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Your Essential Weekly Read Tues 15th Dec - Mon 21st Dec 2015

Locals protest for Orihuela Costa Emergency Services Centre More than 120 people turned out on Saturday (12th December) to protest the non-completion of the Emergency Services Centre in Orihuela Costa. he rally took place in front of the skeleton of the building. Despite the foundation stone being laid in 2010, the partly completed building has stood derelict for years; a symbol of the neglect and abandonment of Orihuela Costa. The protest was organised by CLARO, which invited other political parties and representatives of associations and social groups, as well as local residents to join forces and demand the centre be completed. Many attended, including the Councillor for Coordination of Orihuela Costa Sofia Alvarez and several spoke at the rally. The intention was to hold a broadly based protest to express anger at the


delay in securing essential emergency services in Orihuela Costa, an area with a resident population greater than Orihuela city, which increases from some 35,000 to over 200,000 in the summer months and to which must be added the presence daily of thousands of visitors to the La Zenia Boulevard Commercial Centre. CLARO’s new president, Paul Piccio, said: “We all need the sure and reliable essential services of police, fire and ambulance which, in a heavily populated area, can only be organised adequately if locally based with local knowledge. The protesters were told of several regrettable recent instances where ambulances have either not arrived at all or after delays of CONTINUED ON PAGE 2



CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015



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Claire Richards: Editor

Continued from front page 40 minutes. The consequences of essential emergency services, and in these delays have been traumatic for particular the spate of recent those involved and tragically, even examples of ambulances arriving late fatal.” or not at all, are causing increasing Ambulances can come from as far concern within the local community. away as Orihuela – 45 minutes by road. Paul Piccio said: “It is shameful that 5 In principle, there should be an years after laying the foundation stone of ambulance stationed in Cabo Roig during a modern integrated emergency services the daytime but it is very often not there. The night centre which would include a 24 hour local police service was withdrawn several years ago. The fire station, a national police presence, an ambulance brigade serving Orihuela Costa is based in Torrevieja service, a fire service, the Red Cross and and it too is subject to delays since the fire crews are Neighbourhood Watch, work on completion of the not familiar with the sprawling building has been paralysed. Political geography of the ever expanding differences between Orihuela and the Orihuela Costa and often cannot find regional government in Valencia, their destination. There is no 24 hours which has provided the budget for local police station in Orhuela Costa the Centre and is in charge of the We all need the sure and project, are largely to blame. But the and after 3 pm when the Playa Flamenca office of the Town Hall reliable essential services of fact that these political differences closes its doors, the police service is should have resulted in such a huge police, fire and ambulance delay in providing essential services provided by a patrol car with a mobile telephone number. Moreover, as which, in a heavily populated shows how little Orihuela Costa Paul Piccio stressed, if the ratio of local counts in the minds of the relevant police to population was respected in area, can only be organised authorities. Until Orihuela Costa raises Orihuela Costa the number of local adequately if locally based its political voice, this neglect will police should be at least doubled in continue.” with local knowledge. number. He said the local police ‘do a To conclude the rally, the largest good job in Orihuela Costa but there seen for many years in Orihuela Costa, is no question that they are Paul Piccio, voiced the outrage felt at undermanned’. this shameful neglect and demanded The large turnout highlighted the that the Mayor of Orihuela make concern of local residents over these issues and the urgent representations to Valencia to ensure that the need for full time local provision of emergency project is put out to tender again and completed as services. The facts about Orihuela Costa’s deficient a matter of urgency.




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MAGNIFICENT COLLECTION FORCARITAS IN MEMORY OF A COSTALERO The International Cofradia of Torrevieja that carries the Paso of Jesus in the Garden of Olives in the Easter processions lost one of its members last month. KeithWightman died from a heart attack as he was playing walking football in the Orihuela Costa. Keith had been a member of the International Cofradia and a costalero since 2012. His wife, Barbara, is also a member of the cofradia

and has taken part in the Easter parades as a Nazarena also since 2012. Keith’s funeral took place on Friday, November 20 at the Cristo Recusitado Church in La Regia. A collection was held afterwards and a magnificent total of €690 was achieved.The money is destined to be a donation to the local branch of the Spanish charity Caritas.


CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015

BITE SIZE Spanish property NEWS: investment reaches

Finish what we started

The final stretch of Dave and Mitch’s row along the Rio Segura will be completed on 16th December starting at 12.00pm. They will be setting off from Algorfa at 12.00pm and finishing in Guardamar port 18km away at 4.30pm. Dave and Mitch would love to see anyone who’s got the time and the inclination coming out to support them. Dave and Mitch began their challenge of travelling by kayak all the way from Murcia to Guardamar on the 28th November. Unfortunately, it had to be suspended due to a delay in setting off and the danger of continuing in the dark. The event is part of fundraising efforts for the cancer charity AECC.

Thanks to the Posh Club Paul Cunningham Nurses would like to say thank you to the Posh Club for hosting their Christmas Fayre on Sunday 6th December. The Velvetones sang Christmas carols at the event and a number of stall holders attended and money was raised for charity. They would also like to take this opportunity to wish their customers and supporters a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.

Nearly there for the bus appeal Age Concern’s ‘Help us Buy a Bus’ appeal has nearly raised all the money it needs to make the purchase possible. On the Continued on page 4

record figures ■ MIREILLE TODDINGTON

mireille@coastrider.net While it may be hard to believe - taking into consideration that Spain has endured a crippling recession for six years and has only really begun to expand economically again since last year - investment into Spanish property has recently reached record figures. The amount of money poured into all types of property construction this year will register in excess of 13 billion euros by the end of the month. This is 25 percent more than in 2014, three times the amount that was invested in 2013 and greater than the total raised in 2007 before the property bubble burst, sparking off the economic crisis. According to leading global property company CBRE, next year is also expected to see more than 10 billion euros-worth of investment in Spanish real estate, with office rentals and commercial property really taking off again. Up until this moment, more than 70 percent of all investment into real estate in this country is comprised of foreign money. Much of it originates from America, the UK or from France. Around 45 percent of the activity is carried out by socimis or Real Estate

Investment Trusts, although Spanish companies are now much more involved and active than they were before. Before the end of this year, Merlin Properties, Spain’s leading listed realestate company devoted to commercial assets in Spain and Portugal, will close a deal worth 3 billion euros in which it will take over property management company Testa from Sacyr. The offices sector has generated the greatest amount of investment – 5.6 billion euros – which means that Spain sits in fourth position for investment, behind the UK, Germany and France. Much of this business is concentrated in Madrid and Barcelona, with 40 percent more money generated in the capital this year compared with 2014. Investment into retail property and commercial centres reached 4 billion euros, a similar figure to last year. For the first time since the economic crisis, commercial and retail rental prices have gone up by between 5 and 10 percent, basically due to an increase in sales and shoppers. With regards to residential property, the market is divided into two and is operating at different speeds. Sales have taken off in areas such as Madrid, Barcelona, the Costa del Sol and the Levante region. Next year, activity is predicted to pick up in Valencia, Bilbao and Malaga.





CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015


Goodbye blue bollards BITE SIZE NEWS: ■ SUZANNE O’CONNELL

suzanne@costablancapeople.com If you’ve ever scraped the undercarriage of your car with a raised curb stone you’ll understand how the mayor feels. After the third time of puncturing his tyres with the blue raised stones outside the town hall, he has decided to call it a day and find a less aggressive method of marking territory. The blue bollards are located on the cobbled streets of the town centre as well as on the Calle Caballero de Rodas and the mayor blames their installation on the previous government. He is also intending to make a claim for compensation to the town hall. This claim will be made as a form of protest

and any money received will be given to APANEE – the parents’ association for children who have special needs. ‘They do not meet requirements when it comes to the disabled and accessibility,’ said the Mayor. Worse than the personal disruption it has caused him are the injuries to a number of people who have fallen as a result of them being introduced. Falls, particularly of older people, have been recorded and there has been damage caused to other cars, not just that of the mayor. The local council is looking for ways of removing the bollards and finding alternatives and they are currently working with access groups on more acceptable solutions which do not hinder mobility and aren’t as damaging as the current bollards.

Continued from page 3 3rd December Washington Lodge presented €500 to Age Concern which brings their total to over €28,500 and very close to the €30,000 total needed. The charity are excited that this means they might be able to buy their new bus in January making a grand start to the new year.

Plans for Christmas in Los Montesinos The count down to Christmas has begun and the town hall of Los Montesinos has released its Christmas itinerary. Dates to put in your diary include: • Tuesday 22nd December – dance festival organised by AMPA CP Virgen del Pilar with their version of the story Frozen in the Escuela de Musica y Cultura- Entrance is free and the performance starts at 8.00pm • Wednesday 23rd December – ‘The Christmas Circus, A play for all the family’ at 5.30pm in the Escuela de Musica y Cultura • Saturday 26th December – concert for Christmas in the Escuela de Musica y Cultura • Wednesday 30th December – cello and piano recital at 8.00pm in the Escuela de Musica y Cultura • Friday 1st January – New Year mass at 12.00am

The blue bollards causing damage

Continued on page 5


CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015


Murder in San Fulgencio

Continued from page 4 •Tuesday 5th January – grand parade of the Three Kings starting at the Plaza del Ayuntamiento. On arriving at the Escuela de Musica y Cultura the kings will present the baby with gold, frankincense and myrrh. Following this, children will be presented with gifts.

Specsavers’ Christmas charity appeal Throughout December the five Specsavers stores on the Costa Blanca are taking part in a Christmas charity appeal to provide food, clothing and gifts to children and families who may otherwise go without. Donations of non-perishable food and children’s toys will be greatly appreciated at their shops in Guardamar and Torrevieja.

Schools out for Christmas! Whilst many people have been making their Christmas preparations,volunteers have continued to attend the CIAJ building on the front in Torrevieja. They have been donating their time to help Spanish people to speak English. Now, it’s coming up to the end of the year and Crystal East, who co-ordinates the initiative, will be giving the volunteers a break following their last class on Thursday 17th December. They will be having a little Christmas party to finish off the term, but hopefully they will be back and helping out again in the New Year. Councillor Pablo Samper will be attending and it’s Continued on page 6


suzanne@costablancapeople.com The body of an elderly woman has been found in a house in San Fulgencio. According to reports in several Spanish newspapers, the body showed signs of violence and bruises to the head which could have caused her death. Local Police and Guardia Civil went to the house and are investigating the circumstances and first impressions indicate that it could have happened during a robbery. According to neighbours the lady was 83 years old and a long-term resident of the town. The Mayor of San Fulgencio, Carlos Ramirez (PP) said he was ‘devastated’ by what has happened. The discovery was made on the morning after another resident, the owner of a nearby bar, contacted the Police because he was worried when he did not see the victim for several days. Officers from the Civil Guard and local police followed up the neighbour’s concern, entered the house and found the lifeless body. The lady had suffered a blow to the head and there were signs of violence leading to speculation that this was a robbery gone terribly wrong. However, other sources speculate that some of the bruises could correspond to the fall and the time that elapsed since the death occurred without the body

being discovered. The body was taken to the Forensic Anatomical Institute in Alicante where an autopsy will be carried out to help establish the facts and exact cause of death. According to reports, the victim lived alone in the building that formerly housed the municipal slaughterhouse. Facilities that belong to the Consistory, who refurbished the house to help the homeless, but it is believed that only this woman lived on the premises. A police sources said: “This was a lady without resources, so I do not know what the thieves were looking for because there certainly was no money” The police suspect that the offenders were hoping to find ‘a piece of gold or an heirloom or antique’ from the deceased and officers have no way of knowing if they found what they were looking for. Mayor Ramirez condemned the act of violence saying “it was a well-known that this woman lived alone with no resources, and regularly received a visit from social services. The City Council was aware of her situation and had already prepared a Christmas basket for the next few weeks’. News of the murder spread like wildfire through the town, whose residents were astonished and had no explanation of why this poor woman had been robbed and attacked in her own home.





CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015


BITE SIZE Divorce for free NEWS: Continued from page 5 hoped that it will be a festive opportunity to show appreciation for their contributions during the year.

Help with getting to vote For those people who are eligible,Torrevieja town hall has announced that there will be help with transport on 20th December to polling stations in the town. Several vehicles have been adapted to enable them to take the disabled to vote. If you are eligible to vote and would like assistance with transportation you should call the town hall on 965710250 and ask for extension 166. You should have ready your name, address and telephone number, the needs you have and the school where you are eligible to vote. Applications for this assistance will be accepted until Thursday 18th December.

Visit Father Christmas in Torrevieja From the 18th to the 23rd December you can bring your children to visit Father Christmas in la Calle Concepción. This is the street that leads down from the Plaza de la Constitucion (main square) to the seafront in Torrevieja. Children can have a photograph taken with his animals and sit on his sleigh. The dates and times he will be there include: 18th, 21st and 22nd of December from 5.30pm to 8.30pm 19th 20th and 23rd December from 11.30am until 2.00pm and from 5.00pm until 8.30pm

Concerts in the International Auditorium There will be a special Christmas Concert at 7.00pm on Sunday 27th December in the International Auditorium near to the San Jaime hospital. The town band, Union Musical Torrevejense will be playing during the evening. Tickets can be obtained in advance and these will be free of charge from the Palacio de la Música from between 6.00pm and 8.00pm Monday to Friday inclusive. Subject to demand, there might also be some tickets available on the door on the evening. On the 6th January there will be the 6th New Year and Kings concert by the Torrevieja Symphony Orchestra directed by José Francisco Sánchez. It will begin at 7.00pm and the performance will be repeated on Saturday 9th January also

at 7.00pm. The addition of another date to the schedule has been the result of demand shown for the tickets. The concert will include the waltzes and polkas of Strauss and Tchaikovsky. Tickets for this performance can be bought from 10.00 am to 1.00pm in Calle Vicente Blasco Ibanez 23 and on Monday from 5.00pm to 6.00pm in the box office. Ticket prices range from €10 to €20. Suzanne O’Connell

From now on, obtaining a divorce will be free of charge as well as being a much quicker and easier process in all Catholic countries, which includes Spain. The doctrine of Motu Proprio (‘own reasons’) has been brought into effect by Pope Francisco I in his capacity as Mitis Iudix Dominus Iesus (Lord Jesus Judge Clement). This Church law introduces three new elements – agreement on both sides will no longer have to be legally declared; the Bishop is able to carry out divorces; and, most importantly, annulling marriage vows pronounced in the Catholic Church will no longer be in return for a payment, so it will not cost any money. Around 400 divorce applications of unions sealed by the Church have been received by the Catholic family court, the Tribunal de la Rota, so far in 2015 – a figure very similar to last year, which saw a total of 416 divorce proceedings started and 488 marriages annulled under Catholic law. In 70 percent of these cases, the marriage was declared null and void. Dean of the Tribunal de la Rota, Carlos Morán, said the Motu Proprio doctrine was

not aimed at ‘encouraging’ divorces, but at making the process easier on those who have already decided their marriage is beyond saving, and will break down barriers which have until now made it almost impossible for some couples to go their separate ways. Morán says that he ‘cannot deny’ the move ‘may generate an increase in the number of divorces’, but other factors need to be taken into account – geographical location, time, and finances – which would otherwise have influenced the decision of many churchgoers to undertake divorce proceedings, or not. Although the Pope has emphasised the cost-free element the most, the Church has been working on this for many years to ensure that no follower of the Catholic religion was unable to get a divorce because of not having enough money. The overall aim is to make sure justice does not cost anything in general, says Morán, who reveals that 40 percent of Tribunal de la Rota cases were eligible for free proceedings and that the Church coffers were 'in the red' in this respect.

Spain’s solar powerdims he report Solar Power Europe presented at the climate change summit in Paris places Spain at the bottom of the photovoltaic energy investment. ‘The Spanish Government has killed solar energy’ commented one of the authors of the report, James Watson. This is especially embarrassing as this year British investment, despite the cloudy skies, has overtaken Spanish investment and Spain is lingering at the bottom with Bulgaria, the Czech Republic which are classified as unsuitable for solar energy, according to the same report. In the world climate change summit in Paris, Spain had a chance to redeem itself but again the country has missed out from the list of 121 members of the International Solar Alliance, chaired by the Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi. “The case of Spain continues to cause stupor”, declared the executive director of Solar Power Europe, James Watson. “How is it possible that the world leader in solar energy has lost the plot so quickly? How can you throw away your technological advantage and the great potential of your climate? How can you destroy the industry for the future and the jobs it would provide?” “The Spanish Government has killed solar energy”, exclaimed Watson. “Other countries have



CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015

had their boom and have paid for their excesses, but in no country have we seen such drastic and disproportionate regulations. Spain is now playing in the anti-solar league, and is trying to negatively influence the European Union.” The best players live now in exile in countries such as Great Britain, which led the European prize in 2014 (although that bonanza has now ended). Ironically the British success is down to Spanish engineers who have been installing solar farms in Cornwall and Cumbria. With no remaining jobs in Spain (with 35,000 jobs lost in the sector) Spanish engineers have made the jump to Latin America leaving the deserts of Spain behind. ‘Spain was leading the global market, and has virtually disappeared from



How is it possible that the world leader in solar energy has lost the plot so quickly? How can you throw away your technological advantage and the great potential of your climate? How can you destroy the industry for the future and the jobs it would provide?

the map’ according to the report from Solar Power Europe. ‘After all the retroactive changes, the authorities decided to reduce the emerging market of domestic solar energy with a ‘solar tax’ and extremely high fines for undeclared electricity supplies’.‘ Lamentably, Spain is not a player and had other decisions been made Spain could perfectly have led the world in the change from conventional energies to renewables’, so complained José Donoso, general director of the Spanish Photovoltaic Union. The Spanish industry had wanted, however, to have a large presence in the Global Solar Counsel, which has been created with the mission to talk ‘in a single voice’ for all the solar energy sector and to encourage this new technology in



emerging countries (‘sharing the best practices and learning from the errors of the past’). José Donoso has now joined as co-president of the Global Solar Counsel convinced that sooner or later Spain would lift up the blinds now covering the country, above all ‘if we start to seriously discuss the devastating effects uncontrolled climate change could bring, and as a consequence reduce greenhouse gases and take other urgent measures to save the planet’. More positively Donoso had detected ‘enthusiasm among the investors’ to profit from the development of solar energy in Spain, ‘above all because now we are competitive on the world market and the time for Government subsidies has ended’. The Solar Power report despite noting a slight slowdown in Germany, considers as the European economies growth in strength ‘a new cycle of investments’ which could add 80 percent growth to the sector by 2019. Despite the boom of the last decade the future remains uncertain. Today, the photovoltaic industry represents only 1 percent of the worldwide energy supplies. Bruce Douglas, president of the new Global Solar Counsel said: “If we want to beat climate change and end the CO2 emissions in the energy sector, solar has to become the main natural source of generating electricity.”



CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015


Beginning to feel a lot like Christmas ■ SUZANNE O’CONNELL

suzanne@costablancapeople.com With the mild weather and less hype, it can be difficult to get into the Christmas spirit when you’re in Spain. Not so, in the Plaza de la Constitución in Torrevieja on the 11th December as hundreds of people congregated to sing Christmas carols. The regular cascades of ‘snow’, courtesy of The Christmas Shop (San Luis), helped remind us how lucky we are to be singing outside without the need for scarves and woolly gloves. The fair weather aside, it was good to see so many people dressed up in Santa hats and costumes and looking very Christmassy. Julie Schofield directed the Phoenix Concert Band who took centre stage throughout. Although the stage itself had failed to make an appearance, plenty of people did and contributed to the atmosphere. Choirs of children and young people joined in too to sing carols and songs in Spanish. The front of the church was crammed with singers including the Rascals and their director Sylvia Smith who once more gave their support to the event. Councillors from different sides of the political spectrum stood side by side (or nearly). The crowd took graciously the digs from the excellent compare, Bill Singleton, who rallied the singing with comparisons to last year. Many volunteers from the supporting groups, collected money in their

buckets for the charities ‘Reach Out’ and ‘Caritas’. Julie Schofield, director of the Phoenix Concert Band, was instrumental in organising the event with Councillor Carmen Morate. This

Julie Schofield conducts the band and Bill Singleton compares The Plaza de la Constitución

had been the first time that Carmen had been involved in its organisation and congratulations must also go to her and all the volunteers who ensured that it went ahead. Although this list is not exclusive, Julia and Carmen would like to thank the Rascals, Studio 32, Stagestruck, The Diamantes, Torrevieja Retired Activities Group (TRAC), Melody Makers International (MMI), the Velvetones Ladies Harmony Group, the Harmonisers, U3A and The Christmas Shop for helping to make the event a success. Julia would also like to take this opportunity to thank the Phoenix Concert Band itself which has

blossomed in the last three years. I would personally like to thank all the band for their hard work and dedication over the past three years,’ says Julie. ‘When I took over we were down to six players. We have gone from strength to strength and will always accept new brass and woodwind players.’ It was good to see so many copies of the Costa Blanca People in the square too. The CBP published the words to the carols and had delivered extra copies of the paper for anyone who had not been able to pick one up before hand. This is a role that CBP has played every year and is delighted to be able to continue to do so.



CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015


Expats beware Spanish asset disclosure rules leading financial adviser to UK expats in Spain has warned that they could face massive penalties for failing to disclose overseas assets on time. According to El Economista, an unnamed expat Spanish taxpayer has been ordered to pay 442,000 euros in interest, fines and other costs. The case was the first time the maximum penalty of 150 percent had been levied. The authoritative Spanish economic website said that this included a fine of 253,950 euros for failing to declare his assets on time, 169,300 euros to regularise his undeclared assets and 16,060 euros in interest. Angela South, managing director of Expat Pensions, said the decision had come as a “shock if not a surprise”. “The rules came into effect on 1st January, 2013, and that means from 31st March, 2013, expats who are tax-resident in Spain must declare and report any overseas assets they hold that are worth more than 50,000 euros,” she said. Assets of more than 50,000 euros will be taxed at 52 percent, but if tax-resident expats fail to report these assets by 31stMarch each year, then they face a potential fine of 150 percent of the 52 percent they could have paid at the correct time. Since the introduction of the foreign assets declaration scheme, known in Spain as Modelo 720, the Spanish ministry of finance has reported that more than 126.3 billion euros in assets has been declared, mostly located in Switzerland and Luxembourg.Mrs South said: “This may not be the end of the story as the taxpayer has appealed to the European Court of Justice over what is regarded as an ‘excessive’ penalty.” The European Commission is understood to

have already written to the Spanish government, questioning the policy, as it is believes it may contravene European law. But Mrs South said the decision itself should not come as too much of a surprise. “It can be seen as a shock if not a surprise, owing to the size of the fine, but taxpayers were warned about the new disclosure regime.“ Very few of our clients are tax-resident in Spain as we mainly deal with UK expats who have elected to live in Spain but may not pay their tax in the country. “However, if you are not sure of your status, you should urgently seek professional advice from a tax specialist with knowledge of the Spanish system. “The factors to be taken into account when considering whether someone is resident in Spain includes spending more than 183 days in Spain in a calendar year, Spain must be the centre of their economic activity, and whether their spouse and dependent children live there too – which is a factor regardless of how many days the individual spends in Spain. “Clearly this is not a straightforward situation for some expats who are still working, or in some way economically active, and are paying tax in Spain,” she said.


