Coastal Point — March 29, 2024

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DelawareHouseBill127,intended toprovideeachcountyinDelaware withtheabilitytoimposeafireprotectionfeeoneachresidenceandbusiness, isnowontheReadyListintheGeneral AssemblyandhasthesupportofSussex CountyCommissionerMarkSchaeffer

Dunebreachspurs needforrepairs

Withoceanwaterschurningoffthe coastearlythisweek,trafficalongRoute 1 (CoastalHighway)wasimpactedbya breachofthedunesonthenorthsideof theIndianRiverInlet,withtheoverwashdepositingbothwaterandsandon therighttravellaneandthenacross bothnorthboundlanes.Butstateofficialswerealreadymonitoringthesituation,readytoaddresssafetyissues.

Priorto10a.m.Tuesday,DNREC’s shorelineandwaterwaymanagement sectionwasmonitoringwaves“atavulnerablepointonthenorthsideIndian RiverInlet,andproactivelyreachedout toourpartnersatDelDOTtocoordinateapotentialclosureofRoute1 northbound,”officialssaidmid-weekin recountingtheeffort.

“Abreachatthislocationisaknown occurrencewhenwaterlevelsarehigh withstrong,drivingwindsandthepotentialforback-bayflooding.”

At10:15a.m.onTuesday,theysaid, ahightidecausedabreachaquartermilenorthoftheIndianRiverInlet



ThebillwasintroducedbystateRep. PaulBaumbachofNewarkinApril 2023,withadditionalsponsors,including stateRep.JeffHilovsky,whorepresentsDistrict4,encompassingLong NeckandOakOrchard,andseveralcosponsors.Thebillwouldtakeeffect uponbeingsignedintolaw.

Thisweek,Schaeffertoldthe CoastalPointthat,althoughthe amountimposedperresidenceand business,andthetotalamountcollected eachyear,havenotyetbeendetermined, oneideaistocharge$5permonth,or $60peryear.

“Butthatisstillbeingdebated.It would allhavetobeworkedout,”he said.“Therewouldhavetobeaformula.

Forexample,asmalldoctor’soffice wouldn’tbechargedasmuchasabigboxWalmartstore.

“Rightnow,it’sstillinitsinfancy. Weneedtogetthelegislationpassed first,thenwewouldputaplantogether tomaintainviability.Myideaistogeta lineitemintheCounty’sannualbudget SeeFEEpageA2

MARCH 29, 2024 THE LOCAL VOICE OF YOUR COMMUNITY. Volume 21, Issue 13 FREE Biz Made by Hand under new leadership Page B1 Sports Indians bounce back with big win Page A49 Aviewintoforever SpecialtotheCoastalPoint•MaryfrancesBerger AnamazingsunrisefromBethanyBeachcanmakeallyourtroublesmeltaway.
TheTownofMillvilletookanother stepthisweektowardpossiblepurchase ofaroadandastormwaterpondwithin townlimits,withaneyetowardstreamliningfuturegrowthofEvansParkand possibleturningthepond—onceconsideredaneyesore—intoasmallparklikearea. InJanuary,thecouncilgaveFacilities &BuildingSupervisorEricEvanspermissiontoproceedwithaninvestigation intopurchasingDukesDrive,which runsalongsideEvansParkandiscurrentlyownedandmaintainedbythe State. Evansreportedbacktothecouncil onbothmattersatthecouncil’sTuesday, March26,meeting. RegardingDukesDrive,Evans SeeMILLVILLEpageA4



Bridge.DelDOTshutdownRoute1 shortlyafterward,duetohighwaterin theroadway.

Thewaterlevelbegantorecede aroundnoon,officialssaid,whichallowedaDNRECcrewtomobilizeon Route1andbeginredirectingtheflow ofwater“asbestitcouldbemanaged.”

DelDOTandDNRECthenteamedup toprocuresandanddeliverittothe breacheddune,whereofficialssaidstaff “werecontinuingtoworkfromtherestrictedlaneintotheeveningtoreshape thedune.”Motoristswereaskedtotake cautionwhendrivingthroughthearea.

“DNRECcrewswere,infact,expectedtobeworkinglatelastnight,”officialssaidWednesday,notingthathigh tidestartedat9p.m.,“andwillbemonitoringthenexthightideat10:30a.m., incaseofarecurringsituation.”

Officialsreported“nofurtherfloodingissuesovernight,thankfully,”adding thatDNREChadbeen“truckingin sandtorebuildtheduneinthisarea.”

Anofficialstatebeachnourishment projectwassettobeginWednesday, March27,andcontinueoverthenext severaldays,tocombatthesevereerosion experiencedbythedune,officialssaid.


“DNRECisperformingtherepair workandalsopayingforthenourish-

mentprojectaheadtobolsterthedune intryingtopreventthenextbreach.”


sothefirecompaniescandependona certainamounteveryyear,”Schaeffer said.

Schaeffersaidthebillwould“give theCountytheabilitytoimposeafutureEMSservicefeeifwechoseto.”


ownersifweneedtodoit.Itisdonein manyjurisdictionsinDelaware.Rep. Baumbachsaidhewillbringittothe floorinthenextweekorso,”hesaid, addingthatBaumbachisconfident thereisenoughsupporttopassthebill.

andwillbeaddingthefire-EMSservice line-itembudgetconceptforfire-EMS sustainabilitytoanupcomingagenda fordiscussion,considerationandadoption.”

Previously,Schaefferhadissueda newsreleaseontheissuestating,“My fire-EMSsustainabilitylegislationis movingforward.TheSussexCounty FireServiceandtheDVAFhaveendorsedmyconceptofprovidingasustainableandreoccurringrevenuesource intheSussexCountybudget.Thiswill ensuretheviabilityofourvolunteerfireEMScompaniesinSussexCounty.…I havediscussedtheissuewithallofthe membersoftheSussexCountyCouncil

RonO’Neal,presidentoftheFirefighters’Association,wroteinaletter providedbySchaefferthatsupportfor thebillcameafterconsiderablediscussionandtheexecutivecommittee“supportstheeffortsofRep.Baumbachand thosewhohavesignedonassponsorsco-sponsorsonthispieceoflegislation.”

“WehopethattheDVFAmembershipseesthisasthecorrectsteptobe taken toassistwiththefinancialstabilityofthefireservicemovingforward,” O’Nealwrote.

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TheIndianRiverSchoolDistrict willseesomecompetitiveschoolboard racesonMay14,withcandidatesfilingtheirdeclarationsinallfivedistricts.ThefilingdeadlinewasMarch 1,andeachofthedistrictswillhavea choiceinvotingfornewboardmembers.

Short-termvacanciesforboardof educationmembersrepresentingDistrict1havebeenfilled,withbothnew membersdeclaringforelectiontopotentiallycontinuewithone-yearterms fromJune2024throughJune2025.

InDistrict1,SelbyvillePublicLibrarydirectorforthepast10yearsand FrankfordnativeKellyKlinehas joinedtheschoolboard,alongwith LisaHudsonBriggs,aGeorgetown native.HudsonBriggsspent35years workingwiththeStateofDelaware, includinginsocialservices.Sheisa SussexCentralHighSchoolgraduate, whileKlineisanIndianRiverHigh Schoolgraduate.

HudsonBriggsandKlinewillserve throughJune30thisyear,andboth agreedtostandforelectionMay14. Theyareassumingtheseatspreviously heldbyMadelineMosesandJames Fritz,whobothmovedoutofDistrict

1andhadtoresignfromtheboardas aresult.BothKlineandHudson BriggshavefiledwiththeBoardof Electionsfortheupcomingelection andareexpectedtobeconfirmedto serveonemoreyear.

InDistrict3,HeatherL.Statlerof Millsborohasfiledtorun,seekingreelectiontoherseatforafour-year term.ShewillbechallengedbyMark L.Steele,a36-yeareducatorwiththe IRSDandformerlytheIRSDsuperintendent.Steeleretiredin2020after 40years,includinghisdistrictservice, andiscomingoutofretirementtorun fortheIRSDschoolboard.

InDistrict4,DonaldHattierwill retirefromtheIRSDboardthisJune, after22yearsofservice.JoshuaW. Hudsonhasfiledtorunfortheboard forafour-yeartermfromJune2024to June2028.AlsorunninginDistrict4 isLt.Col.AnitaWest-Werner,who spenthercareerintheAirForceprimarilyatDoverAirForceBase.Last year,shewaselectedtotheIndian RiverHighSchoolHallofFame,and shehastwochildrenintheschoolsystem.ShecurrentlysupportsthedirectoroftheAirForcecrisisteamatthe PentagonandisaBoeing737pilot withUnitedAirlines.


sonsincehewasanEagleScoutcandidateinourson’sBoyScoutTroop. Heisastrongcandidateforthisseat, andhealsohasawifewhoworksasa teacherinourschools.Thatcomplementaryrolecansometimesprovidea candidatewithspecialinsights,and theHudsonshaveonechildinthe IRSDschools.

“Lt.Col.AnitaWest-Wernerisalso astrongcandidatewhohasworkedas atirelessvolunteerintheschoolsystemandisknownbymanyofourfacultyandparentsasanadvocateforthe kids,”saidHattier.“Shehadseveral studentsinourschoolsandhasa vestedinterestinserving.”

InDistrict5,KimLawTaylorof Selbyvilleisrunningforafour-year termofofficeontheIRSDboard.She willtakeonincumbentDerekE. Cathell.Cathelljoinedtheboardin 2018andhassixyearsofserviceafter fillingavacatedseatfortwoyears.

HattieraddedthathewouldcontinuetoserveontheBuilding& GroundsCommitteetoensurethat theSussexCentralHighSchoolis completedwithinbudgetandtimelinesascontracted.Healsoofferedto serveasaBoardofEducationhistorianandofferinstitutionalknowledge tothenewboardmemberstobe electedMay14,ifsorequested.

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saidtheTownwouldneedtorepair thecurrentroadsurfacewith“coldpatchrepair,”atacostof$60peryear.

TheTownalreadymowstherightsof-wayalongtheroad,hesaid,so therewouldbenoadditionalcost there.

Evansshowedthecouncilmapsof thearea,includingexistingproperties alongbothsidesofDukesDrive.He saidthat,duringthetimetheTownwas developingthepark,theStatetookadditionalright-of-wayinorderforthe Towntoaddtwoentrancestothepark —increasingthestate’sright-of-way from15feetoneachsideto35feet. TheState,Evanssaid,alsorequiredthe Parksidedevelopmenttoprovideadditionaleasementforamulti-modalpath, atthedeveloper’scost.

Healsoinformedthecouncilthatif theTownchoosestodevelopcertain partsoftheparkpropertyandaddmore entrances,theywouldhavetoapplyto thestateDepartmentofTransportation todoso.

TownEngineerAndrewLyonsJr. saidDelDOTcouldalsoaskforanadditional15feetoneachsideoftheroad forpedestrianeasement.

“So,whatyoulosecontrolofis45 feetoneachside”fromthecenterofthe road,”Lyonssaid.

Evanssaideachtimetheparkwould addanimprovementthatcouldinvolve

anotherentrancebeingaddedoffof DukesDrive,theywouldhavetoapply toDelDOT,“andallthoseaddupto fees.”

Also,iftheTownweretodecideto relocateDukesDriveinordertomake theparkmoreaccessible,therewouldbe applicationsandfeesinvolved.It’sa matter,Evanssaid,ofwhetherthecouncildecidesfor“theTowntoimprove theirpropertyortheTowntoimprove theState’sproperty.”

“So,ourproposaliswegotoDelDOTandaskthemtogiveustheland,” Evansaid,addingthat“asIseeit,it’sa nuisanceforthem”—particularlysince thenarrowroad“isbarelywideenough forasnowplow.”

AdvantagesintheTownacquiring DukesDrive,Evanssaid,wouldbe“you choosewhenyouwanttoimproveit, youchoosehowtoimproveit,you choosethedirectiontheroadisgoingto take,andyougettokeepthelandthat you’vealreadypurchased.”

Hesaidthecostofacquiringthe roadwouldinvolveattorneys’andsurveyor’sfees,aswellaspossibleengineeringcosts.Acquisitionoftheroadwould notimpactanyexistingpropertyowners alongtheroad,whichincludethenew RejuvenationspaandLord’sLandscaping,whichhasgreenhousesadjacentto theparkproperty.

TheTowndoesnotownanyother streets.DukesDrivewouldbeitsfirst. TownAttorneySethThompsonsaid themovewouldbeallowedbythetown


“It’sjustkindofanewthingforthe Town,”Thompsonsaid,addingthatthe Townwouldhavetomakesureany roadsitacquiredarecoveredunderthe Town’sinsurancepolicies.

“Therereallyshouldn’tbeanyadditionalliabilityinhavingtownroads,” Thompsonsaid.

Evanssaidhehasdonesomepreliminarycheckingintowhatisinvolvedin takingownershipofaroadfromthe State,“anditdoesn’tseemthatcomplicated.Thereisaprocess.”

DeputyMayorSharonBrienzasaid shehaslongbeeninfavoroftheTown takingovertheroad.

“Iappreciatetheworkyou’vedone, Eric,”Brienzasaid.“Thankyoufor reachingoutandstartingtogetthatball rolling.”

ShesaidthatifEvans,aftertalking toDelDOTofficials,findstheacquisitionmightcosttheTownmorethananticipated,“thenyou’dhavetocomeback andwe’dhavetomakeanotherdecision.”

“Thehardpart,whenitcomesto roads,iswhat’sthevalueofaroad?” Thompsonsaid.

Thecouncilvotedunanimouslyto allowEvanstobegindiscussionswith DelDOT.

Thediscussionofmaintenanceof thepondledtoCouncilMember RobertWisgirdaexpressingconcerns thatthepondis“basicallyafilterfor hazardousmaterials,”includingtheherbicide glyphosate,commonlyknownas Roundup.

CouncilTreasurerJosephParent, whosebackgroundisinlandscaping, saidWisgirda’sconcernsareunfounded, andthatheis“allforustakingoverthe pond.”

Thecouncilvoted4-1toallow Evanstopursuetheacquisitionofthe pond,withWisgirdavotingagainstthe movebecauseofconcernsitwouldbea liabilitytotheTown.

Parent’sbackgroundalsocameinto playlaterinthemeeting,whenhepresentedhisproposalforpursuingdevelopmentoftreeguidelinesforthetown ofMillville.

Parent—whohashelpedhisown communityofBishop’sLandingdeal withlandscapingandtreeissues—said hewouldliketoseeifMillvillecould possiblyadaptrecenttreeguidelines adoptedbytheCityofLewes.

“I’mkindofagianttree-hugger,” Parentsaid.

Theacquisitionofthestormwater pondatAtlanticAvenueandWindmill Drivewouldbeabitmorecostly,Evans said,withmaintenanceofthepondand surroundingland—aboutanacre— factoredin.Thefirstyear,heestimated, thecostofmaintainingthepondwould beabout$11,000,withsomeworknecessar ytogetittoapointwherethe Townwantsit,aestheticallyandpractically.Heestimatedcoststomaintainit wouldbeabout$4,000annuallyafter thefirstyear.

HesaidthemainadvantageofpurchasingthepondwouldbetheTown wouldn’thavetodependonStatecrews tomaintainit.

Althoughdevelopersoftenputin “streettrees”inthestripbetweensidewalksandstreets,Parentsaid,“Ihate streettrees.”Heclarifiedthathisobjectionisn’twiththetreesthemselves butthatthetreesareoftentoolarge forthespace,andtheirrootsdamage thesidewalks.Then,thetreesthemselvessufferbecausetheydon’thave enoughspace.

“Streettreesareafutureheadache” oftentimes,Parentsaid.Regarding guidelines,hesaid,“Ithinkit’ssomethingMillvilleshouldconsideradding totheircode.”

ThecouncilunanimouslygaveParentthego-aheadtolookintoguidelines thatmighthelpMillvillehomeowners avoidfutureissuescausedbypoorplanning.

A4 CoastalPoint March29,2024 with the Latest Technology in Hearing Aids! Hop Into Easter Veteran Owned and Operated Kivoney Mehrer, H.I.S Co-owner 32566 Docs Place, Suite 2, Millville, DE 19967 Across From Giant Supermarket (302) 251-8252 • Call Now to Schedule a Free Consultation and Demonstration. We’re All Ears Free Travel Kit with Purchase for the First 10 Appointments that Mention this Promo (3/29-4/2) Nails & Spa Millville Professional Nail Care for Ladies & Gentlemen Walk-Ins & Appointments Welcome! • 302-537-3870 208 Atlantic Ave. (in the Super Giant Shopping Center) Gift Certi cates Available Monday-Saturday • 9:30am-6:00pm Step Into Beauty... Step Into Our Newly Renovated Salon! Over 2,000 Polishes To Choose From Millville ContinuedfrompageA1


PatSchuchmanattendedherlast FenwickIslandTownCouncilmeeting astownmanageronFriday,March22. Thereweretears.

Schuchman,whohasworkedforthe Townfor27years—thelasttwoas townmanager—receivedastanding ovationfromthetowncouncilandfrom residentsinattendanceaftershehugged MayorNatalieMagdeburger,stateRep. RonaldGrayandtownMaintenance SupervisorBryanReed,andgotacongratulatorykissfromherhusband,Mike Schuchman.

“Thisisthebeginningofalong goodbye,”Magdeburgersaid.

Readingatributefromthestate HouseofRepresentatives,Graysaid, “Wecommendthisoutstandingindividualforher27yearsinservicetothe TownofFenwickIsland.Mrs.Schuchmanhasworkedtirelesslyforthegood ofthetown,makingFenwickIslanda safe,pleasing,hospitablecommunityto resideinandvisit.…WethankMrs.

Schuchmanforallherprofessionalism, leadershipandamazingcontributions throughouttheyearsandbestowour bestwishesforanenjoyableretirement,” thecommendationread.

“Congratulations,andI wishyouall thebest,” Graysaid.

Fighting backtears, Schuchman said,“I’veenjoyedworking here.I’m gonnamiss everybody.”

“I’mlookingforwardto myretirement,”she added.

“You’ve beenawonderfulfamily tome,”she said.“Ihavea greatstaffthat I’veworkedwithallthroughtheyears.”

Thankyou,everybody,”shesaid.“I’m gonnamissit.”

Shecalledboththestaffandthe currentcouncilmembers“justwonderful.”

Schuchmanrecalledthatshestarted workingatthefrontdeskinthetown hall“for$7anhour,andworkedmyway up,”andthat“Inever,everthoughtI wouldhaveanopportunitylikethis.

Schuchmanalsoreceivedabrick paverwithhernameonit,tobeplaced alongthepathintheTownParknextto thetownhall.Thebrickwaspresented, withahug,byReed,whocalled Schuchmanhis“work-mom.”

Movingrightalong,Magdeburger thenannouncedthenextitemofbusi-

ness:addingnewTownManagerLori Dabbondanzatothelistofpeopleapprovedasapprovedcheck-signersfor theTown.

TheTownwillhostanopenhouseat FenwickIslandTownHallonFriday, April5,from1p.m.to3p.m.tohonor Schuchman.Residentsarewelcometo stopinandgivetheirregardstothe outgoingtownmanager.

March29,2024 CoastalPoint A5
CoastalPoint•KerinMagill PtSchuchmangetsacongratulatorykissfromherhusband,Mike,astownMaintenanceSupervisorBryan Reed appearstoapprove.


ThenewDelawareEARNSprogram —“avehicleforfinanciallyempowering ourDelawareworkers”—willoffera retirementoptionthatcanallowW2 employeestosavethousandseveryyear.


“Thisistheperfectplanforsmall businesses,”TedGriffith,EARNSprogramdirector,saidduringtheexplanator ywebinar“SecuringaBrighter FutureforEmployees&Employers”on Tuesdaythisweek.

Full-timeandpart-timeemployees bothcounttowardthenumberabusinessmusthavetoparticipateinthepro-

gram.Employerswillbeexemptifthey alreadyofferretirementplans,suchasa 401(k),403(b),408(k),government-deferredcompensationplanorpensions.

Participationforemployeeswho workinDelawarebutdon’tnecessarily liveinDelawarewillbevoluntary,but unless theyoptout,theywillbeautomaticallyenrolled.Employeescanhave 1to5percentoftheirgrosspaywithdrawnandplacedintoatraditional RothIRA.

“Thereisaneasypath.Automatically,5percentofthegrosspaycheck goesintoanIRAandgetsinvestedina target-datefundthatautomaticallyadjustsinvestments,”Giffithsaid,althoughtheamountisuptothe employee.


notaxesorpenalties,buttherearerules forhowinvestmentearningsfromthose employeecontributionsarewithdrawn.

Offeringtheprogramismandatory forbusinesseswithfiveormoreemployees,soemployerscouldbepenalized iftheydon’tparticipate—although Griffithsaiditisn’tbeingapproachedin apunitivemannerbecause,“Wethink thisisagreatstorytotell.”

InMay,anEARNSpilotprogram willbegin.Employersinterestedinthe pilotcanapplybywritingtoGriffithat

Employersmustregisterbyadeadline inthefourthquarterofthisyear, whichisyettobeannounced.

DelawareEARNSwillbeoverseen bytheTreasurer’sOfficeatnocostto employers.Theywillnotberequiredto

matchemployeecontributionsoreducateemployeesabouttheprogram.A callcenterwillbeopentoanswerquestionsandprovideinformation.

Asthewebinarbegan,StateTreasurerColleenDavissaidthat,whenshe firsttookoffice,shebeganadvocating forretireesbecauseshewasconcerned about thosewhohaven’tsavedandbecause150,000Delawareresidentsdon’t havearetirementplan.

“Weareinaretirementcrisisin Delawareandnationally,sothisis needed,”shesaid,addingthat70percent ofAmericansarenotreadyforretirement and50percenthavenosavingsatall.

“Ifwecanallworktowardaplanlike this,workersare15timesmorelikelyto save.DelawareEARNSwillprovidefinancialempowerment,”Davissaid.


Duringaclosedexecutivesessionof theIndianRiverSchoolDistrict (IRSD)boardofeducationheldatIndianRiverHighSchoolonThursday night,March21,bothformerSussex CentralHighSchoolprincipalBradley Layfieldandformerassistantprincipal


BothhadbeenonfullypaidadministrativeleavesinceMay2023afteran incidentinvolvingsurveillancefootage of astudentattheschoolandameme createdfromit.AccordingtoIRSD schooladministrators’contracts,thetwo wereabletofileappealsandhavea hearingwitharetiredSuperiorCourt judgeheardinGeorgetownseveral


TheIRSDboardthenhadtwo weekstorenderafinaldecisiononterminationofthetwoformeremployees, andtheydidso.

“Imovetoremovetheschooladministrationemployee,”saidKimberlyL. Taylor,District5boardmemberanda lifelongeducator.


membersince2015,abstainedfrom votesonbothLayfieldandJones.

ThesurpriseofthecarefullyorchestratedschoolboardmeetingonMarch 21wasthatDistrict3BoardMember HeatherM.Statler—whohasalso servedontheIRSDboardsince2015


A6 CoastalPoint March29,2024 or ) w 28:6 (ESV o ommu h unit ( h 31c,MarydaSun 5 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. 8:4 EATD TIME an C eruthy L ommunitC 7 Omar Ro 3089 5 d, DE 1994 orankfrF TIONAOCL The Da Chur Special M es es Band ark Musical Guest sb Cash, Check & Credit Accepted Proceeds will go towards our children’s projects & purchase of e-books! Friends of Millsboro Public Library Prices starting at $1 • Silent auction Thursday, April11 | 3-7pm Preview Night for members (memberships available at door) Friday, April 12 | 10am-4pm Saturday, April 13 | 10am-2pm HOME & GARDEN 302.732.6159 31854 James Lowe Lane, Frankford Cream of Crab Soup Maryland Crab Soup & Amish Foods 10am-5pm Amazing Assortment Of Specialty Foods Starting April 1st. We Will Be Open 7 Days a Week


Ifthelittleoneshaven’thadachance totakepartinanEasteregghuntyet thisyear,thankstoMotherNature’sdecidedlackofEasterBunnygenerosity —havenofear.FrankfordandDagsborohaveyourback.

BothtownswillhostEasteregghunts onSaturday,March30.Dagsboro’shunt getsunderwayfirst,withregistrationbeginningat10a.m.Thisyear,Dagsboro’s egghuntwilltakeplaceatthe“new” homeoftheDagsboroVolunteerFire



—hadtorecuseherselffromvoting afterlearningthatshe,too,wassubject ofaderisivememefoundduringthe discoveryprocessinvolvedinterminatingLayfieldandJonesasdistrictemployees.

“Thereisasecondmemeoutthere,” saidStatlerofthediscoveryprocess.“I reviewedthehearingofficer’sreport verycarefully,”shesaid.“Idiscovered thataseparatememewascreatedabout measaboardmember,andwiththree femaleemployeesinmygroupasthe membersofthespecialeducationde-

Department,at28331ClaytonStreet.In pastyears,Dagsboro’segghuntwasheld attheoldfirehallacrosstown.

AccordingtoDagsboroTownCouncilSecretary/TreasurerBrianBaull,who hoststheegghuntwithpanache,bunny earsandatrademarkalohashirteach year,thehuntwillbedividedintothese agegroups,startingabout20minutes apart:Uptoage3,10:20a.m.;ages4 and5,10:40a.m.;ages6to8,11a.m.; and9andolder,11:20a.m.

Eachgroupwillhave1,000eggsto hunt,Baullsaid,withprizesawarded fromtheClaytonTheatre,Chick-Fil-A

partment,”saidStatler.“Inlightofthis information,somemayidentifymeas nowbeingavictiminthiscase.”

“Ihavechosentorecusemyselffrom thevote,andIdidnotparticipateinthe voteinexecutivesession,”sheemphasized.“Thisfollowsprotocolasput forthbythePublicIntegrityCommission.”

Statler,40,hasspent19yearsat DelawareTechnicalCommunityCollege,presentlyasanacademiccounselorwhofocusesonstudentswith specialneeds.Sheholdsabachelor’sdegreeinpsychology,amaster’sdegree ineducationalleadershipandadoctorateineducationaladministration.

andMcDonald’s.Agrand-prizeegg willalsobehiddenforeachagegroup witha“coolprize,”Baullsaid.

IfitrainsonSaturday,Dagsboro’s egghuntwillbeheldinsidethefirehall.

EnvisionFrankfordwillhostitsannualEggScrambleinFrankford’sTown ParkonHickoryStreet,startingatnoon onSaturday,March30.

Childrenwhowanttoparticipate willbegivenwristbandstoidentifytheir agegroupandtohelpmakethingseasierwheneachgroupiscalled.Timesare: Upto2years,12:20p.m.;3to5years, 12:40p.m.,6to8years,1p.m.;and9to

BoardMemberDonaldHattieralso recusedhimselffromvotingonLayfield’stermination.

“Ididnotvote,andIdidnotattend theexecutivesessionportionwherethis wasdiscussed,”hesaid.

ThefinalvoteonLayfieldwasseven “yes”votes,oneabstentionandtworecusals.

“Thereisnooppositiontothetermination,”announcedBoardPresident L eolgaT.Wright.“Wehadoneabstention.”

“Anytimethereisaderogatorymeme aboutsomebodyandthenpostingiton socialmedia,youcanalwaysassumeit wasmaliciousintent,”saidHattierafter


Oneadultmayaccompanyeachchild uptoage2ontothe“eggscramble” field.Forallotherhunts,adultsmust stayoutsidetheegg-huntareawhilethe childrenaregatheringtheirtreasures. Anegg-huntareaforchildrenwith specialneedswillopenat12:30p.m.

Eachchildwhoparticipateswillreceiveabagofcandy.Thosewhofind “special”eggswillreceiveanadditional prize.

FrankfordTownParkislocatedat thecornerofClaytonAvenueand HickoryStreet.

thevote.“Youjustdon’tdothattoyour fellows.…Thisisalltouchy,becausewe don’tknowwhereitisgoingtogo.”

Thesubjectoftheoriginalmeme thatledtoLayfield’sandJones’dismissalswasaSussexCentralHigh Schoolstudent,thenasenior,whose breastwasexposedduringanincident intheschool’shallwaythatwascapturedonvideosurveillance.Thecreator ofthememesuperimposedsingerJanet Jackson’sfaceonastillimagefromthe surveillancefootage,referencingthe singer’sfamous“wardrobemalfunction.” Thatmemewaslatershared.



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TonyPrattworkedaschiefadministratorforDNREC’sbeachand shorelinesdivision,whichincludes localwaterwaysmanagement,for morethan38years.SomecallPratt the“deanofbeachreplenishment,” andhe’sspearheadinganeffortwith theAssociationofCoastalTowns (ACT)toprotestDNREC’scost-



wouldchangeasaresultoftheschool administratortermination,lawsuitby theSCHSvictimandcounter-claimsby Layfield,Hattiersaidhebelievesthe currentsurveillancepolicesare“plenty

shareproposalstosplitthecostsof beachnourishmentwithareabeach towns.

Prattiscurrentlyexecutivedirector oftheBayBeachAssociation(BBA). TheACTandtheBBAsentajoint letterlastweektoGov.JohnCarney andDelawareAttorneyGeneral KathleenJennings,endorsingaction byabi-partisangroupofstatelegislatorstocreateamemorandumof agreement(MOA)betweentheState


“Iamcertainnobodyeverenvisioned thatsomethinglikethiswouldbeused inthisway,”saidHattier.“Thelawscan getpicky,andwhatwouldweendup with—Iamnotsuremuchwouldbe benefitedbythat.However,thereare somesecuritymeasureswithinour

(DNREC)andtheU.S.ArmyCorps ofEngineersonpredictablebeachreplenishmentplans.ThatMOAwould spell-outresponsibilitiesofeachparty, stateandfederal,for“beachanddune restoration”beforetheendofthesessiononJune30.

“Ourletterwasmeanttoresolve anyconcernsbetweentheStateand theArmyCorps,andgetitresolved beforeJune30,”saidPr att.“Theletter wesentisinsupportoftheGeneral


WithLayfieldterminated,Hattier saidthatJudithBrittinghamwouldremainasinterimprincipalatSCHSuntil asearchprocesscouldbecompleted. Theofficewillbeopenedforcandidates,hesaid,and“shewouldcertainly

Assemblyrequesttoapprovethe MOA,whichstatestheobligationsof eachsideforcontractedcivilworks.”

TheStatehasitsownstandards, andthefederalgovernmenthasits standardsandobligationsforocean andcoastalprojects,saidtheformer DNRECadministrator.



“Sheisstillatemporary[principal] andwouldhavetodecidewhetheror nottoapplyforit.Judyisoneofour moreflexiblepeople.Sheisthriving overthere,”hesaid.“Shouldshechoose toapplyforthejob,shewouldcertainly beintherunningandwouldbehighon thelist.”

“Untilweknewpeoplewereterminated,wecouldnotmoveforwardwith thatposition,”headded.

“Aterminationisatermination,and theboardvotedonthattonight,”said Hattier.“Ididnotpartakeontheprincipaltermination,butIhadnoconflict ontheassistant.”

Askedifhewouldeverhaveexpected thattheepisodewiththehallwayaltercationandexposureofastudent’sbreast oncamerawouldleadtoanearlyoneyearlegalprocessandpersonnelconcernsforthedistrict,Hattiersaidno. Hesaiditwasthe“craziestincident”in his22yearsofserviceontheIRSD boardofeducationand24yearsworkingwiththeschoolsystemoverall.

“It’sover—ourinvolvementisover,” saidHattier.“Forthemostpart,it’s over.”

Layfieldresponds, claiminginnocence

ThomasNeuberger,attorneyfor Layfield,issuedastatementlateon March21,afterthevote.

“Dr.Layfieldintroducedthewritten testimonyof13witnessesatthehearing,”Neubergerwrote.“TheDistrict presentedthelivetestimonyof11witnesses—allemployeeswhoobviously fearedforthelossoftheirjobsiftheir testimonyhurttheDistrict’scase.”

“Forexample,onepreviouslytoldthe District’spoliceinvestigatorstherewas a‘fight’thatday.”

“Butjustbeforethehearing,heflipflopped andsignedanaffidavitswearing totheopposite,claimingtherewasno ‘fight’thatday.Whydidthathappen? Thereasonisobviousandtaintedthe testimonyofalltheDistrict’semployee witnesses.”

“AsdetailedinDr.Layfield’swritten closingargument,theclearweightof theevidenceofhis13witnessesfavored hisinnocenceofthecharges,”asserted theattorney.

A8 CoastalPoint March29,2024


Ahouseat8OakwoodAvenuein OceanView,nearJohnWestPark,has beenpurchasedbytheTownofOcean View.Thestructurewillberazedand thelotusedtoaddmorethan20parkingspaces.

NoOceanViewtaxeswereusedto payfortheproperty,MayorJohnReddingtonsaid,explainingthat$89,950 wasfromDNREC’sOutdoorRecreationParks&Trailsgrantprogram. Townofficials“amendedthedeedinassociationwiththepropertybeingrequiredtoalwaysremainanamenity associatedwithJohnWestPark,andwe purchasedthepropertyfor$400,000. Weusedabondbillgrantof$89,950



tolevycoastaltownswiththecharges forthesandandArmyCorpsofEngineers’worktoreplenishlocal beaches,Prattsimplylaughed.Hesaid hebelievessuchalocalcost-shareis notinDNREC’spurview.

“DNRECisjustposturingright now,”saidPratt.“Theagencymustdo whatthegovernorandtheGeneral Assemblyaskthemtodo,andthey don’tdictatebudgetsasastateenvironmentalagency.”

“LasttimeIworkedinstategovernment,thegovernorproposesastate budget,andtheGeneralAssembly adoptsitormakeschanges,”said Pr att.“ItistheGeneralAssemblythat identifiestheneedshereandthe budgetsforourshorelines,andafterit goesthroughalonghearingprocess, theselawmakersapproveafiscal budget.”


andanORPTgrantof$89,950,plus $225,100ofARPAgrantfundingto purchasetheproperty,”themayorsaid, referringtotheAmericanRescuePlan Act.

AttheJanuarytowncouncilmeeting,TownManagerCarolHouckpresenteddetailsinwritingtothecouncil explainingthatshehadapproachedthe councilwiththeideaofbuyingthe propertytohavespacetoexpandthe existingparkinglotat6OakwoodAvenue.

Councilmembershadconsidered otherusesforthepropertyandasked HoucktoobtaininputfromaDelaware recreationmanagerfamiliarwiththe developmentofparksandtrails.She saidshemetwithaDNRECparkresourcemanagerandlearnedOutdoor

veryhard,buttheyarenotincharge. Theremaybesomeulteriormotives goingonandhiddenagendaswithin thisagencytotrytoassessthese costs,”saidPratt.TheBBA,inpartnershipwiththeAssociationof CoastalTowns(ACT),iscallingon CarneyandJenningstoactonadeal thatwouldprotectandpreservethe state’sbaybeachshoreline.Theyare askingtheStatetocoordinatewith thefederalgovernmentandcreateone simplepolicyforreplenishment.

Aletterofsupportsignedbythe leadershipofbothBBAandACTwas deliveredtothegovernorandtheAG lastweek.

“Ourhopehereistolendour voices,inconcertwithourstatelawmakers,tocreateachorusthatisundeniableandcommandstheattention ofourgovernorandtheattorneygeneral,”ACTPresidentandBethany BeachMayorRosemaryHardiman said.


RecreationParks&Trailsfundingof $89,950awardedtotheTownforthe purchaseis“eligibleforparklandacquisitionsthatsupportoutdoorrecreation, socreatinganewparkinglotwouldbe allowed.”

HoucksaidtheTownhas17parking spacesat32WestAvenuelot,29atthe 33WestAvenuelot,24at6Oakwood Avenue,20at32WestAvenueonthe parkperimeterandabout20attheinternalgrasslot.Reddingtonsaidthe propertyat8OakwoodAvenuewilladd about24morespaces.

Themayoralsosaidcouncilmembersconsideredhavingthehousesaved andremovedfromthelot,butthecompanythattownofficialsconferredwith said itwasanoldstructureandwould probablyfallapartifitwasmoved.

verylifebloodofourcommunities— donotexistassingularentitiesseparatedbypoliticalboundaries.Theyare onecohesiveenvironment,andthey requireacohesiveapproachandpartnershipatalllevels—local,stateand federal—topreserveandprotect themforgenerationstocome,”added BBAPresidentKathleenLock.

“Weneedtohaveaprojectpartnership,”saidPratt.“Oftentimes,these bayandbeachreplenishmentprogramsareone-offprojects.”

March29,2024 CoastalPoint A9 Hop on in! We’ve Got Easter Gifts And Decor Galore! 302-539-6119 35577 & 35589 Atlantic Ave. Millville Look for Upcoming Events & Sales at & Follow Us On Social Lord’s Landscaping, Inc. @Lordslandscaping Bethany & Rehoboth Open Fri-Sun 10-5pm • Fenwick Open Sat & Sun 10-5pm Check Out Our New Rehoboth Store - 129 Rehoboth Ave Fenwick Island 302-581-0241 100 Coastal Hwy. (next to Fenwick Crabhouse) Bethany Beach 302-539-TOYS (8697) On the boardwalk in the Blue Surf Condominiums & Shops Check Out Our Online Lego Contest at Fun For All Ages! (Ends March 31) Melissa & Doug Sale Ends March 31 F Y O%20 EVERRYTHI F G ING By 20%OFF Extended Hours for Easter Week! (See Website for Details) 30124 Territory Trail Ocean View, Delaware 302-539-3405 Watch this egret develop in color on the Paintings in Progress page of Stop in the Studio to see what else is new, including gifts like Wall Clocks featuring Ellen’s paintings. Ellen Rice ~ painting locally, collected internationally This Week’s Hours: Friday, Saturday, Monday & Wednesday 10‐4 Closed Easter Sunday Egrets ‐ symbol of new beginnings, peace, balance and the divine.

FenwickIslandwillhireanew parkingenforcementofficerforthe summerseason.Thefull-timeofficer willpatrolthetownonabicycle,from theweekendbeforeMemorialDay untilLaborDay,PoliceChiefMichael Morrisseysaidlastweek,whenherequestedapprovalforthehirefromthe towncouncil.

MorrisseysaidattheFriday,March 22,councilmeetingthathewillscheduletheofficertopatrol“whenthemost carsarehere.”Thesalaryforthepositionwillbedeterminedinthecoming weeks,asthecouncilformsitsbudget forthenextfiscalyear.

Thechiefalsoannouncedthatthe Townhasacquiredanewspeedsign thatflashesthespeedofdriverson Route1.Currentlylocatedneartown hall,thesignwillbeplacedatthe “gateway”tothetownonthenorthern end,Morrisseysaid.

Thesignalsoflashes“Caution: PedestriansCrossing,”inadditionto beingsettoalertdriversiftheyare drivingabovethespeedlimitwhenenteringtownlimits.Thesignwasacquiredwithstatefunding,forwhich MorrisseythankedstateRep.Ron GrayandstateSen.GeraldHocker.

Morrisseysaidherecentlysurveyed signageinthetownandhassubmitted a“street-by-streetreport”tothecouncilofhisrecommendationsforadditionalsignagethroughoutthetown,in order,hesaid,“tomakecrossingsafer duringthesummermonthsandallyear ’round”forpedestrians.

Hesaidthat,comparedtoneighboringtowns,“Wehaveasevere shortage ofsignage,”andthat,inhiscomprehensivepedestrianplan,“Ournext courseofaction”istoincreasesignage tohelppedestrianscrossthehighway safely.

StartingMay1,Morrisseysaid,he willhavetwoofficersonthedayshift, sothatonecanbeontheroadandanothercanbemonitoringcrosswalks andspeeding.

“You’llhaveyourregularpatrolofficers,andthenyou’llhaveasecondary officerthatwillfocusmainlyonour Route1issues,”Morrisseysaid.

Withhimselfalsoonduty,Morrisseysaidthatwillmeanthreeofficers workingduringthedayshift,“when mostpeoplearecrossing”backand forthbetweenthebeachsideandthe baysideoftown,acrossRoute1.

“Thisisapilotprogramand,hopefully,it’llworkout,”Morrisseysaid. “We’llevaluateitattheendoftheseason.”

Iftheschedulesneedtobeadjusted tobetterservethetown’sneeds,he said,“We’llmoveandadjust,andmake surethetown’ssafe.”

AlsoduringtheMarch22meeting, thecouncilapprovedaplantoadddecorativeplantstothemedianofCoastal Highway—amovewhichMagdeburgersaidisa“purposefulaction”to makedriversmoreawarethattheyare enteringabusytownandnotsimply cruisingdownastretchofhighway.

Theideaofaddingplantstothe medianhadbeenputforwardbyresidentJackPyneandhadoriginallybeen conceivedasvolunteereffortfundedby residents.ButthecouncilhasnowdecidedthattheTownwillfundtheproject,voting4-1tomoveforward.

CouncilMemberJaniceBortnerwas thesoledissentingvote,sayingshe wouldliketohavesomeideaoftheactualcostofthelandscapingproject first.

Thecouncilapprovedspending nearly$58,000—adding$36,000to theTown’scostfortheprojectfromthe originalbudgetof$22,000.

CouncilMemberWilliamRymer alsoexpressedconcernthattheproject hadnotbeenmadean“actionitem”on thecouncil’smeetingagenda.

PublicWorksDirectorMikeLocke saidhewouldliketohavesomeclarificationfromthecouncilon“whatour responsibilitieswillbe”regarding maintenanceofthenewplantings.He

saidhewasconcernedaboutpotential safetyissuesfortownstaffattempting todomaintenanceonthemedian plantingsduringthesummermonths.

Magdeburgerurgedresidentstofeel freetomakesuggestionstoMorrissey orcouncilmembersiftheyseesafety issuesthatneedtobeaddressed.


“OurNo.1goalistokeeppeople safe,”shesaid.“Wewantpeopletoget toandfromthebeachsafely,andto enjoytheirtimehere.”

Morrisseytoldthecouncilthattraffic studiesshowthatmorethan33,000cars travelthroughFenwickIslandon CoastalHighway,“evenduringtheoffseason.”

Alsoduringthemeeting,thecouncilhonoredthepolicedepartment’s Cpl.StephenMajewskiforhis20years ofservicetotheTown.

Majewski,whowasjoinedatthe meetingbyhisparents,JohnandMary Majewski,recalledthatwhenhebegan workingforFenwickIsland’spolice department,then-councilmember TheoBransaskedhim,“Whydoyou wanttobeaFenwickIslandpoliceofficer?”

Majewskisaidthatintheensuing years,hisfellowofficersandthetown staff“hasbecomelikeafamilytome, notjustatownthatIworkfor.Ilove servingandprotectingthistown,”he said,ascouncilmembersandresidents gavehimastandingovation.


TheTownofFenwickIslandisinvitingthepublictoanopenhouseonFriday,April5, TownHalltocelebratetheretirement ofTownManagerPatSchuchman. SchuchmanretiresinAprilafter27 yearsofservicetothetowninmultiple

capacities.Thepublicisinvited,accordingtotheTownwebsite,“tocommemorateheryearsofdedication…dropbyto extendyourwell-wishesforhernew chapter,reminisceandjustenjoyacup ofcoffeetogether.”

A10 CoastalPoint March29,2024 Bethany Beach & South Bethany Bracelets OPEN DAILY - 10AM 302.539.9334 ON THE BOARDWALK • BETHANY BEACH JEWELRY REPAIR & WATCH BATTERY INSTALLATION 118 Atlantic Ave, Suite 402 Ocean View Welcome to Atlas Yoga & Healing Arts! Open House Thursday, April 4th 6:00 pm Ocean View’s Newest Yoga Studio & One Stop Health Shop for Whole Body Health! Stay Tuned for Studio Updates, Special Offers & Details About Our Grand Opening in May 2024! Light Refreshments Giveaways –Good Times Become Part of Our Family Where Growth, Connection & Community Extend Beyond the Mat REVOLUTIONIZE YOUR HOLISTIC HEALTH Fenwickhiringnewparkingenforcementofficer
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CoastalPointencourages theexchangeofideas. Letterstotheeditormustbe signedbytheauthorwith phonenumberincludedfor purposesofverification.

Editorial Thestaff

OceanViewpurchaseissmart,andfinanced ViewPoint

TheTownofOceanViewrecentlypurchasedahomenearJohn WestParkwiththeintenttorazeitandconvertthatlotintomorethan 20parkingspaces.


Let’sstartwiththis,asitwillbethefirstquestionfrommanyofyou: NotaxesfromOceanViewresidentsarebeingusedforthepurchase. OfficialsusedagrantfromOutdoorRecreationParks&Trails,anadditionalbondbillgrantandmorethan$225,000ofARPAgrantfunding topayforthecost.Thatfundingcombinationpaysthe$400,000costof thehome,withoutanynewadditionaltaxesforresidents.So,that’sgood stuffrightoffthetop.

Andintermsofpracticality,thisisasclosetoano-brainerasone couldhave.Forseveralyearsnow,theTownhasusedJohnWestParkasa sortof“townsquare,”ifyouwill.Theyhaveaddedastringofeventsthat

takeplaceatthepark,headlinedbytheridiculously-popularCops& Goblinseffort,andtheeventshavebeenahit.

