Coast Magazine Autumn 2018

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in this issue


The life of Leigh Rowles


Kaarin Fairfax’s big retu

K T H U N D E R ST RUtoCwn The 1964 Ford about


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AWARDS WINNER 2015 Custom Built Home

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YOUR AWARD WINNING DESIGN & CONSTRUCT SPECIALIST Winner of 2017 MBAV South Eastern Regional Victoria $400,000 – $500,000 Custom Home Award

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from the publisher It’s been a long, hot summer and I’m personally grateful for the reprieve of autumn. We’re well into the New Year now and I often wonder what 2018 will bring. Australia Day started a conversation about how we see ourselves as a nation and how we envisage our future. From original inhabitants to the many cultures that now call this beautiful land home, we cannot deny our past but we can always make the future fairer and more equitable for all. As Australians, I hope we are always prepared to give everyone a fair go and celebrate our diversity. A fine example of cultural diversity, former Gippslander Corrinne Armour says, “magical things happen when we lead ourselves into the unknown.” Corrinne shares the trials and tribulations of falling in love with a Burmese freedom fighter and the enduring effects of PTSD on her beloved family. Embracing our artistic diversity, we travel around the coast to visit the makers, movers and shakers of the region in our Art & Culture feature. We put on our pointes and warm up with Leigh Rowles from the Australian Ballet and follow her wonderful journey in the arts. Then we call on visual artist Heather Fahnle, who is as colourful as the mosaics she creates. Kaarin Fairfax talks to us about her return to the stage after twenty years out of the limelight and we stumble across bagpiper Rob Horsburgh on the cliffs of Kilcunda, piping up a storm. We are thrilled to welcome Chloe Kent, our new editorial coordinator to the Coast team. A Phillip Islander at heart, we are so happy to have her back from the frenetic city of London. I’m sure it will only be a matter of months before we can ease her back into Island time. Time to put your feet up and enjoy the ride. Maria







Chasing a musical dream

S NOMADIC ADVENTURE in a ute Around Australia

JESSICA WILSON Lighting the Waterline






in this issue


Constructing the GP Circuit

RISING FROM THE RUINS Rebuilding a life

SPIRIT OF THE GAME Indigenous players soar

SAVOUR THE FLAVOUR Fabulous food and wine

THE GOOD LIFE Living well




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in this issue

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LOST AND FOUND A family in transition


KAY SETCHES A political life


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Coast Magazine, PO Box 104, San Remo, Victoria 3925 PHONE: (03) 5956 6781, ADS : 0432 273 107 EMAIL: WEB: PUBLISHER: Maria Reed EDITORIAL COORDINATOR: Chloe Kent SUB EDITOR: Anne Roussac-Hoyne WORDS: Christina Aitken,

Katie Cincotta, Chloe Kent, Sally O’Neill, Maria Reed PHOTOGRAPHY: Warren Reed, 0414 753 739 PRINT MANAGER: Nigel Quirk ADVERTISING: Robyn Kemp, 0432 273 107,

Go to or call 5956 6781 to get your own copy delivered to your home. A full year (4 issues) costs no more than $35 for a year, or $70 for two.

132 Whitelaw St Meeniyan VIC 3956 | Phone 5664 0055 | coast 5


EVERYTHING OLD IS NEW AGAIN 61 Whether retro, vintage, antique or upcycling is your thing, our newest feature has something for everyone.

WILD & FREE 24 After 20 years out of the limelight, Kaarin Fairfax is back; bigger and better than before…


EN POINTE 16 From the world’s stages to Corinella: ex-ballerina, choreographer and artist, Leigh Rowles rejoices in her creative freedom.



Our annual tribute to the artists, galleries and creatives throughout the Coast.

EAT, DRINK & HARVEST GUIDE 94 Our new guide on where to dine, drink and top up your pantry

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9 Minutes of Fame

Rob Horsburgh

12 2 Coast People

Corrinne Armour & Min Thein

44 Artist Profile

Heather Fahnle

74 Surfer Profile

THUNDERSTRUCK 66 From humble beginnings, Linda and Dave take us on a journey of their ‘classic cars’ that have withstood the test of time.

Dannielle Baylis

133 Young & Inspired

Imogen Price

places 78 5 Things we love about… Flinders 110 Lifestyle Review

Conquest Pools




Coast Life


Latest Products


Events Calendar


Dine Out – Harry’s on the Esplanade


Café Review – Kilcunda General Store


What’s Cooking – Relish Mama


It’s all about the house


Coast Style


Coast Directory & Stockists


A Good Read – Turn the Page


The Right Fit – YMCA


Where Am I?

We pay homage to the man behind the news.

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words as told to maria reed photo warren reed

Rob Horsburgh is a man of the wind . . . and we are all ears when we discover this music enthusiast playing his bagpipes on the cliffs of Kilcunda. Playing bagpipes was banned in Scotland for some time after the uprising in 1745. The government classified them as an instrument of war for drumming up too much Scottish pride but they were kept alive in secret.

read poems, and I got the pipes out and made a terrible job of happy birthday. (Rachel disagrees and adds, “Rob is very self-deprecating but he’s actually really good. He’s a bit of a shy bagpiper”).

I’ve always wanted to play the pipes. My grandfather loved them and he passed that passion onto me. We travelled to Edinburgh some time ago and I remember pushing the pram along the Royal Mile. We’d seen the Military Tattoo a couple of times — as soon as the pipes came on I’d start bawling like a baby. It just hits you when they play together. It’s ancient . . . almost primal.

I’ve practiced on a Chanter for two years (which looks like a recorder but has no bag or drones). It’s a different sound, but it is a good instrument to learn on. It’s quieter than the bagpipes as it hasn’t got the wind and power behind it.

My friend Anita gave me the idea of playing at the beach as she goes down to the rocks to play her flute. I often drive up to Shelley beach, grab the pipes and bang out a tune. I don’t think there is any better view than the George Bass walk. It’s reminiscent of the rugged Scottish coast. I have a very understanding wife. The pipes can sound awful, especially in the beginning when you’re learning. I don’t play very often at home . . . but I do when Rachel is at the gym. We have this deal now with the kids. I say, “if you don’t go to bath now, I’ll get the pipes out!” (he laughs). That gets them going. This year we had a Scottish bush dance for Rachel’s birthday. We had the guitar going and an old gramophone. The kids

Bagpiping requires real lip strength and it’s all about the pressure you use. My friend Ray plays in a pipe band. I’ve often asked his advice on how to make a proper seal around the blowpipe, otherwise you can sound like a leaky tyre. I bought this set in January - Highland Bagpipes. These pipes have three drones that come out the top of the bag, producing a constant sound, and a single chanter with nine notes. You press the bag with your arm when you need to take a breath. This makes pipe music free from pauses. I’m always working on technique but I’m still very young in terms of my playing and wouldn’t feel I could join a Bagpipe band. It’s something I really enjoy and it fits our life — with our big wild garden, veggie patch, chooks and kids — it just works. It’s wonderful.

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coast life

The Hills Are Alive Grab your mates and join ‘friends of friends’ for a three-day festival of dancing, camping, sharing a drink and watching the sunset at ‘The Farm’. Celebrating their 10th anniversary, brothers Aidan, Rhett and Angus McLaren have ensured the lineup is not to be missed. Tickets available at www.

Are You Invisible … 49% of real farm income is generated by women across Australia. In conjunction with Museums Victoria, Invisible Farmer is a three-year study funded by the Australian Research Council. The study aims to learn about the diverse, innovative and vital roles women play in Australian agriculture and stimulate discussions about contemporary issues facing the land. To be a part of the study or for more information, visit

Photo: Catherine Forge, Museums Victoria

Rolling, rolling, rolling … Commemorating 50 years of Formula 5000, Phillip Island Classic 2018 (9 -11 March) will welcome over 30 cars from Australia and New Zealand. Clocking times faster than current V8 Supercars, spectators will be joined by five legends of the field, Alfie Constanzo, Kevin Bartlett, Alan Hamilton, John McCormack and Ken Smith. Guaranteed to be a heart-stopping weekend of rivalry. For tickets visit

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Closing The Gap … Are you free on Sunday March 18 and looking to put your feet up and enjoy the music? Good, we have just the ticket for you. Join Woodleigh School as they present Between the Bays Festival for the 11th year running. Promoting respect, understanding and appreciation of indigenous culture, all funds raised go to Woodleigh School’s Community Programs and Partnerships. betweenthebays


5 Copies to give away! In celebration of Relish Mama’s new cookbook ‘Family’, we are giving Coast readers the opportunity to win their very own signed copy. To win, tell us in 30 words or less: ‘What is the most memorable dish you have ever made and why?’ Email your answers to (remember to title the email Relish Mama Comp and include your contact details). Entries close 31st March…

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two coast people

Magical things happen when we lead ourselves into the unknown, according to Corrinne Armour. When she met teacher Min Thein in war-torn Burma, her life was forever changed. Now married with two children, the pair love nothing more than relaxing and recharging by the coast. CORRINNE: I grew up on a farm in Gippsland and am still a country girl at heart. My parents were very communityminded and I inherited this awareness. My mother always told me I could achieve anything, and I took that seriously! In my mid-twenties I began to question everything. I took twelve months leave without pay and set off overseas. In Bangkok I heard that English teachers were needed for Burmese refugees on the Thai-Burmese border. I thought, ‘I can do that!’ Before I knew it I was living in ThaLoThor Refugee Camp, in an isolated jungle on the edge of a war zone. There were 4,000 people living in a tight valley in bamboo houses with thatched roofs, no power or running water and sometimes no food. It took over three hours in the back of a crowded ute to get to town – and to the nearest phone box to call Australia and reassure my parents I was okay.

I met Min Thein on my first weekend during an informal border crossing into Burma. He was living and teaching in the village following a year of painful recovery from injuries he’d received as a guerrilla fighter. I was fascinated by his background, and his commitment to the political ideal of fighting for democracy. We were just friends. He taught me about Burmese politics and culture (and rice whiskey). When he went away for a few months I missed him, so when he came back it all changed – I realised I had feelings for him, so life got more complicated! My most memorable moment was picking him up from the airport when he finally arrived in Melbourne after months in a

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Bangkok detention centre (think Bangkok Hilton, only worse). The Australian Embassy in Bangkok had got him out and driven him to the airport with a police escort. After about a year we decided to get married. Any relationship that spans cultures has challenges, and ours is no exception. When Min Thein arrived he’d endured years of very tough living in the jungle and detention centre; he had undiagnosed PTSD and a volatile temper. Working through that was tricky, but we made a commitment to one another and both intend to keep to that. Years of IVF and all the challenges that go with it weren’t fun either! We have a relationship that’s built on deep understanding. Even though at times we drive each other crazy, we understand one another and give each other space to do what’s important. Min Thein gives me confidence in myself – he believes in me, and that’s an invaluable gift. He supported me walking away from the corporate world and building my own business. Today I have the ideal life, running my own leadership development consultancy. I take the kids to school a few times a week and have eight weeks holiday a year, and we balance each other out as parents. If I could sum Min Thein up in one word, it would be ‘creative’. He can fix almost anything and solve any practical problem. He is also resilient – you can’t live the life he has lived and come out smiling at the other end without resilience.




words as told to sally o’neill photo warren reed MIN THEIN: I grew up in rural Burma and had a poor and simple life. I don’t have good memories of my father: he was a soldier who received a head injury when I was young, and he became an angry man who was unable to work. My mother raised us four boys. It was a hard life for her because in Burma at that time women didn’t work. She was supposed to be at home looking after the kids – but she was away travelling and trading to make enough money to feed us.

In 1988 I joined the popular democratic uprising in Rangoon. The military had killed thousands of students who were peacefully demonstrating in the streets. I survived and fled with others to the border region near Thailand. We formed a student army and fought the military dictatorship. After I was seriously injured and could no longer fight, I taught kids. I’ll never forget meeting Rinni [Corrinne] at the refugee camp. I was struck by her humanity – she understood people and their struggle for democracy. We weren’t able to have our own kids, which took a while to sort through. Now we have two delightful adopted daughters: Jessi who is eleven and Maithya who’s eight. They are the highlight of our life and I enjoy watching them play basketball and improving their skills. I finish work early twice a week to support their after-school activities.

We have an interesting life. I work for the Federal government: it’s challenging and I’m proud to be a public servant. My life is stable and my role allows me to balance family and work. I strongly believe that money isn’t a major thing – as long as you have education. It’s also important to be interested in life: I’m currently teaching myself to play the saxophone. Rinni has taught me to be patient – to calm down and control my strong emotions. I was very short-tempered when I first met her, partly from the post-traumatic stress of being a guerrilla fighter. If I could sum her up in one word, it would be ‘determined’ – she makes things happen. We are better as two than one because she organises the family. If it were up to me, the kids would eat curry and rice every day! I’m looking forward to more time on the coast. We sit outside, have a fire and talk: it feels different to being at home in Melbourne. I love being out in the fresh air and surf-fishing off the beach. I’m also looking forward to taking Rinni and the kids to Burma to meet my family and see where I grew up.

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Finger lickin’ good Italian ciambella $14. Manhattan In Mornington

Gotta get mee one of thes Latest news and products from your Coast retailers

Green air Tillandsia “Air plants” arrangement $125 Grace Landscapes

Scrumptious sides… Maple-roasted heirloom carrots side $14. Cape Kitchen

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Rejuvenating bliss Bio-hydroderm microdermabrasion treatment $120. Express $85. Organic Body Treats

Sizzling style Corolla ZR Hatch CVT petrol, auto Wonthaggi Toyota

A la natural… (Crème-soft, no nasties) lük natural lipsticks $29.95. Tyde

A leggy red 2016 Shiraz $30. Purple Hen Wines

Makin’ magic 18V mobile 3 piece combo kit $530 Van Steensel Timber

Shifting perspective Journie bag $134. Spirit & Grace

Complex, intense and full-bodied Dark Horse coffee bean blend $14 Coffee Traders

Is it hot or is it cold? Call us to help find a solution to fit your space. Coastal Refrigeration

Encompassing the globe Septarian sphere $240. Main Street Revelations

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words christina aitken photos warren reed and supplied

En pointe Brought up on the water, Leigh Rowles’ remarkable career in dance traversed the world’s stages before she retired to Corinella.

“My whole professional life has been spent travelling to and from the world’s big cities. Wonderful as they are, when you’ve done that many times over, the opposite nourishes your soul.” Brimming with warmth and energy, Leigh and her two dogs welcome me with sandwiches and cups of tea. Her story leaves a lasting impression.

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Leigh was born in Sydney and grew up on the NSW South Coast. Her sister was ten years older and also a classical dancer. Two-year-old Leigh would tag along to watch and didn’t miss a move. “Apparently, one day I simply stood up and repeated what I had absorbed – I danced,” Leigh remembers. At just three years of age, she gave her first of countless prize-winning

stage performances, and by the time Leigh was ten, she’d been awarded two first-place prizes for choreography. “I never sought fame or money ... I always wanted to express artistically, all that I felt deeply.” Leigh strove to communicate to her audience in positive, affecting ways. “My art reaches out to share the positive vitality offered each day – whether we see it or not,” she says.

After matriculating with honours, Leigh was offered a place with the highly prestigious Australian Ballet School (The School of The Australian Ballet). After her first year of training, Leigh did not expect to be offered a place the following year. “I remember going home thinking, ‘Oh well; I’m certain to be going to uni because the school won’t be inviting me back >

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there.’ Then the Director of The Australian Ballet rang me … to ask where I was! I had apparently gained a contract to the company, but they had failed to inform me. I was supposed to be at the theatre for a costume check and rehearsing for an overseas tour that was to commence in four weeks!”

Despite these experiences as a young woman, she remained firmly grounded. “You could say that working with a famous person is a highlight, but I’ve never equated a person’s position or status with higher or lower opinion … that has always been secondary.”

Leigh set off on a global career that continued relentlessly for the next forty years. Her creativity encompassed ballet and the arts in wide-ranging forms such as theatre, film, television and when possible, painting. As a soloist for The Australian Ballet, Leigh performed for the inaugural opening of the Sydney Opera House, as well as at every major theatre and Opera House in Australia many times over. She also performed in Europe, USA, Canada and Asia. Audience dignitaries included Queen Elizabeth II and the late Jackie Onassis as well as acclaimed artists and performers from all fields. Leigh was fortunate to meet many of these. She was mentored by many powerful leaders of the industry, (the late) Dame Peggy van Praagh, (the late) Dame Margot Fonteyn, Margaret Scott and Soviet dancer Rudolf Nureyev, with whom she worked over a number of years. “He was brilliant, inspirational, and ‘demanding’ in the very best sense of the word. In Melbourne, his face was on the tram. Audiences adored him – they’d fall over themselves to meet him,” Leigh says.

Leigh’s yearning to create led her to choreographing ballets, operas, television, music theatre, and various stage shows. She soon had her works presented internationally. In 1996 she choreographed a stage production with a comedic cast including Daryl Somers, Molly Meldrum and Red Symons. Leigh’s eyes sparkle as she remembers the experience. “A lot of my work has great humour. I think life is absurd in many ways. As a classical dancer en pointe, I used to laugh about how crazy it was that we worked so hard in order to merely run around on our toes! What an absurd thing to do,” she laughs.

