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Businesses recognized by Chamber of Commerce
Shepard Place Apartments manager Lynn Hernandez, right, and assistant manager Hayley Pettigrew keep the local senior community ticking.
Alan and Karen Clark consider their shops to be their home away from home. They are pictured here in front of Whimsy Home & Garden at 5042 7th Street.
Large Business of the Year: Shepard Place Apartments
Small Business of the Year: Whimsy Antiques
Within the tight knit community of Carpinteria is an even tighter knit commuFor Karen and Alan Clark, the personal and professional are impossible to separate. nity: Shepard Place Apartments. The 169-unit complex located behind Shepard The couple’s two Carpinteria antiques shops, Whimsy Town & Country on Linden Place Shops is home to about 200 seniors, most of whom moved across state lines Avenue and Whimsy Home & Garden on 7th Street, were born out of a passion for to spend their golden years in the pleasant little community within a community. collecting and are nurtured still by that passion today. In recognition of the Clarks’ In recognition of this well run complex in the heart of Carpinteria, the Carpinteria contribution to local retail and commitment to the community of Carpinteria, the Valley Chamber of Commerce has selected Shepard Place Apartments as its Large Carpinteria Valley Chamber of Commerce has chosen Whimsy as the Small Business Business of the Year for 2014. of the Year for 2014. “Not only does this company offer a warm, friendly and reasonably priced place “It’s such a heartwarming feeling to be appreciated like that,” said Karen of for seniors to live, but they open their doors by providing space for community Whimsy’s award. organizations and non-profits to meet,” stated Lynda Lang, CEO and President of Karen and Alan opened the 7th Street Whimsy in 2002 after an antiques mall on the CVCC. Santa Barbara’s State Street where they rented a space closed down and left their The senior community is owned by the Towbes Group and has been managed since wares homeless. The Clarks, who live in Santa Barbara, had noticed the space on 7th Street during a visit to Carpinteria. It was occupied then by an antique plumbing 2010 by Lynn Hernandez. Hernandez lives on site and puts her heart and soul into her job. She said of the chamber honor, “It’s an energizer. I’ve been here five years, shop, but “I just loved the building,” Karen remembered. Carpinteria, as a whole, but every morning I wake up excited to appealed to the Clarks for its quaint, small go to work.” town atmosphere. Hernandez’s number one goal is makThe property became available and ing sure residents are well cared for. To soon housed the Clarks’ collection of—just that end, she welcomes new residents like the name states—whimsical items The Carpinteria Valley Chamber of Commerce will with a gift—a tote bag and an Axxess book awaiting a new chapter in a new home. honor this year’s Small and Large Businesses of the full of local discounts—and a donation Fun, light-hearted antiques are the type Year at the 57th Annual Community Awards Banquet on in their name to Give Where You Live, a that attract the Clarks, and much of their Saturday, Jan. 24, from 5:30 to 8 p.m. at the Carpinteria program that supports local nonprofits. merchandise has been repurposed and reBoys & Girls Club, 4849 Foothill Road. Other highlights She also produces a monthly newsletter cycled in Alan’s capable and crafty hands. of the evening will be the announcement of this year’s to keep community members informed The two shops also include antiques and Carpinterian of the Year, as well as the Junior Carpinterian of daily activities such as exercise classes, collectibles from other local dealers. of the Year, two teachers of the year and several individubridge games, bingo and weekly afterHunting for treasures to stock the shop als who contribute time and energy to local nonprofits. Tickets to the event are $80. To purchase a seat at the gala, call 684-5479. LARGE BUSINESS continued on SMALL BUSINESS continued on
Community Awards Banquet
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