Ifyoudoubtthepopularityofthem,justdrivedownCentralor WoodlandAvenueswhenoneoftheeventsistakingplace.“Drive” mightnotbethebestword,infact,asthecongestiongeneratedfromthe crowdnumbersoftenbacksuptrafficflowandforcesattendeestofind parkingwherevertheycan.Thatmeanssidestreetsarealsofillingup,and itfranklyfeelsalittledangerouswhenyouarewalkingbacktoyourcar becauseofthetightquartersandamountofvehicles—despitetherealwaysbeinganamplepolicepresenceattheseevents.It’sapurenumbers game.

So,yes.Parkingiscriticalinthatpartoftownasmoreeventstake place,andthepopularityincreasesyeartoyear.




Inthegrandschemeofthings,Tuesdayisthe,well,the Tuesdayofdays.Youdon’tgettheapocalypticdismaythat comeswithMonday.It’snot“HumpDay.”Itdoesn’thave that“end-is-near”vibethathelpsyouthroughaThursday. And,Friday?Please.

IknowFriday,people.Tuesdayisno Friday.

ButitwasindeedTuesdaythat rockedsomanyworldsthisweek. Newsbrokeoutveryearlyabouta cargoshipthathadrunintotheFrancisScottKeyBridgeinBaltimore, bringingthelandmarkandheavilyusedbridgecrashingintothePatapscoRiverandkickingoff arescuemissionthatsawtwopeoplerecovered,whilesix otherswerebeingfranticallysearchedforbeforeresponders hadtofacethestarkrealityofthesituationandcallofftheir rescueefforts.

Point of No Return

Andhe’sright.First-responders,astheyalmostalways do,jumpedintoactionimmediatelyandtriedtohelp.An earlyreportwasthattheship’scaptainhadgivena“mayday” signalthatithadlostpowerandcontroloftheship,and thatalertwasenoughforpolicetostopcarsfromgettingon thebridgebeforeitcollapsed.Thetimingoftheincidentalone—about1:30 a.m.—most-certainlysavedlives. Whatifithadbeen8a.m.or5p.m.? Howmanypeoplewouldwebe mourningrightnow?

Toomany.“One”istoomany.Butit couldhavebeenmany,manymore.

Andthen,well,afewhourslater, thedunebreachedonRoute1,justnorthoftheIndian RiverInletbridge.TheDelawareDepartmentofTransportation(DelDOT)showeddramaticimagesofwater forciblymakingitswayacrossthenorthsideofthehighway, causingittobecompletelyimpassableforhours.

Itputintoclearfocusthefragilityoflife—thatwhole here-one-minute-gone-the-nextrealitythatweallknowexistsbutspendmostofourtimetryingtoignore.Imean, logically,weunderstandthatanythingcanhappenatany time.Butasmallpartofourbrainsoftenpretendsthat,sure, itcanhappenatanytime,butitwillmostlikelyhappento someotherperson.

ButthiswasrightuptheroadinBaltimore.Manyofus havecrossedthatbridgemoretimesthanwecouldcount. Someinourareacrossediteverydaybeforemovingdown toourlittlesliceofHeavenbytheshore.Thatnarrowsit downto...thatcouldhavebeenme.Itcouldhavebeenloved ones.Itcouldhavebeenanyone.

Andthefactthatthemissingare believedtobeworkers tryingtofixpotholesonthebridgebeforefatechanged theirfuturesinaninstant?Thatshouldsharpenthingseven more.Howmanyworkersdoweseeonthesideoftheroad aroundherewhocouldbestruckatanymomentbyawaywardvehicle?Howmanyfromthiscommunityworkjobs everydaythatconceivablyputtheirlivesindanger?How manyofourchildren,orparents,orspousesorfriends?

Theoptimistsoutthere searchfranticallyforthepositivesinthesekindsofsituations.It’slikethatoldMr. Rogersstorywhenhefamouslyadvised,“WhenIwasaboy andIwouldseescarythingsinthenews,mymotherwould saytome,‘Lookforthehelpers.Youwillalwaysfindpeople whoarehelping.’”

Look,betweenlivinghereafewdecadesandvacationing inHatterasnearlyeveryyear,I’vecomeacrossadunebreach ortwo.AndIimagineI’llcomeacrossanother(knockon wood).But,still,I’vehadenoughnear-deathexperiences frominattentivemoronsnearlydrivingmeofftheroad whenwaterandsandisn’tshootingacrossthehighwayin frontofus.


It’sallenoughtomakeyoutakestock—inhowprecariouslifetrulyis,andhowitiseitheraremarkablestrokeof luckorthewhimofGodthatallowsustokeeponkeeping on.Itshouldalsoprovideperspectiveonhowfortunatewe aretomakeitthrougheachrespectiveday,andtohavethe peoplearoundusthatwedohavetomakeeachrespective daymorebearableandprecious.

Andhere weareatEaster.Thisistheseasontocelebrate resurrectionandthedawnofanewday,ideallywiththe peoplewelove.Itisanopportunitytonotfocusonhowa bridgemightcollapseunderyourvehicleortheperilsof drivingnearagiganticandturbulentbodyofwater,butinsteadtocherishwhatwedoholddear.

Embraceeachbreathyouareblessedtotake.Holdthat hugalittlelongerwhensayinggoodbyetoyourlovedone. Enjoyeveryconversation,debateorfamilyargumentthat takesplacearoundthetable,because,youknow,thatnext familydinnerjustisn’tpromisedtoyou.
















TheCoastalPointispublishedweeklyat 111AtlanticAve.,OceanView,DE19970.

Themailingaddressis: P.O.Box1324, OceanView,DE19970. Phone:302.539.1788. Fax:302.539.3777.

Deadlineforadvertisingandnewssubmissions is5p.m.Monday.Alladvertisementscreatedby theCoastalPointarepropertyofCoastalPointLLC, andcannotbereplicatedwithoutpermission.

Editorial Columns LetterstotheEditor
March29,2024 PageA13





Theimpressionyougetfromreading majorAmericannewsoutletsisthat windturbineshaveanegativeeffecton

birds.IntheJan.10editionofThe Economist,windturbineswerefoundto befriendliertobirdsthangasandoil drilling.

AstudyconductedbytheAudubon Societyrevealedthatwindturbineshad anegligibleeffectonbirdpopulation.


Whattheydidfindisthatoilandgas extractionfromnewwellsrevealeda15 percentdropinbirdnumbers.Inareas that theSocietyconsideredimportant “birdareas,”birdnumbersdroppedby 25percent.


producesfarlessplanet-heatingcarbon dioxideandmethanethanfossilfuels,it appearstobesignificantlylessdamagingtowildlife.

RegisReft Millville


MyseatontheJointFinance Committeemademeveryawareof

thechallengesfacedbyourstate.One thinghasloomedlargeinrecent years,affectingtheabilitytocarefor olderDelawareans:theongoinglabor shortagemakingitdifficulttofind

workerstostaffourstate’snursing homes.

TheStateoperatesalong-term carefacility—theDelawareHospital fortheChronicallyIll.Peoplewith

nootherlong-termcareoptions availabletothemcangothereforresidencyandcare—ifthereisadequate staff.Staffvacancyratestherearefrequentlymorethan30percent.This limitsthenumberofbedstheState canstaffandthenumberof Delawareansinneedwhocanfind comfortandcareatourownfacility.

Acrisisisoccurringevennowat theDelawareVeteransHomeinMilford.There,anentirewinghasbeen closedduetolackofstaffing.Veteranswhosufferedforourcommondefensearesufferingforwantofstaffed beds.

Theproposedfederalstaffing mandatefromtheCentersfor Medicare&MedicaidServiceswill leavetheState’sownlong-termcare facility,aswellastheDelawareVeteransHome,ingreaterdifficulty,in termsofstaffrecruitment.Butthese bedsonlyrepresentasmallpercentageofbedsprovidedbylong-term careoperatorsinDelaware.Thisregulationwillraisestaffingrequirementsforalllong-termcare providers.Thisisanimpossiblemandategiventhelackofavailableworkforce.

Theregulationwouldrequirefacilitiestowithdrawavailablebedsthat couldbefilledbyelderlyDelawareans.MoreDelawareanswhoneed long-termcarewillfinditunavailable forlongperiodsoftime.

Delawareisoneoftheoldest states,intermsofaverageageofour population.Thefifth-oldestinthe nation,currently.Wearearetirement meccaandoneofthestateswiththe highestratesofretireein-migration inthecountry.Thedemandforall servicesforanincreasingagingpopulation—particularlylong-termcare beds—meansweneedtolookfor waystoincreaselong-termcareavailability.Thisregulationmovesinthe wrongdirectionandwillimpede meetingincreasingdemandforlongtermcareservices.

Therearefinancialimplicationsof increasingmandatedstaffinglevels,

A14 CoastalPoint March29,2024 WIN A ONE WEEK STAY IN ARUBA! MILLVILLE VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANY ARUBA TRIP RAFFLE Terms: Winner must book travel dates with condo donor (contact to be provided to winner) within 90 days of drawing. Travel dates must be within 1 year of award, subject to availability at time of booking and excludes black out dates (12/24-1/2). The value of the condo rental is $2,350. Total prize value is $4,850 and the winner would be responsible for any taxes. The winner will be required to sign an agreement to comply with the rules of the condo complex and be responsible for any damage to the property during their stay. 6 person maximum occupancy. Win a one week stay in a 3 bedroom, 3 bath condo steps from Eagle beach in Aruba along with $2,500 cash towards travel expenses! Eagle Beach was ranked #1 best beach in the Caribbean by Tripadvisor A maximum of only 200 tickets will be sold! $100 per ticket. Purchase tickets online at: Drawing to be held 6/26/24 – Winner need not be present Use the QR Code Below To Purchase Your Ticket Airbnb Link for More Information
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ThousandsofDelawareansengage informalorinformalvolunteeractivitieseveryday,providingimportantassistancetoneighborswhilederiving satisfactionfromhelpingothersand contributingtothecommunity’swellbeing.

TheobservanceofNationalVolunteerMonthinAprilisagreatopportunitytothankthosewhosharetheir timeandskillswithothers.It’salsoa goodtimeforthosewhohaveonly thoughtaboutgettinginvolvedtosign upasavolunteerwithoneofthe state’smanynonprofitgroupsorsimplylendahandoutsideofanorganizationalcontext.

Accordingtothelatestdatafrom theU.S.CensusBureauandAmeriCorps,nearly64percentofDelawareanssaidtheyhelpedothersduring 2021—thefourth-highestrateofinformalvolunteerisminthe50states.




TheCensusBureaualsofoundthat59 percentofBabyBoomers—those bornbetween1946and1964—volunteeredtheirtime,thehighestrate ofanygeneration.

Numerousstudieshighlighthow seniorvolunteers,inparticular,benefit fromtheirservice.

TheMayoClinic,forexample,reportedthatvolunteeringimproves physicalandmentalhealth,providesa senseofpurpose,teachesvaluable skills,andnurturesnewandexisting relationships.

Separately,researchersatBoston Universityfoundthatphysicalactivity andsocialengagementareamongthe behaviorscontributingtolongevity andmentalsharpnessinlaterlife.The university’songoingstudiesofolder Americansfoundthatcontinuingeducation,mentalstimulationandsocial connectivitycontributedtoimproved cognition.Theresearchalsosuggests thatactivitiessuchyogaandtaichi mayenhancecognitivefunction.

beyondthat,theincreasingnumber ofbedskeptvacantasthenew staffingmandaterequireswouldcontributetoendangeringthehealth, safetyandcomfortofDelawareans whoareamongourmostvulnerable.


TheUniversityofDelaware’s OsherLifelongLearningInstitute (OLLI),atwhichIambothamember andavolunteer,bringstogetherthe benefitsofeducation,socialengagement,physicalactivityandcommunity service.

WithassistancefromasmallnumberofstafffromUD’sCollegeofProfessional&ContinuingStudies, volunteerssetOLLIpolicy;makecurriculumdecisions;serveoncommittees;recruitnewmembers;andlead classescoveringawidevarietyofacademicsubjects,music,crafts,exercise andextracurricularactivities.There arenogrades,examsoreducational prerequisites.

OLLIcourseofferingsaredeterminedbymemberinterest,aswellas thepassionsandexpertiseofvolunteer member-instructors.Hundredsof coursesareofferedeachyearinspring, summerandfallsemestersinDover, Lewes,Wilmingtonandonline.


tonshoulddotheirpartbyspeaking outagainsttheproposal.There’sabipartisanbillintheU.S.Senatethat wouldstopthismandatefrombeing implemented,whichIhopeSen. CarperandSen.Coonswillsupport. Let’salsofocusonpoliciesthatwill

50orolder,andtospousesandpartnersofanyage.We’realwayslooking fornewinstructors, todiscoverwhyOLLIis“Where friendsmeettolearn.”

TherearehundredsoforganizationsinDelawareseekingvolunteers tohelp,withcausesrangingfromanimalwelfare,theartsandliteracy,to environmentalpreservation,disaster reliefandsocialservices.Tolearn aboutavailableopportunities,visitthe StateOfficeofVolunteerismwebsite

Volunteeringatanyageisimmenselyrewardingandmutuallybeneficial.Helpanotherandhelp yourself!

Connie Benkoisavolunteermember andcouncilchairfortheUniversityof Delaware’scombinedKent/SussexOsher LifelongLearningInstituteprogram.She is alifelongeducator,teachingallagesfrom pre-Ktoadults.

createastrongpipelineofcaregivers tosupportnursinghomeseniorsand caregivers.

RuthBriggsKingisaformerstate representativeforthe37thDistrict.

Donations will be accepted in the library on Tuesdays from 2—4 pm.

Please note that some of our programs have limited in-person seating. Visit our website or call the library to register & learn more about our events!

Monday, March 25—Saturday, April 6 Bunny Scavenger Hunt Find all 12 bunnies hiding in the kids’ room & win a prize! For ages 11 & under.

Monday, April 1

with Stix 10—11:00 am

The Basics of Plant Based Eating 3—4:00 pm

out the health benefits, environmental impact, varied food choices, & more about following a plant-based diet with Sharon Mack.

Tuesday, April 2 Mommy & Me Time 10:30—11:30 am Connect with your children & other parents at the library!

Wednesday, April 3

Time 10—10:30 am & 11—11:30 am

Thursday, April 4

Friday, April 5

A16 CoastalPoint March29,2024
levels welcome.
the library
the next meeting about
crocheting, & needleworking. All skill
Engage your child in early literacy practices & get to know other families in the area.
Eclipse Glasses Pick up a pair of free eclipse glasses! Limit 2 per person. Limited while supplies last.
Grow with DE Master Gardeners
Kids grades preschool to 5th can learn how to garden with the 3 R’s
Reuse, Recycle) in mind!
2—3:00 pm
Eclipse Glasses Pick up a pair of free eclipse glasses! Limit 2 per person. Limited while supplies last.
April 6 LEGO Club 11:00 am—12:00 pm Let your child's imagination run wild at LEGO Club! For ages 6-10, please. 302–858-5518 43 Kent Avenue, Bethany Beach South Coastal Library Enrich. Inspire. Educate. Learn about another country & make a new friend by signing up for the New Zealand Pen Pal Program! Visit our website or ask a librarian for details. Looking Forward To Seeing You! 18 Pennsylvania Ave., Bethany Beach 302.539.6992 Closed Easter Sunday • Open Fri, Sat & Mon 11- 4 Beautiful, Unique Jewelry Open Daily 11 - 4pm • Fri & Sat until 5pm Habitat Prairie Cotton Tribal Jag • Charlie B Sushi Sets Windchimes Pottery Gifts & More! 302-539-2311 16 Pennsylvania Ave | Bethany Beach Closed Easter Sunday Keeping Bethany in Style for Over 30 Years! HELLO KITTY's 50th ANNIVERSARY!
homes with a focus on natural light.
to learn more about our innovative floor plans. 20184 Phillips Street, Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971 | 302.226.1994 March29,2024 CoastalPoint A17


CallfromCVStriggers investigation

A31-year-oldmanand30-year-old woman,bothofFallsChurch,Va.,this weekwerebeingheldinSussexCorrectionalInstitutionon$5,000secured bond,pendingarraignmentinthe CourtofCommonPleas,afterbeing chargedwithorganizedretailtheft— mostlyofbeautyandskincareproducts —andrelatedchargesfollowinganallegedshopliftingincidentatanOcean Viewbusiness,accordingtoOcean ViewPoliceChiefKenneth



Milstead,30,withorganizedretail theft,receivingstolenpropertyand second-degreeconspiracy—all felonies.Dagsboro policealso chargedherwith possessionof methamphetamine,possession ofdrugparaphernaliaanddriving withoutavalidlicense.

OceanView policecharged GeorgeEscobar,31,withorganized retailtheft,receivingstolenproperty andsecond-degreeconspiracy—also allfelonies.



policeweredispatchedtoCVSPharmacyinOceanViewforanallegedincidentofshoplifting.Storeemployees, hesaid,toldpolice thattwopeople hadenteredthe storeandtaken itemswithout paying.Surveillancecamera footageprovided policewithphotographsofthesuspectsandtheir vehicle,hesaid.

OceanViewpolicebroadcasta“be onthelook-out”(BOLO)call,looking forthevehicle.

Around10:30p.m.,DagsboropoliceobservedthevehicleonMain Street,stoppeditandalertedOcean

Viewofficers,whowenttoDagsboro andassistedinarrestingMilsteadand Escobar.

DagsboropoliceK-9Buzzconductedanarcoticsscanofthevehicle, policesaid,andalertedofficerstothe presenceofillegalnarcotics.Asmall quantityofsuspectedmethamphetamineandrelatedsuspecteddrugparaphernaliawerediscovered,aswellas suspectedstolenitems,mostlybeauty andskincareproducts,valuedatmore than$8,000,thechiefsaid.

Theinvestigationwascontinuing thisweekaspoliceworkedtodetermineifsimilaritemswerestolenfrom otherareapharmaciesandstores.

Anyonewithinformationisbeing askedtocontactOceanViewOfficer FirstClassConnorWatkinsat(302) 539-1111.

Brettfilestorun for41stDistrictseat

Democratsfromthestate’s41stRepresentativeDistrictthisweekannouncedthatTomBrettofMillsboro hasfiledtorunasaDemocratforthe 41stRepresentativeDistrictseatinthe stateHouseofRepresentatives.Brettis aU.S.Armyveteranandhasexperience asabusinessleaderforfast-growing companies.HeresidesinMillsboro withhiswifeof27years.

BrettsaidhebelievesthatRD41 residentsandallSussexCountiansdeserveastrongadvocateinLegislative Hall.Hesaidhewillbeavoiceforcaregiverswhocannotfindaffordablechildcareandworkerswhocannotfind affordablehousing.Hesaidhewillfight toseethatSussexCountygetsitsfair shareoffundingforcriticalinfrastructure.

OneofBrett’sprioritiesintheGeneralAssemblywillbetosponsorbills thatwillencourageprivateinvestments andtakeadvantageofthefederalincentivesinrenewableenergy.Hesaidhe believestheseincentiveswillprovide good-payingjobswhileprotectingSussexCounty’snaturalresourcesforgenerationstocome.

Bretthaspubliclysupportedsustainablegrowth,cleanairandsafewaterfor years.Asalegislator,hesaidhebelieves hecansponsorlegislationtomakeSussexCountyabetterplacetolive,work andgotoschool.

FormoreinformationonBrett’s policiesandplans,

A18 CoastalPoint March29,2024 Look & Feel Your Best! Call Today to Book Your Treatment 302.537.8318 We’ve Moved! 32412 Dukes Drive, Millville, DE Botox | Dermal Fillers|ZO Skin Care Products Laser Hair Removal Treatment|IPL|Facials|Dermaplane Hydrafacials & Microneedling Medical Skin Checks|Biopsies We Treat Rosacea, Acne & Other Skin Condition Morpheus (Radio Frequency) Microneedling with PRP for Skin Tightening
Milstead Escobar
is set amid mature
CLOSE TO PERFECT, far from ordinary. Hi! I’m Frank. Scan the QR code or call (302) 569-9367 to schedule an appointment! -Alyssa and Andy © 2023 Schell Brothers LLC. All Rights Reserved. All information is subject to change without notice. March29,2024 CoastalPoint A19
woods o of Cool Springs Road and o
both wooded and pond-view homesites! Moreover,
o ers popular
plans like The Kingfisher and The Whimbrel.



JamesJ.Cahill,71,knownaffectionatelybyhislovedonesas“Jimmy,” passedawaypeacefullyonMarch23, 2024,inOceanView,Del.,surrounded byhiswifeandchildren.BornonAug. 20,1952,intheBronx,N.Y.,hewasa trueNewYorkeratheart.Hiszestfor lifeandenduringsmileleftalasting impressiononeveryonehemet.

Hisheartwasalwayswithhisfamily andfriends.Hewasacaringanddevotedhusbandtohiswife,Liz,with whomhesharedmorethan40funand excitingyearsofmarriage.Together, theyfulfilledtheirdreamofmovingto thebeach.

Hisprideandjoywerehischildren andgrandchildren.Heissurvivedby

ElizabethCahillofOceanView;Tom CahillofHawthornWoods,Ill;Missy Cahill(ChrisMiller)ofBrooklyn; EileenFreed(David)ofBaltimore,and JackieCahill(ChrisAllenbaugh)of Baltimore;hissixgranddaughters Kennedy,Kate,Quinn,Alexandra,Juliana,andEmilia,werethelightofhis life,andhecherishedeverymoment spentwiththemastheir“Grampy.”

Hewaspredeceasedbyhisparents, JohnandEileenCahill,hissiblings, JohnCahillandDonnaWaldron,and hisniece,MarybethValentine.His memorywillbecarriedonbyhisadoringfamilyandthemanyliveshe touched.

Avisitationwastobeheldon Wednesday,March27,atCargainFuneralHomes,418Route6,Mahopac,

N.Y.10541.Thefollowingmorning, Thursday,March28,therewastobea serviceatCargainFuneralHomein Mahopacbefore proceedingtoGates ofHeavenforburial.

Inlieuofflowers,thefamilysuggestsmemorialdonationsinhisname toCovenantHouseat (,a charitythatmeantsomuchtohimand hehasgiventoformanyyears.

Onlinecondolencesmaybesentby visiting

WilliamFrancis ‘Bill’CarrollJr.,74

WilliamFrancis“Bill”CarrollJr., 74,ofBethanyBeachpassedawayon March22,2024,followingalongill-

ness.HewasbornMarch28,1949, toWilliamF.CarrollSr.andJoan (Redmond)CarrollinManhattan, NewYork.

HeattendedSaintAnthony’s HighSchoolinSmithtown,New York,whereheplayedsoccerandwas teamcaptaininhisjuniorandsenior years.Hereceivedabachelor’sdegree inEnglishliteraturefromLongIslandUniversity(Southampton, N.Y.),whichheattendedonasoccer scholarship.DuringhistimeatLIU, heservedthreeyearsasteamcaptain. Hereceivedamaster’sofbusiness administrationinfinancefromthe UniversityofMaryland—College Parkandcompletedpost-graduate workinconstructionmanagementat theUniversityofMaryland—BaltimoreCounty.

Carrolllivedafulllifewithamazingaccomplishments,theproudestof whichwashis47-yearmarriageto theloveofhislife,Rosemary,and theeightchildrentheyshared.He lovedhisfamilyincrediblyandwithoutjudgment.HeandRosemary spentcountlesshourscheeringtheir childrenoninsportsandotherendeavors.

InColumbia,Md.,hestartedthe firstgirls’recreationalsoccerprogram inthecountry.InDelaware,withhis daughterColleen,hehelpedform IndianRiverHighSchool’sfirst women’ssoccerteam.Hecoached men’ssocceratDelawareTechnical CommunityCollege,wasaDIAAandUSSF-certifiedsoccerreferee,a coachforLowerSussexLittle Leagueandforboys’andgirls’soccer atRiverSoccerClub,andwasaformerpresidentoftheSeniorBaseball League.

CarrollwasastalwartatSt.Ann’s CatholicChurchinBethanyBeach, Del.,whereheservedasaeucharistic ministerformanyyears.He,along withRosemary,startedthePregnancyCenterministryatSt.Ann’s, collectingbabybottlecontributions for13years.HeandRosemaryalso supportedtheSeaman’sCenterin Wilmington,whichprovidesChristmasgiftsandmoneytoseamenall overtheworld.

Hewasaninnovatorandentrepreneur.AlongwithRosemary,he foundedtheDelawareMaritimeEducationNon-ProfitOrganizationto helpyoungmenandwomenlearn aboutandpursuemaritimecareers. Together,theyownedandoperated Studio8PhotographyinBethany Beachfrom1991tothepresentday. TheyalsoownedandoperatedAtlanticColorLabinRehobothBeach, Del.,andCastleBayHomesLLCin BethanyBeach.

A20 CoastalPoint March29,2024
SeeOBITSpageA21 AtYour Service Helpingyoufindeverythingyouneedfor yourhome,yourfamilyandyourself ASpecialPublicationfrom: LocalServicesInThe PalmOfYourHand 2024-2025 I Carrot Wait to Get This Book... Egg-Ceptional! For Peep’s Sake I’m All Ears! Keep This Book Somewhere Handy! Available In Coastal Point This Week Or Find It At!

Communityorganizationsplayed akeyroleinCarroll’slife.Hewasa memberoftheSouthernSussexRotary,theLionsClub,andthe BethanyBeach/FenwickIsland,RehobothBeach/DeweyBeachand greaterMillsboroChambersof Commerce.Hevolunteeredatthe CHEERcenter,MealsonWheels, HabitatforHumanityandContractors’foraCause.

Inthepoliticalarena,heservedin theMarylandHouseofDelegatesas counseltotheminoritydelegation. HewasaU.S.SenateInternforan independentmemberfromNew York.Heservedasapoliticalcampaignconsultanttonationaland statecampaignsthroughoutthe UnitedStatesandwasRepublican PartychairmanforHowardCounty, Md.Healsowastheyoungest electedmemberoftheMarylandRepublicanStateCentralCommitteein 1970.Heservedaschairmanofthe SussexCountyRepublicanParty from2012to2018,andwasselected bythepartytoattendtheRepublican NationalConventiontovotein 2016.

Carrollwasprecededindeathby hisparents,WilliamCarrollandJoan (Redmond)Carroll,andhissiblings CharlesCarrollandChristopher Carroll.Heissurvivedbyhiswife, RosemaryB.(Mallon)Carroll;and hischildrenChristian(andMelanie) Carroll,ColinCarroll,Charles(and Liu)Carroll,Colleen(andAnthony) Davis,WilliamF.CarrollIII,Daniel Carroll,Kelly(andTom)McCandlessandMichael(andAbigail)Carroll;16grandchildren;andhis siblingsPatrickCarroll,NancyKlem, LeoCarroll,JamesCarrollandLaura Rapposelli.

Avisitationwastobeheldfrom2 to4p.m.and6to8p.m.onTuesday, March26,2024,attheOceanView ChapelofMelsonFuneralServices, 38040MuddyNeckRoad,Ocean View,Del.,whereaprayerservice wastobeheldat7p.m.AMassof ChristianBurialwillbeheldat11 a.m.onWednesday,March27,2024, atOurLadyofGuadalupeCatholic Church,35318ChurchRd.,Frankford,Del.Intermentwillfollowat GateofHeavenCemeteryinDagsboro,Del.Inlieuofflowers,thefamilysuggestedmemorialcontributions inCarroll’snametotheSeamen’s CenterofWilmingtonbyvisiting www.scwde.orgortotheCrohn’s& ColitisFoundationbyvisiting www.crohnscolitisfoundation.orgor totheSocietyofSt.VincentdePaul, St.AnnBethanyBeachConference, 35764AtlanticAve.,P.O. Box879, OceanView,DE19970.Condo-



Salted Rim Patty Melt

Cobb Salad

Steakhouse Burger

Taco Trio





March29,2024 CoastalPoint A21
& Dinner Specials Sun-Thurs 11:30–10pm • Fri & Sat 11:30–12am • Pricing & Specials subject to change without notice Margarita Bar & Grille
Pub Sandwich
Chicken Quesadilla
Shrimp Diablo
Salad Club
de Pollo 12 items for $12 each, includes a beverage (coffee, tea, pepsi products) Please no shared plates • Menu Changes Weekly ~ Available for carry-out! 10 items for $20 each
Triple Burrito
Prime Sirloin
Tuna Steak Chicken Chesapeake Carne Asada & Shrimp Bacon Wrapped BBQ Shrimp
Risotto Twin Crab Cakes (4oz) Live Entertainment Minutes Away from Rehoboth Beach & Ocean City Fri 3/29 Sat 3/30 • • 5-8pm 5-8pmLow Country Cup of Joe 302-537-7373 • 35553 Atlantic Ave., Millville HappyHourEntertainment ON THE PATIO Fri 3/29 Sat 3/30 • • 8-11pm 8-11pmRandy Lee Ashcraft & Saltwater Cowboys Risky Business Band LiveBands $12 4/2 $20 11:30 - 4:00 3/28 - 4/3 Please no shared plates • Menu Changes Weekly ~ Available for carry-out! NEW Obits ContinuedfrompageA20 RIVERONLINE.CHURCH | 35175 ROXANA ROAD, FRANKFORD DE 19945 RIVERONLINE.CHURCH 1 Corinthians 15:55-58 “O Death, Where Is Your Victory? 1 Corinthians 15:55-58 “O Death, Where Is Your Sting? E A S T E R



Easement agreementstypicallygrantyouthe righttouseyour neighbor’syard(or viceversa)orrestrictyourability touseyouryard.

Thelatter, knownasrestrictiveeasements,comein multipleflavors.OneofthemorecommonhereinSussexCountyistheTax Ditcheasement.TaxDitchesinvolve themanagementanddiversionofwater, which,ifyouhaven’tnoticed,canbea problemaroundtheseparts.Thetopographyofourpeninsulaisnotwhatone wouldcall“hilly.”Assuch,managing the flowofwater(rain,runoff,etc.)is whereTaxDitchescomeintoplay.The channelsyouseealongroads,through fieldsorbehindyouryardmightbepart ofthe2,000-plus-milesystemofTax DitcheshereinSussex.Theseditches havetobeperiodicallydugoutandrepaired,sothereareeasementareas aroundtheminwhichyoucannotbuild structures(fences,sheds,homes, garages).Theeasementareacanrange from5feettomorethan100feet.

Beingunabletobuildstructures within theseeasementareascanobviouslyhaveanenormousimpactonthe useandenjoymentofyourland.So,beforeyoubuyorbuild,checkforthe presenceofanyeasements.


ScottandShuman,P.A. (302)537-1147

Aneasement agreementisa contractbetween partiesthatallows onepartytheuse andenjoymentof anotherparty’s landpursuantto theagreement’s terms.Itshouldberecordedinthe landrecordswheredeedsarerecorded, sothatthepublichasnoticeofitsexistence.

Anexample:Theownerof1Main Streethasadrivewaythatgoesover1 Main’sboundarylineandonto2Main

Street’slot.Inthiscase,1Mainisthe “dominanttenement,”and2Mainis the“servienttenement.”Inother words,1Mainisgettingthebenefitof using2Main’slandforitsdriveway.

Whywould2Mainagreetothis? Bygrantingpublicpermissiontouse 2Main’sproperty,2Mainisprotectingitselffrom1Maineverclaiming “adversepossession”—alegalterm foracquiringownershiprightsover another’slandbyusingitwithout permissionforatermofyears.The ownerscanbeneighborlyandnot make1Mainmoveitsdrivewaybut alsoensurethat2Mainisprotected.

Easementagreementstypically statethatiftheencroachingstructure isdestroyedorre-designedinthefuture,thenitwillbeplacedwholly backon1Main’sownland.Until then,itbindsallfutureownersofthe parcels.

MeaghanMahoneyHudson Ward&Taylor,LLC (302)227-1406

We’llstartby defining“easement,”whichisthe righttouse,access ortravelacrossreal propertyownedby anotherperson, usuallyforaspecificpurpose.An “easementagreement”isalegallybindingagreement,usuallyrecordedwith theRecorderofDeeds,betweentwoor moreparties,whichestablishestheeasementanddefinesthepurposeanddurationoftheeasement.

Inourrealestatepractice,weoften comeacrosseasementagreementsby whichpropertyownershavegrantedan easementtoautilityprovidertoinstall infrastructureortoaneighbortoallow accesstohis/herproperty.Itisalsoquite commontoseedrainageeasements, whichareeasementsnormallygranted toahomeowner’sassociationormunicipalityforthepurposeofwaterdrainage.

Oftentimes,thepropertyowner grantingtheeasementwillnotbeable toconstructimprovements,suchasa

A22 CoastalPoint March29,2024 Classic Italian Cuisine Served in a Cozy, Rustic Setting 302.829.8727 35715 Atlantic Ave • Millville, DE • Behind Morning Buns Bake Shop Limited Parking: Please Park in front of Morning Buns Gluten-Free Menu Available Fantastic Off-Season Specials! Dine-in Only ~ Beverage Purchase Required ~ Not Available for Sharing or Splitting Open For Dinner Tues-Sun @5pm Reservations Recommended *Food is discounted but the SERVICE IS NOT... PLEASE tip based on the original check prices. Your server thanks you! We do not offer separate checks but we are happy to split payments. Sunday - LADIES’ NIGHT!!! 1/2 off ladies’ check* (excludes drinks & alcohol) *All veal & seafood entrees 25% Off - Ladies Only Table Bread $4 Tuesday - $29 for 3 COURSES Choice 1 - Appetizer Choice 2 - Salad or Dessert Choice 3 - Entree* *Veal & seafood entrees add $5 Wednesday - 1/2 PRICE SPECIAL 1/2 price appetizers & 1/2 price bottles of wine Thursday - BOGOH!!! Buy one entree & get one half off *half price entree is of equal or lesser value Follow Us On Facebook! Happy Hunting! April 5th - 7th | 10am–4pm Antiques-Vintage-Decor Fresh Finds Every Month 30688 Armory Road • Frankford, DE near Dagsboro (717) 818-6054 2024 Reopening Event Open Only the first Friday-Sunday of Each Month Stop In & Visit Our Booth at the Brush Factory on King in Lewes Old Town Thrift & Gift TheLittleStoreon theShorewithMore 302-436-6101 79W.ChurchSt.,Selbyville Wed-Sat,10am-4pm Sun,11am-3pm Closed Mon & Tues Your Inflation Free Zone Our Prices Have Remained the Same 302-217-0516 36666 W. Bluewater Run • Unit #10 • Selbyville, DE $20 OFF Per Couple Expires: 04/15/24 Gift Cards Available! 90min Massage $140.00 Open Every Day • 9am-9pm
Conway Hudson Robinson

Carper,Coons,BluntRochesterhost ServiceAcademyInformationNight

OnFriday,March15,nearly200peopleattendedthe23rdAnnualU.S.Service AcademyInformationNightatDover HighSchool.OrganizedbyU.S.Sen. TomCarper(D-Del.),thelastserving VietnamveteranintheSenate,andcohostedbyU.S.Sen.ChrisCoonsandU.S. Rep.LisaBluntRochester(bothalsoDDel.),theeventincludedrepresentatives fromtheserviceacademiesandothermilitaryorganizationstoanswerquestions andprovideinformationtostudentsand theirfamiliesabouttheapplication process.

Serviceacademyapplicationsrequire eitheracongressionalnominationora military-affiliatednomination.Otherrequirementsandmoreinformationonapplyingcanbefoundbygoing

“Themilitarytaughtmehowtobea leader,andshapedthepersonIam today,”saidCarper,a23-yearveteranof theNavy.“Iconsideritanhonorandgreat responsibilitytonominateexceptional youngmenandwomentoournation’s serviceacademies,wheretheywillgrow intotomorrow’sleaders.”

“I’mexcitedtoseemembersofour nextgenerationpursuingalifededicated toleadershipintheserviceofothers,”said Coons.“Theyoungmenandwomenwho willpursuethispatharemodelsof

courage,strengthanddedicationtothis greatnation.Ilookforwardtonominating someofourfinestyoungDelawareansto ournation’sserviceacademiesandseeing allthateachofthosewhotakethispath willaccomplish.”

“NominatingDelawarestudentstoour nation’sprestigiousserviceacademiesis somethingthatSen.Carper,Sen.Coons andIareproudtodoeachyear,”said BluntRochester.“Iamgratefultoallthe studentsandfamilieswhocametoourannualServiceAcademyInformationNight inDovertolearnmoreabouttheprocess, andIlookforwardtodoingmypartto helpouryoungpeopleanswerthecallto serveourstateandnation.”

CarperinvitedZakaryWard,aU.S. NavalAcademyappointeefortheClassof 2028,andLarenceKirby,whoserved30 yearsinactiveduty andnowhelpsveteransandservicemembersatDelaware TechnicalCommunityCollegeasanacademiccounselor,tospeaktoattendees abouttheirexperiences.OtherparticipantsincludedrepresentativesoftheU.S. NavalAcademy,theU.S.AirForceAcademy,theU.S.MerchantMarineAcademy, theU.S.MilitaryAcademy,theU.S.Coast GuardAcademyandtheDelawareNationalGuard,aswellasAirForce,Army andNavyROTCprogramrepresentatives andthosefromtheDelawareCivilAir Patrol.



home,shedorfence,intheeasement area.

Astheeasementcanrestrictuseof theproperty,itcanalsoaffectthevalue oftheproperty.Thatbeingthecase,itis importanttogetasurveyandtitle

searchanytimepropertyisbeingpurchasedsothatyou,asthebuyer,canbe informedregardinganyeasementagreementsthatmayencumbertheproperty andhowtheywillaffectyou.


Parsons&Robinson,P.A. (302)539-2220

302-537-7373 35553 Atlantic Ave., Millville Sun-Thurs 11:30–10pm • Fri & Sat 11:30–12am • Pricing & Specials subject to change without notice $12 Lunch Specials
menu with 12 choices each item $12) Every Day 11:30 - 4:00pm Menu changes weekly • *AVAILABLETO GO* Wed – T-R-I-V-I-A – 7pm GameNigh Mon – B-I-N-G-O – 6pm Thu – M-I-N-G-O – 7pm $20 Tuesday Dinner Specials
menu with 10 choices each item $20) Tuesday 4 - 9pm Menu changes weekly • *AVAILABLETO GO* Entertainment Tues - NEW... Themed Trivia - 7pm “Friends” - 4/2 Fri 3/29 Sat 3/30 • • 5-8pm 5-8pmLow Country Cup of Joe Happy H our Entertai nment ON THE PATIO Fri 3/29 Sat 3/30 • • 8-11pm 8-11pmRandy Lee Ashcraft & Saltwater Cowboys Risky Business Band Live Bands NEW Themed Trivia NEW Tuesdays @ 7pm 4/2 • “Friends” *$25 Salted Rim Gift Card for Best Costume* Easter Dinner Special Sun. 3/31 • 1:00-8:00 PM AUCE Chicken & Dumplings - $15 Kids Under 8 - $8 Daily lunch, dinner and happy hour specials NEW Eastern Shore Homemade Chicken & Slippery Dumplings $12 Lunch Specials - 11:30 - 4:00pm Large Groups Please Call Ahead March29,2024 CoastalPoint A23 Get Y r Spring Glow! 302-525-0822 • • 34548 Atlantic Ave., Ocean View Eastern Shore PERMANENT MAKEUP BELLISSIMA SKIN Permanent Makeup (Eyeliner, Brows, Lips, SMP) Facials • Waxing Lashes • Cryo Therapy



SallieMaeCraig,91,belovedwife, sister,auntandnana,passedaway peacefullyonMarch22,2024,surroundedbyherfamily.Shewasborn onMarch15,1933,inWashington, D.C.,tothelateJosephE.Miller andEudora(Milstead)Miller.

Growingup,Craigandherfamily madecherishedmemoriesat“The Shack,”thefamily’sweekendgetaway onCobbIsland.SheworkedasasecretaryatCapitalElectricandwas marriedtoherdevotedhusband, Robert“Bob”Craig,formorethan 60years.


CraigmovedtoLewes,Del.,where theymetwonderfulfriendsandlived theirgoldenyearsatthebeach.She lovedspendingtimeontheboatwith Bob,pickingcrabs,andcookingfor familyandfriends.Shelovedher familywithherwholeheartandwas acherishedaunt.Shewasalsoa memberofFenwickIslandBaptist Church.

Craigwasprecededindeathby herhusband,RobertD. “Bob”Craig; twobrothers,JosephE.MillerJr.and RobertI.Miller;andthreesisters, EileenGriffith,LoisWilhelmand IsabelleBrooks.Sheissurvivedby twosisters,EvelynDavisofPennsylvaniaandElnoraSpikesofSelbyville,Del.;andmanyniecesand nephews.

Aviewingwillbeheldfrom10to 11a.m.onThursday,March28, 2024,atFenwickIslandBaptist Church,locatedat36806Lighthouse

Road,Selbyville,Del.Aservicewill takeplaceat11a.m.,followedbya luncheoninthechurchfellowship hall.DonationsinCraig’snamemay bemadetoSt.JudeChildren’sResearchHospital( Condolencesmaybesentbyvisiting



KellyAnneHendersonHensley, 57,ofBethanyBeach,Del.,formerly ofSelbyville,Del.,passedawayFriday,March22,2024,attheDelaware HospiceCenterinMilford,Del., afterabriefbutcourageousfight withcancer.Hensleywasbornon Jan.26,1967,inChester,Pa.,daughterofWilliamJ.DonohueandCaroleSue(Caldwell)Reynolds.

KellyspentherearlyyearsinRidley,Pa.,andgraduatedfromRidley HighSchoolin1985.Upongraduat-

ingfromhighschool,shejoinedthe U.S.ArmyandservedasaMilitary PoliceofficerinGermanyuntilher honorabledischargein1988.Among theotherribbonssheearned,Hensleywasawardedmarksmanship badgesforproficiencyinpistol,M16,rifleandgrenades.

AfterleavingtheArmy,she movedtotheOceanCity,Md.,area, wheresheworkedasaplumber,tiler, server,bartenderand,mostrecently, floralarranger.Ifshewasinterested insomething,shehadtheunique abilitytoacquiretheskillsneeded andtoperformatahighlevel.

Afterretiringshedevotedherself tohermainhobby—dotingonher granddaughter,Rilynn.Itisindeed truethatHensleyhadnoacquaintances,sinceassoonasshemet someone,theybecamefriends—and

A24 CoastalPoint March29,2024 Hallmark’s Crayola Bunny will be here from Noon–2:30pm We have everything you need for Easter! Guess Who’s Coming Saturday, March 30th Miller’s Creek Hair Salon Open Wednesday-Saturday Call For Appointment • 302-541-0600 On Rt. 26 in Millville • 302.539.4513 Wed, Thurs, Fri & Sat 10–4:30pm • CLOSED Mon,Tues & Sun Hallmark Cards Asher’s Homemade Easter Eggs Easter Decor Homemade Fudge (only $9.99 / lb) Cookie Trays Puzzles • Placemats • Napkins • Pillows Wooden Signs and Spring Scents from Yankee Candle Come on in to see all the new spring items! Brixlynn HONESTY, DEPENDABILITY, PROFESSIONALISM, PRIDE, QUALITY All too often business will use words like these in order to gain the trust of their customers. We would like to elaborate... PHILOSOPHY We believe that strong ethical and moral principals are essential for the success and growth of any organization. You will realize this the minute you walk through our door. GOAL Our Goal is to provide you with the personalized service you deserve at a fair price. We will listen to your needs and tailor our services to meet them. INVITATION If you desire moral and ethical customer service, coupled with professionalism and quality, we encourage you to call on us! CALL TODAY to schedule your FREE Estimate Ocean Bay Plaza, Fenwick Island, De 1-800-298-9470 • 302-537-1899 HOURS: Monday – Friday 9-5 Saturday 9-4 • Closed Sundays “We Measure Each Job With A Golden Rule” CUSTOM quartz countertops! CUSTOM kitchen cabinets! CUSTOM backsplashes! CUSTOM window treatments! IN STOCK 20 MIL WATERPROOF Luxury Vinyl Plank! ARE YOU READY FOR THE SEASON? Is Ready For You! WE ARE YOUR ONE STOP SHOP! MIKE'S PROJECT MANAGERS ARE AT YOUR SERVICE! Mike’s Flooring & Design Center, FENWICK ISLAND DE. HUGE SELECTION of Floor Coverings! Up To 24 Month 0% Financing Obits ContinuedfrompageA21 SeeOBITSpageA38

QRCFscholarships aidareastudents

TheQuietResortsCharitableFoundation,thecharitablenon-profitpartner oftheBethanyFenwickChamberof Commerce,hasfouractivestudents whoarematriculatingthroughIvy Leagueandelitecollegeswithfunding tohelpdefraythecostofhighereducation.

Thisspring,theQRCFhaspromoteditstwoscholarships—including thenamesakescholarprogramfor WilliamO.Murray—atIndianRiver HighSchoolandSussexCentralHigh Schoolcollegefairs.TheQRCFprogramisuniqueinthatitsfocusismore onhighschoolseniorsengagedin strongcommunityservice,aswellas strongacademics.

“Wecurrentlyhavefourstudentsenrolledatcollegeswhoarescholarship awardees,”saidLaurieMcFaul,QRCF secretaryandheadofthescholarship selectioncommittee.“TheyareatFlagler,JamesMadison,ElonandPrinceton.”


“ ThefirstistheQRCFAcademic, andthesecondistheWilliamO.Murray,whichismorecommunityservicebased.”