Information Spanish taxpayers with offshore accounts and overseas assets over 50,000 euros will have to supply the name and address of the bank or other financial institution where they hold accounts, dates of opening, closing or changing those accounts, their account balances on 31st December each year, and the average account balance in all relevant accounts in the final quarter of each year.

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CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015


Taliban attack in Kabul as Rajoy visits Alicante Two Spanish policemen were killed in a Taliban suicide attack in Kabul, Afghanistan on Friday, 11th December. The attack was on the Spanish Embassy, although some initial reports claimed that it was on a guest house next door rather than the embassy itself. The truth behind the events has been difficult to establish as there have been constant changes in the information coming through. The latest information being that it was in fact a hostage situation with foreign nationals, including Spanish citizens, being under the control of the Taliban for several hours. The two policemen killed in the attack were Gabino Sanmartín Isidro Hernández (police intervention unit) and sergeant Jorge García Tudela. Families of the deceased live in Leon and Granada. At least ten people were killed altogether in the attack including four Afghans and nine were injured. Those in the Embassy were unable to leave their safe room and the attackers had control of the building and the surrounding area. There was confusion during the reporting of the incident not only about the target for the

Rajoy on the campaign trail The news of the attack overshadowed Rajoy’s visit to Alicante which had been arranged as part of the 20D (20th December) campaign. This is the only visit that Rajoy was making to the province and throughout, the plan of the day was disrupted with changes to the length of speeches and delays to pre‐arranged trips. Rajoy was also due to celebrate with supporters in la Glorieta Gabriel Miró in Orihuela but celebrations were dumbed down and shortened. The atmosphere during the rallies was described as tense as the news was released that the attack had taken place. Rajoy was put on the spot as reporters and television

A family day out ■ SUZANNE O’CONNELL

suzanne@costablancapeople.com On Saturday 12th December it was the ‘Medio año fester Hogueras 2015’ in the Parque de las Naciones in Torrevieja. This rather unusual festival started at 10.00am and included a variety of activities during the day focused on families. It was organised by the Molinos del Calvario neighbourhood as being half way towards their June 2016 Hogueras (bonfires). One of the objectives of the day is to raise money for the June bonfires to take place. Contributions from the sale of the large paella and raffle will contribute towards the bonfires and accompanying events in June. The rest of the activities organised on the day were all free of charge. The turn out was good, especially considering that the weather was not its best and there had been a threat of rain. The performances took place in the bandstand area at the

centre of the park and included a variety of entertainment such as clowns, a children’s puppet show and the dance group Payas who performed a number of dances from Flamenco to hip hop.Other activities for children included the mechanical bull and plenty of bouncy castles. The day started off with a procession of dogs for adoption from the Torrevieja municipal shelter. The town council continue to emphasise the need for people to consider adoption as an alternative when they’re looking for their family dog. There were plenty of refreshments available too including a giant paella. The day concluded when the vast collection of balloons that had been on display were popped by the children. The atmosphere was good with families encouraging the entertainers and children joining in the dancing when the music started. Altogether a good family day out if for a rather unusual cause.

Helping the poor stay connected Torrevieja is teaming up with other municipalities to combat energy poverty. As family budgets are increasingly tight, so more are finding themselves cut off from mains supplies of electricity and water when they are unable to pay their bills. The mayor, José Manuel Dolón, announced that Torrevieja will become one of the towns within Valencia that will seek to address the difficulties families are having in satisfying their energy needs. ‘We’ve signed up because we understand that many families are going through difficult times,’ said Dolón. ‘This is leading to requests for help from Social Services, the Red Cross, Caritas and other associations in the town.’ The Government of Valencia has committed to allocating more than a million euros in the 2016 budget to meet this social

Important implications

attack but also the injuries of the police officers. Originally Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy had described the first policeman’s injuries as ‘light’ with the subsequent news two hours later that the police officer had in fact died. Further news was then released that another policeman had also died. Rajoy was attending an election rally in Alicante province at the time.

need and is encouraging its municipalities to join forces. The mayor hopes to prevent the cutting off of essential services like gas, electricity and water to households that are struggling. The procedure for allocating help will be managed through Social Services who will be responsible for identifying those at risk.Families will be eligible if they earn less than €11,000 a year. The maximum amount that can be paid for electricity and gas is €300 and €60 for water. In Spain, the utility companies will cut of supplies and disconnect meters at relatively short notice if bills are not paid. This can also lead to problems for non-residents who do not leave enough money in their banks to cover charges and return to Spain to find they have been disconnected. Suzanne O’Connell

cameras waited for Rajoy’s explanation of what was transpiring in Kabul. However, it was noticeable that Rajoy sought to play down the extent of the attack but was forced by the end of the rally to announce that there had been a Spanish fatality. In the time that Rajoy did have available to press on with the PP (centre right) campaign he criticised the PSOE (centre left) for its economic track record and attacked the newcomer parties of Ciudadanos and Podemos. However, all political speeches were curtailed as trickles of news arrived from Kabul.

The main Spanish papers are mostly focused on the Spanish general election on 20th December and coverage of the embassy attack has been light considering the possible significance of it. Mariano Rajoy would seem to be still denying that the embassy itself was the target of the attack preferring instead to focus on the campaign trail. The downplaying of the Friday attack could be viewed in a similar light to the Popular Party’s take on the March 11th train bombing in Madrid in 2004. The PP lied about the source of the bombings blaming ETA when it later transpired that the attacks were in fact directed by Al‐Qaeda. This deception was widely accepted as being the reason for the PP losing the 2004 general election. Mariano Rajoy’s failure to acknowledge the correct informationduring his visit to Alicante could be viewed as a similar covering up of the truth before an election. Suzanne O’Connell

WALKING ON THE COSTA BLANCA by Terry Fletcher When you think of the Costa Blanca you might imagine golden beaches and skyscrapers, but beyond the high rises lies a breathtaking world of accessible, rocky mountains and gleaming limestone pinnacles. A new guidebook describes 50circular walks and scrambles exploring these mountains, around the resorts of Alicante, Benidorm and Calp. The routes range from gentle strolls to demandingdays with steep climbs, and from 3-20km in distance. The Mediterranean coast is one of Europe's most popular winter sunadventure destinations. In general UK visitors are best suited to the heat fromlate autumn to early spring. The range of walks ensures that everyone can enjoythis spectacular Spanish landscape. This guide also includes background information on local geology, wildlife andhistory, and planning details on where to go, where to stay and what to take. What's inside? 50 circular routes exploring the Costa Blanca mountainsbackground information on local geology, wildlife and history, and planning details on where to

go, where to stay and what to takeclear maps and colour photographyAbout the author Terry Fletcher has walked and climbed among the mountains of the Costa Blanca for more than 30 years. His love of wild places has taken him all over Europe and North America, where he has a particular fascination for thesandstone canyon lands and deserts of the American South West. As a full timeprofessional writer and photographer for more than 40 years, his work has appeared in almost every national newspaper as well as specialist magazines. He has also appeared on network television and radio as a commentator on the outdoors. He is a former editor of Cumbria and Lake District Magazine, Dalesman and The Countryman. He lives in the Yorkshire Dales. COMPETITION TIME! The Costa Blanca People has three copies of this wonderful book to give away to our readers. All you need to do to be in with a chance to win is email your name and postal address to office@costablancapeople.com Closing date Wednesday 23rd December 2015.

Festive donation from Petanca Club

Pueblo Bravo Petanca club held its Christmas Ball at the The Club Quesada on Friday night with over 70 member and guests enjoying an excellent Christmas meal provided by The Club. During the evening a raffle was held for Help at Home Costa Blanca (Quesada group) and Jacky Jones was there with two of the helpers Hazel and Diane to accept the €205 raised by the petanca club. Help at Home are a group of caring members of the local community whose sole aim is to help those people who are finding it difficult to manage, The Quesada group like other charities are always in need of funds, and another important need is for helpers so if anyone feels they can give some of their time to help please contact Help at HomeCosta Blanca (Quesada group) on 693 027 026 to speak to Joan or Jacky.


CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015




CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015


Former Mayor of Orihuela and colleague councillor convicted Mónica Lorente (below) and Antonio Rodríguez Murcia (inset below) have been found guilty of falsifying documentation. The criminal court No3 in Orihuela has sentenced the former Mayor of Orihuela Mónica Lorente and the councillor who was in charge of District Services and Infrastructures, Antonio Rodríguez Murcia to pay a fine of €2,700 each for awarding a contract to renovate a plaza in El Escorratel to a company without having completed the proper

before July 2008, this was “before the council had agreed to award the contract in any way” even though three companies had been invited to bid for the work through a legal tender process. The work was budgeted at €34,380 and carried out by the company, then inaugurated by Monica Lorente, the then Mayoron 4th July, 2008. The legal contract was not actually drawn up until 26th July of that same year “to make it appear as though the work had been carried out legally”.

administrative procedure or followed the tender process. The two ex-Partido Popular (PP) representatives have been convicted of falsification of documentation by a public official through gross negligence. The pair will have to pay the fine at a rate of €10 per day and have also been barred from holding public office or employment for a period of nine months. According to the court, the work was carried out by the company Ronis 2 Construcciones y Reformas

The sentence refers to the “seriously negligent behaviour” of the ex-mayor for having validated the contract after the fact, “as she did not take the most basic steps which would have prevented it being drawn up, given that in other circumstances, merely by reading the contract, she could have seen that it referred to work that had already been carried out”. The magistrate added that this information “was common knowledge in the Town Hall” because Monica Lorente had personally “carried out the inauguration of the plaza” earlier that same month.


CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015




CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015


WEEKLY EURO UPDATE The Euro has held firm against both the British pound and the US dollar as the week has progressed. Market sentiment towards the single currency has certainly warmed as the massive bazooka of projected quantitative easing measures at one point fully expected to be released by ECB President Mario Draghi, has been put away for future purpose. Draghi’s assessment is that his actions to date more than cater for the economic boost sought. The previous week’s reversal of fortune when most market participants had been expecting enlarged fresh stimulus measures, left the markets disappointed with the outcome but delivered a massive scramble to cover short euro positions. Eurozone data over the week was rather light, although mainly on the positive side encouraging the single currency at one point to trade above €1.10. German industrial production for October did post a 0.2% uplift following two consecutive monthly declines. Eurozone 3rd quarter Gross Domestic Product was unchanged from the earlier estimate of 0.3%,

with the year on year figure delivering a 1.6% growth rate. The Sterling / Euro traded well below €1.40 level with a low of €1.3720 seen and a high of €1.3950. The rate of exchange has settled at €1.38 as the week comes to a close. UK Manufacturers delivered a soft 0.4% decline for October when compared to one month earlier, with overall industrial production up just 0.1% for the same period. The Bank of England left base rate unchanged as fully expected, with another unaltered 8-1 vote from the MPC members. The lack of inflationary pressures and disappointing wage growth seem to paint a picture of a further prolonged period on unchanged base rate policy. The direction of the single currency may very well be influenced now by next week’s US Federal Open Market Committee interest rate decision, due on the 16th December. The markets are now poised for a US interest rate lift off, although the decision is far from a done deal. Should the FED raise US rates during December the focus will switch towards any hints of the speed of further increases.

Christmas food donation The neighborhood association ‘San Miguel Archangel’ has announced that the campaign for the ‘Big collection of food banks’ with took plac on 27th and 28th November has resulted in 1,052 kilos/liters of food being collected and monetary donations of 386.44 euros beign given. The pre-Christmas drive was held in

Masymas supermarket in San Miguel with the food and the money being used for food to stock the local food bank over the

festive season. The association management said that it appreciates the generosity and cooperation shown by the local community, the commercial establishment and, above all, by the 54 volunteers who participated in different shifts to supervise the collection without which it would have been impossible.

EU slams Spain’s investments in transport The European Commission has sharply criticised Spain’s transport and travel infrastructure policies, particularly its AVE high-speed rail network and toll road franchises. “There is a risk that the new highspeed lines will not generate sufficient revenue,” it says in a report on the country to be published this week, accusing the government of continuing to build roads “in areas with little traffic.” The EC also wants to see regulatory changes to correct what it believes are “deficiencies” in the government’s strategic infrastructure plans. In mid-2012, the government requested a bailout for the country’s banking system, borrowing almost €40 billion from the European Central Bank (ECB). Even though the transaction was a success, the EC will continue to monitor the Spanish economy until the majority of the money is paid off. However, in general, the EC’s report on Spain is positive. Officials point out that the economy is on the road to

recovery, the banking system has improved, and that there is only a “low risk” that Spain will fail to meet its repayment schedule for the bank bailout. But the report also highlights “significant challenges.” Brussels wants to see more reforms, particularly in the labour market, and harbours doubts as to whether the country can meet its fiscal targets without more “adjustments”. European officials are also concerned about the banking sector’s ability to survive external shocks. But the main criticism is focused on the current government’s transport infrastructure policies. “Madrid has given priority to geographic cohesion rather than improving efficiency,” the report states. “Investment policy has focused more on extending infrastructure rather than on the costs of maintaining it.” The report also states that the Spanish government has favoured an

extensive passenger transport network over a rail service that could improve the movement of goods and provide better connections to export markets. Many experts in Spain share similar views to those expressed in the report. Brussels is also critical of Spain’s tollroad policy, saying that it favours large businesses that keep profits when projects are a success and call on the government for bailouts when they fail. After searching for years for a solution based on bringing eight nonperforming toll roads together under a public agency and restructuring their €3.5 billion debt, the Spanish taxpayer will now have to pick up the tab. This is because the roads were built by private construction companies that used the state as a guarantor to take out bank loans. The investment that was required to expropriate adjoining land and build the roads was expected to be recovered through long-term concessions.

Jobless numbers plummet across EU Unemployment figures in the Eurozone have fallen to their lowest since 2009, the worst year of the financial crisis, and Spain's own jobless numbers have dropped by 2 percent since then, according to the EU statistics agency Eurostat. As at the end of October – the most recent date for which figures are available – jobless numbers in the common currency area averaged 10.7 percent, falling to 9.3 percent in the EU28 as a whole. This is a decrease of 0.1 percent on the previous month for the Eurozone and remains the same for the rest of the EU.For the Eurozone, this is the lowest level of unemployment since January 2012 and, for the EU overall, since September 2009.At the same time last year, jobless numbers sat at 11.5 percent for the Eurozone and 10.1 percent for the EU. The difference in real terms was 13,000 people since the previous month or 1.3 million in the past year for the common currency area, and 36,000 since September and 1.9 million since October 2014 for the 28 member States of the EU. Spain continues, after Greece, to have the highest unemployment, standing at 21.6 percent in October – 2 percent lower than a year before, when it sat at 23.9 percent, meaning dole figures have reduced more in Spain than anywhere else in Europe. Germany features the lowest level of unemployment at 4.5 percent, followed

by the Czech Republic at 4.7 percent, and Malta at 5.1 percent.Greece's lastknown jobless numbers sat at 24.6 percent, the only one of the 27 member States with a worse record than Spain. Unemployment fell in 24 EU countries and rose in the remaining four in the last year. The greatest drop in jobseeker

figures was in Spain, followed by Slovakia which went from 12.7 percent to 10.7 percent, Ireland from 10.7 percent to 8.9 percent and Croatia from 17.6 percent to 15.8 percent. The four countries where unemployment has risen are Finland, from 9 percent to 9.5 percent; France, from 10.5 percent to 10.8 percent; Belgium, from 8.6 percent to 8.7 percent, and Romania, from 6.7 percent to 6.8 percent.


CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015



Homes & Gardens

CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015


Thanks to John, who brought up the subject during a conversation, this article is about the curry leaf tree (Murraya koenigii), an aromatic leaf often used in Indian cuisine. The curry leaf tree, a native of India, is a small, evergreen tree in the citrus family (Rutaceae) with very pungent aromatic leaves. They have a distinct, spicy currylike flavour and generally go by the name curry leaves. The fresh leaves are an indispensable ingredient in the delicious curries of Southern India and Sri Lanka (and absolutely necessary for the authentic flavour). Although most commonly used in curries, leaves from the curry tree can also be used in many other dishes to add spice. The leaves are best used fresh as they lose most of their aroma and delicate fragrance when dried. Because of their soft texture, the leaves do not need to be removed before serving, but can be eaten without any hazard. Curry powder is a British invention to imitate the flavour of Indian cooking with minimal effort. Some curry powders indeed contain curry leaves, but probably only for historic or linguistic reasons, since dried curry leaves lose their qualities within days. A typical curry powder derives its taste mainly from cumin, coriander, black pepper, chili, fenugreek, ginger, celery, cinnamon, cardamom,

cloves, anis, etc. in variable amounts. Since curry powder is not a traditional recipe, there is little consensus about what should go into it, and anyone is free to sell his own creation. Description and Culture This tropical to sub-tropical tree is highly ornamental due to its compound leaves. It is slow-growing and can be used as a hedge, an ornamental shrub or as a potted specimen tree. Whether grown in large pots or on the ground it does not spread very much laterally. Harvesting of leaves encourages

new growth and the tree also responds well to pruning, which is only necessary for shaping - To reduce the size or make it bushier. While this tree can grow to reach 15-20 ft. (4.7-6 m), you need only a small specimen to supply you with an abundance of leaves for your Indian dishes. In late spring to early summer the tree blooms with clusters of small, white, and sweetly scented flowers that attract lots of butterflies. The flowers are followed by small purple/black shiny berries that are edible, but their seeds are poisonous. The shiny-black fruits are very nutritious, sweet and are eaten fresh. However, they do have a characteristic odour which some find slightly unpleasant. The curry leaf tree needs warm temperatures with full sun to partial shade. The tree tends to be slow growing during the cold months - it may even drop most of its leaves during the winter and stop growing all together. It usually picks back up in the spring and grows quickly during the summer. Young trees/saplings will need to be kept warm during the winter, but when a bit mature and established the tree can survive brief frosts and should grow fairly well in our

mild coastal climate. It prefers an acidic, well-draining soil and regular water and fertilizer during the growing season. Water sparingly during the winter months and do not fertilize. Propagation Curry leaf trees are propagated by growing the small suckers from the base of the tree, by root cuttings, or by seed. When harvesting seeds the berries should be ripe and fresh. Plant either the whole fruit (or remove the pulp), sow as soon as possible and keep moist but not wet. Fresh curry leaf seeds have a very high germination rate, but the problem is that the seeds are only viable for a couple of weeks. Seeds from India or Sri Lanka are going to be dead before you can plant them, unless you know someone who will send them by airmail. Your best option if you want one of these trees is to search the internet for a Spanish supplier of seeds or young plants, or ask at the local nurseries/garden centres if they can get it for you. Marc Vijverberg


CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015


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Homes & Gardens

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CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015


Murcia crime ring A network which prostituted nursing mothers and children in clubs in Murcia has been closed down. Dozens of officers took part in a raid on three brothels in Lorca and one in Totana and twelve people were detained. It is alleged that those arrested submitted their victims to ‘abusive conditions’. National Police detectives have dismantled, thanks to collaboration by members of the local community, a prostitution network which offered the services of nursing mothers and children. The victims, one of them captured when under age, were made to take drugs and received beatings from the clients if they refused any sexual service requested. The leaders of the gang justified this untenable attitude with the argument ‘that the client can do and have whatever he likes’. Dozens of officers burst simultaneously into four brothels in the Murcia towns of Lorca and Totana, and detained a total of 12 people (10 in Lorca and 2 in Totana) for crimes related to prostitution, corruption of minors, baring false witness, favouring illegal immigration and belonging to a criminal gang. The investigations started with two phone calls to the 900 10 50 90 number and a

communication sent to: www.policia.es. Several locals anonymously reported the terrible conditions imposed by an organisation based in Murcia which was sexually exploiting women in its brothels. The demands of the pimps when choosing their victims found women in financial need, usually foreign women in

the rules, charges for the supply of basic food and hygiene items and for refusal of sexual services. All of the fines were implemented to gain as much money as possible for the gang. The leaders of the organisation demanded free sexual services citing ‘the lord’s right’ and made the victims to take drugs if the client wanted them to.

Spain ilegally, and in some cases they were mothers with young babies, some of the children captured and sexually exploited were underage. The offer of nursing mothers was especially publicised by the criminal group, which used explicit photographs to market the depraved services on offer. The abusive conditions the women were subjected to were designed around a system of fines these fines were levied against the woman at every opportunity and for numerous reasons such as not keeping to

After five months of investigation the detectives finally mounted the closure operation. Among those arrested were the owners and managers of the brothels (in one case a mother and son) with ages between 21 and 59 years of age. The operation was carried out by agents from Commissariat General of Foreigners and Frontiers, from the Murcia central Police Station with support from law enforcement bodies located in Zaragoza and Albacete.


CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015

WELCOME TO ST. PETERSBURG with Vivalia Travel St. Petersburg is a world-class destination and Russia’s second largest city, with a population of more than 5 million perched at the eastern tip of the Baltic Sea and the Neva River.

This is one of the most breathtakingly beautiful places on earth, and virtually any building in the large historic centre, threaded with canals dotted with baroque bridges, can be considered an attraction - and indeed, it is a UNESCO World Heritage site. This is a magical city, with a long list of major attractions. Its Hermitage Museum, housed in the Winter Palace of the Romanov Dynasty, is both one of the world’s greatest and oldest collections of art, treasure, and antiquities, and one of its most beautiful buildings.

Hermitage, St. Isaac’s Cathedral and the Mariinsky Theatre. Saint Petersburg is home to more than two hundred museums, many of them hosted in historic buildings. The largest of the museums is the Hermitage Museum, featuring interiors of the former imperial residence and a vast collection of art. In addition, it has numerous parks and gardens, some of the most famous of which are situated in the southern suburbs, including one of the largest English gardens of Europe in Pavlovsk.