“I remember going home thinking, ‘Oh well; I’m certain to be going to uni because the school won’t be inviting me back there.’…”

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Leigh’s extraordinary ability to connect with audiences was showcased in her choreography of Ascension, an exquisite ballet of international acclaim, set to Rachmaninov’s Piano Concerto no. 2. “It conveys universal truth. Its subject matter expresses a transition from life to beyond.” When Ascension was performed shortly after 9/11, American audiences >



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“we worked so hard in order to merely run around on our toes!”

found it deeply moving. “It’s where I come from,” Leigh says, her voice soft. “The universality of the human condition…” Alongside other creative endeavours, Leigh has held substantive positions in the arts over the last 19 years – with The Australian Ballet School and The Australian Ballet. As Head of the School’s Interstate/International Training Program and its Resident Choreographer, she was commissioned to choreograph a work to celebrate the School’s fiftieth anniversary. Leigh joined the 365 dancers of both Company and School in a creative endeavour that in true theatrical tradition, ‘brought the house down’. She immediately retired. Passionate about art in all its forms, she found time for art school along the way and now paints to music into the small hours. Leigh applies the same creative drive that fuelled her choreographic work. Her studio displays boldly-coloured abstract works, both intricately detailed and expansive.

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Working with canvases brings Leigh a degree of freedom from the challenges of creating with people. “I can paint till 3am: I’m my own disciplinarian.” She describes herself as fearless in front of the canvas. “My imagination fuels the expression of my soul, and this appears on the canvas, all on its own. Hopefully, it’s something that’s generous and good.” Leigh’s first entry into an art show won its category and sold. She plans to paint large-scale pieces and will enlarge her studio to accommodate her ideas. It is unlikely that any studio will ever quite contain this passionate artist, and when I say this, she laughs, loud and joyful. “You’re only as small as you decide to be.”

Home of Pannys Amazing World of Chocolate, a unique, interactive and educational celebration of all things chocolate. ° Daily hot curry lunch from 12 – 3pm ° Hot Chocolate made with real chocolate ° Choc dipped frozen bananas

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autumn 2018

events guide MARCH Sara Paxton: Colour Perspective 10 March – 18 April Mingara Gallery, 242 Thompson Avenue, Cowes Contact: 5952 3722 Leongatha Lyric Theatre presents ‘California Suite’ 16 – 24 March Mesley Hall, Cnr Horn Street and Ogilvy Street, Leongatha Filippa Buttitta: The Wonthaggi Monster 20 February – 26 March Wonthaggi ArtSpace, 1 Bent St Inverloch Jazz Festival Community Grand Parade 10 March A’Beckett Street, Inverloch Contact: Clive Budd 0434 574 516 Mad Hatter Magic Show Antarctic Journey at the Nobbies 10 & 11 March from 10am to 3pm Magic Shows 11am and 1pm daily Kids’ activities & face painting included Rock Away on Labour Day 12 March National Vietnam Veterans Museum, 25 Veterans Drive, Newhaven Contact: Sonia Hogg 5956 6400 Western Port Quilters Inc. 2018 Quilt Show 17 March Tyabb Community Hall, 1535 FrankstonFlinders Road, Tyabb 3913 Western Port Quilters admin@ Between the Bays Festival 18 March Penbank – 460 Tyabb Rd Moorooduc Inaugural Abstract Photographic Exhibition 27 March – 7 May ArtSpace Gallery, 1 Bent Street, Wonthaggi 3995 Contact: 5672 5767

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San Remo Easter Fishing Competition 30 March 151 Marine Parade, San Remo Contact: Craig Edmonds 5678 5462 Easter Fun Festival Churchill Island Heritage Farm 31 March – 1 April from 10am to 4pm Festival Lawn with music, food vendors, historic farm demonstrations from working horses, vintage caravans, farm demonstrations, activities, KIDS ZONE and the famous Easter egg Hunt on Sunday from 10am – 1pm.

APRIL Small Business Mentoring Sessions – Cowes 5 April 91-97 Thompson Avenue, Cowes Contact: Emilie Barkley 5951 3384 The Rare Rare & Unusual Plant Fair 2018 7 April from 9am to 3pm The Jindivick Public Hall & Surrounds, Jackson Track, Jindivick Contact: David Musker 0417 056 110 Wonthaggi Street Festival 7 April from 3pm to 10pm Murray Street Wonthaggi Contact: Wonthaggi Business & Tourism Association Inc. 0427 587 104 2018 Southern Gippsland Sustainability Festival 8 April State Coal Mine Garden Street, Wonthaggi Contact: Roslyn Jenzen 5951 3317 SouthernGippslandSustainabilityFestival Phillip Island National Surfing Reserve Tag Team Surfing Challenge 14 April Cape Woolamai Surf Beach, Cape Woolamai Contact: Geoff Owens 0418 521 425 Sally O’Neill 0408 101 976 facebook /phillipislandnsr Dan Sultan – Solo Killer Tour 15 April Meeniyan Town Hall, 97 Whitelaw St, Meeniyan Contact: World Penguin Weekend Antarctic Journey at the Nobbies 21 & 22 April Kids’ Wildlife Program with researchers and rangers

Sisters & Misters in Concert 27 April National Vietnam Veterans Museum, 25 Veterans Drive, Newhaven Contact: Sonia Hogg 5956 6400 Past to Present – a retrospective of the Jewellery of Bronwyn Pratt and 12 invited Australian Jewellers & Goldsmiths, also featuring the Art of Gaston Vanzet Open all of May (Closed Sundays and Public Holidays) Official Opening 28th of April The Goldsmith’s Gallery, Shop 3, 157-159 Marine Parade, San Remo Contact: Bronwyn 5678 5788

MAY Creative Gippsland – Come & Play 2018 All of May Coral Balmoral Exhibition opening 5 May National Vietnam Veterans Museum, 25 Veterans Drive, Newhaven Contact: Sonia Hogg 5956 6400 Creative Gippsland - ClimArt Exhibition by Groundswell 8 May – 18 June ArtSpace Gallery, 1 Bent Street, Wonthaggi 3995 Contact: 5672 5767 Eilen Jewell 26 May Meeniyan Town Hall, 97 Whitelaw St, Meeniyan Contact: Wonthaggi Theatrical Group presents ‘The Boy from Oz’ 27 May – 11 June Union Theatre, 96 Graham St, Wonthaggi Facebook/wonthaggitheatricalgroup

REGULARS Inverloch parkrun Every Saturday 7:45am Rotary Centenary Park, Ramsay Blvd, Inverloch Tony O’Connell 0438 744 886 Koonwarra parkrun Every Saturday 7:45am Swan Rd, Koonwarra Phillip Island parkrun Every Saturday 7:45am Churchill Island Visitors Centre, Churchill Island

EVENTS THROUGHOUT THE YEAR. See our website for details.

ENDLESSLY FASCINATING AND ABSORBING. Holographic Light & Sound Show. Audio visual devices. Aircraft, helicopters, Centurion Tank, vehicles, images, dioramas.

--NUI DAT CAFE – great coffee and refreshments.

25 Veterans Drive, Newhaven, Phillip Island Open Daily 10am – 5pm ph 5956 6400

national vietnam veterans museum ‘Our museum talks to you’

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words katie cincotta photos warren reed

Wild and free Actor Kaarin Fairfax is currently homeless. She laughs at the stereotype – the artistic drifter happily sitting on someone else’s chaise lounge – rehearsing lines for her next play.

With her home on the market, the gypsy artist is looking for the right place – a quiet home where she can learn her lines and nourish her soul. Kaarin’s philosophical about the predicament – happy to be house sitting an apartment in Collingwood while she sorts out her next step. “It’s just part of the life journey,” she figures.

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At 58, she’s experienced some twists and turns that have helped shape her Zen-like acceptance – including separating from her husband of 12 years, Paul Kelly. Kaarin met the revered singer-songwriter at the height of her acting career, when her pixie face and gritty edge garnered attention for roles such as Dolour in the mini-series The Harp in the South.

“We met at the Belvoir St Theatre in Sydney when I was doing The Lie of the Mind. I played Beth then and I’ve played Beth’s mum since, that’s how long ago it was … we clicked and that was it, we were connected. We’ve still got that connection but our time in the same room for too long is done.”

Like many women, Kaarin paused her own career to raise her daughters Madeleine and Memphis on the Mornington Peninsula. The years she spent on the coast helped her build a valuable support network. “Part of the reason I moved down was to find a community to be with.” >

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Kaarin found spiritual support at a meditation centre during those hectic years. In 2015, the centre’s Swami was embroiled in a sex scandal involving vulnerable women who had joined the yoga school seeking help for personal problems. “It’s the same old story of males abusing their position. I was there for ten years and I had weird vibes, but I didn’t get sucked into the vortex. I was probably a bit too strong and well connected.” When her daughters reached their 20s, Kaarin felt it was time to reignite her passion for performance. “Once the kids moved to the city, I felt I had unfinished business as an actor.” She remembers crying for two weeks. “I think I was grieving the 20 years I hadn’t done it, but I was joyful that I could reconnect with myself, re-find that artist.” Returning to acting at 50 was confronting. “It was hard work coming back as a mature actress in her 50s. You kind of have to pay your dues again to get back to playing a lead.”

Her short fringe may be gone, but the mischief and energy remain…

As she tussles the greying waves of her hair, Kaarin admits it’s taken her years to be comfortable with it but ageing as an actress has emboldened her. “Ageing gracefully is a challenging thing, mainly for women. But I love what I do. I love discovering characters. I think there’s a way to facilitate alchemy and change. You know when you watch something, and you just feel affected by it. I like to think there’s some healing gift that can come through the work – that when someone watches something they can know more about themselves or humanity. That’s why I try and choose my projects wisely.” She’s currently rehearsing to play three roles in a comedy production of Florence Foster Jenkins, entitled ‘Glorious’ by Peter Quilter. After more than 20 years behind the scenes as a mother and director, getting back on stage fills her with a sense of exhilaration and abandon. She’s thrilled by all aspects of the dramatic process, regarding it as a spiritual experience. “I have this deep >

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1 Roughead Street, Leongatha VIC 3953 T 5662 2327 F 5662 2642 E W

LMCT No 1500

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“My rational mind says ‘go get a proper job and get some stability’ and the other part says ‘no, you can’t you wild woman, just be the artist’.”

love-respect relationship with acting. I know sometimes when I’m in a role, it’s kind of like a channelling.” She says now in her later years, she’s come to realise that her authentic self and her performance art are deeply entwined. “My parents were atheists and they would shake their heads when I went off to Sunday school. I just loved that connection with something greater than myself. It used to feel a bit separate from my work, but I realise it’s actually the same thing.” Perhaps some of that intensity emerges with artistic inheritance. Kaarin’s father George Fairfax was a lauded actor, her mother Joy Webber a water ballerina in Europe. “People ask me when did you decide to be an actor? I was born in. I never made a decision. It just was.” She’s tried other things, but regular jobs made her feel comatose. “My rational mind says, ‘go get a proper job and get some stability’ and the other part says ‘no, you can’t you wild woman, just be the artist’. I’ve had the job in the shop and all I want to do at the end of the day is just die.” Her short fringe may be gone, but the mischief and energy remain as Kaarin steps back into the spotlight. Her Little Theatre company, which had its humble start on the peninsula, will now become the resident theatre company at the Alex Theatre in St Kilda. “Women are able to create more opportunities for themselves — age is starting to matter less. We are slowly busting out but it’s so engrained and entrenched. I feel like this revolution is the dawning of the age

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of Aquarius, that we are coming back into love. That beauty and wisdom inside women is so powerful and it’s starting to have its freedom and voice and not be controlled.” Yesterday, Kaarin and her theatre company read four plays and noted some of the work felt dated, even though it wasn’t that old. “We said ‘wow, things have moved a lot in the last year, in terms of women, our perception and place in the world, what we know we’re capable of, and so these plays seemed like they needed a rewrite. I want to see what happens next for us, what happens when we shine our light wide and bright.” Kaarin feels inspired to be part of that feminist revolution. “So, finally, Kaarin Fairfax, mature actress, has been given an opportunity to do her stuff and open the door for others with great talent to have a voice, be heard, and be seen, and that’s beautiful.”

Photos: Hannah Gilbert Photography

Celebrate In Style Specialising in clear span marquees and complete event hire, we can design a package that is perfectly suited to your style and budget. We aim to take the hassle out of your special occasion by providing the highest standard of equipment, unique products and styling and awless service and delivery. 15 The Concourse, Cowes


5952 1791



clothing : accessories : homewares : fabric : furniture

11 A’Beckett St, Inverloch | 15 Smith St, Warragul coast 29

School of the future. TODAY.

Open Day Saturday 19 May, 10am – 2pm The future has arrived at Newhaven College. The opening of the new Senior Learning Centre and Specialist Art, Science & Technology facility provides the best possible environment to inspire your child’s creativity and learning. 2018 is a significant year in the College’s 38 year history with all students from Prep to Year 12 now attending the magnificent 82 acre Phillip Island Road campus. Open Day celebrates all that Newhaven has to offer. Families are invited to walk through the stunning facilites, meet staff and students, discover opportunities and experience College life.

A small school with a big heart The Junior School takes pride in nurturing Prep to Year 4 children in their early years of learning, with the aim of producing happy, considerate, empathetic and well-rounded young people. With small class sizes and a strong academic focus in a caring and values-based environment, students develop confidence, resilience and a ‘have a go’ attitude. Middle School, the Year 9 Environmental Centre, Trade Skills

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Centre and Senior School are ‘must see’ destinations for any visitor to Newhaven. While each are stunning and unique learning centres in their own right, consideration of students’ social and emotional needs has been at the fore of the clever campus layout. Each facility has been designed to provide students with a sense of security and belonging within their own small sub-school whilst still connecting them with each other across one school. This creates a familiar environment

where positive mentoring experiences between older and younger students provides for a seamless transition from Prep right through to Year 12.

Beyond the Classroom Newhaven College offers challenging opportunities that complement the academic program and inspire young people to discover and pursue their passions. We invite you to see what we have on display at Open Day. • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Academic Endeavours Music Drama Surfing Equestrian House Competitions Sport Cultural Events Duke of Edinburgh & Compass Programs Public Speaking & Debating Language Studies International Tours Performing and Visual Arts

See your child’s future at Open Day The next stage of the College’s development is already underway and is scheduled for completion mid 2018. A two court indoor stadium with a weights room, PMP room and a special classroom will be complemented by a grass soccer pitch, a synthetic hockey pitch and eight tennis courts. Newhaven College continually strives to improve across all areas of the school with the best interests of students and families always at the fore. While enrolments are invited for every year level, the main points of entry to the College are Prep and Year 7.

Enrolments are underway for 2020, with some places still available in 2018 and 2019. For enrolment enquiries, please contact Belinda Manning on (03) 5956 7505 or visit

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Open Day Friday 9 March 2018 9am – 1pm

‘See us at work’

Mary MacKillop College South Gippsland

5665 4255 Horn St, Leongatha



Providing specialist financial advice in: Retirement Planning Wealth Creation/Investing

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coast 32

coast 33

HOLIDAY IN THE PARK. Family Friendly • 2 km from main township • 100 metres from beach • Powered & ensuite powered sites •

Large range of accommodation • Indoor heated pool • Games room • Recreation & conference room •

Toddler playground WIFI • Jumping cushion • Ball court • •

Slick, bold and uncompromising, the Toyota C-HR takes stylish city driving to the next level. With its unmistakable curves, sophisticated cabin and daring, diamond-inspired motif, it knows how to make an impression.

Wonthaggi Toyota 346 Bass Highway, Wonthaggi T 03 5672 1722 LMCT 8179

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272 Church St, Cowes , 3922 | Phone : +61 3 5952 2258 | Email: |



“A true artist is not one who is inspired, but one who inspires others,” said Salvador Dalí. Our coastal landscapes ignite the imagination and drive creativity. Dive in and explore the pool of artists and crafts people who make our creative communities shine . . .

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SARA PAXTON 10th march – 8th april coast 36

colour perspective

Cristina Popovici

MINGARA GALLERY phillip island coast 37

• Sorrento • Flinders • Mt Eliza • Mornington • Malvern • Asia A RT, TRA N S F O R M I N G S P AC E S

Manyung Gallery Flinders Opening just a few months ago in Flinders, Manyung has introduced a specialist sculptural gallery to the southern Mornington Peninsula. Typically there are over 60 indoor and outdoor works on show from 1 to 400kg and of bronze, stainless, corten, copper, tin, wire, wood and ceramic construction….a truly great range!

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Manyung Gallery Group Sorrento: 113A and Suite 6,119 Ocean Beach Road , Sorrento Flinders: 37 Cook Street, Flinders Mount Eliza: 60 Mt Eliza Way, Mount Eliza Mornington: (by appointment) Unit 7, 35 Progress Street, Mornington Malvern: 6 -10 Claremont Avenue, Malvern (by appointment in January) View 150 artists and over 2000 artworks on-line 03 9787 2953 | email

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coast 40

HUGHGALLERYFLINDERS Shop 1, 41 Cook Street, Flinders. 3929

Hugh 0417 800 554

Kate 0432 777 936 Hugh 0417 800 554

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A RT & C U LT U R E 2018

All play IN MAY

Graeme Wilson, Come and Play, Artist in Residence, Mirboo North, 2017

Come and Play – All of May is a dynamic, vibrant celebration of culture and creativity in Gippsland. Now in its ninth year, ‘Come and Play’ shines the spotlight on our creative communities and is spread across six different Gippsland regions. It features a dazzling array of performances and exhibitions designed to take you on a voyage of discovery. The underlying thread for the whole event is one of inclusivity and engagement – engaging the wider community in the vibrant arts scene. Another key part of ‘Come and Play’ is the Artist In Residence program in six towns across Gippsland. The successful towns and the artists in each location will be announced in early April. Activities throughout May: ‘Come and Play’ begins with a celebratory opening event in Bass Coast, with further community and school collaborations, events and activities. 2018 focuses on celebrating the diversity of the Bass Coast; the Indigenous heritage of Bass Coast and Phillip Island’s 150th celebration. In South Gippsland, Come and Play 2018 encourages everyone to immerse themselves in the arts, by seeing, doing and participating. Take a bus tour to visit popular exhibitions and open studios.