“OurserviceareaisFenwickIsland uptotheIndianRiverandoverwestto Route113andtheGeorgetownarea,” shenotedoftheareasofstudentresidenceservedbythegroup.Thereare threepublichighschoolsinthatarea— IndianRiverandSussexCentralhigh schools,aswellasthepubliccharter schoolSussexAcademy.

Thescholarshipapplicationsare available,andthe duedatehasbeenextendedtoApril19. Thisyear’sessayquestionis“Whomis yourheroandhowhavetheyimpacted yourlife?”

Fundsforthesescholarshipsare raisedthroughthreeannualeventsand fromsponsorships.Thoseeventsinclude:theBunnypalooza5KRun(held theSaturdaybeforeEaster),Hairofthe Dog5KRun(NewYear’sDay)and CaribbeanChristmas(heldonthefirst SaturdayinDecember).

FormoreinformationontheQRCF scholarships,contactLaurieMcFaulat (443)

Ocean View: Open Daily 10am–5pm 30244 Cedar Neck Rd. Watch Batteries Installed | Watch Bands Installed Bracelet Watch Bands Shortened | Key Fob Batteries Installed (Wach Batteries & Repairs Not Included in Sale) 302-539-6597 50% OFF 500 pcs. Swimwear, Dresses & Coverups SPRING ARRIVING! Ladies 3 Season Jackets Valued $159 Our Price $49.95 6 Colors! Hidden Hoods (Sizes Small through 2X) Lands End Jeans Valued $69 NOW $24 Over 55 Racks of New Spring Fashions 20-25-30-50% OFF Men’s Hawaiian Shirts $29.95 25 Prints to Choose From! (Sizes Small through 2X) Downtown Bethany: Open Friday-Sunday 10am–5pm 98 Garfield Parkway After a lot of thinking and prayer, we are NOT selling Treasure Island Fashions. We've had so many customers express their love and appreciation for Treasure Island; so many customers sharing that it's their favorite store. We started it 60 years ago along with Jake and Ruth Hocker. Thank you to our friends and customers who continue to make Treasure Island Fashions a destination shopping experience!
and Rita Crooks March29,2024 CoastalPoint A25


SouthernDelawareTourism (SDT)thisweekannouncedthe winnersofits2024Southern DelawarePhotographyContest,the eighthannualcontestheldbytheorganization.

“SDTisgratefultoprofessional photographersPamAquilaniand TonyPratt,whoservedasjudgesfor thisyear’scontest,”representatives said.“SouthernDelawareTourismis alsoextremelygratefulforthesupportoftourismpartnerswhocontributedcontestprizes,including CoastRehobothBeach,Tapestry CollectionbyHilton;BigFish RestaurantGroup;KindleRestaurant;CapeWaterTours&Taxi; DelawareStateParks;HotelBlue; MiltonTheatre;Bramble&Brineat theButtery;AtlanticSandsHotel& ConferenceCenter;Funland;Grotto Pizza;BlockPartyHotels;Eastof Maui,andDeweyBeerCompany.”

Winnerswerechoseninthreecategories,andthegrand-prizewinner waschosenfromamongalleligible entries.Thewinnersare:

•Grandprize—ShelbyHowell ofLeesburg,Va.,foraphotoofa childonthebeach,throwingatoy.

•SouthernDelawareActionShots —MarionDowlingOceanView,for herphotoofasurfer.


&BoardwalkBites—Beverly CleaverofOceanView,forher photoofchildreninaFunlandcar.

•SouthernDelawareHolidays& Events—ThomasGelnettofOcean View,forhisphotoofaperformance attheFreemanArtsPavilion.

“Thiscontestwasestablishedto celebrateSouthernDelawareandto keepourdestinationtopofmindfor

visitorsandpotentialvisitorsyearround,”saidScottThomas,executive directorofSDT.“Wereceivedentries fromallovertheMid-Atlanticand beyond.TheentriesclearlydemonstratethevarietyandrichnessofexperiencesavailableinSussexCounty, andtheincredibleenjoymentpeople getfromvisitingandlivinghere.”

A26 CoastalPoint March29,2024 Sasha’s Jewels, LLC JEWELRY REPAIR • CUSTOM DESIGNS & APPRAISALS Jewelry BUY• SELL TRADE
consign? Immediate payment for your items. You will be treated like family & given individual attention. Gemologist (302) 296-6909 202GumboroRd,Selbyville,DE AppointmentsOnlyNow LOCAL ART • VINTAGE UNUSUAL • ANTIQUE ARCHITECTURAL SALVAGE 302.927.0049 On the corner, south of the stoplight 33034 Main St., Dagsboro Call or Follow us on Facebook and Instagram or email: OPEN Fri-Sun
Easter Sunday
10–4pm Closed
CoastalPoint•Submitted ThomasGelnett,ofOceanView,wontheHolidays&Eventscategorywiththisphoto of aperformanceattheFreemanArtsPavilion.
March29,2024 CoastalPoint A27

NativeAmericandancing,traditionalfoodsandaguestspeakerwill highlightNanticokeHeritageDay from11a.m.to3p.m.onSaturday, May4,attheNanticokeIndian MuseumnearMillsboro.

Theevent,freeandopentothe public,willfeatureguestspeaker KeithCunningham,anauthorand linguisticsexpert,aswellasstorytellingbyRagghiRainandperformancesbytheNanticokeDance

Troupe.Vendorswillsellgiftitems andsouvenirssimilartowhatissold attheannualNanticokepowwow. Therewillbesinging,face-painting, artsandcrafts,whilethetraditional foodsincludesuccotash,Indian

tacos,vegetariantacos,hotdogs, hamburgersandIndianfrybread.

“Iwanttoseeeverybodycome outandenjoythemselves,”NanticokeChiefAveryJohnsonsaidthis weekabouttherain-or-shineevent.

“Wewelcomepeopletocomeout andenjoythefestivalandbeeducatedabouttheculture.Weusually haveniceweatherthattimeofyear. I’mverymuchlookingforwardtoit.

It’sahugeevent,ourfirstbigevent oftheyear.It’sourbigkickoff.”

Cunninghamwasheavilyinvolvedintheresearchandwritingof anewbookabouttheNanticoke language.

“Hewillbetalkingaboutthis book,‘OnceItHasBeenSpoken… ItCannotbeUnspoken,’andhowit allcametogether,”Johnsonsaid.

March Events

“ThisisthefirsteverNanticokelanguagebook.Theyputfiveyearsinto this.Itisgearedtowardchildrenand youth,aswellasadults.Keithisa veryintelligentindividual,andhe putalotofworkintoit,”hesaid, adding,“Don’teverforget.Wecontinuetopersisttoexist.Wearen’t goinganywhere.”

Johnsonsaidabout$5millionin fundingfromthefederalandstate governments,plusgrantsfromlocal organizations,arebeingusedtoupgradeboththeNanticokeIndian MuseumandnearbyIndianCenter, bothnearMillsboro.Theplanisto add2,800squarefeettothe22,000square-footmuseumontheone-acre property.

“Inthemuseum,wewantto makeitmorelikeavirtual-reality typewhere,whenkidscomein,they canalmostbeimmersedintothat time,thatplace,withimmersivepresentations,immersiveexhibits,so theycanalmostfeelliketheyarea partofthattime,”Johnsontoldthe CoastalPointduringapreviousin-


Sunday May 5 - Cinco de Mayo Wine Tasting Featuring Wines from Salted Vines Winery

The Sussex Central High School JROTC program held a black-tie event at VFW Post 7234 on Friday, March 15. Under the leadership of Lt. Col. (Ret.) Gregory Snapp, more than 100 cadets and their guests celebrated with a full buffet dinner, music from a DJ and a photo booth to capture their special night.

If you are interested in having your next event at the “Million Dollar View” of Indian River Bay, contact John Frye at 539-9981or email him at

terview.Alsoplannedareawelcome center,theaterarea,giftshopand concessionstand.

Workcouldbeginonthemuseum thissummerandontheIndian Centerinthefall.

“Themuseumisa103-year-old building,soitcanonlywaitsolong. Bothbuildingsarenationallyregisteredashistoricbuildings,”Johnson said.

IntheAlgonquianlanguageof Northeasterntribes,theword“Nanticoke”istranslatedfromtheoriginalNantaquakandmeans“the tidewaterpeople”or“peopleofthe tidewaters.”Thefirstcontactwith theNanticoketribewasrecordedby CaptainJohnSmithin1608when hewasexploringChesapeakeBay andsailedupwhatisknowntoday astheNanticokeRiver.

Today,thereareabout700membersoftheNanticokeIndianTribal Associationandmorethan2,000 peoplewhocantracetheirheritage backtothetribe.

re ned comfort.

A28 CoastalPoint March29,2024
G Part-timeBartender&KitchenHelp CallthePostandAskforJohnFrye,CanteenManager Check Our Website or Call for Current Hours 33119 Main Street Dagsboro, Delaware 19939 (302) 927-0601 Order Online @piecesonmain A Carefully Curated Mix of Old & New Furniture • Antiques Home and Kitchen Gifts • Local Art Vintage Finds Now Carrying Debi’s Design Diary DIY Furniture Paint Coldwell Banker Realty-Coastal Delaware | 89 Atlantic Ave, Ocean View, DE 19970 MARIE DISPOTO, REALTOR® Coldwell Banker Realty 302.539.1777 (o) 302.381.2260 (c) 36796 OLD MILL CT, OCEAN VIEW $645,000 • DESU2054950 Meticulously cared-for 3BR/3 BA home boasts timeless charm with modern amenities and a thoughtful redesign that e ortlessly blends sophistication and comfort. With over $165,000 in upgrades, no detail was overlooked. Whether you're seeking a permanent residence or a vacation home, this beautiful property o ers a perfect blend of coastal living and
The property information herein is derived from various sources that may include, but not be limited to, county records and the Multiple Listing Service, and it may include approximations. Although the information is believed to be accurate, it is not warranted and you should not rely upon it without personal veri cation. Af liated real estate agents are independent contractor sales associates, not employees. ©2024 Coldwell Banker. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker and the Coldwell Banker logo are trademarks of Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. The Coldwell Banker® System is comprised of company owned of ces which are owned by a subsidiary of Anywhere Advisors LLC and franchised of ces which are independently owned and operated. The Coldwell Banker System fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. NanticokeIndianMuseumsettoholdNanticokeHeritageDay
March29,2024 CoastalPoint A29

TheDelawareCenterfortheInland Bays(CIB)promoteswaterqualityin theInlandBaysthroughresearch,educationandrestoration,andasSussex Countyconvertsmoresewersystems fromseptictocentralwastewatertreatment,CIBrepresentativessaidwhatto dowiththeretireddrainfieldsisaquestiononmanyminds.Convertingdrainfieldstomeadowsand/orforestsisone possiblesolutionwithmanybenefits, theysaid.

“Inthe1980s,centralizeddrainfields, orcommunitydrainfields,wereapopular choiceforsavingcostsandspacein developments.However,thesedrainfieldsgeneratedsignificantnonpoint sourcepollutiontothebaysbydischargingnitrogenandphosphorusinto thewaterways.Redirectingthedischargesfromthesedrainfieldstowastewatertreatmentplantswillhelp improvewaterqualityinthebays.”

Asmoresepticsystemsareconverted tocentralwastewatertreatment,they said,communitiesarenowexploring their optionsfortheretireddrainfields. Onesuchcommunity,ChapelGreenin Lewes,wantstoconvertitsformer drainfieldtoareforestedarea.Respondingtothatbay-friendlydesire,theCIB planstoinstall9acresofmeadowand anacreofforestontopofthedrainfield overthenextyear.

“Drainfieldconversionsliketheone atChapelGreencreatelower-maintenancenaturalareasthatprovidevaluablehabitatandfoodforwildlife,trees thatpromotecleanerair,andimprovements tostormwaterandwaterquality,” theysaid.“Convertingtheformerturf fieldtoamorenaturallandscapewillreducefertilizerandmowingcosts.”

TheCIBhasplantedmorethan150 acresofforestsinthelast17years,and lastyearstartedpilotinganewstyleof forestthatgrowsquicklyandadaptsto expectedchangesrelatedtoclimate change.

“Amixtureofspeciesplantedpromotesmorediversewildlifespecies,” saidMeghanNoeFellows,CERP,project manageranddirectorofestuaryscienceandrestorationfortheCIB. “Plantingtwohabitats—bothmeadow andforest—maximizesresilienceto climatechange,protectstheopen-space feeloftheland,butalsobeginstobring backtheservicesofournaturallandscape—likehabitatsforplantsandanimals,andfoodforpollinatorslikebees andbutterflies.”

TheCommunityWaterQualityImprovementFundsupportsinnovative projectsthatworktoimprovewater qualitythroughoutthestate,andrepre-

A30 CoastalPoint March29,2024 HeisRisen! Maundy Thursday Service 6:30 pm Good Friday Cross Walk to Bethany Beach Departs the church at 10:00 am Stations of the Cross 9:00 am - 12:00 pm & 4:00 - 6:00 pm Easter Sunrise Service at 6:30 am VFW-29265 Marshy Hope Rd Ocean View Easter Sunday Services 9:00 am & 11:00 am 81 Central Ave., Ocean View 302.539.9510 GLOBAL METHODIST CHURCH Easter Services & Events Thurs. March 28 Fri. March 29 Fri. March 29 Sun. March 31 Sun. March 31 302-667-0810 • H.R. Rogers Irrigation & Landscaping Spring Irrigation Turn On Special Run, Adjust & Cut Grass from Heads as Necessary $70.00 - Up to 8 Zones Landscape & Lawn Maintenance • Mulching Lawn Fertilization Programs • New Irrigation System Installation Over 30 years of exceeding customer expectations! CIBconverts10acresofformerdrainfield CoastalPoint•Submitted DelawareCenterfortheInlandBays staffandvolunteersplanttreesduring thedrainfieldconversionprojectat ChapelGreen.

SussexCountyawards lastpandemic-era recoveryfundsto FoodBankofDelaware

SussexCountyofficialsonTuesday, March19,announceda$750,000 awardtotheFoodBankofDelaware thatwillgotowardfoodpurchasesfor SussexCountyfamiliesinneed. FundingcomesbywayoftheAmericanRescuePlanAct(ARPA)of2021.

UnderARPA,SussexCountyreceived$45.5millioninfederalassistanceaimedatCOVID-19pandemic recovery,andtheCountyhassince earmarkedthatfundingforavariety ofinitiatives,includingpublicsafety, affordablehousing,wastewaterinfrastructure,low-incomeservicesand otherqualifyingefforts.

Withthisaward,theCountywill haveallocatedandawardedallofits ARPAfunds,whichmustbedistributedbytheendofthisyear.County officialssaidthesizeabledonationto theFoodBankofDelawareispossible,inpart,assomeotherpreviously intendedrecipientsorinitiativesno longerneededtheARPAresources. Foodinsecurity,though,isaneverpresentneed,theyemphasized.

“SussexCountyhasalongtrack recordofhelpingthoseinneed, whetherthat’sthroughofferingtax assistanceprograms,orwithourannualCarolingonTheCirclefood driveprogrameachholidayseason,” CountyCouncilPresidentMichaelH. Vincentsaid.“Weareproudtocontinuethoseeffortswiththisaward, whichwillmaketremendousstridesin supportingtheFoodBankof Delaware’smissiontoputfoodonthe tableandhelpstrengthenourcommunities.”

Thegrantwillbe100percentdirectedtopurchasingfooditemsto stocktheFoodBankofDelaware’s shelvesatitsMilfordfacility,anddistributedtorecipientswholiveinSussexCounty.


sentativessaidmanylocalcommunities areeagertoseetheChapelGreenproject’soutcome,hopingtheirowndrainfieldsmightbethenexttobenefitfrom thistreatment.

“ResidentsofChapelGreenareenthusiasticaboutthepossibilitiesthatreforestingandestablishingmeadow landspresent,”saidMaryGearsand JeanRothenburgeroftheChapelGreen HOA.“Peoplehavevolunteeredtodo theworkthatitwilltaketohaveapositiveoutcomeinourcommunity.”

Moreinformationabouttheproject canbefoundbyemailingNoeFellows

March29,2024 CoastalPoint A31




SpringBulbTour— JoinStephenPryceLea, DirectorofHorticultureandEducationalProgramsatDelawareBotanicGardensatPepperCreek,whowillleadaspecialguidedtour andlearnaboutthedifferenttypesofspring bulbat2p.m.CostoftheBulbtouris$10 formembersandnon-members.Members areadmittedFreeandNon-memberspaya $15admissionfee.Children16andunder areadmittedFreetothegardens,whenaccompaniedbyanadult.Reservationsforthe gui dedtourcanbemadebygoingtothe website:

Let’sPlayGames:ForAdults— Join FrankfordPublicLibraryat1p.m.witha growinggroupofpatronstoplaygamesin ourCommunityRoomeveryThursdaysuch asdominoes,Scrabble,andcardgames! Call(302)732-9351orvisitusonlineat

LegoClub— Callingallbuilders!Whether newtoLego soraMasterBuilder,jointhe folksatFrankfordPublicLibrarytoengage yourimaginationandbuildyourlatestLego creation!Thisprogramisforages6and up.Call(302)732-9351orvisitusonline @FrankfordPublicLibraryandInstagram @frankfordlibrary.

EasterSunriseService— PrinceGeorge’s ChapelwillhostanEasterSunriseServiceat 6:30a.m.ThisissponsoredbytheFriendsof PrinceGeorge’sChapel.Therewillb especial singingbyAmyBurgard,andaspecialmessagebyRev.JimApgarfromCrossroads CommunityChurchinDagsboro.Allarewelcome.Formoreinformation,callVickieat (302)732-3824orJoAnnat(302)8582720.


PickleballClinic— AquacarePhysicalTherapyLeweswillhostafreepickleballclinicfor thecommunityat1p.m.at34434King StreetRow,Suite1,inLewes.Physicaltherapistswilldiscussinjuryprevention,injuryrecoveryandwarm-uptechni ques,andgive demonstrations.AQ&Asessionwillfollow. Seatingislimited,soRSVPissuggested.Call (302)200-9920toregister.Youwillautomaticallybeenteredintoarafflewhenyouregister.


NotableBooks— CoastalGeorgetownAAUW ALANotableBooksClubmeetsattheLewes libraryfrom10a.m.tonoon.Theywillbe discussingScottCarneyandJasonMiklian’s “TheVortex:ATrueStoryofHistory’sDead-

A32 CoastalPoint March29,2024 20 N. Main St • Berlin, MD 410-641-0333
ONE DAY ONLY Saturday, April 6th • 10am-5pm
offering her One of Kind Pieces Don’t Miss This Event! TOP AGENT Coldwell Banker Realty/Coastal Delaware 89 Atlantic Ave, Ocean View, DE 19970 Bob Greason 914-882-4043 (c) 302-539-1777 (o) Top Agent, February 2024 Listings Taken #82 MTD | Baltimore Metro SRES (Seniors Real Estate Specialist) Buying or Selling? Let My Expertise Help You Reach Your Goals!
Trunk Show



MarinesMeet— TheFirstStateDetachmentoftheMarineCorpsLeaguemeets onthefourthWednesdayofeachmonthat theOceanCity(Md.)AmericanLegionPost 166on23rdStreetatnoon.AnyMarines andNavyCorpsmenwhohaveservedin theCorps,livinginWorcesterorSussex Counties,arewelcometojointomeet theirfellowveteransandconsiderjoining theorganization.Theirmissioniscommunityservicethroughcamaraderieandvolunteerism.Form oreinformation,call (410)430-7181oremail

CommunityClub— TheSelbyvilleCommunityClubiswelcomingnewmembers,and meetsonthesecondThursdayofeach monthatSalemMethodistChurchat1p.m., withasocialhourfromnoonto1p.m.For moreinformation,visitselbyvillecommunityclub.orgoremail

IntheGenes— SponsoredbytheLewesHistoricalSocietyandtheSussexCountyGenealogi calSociety,theGenealogistin ResidenceprogramisonthefirstSaturday ofeachmonthfrom10a.m.to2p.m.inthe ReadingRoomattheLewesHistoryMuseum.MembersoftheSocietywillbeavailabletohelpanyonewhohasquestions abouttheirfamilytree.TheLewesHistorical SocietyArchivesFamilyFileswillbeavailableforresearch.Formoreinformation,visit thematscgsdelaware.orgor

VIPMeets— VIPisasocialgroupforvisually-impaired persons,andmeetsthefirst andthirdWednesdayofeachmonthatthe MastersoncenteratSt.AnnChurchfrom1 to3p.m.Newmembersarewelcome.For moreinformation,call/text/leaveamessage at(240)315-4361.

GeorgetownBridgeClub— TheGeorgetownPublicLibraryhostsBridgeClubevery Wednesdayfrom1to3p.m.Allexperience levelsarewelcome.Formoreinformation, call(302)856-7958, PineSt.,Ge orgetown.

Women’sCivicClub— TheWomen’sCivic ClubofBethanyBeachmeetsonthesecond ThursdayofthemonthatCripplecreek CountryClubat10a.m.Theorganization hasexpandedthroughoutSussexCounty, andhasbeenservingthecommunityfor98 years.TheClubisanon-profitorganization, formedinfriendshipanddedicatedtocivic andcharitablepurposesandtheeducation ofitsmembers.Formoreinformation,orif youareinterestedinattending,sendan emailtoth

LordBaltimoreLionsClub— TheLordBaltimoreLionsClubmeetsthefirstandthird WednesdayofeachmonthatMac’sCateringinMillville.Thisisaserviceorganization thatperformsprojectsintheSussexcounty area.Formoreinformation,visitthemon Facebook,atLordbaltimorelionsclub.orgor byphoneat(301)543-0329.

RotaryMeets— SouthernSussexRotary meetsweeklyatDoyle’sRestaurantinSelbyvilleeveryThursdayat8a.m.For more information,callBrendanCrottyat(302) 858-3234orvisit


WethePeople— "WethePeople"isaneffortputtogetherbyBillMurphytocelebrate patriotismandcelebratetheflag,bymeetingattheBethanyBeachbandstandevery Wednesdayat8:30a.m.tosupportthemilitary,lawenforcementandfirefighterswho serveandprotect.Allarewelcome.

AdultTime— AdultscanstopintheSouth CoastalLibraryanytimethey’reopento w orkonjigsawpuzzles,playcheckersor color.Thisisfree,andallmaterialsareprovided.

BookDonations— SouthCoastalLibrary onlyacceptsbookdonationsfrom2to4 p.m.onTuesdays.Thereisalistontheir website,,ofwhatthey doordon’taccept.

BeachSingles— BeachSingles,55-Plus, meetseveryThursdayforHappyHourfrom 4to6p.m.atHarpoonHanna’sonRoute 54.Formoreinformation,call(302)436-


SoupandSandwiches— TheOceanV iew ChurchofChristisholdingaSoup&SandwichministryonthesecondWednesdayof eachmonth,fromOctoberthroughMarch, from11:30a.m.to1p.m.Allarewelcome.

TeleserviceNavigators— TheGeorgetown PublicLibraryhostsTeleserviceNavigators everyMondayfrom10a.m.to3p.m.and everyTuesdayfrom10a.m.to2p.m.Get helpwithvirtualresources,suchastelehealthappointments,appointmentswith lawyersandsocialserviceappointments usingthenewTelehea lthKiosk.ANavigator willbeatthelibrarytohelpsetupvirtual appointments.Formoreinformation,call (302)856-7958, PineSt.,Georgetown.

LaEsperanzaintheLibrary/Biblioteca— TheGeorgetownPublicLibraryhostsLaEsperanzaintheLibrary/Bibliotecaevery

Wednesdayfrom3:30to6p.m.Déjenos ayudarlea:completarsuspapeles,interpretarsuscartas,inscribirseenlaescuela, renovar susdocumentos,crearunavida major,ymuchomás.LaEsperanza: (302)854-9262.

PawsforPeoplereadingtime— The GeorgetownPublicLibraryhostsPawsfor PeopleonthefirstandthirdThursdaysof everymonthfrom4to5p.m.Readaloudto afurry,friendlytherapycompaniontohelp inspirealoveofreading.OfferedbyPaws forPeople.Readersofallagesandstages arewelcome.

ElementaryHomeschoolersProgram— TheGeorgetownPublicLibraryhostsits HomeschoolProgramo nthethirdTuesday ofeverymonthat1p.m.Everymonth,they offeradifferentactivityforelementaryschool-agedchildren.


March29,2024 CoastalPoint A33 30 MARCH 29 ith At & Cft Fair Improvements, with Hundreds of ideas for your air Roland E. P o well H www • 40th S Convention Center , • Street Ocean City MD


DemsMeet— TheEasternSussexDemocrats willmeetattheLeweslibraryat5p.m.Registrationsbeginsat4:30p.m.Theguest speakerwillbegubernatorialcandidateCollin O’Mara,theformersecretaryofDNRECand currentCEOoftheNationalWildlifeFederation.Thecostis$25perpersonformembers,and$30fornon-members,which includesabuffetdinner.Payinadvanceor reserveaseatandpayatthedooronlineat eas


SpringBulbTour— JoinStephenPryceLea, DirectorofHorticultureandEducationalProgramsatDelawareBotanicGardensatPepperCreek,whowillleadaspecialguidedtour andlearnaboutthedifferenttypesofspring bulbat2p.m.CostoftheBulbtouris$10 formembersandnon-members.Members areadmittedFreeandNon-memberspaya $15admissionfee.Children16andunder areadmittedFreetothegardens,whenaccompaniedbyanadul t.Reservationsforthe guidedtourcanbemadebygoingtothe website:


FamilyPromiseBrunch— MarkEngeberg, anindependentbranchleaderandfinancial consultantatCharlesSchwab’sRehoboth BeachIndependentBranch,hassignedonas theleadsponsorofFamilyPromiseofSouthernDelaware’s2ndAnnualInformational Brunch,heldat10a.m.attheAmericanLegionPost28inMillsboro.Thethemethis yearis“HereWeGr owAgain”—reflecting theorganization’sslow,butsteadyexpansion ofservicesandsupportforfamiliesinSussex County.Formoreinformation,visitthemat


ColumbiettesMeetandGreet— TheBishop JamesC.BurkeColumbiettesofMillsboro willhostaMeetandGreetatOceanGrillin Millsborofrom2to4p.m.Thisisopentoall Catholicwomenwhomaybeinterestedin joiningtheColumbiettesinservingthecommunity.Lightrefreshm entswillbeserved.For moreinformation,callCarolynat(302)2284387.


DiversityBookClub— TheCoastalGeorgetownAAUWDiversityBookClubismeetingat theLeweslibraryfrom10a.m.tonoon.They willdiscussT.J.Klune’s“TheHouseinthe


Dine&Donate— CrabcakeFactoryBaysidein SelbyvilleishostingaDone&DonatetobenefitLordBaltimoreWomen’sClubfrom9 a.m.to9p.m.Aportionoftheproceedswill benefittheLBWC’sscholarshipfundan dits othercharitableinitiatives.Therewillalsobe a50/50raffle.


Women’sBibleStudy— AWomen’sBible StudywillbeheldatMariner’sBethelChurch everyWednesdayfromApril10throughMay 15.Therearetwotimes:10to11:30a.m.or eveningsfrom7to8:30p.m.Thegroupwill discussLisaHarper’s“PerfectLove.”Toregister,call539-9510,stopinorvisitthesite


NARFELuncheon— NARFECoastalSussex CountyChapter1690willholditsmonthly luncheonat1776Steakhouseatnoon.The speakerwillbeGinaJennings,thefinance directorforSussexCounty.Thedeadlinefor reservationsisThursday,April5.Thecostof theluncheonis$19perperson,whichincludesgratuities,andpaymentismadeupon arrival.Tomakeareservation,emailWarren

SpringPlanterDemonstration— Stephen PryceLea,theDirecto rofHorticultureand EducationalProgramsatDelawareBotanic GardensatPepperCreek,willuselocalnaturalmaterialstoconstructafreshandlasting springplanterattheGardensfrom11:30 a.m.to12:30p.m.Thecostis$10formembersandnon-members.Membersareadmit-

tedforfree,andnon-memberspaya$15admissionfee.Children16andyoungerareadmittedfree,whenaccompaniedbyanadult. Reservationsfortheclassmaybemadeat ts.


FrolicintheFolly— DelawareBotanicGardensatPepperCreekwillhostFrolicinthe Follyfrom4:30to6:30p.m.Therewillbe wine,music,literefreshmentsandlocal artistsatwork.Sweetswillbeprovidedby DiFebo’sbakery,musicbyVinceVarrassiand aplanterdemonstrationbystephenPryce Lea.Singlememberticketsare$75,nonmembersingleticketsare$100.Couple memberticketsare$125,andnon-members are$150.Reservationsmaybemadeonline atd


Multi-ChurchYardSale— Amulti-church YardSaleandBazaarwillbeattheHope CenteratMarinersBethelGlobalMethodist Churchfrom8to11a.m.ProceedswillbenefitEmergencyFundofSouthEastSussex Ministerium.Formoreinformation,call5399510orsendanemailto


Women’sBibleStudy— AWomen’sBible StudywillbeheldatMariner’sBethelChurch everyWednesdayfromApril10throughMay 15.Therearetwotimes:10to11:30a.m.or eveningsfrom7to8:30p.m.Thegroupwill

A34 CoastalPoint March29,2024 Be tha ny M ass age & Healing Arts 33298 Coastal Highway, Bethany Beach, DE $20 OFF A 60 Minute Massage! Spring Into April Special! All Day! Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs Book Your Appointment Today 302-537-0510 Open 7 Days/Week Mon-Sat 10-5 • Sun 10-4 Closed Easter Sunday CEILING FANS INSTALLED Fast Professional Service Services Include: No Job Too Small! 41 years’experience Tommy Thompson Licensed Electrician 302.228.0038 Free Estimates Owner Operated Ceiling Fan Installation Light Fixtures Additional Outlets Service Calls Security Lighting Electrical Repairs Order Online @ Daily Lunch & Dinner - Check Out Our Facebook Page NEW Happy Hour - Mon.-Fri.: Drink Specials - Noon-6 PM • Food Menu - 3-6 PM 37314 Lighthouse Road | Rt. 54, Selbyville, DE • 302-988-5000 Full Service Bar and Restaurant on the West Fenwick Waterfront World Famous Crabcakes and Bloody Marys Take-out, Dine-in, Outdoor Seating on the Beautiful Bay Trivia Every Tuesday • Bar Bingo Every Thursday •Bar Mingo Every Monday No Reserved Seats OFF SEASON SPECIALS Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Sunday: Philly or Chicken Cheesesteak with Fries - $12 Crabcake Combos - 5 oz Crabcake w/ Chicken, Ribs or Brisket - $25 Prime Rib w/ 2 Sides - $20 2 Original Classic Crabcake Dinners with Fries, Slaw & Beignets5 oz $30 / 8 oz $45 (2-8pm) Full Rack of Ribs w/ FF & Slaw - $22 $12 Burger Burley Oak Battered Rockfish w/ FF & Slaw - $20 Steam Bowl (snowcrab legs,shrimp,clams,mussels,crawlfish & corn) $33 2 Original Classic Crabcake Dinners with Fries, Slaw & Beignets5 oz $30 / 8 oz $45 (2-8pm) Dine in with Beverage Purchase • Subject to Change/Availability/NO SUBSTITUTIONS Daily Lunch Specials LIVE ENTERTAINMENT BREAKFAST Monday-Friday 9am-11am Sat & Sun 9am-Noon HOURS Every Day 9am-9pm Mingo - Mon 4/1 Benefit for Child Abuse Prevention Month Silent Auction Check Out Our Facebook Page Margot n Valerie - Sunday, 3/31 - 5-8 PM John Remy - Wednesday, 4/3 - 5-8 PM Calendar ContinuedfrompageA32 SeeCALENDARpageA36


OnTuesday,March19,theBethanyFenwickAreaChamberofCommerce hostedaribbon-cuttingceremonywith RejuvenationSkinWellness&Aestheticstocelebratethegrandopeningof

theirnewlocationinMillville.Friends, fellowChambermembersandcommunitymemberswereinattendance.


withthelatesttechnology.Theirfacility offersavarietyofcosmetictreatments andstrivestoexceedcustomerexpectationsforcomfortandconvenience.


SkinWellness&Aesthetics,stopby theirnewlocationat32412Dukes Drive,Millville,call(302)537-8381,or

Fresh, Local Seasonal Cuisine 84 Atlantic Avenue, Ocean View, DE 19970 Call 302.539.Café (2233) The Beach’s Premier Boutique Restaurant R e s e r v a t i o n s O n l y Spring Hours Thursday-Saturday • 5-9pm $35 Prime Rib Night Thursday Nights Completely Booked for Easter Dinner March29,2024 CoastalPoint A35 PICKLEBALL FITNESS PERSONAL TRAINING DE ORGANIC S 9 4 1 4 1 2 5 3 4 4 • Egg Ra | Tart Ta Pistachio y Strawberr AT THAT SSERTS k i P l l i b l • Dairy • Gluten • Soy White | Cake Chocolate y spberr FRO FREE ARE A i l D Sugar ned Re Custo | Roll Chocolate | Fudge M l b l i Orders m ts rtsertsseressdes de us ousiouciouscilusoflu of st istlisllliullFul e a a v y r e v e r o p u - c e v y e. . CoastalPoint•Submitted
CuttingtheribbonattheMillvillelocationare,fromleft:MadelynDempsey,Zena Burton,MyaEbke,AmandaDonaway,StaceyRubertiandNancySantengelo.




AAUWishosting“BuildingRelationships withGirlScoutsofChesapeakeBay”atBig FishGrillRehobothfrom11a.m.to1:30 p.m.ThespeakerisAmandaDavidson,volunteersupportspecialist.

Dine&Donate— NortheastSeafood KitchenwillhostaDine&Donateeffortto benefitSouthCoastalV illageVolunteers.A percentageoftheproceedsfortheevening willgototheSCVV,anon-profitthatenablesmemberstoremainintheirhomesby providingvolunteerhelpforseniors.


SpringBulbTour— JoinStephenPryceLea,

DirectorofHorticultureandEducationalProgramsatDelawareBotanicGardensatPepper Creek,whowillleadaspecialguidedtourand learnaboutthedifferenttypesofspringbulb at2p.m.CostoftheBulbtouris$10for membersandnon-mem bers.Membersare admittedFreeandNon-memberspaya$15 admissionfee.Children16andunderareadmittedFreetothegardens,whenaccompaniedbyanadult.Reservationsfortheguided tourcanbemadebygoingtothewebsite:


PokerScrabble— TheJustin’sBeachHouse PokerScrabbleandFunCarRallye#10will takeplace,withregistrationrunningfrom 10to11a.m.atHookedUpRawBar.Adrivers’meetingwilltakeplace at11a.m.,with thefirstcaroffat11:15a.m.Thistakes placerainorshine.Thecostis$30percar, withprizesawardedfortopcars.Players willbedrawingaseven-cardpokerhand, pickingsevenlettersformakingyourbest wordandansweringquestionsusingyour observationsanddeducationskills.TheRal-

lyecarmusthavebothadriverandnavigatorandberegisteredtobestreetdriven.For moreinformation,

Ear thDayCelebration— Delaware BotanicGardensatPepperCreekiscelebratingEarthDaywithfreeadmissionfor thosewhobringafooddonationforthe FoodBankofDelaware.Aguidedtouris availableat10a.m.fora$10fee.Membersareadmittedfreeandnon-members paya$15admissionfeeiftheydon’t bringinadonation.Children16and youngerareadmittedforfreetothegardens,whenaccompaniedbyanadult. Reservationsforthetourcanbemadeon thewebsiteat delaware


SpringintoSummerExpo— The2ndAnnual“SpringIntoSummerExpo,”focusing onLatinobusinesses,willtakeplaceat CapeHenlopenHighSchoolfrom1to6 p.m.Registrationisfreefor¡DALE!members.Registrationclosesatmidnighton

April14.Ifyoucan’tlogintoyour¡DALE! account,getintouchwithsomeonefrom theLaPlazateam:Araceliat(302)8643441,Ziulinat(267)666-5975orKatyat (302)727-8576.

OyVey5KandFunWalk— SeasideJ ewish Communityishostingthe10thannualOy Vey5KandOneMileFunWalkfrom9to11 a.m.ThefundraiserforSeaside’sYouthEducationalFunddrawsrunnersandwalkers fromallover.TheSeashoreStridersisorganizingtheevent,andofficialssaidthey consideritafavoritebecauseofthehomemadekugelsthatareamongtherefreshmentsserved.Sign-upscanbedoneonline canalsosignup thedayoftheevent.The eventsponsorisSeaside.


Women’sBibleStudy— AWomen’sBible StudywillbeheldatMariner’sBethel ChurcheveryWednesdayfromApril10 throughMay15.Therearetwotimes:10to 11:30a.m.oreveningsfrom7to8:30p.m. ThegroupwilldiscussLisaHarper’s“PerfectLove.”Toregister,call539-9510,stop


SpringRenewal— ElizabethRives,acertifiednaturalist,willhostSpringRenewal, Wondersofthewoodlands,atDelaware BotanicGardensatPepperCreekfrom 11:30a.m.to12:30p.m.Theguidedwoodlandstourcosts$10.Membersareadmitted totheGardensforfree,andnon-members paya$15admissionfee.Children16and youngerareadmittedfree,whenaccompaniedbyanadult.Reservationsforthetour canbemadeonlineat


ArborDayNativePlantSale— Delaware BotanicGardensatPepperCreekwillhost anArborDayNativePlantSalefrom9a.m. to4p.m.Carefully-selectednativeplants grownonsitebystaffandvolunteerswillbe available.Aguidedtourwilltakeplaceat10 a.m.forafeeof$10.Membersareadmittedfreetothegardens,andnon-members paya$15admissionfee.Children16and youngerareadmittedfree,ifaccompanied byanadult.Reservationscanbemadefor theguidedtourar


RelationshipstoRedemption— Mariners BethelGlobalMethodistChurchishosting “RelationshipstoRedemption”from9a.m. to4p.m.Formoreinformation,ortoregister,contactCraigCourterthroughemailat

AuxiliaryBreakfast— TheBethanyBeach VolunteerFireCompanyAuxiliarywillhave breakfastatSaltedRimfrom7:30to10:30 a.m.Thecostis$15foradults,$6forkids ages3-10.Acashbarstartsat9a.m. Walk-insarewelcome.Formoreinformation,callLindaSmithat(484)8 88-8654. WorldTaiChiDay— NorthsideParkin OceanCity,Md.,willhostaWorldTaiChi Daydemonstrationandparticipationevent at10a.m.Allarewelcome.Formoreinformation,callKimReedat(410)213-2822.

A36 CoastalPoint March29,2024 Sprin ou Make Y Your Reservations For Easter I Fenwick gIn ur d r slan r Easter SUNDAY! SUNEASTER 3P.M. E OPEN ! u! M t Y JusYo JuYstou! Men Menu cial Entr $29 Spe 009 All Bott Throughout! 4-6 p.m. Daily Happy Hours S! $10 Wino W & Thd , ayednesdW HEER OF FE M IN THE — 302-53 ednesday-Sunday • Open W Wednesday-Sunday Reservations Recommended S CHEERSERS! FJorY s s ISLAND — commended nu ay tled Wines Off 000 Wednesdays Sund ay & ENWICK I 39-2607 • Reservations Rec Calendar ContinuedfrompageA34


TaunyaOatesisthenewownerof MadeByHandinSouthBethany’sYork BeachMall.Sheisalocalwhogrewup alongtheRoute54corridor,graduatedin theIndianRiverHighSchoolClassof 1993andobtainedadegreeinhuman servicesfromDelawareTechCommunity College.Sheisanexperiencedbookkeeper.

AsreportedintheCoastalPoint’s Nov.23,2023,edition,Oatestookover ownershipofMadeByHandonJan.1of thisyearfromKimberlyGrimes.Grimes —whooriginatedthestorein1996with herhusband,MarcoHernandez—had beenunobtrusivelycoachingOatesfor sometime,inpreparationforGrimes’ eventualretirement.

“ThereasonIthoughtTaunyaisthe rightpersontocarrythetorchisbecause shehasnowworkedwithmeinfairtrade formanyyearsandtotallyunderstands ourmission,”saidGrimes.“Thatisto breakthecycleofpovertywhereveritresides,therebyenhancingthelivesofour producersandconsumersalike.Anyone cansellproducts,butnoteveryonehasa deepdesireforsocialandeconomicjustice…Taunyadoes.”

Asafair-tradestore,MadeByHand sellsitemsmadeprimarilybywomenartisansfrom28countriesintheunderdevelopedworld.Overtheyears,manyof thoseartisanalfamilieshavegrownto knowbothGrimesandOatespersonally, throughoccasionalvisitsandfrequent emails.

“Perhapsthat’swhyI’mhere,”said Oates.“MydadisIrishandaretired schoolteacher,andmymomisCherokee andastoryteller.Educationwasveryimportantinourhome,andeducatingpeopleaboutourmissionisabigpartof whatwedoatMadeByHand.

“Mymom,RagghiCalentine,iswellknowninthisareaandNativecommunitiesacrossAmericaasaspeakerand advocate.WetravelledtomanyreservationswhenIwasgrowingup,andIsaw thesamepoverty andmisogynythatI nowseewhenItravelabroadandmeet ourartisansandheartheirstories.

“IlovewhatIdohere,”Oatessaid.“It fulfillsmeandmakesmehappy.I’mcommittedtomakingKimberlyproudand continuingMadeByHand’ssuccess.”

Oateshascertainlybeenworkinghard sincereturninginFebruaryfromMexico, wheresheboughtceramics,itemsof clothingand“otherlittletreasures”directlyfromtheindigenousZapotecpeopleofOaxaca.

“Walkingbackintotheempty store wasabitdaunting,”Oatessaid.“When theyleft,KimberlyandMarcohad packedandmovedthefewunsolditems tothetopofthesteps.Thereality ofit beingmystorewasscaryandexcitingat thesametime.”

Itdidn’ttakelongfortheresultsofall herpriororderingtoconsumeherevery moment.Boxesuponboxesofallsizesarrivedeveryday.ItseemedUPSand FedExwerecompetingastowhocould bringthemost!Andeachboxhadtobe openedandthecontentsmovedtothe generalareathatOateshadinmindfor theireventualdisplay,beforesheleftfor theday.

Aweekbeforeopeningday,onFriday, March29,almosteverythingwasbeautifullyandcolorfullyinitsplace—butnot necessarilyinthesamelocationinthe storeasbefore.Italllooksfamiliar,yet new.Forinstance,thechildren’sareahas

movedandincludesasmallcouchthatis perfectforlittleonestolookatthenew booksandtoys.

Thereareamazingbasketsofallsizes fromBangladeshandintricatelywoven bowlsfromUganda.TherearewallhangingsfromHaiti,delicatelydesignedcandlesfromSouthAfricaandsoftleather pursesfromIndia.Andadorningthe wideselectionofclothingarebigchunky necklacesandflowingscarves.

Forthestore’sopening,thevariousartisangroupsarealreadytriedandtrueat MadeByHand,althoughOateshaspurchasedsomedifferentitemsfromthem forthisyear.InMay,therewillbetwo newgroupssendingtheirwaresfrom PeruandIndia.Andsoon,reflecting Oates’NativeAmericanheritage,beaded jewelryandbolosfromtheNanticoke tribewillalsobeavailabletopurchase.

Perhapsthebestpartforthemany loyalMadeByHandcustomerswillbe

seeingfamiliarfaces.JoiningOateswill bethestalwartofthebusiness,Marco Hernandez,whohasbroughthisknowledge,creativity andcharmtoworkevery daysinceDay1,andishimself,notquite readytoretire.AndMichelleRoenkewill beinherusualspotnexttothecashregisterandbehindthetemptingarrayof fair-tradechocolate,coffeeandtea.

“I’vecheckedinrecently,andthestore isfullystocked,displayed,pricedand readyfortheseason,”saidRoenke. “Taunyabringstheexcitementofnew ownership,andMarcobringshisexperiencedeye.I’m100percentlookingforwardtobeingbacktoworkagainand greetingallourcustomers!”

OpeningdayisMarch29,thestartof Easterweekend.ThroughAprilandMay, MadeByHandwillbeopenfrom10:30 a.m.until5p.m.,MondaythroughSaturday.OnSunday,thehoursare11a.m. until4p.m.

March29,2024 PageB1
TaunyaOates,thenewownerofMadeByHand,issettoopenthedoorsoftheshopforthefirsttimetothepubliconFriday, March29.OateshasbeenbusyorderingandsettingupnewstocksinceshetookoverthestoreonJan.1.


Talk-showhostDanGaffneyisentertainingaudienceswithabrandnewact—as aperformingmentalist.Afteryearsofdelvingintotheheartsandmindsoftelephone callersonhisshow,”TheDanGaffney Show,”Gaffneyisnowshowcasinghisown uniquetalents.

Sincedebutinghis“MindMysteries”act atvariousvenuesintheMid-Atlanticlast year,Gaffneysaidhehasreceivedravereviews.Critics,hesaid,havebeenparticularly impressedbyhisstunningmindreadingincludingtheabilitytopredictaudience thoughts,influencechoicesorperforming featsofmemory.

Gaffneysaidhistransitionfromtalk showhosttomentalistisanaturalevolution.

