The Inland Edition, October 28, 2022

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23 charged in Escondido gang probe

ESCONDIDO — Near ly two dozen defendants have been charged with narcotics and firearms-re lated offenses following an 18-month investigation into various gangs operating in and around the Escondi do area, it was announced Tuesday.

Dubbed “Operation Devil’s Den,” the investiga tion centered on suspects accused of making firearms — including by using ille gal devices that converted them from semi-automatic to fully automatic weapons — then selling those guns.

All but two of the charged defendants have been arrested and some of the defendants have al ready pleaded guilty to var ious charges.

Of the 23 people facing charges, 18 are from Escon dido, two from Coachella, one from San Diego and two were not identified.

The operation — con ducted by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives and the Es condido Police Department — resulted in 113 guns and 19 machine gun conversion kits seized, as well the sei zures of methamphetamine, fentanyl, ecstasy and co caine.

The joint operation tar geted some of the most vio lent street gangs in Escon dido including the Diablos, Westside and Florencia 13, according to a press release.

According to the ATF, undercover officers and

Thriving on US Blind Hockey team

SAN MARCOS — The game of ice hockey has opened new doors, experi ences and friendships for a legally blind San Marcos resident.

Blake Steinecke, a 23-year-old tech profession al and member of the U.S. Blind Hockey Team, was shocked to learn his vision was getting worse during his junior year at San Mar cos High School.

At 16, Steinecke en joyed playing baseball, hockey and lacrosse, all while maintaining a grade-

point average greater than 4.0. However, just weeks after his vision problems began, Steinecke was di agnosed with Leber he reditary optic neuropathy (LHON), a rare mitochon drial genetic disease caus ing the optic nerve to atro phy, leading to blindness.

“I got the diagnosis and knew I would lose cen tral vision in both eyes,” Steinecke tolad The Coast News. “It’s just so shocking to expect something like that. I was facing this chal lenge in the future, and I had this initial shock.”

Once gifted with 20/15 vision (an individual is able to see something from 15 feet away that others with 20/20 vision can see from 20 feet away), Steinecke now has 20/800 vision. (For reference, an individual is legally blind if their cen tral vision is 20/200, sev eral magnitudes stronger than 20/800 vision.)

Despite a life-chang ing diagnosis that caused him to question everything from future employment to dating, Steinecke forged a successful career as a stu dent-athlete. Leaning on

his faith, Steinecke earned his high school diploma — among the top students in his class — and graduated magna cum laude from Cal State San Marcos.

Today, he works for the tech start-up Clusive, which emphasizes comput er and tech accessibility for the visually impaired. Steinecke also has a You Tube channel to empower the blind community and is an amateur photographer.

“My dreams are differ ent, the way I interact with

Vista city manager resigns

Council move on hiring authority prompts decision

VISTA — Patrick John son has announced his res ignation as Vista’s city man ager after nearly 11 years in the position, in opposition to a new policy that removed his sole authority over the department head hiring process.

Johnson informed the city of his involuntary resignation in an Oct. 13 letter, stating that he made the decision following the City Council’s adoption of a code change in Septem ber that required him to appoint department heads in consultation and agree ment with a majority of the council for the coming six months.

Johnson, who recent ly clocked in his 24th year serving as a city employee, said the new policy had re sulted in a material change to his contract without his consent, thus triggering his ability to tender his invol untary resignation and be placed on paid administra tive leave through March 2023.

“This was a fundamen tal change in the City Man

VOL. 7, N0. 22 OCT. 28, 2022VISTA, SAN MARCOS, ESCONDIDO INLAND EDITION .com T he CoasT News 5K Run or Walk & 5 Mile Run • Kids’ 1 Mile & 1/5 Mile Races • Largest Team Competition Costume Contest! Sponsored by: Thanksgiving Morning, 11.24 • Civic Center to Oceanside Pier Cool Finisher Medals and Shirts
BLAKE STEINECKE, 23, of San Marcos, is legally blind after starting to lose his vision during his junior year at San Mar cos High School. He was diagnosed with Leber hereditary optic neuropathy, which causes the optic nerve to atrophy. Steinecke is a member of the U.S. Blind Hockey team. Courtesy photo

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New fiber system to bring fast internet to Escondido


a citywide

more res idents

last month, Escon dido City Council approved a right-of-way encroach ment agreement with SiFi Networks to allow the in stallation of the company’s new FiberCity system.

funds, builds and operates open-access fiber optic networks across the United States at no cost to the city — Escondido will not pay any direct fee to SiFi for installing the new system. SiFi has also agreed to cover the cost of city staff time associated with checking plans and field inspections.

Construction of the new fiber system, installed using micro trenching tech nology and laying fiber op tic lines along road ducts within the city’s right-ofway, will begin next fall and is estimated to take two years to complete.

According to Jennifer Schoeneck, the city’s depu ty director of economic de velopment, while the city’s current fiber networks were put together piece meal, everything would be connected under the new SiFi system.

“They are using the latest technology infra structure for the city so that we’re wired for the fu ture,” Schoeneck said.

SiFi has installed fi ber systems globally since 2014, though it is relative ly new to California. The company is also working on fiber installation projects elsewhere in the state.

SiFi offers a subsi dized internet access pro gram called FiberCity Aid that currently offers giga byte-speed internet service for as low as $30 per month to qualifying households. The company will also pro vide fiber access and equip ment to city facilities at a reduced rate.

City staff believes the new fiber system will significantly benefit the community, including its businesses that rely on high-speed internet service and residents with access to reliable high-speed inter net services at lower costs.

Allowing SiFi to build the citywide fiber commu nications system also aligns with local and regional ef forts to address the “digital divide” and provide great er broadband access.

“This engagement with SiFi will help identify local challenges,” Schoe neck said. “There are many reasons digital divides ex ist, but we want to under stand what’s happening.”

Students celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month

When the bell rang for lunch on Monday, Oct. 17, at San Marcos High School, hundreds of students flood ed the quad to find games, a piñata, flower making and ballet folklórico set up by various student clubs.

Student-run Hispanic clubs, including the Hispan ic Student Union and Ballet Folklórico, organized the lunchtime event in celebra tion of Hispanic Heritage

Month, which ran Sept. 15 to Oct. 15.

While the threat of rain canceled the event on Oct. 14 — it would not have been safe for student dancers to be out on the wet concrete — it was full steam ahead the following Monday as the sun shone down on the quad.

Knights senior and His panic Student Union presi dent Jackie Olguin said the school’s Hispanic Heritage Month is a tradition on their

Vista Chamber of Commerce hosts hiring fair Nov. 9

VISTA — Vista Cham ber of Commerce will part ner with San Diego Human Resources Consulting to host the Vista Hiring Fair from 4 to 7 p.m. Nov. 9 at the Vista Civic Center, 200 Civic Center Drive.

Job-seekers may reg ister for free at https:// events/details/vista-hir ing-fair-24131?calendar Month=2022-11-01.

Three HR consultants from SDHR will be on hand to share their knowledge with attendees on:

— How to present your best self to a potential em ployer;

— What a successful in troduction consists of;

— Resume help. Sam ple resumes will be provid ed;

— How to upload your resume to LinkedIn + How to use LinkedIn as a tool to find employment.

To participate as a hir ing vendor, complete a form at https://form.jotform. com/221996364855067.

Have your member login information ready for pay ment, as only members may participate in this event.

If you’re a member, but don’t have your login infor mation, reach out to alma@ for help.

If you’re not yet a mem ber of the Vista Chamber, reach out to Paula Millis at or (760) 726-1122.

No vendor spots will be

reserved without complete registration. Booth cost is $150, plus $25 if electricity is needed.

Each booth is an 8--by8-foot space with a 6-foot table and two chairs.

campus, and something she and her fellow students were eager to organize for their peers.

“Everybody was very cooperative, and we were all just excited to get some thing in the works,” Olguin said. “This is definitely something we do annually, and it’s something I’m hop ing will continue through

out the years.”

Students could be seen gathering around to learn how to make paper flowers out of colorful tissue paper and pipe cleaners, as well as playing lotería, jenga and a balloon-popping game.

The real excitement began when members of

OCT. 28, 2022 T he C oas T N ews - I N la N d e d ITI o N 3 LAURIE EDWARDS-TATE FOR PALOMAR HEALTH BOARD 2022 Paid for by Edwards-Tate for Palomar Health Board 2022 3 Patient-Centered 3 Value Employees 3 Highly Experienced 3 Transparency Focused 3 Ethically Responsible 3 Fiscally Prudent As a dedicated public servant I am: Your Voice for Wellness throughout our District! THERE IS NO GREATER WEALTH THAN YOUR HEALTH!
Mon-Fri 7-5 Sat. 7-3 ENCINITAS - 270-C N. El Camino Real 760.634.2088 ESCONDIDO - 602 N. Escondido Blvd. 760.839.9420 • VISTA - 611 Sycamore Ave.760.598.0040
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Oceanside 2134 Vista Way Oceanside, CA 92054 (760) 696-3154 San Marcos 751 Center Dr. In the Walmart/ Kohl’s center 760-735-3335 Escondido 272 E. Via Rancho PKWY North County Fair (760) 741-7136 HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE NOV. 11-20 CHRISTMAS TREE STACKED MUG SET when you spend $125 or - more (Reg. $24.99) Valid 11/11/22 11/20/22 while supplies last only at participating Hallmark Gold Crown stores in the U.S.A. Limit one per customer. Not valid on gift card purchases, postage stamps or past purchases. See store for any additonal exclusions. Tax not included. FREE
FRESHMAN BIANCA ISHAM dances with fellow members of the Ballet Folklorico club on Oct. 17 at San Marcos High School for a Hispanic Heritage Month celebration. Photo by Laura Place

OpiniOn & E dit Orial

More reasons to leave Texas off your wish list


Jim Kydd


Chris Kydd ext. 110

MANAGING EDITOR Jordan P. Ingram ext. 117

ACCOUNTING Becky Roland ext. 106

COMMUNITY NEWS EDITOR Jean Gillette ext. 114

GRAPHIC ARTIST Phyllis Mitchell ext. 116

ADVERTISING SALES Sue 0tto ext. 109

LEGAL ADVERTISING Becky Roland ext. 106








Steve Puterski Carlsbad

Samantha Nelson Oceanside, Escondido

Laura Place Del Mar, Solana Beach, San Marcos

Stephen Wyer Encinitas

Chris Ahrens (Waterspot) David Boylan (Lick the Plate) E’Louise Ondash (Hit the Road)

Jano Nightingale (Jano’s Garden) Jay Paris (Sports Talk)

Ryan Woldt (Cheers) Scott Chambers (Edit Cartoon) Frank Mangio & Rico Cassoni (Taste of Wine)


Eligible for Medicare? What to consider when choosing a plan

Asinflation causes us all to stretch our dollars, the major ity of Americans — including San Diego's res idents — are likely focused on finding the best prices without sacrificing quality.

Health care can be expensive, so picking the right insurance plan that meets your individual or family needs can be critical to maintaining a balanced budget.

Right now — during the Annual Election Period through Dec. 7 — people eligible for Medicare have the opportunity to select a plan that provides the af fordability, convenience and benefits they want as well as the quality healthcare they deserve.

For the 6.4 million in dividuals in California who rely on Medicare for their health insurance, I encour age you to make a list of what’s necessary to have in your plan and then think about what else you’d like to have included.

• Network of doctors and hospitals. If you have specific doctors and hospi tals you prefer, make sure they are in network for the plan you select.

• More than medical coverage. Determine what

benefits are important to you, based on your health status and medication re quirements.

Do you want dental, vi sion and hearing coverage? What about prescription drug coverage?

• Additional benefits. If you need transportation as sistance to and from doctors’ appointments; allowances to cover out-of-pocket dental, vision or hearing expenses; access to fitness programs; or services to support your mental health, these are all considerations when select ing a plan.

If you’re interested in receiving care in your home, consider looking into a Medicare Advantage plan with providers that can pro vide care in the home, like CenterWell Home Health which provides care in the home for those with acute or chronic health issues.

• Prescription drug coverage. Prescription drug coverage is included in many Medicare Advantage plans, but it is not part of original Medicare.

Have a list of your med ications handy, so you can compare estimated pre scription costs as you evalu ate plan options. Some plans even offer $0 copays for pre scriptions.

Your list will help you

Letters to the Editor

determine if original Medi care or Medicare Advantage would best fit your lifestyle.

With all-in-one plans that include dental, vision, hearing and prescription drug coverage in addition to consumer savings of nearly $2,000 per year compared with what beneficiaries pay in original Medicare, Medi care Advantage plans are increasing in popularity ev ery year. Take time now to re search your options. There are many new Medicare Ad vantage offerings this year, so it is worth taking the time to evaluate your options to find the best plan for your healthcare needs — and your wallet.

