaDixon,NykiaPurnell,T.C. Blake,CarlosSnipes,AndreSnipes andReginaSnipes.Thereare16 grandchildren;fourgreat-grandchil-

dren;andthreebrothers-in-law: RussellSmith(andLy nn)of Williamstown,N.J.;RaymondSmith (andDiane)ofGeorgetown,Del.; andRandallSmithofNewCastle, Del.Shehastwospecialfriends, MildredHudsonandRosalieHandy; alongwithahostofnephews,nieces andfriends.

Atimeofvisitationandviewing willbeheldfrom11a.m.tonoonat St.John2ndBaptistChurch,Mt.Joy Road,Millsboro,Del.,onFriday, March10,2023.Afuneralservice willfollowatnoon,withinterment atCalvaryPentecostalChurch CemeteryinBishopville,Md.The Rev.DeborahWrightwillofficiate.



PaulineDessenWise,82,of BethanyBeach,Del.,andformerlyof YorkandLancaster,Pa.,diedFeb.25, 2023,atHarborHealthCarein Lewes,Del.BornFeb.23,1941,in Lancaster,Pa.,shewasthedaughter ofthelateGeorgeR.Dessenand Verna(Denlinger)Dessen.

ShewasthewifeofJereC.Wise Sr.,andtheysharedalovingmarriagefor61years.

After35yearsofteachingelementaryschool,WiseretiredfromYork SuburbanSchoolDistrict.Mostof herteachingcareerwasspentasa kindergartenteacheratValleyView Elementary,fromwhichsheretired in2001.

Shewasa1959graduateofJ.P. McCaskeyHighSchoolinLancaster anda1962graduateofMillersville University.Shewasamemberofthe PennsylvaniaAssociationofSchool Retirees(PASR).Whileresidingin York,shewasamemberoftheJunior League.Shewasa40-yearmember ofAldersgateUnitedMethodist ChurchinYork,Pa.Aftermovingto BethanyBeach,Del.,shebecamea memberofSt.Martha’sEpiscopal Church,whereshewasachoirmemberandparticipatedinvariousoutreachprograms.Oneofthemost


rewardingprogramsforWisewas theInternationalStudentprogram, wheresheopenedherhometostudentsfromPoland.Thestudentsbecamemembersofherextended family,assheprovidedawarmand welcomingenvironmentforanyone whostayedinherhome.

Shewasknownforherwonderful mealsandpenchantforbaking,even makingherfamouscheesecakesfora localdeliinBethanyBeach.Shewas anavidreaderwhoenjoyedtraveling, especiallyifitwastoalocation whereshecouldvisitwithfriendsor family.Paulinewasknowntoput friendsandfamilyaboveallelse,alwaysexudingkindnessandcompassion.

Wisewasprecededindeathby herthreebrothers,GeorgeR.Dessen Jr.,WilliamD. CoolidgeandJohn Coolidge.Inadditiontoherbeloved husband,Jere,sheissurvivedbyher threechildren,JereC.“Jay”WiseJr. (andEmily)ofYork,Pa.,RandallD. “Randy”Wise(andJamie)ofWaco, Texas,andRachelE.Wise(and MelissaKing)ofWilmington,Del.; threegrandchildren,AmandaE. Wise,OliviaG.WiseandJakeR. Wise;andagreat-grandson,Chance. Followingcremation,aCelebrationofLifeservicewillbeheldat2 p.m.onMarch18,2023,atSt. Martha’sEpiscopalChurch,117 MaplewoodStreet,BethanyBeach, Del.Officiatingwillbeherpastor, theRev.VictoriaPretti.Areception willfollowtheserviceatthechurch. Agravesideservicewillbeheldata laterdateatFairviewCemeteryin Wrightsville,Pa.Inlieuofflowers, memorialcontributionsmaybemade totheParkinson’sFoundationMidAtlanticChapter,Attn:DonorServices,200SE1stStreet,Suite800, Miami,FL33131orSaintMartha’s EpiscopalChurch,P.O. Box1478, BethanyBeach,DE19930.ArrangementswerebytheEtzweilerFuneral Homes&CremationService,1111 EastMarketStreet,York,PA17403,

44 CoastalPoint March10,2023

Best Bets

FRIDAY 10 p.m. on & WBOC

Blue Bloods

After escaping from Mexico’s highest security prison, the head of the deadly La Mano Sangrienta Drug cartel is re-captured and extradited to New York City to stand trial, so Danny (Donnie Wahlberg) teams up with Gates (Lyle Lovett) to deliver El Granjero to the Federal Courthouse.

10 p.m. on 5 FX

The New York Times Presents

If you were rich and famous in the 1990s and needed a problem to go away, you hired Anthony Pellicano. Hollywood’s dirtiest private eye did whatever it took to hide the sins of his clients. His victims accused him of, in some cases, of ruining their lives forever. He eventually went to prison, but now he’s out — and talking. The new episode “The Sin Eater: The Crimes of Anthony Pellicano Part 1,” investigates how the rich and powerful in Hollywood bent the law to their will.


8 p.m. on 6 LIFE

Movie: Girl in the Closet

Cameron (Daijah Peters) is placed into the guardianship of her Aunt Mia (Tami Roman), a convicted murderer, when her mother Patricia (Remy Ma) suffers an aneurysm. Mia reaps the benefits of fostering her niece. But soon after arriving in her new home, Cameron begins to hear voices coming from behind the basement’s locked door.

8:30 p.m. on 3 TNT

Movie: Shazam!

Director David F. Sandberg delivered a hit to both moviegoers and critics with this charming and funny adaptation of a DC Comics property, about young Billy Batson (Asher Angel), who through a very complicated back story — gains the power to turn into an adult superhero (played by Zachary Levi). Billy must master his new abilities quickly, however, to vanquish a mad physicist (Mark Strong).


8 p.m. on _ WMDT

The Oscars

It was a very good year for movie lovers, and the granddaddy of movie awards returns with the 95th Academy Awards celebration. The list of nominees and feel-good stories should be enough to keep us focused for what will surely be a long night, with nominees including Brendan Fraser (“The Whale”), Austin Butler (“Elvis”) and Michelle Yeoh (“Everything Everywhere All at Once”) up for hardware. Who’ll win what? What will they be wearing? Jimmy Kimmel hosts.

48 “Chat Trap” ’ The Torso Killer Confessions ’ The Torso Killer Confessions ’ The Torso Killer

8 TRUTV Inside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside Jokes

< ESPN (5:30) SportsCenter College Basketball BasketballCollege Basketball Basketball

= ESPN2 Daily Wager College Basketball BasketballCollege Basketball SportsCenter

A GOLF Live From THE PLAYERS (N) (Live) 2023 Players Championship Second Round. Live From THE PLAYERS


M HIST Ancient Aliens ’ Ancient Aliens ’ Ancient Aliens ’ Ancient Aliens (N) ’ (:03) Ancient Aliens ’ (:05) Ancient Aliens ’

N ANPL The Aquarium ’ The Zoo ’ The Zoo “Penguins in Love” The Zoo “A New Reality” The Zoo ’ The Zoo ’

P DISN Hamster &“Alvin and Chipmunks: Squeakquel” Kiff ’ Kiff (N) Big CityMarvel’s MoHamster &Big City Kiff ’ Kiff

WMDT NewsWorld NewsWise MoneyRed CarpetNBA NBA Basketball Milwaukee Bucks at Golden State Warriors. (N)

WBAL 11 News at 6Nightly News Access Hollywood (N) ’ The Wall “Tamara and Leo” Weakest Link ’ Saturday Night Live

WCPB MPT-RequestMPT by Request MPT by Request MPT by Request

TNT (5:15) Movie: ›› “Wonder Woman 1984” (2020) Gal Gadot. (DVS) Movie: ››› “Shazam!” (2019) Zachary Levi, Mark Strong. (DVS) Movie: “Wonder Woman” 5 FX (4:00) Movie: “Green Book” XFL Football Houston Roughnecks at Orlando Guardians. (N) ’ (Live) XFL Football: Brahmas at Sea Dragons

6 LIFE “Girl in the Shed: The Kidnapping of Abby Hernandez” Movie: “Girl in the Closet” (2023) Remy Ma. Premiere. (:03) Movie: “Husband, Wife and Their Lover” (2022)

7 A&E The First 48 ’ The First 48 ’ The First 48 ’ The First 48 ’ The First 48 ’ The First 48 ’

8 TRUTV Imp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersInside Jokes

< ESPN College Basketball BasketballCollege Basketball College Basketball

= ESPN2 College Basketball College Basketball College Basketball Basketball


I HGTV HuntersHuntersHuntersHuntersHuntersHuntersHouse Hunters Renovation House Hunters HuntersHunters Int’l

K FOOD Diners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, Drive

L DISC Naked and Afraid ’ Naked and Afraid ’ Naked and Afraid A partnership becomes volatile. ’ Naked and Afraid ’ Naked and Afraid ’

M HIST The UnXplained ’ The UnXplained ’ The UnXplained ’ (:02) The UnXplained ’ (:02) The UnXplained ’ (:03) The UnXplained ’

N ANPL Dr. Dee: Alaska Vet ’ Dr. Dee: Alaska Vet ’ Pets & Pickers ’ Pets & Pickers ’ Dr. Dee: Alaska Vet ’ Dr. Dee: Alaska Vet ’

P DISN Big CityBig CityBig CityBig CityProud FamilyProud FamilyMarvel’s MoBig CityHamster &Marvel’s MoLadybugLadybug

R TVLND Mike & MollyMike & Molly MomMomMomMom KingKingKingKingKingKing

¨ AMC (5:00) Movie: ›› “The Mummy Returns” (2001) Movie: ›› “Con Air” (1997, Action) Nicolas Cage, John Cusack. Movie: › “Gone in 60 Seconds” (2000)

≠ BRAV Movie ›› “50 First Dates” (2004) Adam Sandler. Movie ›› “Happy Gilmore” (1996) Adam Sandler. Movie ›› “50 First Dates” (2004) Adam Sandler.

µ WTXF PregameCollege Basketball Postgame 2023 World Baseball Classic Great Britain vs United

A Countdown to the FinalSanditon on Masterpiece (:15) Sanditon on Masterpiece ’ MPT-Request

3 TNT NHL HockeyNHL on TNT Movie: ››› “Avengers: Endgame” (2019, Action) Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo. (DVS) (10:55) “Transformers”

5 FX (5:00) Movie: ››› “A Star Is Born” (2018) ’ Movie: ›› “The Fate of the Furious” (2017) Vin Diesel, Dwayne Johnson. ’ “The Fate of the Furious”

6 LIFE Movie: “A Lifeguard’s Obsession” (2023) Amanda Jones. Movie: “The Surrogate Scandal” (2023) Catherine Dyer. (:03) Movie: “From Straight A’s to XXX” (2017)

7 A&E Biography: WWE Legends “Undertaker” ’ Biography: WWE Legends “Kane” Profiling Glenn Jacobs. (:01) WWE Rivals (N) (:04) WWE Rivals ’

8 TRUTV Imp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. Jokers

< ESPN SportsCenter (N) Bracketology - Field of 136NCAA Women’s Selection NBA Basketball New York Knicks at Los Angeles Lakers. (N) SportsCenter

= ESPN2 XFL Football XFL Football Vegas Vipers at D.C. Defenders. From Audi Field in Washington, D.C. (N) Bracketology: Field of 136 (N) (Live) UFC 286


I HGTV Home Town Home Town Home Town (N) (:01) Home Town (N) HuntersHunters Int’lHuntersHunters Int’l

K FOOD Guy’s Grocery GamesGuy’s Grocery Games Tournament of Champions (N) ’ Alex vs America (N) Alex vs America

L DISC Naked and Afraid: Uncensored “No Gear, No Fear” (N) Naked and Afraid Four male survivalists seek redemption. (:03) Naked and Afraid: Solo (:11) Naked and Afraid ’

M HIST Built America Built America Built America Built America Built America Built America

N ANPL Yellowstone Wardens ’ Yellowstone Wardens ’ Yellowstone Wardens ’ Yellowstone Wardens (N) (:01) Yellowstone Wardens(:01) Yellowstone Wardens

P DISN (5:55) Kiff ’ (:20) “Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days” ’ Bunk’dBunk’d Movie: ››› “Mary Poppins Returns” (2018) ’ Bunk’dBunk’d

R TVLND Mike & MollyMike & Molly MomMomMomMom Two MenTwo MenTwo MenTwo MenTwo MenTwo Men

¨ AMC (5:30) Movie: ›› “Con Air” (1997) Nicolas Cage. Movie: ››› “Star Trek Beyond” (2016) Chris Pine, Karl Urban. (:45) Movie: ›› “Total Recall” (2012)

≠ BRAV Housewives-AtlantaSWV & Xscape SWV & Xscape Watch WhatSWV & Xscape Housewives of NJ Housewives

µ WTXF NASCAR Cup SeriesSimpsonsBurgersSimpsonsGreat NorthBurgersFamily Guy The 10 O’Clock News (N) Fox 29 News Extra (N) ’ Bethany MONDAY EVENING MARCH 13, 2023

# CW Judge LakeJudge LakeDivorceDivorce All American “Day Ones” All American: HomecomingNews Chicago P.D. (DVS) Family Guy

% FOX Last ManLast ManBig BangBig Bang 9-1-1 (N) ’ (DVS) (:01) Fantasy Island (N) ’ WBOC News Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ Friends ’ & WBOC NewsCBS NewsNewsEnt. TonightNeighborBob-Abishola NCIS “Butterfly Effect” (N) NCIS: Hawai’i “Family Ties” NewsLate-Colbert

_ WMDT 47abc NewsWorld NewsFamily FeudFamily Feud The Bachelor (N) ’ (:01) The Good Doctor (N) NewsJ. Kimmel

+ WBAL 11 News at 6Nightly NewsInside Ed.Hollywood The Voice The coaches seek America’s best voice. (N) ’ Quantum Leap (N) ’ NewsTonight Show , WCPB PBS NewsHour (N) ConnectionCollectibles Antiques RoadshowGreat Performances David Strathairn portrays Jan Karski. Amanpour and Company (N)

3 TNT (:05) Movie: ››› “Avengers: Endgame” (2019, Action) Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo. (DVS) True Blood Bill must pay a steep price. ’ True Blood

5 FX Movie: ››› “Zombieland” (2009) Woody Harrelson. ’ Movie: ›› “Night School” (2018) Kevin Hart, Tiffany Haddish. ’ Movie: ›› “Night School” (2018) ’

6 LIFE Castle “Death Wish” Castle “Backstabber” Castle “Dead

(2013) James Franco.