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This May, come on a creative voyage of discovery and revel in the hidden talents and treasures on your doorstep. There will be festivals in our streets, music and theatre in our many halls, and exciting art programs in our galleries. For more details, keep an eye on the Creative Gippsland website and Come and Play events.

Bass Coast: Josephine Kent 03 5671 2492 or Esther Gyorki South Gippsland: Mary Sullivan 03 56629210

1. Evita, Wonthaggi Theatrical Group, Wonthaggi, 2015. 2. Frank Schooneveldt, Goat Island Gallery, Wonthaggi, 2017. 3. Dance Design, Mulan and friends, Bass Coast, 2017. 4. Arty Gras, Mirboo North, 2014. 5. Kate Disher Quill, Come and Play, Artist in Residence, Mirboo North, 2017. 6. Arty Gras, Primary School Art Mirboo North, 2017. 7. Susan A Hall, ‘Drift’, Studio, Inverloch, 2017 8. Phillip Island Gallery, Come and Play, Needle Felting workshop, 2017. 9. The Goldsmiths Gallery and Jewellery Workshop, Amethyst and Fresh Water Pearl necklet, San Remo, 2017. 10. Kate Disher Quill, Come and Play, Artist in Residence, Mirboo North, 2017. 11. Susan Hall workshop, Come and Play, Inverloch, 2017. 12. Yianni Banikos, Fish Creek Tea Cosy Festival, Fish Creek, 2014.

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artist profile

Telling stories in tiny little pieces. Isn’t that the most delightful exposition on the art of mosaics – the painstaking assemblage of coloured glass and tiles, a genre that dates back to 1500 BC in Mesopotamia.

It’s the way mosaic artist Heather Fahnle describes her craft as we sit on a summer’s day overlooking her peaceful desert garden in Ventnor. Heather’s vibrant mosaic creations bring a pop of colour to the earthy coral rock colours of her cactus garden. She talks of her bathing suit beauties – mosaic models which celebrate

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the voluptuous figures of women in the 50s – like dear friends, each with their own individual personality. What were once identical plastic busts, shipped down from a shutdown retailer in Sydney, have emerged in glamorous new form to become the Body Bodice women. Some of the earliest in the collection were named after Heather’s Aunts: Edna, Gladys, Elsie, Elizabeth, Rachael, Patricia, and Marjorie. What Heather

words katie cincotta photos warren reed

finds fascinating is that each one looks completely individual despite having the exact same physical dimensions. “These girls all have the same body, but each of them looks different.” She points out one ‘woman’ who was born from the broken pieces of an old vase. “She had another life, another story. She used to be a brown vase that sat in someone’s corner, pampas

grass poking out the top. It was a boring life, stuck in a dark house. Until I found that old vase at the op shop, brought it back to my studio, and turned it into this elegant woman. Now she’s in the sun.” It may not be the real story, but it’s Heather’s interpretation of the beautiful upcycling nature of her craft – the reimagining >

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of her work; taking something old and unwanted, and resurrecting it with new beauty and form. It’s what makes her pieces so completely joyful. You can feel the vibrant energy she infuses into the intricate metamorphosis of objects. Each piece has its own soul, which she says begins with an eye. “You probably think I’m pretty kooky but I always give my character an ‘eye’ first. It gives them a soul because they’re watching you. When I have students, I always tell them we have to do the eye first.”

and worn from cutting, smashing, moulding and bonding hard, sharp surfaces in her tile-packed studio. She takes breaks from the physically demanding construction, often working under the shade of an umbrella set up in her ‘calm place’ – her garden, which is an oasis for her beloved reptiles. They make the best pets, she says: “not only are they fascinating and independent, they’re so low maintenance they can survive on their own when you’re off on vacation.” She has four Blue Tongue lizards and five tortoises sunning themselves across her artisan back yard. They live in absolute luxury – the lizards under the canopy of a Weeping Elm tree and the tortoises in a pond framed by an unfinished giant mosaic dragon. “Look at that one there pretending to be a rock, they’re so prehistoric,” she says.

The detail is delicate, but the craftsmanship is hard work.

Perhaps that’s why, despite their inanimate nature, Heather’s mosaic pieces dazzle with a certain frisson and sense of personality. It’s not just the vibrant use of colour, like the glamorous red lipstick-pout of her fish, that defines her ceramics. It’s the placement of tiles that give texture and definition to her work; like the fringe of a swimsuit created from old Willow pattern plates which resemble the shirring – zig-zag stitch – of elasticized fabric.

The detail is delicate, but the craftsmanship is hard work. Heather’s hands bear the remnants of her art’s labour, rough

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Having grown up on a farm in western Victoria, Heather feels connected to the land, the sea and all the natural inhabitants. She works part time as a ranger at Phillip Island’s penguin parade, giving tours to the tourists who flock from all over >

A RT & C U LT U R E 2018

Peace by Piece. Using mosaics is telling a story in small pieces. Mosaic Classes with Heather Fahnle.




M O S A I C S B Y T H E B AY |

Mosaics By The Bay | e: | t: 0417 562 625

H A N D C R A F T E D J E W E L L E RY @GCseaglassjewellery 0407 544 577

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“She had another life, another story” the world to see the little penguins make their nightly appearance at Summerland Bay. “It’s a great job. You work with a lot of young people who keep you aware of what’s going on in the world. You’re meeting people from all over every night. It just keeps you in touch. You can become too insular, especially living in a small community on an island.” She rates the Little Penguin as one of her favourite species because of their resilience. “I just love that they’re so tough. Against all odds, they’re returning to that same spot, less than 30 metres from where they were born. Once they make that journey to the ocean at the age of 8 weeks, they memorise the track and always come the same way back.” That fortitude is a sentiment reflected in Heather’s ancestry, with a Scottish clan who left behind some folklore. “My Dad researched our family name, which was Risk. Quite unusual. And the story goes that there were two brothers. They were horse or cattle rustlers. One day when they were being pursued by the police one said ‘I’ll risk it, I’ll take the cattle across the river.’ He was successful, so he took on the name Risk.” For many years, Heather had a florist shop in North Caulfield and loved the creative and social nature of making floral arrangements for special occasions. She and her builder husband Manny continue to extend that hospitality by renting out a room at their home for travellers coming to visit the penguins. Recently they had circus performers visit from Sydney who left a beautiful testimonial in the guest book describing Heather’s work as “Prozac mosaics”. Heather is perfectly chuffed by the compliment – a faithful description of her art. It is uplifting to build something – one tiny piece at a time – to tell a whole new story and it continues to inspire this earthy islander.

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A RT & C U LT U R E 2018

In glass and rust we trust.


A living, breathing creative space Steel Sculpture – Fused Glass

9 Anderson Rise, Anderson, VIC. Open Thur to Mon 10.30am – 5pm. Andrew Kasper 0407 368 538, Marlene Abela 0439 368 538.

Past to Present – is a retrospective of the Jewellery of Bronwyn Pratt and 12 invited Australian Jewellers & Goldsmith’s also featuring the Art of Gaston Vanzet This exhibition is a retrospective of the Jewellery made by Bronwyn Pratt, owner of the Goldsmith’s Gallery, since 1974 when she first started her Jewellery making career. She has invited 12 other Australian Designers, Jewellers & Goldsmiths to participate as well. Also featuring the Paintings and Illustrations of local Gippsland Artist Gaston Vanzet. Bubbles & Beers – Meet the Artists Official opening 1pm – Saturday 28th April Open all of May Mon to Fri 10am–5pm, Sat 10am–2pm Closed all Public Holidays and Sundays



Handmade, Well made, Australian made.


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Art feeds the soul

Eclectic Art Gallery featuring artists in residence, live music, original artwork and yes, we do commissions. Home of Melbourne Murals and Peekaview Childrens Prints. Artist, painter and sculptor, Brigette Dawson’s love of art has pervaded every aspect of her life. She creates and shares her vision with the world in formats she has mastered through years of training and experience. Describing her style as ‘a unique mix of realism and loose expressionism’, it allows her to convey powerful emotions through her work. Her pieces have featured in exhibitions, magazines, galleries and commercial businesses.

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Epoxy artist and chef extraordinaire, Rob Cauzzo loves to create stunning, large format pieces in colourful dyes and resin. With a background in the surface industry, he has spent over 15 years testing resins to create unique artworks. Sourcing dyes from overseas, his works have a depth and translucency that create an illusion of ink moving in water - leaping off the wall with their vibrancy and motion. His corporate commissions hang in Sydney, Queensland, Melbourne and Italy.

BUT YOU CAN’T LIVE ON ART ALONE When you get hungry we offer an authentic Italian a la carte menu with wood-fired pizza, parmas and burgers from around the world. Plus we make a wicked cup of coffee. We have a great beer garden and are available for functions.

La Casa Sawtellis. Restaurant Gallery. 5998 3837 129 Sth Gippsland Hwy, Tooradin 3980 9am – 3pm, Thursday – Sunday 6pm till close, Thursday – Saturday LaCasaSawtellis


GALLERIA coast 51

5998 3837

A RT & C U LT U R E 2018


Designing an art exhibition is an art form in itself… An excellent exhibition of diverse artworks emerges from careful thought, clear design and good space management. With around sixty-five artists, the six-weekly changeover of exhibitions is a daunting but creative task for our curatorial team. Space is a component of an art exhibition that most of us only see when it is filled; a shape allowing an artwork to ‘breathe’. Our curators, Ursula Theinert, Karin Murphy Ellis and Susan Hall, lay out the artworks before they are hung, grouping them according to style, colour, subject matter and size. Most paintings are hung singularly; sometimes two are hung one above the other; occasionally a wall may present a ‘salon hang’, where a number of art works are thematically clustered and hung on one wall. Our team are constantly up and down ladders, holding artworks, adjusting hooks and securing d-rings.

Similarly, sculpture directs the space and entices the viewer to move around. A sculpture may be solid, but angles and spaces can visually crop works behind it. Metallic surfaces reflect colours and light from surrounding artworks, presenting delightful distortions. They often invite touch so positioning is vital for viewer safety and to prevent damage. Glasswork is displayed where light can enhance translucency or luminosity. Ceramics and woodcraft often require a single plinth or may be grouped on a solid shelf where shadows emphasise textures and shapes. Jewellery is frequently set in glass cabinets to be safely viewed from multiple angles, allowing light to play with the facets, colours and shapes. Another section of the gallery is dedicated to original textile designs, garments and adornments. Select pieces are featured on mannequins to effect artistic flair as well as practical purposes. An exhibition reaches excellence when the artworks complement each other. Harmony, balance, mood and aesthetic combine to share the artists’ inspirations and envelope the viewer. Excellent Exhibitions in Autumn at ArtSpace 20 Feb – 26 March ‘The Wonthaggi Monster’ by Filippa Buttitta 27 March – 7 May Inaugural Abstract Photographic Exhibition 8 May – 18 June Come and Play all of May – Creative Gippsland ArtSpace features ClimArt Exhibition by Groundswell To be part of the exhibition phone Bron: 0432 281 006 or ArtSpace Wonthaggi: 5672 5767. Applications close 24 April. Living Art. ArtSpace’s gallery and facilities are available for small functions including weddings. Celebrant and artist Deb Watson can help you arrange your special day. Phone Deb 0438 017 809

Ken Griffiths, Killy Bridge, oil on acrylic, 135 cm x 182 cm

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Boardroom facilities available for hire.



Sunderland bay- Philip Island |

Oil on canvas, 950 x 450cm


KEN GRIFFITHS Old Bridge Kilcunda


Corten steel, 215 x 100 x 90cm

Oil on linen, 182 x 122cm

Woodcut prints, 120 x 60cm



O P E N 7 D AY S , 10 . 0 0 A M TO 4 . 0 0 P M


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A RT & C U LT U R E 2018

Off the grid…

Charles Wilcox fits the description of your typical Aussie beach boy. Blonde hair, blue eyes, a penchant for surfing and skin that tans with a glimpse of the sun. True to type, Charles has spent a great deal of his time living and breathing everything ocean, outdoors and adventure. Whilst living off-the-grid in Yackandandah, the Victorian High Country, Charles began experimenting with sculpture and painting using materials he’d collected. From a young age, a hunter-gatherer ideology has influenced his life and work, from free-diving for seafood to collecting driftwood and reinstating old junk to new glory. After many years working out of his back shed and outgrowing space available in galleries and shops, Charles acquired a studio in Seaford. Charles’ new space hosts a combination of large-scale paintings and sculptures made from materials he has brought back from various coastal adventures. “My sculptures are a reflection and representation of everything I love about the sea, adventure and travel. I hike, dive and explore the most rugged and remote coastlines of

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eastern Australia. Travelling as far as Cape York, I charter light aircraft to give me access to the most isolated beaches. I select materials that are shaped by the harsh elements of the environment to use in my artworks. Washed-up driftwood, flotsam and jetsam found by chance on secluded beaches that survives a journey across vast oceans, corrugated iron and other salvaged building materials scorched by sun and hammered by storms – I love it all. Featuring these items and their story in my art is a real motivator for me.” Charles’ paintings capture the energy and often unpredictable nature of the sea and are highly textural, using thick impasto to produce bold strokes.

The Charles Wilcox Art Studio is located at Studio 6/4 –10 Martha St, Seaford ph: 0455 298 800

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A RT & C U LT U R E 2018



Artfusion Studio and Gallery is a living, breathing creative space specialising in sculpture and kiln-fused glass. Nestled between two working studios, the gallery includes an open viewing space where you can interact with the artists. This unique artistic experience includes glass artwork, jewellery and a sculpture garden – drive in to see the art and meet the artists who create it.

Centre, ArtSpace is a not-for-profit community gallery run entirely by volunteers offering quality artworks by Gippsland artists. Regular exhibitions and a gift shop stocked with original textiles, ceramics, jewellery, glassware and woodwork. The Centennial Centre also includes Visitor Information Services and boardroom/meeting room for hire.

9 Anderson Rise, Anderson Call Andrew, 0407 368 538 Marlene, 0439 368 538

1 Bent Street, Wonthaggi Call 5672 5767


Artists + Makers combined to form Cook Street Collective, a contemporary art gallery located in Flinders on the Mornington Peninsula. Showcasing a variety of disciplines including painting, printmaking, drawing, sculpture, jewellery, glass and more. Open 7 days, the gallery is run by the artists – drop in and connect with us. 41 Cook Street, Flinders Call 5989 1022

This will be the ninth Gippslandwide celebration of the region’s creativity during the month of May. The Festival theme for 2018 ‘Come and Play – All of May’ encourages everyone to immerse themselves in the arts, by seeing, doing and participating. Each year, there’s the chance to experience all realms of art — visual, music, performance, spoken word and more. For event details, check the website and like us on Facebook



At Foons Photographics we can prepare and frame a variety of original artwork such as oil paintings, tapestries, water colours, certificates, photographs, medals, football jumpers and memorabilia. Trust us to prepare your treasures so they may be put on display. Don’t hide them away any longer.

We photograph artist’s original paintings and reproduce them as limited edition art prints.

5672 1411 72 MCBRIDE AVE WONTHAGGI 3995

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FOONS PHOTOGRAPHICS GEORGIE CUNNINGHAM SEA GLASS We all have precious memories, sometimes these memories take the form of artwork. Over the years Foons have prepared and framed an array of creations, from oil paintings to tapestries, photographs to relics and all things in between. Trust us to prepare your treasures so they may be put on display. Don’t hide them away any longer.

A trained silversmith, Georgie transforms her beloved gem-like jewels of the sea into gold and silver masterpieces. Individual commissions and upcycling of old fine bone china and pearls sees Georgie’s work take on sentimental, unique characteristics. Wearers feel a connection to the beauty and spirit of each piece.

72 McBride Ave, Wonthaggi Call 5672 1411

Call 0407 544 577

Leongatha Art and Craft Gallery Quality local Art & Craft



Showcasing some of Australia’s most talented jewellers, goldsmiths and designers, the Gallery also specialises in jewellery repairs and remaking and remodelling old jewellery. See award-winning gold and silversmith Bronwyn Pratt, a member of the Gold and Silversmiths’ Guild of Australia, working on her unique designs. Visit the website for details of exhibition and workshops.

Regarded as one the most exciting painters of the Australian landscape, Hugh Evans’ magical and unique lollipop logo allows him to freely explore the basic elements of colour, texture and line. With a distinctive style, visitors are invited to touch Hugh’s paintings to better understand them. Open to the public most weekends and by appointment all other times.

157 Marine Pde, (Bridgeview Arcade) San Remo Call 5678 5788 Facebook/TheGoldsmithsGallery

41 Cook Street, Flinders Call Hugh, 0417 800 554 Kate, 0432 777 936



Regularly changing program of exhibitions feature a mix of traditional and contemporary local artworks and crafts. The huge selection of handcrafted gifts includes ceramics, mosaics, handcrafted wood, glass art, pottery, clothing, cards, knitwear, jewellery and paintings. Free admission. Volunteers very welcome.

Recycled metal sculptures, garden sculptures, junk sculptures, unique furniture, fun metal animals, and lots of other stuff.

Open Mon–Fri 10am–5pm, Sat 10am–2pm, Closed Tues and Sun. a: Cnr McCartin St & Michael Pl, Leongatha (opposite Post Office) p: 03 5662 5370 e: w:

Open 9am to 5pm every day a: 420 Main Jindivick Rd, Jindivick p: 03 5628 5224 e: w: |

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A RT & C U LT U R E 2018





Home of Melbourne Murals and Peekaview prints, this authentic Italian restaurant incorporates an eclectic art gallery featuring local artworks and artists-in-residence. The alfresco area is perfect for family-orientated dining and music performances and is an ideal place to stop on your way to the coast. Open from 9am to 3pm Thursday to Sunday and 6pm till close Thursday to Saturday.