Shopping along the city’s festive main thoroughfare, Nevsky Prospekt makes you feel more like a native Piterbyrzhets (Petersburger), and offers the best variety of stores in the city. Bolshoi Prospekt on Vasilyevsky Island also offers a comparatively good selection of stores. The essential components of Russian cuisine are the ones, which provide more carbohydrates and fat rather than proteins. Fresh fruits and vegetables are rarely used in food. So, the top five components of a Russian meal are potatoes, bread, eggs, meat (especially beef) and butter. Sights and Attractions Shopping and Traditional Food Other popular foods include A city of palaces and museums, St. Petersburg has a growing cabbage, milk, sour cream, curds, broad avenues and winding number of stores offering a mushrooms, lard, cucumbers, canals, St. Petersburg’s short variety of goods and services tomatoes, apples, berries, honey, history has endowed the city including everything from hand- sugar, salt, garlic, and onions. with a wealth of architectural and made arts, crafts, and souvenirs artistic treasures, such as the to fresh fruits and vegetables.




CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015



CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015

ABOUT US GO SATELLITE was set up 12 years ago by husband and wife team. Ian has more than 20 years experience, having spent 10 years with SKY in Home Services in the UK, where he worked on the specialist heights team as well as SKY’s Prestigious VIP Team, which caters for the stars, therefore the quality of his workmanship is extremely high! After leaving SKY, Ian set up his own business in the UK and ran this very successfully for 5 years before moving to Spain. SERVICES WE OFFER We are here to help! We can arrange installation of TV direct from the satellite with no monthly subscription. We are able to make repairs to existing satellite systems, potentially saving you from additional costs. We are suppliers of Sky and Humax receivers direct from the UK. You will find we are the cheapest on the Costa Blanca. Ask us about Sky cards and subscriptions. We are not only here for your TV and Satellite solutions, but are able to offer help with internet and telephone.


WHERE ARE WE? GO SATELLITE is based in Ciudad Quesada and covers most of the Costa Blanca. WHY ARE WE DIFFERENT? Ian said “Being a small company has its advantages. We offer a personal service and get to know all our customers by name. It’s important to us that people fully understand and are happy with the service we are providing. We realise that the technology involved can be confusing, but we are happy to spend time with our customers to ensure that they get the best system for their needs”. CUSTOMER SERVICE Any concerns of queries are dealt with in a clear and professional manner and clients can call Ian at any point if they have any queries. This ensures that all of their customers have complete peace of mind throughout the lifetime of the service. Added to that is the fact that GO SATELLITE is a fully legal, Spanish registered business that provides individual, company and community installations with a free no-obligation site survey. Go Satellite is going from strength to strength! SATISFIED CUSTOMERS! Over the past 12 years the company has installed hundreds of satellite TV systems for individuals, companies and communities. The Go Satellite system uses highest quality Portuguese manufactured dishes and requires NO monthly payments. Packages are available to suit everybody’s requirements and budget. GO SATELLITE offer expertise, reassurance and a proven track record, which can be backed up by many a satisfied customer. OTHER SERVICES Go Satellite not only provide television, but are also able to provide internet and telephone services. Packages are available to suit all with a switch on/off service available for non-residents.

COME AND MEET US! We have an office in the Business Centre, Calle Los Arcos No 7B, Ciudad Quesada, so you can now come and meet us and we will endeavour to help you with all of your TV queries. DISH ISSUES? Here at Go Satellite, we only use only top quality Portuguese dishes and Invacom LNBs. Sky Packages are also available. If you do not have room or do not wish to have a dish, give us a call, as we have a solution! At Go Satellite, we will endeavour to provide TV for everyone. So, if you are fed up of missing your favourite programmes or you have lost your TV signal and do not want to lose out any more, then call 965 725 670 or call into our office to find out more about GO SATELLITE and its services. Alternatively, check out the website: www.freetvspain.com


CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015

‘You Can’t Be Serious’ is a weekly tongue in cheek look at the world through Bernie Comaskey’s eyes. With kind permission of the Westmeath Examiner.



TAKE ANOTHER LOOK IN THAT MIRROR... Somebody once said that the monkey is superior to mankind, because when a monkey looks in the mirror he sees nothing more than a monkey! When you look in the mirror what do you see … the real you or an illusion you have conditioned yourself to believe in? It is a rare gift for any of us to be able to see ourselves as we really are. As we approach the end of another year in our lives, this is probably the period when the mind is most reflective and self-evaluating. It is a good time to take an analytical look in the mirror. I cannot audit your head and you cannot see inside mine. Let’s all go and look in the eye of the person in the mirror. When I look straight in the eye of this guy in the mirror, I try to look further than the ‘grand lad Bernie.’ I know I will not be judged on my own opinion of myself: Neither would it be fair to judge me on my worst ever deed. On balance I am content with what I see – but as the teacher in this house wrote on many a copybook, ‘could do better’! I sometimes say I have no regrets – but on reflection, can any human

truthfully make that statement? The best I can come up with in that department is Frank Sinatra’s ‘too few to mention.’ I regret not having set myself the challenge of striving for a formal education in adult life, instead of constantly trumpeting that ‘I only learn what I need to know for the next step’. Education, as well as exercising the brain is knowledge – and you need knowledge even to back up an opinion. This world was never meant to be perfect, but the man in my mirror

tends to be too hard on others who are not ‘perfect.’ I see a guy who gets angry. Anger is sometimes justified (remember Jesus in the temple) because every so often you have to shout the loudest because you are right. But this angry man in the mirror can sometimes hurt people totally out of proportion to their defects. Innocent people can get hit in the crossfire … collateral damage they call it. Innocent people have been hurt because of my truth in my books – and mirror-man would

withdraw some of that if he could. Regrets are a futile exercise if the man can do nothing about it now; regrets are a fruitful experience if he is willing to do something about it when he can. Despite a lifetime of breaking the blocks before the gun, my mirror tells me that I am still too quick to jump to conclusions. Unlike a soccer match, this is one time when the attacker should not get the benefit of the offside rule. Wait and see first. I make assumptions about people, bad and good, which ultimately prove to be off the mark … even with a good nose for these things – as the face in the glass is insisting now. One big mistake is the assumption that the religious and outwardly devout individual is more trustworthy, better or safer. The atheist or agnostic are just as moral – and as this man in the mirror has learned, often way more so. Get a bad one of the former and you are in serious trouble. The guy looking back at me could often have been a better husband and father; but on the other hand he is proud that he never put them through what he would have while

he was armed with alcohol. This mirror man has never lacked courage, was loyal to his family and friends and decent enough to fellow travellers along the road. I see a guy who mostly made his own luck, but also got more than his share from the luck-pool of life. There is a face there that shows the traces of the roadmap of life, but never tires of trying something new. This guy doesn’t have to be sensible or cautious anymore and has thus adopted the old hippie motto, ‘if it feels good do it’! The older we get, the less friends we have – especially men. Old friends may be best – and they are; but my mirror tells me I should never stop seeking new friends. Now, I didn’t preach at you as to what you might see in your own mirror: Go take a look for yourself!!

Truth is something which must be known with the mind, accepted with the heart, and enacted in life.



CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015

If you’d like to book a private reading with me or discuss an event, please e-mail me to thequirkymedium@gmail.com If you have a question you’d like answered through this page, please contact me via e-mail to: thequirkymedium@gmail.com You can follow me on Twitter @rescuemediumali You can read about my future eventsand free articles on my websites http://thequirkymedium.blogspot.co.uk/http://discovertheangels.com/

GROUNDING AND PSYCHIC PROTECTION • Feeling generally unhealthy/unwell

Dear Alison I've had a lot of unexplained things happening in my life which I have been told before is to do with the spirit world but I am too frightened to go any further with it. I am very sensitive and let people get to me as if they know what buttons to push. I feel drained and tired all the time. Is there anything I can do to stop this happening? Some days it's that bad that I want to hide myself away and have to push myself to get out and about. Help! Valerie

difference in you too! Eventually, you will realise that people can't take your energy anymore which will give you a new lease of life. Make sure that you are grounding every single day without fail because if you forget, you will start to feel lethargic again. I explain the process in the article below and wish you well in everything you do and please let me know how you get on. Kind regards Alison

Dear Valerie I am so sorry to hear that you have been feeling so drained. I know that many of us have felt that way at times but don't worry, help is at hand! You have mentioned yourself that you are sensitive and as such, you need to ensure that certain people are not draining you by protecting the energy that surrounds you which is known as your aura. You can do this by a very simple and affective process known as 'Grounding'. If you ground, and put psychic protection around yourself every day, you will soon feel the difference, and other people will notice a

One of the most important rituals for my work as a Reiki Master and Clairvoyant Medium is Grounding and Psychic Protection. In brief, it is a vital way of protecting our physical body whilst endeavouring to live a spiritual life. In my line of work it is imperative that I ground and put a psychic shield around myself so I am not drained by negative energies from either the spirit world, or certain people on the earth plane. Grounding and psychic protection is not only good practice for Mediums or healers. It is something that everyone should get used to doing as a way of keeping their feet firmly on the ground and protecting their personal aura. I

65.000€ Ref: B-445 Urb. La Siesta 2 Bed, 1 Bath, 60m2

139.900€ Ref: C-321 Urb. La Siesta 2 Bed, 1 Bath, 65m2

am passionate about helping those who need some spiritual guidance but it amazes me how many people have never heard of grounding and psychic protection. Clients will approach me as they need to know why they are feeling ‘unbalanced’ and/or lethargic not to mention dealing with emotional trauma. A lot of the stories are the same – they feel as if they are going around in circles, their head is full of clutter and they feel totally disconnected, as if they are not in control of their own lives. Once I teach them how to use such a simple spiritual tool, they start to feel centred and focused so they can enjoy inner harmony and make positive decisions about their lives. Feelings of being ungrounded: • Drained/tired – as if ‘your get up and go’, has ‘got up and gone’ • Emotional for no particular reason • Depressed • Feelings of anger towards yourself or others • Anxiousness & worry • Feeling nauseous • Feeling spaced out • Holding on to the past • A feeling of ‘Not belonging’ • Cluttered in mind and surroundings

Feelings of being grounded: • Energised • A sense of wellbeing inside and out • Strength and self-acceptance • Belief in your abilities • Love for oneself and others • Spiritually aware • Focused in body and mind • The attainment of a spiritual way of life • A feeling of a natural state of balance How to perform grounding and psychic protection The best time to perform your grounding ritual is first thing in the morning. That way, you will be protected for the rest of the day. Find a quiet peaceful place. Close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing. Grounding - Imagine growing thick and sturdy tree roots from the soles of your feet into the earth -send them right down until you feel centred. Now bring pure white mother earth energy up through the soles of your feet and into every part of the inside of your body, right up to your forehead. Inwardly thank Mother Earth. Now visualise celestial golden light descending from the Angelic Kingdom of light. Allow this divine energy to surround the outside of your body until you are totally cocooned in a bubble of healing light. Now imagine putting on a deep purple cloak edged with radiant gold. This is the cloak of Archangel Uriel, the angel of the sun, the Prince of light. Thank Archangel Uriel. You are now ready for the day feeling energised, centred and grounded!

59.900€ Ref: B-375 Urb. La Siesta 4 Bed, 2 Bath, 85m2

184.900€ Ref: B-319 Urb. El Chaparral 3 Bed, 2 Bath, 120m2, 400m2 plot 613



CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015


Gibraltar murder New high in number of inquest Spaniards emigrating

The inquiry into the murder of an expat family staying in Gibraltar has outlined how John Shannon probably stabbed wife and girls to death before cutting own throat. This is a complete turn-around from conclusions drawn at the time which intimated that the wife and mother had been responsible for the tragedy. A corkscrew and eight knives were found covered in blood after the brutal slaying of a family of four in Gibraltar, an inquest has heard. The evidence suggests that John Shannon, from Liverpool, stabbed his wife and two children to death before cutting his own throat at a rented home in Boschetti’s Steps, in March. Anarda de la Caridad Perez Friman, aged 31, and her daughters Amanda Kristofferson, 4, and six-week-old Eve Shannon Perez all died from stab wounds to the heart. The Gibraltar court heard how Shannon, 37, father to just Eve, appears to have died after his throat was cut in the shower room. It is believed that he stood in front of a mirror, which is ‘typical of self-inflicted wounding’. High levels of testosterone in Shannon’s urine indicated he was under the influence of steroids, and he had also been smoking cannabis and drinking beer. Blood smears in the corridor between the bedroom where Anarda was found and the shower suggest that

Shannon was the killer, contrary to reports at the time of the deaths. Leading forensic scientist Luane Lunt described the unsettling details of the deaths to the coroner, Charles Pitto and later showed the corkscrew to a packed court. Spanish mother Anarda was found by police officers in the master bedroom with a pillow over her face, she had 12 stab wounds to the chest. Both children – described as ‘normally-developed and well-looked after little girls’ – were found in the living room. Baby Eve died after a ‘single episode’ of violence, while Amanda had ‘defensive wounds’ on her hands and 13 stab wounds, one supposedly inflicted by a corkscrew, to her body. Shannon, from Liverpool, appears to have cut his own throat in the shower room before crawling into the living room. Strangely he also had six stab wounds to his back. He was found by officers down the side of the bed, with a makeshift knife sheath taped to his leg. Five bottles of Heineken beer were found around the house with Shannon’s DNA on them, which suggests he was drunk or had been drinking. The family of four were discovered dead in a horrific scene by the friend in whose flat they were staying. They were reportedly planning on returning to the UK.

The budding economic growth finally being seen in Spain’s economy is not yet enough to stem the flow of Spaniards leaving the country to seek work abroad. In the first half of 2015, 50,844 Spanish citizens left the country, representing a 30 percent rise from the same period in 2014, according to figures released the week by Spain’s National Statistics Institute (INE). By comparison, less than half that number, 23,078, returned to Spain after living in another country. The figures confirm what appears to be an unstoppable trend. The number of departures in the first half of the year is higher than in all of 2010, when Spain was in the middle of the crisis and 40,157 Spaniards decided to try their luck in a foreign country. Meanwhile, 134,143 foreign citizens moved to Spain in the first six months of the year – most from Romania, Morocco and Italy – while 113, 762 foreigners who were already residing here decided to leave. This yields a positive number of 20,380 new foreign residents in Spain. Italian, Ukrainian, French and Chinese communities are the fastest-growing in Spain. The exodus of foreign nationals has been considerably reduced this year, after being twice as high in 2013, when 233,320 people moved back home in the first half of the year. The overall picture shows that Spain is still a country of emigrants, but that

incoming and outgoing flows are more balanced out than ever: the difference between those who left and those who came is 7,385, the lowest figure since 2009. However, Spain continues to lose population. The total number of residents shrank by 26,501 individuals and was 46,423,064 on 1st July, 2015, nearly 0.06 percent less than at the beginning of the year. Population evolution depends on three main factors: births, deaths and migratory flows. The number of births had been higher than the number of deaths for the last 16 years, but the trend was reversed in 2015. A higher death rate, coupled with net emigration, yields a country that is losing population and with a higher average age. “The long-term trend is towards an ageing population and a smaller population,” says Pau Miret, a researcher at the Demography Studies Center in Barcelona. “It could only be avoided through young immigration, but that will not happen until the job market really recovers and we stop seeing these ridiculously high unemployment figures.” Spain, where the fertility rate is 1.27 (compared with 1.40 in Germany and 1.99 in France), is facing future economic and political consequences, such as difficulty financing the pensions system and a smaller representation in European institutions.

Demographic aging The INE is forecasting that Spain will have 45.8 million residents in 2024 and 40.9 million in 2064. “Demographic ageing is a major challenge, because the welfare system is structured on the basis of intergeneration solidarity, and the numerical relationship between contributors and recipients is key to that sustainability,” explains a demographer at the Center for Sociology Studies’ Human and Social Sciences Center. Broken down by regions, only five out of Spain’s 17 autonomous communities have registered a population increase in the first half of 2015. In absolute terms, Madrid grew the most with 15,552 new residents, but compared with the existing population it was the Balearics that finally saw the largest increase, of 4.2 percent. Meanwhile, Castilla y León lost the largest amount of residents: 12,178.

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110,000 Euros

Quesada, walking distance to Lidl and Consum supermarkets, this quad house has 3 beds, 1 family bathroom, downstairs WC, separate large kitchen, and good sized living/dining room. Fully furnished to a comfortable standard, comunal swimming pool

79,000 Euros

39,000 Euros

Quesada, mid terrace bungalow with 2 beds, 1 bathroom, dining room with beautifull kitchen, plus extension to make a large living room. Off road parking, front garden fully tiled, south facing. This is the best one I have seen in 15 years, fully furnished to an excellent standard. Price 79,000 euros, but owner is serious to sell, and will negotiate. Full photos in office. Located walking distance to supermarket, bars and restaurants.

Ground floor 1 bed apartment, excellent size,fully furnished to a very comfortable standard, communal pool 7 meters from front door, underground garage, telephone entry system, walking distance to town centre and saturday market, all for only 39,000 euros equal to 30,000 UK sterling.


225,000 Euros



CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015

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CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015




CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015


Christmas traditions around the globe Christmas as we know it today is aVictorian invention of the 1860s. Probably the most celebrated holiday in the world, our modern Christmas is a product of hundreds of years of both secular and religious traditions from around the globe. Here the Costa Banca People investigates the origins of Christmas traditions from around the world, such as the Yule log, carolling and how Christmas is celebrated ‘Down Under’. England: ‘Merry Christmas!’ An Englishman named John Calcott Horsley helped to popularise the tradition of sending Christmas greeting cards when he began producing small cards featuring festive scenes and a prewritten holiday greeting in the late 1830s. Newly efficient post offices in England and the United States made the cards nearly overnight sensations. At about the same time, similar cards were being made by R.H. Pease, the first American card maker, in Albany, New York, and Louis Prang, a German who immigrated to America in 1850. Celtic and Teutonic peoples had long considered mistletoe to have magic powers. It was said to have the ability to heal wounds and increase fertility. Celts hung mistletoe in their homes in order to bring themselves good luck and ward off evil spirits. During holidays in the Victorian era, the English would hang sprigs of mistletoe from ceilings and in doorways. If someone was found standing under the mistletoe, they would be kissed by someone else in the room, behaviour not usually demonstrated in Victorian society.

Plum pudding is an English dish dating back to the Middle Ages. Suet, flour, sugar, raisins, nuts, and spices are tied loosely in cloth and boiled until the ingredients are “plum,” meaning they have enlarged enough to fill the cloth. It is then unwrapped, sliced like cake, and topped with cream. Carolling also began in England. Wandering musicians would travel from town to town visiting castles and homes of the rich. In return for their performance, the musicians hoped to receive a hot meal or money. In the United States and England, children hang stockings on their bedpost or near a fireplace on Christmas Eve, hoping that it will be filled with treats while they sleep. In Scandinavia, similar-minded children leave their shoes on the hearth. This tradition can be traced to legends about Saint Nicholas. One legend tells of three poor sisters who could not marry because they had no money for a dowry. To save them from being sold by their father, St. Nick left each of the three sisters gifts of gold coins. One went down the chimney and landed in a pair of shoes that had been left on the hearth. Another went into a window and into a pair of stockings left hanging by the fire to dry.

Sweden: ‘God Jul!’ Most people in Scandinavian countries honour St. Lucia, also known as St. Lucy, each year on 13th December. The celebration of St. Lucia Day began in Sweden, but had spread to Denmark and Finland by the mid-19th century. In these countries, the holiday is considered the beginning of the

Christmas season and, as such, is sometimes referred to as “little Yule.” Traditionally, the oldest daughter in each family rises early and wakes each of her family members, dressed in a long, white gown with a red sash, and wearing a crown made of twigs with nine lighted candles. For the day, she is called “Lussi” or “Lussibruden (Lucy bride).” The family then eats breakfast in a room lit with candles. Any shooting or fishing done on St. Lucia Day was done by torchlight, and people brightly illuminated their homes. At night, men, women, and children would carry torches in a parade. The night would end when everyone threw their torches onto a large pile of straw, creating a huge bonfire. In Finland today, one girl is chosen to serve as the national Lucia and she is honoured in a parade in which she is surrounded by torchbearers. Light is a main theme of St. Lucia Day, as her name, which is derived from the Latin word lux, means light. Her feast day is celebrated near the shortest day of the year, when the sun’s light again begins to strengthen. Lucia lived in Syracuse during the fourth century when persecution of Christians was common. Unfortunately, most of her story has been lost over the years. According to one common legend, Lucia lost her eyes while being tortured by a Diocletian for her Christian beliefs. Others say she may have plucked her own eyes out to protest the poor treatment of Christians. Lucia is the patron saint of the blind.

Finland: ‘HyvääJoulua!’ Many Finns visit the sauna on Christmas Eve. Families gather and listen to the national “Peace of Christmas” radio broadcast. It is also customary to visit the gravesites of departed family members.

Norway: ‘Gledelig Jul!’ Norway is the birthplace of the muchloved Yule log. The ancient Norse used the Yule log in their celebration of the return of the sun at winter solstice. “Yule” came from the Norse word hweol, meaning wheel. The Norse believed that the sun was a great wheel of fire that rolled towards and then away from the earth. Ever wonder why the family fireplace is such a central part of the typical Christmas scene? This tradition dates back to the Norse Yule log. It is probably also responsible for the popularity of log-shaped cheese, cakes, and desserts during the holidays.

Germany: ‘FroehlicheWeihnachten!’ Decorating evergreen trees had always been a part of the German winter solstice tradition. The first “Christmas trees” explicitly decorated and named after the Christian holiday, appeared in Strasbourg, in Alsace in the beginning of the 17th century. After 1750, Christmas trees began showing up in other parts of Germany, and even more so after 1771, when Johann Wolfgang von Goethe visited Strasbourg and promptly included a Christmas tree is his novel, ‘The Suffering of Young Werther’. In the 1820s, the first German immigrants decorated Christmas trees in Pennsylvania. After Germany’s Prince

Albert married Queen Victoria, he introduced the Christmas tree tradition to England. In 1848, the first American newspaper carried a picture of a Christmas tree and the custom spread to nearly every home in just a few years.

Mexico: ‘FelizNavidad!’ In 1828, the American minister to Mexico, Joel R. Poinsett, brought a red and green plant from Mexico to America. As its colouring seemed perfect for the new holiday, the plants, which were called poinsettias after Poinsett, began appearing in greenhouses as early as 1830. In 1870, New York stores began to sell them at Christmas. By 1900, they were a universal symbol of the holiday and today can be seen all over the world at Christmas time. In Mexico, papier mache sculptures called pinatas are filled with candy and coins and hung from the ceiling. Children then take turns hitting the pinata until it breaks, sending a shower of treats to the floor. Children race to scoop up as much of the loot as they can.

France: ‘Joyeux Noël!’ In France, Christmas is called Noel. This comes from the French phrase les bonnesnouvelles, which means “the good news” and refers to the gospel. In southern France, some people burn a log in their homes from Christmas Eve until New Year’s Day. This stems from an ancient tradition in which farmers would use part of the log to ensure good luck for the next year’s harvest.


CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015



CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015



CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015


31 CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015

CHI-RAQ (2015)

In The Heart of the Sea (2015) Based on the 1820 event, a whaling ship is preyed upon by a giant whale, stranding its crew at sea for 90 days, thousands of miles from home.

A modern day adaptation of the ancient Greek play Lysistrata by Aristophanes, set against the backdrop of gang violence in Chicago. Director: Spike Lee Writers: Kevin Willmott, Spike Lee Stars: Nick Cannon, Teyonah Parris, Wesley Snipes

Love (2015)

The Good Dinosaur (2015)

Murphy is an American living in Paris who enters a highly sexually and emotionally charged relationship with the unstable Electra. Unaware of the effect it will have on their relationship, they invite their pretty neighbor into their bed. Director: Gaspar Noé Writers: Gaspar Noé Stars: Aomi Muyock, Karl Glusman, Klara Kristin

Ref 1941

Doña Pepa

Townhouse 3 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms

Ref 2872

An epic journey into the world of dinosaurs where an Apatosaurus named Arlo makes an unlikely human friend. Director: Peter Sohn Writers: Bob Peterson (original concept and development), Peter Sohn (story) Stars: Jeffrey Wright, Frances McDormand, Maleah Nipay‐Padilla


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Ref 1079

Doña Pepa

Top Floor Apart. 95m2 Build 2 Bedrooms Comm. Pool 1 Bathroom Priv. Solarium

Ref 2947


Apartment 2 Bedrooms 1 Bathroom

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Ref 4095

Monte Azul

130m2 Det. Villa 3 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms

Private Pool A/C Conservatory











Television: Tues 15th Dec BBC1

7.00am 10.15am 11.00am 11.30am 12.15pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 2.45pm 3.15pm 4.10pm 4.40pm 5.25pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.25pm 11.35pm 12.35am 1.05am 1.10am


Breakfast Operation Meet the Street Homes Under the Hammer Blast Off Live: A Stargazing Special Oxford Street Revealed Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Regional News and Weather Doctors The Doctor Blake Mysteries Escape to the Country Home Comforts at Christmas Flog It! Pointless BBC News at Six Regional News and Weather The One Show EastEnders Holby City Luther BBC News at Ten Regional News and Weather Sports Personality - The Final 12 Live at the Apollo Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News

7.00am 8.00am 8.45am 9.15am 10.15am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.45pm 3.30pm 4.30pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 12.15am 1.05am 2.05am 2.50am 3.50am

ITV2 7.00am 7.10am Records 7.30am 8.10am 8.40am 9.10am 9.40am 10.40am 11.35am 1.30pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 3.40pm 4.50pm 5.55pm 7.00pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 12.40am 1.15am 1.45am 2.45am Records 2.55am

Psych Emmerdale Coronation Street Coronation Street The Cube Psych Secret Santa Emmerdale Coronation Street Coronation Street Catchphrase The Jeremy Kyle Show The Jeremy Kyle Show The Jeremy Kyle Show Judge Rinder You've Been Framed! You've Been Framed! Two and a Half Men Two and a Half Men The Holiday Two and a Half Men Two and a Half Men The Vampire Diaries Totally Bonkers Guinness World Animal Practice

6.00am 6.15am 6.30am 6.45am 7.00am 7.15am 7.30am 7.45am 8.00am 9.00am 10.00am 10.30am 1.00pm 1.15pm 1.30pm 2.00pm 4.30pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.30pm 11.00pm 11.15pm 12.15am 12.45am 1.00am 1.15am 1.30am 1.45am 2.00am

Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold WWE SmackDown! Soccer A.M. - The Best Bits Fantasy Football Club Highlights Ford Monday Night Football Football Gold Football Gold SPFL Round Up Ford Monday Night Football Fantasy Football Club Highlights Barclays Premier League Review Fantasy Football Club Highlights SPFL Round Up Fantasy Football Club Highlights Barclays Premier League Review Football Football Gold Barclays Premier League Review La Liga World 2015 Football Gold One2eleven One2eleven One2eleven One2eleven One2eleven

7.00am 7.45am 8.30am 9.30am 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 11.30am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 3.30pm 4.00pm 4.30pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.40am 1.10am 1.40am 2.40am 3.35am

Revenge Charmed Charmed Hollyoaks Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey Charmed Charmed How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Hollyoaks A to Z The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Empire The Sitter The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Rude Tube Empire How I Met Your Mother

Sky Movies Premiere The Top Ten Show 2015




13 Sins








The Top Ten Show 2015


Jupiter Ascending




Jupiter Ascending




13 Sins


The Opposite Sex


Ted 2: Sky Movies Special



ITV1 6.05am 7.00am 9.30am 10.25am 11.30am 1.30pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 11.00pm 11.40pm 12.45am 1.35am 4.00am 4.45am 6.05am

Sky Sports 1

The Hot Desk Totally Bonkers Guinness World


Homes Under the Hammer Oxford Street Revealed Family Finders Ireland with Simon Reeve Victoria Derbyshire BBC News The Daily Politics The Super League Show 2015 Review Pressure Pad The Great British Bake Off The Great Antiques Map of Britain The World's Most Photographed Wogan: The Best of Bargain Hunt Eggheads Strictly Come Dancing: It Takes Two Stargazing Live: Brit in Space MasterChef: The Professionals Back in Time for Christmas Mock the Week Newsnight Race to Super Bowl 50 The Hunt Home Comforts at Christmas The Naked Choir with Gareth Malone This is BBC Two

CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015

The Jeremy Kyle Show Good Morning Britain Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning Loose Women ITV Lunchtime News Judge Rinder 1000 Heartbeats Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London ITV Evening News Emmerdale Countrywise Midsomer Murders ITV News at Ten and Weather The Jonathan Ross Show Freeze Out Jackpot247 Loose Women ITV Nightscreen The Jeremy Kyle Show

Sky 1 6.00am 7.00am 8.00am 8.30am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 4.30pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 10.30pm 11.00pm 12.00am 1.00am 2.00am

UK Border Force The Dog Whisperer Monkey Life Monkey Life RSPCA Animal Rescue RSPCA Animal Rescue Inside Gatwick Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Monkey Life About a Boy Futurama Futurama Modern Family Futurama Futurama The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons The Flash Star Wars: The Force Awakens Special The Simpsons Micky Flanagan: Detour De France Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 The Force: Manchester

7.00am 7.10am 7.35am 8.35am 9.35am 10.35am 11.00am 11.30am 11.55am 2.00pm 3.05pm 4.10pm 5.15pm 5.50pm 6.20pm 6.55pm 7.55pm 8.55pm 10.00pm 12.00am 2.10am 3.00am 3.30am

Movies Now George and Mildred Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Where the Heart is Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy A Touch of Frost Heartbeat Wild at Heart Where the Heart is Doctor at Large On the Buses George and Mildred Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Doc Martin Foyle's War A Touch of Frost Where the Heart is ITV3 Nightscreen Teleshopping


Channel 4 6.10am

Deal or No Deal




3rd Rock from the Sun


3rd Rock from the Sun


Everybody Loves Raymond


Everybody Loves Raymond


Everybody Loves Raymond






Undercover Boss USA


Jamie's Festive Feast


Channel 4 News Summary


Kirstie's Crafty Christmas


Come Dine with Me


Deal or No Deal




Posh Pawnbrokers


Couples Come Dine with Me


The Simpsons




Channel 4 News


Kirstie's Handmade Christmas


The World's Most Expensive Christmas


That's So Last Century


Tattoo Fixers


Pokerstars.Com Shark Cage


KOTV Boxing Weekly


Gillette World Sport


Anglesey Sandman Triathlon


Asics Beat the Sun 2015

8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 12.15am 1.00am 1.25am 1.45am 2.45am 3.45am the Fifth 4.00am 4.55am

Top Gear Don't Tell the Bride Don't Tell the Bride EastEnders Russell Howard's Good News Extra Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Don't Tell the Bride Reggie Yates' Extreme UK Great Movie Mistakes V: Revenge of


Grand Designs


Building the Dream


River Cottage Bites


The Man From Colorado


Time Team


Time Team


Nazi Megastructures


A Place in the Sun


A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun


Penelope Keith's Hidden Villages


Grand Designs


Building the Dream


8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown


24 Hours in A and E


Ramsay's Hotel Hell


Building the Dream


Salvage S.O.S


Salvage S.O.S


Salvage S.O.S

Eastenders – It's the market's Victorianthemed day, and the ladies of Walford soon find themselves helping a friend. Stacey opens up to Dot about what happened on Halloween, but things soon take an unexpected turn. Emmerdale - Diane makes amends with Chas. Ashley struggles to explain himself. Emma gives Pete cause for concern.

Channel 5 6.10am 6.35am 7.00am 7.10am 7.20am 7.30am 7.40am 7.50am 7.55am 8.05am 8.10am 8.20am 8.35am 8.50am 9.00am 9.15am 9.25am 9.35am 9.50am 10.00am 10.15am 12.45pm 2.30pm 2.35pm 3.05pm 4.50pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.55pm 12.50am 1.45am



Soap Update


Don't Tell the Bride This is BBC Three

House Doctor House Doctor The Wotwots! Chloe's Closet Lily's Driftwood Bay Fireman Sam Wissper Peppa Pig Pip Ahoy! Milkshake Monkey Little Princess Bob the Builder Thomas and Friends Noddy in Toyland Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Paw Patrol Bananas in Pajamas Toot the Tiny Tugboat Christmas with the Wright Stuff Christmas at Cartwright's 5 News Lunchtime Neighbours Mr Miracle A Grandpa for Christmas 5 News at 5 Neighbours 5 News Tonight Britain's Craziest Christmas Lights The Dog Rescuers at Christmas Meet the Psychopaths CSI: Cyber CSI: Cyber On Benefits: Life on the Dole Super Casino

BBC 4 8.00pm World News Today 8.30pm The Boats That Built Britain 9.00pm Swarm: Nature's Incredible Invasions 10.00pm Blood and Gold: The Making of Spain with Simon Sebag Montefiore 11.00pm Ian Hislop Goes off the Rails 12.00am Life of a Mountain: A Year on Scafell Pike 1.00am Swarm: Nature's Incredible Invasions 2.00am The Fisherman's Apprentice with Monty Halls 3.00am Horizon

More 4

ITV4 7.00am 7.05am 7.30am 8.25am 9.25am 10.30am 11.35am 12.40pm 1.40pm 2.45pm 3.50pm 4.55pm 5.55pm 7.00pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 12.25am 2.30am 3.15am 3.45am 4.00am

Football's Greatest Tommy Cooper The Sweeney Minder Alias Smith and Jones Gunsmoke The Professionals The Sweeney Minder The Big Fish Off Gunsmoke Alias Smith and Jones The Professionals The Sweeney Pawn Stars Pawn Stars The Chase: Celebrity Special Sudden Impact The Enforcer Ax Men Formula E: Sound of the Future ITV4 Nightscreen Teleshopping

TV Pick Luther – BBC1 10.00 pm

Crime drama series. On a leave of absence from the police force, Luther is laying low in a rundown cottage on the edge of England. But a visit from his old colleagues at the Met brings a shocking piece of news that draws him back to London in search of the truth. Meanwhile, a gruesome serial killer has struck the city, eating body parts as he goes. With a trail of clues leading from one crime scene to the next, Schenk and his team must work out the twisted logic that connects each victim. But this murdering mastermind is more than a match for the police, outsmarting them at every step. It's not long before Luther is back in the bullpen, determined to steal a march on the killer before another mutilated body joins the mounting pile.

Television: Wed 16th Dec

www.costablancapeople.com CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015

BBC1 7.00am 10.15am 11.00am 12.00pm 12.45pm 1.15pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 2.45pm 3.15pm 4.10pm 4.40pm 5.25pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.25pm 11.35pm 12.35am 1.05am 1.10am


Breakfast Operation Meet the Street Homes Under the Hammer Oxford Street Revealed Family Finders Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Regional News and Weather Doctors The Doctor Blake Mysteries Escape to the Country Home Comforts at Christmas Flog It! Pointless BBC News at Six Regional News and Weather The One Show Cuffs The Apprentice BBC News at Ten Regional News and Weather The Apprentice: Why I Fired Them Film 2015 Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News

7.15am Operation Meet the Street 8.00am Oxford Street Revealed 8.45am Flog it! Trade Secrets 9.15am Simply Nigella 9.45am Terry and Mason's Great Food Trip 10.15am Victoria Derbyshire 12.00pm BBC News 12.30pm The Daily Politics 2.00pm Lifeline 2.10pm Coast 2.15pm Britain's First Photo Album 2.45pm Pressure Pad 3.30pm The Great British Bake Off 4.30pm The Great Antiques Map of Britain 5.00pm The World's Most Photographed 5.30pm Wogan: The Best of 6.15pm Bargain Hunt 7.00pm Eggheads 7.30pm Strictly Come Dancing: It Takes Two 8.00pm Journey Down the Yukon: A Soldier's Challenge 9.00pm MasterChef: The Professionals 10.00pm Love You to Death: A Year of Domestic Violence 11.00pm The Apprentice: You're Fired! 11.30pm Newsnight 12.15am Monty Don's Secret History of the British Garden 1.15am Home Comforts at Christmas 2.00am World's Weirdest Events

ITV2 7.00am 7.25am 8.10am 8.40am 9.40am 10.40am 11.35am 1.30pm 2.00pm 3.00pm 3.40pm 4.50pm 5.55pm 7.00pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 12.45am 1.40am 2.05am 2.30am Records 3.00am 3.20am 6.50am

Sky Sports 1

You've Been Framed! Psych Emmerdale You've Been Framed! The Cube Psych Merry in-Laws Emmerdale You've Been Framed! Catchphrase The Jeremy Kyle Show The Jeremy Kyle Show The Jeremy Kyle Show Judge Rinder You've Been Framed! You've Been Framed! Two and a Half Men Two and a Half Men Love Actually The Vampire Diaries Two and a Half Men Two and a Half Men Totally Bonkers Guinness World Animal Practice Teleshopping ITV2 Nightscreen

7.00am 7.15am 7.30am 7.45am 8.00am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 11.15am 11.30am 11.45am 12.00pm 12.30pm 1.00pm 1.30pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 3.15pm 3.30pm 3.45pm 4.00pm 4.30pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.15pm

Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold WWE Experience Fantasy Football Club Highlights Premier League 100 Club Premier League Fantasy Football Club Highlights Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Premier League 100 Club Premier League La Liga World 2015 Fantasy Football Club Highlights Premier League 100 Club Premier League Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Premier League 100 Club La Liga World 2015 Premier League 100 Club Premier League Soccer A.M. - The Best Bits Premier League 100 Club Premier League Football Gold Football Gold

7.00am 7.45am 8.30am 9.30am 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 11.30am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 3.30pm 4.00pm 4.30pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 12.30am 1.00am 2.00am

Revenge Charmed Charmed Hollyoaks Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey Charmed Charmed How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Hollyoaks A to Z Unstoppable Supernatural The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Gogglebox First Dates

Sky Movies Premiere 7.00am



13 Sins








Jupiter Ascending


The Top Ten Show 2015






Jupiter Ascending


13 Sins


The Opposite Sex


The Visit



ITV1 7.00am 9.30am 10.25am 11.30am 1.30pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.40pm 12.40am 1.40am 4.00am 4.50am 6.05am

Sky 1 7.00am 8.00am 8.30am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 4.30pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm Premiere... 10.30pm 11.00pm 12.00am 1.00am 2.00am

The Dog Whisperer Monkey Life Monkey Life RSPCA Animal Rescue RSPCA Animal Rescue Inside Gatwick Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Monkey Life About a Boy Futurama Futurama Modern Family Futurama Futurama The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons Arrow Star Wars: The Force Awakens

7.00am 7.20am 7.45am 8.50am 9.50am 10.50am 11.15am 11.40am 12.05pm 2.05pm 3.05pm 4.10pm 5.15pm 5.50pm 6.20pm 6.55pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 12.00am 2.05am 2.25am 3.20am 3.30am

Judge Judy George and Mildred Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Where the Heart is Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy A Touch of Frost Heartbeat Wild at Heart Where the Heart is Doctor at Large On the Buses George and Mildred Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Doc Martin Foyle's War A Touch of Frost Judge Judy Wycliffe ITV3 Nightscreen Teleshopping


Star Wars: The Force Awakens Special Prison: First and Last 24 Hours Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 The Force: Manchester

Channel 4 7.00am



3rd Rock from the Sun


3rd Rock from the Sun


Everybody Loves Raymond


Everybody Loves Raymond


Everybody Loves Raymond






Undercover Boss USA


Jamie's Christmas with Bells On


Channel 4 News Summary


Kirstie's Homemade Christmas


Come Dine with Me


Deal or No Deal




Posh Pawnbrokers


Couples Come Dine with Me


The Simpsons




Channel 4 News


The Supervet


24 Hours in A and E


Peep Show


Toast of London


8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown


Best Before


Jennifer's Body


Robin and Marian

8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 12.00am 12.45am 1.05am 1.30am 2.00am 2.30am 3.25am 3.55am 4.25am 5.00am

Top Gear Don't Tell the Bride Stacey Dooley Investigates Russell Howard's Good News Josh Family Guy American Dad! Family Guy Josh Russell Howard's Good News Don't Tell the Bride Cuckoo Cuckoo Josh This is BBC Three


Grand Designs


Building the Dream


Jamie's Super Food


River Cottage Bites


Forty Guns


Time Team


Time Team


Nazi Megastructures


A Place in the Sun


A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun


Million Pound Properties


Grand Designs


Car S.O.S


Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners


Embarrassing Bodies


Ramsay's Hotel Hell


Car S.O.S


Salvage S.O.S


Salvage S.O.S


Jamie's Super Food

Channel 5 7.00am 7.10am 7.20am 7.30am 7.40am 7.50am 7.55am 8.05am 8.10am 8.20am 8.35am 8.50am 9.00am 9.15am 9.25am 9.35am 9.50am 10.00am 10.15am 12.45pm 2.30pm 2.35pm 3.05pm 4.45pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm Christmas 11.00pm 12.00am 12.55am 1.45am

The Wotwots! Chloe's Closet Lily's Driftwood Bay Fireman Sam Wissper Peppa Pig Pip Ahoy! Milkshake Monkey Little Princess Bob the Builder Thomas and Friends Noddy in Toyland Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Paw Patrol Bananas in Pajamas Toot the Tiny Tugboat Christmas with the Wright Stuff The Nine Lives of Christmas 5 News Lunchtime Neighbours Once Upon a Holiday A Star for Christmas 5 News at 5 Neighbours 5 News Tonight My Crazy Christmas Obsession GPs: Behind Closed Doors Can't Pay? We'll Take it Away at


World News Today


The Boats That Built Britain


Time Shift


Horizon Special




2001: A Space Odyssey


Horizon Special


Botany: A Blooming History


This is BBC Four

7.00am 7.50am 8.50am 9.50am 10.55am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 3.00pm 3.30pm 3.55pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 1.50am 2.45am 3.30am 3.40am 4.00am

Gunsmoke The Sweeney Minder Alias Smith and Jones Gunsmoke The Professionals The Sweeney Minder Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Gunsmoke Alias Smith and Jones The Professionals The Sweeney Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Fifth Gear River Monsters We Were Soldiers Chris Eubank: Sports Life Stories Ax Men Movies Now ITV4 Nightscreen Teleshopping



Soap Update Emmerdale – .Zak helps Joanie fight her stage fright. Pete stirs up trouble. Jai is out to prove himself. Coronation Street – Bethany is shocked to learn Sarah's secret. Michael dreads his fifteen minutes of fame. Tyrone's debts begin to spiral.

Good Morning Britain Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning Loose Women ITV Lunchtime News Judge Rinder 1000 Heartbeats Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London ITV Evening News Emmerdale Coronation Street You Saw Them Here First Prey ITV News at Ten and Weather Being Kevin Pietersen Tipping Point Jackpot247 Ejector Seat ITV Nightscreen The Jeremy Kyle Show


Suspects Law and Order: Special Victims Unit Law and Order: Special Victims Unit Super Casino


More 4


TV Pick

Love you to Death: A Year of Domestic Violence – BBC2 – 10.00 pm Powerful and poignant documentary shedding light on the continuing violence inflicted by men on women every day. On average, seven women are killed each month in Britain by their husband, partner or ex-partner. This film tells the gripping stories behind this shocking statistic. The film names each of the 86 women who died at the hands of a male partner or ex-partner during one calendar year. Through interviews with families, friends and neighbours, this programme tells the stories of seven of them in detail.