< ESPN SportsCenter (N) NBA NBA Basketball Memphis Grizzlies at Dallas Mavericks. (N) (Live) NBA Basketball Phoenix Suns at Golden State Warriors. = ESPN2 Jay Bilas SportsCenter Bracketology: Field of 136 Daily Wager: Tournament Challenge SportsCenter (N)

A GOLF Golf Central PGA TOURGolf Acad. 2023 Players Championship Final Round.

I HGTV Home Town “Blue Heaven” Home Town Rock the Block Rock the Block (N) HuntersHuntersHuntersHunters

K FOOD Spring Baking Championship “Who Do You Love?” Spring Baking Championship “Spring Passion” (N) Spring Bak Chopped

L DISC Street Outlaws: FastestStreet Outlaws: Fastest Street Outlaws: Fastest in America New teams, new cars and new rules. (DVS) Street Outlaws: Red Line

M HIST History’s Greatest Mysteries ’ History’s-MysteriesHistory’s-MysteriesHistory’s Greatest of AllHistory’s-Mysteries

N ANPL Alaska: The Last FrontierAlaska: The Last FrontierAlaska: The Last FrontierAlaska:

Bethany FRIDAY EVENING MARCH 10, 2023 6:006:307:007:308:008:309:009:3010:0010:3011:0011:30 # CW Judge LakeJudge LakeDivorceDivorce Penn & Teller: Fool Us ’ Whose LineWhose LineNews Chicago P.D. “Familia” ’ Family Guy % FOX Last ManLast ManBig BangBig Bang WWE Friday Night SmackDown (N) ’ (Live) WBOC News Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ Friends ’ & WBOC NewsCBS NewsNewsEnt. Tonight S.W.A.T. “Blowback” (N) ’ Fire Country (N) ’ Blue Bloods (N) ’ NewsLate-Colbert _ WMDT 47abc NewsWorld NewsFamily FeudFamily Feud Shark Tank (N) ’ (:01) 20/20 ’ DelmarvaJ. Kimmel + WBAL 11 News at 6Nightly NewsInside Ed.Hollywood75 YearsGrand Crew Dateline NBC (N) ’ NewsTonight Show , WCPB PBS NewsHour (N) State CircleHistory WithMidsomer Murders: 25Rod Stewart: Live at the Royal Albert HallMPT by Request 3 TNT (4:00) ›› “Ghostbusters”Movie: ››› “Avengers: Age of Ultron” (2015, Action) Robert Downey Jr. (DVS) All Elite Wrestling Movie: “Justice League” 5 FX Get Out ’ Movie: ››› “The Help” (2011, Drama) Viola Davis, Emma Stone, Bryce Dallas Howard. ’ The New York Times Presents (N) New York 6 LIFE Movie: “Pool Boy Nightmare” (2020) Jessica Morris. Movie: “A Lifeguard’s Obsession” (2023) Amanda Jones. (:03) Movie: ›› “27 Dresses” (2008) Katherine Heigl. 7 A&E The First
Dream HomeDream HomeDream HomeDream HomeDream HomeDream HomeDream HomeDream HomeHuntersHunters Int’lDream HomeDream Home K FOOD Diners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, Drive L DISC Gold Rush “Trial by Parker” Gold Rush: Pay Dirt (N) ’ Gold Rush Tony rescues a sinking excavator. (N) ’ Aussie Gold HuntersAussie Gold Hunters
’ R TVLND Andy GriffithAndy GriffithAndy GriffithAndy GriffithRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondKingKing ¨ AMC (5:00) Movie: ››› “True Lies” (1994, Action) Movie: ›› “The Mummy” (1999) Brendan Fraser, Rachel Weisz. (:45) Movie: ›› “The Mummy Returns” ≠ BRAV Below Deck (N) Below Deck (N) Movie ››› “A League of Their Own” (1992, Comedy-Drama) Tom Hanks. ‘PG’ “A League of Their Own” µ WTXF The Six (N) Props TMZ (N) ’ Bet Your Life WWE Friday Night SmackDown (N) ’ (Live) The 10 NewsSpecialFox 29 NewsFeed Bethany SATURDAY EVENING MARCH 11, 2023 6:006:307:007:308:008:309:009:3010:0010:3011:0011:30 # CW BurgersBurgers The Good Doctor “Stories” Masters ofMasters
“Hunt for the Wilderpeople” (2016)
FOX PregameCollege Basketball Postgame 2023 World Baseball Classic Great Britain vs United States. (N) ’ (Live) & WBOC College Basketball NCIS: Los Angeles ’ S.W.A.T. “Quandary” 48 Hours ’ NewsOutdoors
States. (N) ’ (Live) Bethany SUNDAY EVENING MARCH 12, 2023 6:006:307:007:308:008:309:009:3010:0010:3011:0011:30 # CW Family GuyFamily Guy The Good Doctor ’ AnimalsAnimalsWhose LineWhose LineNews Chicago P.D. “Life Is Fluid” WOW % FOX NASCAR Cup SeriesSimpsonsBurgersSimpsonsGreat NorthBurgersFamily GuyWBOC News Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ Friends ’ & WBOC NCAA Selection Show 60 Minutes (N) ’ The Equalizer (N) ’ East New York (N) NCIS: Los Angeles ’ News at 11The Rookie _ WMDT News Oscars Pre-Show (N) ’ (Live) The Oscars Honors for achievements in film. (N) ’ (Live) (DVS) NewsAmer. Idol + WBAL 11 News at 6Nightly News Dateline NBC ’ Magnum P.I. (N) ’ The Blacklist (N) ’ News11 News , WCPB (5:00) MPT by Request Endeavour:
Castle ’ (:03) Castle “Hell to Pay” (:03) Castle “Crossfire” ’ 7 A&E The First 48 “Last Fare” ’ The First 48 ’ The First 48 ’ The First 48 ’ (:01) The First 48 ’ (:04) The First 48 ’ 8 TRUTV
JokesInside JokesInside JokesImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. Jokers Movie: ››› “This Is the End”
The Last FrontierAlaska: The Last FrontierAlaska: The Last Frontier P DISN LadybugLadybug Movie: “Flora and Ulysses” (2020) Marvel’s MoMarvel’s MoHamster & Kiff ’ LadybugLadybugLadybug R TVLND Andy GriffithAndy GriffithAndy GriffithAndy GriffithRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondKingKing ¨ AMC (5:15) Movie: ››› “Star Trek Beyond” (2016) Movie: › “Gone in 60 Seconds” (2000, Action) Nicolas Cage. (:45) Movie: ›› “Hitman” (2007) ≠ BRAV Below Deck “Au Revoir!” Below Deck (N) Below Deck (N) Summer House (N) Below Deck Summer µ WTXF The Six (N) The Pulse TMZ (N) ’ Bet Your Life 9-1-1 (N) ’ (DVS) (:01) Fantasy Island (N) ’ The 10 O’Clock News (N) Fox 29 NewsFeed
March10,2023 CoastalPoint 45
the best of the beach. in ink and online. every friday.


_ WMDT 47abc NewsWorld NewsFamily FeudFamily Feud The Bachelor “The Women Tell All” (N) ’ (DVS) (:01) Will Trent ’ NewsJ. Kimmel + WBAL 11 News at 6Nightly NewsInside Ed.HollywoodNight CourtAmerican The Voice (N) ’ That’s My Jam (N) ’ NewsTonight Show , WCPB PBS NewsHour (N) Farm-HarvestOutdoorsFinding Your Roots Frontline The role of easy money policies. (N) ’ Amanpour and Company (N)

3 TNT (5:15) Movie: ››› “Shazam!”

’ Castle ’ Castle City councilman dies. Castle ’ (:03) Castle ’ (:03) Castle ’

A&E Neighbor.Neighbor.Neighbor.Neighbor.Neighbor.Neighbor.Neighbor.Neighbor.Neighbor.Neighbor.Neighbor.Neighbor.

Hockey Washington Capitals at New York Rangers. (N) (Live) 2023 NIT Basketball Tournament SportsCenter

Best Bets

10:03 p.m. on L DISC

Naked and Afraid: Solo

In this new reality spinoff series, nude survivalists must overcome brutal environments and conditions, hoping to survive 21 days in the wild. But this time they must do it solo. With no one to lean on for help, their success depends solely on their own ingenuity, skills and will to survive. But at least they don’t need to be shy about it.


7 p.m. on P DISN

ESPN2 Daily Wager (N) (Live) 2023 NIT Basketball Tournament 2023 NIT Basketball Tournament

Basketball Tournament A GOLF Golf Central Play LessonsGolf Acad. Movie: ›› “Tommy’s Honour” (2016) Peter Mullan, Jack Lowden. Golf Central Tom Honour

I HGTV Fixer to Fabulous Fixer to Fabulous Fixer to Fabulous (N) Fixer to Fabulous (N) HuntersHunters Int’lHuntersHunters

The Curse of Oak Island ’

N ANPL Yellowstone Wardens ’ Lone Star Law ’ Lone Star Law ’ Lone Star Law ’ Lone Star Law ’ Lone Star Law ’

P DISN Big CityBig City NHL Hockey: Capitals at Rangers Kiff ’ Kiff ’ Hamster &LadybugLadybug

R TVLND Andy GriffithAndy GriffithAndy GriffithAndy GriffithRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondKingKing

¨ AMC › “Gone in 60 Seconds”Movie: ›› “Hitman” (2007) Timothy Olyphant.

An Evolution NOVA ’ (DVS) Secrets of the DeadAmanpour and Company (N)

3 TNT Fast FoodiesNHL on TNT NHL Hockey Colorado Avalanche at Toronto Maple Leafs. (Live) NHL Hockey Minnesota Wild at St. Louis Blues. (N Subject to Blackout)

5 FX (4:30) “The Equalizer 2” ’ Movie: ›› “Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw” (2019) Dwayne Johnson. ’ Snowfall Franklin confronts Teddy’s father. Snowfall ’

6 LIFE Castle “The Double Down” Castle “Inventing the Girl” Married at First Sight “Moonshine and Monthiversaries” (:03) Married at First Sight(:03) Married at First Sight

7 A&E The First 48 ’ The First 48 ’ The First 48 ’ The First 48 ’ (:01) The First 48 ’ (:04) The First 48 ’

8 TRUTV NCAA Tip-Off 2023 NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament First Four: Teams TBA. (N) 2023 NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament First Four: Teams TBA. (N) Inside March

< ESPN SportsCenter (N) NBA NBA Basketball Philadelphia 76ers at Cleveland Cavaliers. (N) NBA Basketball: Warriors at Clippers

= ESPN2 Daily Wager (N) (Live) 2023 NIT Basketball Tournament 2023 NIT Basketball Tournament NIT Basketball Tournament

A GOLF Golf Central GolfGolf PGA TOUR ClassicsGOLF Films GolfGolf Acad.

I HGTV Farmhouse Fixer Farmhouse Fixer Property Brothers Nate & Jeremiah HuntersHuntersHuntersHunters

K FOOD Guy’s Grocery GamesGuy’s Grocery GamesGuy’s Grocery GamesGuy’s Grocery GamesGuy’s Grocery GamesGuy’s Grocery Games

L DISC Moonshiners (DVS) Moonshiners: Outlaw Cuts Moonshiners (N) ’ (DVS)

Moonshiners: Double ShotMaster Distiller

M HIST Pawn Stars (DVS) Pawn Stars “Yay or Neigh?” Pawn Stars (DVS) Pawn Stars “Battle-Pawn” Dirty OldDirty Old (:03) Pawn Stars ’

N ANPL River Monsters ’ River Monsters ’ River Monsters ’ River Monsters ’ River Monsters ’ River Monsters ’

P DISN LadybugLadybugHamster &Big CityBig CityMarvel’s MoBunk’d Bunk’d Big CityHamster &LadybugLadybug

R TVLND Andy GriffithAndy GriffithAndy GriffithAndy GriffithRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondKingKing

¨ AMC Movie: › “Rambo: Last Blood” (2019) Sylvester Stallone. Movie: ››› “True Lies” (1994) Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jamie Lee Curtis. Movie: “Mr. & Mrs. Smith”

≠ BRAV Vanderpump RulesVanderpump RulesVanderpump Rules (N) Vanderpump Rules (N) Watch What (:45) Vanderpump Rules

µ WTXF The Six (N) ClassH-Room TMZ (N) ’ Bet Your Life The Masked Singer (N) ’ (:01) Farmer Wants a Wife The 10 O’Clock News (N) Fox 29 NewsFeed Bethany

Hotel Hidden Ireland ’ Farm-HarvestConnection

TNT NCAA Men’s Basketball 2023 NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament First Round: Teams TBA. (N) 2023 NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament Flipping

FX Movie: ›› “The Fate of the Furious” (2017) Vin Diesel, Dwayne Johnson. ’ XFL Football Houston Roughnecks at Seattle Sea Dragons. (N) ’ (Live)

LIFE Castle ’ Castle “Vampire Weekend” Married at First Sight (N) Married at First Sight UK(:03) Married at First SightMarried at First Sight UK

7 A&E The First 48 “Murder Rap” The First 48 ’ The First 48 (N) ’ Butchers of the Bayou(:01) Butchers of the Bayou (:04) The First 48 ’

8 TRUTV Imp. JokersImp. JokersNCAA Tip-Off 2023

NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament First Round: Teams TBA. (N) 2023

NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament

< ESPN SportsCenter (N) Men’s College Wrestling NCAA Championships. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live)

= ESPN2 NBA Today (N) 2023 NCAA Women’s Basketball Tournament 2023 NCAA Women’s Basketball Tournament NFL Live

A GOLF Golf Central (N) (Live) PGA Tour Golf Valspar Championship, First Round. PGA Tour Golf Valspar Championship, First Round.