The Medicare Plan Finder on can help compare plans, ben efits and get an estimated cost for each plan.

For more information, visit or call 1-800-MEDICARE (800-633-4227) 24 hours a day, seven days a week (TTY users should call 1-877-4862048).

Rick Beavin is California Medicare President for Humana, a Medicare Advantage HMO, HMO SNP, PPO, PPO SNP AND PFFS organization with a Medicare contract.

County gun owners PAC makes endorsements

Dear Editor,

San Diego County Gun Owners (SDCGO), a politi cal action committee (PAC) promoting Second Amend ment rights in San Diego County, is endorsing the fol lowing North County can didates for the November general election:

Kelly Martinez as San Diego County Sheriff; Jim Desmond, San Diego Coun ty Supervisor, District 5; Keith Blackburn as may or, Melanie Burkholder as

council member, Carlsbad City Council; Jeff Morris as mayor, Encinitas City Council; Kori Jensen, Rick Robinson, Oceanside City Council; Jordan Marks, San Diego County Assessor-Re corder-County Clerk.

It is crucial that voters elect solidly pro-Second Amendment candidates who will speak out and de fend the fundamental right to self-defense for law-abid ing citizens, oppose an ex tremist anti-gun agenda, and stand strong in support

of our civil rights.

We are proud to sup port local candidates who believe the purpose of the Second Amendment is an important and valuable in dividual right.

San Diego County Gun Owners wants to send a message that infringing on our freedoms carries big consequences.

MostCalifornians have long been restless and mobile; many of us or our parents came from someplace else. So it’s no surprise when sur veys show almost half the folks living here have at least thought about moving somewhere else.

The most popular des tination for those who do leave is Texas, where about 35,000 former Californians have gone in each of the last five years.

This has not seriously dented California’s 39.5 million population, as most emigrants were quickly replaced by new arrivals from around the world and nation.

But there is now am ple reason to believe the transplanted Californians did not land in the nirvana many expected to find, a place of much lower taxes, cheap real estate and little government regulation.

For many, one of their first Texas experiences came in mid-February 2021, when a blizzard and deep-freeze struck the Lone Star state, dropping outdoor temperatures near zero and indoor levels into the 30s or lower as electric ity failed.

Icy temperatures froze water pipes, many laid near the land’s surface be cause Texas building codes are lax. Several hospitals saw their water polluted, forcing mass patient trans fers in extreme weather.

All this barely three years after Hurricane Harvey reduced much of Houston, the nation’s fourth-largest city, to a bunch of rivulets and ponds.

For sure, there is little zoning and building reg ulation in much of Texas, where the state’s ideal of light government control often lets junk yards, strip joints and body shops ex ist beside single-family homes.

But it’s something else to see Houston reduced to non-functionality twice in 40 months.

It also turns out “light government control” is a mere legend. It may apply to zoning and guns, which anyone can carry con cealed, but no longer to some vital personal choic es.

All abortions, even for pregnancies involving rape and incest, are now criminal. If a fetus has fa tal disorders, it cannot be aborted. And never mind the mother’s health or sur vival.

Now comes a new re port from the Washington, D.C.-based Institute of Tax ation and Economic Policy, which concluded that only the wealthiest Texans ac tually pay lower taxes than Californians.

That is at least in part because of this state’s

california focus tom elias

Proposition 13, which bas es property taxes on 1% of the latest sales price for the vast majority of properties. The comparison is based on federal income taxes, plus state and local sales taxes, property tax and in formation from the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics and the U.S. Census.

These figures debunk the notion of Texas as a low-tax state. It turns out Texans in the lowest 20% of income earners (less than $20,900 per year) pay about 13% of their income in state and local taxes.

Californians in the bottom 20% (under $23,200 year ly) pay 10.5% of their in come in such taxes.

Similar proportions apply to middle and up per-middle class taxpayers in both states, with Texans paying more than Cali fornians unless they are in the top 1% of earners ($714,000 or more in Cali fornia).

In Texas, the one-per centers pay 3.1% of their income in state and lo cal taxes, compared with 12.4% in California.

All of which destroys yet another popular con cept about Texas, as Cali fornia imports to that state discover soon after arriv ing.

Sure, some companies and billionaires get big tax breaks from Texas state and local governments as incentives to move there. But that still leaves newly arrived women subject to the cruelties and potential criminal charges imposed on some of the pregnant by the blanket abortion ban.

It’s much the same in other states that have been popular with California emigres. For example, Ida ho, Arizona and Tennessee all have abortion bans sim ilar to the Texas law.

Tweeted Robert Gar cia, Long Beach mayor and current Democratic candidate for a California congressional seat, upon learning the Texas tax numbers: “Hey, Texans, come over to California to pay lower taxes. And we have great weather.”

As those numbers ap peared, so did billboards in San Francisco and Los An geles bearing the message “Don’t Move to Texas” and “The Texas Miracle Died in Uvalde,” referring to the mass shooting there.

No one knows who put up those billboards, but they just may be offering sound advice.

4 T he C oas T N ews - I N la N d e d ITI o N OCT. 28, 2022 Subscriptions: 1 year/$75; 6 mos./$50; 3 mos./$30 Send check or money order to: The Coast News, P.O. Box 232550, Encinitas, CA 92023-2550. The CoasT News P.O. Box 232550 Encinitas, CA 92023-2550 315 S. Coast Hwy. 101 Encinitas, Ste. W 760.436.9737 www. coast news group .com The Coast News is a legally adjudicated newspaper published weekly on Fridays by The Coast News Group. It is qualified to publish notices required by law to be pub lished in a newspaper of general circulation (Case No. 677114). Op-Ed submissions: To submit letters and commentaries, please send all materials to editor@coastnewsgroup. com. Letters should be 250 to 300 words and oommentaries lim ited to no more than 550 words. Please use “Letters,” or “Commentary” in the subject line. All submissions should be relevant and respectful. To submit items for calendars, press releases and community news, please send all materials to community@ coastnewsgroup. com or Copy is needed at least 10 days prior to date of publication. Stories should be no more than 300 words. To submit story ideas, please send request and information to Submit letters to
Zoe Morris • Ava DeAngelis
Views expressed in Opinion & Editorial do not reflect the views of The Coast News
OCT. 28, 2022 T he C oas T N ews - I N la N d e d ITI o N 5 A different kind of car Even Democrats say State Senate candidate Matt Gunderson is a different kind of Republican. He’s running for the right reasons! Election Day is right around the corner. Vote Matt Gunderson for State Senate by Nov. 8th. Paid for by Matt Gunderson for State Senate 2022 | FPPC ID #1441367 A different kind of music A different kind of lizard A different kind of Republican “Matt is a Moderate with solid values and will bring balance to our State Legislature.” – Sheila Cameron, Former Democratic Mayor of Encinitas “Matt has been pro-choice all his life and will protect reproductive choice in California. (Of course he will—he has four daughters!) He is an environmentalist. He opposes assault weapons. He has long supported LGBTQ rights.” – Sarah Lifton, Encinitas Resident and Lifelong Democrat “I’m a lifelong Democrat, and I’m supporting Matt Gunderson for State Senate. Matt’s prochoice and pro-environment. He has a real plan to deal with homelessness and will fight to make our state more affordable.” – Colleen Mendelson, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Rancho Santa Margarita “I believe that Matt has the political will to work for the people, not party.” – Susan Turney, Lifelong Democrat and Chairperson for Democrats and Independents for Gunderson PAID POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT

Halloween prep is part inspiration, part perspiration

Asalways, I am rel ishing the Hallow een season. My fake black cat’s on the porch and my witch’s broom stands ready for flight.

I even have genuine spi der webs pretty much every where, if I just stop vacuum ing for 12 hours.

I also get to decorate the school library, which has a particularly receptive au dience.

And I remain shame less. I will spray my hair green and wear glittery spider deely bobbers on my head just to get a laugh out

Who’s NEWS?

Business news and special achievements for North San Diego County. Send information via email to community@


The USDA Forest Ser vice is selling Christmas Tree permits through Rec, which makes it more convenient for vis itors to find and purchase permits to cut holiday trees from their favorite national forest. Visit to purchase a permit. The permit system helps to thin densely populated stands of small-diameter trees. Local forest health experts iden tify areas that benefit from thinning trees and tend to be the perfect size for Christmas trees.


The Grauer Diversi ty, Equity and Inclusion program announces that students who embody the Grauer School's core values of compassion, resourceful ness and leadership - and have a demonstrated finan cial need - are invited to apply for a full, four-year scholarship. In order to be considered, students must live in North County San Diego and be entering high school in the fall of 2023. Applicants must complete the admissions and finan cial aid applications, both online on the school’s web site. Applicants will be no tified if they are selected to participate in a brief inter view. Applications must be submitted by Feb. 1, 2023, and the scholarship will be awarded in mid-March.


Bridget Smith of Carlsbad, who experienc es ADHD herself, is now teaching virtual live-in teractive classes on Out school's online learning platform to help children learn skills like impulse control, organization skills, emotion regulation guides, the science behind a brain with ADHD and more. Fir more information, visit out


The Rhoades School, 520 Balour Drive, Encini tas, hosted a ribbon-cutting ceremony Oct. 19 to cele brate the grand opening of

small talk

jean gillette

of the kids.

I think I’m ready. I’m stocking up on hot dogs that I serve in the driveway, which has become a fun neighbor hood tradition. I have far too much candy stashed where filchers can’t find it.

Well, it always seems like far too much, but when

I see those bright eyes and adorable little faces, my in tention to give one piece to each child just crumbles. I have to throw in handfuls.

And I always have to save some for the junior high kids who never come by until after 8 p.m.

I love to shout, “Trick or Treat forever!” I am one of the few who encourage them to keep being goofy, even when the pressure is on to be too cool to toss on a cos tume and schlep from house to house.

Besides, it keeps them from toilet-papering my house later.

No, I won’t eat my can dy stash before Monday, be cause I carefully purchase candy that I don’t like. It is the only insurance against eating as much as I hand out.

The downside is that you won’t find much choc olate being offered at my door.

Now all that’s left to do is perfect a costume that won’t terrify my little pals when they come to my house.

I also have more fun if they recognize me, as they are always amazed to see their school librarian in the driveway.

A good portion of them figure I just sleep under my desk at school.

Another factor that goes into costume planning is the chance of warm weather. It can be tough to be anything that requires long sleeves, a hood, a wig, boots or worst of all, a rubber mask.

Somehow, prize-win ning Halloween horror at tire doesn’t often start with short sleeves and flip-flops.

Thus, it requires some extra creativity on our part, or the willingness to just be sweltering for the sake of shock value.

But if you are a serious

Halloween fan, you just have to decide to be com fortable or memorable.

If you get into a seri ous costume, you might spend the night dripping with sweat but you will be applauded and admired for your efforts. It’s a tough call.

This year, I believe I will just go as an aging, sub urban mom. Oh, that can be plenty frightening. Just ask my children.

Jean Gillette is a free lance writer who is plenty scary without her makeup. Contact her at jean@coast

Cloned Przewalski’s horse now at Safari Park

ESCONDIDO — Kurt, the world’s first success fully cloned Przewalski’s horse, is thriving at his home at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park and learning the language of being a wild horse from Holly, a young female of his own species.

Kurt and Holly’s pair ing is a step in a long pro cess to bring back lost genetic diversity to this en dangered species.

Kurt is a clone of a male Przewalski’s stallion whose DNA was cryopreserved 42 years ago in San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance’s Wildlife Biodiversity Bank.

Kurt moved from his birthplace at ViaGen’s cloning facility in Texas to the San Diego Zoo Safari Park in March 2021. Kurt’s birth in August 2020 was only the first step in bring ing his important genetics back to the Przewalski’s population.

He was born to a sur rogate mother, a domes tic quarter horse, which means he had not had ex perience with other Przew alski’s horses.

San Diego Zoo Safari Park wildlife care experts embarked on an effort to ensure the young male gained the behavioral lan guage he will need to inter act and thrive among his own species.

“Przewalski’s horses normally live in groups where a youngster secures their place in the herd from their mother,” said Kristi Burtis, director of wildlife care, San Diego Zoo Safari Park.

its new preschool. For more information, visit rhoadess


Cal State San Marcos student-athlete Caroline Wales has been named the CCAA Women's Golfer of the Week for the week of Oct. 18. Wales finished tied for first at the Nick Turner Invitational in Albuquer que, New Mexico Oct. 18.


Sofia King of Solana Beach majoring in Inte grated Marketing Commu nications, was featured in a University of Mississip

“Because Kurt was not born into a herd, he didn’t know the behavioral language that is unique to Przewalski’s horses. Our first step to socialize him was introducing him to Holly.”