“Foryears,I’vebeenfascinatedbythe powerofthehumanmind,”hesaid.“This newactallowsmetoexplorethosedepthsin atrulyinteractiveway.Witnessingthelook ofastonishmentonpeople’sfacesisincrediblyrewarding.”

The“DanGaffneyMindMysteries” showisathrillingblendofpsychology, magic,andaudienceparticipation.Heis currentlyperformingforrestaurants,private parties,corporateeventsandstage.


CoastalPoint•Submitted DanGaffneymadetheswitchfromtalkshowhosttomindmentalistlastyear.



Friday, April 5- 8 PM

Magic,Music&Entertainment! Tickets on sale now at 31810 Good Earth Lane Ocean View, DE *All Performances Subject to Change LowercaseBlues
March 28 - 7pm Let’s ROCK THE DICKENS with LOWERCASE BLUES! Since 2003 LOWERCASE BLUES has been giving Delaware and the tri-state area some of the best blends of blues and rock music. MysticalMoments: DragBingowith KadetKelly!
March 30 - 7 PM Join Kadet Kelly for a dazzling combination of enchantment and all things fabulous, where you can experience the thrill of Bingo with a swish of DRAG MAGIC! Get ready to Sashay, Shante, and WIN BIG!
Come and join Comic Headliner Johnny Watson as he hosts a night of laughter and fun with “Comedy Open Mic Night.” Come support your favorite local talent as they take a chance at being “Famous.” If you are interested in taking part in performing, you must purchase a ticket and enter a comment on your order with your name and act (Space is limited, sign up soon) B2 CoastalPoint March29,2024


TheSussexConservationDistrict (SCD)recognizedthe2024ConservationStewardshipAwardwinnersata luncheononThursday,March7,atPlantationLakesGolf&CountryClubin Millsboro.

DavidBaird,districtcoordinatorat SCD,welcomedmorethan80guests,includingawardrecipients,conservation partnersandlocaldignitaries,thenprovidedopeningremarks.

“Thisismorethandoingwhatyou havetoandmovingon,it’sputtingprojectsonthegroundthathaveapositive impactonthecommunity,”saidBaird. “Fortunately,everyoneinthisroomis preparedtohandlethechallenges,which issomethingthatdoesnotgounrecognized.”Bairdcontinued.

JessicaWatson,SCDsedimentand stormwaterprogrammanagerintroduced staffinattendance,remarking,“Today meanssomuchtome.Weallknowthat noteverythinggoesasplannedoutinthe field,butthekeythingishavingthese partnerships,relationships,collaboration inthefield,wherewecandiscussandfigureouthowtosolveproblems;thatisour strength,”Watsonexplained.

“Weknowpeoplearedoinggood workandwewanttoencourageadditionalconservationandwaterquality practices,aboveandbeyondthestormwaterregulations.I’malwaysinspiredby



seeingwhatpeoplearedoing,andit’sinspiringforotherstoo,andthat’swhatwe wanttohighlight.We’reinthethirdyear andI’mproudofhowthisawardcontinuestoevolve,”continuedWatson.

Duringtheawardsceremony,SCD unveiledvideoscreatedforeachwinner toshowcasethewinner’senthusiasm, mindfulnessanddedicationtoprotecting naturalresources.Thefullplaylistcanbe


For2024,22entriesweresubmittedin sevencategories.Awardrecipientswere selectedbyapanelofeightjudgescomprisedofSCDstaffandaboardmember alongwithrepresentativesfrom DNREC,theDelawareDepartmentof Agriculture,theDelawareCenterforthe InlandBaysandtheSussexPreservation Coalition.

The2024CSAwinnersare:Design Team—SussexCountyEngineeringfor theInlandBaysRegionalWastewater Facility;Developer—CarlM.Freeman CompaniesfortheTowerHillcommunity;GreenConservation—Kinsley ConstructionInc.fortheInlandBays RegionalWastewaterFacility;HOA— Sawgrass;HomeBuilder—Beazer Homes;ProjectManager—Michael McClintockofRyanHomes;SiteContractor,Commercial—CorradoConstructionCo.fortheLodgeatHistoric Lewes;andSiteContractor,Residential —KinsleyConstructionInc.fortheAtlanticEastcommunity.

SCDheldtheinauguralConservation StewardshipAwardin2022andiscatalyzingvoluntaryconservationthrough appreciationoforganizationsandindividuals.Formoreinformation,visit for2025willbeavailableinthefall.

. C J ——INTE YEA E 100 COTT ONN S — FURNITURE & FINE ERIORS ANNIVER N R T —— RY Y SA S SAL Up to 50% LE % off 1953 p Chair Lee Indstries Hickory Chair - Hickor y - Hickor n Histor Moder Interiors .,ehoboth35R CamelotDrr.,R 302-227-1850 ff Chaddock Ce u y - Lillian A - - Centur ic y Chair - Highland House - EJV r Beach,DE19971 ugust - Chelsea House - MT Compan oodbrid ctor - Summer Classics - W Woodbridge - Baker Fineni Fur 6chSt.,Selb EastChur 302-436-8205 xington y - Le pan dge iture byville,DE19975 8205 March29,2024 CoastalPoint B3


BeebeHealthcareannouncedthis weekthatWendiSchirvar,PhD,LP, NCSP,hasjoinedthehealthcaresystem, withafocusonassistingthegrowthof theorganization’sbehavioralhealthservices.Schirvaristhefirstlicensedclinical psychologisttobehiredbyBeebe.

Schirvarwilllooktohelpdevelop,implement,andcoordinatebehavioral healthprogramsthroughfosteringcollaborativenetworksbetweenprimary careandbehavioralhealthspecialistsat Beebe.Additionally,sheseespatientsof allagesatBeebePrimaryCareLong Neck,whereshetreatsandevaluatesa numberofclinicalandbehavioralconditions,includingautism,attention deficit/hyperactivitydisorder(ADHD), mooddisorders,developmentaldelays, dementiaandcomplicatedbehavioral presentations.

Schirvarsaidsheisalsoproudtobea facultymemberforBeebe’sFamilyMedicineResidencyprogram,withafocuson enhancementofeducationalandwellness opportunitieswithintheR.Randall RollinsCenterforMedicalEducation.

“Iampassionateabouteducating providersandpatientsabouttheconnectionbetweenphysicalandmental health,”saidSchirvar.“Astheneedfor behavioralhealthservicescontinuesto grow,itisimperativethathealthcaresystemsputtherightresourcesinplaceto

CoastalPoint•Submitted ClinicalpsychologistWendiSchirvarrecentlyjoinedBeebeHealthcare.

makeiteasierforpeopletounderstand andaccessthecareservicesthatareavailabletothem.Beebe’sdecisiontohirea

thisroleandtoplayanactivepartin growingbehavioralhealthserviceswithin SussexCounty,wheretheneedisproven andstrong.”

SchirvarearnedherdoctorateineducationalpsychologyandschoolpsychologyattheUniversityofMinnesota.She completedapost-doctoralclinicalfellowshipwithintheDepartmentofChild &AdolescentPsychiatryattheUniversityofMinnesotaMedicalSchool.Sheis licensedinthestateofDelawareasa clinicalpsychologistandaschoolpsychologistandisalsonationallycertified asaschoolpsychologist.

PriortojoiningBeebeHealthcare, Schirvarservedasapediatricclinical psychologistandchiefoperatingofficer attheChild&FamilyBehavioralHealth ClinicinLewes.Earlierinhercareer,she workedasamentalhealthpractitioner andschoolpsychologistforvarious schoolsystemsinDelaware,Minnesota andWisconsin.Throughouthercareer, Schirvar’sresearchhasbeenpresented andpublishedinnumerousrespectable industrypublications.

licensedclinicalpsychologistdemonstratestheorganization’scommitmentto doingexactlythat.Iamproudtoservein

Inherfreetime,Schirvarengagesin anarrayofoutdoorfitnessadventures whilealsoenjoyingmuseums,concerts andthebeach.Shedescribedherselfas “theproudmomofthreeexquisiteadult children—Gabriel,Samueland Charlie.”

J usat t D EL A AWWAWARE S for or li orf c in th oll he f ly Ad Adm 2 er mire ove 200000 ring b 0 0 spr blb! E wine Frida 3 Ejy | music | lite ref , April 12, y ay k R ceyNeni0P220 sh re ite ref 2024 | 4:30–9 E 1oDrobsga,Dd. hments 6:30 pm gro. nserd reawa aw led ,onitamorfni eorm orF ryeksBaobefiyDsbteewS• issarraeVcniyVcbisMu• hp etySnboitartsnomerdetnaPl• sist alacLo • :STE r $ ebmemno 5 | n 7 r $ ebme e m lgniS aeeLcnPrye e lpuo0C01 d ewlSrye,ShrotcerieDvituceEx r de ragera wlaaw de @de ws swyl rehs 0 $erbemmon n |521 $ erbemm gro. nserd reawa aw do toGg To reserve tickets, 30220 Piney Neck Road | Dagsboro, DE 19939 Open Thurs - Sun • 9am - 4pm Adults $15 Children 16 & Under - Free Guided Tours Available Additional $10 Make Reservations Online
Over 200,000 Spring Bulbs in the Piet Oudolf Meadow & the Folly Garden Delaware Botanic Gardens Spring Bulb Tour Thurs, March 28th | Fri, April 5th Register Online | $10/Person + Admission
Photo by Stephen Pryce
Lea Spring Planter Demonstration Thursday, April 11th | 11:30 - 12:30 Register Online | $10/Person + Admission
Photo by Stephen Pryce
B4 CoastalPoint March29,2024
Photo by Stephen Pryce Lea


PaulKares,aLewes-basednonprofit organization,recentlydonated$1,000to TheMusicSchoolofDelaware,thenation’sonlystatewide,accredited,communitymusicschoolservingDelaware, Pennsylvania,NewJerseyandMaryland residents.

“WemetwithStephenBeaudoin, thenewpresidentandCEO,andwere soimpressedwiththeschool’smission andaccomplishments,”saidJimRivette, presidentofPaulKares.“Supporting theirendeavorsfitsinnicelywithour goals.”

RivetteandChanaFitzkee,aPaul Karesboardmember,presentedthe checktoBeaudoinandJeanaBeno,the school’sdevelopmentofficer.

Fitzkee’ssons,theFitzkeeBrothers, areknownasDelawaremusicians.

“Iknowfirsthandhowimportant qualityinstructionandmentoringisto youngperformers,”shesaid.“Iappreciatethattheyhaveafinancialassistance programtomakemusiceducationavailabletoeveryone.”

Whilepresentingthecheck,Rivette and Fitzkeediscussedafuturecollabo-

rationbetweenPaulKaresandThe MusicSchoolofDelaware.Alleventsat TheRoomatCedarGrove,asupper clubandperformingartsvenuein Lewes,benefitPaulKares.

Rivetteandmusician-chefPaul Cullenfoundedthecharitytohelp youngperformingandculinaryartists.

PaulKaresrecentlydonatedtothe CapeHenlopenHighSchoolJazzBand andDelawareTechnicalCommunity College’shospitalityprogram.

T henonprofitoffersfundsforfinancialassistance,instruments,culi-

narykitchentoolsandscholarships forspecialtycamps,schoolsandprograms.

QualifiedindividualsareDelmarvaareastudentsinterestedinmusic,the culinaryartsandrelatedfields.Students, parentsandgrandparents,publicand privateschoolprogramsandlearning campscanapply.

Formoreinformation,contact MichaelWhitehouse,executivedirector ofPaulKares,,

March29,2014 CoastalPoint B5


Legislationwould reformstate’sballots

StateRep.MikeRamone(R-Pike CreekSouth)thisweekintroduced legislationtoaddressapracticethathe saidcouldpotentiallybiaseverygeneralelectioninthestate,aftersome analyseshaveconcludedthattheorder inwhichcandidates’namesappearon theballotmayimpactelectionoutcomes.

Inonestudy,researchersexamined the1998Democraticprimaryelection inNewYorkCity,wheretheorderin whichcandidateswerelistedonthe ballotrotatedbydistrict.Inalmost90 percentofprecincts,candidatesreceivedalargershareofthevotewhen listedfirstontheballotrelativeto beinglistedinanyotherposition.In almost10percentofcaseswherecandidateslistedfirstreceivedavoting bump,thatincreasewaslargerthanthe winner’smarginofvictory.

Californiaappearstohavebeenthe firststatetotakeactiontodealwith ballotpositionbiasfollowingthe1975 unanimousrulingbytheCalifornia SupremeCourtinGouldv.Grubb.

TheHighCourtheldthat“asignificantadvantageaccruestoacandidate byvirtueofatopballotposition.”The justicesfurtherconcludedthatwithout incumbentsrunning,approximately5 percentofacandidate’svoteshare couldbeattributedtotheirpositionon theballot.

Soonafterward,Californiaenacted alawtorandomizethelistingofcandidatesonitsballots.TheGoldenState usesasystemwherearandomized drawingoflettersofthealphabetis conducted,withtheresultingorderof lettersconstitutinga“randomizedalphabet”fordeterminingtheorderof candidates’names.

Delawarelawcurrentlymandates thatonepoliticalpartyalwaysappear inthefirstcolumnonthemachineballotsorthefirstlineofabsenteeballots. HouseBill344proposeseradicating ballotpositioninequitybyadoptinga randomizedsystemmodeledafterthe oneemployedinCaliforniafornearly fivedecades.

Thebillcurrentlyhas13sponsors andco-sponsors,allRepublicanlegislators.

“It’smyhopethismeasurewillgain bipartisansupportasitmovesthrough thesystem,”Ramonesaid.“Therereallyisnoexcuseforanylegislatorto voteagainstabillthatwillcostnothingtoimplementandwillexplicitly makeourelectionsystemmorefair.”

StateSen.EricBuckson(R-Dover South),theprimeSenatesponsorof thebill,agreed.

“Thereare15otherstatesthathave enactedthisreformandsuccessfully runitformanyyears.Thisbillneedsto beconsideredandpassedbybothlegislativechambersthisyearsoDelaware canbecomethe16thstate.”

B6 CoastalPoint March29,2024 S
ACROSS 1 Cymbals played with a pedal 6 Doofus 10 Snack or stack at the poker table 15 Hushed summons 19 Sun-dried brick 20 Hardwood trees 21 32-foot pastry visible from the 405 in Los Angeles 22 “Sex Education” protagonist 23 Composite image where stars appear as streaks 26 Key turning point? 27 Landscaping tool 28 Title role for Madonna 30 Sinister 32 Early social networking site 34 Cartagena kiss 35 Flat formation 38 Kitchen containers 39 Flurry of emotions 41 GoPro device 44 Musical ability 45 Ref. that added “adultification” in 2023 46 Rattan 47 Vehicle that may address the “last mile” problem 52 Used a peeler 53 Comedian DeLaria 54 Like last-minute tix, maybe 55 “Stop talking” 56 Sudden shocks 57 Air space? 59 Rio hello 61 Bag-checking org. 62 __ fide umbrella and galoshes!” 71 Bavarian range 72 Prefix with cache 73 Get loose, in a way 74 Ginger __ 75 Italian seaport 77 Flock infant 79 Brio 82 75-Down accessory 83 As the situation warrants 88 Simpson who plays the sax 89 “Mr. Robot” creator Esmail 90 Beam 91 Said aloud 92 Phryge, for Paris 2024, e.g. 97 Cable 98 Has on the calendar 99 “American Dad” dad 100 Inched closer 103 Match makeup 104 Petting zoo chorus 105 Base for many Italian fashion labels 106 Ginger blossom garland 108 Tends to spilled milk 110 Period that included the storming of the Bastille 114 Dressy attire 115 “The Color Purple” producer 116 “You said it!” 117 Do some dirty dancing 118 Jennifer of “Dirty Dancing” 119 Dishwasher cycle 120 Petting zoo ride 121 Music League submissions DOWN 1 “Hell __ no fury ... ” 2 Figurative expression 3 Comfy cozy 4 First pres. born outside the Thirteen Colonies 5 Power trip? 6 Debate issues 7 Trash 8 HEMNES retailer 9 Vanilla meas. 10 1990s media coverage? 11 Souped-up car 12 Indigenous Alaskan 13 Water filter brand 14 Mentally prepared 15 “ ... and I approve this message” spots 16 Lifted prints? 17 [Not my error] 18 Disappointed click 24 Digital images? 25 Wild goat 31 Actor Kilmer 33 Blueprint bit 34 Hardwood tree 35 House of Lords member 36 St. __ of Assisi 37 Employed 39 Madrid “more” 40 Adversary 41 Pegged instruments 42 Indigenous Alaskan 43 Denotes 44 Biotech bacteria 48 Makes a flat sheet flatter 49 Resolution 50 Peak between Pelion and Olympus 51 “__ a big if!” 52 Duck habitat 56 Musician Batiste 58 Provide pardon 60 Acute thing 62 Bread shaped like a 21-Across 64 Plant with a tiger tooth variety 65 Brewery letters 66 One on a fixie, say 67 Like some tearjerkers 68 Yr. before a historic time change 69 Journalist King 70 Dashboard display 75 Outdoor kitchen fixture 76 Simple 78 Lowest rank for a 35-Down 80 Crucially important 82 Unappealing plateful 83 Baylor University city 84 “I dunno ... ” 85 “Postman __”: BBC stop-motion animation series 86 Crunchy snack 87 Helper 89 Accepts an invitation to pose 93 Calif. Christmas hrs. 94 Poses in a yoga studio 95 Lazy walrus, e.g., for short 96 Paper money 97 Coral community 100 Assumed 101 Marvin the Martian, e.g. 102 Corporate shakeup affecting the companies in the circled letters? capital 105 Brief brief 107 Signs 108 NYC arena 109 Possessive word 111 Troy research univ. 112 Missy Elliott genre 113 Number of players in Battleship

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March29,2024 CoastalPoint B7


GrowingupinMaryland,Delaware SeaGrant’sKathrynLienhardwould spendhersummersvacationingatSea ColonyinBethanyBeachwithherfamily.Thosevacationsinspiredherloveof marinescience,andLienhardcredits themforgivingherthedrivetowantto conservecoastalenvironments,aswell asworkwithresidentsofcoastalareas tohelpprotecttheirnaturalresources.

Now,asDelawareSeaGrant’snew OffshoreWindEnergyresearchassociate,Lienhardgetstodojustthat:working withDelaware’scoastal communitiestohelpshareinformation aboutoffshorewind.

“It’saprivilegetobeabletocome backandserveDelaware,whichisa placethatIlovesomuch,”saidLienhard,whobeganhernewroleinlate November2023.

Lienhardreceivedherbachelor’sdegreeinmarinescienceatCoastalCarolinaUniversity,whereshelearned aboutallaspectsofmarinescience,from marinebiologytogeologyandcoastal processes,alongwithgettingexperience doing fieldwork.

“Asanundergraduate,Iwasableto handlesharksandexplorethecoastal ecosystemsinSouthCarolina,”said Lienhard.“ButIknewIwantedtowork moreattheintersectionofscienceand policyinthisspaceofcommunication, researchandcommunityengagement.”

Thatinterestledtoherearningher master’sdegreeincoastalenvironmental managementfromDukeUniversity,at theNicholasSchooloftheEnvironment.AtDuke,LienhardstudiedU.S. coastal marinepolicy,learningaboutaspectsofcoastalresilience.

Whenitcametoapplyingforajob, LienhardsawtheopeningatDelaware SeaGrantDESGandjumpedatthe opportunity.

“I’vealwaysbeeninterestedinclimatechangemitigationandcoastalresilience,butthispositioninterestedme forthecommunityoutreachaspect,” saidLienhard.“Scienceisbestwhenwe gettoshareitwithpeopleandwhenwe alsogettolearnaboutcommunitiesso I’mhappytobeinthispositionwhere I’mgoingtobuildrelationshipswith communitymembersandlocalleaders andfacilitateknowledgesharing.”

Lienhardhasattendedtownmeetingsandmetwithsomeofthebeachtownmayorsandtowncouncil members.Throughtheseexperiences, shehasbeenabletogetinsightinto someoftheconcernsthatexistfor

Delawareresidentsaroundoffshore wind,suchasimpactstooceanviews, recreationalandcommercialfishingindustries,andcoastalandmarinespecies.

W hilesomeoftheseimpactsarestill underscientificinvestigation,it’simportanttoLienhardthatpeoplerecognize sheisaliaisontogetinformationabout offshorewindoutintothecommunities andthatshedoesnotserveasanadvocatefortheoffshorewindindustry.

“SeaGrantisanon-advocacyorganizationandasarepresentativeofSea Grant,it’smyjobtobeaneutralthird partywhocanrelaythefactsaboutoffshorewindinDelaware,”saidLienhard. “Ihopethatallkindsofindividualsand entitieswillbeabletorelyonmeforinformationaboutoffshorewind,butI’m heretolearnaswell.Iwanttokeepan openmindaboutthistopic.Myroleis tocommunicatescience,andasamemberofDelawareSeaGrantourgoalis tosupportcoastalenvironmentsandthe peoplewholive,workinandenjoythese places.”

Foranylocalcommunitygroupsor individualswhowanttosetupaworkshop,forum,orjustreachoutandhave a casualconversationaboutoffshore wind,Lienhardisavailableatlienhard@udel.eduor(302)831-1421.

CoastalDelaware CommunityClean-up

TheBethany-FenwickAreaChamberofCommerceandtheDelaware CenterfortheInlandBays,inpartnershipwithKeepDelaware

Beautiful,willhosttheCoastal DelawareCommunityClean-upon Saturday,April20, noon.Groupsandindividualsalikeare invitedtoadoptandcleanasectionof roadwaythroughouttheQuietResorts.

Participantscancleanuptheroadwayswherevertheyseeaneedorcan beassignedtoanarea.Allregistered volunteerswillreceivecheck-indetails andlocationinformationtheweekof theevent.Eachcleaningareawillbe assignedadesignatedhublocation whereregisteredvolunteerswillcheck in,receiveclean-upsuppliesanddiscardcollectedtrash.

Lastyear’sClean-upsawmorethan 200volunteerscollectanddisposeofa totalof2,200poundsoftrash.

Thoseinterestedinparticipatingin theCoastalDelawareCommunity Clean-upcansignupatthequietresorts.comuntil8a.m.onApril 19.ContacttheChamberat(302) 539-2100formoreinformation.Participantscanalsotag@thequietresorts toshowhowmuchtheywereableto collectandtoencourageotherstodo thesame.

B8 CoastalPoint March29,2024 Main Street, Dagsboro, DE 302-732-6661 • Serving the Local Community Since 1965 Specializing in Residential & Commercial Flooring Free Estimates, Sales & Service Mohawk, Shaw, Ceramic Tile, Carpet, LVP/LVT Floors, Vinyl, Laminate & Hardwood Floors, Hunter Douglas Window Treatments

Presidentialprimaryelectionwill notbeheldduetonocontestedraces

TheDelawareDepartmentofElections (DOE)announcedonTuesday,March19, thatDelaware’sscheduledApril2PresidentialPrimaryElectionwillnotbeheld.

DOEofficialssaidthatpursuanttothe passageearlierTuesdayofSenateBill241 bytheGeneralAssembly,andthegovernor signingthelegislationintolaw,the2024 RepublicanPresidentialPrimaryElection wouldnotbeheldduetotherebeingno contestedrace,aftertherecentwithdrawal ofRepublicanPartypresidentialcandidate NikkiR. HaleyfromtheRepublicanpresidentialprimaryballot,leavingRepublican PartypresidentialcandidateDonaldJ. Trumpasthesole,active,filedRepublican


No2024DemocraticPresidentialPrimaryhadbeenscheduledbecauseonlyone DemocraticPartypresidentialcandidate, JosephR.BidenJr.,filedtoappearon Delaware’s2024DemocraticPresidential PrimaryBallot—therefore,therewasno contestedrace.

TheDOEestimatedthatnotholding theDelaware’sPresidentialPrimaryElectionhassavedtheStateofDelawareat least$1.5million.

Forcomprehensive,nonpartisanvoting information,visittheDOE’s website,https://elections.delaware.govor calltheDOEat1-302-739-4277.


SINCE 1976 • 302-539-3001 39824 Hickman Plaza Rd. • Bethany Beach • Across From Sea Colony Vacation Rental Specialists Accepting 2024 Rental Listings for Vacation Homes & Condos. Call our Rental Dept. Today! Blackwater Village is a short drive to Bethany Beach there are no town taxes and the HOA fees are only $120.00 per year. This is a rare find, 3000 square ft. house on 1 / 2 acre lot, with four BRs, an office with built-in oak cabinets and two BRs and bath on the main floor along with a kitchen dining area and a step down family room with a wood burning stove which leads to a spacious screened porch. Kitchen features granite countertops, cherry cabinets, pantry, SS refrigerator, microwave and stove. Floored attic for additional storage space. Outside features a level double lot with a large storage shed / workshop with electric and 2 additional sheds. The backyard is fenced on three sides. You can store your boat or camper on your lot. Just down the street is the community fishing pier and kayak launch. A must see! Being sold as is. Inspections would be for information only. DESU2049952 34037 Shawnee Dr • $395,000 SOLD! Coffee • Ice Cream Sundaes Tasty Treats! 33103 Main Street, Dagsboro (302) 321-5351 Convenient to Routes 26 & 113 Open 7 Days! 7am-5pm Stop In For Your Last Minute Easter Gifts! The Kisa Cafe Home of Visit Our Second Toy Location Myriads @ 30305 Vines Creek Rd! Open Easter Sunday 10am-2pm [1] Terms and conditions apply, call for details. Courtesy of named DISH Authorized Retailer. $300 PrePaid Mastercard Make the Switch from DTV Gift Card Offer ends 4/10/2024: Requires offer code DTV2DISH. Eligibility requires: 1) continuing active DISH service, 2) completion of the first 31 days of DISH service, 3) payment of first DISH bill, 4) submission of a recent DirecTV satellite bill for the same name or address, and 5) online redemption after validation. Call for full details. For J.D. Power 2023 award information, visit Ranked #1 in Customer Satisfaction 6 Years in a Row CALL US NOW! 1-855-407-6870 1-855-407-6870 Call us now! *$300 DTV Switcher Offer is provided by DISH, all other gift card offers are courtesy of PlanetDISH, call for full offer details. Add Highspeed Internet as low as $49.99/mo FREE Google Voice Remote Streaming INCLUDED, stream live TV on up to 5 devices Free Next Day Professional Installation (where available) Enjoy thousands of shows and movies included On-Demand J.D. Power Award For Customer Satisfaction - 6 Years In A row Never watch another commercial during your favorite primetime shows March29,2024 CoastalPoint B9 Fillinthegridsothateveryrow,everycolumnandevery 3x3 gridcontainsthedigits1through9.Thatmeansthat no numberisrepeatedinanyrow,columnorbox. Copyright©KevinStone[]

BeebeFamilyMedicine matcheswithfour doctorsonMatchDay

AcrowdgatheredattheMargaretH. RollinsLewesCampusonFridayafternoon,March15,towelcometheannouncementofBeebeHealthcare’s secondclassofresidentphysicians. Beebe’sFamilyMedicineResidency matchedwithfourphysicianswhohad recentlyfinishedmedicalschool,includingonewhohailsfromSussexCounty. ThefourphysicianswilljointheresidentsfromlastyearaspartofBeebe’s growingprogram.Theresidentswill take partinathree-yearacademiccurriculumatBeebe,gainingexposureand hands-onexperienceinawiderangeof clinicalareas—fromtheemergency andoperatingroomstospecialtyareas, suchasOB-GYN,pediatrics,cardiology,ophthalmologyandorthopaedics.

“WewelcometheseresidentphysiciansintoourcommunityandBeebe family,”saidDr.JeffreyHawtof,MD, directorofmedicaleducationattheR. RandallRollinsCenterforMedicalEducationatBeebeHealthcare.“Irememberhowexcitingthisdaywasmany yearsago.Iwanttothankourteamhere atBeebe,ourdonors,andcommunity forbeingsosupportiveoftheprogram.”

Thephysicianswhomatchedwith Beebeincluded:

•GiannaGrogan,DO,whoresides inFishersville,Va.,andcompletedmedicalschoolattheEdwardViaCollege ofOsteopathicMedicine’sVirginia Campus.

•PhilandeBissengNtock,MD,who residesinMiami,Fla.,andgraduated medicalschoolfromtheSt.George’s UniversitySchoolofMedicinein Grenada.

•ElsaTabrez,MD,whoresidesin Orlando,Fla.,andcompletedmedical schoolattheAmericanUniversityof IntegrativeSciencesSchoolofMedicine inBarbados.

•DorothyVosik,DO,whoisfrom Milton,isaDelawareInstitutefor MedicalEducationandResearch (DIMER)studentandgraduatedmedicalschoolfromthePhiladelphiaCollegeofOsteopathicMedicine.Vosik completedherthird-yearclinicalrotationsatBeebeHealthcare.

Theannouncementwasnotwithout fundramatics.Thematchesarekeptan utmostsecretuntilnoonofMatchDay. Dr.JoyceRobert,MD,foundingprogramdirectorofBeebe’sFamilyMedicineResidency,wasscheduledto announcethenamesatnoon.Butat 11:58a.m.Roberthadcompletedher introductionandthankstostaffand faculty.Seeingherdilemma,hercolleagueshelpedpassthetimebysinging “HappyBirthday”toher,finishingjust in timetorevealthesecondclassasthe hourchanged.

B10 CoastalPoint March29,2024 our Reser Make Yo rvations For Easter OnT Ba! y Open W heBea Wednesday-Su Wednesday-Sunday 1 u fti ul 1:30 a.m unday m.-9 p.m. edn sday S Entree nesday y & Suy Special e Menu appy 1:30 a.mThrou Drink S y Hou -5 p.m. Daily ughout! k & Food il 54 ed Open W Wednesday-Sunday • Fenwick Island • U.S.A. • 302-436-2305 dnesday-Sunday F Spe Fenwick Island • U s ecials .S.A. • 302-436-2305 5 Professional Service at the standard you deserve. Home • Auto • Farm • Flood • Boat & RV Renters • Commercial • Liability Over 50 Years Experience 302.539.9052 • 800.252.9052 1100 N. Pennsylvania Avenue & Coastal Highway • Bethany Beach, Delaware 19930


OnTuesday,March19,the DelawareSupremeCourtheldoralargumentsinSussexCountyforthefirst timeinitshistoryaspartofanongoingefforttoincreaseoutreachtothe communityandhighschoolstudents inparticular.

Allfivemembersofthestate’shighestcourtmetatDelawareTechnical CommunityCollege’sOwensCampus, intheArts&ScienceCenter.Inthe audiencewerehighschoolstudents fromtheAcademicChallengeProgram,apartnershipbetweenDelaware TechandSussexCountyschooldistricts,aswellasstudentsfrom DelawareTech’scriminaljustice, humanservicesandlegalstudiesprograms.Thecourtheardargumentsin twocases—onecriminalandonecivil —andafterwardansweredquestions fromthestudents.

“Weweredelightedtohold SupremeCourtargumentsforthefirst timeinSussexCounty.Ihopewewere



“It’sextraspecialtomethatevery yearIgettwogiftswithmybirthday fallingwithinthesameweekasMatch Day,”saidRobert.“I’msothrilledto welcomethesefourresidentphysicians

abletoshowDelawarestudentshow thecourtoperatesandanswerafewof theirquestions,”saidDelaware S upremeCourtChiefJusticeCollinsJ. SeitzJr.“Myhopeisthatthisprogram inspiredthestudentstoconsideralegal careertofollowinourfootstepsandto servethecitizensofDelaware.”

Thechiefjusticealsothanked DelawareTechforagreeingtohostthe court.

“WearegratefulthattheSupreme Courtcametoourcampustoallowour studentstheopportunitytowitness suchanimportantfunctionofour democracy,”saidDelawareTechPresidentMarkBrainard.

Thecollaborationcompletesoneof therecommendationsfromthe SupremeCourt-commissionedStrategicPlanonImprovingDiversityinthe DelawareBenchandBar,whichwasreleasedinJanuary2022.TherecommendationwasoneofsevenintheStrategic Plan’ssectiononimprovingthecourt’s

intotheBeebefamilyandsoproudof thefacultyandstaffwhomakethisprogramatBeebesuccessful.”

Thecelebrationwassettocontinue fortheprogramthisweek,asBeebewas settobreakgroundonaFamilyMedicineResidencyClinicattheLongNeck HealthCenterat4:30p.m.Thursday, March21.

visibilityandoutreachtopre-college studentsinthestate.Otherrecommendationsfromthesectionhavebeen tackledthroughapartnershipwiththe DelawareLaw-RelatedEducation Center,whichisworkingwitheducatorsoncreatingandimplementinga civicscurriculumforDelawarepublic schoolsingradesK-12.

TheSussexCountyvisitcomesjust weeksafterthecompletionofanother recommendationfromtheStrategic Plan—increasingthefrequencyofthe administrationoftheDelawareBar Examfromoncetotwiceayear.Traditionally,Delawarehasonlyofferedthe examonceayear,inJuly.Thisyear, however,forthefirsttime,anearlier administrationoftheBarwasheldin February.

Afullreporttoupdatethecommunityontheprogressoffulfillingrecommendationsinthe2022reportwill bereleasedinthecomingweeks,officialssaid.

The newbuildingprojectatthe LongNeckHealthCenterwillgivecurrentandfutureresidentphysiciansmore spacetoserveaculturallydiversepopulationinanareathatcontinuestogrow. Withthefullcomplementofresidents, thedoctorswillbeabletoprovideabout 7,000primary-careappointments, Beeberepresentativessaid.

March29,2014 CoastalPoint B11 f Trusted Advisor e tner and r part o r to philanthr source .opists ab profe to It might be a s es it very someone h t essional advisors ble and can tailor it to wha it might be a scholarship tever ve e sion t has an inter t the person may be think .ors r ehicle they decide they wa th tha king about. CF is very ant to use. he DCF maximize tax adv sional adv profes e C At the Delawar community imp and vantages e savvy decisions ab isors mak we h oundation, ommunity F Anonymous Donor pact. bout charitable giving to help donors and their or md vice o le T 302.335.6933 or g ipaolo@delcf.or esident for Southern Delawar e pr , aolo e DiP Mik contact e, arn mor e delcf.or 933 t , a e war org/daf Are You Ready For YOUR Future? Classes NOW Forming • Cosmetology • Master Barbering • Teacher Training • Aesthetics • Manicuring • Advanced Education For more information on our Advanced Education classes go to: (302) 732 - 6704 32448 Royal Blvd Suite A, Dagsboro, DE 19939 dermalogica® Serving the Public with Skin, Hair & All Services Microdermabrasion Peels Perms Hair Color Manicures & Pedicures Southern Delaware’s Best Kept Secret!

White Creek at Bethany, Ocean View

Beautiful water views through the trees! Awesome home in impeccable condition with abundant living space on an oversized corner homesite and inverted floor plan to maximize the views. Main level offers open floor plan with living room, office, gourmet kitchen with breakfast bar, formal dining, office, powder room and primary bedroom with beautiful ensuite bath. Lower level offers game room, 3 BR, 2BA, flex room, and laundry. Supersized 2-car garage and patio. Community pool, clubhouse, day dock & more.

MLS DESU2057726 $849,900

Call Vickie York 302.542.4457 NEW PRICE


Coventry At Barrington Park, Millville

Impressive home offers an upgraded kitchen with quartz countertops, island and breakfast bar, formal dining room, living room with gas fireplace, sunroom, primary bedroom and bathroom with a tiled walk-in shower and soaking tub, 2 guest rooms, guest bathroom and 2 car garage. Plus, a fenced rear yard, trex deck with awning and a beautiful hardscape patio with firepit. Numerous upgrades! Small community with low HOA fees and pool. Short drive to Bethany Beach and all its attractions. MLS DESU2055064 $479,900 Call Vickie York 302.542.4457


24712 Draper Loop

In the small neighborhood of Zoar Estates. 1/2 acre lot with lots of landscaping, 3 bed, 2 1/2 bath & 2 car garage. Private corner lot with some trees. Easy to show.

MLS DESU2057336 $380,000

Call Linda Mueller 302.245.0741

Preserve @ Jefferson Creek, Near Bethany

Truly special like-new home offers stunning a 2-story living room with gas fireplace, gorgeous gourmet kitchen with island, breakfast area or study, flex room for library, office, or formal dining, and first floor primary bedroom and bath with walk-in shower. Upstairs is a loft area, 3 guest bedrooms and 2 full bathrooms. Plus a private backyard, patio, screened porch and 2 car garage. Small community with pool. Great location close to Bethany Beach and all its attractions.

MLS DESU2042788 $689,900

Call Vickie York 302.542.4457


Swann Keys, Selbyville

Spectacular views from this canal front home - the 3rd lot from the wetlands with amazing views of the Little Assawoman Bay and wetlands. Sold as-is, this is a potential gem in disguise waiting for your vision to make it special. Floor plan offers a great living area with vaulted ceilings, large primary bedroom with ensuite bath, 2 guest bedrooms, hall bath and screened porch. Park your boat in the driveway, swim at the community pool and only a short drive to the beach. Very low HOA fees and county taxes. MLS DESU2054064 $449,900 Call Vickie York 302.542.4457

OPEN HOUSE SAT. 3/30 11-1


Hunters Run, Ocean View

RARE OPPORTUNITY to own in conveniently located community of Hunter’s Run! Enjoy one level living in this 3 BR, 2 BA well maintained home featuring an open plan living, dining and kitchen area, large primary bedroom with walk-in closets and generous bath, and spacious family room with stunning pond views. Covered front porch and large back deck with retractable awnings plus 2 car garage with walk-up attic. Encapsulated crawl space. Community pool and tennis. Just a short distance to Bethany Beach and state parks, shopping and restaurants. MLS DESU2055070 $610,000 Call Martha Smith 302-249-0464


Murray’s Estates, Ocean View

Charming oasis just moments from Delaware's stunning beaches! This 3-bed, 2-bath ranch-style home features gleaming hardwood floors, a cozy living space flooded with natural light and a fireplace, well-equipped kitchen and spacious bedrooms. Outside, a large backyard for summer gatherings. Sold completely furnished. Practically new heat pump controlled remotely, whole-house humidifier and brand-new water heater. Conveniently close to the beaches, this home blends tranquility with accessibility. MLS DESU2055802 $439,900 Call Vickie York 302.542.4457


Lot #2 Holts Landing Rd, Dagsboro

Tranquil Pond Views: Immerse yourself in the beauty of nature with uninterrupted vistas of shimmering waters, creating a serene backdrop for your daily retreat. Great opportunity to build your own home. This .75 acre is only several miles from the beach and is around the corner from Cripple Creek Golf and Country Club.

MLS DESU2056904 $124,900

Call Kathy Cramer 302.236.5630


Bayberry Woods, Bethany Beach

Walk to the beautiful beaches of Bethany Beach. Bayberry Woods is in the heart of the action, walk to shops, fabulous culinary delights, the Assawoman Canal and so much more. This home offers an open floorplan, living room with a fireplace, dining area, kitchen with a breakfast bar and eat-in area, a powder room, and inviting screened porch with privacy. Upstairs offers a primary bedroom/bathroom and 2 large guest bedrooms and a guest bathroom. Successful rental, $18,000 for 2023. Conveniently located across the pool and tennis/pickleball courts. MLS DESU2052438 $609,900 Call Vickie York 302.542.4457


Avon Park, Ocean View

A luxurious end unit villa with numerous custom upgrades. This home offers over 2300 sq feet of living space with a dramatic 2story living room with lots of windows and 2-sided fireplace, dining area, upgraded eat-in kitchen with access to the rear deck and fenced yard, and first-floor primary bedroom with an upgraded bathroom and a large walk-in shower. Upstairs, you will find 2 large bedrooms, a loft area and full bathroom. Plus, a one-car garage. Wonderful location in the heart of Ocean View. Great rental potential.MLS DESU2054532 $434,900 Call Vickie York 302.542.4457


Lot #1 Holts Landing Rd, Dagsboro

Discover the ultimate haven for your dream home! Nestled in a picturesque

Please contact one of our experienced agents for your real estate needs! Vickie Binsted 302-542-6253 Nicole Frank 610-842-4521 Sondra Connor 302-245-1435 Kathy Cramer 302-236-5630 Rupert Smith 302-228-8900
Mueller 302-245-0741 Martha Smith 302-249-0464 NEW
locale, this enchanting lot offers breathtaking pond views from the rear that will inspire and captivate. Only several miles from the ocean and around the corner from Cripple Creek Golf and Country Club, this property is ready for you to build. Survey complete. Septic acknowledged. MLS DESU2056900 $119,900 Call Kathy Cramer 302.236.5630 30413 Cedar Neck Rd #303, Ocean View Luxurious top-floor spacious condo with western exposure for beautiful sunsets. Amazing condo with custom paint throughout, 9 ft ceilings, newer HVAC, appliances, plank flooring, and so much more. Offers open kitchen with white cabinetry and appliances, breakfast bar, living/dining room combo, primary bedroom with 2 walk-in closets and ensuite bath plus 2 guest rooms, full bath, laundry room, flex room for office or extra sleeping area and parking garage. Located near parks, great restaurants, golf, shopping, and the beach is less than 3 miles away. Weekly and long-term rentals are allowed. MLS DESU2056822 $359,900 Call Vickie York 302.542.4457 SALEPENDING SALEPENDING B12 CoastalPoint March29,2024
THINKING OF SELLING? THE MARKET IS HOT 35322 Atlantic Avenue Millville, DE 19967 (302) 539-2145 (office) Please call us today for a FREE Market Analysis March29,2024 CoastalPoint B13

TheDelawareDepartmentof Health&SocialServices(DHSS)and Gov.JohnCarneyrecentlyannounced additionalinvestmentsinchildcarefor theupcomingyear.

BuildingontheGovernor’sRecommendedBudget,whichproposesexpandingeligibilityforPurchaseofCare to200percentoftheFederalPoverty Level(FPL)andcreatingover200additionalECAPseats,theStatewillbe takingtheseactionsthisyear:

•Capfamilyco-paymentsat7percent offamilyincomeandremoveall co-paysforfamiliesbelow150percent ofthefederalpovertylevel,ensuring familieswillpaylessoutofpocketfor childcare.

•Increasecompensatedabsencedays fromfiveto10,providingchildcare


Whencombinedwiththeproposed investmentsintheGovernor’sRecommendedBudget,theseactionswillhelp morefamiliespayforchildcare,officials said.

“ Weknowhowcriticalthefirstfive yearsofachild’slifearetofutureacademicandcareersuccess,”saidCarney. “Investinginouryoungestlearnershas beenapriorityofoursfromdayone, andtheseinvestmentsfurtherthat commitment.Iwanttothankourchild careprovidersforalltheydoeveryday tosetourchildrenupforfuturesuccess.”

Since2017,theadministrationhas morethandoubledinvestmentsinPurchaseofCareandtheEarlyChildhood

Assistance Program(ECAP).TheGovernor’sRecommendedBudgetforFiscal Year2025proposesinvesting$83millioninPurchaseofCare,comparedto $32millionin2017and$15.7million inECAP,comparedto$6.1millionin 2017.

“Frombirthto5,thefirst1,825days ofachild’slifepaveafoundationforthe future,”saidLt.Gov.BethanyHallLong.“That’swhyitisessentialtosupportearlyeducationwithpolicyand investments—it’snotonlygoodfor ourkids,butalsoforourchildcare workforceandourstate’seconomy.Affordablechildcareisanecessityfor families.Theseinvestmentsin Delaware’searlyeducationsectorshow ourcommitmenttofamilies,providers, andthestrengthofourstate.”

Inadditiontotheseinvestments,the Stateworkedtokeepchildcare providersopenbyinvestingmorethan $100millionduringtheCOVID-19 pandemic.

“Wearethankfulfortheseadditional investmentswhichwillhelpsupportour youngestDelawareansandfamilies,” saidDivisionofSocialServicesDirector TomHall.“Theseprogramenhancementsarearesultofconversationsand feedbackwithfamilies,providers,and ourfederalpartners.Theseinvestments willhelpmakethepurchaseofcareprogrammoreaccessibleandgiveproviders theboosttheyneed.”

Formoreinformationonchildcare, visitDelaware’sChildCareConsumer EducationWebsiteat

B14 CoastalPoint March29,2024 our donation helps provide food, clothing, hope. Y Your R , CK U TR , AR C OF MD LUTHERAN MISSION SOCIETY Y V 7 D MINISTRIES 410-228-843 licensed #1044 A A MVVA ax deductible T Tax 4102288437 Still The Preferred Law Of ce Our A im I s C lie nt Satis faction. 302.539.2220 • Ocean View, DE • Real Estate • Settlements Contracts • Leases • Wills, Trusts & Estates Corporations & LLCs DHSS,governoraddresschildcareinvestments
March29,2024 CoastalPoint B15


DistrictGovernorTommyLuof LionsDistrict22-Dannouncedthis weekaprogramtosupportallschoolsin Delawareandpromotethecauseofdiabetesawarenessformembersofthe learningcommunity.Recently,theLions ClubsofDelawarewereinformedthat LionsDistrict22-Dhadbeenawarded aLionsClubInternationalFoundation (LCIF)DiabetesGrant.

Thegrantprojectis“LionsEmpoweringSchoolNursesforChildrenwith Diabetes:ADelawarePartnership.”