I HGTV No Demo Reno The Flipping El Moussas The Flipping El Moussas (N) (:01) Married to Real EstateHuntersHunters Int’lHuntersHunters Int’l

K FOOD Beat BobbyBeat BobbyBeat BobbyBeat Bobby Restaurant: Impossible “A Family Divided” Beat BobbyBeat BobbyBeat BobbyBeat BobbyBeat Bobby

L DISC Naked and Afraid XL Sixty days in the Louisiana swamps. Naked and Afraid XL Gary eats parts of the alligator. ’ (:01) Naked and Afraid XL Naked and Afraid’s best.

M HIST Swamp People: SerpentSwamp People: SerpentSwamp People: SerpentSwamp People: SerpentSwamp People: SerpentSwamp People: Serpent

N ANPL Insane Pools: Deep EndInsane Pools: Deep EndInsane Pools: Deep EndInsane Pools: Deep EndInsane Pools: Deep EndInsane Pools: Deep End

P DISN Kiff ’ Kiff ’ Hamster &Big CityBig CityMarvel’s MoRavenRavenBig CityHamster &LadybugLadybug

R TVLND Andy GriffithAndy GriffithAndy GriffithAndy GriffithRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondKingKing

¨ AMC (5:00) Movie: ››› “True Lies” (1994, Action) Movie: ›› “Con Air” (1997, Action) Nicolas Cage, John Cusack. Movie: ››› “Under Siege” (1992)

≠ BRAV Vanderpump RulesVanderpump RulesTop Chef “London Calling” Top Chef “Rice, Rice Baby” Watch What (:45) Top Chef “Rice, Rice Baby”

µ WTXF The Six (N) Kelly Drives TMZ (N) ’ Bet Your Life Next Level Chef (N) ’ AnimalCall Me Kat The 10 O’Clock News (N) Fox 29 NewsFeed

Movie: Flora and Ulysses

After rescuing a squirrel she names Ulysses from a vacuum, 10-year-old Flora (Matilda Lawler) is amazed to discover he possesses unique superhero powers, which take them on an adventure that ultimately change Flora’s life and her outlook forever as her parents Phyllis (Alyson Hannigan) and George (Ben Schwartz) help her set him free in this 2020 comedy. Benjamin Evan Ainsworth, Bobby Moynihan and Janeane Garofalo also star.

10 p.m. on K FOOD

Spring Baking Championship

Grab your bonnets and your bundt pans because it’s the return of Easter fashion week! Host Sunny Anderson asks the bakers to use popular nail art patterns as inspiration for vibrant geometric — and delicious — tarts. Then the bakers channel their inner supermodel to make edible and wearable Easter hats to model on the bunny-walk. Stephanie Boswell and Zac Young are the judges in the new episode “Easter, It’s Fashion, Bunny.”


6:30 p.m. on 8 TRUTV

2023 NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament

March Madness gets underway with truTV airing all four games in the First Four from UD Arena in Dayton, Ohio. All games tonight and tomorrow are between teams holding the four lowest seeded automatic bids and the four lowest seeded at-large bids. The winners here advance to the First Round beginning Thursday.

8 p.m. on # CW

Superman & Lois

Clark (Tyler Hoechlin) and Lois (Elizabeth Tulloch) are now working at the Smallville Gazette together and enjoying small town life. But their romantic harmony only shines a light on how isolating “the secret” can be, as Chrissy (Sofia Hasmik) struggles to balance a new love interest and her friendship with Lois in Season 3. However, Lois’ own work-life balance is put to the test when an undercover assignment reveals a deadly foe that promises to change the Kent family forever.


8 p.m. on # CW

The Flash

Just as Barry (Grant Gustin) and Iris (Candice Patton) make plans for their new life, luck begins to change for those in Central City. Cecile (Danielle Nicolet) begins a case with Allegra’s (Kayla Compton) help, involving a string of unfortunate — and highly unexpected — events. Meanwhile, Chester (Brandon McKnight) and the team work with Khione (Danielle Panabaker) to better understand her abilities. Chad Lowe directed the new episode “The Good, the Bad and the Lucky.”

9 p.m. on M HIST Pawn Stars

As Rick prepares to battle over a pair of vintage posters, will he win the war or end up framed for cheapness? Then, Rick and Chum call on the power of Grayskull as they check out a large Battle Cat toy. But will the duo be cringing from sticker shock, or will they be able to transform the negotiations? Meanwhile, Corey takes a look at an old fireman’s megaphone. Can he ignite a deal, or will he get hosed in the new episode “Battle-Pawn.”


12 p.m. on & WBOC

2023 NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament March Madness gets into full swing as the NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament begins with the official First Round, known as the Round of 64, which begins Thursday and continues Friday. Winners advance to the Second Round (Round of 32) over the weekend with the victors in that round advancing to next week’s Sweet 16. This year’s Final Four will be held April 1 and 3 at the NRG Stadium in Houston.

9 p.m. on 7 A&E Butchers of the Bayou

This new miniseries examines two serial killers who were operating separately in the area of Baton Rouge, La. In 2002, Charlotte Murray Pace, an LSU graduate, was found raped and stabbed to death in her home in 2002. The crime reminded police of the unsolved case of Gina Wilson Green in 2001. Then, in March 1994, Ann Bryan was found murdered in her home at the St. James Place retirement community. Despite attempts to catch her killer, the case went cold. Part 2 immediately follows with the conclusion airing Friday.

46 CoastalPoint March10,2023 Bethany TUESDAY
6:006:307:007:308:008:309:009:3010:0010:3011:0011:30 #
CW Judge LakeJudge LakeDivorceDivorce Superman & Lois “Closer” Gotham Knights “Pilot” ’ News Chicago P.D. (DVS) Family Guy
FOX Last ManLast ManBig BangBig Bang 9-1-1: Lone Star (N) ’ (:01) Accused (N) ’
News Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ Friends ’ & WBOC NewsCBS NewsNewsEnt.
FBI “Family First” (N) FBI: International “Trust” FBI: Most Wanted (N) NewsLate-Colbert
(2019) Zachary Levi. Movie: ››› “Ant-Man” (2015, Action) Paul Rudd. (DVS) Movie: ››› “Shazam!” (2019, Action) 5 FX (5:00) ›› “Sicario: Day of the Soldado”Movie: ›› “The Equalizer 2” (2018) Denzel Washington. ’ Under the Banner of Heaven “Surrender” Under 6 LIFE Castle “Nanny McDead”
2023 NCAA
First Four: Teams TBA.
8 TRUTV NCAA Tip-Off 2023 NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament First Four: Teams TBA. (N)
Men’s Basketball Tournament
(N) Inside March
ESPN SportsCenter (N)
Int’l K FOOD Chopped Melted cheeses. Chopped Chopped A sea creature. (N) Superchef Grudge Match Chopped Chopped L DISC Homestead Rescue Bus-dwelling Virginia homesteaders. Homestead Rescue The Raneys meet their match. (N) ’ (:02) Homestead Rescue ’ (:02) Homestead Rescue ’ M HIST The Curse of Oak Island ’ The Curse of Oak Island ’ Oak Island: Digging Deeper The Curse of Oak Island (N) History’s Greatest Heists
HousewivesHousewives of NJ Housewives of NJ Housewives of NJ Watch WhatHousewives of NJ Housewives µ WTXF The Six (N) The 215 (N) TMZ (N) ’ Bet
Life 9-1-1: Lone Star (N) ’ (:01) Accused (N) ’ The 10 O’Clock News (N) Fox 29 NewsFeed Bethany WEDNESDAY EVENING MARCH 15,
6:006:307:007:308:008:309:009:3010:0010:3011:0011:30 #
Lingo “Episode 8” (N) ’ True Lies “Separate Pairs” NewsLate-Colbert _ WMDT 47abc NewsWorld NewsFamily FeudFamily FeudThe ConnersGoldbergsAbbott ElemNot Dead Yet(:01) A Million Little ThingsNewsJ. Kimmel + WBAL 11 News at 6Nightly NewsInside Ed.Hollywood Chicago Med (DVS) Chicago Fire (DVS) Chicago P.D. (DVS) NewsTonight Show , WCPB PBS NewsHour (N) Milk StreetMotorWeekT-Rex:
Last Blood”
Sylvester Stallone. That Dirty Black Bag
The Real
CW Judge LakeJudge LakeDivorceDivorce The Flash (N) ’ Gotham Knights “Pilot” ’ News Chicago P.D. (DVS) Family Guy
FOX Last ManLast ManBig BangBig Bang The Masked Singer (N) ’ (:01) Farmer Wants a WifeWBOC News Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ Friends ’
WBOC NewsCBS NewsNewsEnt. Tonight Survivor (N) ’
6:006:307:007:308:008:309:009:3010:0010:3011:0011:30 # CW Judge LakeJudge LakeDivorceDivorce Walker “Buffering” Superman & Lois “Closer” News Chicago P.D. “Informant” Family Guy % FOX Last ManLast ManBig BangBig Bang Next Level Chef (N) ’ AnimalCall Me KatWBOC News Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ Friends ’ & WBOC NewsCBS News 2023 NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament First Round: Teams TBA. (N) 2023 NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament First Round: Teams TBA. (N) _ WMDT 47abc NewsWorld NewsFamily FeudFamily Feud Station 19 (N) ’ Grey’s Anatomy (N) ’ (:01) Alaska Daily (N) ’ NewsJ. Kimmel + WBAL 11 News at 6Nightly NewsInside Ed.Hollywood Law & Order (DVS) Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: OrganizedNewsTonight Show , WCPB PBS NewsHour (N) BBC NewsTo Dine For The Musketeers ’ The Seaside
16, 2023

4 BR, 2.5 BA home offering large family/SR, FF primary BR, full finished basement w/bar & FP, irrigated yard, inground heated pool, covered patio, screened gazebo, & attractive fencing. Close to shopping, medical, restaurants, & the DE/MD beach resorts. $549,000 Call Gary Brittingham 302-745-5605 (Cell) #4373PM


14 acres +/-, stables, fenced pastures, run in sheds, can board up to 15 horses, 100 X 150 outdoor riding arena, 83 x 133 indoor riding arena, 6 bay garage, workshop, dog kennel & excellent income producing history. Residence is a 2 BR, 1 BA that could be expanded. $597,000 Call Gary Brittingham 302-745-5605 (Cell) #4284OM

3 BR, 2.5 BA townhouse overlooking the pond and featuring LVP floors, kitchen with granite countertops, screened porch, 2-car garage, and primary BR with tray ceilings. Community pool, clubhouse, kayak launch, and more! Shows like new! $449,000 Call Merritt of the Carrie Lingo Team 302-562-7954 (Cell) #4478TL


Exquisite 4 BR, 2 BA w/ stunning curb appeal. Features large open living area w/ HW floors, Kitchen w/ SS appliances & island, living space w/ FP, sunroom, FF owner’s suite, fenced backyard, landscaping, patio & 2-car garage. $469,900 Call the Carrie Lingo Team 302-344-9188 (Cell) #4327TL

This quaint & well-maintained beach retreat is on a .34-acre lot & offers 4 BR, 2 BA, inverted floor plan, updated kitchen, new water heater & HVAC, first floor patio & 2nd story deck, spanning the rear of the house. Located in the amenity-rich community of North Shores. $3,295,000 Call the Lingo/Tull Team 302-226-6417 (direct) #4495C

(Cell) #4468TL

This 3 BR, 2.5 BA Cape Cod features screened porch, sunroom and a guest suite built over the 2 car garage. $465,000 Call Susan Mills 302-542-4146 (Cell) #4446TM

March10,2023 CoastalPoint 47 Callusat302.539.1788 OurlicensedRealtors inviteyoutotheir Having an Open House? ors MILLSBORO 28422 DuPont Boulevard 302-934-3970 1-888-934-3970 LEWES 1240 Kings Highway 302-645-2207 1-800-331-4241 REHOBOTH 246 Rehoboth Avenue 302-227-3883 1-800-345-3469 ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES! CHARMING CAPE COD! BRAND NEW CONSTRUCTION #1 Loca y Owned Real Estate Company in Sussex County for 2022* * AS PER INFORMATION FROM BRIGHT MULTIPLE LISTING SYSTEM METICULOUSLY MAINTAINED Built in the 1920s, this 3 BR, 2 full/2 half BA home features a gas FP incorporating stone from the lost Cape Henlopen Lighthouse, arched front door believed to be from the lighthouse keepers' cottage, FF primary BR, 3-zone Geothermal HVAC, & more. Minutes to J&B Trail & Lewes Beach. $1,345,000 Call the Carrie Lingo Team 302-344-9188 (Cell) #4481AL 4 BR, 3 BA farmhouse on 11.15 +/- partially wooded acres, giving you plenty of privacy w/the convenience of proximity to Ocean City, the Lewes/Rehoboth beaches, & Salisbury Airport. If you're considering commercial use, this property would make a lovely equestrian center, vineyard, or wedding venue. $1,149,900 Call Paul Townsend 302-236-3212 (Cell) #4354VL Charming Harrison floorplan featuring 3 BR, 2.5 BA, 1807 SF, open floor plan, unfinished basement, and screened-in porch overlooking pond. 15 min. to Lewes and Rehoboth Beach. Community clubhouse, pool, fitness room. $474,900 Call Sam of the Carrie Lingo Team 302-519-8088
Completely renovated 3 BR, 2 BA home with new roof, and septic system in process. Conveniently located near restaurants, shopping, and Bethany Beach. $399,000 Call Bea Maggio 443-789-1480 (Cell) #4479VM BLACKWATER VILLAGE
ADDRESS PRICE BR/BASTYLEAGENT/AGENCY DAYTIME 411LongBranchRd.#52799,Seaford $144,900 3BR/2BAHouse TheRealMcCoyGroup|ColdwellBankerRealty Fri.,Sat.,3/10-1111-3 23084NarrowsLn.,Lewes $1,100,000 5BR/4BAHouse TheRealMcCoyGroup|ColdwellBankerRealty Sat.,3/119:30-11:30 30493PortWay,BethanyBay,OceanView $650,000 4BR/3BAHouse ShelbySmith|Long&FosterRealEstate Sat.,3/1110-12 53TulipPoplarTurn,BearTrap,OceanView $630,000 4BR/3.5BATownhome MissyNalewaik|KellerWilliamsRealty Sat.,3/1110-12 150PrinceGeorgesDr.,PrinceGeorgesAcres,Dagsboro $427,900 3BR/2BAHouse SteveDeBoe|KellerWilliamsRealty Sat.,3/1111-2 30837WLagoonRd.,Dagsboro $289,900 2BR/2BAHouse TheRealMcCoyGroup|ColdwellBankerRealty Sat.,3/1112-2 31788MarshIslandAve.,Lewes $789,900 4BR/4.5BAHouse TheRealMcCoyGroup|ColdwellBankerRealty Sat.,3/1112-2 128AOctoberGloryAve.#128A,OceanView $440,000 3BR/2BACondo TheRealMcCoyGroup|ColdwellBankerRealty Sat.,3/1112-2 5WedgefieldBlvd.,OceanView $639,900 4BR/3.5BAHouse TheRealMcCoyGroup|ColdwellBankerRealty Sat.,3/1112-2 32188RobinHoodsLoop,OceanView $360,000 3BR/2BAHouse TheRealMcCoyGroup|ColdwellBankerRealty Sat.,3/1112-2 3SycamoreSt.,BearTrap,OceanView $475,000 3BR/2.5BATownhome MissyNalewaik|KellerWilliamsRealty Sat.,3/1112:30-2:30 37992BayviewCircleE,BayviewLanding,Selbyville $480,000 3BR/2.5BAHouse KathyGoodman|RE/MAXCoastal Sat.,3/111-3
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Shabbat Services: Friday, 5:30 p.m. through March 10

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36806 Lighthouse Rd., next to Float-ors


SundaySchool-allages-9a.m. Worship&Celebration-10a.m. EveningBibleStudy-5p.m.