Holly arrived at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park in May 2021. Just a few months older than Kurt, Holly was raised in a Prze walski’s horse herd and had the full repertoire of wild horse language to share.

Wildlife care special ists at the Safari Park in troduced the two, hoping that Holly could serve as a mentor and teacher to Kurt.

After some behavior al sparring, the two have settled into an affectionate

pi's television commercial Sept. 17 during the football game between Ole Miss and Georgia Tech on ABC. The 30-second commercial, titled “Where are You Go ing,” features Ole Miss stu dents describing their per sonal aspirations.


Oregon State Univer sity honor roll students for fall 2022 include James Adelhelm, Zareena A. Bokhari, Adeline R. Hull and Qwen A. Landis of Carlsbad; Miranda L. Lar roque, Makana M. Phillips and Sydney C. Templin of Encinitas; Shilah Beamish

pairing. They enjoy being together, running around and playing.

Kurt and Holly have been in a secluded, private habitat since their arrival at the Safari Park and were recently introduced to the Safari Park’s Central Asia field habitat, where they are now viewable by guests.

This move will further prepare them to soon join the larger herd of Przewal ski’s horses, and the plan is for Kurt to be the breeder stallion when he reaches maturity at 3 to 4 years of age.

“Kurt is significant to his species because he of fers the hope of bringing back lost genetic diversity to the population,” said Nadine Lamberski, DVM,

of Escondido; Melissa L. Vogt of Oceanside and Se fath S. Khan of Vista.


The Orange County Transportation Authority began emergency work this month to stabilize the rail road track through south ern San Clemente – work expected to take about 90 days. Project engineers and geotechnical experts will continually monitor the slope next to the track during construction. That work involves drilling large steel anchors about 100 feet long into the bedrock of the slope adjacent to the

chief conservation and wildlife health officer, San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alli ance. “It is imperative to do everything we can to save this genetic diversity before it disappears.”

Formerly extinct in the wild, the Przewalski’s horse has survived for the past 40 years almost en tirely in zoos around the world, and all of the surviv ing horses are related to 12 Przewalski’s horses born in the wild.

By reviving genetic di versity that was stored in San Diego Zoo Wildlife Al liance’s Biodiversity Bank, conservationists hope to expand the strength of the species’ population.

While ongoing rein troductions of Przewals

railroad track to prevent it from pushing the track further toward the ocean. The track has moved as much as 28 inches the last 13 months, due to storm surge and sand erosion on the coastal side and gradu ally sliding hillside on the other.


SITA Couture cele brated its new headquar ters at the historic Derby House Oct. 15 at 649 S. Vul can Ave., Encinitas. SITA’s sustainable line of clothing is manufactured in L.A. with private shopping by appointment and e-com

ki’s horses since the 1990s have established several wild herds on grasslands in China and Mongolia, main taining genetic variation is a vital part of ensuring the species’ survival in the fu ture.

Advanced reproduc tive technologies are rel atively standard for do mestic horses and cattle. However, there have been few attempts to work with endangered species. The successful birth of this foal demonstrates how these techniques can be used for conservation efforts, today and into the future.

“Kurt’s birth was a ma jor milestone for Przewal ski’s horse conservation,” said Oliver Ryder, director of conservation genetics, San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance. “His success will serve as a model for sav ing endangered wildlife through the use of cloning, using DNA stored in the Wildlife Biodiversity Bank at San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance.”

The colt was named “Kurt” in honor of Kurt Be nirschke, M.D., who joined the Zoo’s research commit tee in 1970, and worked as the Zoo’s director of re search from 1974 to 1986, then joined the Board of Trustees.

He was instrumental in founding the conservation research program at San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alli ance, including the Frozen Zoo, a critical component of San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance’s Wildlife Biodi versity Banking efforts.

Benirschke died in 2018 at the age of 94.

merce sales and offices in Encinitas and LA. For more information, e-mail sita@


Boys & Girls of Greater San Diego has renamed its 4S branch the Mollenkopf Family branch after a gen erous donation from Steve Mollenkopf, CEO of Qual comm.


The Vista Historical Museum and office will close Oct. 28. The office will reopen Nov. 14. The museum will reopen Nov. 16.

6 T he C oas T N ews - I N la N d e d ITI o N OCT. 28, 2022
KURT, the world’s first successfully cloned Przewalski’s horse, has been at San Diego Zoo Safari Park since May 2021. He has been paired with Holly, a young female of the same species, to learn the language of being a wild horse. Courtesy photo

Instuctor’s trial to include older case

SAN MARCOS — Two separate child sex abuse charges against a 19-yearold swim instructor will be merged into one trial in the coming months after a Su perior Court judge vacated the trial for the original charge on Oct. 12.

Nicholas Piazza, 19, was scheduled to face trial in December after being charged by the San Diego County District Attorney’s Office with sexually abus ing a 6-year-old child in July 2021 while working as a swim instructor at Callan Swim School in San Mar cos.

While out on bail for this charge, Piazza was prohibited from working where children were pres ent and from being in the presence of a child unless another adult was present.

However, he was ar rested on Sept. 29 and charged with sexually abusing another child, age 7, while offering private swim lessons in Rancho Santa Fe in September.

Piazza is currently being held in the Vista Detention Center without bail and faces two counts of lewd or lascivious acts with a child and one act of committing a felony while on bail.

Readiness hearings for both cases are scheduled to take place on Dec. 6, with a preliminary hearing likely to be scheduled soon after.

Deputy District Attor ney Patricia Lavermicocca said the cases cannot be combined until after a pre liminary hearing.

“The hope is to resolve them together,” Lavermi cocca said of the two cas es.“In any child molesta tion case, when you have one victim, the thought for anybody is that the child is lying and that they are try ing to gain something. Now you have two children who don’t know each other, say ing independently that this swim instructor did some thing to them.”

Piazza faces a poten tial sentence of 18 years if convicted, Lavermicocca said.

Callan Swim School

Court documents relat ed to the DA’s 2021 charge state that a six-year-old vic tim informed his mother he had been sexually abused by Piazza in July of 2021, saying that Piazza touched his genitals under his shorts during a swim lesson at Cal lan Swim School.

In early August of 2021, deputies met with swim school owner Brett Callan to inform him of the allegations against Piazza.

Callan agreed to keep him out of the pool during the investigation, court doc uments state.

However, deputies “subsequently received information that Nicholas was back in the pool as an instructor approximately a week later,” according to court documents.

When asked about this by The Coast News, an at torney for Callan Swim School sent the following statement:

“Unfortunately, CSS cannot discuss that partic ular incident, given the on going criminal proceedings regarding Mr. Piazza. CSS would like to make it clear that it will continue to coop erate with law enforcement and that it takes all accu sations of this nature very seriously,” the statement read.

A former general man ager at Callan Swim School, Amy Moreno, said she was appalled by how Callan re sponded to the allegations surrounding Piazza. More no said she was disturbed when she learned about the new charges against Piazza this month.

“I found out that he had been arrested again for sim ilar allegations while teach ing privately, and I was horrified,” Moreno said. “When working at Callan Swim School, he taught ap proximately 80 kids a week. I think the community must know [about this] so they can talk to their children.”

According to Moreno, she was on personal leave in the summer of 2021 when Piazza committed the first case of child sexual abuse during swim lessons.

When she found out about it in October 2021, upon her return, she re membered a similar alle gation from 2020 that had never been reported to law enforcement, but she had kept it in the school’s files.

In this instance, ac cording to Moreno, a child had claimed that Piazza had asked her to reach into his pants, but the parents had opted not to report the allegations to the police and instead had their child moved to a new swim in structor.

At the time, Moreno in formed the assistant man ager, who happened to be Piazza’s mother, and Brett Callan.

In October 2021, More no said she shared this in formation from the child’s file with the Sheriff’s De partment after hearing about the new allegations against Piazza. Once Brett Callan learned about that, he told her not to return to the school, Moreno said.

Anyone whose child may have been abused by Piazza is urged to contact the Sheriff’s Child Abuse Unit at 858-285-6293. In dividuals can also anony mously contact Crime Stop pers at 888-580-8477.

Council talks use of cannabis funds

VISTA — The city is gearing up to take on sever al new proposals thanks to a cannabis revenue windfall.

During the City Coun cil’s Oct. 11 meeting, City Clerk Kathy Valdez out lined several possibilities for the $2.3 million avail able for special projects.

The most discussed and debated issue was whether the city should hire an ad ditional San Diego County sheriff’s deputy. The coun cil was split, with Mayor Judy Ritter and Council man John Franklin in sup port, while Councilwomen Corinna Contreras and Ka tie Melendez were opposed. Councilman Joe Green was absent.

New proposed proj ects include $693,000 for playground resurfacing, $550,000 for park improve ments, $250,000 for a safe parking program, $100,000 for a social equity study and $40,000 for a service club sign on Postal Way.

The issue is expected to return to the council in November or December, Valdez said.

“Staff has identified playgrounds at six parks that are in need of resur facing,” she said. “Cost es timates range from $90,000 to $150,000 depending on the size of the lot.”

Last year, the City Council agreed to cap can nabis revenue projections at $4 million, with any ex cess funds used for special projects. The city collect ed $6.8 million in Fiscal Year 2021-22, with more than $2.3 million currently available for those projects.

Residents approved Measure Z several years ago, which allows for 11 cannabis dispensaries, while the council approved several other uses as well.

Contreras said Luz Du ran Park should have a rub berized surface like the oth er parks, instead of wood chips. Ritter said the wood chips were installed after several incidents of people tearing up the rubber ma terial, which is expensive to replace.

Contreras said one op tion is closing the park at night in attempt to curb the

vandalism, loitering and other illegal activities. She also said the park must pro vide equal access for those

residents, along with pro tecting a community asset.

In addition, Contreras said the city should look at Assembly Bill 3121, which established a task force to develop reparation propos als for enslaved Black peo ple up to 1865.

“Anything we can do to reappropriate to those who have a legacy, a historical relationship with being en slaved,” she said. “We need to take a look at that. That should be part of it here.”

But the hiring of a sher iff’s deputy was the biggest source of discussion, as it was last year. In 2021, the council approved hiring a new deputy — the third in

OCT. 28, 2022 T he C oas T N ews - I N la N d e d ITI o N 7
DEPUTY DISTRICT Attorney Patricia Lavermicocca, top left, speaks about child sexual abuse charges against 19-yearold Nicholas Piazza, a former instructor at Callan Swim School in San Marcos. Amy Moreno, bottom left, former general manager of Callan, speaks to reporters after a court hearing. Photos by Laura Place
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8 T he C oas T N ews - I N la N d e d ITI o N OCT. 28, 2022 Assembly candidate Chris Duncan will make gas more expensive SOURCES: (1) San Clemente City Council Minutes, 7/20/21 (2) CalMatters, 2020 (3) ABC 7, 11/7/18 (4) San Clemente Times, 2/23/22 Supported a bill that would raise gas prices1 Backed by politicians that want to gut Prop. 132 and hike the gas tax3 Supported a measure that could have doubled his own taxpayer-funded salary4 Cutting unfair taxes. Lowering costs for families. /DaviesForCA @DaviesForCA “This is shown in [Davies’s] rare success in her freshman term in introducing 13 bills that were signed into law, on issues from fentanyl to food insecurity.” San Diego Union Tribune, 10/14/2022 In the State Assembly, I’ll continue to fight to bring down prices by suspending the gas tax, lowering healthcare costs, and pushing for equal pay for women. Laurie Davies Re-elect Assemblywoman LAURIE Davies PAID FOR BY LAURIE DAVIES FOR ASSEMBLY 2022 Gas shouldn’t be THIS expensive Say NO to Chris Duncan PAID POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT



38 controlled pur

the operation.

trafficking their own fire arms are some of the same criminals trafficking the conversion devices.”

Palomar College breaks ground on stadiums

SAN MARCOS — Palo mar College broke ground on a sports facility that will include new football and softball stadiums, in a cere mony on campus Oct. 18.

Envisioned as a oneyear project, the new sta diums are expected to be unveiled in time for the Comets’ 2023 football sea son, allowing the team to host home games on campus for the first time.

The softball stadium, for its part, will hold four times the number of fans than current accommoda tions, with a press box four stories above field level.

“In building these sta diums, we are honoring a legacy of excellence by two of our cornerstone pro grams — football and soft ball,” said Palomar Athletic Director Daniel Lynds.

“For both of these pro grams, this is a day they have long dreamed of.”

Lynds told some of the history of the football and softball programs, empha sizing the multiple decades that the football team— Palomar’s largest athletic



led to

evidence capturing an

About one-third of the cases will be prosecuted by the San Diego County Dis trict Attorney’s Office.

program—has had to play its home games at local high school fields.