Television: Thurs 17th Dec BBC1

7.00am 10.15am 11.00am 12.00pm 12.45pm 1.15pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 2.45pm 3.15pm 4.10pm 4.40pm 5.25pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.25pm 11.35pm 12.35am 1.20am 1.25am


Breakfast Operation Meet the Street Homes Under the Hammer Oxford Street Revealed Family Finders Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Regional News and Weather Doctors The Doctor Blake Mysteries Escape to the Country Home Comforts at Christmas Flog It! Pointless BBC News at Six Regional News and Weather The One Show EastEnders Eat Well for Less at Christmas DIY SOS The Big Build BBC News at Ten Regional News and Weather Question Time This Week Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News

7.00am 7.45am 8.15am 8.45am 9.15am 10.15am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.45pm 3.30pm 4.30pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm Masterclass 11.00pm 11.30pm 12.15am Challenge 1.15am 1.45am 2.30am

ITV2 7.00am 7.25am 8.10am 8.40am 9.10am 9.40am 10.40am 11.35am 1.30pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 3.40pm 4.50pm 5.55pm 7.00pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 1.50am 2.15am Records 2.40am 3.05am

7.00am 7.15am 7.30am 7.45am 8.00am 9.00am 9.30am 1.00pm 1.30pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 3.15pm 3.30pm 3.45pm 4.00pm 4.30pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.15pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 12.00am 12.15am 12.25am 1.25am

Crazy Beaches Animal Practice

Sky Movies Premiere Honour




13 Sins






The Top Ten Show 2015


Jupiter Ascending




Jupiter Ascending




13 Sins


The Opposite Sex


Ted 2: Sky Movies Special



Russell Howard's Good News Newsnight Journey Down the Yukon: A Soldier's The Taliban Hunters Home Comforts at Christmas David Gilmour

ITV1 7.00am 9.30am 10.25am 11.30am 1.30pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.30pm 12.15am 1.15am 4.00am 4.25am 6.05am

Sky Sports 1

You've Been Framed! Psych Emmerdale Coronation Street You've Been Framed! The Cube Psych Holiday Engagement Emmerdale Coronation Street You've Been Framed! Catchphrase The Jeremy Kyle Show The Jeremy Kyle Show The Jeremy Kyle Show Judge Rinder You've Been Framed! Two and a Half Men Two and a Half Men Scorpion Celebrity Juice Keith Lemon: The Film Two and a Half Men Totally Bonkers Guinness World


Oxford Street Revealed Family Finders Flog it! Trade Secrets Flog it! Trade Secrets MasterChef: The Professionals Victoria Derbyshire BBC News The Daily Politics Cash in the Attic Pressure Pad The Great British Bake Off The Great Antiques Map of Britain The World's Most Photographed Wogan: The Best of Bargain Hunt Eggheads Strictly Come Dancing: It Takes Two Ronnie Barker: The Many Faces of... MasterChef: The Professionals The Great British Bake Off Christmas

Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold WWE SmackDown! Cricket's Greatest Big Bash League Cricket Specials Cricket Specials Cricket Specials Cricket's Greatest Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Premier League 100 Club Fantasy Football Club Highlights Premier League 100 Club Premier League Football Gold Football Gold Barclays Premier League World Premier League Fantasy Football Club Highlights Barclays Premier League World Football Barclays Premier League World La Liga Show 2015 Football Gold Football Gold NFL Highlights NFL Hard Knocks

Revenge Charmed Charmed Hollyoaks Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey Charmed Charmed How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Hollyoaks A to Z The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Inbetweeners Movie The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Rude Tube Empire Drifters

Good Morning Britain Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning Loose Women ITV Lunchtime News Judge Rinder 1000 Heartbeats Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London ITV Evening News Emmerdale Tonight Emmerdale Coronation Street The Nation's Favourite Bond Song ITV News The World According to Kenny Everett Jackpot247 Tonight ITV Nightscreen The Jeremy Kyle Show

Sky 1 7.00am 8.00am 8.30am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 4.30pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 12.00am 12.30am 1.00am 2.00am

E4 7.00am 7.45am 8.30am 9.30am 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 11.30am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 3.30pm 4.00pm 4.30pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 12.00am 12.30am 1.00am 2.00am 3.00am

CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015

The Dog Whisperer Monkey Life Monkey Life RSPCA Animal Rescue RSPCA Animal Rescue Inside Gatwick Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Monkey Life About a Boy Futurama Futurama Modern Family Futurama Futurama The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons Supergirl Starsky and Hutch Trollied Trollied Hawaii Five-0 The Force: Manchester

Channel 4 7.00am



3rd Rock from the Sun


3rd Rock from the Sun


Everybody Loves Raymond


Everybody Loves Raymond


Everybody Loves Raymond






Undercover Boss USA


Jamie's Christmas with Bells On


Channel 4 News Summary


Kirstie's Homemade Christmas


Come Dine with Me


Deal or No Deal




Posh Pawnbrokers


Couples Come Dine with Me


The Simpsons




Channel 4 News


The Secret Life of Children at


Movies Now George and Mildred Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Where the Heart is Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy A Touch of Frost Heartbeat Wild at Heart Where the Heart is Doctor at Large On the Buses George and Mildred Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Doc Martin Foyle's War A Touch of Frost Judge Judy Wycliffe ITV3 Nightscreen Teleshopping

Soap Update Eastenders – Stacey learns a shocking truth. Mick reels from Linda's bombshell is everything about to fall apart for the Carters? Vincent issues Ronnie a threat she can't ignore. Emmerdale – Emma puts her plan into action. Laurel wonders if she can move on. There is no going back for Joanie. A terrified Kerry prepares for surgery. Baby Moses is caught in the crossfire. Joanie searches for a way out. Coronation Street - Rob vows his revenge. Michael is publicly accused. The community pulls together to surprise Hope and Ruby.

Channel 5 7.00am 7.10am 7.20am 7.30am 7.40am 7.50am 7.55am 8.10am 8.20am 8.35am 8.50am 9.00am 9.15am 9.25am 9.35am 9.50am 10.00am 10.15am 12.45pm 2.30pm 2.35pm 3.05pm 4.45pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am Christmas 1.00am 4.10am

The Wotwots! Chloe's Closet Lily's Driftwood Bay Fireman Sam Wissper Peppa Pig Pip Ahoy! Little Princess Bob the Builder Thomas and Friends Noddy in Toyland Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Paw Patrol Bananas in Pajamas Toot the Tiny Tugboat Christmas with the Wright Stuff Twelve Trees of Christmas 5 News Lunchtime Neighbours The Wishing Tree I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus 5 News at 5 Neighbours 5 News Tonight Crazy Christmas Compulsives Alex Polizzi's Italian Islands Ben Fogle: New Lives in the Snow Christmas on the Poverty Line Can't Pay? We'll Take it Away at


First Dates


Very British Problems at Christmas




24 Hours in A and E


Liberty of London


Embarrassing Bodies


Unreported World



8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 10.30pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 12.00am 12.25am 12.45am 1.10am 1.30am 2.00am 2.30am 3.30am 4.00am

Top Gear Don't Tell the Bride Live at the Apollo Live at the Apollo EastEnders Rent a Cop Family Guy Family Guy American Dad! Family Guy Rent a Cop Josh Reggie Yates' Extreme UK Cuckoo Cuckoo

8.00pm World News Today 8.30pm Reel History of Britain 9.00pm The Secret Life of Rockpools 10.00pm What a Performance! Pioneers of Popular Entertainment 11.00pm Best Possible Taste: The Kenny Everett Story 12.30am Jeff Lynne's ELO in Concert 1.30am The Secret Life of Rockpools 2.30am Ballrooms and Ballerinas: Dance at the BBC 3.30am What a Performance! Pioneers of Popular Entertainment 4.30am This is BBC Four

More 4


ITV3 7.00am 7.10am 7.35am 8.35am 9.30am 10.35am 11.00am 11.25am 11.55am 2.00pm 3.05pm 4.10pm 5.15pm 5.50pm 6.20pm 6.55pm 7.55pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 12.00am 2.05am 2.25am 3.20am 3.30am



Grand Designs


Building the Dream


Jamie's Super Food


Hugh's 3 Good Things


The Scarlet Blade


Time Team


Time Team


Nazi Megastructures


A Place in the Sun


A Place in the Sun


Million Pound Properties


Grand Designs


Grand Designs


24 Hours in A and E


24 Hours in A and E


Ramsay's Hotel Hell


Grand Designs


Salvage S.O.S


Salvage S.O.S


Jamie's Super Food

7.00am 7.55am 8.50am 9.50am 10.50am 11.55am 1.00pm 2.00pm 3.00pm 3.30pm 3.55pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 1.50am 3.30am 4.00am

Super Casino World's Ultimate Strongest Team 2015

Gunsmoke The Sweeney Minder Alias Smith and Jones Gunsmoke The Professionals The Sweeney Minder Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Gunsmoke Alias Smith and Jones The Professionals The Sweeney Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Deals, Wheels and Steals Deals, Wheels and Steals Fifth Gear Year of the Dragon Death Wish 2 Formula E: Sound of the Future Teleshopping

TV Pick

The Secret Life of Children at Christmas Channel 4 – 9.00 pm

Some familiar faces return in this Christmas special as the children from the original Secret Life of 4 Year Olds - Skyla, Jessica, Christian, Cuba and friends reunite to put on their own version of the Nativity play, joined by some of the children from the new series. The programme shows how the children cope with the pressures of auditioning in front of their peers, as well as the excitement, nerves and disappointments of the casting process and the challenges of working together in rehearsals as the children try to make sense of the Nativity story. Home-schooled Cuba struggles to cope with working collaboratively with his peers as he explores and tests boundaries. Can sensible Shakir help him through a challenging week?



CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015


Dear Editor The Dance Ranch line dancing club from Quesada recently raised 230€ for the AECC in memory of their teacher John Briffa who died after a short illness earlier in the year. His wife Sue still holds the popular classes at The Club but John is sorely missed by the class as he was particularly good with the beginners. The money was raised via a raffle plus Sue sold a few copies of her book Marys journey which is the story of her life from 16 years old, meeting John on a ship travelling from Australia to her life in Spain. This was the 3rd time

The Dance Ranch have raised money for the AECC in Johns memory as they donated over a 1000€ in May and 225€ in October. Cheers Debbie Weedon Quesada Pink Ladies

Dear Editor Costablancapeople fundraisers of the year do it again! Bar Kenz in San Luis have raised 1510€ for Maria and the pink ladies for the AECC. This amazing bar

are always donating money to local charities by running race nights, holding their weekly card bingo and their loyal customers who regularly hand over donations plus help fill the charity tin. Pictured are Jan and Ken who run the bar with bar staff Penny and Julie who help the fund raising. Debbie another member of the hard working staff was unfortunately off so missed the photo shoot. If you would like to make an appointment for a mammogram, smear test or prostate test please phone 96 5329841 Monday to Friday 10am-1pm.

Dear Editor Can we ,through your letters page, thank all of those kind people who have donated items for "Reach Out" via the Marina Bar. Torrevieja both past and present. It is gratifying to know that there are people in the world who care and think of others. Thank you so much for caring. David & Lorraine Whitney "Reach Out" shop 2, Calle dona Sinforosa 8 Torrevieja

Jason smashes it ■ SUZANNE O’CONNELL

suzanne@costablancapeople.com Jason Scawthorn told us about his plan to take part in the Valencian Spartan race back in September. His idea was to take on the challenge of 13km and 25 obstacles to help raise money for the Samaritans in Spain. As a personal trainer, Jason had no problem setting himself a tough training schedule and he invited others interested in the challenge to join him. The race finally took place on the 29th November and Jason completed it in two hours and 11 minutes. He was joined by Poncho Rodriguez, his racing buddy and both of them would like to say thank you to everyone who helped on the day. Poncho also combined the challenge of

the race with raising money for charity, this time for the AECC. The Spartan race is cross country and involves a variety of obstacles including carrying rocks, running through bushes, crossing moats and negotiating a number of slippery surfaces. Like tough mudder, it is renowned for testing even the fittest and is definitely a race that has to be well prepared for. Jason has been training for the race for eight months. He went running most days along with completing his WODs (Workouts of the day). ‘As a personal trainer, people expect the Spartan race to be easy for you,’ Jason comments. ‘But the Spartan race finds your weak spots and it lets you know. So the training had to change, the life style had to change, I had to change.’ Jason could not be lenient on himself and he included running on sand,

Picture Princesses

King Felipe VI's and Queen Letizia's Christmas message to the country – the second of their reign – features a photo of their daughters this year instead of the usual family snapshot, with the princesses smiling widely in each other’s arms. HRHs Felipe and Letizia are the first reigning monarchs to let their children take centre stage on the Christmas card, although as usual it is signed by all four members of the family – the King and Queen, their eldest daughter Crown Princess Leonor, 10 and the

Infanta Sofía, eight. They did so back in 2010, when they were still Crown Prince Felipe and Princess Letizia, prior to the abdication of the then King. In 2006, when Leonor was a year old and her sister was not due to be born until the following May, she was the 'cover girl' for the Prince and Princess of Asturias' festive message. This year, as the year before, a smaller, separate greeting card has been sent by the 'Honorary King and Queen', Juan Carlos and Sofía, HRH Felipe's parents. Theirs is a lower-key affair with a postcard featuring the painting The birth of Jesus by Italian artist Bernardino Luini, with just their signatures and 'Happy holidays and New Year 2016' written inside. King Felipe and Queen Letizia's greeting is rather more poetic, however. “Every day, there's a reason for hope and harmony in our hearts. May the values of Christmas always light this way for us,” says the message on the monarchs' family card.

picking up rocks along the beach, flipping tyres and climbing ropes all as part of his pre-race regime. There are different categories that you can enter including junior, sprint, super, beast and hurricane. The title gives you some idea of the pitch of each. ‘My two boys entered the junior Spartan race on the day and they absolutely loved it,’ says Jason.

Jason hasn’t finished with the Spartan race yet. He now wants to conquer the ‘beast’ which is 25km or more with 50 obstacles. ‘I’m looking for my team already,’ says Jason. ‘If you want to join me I’ll be training every day at FIT4ALL in Punta Prima.’ Lynda Brettle, CEO of the Samaritans in Spain, is also very grateful for the support that Jason has given the charity.

‘Not only was it an amazing personal achievement for Jason,’ she says. ‘But it was tremendously helpful in raising awareness of the services we provide to English speakers.’ The money raised by Jason completing the Spartan race will in fact pay for at least two months of the Samaritans’ Freefone 900 525 100. A very tangible outcome for the effort involved. Jason has other plans too. He would like to see the Spartan race held in Torrevieja. ‘I think it would be a great event for the town to host and could earn them some money too.’



CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015






PRICE: €249,000

NEW LOWER PRICE: €235,000 ORIGINALLY: €260,000

NEW LOWER PRICE: €397,000 ORIGINALLY: €435,000

PRICE: €159,950

3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Detached Villa ♦ Furnished ♦ 143m2 Build Size ♦ 420m2 Corner Plot ♦ Off Road Parking ♦ Lovely Mountain Views ♦ Private 8m x 4m Swimming Pool

3/4 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Detached Villa ♦ Well Maintained ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Very Good Location ♦ 470m2 Plot ♦ Large Double Garage ♦ Close to All Local Amenities

4 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Detached Villa ♦ Split Level Kitchen ♦ Private Swimming Pool ♦ Garage + 500m2 Plot ♦ Stunning Sea & Lake Views



PRICE: €117,000

PRICE: €165,000





3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Semi-Detached Villa ♦ Newly Upgraded ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Exquisite Mediterranean Garden ♦ Roof Solarium ♦ Off Road Parking ♦ Direct Access to Communal Swimming Pool

John 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Detached Villa ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Immaculately Presented ♦ Tiled Gardens ♦ Off Road Parking ♦ Communal Swimming Pool

2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom Detached Villa ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ 10m x 5m Swimming Pool ♦ 500m2 Corner Plot ♦ Golf Course Location



PRICE: €105,000

PRICE: €135,000



2 Bedroom Semi-Detached Bungalow ♦ Part Furnished ♦ Immaculate Condition ♦ Large Communal Swimming Pool ♦ Gated Community

3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Detached Villa ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Corner Plot ♦ Off Road Parking ♦ Communal Swimming Pool






PRICE: €125,000

PRICE: €68,000

PRICE: €295,000





2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Semi-Detached Villa ♦ Roof Solarium with Sea Views ♦ Off Road Parking ♦ Utility & Work Rooms ♦ Overlooking Communal Swimming Pool

2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom Linked Bungalow ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Well Maintained ♦ Sun Room ♦ Close to Amenities ♦ No Community Fees

3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Detached Villa ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Private Swimming Pool ♦ South Facing ♦ 994m2 Plot ♦ 145m2 Build Size ♦ Walking Distance to Shops

3 Bedroom, 3 Bathroom Detached Villa ♦ 150m2 Build Size + 500m2 Plot ♦ Modern – Brand New Build ♦ Fabulous Golf Views ♦ Private Swimming Pool



CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015

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Estate Agents





NEW LOWER PRICE: €199,500 ORIGINALLY: €245,000

NEW LOWER PRICE: €585,000 ORIGINALLY: €649,000

PRICE: €220,000

PRICE: €165,000



3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Detached Villa ♦ 519m2 Plot ♦ Large Roof Solarium ♦ Private Swimming Pool ♦ Off Road Parking

2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Detached Villa ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Very Well Maintained ♦ Off Road Parking ♦ Underbuild ♦ 325m2 Plot



NEW LOWER PRICE: €110,000 ORIGINALLY: €117,500

PRICE: €75,000

LD O S 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Detached Villa ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Gas Central Heating ♦ Private 10m x 5m Swimming Pool ♦ Quiet Cul-de-Sac ♦ Desirable Location

4/5 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Luxury Modern Detached Villa ♦ Truly Stunning ♦ 580m2 Plot ♦ Double Garage ♦ 305m2 of High Quality Build ♦ Private Salt Water 8m x 4m Swimming Pool ♦ Underfloor Heating


LD O S Tony 2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Linked Duplex ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Roof Solarium ♦ Spectacular Views ♦ Communal Parking ♦ Close to Amenities ♦ Communal Swimming Pool

2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Linked Bungalow ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Roof Solarium ♦ Fabulous Views ♦ Communal Swimming Pool





PRICE: €279,000

2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Linked Duplex ♦ Covered Terrace ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Communal Swimming Pool & Gardens ♦ Short Walk to Local Amenities

4 Bedroom, 4 Bathroom Detached Villa ♦ Part Furnished ♦ 8m x 4 Swimming Pool ♦ Summer Kitchen ♦ 500m2 Plot ♦ Garage






PRICE: €95,000

PRICE: €85,000

PRICE: €130,000



NEW LOWER PRICE: €218,000 ORIGINALLY: €230,000

2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Semi-Detached Villa ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Immaculately Presented ♦ Off Road Parking ♦ Communal Swimming Pool ♦ Gated Community

2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom Top Floor Apartment ♦ Roof Solarium ♦ Accessed at Street Level ♦ Large Additional Room with Bar & Lounge ♦ Communal Swimming Pool ♦ Stunning Views

3/4 Bedroom, 3 Bathroom Detached Villa ♦ Part Furnished ♦ Beautifully Presented ♦ Large Garage + Utility Area ♦ Communal Swimming Pool ♦ Small Gated Community ♦ Mountain Views

2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Linked Duplex ♦ Beautifully Presented ♦ Furnished ♦ Stunning Views ♦ Roof Solarium ♦ Resident Parking ♦ Communal Swimming Pool




CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015



BBC1 7.00am 10.15am 11.00am 12.00pm 12.45pm 1.15pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 2.45pm 3.15pm 4.10pm 4.40pm 5.25pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 10.30pm 11.00pm 11.25pm 11.35pm 12.20am 12.50am 2.10am 2.15am


Breakfast Operation Meet the Street Homes Under the Hammer Oxford Street Revealed Family Finders Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Regional News and Weather Doctors The Doctor Blake Mysteries Escape to the Country Home Comforts at Christmas Flog It! Pointless BBC News at Six Regional News and Weather The One Show A Question of Sport EastEnders Citizen Khan Have I Got News for You Peter Kay's Car Share BBC News at Ten Regional News and Weather The Graham Norton Show Josh Reasonable Doubt Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News

7.00am 8.00am 8.45am 9.15am 9.45am 10.15am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 3.30pm 4.30pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 8.00pm 8.30pm Favourites 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 12.05am 2.20am

ITV2 7.00am Records 7.25am 8.10am 8.40am 9.10am 9.40am 10.40am 11.35am 12.15pm 1.30pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 3.40pm 4.50pm 5.55pm 7.00pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 12.25am 2.20am 3.10am 6.40am

Psych Emmerdale Emmerdale Coronation Street The Cube Psych Catchphrase Take Me Out Emmerdale Emmerdale Coronation Street Catchphrase The Jeremy Kyle Show The Jeremy Kyle Show The Jeremy Kyle Show Judge Rinder You've Been Framed! You've Been Framed! Two and a Half Men Two and a Half Men The Bourne Identity The Nutty Professor The Vampire Diaries Teleshopping ITV2 Nightscreen




The Good Dinosaur: Sky Movies

Special 9.15am

Ghosthunters: On Icy Trails








Bridge of Spies: Sky Movies Special


Taken 3 Ghosthunters: On Icy Trails


Taken 3






13 Sins

Mastermind An Island Parish: Falklands Alex Polizzi: Hire Our Heroes The Clare Balding Show Newsnight Artificial Intelligence: AI Question Time

7.00am 7.15am 7.30am 7.45am 8.00am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 11.15am 11.30am 11.45am 12.00pm 12.30pm 1.00pm 1.30pm 1.45pm 2.00pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 8.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 12.15am 12.45am 1.00am 1.15am 1.30am 1.45am 2.00am

Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold WWE Main Event Barclays Premier League World Premier League 100 Club Premier League Barclays Premier League World Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Premier League 100 Club Premier League La Liga Show 2015 Football Gold Football Gold World Darts Championship La Liga Show 2015 Game Changers The Fantasy Football Club Football The Fantasy Football Club Football Gold Barclays Premier League Review One2eleven One2eleven One2eleven One2eleven Football Gold The Fantasy Football Club

7.00am 7.45am 8.30am 9.30am 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 11.30am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 3.30pm 4.00pm 4.30pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 12.00am 12.30am 1.00am 2.00am

Revenge Charmed Charmed Hollyoaks Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey Charmed Charmed How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Hollyoaks A to Z The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Unstoppable The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Bodyshockers Drifters

Sky Movies Premiere


Homes Under the Hammer Oxford Street Revealed Family Finders An Island Parish: Falklands Great British Menu Victoria Derbyshire BBC News The Daily Politics Britain's First Photo Album The Great British Bake Off The Great British Bake Off The Great Antiques Map of Britain The World's Most Photographed Wogan: The Best of Bargain Hunt Strictly Come Dancing: It Takes Two Tom Kerridge Cooks Christmas Mary Berry's Absolute Christmas



Ghosthunters: On Icy Trails


Bridge of Spies: Sky Movies Special


Rio 2 Special

Channel 4


Good Morning Britain






The Jeremy Kyle Show with Text Santa


3rd Rock from the Sun


This Morning


3rd Rock from the Sun


Loose Women


Everybody Loves Raymond


ITV Lunchtime News


Everybody Loves Raymond


Judge Rinder for Text Santa


Everybody Loves Raymond


1000 Heartbeats for Text Santa




Tipping Point for Text Santa




The Chase for Text Santa


Undercover Boss USA


ITV News London


Jamie's Best Ever Christmas


ITV Evening News


Channel 4 News Summary




Coronation Street


Kirstie's Homemade Christmas


Text Santa Christmas Jumper Day


Celebrity Come Dine with Me


ITV News


The Best Bits




The Jeremy Kyle Show USA


ITV Nightscreen

Sky Sports 1

Totally Bonkers Guinness World

Television: Fri 18th Dec

CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015

Sky 1 7.00am 8.00am 8.30am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 4.30pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.30pm 12.00am 1.00am 2.00am 3.00am

The Dog Whisperer Monkey Life Monkey Life RSPCA Animal Rescue RSPCA Animal Rescue Inside Gatwick Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Monkey Life About a Boy Futurama Futurama Modern Family Futurama Futurama The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons A League of Their Own The Best Christmas Movies Ever A League of Their Own Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Road Wars

7.00am 7.10am 7.35am 8.40am 9.35am 10.40am 11.05am 11.35am 12.00pm 2.05pm 3.10pm 4.10pm 5.15pm 5.50pm 6.20pm 6.55pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 12.00am 2.00am 3.55am

Movies Now George and Mildred Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Where the Heart is Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy A Touch of Frost Heartbeat Wild at Heart Where the Heart is Doctor at Large On the Buses George and Mildred Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Doc Martin Foyle's War A Touch of Frost Closing the Ring Judge Judy