WEDNESDAYS InteractiveBibleStudy-6p.m.


48 CoastalPoint March10,2023
Where the Word and the Spirit agree
Chapter by Chapter, Verse by Verse Approach to Scripture
Distancing 7
Pennsylvania Avenue, Bethany Beach
Inclusive • Open-Minded • Open Communion
& Living so that Others see Jesus in us” Pastor John Schutt 302.436.4011 37890 Sound Church Road, Selbyville 19975 Established in 1779 In-Person & Live-Streamed every Sunday, 8:30 a.m. oC Co eht th iv vi reS e MdetinU G .tS e S ya aydnuS e civres ay dnuSr fe ffeoff We i ojotemoclewerau Yo 6181 ec ce nisy t ty inumm hcru h g Ctsidoht s’ ’se ro e secivr deen y r very ve er fo s !yadnuSnosun UM StG oreMo AJ Pastor 91,dr9 fo kfonarF,.dRramO73343kf segroe C 302.259.1740 CAfotsewtsuj-54TS gro. ST.MARTHA’S EPISCOPALCHURCH GodisLoveandthosewholiveinlove,liveinGod, andGodlivesinthem. 1John4:16 SUNDAYBOOKSTUDY 9-9:45amwithReverendRia TheWayofJesus 302.539.7444 TheRev.VictoriaPretti,Rector 117MaplewoodStreet;BethanyBeach Visitourwebsitetosignupforourtwice-weeklynewsand SaturdayInspirationemails.WeofferBibleStudy,adult educationcourses,andmore! SUNDAYHOLYEUCHARIST 8:00am 10:00am withmusic and onYouTube 302.732.3303 2 Sunday Services 9 & 10:30 a.m. Roxana Volunteer Fire Co. Ocean View Presbyterian Church SUNDAY WORSHIP 9:30 AM 67 Central Ave., Ocean View, DE 19970 PC(USA) 302-539-3455 Pastor Terry Dougherty WE CHOOSE WELCOME 67 Central Ave., Ocean View, DE 19970 PC(USA) 302-539-3455 Pastor Terry Dougherty SUNDAY WORSHIP 9:30 am live on Facebook & YouTube


Salem Church


35175 Roxana Rd. Frankford, 19945 RiverOnline.Church Lead Pastor Bryan Sells

Saturday 6 pm Sunday 9 & 11 am

River Kids Sat. 6 pm & Sun.9 am Friday 6-8 pm Momentum, a group for Teens Wellsprings International a healing & deliverance ministry for more information:

BEACON Baptist Church


St. Andrew e Apostle Orthodox

Saturday Vespers Sunday Orthros Sunday Liturgy

Visitors Always Welcome!

Fr. Herman Acker, Pastor 33384 Mackenzie Way - Lewes, 19958 302.645.5791


Ocean View Church of Christ Sunday 10 am

55 West Ave., Ocean View In-Person LIVE broadcast on:

Wednesday 6:30 pm Facebook Live Bible Study

Preacher Ethan Magee • 302.539.7468•

GroundedinGod’sGrace MovinginChrist’sLove across from Millville Town Hall Pastor Wendy Butterworth 302.539.9077

Sunday Worship at 9:30 am - or - join via ZOOM (call the office for info) Like us on Facebook!

CC Delaware Coast

A Calvary Chapel Fellowship

Verse by Verse Teaching

48 N. Main Street, Selbyville or join us on Facebook - click link on


ReligiousServices Need to get the Word out? 302.539.1788 Sharing the Truth of God’s Word, Verse by Verse Sundays 9 am Christian Conference Center Octagonal Building 211 N. Pennsylvania Ave., Bethany Beach
FELLOWSHIP SUNDAY SERVICES 10 am: Small Groups for All Ages 11 am: Family Worship WEDNESDAY 7 pm: Adults/KidsKlub/Teens 32263 Beacon Baptist Rd.; Rt. 26, Millville, DE 19967 Je Smith, Pastor 302.539.1216
W. Church St.
Selbyville SUNDAY 8:30 Informal Service 9:45 Contemporary Service 9:45 Sunday School 11:00 Traditional Worship
Home! 29
• 302.436.8412
United Methodist Pastor Reverend Blair Hall
you loves God h cruhC ytinummoC clc199 Link: n imaertSsecivreSllA Period! . ACLE narehtuL ebuTuoYnog 9am-12pm Tuesday 3rd & 1st PANTRY FOOD ma9 PIHSROW YA AY DNUS mp21 YDUTSELBIB.SEUT spirit. and water of Born PA 3 nhoJ Karis Doctor Rev. The a Dagsboro of South 20, Rt c • 302.732.1156 5: Pastor Graham, light blinking the t
Sunday Worship Wednesdays 10:00
7:00 pm
Are Welcome! Traditional Services Traditional Values Traditional Church Sunday Services Pastor Dennis Bradford 410.430.7104 Rt. 17 & Daisey Rd., Roxana 34478 Roxana Rd.; Frankford, 19945 Wednes. Bible Study 6:30 pm
& WORSHIP! March 12, 6 Fellowship Sunday School Morning Worship 9:00 am 9:30 am 10:30 am
us in person on SUNDAYS
am: Praise & Worship 11 am: Traditional SUNDAY SCHOOL 8 am Open Door Adults 9 am
Kids’ Church
am: Joy - Adults
CRASH Youth (for
For more information, contact Pastor Rob LoRusso 302.500.1774 HOLY TRINITY CATHEDRAL WORSHIP
OR • 410.641.4882
Worcester Hwy., Berlin, MD 21811
Young Adults Bible Study 4 pm
grades 6-12) Facebook
YouTube or
Central Ave. Ocean View
March10,2023 CoastalPoint 49
Rt. 26 &
Rev. Dr. Rebecca Collison


Withaveryyoungteamhaving quiteasuccessfuldual-meetseason collectively,itwasindividually wheretheIndianRiverHigh Schoolwrestlersweregoingto havetoshowwhattheyweremade ofagainstsomeofthebestinthe FirstState.

LastweekendatCapeHenlopen HighSchool,threeIRwrestlers tooktothematstodojustthat, andtwoofthemmadeittoDay2 oftheshowcase,withbothableto finishwithintheTop8intheirrespectivebrackets.

AngelMora-SalasandJayvion Chandlerbothhadtheirindividual seasonscometoacloseontheabsolutefinaldayofthewrestling calendar,andbothyoungsterswere abletoclaw,scratchandfighttheir waystoimpressiveoverallshowings.

“Wewerehappytoseetwoof ourthreequalifiersplaceinthe Top8ofthestatetournament,”IR headcoachJeffWindishsaid. “Theirbracketswereallverydeep, intermsoftalent,andallthreeof ourwrestlersbattledandfoughtin eachmatch.”

ForMora-Salas,anearlylossin the144-poundbracketwasnotthe endoftheroadforhim,ashewas abletowinapairofconsolation conteststoputhimselfbackinto themedalpicture.Hethenfellto DelawareMilitaryAcademy’s CharlesPerrin,tofallintothe7thplacematch.

TheIRjuniorwasnottobedeniedinhisfinalmatchoftheseason,outlastingCaesarRodney’s JaxonKoppina9-7decision.The winallowedMora-Salastofinish the2022-2023campaignwithan overallrecordof38-16.

“Angeldidagoodjobofbattlingbackafteratoughlossinthe firstround,”Windishassessed.“He wasseeded8thenteringthetournamentandendedupfinishingin 7thplace.Anytimeyoucanbeat yourseed,youhaveperformed well.Finishingtheseasonwith over30winsisanothergreataccomplishmentforAngeland


Above,IndianRiver’sAngelMora-Salas left,battlesCapeHenlopen’sBradyCole duringtheir144-poundmatchatthe DIAAStateHighSchoolWrestlingTournamentonFriday,March3,atCapeHenlopenHighSchoolinLewes.Bradywon thematch8-4.Right,IR’sJayvionChandlergainscontrolofSaintAndrew’s NickOsbourneduringtheir165-pound match.Osbournewentontowinwitha pin.

somethingIthinkheisveryproud of.”

TheIndians’topwrestlerallseasonlongwasChandler,andhewas inaloadedfieldinthe165-pound weightclass.Likehisteammate, Chandlertookanearlylossinthe firstroundbutwasabletobattle backthroughtheconsolationsto gethimselfintothefinalday.

Apairofdecisionsinthefirst twoconsolationroundsgotChandlerbackintothemedalhunt,but asetbacktoSussexCentral’sJadyn Craigdroppedhimintothe7thplacematch.Itwastherethathe

Page50 March10,2023


CapeHenlopenseniorguardDeclanMorrisseyconnectedonathreepointjump-shotwith:51remaining inovertimetohelphisUnifiedbasketballteamdefeathostIndian River,36-35,inaDIAAquarterfinal gameonThursday,March2.

Morrissey’smagnificencecompletedtheVikings’(7-3)comebacks fromdeficitsof19-11and24-21at halftimeandatendofthirdquarter, respectively.

IndianRiverseniorChance HockerhadgivenIRa35-33leadby drivingthroughthelaneandputting upashortjumperwith1:28leftin overtime.


SpecialtotheCoastalPoint•ButchComegys IndianRiver’sAlexGomezleapsinfront ofCapeHenlopen’sDeclanMorrissey,as hepreparestopasstheballwithjust4 secondsleftinovertimeduringtheDIAA highschoolunifiedbasketballquaterfinalgameheldonThursday,March2,in Dagsboro.Capewentontowininovertime36-35.

Junior/Boys’ Wrestling

The aggressive grappler placed seventh in the 144-lb. competition at the 2023 DIAA state championship tournament held at Cape Henlopen High School in Lewes, Delaware on March 3-4. Angel pinned his first opponent in 1:25 before dropping a hard-fought 8-4 decision to finish the season with a 36-16 won-lost record. MoraSalas reached the state tournament for the third straight season and placed sixth after winning three of his six matches at the Henlopen Conference tourney the previous weekend, Feb.24-25 at Milford Academy Gym in Milford, Delaware.

Family Owned & Operated Fabricating & installing quartz, granite and solid surface tops 34407 Dupont Blvd., Unit 9 • (Rt. 113 North) Frankford, DE Visit our website for showroom hours • Call: 443. 856.4437 or See Us On Facebook Up to date, state of the art equipment ATHLETE OF THE WEEK! ANGEL MORA-SALAS Brought to you by: Reese Insurance & Financial Services, Inc. Billy Reese, Agent/Owner 6 W Church Street Selbyville, DE 19975 (302) 436-8032
March10,2023 CoastalPoint 51
Photo by Butch Comegys


Hedepartedthefloorwithaheavy heart.

Heleftthehardwoodwishing therewerejustafewmoreminutesof fourth-quarterregulationtime.

SeniorBrendonBradforddid everythinghepossiblycouldtocontinuetheIndianRiverboys’basketball squad’sbreathtaking16-6dreamseason.

ButtheIndians’hopesofaDIAA statechampionshipweresnuffedout. No.3-seededhostHowardVo-Tech survivedafurious30-pointfourth quarterIRrallytodefeatNo.14seededIndianRiver,64-59,inasecond-roundplayoffgamein WilmingtononThursdaynight, March2.

Bradford,theIndians’leading scorerwith20.1pointspergameaverageandFirstTeamAllHenlopen Conferencehonoree,ledthecomebackeffortasthevisitorsralliedfrom a48-29deficitattheendofthree quarterstowithinthreepointsofthe Wildcats.

ButneitherBradfordnorhismotivatedteammates—whothisseason haveraisedtheirabilitytowinhighly competitivegamestoanartform— couldmanufactureonemoretriumph.



SpeciatotheCoastalPoint•JimGraham IR’sRashadHopkinsgoesupagainst Howard’sJameerDeShieldsduringtheir lossonThursday,March2.

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Infact,bothChuckZiethenandJay ClarkbringawealthofsuccessfulIR assistant-coachingexperiencetotheir newhead-coachingpostsforIRgirls’ lacrosseandboys’volleyball,respectively.

Ziethenpreviouslyservedasagirls’ lacrossevolunteerassistantin2019and 2020,whenhisdaughterVictoriavon Ziethen(IRHSClassof2021)played fortheIndians.

He’sbeencoachinggirls’lacrossefor morethanadecade,includingtravel andclubteamsbasedinSevernaPark, Md.Afterpermanentlymovinghis familytoSelbyvillein2018,hejoined theIRstaff.

“Iamreallyexcitedtoserveasthe headcoachthisyear,”saidZiethen. “Wehavenearly50girlstryingoutthis year,thelargestnumberoutintheprogram’shistory.Wecontinuetogrow, andwereceivetremendoussupport fromourathleticdirector,Todd Fuhrmann,andtherestoftheschool’s staff.