“For our 140 or so foot ball and softball players who are continuing to im prove their skills and live out their dreams, these sta diums will be truly impact ful,” said Lynds. “The stateof-the-art training facilities will help them become their best possible athletic selves;

the new playing surfaces will help prevent injury and prolong their careers; and the high-tech video equip ment in each facility will provide a platform from which they can evaluate their progress and be seen by four-year institutions that increasingly rely on videos in their recruiting.”

The project now un der way is Phase 1 of two

planned phases of improve ments, the second of which will include a state-of-theart athletics field house and other amenities. The proj ect is being funded by Prop. M, a $694 million bond measure approved by voters in 2006 that has enabled ex tensive modernizations and improvements across the Palomar Community Col lege District.

acting city manager at its Tuesday meeting while the city searches for Johnson’s replacement.


of ficials said.

Villegas, spe cial agent in charge of the bureau's Los Angele Field Division, said the case high lighted the uptick in “ghost guns,” or firearms that can be assembled via custom kits or 3D printing, as well as an increase in sales of machine gun conversion devices such as “switches” and “drop-in auto sears.”

“What ATF saw 10 years ago with the emer gence of the ghost gun phe nomena is now what ATF is seeing with the emergence of machine gun conversion kits,” Villegas said. “The same criminals making and

“This operation demon strates that we continue to grapple with an increase in gang-motivated shoot ings and the ongoing pro liferation of ‘ghost guns’ — firearms that are usual ly untraceable,” San Diego County District Attorney Summer Stephan said.

“The increase in our prosecutions paint a dis turbing picture of gang violence on the rise in the county.”

The DA’s Office is reporting an uptick in gang-related cases it has filed, from 368 in 2020 to 465 in 2021.

Steve Puterski contribut ed to this article.

ager position and authority by removing my ability to create and manage an ef fective management team. I advised you in advance that this action would be taken against my wishes and re sult in involuntary resig nation as City Manager,” Johnson stated in his letter.

A city staff report con firms that Johnson is cur rently on paid administra tive leave. The City Council appointed Assistant City Manager Amanda Lee as

The controversial pol icy altering the terms of Johnson’s contract was ad opted by the City Council in a 4-1 vote in September, with Mayor Judy Ritter dis senting, taking effect on Oct. 14.

The policy includes a sunset clause that will revert the policy back to its original language six months after its adoption, removing council involve ment in the hiring process.

During those six months, staff planned to develop a policy that would include a hiring panel to advise the city manager on qualified applicants.

City leaders, stake holders and communi ty members will have a chance to discuss what the hiring panel will look like and how to develop this policy moving forward at a workshop scheduled for Thursday.

Councilmember John Franklin, who initially vot ed against the policy when it was introduced in August

but voted in favor of it in September, said while he was aware that Johnson may choose to resign, it still came as a surprise.

“He certainly made clear that it was a possible outcome. I think we were still surprised when he ten dered his voluntary resig nation,” Franklin said.

“It was a great loss to lose Patrick Johnson. He was very highly thought of by the employees. I am sad dened that he has decided to move along, and we’ve got big shoes to fill to re place him.”


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the last eight years, accord ing to Franklin — after con tentious actions. The coun cil reversed an approval from Contreras and Melen dez when two members of the council were absent to squash the deputy hiring in favor of putting more mon ey toward streetlights.

This year, though, Con treras and Melendez said a more holistic approach to law enforcement is needed, along with a comprehensive crime plan and analysis to determine if the city needs another deputy.

Contreras said the dep uty is an ongoing cost, while the cost of the other proj ects is mostly one time.

Patrick Johnson, the city manager who has since his resigned, said the firstyear cost for a deputy is about $275,000 due to setup

and equipment costs and drops to $230,000 in the second year.

Ritter said her concerns regarding traffic safety, the need for another deputy to enforce traffic laws and slower response times are why she supports the hir ing. Contreras agreed traf fic safety is an issue but that further study is needed.

“It’s a huge concern, the traffic concerns and lawlessness that’s happen ing in our streets with ve hicles,” she said. “That’s where I feel like if we had a study, we can take a look and say we do need another deputy?”

Franklin said the city has grown by 20,000 res idents over the past 20 years and public safety is a priority. He said all four candidates running for City Council have stated the city must hire at least one more deputy.

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OCT. 28, 2022 T he C oas T N ews - I N la N d e d ITI o N 9 Rates: Text: $15 per inch Approx. 21 words per column inch Photo: $25 Art: $15 (Dove, Heart, Flag, Rose) Tin Aung Solana Beach October 10, 2022 Ruth Frances Fox Carlsbad October 4, 2022 Ellen Marie Martin-Huff Carlsbad October 8, 2022 Anne B. Tragesser Encinitas October 15, 2022 Joseph Francis Ferrari Oceanside October 18, 2022 Sheri Lee Kearney Oceanside October 1, 2022 VISTA CHAPEL FD 1120 1315 S. Santa Fe Ave Vista, CA 92083 760 726 2555 SAN MARCOS CHAPEL FD 1378 435 N. Twin Oaks Valley Rd San Marcos, CA 92069 760 744 4522 ALLEN BROTHERS MORTUARY, INC. CROP .93 .93 4.17 4.28 There’s an old saying, “From the day that you’re born, till you ride in a hearse…” We may not take that final ride “in a hearse” but we
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overwhelming. Perhaps
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chases of guns and drugs during
The investigation also
THE JOINT OPERATION involving the Bureau of Alcohol, To bacco, Firearms, and Explosives and the Escondido Police Department led to the seizure of 113 illegal firearms over the course of the 18-month investigation. Courtesy photo
THE OCT. 18 groundbreaking puts Palomar College on the path to hosting football games on campus for the first time. The new softball stadium will hold four times the number of fans than the current facility can accommodate. Courtesy photo

Healthier days ahead


this world (is different) and there’s this new normal,” Steinecke said. “I’m in this for life, so accepting all that took me years. I found a lot of success and it was incredibly challenging. What helped a lot was having people who believed in me.”

And dating? Steinecke met Amanda Bauer, whose maiden name is the same as the hockey equipment com pany, and the couple was married last year.


While successfully navi gating his academic and pro fessional careers, Steinecke never gave up on sports.

As a member of the U.S. Blind Hockey team (a partner of the USA Hockey program), Steinecke trains twice weekly at Icetown Carlsbad, deftly navigating

ice-skating drills and ma neuvers, whipping shots into the net and improving his overall game.

Steinecke, who plays forward, broke the ice on his sports career after par ticipating in a blind hockey event in San Jose, which landed him an opportunity to play with the U.S. nation al team.

Blind hockey has some significant differences from traditional hockey. The puck, which is made of metal and filled with ball bearings so players can locate the puck, is significantly bigger than the sport’s traditional vulcanized rubber disc.

Players must also pass the puck at least once, signaled by an electronic whistle, before a scoring op portunity. Goalies must be completely blind, while de fensemen and forwards may be legally blind. Steinecke, who is legally blind with no

central vision and limited peripheral vision, can only see a nearby puck due to the contrast between the black disc on white-colored ice.

Many blind hockey players across North Amer ica, including Steinecke, hope the sport will eventual ly make it to the Paralympic Games.

Bill Steinecke, who has been his son’s coach for the past several years, said blind hockey is more than a game. The bond between the players has created a fami ly-type atmosphere.

“It’s such a tight commu nity and just being around them is infectious,” Bill Steinecke said. “For me, it was, I can’t change, so what’s next? It was a change in how I communicated with him. I’m just a big fan. Where I’ve seen him play, it’s amaz ing. These are things (Blake) never would’ve done if this had not happened.”


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BLAKE STEINECKE gets ready for practice Oct. 12 at Icetown in Carlsbad. Steinecke, a mem ber of the U.S. Blind Hockey team, is coached by his father, Bill. Photo by Steve Puterski

Central Oregon’s high desert a hub for art, outdoor enthusiasts

I stood, I could see three, tiny


the far side of the Crook ed River.

“Are those climbers,” I asked a woman next to me who probably had better distance vision than myself.

“Yes,” she said, “and there are some there, there, and over there.”

The index finger at the end of her outstretched arm pointed out, counter clockwise, what is not an unusual sight here at Smith Rock State Park in Central Oregon.

Smith Rock, a dramat ic, jagged feature that rises abruptly out of the High Desert, is considered the birthplace of sport climb ing and a rock climber’s mecca.

Just minutes away from Terrebonne, the park claims to offer the third-most-difficult climb ing route in the world.

Things called volcanic welded tuff and basalt col umns with jam cracks and stemming corners draw thousands who love all types of rock climbing.

For years, Central Ore gon has been a magnet for

outdoor enthusiasts of all kinds - campers, skiers, bik ers and hikers. But a solid indoor scene that encom passes art, music, theater, museums, bars and restau rants is emerging.

First, a geography les son.

Central Oregon or the High Desert as locals of ten call it, includes Bend (population 98,000); Red mond (32,000); Sisters (2,700); Terrebonne (1,700); and the Confederated Tribes of The Warm Springs Reservation (5,200).

The altitude of the four cities is roughly 3,200 feet

and the reservation sits at about 1,500 feet. About 4.5 million visit the area annu ally, and while summer is high season, it’s also toasty. Spring and fall are ideal for both outdoor and indoor pursuits.

During my three-plus day stay in the area, I head quartered at the Waypoint Hotel in Bend on Highway 97, the lifeblood artery of Oregon’s High Desert. The spacious, tastefully and practically renovated rooms start at $135.

The hotel is a 10- to 15-minute walk to the leafy, historic district of down

town and its shops, galler ies, excellent restaurants and the iconic 1940s Tower Theatre, a renovated Art Deco gem on Wall Street. It’s the perfect venue for the annual Bend Film Fes tival.

I began the day with a walk through the ver dant Drake Park and dis covered the appropriately named Mirror Pond, then it’s breakfast at the near by Blissful Spoon, where everything is gluten-free, including pastries.

Next, a screening of the film “Being Michelle." The powerful documentary fol

lows the challenging life of a 30-something deaf, autis tic woman who finds solace and healing in her art and the couple who takes up her cause.

Director Atin Mehta spoke at length with the au dience after the screening.

“We had no idea how the story would turn out,” Mehta said of his film, but the gamble paid off. The story grabs filmgoers im mediately and holds them until the end.

Happening the same weekend was one of six concerts presented by the annual Jazz at the Oxford,

staged at the well-appoint ed Oxford Hotel in down town Bend.

The first concert of the 11th season featured fivetime, Grammy-nominated jazz singer Karrin Allyson and I learned that I was lucky to be there, as tickets were hard to come by.

The woman next to me said she was thrilled to be there because “you have to wait until someone dies to get season tickets.”

For more photos and discussion, visit www. dash or instagram @elouis eondash.

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white splotches on the sheer
face on
MIRROR POND, middle, in Bend, Oregon’s Drake Park, is part of the Deschutes River, which flows through the city. The park and pond are just a few blocks from Downtown Bend’s thriving arts, restaurant and brewery scene. At left, Smith Rock State Park in Central Oregon is volcanic in origin. The park, 26 miles north of Bend, is a mecca for rock climbers At right, an old lumbermill’s smokestacks have become the signature of the Old Mill District, a 270-acre development in Bend known for its mixed-use buildings that house shops, galleries and restaurants. Photos by E’Louise Ondash
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North County communities celebrate Día de los Muertos

and enjoy music. Entertain ment included traditional carnival parades and dances such as Comparsa, Danza de los Diablos and Danza de los Rubios.

Additional cities have planned Día de los Muertos events for the coming week.


The Encinitas Día de los Muertos celebration will take place Oct. 29 from noon to 4 p.m. at the Encinitas Community Center, located at 1140 Oakcrest Park Dr. The family-friendly event will include performances by Ballet Folklórico de San Dieguito, Ballet Folklórico Rancho Buena Vista High School, Mariachi Nuevo San Diego, Mariachi Estado de Oro, among others, a lowrid er car show by Callejeros de Encinitas Car Club.

REGION — Cities

throughout North San Di ego County are celebrating Día de los Muertos through out the end of October and early November with com munity events offering tra ditional food, dance and chances to honor loved ones who have passed on.

Originating in Mexico, Día de los Muertos is tra ditionally celebrated Nov. 1-2 and allows families the chance to celebrate and honor their deceased loved ones.

In the city of Solana Beach, an annual Día de los Muertos celebration at La Colonia Park on Oct. 23 drew residents from the historic La Colonia de Eden Gardens community as well as neighboring cities of En cinitas, Oceanside and be yond.

This year’s event was focused specifically on the ancestors who worked in the agricultural fields of Rancho Santa Fe, Del Mar, Encinitas and other sur rounding areas when La Co lonia was founded.