Christmas Special 3.10pm

Deal or No Deal




Posh Pawnbrokers


Couples Come Dine with Me


The Simpsons




Channel 4 News


TFI Friday




Alan Carr: Chatty Man


First Dates


Rude Tube


That's So Last Century


You're Next

8.00pm 8.30pm 9.30pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 12.15am 12.40am 1.00am 1.25am 1.45am 2.15am 2.45am 3.30am 4.00am

World's Craziest Fools Don't Tell the Bride Sherlock EastEnders Russell Howard's Good News Extra American Dad! American Dad! Family Guy Family Guy Rent a Cop Josh Russell Howard's Good News Extra Cuckoo Cuckoo


Grand Designs


Building the Dream


Hugh's 3 Good Things


S.O.S. Titanic


Time Team


Time Team


Nazi Megastructures


A Place in the Sun


A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun


Multi-Million Pound Properties


Grand Designs


24 Hours in A and E


The Returned


Father Ted


Father Ted


Father Ted


Grand Designs


Salvage S.O.S


Salvage S.O.S


Salvage S.O.S

Channel 5 7.00am The Wotwots! 7.10am Lily's Driftwood Bay 7.15am Fireman Sam 7.30am Wissper 7.35am Peppa Pig 7.40am Pip Ahoy! 7.55am Little Princess 8.05am Bob the Builder 8.25am Thomas and Friends 8.40am Noddy in Toyland 8.55am Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 9.10am Peppa Pig 9.20am Peppa Pig 9.30am Paw Patrol 9.50am Bananas in Pajamas 10.00am Toot the Tiny Tugboat 10.15am Christmas with the Wright Stuff 12.40pm The Perfect Holiday 2.30pm 5 News Lunchtime 2.35pm Neighbours 3.05pm Mrs Miracle 2: Miracle in Manhattan 4.50pm Help for the Holidays 6.30pm 5 News at 5 7.00pm Neighbours 7.30pm 5 News Tonight 8.00pm Ultimate Strongman Masters World Championships 2015 9.00pm Ice Road Truckers 10.00pm Con Air 12.15am Caught on Camera 1.15am Super Casino




BBC 4 8.00pm 8.30pm House 10.35pm 11.00pm 12.00am 12.45am 1.45am 2.45am 3.35am 4.35am

World News Today Andrea Chenier From the Royal Opera

7.00am 7.50am 8.45am 9.45am 10.50am 11.55am 12.55pm 1.55pm 2.55pm 3.25pm 3.50pm 4.55pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 12.05am 1.55am 4.00am

Gunsmoke The Sweeney Minder Alias Smith and Jones Gunsmoke The Professionals The Sweeney Minder Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Gunsmoke Alias Smith and Jones The Professionals The Sweeney Pawn Stars Pawn Stars The Car Chasers The Car Chasers The Enforcer Child's Play 3 The Chronicles of Riddick Teleshopping

More 4

Sounds of the Eighties Queen: From Rags to Rhapsody Queen: The Legendary 1975 Concert Great Guitar Riffs at the BBC Queen: From Rags to Rhapsody Queen: The Legendary 1975 Concert Great Guitar Riffs at the BBC This is BBC Four


Soap Update TV Pick Eastenders - Stacey struggles to come to terms with her discovery. Mick grows concerned about Linda's behaviour, but will she admit the truth to what's really going on? Coronation Street – Rob confides his dastardly plans to his cellmate. Will Eileen accept Michael's apology? Fiz berates Tyrone for his ingratitude. Emmerdale – Ross tells Debbie she has gone too far. Nicola plays cupid. Kerry struggles with her recovery routine.

Text Santa Christmas Jumper Day – ITV– 9.00 pm ITV's annual charity appeal returns this year with a host of stars all doing their bit in a Christmas knit for a three-hour, starstudded TV spectacular. The allstar cast includes Phillip Schofield, Holly Willoughby, Amanda Holden, Paddy McGuinness, Alesha Dixon, Stephen Mulhern, Christine Bleakley, Olly Murs and Caroline Flack, who present an unmissable night of fundraising. The evening includes a visit to Coronation Street with a Text Santa twist, a line-up of celebrities attempting to take on the Ninja Warrior wall and Lord Grantham having a tough decision to make in a Downton Abbey special, while there will also be plenty more live music, surprises and special guests. The three chosen charities supported - Macmillan Cancer Support, Make-AWish UK and Save the Children - will be highlighted by some moving films featuring well-known faces.


Television: Sat 19th Dec BBC1

7.00am 11.00am 12.30pm 1.00pm 1.10pm 1.55pm 2.55pm 4.30pm 5.30pm 6.25pm 6.35pm 6.45pm 7.35pm 9.00pm 9.50pm 10.00pm 11.10pm 11.30pm 12.55am 1.55am 2.00am

Breakfast Saturday Kitchen Home Comforts at Christmas BBC News Football Focus Sports Personality - The Final 12 The Muppets The Hunt Final Score BBC News Regional News and Weather Pointless Strictly Come Dancing Casualty The National Lottery Live Strictly Come Dancing BBC News Match of the Day The Apprentice Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News

BBC2 7.00am

Race to Super Bowl 50


Homes Under the Hammer


Natural World




Bridge to Terabithia


Escape to the Country


Best Christmas Bakes Ever


The Bishop's Wife




Flog It!


Dad's Army


The Perfect Morecambe and Wise

Christmas Special 8.05pm

Japan: Earth's Enchanted Island




Rudolf Nureyev - Dance to Freedom




James Brown: Mr Dynamite




This is BBC Two

ITV2 7.00am

The Hot Desk


Emmerdale Omnibus


Coronation Street Omnibus




You've Been Framed!


Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium


Santa Baby


Merry Christmas Mr Bean


Ella Enchanted


The Nightmare Before Christmas


The Bourne Supremacy


Celebrity Juice


Through the Keyhole




Viral Tap


Baby Mama


The Almost Impossible Gameshow


Totally Bonkers Guinness World

Records 6.40am

ITV2 Nightscreen

Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Premier League 100 Club Barclays Premier League Review Game Changers Barclays Premier League Review The Fantasy Football Club Soccer A.M. Football Sky Sports Boxing Gold 2013 Sky Sports Boxing Gold 2013 Sky Sports Boxing Gold 2013 Sky Sports Boxing Gold 2013 Sky Sports Boxing Gold 2013 Sky Sports Boxing Gold 2013 Sky Sports Boxing Gold 2013 Ford Saturday Night Football SNF: Game of the Day SNF: Match Choice SNF: Match Choice NFL Bpl Legends Football Gold

7.00am 7.25am 7.45am 8.10am 8.35am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 11.30am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 3.00pm 3.30pm 4.00pm 4.30pm 6.15pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.50pm 11.55pm 1.00am 1.30am 2.00am 2.30am

Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother Baby Daddy Baby Daddy Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey The Goldbergs The Goldbergs Made in Chelsea Couples Come Dine with Me Couples Come Dine with Me Brooklyn Nine-Nine The Goldbergs The Goldbergs Astro Boy Rude(Ish) Tube Shorts The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Simpsons Movie Gogglebox Gogglebox The Inbetweeners The Inbetweeners The IT Crowd The IT Crowd

Sky Movies Premiere 7.00am



The Good Dinosaur: Sky Movies

Special 9.15am



Ghosthunters: On Icy Trails




Maleficent Special



5.15pm 7.15pm 9.00pm 11.00pm 12.45am

Taken 3 Ghosthunters: On Icy Trails Taken 3 Cake Extraterrestrial


13 Sins


Ghosthunters: On Icy Trails


Bridge of Spies: Sky Movies Special


Transformers: Age of Extinction Special

ITV1 7.00am 7.25am 7.30am 7.35am 8.00am 8.05am 8.10am 8.25am 8.40am 8.50am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 10.25am 11.20am 12.20pm 12.30pm 2.35pm 3.15pm 4.15pm 6.10pm 6.20pm 6.35pm 7.35pm 10.45pm 11.50pm 12.05am 2.20am

Sky Sports 1 7.00am 7.15am 7.30am 7.45am 8.00am 8.30am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 11.00am 1.00pm 3.45pm 4.00pm 4.15pm 4.30pm 4.45pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 9.00pm 11.00pm 12.30am 2.00am 5.30am 6.00am

CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015

Fort Boyard Ultimate Challenge Pat and Stan Pat and Stan Dino Dan: Trek's Adventures Share a Story Oddbods Sooty Super 4 Mr. Bean Mr. Bean The Aquabats! Super Show! Thunderbirds are Go Jessie Murder, She Wrote The Jeremy Kyle Show ITV News and Weather The Mirror Crack'd Celebrity Squares Doc Martin Midsomer Murders ITV News London ITV News and Weather Keep it in the Family Christmas Special The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey The Jonathan Ross Show ITV News and Weather Notting Hill Jackpot247

Sky 1 7.00am 8.00am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 11.00am 1.00pm 2.00pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 8.00pm 12.00am 1.00am 2.00am 3.00am 4.00am 5.00am 6.00am 6.30am

Are You Smarter Than a 10 Year Old? Ashley Banjo's Secret Street Crew Game Changers Football Freestyler Fantasty Football Club Soccer A.M. Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Raiders, Raptors and Rebels Supergirl The Flash Live World Darts Championship Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Road Wars Road Wars Nothing to Declare Nothing to Declare


Judge Judy


Where the Heart is


Where the Heart is


A Christmas Carol


The Darling Buds of May


Rosemary and Thyme


Rosemary and Thyme


Carry on Screaming


A Touch of Frost




Doc Martin


Midsomer Murders


Foyle's War


A Touch of Frost


On the Buses





Channel 4

Channel 5


Great Ethiopian Run 2015


Peppa Pig


Survival of the Fittest Powered by the


Bananas in Pajamas

All-New Renault Kadjar


Bob the Builder


Snowman Triathlon


Tickety Toc


Everybody Loves Raymond


Zack and Quack


Everybody Loves Raymond


Milkshake Monkey


The Morning Line


Make Way for Noddy


The Big Bang Theory


Paw Patrol


The Big Bang Theory


Little Princess


The Big Bang Theory


Pip Ahoy!


The Big Bang Theory


Blaze and the Monster Machines


The Simpsons


Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom


The Simpsons


Wanda and the Alien


The Simpsons


Toby's Travelling Circus


Channel 4 Racing


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles


Channel 4 News


The Saturday Show


The Simpsons


A Country Christmas Story


The Simpsons


This Christmas


Arthur Christmas


Christmas Angel


The World's Weirdest Weather


A Boyfriend for Christmas


Star Trek


Crackers About Christmas




Michael Buble's Christmas Songbook


TFI Friday


5 News Weekend


Hollyoaks Omnibus


Football League Tonight


Hugh's 3 Good Things


Britain's Favourite Abba Songs


Hugh's 3 Good Things


ABBA: Live in Concert


Location, Location, Location


Super Casino

8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 12.05am 12.50am 1.10am 1.30am 1.55am 2.20am 2.45am 3.15am 3.45am 4.15am Fifth

Don't Tell the Bride Top Gear Enemy of the State Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy The Mighty Boosh The Mighty Boosh The Mighty Boosh The Mighty Boosh Great Movie Mistakes V: Revenge of the

9.55am 10.35am 10.55am 1.00pm 1.30pm 2.05pm 2.35pm 3.10pm 3.40pm 6.15pm 7.20pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.05pm 12.10am 1.15am 1.45am 2.15am 2.50am 3.20am

Gadget Man Kirstie's Vintage Gems Thunder Bay Four in a Bed Four in a Bed Four in a Bed Four in a Bed Four in a Bed It's a Wonderful Life Kirstie's Homemade Christmas Grand Designs Father Ted Father Ted Father Ted It Was Alright in the 1970's 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown Father Ted Father Ted Father Ted Gadget Man The Returned



BBC 4 8.00pm Empire of the Seas: How the Navy Forged the Modern World 9.00pm The Golden Age of Steam Railways 10.00pm The Bridge 11.00pm The Bridge 12.00am 10 Things You Didn't Know About Earthquakes 1.00am 10 Things You Didn't Know About... 2.00am Horizon 3.00am Ian Hislop Goes off the Rails 4.00am The Golden Age of Steam Railways 5.00am This is BBC Four

More 4

ITV4 7.00am 7.10am 7.55am 8.40am 9.40am 10.45am 11.50am 12.50pm 1.20pm 1.45pm 2.10pm 2.40pm 3.15pm 3.45pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 12.10am 2.55am

Football's Greatest Ax Men Ax Men Motorsport UK Bundesliga Alias Smith and Jones The Professionals Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Storage Wars New York Storage Wars New York The Secret War of Harry Frigg The Car Chasers The Car Chasers Fifth Gear Storage Wars Texas Storage Wars Texas River Monsters Texas Killing Fields We Were Soldiers The Big Fish Off

Television: Sun 20th Dec

www.costablancapeople.com CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015

BBC1 7.00am 8.35am 10.00am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.15pm 3.40pm 4.05pm 5.45pm 6.25pm 6.40pm 6.50pm 7.50pm 10.00pm 12.00am 12.20am 12.30am 1.10am 1.15am


Breakfast Match of the Day The Andrew Marr Show Fern Britton Meets... Homes Under the Hammer Bargain Hunt BBC News Rise of the Guardians Merry Madagascar Toy Story 3 Christmas Big Sing BBC News Regional News and Weather Countryfile Sports Personality of the Year 2015 The Apprentice BBC News Regional News and Weather Have I Got a Bit More News for You Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News

7.15am 8.15am 9.15am 9.45am 10.45am 12.15pm 1.15pm 2.00pm 2.45pm 5.30pm 6.20pm 7.25pm 7.50pm 8.20pm 9.20pm 11.10pm 11.55pm 12.15am 12.45am 1.15am 2.15am 3.15am 4.15am

ITV2 7.00am 7.10am Records 7.35am 10.20am 12.45pm 1.50pm 2.20pm 4.30pm 6.20pm 7.25pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 12.15am 1.00am 2.05am 3.00am Assistant 4.50am 5.40am Records 6.05am Records 6.30am

Big Dreams Small Spaces Countryfile An Island Parish: Falklands Beavers Behaving Badly Saturday Kitchen Best Bites Simply Nigella MOTD2 Extra Hi-De-Hi! Equestrian Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em Flog It! The Good Life University Challenge To the Manor Born Safe Haven Live at the Apollo Family Guy The Javone Prince Show Country Strife Special Forces - Ultimate Hell Week Special Forces - Ultimate Hell Week Countryfile Holby City


SNF: Match Choice


SNF: Match Choice

Emmerdale Omnibus Coronation Street Omnibus Keep it in the Family Christmas Special You've Been Framed! Peter Pan Beethoven's Christmas Adventure Catchphrase The X Factor Winner's Story 2015 You've Been Framed! You've Been Framed! The Bourne Ultimatum Celebrity Juice Release the Hounds Tricked Cirque Du Freak: The Vampire's


The Sunday Supplement


Goals on Sunday


Ford Super Sunday


Ford Super Sunday


World Darts Championship


Big Bash League


Big Bash League


Premier League


Premier League 100 Club


Ford Football Special


Premier League 100 Club


Premier League


Cricket's Greatest


Cricket's Greatest


Cricket's Greatest

Totally Bonkers Guinness World


Cricket's Greatest

ITV2 Nightscreen


Cricket's Greatest

7.00am 7.20am 7.40am 8.00am 8.30am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 11.00am 1.35pm 3.25pm 4.30pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.45pm 12.15am 12.50am 1.25am 1.55am 3.30am

Rules of Engagement How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother Baby Daddy Baby Daddy Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey Made in Chelsea Hollyoaks Omnibus City of Ember Couples Come Dine with Me Couples Come Dine with Me The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Rush Hour 3 The Inbetweeners The Inbetweeners The IT Crowd The IT Crowd The Sitter How I Met Your Mother

Educating Joey Essex Totally Bonkers Guinness World

Sky Movies Premiere 7.00am



Ghosthunters: On Icy Trails


The Good Dinosaur: Sky Movies

Special Extraterrestrial






Maleficent Special

7.00am 7.25am 7.30am 7.35am 7.50am 8.00am 8.05am 8.10am 8.25am 8.40am 8.50am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 10.25am Highlights 11.20am 12.20pm 12.25pm 1.30pm 2.00pm 4.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.15pm 7.30pm 8.30pm 11.05pm 11.20pm 1.45am 4.00am

Sky Sports 1

The Hot Desk Christmas Bonkers Guinness World




Taken 3


Ghosthunters: On Icy Trails


Taken 3






13 Sins


Ghosthunters: On Icy Trails


Transformers: Age of Extinction Special


Boyhood Special

Fort Boyard Ultimate Challenge Pat and Stan Pat and Stan Dino Dan Dino Dan Share a Story Oddbods Sooty Super 4 Mr. Bean Mr. Bean The Aquabats! Super Show! Dc Comics: Batman Beleaguered Jessie FIA Formula e Championship The Jeremy Kyle Show ITV News and Weather The Jeremy Kyle Show The Unforgettable Dick Emery Doc Martin Midsomer Murders Tipping Point for Text Santa ITV News London Regional News and Weather Jekyll and Hyde The Sound of Music Live ITV News and Weather Love Actually Jackpot247 Motorsport UK

Sky 1 7.00am 8.00am 8.30am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 3.30pm 4.00pm 4.30pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 1.00am 2.00am 5.30am

The Hour of Power Monkey Life Monkey Life Monkey Life Monkey Life Supergirl The Flash WWE Raw Raiders, Raptors and Rebels The Best Christmas Movies Ever Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family The Simpsons The Muppets Modern Family The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons Arrow Micky Flanagan's Detour De France A League of Their Own Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Live NFL Road Wars


Movies Now


On the Buses


On the Buses


A Christmas Carol






A Touch of Frost




Channel 4

Rosemary and Thyme




Agatha Christie's Marple


Sunday Night at the Palladium




The Constant Gardener


Till Death Us Do Part




ITV3 Nightscreen


Emmerdale Omnibus

TV Pick Sports Personality of the Year 2015 – BBC1 – 7-50 pm Gary Lineker, Clare Balding and Gabby Logan host BBC Sports Personality Of The Year, live from the SSE Arena, Belfast. It's been another incredible 12 months of sporting excellence and this world famous show - now in its 62nd year again recognises some of the standout achievers. Stars from the sporting world are among the 7,500 crowd in Northern Ireland's capital city and, as ever, there is a full review of the sporting year.

Channel 5


King of Queens


Peppa Pig


King of Queens


Bananas in Pajamas


King of Queens


Angelina Ballerina


Everybody Loves Raymond


Bob the Builder


Everybody Loves Raymond


Tickety Toc




Zack and Quack




Roobarb and Custard Too


Sunday Brunch


Make Way for Noddy


The Big Bang Theory


Paw Patrol


The Big Bang Theory


Little Princess


Pip Ahoy!


Blaze and the Monster Machines


Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom


Wanda and the Alien


Hachi: A Dog's Tale


The Addams Family


Channel 4 News


Ice Age: A Mammoth Christmas


Home Alone


Bear Goes Wild with Barack Obama






Four Christmases



Toby's Travelling Circus


Jelly Jamm




Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles


Football League Tonight


Surf's Up



The Christmas Switch


Alan Carr: Chatty Man


Christmas in the City


The Undateables




Four in a Bed


5 News Weekend


Four in a Bed


Hellboy II: The Golden Army


Four in a Bed


War of the Worlds


Four in a Bed


Britain's Favourite Christmas Songs


Four in a Bed


Super Casino

8.00pm 8.10pm 9.30pm 10.30pm 11.35pm 12.15am 1.00am 1.25am 1.45am 2.15am 2.40am 3.10am 3.40am 4.10am the Fifth

First Flight G-Force Don't Tell the Bride Top Gear Russell Howard's Good News Extra Family Guy American Dad! American Dad! Josh The Mighty Boosh The Mighty Boosh The Mighty Boosh The Mighty Boosh Great Movie Mistakes V: Revenge of

9.55am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.05pm Dinner 2.10pm 2.40pm 3.15pm 3.50pm 4.20pm 4.50pm 5.25pm 5.55pm 6.25pm 6.55pm 7.25pm 7.55pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.05am 1.10am 2.05am 3.10am 3.40am

Kirstie's Homemade Christmas George Clarke's Amazing Spaces George Clarke's Amazing Spaces Jimmy's Grow Your Own Christmas





BBC 4 8.00pm Blood and Gold: The Making of Spain with Simon Sebag Montefiore 9.00pm Westminster Abbey 10.00pm Nat King Cole: Afraid of the Dark 11.30pm Nina Simone and Me with Laura Mvula 12.00am Bruce Springsteen 12.55am Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band 1.55am Westminster Abbey 2.55am Tales of Winter: The Art of Snow and Ice 4.25am This is BBC Four

More 4

Jamie's Super Food Jamie's Super Food Jamie's Super Food Four in a Bed Four in a Bed Four in a Bed Four in a Bed Four in a Bed Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Car S.O.S The World's Weirdest Weather Is Our Weather Getting Worse? 24 Hours in A and E Ramsay's Hotel Hell Is Our Weather Getting Worse? Salvage S.O.S Salvage S.O.S

ITV4 7.00am 7.40am 8.25am 9.30am 10.05am 10.35am 11.35am 12.35pm 1.35pm 2.35pm 3.00pm 3.30pm 4.00pm 4.25pm 6.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 12.05am 2.20am 3.15am 4.00am

Ax Men Ax Men The Professionals Formula E: Sound of the Future Formula E: Sound of the Future Fifth Gear The Big Fish Off Shed and Buried Shed and Buried Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars The 'Burbs Blues Brothers 2000 Rugby Highlights Kull the Conqueror Daylight Ray Mears' Close Encounters Ax Men Teleshopping

TV Pick The Sounds of Music Live – ITV – 8.30 pm

A live broadcast of an ITV production of the classic Rodgers and Hammerstein musical - the first time a production has been shown live on UK television. With a cast including Kara Tointon as Maria, Julian Ovenden as Captain von Trapp and Alexander Armstrong as Max Detweiler, the production is directed by Coky Giedroyc and Richard Valentine. Based on the original stage musical, it tells the timeless story of Maria, the young governess to the Von Trapp family, who falls for her widowed employer and plans to flee with him and his children before the German invasion of Austria in 1938. She later described her adventures in a celebrated memoir, The Story of the Trapp Family Singers. This version includes all the songs from the score by Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II, including How Do You Solve a Problem like Maria?, Edelweiss, Do-Re-Mi, My Favourite Things, Climb Ev'ry Mountain and the title song.