“Iamluckytohavethreeassistant coacheswhoeachhaveahistoryof playingorcoachinglacrosse,”addedZiethen.“TaylorPridgeonreturnsasassistantcoachafterbeingonstaffthe lasttwoyears.LoganRyanandHailey Willisarefirst-yearassistants.Hailey wasanAll-AmericanattheUniversity ofMaryland,andsheplayedforthe BaltimorePolytechnicInstitute,aswell asclubandtravelteams.Thefourofus meshverywellandsharethesame coachingphilosophy,whichistomake thisafun,learningatmosphereanda


InsidetheIRgymnasium,thedefendingDIAAstateboys’volleyball squadwillalsobehearingafamiliar voiceandinflection.

“Ihavemixedemotionsaboutbeing aheadcoach,”saidClark.“I’vebeena girls’volleyballheadcoachatIRin 2013and2014,andchosetostepback andbeanassistantbeginningin2015.I havebeenanassistantfortheIRboys’ teamsincetheirinauguralseasonin 2018.Beingahead coachrequiresa differentskillsetandtimecommitment thanthatofanassistantcoach.I’mbettersuitedtobeinganassistant,butwe wereabouttostarttryoutswithout findinganewheadcoach.SoIagreed tofilltheslotthisseasonwhileTodd continuestosearchforalongtermsolution.”

Clarkisbeingassistedbytheteam’s formerheadcoach.JimBarnesledthe

boys’teamfrom2018to2022,butdecidedtocurtailhisinvolvementto focusmoreonthehomesecuritybusinessthatheowns,accordingtoClark. Thenewheadcoachwilldrawon hispreviousexperienceontheGreen& Goldbench.

“Inmyfirsttourasheadcoach,Iwas brandnewtothearea,”saidClark. “Noneoftheplayersortheirfamilies knewanythingaboutme,ormyvolleyballknowledgeandexperience,andit wasdifficulttogaintheirtrustandget thegirls’commitmenttoplayinghighlevelwinningvolleyball.”

Clarkhasplayedamajorroleinreversingthattrend,helpingthegirls’ programimprovefrom winningabout 40percentofitsgamestoa55-27wonlostrecordandfiveplayoffappearances since2018.Healsohelpedtheboys’ squadswinDIAAstatetitlesin2019 and2022.


stanza.Hecamewithinsixpointsof thesingle-gamecareer-high41he putupintheseason’ssecondgame,an 82-75victoryatArcadia(Va.)on Dec.8.

HelituptheWildcats’gymnasium byconnectingonsixthree-pointmissiles,concludinganIndianRiver HighSchoolhoopscareerthat thrilledteammates,coaches,classmates,teachers,administratorsand spectators.

“Brendonputonaperformance unlikeanythingI’veeverseeninper-

son,”saidIRboys’basketballhead coachDevinMann.“Weweredown byasmuchas20,andheputuson hisbackandwegottowithinthree beforetheymadetwofree-throwsto sealthegame.His27pointsinthe fourthquarterwasunbelievable.He lefteverythinghehadonthecourt, literally!”

IndianRiverseniorJamaalJones added15points,includingfourtreys frombeyondthearc.Jonesfinished theseasonwithan11.5points-pergameaverage.JuniorRashadHopkins contributed6.6pointsand7.0reboundspergame,whileseniorJamisonBenderaveraged6.2pointsper outing.

HowardVo-Techled10-9after onequarterand24-14athalftime. Wildcats’juniorCoryHerringscored 12pointstoleadabalancedoffense, whileseniorMarcusJohnsonadded 11.

“I’mextremelyproudofhowwe playedatHoward,”saidMann.“We neverquit,weneverstoppedbelieving,wefought’tiltheveryend.This teamshowedalotofheartandgained somerespect.

“Asfortheseason,I’mextremely proudofwhatthisteamwasableto accomplish,”Mannadded.“Ifyou askedanybodyoutsideofourlocker roomifwewouldwin16games,they wouldtellyouit’snotevenpossible.

Weknewitallalong!Wetalked aboutitdaily,andthenwewentand didit.We’velearnedhowtowin,how tofinishgames,howtocomeback frombeingdown,andhowtoplay ahead.”

Mannsaidhewasalsoproudof howmuchprogresstheIRboys’basketballprogramhasshowninthelast fouryears.

“It’sremarkable,andthesekids haveboughtintotheideathatregardlessofanydeficitswemayhave,successisaproductofyourhabitsand workethic.Itdoesn’tlandinyourlap. Youhavetogoandgetit!Thisgroup willbeoneIrememberforever!”

March10,2023 CoastalPoint 53
CoastalPointphotos•Submitted Left,coachJayClarkwillheaduptheboys’volleyballprogramatIR,whileright,coachChuckZiethenwillleadthegirls’lacrossethisspring.


Opportunityisknockingforlocal youthsbetweentheagesof4and16.

RiverSoccerClub,basedinFrankford,isinvitingyoungsterstoregister forits2023youthsoccerprogramsat itswebsite( RegistrationclosesonWednesday, March22,forthespringprogram, whosecompetitionsbeginonSaturday, April1.

“Eachspringandfallseason,more than500boysandgirlsfrombetween theagesof4and16participateinour recreationalsoccerprograms,andan additional200playwinterindoorsoccerinseparateboys’andgirls’divisions,”saidDuncanSmith,executive directorofRSC.“EverySaturday morning,ouryoungestplayers—Soc-

cerHoppers(under5)andKickers (under6)—participateinfunsoccer activitiesastheirskillsarebeingdeveloped.

“Asplayersgetolder,theytransition intorecreationalleagueplayatunder 8,”addedSmith.“Atthattime,theyare assignedtoteams,andtheyplaygames eachweek.Teamshaveashortpractice eachSaturdaybefore[competition]begins.Thisenablesthemtogainabetter understandingofsoccertacticsand teamcompetition.”

Playerswhoshowagreaterlovefor thegameofsocceranddisplayhigher skilllevelscanmoveintoRSC’stravel program,whichinvolvesagreatercommitment,accordingtoSmith.

“Youthsparticipateintryoutseach springandareselectedforteamsaccordingtotheirbirthyear,”hesaid.


forbothboysandgirlsbetweenthe agesof9and18.Theseteamstrain twotimesperweekwithexperienced, certifiedcoachesandplayagainstother localandregionaltravelteams.They alsotraveloutofstatetocompetitive tournaments.Thehigherlevelofsoccer thatplayersexperienceduringtravel soccerhelpspreparethemtocompete fortheirmiddleandhighschool teams.”

TheRiverSoccerClubplayerpathwayfromrecreationalsoccertotravel soccertoschoolprogramshasbenefittedmanylocalhighschoolteams.For example,IndianRiverHighSchoolis highlyregardedthroughoutDelaware andMarylandasaperennialsoccer power.Theboys’teamhaswonthree DIAADivisionIIstatetitles,themost recentonein2020;whilethegirls’side consistentlycompetesforastatetitle.

“Themajorityoftheplayerson those[IRHS]teamsbegantheirsoccer careersintheRSCrecreationaland travelprograms,”saidSmith.Inaddition,hesaid,programsatschoolslike StephenDecatur(Berlin,Md.),Sussex CentralandSussexAcademy(Georgetown)canalsoattributetheirsuccessto theirplayers’experiencesatRiverSoccerClub.

“Beyondhighschool,manyformer RSCstudent-athletes”—including IRHSFirstTeamAll-Stateforward JordanIllian,whohascommittedto NCAADivisionIUniversityofSouth Carolina—“haveadvancedtoplay collegesoccerforDivisionI,IIandIII programs.”

Tobetterservesoccer-playing youths,RSCrecentlyfinishedremodelingits1,500-squarefootclubhouse toincludeaconcessionstand,conferenceroomandlargemeetingarea.The 43-acrecomplex,locatedat32221 GumRoad,Frankford,includesseven irrigatedfields.FourfieldsfeatureregulationBermuda-grassplayingsurfaces,andtwoofthepitchesfeature lights.

Recreationalsoccer’sroots datetothelate1980s

HowardGerkenandRickGoodmanbegantheSaturdayrecreational soccerprograminthelate1980s, whensoccerwasbeingintroducedat SelbyvilleMiddleandIndianRiver Highschools.RSCbeganmanaging therecreationalinitiativeuponits birthin1996.

29214 Marshy Hope Way, W Glyn Newton

A MUST SEE ! Wonderful views, Energy Star rated, Solar Panels, Geothermal Heat & Air, 5 bedroom & 3 Bath home. NO HOA or TOWN TAXES. A large kitchen with lots of counter space. Near groceries, hardware store, tennis, restaurants, walking trails, and Quillens Point VFW. Kayak access in back yard. A short drive to BethanyBeach! After a day on the bay or at the beach, relax in the hot tub located under the home or enjoy a drink on the deck with sunset views of the Indian River Bridge. Never rented but with the 5 bedrooms-it would make a good one. $875,000


37609 Mimosa St., Shadydell Park

Under 3 miles to the Boardwalk at Bethany Beach, this 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath home offers a large Living Room, Kitchen with gas stove and plenty of cabinets and counter space and a large Primary Bedroom with walk-in closets and full bath, soaking tub and walk-in shower. Located on a .24 acre lot in a community with a $50 annual HOA fee, great location and convenient to shopping, restaurants, medical and the Beach. 279,900


37316 Carolina Dr, Frankford

Close to beaches and bays. This 4 bedroom has lots of space for family and friends. HOA only $50 a year. Park recreational vehicles on your property.

SmithsaidRSCwasestablished asagrassrootsclubwithafocuson thelong-termdevelopmentofthe communitybyempoweringpeople throughsoccer.

“Thepeoplewhohavededicated theirtimeandexpertisetoproviding lifeexperiencesfortheyoungpeople inourcommunityhavetrulybeen thekeytoRSC’ssuccess,”Smith said.“Wehavehadparents,volunteersandcommunitydonorswho’ve providedinvaluableresourcesrangingfromservingasrecreational coachestocuttinggrassandlining fields.Somepeoplehaveprovidedfinancialassistancesothatallchildren whoareinterestedcanparticipate. RSCistrulyacommunityofpeople servingcoastalDelmarva.”

RSCoffersprogramsforchildren ofallagesandabilitylevels,andprovidesahealthyenvironmentfor youngpeopletobephysicallyactive.

0 S Route 344, Dagsboro

For the buyer looking to build on a larger lot but still wantingto be a short drive to the Beaches at Bethany or Rehoboth,this .48 acre 100x210 cleared lot could offer the space you have been looking for. Located on Dagsboro Road.

Price Reduced: $125,000

“Inadditiontoourrecreational andtravelprograms,RSChostsa TOPSoccerprogram,whichisa recreationalsportsprogramforchildrenandadultswithintellectual, emotionalorphysicaldisabilities,” saidSmith.“Therearealsoweekly drop-insocceropportunitiesfor adults.”

54 CoastalPoint March10,2023
you are considering making a move in 2023, now is a good time to get started. I can help with advice or direction on how to move forward. Call me and we can discuss your options. –Shirley
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34042 Chippiwa Dr., Dagsboro This 3br/2 bath home makes a lovely year round or beach home in the established community of Blackwater Village. $369,000

Addonemorestudentathletetothe“commitparade”atIndianRiverHigh School.

Seniorlacrossestandout DennisNorwoodhas joinedthegrowinglistof Green&Goldstudentathleteswhohavesigned commitmentstostudyand competeincollegesports beginningthisfall.Norwoodmadehiscommitmentofficialatthe school’sgymnasiumon Thursday,March2,as coaches,teammates,close friendsandfamilymembersjoinedthecelebration.

Hereisthecompelling stor yofNorwood’shard workandsuccessthathave enabledhimtobeacollegestudentathlete.

Hometown: Dagsboro Collegeyouarecommittingto: EasternUniversity


EasternUniversityisaprivateChristian institutionlocatedinSt.Davids,Pa., (withadditionallocationsinPhiladelphiaandHarrisburg).TheEaglesare NCAADivisionIIImemberswho competeintheMiddleAtlanticConference(MAC).



Playerspecifics: The5-foot-9 lacrossedefendershootsright-handed. HealsoplayedfootballfortheIndians. Namesofcoacheswhorecruited you: HeadcoachKevinWallaceandassistantcoachColinPiper.

Pleasedescribeyourcontactandrelationshipwiththecollege’scoaches: “CoachPipergavemeatourofthe campus.Asaformerstudent-athlete,he providedmewithhispersonalperspectiveonwhatEasternUniversityis,and thathelpedgivemeabetterviewofthe school.WhenImetCoachWallace,he wasveryopenandhonestwithme.It waseasytomakeaconnectionwith him,andIlikedtheatmospherehecreated.”

Whatsubjectwillyoumajorin? Biology

Pleasedescribetheemotionsyou arefeelingaboutyourcommitment. “I amveryexcitedaboutmycommitment. Ifeltverystressedleadinguptothedecision,delayingmuchoftheprocessand unsureifIwantedtoevenplayatthe nextlevel.Butaftervisitingtheschool and meetingwiththecoaches,Iknew thisiswhereIwantedtobe.Itfeltlikea weightwastakenoffmyshoulders,and thehardestpartwasfinallyover.”


you? “Theschoolitselfisinagreatarea andclosetomanyotherschools.In20

minutes,Icanhopontoa trainandarriveinPhiladelphia.Itisasmallerschool, butreallyspreadout,soI amnotstuckinonebuildingforallmyclasses.By thetimeIgraduate,they shouldalsohavenewathleticfacilities,whichwillbe great.”

Pleasedescribethesupportyou’vereceivedfrom IRcoaches,AthleticDirectorToddFuhrmann, theadministration,etc.: “Thesupportfromeveryoneisincredible.Allmy coacheshavealwayssupportedmewhenitcameto thesportoflacrosse.They havetaughtmesomuch andgivenmethemotivationtoplayatthenext level.Toddhasalwaysbeen veryhelpfulandsupportive throughoutmyhighschool career.Andtheschooladministrationhasbeenvery supportivethroughoutmy athleticcareer.”