“It means a lot because this community originated in the 1920s, and a lot of the families came togeth er during that time,” said

event emcee Brittney Rojos Canales. “We want to keep our history and community going.”

Along with enjoying live music and kids’ activi ties, families erected elab orate ofrendas, or altars, many honoring former La Colonia residents, along the steps of the park as well as in the trunks of classic cars.

Every year for the past several years, Donna Orte ga and her brother Benny Barajas have set up an of renda in the back of Ortega’s 1957 Chevy Bel Air in honor of their mother, Margarita Barajas.

“There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for her,” Ortega said. “Our roots go back to La Colonia — our abuelo and abuelas, tíos and tías used to live here. I spent many child hood summers here. That’s why I feel like we belong here.”

Further north, Friends of Oceanside Día de los Muertos had its 21st annu al celebration in downtown Oceanside. There, dozens of individuals also set up ofren das in the trunks of classic cars during the Por Siempre Car Show.

Families were also able to create a tribute to a loved one in the chalk graveyard,

There will also be a com munity ofrenda, face paint ing contest, and activities including sugar skull mak ing, face painting and tissue flower making.

Find more information at


The California Center for the Arts, Escondido will host its 27th annual Día de los Muertos celebration on Nov. 1 from 3 to 8 p.m.

Entry to the museum will be free for the event, which will include a com munity altar, dance per formances by Aztec dance group Xinachtli and Tierra Caliente Academy of Arts, an artisan craft market, face painting and arts and crafts, and a variety of food trucks.

Visit for more information.


Vista’s historic Rancho Guajome Adobe will host a Día de los Muertos celebra tion on Oct. 29 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. that includes food, altars, entertainment and arts and crafts.

Cash-only entry to the event is $4 for adults, $3 for ages 4 to 12 and free for ages 3 and under.

Rancho Guajome Ado be is located at 2210 N San ta Fe Ave.


The tradition races on.

Every Sunday, Diamond Club members get FREE admission & seat plus great deals on food and drinks, like $5 12 oz. Coors Light, $5 Brandt Beef hot dogs, and $5 20 oz. sodas at select concessions.

Experience our all-new Turf Club Fridays, the ultimate happy hour featuring the finest in world-class trackside hors d’oeuvres, libations and racing.

*Turf Club dress code applies

Enjoy a creative, locally-inspired menu with a million-dollar view. Ticket includes one Sunday Turf Club admission & seat, three-course brunch and bottomless Mimosas until 3pm.

*Turf Club dress code applies

Sample from over 100 wines & champagnes and enjoy live races, DJ, local favorite food trucks, trackside access and more. Ages 21 and up only.


It’s a brunch party at the track! Enjoy a variety of craft brews, Bloody Mary’s, Michelada Station, champagne, music and brunch food trucks.

Ages 21 and up only.

OCT. 28, 2022 T he C oas T N ews - I N la N d e d ITI o N 13 NOV 11 - DEC 4 For event info and tickets visit
The Bing Crosby Season is back with four weeks of world-class racing and the return of epic events.
22DLM090_Fall Season Event Lineup-CoastNews_5.075x14.5.indd 1 10/25/22 2:03 PM
JOSE VEGA of Oceanside created an ofrenda in the trunk of his 1950 Chevy for the Oct. 23 celebration at La Colonia Community Park in Solana Beach. Photo by Laura Place

This holiday season, we have the same buyers as last year and despite supply chain shortages, Tip Top Meats is proudly fully stocked up for the holidays! John Haedrich has secured a large inventory of supplies at great prices guaranteed to help fight inflation. As he has always promised he will offer you great pricing while not sacrificing the quality, service or the availability. John went on to say, “We are so fortunate to secure all of your holiday supplies including German Specialty Items in our European Deli. He wants to thank his dedicated staff for their hard work and to the experience of Eva, who is the buyer for the European market.

As you might suspect, the team at Tip Top is asking their customers to get their turkey orders in as early as possible as they will only be receiving 80% of their order for this year’s Thanksgiving holiday. They want to be able to fulfill your order efficiently. If you are looking for hassle-free convenience this holiday, Tip Top Meats can cook your turkey for you and provide a cooking pan and bag for later preparation. Haedrich explained, “For days over the Thanksgiving Holiday

we have our convection ovens going non-stop and will cook over 200 turkeys just for starters.” These pre-cooked turkeys can be reheated and they include instructions that will result in a perfect turkey every time.

So, as you would expect from Big John and his team, they are also already preparing their specialty handcrafted Turduckens, which are a special boneless cut of turkey, duck and chicken, all stuffed with fresh herbs and celery. This delicacy is in high demand and moves fast and comes with cooking instructions as well.

Make sure you don’t leave Tip Top Meats without your holiday sides! Homemade and delicious, you can add stuffing, mashed and sweet potatoes, gravy, all natural of course, and Diane Haedrich’s famous cranberry sauce, which is back by popular demand this year. She makes over 80 gallons of this delicious sauce and it goes fast, so make sure to pick up a tub or two! They also have plenty of fresh, hand cut turkey parts to make your thanksgiving stock extra delicious!

Also back this season, is Tip Top Meats’ Famous

Thanksgiving Day Meals which feature turkey dinners with white and dark meat along with mashed and sweet potatoes, stuffing, cranberry sauce, a roll and butter, all for only $14.98 + tax. If poultry isn’t for you, indulge in their Prime Rib meal, also available on Thanksgiving Day for $14.98 + tax. John is proud to confirm that his prices for these large portion homemade holiday meals are the same price as last year and he is proud to be able to offer his customers these value meals once again while keeping prices in check. Tip Top also has family meals available, please check with the team there for more details.

Big John wants to give thanks for all his blessings this holiday season especially his wonderful customers that have visited his meat market, restaurant and European delicatessen for over 5 decades. John says, “We are grateful and thankful to serve you as our loyal customers over the many decades. The supply, quantities and prices at Tip Top can’t be beat.” He went on to say, “From the entire team at Tip Top Meats, we wish you a happy and blessed holiday season.”

14 T he C oas T N ews - I N la N d e d ITI o N OCT. 28, 2022
THANKSGIVING PRIME RIB OR TURKEY DINNERS TURKEY DINNER White and dark meat, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, stuffing, cranberry sauce and roll and butter. PRIME RIB DINNER Prime Rib, baked potato & mixed vegetables and roll and butter. $1498 ea +tax $1498 ea +tax Celebrating 55 Years since 1967 Grateful & Thankful This Thanksgiving AVAILABLE YEAR ‘ROUND! +tax$8.98 $9.98+ tax Get your Diestel Turkey order in early! North County's Last Great Butcher Shop EUROPEAN DELICATESSEN & GOURMET FOODS 760.438.2620 6118 Paseo Del Norte • Carlsbad • $5.98 LB Free-range, all natural smoked Turkeys, whole or half Turkey Let Big John and his staff make your holidays JOYFUL and STRESS FREE! HAPPY GIVINGThanks for only FEATURING... John says, “When you come to Tip Top Meats, you always get what you want! We cater to you to make your holiday extra special at the most competitive prices. HURRY! Limited Quantity! Pick up your Turducken early before we run out! To all our wonderful customers, suppliers & associates — we wish you a very happy & peaceful holiday season.”

Food &Wine

Revisiting Ranch 45, where steak is the star

Dutch Steak & Eggs with a Brandt Beef Dutch Steak, two Eben-Haezer eggs, hash browns and a roasted toma to salsa.


SinceI first visited Ranch 45 in 2019 there have been some recent changes that piqued my interest enough to revisit this gourmet out post on Via De La Valle in Solana Beach.

The first is its new din ner service and the second is owner Pam Schwartz bringing on her husband and accomplished chef Aron Schwartz to run the kitch en. I featured Aron several years ago when he was the chef at the Marina Kitchen at the San Diego Marriot Marquis.

Aron is a San Diego native, a Torrey Pines grad uate who attended the Cu linary Institute of America and met Pam, who was also a student there at the time.

His culinary road to Ranch 45 is impressive. Post-graduation, Aron land ed a position as the sous chef for Charlotte Restaurant, a small food and wine-focused restaurant in Lakeville, Connecticut.

After that it was on to Las Vegas where he worked as sous chef for the French restaurant Lutèce at The Venetian, a great training ground for any chef. Follow ing his time in Las Vegas, Aron returned to San Di ego to work for Bernard’O Restaurant, then Marina Kitchen.

Pam’s culinary resume is equally impressive. Af ter graduating from CIA, she worked primarily front of the house and manage ment positions in Atlanta, Las Vegas and New York. In San Diego, she managed Ar terra, Pamplemousse Grille

and Hello Betty Fish House in Oceanside.

Aron and Pam definite ly have put their combined experience to good use at the fabulous Ranch 45. Lis ten to a deeper dive into both of their back stories on Lick the Plate on The

Mightier 1090 at

Before I get into their newish dinner service, I have to make note of one of the best breakfasts I’ve had in a while. After we record ed the radio portion of our interview, I ordered up their

Search continues for the perfect cocktail glass

at happy hour. If it is dirty, I wash it. The weight of it in my hand eases any anxiet ies I may have accumulated throughout the day.

Ice thumps comfort ably against the side walls, which will echo the crack ing across the cube when pouring my preferred alco

hol over the top.

There are rules about glasses. Professional bar tenders make sure to serve martinis in martini glasses; whiskey in a rocks glass; wine in a wine glass; a mule in a copper mug, and a Col lins in a highball. But since I’ve retired from slangin’

drinks (as the kids say), everything I drink gets poured into the same glass.

My favorite cocktail glass of all time had a horse on it. It was a thrift store find, and the base was thick glass. It had a heft

I’ll go out on a limb here and say it was the best steak, eggs and hash brown combo I’ve had. Eben-Haezer is a free-range egg ranch found ed in 1955 in Ramona and it produces some mighty fine eggs.

Brandt Beef is also fea tured prominently on the menu and in the meat case. It’s located in Brawley and has been in business since the early 1900s. Brandt Beef feeds its animals a vegetar ian corn-based diet without hormones and is antibiotic free.

The breakfast and lunch menu has a variety of tempt ing delights. The Ranch 45 Salad, Brandt Burger, House Smoked Pastrami Sandwich and the Smoked Tri Tip Sandwich are all standouts.

Besides my dally into that fabulous breakfast, this visit was about dinner and that was a standout as well. First up was the Grilled Shrimp Cocktail. Being somewhat of a shrimp cock tail freak, I’ll admit this is the first time I’ve had it grilled and it blew me away. The grilled flavor combined with their Harissa-Horse radish sauce and charred lemon is one of a kind and I highly recommend it.

We split the sizable Wedge Salad with Brandt Beef Bacon and I should mention there is a nice-look ing Smoked Ahi Tostada among the starters.

When I see risotto on a menu it’s almost a given I’m going to try one of my favor

ite dishes ever. We decided to give that a split also as we had beef on our minds for entrees. It was cooked to perfection with an interest ing twist of chunks of Vella Dry Jack cheese. It was a perfect complement to the meat fest that was on the way.

The Butcher Shop Se lection, as they call it, is the star of the show at Ranch 45. Again, Brandt is the star, but a Kagoshima A5 Wagyu is offered for those seeking meat perfection. I went with my favorite cut: the 12-ounce Brandt Ribeye and my seafaring compan ion Captain Mark Mihelich chose the Brandt Filet Mi gnon. Both were cooked to medium rare perfection.

It’s not all about steak, though. Ranch 45 offers a Beef Stew, Chicken Pail lard, Pan Seared Ocean Trout and a Veal Milanese along with its take on the Drugstore Burger.

We sat on the very com fortable outdoor dog-friend ly patio, and it should be not ed that a major expansion is underway with a full retail store and expanded butch er’s counter.

Ranch 45 is open sev en days a week for break fast and lunch and Thurs day-Saturday for dinner and is offering a new Wednesday Bistro menu with discount ed wine and an everything under $20 menu. Their full service catering is also very popular. Kids’ menu is avail able.

Ranch 45 is located at 512 Via de la Valle, suite 102 in Solana Beach. For more information, visit ranch45. com.

Ihada cocktail glass…

err, let me rephrase that. I’ve had many cocktail glasses. Let me rephrase again. I have a cocktail glass now that looks fantastic and vintage despite being recently pur chased.

It’s fine. It reflects light through the pattern on the glass in a cool way. Previ ously, it was on the shelf as a tea-light candle holder.* I have a cocktail glass, and it is fine.

Honestly, it’s a little bit too small in my hand, the weight isn’t right, and the glass doesn’t have the same precision as my other fa vorite cocktail glasses. So, when it comes to glassware, I’m a bit particular, but only because I care.