The ideafordevelopingthisproposal emanatedfromadiscussionata DelawareDiabetesCoalitionMeeting lastspring.Concernwasraisedboth abouttherisingratesofchildrenin schoolsdevelopingType2diabetes, alongwiththeongoingchallengesfac-

ingschoolnursesintheessentialcareof childrenwithType1diabetes.

Aseriesofmeetingswereplanned, andapartnershipwasformed.District 22-DDiabetesChairJohnMonahan, DelawareDiabetesCoalitionExecutive DirectorSaraBluhm,SchoolHealth ServicesProgramSchoolNurseConsultantAnnCoveyandSchoolNurse RepresentativeAimeeHastingscollaboratedondevelopingtheinitiative,which willnowbringresourcestoschool nursesthroughanE-Learningapproach.

Thegrantwillprovideallschool nursesinbothpublicandnon-public schoolsofDelawarewithaccesstoa uniqueonlinetrainingprogramtokeep theminformedanduptodatewithcurrentpracticeandcareforchildrenwith

diabetes.Insulinandinsulinregimens, insulindeliverydevices,continuousglucosemonitors,insulinpumptherapy anddisasterpreparednessareamongthe offerings.

Thenarratedtrainingvideosthatare partofthisDiabetesCareatSchool Programwillalsoassistschoolnursesto provideinformationwhereneededto non-medicalschoolstaffmembers (teachers,coaches,schoolbusdrivers, cafeteriaworkers,monitors,secretaries, PEteachersandothers)whospendthe schooldaywithchildrenwhohavediabetes.

Also,somekeyareasofinformation, includingdiet,nutritionandexercise, andinformationondiabetesawareness willbeavailabletoanyschoolstaff memberswhowantaccess.Parentscon-

sultingwithschoolnursesmaybenefit fromtheavailablelearningmodules.

TheLionsEmpoweringSchool NursesforChildrenwithDiabetes Grantispaidforthroughfundingfrom theLionsClubsInternationalFoundation.Itisatwo-yeargrant.

Theformallaunchofthisinitiativeis scheduledforlateMarch.Tolearnmore aboutthisprogram,visittheLionsEmpoweringChildrenwithDiabetes:A DelawarePartnershipthroughthe LionsClubsofDelawarewebsiteat ClubsinDistrict22-D(Delaware)or formoreinformationaboutthisgrant oraboutLionsmembership,contactLu at


Democratsfromthestate’s41stRepresentativeDistrictlastweekannounced thatTomBrettofMillsborohasfiledto runasaDemocratforthe41stRepresentativeDistrictseatinthestate HouseofRepresentatives.BrettisaU.S. Armyveteranandhasexperienceasa businessleaderforfast-growingcompanies.HeresidesinMillsborowithhis


BrettsaidhebelievesthatRD41residentsandallSussexCountiansdeserve astrongadvocateinLegislativeHall.He saidhewillbeavoiceforcaregiverswho cannotfindaffordablechildcareand workerswhocannotfindaffordable housing.Hesaidhewillfighttoseethat SussexCountygetsitsfairshareof


OneofBrett’sprioritiesintheGeneralAssemblywillbetosponsorbills thatwillencourageprivateinvestments and takeadvantageofthefederalincentivesinrenewableenergy.Hesaidhe believestheseincentiveswillprovide good-payingjobswhileprotectingSussexCounty’snaturalresourcesforgen-


Bretthaspubliclysupportedsustainablegrowth,cleanairandsafewaterfor years.Asalegislator,hesaidhebelieves hecansponsorlegislationtomakeSussexCountyabetterplacetolive,work andgotoschool.


B16 CoastalPoint March29,2024 Family Owned & Operated Fabricating & installing quartz, granite and solid surface tops 34407 Dupont Blvd., Unit 9 • (Rt. 113 North) Frankford, DE Visit our website for showroom hours • Call: 443. 856.4437 or See Us On Facebook Up to date, state of the art equipment 39679 Willet Rd North Bethany, DE 1000 N. Pennsylvania Ave. • Bethany Beach 800.732.7433 • 302.539.4013 Office Your Local Experts in Sales & Rentals Well maintained 4 BR, 2-1/2 BA home/investment property in ocean front, private gated community of Ocean Village (Rental potential of $50,000/yr.), one mile north of Bethany Beach. Located in the center of the Village on a lightly traveled street ending in a cul de sac. Many home improvements include 3 outdoor decks, great for relaxation. Home is move-in ready and comes fully furnished. Ownership includes membership in the Ocean Village HOA, a wellfunded HOA with ample reserves. $1,975,000

Printmakingisatthecenter ofRAL’sAprilexhibitions

ThisApril,theRehobothArt Leagueisshowcasingthreenewexhibitionsdesignedtochallengeandexcite viewers.Printmakingdominatesthis month’sexhibits,withtheshows“No Boundaries:TheArtofPrintmaking Today.AmericanColorPrintSociety NationalExhibition”and“Againstthe TyrannyofTime:PrintmakingbyMark Harris”ondisplay,inadditiontoTemre Stanchfield’ssoloexhibition“Homage: 12PortraitsofEarth.”Theshowswill hang intheRALgalleriesfromApril5 toMay5.

OntheeveningofApril5from5to 7p.m.,theartleaguewillbehostingan openingreceptionforthesenewexhibits,invitinganyoneinterestedtovisit theCorkran,TubbsandVenturesgalleriestoseethedisplayedwork.

TheRehobothArtLeaguewillwelcometheAmericanColorPrintSociety toitsexhibitionspace.Thesociety’s show,titled“NoBoundaries:TheArtof PrintmakingToday,”willbeondisplay in theCorkranGalleryandwillfeature piecesfromitsmembers.Theexhibition willshowcasehowtheprocessofprintmakinghasevolvedovertheyearsand willincorporatedifferenttechniques thatareusedinthecrafttoday.

TheAmericanColorPrintSocietyis anationalnon-profitcorporationwitha purposetopromoteandfosteroriginal graphicart;toencourageandpromote exhibitionsoforiginalcolorprints;to educateartstudentsandthepublic aboutthevariedtechniquesoforiginal color printmaking.Printmakersrepresentedintheirrecentexhibitionshave comefromPennsylvania,NewJersey, Delaware,NorthCarolina,Kansas, Texas,Illinois,Louisiana,NewYork, Mississippi,Tennessee,RhodeIsland, California,Indiana,Ohio,Michigan, VirginiaandNewMexico.

TemreStanchfield’soilpaintingswill provideachangefromtheprintwork, ashersoloshow,“Homage:12Portraits ofEarth,”takesovertheTubbsGallery. Based inSouthernPennsylvania,Temre usedthecalendartodevelop12abstract paintingsthataremadeingratitudefor thenaturalworld.

Shedescribeshercreativeprocessas similartotheexperienceofcommuning withnature—thepeacefulness,stillness,andaglimpseoftheinterconnectionofallthings.Temredraws inspirationfromthelandscapethrough-


Enjoy high-end

Lovely 4 BR, 3.5 BA home w/an open oor plan, two gas FP, gourmet kitchen, HW oors, loft area, oversized primary suite, 2-car



Low maintenance living w/convenience in this meticulously maintained 4 BR, 3.5 BA move in ready home. Built in 2023 with tasteful nishes, open concept oor plan, & 2,523 heated SF! Condo style living with the privacy of a singlefamily home. $799,900 Call the Lingo/Tull Team 302-226-6417 (Direct) #4818M


miles from Bethany Beach. $349,000 Call Bea Maggio 443-789-1480 (Cell) #4519VM


2.5 BA home featuring kitchen w/granite countertops, wood oors, & two-sided replace. Centrally located, w/easy access to restaurants, shopping, & medical care, the Town of Millsboro is only a short ride, & the DE beaches are 30+ minutes away. Community pool & clubhouse. $289,000 Call Larry Sprigg 443-253-0694 (Cell) #4792VM

March29,2014 CoastalPoint B17 MILLSBORO 28422 DuPont Boulevard 302-934-3970 1-888-934-3970 LEWES 1240 Kings Highway 302-645-2207 1-800-331-4241 REHOBOTH 246 Rehoboth Avenue 302-227-3883 1-800-345-3469 #1 Loca y Owned Real Estate Company in Sussex County for 2023* * AS PER INFORMATION FROM BRIGHT MULTIPLE LISTING SYSTEM Enjoy stunning ocean views from this 4 BR, 3 BA contemporary home w/vaulted ceilings, spacious kitchen, ocean front deck, & situated on a 80 x 165 lot! Cotton Patch Hills offers a private beach, bayside amenities, 2 tennis courts (lined for pickle ball), boat ramp, & dock slips. $4,995,000 Call Allison Bateman 302-381-3661 (Cell) #4777L 3 BR, 2 BA home situated on 7.8 acres, close to Millsboro, Georgetown, & Lewes. This home offers a den, FR, LR, detached garage, FP, blacktop driveway, newer roof, heat pump, & potential for at least one additional lot. Room for a pole barn. $575,000 Call Gary Brittingham 302-745-5605 (Cell) #4719TM Well maintained 3 BR, 2 BA home with a new roof, updated appliances, & screened porch. Conveniently located near restaurants, shopping and 5
in this 4 BR, 3 BA model home situated in an amenity-rich community close to Bethany & Fenwick beaches. This Coastal-styled home features energy ef cient upgrades, 4 BR, 3 BA, bonus room, of ce, sunroom, stone replace, beautiful chef's kitchen, & private rear yard! $909,000 Call Melinda Ingram 302-462-6581 (Cell) #4734M VILLAGES
garage, sprinkler system, covered screened porch, two porches, & woodland views. $659,900 Call Zane Jones 302-470-7669 (Cell) #4735V THE PENINSULA 3 BR end unit w/open concept, golf course views, located on the 14th tee, smart home technology, LVP on main level, granite counters, separate bar area, southern exposure, sun deck, large primary suite, & LL family room w/walk out basement to open space. $376,900 Call Zane Jones 302-470-7669 (Cell) #4781Q PLANTATION LAKES PLANTATION LAKES Lovely 2 BR, 2 full and 2 half BA, townhome located in an amenity rich community. Sold fully furnished with NO golf deed fee. $329,900 Call Tammy Rust 302-542-8187 (Cell) #4694QM HARTS LANDING This lovely 4 BR, 3 BA home is situated on a large lot & offers HW oors, 10’ ceilings on the FF, new HVAC system, and is located across the street from the community kayak dock on Love Creek. HOA covers lawn maintenance, pool, & tennis court. $579,000 Call Jason Abela 717-979-1781 (Cell) #4837B SpecialtotheCoastalPoint•Submitted ArthurBrener’s‘Chas2Series:TheCity.’


Celebratingits35thCoralAnniversary,theOceantoBayBikeTour,presentedbytheBethany-FenwickArea ChamberofCommerceisslatedforFriday,April26,andSaturday,April27.

Theaward-winningcyclingtourbrings morethan2,000cycliststotheQuiet Resortseachspringtobikethrough southernDelaware’sbeaches,baysand beyond.

Cyclistshavethechoiceofa10-,30-, 50-,62.5-,or100-milerideonflatterrainthroughtheQuietResorts.Theride includeslivemusic,food,giveaways, multiplereststopsandmore.Commemorativecustomjerseyandshirtadd-ons arealsoavailable.

Saturdayriders(30-,50-,62.5-,or 100-mileroutes)canregisterasanindividualoraspartofateam.Viewthe eventpageforpricingdetails.Starting onApril1,registrationpriceswillin-



outtheseasonsnearherhomestudio, whichinformsthetexturesandshapes foundinherpaintings.Thehomage paintingsarecreatedandinstalledinthe roundtosuggesttheongoingperennial cycle,inspiringtheideaofeternity,and


ProceedsfromtheSaturdayridewill benefittheBethanyBeachVolunteer FireCompany,theJustinW.Jennings FoundationandContractorsfora Cause,andotherlocalfirst-responders. CancerSupportCommunityDelaware willalsobeanon-sitebeneficiaryasthey hostthefirst-everOceantoBayBike TourPrizeWheel,wherecyclistscan spintowin.

InadditiontotheSaturdaytour, therewillbea10-mileCoastalCruise onFriday,April26,andSaturday,April 27,featuringanout-and-backroute fromBethanyBeachtotheBigChill BeachClubattheIndianRiverInlet. Cyclistsofalllevelscantakeinthe coastalsceneryonthisrelaxingride. ProceedsfromtheCoastalCruisewill benefittheDelawareCenterfortheIn-


IntheVenturesGallery,MarkHarris’ soloexhibition,“AgainsttheTyrannyof Time,”addstotheprintmaking mediumondisplayinApril.Hisworkis concernedwithmakingartthatexplores theimbeddedsocialstrugglesthatmake artbothnecessaryandadistraction fromthatexploration.


landBays.CoastalCruiseregistration costs$35,andcyclistscanaddthisasa combooptionontotheirSaturdayride atadiscountedrate.

TheBethany-FenwickAreaChamberofCommerce,inpartnershipwith SouthernDelawareTourism,thanked thesponsorsformakingthiseventpossible.In2023,cyclistsfrom19different statesparticipatedintheBikeTour, whichraisednearly$12,000forevent beneficiaries.

SupportingSponsorsinclude:CommonGroundHospitality,BigChill BeachClubwithLaVidaHospitality; OfficialTentSponsor:CoastalTented Events;andMediaSponsors:Coastal Point,ForeverMedia.WilgusAssociates willbetheGiftSponsorforallcombo ridecyclists.SignatureSponsorsinclude BeebeHealthcare,CreativeConcepts, Heather’sHomeWorks,Long&Foster

wayspeopletrytorememberthemore thanamillionU.S.COVID-19deaths, andhowoureffortstoresistdespairon manyfrontsaremetbytheneedfor hopethatisnotbasedonfalsepromises foraneasyfix.Printmaking—particularlyreliefprintsinblackandwhite— providesastarkandoftensuggestive meansofgivingavisualvoicetothat exploration,organizerssaid.

RealEstate,McKeeBuilders,NV Homes&RyanHomes,andStateFarm Agent-BillyReese.Decks&Docks LumberCo.willbetheFirstRespondersBreakfastSponsor.

Thisyear,cyclistsarebeingencouragedtocontinuethetouratPost-Party SponsorLocationsatBethanyBoathouseandMangos.NallyHomeswillbe sponsoringlivemusic.AdditionalcontributingsponsorsincludeBeach Liquors,BethanyBrewing,CustomMechanical,FinsAleHouse&RawBar, GarthEnterprises,JR’sSeafoodShack, Mr.NaturalSpringWater,Property Tenders,andTrueNorth.Additional sponsorshipopportunitiesarestillavailabletoChamberMemberbusinesses.

Visitoceantobaybiketour.comto learnmoreorcalltheBethany-Fenwick AreaChamberofCommerceat(302) 539-2100.

Theexhibitionsarefreeandopento everyoneduringtheregulargallery hoursofMondaythroughSaturday,10 a.m.to4p.m.,andSunday,noonto4 p.m. Foradditionalinformationaboutthis exhibit,theleague,itsclasses,memberships,eventsandexhibitions,visitthe websiteatRehobothArtLeague.orgor call(302)227-8408.

B18 CoastalPoint March29,2024
Design… Build… Deliver. New Home Construction 302.462.5853 That Enrich Your Lifestyle Summer Hill Custom Home Builders will guide you through the entire homebuilding process… • Provide a free home construction cost estimate • A oor plan design that matches your lifestyle and living requirements • Construct your home on time and within budget • Provide dependable follow-up services after completion Summer Hill can take your dreams from concept to reality Contact Steve Smith at 302.462.5853 Celebrating 20 Years of March29,2024 CoastalPoint B19


TheRehobothBeachFilmSociety (RBFS)iscontinuingitspartnership withSeasideJewishCommunityto presenttheninthannualRehoboth BeachJewishFilmFestival(JFF),April 10-14attheCinemaArtTheater (CAT)inLewes.Thefive-dayfilmfestivalisopentothepublicandfilmsocietymembers.Thisyear’sfestival programwillhaveaselectionof11 films,fromdocumentariesandfeatures toforeigntitles.Afewsocialreceptions willbeannouncedsoon.

Aspartofthefilmsociety’sspring mini-festivalseason,theJewishFilm FestivalpresentsJewishvaluesformed fromthepastwith21stcenturycontributionsinfood,culture,philanthropy andfaith.Thisyear’sJFFPlanning CommitteeselectedfourHolocaust documentarieswithemphasisonJewish women’sexperiencesandtheircourage tosurvive.OnesuchtitleistheApril15 theatricalreleaseintheatersof“Irena’s Vow,”whichwillpremiereaspartofthe JFF onApril10at7p.m.atCAT.

“TheJewishCommunityunderstandsmorethanevertheimportanceof rememberingitshistoryandcontinues toreaffirmitsfaith,workandsupport forallcommunitieshereinSussex County,”saidMartyRosensweig,RBFS BoardofDirectorsvicepresidentand

JFFPlanningCommitteemember.“We hopeyouwillfindvalueintheplanning committee’sfinalselectionsuchadiverseline-upoffilmsthattouchonthe Holocaustfromawomen’sexperience. WevisitJewishlifestyleswiththe1950s documentary‘TheCatskills’andtouch onJewishfaithtodayin‘Rabbionthe Block.’Aspecialthankyoutoour2024 PremiereSponsor,JewishFederationof Delaware.”

Ticketsareon-salenow.JFFtickets cost$12perfilmforthepublicand RBFSmembers.Studentratesareavailableattheboxoffice.Viewthecompletelistingoffilmtitlesandpurchase ticketsat,orvisitorcallthesociety’s CATBoxOfficeonWednesday throughSundayfromnoonto5p.m.

Note:TorespecttheJewishSabbath, SeasideJewishCommunityarenot hostingthefilmsonFridayeveningand Saturdayafternoon.



“RabbiontheBlock”isadocumentarythatshowshowablackRabbi bringstogetherJewsofallcolors.Tamar Manasseh,thecharismaticrabbiand

communityactivistfromthesouthside ofChicago,wantsAfricanAmericans andJewstobecomecloserallies.With onefootfirmlyineachofthesetwo communities,BlackJewslikeTamarare thenaturalbridgetohelpovercome decadesofearlymisunderstanding,and lackofcommunication.The2023film, madeintheU.S.,runs88minutesand isnotrated.

FormerSeasideJewishCommunity RabbiBethCohenwillleadapostscreeningdiscussionwithattendees.

•“Irena’sVow”(feature),Wednesday, April10,at7p.m.

“‘Irena’sVow’isanextraordinarywar dramathatfollowsthelifeofPolish nurseIreneGutOpdykewhowas caughtinaGermanrounduptobeused asaslavelaborer.ShebecomesaGermanarmymajor’shousekeeperandrisks herlifetoconcealadozenJewswithin themajor’shome.Shewasawardedthe RighteousAmongtheNationsmedal forherremarkablecourage.”The2023 film,madeinPoland/Germany,runs 121minutesandisratedR.

• “AQuestionofSurvival”(documentary),Thursday,April11,at5p.m.

“‘AQuestionofSurvival’isacompellingdocumentaryaboutthelegacyof theHolocaustintheBalkans,asseen throughtheeyes—andconflicting

memories—ofthreeBulgarianJewish survivorsinNewYork.ChaimZemach, acellist;RobertBakish,anengineer; andMishaAvramoff,asocialworkeron theLowerEastsideofManhattan,were livingwiththeirfamiliesinBulgaria duringthecountry’salliancewiththe Nazis.Afterthewartheirfamiliesleft Bulgaria.Thethreeyoungmenonly graspedhowclosetheycametodeath aftertheyarrivedinNewYorkand learnedthefateofmillionsofEuropean Jews.Therealizationofhowtheynarrowlyescapedthedeathcampshasleft themquestioningthevalueoftheirexperiencesandtodebatewhetherthey aretrueHolocaust‘survivors.’”The2023 film,madeintheU.S.,runs55minutes andisnotrated.

•“StayWithUs”(feature/foreign), Thursday,April11,at7:30p.m.

“‘StayWithUs’isaheart-warming andcharmingcomedyinspiredthefilm director’sfraughtrelationshiptothe Jewishfaithisaboutfaith,familyand acceptance.Afterthreesuccessfulyears livingandworkinginAmerica,FrenchJewishactorandcomedianGadElmalehdecidestomovebackhometo Paris.Hemisseshisfamilyandfriends. Or,atleastthat’swhatGadtellshislov-

B20 CoastalPoint March29,2024 35101 Wright Way Millsboro, DE 19966 3 BD 2 FULL BA, 2 HALF BA $370,000 Paul Sicari, Jenn Jones, Rich Meadows & Joanne Young 36595 Calm Water Dr Millville By e Sea Millville, DE 19967 3 BD 2 BA $520,000 58 Fairway Drive, Fairway Village Ocean View, DE 19970 4 BD 3 BA $579,000 UNDERCONTRACT OPENHOUSE SAT,3/3011-1 PLANTATIONLAKES [1] Terms and conditions apply, call for details. Courtesy of named DISH Authorized Retailer. $300 PrePaid Mastercard Make the Switch from DTV Gift Card Offer ends 4/10/2024: Requires offer code DTV2DISH. Eligibility requires: 1) continuing active DISH service, 2) completion of the first 31 days of DISH service, 3) payment of first DISH bill, 4) submission of a recent DirecTV satellite bill for the same name or address, and 5) online redemption after validation. Call for full details. For J.D. Power 2023 award information, visit Ranked #1 in Customer Satisfaction 6 Years in a Row CALL US NOW! 1-855-407-6870 1-855-407-6870 Call us now! *$300 DTV Switcher Offer is provided by DISH, all other gift card offers are courtesy of PlanetDISH, call for full offer details. Add Highspeed Internet as low as $49.99/mo FREE Google Voice Remote Streaming INCLUDED, stream live TV on up to 5 devices Free Next Day Professional Installation (where available) Enjoy thousands of shows and movies included On-Demand J.D. Power Award For Customer Satisfaction - 6 Years In A row Never watch another commercial during your favorite primetime shows


SpecialtotheCoastalPoint•Submitted Fromleft,SussexCountyCouncilPresidentMichaelVincent(judge),SumanJagadeesh(mother),NandiniJagadeesh (grandmother),SussexCountyLibrarian RachelLynch(judge),AashnaJagadeesh(sister),LisaPetrecca(outreachdirector),VihaanJagadeesh (winner–5thgrade,RehobothElementarySchool),WRDE-TVCoastTVanchor MadeleineOverturf(judge),AnikaJagadeesh(sister),andDavidSkocik(pronouncer).

A10-year-oldSussexCountystudent ismakingtheg-r-a-d-ewhenitcomesto beingthetopspelleramonghispeers.

VihaanJagadeeshtookhomethe championshipprizeatthesecondannual SussexCountyRegionalSpellingBee, heldatSussexAcademyinGeorgetown onSaturday,March16.Withacorrect spellingoftheword“marimba,”Jagadeesh wonthe22-roundcompetitionthatinvolved20spellersfrom10localschools.It took13roundstowhittlethefieldtotwo, butthecompetitionwentbackandforth anothernineroundsbeforeJagadeesh emergedthewinnerofthequalifierevent.

Vihaan,afifth-graderfromRehoboth Elementary,nowadvancestocompetein the2024ScrippsNationalSpellingBee thissummernearWashington,D.C.The semifinalsbeginMay28,withthefinals setforMay30.Theeventwillbetelevised ontheIONtelevisionnetwork.

DavidSkocik,alongtimepublicaffairs professionalwhohostedandproducedthe ComcastAcademicChallengetelevision gameshowthatairedintheregionfor morethan20years,servedaspronouncer forthecompetition.Judges—taskedwith trackingeverywordandverifyingspelling accuracy—wereSussexCountyLibrarianRachelLynch,SussexCountyCouncil PresidentMichaelH.Vincentand WRDE-TVanchorMadeleineOverturf. Spellersstudieda4,000-wordlistprovidedbytheScrippsNationalSpelling Bee.SussexCountyLibrariessponsored theevent.

“Thisyearwearepleasedtohostthe onlyScrippsRegionalSpellingBeeinthe state,allowingaDelawarestudentthe chancetoparticipateintheNational SpellingBeethisMay,”Lynchsaid.“This isagreatopportunityforstudentsto showcasetheirskills,helpencourageproficiencyinliteraryskills,andengagein healthycompetition.”

Thisyear’seventwasthesecondregionaleventhostedbySussexCountyLibraries,andtheonlyservingasaqualifier fortheScrippsNationalSpellingBee. Thecompetitionisdesignedtoencourage theexplorationofwordsandlifelongcuriosity,withafocusonhelpingstudents setgoalsanddedicatetimetostudyand prepare.Participationinthebeeprogram alsoprovidesanopportunityforstudents togainexperienceinpublicspeakingand poiseunderpressure.Tolearnmore,visit

March29,2014 CoastalPoint B21 302-616-4760 | | 90 Atlantic Avenue | Ocean View, DE ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS NOW OPEN IN OCEAN VIEW!

ingyetoverbearingparents,Régineand David.However,it’snotlongbeforehis parentsfindoutthetruereasonfortheir son’sreturn—afteralongperiodof ambivalencetowardshisownJewishness,GadhasofficiallydecidedtoconverttoCatholicism.Dumbfoundedby hissuddenobsessionwiththeVirgin Mary,andwithonlyfiveweeksbefore hisbaptism,Gad’sfamilyendeavorto bringhimbacktoJudaismforfearof losinghimforever.”The2022film, madeinFrance,runs90minutesandis not rated.ItisinFrenchwithEnglish subtitles.

•“NoNameRestaurant” (feature/foreign),Friday,April12,at4 p.m.

“‘NoNameRestaurant’isaspirited culture-clashcomedyabouttwomenof strictreligiousfaiths.Tosavethesynagogue,oncethelargestintheworld, frombeingshutdown,Ben,anultraOrthodoxBrooklynJewvisiting Jerusalem,issentouttobethedesperatelyneededtenthmanfortheceremoniesofPesach.Havingmissedhis planeandbeenkickedoffthebusinthe Sinaidesert,hislasthopeisAdel,a grumpyBedouinlookingforhiscamel. Whentheircarbreaksdown,itbecomes amatteroftheirverysurvival.”The 2023film,madeinGermany,runs121 minutesandisnotrated.

•“WhoaretheMarcuses?”(documentary/foreign),Friday,April12,at7 p.m.

“‘WhoaretheMarcuses?’isaninspiringdocumentarythatuncoversthe fascinatingstoryofamysteriousLong IslandJewishcouplewhosehalf-a-billion-dollargifttoIsrael,thelargestsingle giftinthehistoryofthestate, inspirespeaceandclimateaction throughwatertech.Thefilmmeticulouslyweavestogetherthelifestoriesof thismysteriouscouple,Lottieand HowardMarcus,whowecometolearn wereHolocaustrefugeesleadingaquiet lifeinamodestSanDiegoapartment. Astonishingly,theychosetobequeath theirsubstantialwealthtoBen-Gurion UniversityoftheNegev,withaclearobjectiveofadvancingthestudyofwater management.Theirunderlyingaspirationwastoplayaroleincontributingto regionalconflictresolutioninIsraeland championingpeacethroughinnovative watersolutions.”The2023film,made intheU.S.,runs88minutesandisnot rated.

•“TheLongestNight”(documentary/drama),Saturday,April13,at3 p.m.

“‘TheLongestNight’isapowerful documentarythatbeginsonthebrink ofthesecondPassoverholidayin1980, whenateamoffivecommandosaffiliated withthePopularFrontfortheLiberationofPalestine(PFLP)breaches thenorthernborderfenceandinfiltrates

KibbutzMisgavAm.Theirobjectiveis toseizeKibbutzmembersashostages, intendingtonegotiatethereleaseof prisonersfromIsraelijails.However, mostKibbutzresidentsareabsent,attendingaconcertthatnight,leavingthe communitypartiallydeserted.ThecommandostargetasmallKibbutzhouse, believingittobeafamilyresidence. When theyrealizethisisinfactadormitoryforveryyoungchildren,it’salreadytoolate.”The2022film,madein Israel,runs109minutesandisnot rated.


“‘LessThanKosher’isamusical comedyaboutViv,whoat20wasa promisingyoungsinger.At30,herfailingmusiccareerhasforcedherback intohermother’sbasement.Butwhen thisself-proclaimedBadJewlandsassbackwardsintoajobasaCantorather family’ssynagogue,she’sthrownintoa wildrideofillicitaffairs,drugtrips, tensefamilydrama,self-discoveryand someseriousJewishbops.”The2023 film,madeinCanada,runs67minutes andisnotrated.


“‘999:TheForgottenGirls’isapowerfuldocumentarythatrevealsthehiddenstoryabout999unmarried,young Jewishwomenregisteredforgovernmentserviceinasupposedshoefactory that endeduplandingthemin

Auschwitz.Whoweretheseyoung women?Whyweretheychosen?How didahandfulsurviveoverthreeyearsin thedeathcamp?”The2023film,made intheU.S.,runs87minutesandisnot rated.

FilmmakerHeatherDuneMacadam willhostapost-paneldiscussionwith ticketholdersimmediatefollowingthe screening.

•“TheStoryofAnnetteZelman” (feature),Sunday,April14,at2p.m.

“‘TheStoryofAnnetteZelman’isa romanticdramasetin1942thatcomparestoRomeoandJuliet.ShewasJewish.HewasCatholic.AnnetteandJean wantedtogetmarried,butJean’sparents wereopposed.AnnetteZelmanwasreportedtotheGestapobyherfiancé’sfatherandwassenttoAuschwitz.Based onatruestorytoldinthebook‘DénoncerlesJuifssousl’Occupation’(‘InformingonJewsduringtheOccupation’)by LaurentJoly.”The2022film,madein France,runs93minutesandisnot rated.ItispresentedinFrenchwith Englishsubtitles.

•“The Catskills”(documentary), Sunday,April14,at5p.m.

“‘TheCatskills’isanentertaining documentaryontheriseandfallofthe BorschtBeltinthe1950’s.Withatrove oflost-and-foundarchivalfootageanda castofcharactersendowedwiththegift ofgab,‘TheCatskills’journeysintothe

B22 CoastalPoint March29,2024 Is this your screen porch? BEFORE AFTER Is this your screen porch? BEFORE AFTER YOU CALL –WE SCREEN! • New Screen Porches with SUPER SCREEN • Eze-Breeze 3 Season Enclosures • Porch Re-Screen & Eze-Breeze Panels Re-Vinyl • Phantom Retractable Screen Doors • Phantom Motorized Screens with Screen Mesh and/or Clear Vinyl • New Sliding or Swinging Screen Doors & Re-Screen • Solar Screens for Windows & Roll Down Solar Shades 410-520-0025 302-604-0006 Drop-Off&Pick-Up SlidingDoor, WindowRe-Screen &Re-VinylService CallforDetails MHIC# 12462 NEW
Festival ContinuedfrompageB20 SeeFESTIVALpageB23


TheLordBaltimoreWomen’sClub (LBWC)ofOceanViewisinviting highschoolseniorslivingintheIndian RiverSchoolDistricttoapplyforits 2024scholarships.Theapplication deadlineisMarch28.



storiedmountaingetawaynorthofNew YorkCitythatservedasrefugeforJewishimmigrantsfleeingpovertyandfor othersalavishplaygroundforaffluent

Thescholarshipprogramisopento qualifyingseniorswhoattendIndian RiverHighSchool,SussexCentral HighSchoolorSussexTechnicalHigh School.Applicationsmustcomplywith therequiredcriteriaidentifiedinthe

Jewishfamilies.Stand-upcomedians sharetheirbestshtickwhileformer waiters,entertainers,anddanceinstructorsrecounttalesofthefamily-runresortsandbungalowsthatinspiredfilms like‘DirtyDancing.’”The2023film, madeintheU.S.,runs85minutesand isnotrated.

scholarshipapplicationmaterialstobe considered.

Interestedstudentsarebeingurged tocontacttheguidancedepartmentat theirhighschoolforinformationabout howtoapply.Candidateswillbeevalu-

Therewillbeapost-screeningpanel via ZoomwithfilmdirectorLexGillespie.

Thefestivalisofferingsponsorship opportunitiestosupportthefestival byhostingafilmsothatthefestival doesn’trelysolelyonticketsalesto coveroverheadcosts.It’salsoanop-

atedontheiracademicqualifications, extracurricularactivities,community service,employmentexperienceandfinancialneed.

Scholarshipwinnerswillbenotified onoraroundMay15.

portunitytocelebrateaspecialevent orrememberafamilymember.To learnmoreabouthostingafilm,send anemailtoinfo@rehobothfilm.comor Apercentageofthefestivalsaleswill benefittheSeasideJewishCommunity.

March29,2014 CoastalPoint B23
INLANDBAYS BETHANYBEACH beautifullystagedModelHomeshowcasingbreathtakingstructuralandinterior TheCommunityisoverHalfSoldAlready! .8 . .BEACH|INLANDBAYSDE.COM Scanformoreinfo! Scanformoreinfo! FloorPlansStartingFrom$289K Evergreeneisyoursemi-customhomebuilderatthedelawarebeaches! OceanCity,CapeWindsor,FenwickIsland,BayviewPark,SouthBethany, Sea Colony,TurtleWalk,LakeBethany,BethanyBeach,OceanView,Pine Bay,TheForgottenMile,Rehoboth,Lewes,andMORE! MeetEvergreene’s On YourLotExpert,Pete! P E B24 CoastalPoint March29,2024


SocratesCafé— SocratesCaféisagroupof individualsfromdifferentbackgroundsthat discussphilosophicalideas.Meetingsare thefirstTuesdayofeachmonth,from2to 3:30p.m.attheBethanyBeachChristian Church.Everyoneiswelcome.Formoreinformation,callBonnieat537-9440,orsend

FlipFive— AmericanLegionPost24in DagsboroishostingFlipFivegameson Wednesdaynightsfrom6-8p.m.Members, guestsandthegeneralp ublicareallinvited toplay.Justsignthebookandwrite“Flip Five”nexttoyourname.

WingNight— AmericanLegionPost24in DagsboroishostingWingNightevery Thursdayat6:30p.m.Members,guestsand thegeneralpublicareallinvitedtoplay.

SeafoodNight— AmericanLegionPost24 inDagsboroishostingSeafoodNightevery Fridayfrom4:30to7:30p.m.Karaokefollowsfrom7to11p.m.Members,guests andthegeneralpublicareallinvitedtoplay.

DinnerNight— America nLegionPost24in DagsboroishostingdinnereverySaturday from4:30to7:30p.m.DJ/Karaokewillperformfrom7to11p.m.Members,guests andthegeneralpublicareallinvitedtoplay.

CommunityLuncheon— TheMariners Bethel’sHopeCenterishostinglunchevery Tuesdayfrom11:30a.m.to1p.m.They serveachoiceofhomemadesoups,fresh sandwichesandhomemadedesserts.Carryoutisalsoavailable.


DemsMeet— The41stDemocratRDmeets

thethirdThursdayofeverymonthatPizza KingRestaurantinMillsboroat6p.m.This isopentoanyDemocrats.Formoreinformation,callAlLiebeskindat(410)5300064.

ShoreDems— TheShoreDemocratsmeets attheDenatBearTrapDunesclubhouse from11a.m.to1:30p.m.onthethird Wednesdayofthemonth.Thisisasocial organizationthateducates,informsand createscamaraderieamongtheirmembersthroughmonthlylunchmeetingsthat featureengagingspeakers.Formoreinformation,vi

RepublicansMeet— The38thDistrictRepublicanClubmeetsthefourthMondayof themonth.Socialhoursbeginat6p.m., andthemeetingstartspromptlyat6:30 p.m.Informationontheclubandmeetings,orthrough

DemocratsMeet— TheDemocraticParty’s 38thRepresentativeDistrictCommittee meetsthefirstWednesdayofeverymonth at5p.m.Formoreinformation,updateson speakersandm eetinglocations,call(302) 364-5830,orvisithttps://deldems38.orgor


SussexRepublicansMeet— TheSussex CountyRepublicanCommitteemeetsthe secondMondayofeverymonthattheMillsborofirehall.Meetingsstartpromptlyat 6:30p.m.andallarewelcome.Information onmonthlyguestspeakers,legislativeupdatesandmeetingupdatescanbefoundat


TuningUptheTemple— MarinersBethel GMChosts“TuningUptheTemple”on Mondays,WednesdaysandFridays,from 8:30to9:45a.m.atTheHopeCenter. Theclassesaresession-based,notdropin,socontactCarolLynchat(302)7458237orcklynch02@gmail.comformore details.

YogaClasses— MarinersBethelGMC hostsyogaclassesat5p.m.onWednesdaysintheArmorRoom,upstairsinthe churchbuilding,withHeatherMurphy.Additionally,thereisalsoaclassonSaturdays,from9:30to10:30a.m.,w ith instructorsHeatherMurphyandMicole


ZumbaClass— MarinersBethelChurchis holdingazumbaexerciseclassintheHope CentergymeveryMonday,Wednesdayand Fridayat10a.m.Thereisa$6drop-infee. Noregistrationisnecessary,andallare welcome.Formoreinformation,sendan

MultipleMyelomaSupport— TheDelaware MultipleM yelomaSupportGroupmeetsthe thirdSaturdayofeverymonthviaZoom from1to3p.m.Formoreinformation,contactSueIwahashiat

LineDancing— CapeHenlopenSeniorCenterishostingline-dancingclassesonMondays.Beginnersclassestakeplaceat10 a.m.,andImproversareat11a.m.For moreinformation,call(302)227-2055.

Al-Anon— Al-Anonisasupportgroupforthe familiesandfriendsofalcoholics.Meetings areheldeveryTuesday,from7to8:30p.m., atOceanViewPresbyterianChurch.Formore

March29,2024 CoastalPoint A37 Anne Powell Del Vecchio Coldwell Banker Realty • 302.245.9245(c) • Expert Market Evaluation • Professional Staging • Award Winning Photographing • Single Property Websites • Property Tour • YouTube Movie/Promotion • Online Promotion/Syndication • Targeted Online Advertising • Area Realtor Noti cation • Glossy Property Materials • Broker to Broker Networking • Seller Updates that t your Schedule When you Call - You Get ME - 100% of the time Get the Expert Representation You Deserve! My Luxury Boutique Marketing Includes: Professional • Knowledgeable • Trusted 31568 Winterberry Pkwy #202 Bayside $470,000 Furnished FOR SALE 31324 Founders Ave, Bayside $585,000 Furnished PENDING 322 York Rd, South Bethany $899,000 Canal Front FOR SALE Call/Text for More Information or for your Complimentary Market Review! 29P Atlantic Ave. • Ocean View, DE 302.616.2604 • Ocean Vayu Yoga New Student Special 30 Days for $79 Studio Classes, Heated Classes, Kids Yoga, Senior Yoga, Private Lessons, Tai Chi, Sound Healings & Yoga Teacher Trainings Got Behavioral Problems? LET’S TALK! AKC Canine Good Citizen • Obedience Training Private & Group Classes Nancy LaFontaine AKC CGC Evaluator ABC Certified Dog Trainer 302-236-2497
ContinuedfrompageA33 SeeEVENTSpageA40


shehadmany,manyofthemwho willmissherdearly.Herjoyinlife wasalwaysshowing,andshetruly lovedmakingpeoplehappy.

Hensleywasprecededindeathby hermother,Carole(Caldwell) Reynolds,andsister,StaceySce-Patton.Sheissurvivedbyherhusband, WilliamHensley;herfather, WilliamDonohue;herstepmother, PattDonohue;daughter,LindseyLicata;son-in-law,CharlesLicata;two sisters,JillReese(andBryan)and KarenDonohue;andhergranddaughter,Rilynn.

Aveteran’smemorialservice,followedbyacelebrationofHensley’s life,willbeheldat11a.m.onApril 13,2024,attheMasonDixonVeteransofForeignWarsPost7234,locatedat29265MarshyHopeWay, OceanView,Del.Condolencescan


Laurence‘Larry”Levitan,90, passedawayonMarch20,2024,in Bethesda,Md.Hewasbornin Washington,D.C.,toMauriceand NathlieLevitan,onOct.22,1933.

HegrewupinNorthwestD. C.,in thesamehouseashismother.He

wenttoWilsonHighSchoolin Washington,followedbyGeorgetownUniversitytostudylaw.

Levitanandhiswife,Barbara, movedin1964toPotomac,Md., wheretheywouldspendthenext48 years.

Hewasasuccessfullawyeranda foundingpartnerinseverallawfirms priortowinninghisfirstelectionas delegateintheMarylandState Housein1970.In1974,heranfora seatintheMarylandSenatefrom District15,inMontgomeryCounty. In1978,hewasnamedchairmanof theSenateBudget&TaxationCommittee,apositionheheldforthe next16years.Hewas“retired”from politicsin1994.Hejoinedthelaw firmRifkinLivingstonLevitan& SilverLLC,andwasactiveonseveral boards.

HeandBarbaraeventuallyretired full-timetoBethanyBeach,Del., whereheenjoyedplayingtennisand golfandspendingtimewithfamily andfriends.

LevitantookillasheandBarbara weremovingbacktoBethesda.He wasluckyenoughtospendhisfinal fewmonthssurroundedbyfamily andfriends.Hewastrulyagreat manandwillbemissedbyallwho knewhim.

Heissurvivedbyhiswifeof66 years,Barbara;hissiblingsMiriam, Joan(andSteve)andChuck;along

withhisdaughtersJennifer,Michelle andLisa.Hewas“PopPop”to grandchildrenMackie(andJake), Brady(andJason),Griffin,Fallon andLisa(andLauren).Heisalso survivedbythreegreat-grandchildren,Cole,CamandShay,andleaves behindmanynieces,nephewsand cousins.Hisfriendswerefamily,especiallyagroupoffriendsfromelementaryschoolandCampSaginaw.

Funeralservicesweretobeheld onFriday,March22,2024,inthe GardenofRemembranceMemorial Park,14321ComusRoad,Clarksburg,Md.,withburialtofollow.A receptionwasplannedatMaplewood ParkPlace,withshivaplannedon March24,2024.Inlieuofflowers, thefamilyrequestedthatmemorial donationsbemadeinLevitan’sname totheNathlieLevitanMemorial EndowedScholarship,Montgomery CollegeFoundation,900Hungerford Drive,Rockville,MD20850,ortoa charityofthegiver’schoice.


William“John”MarshallJr.,75,of Millsboro,Del.,passedawayonSaturday,March16,2024.Bornon April30,1948,inRichmond,Va.,he wasthesonofthelateWilliamJohn MarshallSr.andElizabethLipscomb Marshall.


War.Afterhismilitaryservice,he becametheowner-operatorofF&M Plumbing,whereheworkedasa masterplumberuntilhisretirement. Hewasparticularlyproudtobeone ofthefirstmasterplumbersin Delaware,withalowlicensenumber ofjust35.

Hewasadevotedhusbandto RuthMarshallfor52years.Together, theybuiltalifefilledwithlove, laughterandcherishedmemories.

Inhisleisuretime,Marshallenjoyedhunting,fishingandwatching movies.However,hisgreatestjoyin lifecamefrombeingafatherand grandfather.Hecherishedspending timewithhisfamily—especiallyhis grandchildren,whowerethelightof hislife.

Inadditiontohisparents,Marshallwasalsoprecededindeathbya brother,WayneMarshall,andsister, CarolMarshall.Heissurvivedbyhis wifeof52years,RuthMarshall.He wasalsotheproudfatherofthree children,AnthonyMarshallSr.(and Keri)ofSeaford,Del.;KristineKellenbenz(andRogerKellenbenzII), alsoofSeaford,andJohnAbsher (andJudy)ofForestCity,N.C.He wasblessedwitheightgrandchildren, TonyMarshallJr.,TroyMarshall, BryceMarshall,EmmaMarshall, HunterSpeed,MyraBrowning, AnitaAbsherandChristinaAbsher; aswellasagreat-granddaughter Annabelle.Heisalsosurvivedbyhis sistersPatriciaGainsandPeggy Brady,bothofGeorgetown,Del., andabrother,TimMarshall(and Peg)ofElkins,W.Va.


Afuneralservicewastobeheldat 11:30a.m.onTuesday,March26, 2024,attheWatsonFuneralHome, 211S.WashingtonSt.,Millsboro, Del.Intermentwithmilitaryhonors wastofollowattheDelawareVeteransMemorialCemetery,26669PatriotsWay,Millsboro.Inlieuof flowers,thefamilysuggesteddonationstoacharityofthegiver’schoice thatbenefitsveterans,acausein whichMarshalstronglybelieved.His lifememorialwebpageisat


JosephOrlando,81ofMillsboro, Del.,abelovedfather,grandfather andfriend,passedawaysuddenlyon Monday,March18,2024.Hewas borntoNicholasandJennieOrlando,oneof15siblings.Hegrewup surroundedbytheloveofhislarge family.

Orlandowasagentlesoulwitha heartofgold,knownforhishardworkingnatureandhisunwavering willingnesstohelpothers.Hiskindnesstouchedthelivesofmanyinhis community,andhewaswell-known andrespectedbyallwhoknewhim. Heproudlyservedhiscountryin

A38 CoastalPoint March29,2024
ContinuedfrompageA24 SeeOBITSpageA39

theU.S.Army,“demonstrating courage,dedicationandacommitmenttoprotectingthefreedomswe holddear.Hisservicewasatestamenttohisbraveryandpatriotism, andhecontinuedtocarrythosevalueswithhimthroughouthislife.”

