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This week’s listings on the back page
Vol. 22, no. 25 March 17-23, 2016
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DaNNy’S DeLi: Will Kellogg and Curtis Chambers
Final Four
Smart & Final grand opening
Art meets blooms
Peebee & Jay’S: Haley Home, Jessica Clark, Nelida Lujano
CVN’s Sandwich Madness has turned up the intensity gauge. From an initial field of 27 sandwich slingers, the number of restaurants has been winnowed to four by reader voting. Danny’s Deli, Peebee and Jay’s, The Food Liaison and Pacific Health Foods remain in the running. Readers can now vote for their favorite two before Tuesday, March 22, at 3 p.m. by clicking the link at or filling out the ballot on page 13. Next week only two will remain for the finals. Vote with your gut!
THe FooD LiaiSoN: Nirasha and Jason Rodriguez
PaciFic HeaLTH FooDS: Nathan Noll
CHS dual track meet
Seal Watch