Pleasedescribethesupportyou’vereceivedfrom yourparentsandfamily: “Myfamily hasbeenverysupportiveofmydecision

topursuelacrosseatthenextlevel.Even atatimewhenIwasnotsureifI wantedtoplay,theygavemethepush tofollowthatdream.SinceIstarted playinglacrosseinhighschooland missingmyfreshmanseasondueto COVID-19,theywereveryproudof howfarIhavegrowninthesport,and howmuchfurtherIcango.”

W hatareyourgoals: “Formysenior season,IhopetowintheHenlopen ConferenceSouthernDivisiontitleand surpassthe11-4won-lostrecordthat weachievedin2021.Ihopetograduate fromcollegewithafour-yeardegree whileenjoyingcollegelifeandreally makinganameformyselfonthe lacrossefieldatEasternUniversity.I’m notfullysurewhatIwanttodointhe future.butIknowmyexperienceatcollegewillhelpmedeterminewhatmy careerpathwillbe.”

ExtraPoints: “Ifitweren’tforthe lacrosseteamandthehardworkweall putforthonthefield,it’sdoubtfulI wouldbeplayingatthenextlevel.Iappreciatemyfellowlacrosseteammate andbestfriendMaxForrey,whowill alsoplaylacrosseatEasternUniversity.I amveryexcited,becauseIknowwewill bothbehavingfun,aswellaspushing eachothereveryday.”

302-616-4760 | | 90 Atlantic Avenue | Ocean View, DE ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS NOW OPEN IN OCEAN VIEW! March10,2023 CoastalPoint 55 IRboys’lacrossestandoutNorwoodjoinscollege‘commitparade’
CoastalPoint•Submitted DennisNorwoodisthemostrecentIRseniortohavesignedcommitmentpapers,signingtoattendEasternUniversity.



HeadcoachSaraPowellanticipates anotherstrongshowingfromheremergingprogramasthestudentathletescompeteforstartingjobs.

“Allpositionsareopenforgrabs,”said Powell,whose13-5squadreachedthe DIAAplayoffslastspring.“Maythe hardestworkergetthejob.”

Powellhasplenty ofdepthfromwhich todraw,beginningwith11returnees fromthe2022campaign.Letter-winners includefiveseniors—KinsleyHall,Lily Hoban,IzzyWade,JillianCollinsand JayaSchaub.

Fourofthoseplayersarecollegecommits.HallisheadedtotheUniversityof MountOlive,whileWadehassignedon attheUniversityofLynchburg.Hoban hascommittedtoHolyFamilyUniversity,andCollinshassignedonat DelawareValleyUniversity.

Theteam’sjuniorletter-winnersare alsoextremelytalented,includingMacy Blades,MeganDaisey,OliviaHitchens, RaeganKansakandKatieMcHale. SophomoreJillianCoulbournalsoreturns afterasuccessfulfreshmanseasononthe varsityteam.


sophomoresinSophieScurci,whoplayed fortheIRgirls’soccerteamasafreshman lastyear,alongwithJazminMayfieldand Hoban’syoungersisterGracieHoban. FreshmanBaylieWilliamsonalsoearned aspotonthevarsity.

Powellnotedthatherteamenjoysits close-knitcamaraderie.

“Weknowthenewadditionstothe groupwillfitrightinandbringgreat

thingstoourteam,”saidPowell,whose 2022teamwon11ofits14Henlopen Conferencedecisions.“Wehaveastrong seniorclass,andwelovetheleadership andworkethictheybringtotheteam. Weareexcitedtoseethemhaveastrong finishtotheirhighschoolcareers.They becomeessentiallyextracoachesandare greatrolemodelsfortherestofourteam’s players.

“Wearereallyexcitedtostartthe 2023season,”addedPowell.“Wehavea strongfoundationtobuildoffofwhatwe startedlastseason.Weplantotakeitone gameatatime,andsharpenourdefensiveandoffensiveskillsduringpractices. It’salwaysbeenaboutdoingthelittle thingsrightsothatthebigthingscome easily.”

Insidethedugout,Powellhasadded KelseaDelltothevarsitycoachingstaff, toreplaceEldredCress,“whomweexpecttostillbesupportingusathome games.DamyaWilliamsisournew juniorvarsityheadcoach,”saidPowell, whosefirstbasecoach,LaurenIllianalso returns.

“Welovethegameofsoftball,thatis whyweshowupeachdaytoplaythe game,”saidPowell,whoseteamopens theseasononThursday,March23,at HenlopenConferenceSouthernDivisionfoeSussexAcademy.

“It’sbeenapartofallofourlives sincewewerelittlegirls.Butattheend oftheday,weareexcitedtoseethesestudent-athletescompete,havefunand enjoybeingapartofasisterhood.We wanttoseethemcontinuetobesuccessfulandrespectfulyoungladieswithinour community,whichtheyalreadyare,and goontocontinuewhateveritistheirfuturescallthemtodo.”



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56 CoastalPoint March10,2023
Sales•Rentals•Commercial LEWES302-645-6661 REHOBOTHBEACH302-227-6101 DEWEYBEACH302-227-6554 BETHANYBEACH302-537-2616 AmemberofthefranchisesystemofBHHAffiliates,LLC.
2.9acreparcelhas1+clearedacresofopen spacereadyforyourinvestmentuse,witha200 CoastalPoint•Filephoto IndianRiverbatterJayaShaubconnectsforahitaganstEarlyCollegelastyear.

ranintohisfirst-roundopponent onceagain,and,clearly,St.Andrews’NickOsbournehadChandler’snumberinthistournament. Osbournewasabletoonceagain catchChandlerandgethimonto hisbackforapin.Thelossended theIRsophomore’sseasonat49-7.

“Jayvionalsotookatoughloss inthefirstroundbutfoughtback


TheVikingstiedthegame,33-33, onaKaydenGibbsbasketwith:02 leftinregulation.

SeniorHaroldToomayledtheIndians(6-2)witheightpoints.Junior AlexGomezaddedsevenmarkers, whilesophomoreElmerHernandez talliedeight.SophomoreChase RuleyandseniorRomanKeitheach scoredfourforIR.

MorrisseyledtheVikingswitha game-high17points,whilesenior LukeBurtonaddednine.

IndianRiverheadcoachJamaal Bivenssaidhewaspleasedwithhis team’splay.


tofinishin8thplace,”noted Windish.“Beingabletorecover fromasetbacklikethisshowshis determinationandperseverance, andweascoachesarereallyproud ofhim.Going49-7ontheyear, winningaHenlopenConference Championshipandplacinginthe statetournamentarealloutstandingaccomplishmentsthathe shouldbeproudof.”

TheotherIRwrestlertomake thestatetournamentwasEvan Forjan.Hecameupontheshort

downthecourt,playingwithallhis might,”saidBivens.“Hisgritanddeterminationgotustwopointsonthe board.ElmerHernandezputinthe workonthehardwoodmostofthe game.Hiscommitmentledtofive additionalpoints.ZakiDrummond cleanedtheglassandearnedconsistentrebounds.AlexGomezwasa sparkonthecourt.Hisuncannyabilitytoweavethroughthedefensewas phenomenal.

“RomanKeithgottheparty started,earningthefirstpointsofthe night.ChanceHockeraddedfiretowardstheconclusionofthegame, takingusintoovertimeandgivingus thelead.HaroldToomey,Chase RuleyandCalebGalbreathdominatedtheboardsallnightlong.KinsleyHall,BenCordrey,RichieSparks,

endoftwotoughdecisionsthat endedhistournamentrunearly.It wasstillanimpressiveseasonfor thesophomore,ashefinishedwith a31-15mark.

“Evanbattledinbothofhis matchesonFridaynight,”Windish said.“Helosttwoclosedecisions toeventualstateplacersandmade hisopponentsfightforevery point.Hehadagreatseason,with over30wins,andreallyshowed leadershipskillsinthepractice room.”

LukeHitchens,NolanSarafa,Trey Hill,AnnaWiest,JohnProctor, LukeWilliams,JosephTaglientiand TellyMonsterkeptthesynergyelectricthroughoutthegym.

“Withoutthesupportfromthe benchateachandeverygame,we wouldnothavehadavictorioussea-

WindishandtheyoungIndians certainlyhaveplentytolookforwardtointhefuture,withanextremelyyoungroster.

“Forbeingasyoungaswewere thisseason,wehadasolidyear, finishing12-5,”Windishconcluded.“Wewillhaveagreat foundationtobuildoffoffornext year,with13ofour14startersreturning.Withdedicationtooffseasonwrestlingandlifting,this coregroupofathletescoulddo verywellnextseason.”

son,”addedBivens.“Theirconsistent effortstobesupportiveandinclusive teammatesneverwentunnoticed.I amsoproudofeveryindividualon thisteam.TheIndiansUnifiedbasketballteamhadafantasticseason.”

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March10,2023 CoastalPoint 57 Dagsboro, DE |
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Continuedfrompage50 Unified



The Town of Dagsboro invites bids or proposals from qualified individuals and firms to cut grass, trim, edge, clean sidewalks, and maintain town landscaped areas as specified and power edge and clean sidewalk areas to include clearing sidewalk point three times (May, July, September) for the 2023 season (April-September). Specifications can be viewed on the town website ( or at Town Hall, 33134 Main Street, during normal business hours. Proof of insurance and state license required. Please submit references and your bid/proposal (either fixed rate or hourly rate) by 4:00 p.m. on March 17, 2023 via mail, Town of Dagsboro, PO Box 420, Dagsboro, DE 19939, or email to Town Administrator, We reserve the right to reject any and all bids. CP

58 CoastalPoint March10,2023
20230310 1T
Support your local merchants and businesses!



To Whom it May Concern:

This is to advise that Emily P. Wentworth of 24037 Deep Branch Road, Georgetown, of Sussex County, Delaware, will be filing with the Prothonotary in and for Sussex County, State of Delaware, an application for a License to Carry a Concealed Deadly Weapon, according to the laws of the State of Delaware.

CP 20230310 1T


To Whom it May Concern:

This is to advise that Collin Russell Donaway of 29177 Piney Neck Road, Dagsboro, of Sussex County, Delaware, will be filing with the Prothonotary in and for Sussex County, State of Delaware, an application for a License to Carry a Concealed Deadly Weapon, according to the laws of the State of Delaware.

CP 20230310 1T


The Delaware Alcoholic Beverage Control Commissioner

The Commissioner will hold a virtual hearing on April 12, 2023, at 5:00 p.m. on the protested application of MFC Fenwick, LLC, t/a Matt’s Fish Camp located at 700 Coastal Highway, Fenwick Island, DE 19944. This licensee applied to amend its existing liquor license to revise its interior floorplan to add 10 additional barstools for a total of 35 barstools (which includes 7 barstools at a raw bar area). Persons who are residents or property owners within a mile of the proposed premises, or residents or property owners of any incorporated areas within a mile of the proposed premises, and who submitted a valid, written protest to the application, are permitted to testify during the hearing pursuant to 4 Del. C. § 541. Persons who qualify may testify at the hearing and may be represented by counsel.

Persons who intend to offer testimony during the public hearing must pre-register no later than noon the day before the hearing, using the following link:

Persons who register to testify will receive additional log in instructions by email.

Persons interested in observing the hearing can do so by accessing the state’s public calendar:

Persons who register to testify and who require the Office’s IT assistance to introduce additional documents into the record during the virtual hearing must provide those documents to this Office by 4:00 p.m. on April 3, 2023. Documents can be submitted: by dropping off at the Commissioner’s Office Monday – Friday during the hours of 8 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., by mail (Office of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Commissioner, 820 N. French St., Third Floor, Wilmington, DE 19801), or by email to Persons who would like to review the documents before the hearing may contact the Commissioner’s office at 302-577-5222. An electronic copy of any document introduced with testimony during the virtual hearing, not previously submitted to this Office, must be received by this Office no later than the conclusion of the hearing for it to be considered for inclusion in the record.

CP 20230310 2T





Call-in #: 1-301-715-8592

Meeting ID: 815 4209 3464

CP 20230310


By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on:

Tuesday, 21st day of March, 2023

At 9:30 AM & Thereafter

At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:

Tax Parcel:233-6.00-73.00

Property Address: 30911 FIRE TOWER ROAD, Dagsboro, DE 19939

Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.

TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 4/17/23. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 4/21/23; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.

Seized and taken in execution the property of DON S. HALL A/K/A DON HALL & LISA L. SHEPHERD-HALL A/K/A LISA SHEPHERD-HALL (16) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff

CP 20230310

March10,2023 CoastalPoint 59



Any residents who wish to vote in the annual municipal election April 8, 2023 must register with the Town

The qualifications for Ocean View voters are:

• Minimum age of 18 years;

• Citizen of the United States;

• Ocean View residency for at least thirty (30) days immediately preceding the Town election.

The registration period is open until March 24, 2023 @ 4:30pm

You may download, print, and mail-in a Voter Registration Form from the Town’s Web Site ( ). A copy of your Identification is required when you register to vote in person or by mail. A Delaware Driver’s License or ID is the preferred form of identification. State or County registration does not entitle residents to vote in Town of Ocean View elections.

Any resident who has not voted in the Town of Ocean View’s election for the past two consecutive years in which there was an election must re-register in order to be eligible to vote in the April 8, 2023 election. You may also call 539-9797 x101 to inquire about your current registration status.

CP 20230203 7T


Sealed proposals for the Town of Ocean View, Open-End Municipal Maintenance Services, Project Number OVPZ&D 23-10 will be received by the Town Manager of Ocean View until 1:00 p.m., local time, on Friday, March 24, 2023 at the Office of the Administrative Official, Wallace A. Melson Municipal Building, 201 Central Ave, 2nd Floor, Ocean View, Delaware 19970, at which time they will be opened, read, and recorded. The purpose of this contract is to establish a three (3) year agreement with a construction firm to maintain Town owned physical assets such as streets, sidewalks, curbs, open and closed drainage systems, buildings, roadway signs and pavement markings in accordance with applicable standards. The location of work is limited to sites within the Incorporated Limits of the Town of Ocean View, Delaware. Individual locations will vary in their context from within existing roadway, drainage systems, buildings and parks and recreation areas. Engagement will be on-call with advance notice for planned projects and upgrades. Project needs that impact the safety of the traveling public (vehicular, bicycle and pedestrians) shall require a 48-hour response for the repair.