Orlandowasknownforhiswork ethicandcommitment.Inhisprofessionallife,heretiredfromGeneral Motorsafteryearsofdedicatedservice.However,retirementdidn’tslow himdown.Hecontinuedtowork, showcasinghisstrongworkethicand diligenceuntilthedayhepassed away.Hecontinuedtocontributehis skillsandknowledgelongafterretirement,demonstratinghispassion forexcellenceandhisdesiretostay engagedinhiscommunity.

Passionateaboutsports,Orlando wasanavidfanoftheEaglesandthe Phillies,cheeringforhisteamswith fervoranddedication.Hefoundjoy insharinghisloveforsportswithhis friendsandfamily.Hewasanavid bowler,findingjoyandsatisfactionin theprecisionandskillofthesport. Hisdedicationtobowlingculminatedinaperfectgame,achieving theelusivefeatofbowlinga300.

Inhisleisuretime,healsoenjoyed spendingtimeatDoverDowns, whereherelishedtheexcitementof theatmosphereandthethrillofthe games.Healsotreasuredmoments spentwithhisgirlfriend,Marie,her familyandhisfriends,cherishing everyopportunitytocreatenew memoriestogether.

Orlandoissurvivedbyhisson Eric;daughter-in-lawDebbie;and adoredgrandchildren,Briannaand Savannah.Heisalsosurvivedbyhis sister,MarieSimon;andnumerous niecesandnephews.

Thefamilyextendedtheirheartfeltthanksfortheoutpouringoflove andsupportduringthistime.


BarbaraJ.VanHorn,74,ofFrankford,Del.,formerlyofPhiladelphia, PapassedawayTuesday,March19, 2024,athome.Shewasbornin Philadelphia,Pa.,onFeb.13,1950,to thelateJohnPeterBulovasand DorothyLillian(Klopp)Bulovas.

BarbaralovedJesusandher church,BeaconBaptistChurch,as wellasspendingtimeoutsideand takingcareofherplants.Sheenjoyed doingjigsawpuzzlesandspoilingher beloveddog,Petey.Shewasavery caring,generouswoman,withagreat senseofhumor.Shemadefriends anywhereshewentandwasloved deeplybymany.

VanHorn’shusband,BillVan Horn,precededherindeath.Sheis survivedbyhertwodaughters,Kelly McCaffrey(andJim)andSharon

Dawes(andJeffHoroschak);four grandchildren,SarahHarper,Steven Dawes(andWhitney),Kevin HoroschakandMichaelMcCaffrey; agreat-grandson,BraydenDawes; andasister,SuzanneKnorpp.

AservicetocelebrateVanHorn’s lifewillbeheldatnoononSaturday, April6,2024,atBeaconBaptist Church,32263BeaconBaptistRoad, Millville,Del.Areceptionwillbe heldfollowingtheservice,attheFraternalOrderofEagles,35083AtlanticAvenue,OceanView,Del.In lieuofflowers,thefamilysuggested memorialcontributionsinVan Horn’snametotheBrandywineValleySPCAbyvisiting



boro,Del.,passedawayonMarch15, 2024.BornonFeb.18,1951,in Reading,Pa.,shewasthecherished daughterofthelateArnoldBladand PatriciaPattersonBlad.

Shededicated36yearsofherlife toShortsMarine,wheresheserved asanadministrativeassistant,leaving alastingimpactwithherdedication andprofessionalism.

Outsideofwork,shefoundjoyin variousactivities,fromenjoying lunches,bustrips,eventsatthe MillsboroSeniorCentertoindulginginherpassionforgardening, craftingandshopping.

Shewasalovingwife,motherand grandmother.Shewasthekindof personwhoputothers’needsbefore herown.Herpresencebrought warmthandlovetoherfamilyand friends.Hermemorywillbetreasureddearlybyallwhohadtheprivilegeofknowingher,andshewillbe


Inadditiontoherparents, Williamswasprecededindeathby herhusband,RobertJ.Williams,Jr.; adaughter-in-law,CassieYouse;a granddaughter,AlyssaYouse;anda sister,JacquelineBlad.Sheissurvivedbythreechildren,Christopher W.Youseandhiswife,Kimberley,of Millsboro,Del.,BrianS.Youseand hiswife,Traci,alsoofMillsboro,and PatriciaA.Youseandhercompanion, GregoryWoottenJr.,ofSeaford,Del. Shealsoleaves14grandchildrenand 18great-grandchildrentocherish hermemory,alongwithherbeloved caninecompanionRiley.

Amemorialservicewastobeheld onMonday,March25,2024,atthe WatsonFuneralHome,211S.WashingtonSt.,Millsboro,Del.EntombmentwastofollowatMillsboro

March29,2024 CoastalPoint A39 We’re “What To Do” at the Beach! Quality UsedBooks RecordsCDs ComicsUkeleles Art Classes Daily & Private Events Co ee La esChais TeasMatchas FreshPastries Toys Games Collectibles Fitness Classes Personal Training Food Trucks Coming RetroFashion Jewelry HomeDecor 117 Atlantic Ave., Ocean View, DE on Route 26 across from Lord Baltimore Elementary year-round destination shopping for the whole family in three huge historic feed sheds THE SHOPS AT HENEGHAN’S RUN Obits ContinuedfrompageA38


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ArgentineTango— TheLewesSeniorActivity CenterishostingArgentineTangoDancingon Tuesdays,from7to9p.m.Adultsofallages arewelcome,andnoexperienceorpartneris required.Thereisa$5fee,butthefirstvisitis free.Enterthroughthebackdoorofthefacility.Formoreinformation,visitthegrouponline

GeorgetownWalkers— TheGeorgetownPublicLibraryhostGPLWalkerseveryMondayat 9a.m.ThewalkingclubgoestoSandhill Fieldsfora30-to40-minutewalk,weather permitting.ThetrailbeginsattheMurray’s LaneParkinglot,109-199MurraysLane.For moreinformation,call(302)856-7958,email,Georgetown.

Tai-ChiClasses— BethelMethodistChurchis hostingfreeTai-ChiclassesonTuesdaysand Thursdaysfrom10to11a.m.Thisisopento thepublic,andallarewelcome.Organizers decribedtheclassesas“easy,”andcasualattireissuggested.Formoreinformation,call (302)519-2984.

StrokeSupport— Astrokesupportgroup meetsatPAMHealthRehabilitationHospitalof GeorgetownonthethirdTuesdayofevery monthat3:30p.m.Reservationsarerecommended,butwalk-insarewelcome.Formore information,call(302)440-4866.


NeedlepointGuild— Delaware’sSeashore ChapterofTheAmericanNeedlepoint GuildmeetsonthefirstMondayofthe

monthfrom10a.m.to2p.m.atthe GeorgetownPublicLibrary.Bringingabox lunchisencouraged.Newmembersare alwayswelcome.Fordetails,sendan

CoffeeandCarsCruiseIn— St.George’s UnitedMethodistChurchandtheGhost RydersCarClubarehostingacruise-inat thechurchthesecondandfourthFriday ofeachmonth,beginningMay2.Thereis nofee,andtherewillbecoffee,donuts andfell owship.Formoreinformation,call MikeStramellaat(410)419-1843.

RadioOperators— AnyHamradiooperatorwantingtomeetandgreetotherscan gettogetherattheMillsboroPizzaKing onThursdaysfrom8to10a.m.TheARRL SectionManagerusuallyattends.For moreinformation,contactJackMagarat

PenPalProgram— ThankstoapartnershipbetweenSouthCoastalLibrary,Kent CountyLibraryandWellingtonCityLibraries,youcannowcommunicate byletterwithaNewZealander.Thisisafun waytolearnaboutanothercountryand makeanewfriend.Allinternational postageishandled,andyoucanbringin andpickupyourlettersatthelibrary.For moreinformationandregistration,visit themat 626orcall(302)858-5518.

Bookdiscussion— TheGeorgetownPublic LibraryhostsitsWednesdayMorningBook DiscussiononthefourthWednesdayof everymonthat10:15a.m.InNo vember andDecember,however,theywillmeeton thethirdWednesday.Booksareavailable forpickupeachmonthatthelibrary.


MusicJam— St.MatthewsBytheSea UnitedMethodistChurchishostinga MusicJamonthefirstandthirdFridays ofthemonthat4p.m.Alllevelsarewelcome.


RailroadMuseum— TheDelawareSeasideRailroadClubhouseisaninteractive museumofmodelrailroading,andislocatedat36668DuPontBoulevard,inSelbyville.Th eyareopentothepublicevery Wednesdayfrom5to7p.m.,andevery Saturday,from10a.m.to3p.m.Admissionisfree.Formoreinformation,visit

Dinker-IrvinMuseum— TheBethany BeachMuseumatDinker-IrvinCottageis opentothepubliconSaturdaysfrom11 a.m.to1p.m.Privatetoursareavailableby appointment.Interestedgroupsof10-15 maycall(302)539-8725.Admissiontothe museumisfree,andparkingisavaila blein frontofthemuseum.Themuseumisnot handicap-accessible.Formoreinformation,, andclickunder“Residents/History/Town Museum.”


CommunityBibleStudy— GraceUnited MethodistChurchinMillsboroishosting aBibleStudythisfallonWednesday mornings,startingonSept.6,from10 a.m.tonoon.Formoreinformation,and toregister,visit

A40 CoastalPoint March29,2024 A r e y o u t i r e d o f d r i v i n g i n w a t e r , m u d & p o t h o l e s ? W e c a n h e l p ! Blacktop • Tar & Chip • Road Millings • Sealcoating Can’t afford asphalt prices? Ask about tar & chip, our maintenance free driveways. 302-945-7131 • 410-480-0178 Serving Delmarva For 60 Years Call Today for a Free Estimate! We Accept H a n d l i n g A l l o f Y o u r C o m m e r c i a l & R e s i d e n t i a l P a v i n g N e e d s M e n t i o n T h i s A d t o R e c e i v e $ 1 0 0 O f f A n y S e r v i c e $ 1 0 0 0 o r M o r e V A L I D T H R O U G H 4 / 2 4
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302-537-4500 17

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38020 Fenwick Shoals Blvd

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34577 Peppers Corner Rd, 19945

This custom home is approximately 5317 square feet and was constructed by custom builder Robert Bunting. This home has been meticulously maintained with top-notch finishes throughout. 7BD, 8BA $1,325,000

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A44 CoastalPoint March29,2024 ReligiousServices MILLVILLE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Like us on Facebook! across from Millville Town Hall Pastor Wendy Butterworth 302.539.9077 Holy Thursday, March 28 7:00 pm Good Friday, March 29 11:00 am Sunrise Easter Service 6:30 am back parking lot, weather permitting; in Sanctuary if not Easter Service 9:30 am 67 Central Ave., Ocean View, DE 19970 PC(USA) 302-539-3455 Pastor Terry Dougherty MAUNDY THURSDAY, Mar. 28 7 pm GOOD FRIDAY, Mar. 29 7 pm EASTER SUNDAY WORSHIP 9:30 am Ocean View Presbyterian Church Pastor Bill Lorman 302.436.4522 28574 Cypress Road Selbyville Easter Sunday 10am ■ KidsPort Kids Church 10am Easter Welcome Home! 29 W. Church St. | Selbyville | 302.436.8412 Join us for Worship EASTER SUNDAY One Service: 10:00 Salem Church Pastor Blair Hall The Rev. Victoria Pretti, Rector HOLY WEEK PALM SUNDAY, March 24 • 8 &10 am Blessing of the Palms and Holy Eucharist TENEBRAE SERVICE, March 26• 7 pm Service of darkness and light leading into the mysteries of Holy Week MAUNDY THURSDAY, March 28• 6 pm Pot-luck Supper, and Holy Eucharist celebrated at table side GOOD FRIDAY, March 29• 3 pm Solemn Liturgy of Good Friday and Communion from Reserved Sacrament EASTER DAY March 31 Joyous Celebration of Holy Eucharist 8:00 am • *9:30 am • 11:30 am He is Risen! ST. MARTHA’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH * Recording on YouTube Maplewood & Pennsylvania Ave., Bethany Beach 302.539.7444 | For God so loved the world. John 3:16 Co eht th iv vi reS e MdetinU G .tS g nihcaerPlacilbiBni g nocllams,gnimoclew owotuoyetivnieW am 10 - e 31 March Y, pm 29 March TIME, R m 28 March AY, 6181 ce ynis t ty inumm hcru h g Ctsidoht s’ ’se ro e secivreSre t !gnihcaeTdna detoornoitager ruohtiwpihs r vic erS Worship SUNDA EASTER 4 - pm 1 PRAYE FRIDAY GOOD p 6 & 1 THURSD MAUNDY sa E/k k/e eW We yloH Moore AJ Pastor 9 91,dr fo kfo kf narF,.dRramO73343 UM segroeGtS AT CELEBRAT E, ME,OMECOM 302.259.1740 TS CAfotsewtsuj-54 gro.C US! WITH E Maundy Thursday, Mar. 28 7pm Good Friday, Mar. 29 7pm Easter Sunrise Service: 6:30 am On the beach off Dagsboro St. Easter Sanctuary Service: 8:30 & 10:45 am Jake Macklin, Pastor • 302.537.1402 St. Matthews by the Sea United Methodist Church 1000 Coastal Hwy., Fenwick Island SOUND UNITED METHODIST CHURCH “Loving & Living so that Others see Jesus in us” Pastor John Schutt 302.436.4011 37890 Sound Church Road, Selbyville 19975 Established in 1779 EASTER SERVICES
AM at The Point in Bayside Community 8:30 AM in the Sanctuary 10 AM in
BAPTIST CHURCH 36806 Lighthouse Rd., next to Float-ors SUNDAYS
Worship&Celebration-10a.m. EveningBibleStudytocontinueonApril6 WEDNESDAYS InteractiveBibleStudy-6p.m. Chapter by Chapter, Verse by Verse Approach to Scripture 35175 Roxana Rd. Frankford,
19945 RiverOnline.Church Lead Pastor Bryan Sells
6 PM
Kids & Nursery will be available for all 3 services
SUNDAY: 9 AM & 11 AM River
Corinthians 15:55 - “O Death, Where is Your Victory?”
Corinthians 15:55 - “O Death, Where is Your Sting?” CC Delaware Coast A Calvary Chapel Fellowship Spirit-Filled, Verse by Verse Teaching 48 N. Main Street, Selbyville or join us on Facebook - click link on Sunday Worship10 am For more information, contact Pastor Rob LoRusso 302.500.1774 BETHANY BEACH CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Disciples of Christ) SUNDAY SERVICE 9:30 am In-Person & Live-Streaming on YouTube Celebrating 25 years of full-time ministry Serving • Inclusive • Open-Minded • Open Communion 302.539.4118 7 N. Pennsylvania Avenue, Bethany Beach
ReligiousServices Get theWord out 302.539.1788 Seaside Jewish Community Shabbat Services Religious Leader Rabbi Julie Hilton Danan Visit our website to sign up for our email newsletter for noti cation of events and worship services. Adult and youth education programs, activities, social events, discussion groups, religious school An egalitarian unaf liated congregation 18790 Holland Glade Rd., Rehoboth Beach Celebrating 25 Years (302) 226 8977 Ocean View Church of Christ Sunday 10 am Preacher Ethan Magee • 302.539.7468• 55 West Ave., Ocean View In-Person LIVE broadcast on: Wednesday 6:30 pm In Person Bible Study ST. MARTIN’S IN THE FIELD EPISCOPAL CHURCH The beautiful church with a small congregation and a Big, Welcoming Heart! Sunday Service at 10 a.m. Get-acquainted coffee hour after the service The Rev. Glenn Duffy 75 West Church St.; Selbyville Parking: Front or Back 302.436.8921 • Join us on Sundays 9 am Praise & Worship Service 9 am Kids’ Church 11 am Traditional Worship Service Nursery available for both services Live-streamed on Facebook & YouTube Pastor Becky Collison Pastor Leo Park 302.539.9510 81 Central Avenue, Ocean View Frankford Presbyterian Church A welcoming church family committted to serving a God known for Unconditional Love and Acceptance. 302.537.5944 Pastor P. G. Maurer Main Street, at the foot of Thatcher Street in Frankford Nearly New Thift Shop Fri., 9-5 & Sat., 9-1 10 am Sunday Worship in-person Helping others help themselves St. Andrew e Apostle Orthodox Church Fr. Herman Acker, Pastor 33384 Mackenzie Way - Lewes, 19958 302.645.5791 Saturday Vespers Sunday Orthros Sunday Liturgy Visitors Always Welcome! 6:00 pm 9:00 am 10:00 am BLACKWATER FELLOWSHIP CHURCH All Are Welcome! Traditional Services • Traditional Values • Traditional Church Sunday Services Pastor Dennis Bradford 410.430.7104 34478 Roxana Rd.; Frankford, 19945 Wed. Bible Study 6:30 pm Fellowship Sunday School Morning Worship 9:00 am 9:30 am 10:30 am March 31, 6 pm PRAISE & WORSHIP! Sharing the Truth of God’s Word, Verse by Verse Sundays 9 am Christian Conference Center Octagonal Building 211 N. Pennsylvania Ave., Bethany Beach THE BEACH FELLOWSHIP March29,2024 CoastalPoint A45
A46 CoastalPoint March29,2024 Callusat302.539.1788 OurlicensedRealtors inviteyoutotheir Having an Open House? ors ADDRESS PRICE BR/BASTYLEAGENT/AGENCY DAYTIME 1301BuntingAve.,FenwickIsland $5,350,000 5BR/5BAHouse ChrisyTingle|KellerWilliamsRealty Fri.,3/292-4 34233SanderlingDr.,PreserveatJeffersonCreek,Frankford $529,900 3BR/3BATownhome EdithChilelli|Long&FosterRealEstate Sat.,3/3011-1 30720BuffleheadLn.,Selbyville $655,000 5BR/3BAHouse ShelbySmith|Long&FosterRealEstate Sat.,3/3011-1 36595CalmWaterDr.,MillvilleByTheSea,Millville $520,000 3BR/2BAHouse RichMeadows|CompassRE Sat.,3/3011-1 30413CedarNeckRd.#303,OceanView $359,900 3BR/2BACondo VickieYork|VickieYorkattheBeachRealty Sat.,3/3011-1 33675BriarCt.SUnit3,BethanyMeadows,Frankford $300,000 2BR/1.5BATownhome RoseWalker|Patterson-SchwartzRealEstate Sat.,3/3011-3 31313TerryCir.,BethanyLakes,BethanyBeach $1,099,000 4BR/4BAHouse ChrisyTingle|KellerWilliamsRealty Sat.,3/301-3 1301BuntingAve.,FenwickIsland $5,350,000 5BR/5BAHouse ChrisyTingle|KellerWilliamsRealty Sat.,3/301-3 36446RidgeshoreLn.,Millville $410,000 3BR/2.5BATownhome CynthiaWilliams|ColdwellBankerRealty Sun.,3/3112-3 36434RidgeshoreLn.,WindhurstManor,Millville $425,000 3BR/2.5BATownhome CynthiaWilliams|ColdwellBankerRealty Sun.,3/3112-3 GOGREEN! Submityour OpenHousesonlinefrom thelinkatthetopofour homepage.Visit today!


Dateline NBC (11) WBAL 9 p.m.

Lester Holt hosts an all-new episode of NBC’s acclaimed newsmagazine. Using in-depth investigative reporting, news correspondents provide answers to the United States’ most compelling mysteries and powerful documentaries on timely topics.

American Masters (12) WCPB 9:30 p.m.

A bipartisan intellectual, Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan served four terms in the Senate and under four presidents while trying to battle national poverty. President Joe Biden, Sen. Charles Schumer and others reflect on his career.


The Ten Commandments (7) WMDT 7 p.m.

After discovering his Hebrew heritage, Moses (Charlton Heston) rejects life in the court of Egypt’s pharaoh, and soon learns of God’s plan for him. He leads his people out of captivity, divides the Red Sea and climbs Mount Sinai to deliver God’s vision.

I Am Chris Farley (3) CW 8 p.m.

This documentary looks at the life and career of comedian Chris Farley, who starred on “Saturday Night Live” from 1990-95. Friends, family and colleagues, including Adam Sandler, David Spade, Mike Myers and many more, share stories of the comic.


Summer House: Martha’s Vineyard (61) BRAV 9 p.m.

The sophomore season of this “beachy-keen” reality series continues with an all-new episode, following as Jasmine and her friends dive into sunny days, endless waves and nonstop relationship drama, proving nothing’s off the table this summer.

Parish (60) AMC 10:15 p.m.

Following the murder of his son and the fall of his taxi service, Gray Parish (Giancarlo Esposito) is pulled back into New Orleans’ criminal underworld, abandoning years of good behavior. Premiering tonight, this new series also stars Bradley Whitford.

the Stag" American Masters "Moynihan" (N) Week (N) (19) TNT (4:30) < Kong: Skull Island <+++ Transformers ('07) Tyrese Gibson, Josh Duhamel, Shia LaBeouf. All Elite Wrestling (N) <++ Den of Thieves ('18) (21) FX Movie <+++ Guardians of the Galaxy ('14) Zoe Saldana, Chris Pratt. Spermworld (N) Spermworld (22) LIFE < Greed: A Seven Deadly Sins Story ('22) < Envy: A Seven Deadly Sins Story ('21) Rose Rollins. (:05) < Wrath: A Seven Deadly Sins Story ('22) (23) A&E The First 48 "Chat Trap" The First 48 "Tripped Out" The First 48 "Chopper" The First 48 "Buried Secrets" The First 48 "A Man's Game" (:05) The First 48 (24) TRUTV TNT Sports NCAA NCAA Tip-Off (N) NCAA Men's Regional Semifinal: Teams TBA (N) (Live) NCAA Men's Regional Semifinal: Teams TBA (N) (Live) (28) ESPN (5:00) NCAA Women NCAA Champ NCAA Women Regional Semifinal: Teams TBA (N) (Live) NCAA Champ NCAA Women Regional Semifinal: Teams TBA (N) (Live) (29) ESPN2 SportsCenter (N) (Live) NFL Live College Softball Texas at Oklahoma State (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (33) GOLF (4:00) PGA Tour Golf LPGA Golf Ford Championship, Second Round (N) (Live) Golf Central (N) PGA Champions The Galleri Classic, First Round (N) (41) HGTV Dream Home Dream Home Dream Home Dream Home Dream HomeDream HomeDream HomeDream HomeHunters (N) Hunters Dream HomeDream Home (43) FOOD Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners (N) Diners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, Drive Diners, DriveDiners, Drive (44) DISC Gold Rush "Trench Warfare" Gold Rush "A Dying Wish" Gold Rush: White Water (N) Backyard Gold (N) America's Backyard

AMC <+++ Unstoppable ('10) Chris Pine, Denzel Washington. <+++ True Lies ('94) Jamie Lee Curtis, Tom Arnold, Arnold Schwarzenegger. <+++ First Blood ('82) (61) BRAV Vanderpump Rules Vanderpump Rules Vanderpump Rules (:15) The Valley (:15) The Valley (:15) Summer House (69) WTXF The Six (N) Special Extra (N) TMZ (N) WWE Friday Night SmackDown (N) (Live) News (N) Special (N) News (N) Phantastic

(3) CW Burgers Burgers The Good Doctor <+++ I Am Chris Farley ('15) Adam Sandler. 47ABC NEWSTMZ (N) Movie (5) FOX (4:00) UFL Football MLB Baseball (N) (Live) WBOC NewsFriends We-Family "Family Reunion" (6) WBOC Inside Ed. (N) CBS News News (N) Outdoors Elsbeth "Pilot" 48 Hours 48 Hours (N) News (N) Outdoors (7) WMDT News (N) World News <+++ The Ten Commandments ('56) Yul Brynner, Edward G. Robinson, Charlton Heston. (:45) Outdoors (11) WBAL News (N) NBC News Access Hollywood (N) The Wall "Travis and Kelsey" Weakest Link Saturday Night Live News (N) SNL (N) (12) WCPB Curious Samantha Beatles Beatles Adrian Dunbar: My Ireland Frontline "20 Days in Mariupol" (:40) L'Opéra Austin (19) TNT (5:30) <++ Godzilla: King of the Monsters ('19) All Elite Wrestling: Collision (N) <++ Godzilla vs. Kong ('21) Alexander Skarsgård. (21) FX (5:00) <+ Morbius ('22) <+++ Spider-Man: Homecoming ('17) Michael Keaton, Robert Downey Jr., Tom Holland. <+++ Spider-Man: Far From Home ('19) Tom Holland. (22) LIFE < My Acting Coach Nightmare ('24) Samaire Armstrong. < Living With My Mother's Killer ('24) Rhiannon Fish. (P) (:05) < My Sister's Serial Killer Boyfriend ('23) (23) A&E The First 48 "Broad Daylight" The First 48 The First 48 "School's Out" The First 48 First 48 "Unforgotten: Darrin" (:05) The First 48 (24) TRUTV NCAA Men's Regional Final: Teams TBA (N) (Live) NCAA Men's Regional Final: Teams TBA (N) (Live) Inside (N) Imp. Jokers (28) ESPN (5:30) NCAA Wom. Tournament NCAA Champ NCAA Women Regional Semifinal: Teams TBA (N) (Live) UFC Fight Night: Blanchfield vs. Fiorot (N) (Live) (29) ESPN2 (4:00) Hockey UFC Live UFC Fight Night: Blanchfield vs. Fiorot - Prelims (N) (Live) College Softball Stanford at Arizona (N) (Live) (33) GOLF LPGA Tour Golf Ford Championship, Third Round (N) (Live) Golf Central (N) PGA Golf Texas Children's Houston Open, Third Round (41) HGTV 100 Day Dream Home Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters (N) Hunters Hunters Hunters (43) FOOD Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, Drive Diners, DriveDiners, Drive (44) DISC Expedition X Expedition X Expedition X "Nuclear UFOs" Expedition X Expedition "Valley of UFOs" Expedition "Killer Sasquatch" (45) HIST The Bible "Hope" The Bible "Mission" (:05) The Bible "Passion" (46) ANPL North-Law "Out of Control" North-Law "Cold Case" North Woods Law North Woods Law North-Law "Weed Whackers" North Woods Law (48) DISN Big City Big City Big City Big City <++ Ice Age: The Meltdown ('06) (:40) Hailey (:05) Hailey Big City Big City Big City (50) TVLND Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King King (60) AMC <++ Men in Black II ('02) Will Smith, Tommy Lee Jones. <+++ The Fifth Element ('97) Gary Oldman, Ian Holm, Bruce Willis. <+ Gone in 60 Seconds (61) BRAV Below Deck Below Deck Below Deck <+++ A League of Their Own ('92) Geena Davis, Madonna, Tom Hanks. (69) WTXF (4:00) UFL Football MLB Baseball (N) (Live) The 10 O'Clock News (N) We-Family "Family Reunion"


6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30

(3) CW Family Guy Family Guy <++ Hop ('11) Russell Brand, James Marsden. Animals Funny Kids 47ABC NEWSGood Dr "One Heart" WOW (N) (5) FOX NASCAR RaceDay (N) (Live) NASCAR Cup Series Toyota Owners 400 From Richmond Raceway in Richmond, Va. (N) (Live) Seinfeld Seinfeld Friends (6) WBOC (4:30) NCAA Men's 60 Minutes (N) The Equalizer (N) Tracker "Chicago" (N) CSI: Vegas "The Reaper" News at 11 The Rookie (7) WMDT News (N) World News Funniest Home Videos (N) American Idol "706 (Hollywood Week -- Idol Arena)" (N) What Would You Do? (N) News (N) (:35) FamFeud (11) WBAL News (N) NBC News The Voice "The Battles Premiere" Dateline NBC News (N) 11 News (N) (12) WCPB Celebrity Trip Doc Martin "S.W.A.L.K" Call the Midwife (N) Nolly on Masterpiece (N) Alice-Master (N) Doc Martin "S.W.A.L.K" (19) TNT (3:30) NHLHoc Post-Game <++ The Meg ('18) Li Bingbing, Jason Statham. (:15) <++ Godzilla vs. Kong ('21) Alexander Skarsgård. < The Meg (21) FX (4:00) < Spider-Man: Far From <+++ Spider-Man: No Way Home ('21) Zendaya, Benedict Cumberbatch, Tom Holland. <+++ Spider-Man: No Way Home ('21) Tom Holland. (22) LIFE < Beaches ('17) Nia Long, Colin Lawrence, Idina Menzel. < Steel Magnolias ('12) Phylicia Rashad, Queen Latifah. (:05) < The Clark Sisters: First Ladies of Gospel ('19) (23) A&E WWE Rivals WWE Rivals WWE Rivals Biography: WWE Legends "Roman Reigns" (N) (:05) WWE Rivals (24) TRUTV Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Inside Jokes Inside Jokes Inside Jokes Inside Jokes (28) ESPN Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) MLB Baseball St. Louis Cardinals at Los Angeles Dodgers (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (29) ESPN2 (4:00) Hockey College Hockey NCAA Tournament, Regional Final: Teams TBA (N) (Live) UFC Unleashed 30 for 30 Unmatched Nine for IX Venus vs. (33) GOLF LPGA Tour Golf Ford Championship, Final Round (N) (Live) Golf Central (N)

(:05) Naked and Afraid (45) HIST Built America "Cookie Wars" America "Candy Revolution" Built America Built America (N) (:05) Built America (:05) Built America (46) ANPL Lone Star "Out for Blood" Lone Star Law "Busted" Wardens "Pull 'um Over" Yellowstone Wardens (N) Lone Star "Rock Bottom" Lone Star Law (48) DISN Kiff Kiff Kiff Kiff <+++ Zootopia ('16) Ginnifer Goodwin. (:50) Monsters (:20) Monsters "Meet Mift"

Best Bets Bethany FRIDAY EVENING MARCH 29, 2024 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 (3) CW TMZ Live (N) Dish Nat. (N) TMZ (N) To Be Announced (N) Animals (N) Funny Kids 47ABC NEWSTMZ (N) Family Guy Family Guy (5) FOX Last Man Last Man Big Bang Big Bang WWE Friday Night SmackDown (N) (Live) WBOC News Seinfeld Seinfeld Friends (6) WBOC News (N) CBS News NCAA Men's Regional Semifinal: Teams TBA (N) (Live) NCAA Men's Regional Semifinal: Teams TBA (N) (Live) (7) WMDT (5:30) 47abcNe World News Family Feud Family Feud Shark Tank 20/20 (N) Delmarva (:35) J. Kimmel (11) WBAL News (N) NBC News Inside Ed. (N) Hollywood Password Dateline NBC (N) News (N) (:35) J. Fallon (12) WCPB PBS NewsHour (N) State (N) Artworks Brokenwood Mysteries "Hunting
HIST The UnXplained The UnXplained UnXplain
UnXplained (:05) The UnXplained (46) ANPL Tanked Tanked Tanked Tanked Tanked Tanked (48) DISN Bluey Big City Kiff Kiff Kiff Kiff Kiff Big City Big City Big City Big City Big City (50) TVLND Andy Griffith Andy Griffith Raymond Raymond Raymond
Bethany SATURDAY EVENING MARCH 30, 2024 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30
Gold Gold Rush-Res. (45)
"Signs of Alien Life" The UnXplained (N)
Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King King (60)
PGA Golf Texas Children's Houston Open, Final Round (41) HGTV Home Town Home Town Home Town (N) Small Town Potential (N) Hunters (N) Hunters Hunters Int'l Hunters Int'l (43) FOOD Guy's Grocery Games Guy's Grocery Games Tournament of Champions "The Great 8 Faceoff" (N) Wildcard Kitchen Beat Bobby Beat Bobby (44) DISC (5:00) Afraid "Runaway Bride" Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid (N) (:05) Naked and Afraid "Opposites Don't Attract"
Housewives/Potomac (N) Summer House (N) Housewives/Potomac Summer House (69) WTXF NASCAR RaceDay (N) (Live) NASCAR Cup Series Toyota Owners 400 From Richmond Raceway in Richmond, Va. (N) (Live) News (N) News (N) Extra (N) Bethany MONDAY EVENING APRIL 1, 2024 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 (3) CW TMZ Live (N) Dish Nat. (N) TMZ (N) All American (N) (SP) Lovers and Liars (N) 47ABC NEWSTMZ (N) Family Guy Family Guy (5) FOX Last Man Last Man Big Bang Big Bang The 2024 iHeartRadio Music Awards (N) (Live) WBOC News Seinfeld Seinfeld Friends (6) WBOC News (N) CBS News News (N) ET (N) Neighbor (N) Bob Heart (N) NCIS "Strange Invaders" (N) NCIS: Hawai'i (N) News (N) (:35) Colbert (7) WMDT (5:30) 47abcNe World News Family Feud Family Feud American Idol "707 (Showstopper/Final Judgment)" (N) To Be Announced News (N) (:35) J. Kimmel (11) WBAL News (N) NBC News Inside Ed. (N) Hollywood The Voice "Best of Blinds/Battles" (N) Deal or No Deal Island (N) News (N) (:35) J. Fallon (12) WCPB PBS NewsHour (N) Connection Collect (N) Antiques Roadshow (N) Niagara Movement Independent Lens (N) Amanpour (N) (19) TNT (5:45) <+ Space Jam: A New Legacy ('21) Don Cheadle, <+++ Creed II ('18) Sylvester Stallone, Michael B. Jordan. <+++ Creed II ('18) Michael B. Jordan. (21) FX <++ Daddy's Home 2 ('17) Mark Wahlberg, Will Ferrell. <+++ Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story ('04) <+++ Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story ('04) (22) LIFE Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy "Let It Be" Grey's Anatomy Anatomy "Much Too Much" (:05) Grey's Anatomy (:05) Grey's Anatomy (23) A&E Road Wars Road Wars Road Wars Road Wars Road Wars Road Wars Road Wars Road Wars Road Wars Road Wars (:05) RoadWars (:35) RoadWars (24) TRUTV TNT Sports TNT Sports NCAA Tournament Encore NCAA Tournament Encore TBA Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers (28) ESPN SportsCenter (N) (Live) NCAA Champ /(:15) NCAA Women (:15) NCAA Women Regional Final: Teams TBA (N) (Live) (:15) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (29) ESPN2 ESPN BET Live (N) (Live) Pardon (N) HS Basketball Powerade Jamfest (N) (Live) 30 for 30 The Minister of Defense NFL Live (33) GOLF Golf Central PGA TOURPGA TOUR U.S. Open Epics PGA Tour Golf Texas Children's Houston Open, Final Round (41) HGTV 100 Day Dream Home 100 Day Dream Home Rock "Backyard Redemption" Rock the Block (N) Lakefront Empire (N) Hunters Hunters (43) FOOD Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Baking "Spring Celebrations" Baking "Going to Prom" (N) Diners, Drive-Ins and DivesDiners "Extra Helpings" Diners "Chicago's Finest" (44) DISC Contraband: Seized Contraband: Seized Contraband: Seized Contraband: Seized Contraband: Seized Contraband: Seized (45) HIST Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens: Declassified "Otherworldly Connections" Some talismans are thought to embody a higher power. (N) (46) ANPL Homestead "Winter's Fury" Homestead Rescue Homestead "Burned Out" Homestead "Troubled Water" Homestead Rescue Homestead Rescue (48) DISN (:55) Bluey /(:20) <+++ Monsters, Inc. ('01) John Goodman. Monsters Monsters Monsters Ladybug Ladybug Ladybug Jessie Jessie (50) TVLND Andy Griffith Andy Griffith Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King King (60) AMC <++ Beverly Hills Cop II ('87) Eddie Murphy. <++ The Longest Yard ('05) Chris Rock, Burt Reynolds, Adam Sandler. <+++ Trading Places ('83) Dan Aykroyd. (61) BRAV Below Deck Below Deck Below Deck (N) Below Deck (N) Below Deck Below Deck (69) WTXF The Six (N) The Pulse (N) Extra (N) TMZ (N) The 2024 iHeartRadio Music Awards (N) (Live) The 10 O'Clock News (N) News (N) Phantastic March29,2024 CoastalPoint A47 the best of the beach. in ink and online. every friday.
(:55) LEGO (:25) LEGO (50)
& Molly Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Two Half MenTwo Half MenTwo Half MenTwo Half MenTwo Half MenTwo Half Men Seinfeld Seinfeld (60)
Man 2 ('10) Gwyneth Paltrow, Don Cheadle, Robert Downey Jr.. The Walking Dead: (N) (SF) (:15) Parish "Pilot" (N) (P) (:10) Dead "The Last Time" (61) BRAV Summer House Housewives/Potomac

"Where Is My Sister?" (N)

(5) FOX Last Man Last Man Big Bang Big Bang Cleaning "All of Me" (N) Alert "Ms. Patty" (N)

NEWSTMZ (N) Family Guy Family Guy

News Seinfeld Seinfeld Friends

(6) WBOC News (N) CBS News News (N) ET (N) FBI (N) FBI: International (N) FBI-Wanted "Rendition" (N) News (N) (:35) Colbert (7) WMDT (5:30) 47abcNe World News Family Feud Family Feud Will Trent (N) The Rookie "The Vow" (N) Good Dr "Who at Peace" (N) News (N) (:35) J. Kimmel

(11) WBAL News (N) NBC NewsInside Ed. (N) Hollywood Lopez vs Lopez vs (N) To Be Announced (N) To Be Announced (N) News (N) (:35) J. Fallon

(12) WCPB PBS NewsHour (N) Farm-Harvest Outdoors Roots "In the Blood" (N) Julius "High Priest" (N) (P) Frontline Amanpour (N) (19) TNT (4:45) < Kong: Skull Island Tip-Off (N) NBA Basketball Oklahoma City Thunder at Philadelphia 76ers (N) (Live) Basketball Dallas Mavericks at Golden State Warriors (N) (21) FX (4:30) < Thor: Dark World <++ Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness ('22) Benedict Cumberbatch. Shogun "A Stick of Time" (N) <+++ Ant-Man ('15) (22) LIFE Castle "The Human Factor" Castle "Watershed" Castle "Valkyrie" Castle "Dreamworld" (:05) Castle "Need to Know" (:05) Castle (23) A&E Neighbor. Neighbor. Neighbor. Neighbor. Neighbor. Neighbor. Neighbor. Neighbor. Neighbor. Neighbor. (:05) Neighbor. (:35) Neighbor. (24) TRUTV TNT Sports TNT Sports NBA Tip-Off NBA Basketball Oklahoma City Thunder at Philadelphia 76ers <+ Space Jam: A New Legacy ('21) Don Cheadle, (28) ESPN SportsCenter (N) (Live) To Be Announced (N) (Live) HS Basketball McDonald's All-America Game (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (29) ESPN2 Wooden (N) Basketball McDonald's All America Game NFL Live Basketball NIT Tourn. Second Semifinal: Teams TBA (N) (Live) NFL Live (33) GOLF Golf Central Golf Fix (N) Golf's Top GOLF Films St. Andrews Golf Central GOLF Films St. Andrews (41) HGTV Help! I Wrecked My House Fixer to Fabulous Fixer to Fabulous (N) Renovation Aloha (N) Paid Prog. Hunters Hunters Hunters Int'l (43) FOOD Chopped "Epic Eats" Chopped Chopped "Episode 10" (N) Wildcard Kitchen (N) Chopped "Epic BLT Battle" Chopped (44) DISC Moonshiners "Legalize It!" Moonshiners Moonshiners "Tickle's Restaurant" (N) Moonshiners Moonshiners (45) HIST The Curse of Oak Island Oak Island "Hi Ho Silver" Digging "Wet and Wild" (N) The Curse of Oak Island (N) (:05) U-Boats (N) (SF) (:05) Oak Island "Hi Ho Silver"

(46) ANPL Wardens "Warden Scramble" Yellowstone Wardens Yellowstone Wardens Wardens "Zeroing In" Wardens "Open Season" Wardens "The Tough Call" (48) DISN < Descendants 3 ('19) Dove Cameron. Jessie Monsters Monsters Monsters Ladybug Ladybug Ladybug Bunk'd Bunk'd (50) TVLND Andy Griffith Andy Griffith Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King King (60) AMC (5:30) <+ Major League II ('94) Charlie Sheen. <+++ Pretty in Pink ('86) Jon Cryer, Molly Ringwald. <+++ Ghostbusters ('84) Dan Aykroyd, Bill Murray. (61) BRAV Vanderpump Rules Vanderpump Rules Vanderpump Rules (N) The Valley (N) Vanderpump Rules The Valley (69) WTXF The Six (N) The 215 (N) Extra (N) TMZ (N) Cleaning "All of Me" (N) Alert "Ms. Patty" (N) The 10 O'Clock News (N) News (N) Phantastic Bethany

(3) CW TMZ Live (N) Dish Nat. (N) TMZ (N) Walker "The Quiet" (N) (SP) Sight Unseen "Tess" (N) (P) 47ABC NEWSTMZ (N) Family Guy Family Guy (5) FOX Last Man Last Man Big Bang Big Bang The Masked Singer (N) Animal Family Guy WBOC News Seinfeld Seinfeld Friends (6) WBOC News (N) CBS News News (N) ET (N) Survivor "Cancel Christmas" (N) The Amazing Race (N) News (N) (:35) Colbert (7) WMDT (5:30) 47abcNe World News Family Feud Family Feud The ConnersNot Dead YetAbbott Pyramid (N) Judge Steve Harvey (N) News (N) (:35) J. Kimmel (11) WBAL News (N) NBC News Inside Ed. (N) Hollywood Chicago Med (N) Chicago Fire (N) Chicago "Somos Uno" (N) News (N) (:35) J. Fallon (12) WCPB PBS NewsHour (N) Samantha MotorWeek NOVA (N) A Brief History (N) (P) NOVA Amanpour (N) (19) TNT Imp. Jokers NHL on TNT NHL Hockey New Jersey Devils at New York Rangers (N) (Live) NHL Hockey Seattle Kraken at Los Angeles Kings (N) (Live) (21) FX (4:30) <+++ Logan ('17) Hugh Jackman. <+++ Deadpool 2 ('18) Josh Brolin, Morena Baccarin, Ryan Reynolds. American (N) American "Opening Night" (22) LIFE Castle "Get a Clue" Castle Married at First Sight "Former Cast Tell All" (N) (:05) Rizzoli "Deadly Harvest" (:05) Rizzoli "Face Value" (23) A&E Court Cam Court Cam Court Cam Court Cam Court Cam Court Cam Court CamCourt Cam Booked: First Day In (N) (:05) Court Cam (:35) Court Cam (24) TRUTV TNT Sports NHL on TNT NHL Hockey New Jersey Devils at New York Rangers (N) (Live) NHL Hockey Seattle Kraken at Los Angeles Kings (N) (Live) (28) ESPN SportsCenter (N) (Live) NBA (N) NBA Basketball Memphis Grizzlies at Milwaukee Bucks (N) (Live) Basketball Cleveland Cavaliers at Phoenix Suns (N) (Live) (29) ESPN2 ESPN BET Live (N) (Live) WB Invitational Championship: Teams TBA (N) (Live) SportsCenter Special NFL Live SportsCenter (N) (Live) (33) GOLF LPGA Tour Golf T-Mobile Match Play, Group Stage (N) (Live) Golf Central LPGA Tour Golf T-Mobile Match Play, Group Stage

(41) HGTV Farmhouse Fixer Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters House Hunters (N) Hunt Intl (N) Hunters Hunters Hunters (43) FOOD Grocery "Home Cooks!" Guy's Grocery Games Grocery "DDD All Day" Guy's Grocery Games (N) Guy's Grocery Games Guy's Grocery Games (44) DISC Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown Ghost Adventures (N) Expedition X (45) HIST Pawn Stars Do America "Derby City Deals" Pawn Stars Do "Motor City Wheelin' and Dealin'" (N) (:05) Pawn Stars: Best Of (N) (:05) Pawn Stars

(46) ANPL The Vet Life The Vet Life "Turnin' Texan" The Vet Life "The Vet Mobile" Vet Life "No Goats, No Glory" The Vet Life The Vet Life "Hello Houston"

(48) DISN Bluey Big City Big City Big City Monsters Monsters Big City Ladybug Ladybug Ladybug Raven Raven (50) TVLND Andy Griffith Andy Griffith Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King King (60) AMC <+++ Pretty in Pink ('86) Jon Cryer, Molly Ringwald. <+++ Twister ('96) Bill Paxton, Cary Elwes, Helen Hunt. <++ Rampage ('18) Dwayne Johnson. (61) BRAV (5:30) <+++ John Wick: Chapter 2 ('17) Keanu Reeves. Top Chef Top Chef (N) WatchWhat (:45) < John Wick: Chapter 3 -- Parabellum (69) WTXF The Six (N) ClassH Extra (N) TMZ (N) The Masked Singer (N) Animal Family Guy The 10 O'Clock News

NBC News Inside Ed. (N) Hollywood Law & Order (N) Law & Order: SVU (N) Law & Order (N) News (N) (:35) J. Fallon (12) WCPB PBS NewsHour (N) Context Sara's Hope Street RFDS: Royal The Paris Murders Farm-HarvestConnection (19) TNT (4:30) <++ Suicide Squad Tip-Off (N) NBA Basketball Atlanta Hawks at Dallas Mavericks (N) (Live) Basketball Denver Nuggets at Los Angeles Clippers (N) (21) FX (5:30) <+++

(24) TRUTV TNT Sports TNT Sports NBA Tip-Off NBA Basketball BetCast: Atlanta Hawks at Dallas Mavericks NBA Basketball

ESPN BET Live (N) (Live) College Baseball Vanderbilt at LSU From Alex Box Stadium in Baton Rouge, La. (N) (Live) PFL Heavyweights & Women's Flyweights (Main Card) (N) (33) GOLF (4:00) PGA Tour Golf LPGA

3 x 3” ad


The 2024 iHeartRadio Music Awards (5) FOX (69) WTXF 8 p.m.