The Manyung Gallery Group is comprised of five galleries at Sorrento, Flinders, Mornington, Mt Eliza and Malvern. It is one of Victoria’s oldest (est.1968) and largest exhibiting art businesses, showcasing the very best of Australian contemporary paintings and sculptures. Manyung offers free in-home art consulting, a mobile gallery service and monthly exhibition launches.

Heather has been teaching and working in the mosaic art field since 2000. Join a one-day workshop and create a mosaic you will love. Beginners and advanced groups catered for and workshops can be customised to suit your needs. These are a great gift or a wonderful way to spend time with friends or family.

129 South Gippsland Hwy, Tooradin Call 5998 3837

113 and 119 Ocean Beach Rd, Sorrento. 60 Mount Eliza Way, Mt Eliza. 6 –10 Claremont Ave, Malvern. 37 Cook St. Flinders. 7/35 Progress Street Mornington. Call 9787 2953

Mingara Gallery was established in Cowes, Phillip Island by Noelle Buckley in 2002. The Gallery represents a stylistically varied selection of Australian contemporary art of the highest calibre. It showcases paintings, works on paper, sculpture and also displays a wide array of fine jewellery, ceramics, craft and exceptional homewares. The sleek exhibition spaces have an adjoining cafe and beautiful courtyards. 242 Phillip Island Rd, Cowes Call 5952 3722


The newly opened gallery of Gippsland artists Meg Hayley and Nick Perrin. Nick’s award-winning work depicts textured landscapes, flowers, trees and foliage inspired by travels to Greece and the UK. Meg works on paper and canvas with a unique whimsy, collecting vintage pieces of decorative china to paint. Jewellery, wire works, bespoke furniture and art materials for sale (specialising in Swiss brand Caran d’ache). Painting and drawing classes available. Open 6 days a week in summer, 10.30am – 5pm (closed Tues) Autumn closed Tues and Wed. Closed June, July. Or by appointment. a: 76 Toorak Rd, Inverloch p: 0408 520 576 e: meghayley27

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Limited Edition Art Prints Available online

p: 0414 753 739 e: w:

Call 0417 562 625

g estudio c kgallery o

monthly exhibitions of contemporary artwork | cafe art materials | picture framing | jewellery | ceramics

Gallery and Head Quarters Cafe open Thur– Mon 9am–4pm. Open 7 days through Easter Holidays.

Bass Coast Artists’ Society offers a range of workshops, demonstrations, open studios, life drawing, portrait and photography groups. New members warmly welcomed. Join us at The Goods Shed Studio to share skills and ideas. Other members can guide and inspire your creativity.

Easter Art Show Sat 31st March –2nd April, 10 – 4, at The Goods Shed, Wonthaggi.

15 Falls Road, Fish Creek, VIC p: 03 5683 2481 e: w:


Nestled in the picturesque hills of Victoria’s Mornington Peninsula, an hour from Melbourne. Gordon Studio Glassblowers gallery and studio caters for those wishing to view and buy an existing work of art glass as well as those interested in having customised hand blown glass art works created to their own specific needs. When the artists are working, visitors to the studio have the rare opportunity to witness glassblowing from the security and comfort of the light filled viewing mezzanine.

7 days a week 10am–5pm 290 Red Hill Road, cnr Dunns Creek Road, Red Hill p: 03 5989 7073 e: w:

a: Entry via rear of Big W carpark. p: Wendy – 0409 555 225 e: w:

karen hopkins

Karen has been an exhibiting artist since 1991, with works in numerous corporate and private collections nationally and internationally. Her specialties include painting and sculpture where she draws on themes inspired by nature, emotions, aspects of being human. For exhibitions, commissions, prints or to visit the studio contact Karen via her website.


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A RT & C U LT U R E 2018



PORT FAIRY MOORING 122 x 122 Acrylic on canvas

Craig Penny – The Creek Exhibition 20 May–10 June PORT FAIRY MOORING 122 x 122 Acrylic on canvas PORTRichardson FAIRY MOORING 122–x Member 122 Acrylic on canvas To be opened by Tim MP for Mordialloc Sunday 20 May Craig 2– 4pm Penny Craig Penny Craig’s exhibition will beCreek based on the Mordialloc Creek where his The Exhibition Theis located. Creek Exhibition studio TheMay light, the moorings, the skies, the beach and all 20 -10 June 20intrinsic May -10 that June the qualities are part of this urban Oasis on the Bay.

ANGELA NEWBERRY – Linocuts & Screenprints Traditional hands on artist and printmaker. Established in England and Australia. Screenprints in National Gallery of Australia, Canberra and Public Art Collections in London and Melbourne. Extensive collection now available at Storehouse in a permanent exhibition.

To be opened by Tim Richardson MP – Member for Mordialloc To be openedSunday by Tim Richardson MP – Member for Mordialloc 20 May 2 - 4pm Sunday 20 May 2 -4pm

Craig’s exhibition will be based on the Mordialloc Creek where his studio is located. a: Storehouse, 4-6 Koala Drive, Koonwarra and 100 Barkly Street, St Kilda Craig’s exhibition The will be based on the Mordialloc Creek where and his studio located. light, the moorings, the sky’s, the beach all the is intrinsic qualities that are part Open Mon Sat Sun 12–5pm The light, thetomoorings, the sky’s, the and all the intrinsic qualities that are part of 10am–5pm this urban Oasis onbeach the Bay. p: 0408 353 976, Thomas Burge thisBay urban Oasis on the Bay. a:of320 Road Cheltenham Mon to Sat 10am – 5pm Sun 12-5pm p: 9583 7577 Open 320 –Bay Road Open Mon to Sata: 10am 5pm SunCheltenham 12-5pm 320 Bay Road p: Cheltenham 9583 7577 e: 9583 7577 w:

e: w:

e: p: 0455 180 445, Angela Newberry e: w:

WISH IT WAS WINTER. We want to get started on our next edition. Here’s the simple truth. More people read Coast than any other local magazine. And readers love our great photos and stories. If you’re looking for quality and style, talk to us about the best ad package for you. Talk to Robyn about your ad or your promotional campaign on 0432 273 107 or email Edition 51 - Winter 2018 | Ad booking deadline: 10 May 2018 | On sale: 4 June 2018

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Everything IS NEW Old AGAIN Want to add a little bit of funk to your current look and save the planet too? Classic retro and vintage pieces can add life to your home, style to your wardrobe and save you money. Embark on a magical mystery tour of everything retro and upcycled in Coast’s Retro & Vintage feature‌

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Check out our range at 13 A’BECKETT STREET INVERLOCH email Wendy & Josh deKunder 0407 414 895 Follow us on Instagram

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Obtainium Antiques & Vintage Wares



Opens at 10 every Sunday in Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring.

Main Street, KONGWAK, Victoria

(only 10 minutes from Inverloch) For more info call Jane on 0417 142 478

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Antiques, collectables and so much more. Over 30 dealers with new stock arriving daily. Georgian, Victorian, Art Nouveau, Art Deco, Mid-Century, Industrial, Decorator & Designer, Furniture, Lighting, Ceramics, Glass, Art, Jewellery, Books, Collectables, Linen & Lace

14 Mornington-Tyabb Rd, Tyabb | 5977 4414 | Open Thurs – Sun 10am – 5pm coast 65

words chloe kent photos warren reed

With shapes and styles from a bygone era, it’s hard to envisage that ‘old’ hot rods and other classic cars were once the norm.

Car enthusiasts Dave and Linda remember those days. “Dave had an old car when we met - an FE Holden, lowered, big wheels – he was 19 years old at the time. We’ve always had old cars but then they were just the norm.” They married young – at 20 and 18 years old respectively and spent their early years together in Guys Hill and Labertouche. When Dave hit his 50’s he decided to look for something else to do, after 40 odd years of carpentry and five years as a building supervisor. They bought a garage door business in Warragul and ran it for nearly 10 years into retirement. Now the pair live a stone’s throw from the Kilcunda General Store and have acquired a few American cars along the way.

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The first one was a Chevy Camaro convertible – Linda’s car. Then came a GT Falcon coupe, which Linda used to drive to work. “When we were very young, they were not worth a lot of money, but now, god, they are worth that much more – between $100,000 and $200,000.” Even before they moved to the coast, the Custom Nationals were a big part of their yearly schedule, alongside the Wonthaggi Car Show. Both events display a variety of classic and muscle cars. However, you’re not a true ‘devotee’ until you have been to the Victorian Hot Rod Show at the Royal Exhibition Buildings in Carlton, where you’ll find a stunning showcase of hot rods, custom vehicles, street machines and

motorcycles from around Australia. Through cars, Linda and Dave also found a gateway to meet new people. Their current drive is a 1964 Thunderbird convertible. A beauty, it is powered by a 460-big block. “We get so much pleasure out of it, you go for a drive and it attracts so much attention.” Too much attention, as Linda points out – “You cannot go anywhere without people scrambling over it, and I’m embarrassed – I just want to do my shopping!” A Sunday drive soon turns into a long afternoon, with people wanting to know what year it was manufactured and mechanical details. “The women want to know what the car is, and then they say, ‘Yeah, I’ve got an old car in my garage, it’s been there

20 years and I’m still waiting for him to do it up! You hear that all the time,” Linda says. The Thunderbird certainly does stand out in the crowd. Re-upholstered and done up, it looks as good as it did when it rolled out of the factory. But as she points out, you’ve got to pick your days for the roof. “If it’s too hot and you’re caught in traffic it’s not a good idea. If it’s a nice day and you’re just cruising along and then you stop, it’s okay.” A member of a Gippsland-based car club, Dave laughs when he notes that it’s the only Ford car registered. “It’s actually a Chevy car club, but because I’ve always had Chevs they’ve allowed me to register this one!” >

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As good as when it rolled out of the factory

Previously the pair have owned an array of Chevys, including an Impala that needed a lot of work. “We imported it from America in a rusty state, but it was drivable. We spent a bit of money on it to have the rust removed and had it repainted – it came up really nice. Brought it up to original specs but didn’t add the extra trims.” Dave says. Having done the hard yards, he decided that when they bought the Thunderbird, they wanted the work already done. “It’s very pleasurable to look at a car you’ve done up, but a lot of people over-capitalise, spend too much on it and do not get it back – depending on the car. In that case it’s all done for the pleasure – it’s their dream, and those people have no intention of selling it. We’ve done that, it’s nice now for someone else to put the hard work in and we just buy it.” Especially as both have had their fair share of health issues in the past decade – Dave received treatment over a number of years for cancer and Linda suffers from chronic pulmonary fibrosis, a degenerative condition. To the locals, Linda is often known as the lady who walks 5kms on the Killy track every morning, rain, hail or shine – with her trusty Maltese dog Trixie. The couple celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary this year and it doesn’t look like they will be slowing down anytime soon. But on the car front, that will be it – “as far as I know,” Linda hopes. “He just comes out, with ‘oh, it’s not really my thing anymore’ and I’m like, ‘what do you mean it’s not your thing anymore?’ It’s like changing houses!” Dave sits laughing to himself. “I’ll be getting divorce papers if I change my mind on the Thunderbird…” As far as celebrating the big 5-0 is

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concerned, they agree it will be just another day to them. “We’ll just go to McDonald’s and celebrate! That’ll do,” Linda laughs. With plans to spend a week in Lorne with Trixie and the Thunderbird, the pair agree they are just enjoying life now. “We love Bass Coast, especially Kilcunda, it’s a great place to live – very laid back and the lifestyle is wonderful. We have formed many friendships and the car plays a big part in our retirement.”






Weird, Wacky and Wonderful Antiques, Vintage and More.

and Wolf on Murray fine food cafe 158 Thompson Ave, 3922 Cowes (03) 5952 3235. 7 days 10am til 5pm

1 Murray Street, 3995 Wonthaggi 0419 362 978. 9am til 5pm, closed Tues coast 69


DELICIOUS VINTAGE LOVE A retro, vintage, second-hand market place. It’s eclectic, interesting & fun. You never know what treasures you’ll stumble upon. 321 White Road, Wonthaggi Call 5607 4927 Facebook /Delicious-Vintage-Love

KONGWAK MARKET Join Jane and her stallholders as they bring you a treasure trove of all things collectable, vintage, retro, pre-loved and homemade. With delicious food, produce, coffee, a masseuse and live band on hand, there is something for everyone. Every Sunday from 10am to 2pm rain, hail or shine. Main Street, Kongwak Call 0417 142 478



Upon entering through Wolf on Murray you are hit with an eclectic mix of weird, wacky and wonderful retro, vintage and artistic collections. Over 30 stalls are ready to help you find your special by-gone item in our treasure-filled oasis. Shop local. It’s lovely. Open 6 days 9am until 4pm (closed Tuesdays).

With an ever-evolving supply of antique and vintage goods, from furniture and china to artwork, glassware, cameras, records and everything in-between, our stock is quirky, unique and eclectic. Wander in for that one-of-a-kind item that will bring life to your home or workplace. Open 9.30am – 5pm Monday to Saturday and 10am – 4pm on Sundays.

1 Murray Street, Wonthaggi Call 0419 362 978 Facebook / murraystreetbazaarwonthaggi

SOUTHERN BAZAAR Southern Bazaar Home has a unique range of new and recycled furniture and homewares. They stock quality Australian brands like Tessa and Molmic, not to mention a great range of Australian timber furniture, prints and homewares. Located in the main street of Inverloch and online, you are sure to find that special piece for your home. 13 A’Beckett St, Inverloch Call 0407 414 895

THE WONTHAGGI MARKET Showcasing the creative heart of our community with over 70 stall holders and a bustling café specialising in home-made comfort food and fabulous coffee. A thoughtful range of vintage, retro, upcycled, hand-made goods, furniture and curios for sale. Stocking locally made and environmentally sustainable products. Recent stall additions include Indian head massage and hairdressing. Open daily from 9.30am – 4.30pm. 17 Korumburra Rd, Wonthaggi Call 0419 342 815 Facebook /TheWonthaggiMarket

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TJ’S TIMBER A family owned and operated business with an environmental conscience, TJ’s stock a large range of sustainably sourced and accredited new and recycled timbers. Whether re-milled or in their original form, TJ’s popular recycled timbers await your next project. With an emphasis on quality, they cater for all budgets and deliver to South Gippsland, Mornington Peninsula and Melbourne. 24 The Concourse, Cowes Call 5952 3232

2/15 Progress St, Mornington Call 5975 3169 Facebook /Obtainiumantiques

TYABB PACKING HOUSE ANTIQUES With a history spanning 35 years and ½ hectare of undercover space, we are one of the largest Australian locations dealing in antiques, deco, old wares, retro and vintage. With more than 30 specialists on-site, many of whom have over 40 years experience, you are bound to find what you are looking for. Open Thursday to Sunday 10am – 5pm. 14 Mornington – Tyabb Road, Tyabb Call 5977 4414 www.tyabbpackinghouseantiques.

Furniture | Home Decor | Lighting & Art | Indoor & Outdoor | Gifts Huge online store now open! Also offering storage for boats, caravans and trailers

Specializing in rare hand chosen Sterling Silver jewellery, spiritually based giftware, books and cards, Spirit & Grace also has a great range of unusual healing crystals. Unique clothing ranging in size from 8 to 22 with the latest in costume jewellery from an array of Australian suppliers. Stocked brands include: Lisa Pollock Designs, Bianc Jewellery, Buckley and Phillips Essential Oils, Miss Darcy Candles, Wavertree and London Soaps, Bella Donna Jewellery, Adrift Clothing and Stoned Crystals.

Weekends 10am – 4pm and Mon, Thurs & Fri 10am – 5pm a: 34 Bear Street, Inverloch p: 0402 712 707 w.

Open weekdays, Saturdays and select public holidays a: 120 Graham Street, Wonthaggi p: 0411 658 943 e:

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Endangered bandicoots


When Phillip Island Nature Parks launched its Fox Eradication Program in 2006, the vision was to protect Phillip Island’s biodiversity and wildlife, and work towards an environment free from the destruction wrought by the European red fox. That vision became a reality with the historic announcement in October 2017 that Phillip Island is now fox-free. The comprehensive fox eradication program included a range of integrated techniques such as the use of motion activated infra-red cameras and fox detection dogs. This resulted in the reduction of the fox population from an estimated 150 individuals in 2006 to undetectable levels today, with no physical evidence found since August 2015. This landmark achievement not only protects the island’s iconic wildlife such as penguins and shearwaters, but also provides Phillip Island with a unique opportunity to save a native animal from extinction in Victoria. The Eastern Barred Bandicoot has been wiped out on the mainland by foxes and habitat loss, and now this marsupial’s best chance of survival is a release onto large fox-free islands. Eastern Barred Bandicoots (EBBs) were first released in a trial on Churchill Island in 2015 by Phillip Island Nature Parks, Zoos Victoria and members of the EBB Recovery Team. The EBBs on Churchill Island increased from 20 to about 120 in two years before the population stopped growing and stabilised around this number. The Churchill Island trial demonstrated that words & photos supplied

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EBBs can successfully establish in island environments and have positive impacts such as reduced soil compaction, and improved nutrient and water infiltration, with no observed negative effects. With the confidence of this successful trial under their belts, during October and November 2017 researchers from Phillip Island Nature Parks, Zoos Victoria and the Eastern Barred Bandicoot Recovery Team released a total of 67 individuals onto the Summerland Peninsula, located at the western tip of Phillip Island. This area is well known as the site of major conservation activities over several years as it was rehabilitated from a former housing estate to a natural environment which is now home to a thriving colony of little penguins, migratory shorttailed shearwaters and if this release proves successful, Eastern Barred Bandicoots. Monitoring of the EBB population on Summerland Peninsula continues, and researchers have been excited to see that bandicoot diggings are being readily found during all

monitoring and trapping exercises. This demonstrates a return of some of the important ecological functions that had been lost on the island with the local extinction of species like potoroos and bandicoots. These functions are helping to restore the compacted soils that are a legacy of the old housing estate, and are yet another step in the restoration of this special landscape and the ongoing story of the Summerland Peninsula. With the success of the initial trial and the subsequent release onto Phillip Island, the Phillip Island Nature Parks announced in 2017 that increased investment in conservation would include the development of a Threatened Species

Conservation Program to enhance the Nature Parks’ expertise and readiness for the potential re-introduction of other threatened or endangered species which were previously found in the wild on Phillip Island. The EBB Recovery Team includes representatives from (in alphabetical order): Conservation Volunteers Australia, Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP), Mt Rothwell Biodiversity Interpretation Centre, National Trust of Australia, Parks Victoria, Phillip Island Nature Parks, the University of Melbourne, Tiverton Property Partnering and Zoos Victoria.