Interested parties may contact the Susan Miller, at the Ocean View Administrative Offices for a copy of the Request for Proposal or for more information on this project by email at

Proposals shall be submitted in a sealed envelope and shall be marked clearly as follows: Sealed Bid - Proposal for Municipal Maintenance Services, Project No. OVPZ&D 23-10

The Town of Ocean View reserves the right to reject any or all bids, and make such award as appears most advantageous to the Town.


By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, 21st day of March, 2023 At 9:30 AM & Thereafter

At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:

Tax Parcel:533-20.00-4.00-344

Property Address: 37898 EAGLE LANE, UNIT 344, Selbyville, DE 19975

Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.

TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 4/17/23. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 4/21/23; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.

Seized and taken in execution the property of PATRICK MURPHY, HEIR; VIRGINIA A. MURPHY, HEIR & CHARLES KNOTHE, PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE ESTATE OF PATRICK SEAN MURPHY (13) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff


By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on:

Tuesday, 21st day of March, 2023

At 9:30 AM & Thereafter

At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit: Tax Parcel:231-5.00-26.08

Property Address: 12966 SEASHORE HIGHWAY, Georgetown, DE 19947

Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.

TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 4/17/23. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 4/21/23; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.

Seized and taken in execution the property of CHARLES S. KNOTHE, ESQUIRE, PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE FOR THE ESTATE OF LAURA EDNA AMSBAUGH & SUSAN A. KOHL (HEIR) (14) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff

60 CoastalPoint March10,2023
CP 20230310 2T
CP 20230310 2T
CP 20230303


By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, 21st day of March, 2023

At 9:30 AM & Thereafter

At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:

Tax Parcel:133-6.00-68.00

Property Address: 21800 ACORN DRIVE, Georgetown, DE 19947

Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.

TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 4/17/23. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 4/21/23; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.

Seized and taken in execution the property of VIOLET L. HOPKINS (17) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff

CP 20230310 2T


By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on:

Tuesday, 21st day of March, 2023

At 9:30 AM & Thereafter

At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:

Tax Parcel:335-7.00-89.00

Property Address: 33051 GRAPEVINE COURT, Lewes, DE 19958

Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.

TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 4/17/23. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 4/21/23; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.

Seized and taken in execution the property of JEFFREY A. LUNDEEN & REGINA WOOD (8) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff


By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on:

Tuesday, 21st day of March, 2023

At 9:30 AM & Thereafter

At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:

Tax Parcel:133-17.00-46.02

Property Address: 109 OLD LANDING ROAD, Millsboro, DE 19966

Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.

TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 4/17/23. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 4/21/23; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.

Seized and taken in execution the property of JEAN LEE JOHNSON (7) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff


ByvirtueofawritofLevariFacias,tomedirected, willbeexposedtoPublicsaleon:



AttheSussexCountySheriff'sOffice,WestComplex,22215DuPont Boulevard,Georgetown,Delaware,GeorgetownHundred,SussexCounty, StateofDelaware,thefollowingdescribedrealestatetowit:



Registrationisrequiredforallbidderspriortosale.A$4,000.00deposit (CashorCashiers/certifiedcheckpayabletoSheriffofSussexCounty) andvaliddriver’slicenseorphotoI.D.arerequiredtoregister.

TERMS: 20percentofthepurchasemoneywillbedemandedondayof sale(The$4,000.00BidderRegistrationFeewillbecreditedtothe20% deposit).CashorCashier'sCheckisrequired.Thebalanceistobepaid onorbefore4/17/23.SalesubjecttoconfirmationbytheSuperiorCourt on4/21/23;subjecttoa21/2 percentDelawareRealtyTransferTax;11/4 percenttobepaidbytheSellerand11/4percenttobepaidbythe Purchaser;andsubjectto11/2percentSussexCountyRealtyTax,3/4 percenttobepaidbytheSellerand3/4percenttobepaidbythe Purchaser.AnyfurtherTransferTaxistheresponsibilityofthePurchaser. ThePurchaserwillberequiredtopaythecostofthedeed.IfthePurchaser failstocomplywiththesetermsthepercentumpaidatthetimeofsalewill beforfeited.Pleasemakecheckspayableto:SheriffofSussexCounty.

Seized andtakeninexecutionthepropertyof DEBORAHL.EFFINGER(10) andwillbesoldby


CP 20230310 2T
CP 20230310 2T
March10,2023 CoastalPoint 61
62 CoastalPoint March10,2023 Se R I D v r F O Y R O T C E viices Shore Home Improvements, LLC Design • Build • Remodel 302.537.5988 Established 1989 • Licensed & Insured Additions Quality Service by Certified Technicians Since 1983 302.436.5652 Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Tile & Grout Cleaning Oriental Rug Cleaning & Repair Carpet Cleaning SHADESBLINDS SHUTTERSDRAPES Custom Window Fashions A Hunter Douglas Dealer! Call Joe: 302.339.2524 • Beautiful Quality • A ordable Free, in-home Consultations, No Obligation! Licensed Insured Pastorie Agency, LLC Blinds appliances furniture cars boats box of junk stu in the garage exercise equipment toys TVs GET THIS CRAP OUT OF MY HOUSE! BIG or small, I’ll haul it all! 302.236.2670 PASTURE-RAISED CHICKEN EGGS FOR SALE • POWER WASHING Also Cleaning CASH FOR CARS! 302-249-3444 38531 DuPont Blvd., Selbyville We Will Buy Your Car Even if You Don’t Buy One of Ours! Auto Buying Service 302.732.3529 WE BUY CARS. Running or Not! Auto Buying Service APPLIANCE MASTER Prompt, Quality Repairs at A ordable Prices Washers•Dryers•Dishwashers Ranges•Disposals•Refrigerators Call Phil: 302.278.1441 Serving the Rt. 54 area with 50 years’ experience of honest work Appliance Service F abian’s CarpetCare 302-745-7547 Water Damage • Restoration • Mold & Mildew Carpet Cleaning - 2 rooms: $79; 4 rooms: $125 With Ad Residential & Commercial Carpet & Upholstery Licensed & Insured • Free Estimates • 25+ Years’ Experience Carpet Cleaning Expert Bathroom Remodeling Bath-to-Shower Conversions Prompt & Professional Serving Sussex for over 20 years 302.542.1162 Licensed in DE & MD Master Plumber Bathrooms Computer Sales –Service –Support Servicing PC & MAC • Walk-In & On-Site Services 302-539-6421 35583 Atlantic Avenue • Millville Computer Service & Support 301.602.2628 BEACH VALET Your Personalized Ride Service Washington - Baltimore - Philadelphia Airports - Train Stations Airports & Train Stations COMMERCIAL CLEANING SERVICES interior & exterior ■ daily/bi-weekly Includes Pool Areas, Walkways, Decks, Parking Lots, and More MAINTENANCE AVAILABLE Aliia Stockman | 443.521.4149 | DELMAR SEASHORE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, LLC LICENSED BONDED INSURED | REFERENCES Cleaning Services - Commercial Cleaning Services - Residential EFAS AIRPORT? the to Going ELBAILER Go? to eed .nosa .erehwynA st .dniM fo .trof fomoC ruo ATION?TAT TA the to oing N You Yo do re Where Wh eR ynA roF neilC ruo evirD eW We ecaeP ruoY Yo sIt’ Y Yo sIt’ .raC ruoY Yo sIt’ S TRAIN G Driving Services
Se R I D v r F O Y R O T C E viices DIFEBO HARDWOOD FLOOR CO. Floors Sanded & Laid 302.462.5415 302.539.4550 Robert DiFebo 789 GARFIELD PKWY.; BETHANY BEACH Flooring Repairs Decks Tile Work Kitchens Baths Power Washing Stone Work Drywall Screen Repairs Minor Plumbing Masonry Work Window Washing Call Gus: 302.245.4852 Licensed & Insured Handyman THE SCREEN GUY & HANDYMAN SCREEN REPAIR PRESSURE WASHING 443.301.5994 Handyman HAPPY TO BE HANDY I’ll Economically Repair, Replace, or Build New Call Rob for All Your Jobs! Trim Work Cabinets Custom Shelving Drywall - Install & Repair Painting Siding & Roo ng Repairs Windows & Doors Screen Porches Decks - New & Repair Ceramic Tile Minor Plumbing & Electrical 302.858.3024 Licensed & Insured Handyman KEVERTIN FLOORING ENTERPRISES, LLC Flooring the Shore since ‘74! 443.496.1941 Licensed & Insured * Luxury Vinyl Flooring * Staircases * Finishing * Installation * Refinishing * Repairs * Docks & Decks Flooring SYNERGY Home Services 302-344-7629 Lic.&Ins.|ReferencesAvailable|37Years’Exp. Affordable, Sensible Solutions Home Repair & Construction From Painting to Decks & Additions and Everything in Between! Handyman Specializing in all Home Repairs Small Inside Jobs 30 years’ experience. Call for a free estimate • Doors • Windows • Plumbing • Carpentry • Drywall • Painting • Tile • Electrical • and More! Jeff the Handy Man 302.212.7607 Handyman CONCRETECONTRACTOR 302-581-2541 CONCRETE FLOORS • SIDEWALKS PATIOS • DRIVEWAYS CONCRETE FLOORS • SIDEWALKS PATIOS • DRIVEWAYS Concrete Services 38205 Dupont Blvd., Selbyville 443.523.2476 DRIVEWAY SEALCOATING FPS Hand Brushed Don’t Pay to Spray! Driveway Services “Let 35 years of experience go to work for you.” Master Electrician, licensed in DE & MD “The homeowner’s friend.” Dennis W. Marvel 302.436.5008 | Selbyville, DE Residential | Commercial Electric LH Excavating, Inc. Specializing in Drainage Solutions Stormwater Maintenance & Pipe Replacements Ponds • Ditching • Demolition DE & MD Stormwater Certified 3 0 2 . 7 3 2 . 3 0 7 2 Licensed & Insured Excavating ZIM ZAM THE HANDYMAN 302-436-9116 Painting/Caulking/Powerwashing Fencing/Decks/Screening Flooring Repairs/Tile/Grouting Carpentry/Cabinetry/Shelving Garages/Closets/Sheds Property Cleanouts/Sharpening Concrete Coastings/Epoxies NOT SURE? Just Ask! Property Repairs And Maintenance PO BOX 745 SELBYVILLE, DE 19975 Handyman call Al Lewis 302.462.8614 AtlanticDiversified Construction,Inc. For Quality and Experience, Additions • Decks • New Construction Making your dream home a reality Siding, Windows, Baths, Kitchens, Outside Showers, Property & Storm Management and much more! Construction 302.519.8954 Randy Perkins Millsboro Full Service Garage Door Company New Doors - Repairs - Openers Residential - Commercial Garage Doors BAYSIDE BUILDERS COMPLETE HOME IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTOR LICENSED AND FULLY INSURED • FREE ESTIMATES ALL WORK DONE BY OWNER • Flat Roof Specialist • • Roofing • Siding • Windows • Doors • Custom Homes • Additions • Repairs • Kitchens • Baths • Tile Work • Decks • Custom Inside Trim Work • Hardwood Floors Cell: 410-713-8599 Home Improvements March10,2023 CoastalPoint 63
64 CoastalPoint March10,2023 Se R I D v r F O Y R O T C E viices Down to Earth 302-381-5051 302-381-5051 Free Estimates • Licensed & Insured Serving Bethany Beach & the surrounding areas Landscape & Mowing Contracts Irrigation Installation/Maintenance Fertilization - Turf & Ornamental Bed Maintenance & Pruning Lawn & Landscape LLC Landscaping 302.542.1335 302.537.1144 Bobcat & Backhoe Services ~ Bush-hogging Free Estimates Licensed & Insured Landscaping DEPENDABLE SERVICES EMERGENCY TREE REMOVAL 302.539.5664 • C: 302.228.5190 EdgarSimplerLicensed&Insured Seasonal Clean-up • Mulching • Delivered Pine Needles • Chipper Services • Junk Hauling Trees Removed • Shrubs Pruned Small Trees Trimmed • Grass Cutting Top Soil, Fill Dirt, Grading • Bush-Hogging Driveway Stone Delivered and Installed Landscaping Zimmerman & Son LLC • CUSTOM PAINTING • DRYWALL REPAIRS • WALLPAPER REMOVED • DECK & HOUSE STAINING • ALWAYS PROMPT SERVICE Free Estimates 10% Discount with this ad. Bill Zimmerman 410-390-5528 ~ cell 443-373-4539 NOW ACCEPTING CREDIT CARDS! Painting & Powerwashing Interior & Exterior Serving Delmarva for Over 35 Years Licensed & Insured Painting RRD LAWN & LANDSCAPING INC 302.249.9986 Landscaping Full-Service Contracts Available Complete Landscaping & Lawn Care Irrigation Installation & Maintenance Licensed & Insured 302.344.4883 | 302.344.1441 Locally Owned Bethany Blooms Landscaping, LLC Landscaping • Overseeding • Tree Trimming • Snow Plowing • Aerating • Landscape Planting & Maintenance • Yard Cleanup • Lawn Care • Mowing • Mulching • Weeding Residential Commercial licensed insured 302.448.1643 Landscaping Millwork The Area’s #1 Moving Company BUDGET MOVERS 40+ Years in Business Licensed & Insured LOCAL • ENTIRE EAST COAST Residential or Office or Commercial Packing or Loading or Unloading or Complete Move Single Item or Certain Items or Full Home Call Maria: 443-664-5797 Female Owned & Operated Moving Services LITTLE FOOT PAINTING 302.228.9993 Licensed Insured PAINTING and MINOR HOME REPAIRS Painting • Landscaping • Irrigation • Hardscaping Free Estimates Full Yearly Maintenance Contracts Available 443.783.2224 Landscaping HVAC NICK DEMOPOULOS 302.604.3971 LICENSED/INSUREDNCDREMODELING@GMAIL COM BATHROOMS & KITCHENS AND OTHER HOME INTERIOR RENOVATIONS Home Improvements Contractor Bill Smith 302.228.5668 • 302.846.0446 References • Free Estimates • Licensed & Insured The smallest things make the biggest difference Custom Cabinets & Shelving Tile, Hardwood & Laminate Flooring Kitchen & Bath Remodeling Interior Trim & Shiplap Sunrooms, Decks, & Porches Home Improvements AN AFFORDABLE NEW BATH STARTS HERE! Making Y r Dream Bath C e True F 20 Ye s! Specializing in Bathroom Remodels Contact Garth for FREE Estimate! 410-641-8439 MHIC #94614 Licensed Insured Tub to Shower Conversions Custom Tile Work Home Improvements
Se R I D v r F O Y R O T C E viices Hanna’s Fitness 302.542.7601 SENIOR FITNESS SPECIALIST Specialized in-home Personal Training for older adults and those who don’t want to go to the gym! Balance Training • Couch to 5K Strength & Mobility • Core Training Walking Programs Weight Management Specialist Personal Trainer Customized training sessions for balance, mobility, stability, focus, core and over all strength and endurance 302.249.2535 302.249.2535 DarkHorseFitness65 Customized training sessions for balance, mobility, stability, exibility, coordination, mental focus, core and over-all strength and endurance Master Trainer • Personal Trainer Senior Fitness Trainer Nutrition Certi ed CPR & AED Certi ed In Your Home or Community Facility Personal Trainer ‘Your Neighborhood Plumber’ 302.732.3555 • Complete Plumbing Services Licensed & Insured Off ANY Service Call over $250 Limit 1 Coupon per Service Call Not valid with any other offer $30 Plumbing 302.519.8444 Receive a FREE 1-day pass & Treats with enrollment Doggie Daycare, LLC Overnight Boarding Fresh Air • Furry Friends • Fitness 2.5 acre West Fenwick Farm Pick up/Drop off Services available Pet Services 302.249.9027 TWO OLD GUYS that PAINT & POWERWASH AND do HOME REPAIRS & HANDYMAN SERVICES AND... do it ALL well! Quality Work, at a Fair Price 41 Years of Experience • Free Estimates Kevin M. Donovan, BPI Certified Building Analyst Licensed & Insured SPRING SPECIAL 10% OFF ALL EXTERIOR PAINTING! Painting fresh. PHILIPSPAINTING.COM 302.344.0535 Painting Call Jeff for estimate: 302.745.2100 • 302.436.2588 Licensed & Insured Sunshine Painting & Power Washing, LLC RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL Interior/Exterior Painting Cleaning Deck Staining • Drywall Repair All Jobs Welcome! Painting KEVIN COVIELLO 302-745-3912 QualityWorkmanship Licensed Insured INTERIOR • EXTERIOR POWERWASHING Painting McKinney Brothers Pete McKinney 443.449.9647 High-end Custom, Quality Painting MB Licensed Insured Painting Derickson’s Wallcovering, LLC 302.537.5787 • 410.726.3145 Serving the Shore since 1990 Licensed & Insured in DE & MD • MHIC 73031 Professional, Quality Service Wallpaper Installation/Removal Interior Painting Painting & Wallpaper 6394 228 302 s Available Financing Easy 100% Estimates Written FREE WarrantieGAFCertiedLifetimeWa Honest,Prompt,QualityService 8. . u s n I & d e s n ec i L g n i f o o R E D x e s s u S ng SussexRoo d er m o c . l i a m g @ Roofing Roofing Bethany 302-539-5700 Georgetown 302-856-9210 STI Landscape Center 302-645-6262 Serving the local community for over 30 years Mention this ad. Cannot be combined with other offers or coupons. Not valid on previous quotes or committents. Some exclusions apply. $10% off From grass roots to tree tops, we have all of your tree and landscaping needs covered. Tree Service March10,2023 CoastalPoint 65
66 CoastalPoint March10,2023 Se R I D v r F O Y R O T C E viices Locally owned/operated since 2000 For a FREE In-Home Consultation, call Kathy 302.542.2527 Plantation Shutters Custom-made locally! • Roman, Honeycomb, & Roller Shades • Faux Wood Blinds • Vertical Woven Draperies Custom Window Treatments Window Treatments Free In-Home Consultation! Window Treatments CREATIVE DRAPERY • Draperies • Slip Covers • Blinds and Shades • Indoor/Outdoor Cushion Covers CUSTOM Call Bonnie Johnson, owner 717.235.7800 Insured with over 50 years’ experience Window Treatments Millville across from the Dollar General, approx. 1/2 mile on the left on Whites Neck Rd. Jeremy Smith • 302.423.2601 Yard Waste Recycling & Retail Material Mulch • Top Soil • Mushroom Soil (Nutrient Rich) Soil Amendment Pine Needles Accepting tree limbs, leaves and plant material. Pick-up available. DELIVERY AVAILABLE • MON-FRI 9-4 Yard Waste Find the local services you need in our Service Directory Call JANE for more information • 302.539.1788 GetEverything OnYour ‘ToDo’List… DONE! Got a List? Window Treatments FREE In-Home Consultation Professional Measuring and Installation Shutters, Roman Shades, Draperies, Top Treatments Woven Woods, Honeycombs, Roller Shades, Solar Shades Window Film, Awnings, Wood & Faux Wood Blinds, & more... 302.856.6799 Window Treatments HOME - AUTO - MARINE 302.236.2670 TOP WERKS UPHOLSTERY Professional Service New - Repairs - Alterations Farm Fresh Eggs for Sale! Call for an appointment: Upholstery 302.542.0921 MA-4360B Pest & Disease Treatments Tree & Shrub Fertilization Tick/Mosquito Treatments Hazard Tree Assessments Invasive Species Management Tree Pruning & Removal HOA Master Planning & Tree Inventories Home of the PennDel Arborist of the Year Tree Service Property Management Tree Trimming Tree Removals Tree Pruning • Stump Grinding • Lot Clearing • 24 Hour Emergency • Senior & Military Discounts 302.278.8979 Tree Service