I’m loyal to a fault when I commit to a cocktail glass. It becomes part of my hand

OCT. 28, 2022 T he C oas T N ews - I N la N d e d ITI o N 15
THE CULINARY DREAM TEAM of Aron and Pam Schwartz at Ranch 45 in Solana Beach. The couple met as students at the Culinary Institute of America. Photo by David Boylan
lick the plate david
Bar • Restaurant BBQ Food Truck • Catering “Best Meat On The Street” 925 W. San Marcos Blvd. 760-290-3532 W. San Marcos Blvd S. Bent Ave. Park Pl. H
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ARIES (March 21 to April 19)

Although you love being the focus of everyone’s attention, it’s a good idea to take a few steps back right now to just watch the action. What you see can help with an upcoming decision.

TAURUS (April 20 to May 20)

“Caution” continues to be your watch word this week, as a former colleague tries to reconnect old links. There are still some dark places that need to be illuminated.

GEMINI (May 21 to June 20)

Making a good first impression is important. Revealing your often hid den sense of humor can help you get through some of the more awkward situations.

CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Are you taking that Cancer Crab image too seriously? Lighten up. Instead of complaining about your problems, start resolving them. A friend would be happy to help.

LEO (July 23 to August 22) A wid ening distance between you and that special person needs to be handled with honesty and sensitivity. Don’t let jealousy create an even greater gap between you two.

VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) Congratulations. Your handling of a delicate family matter rates kudos. But, no resting on your laurels just yet. You still have to resolve that on-the-job problem.

LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) You might surprise everyone by being unusually impulsive this week. But even level-headed Libras need to do the unexpected now and then.

SCORPIO (October 23 to Novem ber 21) A period of turmoil gives way to a calmer, more settled environ ment. Use this quieter time to patch up neglected personal and/or profession al relationships.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) A new relationship could create resentment among fami ly and friends who feel left out of your life. Show them you care by making more time for them.

CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) Concentrate on complet ing all your unfinished tasks before deadline. You’ll then be able to use this freed-up time to research new career opportunities.

AQUARIUS (January 20 to Feb ruary 18) You’re right to try to help colleagues resolve their heated dif ferences. But keep your objectivity, and avoid showing any favoritism between the two sides.

PISCES (February 19 to March 20) Your personal life continues to show positive changes. Enjoy this happy turn of events, by all means. But be careful not to neglect your workplace obligations.

BORN THIS WEEK: People of all ages look to you for advice and encouragement. You would make an excellent counselor.

16 T he C oas T N ews - I N la N d e d ITI o N OCT. 28, 2022 1. MYTHOLOGY: What are the Nereids in Greek mythology? 2. LITERATURE: Which 19th-century English novel has the subtitle, “The Parish Boy’s Progress”? 3. ACRONYMS: In printing, what does the acronym DPI stand for? 4. GEOGRAPHY: Which city lies near the largest natural harbor in the world? 5. ANIMAL KINGDOM: How does a bat find its prey? 6. HISTORY: Who is the youngest person to win a Nobel Peace Prize? 7. LANGUAGE: What does the Latin prefix “super-” mean in English? 8. LAW: What is double jeopardy? 9. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who founded the American Red Cross? 10. MEDICAL: What vitamin deficiency causes night blindness?
© 2022 King Features Synd., Inc. FROM KING FEATURES WEEKLY SERVICE, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803 CUSTOMER SERVICE: 800-708-7311 EXT. 257 SALOME’S STARS #12345_20221024 FOR RELEASE OCT. 24, 2022 EDITORS: These horoscopes are for use the week of Oct. 31, 2022. TRIVIA TEST ANSWERS 1.Seanymphs.2.“OliverTwist”(CharlesDickens).3.Dotsperinch.4.Sydney,Australia.5. Echolocation(sendinghigh-frequencysoundwaves).6.MalalaYousafzaiofPakistan,who ghtsfiforchildren’srightstoeducation,was17whenshewontheaward.7.Above,over(supervise,etc.).8.Prosecutingapersontwiceforthesameoffense.9.ClaraBarton.10.VitaminA.
OCT. 28, 2022 17 Handcrafte d In California Sinc e 45+ mattresses & futons to cho os 1 2 3 2 L o s Va l l e c ,M o n T h u r s : 1 1 7 P M Tu e • B o o k a n a p p o i n t m e n t o r s p e a k t o t h e s p o r e m a i l s t o r e 2 6 @ t h e f u t o n s h o p c o m • S h o p o n l i n e : t h e f u t o n s h o p c o m R o s a * S a n M at e o * S a c ra m e n t o * S a n J o s e * P l e a s a Organic Sofas & Se ctionals 20% 10 0 % n a t u r a l / n o p e t r o c h e m i c a l S o f a / S o f a b e d / L o v e s e a t / C h a i s e up to Mattresses - Platform Beds - Futons - Sofas - Sofa Beds 70% organic & chemical free mattresses & futons Certified Organic & Natural Ingredients Halloween Sale Organic Cotton Coconut Coir Organic Latex Organic Wool Horse hair Cashmere clearance / in-stock / custom Up To


OCT. 29


“Memories of a For gotten Childhood” by Lars Smekel, will be screened for the first time as part of the San Diego Inter national Kids' Film Festival at 1:30 p.m. Oct. 29 at Schulman Auditorium, 1775 Dove Lane, Carls bad. A Q&A with director is planned after the screen ing. For more infor mation, visit larss


The Oceanside Public Library will host a book club at 3 p.m. Oct. 29 in the

Civic Center Library, 330 N. Coast Highway, Oceanside, to discuss this year’s adult selection for One Book One San Diego, “The Vanishing Half,” by Brit Ben nett. Sign up re quired at one-book-one-sandiego.


La Jolla Symphony & Chorus begins its 2022-23 Rising season with “Power ful Nature,” 7:30 p.m. Oct. 29 and 2 p.m. Oct. 30 at Mandeville Auditorium, 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla. Tickets at mandeville.ucsd. edu/directions/index.html.

OCT. 30


San Diego Folk Heritage presents Tannahill Weavers in concert at 4 p.m. Oct. 30 at Pilgrim United Church of Christ, 2020 Chestnut Ave., Carlsbad. General Admis sion $25. Advance tickets at or at the door.


Ozuna and the OzuTochi Tour is in town from 7 to 10 p.m. Oct. 30 at the Pechanga Arena, 3500 Sports Arena Blvd., San Diego. Tickets at or allevents. in.

OCT. 31


The Encinitas Civic Art

M arketplace News

Show opens Oct. 31 and runs through Dec. 5 at City Hall, 505 S. Vulcan Ave., Encin itas with Misti Washington Gourd & Basket Guild.

NOV. 1


North Coast Repertory Theatre presents Tuesday Night Comics at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 1 at 987 Lomas San ta Fe Drive, Solana Beach, hosted by Lisa Gilbert. Tick ets $39 at (858) 481-1055 or

NOV. 2


All Oceanside Public Library locations will be closed Wednesday, Nov. 2,


Halloween happenings


County Supervisor Desmond talks with residents at Silvergate San Marcos on key concerns for seniors


October 27, 2022 – More than 30 inquisitive residents and team members from Sil vergate San Marcos -- the area’s premier senior living community -- turned out for an informative presentation by County Supervisor Jim Desmond on Tuesday, Oc tober 18 to hear an update on key issues relevant to seniors in the community.

The 45-minute discussion focused on several topics, including mental health, homelessness, and the cur rent state of the Covid pan demic in California.

“We know seniors can have a hard time getting out, which is why we be lieve it’s important to bring intriguing programs like this directly to them right where they live,” said Joan Rink-Carroll, Executive Director for Silvergate San Marcos. “Having access to relevant speakers is a true benefit to living here, and it’s exactly these types of events that make Silvergate so unique among senior liv ing communities. There are so many more unique expe riences like this coming to the community in the com ing weeks.”

Desmond, who is a U.S. Navy Veteran and north San Diego County resident, currently serves as a board member for the San Diego County Water Authority, the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO), the San Onofre Nuclear Gen erating Station Removal Board and the North Coun ty Transit District (NCTC). While not a career politi cian, Desmond spent more than a decade as Mayor of San Marcos while simulta neously working as a pilot for Delta Airlines before re tiring in 2020.

During his speech, the Supervisor gave residents a

robust overview of what he -- as one of five district Su pervisors -- has responsibili ty for on a day-to-day basis. He described the primary uses of the $7 billion budget they oversee, along with the improvements he’s seeking in county health services, roads and traffic, homeless services, tax collection and many other areas affecting seniors. His talk also ad dressed issues such as men tal health and what’s being done to assist those in need; the growing population of San Marcos and what im provements to the commu nity he believes will help support that growth; safety upgrades through highly trafficked areas; and, how law enforcement’s numbers can be bolstered to keep the citizens of San Diego safe.

“I was pleased to attend this event today to learn more about the Supervisor’s plans,” said Joan Slavinski, a resident of Silvergate who previously owned a floral business in town, served on the local planning board and has resided in San Marcos for more than two decades. “I went into this discussion a little apprehensive. Poli tics are very personal, but when my husband and I left

the event, we felt very sat isfied with the Supervisor’s answers. It left us with an impressed feeling.”

“We appreciate the Su pervisor taking the time to come out and share his views with our residents directly during what we know is a busy political season,” said David Petree, Chief Exec utive Officer of AmeriCare Health & Retirement, the parent company to the Sil vergate retirement commu nities in San Diego County.

Bill Feeney, a former Boston police officer and resident of San Marcos since 2001 said, “I have voted for Desmond a couple of times before. He has deep ties with the community. I want ed to get some time with him during this discussion to see how his views and opinions have shifted with time. I’m glad Silvergate brought him in to speak to us so that I could ask him questions per sonally.”

Bringing local politi cians like Desmond into Sil vergate to engage with res idents is part of the senior living community’s ongoing program of onsite activities and events. The year-round roster of events at Silver gate offers a wide range of

educational opportunities peppered with regular ap pearances from local politi cians, well-known authors, historians, astronomers, ed ucators, health professionals and subject matter experts. These programs are one of the many ways Silvergate is making every day matter for its residents.


For more than 25 years, Silvergate San Marcos has been the region’s premier retirement community, of fering award-winning In dependent Living, Assisted Living and Memory Care services. The community builds intriguing events and fun-filled activities right into the lifestyle, keeping residents active and social ly engaged throughout the year. Families often discov er that loved ones are more ready for senior living than they think. To learn more about Silvergate San Marcos or other upcoming events at the community, call David Nelson, Marketing Direc tor at 760-744-4484 or visit Sil vergate San Marcos is locat ed at 1550 Security Place, San Marcos, CA 92078.


Agua Hedionda La goon Foundation hosts its Haunted Corn Maze, from 6:30 to 10 p.m. Oct. 28 and Oct. 29 at 1050 Cannon Road, Carlsbad.


The San Dieguito Heritage Museum and the Ovation Theatre are col laborating on a Haunted Ghost Town at Heritage Ranch, 450 Quail Gardens Drive Oct. 28 to Oct. 30

Visit for tickets and more informa tion. Ticket prices are $20 for adults and $10 for chil dren 10 and under.


In honor of the tra ditional Day of the Dead holiday, the historic Leo Carrillo Ranch hacienda, at 6200 Flying Leo Car rillo Lane, Carlsbad, is dressed up with colorful decorations and a custom ary ofrenda table dedicat ed to the Carrillo family. The main building of the hacienda is open for vis itors from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Fridays through Sun days until Nov. 2 , with a special open house 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Oct. 28 and Oct. 29. No tickets are required.


The Gaslamp Quarter presents free Friday Gas lamp Flicks: Halloween Edition, outdoor movie night for the family Oct. 28 , with “The Nightmare Before Christmas” at 6:30 p.m. and “Beetlejuice” at 8:30 p.m. On Island Street between 4th and 5th Ave nues, San Diego. Get free tickets at


Legoland California Resort holds its Brick-orTreat Monster Party Oct. 29. More information at nia.


Join the Dia de los Muertos event organized by Encinitas Friends of the Arts from noon to 4 p.m. Oct. 29 at the Encin itas Community & Senior Center, 1140 Oakcrest Park Drive, Encinitas. Ballet folklorico dancers,

Mariachi bands, ofrendas, Callejeros de Encinitas Car Club and more.


80s HEAT presents “Halloween Heat” with The Last Dance at the Bel ly Up Tavern at 8 p.m. Oct. 29 at 143 S. Cedros Ave., Solana Beach. For tickets and information, visit bel


Calling all kids in costume, looking for trickor-treating. Stop by the Village Faire Shopping Center from noon to 3 p.m. Oct. 30 at 300 Carlsbad Vil lage Drive, Carlsbad. The Carlsbad Village Faire businesses will be handing out candy. Even well-man nered Fido in costume is welcome.