Music is still king (or queen) and radio is still a huge player in the medium. Serving as a glimmering example of this is the 11th annual iHeartRadio Music Awards, celebrating the most-played artists and songs on iHeartRadio’s stations and app in 2023.

Below Deck (61) BRAV 9 p.m.

This reality series follows young yacht crew members as they work on lavish vessels exceeding 100 feet in length. Known as yachties, they cater to the diverse needs of high-maintenance clients while residing on these luxurious boats.

Deal or No Deal Island (11) WBAL 10 p.m.

Toss your cares away and relax in the sand … that is, if you don’t mind getting burnt. This time, the remaining eight players continue their quest for the big prize, and face explosive drama as the banker presents a game-changing personal offer.


Lopez vs Lopez (11) WBAL 8 p.m.

George and Mayan Lopez return in the Season 2 premiere of this larger-than-life comedy series, following as the once-estranged father and daughter, along with the rest of their family, navigate the joys and headaches of making up for lost time.

Julius Caesar: The Making of a Dictator (12) WCPB 9 p.m.

Sharing how Julius Caesar dismantled five centuries of Roman democracy in just 16 years, this all-new docuseries premieres tonight, first discussing Caesar’s habit of entering dangerous alliances, bending the Republic’s rules in his bid to become Consul.

Shogun (21) FX 10 p.m.

The first season of this highly-popular new series continues, transporting viewers to Japan in the year 1600, where Lord Yoshii Toranaga (Hiroyuki Sanada) finds an unexpected ally (Cosmo Jarvis) in his fight against the members of the Council of Regents.


(12) WCPB 8 p.m.

With an eclipse crossing through the southern and eastern U.S. on Monday, April 8, this all-new episode takes the time to explore the out-ofthis-world phenomenon. It follows as scientists prepare new equipment and experiments to study solar eclipses.

A Brief History of the Future (12) WCPB 9 p.m.

In an attempt to understand the ongoing impact of choices people make in “the now,” this new series seeks out individuals and ideas that could potentially shape a better, more sustainable future for the generations to follow. Ari Wallach hosts.

American Horror Story: Delicate (21) FX 10 p.m.

A new episode from this anthology series airs. This season focuses on actress Anna Alcott (Emma Roberts), who wants nothing more than to start a family. As buzz around her career grows, Anna fears that something is targeting her pursuit of motherhood.

THURSDAY House Hunters: All Stars (41) HGTV 8 p.m.

A couple who’s been living inland is hoping to move closer to their son and granddaughter. So, they ask realtor Heather Rae El Moussa to help them find a house near the beach. But the house must be close to a marina, so they can get to their boat.

Grey’s Anatomy (7) WMDT 9 p.m.

The doctors of Grey Sloan Memorial are mixing business with pleasure and finding that being a doctor is a bit different from playing doctor. Jessica Capshaw guest stars as Dr. Arizona Robbins, who’s giving residents an earful about their abilities.

Elsbeth (6) WBOC 9 p.m.

When a much-loathed co-op board president (Linda Lavin) falls to her death, Elsbeth (Carrie Preston) and Kaya (Carra Patterson) are called in to investigate. At the scene, they meet Joann (Jane Krakowski), who seems to be hiding some big secrets.

A48 CoastalPoint March29,2024
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(N) News (N) Phantastic Bethany THURSDAY EVENING APRIL 4, 2024 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 (3) CW TMZ Live (N) Dish Nat. (N) TMZ (N) The ConnersThe ConnersSon of a (SF) The Conners47ABC NEWSTMZ (N) Family Guy Family Guy (5) FOX Last Man Last Man Big Bang Big Bang Next Level Chef (N) Farmer Wants a Wife (N) WBOC News Seinfeld Seinfeld Friends (6) WBOC News (N) CBS News News (N) ET (N) Sheldon (N) Ghosts (N) Elsbeth (N) Elsbeth "Reality Shock" (N) News (N) (:35) Colbert (7) WMDT (5:30) 47abcNe World News Family Feud Family Feud 9-1-1 (N) Grey's Anatomy (N) Station 19 "Trouble Man" (N) News (N) (:35) J. Kimmel (11) WBAL News (N)
Deadpool 2 ('18) Josh Brolin, Ryan Reynolds. <++ Ghostbusters: Afterlife ('21) Finn Wolfhard, Carrie Coon. <++ Ghostbusters: Afterlife ('21) (22) LIFE Castle "Disciple" Castle Theresa Caputo (N) Theresa Caputo (N) (:05) Theresa Caputo (:05) Theresa Caputo (23) A&E The First 48 "Cut Short" The First 48 "Final Word" First 48 "Can't Let Go" (N) Accused: Guilty (N) Interrogation Raw (N) (:05) The First 48
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Thevarsityteam’sonlyfreshman flexedheroffensivemuscle.

Third-basemanParkerO’Shields droveinthreerunstobackthetwohitcomplete-gameshutoutpitching ofseniorrighthanderMeganDaisey astheIndianRiverHighSchool girls’softballteamhandledvisiting SussexAcademy,14-0,inaHenlopenConferenceSouthernDivision matchuponTuesday,March26.

O’Shields,whoisfollowinginthe softballspikestepsofoldersisters AbbyO’Shields(IRHSClassof 2019)andSavannahO’Shields (IRHSClassof2021),gaveIndian River(2-1)a1-0leadwithasacrifice flythatchasedjuniorsecondbasemanJillianCoulbournacrosshomeplate.O’Shieldsalsorippeda two-runsingleaspartofaseven-run secondinningthatextendedIR’s leadto8-0.

Coulbourndroveinthreeruns andslashedtwohitsfortheIndians, whileseniorfirst-basemanMacy BladesandseniorcenterfielderKatie McHaleeachsmackedapairof safetiestoleadan11-hitattack.JunioroutfielderKatelynLasherand senioroutfielderReaganKansakalso droveinapairofruns.

Daisey,aShenandoahUniversity commit,improvedto2-0ontheseasonafterstrikingoutnineandallowingtwowalks.


TheIndianshadsurrendered sevenrunsinthebottomofthesixth inninganddroppedtheirfirstgame oftheyear,10-3,atLaurelonThursday,March21.TheGreen&Gold tooka2-0leadinthetopofthefirst inningonMcHales’two-runsingle. IRHStiedthescoreat3-3inthe fourthinningwhenCoulbourn drilledanRBI-single.Coulbourn finishedwiththreeofIR’ssevenbase hitsontheday.

TheBulldogstiedthescorewith tworunsinthebottomofthefirst inningandtooka3-2leadwitha runinthesecondframe.

RighthanderDaiseyallowedthree earnedrunsandsevenhitswhilefan-


ningfivein4.2inningsofwork.She leftthegameafterbeinghitinthe facebyalinedriveandwasreplaced byseniorOliviaHitchens.

IndianRiver4, DelmarvaChristian1

RighthanderDaiseystruckouta career-high16battersandhurleda 4-1complete-gamevictoryintheIndians’season-openeronWednesday, March20.Daiseyallowedonlytwo hitswhilefacing23batters—two overtheminimum—anddidnot allowawalk.Shefannedtwoofher firstthreeopponentsandrecorded threestrikeouts,inthesecond,fourth andfifthframes.

Daiseytookashutoutintothe seventhframebeforeallowingthe Royals’onlyrun,onaleadoffhomer tocenterfieldbyseniorLilyHutt thatcuttheIndians’leadto4-1. Daiseyrespondedbyretiringthe nextthreehitters,includingtwowith strikeouts.

TheGreen&Goldtooka2-0 leadinthebottomofthethirdinningonRBI-singlesbyjuniors Se’TaraMcGeeandCoulbourn.

Thehostsdoubledtheirleadto40inthehomefourthframeonjunior shortstopSophieScurci’stwo-out, two-runline-drivedoubletoleftfield.Scurcifinishedthegamewitha team-highthreehits.O’Shieldsalso rippedadoubleforIRHS,andScurci collectedthreehitsfortheIndians.

March29,2024 PageA49
SpecialtotheCoastalPointphotos•CarlaVarisco IndianRiver’sSophiaScuri,left,gets calledoutduringagameagainstDelmarvaChristianonWednesday,March 20.Belowleft,IR’sMeganDaisythrows apitch.Thegirlswentontowinthis game4-1.


MikeMarkovicwill neverforgethisfirstvictoryasheadcoachofthe IndianRiverHighSchool boys’volleyballteam.

Thefirst-yearhead coach’ssquadrecovered fromamid-gameslumpto postadramatic3-2nonconferencevictoryover visitingAppoquinimink onMonday,March25.

Trailingtwosetstoone, IRHScapturedthefourth set,25-14,andthedecidingfifthset,15-12.

Junioroutsidehitter LuigiDotoliledthe chargebylaunchinga team-high15killshots, includingseveralexplosive, high-poweredbulletsshots atthenetthatputthe Jaguarsbackontheir heels.

Dotoloalsomade29 digs,whilejuniordefensivespecialistSaulLopez had13digsandjunior liberoEvanForjancontributed12 more.SeniormiddleblockerGrason


shotslaunchedbytheJaguars(2-1). SophomoresetterZachHirtledthe

Indianswith30assists, whileseniormiddle blockerBradyTicecontributedsixblockedshots.

TheIndiansbeganthe competitionbywinning theopeningset,25-22,beforedroppingsetstwoand three,25-14and26-24, respectively.

CaesarRodney3, IndianRiver1

TheIndianshad openedtheir2024season witha3-1losstovisiting CaesarRodneyon Wednesday,March20. Thehostswontheopeningset,25-14,beforelosing25-21,25-17and 25-23.TheGreen&Gold wereoutplayedatthenet bytheRiders,who blockedIndians’shotsdefensivelyandcontrolled theflowofkillshotswhile ontheattack.

Statistically,Hirtcontributed19assists,15digs and10kills,whileLopez added13digs.

A50 CoastalPoint March29,2024
SpecialtotheCoastalPoint•ButchComegys IndianRiverHighSchooljunioroutsidehitterLogenHood(3)competesagainstCaesarRodney.

Thenewheadcoachisinfamiliar territory.

LoganRyan—anassistantcoach fortheIndianRiverHighSchool girls’lacrosseteamin2023—was promotedtoheadcoachthisseason, switchingroleswithcolleagueTaylor Pridgeon.

Asaresult,shewasabletohitthe lacrossefieldrunning.

“Thathasreallyhelpedmetransitionintotheheadcoach’sposition,” saidRyan,whoteachesninth-and 10th-gradehonorsandcollegeprep EnglishlanguageartsatIRHS.“I’m gladIwasabletogetayearunder mybeltasanassistant.Thereisa levelofcomfortIhavethisyearthat Ididn’thavelastseason.Thathas madeiteasiertousewhatweworked onin2023.I’vebeenabletobuild upontherelationshipsIpreviously hadwiththegirls.Thathasmadeit easiertousewhatwebuiltlastyear andcontinuetorefinetheirskillsand buildtheteam.”

Ryanacceptedtheheadcoaching positionaweekafterreturningfrom maternityleave.Sheandherhusband,JamesRyan,aretheproudparentsofason,Graham.

“Naturally,Iwasalittlenervous abouttransitioningtotheroleof headcoach,butIwasreadyforthe challenge,”saidRyan.“Goinginto theseasonwithafullcoachingstaff andagreatgroupofreturningplayersmademereallyexcitedtoget backonthefield.Afterthefirstday oftryouts,thatfeelingjustkept growing.”

TheIndians,whofinished6-9last season,openedthe2024seasonby

winningtwooftheirfirstthree games.

Ryan’scoachingphilosophyrevolvesaroundsupportingthewhole ofherstudent-athletes.

“Iconsidertheirphysical,emotionalandsocialwellbeing,”said Ryan.“Wewanttoinstillvaluessuch asdiscipline,resilience,sportsmanship,andfosteringcharacterdevelopmentonandoffthefield.

“Thisincludestheirphysical health,emotionalwellness,andacademicsuccess,”sheinsisted.“We,as coaches,aimtoenhancetheir lacrosseskillswhilepromotingteamworkandcollaborationwithinaninclusiveenvironmentwhereevery playerfeelsvaluedandsupported.

Weapproachchallengeswitha growthmindset,learningfromsetbacksandstrivingforcontinuous improvement.Respect,bothforoneselfandothers,isfoundational,and weencouragecommunityengagementtomakeapositiveimpactbeyondthelacrossefield.

“Ultimately,mygoalistoprepare myplayersforsuccess—notonlyin lacrosse,butalsoinlife,equipping themwiththevaluesandskillsthey needtothrivebeyondtheirhigh schoolyears.”

Ryansaidsheisextremelythankfulforthesupportshehasreceived fromthegirls’lacrossecoachingstaff.

ATHLETE OF THE WEEK! MEGAN DAISEY Brought to you by: Reese Insurance & Financial Services, Inc. Billy Reese, Agent/Owner 16 W Church Street Selbyville, DE 19975 (302) 436-8032 Senior/Girls’
The hard-throwing senior righthander opened the 2024 season with a dramatic performance. Megan whiffed a career-high 16 Delmarva Christian Royals and hurled a two-hit complete game as the IRHS girls’ softball team defeated their visitors, 4-1 on Wednesday, March 20. Daisey faced just 24 batters, pitching a shutout into the final inning. The Shenandoah University commit fanned two of her first three opponents and recorded three strikeouts in the second, fourth and fifth frames.
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CoastalPoint•MikeStern Girls’lacrosse’newheadcoachLogan Ryanstepsupthisyear,justaweek afterreturningfrommaternityleave,as thenewheadcoach.
Photo Courtesy of the Daisey Family


SophomoreforwardEllaPeterson’s secondgoaloftheseasonbackedthe shutoutgoalkeepingofseniorAlex DavidsonastheIndianRiverHigh Schoolgirls’soccerteamedgedvisiting HenlopenConferenceSouthernDivisionrivalDelmar,1-0onTuesday, March26.

Peterson—whoscoredbothofthe 1-0-1Indians’goalsduringtheearly season—depositedthereboundofher initialshotatthe18-minutemarkof thefirsthalfforhereighthcareer marker.Peterson’sfirstdrive,whichhit the rightpost,wassetupbysophomore forwardAllyTucker.

Davidsonrecordedherfirstshutout oftheseasonandthe15thcareerwhitewashofherfour-yearIRHSvarsitycareer.

ThetriumphavengedtheIndians’10lossatDelmarin2023thatcontributedtoathree-waytieatopthe SouthernDivisionstandings.Sussex Academyemergedasthedivision champviaatiebreaker.


TheIndiansopenedtheirseasonby rallyinglatefora1-1tieatHenlopen


Petersontiedthegameat1-1with herseventhcareergoalandherfirst markeroftheseasoninthefinalminute

ofregulation. Petersonstartedtheplaybysending apassfromtheleftsidetoteammate KamdynShockleyinthemiddleofthe Ravens’defensivezone.Shockley

quicklyone-timedapassbehindaSussexTechdefendertoanopenspace, wherePetersonwasabletoblastaone-

A52 CoastalPoint March29,2024 Paid Advertisement
CoastalPoint•MikeStern IndianRiver’sAllyTuckercompetesagainstaDelmarplayer.

IndianssweepSpartansonthehardcourts IRHSSportsReport

Theearlyspringweatherhasnot beenkindtothestudent-athletesin thelowerSussexarea,ascold,windy weatherhasmadeplayingpretty muchanysportoutsideextremely difficult.SuchwasthecaseonMonday,March25,fortheIndianRiver HighSchoolgirls’tennisteamas theyhostedLakeForestforaHenlopenAthleticConferencetilt.

TheIndiansweresharpdespite theplayingconditions,firingoffa50sweepoftheSpartans.Thematch ofthedaycameatfirstdoubles, whentheduoofGraceDealeand AlisonSwartzcamebackfromone setdowntodefeattheirLFopponents,3-6,6-4,6-4.

SaraDeeryandEmeliaWelch wontheotherdoublesmatchforIR, instraightsetsat6-2,7-5.

Insinglesaction,LexxineZullo wonabattlewithLF’sGabrielle Dupras,6-4,6-4,atfirstsingles.

KylieCourtneyandIsabellWisniewskimadequickworkoftheir opponentsatsecondandthirdsingles,respectively,withCourtney going6-0,6-2,whileWisniewski wasaclean-slate,6-0,6-0winner.

Fortheboys,IRwasa5-0winner ontheroadatLakeForest.Noindividualmatchscoreswerereported. TheIndianssawwinsfromEvan Sprucebankwinatfirstsingles, CalebRodgersatsecondsinglesand LandonArauzatthirdsingles.

ThedoublesduosofBrayden BennetchandXavierHernandez

Sandoval,aswellasKyleBennetch andAlanPhomsouvanh,werevictoriousatfirstandseconddoubles,respectively.

TheIRboysweresettotravelto PolytechonWednesday,March27, fortheirfinalmatchbeforethe SpringBreaklayoff,whilethegirls weresettohostPolytechonthe sameday.


Harrisnets5to leadIndianstowin

SeniorKylieHarriscontinuesher marchtothe200-goalmilestone,netting5moregoalsintheIndians’10-6 winoverAppoquiniminkonMonday, March25.ThegoalsgiveHarris12on

theseason,andhercareertotalsatat 182asofCoastalPointpresstimemidweek.

SisterChloeHarris,afreshman,also gotinonthescoringaction,pickingup ahattricktogoalongwithanassist. SophomoreKacieKirschnerscoredthe othertwoIRgoals.


A54 CoastalPoint March29,2024 302-226-8220 39401 Inlet Rd. North Indian River Marina, Rehoboth, DE 19971 34444 Coastal Hwy. York Beach Mall Bethany, DE 19971 302-539-6243 www.hookemcookem Open Daily BAIT • TACKLE • TOWELS CHAIRS • ICE • UMBRELLAS BEACH TOYS • HUNTING SUPPLIES AMMUNITION Come in and see our full line of Salt Life & Guy Harvey Clothing…and more! Beac G ds Now Available SUPPLIES FOR INSHORE, OFFSHORE & JETTY FISHING Tackle Store Now Open Weekends Bai , Tackl & Seaf d Seafood Available via Emails Only (sign up at
SpecialtotheCoastalPoint•ButchComegys IndianRiver’sThienThanhBarendskeepsoutofreachofaSussexTechplayerduringFriday’sgame.


RomanKeith’sbodylanguage emittedthesensationofabsolutejoy duringhishomeruntrotafterthe firsthitofhiscollegebaseballcareer “lefttheyard.”

Thefreshmanoutfielder,andIndianRiverHighSchoolClassof 2023graduate,tookaquickcutata 3-2fastball,movingtowardthemiddleoftheplateandtrendingaway. Hisquickswingandnaturalpower pulledtheball,propellingthehorsehidehighintothechillyEastern Shoreairandovertheleft-centerfieldfenceatDonnieWilliamsSea GullBaseballStadiuminSalisbury, Md.

Keith’stwo-runhomerinthe fourthinningatSalisburyUniversity brokeascorelesstieandsenttheNo.

4nationallyrankedSeaGullsontoa 3-1victoryandadoubleheadersplit withvisitingHaverfordCollegeon Sunday,March24.Theround-tripperchasedhometeammateBenAndersontogiveSUa2-0leadenroute toimprovingtheirwon-lostmarkto 16-4.

“Itwasanamazingfeeling,”said Keith,whohelpedleadtheIRHS baseballteamtotheDIAAplayoffs ineachofthelastthreeseasons.

“Thebestpartaboutthehomerun wasroundingthebasesandreaching homeplate,thencelebratingwithmy teammates.Thereisnofeelingthat’s better.”

Keithhadpreviouslygonehitless ineightat-batsagainstsixdifferent opponentsandhadbeenretiredin hisfirstat-batonSunday.Thenhe connectedforanunforgettableexperiencethathewillproudlysharewith hischildrenandgrandkids.

“Romanhasbeenahardworker allseason,”saidSeaGullsheadbaseballcoachTroyBrohawn.“Hisapproachattheplatewasn’tany differentthanithadbeeninprevious at-bats.Thistimehejustmadegood contact.”

Keith,whohitsandthrowsrighthanded,ismakingthechallenging transitionfromhighschooland travelbaseballtoNCAADivisionIII competition.Hewasrecruitedbythe SeaGulls,atalent-ladenprogram thatwonthe2021nationalchampionship,aswellas15CapitalAthletic Conferencetitles,andthreemorein 2021,2022and2023asmembersof theCoasttoCoastConference.

“WhenImadecontact,itwaslike everythingwassilent,”saidKeithof thathit.“Itwasanunrealsensation.I hadafeelingIwasgoingtogeta shottoplayonSunday.Ididn’tknow

Iwasgoingtostart.IknewwhenI wasgivenmychancethatIhadtodo somethingwithit.

“Myemotionsarethroughthe roof,”headded.“Ifeelgreatright now,andI’mreadyforanother chancetoprovemyselfagain.This wasreallybigforme,andIcan’twait toseehowfarwemakeitasateam thisseason.”

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Theyareofftoatorridstart. TheIndianRiverHighSchool baseballcontingentimprovedto 4-0ontheyoung2024season afterhandlingHenlopenConferenceSouthernDivisionrivals SussexAcademyandLaurel.

HeadcoachSteveLongo’s squaddefeatedvisitingSussex Academy,9-1,onTuesday, March26,afteredginghostLaurel,4-3,onThursday,March21.

FreshmanTyWebermadehis firstcareerstartamemorableone againsttheSeahawks.Hehurled thefirstfourinnings,allowing fourhitsandarunwhilestriking outthreeandwalkingtwo.

FreshmanLandonFielsfollowed withthreeinningsofshutout baseballtogainthesave,allowingonehitwhilefanningone rivalhitter.

TheIndians’offensecollected 10hits,includingthreebyjunior JackCappoandtwoapieceby juniorChaseRuleyandsophomoreDylanGrise.Ruleyand Cappoeachdroveinapairof runsfortheGreen&Gold.

SpecialtotheCoastalPoint•DavidGrise JunioroutfielderJackCappohadthree hitsandtwoRBIinthewinoverSussex Academy.


TheIndiansdefeatedhost Laurel4-3inaSouthernDivisionshowdownonThursday, May21.RighthanderDylan Grisehurledsixinningsforthe win,andRuleypitchedtheseventhtoearnthesave.

Grisedidnotallowawalk whilesurrenderingfivehitsand anearnedrun.Ruleyfannedtwo ofthethreebettersheretired. Grisealsocontributedoffensively,withtwohitsandanRBI. FreshmanLandenErbealso knockedinarunfortheIndians.

SeniorRyanJonessmackeda homerunfortheBulldogs.

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March20markedthebeginningof boththegirls’soccerandbaseballseasonsatSelbyvilleMiddleSchool.

Forthelastthreeyears,thebaseball teamhasgoneundefeated.Thegirls’ soccerteamhasalsodonewellthese pastyears,andtheykickedthisseason offwitha4-0winagainstLaurelMiddleSchoolandanotherwinagainst DelmarMiddleSchool.Thebaseball teamwasn’tasfortunate.

“Attheendoftheday,wedidn’tplay bad,”saidTimClausen,headcoachof thebaseballteam.SMSplayedagainst Laurelthisweekandlostwithascore of4-6.

“Wedon’thavealotofplayersback withalotofin-gameexperience,” Clausensaid.“And,youknowwhat— weplayedhard,wejustcameupshort. Endofthegame,wehadachanceto win,andLaurel—theymadetheplays, theydeservedthewin.”

Atthebottomoftheseventh,SMS hadthebasesloadedandwereableto scoretworuns.Butwithtwoplayers leftonsecondandthird,thetimeran out,withSMSjusttwopointsbehind.

“Theonlythingwecancontrolis ourattitudeandourhustle,andthat’s whatwedid.Andattheendoftheday, IthinkLaurelwonthegamemoreso thanwelostthegame,”saidClausen.

RexCordreyandGavinCondon, botheighth-graders,haveplayedonthe baseballteamforthepasttwoyearsand areunabletoplaythisseasondueto arminjuries,keepingthemoutofthe actionduringtheirlastyearatSMS. Cordreywouldhaveplayedasshortstop andpitcher,andCondonwouldhave beenonsecondbase.

Despitethosebumpsintheroad, Clausensaidhestillhashighhopesfor therestoftheseason.

“We’reworkinghard,we’regetting better.LikeIsaid,we’velostmostof ourpeoplefromlastyear,andaslongas wekeepimprovingattheendofthe day,that’sallyoucanaskfor.We’vegot alotofnewkidsouttherethatare doingareallygoodjob.Wehadalotof funinthegame,andIthinkthat’s what’smostimportant.”

Theymadeupforthefirstlossof theseason intheirsecondgame,against SeafordMiddleSchool.Thebaseball teamprovedthat,despitesomeofthe playershavinglittleexperienceand withtwokeyplayersunabletoplay, theyarestillthesameteamthatwent undefeatedforthreeconsecutiveyears. SMSdefeatedSeafordwitha13-2 record.

Sincethegirls’soccerteamalready hastheirfirstwinsundertheirbelt, headcoachMollyChamberlinLundy isquiteconfidentthisyear.



“Thisyear,wehaveareallygood team.Andit’scrazy,becausemostof ourA-teamconsistsofseventh-graders, sonextyearweshouldbeevenbetter.”

Outsidemidfielder/wingerEsmereldaChilel-Martinis“anincredible soccerplayer,”saidChamberlinLundy. “She’sgoingtobeatjustaboutevery defendershecomesacrossthisseason ina1-on-1.”

CarolineWilliamson,acenter-midfielder,hastransferredovertoSMS from SouthernDelawareSchoolof Artsthisyear.However,shehasalready playedwithmanyofthegirlsfrom SMSoverattheRiverSoccerClub.

“She’satwo-touchtypeofplayer, withgreatawarenessandgamesense,” ChamberlainLundynoted.


Galvezisagreatplayer,saidthecoach, and“Wearecountingonhertoscorea lotofourgoalsthisseason.”

NevaehSmith,HaydenBenner,both seventh-gradecenter-backs,and RyleighSpindler,seventh-gradegoalie, are“keyplayersondefense”thisseason, shesaid.

“WedefinitelycouldhavebeatLaurelbymorethanfourgoals,”ChamberlinLundysaid.“Westruggledtoshoot andfinishthatgame,soourpractice sessionssincethenhavefocusedon thosetwothings.Itrytobuildtheprogrambyfocusingonfundamentals.”

ChamberlinLundywasthecoach forMillsboroMiddleSchool’sfield hockeyteamandsoccerteam,before becomingtheassistantfieldhockey coachatIndianRiverHighSchool alongsideheadcoachJodiStone.Once

Stoneannouncedherretirementafter the2020season,ChamberlinLundy tookherplaceasheadcoach.Shestill coachesfieldhockeyatIRandisthe assistantcoach,onceagain,alongside headcoachTorrieHuk.

AfterspendingsixyearsinMillsboro,shetransferredtoSMStocoach girls’soccerandhascoachedtherefor sixyears.

“Ilearnedthemajorityofmycoachingstrategiesandsession-planning techniquesthroughcoachingsessionsat RiverSoccerClubandlearningunder theguidanceofNealBarch,thepreviousSMScoach,formyfirstcouple years,”ChamberlinLundysaid.

Meanwhile,Clausenisinhis27th yearofcoachingbaseballatSMS.Be-

Sales Community Management Real Estate Rentals 10093 Iron Pointe, Wharton’s Bluff Don't miss this 4 BR/4.5 BA townhome, one of the LARGEST units in the community! $449,000 • 302-539-7511 Bethany Beach & Lewes Locations Locally family owned & operated since 1945 A complete service agency that can list, sell, rent, insure and manage your property Professional Photography Packages Virtual Tour Options • Aerial Drone Photography Year Round Rentals: Specializing in Condo & Home Owners’Association Management Commercial Property Management Maintenance Services Email for free quotes See Classified Section We Can Insure It All! Let Us Quote Your Homeowners, Auto, Flood and Business Insurance 34653 Lagoona Dr, Frankford Bring your Boat! Charming 3 bedroom cottage on canal with water access. 3 Miles from the ocean! $479,900 30884 Maplewood Rd, Ocean View Large 5 bedroom / 2 bath manufactured home with large sunroom and deck! $225,000 March29,2024 CoastalPoint A57

“IknowIcanalwayscounton them,”shesaid.“Weworksowelltogetherasateam,andthathasmade




ThehostRavensbrokeascorelesstie inthe48thminutewhensophomore



JuniorLaurenStoddardwasina helpingmood,registeringthreeassists, whileseniorLillyAnthonygarneredan assistaswell.JuniorChloeMegeemade eightsavestopickupthewiningoal.

TheIndians—2-1ontheseason— werescheduledtohostundefeated



ginningin1999,hewastheassistant coachtoJesseSteele,beforehetook overasheadcoachin2014.Steelehas beenhisassistantcoacheversince.This year,however,Steeleisunabletocoach,

thisseasonrunverysmoothly.Each coachbringssomethingdifferentto thetable,whichisgreatforthediversegroupofplayersthatwehave.”

Alacrossetravelteamparticipant duringhermiddle-schoolyears,Ryan wasunabletoplaythesportatIn-

BriannaGabbertsetupsophomore KylaLazforagoalthatgaveSussex Techa1-0lead.

“Obviously,[thetie]wasnottheresult thatwewanted,”saidIRHSgirls’ soccerheadcoachBrandtMais.“But theperformancewasgood.Wecreateda

Smyrna(3-0)onWednesday,March27, beforetakingnearlytwoweeksofffor SpringBreak.


Early-seasonstruggles forIndians

Thelinkshavenotbeenkindforthe IndianRiverHighSchoolgolfteamin

leavingJoshSweetmaninhisplace. Sweetmanhasbeenassistingthebaseballteamforroughlysevenyearsand previouslyplayedforthebaseballteam backin2003,duringtheveryfirstundefeatedseasonatSMS.

ThoughClausensaidhehopes Steelewillbeabletoreturntocoaching nextyear,hesaidheisgratefultohave

dianRiverHighSchool,whosegirls’ programdidn’tbeginuntil2016.She servedasboys’lacrosseteammanager duringitsinauguralseasonof2013.

A2013IRHSgraduate,LoganattendedtheUniversityofDelawarein Wilmington,wheresheearnedher

lotofchancestoscore,andwehadgood ballpossessionandmovedtheballreally well.AlthoughSussexTechscoreda flukegoal,ourathletesrespondedreally well.Theynevergaveup,continuedto playtogether,demonstratedresilience, andwererewardedwithanexciting

theearlypartsoftheseason.Creditinexperience,alongwiththeweather,asthe contributingfactors.

Intheirmostrecentmatch,theIndianstravelednorthtoFrogHollowGolf CoursetotakeonMOTCharter.Despiteanimpressivefour-under-par31 fromseniorSarahLydic,theIndians couldn’trally,resultingina195-202setback.


Sweetmanashisassistantcoachthis year.

“He’sbeenouttherewithusforthe pastyears,sothere’sreallynotmuchof achange betweenhimandwhatwe’ve alldonetogether.Wetaketheoutfieldersandthepitchers,andhe’sdoinga greatjobwiththem.”


undergraduatedegreeinEnglisheducationandsociologyin2017,and hermaster’sdegreeinteacherleadershipin2022.

last-minutegoaltoputusintoovertime. I’mveryproudofthecharacterthatour team showed.”

GoalkeeperDavidsonmadetwo savestokeepherteamclose.

Hibbert(48)leadMOTChartertothe win.

IRsophomorePaolaMunozGarcia cardeda55forsecondontheteam,while EllaGroveandLukeWilliamseach scoreda58overthefrontnineholes.

TheIndiansweresettotravelto Hooper’sLandingtotakeonDelmaron Wednesday,March27,beforebeingoff untilApril9fortheSpringBreakholiday.


“Ijusthadalotofgreatcoachesin highschool,”hesaid.“Ihadcoach JimmyHudson—hecoachedatSussexCentral,andcoachCharlieHudson —hecoachedatSussexCentral,too. Onewasfootball.Onewasbaseball. Theyweretwogreatcoachestolearn from.”

A58 CoastalPoint March29,2024 You CAN Cancel Your Timeshare We have helped over 30,000 American families save over $450,000,000 in timeshare debt and maintenance fees. We can help you too. Get your free information kit and see if you qualify: Call 1.888.984.2917 *This is an Advertisement. Wesley Financial Group, LLC (“WFG”) and/or its a liates,successors, or assigns are not lawyers and/or a law firm and does not engage in the practice of law or provide legal advice or legal representation. Actual results depend on each client’s distinct case and no specific outcome is guaranteed. *Limit one o er per household. Must purchase 5+ Classic/Designer Glide-Out Shelves. EXP 03/31/24. Independently owned and operated franchise. ©2023 ShelfGenie SPV LLC. All rights Reserved. Custom Pull-Out Shelvesfor your existing cabinets and pantry. Call for Your FREE Design Consultation (844) 538-5547 ASSEMBLING & INSTALLING SINCE 2009 Furniture • Exercise Equipment Outside Play Sets • WiFi Security Cameras • TV Mounting FOR FASTEST SERVICE: We need your address & contact information and exact brand name, model #’s and quantity. Email us a copy of your receipt/pictures. 302-569-9732 Protect Your Vacant Home From Squatters w Security Cameras the only tool you Our Service Directory ~ Full of local craftsmen with all the tools and skills you need.
Ryan ContinuedfrompageA51





Sealed bids for the Town of Ocean View, Country Estates Drainage Project No. OVPZ&D 23-07 will be received by the Town Manager of Ocean View until 11:00 a.m., local time, on Tuesday, April 30, 2024, at the Office of the Administrative Official, Wallace A. Melson Municipal Building, 201 Central Ave, 2nd Floor, Ocean View, Delaware 19970, at which time they will be opened, read, and recorded.

The work involves the furnishing of all labor, materials, transportation, tools, supplies and equipment necessary for Country Estates Drainage Project and Plans, in the Incorporated Town of Ocean View.

Interested Contractors may obtain an electronic copy of the Contract Documents during normal working hours by contacting Susan Miller, at A copy of the bid documents will be emailed to interested parties.

A pre bid meeting has been scheduled for Thursday, April 16, 2024, at 10:00 AM. The meeting will be held at 201 Central Ave, 2nd Floor Meeting Room, Ocean View, Delaware 19970. This pre bid meeting is not mandatory.

Bids shall be submitted in a sealed envelope and shall be marked clearly as follows: Sealed Bid - Proposal for Country Estates Drainage Project No. OVPZ&D 23-07. Requirements for a 10% Bid Bond, 100% Performance Bond, 100% Payment Bond and 50% Maintenance Bond, and Contractor's Insurance are included in the Contract Documents.

The Town of Ocean View reserves the right to reject any or all bids, and make such award as appears most advantageous to the Town.

CP 20240322 2T


Thirty days following publication of this notice, applicant will seek title to the vessel described below unless proof of an existing ownership interest has been presented. Vessel is described as: 1992 Boston Whaler, 13', white - Registration # MD 3499 E, Hull ID # BWCN2059I192. Contact Travis Martin, 302-752-6911;

CP 20240329 1T


Pursuant to Title 25 DE.C Section 3901, a Garage Keeper Lien Holder’s Sale will be held at J.S. Bennett & Son, 35112 Atlantic Ave., Millville, DE on Wednesday, May 15, 2024 at 10 a.m.

Vehicle being sold will be a 2015 Maroon Ram 1500, DE LicenseXF343326, Vehicle Mileage - 159,403. VIN# 1C6RR7GG2FS575343.

Defendant: Jaquan Lamal Adkins.


To Whom it May Concern:

CP 20240329 1T

This is to advise that Bradford E. Morris of 32303 Gum Road, Frankford, of Sussex County, Delaware, will be filing with the Prothonotary in and for Sussex County, State of Delaware, an application for a License to Carry a Concealed Deadly Weapon, according to the laws of the State of Delaware.

CP 20240329 1T

March29,2024 CoastalPoint A59



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on March 21, 2024, the Board of Adjustment for the Town of Ocean View took the following action:

• V-452: 32625 Windmill Drive (PIDN:401.090/CTM#134-16.00-26.00)

Variance Granted


CP 20240329 1T


The Town of Selbyville will be flushing its fire hydrants between 8 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. during the week beginning Monday, April 8, 2024.

Residents and businesses are advised to check for discolored water, especially in their washing machines. If you observe discolored water, let your faucet run for a few minutes to see if it clears up. If it doesn’t, contact the water department at 436-8349. We appreciate your patience and cooperation. For more information, call Town Hall at 302-436-8314.

Again, watch for discolored water.

CP 20240329 2T


32 Hudson Avenue

(PIDN: 099.150 / CTM# 134-12.00-1544.00)

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN BY the Board of Adjustment of the Town of Ocean View that a public hearing will be held on Application V-456, submitted by the property owner, Jonathan DeCanio, for property zoned R-1 (Single-Family Residential District) located at 32 Hudson Avenue (PIDN: 099.150 / CTM# 134-12.00-1544.00). The property owner is seeking a variance from Article V, §140-28 in order for all existing buildings/structures on the lot to exceed the maximum allowable lot coverage of 35%.

The Town will hold this hearing on Thursday, April 18, 2024 at 3:00pm or as soon as possible thereafter in the Ocean View Community Center located at 32 West Avenue, adjacent to John West Park. All interested parties are welcome to attend. The meeting will be available online via livestream on the Town’s YouTube channel. The link to the livestream will appear on the posted agenda for the meeting and in the calendar portion of the Town’s website, Please note that the meeting agenda is subject to change. Written comments will be accepted, but must be submitted prior to the start of the meeting.

The material may be examined by interested parties on the second floor of the Wallace A. Melson Municipal Building located at 201 Central Avenue between 8:30 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. through 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday by appointment only. For additional information, please contact Kenneth L. Cimino, Director of Planning, Zoning & Development, at (302) 539-1208 or via email at

CP 20240329 1T


PO BOX 743; GEORGETOWN, DE 19947 (302)855-7875

Estate of Richard G. Sharpe Sr., Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Letters of Testamentary upon the estate of Richard G. Sharpe Sr. who departed this life on January 13, 2024, late of Ocean View, DE were duly granted unto Patricia A. Sharpe on March 4, 2024 and all persons indebted to the said deceased are required to make payments to the said Executor without delay, and all persons having demands against the deceased are required to exhibit and present the same duly probated to the said Executor on or before September 13, 2024 or abide by the law in this behalf.


Patricia A. Sharpe 14 Old Mill Drive Ocean View, DE 19970

Gregory Fuller, Sr., Register of Wills


VeronicaR.Townsend,Esq. 118AtlanticAve.;Suite202 OceanView,DE19970

CP 20240315 3T


32625 Windmill Drive

(PIDN: 401.090 / CTM# 134-16.00-26.00)

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Ocean View will review Application P-350, a minor subdivision plan submitted by the applicant, W. Zachary Crouch, P.E., of the firm Davis Bowen & Friedel, Inc. on behalf of the property owners, Joseph R. Irwin & Kristof A. Irwin, proposing the subdivision of one (1) lot into two (2) lots at 32625 Windmill Drive (PIDN:401.090 / CTM#134-16.00-26.00, zoned R-2, One- and Two-Family Residential).

77 West Avenue

(PIDN: 316.000 / CTM# 134-12.00-504.00)

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Ocean View will review Application P-351, a minor subdivision plan submitted by the applicant, Charles “Bucky” Dennig, Jr., P.L.S, of the firm Becker Morgan Group, on behalf of the property owner, Rebecca G. Hall, proposing the subdivision of one (1) lot into two (2) lots at 77 West Avenue (PIDN: 316.000 / CTM# 134-12.00-504.00, zoned R-1 Single-Family Residential).

The Town will hold these reviews on Thursday, April 18, 2024 at 4:00pm or as soon as possible thereafter in the Ocean View Community Center located at 32 West Avenue, adjacent to John West Park. All interested parties are welcome to attend. The meeting will be available online via livestream on the Town’s YouTube channel. The link to the livestream will appear on the posted agenda for the meeting and in the calendar portion of the Town’s website, Please note that the meeting agenda is subject to change. Written comments will be accepted, but must be submitted prior to the start of the meeting.

The material may be examined by interested parties on the second floor of the Wallace A. Melson Municipal Building located at 201 Central Avenue between 8:30 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. through 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday by appointment only. For additional information, please contact Kenneth L. Cimino, Director of Planning, Zoning & Development, at (302) 539-1208 or via email at

A60 CoastalPoint March29,2024
CP 20240329 1T


GalleryOnethisweekannounced thethemeofitsAprilshow,“Three’s aCrowd,”opentothepublicMarch 27throughApril30.

Thesayinggoes,“Two’scompany, three’sacrowd,”butatGalleryOne thismonth,goodthingscanalso comeinthrees.

“Theoldproverb(datingbackto the1600s),istypicallyusedincircumstanceswhereathirdpersonis notwelcomewhentwopeople(perhapslovers)wanttobealonewith eachother,”organizersnoted.“We seethisinartistCindyBeyer’spastel ‘Beatit,Bubby.’”

“MarcoIslandistheperfect spotforpelicanwatching,”Beyer said.“Ittookmesometimetoget closetothesebigbirdsontherocks.

Ihadamomenttoshootthembeforetheyflewoff.Forourtheme, ‘Three’sacrowd,’”Ithoughtit wouldbefuntopaintoneflying awayafterbeingpushedofftherock, asiftheothertwosaid,‘Beatit, Bubby—thisseat’staken.’”

PelicansalsofeatureinJoyce Condry’sacrylicpainting“NoVacancy,”inwhichatriadofpelicans evictaninterloper.“I’msorrybutwe arefullybooked.Youmighttrythe piernextdoor.”

Buttheproverbalsoconjuresup “theRuleofThrees”forartists.

“Andourartistsillustratethis monthhowgoodthreecanbe,becausethere’sagoodreasonthatsitcomwasn’tcalledfourscompany,or thereweren’tsixblindmice,”organ-

izerssaid.“Thatreasonisthatthings arrangedinoddnumbersaremore appealing,memorableandeffective thanevennumberedgroupings. Thereseemstobeamagicnumber. Theprincipleholdsweightnotjust inpainting,butalsoininteriordesignandphotography.

“Theanswerliesinthewayour brainswork.Threeisthesmallest numberthatcanbeusedtoforma distinguishablepatterninourheads. Also,whenyouseeanoddnumber ofthings,youreyeisforcedtomove aroundmore,whichmakesfora moreinterestingvisualexperience.”

ThisisillustratedinartistLesley McCaskill’sacrylic“AGaggleof Geese,”awashinapaletteofblues andgreens,aswellasinCheryl

Wisbrock’s“ThreeKayakers,”inwatercolor,inwhichthestrongshadowsandrelativelydarkpaletteserve toemphasizethebrightsunlitarea thekayaksareheadedinto,andin artistDaleSheldon’s“ThreeWhite Pelicans”inacrylic,aswellasin MichelleMarshall’sgraphicacrylic, “GuardiansoftheBeach.”

In“GardeninRavello,”apastel byartistLauraHickman,there’s somestorytelling,

“AtthegloriousRoseTerracein Ravello’sVillaCimbrone,threedogs greetedme,”Hickmansaid,“but onlytwoofmyfour-leggedfriends ledmeonthegrandtour.Obviously, sometimesthreeisacrowd.”

GalleryOneisopendailyfrom10 a.m.to4p.m.