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words sally o’neill photos warren reed


The dynamic Dannielle Baylis is all about timing: she lives her life as if she’s sitting out the back waiting for that perfect set to roll through. So far, it’s been a dream ride …

“It’s about time you guys started interviewing chicks for your surfer profiles!” begins Dannielle, die-hard surfer, musician and mother-of-three, as she talks to me from her San Remo home. This chick has well and truly earned her place in the local surfing scene. Few could claim surviving paddling out at legendary breaks like Twelve Foot Bombie on a huge swell, or Express Point at eight foot: Danielle can. Dragged out somewhat reluctantly by her partner Jon, she was absolutely terrified and convinced that if she didn’t get smashed by a wave, she would surely be eaten by a shark.

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What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, as they say, and these experiences are now filed away as some of her most memorable moments. Surfing waited patiently for Dannielle. Living on the south coast of New South Wales, horses were her first love. “My mum and aunty rode horses and thought I had potential,” she recalls. But the self-proclaimed tomboy couldn’t resist tagging along with her dad and brother on one of their regular surfing trips. The skinny 12-year-old determinedly

surfer profile

demanded to be left alone as she tackled the shorebreak at Caves Beach near Jervis Bay on her dad’s old seven-foot Parkinson. It was harder than she thought, and more than her ego was bruised. A boogie-board and flippers made it easier to follow her older brother out the back. “I wasn’t scared of the big waves,” she volunteers. Within months she was competing with the local Christian Boardriders Club. “It was the only club in the area and all the local kids were members. The

leaders were encouraging and nurturing and drove us to Ulladulla and north to Manly for comps.” At fifteen, Dannielle figured she would try surfing again. Her aunty bought her a second-hand five-foot-eight ‘Shark Island’ board. “I remember my very first wave. My brother was watching me from the beach, yelling: ‘Paddle, stand up, go sideways!’ and I was screaming, ‘I’m doing it!’” A natural, she began competing after six months. Considered a little nerdy at school, she was suddenly popular with the cool >

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girls because she was hanging out with the good-looking boys at the beach. Her brother showed endless patience, letting her tag along and being a great coach. When he got his licence (on the third attempt), Dannielle was waiting with her board, shouting: “Damo got his Ps: we can go surfing!” Just when she thought she’d found her life’s path, her dad announced they were packing up and moving to Diamond Creek in Victoria. Her mum, dad and little sister Nicky (who wasn’t hit by the surfing bug) all moved south. Landlocked and depressed at the last train stop from Melbourne on the Hurstbridge line, she and her girlfriends would look at maps and calculate just how far away they were from the beach. Occasional visits back to Jervis Bay were treasured. “I remember sneaking into Dad’s room and setting his watch back, so we could leave an hour earlier to go there,” she laughs.

the bar and said, ‘He’s my dream man and I’ll marry him one day.’ He made boards and lived in a beach shack by the sea.” They rode the wave of long-distance love as she went back to Footscray to try studying to be a library technician. “It didn’t take me long to decide to move in with Jon on Phillip Island and take a job as a surfing instructor.” That was 1996, and there she has stayed, surfing with her mate Michelle Fincher at Phillip Island Boardriders Club, and later, when she had children, taking to the sedate waters of Smiths Beach with the Surfing Mamas. Dannielle has also competed extensively in State and Australian titles.

Woolamai is her chosen break, and she treasures the relatively uncrowded Phillip Island breaks.

After a year of surfing depression she finally focused on school – and monthly surfs at Gunnamatta. She didn’t last long at uni. “I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life and bounced from job to job.” A friend told her about jobs in London, so she sold her guitar and bike to her parents (they gave them back when she returned) and bought a one-way ticket. “I was 21 and free to take on the world.” After months spent partying and working, she decided to come home. “Soon I was back living with Mum and Dad and feeling as lost as I had been before I left.” Surfing was still simmering as she tried to figure out what to do with her life. Scoring a job at the newly-opened Crown Casino expanded her world: she made good money and met new friends like Lisa, whose parents had a caravan at San Remo. “We’d go down on our days off. I’d take my board but never use it: we just partied.” But she timed her decision to work a summer at the Westernport Hotel perfectly. “I saw a gorgeous guy walk into

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Partner Jon shapes her beautiful boards and is her favourite guy to surf with, encouraging her to overcome her fears – whether it be in competition or back at that terrifying Twelve Foot Bombie. They have travelled extensively, including a slow lap around Australia to surf meccas like Cactus in an old truck that would only go 60 kilometres an hour. Woolamai is her chosen wave, and she treasures the relatively uncrowded Phillip Island breaks. “I love pretty much everything about surfing: the anticipation of sitting in the car watching the banks and knowing you’re going to catch some great waves; the water running down your back … I can’t put it into words. It’s a spiritual thing; it’s the best yoga, the best healing. Going out and sharing the ocean is unique and special and makes me feel good.” So, it’s Dannielle’s time and the ocean is her grounding. “I’d been floundering around for ten years and now I’ve found my place. Surfing was always where my heart was and where I was meant to be.”


When Brent and Amy Richardson bought their 116-acre property at Ryanston two years ago, they thought restoring the section of Archies Creek that runs through their property would be a long-term goal.

That pipe dream is now turning into a reality after a partnership between them, the Bass Coast Landcare Network (BCLN) and West Gippsland Catchment Management Authority (WGCMA) was formed to tackle the project. “The Creek was quite over grown with blackberry and other woody weeds,” explained Amy. “We’d like to see it restored, but we also lost a few calves – so it makes financial sense to fence it too.” Amy and Brent mentioned their goal to their stock agent, and he referred them to Landcare. Dave Bateman from BCLN said funding for the project initially came through the Powlett Project Landcare Group who secured a state government grant. “This grant along with support from the Bass Coast Shire Council and the WGCMA has made this large-scale project achievable for Amy and Brent. “Without funding to support these big projects it’s simply too expensive for farmers to undertake such a large project” The partnership will see more than 1.5 kilometers of creek fenced on both sides, five hectares of weeds killed and removed, and more than 10,000 trees planted. Rich Allen, from WGCMA, said supporting landowners to improve the environment around their creeks was a goal for the organisation. “For us, this is almost a perfect project,” explained Rich. “We have a motivated family who are keen and willing to get in and improve the Creek, Landcare are involved and will

support them and local students will help plant more than 10,000 trees.” Amy, with a biological sciences degree, has increased motivation to restore habitat at the Creek. “I’m really keen to see what wildlife returns,” she said. “We know there are snakes down there, but what birds and other native animals use the creek?” Rich said he expects the removal of weeds and planting of native vegetation will mean that wildlife returns to the creek. “Brent and Amy are installing the fences 15 metres from the Creek which will help protect the trees that are planted from stock and improve any run off that leaves their farm and enters the Creek. “We find this combination of works, removing weeds, fencing and planting trees, to be really effective in creating a healthy creek which then provides great habitat for native wildlife,” said Rich. This project is part of the Powlett Project which has seen an average of 100,000 trees planted each year since 1996 in the Powlett Catchment.

This project is funded by the Victorian State Government’s Regional Riparian Action Plan and the Biodiversity on Ground Action Grants with support from West Gippsland Catchment Management Authority, Bass Coast Landcare Network and Bass Coast Shire Council Biolinks Program.

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A BLOWHOLE BY ANY OTHER NAME‌ On rare occasions Flinders Blowhole is tranquil and soothing, more often than not you will be immersed in the action as ocean spray hits your skin with each crash of the waves. If jagged rocks are not your thing, the nearby rock pools are sure to entice the explorer in you.

THE OLD POST OFFICE Built around 1906, the site continues to operate to this day as a Post Office. The quaint structure is one of a number of original buildings scattered throughout Flinders.

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THE LONG EXPANSE Sheltered by West Head, Flinders Pier stands at 250m long. With an abundance of fish, the strip is popular for sailing, fishing and diving.



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A real estate agent like no other.

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By Edwards Flinders is the retail home of Australia’s most amazingly comfortable outdoor/indoor beanbags. The By Edwards Flinders store also ranges a stunning array of high quality & unique homewares sourced from all over the world. By Edwards outdoor/indoor beanbags & cushions can be purchased in-store at Flinders, on-line or at selected retail outlets across Australia.

a: 38b Cook St. Flinders e: w:

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An old-fashioned General Store with a good touch of the modern, we provide a wonderful range of the delicious, pretty and practical! A great selection of local Mornington Peninsula wines, produce, cheeses and artisan bread delivered daily. There is an excellent selection of free range and grass-fed meats and fresh fish on Fridays…

Feeling worn out, yet the year’s hardly begun? Stressed and anxious? Our experienced naturopath can help you beat stress and gain the vitality you need to get the most out of life. From weight loss or digestive problems to food intolerance or just tired and lacking energy, we can help you become a healthier you.

Open 7am to 7pm, 7 days a week a: 48 Cook Street, Flinders p: (03) 5989 0207 w:

Wendy Green, Naturopath and Nutritionist Open Tue to Sat a: 2/33 Cook Street, Flinders p: (03) 5989 1113 / 0427 131 256 w:

Come in and visit our new Flinders store on the Mornington Peninsula (right next to the General Store) and we’ll happily find you the perfect outfit, necklace or gift for every occasion. We are proudly Australian Made and our flagship store is located in Flinders Lane CBD in the heart of Melbourne’s fashion district.

Contemporary, sustainable and innovative

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Have fun wit h original an d exclusive pri nts designed b y Tiffany Trelo ar FLINDE RS STORE 48 Cook Street, Flinders ph 5989 0264 FITZRO Y STORE 195 Gertrude Street, Fitzroy ph 9419 9902

Quirky and eclectic

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Peninsula Sotheby’s A luxury real estate agent like no other.

The best of Flinders Latest news and products from your Flinders retailers

Tiffany Treloar Contemporary, sustainable and innovative products for women who love to have fun.

Georgie Bass Café & Cookery Classes, Flinders Hotel Try your hand cooking up a storm – classes held every Saturday at 10am.

Golden Breed Beach apparel, accessories and surfboards.

Manyung Gallery Find that perfect piece of art

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Cook Street Artist initiative bringing together creators and collectors.

Hugh Gallery Artworks of vibrant colour and detail.

Showcasing a collection of stunning, natural fibre products and proudly supporting Australian designers, we stock Alpaca, Merino, Possum, Cashmere, Mohair, Cotton, Linen and Silk, including yarns locally sourced from Summerhill Farm in Main Ridge. Filled with fine quality treasures, the range covers Ladies and Men’s jumpers, scarves, socks, beanies, gloves, wraps, ponchos, cushions and throws.

a: Shop 3-37 Cook St. Flinders p: 0403 836 710 w:

Vescape is all about you – helping you develop and appreciate your own style. We do this through highly skilled hair stylists, who genuinely care about you. Be it classic or contemporary, funky, edgy or sophisticated, elegant or natural – be pampered as we create a personalised routine for you and your lifestyle. Vescape recommends La Biosthetique products.

Handmade Mornington Peninsula single vineyard wine at its best! Featured on top Australian restaurant wine lists, judge Nazaaray Estate for yourself. The southernmost vineyard on the peninsula with an annual production of 1000 cases; largely Pinot Noir & Gris. Taste the quality and value. Free shipping by the box.

Open Sat – Mon 11am – 4pm or by appointment a: 266 Meakins Rd, Flinders p: (03) 5989 0126 / 0407 391 991 w:

We love Flinders

Vescape Hair Design Open Tue – Fri: 9am – late, Sat: 9am – 4pm a: Shop 7, 33 Cook Street, Flinders p: (03) 5989 1111 w:

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ive things linders

BETWEEN ROCKS Pop on your reef shoes and explore the assortment of striking creatures; from nesting birds, Weedy Sea dragons and crabs to multi-coloured cushion sea stars, snails and anemones. Composed of sandstone and basalt platforms, Mushroom Reef Marine Sanctuary is home to a collection of wildlife.

A PLATE SENSATION With a stunning array of produce harvested on the Peninsula, it is not surprising local restaurants, cafes and general stores make the most of these crops. Drop in for yourself and explore the taste sensations.

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words maria reed photos warren reed and supplied


a giant in journalism M ICHAEL GORDON 1955-2018

We remember The Age political journalist Michael Gordon who passed suddenly whilst competing in an ocean race at Phillip Island. Walkley award winner and former editor of The Age, he was a passionate advocate for refugees and indigenous Australians. He will be sadly missed by so many. We were blessed to talk to Michael about his life and dreams back in Spring of 2013 . . . He’s shared drinks with Keith Richards and interviewed the likes of Jesse Jackson, Donald Trump and Neil Young. He’s reported from the inner sanctum of political life with Bob Hawke and Paul Keating and helped promote aboriginal reconciliation. We talk to The Age political editor Michael Gordon at his Bass Hills getaway, and find the inner workings of this quiet achiever . . . Growing up in Hawthorn as a self-confessed, born-and-bred Hawthorn fan, a young Michael Gordon dreamt of the waves of Phillip Island. “I learnt to surf at YCW in my late teens,” he says. “Back in the day, my friend Barnsey’s dad (Tony) told me about other spots called Cat Bay and Flynn’s, and drove us around. It was one big adventure.” He took to the waves like a duck to water, describing Cape Woolamai as his favourite break in the world. At the time, Mal Gregson was the hottest surfer on the Island and Michael recalls Mal describing the growing sense of anticipation as you cross the bridge after the drive down from Melbourne. “Nothing has changed. There are few better feelings than that first glimpse of the ocean when the banks are good.” Phillip Island has always had a hold on his heart, and at every opportunity he would be down at the Island. He competed in

and won the very first Channel Challenge, and has competed in roughly 20 Challenges since. At seventeen, he secured a cadetship with The Age newspaper, and convinced the editor to run a surf column in the sports section. He laughs, “Whenever the classified ads fell short, they’d run my column called Making Waves, which started the very same year as the Bells Beach classic – 1973. “I covered the contest for 15 years, even when I was posted to Canberra. My brother Gordo started surfing at 12, and he went in it a couple of times.” Gordo became a cameraman and is one of the characters on the world surfing tour. Journalism was not the obvious choice for young Michael, even if his father Harry was the editor at The Sun – and one of the country’s finest sportswriters. “I applied for a cadetship and enrolled in a commerce degree, but didn’t have a firm idea about what I wanted to.” He was hired by legendary Age editor Graham Perkin and took a year off after completing the cadetship, notionally to concentrate on his studies at Melbourne University. It was then that Rip Curl (founders) approached him with the idea of starting a surf magazine to compete with Tracks. Michael was the editor, and covered the events on the >

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North Shore of Oahu for the year, staying with Rabbit Bartholomew and Ian Cairns. Backdoor Surfer made an impact, but didn’t last. “I was the only trained journo, but at 21, I didn’t have a clue about chasing advertising. It would have paid for the mag. Oh, the ignorance of youth!” He went back to work at The Age and was put onto late police rounds, which suited early-morning trips to the Island. “Then a position came up covering industrial relations from the old Trades Hall building in Lygon Street, which was great because it really increased my interest in politics.” His work included economics, Labor politics and police rounds. “It was a very exciting time, with Bob Hawke as president of the ACTU. There were many national disputes.”

100 miles to Montauk on Long Island. “There’s an old motel with this great left- hander in front,” he smiles. An offer to be the first political correspondent for The Sunday Age brought the family home and, with a resume that reads like a dream, he went on to work for The Australian in Canberra as its political editor before coming back to Melbourne as national editor of The Age. That was about 14 years ago, and he says, “At that stage I was really keen to get back to my home town of Melbourne, and the Island.” This year he succeeded Michelle Grattan as political editor at The Age, but is happy he can stay at home and fly to Canberra ONLY when parliament sits.