Television: Mon 21st Dec BBC1

7.00am Breakfast 10.15am Wanted Down Under Revisited 11.00am Homes Under the Hammer 12.00pm Oxford Street Revealed 12.45pm Close Calls: On Camera 1.15pm Bargain Hunt 2.00pm BBC News at One 2.30pm Regional News and Weather 2.45pm Raiders of the Lost Ark 4.35pm The Madagascar Penguins in a Christmas Caper 4.50pm Shrek 2 6.15pm Pointless 7.00pm BBC News at Six 7.30pm Regional News and Weather 8.00pm Cue the Queen: Celebrating the Christmas Speech 9.00pm EastEnders 9.30pm Miranda 10.00pm The John Bishop Christmas Show 11.00pm BBC News at Ten 11.30pm Regional News and Weather 11.40pm Match of the Day 2 12.40am Citizen Khan 1.10am The Graham Norton Show 1.55am Weather for the Week Ahead 2.00am BBC News

BBC2 7.20am 8.20am 9.05am 9.35am 10.05am 10.35am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.45pm 3.45pm 4.45pm 5.15pm 6.15pm Masterclass 7.15pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.35pm 12.05am 12.35am 1.05am 2.05am 3.05am 4.05am

ITV2 7.00am Records 7.20am 7.50am 8.20am 8.50am 9.20am 10.20am 11.20am 1.10pm 1.40pm 2.10pm 2.40pm 3.40pm 4.50pm 5.55pm 7.00pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 12.45am 1.45am 2.10am 2.55am 4.35am

Totally Bonkers Guinness World You've Been Framed! Emmerdale Coronation Street The Corrie Years The Cube The X Factor Winner's Story 2015 Beethoven Emmerdale Coronation Street You've Been Framed! All Star Family Fortunes The Jeremy Kyle Show The Jeremy Kyle Show The Jeremy Kyle Show Judge Rinder for Text Santa You've Been Framed! You've Been Framed! Two and a Half Men Two and a Half Men The Holiday Celebrity Juice Two and a Half Men Scorpion Mickey Blue Eyes Educating Joey Essex



The Good Dinosaur: Sky Movies

Special 9.15am

Ghosthunters: On Icy Trails








Bridge of Spies: Sky Movies Special


Taken 3


Ghosthunters: On Icy Trails


Taken 3






13 Sins


Ghosthunters: On Icy Trails


A Million Ways to Die in the West

Special 6.30am

Bridge of Spies: Sky Movies Special

Nativity 2: Danger in the Manger! University Challenge Only Connect Gorilla Family and Me Mock the Week Russell Howard's Good News The Javone Prince Show Country Strife Special Forces - Ultimate Hell Week Special Forces - Ultimate Hell Week The Apprentice Home Comforts at Christmas

7.00am 7.15am 7.30am 7.45am 8.00am 9.00am 12.30pm 1.30pm 1.45pm 2.00pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 8.00pm 12.00am 12.30am 1.30am 2.00am 5.00am 6.00am 6.15am 6.30am 6.45am

Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Cricket Big Bash League Cricket Football Gold Football Gold Football League Goals Goals on Sunday Ford Football Special Fantasy Football Club Highlights Soccer A.M. - The Best Bits To be Announced Ford Monday Night Football SPFL Round Up Football League Goals SPFL Round Up NFL NFL Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold

7.00am 7.45am 8.35am 9.30am 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 11.30am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 3.30pm 4.00pm 4.30pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 1.00am 2.10am

Revenge Charmed Charmed Hollyoaks Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey Charmed Charmed How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Hollyoaks A to Z The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Made in Chelsea Scream Queens Gogglebox Gogglebox The Big Bang Theory

7.00am 7.15am 7.25am 7.40am 8.00am 9.30am 10.25am 11.20am 12.20pm 1.25pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.40pm 1.40am 4.00am 4.50am

Coronation Street – Tracy receives a visiting order from Rob. Johnny is feeling the pressure. Will David be home for Christmas? Rob loves it when a plan comes together. Underworld hosts a ping pong tournament. Kevin and Anna both go on hopeless dates.

Dino Dan Dino Dan Sooty Super 4 Good Morning Britain Lorraine Rebound Pick Me! Big Star's Little Star Tipping Point ITV Lunchtime News 1000 Heartbeats for Text Santa Midsomer Murders The Chase ITV News London ITV Evening News Emmerdale Coronation Street The Making of the Sound of Music Live Coronation Street BAFTA Celebrates Downton Abbey ITV News at Ten and Weather Music and Lyrics Jackpot247 The Jeremy Kyle Show ITV Nightscreen

Sky 1 7.00am 8.00am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 1.30pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 10.30pm 11.00pm 1.20am 2.20am

The Flash The Flash Monkey Life Monkey Life Monkey Life Monkey Life Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Moonfleet Moonfleet The Simpsons Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons The Muppets Modern Family Star Wars A League of Their Own Bad Boys Duck Quacks Don't Echo Hawaii Five-0

7.00am 7.25am 7.50am 8.55am 9.45am 10.45am 11.15am 11.40am 12.05pm 2.05pm 3.10pm 4.15pm 5.20pm 5.50pm 6.25pm 6.55pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 1.35am 2.35am 2.55am 3.15am

On the Buses George and Mildred Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Where the Heart is Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy A Touch of Frost Heartbeat Wild at Heart Where the Heart is On the Buses On the Buses George and Mildred Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Agatha Christie's Marple Law and Order: UK Cold Blood Where the Heart is Judge Judy Judge Judy ITV3 Nightscreen


Soap Watch

Emmerdale – Leyla is after an apology. Kerry is on the warpath. Ashley tells Laurel everything.


Sky Sports 1

Sky Movies Premiere 7.00am

Homes Under the Hammer Oxford Street Revealed Family Finders This Wild Life This Wild Life Flight of the Navigator The Hairy Bikers' Northern Exposure The Great Pottery Throw Down Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em The Polar Bear Family and Me Coast Perry and Croft: Made in Britain Alaska: Earth's Frozen Kingdom The Great British Bake Off Christmas

CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015


Channel 4 7.10am

How I Met Your Mother


Everybody Loves Raymond


Everybody Loves Raymond








The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory


Magic in the Water


White Christmas


Deal or No Deal




Posh Pawnbrokers


Come Dine with Me


The Simpsons




Channel 4 News


Food Unwrapped at Christmas


The Rich Kids of Instagram




Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance


Airplane II: The Sequel


Josh Widdicombe: And Another Thing


Grand Designs




Location, Location, Location

8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 12.00am 12.25am 12.45am 1.10am 1.30am 2.30am 3.00am 3.30am 4.00am

Top Gear Don't Tell the Bride Reggie Yates' Extreme UK EastEnders Bad Education American Dad! American Dad! Family Guy Family Guy Reggie Yates' Extreme UK Bad Education Josh Josh Reggie Yates' Extreme UK


Grand Designs


Building the Dream


River Cottage Bites


The Man From Colorado


Time Team


Time Team


Nazi Megastructures


A Place in the Sun


A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun


Building the Dream


Grand Designs


The Supervet


24 Hours in A and E


24 Hours in A and E


Embarrassing Bodies


24 Hours in A and E


Salvage S.O.S


Salvage S.O.S


Gadget Man

Channel 5 7.00am 7.10am 7.20am 7.30am 7.40am 7.50am 7.55am 8.05am 8.20am 8.35am 8.45am 9.00am 9.15am 9.25am 9.35am 9.50am 10.05am 10.20am 10.35am 11.35am 1.05pm 2.50pm 4.30pm 7.00pm 7.55pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 1.00am Winehouse 2.00am



The Wotwots! Chloe's Closet Lily's Driftwood Bay Fireman Sam Wissper Peppa Pig Pip Ahoy! Little Princess Bob the Builder Thomas and Friends Noddy in Toyland Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Paw Patrol Bananas in Pajamas Toot the Tiny Tugboat The Mr. Men Show Abominable Christmas James and the Giant Peach Jack and the Beanstalk The Borrowers The Family Man Kids' Hospital at Christmas Revisited World's Strongest Man 2015 Chris Tarrant on the Polar Express All New Shocking Moments in Pop 2 Autopsy: The Last Hours of Amy Super Casino

BBC 4 8.00pm Children Talking 8.30pm London to Brighton Side by Side 8.35pm Play School 9.00pm John Craven's Newsround 9.10pm Blue Peter 9.35pm Grange Hill 10.00pm From Andy Pandy to Zebedee: The Golden Age of Children's Television 11.00pm Top of the Pops 12.00am Mumbai High: The Musical 1.00am Cilla at the BBC 2.00am Bright Lights, Brilliant Minds: A Tale of Three Cities

More 4

ITV4 7.00am 7.10am 8.00am 9.00am 10.05am 11.10am 12.15pm 1.20pm 2.20pm 2.50pm 3.15pm 4.20pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 12.15am 1.15am 2.15am 3.05am 3.50am

Goals of the 80s Gunsmoke The Professionals Minder Alias Smith and Jones Gunsmoke The Professionals Minder Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Gunsmoke Alias Smith and Jones The Professionals Kojak Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Storage Wars New York Storage Wars New York The Sentinel Bundesliga Rugby Highlights Motorsport UK Ax Men ITV4 Nightscreen

TV Pick Gorilla Family and Me – BBC2 – 10.00 pm

Gordon Buchanan realises a lifelong dream by gaining the trust of a family of rare Grauer's gorillas, the largest primates on Earth. In the dangerous forests of the Democratic Republic of Congo, he meets the fearsome leader of his gorilla family, Chimanuka, and two baby gorillas, one a lonely orphan. As Gordon gains the trust of these mysterious, seldom-seen gorillas, he discovers their incredible compassion and gets caught up in a battle between giant rival silverbacks for control of the family.



CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015






REF. CM4438 Doña Pepa, Ciudad Quesada


REF. CM4430 La Zenia

2 Bedroom 1 Bathroom apartment with communal Pool Similar properties required

NEW LISTING. Wonderful 3 Bed / 2 Bath LOLA townhouse, spacious living areas, sun terraces, front and rear patio – communal pool + gardens.

NEW LISTING. Exclusive detached villa – 3 bed / 2 bath, large lounge-diner, well-appointed kitchen, 500sqm, plot with private pool.

NEW LISTING. Attractive west-facing GF apartment, 2 beds / 1 bath, large garden, 2 conservatory’s, communal pool, central location.


PRICE: JUST €110.000!

PRICE: JUST €245.000!

PRICE: JUST €105.000!

REF. CM4433 Villamartin (PAU 8)

REF. CM4434 Formentera del Segura

NEW LISTING. Stunning top floor apartment with private solarium – South Facing – 2 bed / 2 baths, spacious living areas, communal pool.

NEW LISTING. Stunning 1st floor apartment with countryside views, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, sep. kitchen, rooftop solarium + swimming pool.

PRICE: JUST €119.000!

PRICE: JUST €69.995!



REF. CM4062 La Zenia




Bars & Restaurants

CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015

Spanish supermarket chains in danger of disappearing While offering consumers a reasonable amount of choice is healthy and a good way of attracting new trade, saturating the market with too much of a good thing can mean that some businesses will inevitably fail.

Spain has quite a considerable variety of different supermarket chains. Many of them operate on a smaller scale and cater to preferences popular in the country’s different autonomous regions. This system has so far worked well, with all making a decent profit until now. However, many of these are in real danger of having to merge, be taken over, or disappear completely. The market in Spain is very fragmented when it comes to grocery shopping, particularly for this reason. Here, the five main supermarkets – Mercadona, Día, Carrefour, Auchan and Eroski – only control 50 percent of the market. This is in comparison to the UK or France, for example, where the five

main operators control 80 percent of the market. In addition, emerging supermarkets Lidl and Aldi are quickly gaining new customers on a daily basis and are threatening to reduce power from the five head honchos, as well as ensure that some of the smaller chains disappear completely. With fewer supermarkets in existence in Spain, this would mean that the top five, together with Lidl and Aldi, would be able to share thousands of euro more between them. Therefore, the increased

The rise in popularity of Lidl and Aldi has meant that giants in other countries have toppled (Tesco in the UK), and the threat from these two in Spain is also very apparent. According to a study published by Reuters, the most vulnerable chains are those that generate between 200 and 900 million euro a year; those that are smaller in size and importance. The majority of these would be family-run businesses and include Gadisa (Galicia), Alimerka (Asturias) and Lupa (Cantabria).

number of supermarket chains actually means that competition for customers is much fiercer and a lot more depends on it. Today, the current market leader in Spain is Mercadona, which controls 22.9 percent of the total market share. Nevertheless, this figure is set to drop as Lidl and Aldi rise rapidly and many customers switch from one to the other.

Other chains such as AhorraMas, popular in Madrid and some parts of Castilla-La Mancha, on the other hand, are managing to turn things around by adapting to the changing market. However, those that can’t won’t be so lucky and sooner or later, will have to decide between merging with larger supermarkets or throwing the towel in completely.

Fond farewell to rescued mare Rescued mare Dolores has been put to sleep after almost three years of happy living at the Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre after being saved from awful conditions. Dolores, who was thought to be about 30 years old, arrived at the rescue centre in January 2013, suffering pneumonia and with a mouth full of painfully rotten teeth. She was also very traumatised after being tied to the back of a van and forced to run behind it. Her Spanish owners, who had moved away to look for work, had left Dolores in the garden of a Spanish farmworker. Unfortunately, the man could not afford to feed her and had little idea of how to look after a horse. He did care about the horse’s wellbeing but unfortunately did not realise the cruelty of making a horse run behind a van. “She was in a hell of a state and we had to battle to save her life,” said rescue centre co-founder Sue Weeding. “But she was such a fighter that we felt we could never give up on her after everything she had been through. She was a survivor.” During the three years that Dolores lived at the rescue centre, she was given a range of specialist treatment to manage her poor lung condition. A specialist horse nebuliser was ordered in from Island to help her breathe more easily and this summer an air conditioner was installed in her stable to help her cope with the stifling Spanish heat. “In the past week we noticed she was really starting to struggle, so we

made the heartbreaking decision to put her to sleep rather than to see her suffer,” Sue said. “She really was a great old girl. Everyone loved her and she was very spoilt, always receiving loads of special feeds and carrots and apples. She really had it all and we feel happy to have given her a few good years of love and kindness.” The Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre relies entirely on donations to fund its important animal welfare work, including the feeding and care of the centre’s 90-plus horses, ponies and donkeys rescued from abuse, neglect and abandonment. Donations of cash or items for the centre’s network of eight charity shops across the Alicante province are always

gratefully received. A pick-up service is available to collect large donated items such as furniture and each shop also offers a delivery service for large items purchased in-store. Anyone interested in making a donation, becoming a long-term sponsor, or volunteering at the rescue centre or in the charity shops can call Sue on 652 021 980. The Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre is located just outside Rojales at Partido Lo Garriga, 59. It is open to the public on the first Sunday of every month between 1pm and 4pm. Free of charge horse tours run throughout the afternoon and refreshments are available in the café. For more details and directions, please visit www.easyhorsecare.net.



CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015

Bars & Restaurants



Bars & Restaurants

CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015



CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015

Bars & Restaurants



Bars & Restaurants

CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015



CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015

Bars & Restaurants




Don’t book flights on a Friday If you are planning on booking some flights over Christmas or to see in the New Year overseas, don't book on a Friday. New research by travel experts has revealed that travellers could save up to 13% by waiting until a Sunday to book a flight, rather than clicking ‘buy’ on a Friday. The research has revealed that prices of tickets booked on this day can be as much as 13 per cent more than if you wait a couple of days and book on a

Sunday. The study was undertaken by Expedia and the Airlines Reporting Corporation (ARC), who also urged people looking for cheap flights in Europe to look to book 140 days in advance for the best price. Expedia and ARC found that on average, weekends provide an opportunity to find great deals, with Tuesday a close second for good deals. The booking habits of 10 billion air passengers were used in the study.

CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015


Spain battles computer virus Spain has joined a Europol team working with Microsoft to fight a dangerous new computer virus which works its way through firewalls and steals financial information. Other major companies have clubbed together through the European Centre against Cyber Crime (EC3) and Joint Action Cyber Crime Team (J-CAT) to combat the so-called Win32/Dorkbot, one of the most extensive IT bugs circulating.

Networks of IT 'robots', or 'botnets', of which Dorkbot is one, have affected more than a million computers all over the world, says Europol operations subdirector Wil van Gemert. Dorkbot is a worm spread through malicious links sent through social networks, email, instant messaging or infected USB devices and, once a computer is infected via the back door, remote hackers can exploit the system

by stealing online payment data, launch denial-of-service (DoS) attacks, and fill the computer with malware. Once a hacker is able to get into a system by running a Dorkbot, he or she will be able to download and run files from given URLs, obtain log-in data and passwords through POP3, FTP, Firefox or Internet Explorer cached passwords and usernames, and redirect or block websites or domains such as security pages. Computers infected with Dorkbot can even be used to send spam or launch DoS attacks by themselves. Dorkbot is difficult to fight, because it is set up to be invisible to firewalls and anti-virus software, but keeping protection programmes updated regularly may help as their designers are constantly working on strengthening them against newly-invented and powerful malware. Passwords should be changed by anyone who believes they may be infected, since these may already be in the hands of hackers if Dorkbot is indeed installed in the system. Running a scan on the entire system may throw up signs of botware, and disabling Windows Auto-Run means Dorkbot cannot use it to infect memory sticks and other peripherals. As yet, Dorkbot only affects Windows operating systems, meaning computer users with an Apple Mac may be safe. Spain is joined on the cyber-crime cracking team by France, Belgium, The Netherlands, Albania, Montenegro, Lithuania, and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in the USA



CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015

Ian via email asks: My reasonably new laptop keeps giving me the message “Hmm, we can’t reach this page” whether it’s from a search or my favourites. Refreshing generally works but sometimes it will not. The laptop seems slow at times but I don’t think it is the supplier as my tablet seems to be fine. I cannot see any setting which could be the case but I am no expert, any suggestions? Aunty says: Hello Ian. The first thing that comes to mind is that you have some kind of malware or virus that may be hogging your internet connection but it is also possible that some Windows updates are downloading and installing in the background. Have you scanned your laptop with antispyware software such as Malwarebytes? There is a new release/update of Win10 that runs automatically but is a huge download followed by a lengthy install. It is fairly safe and runs in the background but it will use a lot of your laptop and internet resources. You can check the state of updates from the “settings” option on the start menu. Let me know the results. Terence via email asks: Hey Aunty. I run Windows 7 on a Dell laptop. My default Google search engine was

google.co.uk however it keeps reverting to an Arabic search of www.google.ae and I keep getting so many adverts in Arabic. I have tried all sorts of cleanup and anti malware scans, but the problem keeps reoccurring. In desperation I deleted the default google.co.uk, but google.ae came back and re-inserted itself. Is someone trying to tell me something? Help please. Aunty says: Hi Terence. At first glance this has all the symptoms of spyware/malware but as it is a genuine Google search engine that is appearing, all be it the .ae United Arab Emirates one, it seems more likely that this is a location/regional setting that is wrong. If you have used one of the many “watch UK TV” or VPN services then this may be where the problem started. Some of these services are actually located in the UAE so go to this website; www.whatismyipaddress.com and let me know the results. You should also check your Windows and browser settings (Chrome or Firefox etc) via Control Panel and settings. David via email asks: Hi Aunty, I have a problem with my tablet. When I try to open emails & some personal sites, it informs me it “cannot establish a secure connection”

which is ok but it doesn't give me option of allowing access, I've tried searching for a solution but all answers seem to concern blocking rather than allowing, hope you can help with this problem as you have in the past, tanks in anticipation. Aunty says: Hi David. Probably the most common cause for this kind of error message is that the date/time on your tablet is out. The security check between your tablet and some websites relies on a “certificate” being passed back & forth to verify that the website is genuine, kind of like showing some kind of ID. If the date is out on your laptop or tablet then this will invalidate the certificate. Of course it could be a plethora of other problems so let me know how you get on. Email me your questions to auntyvirus@costablancapeopl e.com and I will see you all next week



CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015



Apartment,2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, Villa, 4 bed, 3 bathrooms, 177m built 65m built area, Ref:141, Communal pool area, town centre, Ref:351, Private pool 2


Pueblo Bravo, Quesda

Doña Pepa, Quesada

Villa, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 200m built area, Ref:322, Private pool

Townhouse, 3 bed, 2 bathrooms, 120m built area, Ref:045, Communal pool







Golf Course, Quesada

Golf Course, Quesada


Lo Marabu, Quesada

Villa, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 177m built area, Ref:177, Private pool

Detached Villa, 2 bed, 2 bath, 90m built area, Ref:214, communal pool

Bungalow, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 75m built area, Ref:093

Quad, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 80m built area, Ref:156, Communal pool





Doña Pepa, Quesada

Scandia Centre, Quesada

Doña Pepa, Quesada

Golf Course, Quesada




Apartment, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, Bungalow, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, Townhouse, 3 bed, 2 bathrooms, 101m 72m built area, Ref:339, Communal pool 70m built area, Ref:178, Communal pool built area Ref:128, Communal pool 2




Detached Villa, 2 bed, 2 bathrooms, 85m built area, Ref:183, Private pool 2





Central Quesada

Doña Pepa, Quesada

Central Quesada

Airport Road, Quesada

Villa, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, Townhouse, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, Villa, 2 bed, 2 bathrooms, 130m built 120m built area,town centre, Ref:198 80m built area, Ref:250, Communal pool area,town centre, Ref:236, Private pool 2





Detached Villa, 3 bed, 2 bath, 100m built area, Ref:085, Communal pool




WE URGENTLY REQUIRE YOUR PROPERTY El Raso Office Centro Comercial Euro-Terra Plaza de la Figuera, 1 - Local 7 03140 Guardamar del Segura Tel: (+34) 966 716 019

Quesada Av. Las Naciones, 18-A 03170 Rojales Tel: (+34) 966 718 006 (Head Office)

Villamartin Office Av. de las Brisas, 6 - Local 26 Villamartin 3189 Orihuela Costa Tel: (+34) 966 764 003


Central Quesada



CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015

Obesity is women’s biggest health threat The annual report by England’s chief medical officer Dame Sally Davies claims that obesity is the biggest threat to women’s health and the health of future generations. Davies says that tackling obesity should be a national priority in order to avert a ‘growing health catastrophe’. Davies said that the food industry needed to do more or it would face a sugar tax.She is also calling for better treatment of ovarian cancer and more open discussion on incontinence. England's top doctor said obesity was so serious it should be a priority for the whole population, but particularly for women because too often it shortened their lives. In England in 2013, 64% of women aged 34-44 and 71% of women aged 4554 were classified as overweight or obese. Obesity increases the risk of many diseases including breast cancer, type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

The report also touched on the importance of care during pregnancy and highlighted the fact that women had to look after their physical and mental health during pregnancy for the sake of their children and grandchildren. If a woman is obese during pregnancy, research indicates there is an increased chance of miscarriage and premature birth. A woman's overall health during pregnancy also has an impact on the health of the child in later life, the report said. A pregnant woman's health affects the conditions inside the womb which in turn can have life-long consequences for the health of the child including the risk of obesity or type 2 diabetes. Dame Sally said she wanted to "bust the myth" that women should eat for two when pregnant, adding a healthy diet with fruit and vegetables and avoiding alcohol was important.