There will be a fam ily-friendly Halloween Trunk or Treat event fol lowing Sunday worship services at 10 a.m. and again at 11:30 a.m. Oct. 30 at the Village Church, 6225 Paseo Delicias, Ran cho Santa Fe. Cars will have trunks filled with candy for trick or treaters. Church-friendly costumes are welcome. More infor mation at alycenn@vil


Cowboy Jack plays Country-Western music from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Oct. 30 at the Mel lano Farm Stand Spooky Festival, 5750 North River Road, Oceanside.


The Encinitas 101 MainStreet Association will present its “Safe Trickor-Treat” event from 5 to 8 p.m. Oct. 31, along with Pumpkin Lane, on High way 101. Trick-or-treating at local businesses.


Pumpkin Station is open from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. through Oct. 31 at the Del Mar Fairgrounds, East Lot 15555, Jimmy Du rante Blvd., Del Mar. Vis it pumpkin-stations/del-marpumpkin-station/ for a cou pon for a free train ride.

18 T he C oas T N ews - I N la N d e d ITI o N OCT. 28, 2022
Marketplace News is paid sponsored content Know something that’s going on? To post an event, visit us online at
SAN DIEGO COUNTY Supervisor Jim Desmond speaks with residents at Silvergate San Marcos, a senior living community that hosted the politician to hear about updates to his plans for the region. Courtesy photo

for staff training. The Li brary will reopen at 9 a.m. Nov. 3.


The La Costa chapter of the North County Par kinson’s Support Group will meet from 1 to 3 p.m. Nov. 2 at Christ Presbyteri an Church, 7807 Centella, Carlsbad. Information at


The Catholic Widows and Widowers of North County, a group for those who desire to foster friend ships through various so cial activities, will attend All Souls Mass, Prince of Peace Abby, Oceanside Nov. 2; Walk Oak Ripari an Park, 4625 Lake Blvd., Oceanside Nov. 4 and hold a general meeting and Thanksgiving potluck, San Rafael Church, Oceanside Nov. 13. Reservations are required at (760) 696-3502.

NOV. 3


Hear Guster and Rat boys at 7 p.m. Nov. 3 at the Belly Up Tavern, 143 S. Ce dros Ave., Solana Beach. For tickets and informa tion, visit

NOV. 4


Hear Mustache Harbor at 9 p.m. Nov. 4 at the Belly Up Tavern, 143 S. Cedros Ave., Solana Beach. For tickets and information, visit


Join Wounded Warrior Homes at the Boogie Woo gie Ball from 6 to 10 p.m. Nov. 4 for live 1940s music from the jazz quartet 'Gin & Tonix', plus dancing, dinner, silent and live auc tions. Raise funds to pro vide transitional housing and services for post-9/11 veterans challenged with PTSD and traumatic brain injury. Register at wound edwarriorhomes.ejoinme. org/BoogieWoogieBall_ Register.


The Escondido Arts Partnership will take do nations from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Nov. 4 and Nov. 5 at the gallery, 262 E. Grand Ave., Escondido for its Nov. 12 Yart Sale. Bring clean usable/reusable art related stuff - art supplies, canvasses, frames (without glass), books, artworks, craft supplies, music in struments and more.

NOV. 5


The North Coast Sym phony Orchestra cele brates its 75th anniversary with a concert featuring American composers at 2:30 p.m. Nov. 5 at the San Dieguito United Methodist Church, 170 Calle Mag delena, Encinitas, with reception to follow. Ad mission: $12 general, $10 seniors/students/military, $30/family max. For more information, visit north


Carlsbad Music Festi val returns 1 to 9 p.m. Nov. 5 at St. Michael’s by-theSea, 2775 Carlsbad Blvd., Carlsbad, with headliner Monophonics, 60 free per formances plus ticketed events. For schedules and tickets, visit carlsbadmu nounce.


The California Surf Museum invites all to its 14th annual gala fundrais er from 4 to 10 p.m. Nov. 5 at Cape Rey Hilton, 1 Point Drive, Carlsbad. Tickets at, at the California Surf Museum, or call (760) 721-6876.


Tainted Love and DJ CG 8.0 come to the Belly Up Tavern, at 8 p.m. Nov. 5 at 143 S. Cedros Ave., So lana Beach. For tickets and info, visit


The MiraCosta Sym phony Orchestra presents “Romantic Masterworks — Beethoven and Dvorák” at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 5 and Nov. 6 in the Concert Hall (OC2406) on campus, 1 Barnard Drive, Oceans ide. $10 General Admis sion. More information at

NOV. 6


Fall Back to the Past with a free family-friendly Sunday at the 22nd annu al Fall Back Festival from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Nov. 6 in downtown San Diego’s Gaslamp Quarter. For more information, contact (619) 233-5008 or visit gas


Thanks4Giving hosts the Jokes4Spokes fund raiser, 5 to 7:30 p.m. Nov. 6 at the Mic Drop, 8878 Clairemont Mesa Blvd., San Diego. Cost $25 at

NOV. 7


Republican Women of California-San Marcos host a dinner to honor vet erans and active-duty mili tary at 5:30 p.m. Nov. 7 the St. Mark Golf Club, 1750 San Pablo Drive, Lake San Marcos. Registration ($31 to RWC-SM), and names of those veterans/active duty you would like to have rec ognized, to Elizabeth Lais ter, 1053 San Pablo Drive, Lake San Marcos 92078 by Oct. 31. Information at or (760) 744-1569


The Inland North County Parkinson’s Sup port Group meets from 10 a.m. to noon Nov. 7 at San Rafael Church, 17252 Ber nardo Center Drive. For more information, call (760) 749-8234 or (760) 518-1963.

NOV. 8


The free Internation

M arketplace News

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Celebrating menopause – the end is just the beginning!

I don’t feel beautiful anymore. I feel old and wrinkled and my hair is thinning. I’m depressed and can’t sleep. “These are some of the ‘glass half emp ty’ comments that I often hear from my mature pa tients going through meno pause,” said Kari Lynn Pur cott, MD, a board-certified obstetrician/gynecologist at Pacific View OB/GYN, TriCity Medical Center’s new est OB/GYN clinic. “But I try to encourage them to see the ‘glass half full’ and celebrate this time in their lives. Menopause is the be ginning of freedom from monthly periods, cramps and worrying about getting pregnant.”

“I also reinforce that menopause is a normal part of the aging process and that it is OK to talk about it,” added Dr. Purcott. “Women readily share issues related to pregnancy but are often afraid to open up about their experiences during menopause. I've seen the relief on my patients’ faces when they finally get over that fear and self-imposed shame. Once they ask ques tions and learn what is hap pening to their bodies, they realize that they are not ‘broken’ and feel empow ered. It makes me so happy to see them embrace this change.”

Menopause occurs when a woman’s ovaries no longer produce eggs and the level of estrogen and progesterone, female hor mones, declines. A woman officially reaches meno pause only after it has been 12 months since her last period. From this point on, a woman can no longer have children and will be in “postmenopause.”

Women may begin to experience menopause symptoms during their mid to late forties, and most will reach this milestone by age 52, according to the Office on Women’s Health at the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. This transition period, which may last about four years,

is referred to as “perimeno pause” and is often when women begin to see irregu larities in their periods and experience symptoms, such as hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness and low li bido due to changes in hor mone levels.

“It’s important for women to understand that just like they are uniquely different, so too will be the ways in which they experi ence these symptoms and the treatments that work most effectively for them,” said Dr. Purcott. “Some women will only have few hot flashes throughout the day, while others will have many and these hot flashes can last for one to five min utes or more. Fortunately, there are several treatment options and lifestyle chang es to improve these various symptoms that may contin ue for years.”

Hormone therapy en tails either estrogen thera py or combination therapy (estrogen and progesterone) if a woman still has her uter us. It is sometimes called hormone replacement ther apy, or HRT, and the drug is synthetic (man-made). According to the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG), there are different forms of hor

mone therapy: pills, skin patches, gels and sprays are used to release the hormone into the bloodstream so that it travels to the appropriate part of the body, whereas vaginal rings, tablets and creams release the hormone directly into the vaginal tis sue. As with any prescrip tion medication, there may be some risks such as heart disease, stroke or breast cancer. Women should dis cuss dose, duration, regi men and route of admin istration with their doctor based on their individual needs.

“The standard of care for treating menopause symptoms is hormone ther apy,” said Dr. Purcott. “Lo cal vaginal treatments for dryness are very safe as they are at a lower dose and only affect that area of the body. Although some of my patients use supplements, I do not recommend them as they are only weakly supported by scientific ev idence, if at all. Similarly, hormone pellet therapy is a new option that may prove beneficial but is currently not regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administra tion (FDA).”

Hormone pellet ther apy is an in-office, mini mally invasive procedure

during which a doctor plac es implants, smaller than a grain of rice, under the skin near the hip that slow ly and continuously release hormones over three to six months. These “compound ed bioidentical” hormone pellets contain a mixture of hormones that are derived from plants that mimic hu man hormones. These drugs are prescribed off-label by a physician, customized for each woman and mixed by a licensed pharmacist.

Exercising, eating a healthy diet, losing weight, quitting smoking, medi tating and getting enough sleep are all lifestyle chang es that may help to improve symptoms. “Changes in a woman’s body from child birth, age, menopause or genetics can weaken her pelvic floor and may cause urinary incontinence,” add ed Dr. Purcott. “Strength ening the muscles in the pelvic floor through Kegel exercises, can help. I often recommend a woman physi cal therapist who specializ es in the female pelvic floor to work with my patients to get these muscles back in shape.”

Most symptoms will eventually subside over time and become more re lated to aging than meno pause. Since women are at greater risk for conditions such as heart disease, stroke and osteoporosis when they reach postmenopause, it is essential that they continue to see a doctor.

“As women, I think we're fabulous because we are,” said Dr. Purcott. “It may take a little bit more effort for a woman to un derstand her body and really get to know what's normal, which is why I am passionate about teaching my female patients about menopause, so that we can celebrate this time in their lives. The end is just the be ginning!”

To schedule an appoint ment with Dr. Purcott to discuss menopause, please call 760-476-2929, or visit Pacific View OB/GYN.

OCT. 28, 2022 T he C oas T N ews - I N la N d e d ITI o N 19
KARI LYNN PURCOTT, MD is a board-certified obstetrician/gynecolo gist at Pacific View OB/GYN, Tri-City Medical Center’s newest OB/GYN clinic. Courtesy photo
Then you need to check out The Coast News EVENT CALENDAR for things to do in North County SD I’m Looking for something FUN to do... To view or post events, SCAN THE QR CODE or visit us online at

the Ballet Folklórico club began their performance, dancing in vibrant ranche ro-style dresses with large, swirling skirts. Folklórico features traditional dances and costumes representa tive of the various states of Mexico.

“It’s important be cause of the culture, and representing the different states of Mexico and the different kinds of music. It’s very fun to show that in the way we were all just dancing,” said freshman

Bianca Isham.

Following their perfor mance, dozens of students joined in to dance together.

The event finished with the piñata, which withstood only a few at tacks by determined stu dents before crashing to the ground to the sound of victorious cheers.

Bonnie Bagheri, As sociated Student Body Director at San Marcos High, said the school has a very active student body who come up with creative ideas for activities to share with their peers. In the past, the school’s seven or eight different Hispanic student clubs have also hosted celebrations of Día de los Muertos and Día de los Niños.

“For me, it’s about em powering them [students] to share culture, or it could be something they’re pas sionate about,” Bagheri said. “It’s a chance for them to come out and feel really safe and know we’re gonna support them.”

Edwards-Tate is the choice for Palomar Health Board

A wealth of knowledge, leadership, professional ex perience and four years on the Palomar Health Board of Directors make Laurie Ed wards-Tate the easy choice to re-elect for Division 3.

During her tenure on the board, Edwards-Tate has been a steward of patient advocacy, financial manage ment and long-term vision to read industry trends to position the board, and the hospital and its staff, in the best position.

As a CEO of her own healthcare business for 30 years, who also founded a nonprofit coupled with a master’s degree in human resources and organizational management, Edwards-Tate understands the nuances of how a large-scale business functions and where chal lenges lay ahead.

“I am a positive force during changing times,” Edwards-Tate said. “I am running because when I vote, my vote carries for and on behalf of the entire dis trict. I am running because I care.”

Edwards-Tate’s profes sional experience is undeni able. With her State of CA licensed Home Care Organi zation, she focuses on home and community-based ser vices. She serves disabled seniors, individuals with developmental disabilities, and veterans.

Her district covers ar eas in Carlsbad (La Costa, Rancho Carillo), San Mar cos, parts of Escondido and Rancho Santa Fe. Palomar Health, meanwhile, is the largest hospital district in the state with 600,000 resi


With so many residents, and their health at stake, Edwards-Tate is prioritizing patients, fiscal responsibil ity and addressing future headwinds now, rather than take a reactive approach, she said. She also wants to ensure the hospital’s staff can meet its demand, while being compensated appro priately.

adapting to an ever-chang ing landscape.