Phillip Island has always had a hold on his heart…

In the early 1980s, Michael moved to The Age bureau in Canberra, but came back to Bells each Easter. It was an amazing time for the young journo. “Back then, access to the politicians was so much greater and everything was less scripted.” When asked for some dirt on former PMs, he diplomatically replies, “They were all different, but we shared a good professional relationship.” Then came a posting to New York with The Herald. “I was their general correspondent and it was like a journalist’s playground!” He covered the presidential election, interviewed Keith Richards, followed the US Masters golf and the Wall Street crash. “It was journalism at its most fascinating, with an incredible breadth and variety,” he ponders. His daughter Sarah was only 7 months old when they arrived, and son Scott was born just shy of the 3 years they spent there before their return to Melbourne. He kept up with surfing, often travelling

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In the lead-up to the reconciliation bridge walks of 2000, Michael approached then Age editor Michael Gawenda with the idea of writing a series of articles on the state of reconciliation. The result was a six-week solo journey that took him to some of the most remote indigenous communities in the country, from Wilcannia to Palm Island to Doomadgee, that resulted in the short book, Reconciliation: A Journey. “People talk about all the problems in indigenous issues, yet when I went out to the communities I came back feeling uplifted and enriched. It was life-changing.” A year later, John Howard introduced his ‘Pacific Solution’ to the problem of uninvited boat arrivals and, in 2005, Michael became the first journalist to gain unrestricted access to the detention centre in Nauru. His time there resulted in a book, Freeing Ali: The human face of the Pacific Solution. Ali Mullaie was from Afghanistan and one of the last 54 asylum seekers to be detained for over 3 years. “They were distraught

The seasoned journalist finds the ethical issue of trying to cover an issue fairly and maintain personal beliefs and relationships a balancing act.

and desperate. There was a sense of hopelessness in their situation as they’d been in limbo so long.” After his article The Forgotten Faces of Nauru was published on page one, the cases were reviewed again, and all but two asylum seekers were freed quite quickly. Michael returned to Nauru in December last year after the Gillard government re-opened the centre, and witnessed the same cycle of despair, uncertainty and isolation. He was not surprised that it culminated in the July riots that saw the centre burnt to the ground. “The sad thing was they were about to get decisions on their refugee claims and the minister (Tony Burke) was considering calls for them to be moved to Australia. If communications and case management had been better, the riot might have been averted.” Michael believes that a lot more could be achieved if Australia didn’t have ‘such combative politics over the asylum seeker issue.’ “Over the years, both sides have had hard, deterrentbased policies and they seem to be competing with who has the ‘biggest deterrent policy’, and slagging each other off, which just plays into the hands of the people-smugglers and their business model. We need to address the reasons why people are choosing to flee – and improving the situation for asylum seekers in transit countries like Malaysia and Indonesia,” he says. It’s a challenging and serious issue to cover. How do you minimise the risk of people drowning at sea? “The challenge is to avoid resorting to the blunt instrument of punishing one group of people so you affect the behaviour of another group. It’s much more complex than that.” Sending asylum seekers to another country that hasn’t got the capacity to look after its own people is no solution. Another challenge is to keep the

numbers coming to Australia in perspective. “The simple fact is that more people around the world were forced to flee their homes every day last year than the total number who sought asylum in Australia during the entire 12 months,” he says. The seasoned journalist finds the ethical issue of trying to cover an issue fairly and maintain personal beliefs and relationships a balancing act. “I have many indigenous friends who have enriched my life and understanding of their culture and reconciliation. Similarly, many of those individuals I met in Nauru, I still consider friends and maintain contact with. Ali has often come with me to Woolamai.” Covering such serious issues can be draining, but he finds ‘coming down to the coast’ a perfect tonic for the weight of the job. Over his career, Michael has written several other books including One for All, the history of the Hawthorn Football Club (with father Harry); Layne Beachley’s biography, Beneath the Waves; a Paul Keating biography called A True Believer; and Bells: the Beach, the Surfers, the Contest, an illustrated history marking 50 years of competition at Bells. So, what’s left on the wish-list of this dynamic journalist? “I feel I’ve had a blessed career. After starting as a 17-year-old, 40 years on, I still sometimes wonder what it would be like to have a real job. There might be another book project in the pipeline. I like the idea of sitting up on the hill, watching the water and doing that, alongside surfing . . . and my day job.” Sounds like the perfect work/life balance in the making.

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Water saving saviours Did you know there are a few simple things you can do to help reduce your water bill?

Fixing that leaking tap, fitting a water-saving showerhead or installing a dual-flush toilet are just some of the ways you can increase the water efficiency of your home. And Westernport Water is here to help. In a joint initiative with the Victorian Government, Westernport Water is offering a unique opportunity to help customers reduce their water bills. This innovative community rebate program allows eligible customers to book a free water audit with a licensed plumber contracted through Westernport Water. The audit will recommend simple, effective ways to reduce water consumption, and customers can then access up to $750 to help pay for these products and services. Replacing a showerhead, having a dual or low flush toilet, installing flow control devices, and repairing or fixing inefficient water fittings might seem like minor changes; however, these can make a huge difference to your water usage over time. For example, a water efficient showerhead

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can save more than 26 litres of water for an average sevenminute shower. That adds up to 9000 litres of water per person in the household per year. And unless you’re having cold showers, that’s going to represent a big saving in your energy bills as well! This is a wonderful opportunity to help conserve our precious water supply and improve your household budget bottom-line. The community rebate program runs until 30 August 2018 and covers the cost of: installing water efficient showerheads, leak repairs, dual-flush toilets and other eligible water saving products and services.

This program does not provide subsidies for bills, but assists customers on a concession or payment arrangement to reduce water use and utility costs. To find out if you are eligible to be part of the community rebate program, contact Westernport Water on 1300 720 711 or visit their website

Westernport Water contractor Alex from Gary Judd Plumbing

Gary Judd Plumbing visited and did a thorough check and found several dripping taps, a bent pipe that was on Westernport Water’s side of the meter (which was repaired within an hour by an employee) and a faulty hot water service connection that was leaking. They were very courteous, prompt to return to fix problems and did repairs efficiently. I am very grateful for this service. – Jessica, Pioneer Bay

Committed to saving water Westernport Water has a year round commitment to water conservation through Permanent Water Saving Rules and a range of initiatives that encourage and help us all to save water. Permanent Water Saving Rules are simple and easyto-remember rules consistent across Victoria, that guide the efficient use of water and avoid water wastage on a permanent, ongoing basis. In general the rules relate to:

• The use of a trigger nozzle on all hand held hoses • Watering gardens and lawns with a hand held hose anytime or between 6 pm and 10 pm using a watering system • The use of water features and fountains • Cleaning hard surfaces only when required, or once per season • Approval before filling of pools and spas with capacity of 2,000 litres or more. Similarly, the Smart Water Advice and Target Your Water Use websites are full of ideas to help you save water – and at the same time save money, energy and the environment. There’s a wealth of information on their websites to get you inspired.


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building stronger communities

EDUCATION ASSISTANCE Each year San Remo District Financial Services award at least three $5,000 scholarships to local young adults to help them on their paths through higher education. With the support of branches in San Remo, Cowes and Grantville, the funds help tertiary students with the costs of living away from home, general study fees and other charges associated with education. The scholarship recipients are then eligible for an additional $5,000 for their second year of studies provided they pass all their first-year subjects. Caroline Talbot, Director of San Remo District Financial Services, explains: “it is always very exciting to be able to present Scholarship Grants to students going to University for the first or second time.” This year saw four second-year students qualify for an additional $5000 – Rory (Bachelor of Health Sciences), Cameron (Bachelor of Science – Geospatial Science (Honours)), Tanita (Bachelor of Physical Activity and Health Science) and Emily

(Bachelor of Exercise and Sports Science). “It is wonderful to see them mature and become more confident in themselves,” Caroline says. “Rory spoke to the new recipients and was able to give them information on time management, receipt keeping etc., which he said made it much easier to keep track of his finances. It’s fantastic to watch as they achieve what they set out to.” With four new recipients also joining the scholarship, the advice was well received by Lachlan (Bachelor of Forensic Science), William (Bachelor of Science – Wildlife and Conservation Biology), Sally (Bachelor of Exercise and Sports Science) and Kyle (Bachelor of Arts).

COMMUNITY PROMISE Our Bank believes successful customers and successful communities create a successful bank – in that order. First and foremost, we’re a good bank. But it’s the way we help communities to prosper that makes us unique.

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For many regional students, the economic challenges of moving out of home to attend university can make further education an elusive goal. Showing how truly communityfocused they are, the Local Community Banks® scholarships are on hand to help. “We wish these students all the best for their university journey and always love to hear how their journey has taken them.”

Applications for scholarships close in January each year. Details on how to apply are available online or at your local Community Bank® branch.

“We return approximately 80% of our profit to the local community in the form of sponsorships and grants.”

In addition to the yearly scholarships, San Remo District Financial Services (SRDFS) also share their profits by re-investing in local community projects. In 2015 they were approached by the Bass Valley Community Centre regarding funds for a future Bass Valley Children’s Centre. A committee was set up to raise $100,000, which was the shortfall needed to meet the projected $2.5 million-dollar project.

Your Bendigo Community Bank® has provided


in sponsorships


in community grants

“We discussed it at the next Board meeting and decided to put $40,000 towards this project. We placed the same amount into the

$593,000 in dividends

Cowes Early Learning Centre a couple of years before,” says Terry Ashenden, Chairman of San Remo District Financial Services. In late 2017 they presented a cheque to the much-needed children’s facility. “This $40,000 takes our total return to the community to just over $3 million since we opened our first Community Bank at San Remo in 2003, followed by Cowes Community Bank in 2009 and Grantville Community Bank in 2010,” Terry explains. “it is great to be able to give back.”

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community. Drop into your nearest branch today. San Remo & District Community Bank Branch 103a Marine Parade, San Remo Phone 5678 5833

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eat, drink & harvest guide The Cape Kitchen Bass Strait Direct 1/24-26 Boys Home Rd, Newhaven 5956 7980 Order your fresh local seafood for Easter

BEANd 4/157 Marine Pde, San Remo 132 Graham St, Wonthaggi 0407 717 588 Hand-roasted coffee, specialising in breakfast & lunch, overlooking San Remo

Cannibal Creek Vineyard 260 Tynong North Rd, Tynong Nth 5942 8380 French-inspired food and wine open seven days a week

1215 Phillip Island Rd, Newhaven 5956 7200 Ocean views, fresh produce, brilliant breakfast & lunch, pop-up dinners

Coffee Traders 3 Blake St, Mornington 5977 1177 Quality food and coffee in Mornington’s iconic vine-covered cafe

Chill Bill – The Wonthaggi Market 17 Korumburra Rd, Wonthaggi Fresh coffee, wraps, juices and homemade snacks

Dirty Three Wines 64 Cashin St, Inverloch 5606 8128 Sample the wines; indulge in local cheese, charcuterie and coffee

Captain’s Lounge, Level 1 @ The Invy Espy Hotel 1 A’Beckett St, Inverloch 5674 1432 Relaxed oasis with fine food, drinks, exceptional service and views

Flinders General Store 48 Cook St, Flinders 5989 0207 Great selection of local wines, produce, meats, cheeses & bread

Flinders Hotel Cnr Cook & Wood St, Flinders 5989 0201 Casual bar and bistro serving seriously good fare

Freedom Organics 127 Marine Pde, San Remo 5603 3681 Locally grown, organic and raw produce and whole foods

Harry’s on The Esplanade 17 The Esplanade, Cowes 5952 6226 Superb seafood, fresh local produce and panoramic bay views

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Kernot Food & Wine

Nazaaray Estate

1075 Loch-Kernot Rd, Kernot 5678 8555 Rustic wood-fired pizza delights

266 Meakins Rd, Flinders 5989 0126 Handmade Mornington Peninsula single vineyard wine at its best

Kilcunda General Store 3535 Bass Hwy, Kilcunda 5678 7390 Friendly staff and fresh local ingredients, an all-day breakfast favourite

Nobbies Centre 1320 Ventnor Rd, Summerlands 5951 2816 Functions and café with panoramic ocean views

Kilcunda Ocean View Hotel 3531-3533 Bass Hwy, Kilcunda 5678 7011 Top notch bistro food, friendly service, fabulous view

Nui Dat Café – Vietnam Veterans’ Museum 25 Veterans Dr, Newhaven 5956 6400 Best fudge brownies and lunchtime menu on the Island

La Casa Sawtellis 129 South Gippsland Hwy, Tooradin 5998 3837 Authentic à la carte Italian in a relaxed family-orientated setting

Manhattan in Mornington 55 Barkly St, Mornington 5976 4867 Traditional Italian meets contemporary, with house-baked bread and fresh pasta.

Phillip Island Chocolate Factory

Purple Hen Winery 96 McFees Rd, Rhyll 5956 9244 Wine tasting, cheese platter and blackboard menu

The Terrace – Phillip Island RSL 225 Thompson Ave, Cowes 5952 1004 Casual dining overlooking a native garden, ideal for relaxed get-togethers

Wonthaggi Workmens Club 75 Graham St, Wonthaggi 5672 1083 Enjoy our splendid bistro, coffee lounge, bars and functions areas

930 Phillip Island Rd, Newhaven 5956 6600 For chocolate lovers, plus buffet and all-day menu

Pier Provedore 38 Cook St, Flinders 5989 0591 Charming, homely café with organic breakfasts, lunches and cakes

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words maria reed photos warren reed

dine out


Chef and Restaurateur Harry Schmidt is a seeker. He has devoted over 4 decades to seeking the freshest local ingredients to create mouth-watering dishes to delight his customers. “For me this is part of normal life,” he smiles. Growing up on a farm in the Alps, his family lived and ate from the land. “We butchered our own animals for meat and ate what grew in the garden. If it didn’t grow, you didn’t eat it. It was as simple as that. You learnt to live and eat with the seasons.” Food was stored and preserved for the winter, and planted fresh in spring. “This is when you get the best flavours and produce. Flavour develops over time, from growing in the sun.”

This training set the young chef on his path and created a passion for food that continues to this day. Four decades on, he still maintains a glint in his eye and looks 10 years younger than he should. He laughs, “When you love your work, it’s not work. It’s demanding yes, but my passion for food keeps me going. You wouldn’t do it otherwise.” Settling into his chair at his oceanfront restaurant, he continues, “It’s also passing that love and respect onto the next generation.”

As a young man he experienced a life at sea before securing a job in a French Restaurant. “My boss had worked for Paul Bocuse who was number 1 in France at the time.” As one of only five German chefs working in the kitchen, he says, “it was extremely hard to get a foot in the door.” The chefs built a relationship based on mutual respect and a shared passion for food. “We started a restaurant in Cologne which developed quite a reputation.” As head chef of a 60-seat restaurant with 14 waiters, the pressure was on. “I was 24 and we worked 14-16 hours a day – 6 days a week . . . it was the best time of my life!”

When he moved to Australia he passed on this knowledge in his first restaurant at Mornington, which he ran for over 20 years. “I bought Harry’s on the Esplanade at Cowes in the middle of winter. We were sitting here on the beachfront, with that view and I thought, ‘how could we go wrong’?” Fastforward 12 years and he reflects, “It was a nerve wracking time for my wife, not me . . . but we are still working together and happily married!” he laughs.

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The flavour he brings to Harry’s on the Esplanade is in the French style, made with great Australian produce. Today we >

“It’s demanding yes, but my passion for food keeps me going.”

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are spoilt for choice and sample a simply delectable array of Harry’s creations. I choose the Snapper, caught fresh from San Remo. The snapper is succulent with a delicate crispy skin. It sits in delicious seafood bisque featuring Phillip Island crayfish, brandy and cognac. Surrounded by an arrangement of seasonal greens including Koo Wee Rup asparagus and broccoli, it is a magnificent dish, one I will surely order again given the chance. My partner decides on the Wagu beef burger served with thick wedges, onion rings and house-made chutney. The Glen Alvie Wagu is full-flavoured and delicious, topped with Glen Alvie mushrooms, Bimbadeen free-range egg, tomato and greens. It would have to be one of the best burgers in town.

There is a big focus on seafood at Harry’s, but meat eaters are still well catered for with Phillip Island meat and lamb, and Glen Alvie Wagu beef. ” We ask him to surprise us with dessert, and as always, he never fails to deliver. He presents summer on a plate . . . a sublime Woodruff panna cotta with vanilla sugar, woodruff syrup, surrounded by an abundance of berries, mango and pomegranate. It’s a flavour sensation – almost reminiscent of maple, but different. Used in liqueurs, it is indescribably delicious.

“When you love your work, it’s not work.”

We peruse the wine list and observe a great showing of local stars including Purple Hen and Dirty Three varieties. Harry joins us and we sing our praises of the delicious meals we’ve just consumed. “We are blessed with great produce in this region,” he says. “Mushrooms, beef, free range eggs, berries, greens . . . even horseradish is grown locally at the Island! We are a food bowl, but on a small scale, which is wonderful. It’s not yet commercialized, allowing us access to the best quality products.”

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We thank Harry and his staff for an outstanding dining experience. Warmly shaking our hands, he imparts this final wisdom. “Dining at Harry’s is how food should be eaten; fresh, best quality, beautifully prepared and cooked . . . it should be a normal way of dining. We can make a special occasion, but on any occasion, you should walk in the door and expect nice food.” In a beautiful setting, with a breathtaking north view over the bay, we couldn’t agree more!

The freshest local seafood on the island.

Seafood straight off the boat. Fresh local produce. Island grazed beef and lamb. Artisan breads, cakes and ice-creams all made in-house.


Self Sufficiency Super Store

Eco Homewares & Organic Grocery Supplies Open 7 Days 127 Marine Parade, San Remo | 03 5603 3681 | |

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words maria reed photos warren reed

cafe review

Seriously GOOD FOOD

Some places draw you in with their hospitality . . . others, with their fine food and superb coffee. Happily, the Kilcunda General Store is abundant in both and you will be welcomed like an old friend when you visit this humming, hip café in the heart of Kilcunda.

Owner Mindy Grumley has had a long love affair with cooking and good food. Growing up in a big family in New Zealand, she says, “cooking was always a part of my life from a very early age. We had a huge veggie garden. I was always in the kitchen with my mum and aunty – baking and learning by osmosis.” She never planned for a career in hospitality, but her entry into the field was quite organic. “I made all the cakes and desserts for my wedding and a friend asked if I could make some for his café.” Soon she was supplying over six

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eateries in and around the East Gippsland area. “When a friend asked if I’d like to start a café in Sale I jumped at the chance and Relish was born.” Relish developed a great reputation for food and led to an important connection that endures to this day. Of her lifelong friend, Mindy smiles, “Carol came to work with us at Relish and this is when I really got to know her. We worked together well and established a firm friendship.” They started a women’s group where each was involved in creating a mystery event

“we cook what we love to eat”

for all. “One of my favourites was when we all met up at Phillipa’s in Armadale to make bread and then caught up for dinner and drinks afterwards . . . with a bit of fire twirling thrown in!” Mindy reflects, “Carol has been my right-hand woman from the beginning. She is just amazing!” It is their shared ethos of food, of how it is created and served, and how they want people to be treated that makes this friendship and working relationship succeed. Mindy and Carol agree, “We’ve got amazing staff – and there is a real bond amongst our team.

