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Reeling them in
Ken Kulwiec of Glenwood Springs, Colo. casts into the surf as the sun dips low over Carpinteria Point last week. Carpinteria beaches have enjoyed the company of many a visitor this summer, and the warm weather keeps the sand filled with fun from dawn to dusk. This weekend temperatures are expected to hover around 80 degrees with fog ebbing and flowing, a routine familiar to Carpinterians.
Council recognizes employees, announces new police chief BY DALE MYERS
Accolades abounded at the July 27 Carpinteria City Council meeting. The council presented a plethora of awards to various city employees for their years of service and presented Catholic Charities the Outstanding Community Partner award. Accepting on behalf of Catholic Charities was Brian Clark, regional coordinator. “It really is a community effort (in Carpinteria),” said Clark. “It feels like neighbor helping neighbor down here.” On another note, Lieutenant Brad McVay of the Santa Barbara Sheriff’s Department, who is the police chief in Carpinteria, announced his retirement effective Aug. 16. McVay also introduced his replacement, Lt. Mike Perkins, who has worked on and off in Carpinteria since 1992, the year law enforcement services for the City of Carpinteria were contracted to the Santa Barbara Sheriff’s office. “A lot of my career was in this area (Carpinteria).
I was actually one of the first eight deputies that got deployed down to this station when we took the contract over in 1992,” said Perkins. “The bulk of my patrol experience has been out of the Carpinteria station.” In administrative matters, the council voted unanimously in favor (with Councilman Wade Nomura recusing himself and Councilman Al Clark absent) of amending zoning of the Carpinteria Municipal Code and Local Coastal Program creating a transportation corridor wetland overlay district and a Whitney site agricultural overlay district and removing zoning from a portion of the site. This item follows the June 22 council hearing in which it considered the Linden Avenue and Casitas Pass Road interchanges and Via Real extension item. The council adopted a resolution that evening and recommended approval of Local
See COUNCIL continued on page 3
Retiring chief of police services Lieutenant Brad McVay, right, shakes the hand of his successor Lt. Mike Perkins.