Se R I D v r F O Y R O T C E viices Shore Home Improvements, LLC Design • Build • Remodel 302.537.5988 Established 1989 • Licensed & Insured Additions CASH FOR CARS! 302-249-3444 38531 DuPont Blvd., Selbyville We Will Buy Your Car Even if You Don’t Buy One of Ours! Auto Buying Service APPLIANCE MASTER Prompt, Quality Repairs at A ordable Prices Washers • Dryers • Dishwashers Ranges • Disposals • Refrigerators Call Phil: 302.278.1441 Serving the Rt. 54 area with 50 years’ experience of honest work Appliance Service Expert Bathroom Remodeling Professional Bath-to-Shower Conversion Prompt, Quality Work by Father/Son Team Offering Senior & Veteran Discounts 302.542.1162 Serving Sussex Co. for over 30 years Licensed Insured Bathrooms BEACH VALET Your Personalized Ride Service Airports - Train Stations Washington - Baltimore - Philadelphia 301.602.3741 Airports & Train Station F abian’s CarpetCare 302-745-7547 Water Damage • Restoration • Mold & Mildew Carpet Cleaning - 2 rooms: $79; 4 rooms: $125 With Ad Residential & Commercial Carpet & Upholstery Licensed & Insured • Free Estimates • 25+ Years’ Experience Carpet Cleaning Quality Service by Certified Technicians Since 1983 302.436.5652 Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Tile & Grout Cleaning Oriental Rug Cleaning & Repair Carpet Cleaning Auto Detailing March29,2024 CoastalPoint A61
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Se R I D v r F O Y R O T C E viices THE HANDY BEACHMAN Exterior Home Repairs “WE DO IT ALL” Licensed • Bonded • Insured • MHIC 17433 “A Family Tradition Since 1935” 410-893-9707 • Roofing Repairs • Roof Cleaning • Gutter Cleaning & Powerwashing • • Deck Repairs • • Rain Gutters • Gutter Guards • Screening • Painting • Staining • Caulking P A R R I S H Handyman SYNERGY HOME SERVICES 302-344-7629 Lic. & Ins. | References Available | 40 Years’ Exp. Affordable. Sensible. On Time. Remodeling Home Repair Construction Property Management & Maintenance PaintingDecksAdditions & Everything in Between! Handyman HAPPY TO BE HANDY I’ll Economically Repair, Replace, or Build New Call Rob for All Your Jobs! Trim Work Cabinets Custom Shelving Drywall - Install & Repair Painting Siding & Roo ng Repairs Windows & Doors Screen Porches Decks - New & Repair Ceramic Tile Minor Plumbing & Electrical 302.858.3024 Licensed & Insured Handyman Specializing in all Home Repairs 30 years’ experience. Call for a free estimate Doors • Plumbing • Carpentry Electrical • Tile • Drywall Painting • and Much More! Jeff the Handy Man 302.212.7607 Handyman Repairs Decks Tile Work Kitchens Baths Power Washing Stone Work Drywall Screen Repairs Minor Plumbing Masonry Work Window Washing Call Gus: 302.245.4852 Licensed & Insured Handyman NICK DEMOPOULOS 302.604.3971 LICENSED/INSUREDNCDREMODELING@GMAIL COM BATHROOMS & KITCHENS AND OTHER HOME INTERIOR RENOVATIONS Home Improvements Contractor Bill Smith 302.228.5668 • 302.846.0446 References • Free Estimates • Licensed & Insured The smallest things make the biggest difference Custom Cabinets & Shelving Tile, Hardwood & Laminate Flooring Kitchen & Bath Remodeling Interior Trim & Shiplap Sunrooms, Decks, & Porches Home Improvements Find the local services you need in our Service Directory Call JANE for more information • 302.539.1788 GetEverything OnYour ‘ToDo’List… DONE! Got a List? PS Handyman Services 302.259.4457 Timely and Reliable Service for your Home and Boat Handyman olish M lishPo 2 2) 206-630 (30 AWARE DEL GROUT SIR tonearble/St bl/S h estoration tti hower R h ull S ll F Floors Showers Countertops Stone rout ile & G T Home Improvements Small Job Specialist Remodels | Installs | Decks | Carpentry | Railings Screened Porches | Flooring | Outdoor Pet Houses 302.524.2252 Licensed Insured DELMARVALOUS HANDYMAN Handyman Reliable, expert problem-solver with experience in electrical, plumbing, drywall, and household repairs at reasonable pricing! Drywall Repair - Cabinet Repair - TV Mounting - Lighting Fixtures Ceiling Fan Installation - Pantry/Closet Shelving Faucets/Drain Replacement/Repair - Picture/Mirror Hanging Handicap Safety Equipment Installation, and more ... ROB’S HANDYMAN SERVICES Call or Text: 443.618.4972 Handyman PATIOS 410.390.1499 • Driveways • Fire Pits • Retaining Walls • Hardscaping • Walkways Family-owned & Operated. Call for Your FREE Estimate! Licensed Insured Handyman THE SCREEN GUY & HANDYMAN SCREEN REPAIR PRESSURE WASHING 443.301.5994 Handyman 302.519.8954 Randy Perkins Millsboro Full Service Garage Door Company New Doors - Repairs - Openers Residential - Commercial Garage Doors March29,2024 CoastalPoint A63
A64 CoastalPoint March29,2024 Se R I D v r F O Y R O T C E viices Down to Earth 302-381-5051 302-381-5051 Free Estimates • Licensed & Insured Serving Bethany Beach & the surrounding areas Landscape & Mowing Contracts Irrigation Installation/Maintenance Fertilization - Turf & Ornamental Bed Maintenance & Pruning Lawn & Landscape LLC Landscaping • Landscaping • Irrigation • Hardscaping Free Estimates Full Yearly Maintenance Contracts Available 443.783.2224 Landscaping RELIABLE Happy to be HANDY CONSTRUCTION 302.858.3024 Licensed & Insured Call Rob for All Your Jobs! Composite & Treated Decks | Attic Bonus Rooms Deck & Siding Replacement| Additions Window & Door Replacement| Screen Porch Sunroom| Kitchens| Baths| Luxury Vinyl Flooring Home Improvements AN AFFORDABLE NEW BATH STARTS HERE! Making Y r Dream Bath C e True F 20 Ye s! Specializing in Bathroom Remodels Contact Garth for FREE Estimate! 410-641-8439 MHIC #94614 Licensed Insured Tub to Shower Conversions Custom Tile Work Home Improvements HVAC Complete Landscaping & Lawn Care Irrigation Installation & Repair 302.344.4883 302.344.1441 Locally Owned Licensed & Insured Bethany Blooms Landscaping, LLC Available Now FULL SERVICE CONTRACTS Landscaping • Overseeding • Tree Trimming • Snow Plowing • Aerating • Landscape Planting & Maintenance • Yard Cleanup • Lawn Care • Mowing • Mulching • Weeding Residential Commercial licensed insured 302.448.1643 Landscaping 302.542.1335 302.537.1144 Bobcat & Backhoe Services ~ Bush-hogging Free Estimates Licensed & Insured Landscaping Landscaping RRD LAWN & LANDSCAPING INC 302.249.9986 Seasonal Clean-up • Junk Hauling • Shrubs Pruned Mulch & Pine Needles Delivered & Installed Chipper Services • Grass Cutting • Trees Removed Small Trees Trimmed or Removed Top Soil, Fill Dirt, Grading • Bush-Hogging Driveway Stone Delivered & Installed EMERGENCY TREE REMOVAL DEPENDABLE SERVICES 302.539.5664 • C: 302.228.5190 Edgar Simpler Licensed & Insured Landscaping • Spring Clean-up • Landscaping • Mulching • Gravel/Dirt/Topsoil • Sod Installation • Lawn Mowing • Tree Care • Handyman Licensed Veteran-Owned • Local Insured Landscaping y Masonr of types All N DAM STORM in tinctiactractrantrontCon Co ia lialliillWil Wi Concrete & & AGE c. nc.Inc g ng ms amms o S i i 462 02 302 h t i W d e n r u t e R s l l a C 5654 s r u o H 4 2 n i encerien xpeExp Ex calLoca rs’earsyea 30 r Ove . . s m a i l l i W k n a r F ed redInsure In & ed ensedLicen • r e n w O , Home Improvements A CUT ABOVE LAWNS STARTING AT $25 Landscaping & Snowplowing Call Charlie 302.569.0240 Lawn Maintenance & Sod Mulch & Stone Handyman Service Power Washing Spring & Fall Clean-Up Licensed & Insured Landscaping
Se R I D v r F O Y R O T C E viices 302.519.8444 Receive a FREE 1-day pass & Treats with enrollment Overnight Boarding Fresh Air • Furry Friends • Fitness 2.5 acre West Fenwick Farm Pick up/Drop off Services available Doggie Daycare, LLC Pet Services Water Heaters • Comfort Height Toilets Custom Tile Showers Quality Work by Father/Son Team Offering Senior & Veteran Discounts 302.542.1162 Serving Sussex Co. for over 30 years Licensed Insured Plumbing ca m• us, t f • fo oC fii r r w • 5t com n o65 is6 t atne n sefi ds ho orkh odar C cus S o li3 i 53 b5 o.2 M 9 • 4 e 24 c.2 n2. al 02 a30 B to rus o y b or bal f for balanc C a M SEN PE ent y 6at s t te5cm www.dkhor ab ocu s ty al 302249.2535• Days 7 usto e Cc ur s thy trb vF o • r i i l t y ns y m r u dur u n c nd endur F al gt tgin l en ie st ll strxs al e rler nd yan t e and o ie o on to i i ls i s cse asFinng tn n i ain na d t m ze m mized tr o /We k 65 Day , 3 s n our ome , ty, , y, e, l lanc e n 2535 Available Av ces SESSIONS COACHING IOR RSONALIZED ancEnduran d ore anc • d e oandal engt er all n r ed rtiCert AED ed rtiert rogramsPro on roupGro & ss Health, Fitness, r Yea/Ye e stability mobility ty aining sessions H Y Yo i g DarkHorseFitne DarkHorseFitness6 302.249. ferenRefe • Insured Fully a th Stren allver-alOve • & CPR Advanced • C Nutrition • Nutriti & Coaching Individualized • Wellne We & Senio in Specializing • Personal Trainer Derickson’s Wallcovering, LLC 302.537.5787 • 410.726.3145 Serving the Shore since 1990 Licensed & Insured in DE & MD • MHIC 73031 Professional, Quality Service Wallpaper Installation/Removal Interior Painting Painting & Wallpaper McKinney Brothers Pete McKinney 443.449.9647 High-end Custom, Quality Painting MB Licensed Insured Painting 302.249.9027 TWO OLD GUYS that PAINT & POWERWASH AND do HOME REPAIRS & HANDYMAN SERVICES & EPOXY GARAGE FLOORS AND do it ALL well! Quality Work, at a Fair Price 41 Years of Experience Free Estimates WINTER SPECIALS - 10% OFF! Kevin M. Donovan, BPI Certified Building Analyst Licensed & Insured Painting HAN SEN PAIN TING EST 1986 RESIDENTIAL • INSURED • INTERIOR DELAWARE Lic. #2006202486 MARYLAND Lic. #27390 301-253-1368 Painting Zimmerman & Son LLC • CUSTOM PAINTING • DRYWALL REPAIRS • WALLPAPER REMOVED • DECK & H OUSE S TAINING • ALWAYS PROMPT SERVICE Free Estimates 10% Discount with this ad. Bill Zimmermancell 443-373-4539 NOW ACCEPTING CREDIT CARDS! Painting & Powerwashing Interior & Exterior Serving Delmarva for Over 35 Years Licensed & Insured Painting 302-745-3912 Kevin Coviello QualityWorkmanship INTERIOR EXTERIOR Licensed & Insured with 27 Years’ Experience Painting w Ex ’Years Ye + 20 PAINTI PA CU ROSE Po M All Inter g perience NG STOM Washin Wa er xteriorE etal xterior xtior/E L e F f J ll C ip-Ship Sprin A n ! t ti E atiollatallstalInst ap cksDe !Savings g Special about sk 302.396.1311 Painting BENNETT BROS. PAINTING 302.569.7578 35 years of experience Licensed Insured INTERIOR/EXTERIOR Single Room - Entire Home Minor Drywall Repair - Powerwashing Painting The Area’s #1 Moving Company BUDGET MOVERS 40+ Years in Business Licensed & Insured LOCAL • ENTIRE EAST COAST Residential or Office or Commercial Packing or Loading or Unloading or Complete Move Single Item or Certain Items or Full Home Call Maria: 443-664-5797 Female Owned & Operated Moving Services Find the local services you need in our Service Directory Need HELP with household chores? Got Chores? March29,2024 CoastalPoint A65
A66 CoastalPoint March29,2024 Se R I D v r F O Y R O T C E viices Bethany 302-539-5700 Georgetown 302-856-9210 STI Landscape Center 302-645-6262 Serving the local community for over 30 years Mention this ad. Cannot be combined with other offers or coupons. Not valid on previous quotes or committents. Some exclusions apply. $10% off From grass roots to tree tops, we have all of your tree and landscaping needs covered. Tree Service 302.542.0921 MA-4360B Pest & Disease Treatments Tree & Shrub Fertilization Tick/Mosquito Treatments Hazard Tree Assessments Invasive Species Management Tree Pruning & Removal HOA Master Planning & Tree Inventories Home of the PennDel Arborist of the Year Tree Service Property Management • Tree Trimming • Tree Removals • Tree Pruning Stump Grinding Lot Clearing 24 Hour Emergency Senior & Military Discounts 302.278.8979 Tree Service HOME - AUTO - MARINE 302.236.2670 TOP WERKS UPHOLSTERY Professional Service New - Repairs - Alterations Farm Fresh Eggs for Sale! Call for an appointment: Upholstery Free In-Home Consultation! Window Treatments Millville across from the Dollar General, approx. 1/2 mile on the left on Whites Neck Rd. Jeremy Smith • 302.423.2601 Yard Waste Recycling & Retail Material Mulch • Top Soil • Mushroom Soil (Nutrient Rich) Soil Amendment Pine Needles Accepting tree limbs, leaves and plant material. Pick-up available. DELIVERY AVAILABLE • MON-FRI 9-4 Yard Waste FREE In-Home Consultation Professional Measuring and Installation Shutters, Roman Shades, Draperies, Top Treatments Woven Woods, Honeycombs, Roller Shades, Solar Shades Window Film, Awnings, Wood & Faux Wood Blinds, & more... 302.856.6799 Window Treatments Locally owned/operated since 2000 For a FREE In-Home Consultation, call our showroom: 302.537.9407 Plantation Shutters Custom-made locally! • Roman, Honeycomb, & Roller Shades • Faux Wood Blinds • Vertical Woven Draperies Custom Window Treatments Window Treatments 6394 228 302 s Available Financing Easy 100% Estimates Written FREE Warrantie Wa Lifetime ed Certi GAF vice erS Quality Prompt, Honest, 8. . u s n I & d e s n ec i L g n i f o o R E D x e s s u S ng SussexRoo d re m o c . l i a m g @ Roofing Roofing POWERWASHING allservicesw/thisad! Atlantic Coast Powerwashing Services Yearround services w/yearly& seasonal rates Hot Water, Powerwashing & Soft Wash Systems • Deck Staining • Decks • Docks • Houses • Restaurants • Shopping Centers • Roofs • & More MHIC 97081 Ocean City 34629 • Delaware 2004 222 381 Licensed & Insured 410-603-3400 Joe Beran/Owner Operator Commercial & Residential • Complete Exterior Cleaning Atlantic Coast Powerwashing Services Powerwashing/Soft Wash CREATIVE DRAPERY • Draperies • Slip Covers • Blinds and Shades • Indoor/Outdoor Cushion Covers CUSTOM Call Bonnie Johnson, owner 717.235.7800 Insured with over 50 years’ experience Window Treatments

FULL-TIME PAINTER Weekends not required. Must have transportation. Great pay and opportunities for the right person. 302.841.3004

THE CHRISTIAN STOREHOUSE IN MILLSBORO a not-for-profit thrift store is seeking VOLUNTEERS for all departments. Hours and days are flexible. When you have the time, we have a spot for you!

Call Teri for details: 302.934.8151


work in a fast-paced, friendly office environment.

To apply, please send resume to:

No phone calls, please! EOE

a fast-paced Property Maintenance company


EXPERIENCE REQUIRED: Customer Service, MS Word and Excel, knowledge of basic of ce procedures; Bi-lingual & Strong Math Skills are a plus.


EXPERIENCE REQUIRED: Customer Service, MS Word and Excel, Outlook, and marketing skills. Bi-lingual & Strong Math Skills are a plus.

WE OFFER: Full-Time, Monday - Friday, competitive pay, great bene ts, paid holidays and vacation.

Send your resume to: -


• Grounds/Maintenance: $14/hr

• Administrative Support: $15/hr

• Beach Rental Attendant: $13.25/hr

The Customer Service Representative promotes the Quiet Resorts

a tourist and leisure destination by providing visitors and residents information with a high degree of customer service. This position oversees the daily operations of the Information Center(s), requires a strong working knowledge of the Quiet Resorts area and the ability to ful ll tourism requests in a timely manner.

EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT CLASSIFIED RATES Line ads: $8.50 for 20 words, 25¢ per add’l word. Display ads: $8.50 per column inch. Non-commercial ads for items $1,000 or less are free up to 20 words. Yard Sales are $9.00 Contact Jane to place your Classified ad 302.539.1788 Jane.Johnson Classi eds Classified Deadlineis Tuesday at 4pm | Ads accepted from 9am –4pm, Monday - Friday. BOAT DELIVERY DRIVER Do you like boats? Can you drive a pick-up truck? Do you like making people happy? Your new, fun job is outdoors, on the waterand getting paid for it! Bonus program & great pay! Part-Time & Will-Call Positions available. Stop in or send resume to: Rudy Marine, Rt. 113, 32606 DuPont Blvd, Dagsboro Why work indoors?? Coastal Kayak is the PERFECT, fun, second job, ease-into-retirement job, excuse-to-get-outside job, or learn-something-new job! Kayak Guides • Of ce Staff Delivery Drivers • Beach Staff for Vacation Rental Department. Weekends a must. Candidates must be customer service oriented with the ability to
PART-TIME CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Interested in the Position? Contact No phone calls, please For a complete job description, visit: PASSIONATE GARDENER 302.542.4457 : Position descriptions at To apply, email cover letter and resume to: SCHFH is an Equal Opportunity Employer CONSTRUCTION DIRECTOR CONSTRUCTION SITE SUPERVISOR HEALTHY HOMES SPECIALIST VOLUNTEER SERVICES MANAGER PUBLIC RELATIONS/MARKETING MANAGER GRANTS ADMINISTRATOR Join a team that builds Homes, Communities, and Hope!
ASSISTANT FOR RETIRED COUPLE in Ocean View. 10-20 exible hours/week, daytime. • Organize & help with paperwork & computer
Occasional meal prep for large groups
Help with 3 raised garden beds 302.935.0010 INDIVIDUALS WITH GOOD DRIVING record & insurance can make money for a growing transportation company. Summer & clients are endless!
Miss Maisey Call Mike 302.344.0169 Apply online at Click Casual/Seasonal Work indoors/outdoors, weekends, holidays, evenings as scheduled.
Campground Registrar: $15/hr
Store Attendant: $15/hr
Attendant/Parking Fee Collector: $13.25/hr
Preferred Ocean View
Resume: March29,2024 CoastalPoint A67


Fuel Dock Attendant • Maintenance

Boat Yard Attendant • Custodial


Duties include monitoring of pools and clubhouses for proper use by members, rules enforcement and maintaining of poolside furniture. Proper candidate will have


maintain the beauty of the Town. Duties include sanitation, general labor, lawn maintenance, and other duties as assigned. Beach maintenance/cleanliness is a major part of this position.

applications available at Town Hall, 214 Garfield Parkway

Bethany Beach, DE 19930 on our website

or by calling: 302.539.8011

A68 CoastalPoint March29,2024 EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT All States Construction is now hiring Excellent Pay & Competitive Bene ts Package Available Give us a call for more info: 410.352.9800 Full-Time Positions Experience Preferred Tools, Transportation, Valid Driver’s License are a Plus WAREHOUSE DELIVERY DRIVER • PAINTERS • STUCCO & EIFS MECHANICS • LABORER • CONCRETE WORK • CARPENTER POOL ATTENDANTS Lighthouse Lakes Community; Rt. 54; Selbyville MAY 24 - SEPTEMBER 15 FT or PT: 10am - 2pm or 2pm - 6pm to apply: and attach a one-page biography or resume. We will accept email submissions through April 20, ‘24. is is NOT a Lifeguard position; must be at least 18. Retirees Welcome! Duties include: Check-ins - Fill Kiddie Pool - Clean (2) Bathrooms Insure Pool Rules are Followed - Empty Trash Bins TOWN OF BETHANY BEACH Equal Opportunity Employer for the months of June, July, August and early September. Applicants must possess a valid Driver’s License. Salary$18.00/hour. As a seasonal member of Bethany Beach’s Public Works Department, employees join a team-oriented environment that helps
a strong customer service background and positive disposition. Positive, friendly work environment. Must be a HIGHLY motivated, upbeat worker committed to serving our clients. Fax: (302) 645-1292 Or email: SPRAY TECHNICIAN Full-Time, Year-Round position to start immediately. We offer Medical, Dental, Vacation, Yearly Bonus, Golfing Privleges. $19-$23/hour. Call Glen MacDonald at: Cripple Creek Golf and Country Club 302.539.8882 with current pesticide license Apply online at: AA/EOE
Hands • Ramp Attendant
Competitive Pay, Holiday, & Vacation Pay MOWING FOREMAN Valid driver’s license required, bilingual preferred. Pay based on experience. EXP. IRRIGATION TECH
Opportunity Employer
drivers needed for the months of May, June, July, August, and early September. Must be available for day, night, holidays, and weekends - mid-May through mid-September. There is some flexibility in scheduling. School bus drivers are encouraged to apply. Applicants must possess a CDL Class “C” License with passenger endorsement. Salary: $23/hour. Certification from the Delaware Department of Transportation is a plus. TROLLEY DRIVERS or by calling: 302.539.1996 a pplications available at Town Hall, 214 Garfield Parkway Bethany Beach, DE 19930 on our website Clean, safe and posi ve work environment. Full and Part- me Posi ons with flexible scheduling available. Seasonal, from Mother's Day to Sept. 22nd. Fenwick Island NOW HIRING FOR ALL POSITIONS Apply online and click on Employment: FT & PT, YEAR-ROUND OFFICE ASSISTANTS Monday - Friday, 8-4:30. Customer Service experience required. Quickbooks experience preferred; can train. Ready to talk about a paycheck? Superior Screen & Glass 302.541.5399 POOL ATTENDANTS PT May through mid-September To apply, email: Attach a one-page biography or resume. Applications accepted through May 10th. For Bishop’s Landing Community in Millville. Availability to include days, nights, weekends, & holidays. Must have a strong customer service background, positive disposition, and be able to li up to 25 lbs. EOE SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS Indian River School District. Will Train! 302.245.0315 TOWN OF BETHANY BEACH Select “Government Jobs” on bottom right, scroll down to “Summer Parking Enforcement Officers” or Town Hall 214 Garfiled Pkwy.; Bethany Beach, DE 19930 Equal Opportunity Employer SUMMER PARKING ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS is now accepting applications for To patrol a 1 mile x 1/4 mile area on foot to enforce parking regulations, policies, and issue tickets while serving as a Town Ambassador. Seasonal: May 15 - Sept 15 for rotating 6-hour shifts, 10 am - 10 pm. Uniforms are provided. Applications are available at Submit applications or resumes to EMPLOYMENT CONTINUED ON THE NEXT PAGE
a seasonal member of Bethany Beach's Trolley Service, employees join a team-oriented environment that transports residents to the beach on a fixed route. Shuttle Bus

For a complete job description and application, visit needed for the Southern DE Chorale, a non-pro t community choral organization. Responsible for managing social media, press releases, etc. 20


2-drawer co ee table. Excellent condition. $100 Please leave message. 302-3622768

SECRETARY DESK, LATE 1800s. Probably cherry, excellent condition. 4 drawers, 10 small drawers. 42”h x 40”w x 20”d. Flap down adds 15”. Can text pics. $999 302-539-9656

1930s BOOKCASES GOOD condition. Approximately 6’h x 3’w. Dark wood, glass doors. $850 each. Text only: 302-864-4029


Perfect condition; all but 2 in boxes. 1994-1998; including Neptune’s Fantasy, Barbie’s Spotlight. Text only: 302864-4029


hanging lamps; never used. Colored glass - reddish, clear, green, and blue. About 2” tall. Can text pics. $100 each, or $175 for both. Text only: 914-255-7119

TWIN TUB WASHING machine. Mode XpB361288SA. Capacity: 8 lbs. Perfect for dorm, apartment, camping. $30 302.537.7552

COUNTER-TOP refrigerator. 1.5 cu. ft., wood tone. 2 years old, great shape. $25 302-344-0169

WHIRLPOOL, BLACK dishwasher. Works great. $100 302-567-1203

SUSSEX COUNTY HABITAT for Humanity ReStore accepts donations of working appliances 10 years old or less for families in need. 302-855-1156


Brand new, in box. Cost $600; asking $150 302436-9133

HVAC company with over 20 years’ experience is seeking an

We offer Vacation Health Insurance 401K Sales Commission

5-GALLON PORTABLE AIR tank. $20 302-616-1699

JEEP SOFT-TOP COMPLETE Brand new condition. ts 2007-2018. $300 302229-7898


17” set of 5 machined, black centers. Fit 2018-2024

JL Wrangler. 1 BFG allterrain spare, 285/70/17. $700 301-526-0065

60” BLACK TRUCK TOOL box; 50” silver diamond truck tool box. REDUCED! $50 each. 302-829-8390

2020 TOYOTA RAV 4 never used rubberized car oor mats for front and back seats. $50 609-247-3649

(2) MOTORCYCLE helmets, never used/ T-7 (L) black; Shoei (s-sm), white. $50 302-537-7552

DONATE YOUR CAR/ truck/ RV. Lutheran Mission Society of MD. Compassion Place Ministries help local families with food, clothing, counseling. Tax deductible. MVA licensed #W1044. 410228-8437

PENN 12’ CONVENTIONAL surf rod. New condition. $60 302-616-1699

PADDLE BOARDS - SINGLE board set-up: $500; (2) additional boards: $200 each. 302-988-9737

(1) 27” SHARP TV: $30 (1) Sanyo (no remote): $20. All in excellent condition. 757-810-8782

DIGITAL HOME THEATER by Sonar SR-50, 7.1 hi-def. In sealed box, never opened. Originally $300; asking $160. Text only: 914-255-7119

Walk Mow Greens, Tees, & Trim Work F/T (6 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.) P/T (6 a.m. - 10 a.m.) Seasonal or Year-Round S tudents & Retirees welcome! * Golfing privileges *Uniforms * $15/hour

Cripple Creek Golf and Country Club 302.539.8882

19 VOLUMES OF Woodsmith furniture woodworking plans. Plus 3 other woodworking books. Call or text: 603-205-2909

OLD FRIGIDAIRE SIDE-BYside refrigerator. Almond color. It’s old, but still runs. 302-539-9345

5-GALLON SOYBEAN OIL and/or 1 gallon corn syrup. Available for pick up any Monday or Thursday in Ocean View. Call 443-8024602

6-YEAR-OLD, ALL LEATHER 2-seater recliner. Beige. Excellent condition, rarely used. Paid $1,000; asking $350. 302-436-9133

1940’s GIFFORD’S ICE cream parlor table with detachable legs. 30” x 30” with four chairs. Great condition, can deliver locally. $100 703-400-8991

MODERN DR TABLE 30” x 4’ with four cushioned chairs with arm rests. Great condition, can deliver locally. $100 703-400-8991

4-DRAWER BEIGE METAL ling cabinet. Good condition. $40 410-404-4497

LA-Z-BOY ADJUSTABLE o ce chair with wheels. Brown, excellent condition. Like new. $25 410-8071849

UNIVERSAL BED FRAME, new in box. $10 703-4008991

BRAND NEW, RARELY used Power Lift Chair with massager, heater. Paid $1,900; let go for $800. Pics available. 717-309-7552


Blue and beige print. Excellent condition. $200 for both. 717-575-8314

BROWN, WOODEN BAR chairs. Good condition. $15 each. 301-802-0431

RE-LOADER FOR handgun and ri e with accessories. Also MAC Jr re-loader for 12gauge. As is. $350 For more info: 302-855-0631; leave message.

SMALL GROUP OF Responsible Hunters in search of farm/vacant property to rent for deer/waterfowl 2024-2025 hunting season. 410-924-6692

TROY-BILT RIDING LAWN mower, 46”. New tires, excellent condition. Great condition, can deliver locally. $300 703-400-8991

JOHN DEERE LAWN tractor E110, 42” deck. 19hp Briggs & Stratton. Motor clean, excellent condition. $1,399 302-278-1441

SUNNY DAZE FIRE PIT Still in box - never opened. $99 OBO (half original cost) 302-988-1771

CANNING SUPPLIES JARS, lids, rings - various sizes; and pot. $50 302-616-1699

(1) REDSKINS SLEEPER blanket; (1) Redskins throw blanket. $10 each. 410.310.6633

20+ STORAGE BINS $3-$8 302-988-1771

GUN SAFE - BROWNING Gold series. 10 long guns and pistol shelves, dial lock. $450 970-250-0880

SIENFELD 9-DVD SET $20 OBO. 007 Gold nger series (8 DVDs). Brand new. $25 OBO 757-810-8782

LARGE, RED HEAD BRAND winter jacket. Fleece and nylon with blue and black trim. Brand new. $40 OBO 757-810-8782

(82) NORA ROBERTS paperbacks. $20 takes all. (23) F. Scott Fitzgerald books. $20 takes all. 302933-0178

SINGER CONFIDENCE quilter/sewing machine. Used twice. Includes box and instructions. Asking $150 302-933-0178

COLEMAN POINT LOMA Dome shelter. 12’ x 12’. Center height: 7’2”. $75 3 02-537-7552

SINGER SEWING MACHINE Needs service. $40 301-802-0431

EUREKA SMALL, UPRIGHT vacuum cleaner: $15. Please leave message. 301-802-0431

LIKE-NEW, PORTABLE Singer sewing machine. Used one time. Paid $100; asking $75 OBO. Text only: 302-260-2275

ALAN & ROTH “SALEM” bathroom bronze hardware set. (towel racks, TP rack) New, in package. Was $49.98; asking $38. Text only: 302-233-0415

PFISTER #573329 BRONZE showerhead. New in package. Was $65.70; asking $50 Text only: 302-233-0415

DUNCAN “JACUZZI” centerset sink faucet. Bronze, #1102766. New, in package. Was $59; asking $45 Text only: 302-233-0415

HISENSE PORTABLE AIR conditioner. Free-standing, for a 250 sq ft room, 6,000 BTU. Model #2987534. Used one week. Was $329; asking $225. Text only: 302233-0415

21”, 14 AMP ELECTRIC Sun Joe snow blower. Used only once, garage kept. $80 302-644-0569

(11) 2 LB. BAGS OF ART sand - various colors: $15. 3’ x 2’ cork bulletin board with white frame: $5 302-5377552

10 ASSORTED NEWSWEEK issues of notable events: 9/11, Shuttle Disaster, etc. $15 302-537-7552

GET BOOST INFINITE Unlimited talk, text and data for just $25/month. The power of 3 5G networks, one low price. Call today and get the latest iPhone every year on us. 855-977-5719

DENTAL INSURANCE from Physicians Mutual Insurance Company. Coverage for 350 plus procedures. Real dental insurance - not just a discount plan. Do not wait. Call now. Get your free dental information kit with all the details. 855-337-5228 MDDC#6258

PREPARE FOR POWER outages today with a Generac home standby generator. $0 money down + low monthly payment options. Request a free quote. Call now before the next power outage. 855-993-0969

DRUM HEADS: (2) 13” Evans Reso & EC; (2) 13” Hydraulic & Emperor-coated; 14” Remo-coated Dot Snare; (3) 12” DW plus Remo VE Xonyx black. Excellent condition: $15 each. 302278-1441

LARGE DOG CAGE & BED Great shape. $10 717575-8314

FANCY GUPPIES - BABIES to adult. Very unique, bright colors. $2 each. Texts preferred. 302-841-4562

LOW COST SPAY AND neutering of cats. Want to save 100s of cats’ lives? Spay or neuter ONE. Call Cats Around Town Society to schedule an operation. 302-355-9979

CONTINENTAL GRAND Prix 4000 2S 700x25c bicycle tires. Like new. $55 for the pair. 302-278-1441

Submit resume at:
hours/week; can work from home. GROUNDSKEEPER
March29,2024 CoastalPoint A69


fully-equipped home in Bethany; walk to beach.


Call Richard: 301-408-8190



10’ x 30’ storage units with 10’x10’ garage doors.


Contact Glenn at 302-682-7765



Private BR (can be furnished) with shared bath.

Full house privileges. Amenities include pool. $850/month; util./WiFi incl. 302-386-7818


Full house privileges. Quiet, waterfront, Ocean View community with dock and kayak. $900/month incl. util. 240.899.8525



3BR/2.5BA unfurnished townhome. Community pool, tennis. Bike to beach. No pets. Good credit. $2,100/month

Call Glenn at Surf Realty, LLC 302-682-7765


All units are N/S, N/P unless otherwise noted. Credit application and security deposit required.

Denton Mills, Millville: 3BR/2BA single-family rancher. $1,500/month + utilities + 2% rental tax.

Bethany West, Bethany Beach: 3BR/2BA furnished cottage. $2,000/month + utilities + 7% rental tax.

Ocean View Beach Club: 3BR/2BA 2-story townhome with garage. Furnished or Unfurnished. $2,300 per month + utilities.

Taramino Place, The Villas of Lewes: 3BR/2.5BA unfurnished townhome. $2,500 per month + utilities.

Fairway Village, Ocean View: 5BR/3BA 2-story home with 2-car garage. Pets considered. $2,900 per month + utilities.

Fairway Villas, Cripple Creek, Dagsboro: 4BR/2.5BA single-family home with 2-car garage. $2,900 per month + utilities.

Stonewater Creek, Millsboro: 2BR/2BA with office or 3rd BR. Single-level home with 2-car garage. $2,950 per month + utilities.

Bethany: 3BR/3.5BA furnished 2-story home with garage overlooking the Salt Pond. Pets considered. $2,950 per month + utilities.

Ocean View Beach Club: 4BR/3.5BA fully furnished townhome with 2-car garage. $2,950 per month + utilities + 5% rental tax.

For problem-free management, list your properties with us!

Kim for more information:

x 3030 or 800.441.8118



3BR/2BA unfurnished condo with garage, facing Freeman Stage. N/S, N/P. Credit check required. $2,600/month + utilities.

Leave message:

3 02-353-8128


TREK MARLIN 5 ON/OFF road 21-speed bike. Disc brakes, luggage rack, rechargeable headlight, tail light, puncture resistant tubes, tires. $150 302339-7691

KHS PREMIUM TANDEM bicycle. Shimano 105 Deorext 7000 Easton Aluminum frame. 27-speeds. Like new. $799 302-278-1441

(2) DUMBELLS 50# EACH $25 for both. 703.400.8991

TEETER EP 560 INVERSION table. Barely used. Pics available. $200 Leave message: 302-353-8128

MEN’S 7-SPEED “GIANT” bicycle. Excellent condition. Originally $400; asking $200 OBO 302-988-1771

(2) MEN’S BASEBALL gloves. Autographed by Ron Cey and Woodie Held. $20 each 302-988-1771

EXERPEUTIC EXERCISE bike. Tracks vitals. Great condition. $60 Text only: 914-255-7119


LADDERS - ALL SIZES, extension and step. Call for pricing. 703-400-8991

SHOP FULL OF professional woodworking tools. Can sell separately, To schedule to come see, call 302-537-0679or:


CUTE, 2BR COTTAGE in the heart of Ocean View. Dining & living rooms, remodeled kitchen & bath, laundry room, detached garage and a big back yard. No AC. Electric baseboard heat. $1,350 + electric. Owner/Agent (302)539.2145




❏ Fri. & Sat., April 5 & 6 8-1 RAIN OR SHINE

Multi-family. Living room furniture, home decor, grill, tools, toys, books and a bit more!

36837 West Pebble Beach Drive, Forest Landing, Frankford, 19945. Off Central Avenue, near Bear Trap. Follow signs.

❏ Sat., April 6 8-10 WEATHER PERMITTING

Assorted tools.

38041 Whitesview Circle, Cedar Landing, Ocean View, 19970.

❏ Sat., April 13 8-11

Multi-Church yard sale and bazaar. Proceeds to benefit the Emergency Fund of South East Sussex Ministerium. For more info, call 302.539.9510 or

81 Central Avenue, Hope Center of Mariners Bethel GMC, Ocean View, 19970.

❏ Sat., April 27 7-12

Millville Volunteer Fire Co. Auxiliary Yard & Bake Sale. Breakfast available for purchase. Quilt Raffle & 50/50. If interested in renting a table, call 302.537.0143.

35554 Atlantic Avenue, Millville, 19967.

A70 CoastalPoint March29,2024
1500 WORK
CLEANING SERVICES Residential/Rentals One-Time/Move-Outs Spring & Deep Cleans SUMMER RENTAL 3BR/3BA HOME, JUST 3 MILES TO THE BEACH $25,000 for the summer 302.402.3007 Located in The Reserves, in Ocean View! Sleeps 6. Amenities: Pool & Gym. Available May 23rd - September 3. ROOM FOR RENT WEEKLY RENTAL
A/C, 6-cylinder,
work storage shelves.
For a complete list of
Coastal Hwy.,
DE 19930
our website:
Bethany Beach,
Wilgus Associates Property Management Division

The Original Crossword Puzzle for Kids and Their Favorite Adults

1. Hot dog toppings on the run: Once the mustard took the lead in the race, the relish coudn't ____

4. What little veggies would be most likely to host a podcast together?

5. Mistaken identity: The candied side dish kept telling everyone at the Thanksgiving table, "I ___ not a sweet potato"

6. Knock, knock: Why did the silly chef cover his eyes when he opened the refrigerator door? Because he didn't want to see the _____ dressing

8. Which vegetable plays the drums?

11. Why don't snails go to the drive thru for burgers and fries? Because they don't like _____ food

12. God bless you: Which nut has a name that sounds like it has hayfever?

14. Why did it take the baseball pitcher so long to make pancakes for breakfast? He was waiting for the _______

18. What did the sea creature with

The across clues are for kids and the down clues are for grown-ups!

claws serve the guests at his birthday party? Ice cream and crab ____

19. What did the teacher say when asked why she called on the oatmeal cookie so often? "Because he's always ______ his hand"

20. What did the icing say to the cupcake? "I would never ______ you"

21. A sticky situation: What did the 1A use in her arts and crafts project? Tomato _____

Parents Down

1. Which pastry would be most likely to nd work as a locksmith? ___ lime pie

2. The cook asked her neighbor if she could borrow some spices because she had run out of _____

3. No one was surprised to hear that the ___ was a camera hog

4. This fruit is the one most likely to have twins

6. Why do most spies love hollandaise? Because it's the

secret ______

7. The burger got to take a photo with the celebrity steak at the ____ and greet

8. What do you get when you cross a person with a legume? A human ____

9. What do two champagne glasses eat for breakfast?

10. What did the macaroni say when leaving the cheese to head to Spain? "_____ la vista, baby!"

13. What did the baker say to his impatient assistant? Bread rises when you _____ expect it

15. If Eve were an entrepreneur, she might have marketed her best 20A as "_____ Apple Pie"

16. What do you call BFFs who love to go to restaurants together?

____ buds

17. Fruit therapy: The psychologist asked the watermelon, "What's on your ____?"

18. The peach cobbler thought it was better than the other pastries because of its upper

Funny Foods

This Week’s Solution

March29,2024 CoastalPoint A71
™ ™
By I.M. Kidding
Across KAPD ebooks now available on 3/31/24 © 2024 KAPD, LLC ANSWER (HOLD UP TO MIRROR) Jumbles: Answer: hen melt drum huge “Herd” them THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME! ® By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek The letters of these crazy words are all mixed up. To play the game, put them back into the right order so that they make real words you can find in your dictionary. Write the letters of each real word under each crazy word, but only one letter to a square. you can put them in order so that they make your funny answer. Getthefree JUSTJUMBLE @PlayJumble HNE UDMR GUHE LEMT ©2024 Tribune Content Agency, LLC Print your answer here: ” “



Worked with the buyer to purchase this Mallard Lakes hidden gem! Community features several large ponds, 2 large swimming pools, 3 tennis courts, 2 pickleball courts, playgrounds, basketball court, shuf eboard, horseshoe pit, volleyball court, kayak launch and Kayak storage. This affordably priced pond front townhome was remodeled in 2018 with new carpet and vinyl, new kitchen cabinets and appliances, fresh paint and new heat pump.


Call Logan Burke (c) 443-797-9217


NEW LISTING- Only 1.5 miles to downtown Bethany in the tranquil gated and amenity rich community of Bethany Lakes. Beautifully remodeled Move-in-Ready 3200+ sq ft open concept home backing to a stream, trees and beautiful landscaping. Well thought spacious 4 bed, 3.5

Asking $1,099,000 (DESU2057550)

the built-in shed, outdoor shower and deck. Neighborhood amenities include a community center, exercise gym, 2 pools (one heated), a playground, tennis and pickleball courts, kayak storage/canal access and fun activities.

$2,450,000 (DESU2045282)

Call Sandy Greene (c) 302-745-2382


Stunning 3,800 sq ft furnished home with 4 Brs, 3 full baths and 2 half baths in the award winning Bayside Resort. Amenities include 18 hole Jack Nicklaus Signature Golf Course, 4 unique outdoor pools, tennis courts, pickleball, kayaking, ponds, restaurants, Freeman Arts Pavilion, and state of the art Fitness Center with indoor pool. There is so much to do and see. Give me a call if you want to live your best life in Bayside.

$1,750,000 (DESU2056158)

Call Betsy Perry (c) 301-938-1472


JUST LISTED - Oceanfront in the town of Fenwick Island. Location, Location, LocationRare opportunity to purchase an elegant Beach Home on one of the nest Oceanfront lots in town. One of only 12 lots in town offering Southern Exposure at the dune crossing. Unbelievable panoramic views-absolutely breathtaking. Come tour this custom built 4500 sq ft elegant Coastal Home- incredible home for entertaining family and friends. Just step out your back door and feel the sand between your toes.

Asking $5,350,000 (DESU2058456)

Call Chrisy Tingle (c) 302-377-4159


This prime investment opportunity is located in the 118 Atlantic Ave Professional Complex on heavily traveled Eastbound Rt 26 in Ocean View. Immediate income producing and currently under long term lease with excellent ROI. Leases available upon request. Ample parking. Agent is owner. $624,900 (DESU2051124)

Call Brad Absher (c) 302-214-LAND


BAYFRONT, multiple balconies!


Furnished, 5 balconies, 3 beds/2.5 baths

Sweeping bay views from every room.

$795,000 (MDWO2013316)

Call Sandra Erbe (c) 443-848-3004


A72 CoastalPoint March29,2024 For a con dential interview about starting your Real Estate Career call us today! Mary Niles (c) 302-228-5143 • Email: 31252 American Pkwy. Selbyville, DE 105 High St. Seaford, DE 37169 Rehoboth Ave. #11 Rehoboth Beach, DE 39682 Sunrise Ct. Bethany Beach, DE 11424 W. SAND COVE RD, SELBYVILLE Live Bayside & Live The Vacation! *LOCATION ALERT* This 3BR/2.5BA endof-group townhome is coming to you mostly furnished, freshly painted and turnkey ready for Summer Fun in the Delaware Beach's #1 Resort Community of Bayside! $599,000 (DESU2057548) Call Eddie Rohe (c) 410-908-9137 (o) 302.360.0300 • Each of ce is independently owned & operated. 607 OLD POST CT, BETHANY BEACH This new custom home was developed, designed and built to cater to the most discerning buyer. Gourmet kitchen that includes custom cabinetry, quartz surfaces, a wine & beverage cooler. Hardwood oors, cabinetry surprises, home automation and spacious rooms abound throughout this 3,500 sq ft home. The complete landscaping package delights with color and de nes the hardscape for the driveway and pathway to
bath home offering a gorgeous gourmet kitchen, luxurious primary bath, replace, wood ooring, wrap around front porch with pond
enclosed porch,
2 car garage with ample storage, of ce, den, living room and more.
Call Chrisy Tingle (c) 302-377-4159
OCEAN PARKWAY, OCEAN PINES WOW! $2000.00 SELLER CREDIT WITH ACCEPTABLE OFFER! Investors Dream! Great home conveniently located to amenities of Ocean Pines. This 5BR, 3 BA home with 2 kitchens is great for large family or could be a lucrative investment opportunity. 2 Story ranch style home with tons of natural light and space! Upper-Level Primary BR has an ensuite with large shower. Lower-Level Private Entrance Eat in Kitchen with Stainless Steel Appliances has room for bar stools at counter and kitchen table with views of back yard. $450,000 Call Mary Jo Cole (c) 443-615-4986 NEWLISTING NEWLISTING 31568 WINTERBERRY PKWY #310, SELBYVILLE 4 BD, 3 BA beautiful corner condo has sweeping view of the 17th hole & pond! It has a 1 BD suite w/ private entrance that can be used separately, so it’s like owning 2 condos in one! Rent both; Use 1 & rent the other; or Enjoy Both! Upgrades: 12x12 ceramic tile, SS, granite, wood oors, storage closet & more! Freeman Arts Pavilion, pools, pickleball, tennis, bar & grille, beach, dock, SUP, tness center & more! $600,000 (DESU20498138) Danny Taglienti (c) 410-430-2721 4BD|3BA PENTHOUSE INBAYSIDE 28030 SEA DOCK LANE 3 br 2-1/2 ba 2,000 sf Enjoy the peaceful pond view from this beautiful Bayside twin villa just a few miles from the beach! Two front porches and a back patio invite relaxing outdoor time when you’re not enjoying all of Bayside's amenities. First oor primary suite, spacious open oor plan, and additional upstairs living space make this a perfect beach getaway! $629,000 (DESU2046702) Call Nancye Vermillion (c) 302-500-9255 GOLFCART INCLUDED OPENHOUSE FRI.3/292-4 SAT,3.301-3 31748 MILL RUN DR, MILLVILLE This is the home you've been searching for! Great location in Millville close to shopping and approx. 4 miles to beach! Interior Freshly painted, Luxury plank ooring, New kitchen cabinets and stainless appliances, Enjoy cozy evenings in front of the beautiful stone replace, and outdoor living on screen porch and spacious patio! Attached garage. $399,900 (DESU2052342) Call Pam Pridgeon (c) 302-249-1367 OPENHOUSE FRI,3/2910-1

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