We’re really proud of that!” And that has translated to a place where everyone is welcome and feels at home. Of their mouth-watering menu, Mindy says, “we cook what we love to eat. The food is not complex, but it’s flavoursome. It’s built from the ground up, with flavour, care and attention to detail. Every component, from our pastries to our chutneys, sausage rolls and salads are all made in store. What is presented on the plate may look simple, but it can be quite complex. Our main aim is to create a really satisfying experience on a plate.” >

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“Every component, from our pastries to our chutneys, sausage rolls and salads are all made in store.”

The girls send a variety of delicious plates to our table. A perfect choice for breakfast or lunch, the golden Veggie Fritter stack, topped with smashed avocado, roasted tomato, poached egg and house-made chutney is divine. The succulent fritters get a great kick from the spiced chutney and combine deliciously with the creamy avocado and oozy poached egg. My partner enjoys moreish warm waffles served with pure maple cream, fresh poached fruit topped with a delicious homemade nut crumble. The bite of the rhubarb mixed with the sweet creaminess of the maple cream finishes with a satisfying nutty crunch. A treat for the eyes and the stomach! We peruse the drink offerings and decide on two locals, Dirty Three 2017 Riesling for me and Loch Best Bitter for my partner. The generous hops and malt in the Loch Bitter balance perfectly with the Steak sandwich. No ordinary sanga, this beauty has a succulent cut of Porterhouse on a toasted Turkish roll, with caramelised onion, halloumi, tomato and greens. Served with thick-cut chips – simply delicious. I enjoy the vegetarian Falafel salad. Warm falafels piled upon a perfectly dressed salad. Served with crusty bread, hummus, beetroot relish, yoghurt and a fresh tomato chutney, it’s a flavour explosion for the taste buds. The Kilcunda General store is not only renowned for its quality coffee and food, but also the wonderful products and unique giftware on offer. Mindy says, “both Carol and myself do a lot of the buying together. It’s so easy – we have such aligned sensibilities.” From fashion, to jewellery, bags, handmade pottery, soaps and so much more, it is always an adventure to discover the girls’ impeccable taste. Mindy adds, “we have artisans come to show us their work, and we try and support local people as much as we can.” Mindy laughs, “and we still get excited by food! It’s a neverending passion. We share recipes and are always excited to try something new . . . it never gets boring! To see something come from the back to the front, and watch people enjoy it – it’s like the icing on the cake for us. To create a beautiful experience for people makes it all worthwhile.”

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Waterfront Restaurant Phillip Island 1215 Phillip Island Road, Newhaven, Victoria 3925 T 03 5956 7200 facebook/thecapekitchen @thecapekitchen thecapekitchen

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What’s c

king Moroccan-style eggs in a spiced tomato sauce Serves 4 Ingredients 2 teaspoons olive oil 1 brown onion, diced 2 garlic cloves, crushed 2 teaspoons ground cumin A good pinch of chilli flakes 1 teaspoons ground turmeric 400g chickpeas, rinsed and drained 150ml vegetable stock or water 1 tablespoon tomato paste 400g tin of diced tomatoes 1 lemon, zested and juiced Sea salt Freshly cracked black pepper 150g baby spinach leaves, washed and dried 4 tablespoons coriander leaves, washed and spun 4 free-range eggs To Serve Sumac, for dusting 2 tablespoons of full-fat yoghurt or serve with lemon or tahini spiked yoghurt (see page 127 in the new Relish Mama cookbook) Method Cook the onion in the oil over a low heat for 5–7 minutes or until soft. Add the garlic, cumin, chilli and turmeric and cook for 30 seconds. Add the chickpeas and stock and cook for a few minutes to develop the flavours.

A breakfast treat as well as a sensational lunch or dinner. I would happily eat it for all three!

Stir in the tomato paste and tomatoes. Add zest and lemon juice. Taste and season with sea salt and pepper. Add spinach, cover with a lid and cook for 2–3 minutes or until the spinach has wilted. Stir in half of the coriander. Make 4 hollows in the mixture and break in the eggs. Cover and cook for 2 minutes.

photo tamara erbacher

Remove lid and keep cooking for a further 2 minutes. Top with remaining coriander leaves. Allow to cool slightly and then serve dusted with sumac and yoghurt on the side. Recipe from Relish Mama’s (Nellie Kerrison) cookbook ‘Family’

Voted as one of the best venues and cooking schools in Melbourne. A great variety of classes to choose from. Book a class today.

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LOCAL PRODUCE AT ITS BEST. We offer an extensive range of fresh fruit and vegetables, local products, local and international cheese selection, on-site butchers, a fully stocked deli and bottle shop. 135 Marine Pde, San Remo, VIC 3925. Phone: 5678 5337. Fax: 5678 5756.

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A family business building high quality homes in coastal areas for more than 40 years.

Wonthaggi Office: 03 5672 5680 | Head Office: 03 9579 2277 Display Homes at Surf Beach.

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it’s all about the house

Langford Jones Homes

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Is it time to


Save up to 46% on your split system air conditioner running costs.

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truck cartage delivery all areas

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lifestyle review

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words maria reed photos warren reed


It had been a long-held dream of Jenny Towan to have her own pool, and when the time came to take the plunge, she couldn’t go past Conquest Pools for their service and style.

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“We added little sparkles so when the sun catches them the pool just glitters.”

“I’ve wanted a pool for as long as I can remember. My husband was concerned about the upkeep, but I finally won the argument. I said to him, ‘you’ve got your shed, I need my pool!’, she says, laughing at the memory. In their middle years with 3 grown children still living at home, Jenny thought the time was right to start looking for a pool. “We went to the pool and spa show in Melbourne and looked at many different designs. I liked Conquest Pools as they were local, and they made the style of pool I was after.” Jenny wanted a deeper pool she could dive into; and one with length that allowed her to do laps. “Most pools were a maximum of 10m with 1.8m depth at the deepest end. Conquest offered a 12m length and a massive 2.1m depth that was perfect for our needs. This meant I could literally dive off the deck without fear of hitting the bottom, straight into the pool and do laps. It’s a dream come true!” The 1¾ acre sloping site at Tyabb offered its own challenges. “We decided to go ahead in the middle of winter which made it a little tricky,” Jenny recalls. They brought the trucks and excavators in on one day to dig the hole for pool. The next day the fiberglass shell arrived by truck with a crane to lift it into place. As we were on a slope and it was the middle of winter, the ground became quite slippery and they had trouble getting it up the hill.” The quick-thinking team at Conquest worked around the problem and ordered a larger crane for the following day, to lift the shell into place. “I would have loved to see the pool go in but was rostered to work that day.” When she got back the pool was safely in place, taking pride of place next to the family home. >

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Family owned and run. Victoria’s largest fibreglass swimming pool manufacturer. Huge range of shapes and sizes. All with 25 years structural guarantee. Servicing the Mornington Peninsula, Gippsland, Bass Coast and South East Melbourne. 1300 WeDoPools | 0438 736 918 | |

We play fair.

We want your home build to be memorable for all the right reasons. We’ll provide you with a fixed price with no hidden extras. Everything you need to know will be laid out and explained upfront, so you’ll get as much clarity as possible.

Mornington franchisees: Scott & Judy

(03) 5975 1122

Bass Coast franchisees: Garry & Gill

5/234 Main St, Mornington (03) 5952 2150 1/219 Settlement Rd, Cowes (03) 5672 1818 114-116 Graham St, Wonthaggi

Building your new home to a fixed budget is surprisingly easy. Come and visit us to find out more.

Give us a call or drop in for a chat today. Call 132 789 or visit

Welcome Home. coast 113

“The process was really quick.” With the pool in place, they slowly backfilled the cut while the pool was filled with water. “Then they installed the plumbing and solar, and finished with a concrete edge. It was the middle of winter, but I was dead keen to try it out!” she laughs. So, she put on her wetsuit and dived in . . . with the ambient temperature of 14 degrees. “It was great!” And she loves the solar tubes installed on the roof of the shed. “You set the temperature you want and the warm water from the tubes is circulated into the pool. Like all solar, it can be a bit cooler on cloudy days, but for the most part, it’s great.”

chose Travertine tiles as they are very cool to walk on, I loved the colour and against pool; it looks like the sand and the ocean.” She is most proud of her son’s achievements. “Luke did all the tiling, walls, fences, decking and landscaping. I think he has done a beautiful job. It’s just spot on!” she says. Her sparky husband assisted with lights and other electrical work. The sunpod add-on is a lovely feature where the water fountains can be adjusted in height from 2cm to 2m. “It looks lovely at night. My husband installed lights in front of the jets that light up the fountains of water. I feel like I am living in a resort,” she smiles.

With the pool firmly in place, the team at Conquest provided a handover service, explaining the pumps and pool maintenance to the proud owners. “Nigel and Craig were very approachable and easy to talk to,” she says. “They gave me a few contacts to go and see other pools they’d put in, and this definitely helped me in my colour choice. They were reasonably priced compared to other pool companies and always obliging. They gave us a few extras and we really felt we got value for money. The optional main drain they suggested was a must in helping to keep the pool clean and we chose to add a sparkle in the shell of the pool which looks lovely when the sun catches it.”

And has her dream turned into reality? “Oh yes. The pool has given our family much more leisure time together. We had 27 people over for Christmas and we had pool games going and had a great day. It’s a really fabulous place to enjoy with friends. I get as much enjoyment looking at the pool as I do using it. It’s great sitting on a banana lounge, and I really don’t feel like I have to go on a holiday as I can relax at our own resort!” Her grown children enjoy inviting friends over for relaxed pool parties, and as a busy nurse she says, “there’s nothing better than coming home at the end of a long day, diving into the pool, and letting all the stress of the day wash away.”

“I feel like I am living in a resort,” she smiles.

With her dream pool in place, the family set to work to make the pool area the crown jewel of their 5-bedroom home. Her son Luke, a fully qualified landscape gardener, set to work on creating the perfect environment for their new pool. “We

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Conquest Pools 1300WeDo Pools 0438 736 918 Landscaping – Luke Towan 0426909083

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D e s ig n e rs of styl i s h , f u n ct i o nal an d sustai nab l e bu i l d i n g s .

W W W. D B D E S I G N . C O M . A U 03 5672 1144 47 GRAHAM STREET WONTHAGGI 3995, VICTORIA.

coast 116

RESORT LIVING EVERY DAY. RETIRE IN SOUTH GIPPSLAND. Experience the boutique retirement dream at Mountain View Leongatha

Be on a permanent holiday by joining our exclusive community. Choice of 2 & 3 bedroom master built luxury homes with single or double garages. A 24 hour emergency call service and secure caravan and boat storage for peace of mind.


Contact us for further information.

Master built luxury homes. Double Garages now available Community Centre completed and operational.


OPEN FOR INSPECTION from 10am to 4pm Monday to Saturday. Ph: 1300 306 255 1 Dale Drive Leongatha VIC 3953

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coast style


Styling a new home or redecorating your current abode can be daunting. Forget about where to start – most of us get stuck on the budget…

But that’s all about to change with local business owner Wendy deKunder from Southern Bazaar on hand to guide you through the process. “They key is to start with pieces you love and build from there – find that statement piece first.” In recent months, Wendy has spent her time advising Gemma Newall of Villa Collina; Woolamai’s most recent boutique accommodation addition. A former country retreat, the transformation is aweinspiring. With ocean views to the west and south, the girls have created a Hampton’s country oasis. Walking through the well-appointed interior, you can appreciate how space and colour create warmth and cosiness; scattered faux flower arrangements bring life to the rooms – the ultimate cherry on top. With stunning pieces including native Australian artwork, mother-of-pearl inlay furniture and drinks trolleys, there is something to suit all tastes and styles. >

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Multi Award Winning Building Designer of Contemporary Sustainable Homes.

332 White Rd. Wonthaggi Tel. (03) 5672 5196

Sustainable design, Smart living

Ecoliv’s factory-built modular homes use fewer resources and energy to ensure minimal site disturbance right from the start. Our transportable designs allow you to adapt, change or add to your home with ease by simply arranging predetermined modules in a variety of configurations. Each home configuration features 7 star thermal performance rating for affordable, comfortable and sustainable living.

Visit our display home at 332 White Road, Wonthaggi Ph. 5672 5196 coast 119

coast style


Choose pieces that mean something to you and please the eye...

Wendy’s key tips when styling a room are straightforward. Not everything has to match; choose pieces that mean something to you and please the eye. Take your time buying items – you don’t need to rush out and buy everything in a weekend; gradually add pieces you love. Don’t be stuck in an era – whether it’s modern, antique, Scandinavian or Hamptons, all these styles can work beautifully together. And lastly, don’t be afraid to sell furniture you no longer want (even if you paid a lot of money for it). Sometimes removing furniture that you no longer like or that doesn’t work with the room can complete the change. If your budget doesn’t quite extend to new furniture, remember the simplest things can transform a space into your home – taking away tired, old soft furnishings and adding new throws, lamps, cushions, faux flowers plants and prints can transform a room without the large expense. And remember, decorate the space for yourself – make sure you feel happy every time you walk into the room.

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Unique stonemasonry using locally quarried stone.

0431 707 471 | |

samtwitestoneworks |


Wild about wood

We’re passionate about timber. If you’re looking for rare and unique timber or building to a budget, we can find what you need. We stock: flooring, decking, screening, cladding, joinery timbers, slabs and posts in over 50 timber species. South Gippsland’s agent for Radial Timbers. We can also sand floors and decks and install flooring. Delivery all areas. Showroom open Mon–Fri 9am–3pm, all other times by appointment. 5952 3232 24 The Concourse, Cowes

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Melaleuca Nursery has been supplying quality indigenous & native plants to West & South Gippsland for over 30 years. Whether it’s a few plants for the backyard or thousands for a revegetation project; we provide excellent advice on what’s best for your area.

ADDRESS: 50 Pearsalls Road, Inverloch Vic 3996 OPEN: Monday to Saturday: 9am – 5pm. Trade enquiries welcome. CONTACT: Phone: 03 5674 1014 |





Design Solutions, Beautiful Landscapes Heath Grace 0404 596 504 Nela Grace 0434 423 339 8 Vista Place CAPE WOOLAMAI Open 6 days 10am – 5pm, 9am – 3pm weekends (closed Mondays)

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3 – 2 01




‘Natives, because they’re beautiful’

Mind, Body & Spirit CD’s Himalayan Salt Lamps Black Ice Sunglasses Erstwilder Brooches Hats, Bags, Scarves Japanese Incense Silver Jewellery Oracle Cards Body Jewellery Bric-a-Brac, Books Nana May’s Skincare Gemstones: Tumbled, Specimens & Jewellery Bella Donna Harmony Balls Clothing for Ladies, Men & Kids Venezia Murano Glass Millefiori Jewellery


‘Browsers Always Welcome’ 2

coast directory

Melaleuca Nursery


Building Design & Architectual Drafting


Island Secure Storage

Easy car and truck access. Wide range of unit sizes to suit all your needs. We stock all your packaging requirements. Access is 24/7. On-site manager during business hours. All units have an individual alarm and the facility has security cameras inside and out. Storing with us will be a breeze. mob: 0400 214 446 4 Industrial Way, Cowes VIC 3922 e:

Pictured: Timber - Balmain Oak Wide Brushed Natural Oak

Carpet • Timber • Laminate • Vinyl Bamboo • Cork • Internal Blinds & Shutters External Blinds & Awnings

K.B. CARPET COURT 33 Bair Street, Leongatha Ph: (03) 5662 4164 PHILLIP ISLAND CARPET COURT 9 The Concourse, Cowes Ph: (03) 5952 6377



Bass Coast – Mornington Peninsula – Melbourne Call to book an appointment 0402 620 094




EST. 1965

Cnr. Bass Highway & Glen Forbes Rd, Grantville 03 5678 8552 421 Princess Hwy, Officer VIC 3809 03 5943 2371

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coast directory



Secure. Safe. Peace of Mind.

coast directory

love where you live!


Authorised & Edited by Brian Paynter MP, 9 McBride Avenue Wonthaggi 3995. Tel 03 5672 4755 Email: @BrianPaynterMP /BrianPaynterBass Funded from Parliament’s Electorate Office and Communications Budget.

Clean, fresh, light accommodation – family villas and studios with ensuite

#1 on Tripadvisor 97 Church St, Cowes VIC 3922 Phone: (03) 5952 2548 Email:

Become a library member online today and enjoy our free eBooks, eAudiobooks and music streaming straightaway. Membership is free and available to everyone. Visit the West Gippsland Libraries website at to sign-up, or call into your local library. Membership offers you access to millions of items, including the collections of around 100 public libraries in Victoria through the Swift Consortium. Drouin | Foster | Inverloch | Korumburra | Leongatha Mirboo North | Neerim South | Phillip Island | Poowong Warragul | Wonthaggi | Northern Mobile | South Coast Mobile p: 03 5622 2849 w:

As your local Member of Parliament I am keen to hear from the community and assist with any State Government matter.

Warm regards, Daniel Mulino a: 1/23 James Street, Pakenham, VIC 3810 p: 5940 5010 f: 5940 5011 e: daniel.mulino.1 Authorised by D Mulino, 1/23 James Street, Pakenham. This material has been funded from Parliament’s Electorate Office & Communications budget.

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Create Your Own Adventure.

We provide quality camping equipment for hire. We stock everything from tents, fridges and generators to cooking equipment and sleeping gear. We offer delivery and pick up services and can set up and pack up your campsite.

0411 606 866

Explore our breathtaking coast from the air, flying in comfort aboard Phillip Island Helicopters’ modern fleet. Scenic flights, Heli-Adventure packages and gift vouchers available – visit our website for details.