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WilgusAssociatesPropertyManagementDivision DE 19930 Bethany Beach, ., 32904 Coastal Hwy
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r H F in Po REW 3 R W 3 ( F Se A CL AF to lo C.07991 w, iew,Vie Vi naecO,eun ve Ats We .smetinoi ercerat nemow,erutinrufemoS!esaelp,sdribylraeoN’ 2-03:781hcraM,.taS ❏ KEEWTXEN n! un!funavefefuHav TSOL ENOGTITEG 02.732.3529 unningornot EBUYCARS. 5980.264)20 setamitsEeer ,tnuocsiDroin segaraG,scitt STUOAN EAN AB RDAB RD SECIVRES Flow Beautiful most Oh ) fail to known (Never D ESSELBEHTOTRE AY k rk.Park Pa We Jo dna,sloot,sehtolc s ENIHSRONIAR

The Original Crossword Puzzle for Kids and Their Favorite Adults

Kids Across

1. To walk with a crowd to make people pay attention to something that matters (or the month when we celebrate St. Patrick's Day)

3. At school, these connect the classrooms

7. Solid ground: It's what the sidewalk is made of

9. Every journey begins with the rst ____

11. Though a bear can easily stand on two feet, he mostly walks with all ____ on the forest oor

12. The at parts of your feet that leave a print with every 9A

14. Good tip: When exercising, you should plan to go half the total distance you'd like to walk (Remember, you have to walk _____)

15. Going in circles: What a person is if he's walking around without any idea which way to go

16. To struggle to walk through deep snow or mud

18. Some kids walk to school, but others take the ____

The across clues are for kids and the down clues are for grown-ups!

19. If it starts coming down while you're walking, you'll wish you had brought your umbrella

20. A couple of sneakers is a _____

22. This cocky guy gets up early in the morning, makes some noise and then spends the day strutting around the farm

23. She's a 22A's girl

Parents Down

1. No browsing allowed: Speed walking through a ____ is a great all-weather exercise plan with a perfect price tag

2. The short, silent type: Elder walker's reliable helper

4. Walked out front in the St. Patrick's Day parade

5. Ever wonder?: When Teddy Roosevelt shared his belief that leaders should "walk _____ and carry a big stick," could he have been suggesting that they tiptoe?

6. The crosswalk is for them

7. This 20A will provide support for a person with a broken


8. Fun fact from Down Under: Scientists say it's like a "third leg": When a kangaroo isn't hopping, it walks by putting its arms on the ground, its hind legs in front pushing down with its ___ to propel itself forward

10. Shady seaman with a pet bird who might have ordered a man to walk the plank

11. Known by its "For Us By Us" acronym, _____ is Daymond John's hip hop- avored fashion line featuring apparel from shirts to athletic shoes

13. Up late: Someone who has somnambulism might be seen walking in his ______

17. Tango walk, to music

18. That's four!: What a baseball player leaves at home before he walks to rst base

21. It's what you might need to do if it looks like the pace you're walking won't get you there in time

Walk the Walk

March10,2023 CoastalPoint 71
This Week’s Solution © 2023 KAPD, LLC KAPD ebooks now available on 3/17/23 ™ ™
ANSWER (HOLD UP TO MIRROR) Jumbles: Answer: van toss work feed Wet ones THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME! ® By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek The letters of these crazy words are all mixed up. To play the game, put them back into the right order so that they make real words you can find in your dictionary. Write the letters of each real word under each crazy word, but only one letter to a square. you can put them in order so that they make your funny answer. Getthefree JUSTJUMBLE @PlayJumble VNA SOST ©2023 Tribune Content Agency, LLC Print answer here:

Looking for a "TINY HOUSE"? Look no further! Built in 1943, this Sears Modern Home was shipped by rail and delivered to the site by mule drawn wagons. Updates include kitchen cabinets, plumbing, electric, new vinyl plank ooring. Situated on .89 acres, there's plenty of room to plant a garden, park your RV or boat, add a pole barn or garage. AS IS. Agent related to seller.

$225,000 (DESU2025186)

Call Sandy Greene (c) 302-745-2382


Excellent opportunity to own 9.67 + acres and 600 feet of road frontage on high exposure East Bound Rt26 just outside the town of Dagsboro. Potential C2 re-zoning/contiguous with neighboring C2 zoned parcel. Located in Tier 2 county sewer district, with connection a short 2100 feet away. Or


Looking for a home out of Town with no HOA fees and lots of space? This home is situated on an acre with a wooded back yard. Plenty of parking with a possibility of addition of a utility building. The home has potential for expansion. Use your own creative and decorative design ideas. Just a short drive to shopping and restaurants. Also just a quick drive to the new Beebe Health Center. Don’t miss this rare opportunity.

$310,000 (MDWO2008322)

Call Frank & Audrey (c) 302-541-4000


* Over 38 YEARS of Experience in DE & MD Sales

* Associate Broker: DE & MD

* CRS: Certi ed Residential Specialist

* GRI: Graduate REALTOR Institute

* SRES: Senior Real Estate Specialist Lifetime Achievement Winner!

Cindy Spieczny (c) 302-228-1450


Home offers panoramic open views of the Bay and undisturbed wooded wetlands. Situated just south of South Bethany in Bayview Park, a community surrounded by State Parkland. Perfect for the avid boater- boat lift, pier, docks, and boat slip. Southern exposure with windows and decks overlooking the panoramic views. This unique property has an owners’ home with separate guest quarters. Situated on 1 ½ lot.

Rare and fantastic opportunity.

$2,500,000 (DESU2030714)

Call Frank & Audrey (c) 302-541-4000

Located in the desirable community of Fleetwood Estates in Seaford. This 3 BR home is situated on a lot which is 1 acre. Offering large rooms, eat in kitchen with lots of cabinets and a primary suite with large closets and a bath with a shower. Plenty of storage in the attic plus an outside shed. Don’t miss this affordable opportunity.

$269,000 (DESU2035728)

Call Noreen Scalice (c) 302-245-1108 or Paul Scalice (c) 302-604-8715

Recently renovated 2 BR, 2 BA rst oor condo in the sought after community of Beachaven, on the east side of Route 1. Updated 3 years ago and features a new kitchen, new heat pump. There are new LVP oors in the main living areas. Fully furnished and ready for you to enjoy the open oor plan with an attached screened in porch. Just steps away from the community pool. A few miles from downtown Rehoboth Beach, Lewes, Gordon’s Pond, and the Breakwater Trail.

$340,000 (DESU2036170)

Betsy Perry (c) 301-938-1472

72 CoastalPoint March10,2023 For a con dential interview about starting your Real Estate Career call us today! Carrie Cosgrove (c) 302-339-5519 • Email: | Rutica Patel (c) 252-623-8806 • Email: 31252 American Pkwy. Selbyville, DE 105 High St. Seaford, DE 37169 Rehoboth Ave. #11 Rehoboth Beach, DE 39682 Sunrise Ct. Bethany Beach, DE
Live The Vacation in Lighthouse Lakes! Beautiful Waterfront 4BR/3BA Model-like home located in the wonderful amenityrich coastal community of Lighthouse Lakes. Situated on a large serene pond lot less than 15 minutes to the DE & MD Beaches this home boasts all that you need to start enjoying the coastal lifestyle as soon as you turn the key. $599,900 (DESU2029870) Call Eddie Rohe (c) 410-908-9137
you can use one or all four of the approved site evaluations on file to install private septic. Property being timbered spring 2023. Agent is owner. $1,500,000 (DESU2036714) Call Brad Absher (c) 302-214-LAND UNDERCONTRACT Thinking of selling? I have Buyers lined up! Sandra Erbe KW Luxury Agent 443.848.3004 Looking to Buy or Sell? Logan Burke (c) 443-797-9217 Let my work ethic work for you. UNDERCONTRACT UNDERCONTRACT Each of ce is independently owned & operated. 39003 BAYFRONT DR, OCEAN VIEW Located in the desirable marina community of Quillen’s Point. Spacious and airy 3991 sq ft, 5 bed, 4.5 bath, 3 story open concept custom and quality built Coastal home with inverted oor plan, expansive views of Indian River Bay and Bridge. Enjoy sunrises, sunsets, personal saltwater pool, outdoor shower, 2 car garage, 2 primary BRs, guest suite, replace, numerous porches, decks, patio, fenced in yard. Community has marina, tennis, pickle ball, trails. $1,169,000 (DESU2037332) Call Chrisy Tingle (c) 302-377-4159 NEWLISTING BAYVIEWS 9 ACRES Buying or Selling It takes more than Luck to Open doors Take advantage of the moment Jane Baxter-Miller Luxury Division 302-245-8831 (Cell)

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