“Throughout that time, my main concern was the patient,” Edwards-Tate said. “I never lost my focus. The patient we serve is our whole reason for being.”

running because I care.”

how it is rapidly changing. Edwards-Tate said her sec ond term will also focus on long-term strategic plan ning to proactively position the hospital and the board to meet the labor force de mands and the realities of tomorrow.

She said a lack of bal ance in Sacramento from a legislative perspective is a hurdle for the hospital, but also the industry trends in healthcare. The labor force, Edwards-Tate said, the coun try will lose 90,000 physi cians due to retirement or burn out.

For years she has known this wave, whether the Sil ver Wave or burn out, has been on the horizon. Ed wards-Tate said these re alities, plus the imbalance in the legislature, requires an experienced voice who knows how to address and proactively move the hospi tal in the right direction.

al Film Series at MiraCos ta College presents “The Kingdom of Dreams and Madness,” at 7 p.m. Nov. 8, Oceanside Campus, Little Theater (OC3601), 1 Bar nard Drive, Oceanside.


El Camino Quilt Guild meets at 9:30 a.m. Nov. 8 at The Fields Church, 2265 Camino Vida Roble, Carls bad. Guest fee $10. Visit or email info@elcaminoquil for more informa tion.

NOV. 9


The Vista Chamber of Commerce is holding a hir ing fair from 4 to 7 p.m. Nov. 9 at the Vista Civic Center, 200 Civic Center Drive. More information at vista


Spend an Evening with Ambrosia at 8 p.m. Nov. 9 at The Belly Up Tavern, 143 S. Cedros Ave., Solana Beach. For tickets and information, visit


Be part of the 18th San

She’s also chaired sev eral committees giving her a more thorough foundation and understanding of oper ations, staff and the hospi tal’s finances. Additionally, she put in countless hours of work during the COVID-19 pandemic, where she would spend days planning and

Diego Bay Wine & Food Fes tival to be held Nov. 9 to Nov. 13. Times and locations at all-days/. Tickets at sandie


Take a day trip to the Valle de Guadalupe for a cross-border exploration of wineries, restaurants and culinary experiences in Baja California. Tickets at event/expeditions/baja-cu linary-expedition/.

NOV. 10


Join the Farm & Nurs ery Expo with a tradeshow from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and a social hour from 3 to 4 p.m. Nov. 10 at the California Center for the Arts, 340 N. Escondido Blvd., Escondi do. Pre-register to attend at attend/.


There will be a charity concert headlined by Steve Poltz at the Belly Up Tavern at 7 p.m. Nov. 10. Proceeds go to the Adapt Scholarship Fund for those affected by MS, ALS, SCI and other conditions. For tickets and information, visit bellyup. com.

She said if the board and staff are not doing their best by prioritizing and tak ing care of their residents, then the hospital will fail. With that leadership and mission, Edwards-Tate said her excellent leadership and ability to manage large-scale budgets ensures the hospital can move forward in a posi tive direction.

“I realized that it is im perative upon those of us who have the capacity or background to be a positive source or positive force of help,” she said. “During the changing time of healthcare, I felt it incumbent upon me to get re-elected.”

Paid for by Laurie Edwards-Tate for Palomar Health Board 2022.

One of the biggest chal lenges that lays ahead, she said, is the labor force and


The MiraCosta Col lege Theatre presents “The Merry Wives of Windsor” Nov. 10 through Nov. 20, Oceanside Campus, Theatre (OC2001), 1 Barnard Drive, Oceanside. For perfor mance schedule and tickets, visit miracostatheatre.uni aspx?SeriesID=8.

NOV. 11


The Del Mar Racetrack opens its winter racing sea son on Nov. 11 through Dec. 4 at the Del Mar Racetrack, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd., Del Mar. Tickets at dmtc. com/tickets.


San Diego Children's Choir Fall Concert, honor ing veterans, is at 5 p.m. Nov. 11 at the The Conrad Prebys Performing Arts Center, 7600 Fay Ave., La Jolla. Tickets at https:// d=34b5983061&mc_eid=c 4fa3c2859.


Joining Shimshai at 8 p.m. Nov. 11 at Soul of Yoga, 627 Encinitas Blvd., Encin itas, will be musician, sing er, songwriter Joss Jaffe.

Tickets at ShimshaiConcert.

NOV. 12


City Ballet of San Diego presents a special family ballet, “Carnival of the An imals” Nov. 12 with special activities in the lobby for children at 1:30 p.m. and performance at 2 p.m. at the Balboa Theatre, 868 Fourth Ave., San Diego. Tickets $25 at event/0A005D19AA432175.


Spend an evening with Big Head Todd & the Mon sters at 8 p.m. Nov. 12 and Nov. 13 at The Belly Up Tav ern, 143 S. Cedros Ave., So lana Beach. Tickets $47 to $83 at


“Spirit Of The Valley,” a free celebration of the Lu iseño Tribe, The San Luis Rey Band of Mission Indian is being held from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Nov. 12 at Heri tage Park, 220 Peyri Drive, Oceanside. For more infor mation, visit valley-arts-festival or call (760)-730-5203.


20 T he C oas T N ews - I N la N d e d ITI o N OCT. 28, 2022
SAN MARCOS High School students make paper flow ers during a Hispanic Heritage Month celebration at the school last week. Photo by Laura Place
HERITAGE CONTINUED FROM 3 LEARN TO CODE • JAVA • PYTHON • UNITY Prepare for a career in tech! Students in grade 5-12 In-Person classes Online Classes Prep for AP Comp. Sci. A Work towards Oracle Certificate Small Class sizes (858) 248-0481 Register Now! M arketplace News Paid Political Advertisement
A VOTE for Laurie Edwards-Tate is a vote for a health care advocate you can trust. Laurie promises to be an independent voice for ALL peo ple in the district. Courtesy photo
I am
Escondido Arts Part CALENDAR CONTINUED FROM 19 TURN TO CALENDAR ON 22 If every person takes one small step toward being more conscientious of the environment, the collective effort will change the planet. THINK GREEN

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Offering the JOY of Music to Everyone!

nership is having a “YART” sale fundraiser with surplus art supplies from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Nov. 12 at the Escondi do Arts Partnership, 262 E. Grand Ave., Escondido.



All new at the 2022 En cinitas Turkey Trot, kids un der 10 are free. Kids run the age-banded short course and receive free, brightly-col ored “K” T-shirts and fin ishers medal, plus room to take photos/video of all the action. Register for Nov. 24 race at encinitasturkeytrot. org/.


An Elite Music com petition will be held at 10

a.m. Dec. 3 at Ruby Schul man Auditorium, 1775 Dove Lane, Carlsbad for students ages 6 through 22. Piano, violin, guitar, cello, voice, duets, and ensembles up to 4 players are welcome. Application due Nov. 15 at forms/application.



October’s Kids Free Month runs through Oct. 31 at both the San Diego Zoo and San Diego Zoo Safari Park. For more information about Kids Free, HalGLOW een and Autumn Festival, visit


Tickets are now on sale for The Old Globe’s “Dr. Seuss’s How the Grinch Stole Christmas,” at tinyurl.



The Old Globe’s 2023 Season has been announced, kicking off in January with “The Notebooks of Leonar do da Vinci.” Tickets and schedule at


MiraCosta College Kruglak Art Gallery hosts artist Sage Serrano’s “Pa perworks” through Nov. 4 at the Oceanside Campus, 1 Barnard Drive, Oceans ide in the Student Center (OC3419).


Regional artists contrib ute fiber works to the Visions Museum of Textile Art San Diego art exhibition through Nov. 4 at 2825 Dewey Road, Suite 100, San Diego, with textiles and natural materi als are used in sculptures, garments, basketry, instal lations, book art, and more.


The San Diego Automo tive Museum launched “Elu sive Luxuries- Supercars and the Thrill of the Chase” run ning through Jan. 8 at 2080 Pan American Plaza, San Di ego. See a 1966 Ferrari 275, 2012 Lamborghini Aventaor, 1953 Bentley Mark VI and Graber Drophead Coupé

Learn to play ‘Best Day of My Life’ - today!

What if you could learn to play a song today? Learn ing to play a piece of music may seem complicated, but in the following five easy steps, you will be able to play today!

In this interactive mu sic lesson article, we will focus on these five steps.

STEP 1. Download and print the Sheet Music from our website: www.leading sic

STEP 2. Listen to the Song "Best Day Of My Life” by American Authors.

STEP 3. Count the Beats and the Rhythm.

STEP 4. Learn the two


North Coast Repertory Theatre presents “Into The Breeches!” running through Nov. 13 at 987 Lomas Santa Fe Drive, Suite D, Solana Beach. Tickets at northcoas


Palomar College Plane tarium host two shows every Friday at 7 p.m. “The Sky To night,” and 8:15 p.m. “Full dome Presentation.” When the weather cooperates, col lege staff sets up telescopes on the patio for free viewing.


Join the docent-guid ed, moderately strenuous, long-distance educational hike at Elfin Forest Recre ational Reserve from 8 to 11 a.m. from in front of the Elf in Forest Interpretive Cen ter, 8833 Harmony Grove Road, Escondido.


A Recreational Trail Master Plan links out door-related hikes within Olivenhain. The trails range in difficulty, terrain and environment. Olivenhain Trails Maps available for sale at Carter’s Hay & Grain. For more information, visit


Join Coastal 101 Bird ing along the Buena Vista Lagoon from 9 a.m. to noon every fourth Saturday. Meet at the Buena Vista Nature Center, 2202 S. Coast High

chords, D & G.

STEP 5. Sing and Play with our interactive in structional video: www. bestdayofmylifeinstruc tionalvideo

STEPS 1- 3

Once you have down loaded the sheet music from our website, listen to the song and count the rhythm. You will notice each line of the song is four counts. (4/4) Count one, two, three, four, and start over again, one, two, three, four.

STEP 4. Learn the two chords, D & G.

For the D chord, you will play three notes, D, F

way, Oceanside. No registra tion required.


North County Cycle Club rides every Saturday morning starting at 8 a.m. and also 8:30 a.m., from the car park of Old California Restaurant Row, 1020-1080 W. San Marcos Blvd., San Marcos. See ridewithgps. com/organizations/381-nccc/ home?lang=endetails for more information.


Through Nov. 5, Down town Oceanside offers the new gO’side Downtown shut tle, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily for passenger boarding from Oceanside Harbor south to Vista Way in the area west of Interstate 5.


The fall exhibition at the Timken Museum of Art will be “Exchanging Words: Women and Letters in Sev enteenth-Century Dutch Genre Painting,” through Dec. 31 at 1500 El Prado, San Diego.


Oceanside Museum of Art presents the second half of its 25th anniversary cel ebration Legacy: 25 Years of Art and Community -The Recent Years (2012-2021) running through Feb. 19, 2023 at 704 Pier View Way, Oceanside. The exhibition will feature artwork collect ed from landmark OMA ex hibits.

sharp, and A.

For the G chord, you will play three notes, G, B, and D. Those two chords are played throughout the song, back and forth. Look at the sheet music. It's that sim ple.

STEP 5. Sing and Play with our Interactive Video!

We have the entire song on video on our web site which you can watch for free:



that tempted me to throw it against the wall like I was a black-hatted cowboy in an old western film, but I would never.

Sadly, it slipped from my grasp during a wash ing session. The Ameri can Saddle Horse (glass) would ride no more.

Then for a time, I was obsessed with Mason jars. Besides being available in various sizes and shapes, the screwtop lids came in handy when traveling to the beach for sunset.

Not to mention many had convenient marks on the side, making mixing a cocktail easier.

I’m a believer that the right cocktail glass finds me. A type of mag ic occurs when I pick up the right glass for the first time — I just know.

So, for now, I’ll make do with the tea-light glass or, in a pinch, a leftover jar of Bonne Maman fruit preserves with a red-white checkered lid. The search continues.

Post a photo of your favorite cocktail glass, mug, or jar and tag @ CoastNews and @Cheer sNorthCounty on Insta gram. Then, follow and share all of your drinking adventures with Cheers! North County on Face book and Instagram.

• The 14th Annual Thanksgiving Punk Rock Food Drive is being held on Saturday, Nov. 12, at Belching Beaver Brewing in Oceanside.

Eight punk bands will be playing the benefit to support the North Coun ty Food Bank. Live music goes from 2 p.m. to close, and tickets are only $10.

Last year’s event gen erated 26,000 meals for those in need. Hopefully, this year’s concert will be the biggest yet. Get tick ets at or support the effort from afar by donating at do

*Shout out to my wife for thinking outside the box.

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