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FOR BOOKINGS & ENQUIRIES: CALL +61 407 611 203 OR EMAIL: CAMERON@TANKADVENTURES.COM.AU 2349 Woorarra Rd, Wonyip. VICtoria Australia 3962

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coast directory


coast directory












Eatery + Fudge + Micro coffee roastery Providing signature blends for cafes and restaurants at wholesale prices

Specialises in coffee, breakfast, lunch and sweets


BEANd SAN REMO 4/157 Marine Pde. Open 7am – 4pm, 6 days (closed Wed) BEANd WONTHAGGI 132 Graham St. Open 8am – 3.30pm, 5 days (closed Sat + Sun)

0407 717 588 email:

top 20 country pubs

in Victoria

We like it fresh and local. We like it relaxed and friendly. And we LOVE a hint of spice. Whether it’s a classic Black Angus porterhouse or our house specialty Cuban-style ribs, you’ll always get the freshest ingredients and a welcoming smile. No wonder we’ve been named one of the Top 20 Country pubs in Victoria.

Lounge Bar – 03 5678 7245 | Ocean View Bistro – 03 5678 7011

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Organic Body Treats was born out of a life-long passion that needed to be expressed, explored and most importantly, excelled at. That’s what makes Organic Body Treats different...

34 Thompson Ave, Cowes | 5952 2297, 0467 638 764


Manhattan specialises in traditional and modern Italian cuisine encompassing everything Mediterranean from fresh seafood, pizzas and pastas to specialty entrées, soups and desserts. 3 Blake St, Mornington 03 5977 1177 Open Mon–Sat 6am–6pm, Sun 7am–5pm.

55 Barkly St, Mornington VIC 3931 Phone: (03) 5976 4867

Where there are no strangers... only friends you’ve yet to meet

Discover the Terrace at Phillip Island RSL.



Open M – F from 4pm until late and weekends from noon until late. 225 Thompson Ave, Cowes 5952 1004

Open Thursday–Sunday: 9am–8pm Friday dinner till late Closed public holidays and all of July.

1075 Loch-Kernot Rd, Kernot Phone: 5678 8555 coast 129

coast directory

A Little Italy in Mornington.

coast directory

directory Artists & Galleries


Property & Accommodation

Angela Newberry 60 Artfusion Gallery 49 ArtSpace Wonthaggi 52 Bass Coast Artist Society 59 Charles Wilcox Art Gallery 54 Cook Street Collective 40 Creative Gippsland 42 Foons Photographics 56 Gecko Studio Gallery 59 Georgie Cunningham Sea Glass 47 The Goldsmith’s Gallery 49 Gordon Glass Blowers 59 Hugh Gallery 41 Karen Hopkins Art 59 La Casa Sawtellis 50 Laurie Collins Sculpture Garden & Red Tree Gallery 57 Leongatha Art & Craft Gallery 57 Manyung Gallery 38 Mingara Gallery 36 Mosaics By The Bay 47 Sol Gallery 58 Without Pier 60

Golden Breed Flinders 82 Little Alpaca 85 Tiffany Treloar 83 Tyde 23

Alex Scott, Phillip Island Amaroo Park Anchor Belle Holiday Mountain View Leongatha Peninsula Sotheby’s

Edney’s Leongatha 27 Wonthaggi Toyota 34

Builders & Designers 8 2 119 115 116 119 113 123 121 109 106 125 136 122 19 116

108 113 124 124 124

Government & Schools Bass Coast Shire Council Brian Paynter Daniel Mulino Mary MacKillop Newhaven College West Gippsland CMA West Gippsland Library Westernport Water

33 126 126 32 30 77 126 90

Flinders Naturopathic Clinic 82 Flinders Pharmacy 85 Organic Body Treats 128 Vescape 85 YMCA 132

Homewares & Furniture By Edwards 82 Delicious Vintage Love 71 Foons Photographics 56 Main St Revelations 124 Mookah Studios 29 Murray Street Bazaar 69 Obtainium Antiques & Vintage 64 Sala Siam 71 Southern Bazaar 62 Spirit & Grace 71 The Wonthaggi Market 69 Tyabb Packing House 65 Tyde 23


Entertainment Kongwak Market Over The Top Events Turn The Page

Burra Gardens Conquest Pools Grace Landscapes Jindivick Country Gardener Melaleuca Nursery

Hair, Health & Beauty


Aspire Homes Beach House Constructions Beaumont Concepts Coldon Homes Darren Brown Design Ecoliv GJ Gardner Graeme Alexander Homes Harkaway Homes Hotondo Homes Langford Jones Homes On Site Design SJ Vuillermin Master Builders ST Stoneworks Trease Builders TS Constructions

Gardens & Landscaping

64 29 131

The Goldsmith’s Gallery Lacy Jewellery Studio & Gallery

49 5

Professional Services Bendigo Bank Mark Farmer Financial Solutions

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92 32

135 126 34 117 81

Cafes, Restaurants & Produce Bass Strait Direct 94 BEANd 128 Cape Kitchen 103 Coffee Traders 129 Invy Espy Hotel 94 Flinders General Store 82 Flinders Hotel 80 Freedom Organics 99 Harry’s On The Esplanade 99 Kernot Food & Wine Store 129 Kilcunda General Store 103 Kilcunda Ocean View Hotel 128 La Casa Sawtellis 50 Manhattan In Mornington 129 Phillip Island RSL 129 Pier Provedore 85 San Remo IGA 105 Wonthaggi Workmens Club 94

Tourism, Travel & Recreation Phillip Island Camping Hire Phillip Island Chocolate Factory Phillip Island Helicopters Phillip Island Nature Parks Refuge Cove Cruises South Gippsland Tank Adventure Vietnam Veterans Museum

127 21 127 72 127 127 23

Trades & Hardware Carpet Court Phillip Island Coastal Refrigeration Island Secure Storage South Coast Kitchens TJ’s Timber Van Steensels Timber

125 108 125 105 122 125

Wineries Cannibal Creek Winery Dirty Three Wines Nazaaray Estate Purple Hen

94 128 85 27

Stockists Aspendale News Anchorage Store, Ventnor Balnarring Village News Bass General Store Baxter Newsagency, Frankston Beach St Newsagency, Frankston Benton Square Newsagency, Mornington Berwick Newsagency Black Rock News Blairgowrie Newagency Bunyip Newsagency Caltex Bass Carrum Newsagency Carrum Downs News Cape Woolamai Bottlo Cellar & Pantry, Red Hill South Chelsea News Cheltenham News Corinella General Store Coronet Bay General Store Cowes IGA Cowes Mobil Cowes Newsagent Cranbourne Newsagency Dalyston General Store Dromana Newsagency Drouin Newsagency East Brighton Newsagency Edithvale Newsagency Fish Creek BP Fish Creek General Store Flinders General Store Foster BP Foster Newsagency Gardenvale Newsagency Garfield Newsagency Grantville Newsagency Hampton East Newsagency Hampton Newsagency Hastings Newsagency Highett Newsagency Inverloch BP Inverloch Foodworks Karingal Hub Newsagency, Frankston Kilcunda General Store Koonwarra Store Koo Wee Rup Newsagency Korumburra BP Korumburra News Kunyung Newsagency, Mt Eliza Lang Lang Newsagency Leongatha BP Leongatha Newsagency Longwarry Newsagency Lonsdale News, Dandenong Meeniyan Newsagent Mentone Newsagency Middle Brighton News Mirboo North BP Mornington News Morwell Newsagency Mt Eliza Newsagency Mt Martha Newsagency Narre Warren Newsagency Narre Warren North News Neerim South Newsagency Newhaven Newsagency Newsxpress Inverloch North Brighton News Orbost Newsagency Pakenham Newsagency Parkdale Newsagency Pearcedale Newsagency Rhyll General Store Rosebud Newsagency Rye Newsagency San Remo - Freedom Fuels San Remo IGA San Remo Newsagency Sandringham News Sandy Point General Store Scribes News & Tatts, Mornington Seaford Newsagency Seaview Newsagency, Beaumaris Silverleaves General Store Smiths Beach Store Somerville News & Tatts Sorrento News Strzelecki News & Tatts, Mirboo Nth Tarwin Lower Supermarket Toora Newsagency Tooradin Newsagency Traralgon Newsagency Tyabb Newsagency Venus Bay Store Warragul Newsagent Warren Village Newagency, Mordialloc Wilsons Prom - Tidal River Store Wonthaggi BP Wonthaggi Newsagent Wonthaggi Ritchies IGA Yanakie Store

a good read FICTION THE WOMAN IN THE WINDOW by A.J. Finn Set to be the most talked about crime fiction thriller this year! What did she see? It’s been ten months since Anna Fox last left her home. Ten months during which she has haunted the rooms of her old New York house lost in her memories, too terrified to step outside. Anna’s lifeline to the real world is her window, where she sits day after day, watching. When the Russells move in, Anna is instantly drawn to them, a picture-perfect family, an echo of the life that was once hers. Then: one evening, a frenzied scream rips across the silence and Anna witnesses something no one was supposed to see. Now she must do everything she can to uncover the truth about what really happened. But even if she does, will anyone believe her? “One of those rare books that really is unputdownable” – Stephen King “Twisted to the power of max” – Val McDermid.

shaped to impersonate perfect English Box balls. Jela had similar experiences in her own practice and together Kate and Jela have explored the unique beauty, versatility and hardiness of Australia’s native plants. They also offer up original forms for cut flowers and sculpture.

or whether your belongings are sourced from eBay or high-end vintage stores, Jason’s fresh and accessible style tips can be applied to create your own modern retro home.

PICTURE BOOK THE FEATHER by Margaret Wild and Freya Blackwood

NON-FICTION TINKERING: THE COMPLETE BOOK OF JOHN CLARKE introduced by Lorin Clarke The sudden death of John Clarke in April 2017 cut short the life of a man who was not only a much-loved entertainer and satirist but a wonderful writer. Tinkering represents his work from the 1970s in both Australia and New Zealand, and includes some previously unpublished pieces. With irresistible commentaries by Fred Dagg, the collection includes the hilarious and unforgettable absurdities of farnarkeling and selections from his famous quizzes, whereby he provided the answers and readers had to guess the questions. There are also moving recollections of people and places, many of which he wrote towards the end of his life. Tinkering is the perfect way to remember the genius who made us laugh at ourselves and our society for so many years.

‘Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul’ – Emily Dickinson. A story about hope, kindness and redemption set in a grey dystopian world. When a great feather drifts from the leaden sky, two children recognise its extraordinariness and take it to the village for protection. The villagers, however, want to encase it, upon which the feather loses its radiance. Taking it home, the children care for it through the night. In the morning it is once again radiant. Setting it free, the feather leaves behind the first signs of blue sky and colour. The ambiguous ending invites multiple interpretations about the effects of selflessness and kindness. With absolutely glorious illustrations by Freya Blackwood, this book will lift your spirits and delight young and old alike.



NON-FICTION NATIVE: ART AND DESIGN WITH AUSTRALIAN PLANTS by Kate Herd and Jela Ivankovic-Waters When Kate Herd started experimenting with how she pruned and trained the native plants in her riverside garden in Melbourne, she made some amazing discoveries. A eucalyptus shrub she had cut right back to the ground reappeared as the most beautiful sprawling ground cover. Westringia was

MODERN RETRO HOME by Jason Grant Modern Retro Home is the third book from celebrity stylist and designer Jason Grant. Your key to unlocking the secrets behind a thoroughly contemporary home that takes inspiration from the past, particularly the ‘60s and ‘70s. Organised into chapters according to each room, Jason takes you inside homes that exemplify and highlight why each styling works. No matter the size of your budget

The book you don’t read won’t help – Jim Rohn

At last we have the sequel to Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls, a runaway success in 2017 of inspirational stories about extraordinary women from around the world. Boasting an entirely new collection of 100 bedtime stories plus 100 incredible portraits created by the best female artists of our time. With a passionate community that spans across 70+ countries, Elena and Francesca have uncovered new stories and they are truly breathtaking.

40a Thompson Ave, Cowes P: 03 5952 1444 E: W:

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the right fit

YMCA CHILDREN’S SERVICE… “IT’S BETTER THAN STAYING AT HOME WITH MUM!” YMCA Bass Coast is a great place to get fit, but did you also know that you can send your children to us? YMCA Holiday Programs are a great, affordable option for families requiring care for primary-school during the school holidays. Operating at both Bass Coast Aquatic & Leisure Centre and Phillip Island Leisure Centre, the service runs from 8.30am to 5.30pm weekdays for primary-school-aged children. With an exciting array of boredombusting excursions and in-house activities, your children are guaranteed to come home tired with a storybook of adventures to tell. Popular outings include surfing, movies, dinosaur bone hunting, touring the GP track and wildlife cruises, while in-house activities get creative with a mix of art and crafts, cooking, circus skills, sports clinics and more.

As regular holiday program user Vicki points out, “the children are always looking over their activity lists in preparation for the day ahead. It’s always a good, fun day and it allows parents to go to work knowing their kids are well looked after.” Our YMCA program is registered for Childcare Benefit and Childcare Rebate. YMCA Childcare is open weekday mornings (9am-10.30am) to support parents attending the gym, pool and classes at both YMCA facilities. Open to both YMCA members and casual visitors, the centres provide engaging craft and play-based activities for children with caring and qualified staff. The YMCA

Phillip Island also hosts a social netball group that coincides with care times - a great way for stay-at-home parents to socialise, get fit and have fun. The centre also offers Occasional Care on Mondays and Wednesdays for 2 hours. With a significant lack of occasional care available around Bass Coast, our service allows families to leave their children if they need to attend an appointment or just want to get the shopping done in peace. Bookings need to be made at least 24 hours in advance.

Find your fit. With the Y, everyone can be healthier, happier and connected to their community, and help those who are not. WONTHAGGI 41 Wentworth Rd 5672 4194

COWES 10 –14 Church St 5952 2811 coast 132

young & inspired as told to chloe kent photo warren reed

Exuberant with a heart-warming laugh – it’s hard to sum up 16-year-old Imogen Price. A talented musician, Imogen is also passionate about sport and competes in tetrathlons – a multi-sport event comprising running, swimming, equestrian show-jumping and laser pistol shooting. It makes you wonder how this young woman fits everything into her week. Growing up on a farm in Ventnor, Imogen has varied passions. She has just returned from opening at the Cool Summer Music Festival and is off to Corner Inlet on the weekend for horse trials. “As soon as I was born I was put on a horse,” she says. Her weeks are filled with riding Olawan McCauly (her horse) and singing in Girl’s Vocal and two school bands; Parallel Parking & Newhaven Folk. Imogen first picked up a guitar just four years ago. “I remember pestering mum during primary school. She said, ‘not until year 7 when I could get a teacher’. That’s how it all started.” With a supportive network of family, teachers and musically talented friends, Imogen constantly challenges herself. “My friends at Hotham are incredible performers. Their guitar work is so

complex – I want to be like that one day.” She’s also not one to shy away from vinyl, using her father’s old Rotel (even if it means risking the needle). “He’s like, ‘do not break it, I don’t know if I can get another!’…” A songwriter in her spare time, Imogen finds expressing and sharing her experiences through music incredibly powerful; she knows firsthand how songs such as Supermarket Flowers (Ed Sheeran) evoke memories in her own life. ”I have a few songs, but it’s hard to get them out and I’m too hard on myself … It’ll be too simple, or it’s not expressing what I want. I always have these jumbled up songs that do not fit together yet; like a ragdoll hanging in the corner.” Influenced by story-telling songwriters like Joni Mitchell and Fleetwood Mac, Imogen’s writing is heartfelt and original. Whilst playing and writing her own songs, she doesn’t recoil from covers. “I always finish with Landslide by Fleetwood Mac, but if anyone asks me just to play then it’s usually Brother by Matt Corby.”

As with all live shows, performing doesn’t always go to plan. “There have been times, when you pitch it wrong and you’re off. It won’t sound bad because it’s just one chord, but then you go to change chords and it’s like ‘oh my god’.” While the Islander goes red-faced, she admits it’s all part of the learning process. Where the future may take this young woman is varied: “I’m hoping I will be at either Melbourne University or Wagga Wagga. I’d love to get into veterinary science. I love everything about animals and there’s not many large animal vets out there. There’s this amazing station, Cobungra, but it’s a massive farm . . . a dream. In Melbourne, I could keep going with my music career, writing songs and getting albums out.” With a music producer uncle currently touring with Angus and Julia Stone, it won’t be long before Imogen releases her first EP – stay tuned and watch this space!

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where am I?

Illuminating existence. Standing where countless have stood before. Embracing another lifetime, as first light breaks the horizon, mirroring an endless sky. There’s a reason photographers call it magic hour – tranquillity, peace, power...

Coast photographer Warren Reed captured this stunning landscape on one of his drives. Do you think you know where it might be? Why not drop us a line on Twitter or Facebook and tag your suggestions #coastwhereami. @ourcoastmag CoastMagazineAustralia Don’t forget, limited edition images such as this can be viewed and purchased at The Summer 2018 edition – Where Am I was taken along Bass Hwy at Anderson.

Printed using vegetable based inks on an elemental chlorine free paper. Sourced using sustainable forestry practices and manufactured using the ISO 14001 environmental management systems. Coast is printed in Australia under ISO 14001 Environmental Certifications. Coast magazine has chosen to print on FSC certified stock. FSC certification ensures traceability and verification of well managed forest timber, from mill to printer to you.

coast 134

Phillip Island to the Prom Coast Magazine © published by Coast Media P/L. ISSN 1833-3648. The publisher is not responsible or liable for any omissions or human error in Phillip Island to the Prom Coast Magazine. Material in this publication cannot be published or reproduced without the publishers written consent. All material contained in this publication is protected by Australian Copyright regulations. All rights reserved.



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