Christmas toy collection The Councillor for Youth, Sabina Galindo, has presented the annual Christmas Toy Collection campaign, which has already begun and will end on 28th December. She said: “The aim of this campaign is to promote solidarity among the community and to help those children who need it most.” Youth initiative, which this year has the slogan ‘Donate your toy, win a smile’, will run in conjunction with the Ociopía malls and Zenia Boulevard. Toys can also be donated at the City Hall in Orihuela, Playa Flamenca Town Hall and the Department of Youth. Donation points will be open Monday to Friday from 8.00am to 3.00pm and from 5.00pm to 7.00pm Tuesday and Thursday. Councillor Galindo said: “We expect the help and support of all our residents from all nationalities in this solidarity campaign that will help the parish of San Anton, Caritas Orihuela Costa and the Association of San Isidro and Adis Vega Baja.” Toys for all ages are welcome.

Health & Beauty



Health & Beauty

CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015


Murcia contamination A study from the Murcia University has evaluated the concentrations of ozone and carbon dioxide in the city – and the conclusion is that the contamination is ‘worrying but not alarming’. A group from the Chemical Engineering Department at Murcia University has been looking specifically at those two gases as they are related to traffic pollution, and they suggest control measures be introduced in

places where the contamination is high, to be within the limits of national legislation. The burning of fossil fuels, especially diesel, has over recent decades been unfavourable for clean air; particularly given the geographical and climatic conditions. The report has a series of practical suggestions on how to improve air quality. Cycling or walking to work or on

short journeys, better control of traffic lights and other measures to the high polluting hold ups, encourage car sharing schemes, better promotion of electrical vehicles, and make more use of public transport. The investigation group was made up of the professors Agustín Miñana and Antonia Baeza and the engineer María Soledad Ruiz.


CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015

Santa's surprise for stroke support Diners at Restaurante El Alto La Dolores, in Guardamar, were surprised to get an early visit from Santa Claus. He turned up at the Christmas Party held to raise funds for Torrevieja Stroke Support. Organisers soon put Santa to w ork by getting him to draw tickets for the raffle. First prize, of a Mediterranean Cruise, was won by Colleen Pereira, from Algorfa. The night was another success, raising 700 euros for Torrevieja Stroke Support.

Health & Beauty


Christmas comes to Orihuela The Mayor of Orihuela, Emilio Bascuñana and his government team have unveiled the municipalities Christmas programme, with more than 100 activities for the holiday season under the slogan “Orihuela, your Christmas and mine”. The Mayor said that this ‘is the result of hours of work, dedication and enthusiasm of all of us for providing the Christmas the people of Orihuela deserve’. He explained that the schedule has wealth of events and activities spread across the city, the coast and outlying villages and that the government team were keen for residents to enjoy a different Christmas, where ‘tradition blends with the magic of progress and developments’. This includes a Christmas Market for the coast and product events for the districtsamong many others.To ensure inclusion and promote integration the municipality will implement a comprehensive transport service that forms the backbone of the programme from Barbarossa to the coast, so that everyone can access the largest possible number of activities. In the city there will

Festive announcement

be numerous different tourist routes to ‘introduce people to our city under the magic of Christmas’. In the city music will form the basis of the Festive fun. This started on Thursday with the switching on of the Christmas lights. There will be a Christmas concert by the Orquesta Ciudad de Orihuela, and New Year celebrated with the Lyric Orcelitana Union. Music also returns to the main street for holiday shopping with festive music.

A ‘Flashmob’ will be held on Saturday 2ndJanuaryand the Santa Claus Parade will mark the arrival of Christmas Eve. On the coast, Councillor Sabina Galindo was in charge of explaining the events taking place in Orihuela Costa. Most notably the municipalities main traditional Christmas Market, which will open on 18th December and run that weekend until Sunday 20th December. On Christmas Eve locals are invited to join in the carols at La Zenia beach and on 5thJanuary the coast will enjoy its own Cavalcade of the Magi. Victor Valverde announced that for the first time the districts will participate jointly in some of the special festive days. The highlight of this will be a product market in the districts, which will take place on Saturday 26th December and Saturday 2nd January in the Auditorium of the Exchange. Comedy will be provided from the hand of ‘Metroncho Junior’ while carols, storytelling and workshops will all take place. The Three Kings parade will take place in several districts. The Mayor added that all of the activities are aimed at promoting trade and purchases across the municipal areas and that the Town Hall has benefittedfrom the cooperation of traders in organising activities. New Year wishes The councillors who form the government team symbolically hung a Christmas tree in Orihuela Town Hall with their wishes for 2016, among which read, ‘good health and welfare for all’, "’equal opportunities’, ‘local trade recovery’, ‘no more victims of gender violence’, while the Mayor expressed his hope that ‘all wishes are met for Oriolanos now and forever’. Mireille Toddington


Health & Beauty

CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015



CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015




CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015


VW Touareg 5.0 TDi V10, 2003, 124,000km, many extras. REDUCED TO 11,495€


VW Golf 1.6TDi Blue Motion, 2011, Climate control, CD, USB, 67,000km, 12,695€


Seat Altea 1.6 TDI, 2011, 82,000km, Immaculate inside and out, 11,995€


Fiat 500 1.2 petrol, 2013 57,900km Panoramic sunroof + Many extras 8,495€

Peugeot 207 1.4 HDI, 2011, Air con, CD, ABS, 6,995€


Opel Corsa 1.3 CDTI Ecoflex, 2011, Air con, Radio CD, NOW REDUCED TO 7,495€

Renault Clio 1.2 Petrol, 16V, 2001, Air Con, 128,400km, Excellent Condition 1,995€


VW Polo 1.2TDI, 2013, 75CV, Low consumption 3,4L/100km, 10,995€


All prices include Transfer, full valet and minimum 1 year warranty. Finance available.









11,995€ 7 SEATER












CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015




Gig Guide


s this is the week before Christmas bars and venues are pulling out all the stops to try and entice customers away from the warmth of their sofas. With many residents having gone to the UK for the festive season this is a particularly hard time for venues and a time when we all need to support them to ensure they are still there next year.

Flamenca is also celebrating its 6th Birthday and is bringing down the very popular Zodiac Duo from Benidorm for the occasion. The lads have given their services for free to help many charities including one for Cancer Research that I organised last summer. Known for their cheeky humour and extravagant style there is going to be a lot of fun to be had.

There is some excellent entertainment to be had in all areas of The Costa Blanca to really get you in the Christmas mood. Pablo’s International in Playa

Thursday sees Soul Train, aka JJ Soulman and Gemma doing an afternoon show in Daya Nueva. More bars should follow suit with

CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015

daytime shows as with the darkness coming in so early now it is a chance for those who like entertainment to get out during the hours of daylight. Those who do daytime shows always have good attendance and a relaxed atmosphere as people are not worried about driving home in the dark or missing TV programmes. With Soul and Motown being two of the most popular genres in our area the afternoon should be one of pure delight. There is a whole variety of

shows and entertainment on offer this week. You can immerse yourself in everything Christmassy from concerts and variety show, to quizzes and parties. Over in La Marina on Saturday the Christmas show is a bit different. With James McDonald, a very glamorous and funny drag artist, who will be dressed to the nines and bringing that Benidorm glitz to Em’s Dreams for the locals. He has appeared on several of my shows and apart from loving the dresses I just love his dry wit and fabulous diva vocals. Backing him up is


local talented DJ Paul Vegas. May I also thank every one of Costa Blanca People readers for the lovely emails I have had. If you would like your events in our next mega issue, it’s free. Just let me know who, where and when by emailing me at letsrockshowslive@gmail.com Or visit www.lrshows.com for show and event details. Love your life. Love live music and Keep on Rocking! Jax Lawson x

December 15th - December 21st Tuesday 15th Pablos International, Playa Flamenca – Martin Kay – 9pm Tango Bar, Torrevieja – Tony Capaldi – 9pm Alfie’s Bar, La Zenia – The Rekords – 1pm The Archers, Quesada – Rockin the Archers Jam Session – 3pm Gogathy’s, La Zenia – 80’s Party with Rain O’Connor – 9pm The Tavern, Lo Crispin – Rob Roberts – 8.30pm Chemies, Villamartin – Dan Davy – 8.30pm

Wednesday 16th Pablos International, Playa Flamenca – Dougie Monroe – 9pm Lansdowne, Playa Flamenca – The Cages – 10pm Royal Oak, La Fuente – Variety Show – Kevin Tyler, JJ, Pablos International, Playa Flamenca – Dance with Tomo – 3pm Marabu Lounge, Pueblo Bravo – Juanjo – 2pm Bar Britannia, Torrevieja – Blue Waves – 3pm Posh Club, La Marina - Christmas Variety Show – 12 Euros – 9pm Maggie O’Briens, Campoverde – Brian Bennett Live Rock – 4.30pm/ Maggie’s House Band – 9pm Palms, Consum Square, La Marina – TAABS – 6pm So Bar, Benimar – Paula – 5pm

Thursday 17th Pablos International, Playa Flamenca – Paul Allen – 9pm Imanyos, Daya Nueva – Soul Train with JJ and Gemma – 2pm Emerald Isle, La Florida – Abba Elite – 9pm Stray Sod, Campoamor – Cages – 10pm Lansdowne, Playa Flamenca – Done n Dusted – 10pm New Tavern, San Miguel - Christmas Variety Show – 10 Euros – 9pm Maggie O’Brien’s, Campoverde – Paul Mac – 9pm Shannon Bells, Villamartin Plaza – Angie McKay – 10pm Bar Stop, La Marina – Karaoke and Christmas quiz – 7pm

Friday 18th Em’s Dreams, La Marina – Paul Vegas – 9pm New Tavern, San Miguel – Cassi Kennedy – 9pm O’Riordans, Cabo Roig – Vinny Mack – 10pm Pablos International, Playa Flamenca –6th Birthday - Zodiac duo– 9pm Bonanza Bar, La Siesta – Benny Van de Burg – 9pm The Local, La Florida – Black Rose – 8pm The Final Whistle, La Marina – Paul Christie – 9pm Lo Crispin Christmas Fayre – Carols, Bella Luna etc – 6pm The Club, Quesada – Chloe Leigh – xmas meal and show 14.50 Euros Coopers Arms. Dona Pepa – Dee and Darren Jones – 9pm Nations, Blue Lagoon – Dan Davy - pre xmas dinner – 8pm – 12.95 Euros Bog Road, Cabo Roig – Tullamore Duo – 9pm Inn at the Green, Entre Naranjas – Lynden B – 9pm Maggie O’Briens, Campoverde – Andy Jones – 9pm Timeout Sports Bar, San Javier – Karen Noble – 8pm – 12.50 Euros PALS, La Siesta – Cherry K – 9pm Arches, Los Alcazares – Lynden B - 3pm Maggie O’Brien’s, Campoverde – Andy Jones – 9pm The Final Whistle, La Marina – Paul Christie – 9pm Lansdowne, Playa Flamenca – The Streeters – 10.30pm

Saturday 19th Pablo’s International, Playa Flamenca – Cassi Kennedy – 9pm Em’s Dreams, La Marina – Drag artist James McDonald + DJ – 9pm – 7 Euros Laurel and Hardy’s, Quesada – It Takes Two – 8pm Landsdowne, Playa Flamenca – Richie Alexander – 10.30pm Marabu Lounge, Pueblo Bravo – Angie McKay – 9pm Maggie O’Briens, Campoverde – The Soundz – 9pm Madhouse, Pueblo Principe – Older But No Wiser - 8pm – 15 Euros Spanglish, Balsicas – The Streeters – 9pm Durty Nellys, Torrevieja – Bardoi – 9.30pm

Sunday 20th Pablos International, Playa Flamenca – Richie Alexander – 9pm Argento, Orihuela – Dougie Monroe – 8.30pm Hole in The Wall, Gran Alacant – Mr Bojangles – 4pm La Taberna, Entre Naranjas – Lynden B – 9pm

Maggie O’Briens, Campoverde – Andy Jones – 9pm Shannon Bells, Villamartin Plaza – Angie McKay – 10pm Grace’s Bar, Quesada – Samantha Curtis – 5.30pm Capitol Teatro, Rojales – Christmas Concert – 7pm C Breeze, Playa Flamenca Beach – In Harmony – 8.30pm

Monday 21st Pablos International, Playa Flamenca – Rain and Melissa – 9pm Asturias, Punta Prima – Tony Capaldi – 9pm Carmens, El Chapparel – Christmas Variety Show – 12 Euros – 9pm Shannon Bells, Villamartin Plaza – Angie McKay – 10pm The Local, La Florida – Christmas Party with Gina G – 4pm

Puzzle Page

CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015


logic puzzle Logic puzzles require the solver to deduce the relationships between different people, places and things based on a limited number of clues given in the puzzle.




quick ACROSS 1. Separating (9) 8. Possess (3) 9. Surrender (11) 11.Money-chests (7) 12.Of them (5) 13.Immediately (2,4) 15.Author (6) 17.Memorise (5)

5. Chirp (7) 6. Satisfaction (11) 7. Explain (9) 10.Smothering (11) 11.Quack (9) 14.Sneering (7) 16.Remorse (6) 19.Curse (5) 21.Untruth (3)

18.Simplest (7) 20.Wrongly (11) 22.Fuss (3) 23.Services (9) Down 2. Anger (3) 3. Scoundrel (5) 4. Pass (6)


DOWN 2. Either way she’s very timid (3) 3. Article on me is the subject (5) 4. Summer walk of the very old (6)

5. Decline to keep awake? (4,3) 6. Where hops grow? (4-7) 7. Cheek Andy in common fashion (9) 10. Far-reaching member of the police? (3,2,3,3) 11. A plane worker (9) 14. Angered - or could be angered (7) 16. Cooks and sews (6) 19. Is about to study pictures (5) 21. Stray from the proper routine (3)

SOLUTIONS 612 QUICK Across: 7 Artful; 8 Ardour; 10 Entitle; 11 Twist; 12 Acts; 13 Silly; 17 Fleet; 18 Rich; 22 Lurid; 23 Clamour; 24 Cancel; 25 Recede. Down: 1 Caveman; 2 Statute; 3 Quote; 4 Prattle; 5 Tonic; 6 Trite; 9 Residence; 14 Gladden; 15 Disobey; 16 Shorten; 19 Slack; 20 Frank; 21 Wager. CRYPTIC Across: 7 Hamlet; 8 Basalt; 10 Parsnip; 11 Idler; 12 Erse; 13 Dregs; 17 Night; 18 Grin; 22 Atlas; 23 Ill-fame; 24 Impart; 25 Agrees. Down: 1 Chipped; 2 Impress; 3 Beano; 4 Takings; 5 Fault; 6 Story; 9 Apartheid; 14 Piastre; 15 Creates; 16 Inverse; 19 Basin; 20 Slips; 21 Clogs.

Solution for Logic Puzzle Gilbert








3 day 2 day 9 day 10 day 8 day

Paris Zagreb Helsinki Lisbon Dublin

Sudoku Solution


1. The diplomat going to Helsinki will leave 1 month after the person going to Lisbon.. 2. The ambassador with the 9 day visit will leave 2 months after the ambassador with the 8 day visit.. 3. The ambassador with the 9 day visit will leave 2 months before Howell.. 4. Neither Gilbert nor the ambassador with the 9 day visit is the person going to Dublin.. 5. The ambassador with the 10 day visit will leave sometime after the person going to Dublin.. 6. Howell won't go to Zagreb.. 7. Of Daniel and the ambassador with the 10 day visit, one will leave in March and the other will go to Dublin.. 8. The person going to Helsinki will leave 2 months before the ambassador with the 3 day visit.. 9. Quinn won't leave in April.. 10. Gilbert won't leave for the 10 day visit..

15. A very loud fish creates a disturbance (6) 17. Number three is wrong (5) 18. Is embraced by a need for something aromatic (7) 20. Flashy edifices (11) 22. She makes a welcome return (3) 23. Stress aid is required for such calamities (9)


Remember: every item on the board belongs to one and only one person, no item will ever be shared. Using only the clues provided and simple deductive logic and reasoning, fill in the grid with Xs and Os to determine the solution.

ACROSS 1. Thought me old fashioned about it (9) 8. Show some consideration for age (3) 9. Request from a confident operator or an eager heir? (5,2,2,2) 11. Politician joins the company before he tells you whose turn is next (7) 12. It was ground in the gutter (5) 13. Achieve a renewal of the spirit (6)



CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015











Anúnciate – Tlf: 966 701 060 – linda@costablancapeople.com

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CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015




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CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015




SIZE MATTERS: Don’t pay MORE for LESS! Advertise in the

Dino is a 2 year old podenco cross and has been waiting in kennels for a home for over 6 months. He is such a gentle boy, weighs around 15 kilos, neutered and is great with other dogs.

Meet Wolfie, 3 year old, fully vaccinated, passport and microchip, neutered and house trained.

Jake, a very handsome lab mix, neutered and house trained, fully vaccinated, passport and microchip. A friendly, obedient dog, a real joy to have around.

CARAMEL was brought into the kennels with his three sisters.The litter is now 4 months old, fully vaccinated, micro chipped and ready for adoption.

CostaBlancaPeople Dino, a 2 year old podenco cross and is such a gentle boy. He weighs around 15 kilos and is great with other dogs. Call: 645 469 253 www.petsinspain.com info@petsinspain.info

Lovely brothers Billy and Bobby were rescued as small puppies, but now they are 4 years old and are still waiting for their chance at a loving home. They are large dogs, both have lovely, friendly natures and get on well with everyone.

966 701 060 advertising@costablancapeople.com



G.F.R. Builders 30 years experience 13 years in Spain All general building work and Property Maintenance undertaken. Gazebos, Pergolas and car ports made to your specification. All works guaranteed. Competitive prices. Ring now for free no obligation quotation. Tel 653 262 489, Whatsapp or email gfrbuild@gmail.com (LR) (613)

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Lease opportunity due to health reasons, Bakery Café in Cabo Roig, regular clients, fully equipped & operative, shop with 75m2 sales room and 75m2 storage space, small kitchen & conservatory (rent 800€/month). Lease only 25.000€. Tel 609 218 920. (613) Bar-Cafeteria for rent in Los Montesinos, fully equipped, fully licenced, large stainless steel kitchen, 38 covers inside, 48 covers outside, central location, good patronage from local expat community, up and running, immediate availability, turn key and go operation. Rent 1200 euros per month, Price to include all fixtures and fittings, 25,000 euros. Further details telephone SunseekersQuesada on 966 7718 7779, Office hours, or 672 366 275. (613) Quesada, Freehold lock up garage of some 56 square meters, ideal for storage of motorbikes, classic car, jet skis etc etc. These are rarely available and one of only 6 that exist of this size. Price 16,000 euros, that's 286 euros per square meter, you couldnt build it for that assuming you already had the land? Further details telephone SunseekersQuesada on 966 718 779 office hours, 0r 672 366 275. (613) Quesada, an unusual opportunity, later this week, a London Black Taxi cab is to arrive on Quesada, it is to be used to advertise a well known restaurant and to collect and take customers home at night. I have no doubt a local estate agent will also sign write this vehicle too, thus making this vehicle available during the day and early evening redundant. This advert is for someone with relative intelligence, local knowledge, to rent this vehicle weekly for their own devices, need I say more? Such a vehicle sign written in this manner, courtesy vehicle, or Vehichilo Cortesia, in Spanish, would open many doors of opportunity to the right person. Proposed weekly rental to be 80 to 100 euros aweek. If interested to know more, please telephone 672 366 275, with confidence.(613) Quesada, Dry Cleaners for lease, fully equipped in every respect, business established since 2002. Ideal husband and wife team, and for people who have motivation. Simple working hours 9am to 5pm, Mon to Friday, 10am to 2pm Saturdays. For further details please telephone SunseekersQuesada on 966 718 779 office hours, or 672 366 275 any reasonable time. (613)

CARERS In need of care? N.V.Q trained. 25 years experience. Offers personal care, rest bite, companionship, shopping, escorted appointments. Sue 674 909 271 (614)

EMPLOYMENT Experienced full time chef required for restaurant in San Miguel. Please call 965 076 681(613)

We accept PayPal

GARDENING Eazy Lawns the artificial grass experts Eight year guarantee. Many different effects for all surfaces and budgets Full garden design & construction Fully legal and registered company covering all of the Costa Blanca Tel 636 102 509 or email info@eazylawns.es or www.eazylawns.es (C) (612)

HEALTH & BEAUTY Experienced mobile hairdresser. Good price and service. City & Guilds qualified. Tel 663 173 385. (M) (612) Female Anxiety, Stress, Tension, etc. - Obtain relief with Natural Correction Therapy. The Therapist visits you at home. Details: the.therapist@live.co.uk (615)

HOME IMPROVEMENTS METAL MAN! All your metal and Iron works made to your specification. Specialising in Staircases, Roller shutters, Gates and Railings. Best prices on the Costa Blanca! Call for no obligation quotation. Tel 653 262 489/Whatsapp or email metalguy1958@gmail.com (LR) (611)

ITEMS WANTED Turn your unwanted furniture, electrical, household goods, Bric-a-Brac, clothing, antiques and collectables into cash. Anything! Anywhere! 965 319 220/663 012 541 (615)

LEGAL SERVICES One Way Services. Wills. €80. Residents annual tax declaration. €45. Driving licences ( inlc medical ) €130. NIE + Residencia. €50. Call 966 716 540 or 650 130 853. C/-Blanca 1, Cuidad Quesada (on the main square) (613) (M)

PERSONAL SERVICES Sensual relaxing massage. 25 min of professional relaxing massage followed by 25 min sensual body2body julia 647234622 (618) Experience a great one hour massage with Veronica fully quallified. For appointments call 679 292 678 (618) Torrevieja Casa Angela. Discreet and private deluxe chalet offers you exotic girls from South America, call us, come and enjoy 24 hrs, easy to find, easy parking, free drink also escort service 609 573 468/639 832 118 Address: Avd. Association Victimas Del Terrorismo (619) Tony now has in stock the following tablets: Super Kamagra 160mg. Kamagra 100mg. Kamagra Polos. Aurogra 100mg. Femalerga Pinks (for Women). We also keep a range of slimming tablets for Men and Women. Deliveries in all Torre areas. Tel: 697 777 811 (615) Sophie. Elegant, sexy, naughty lady. Visit, all areas. Home/house and hotel visits. Tel 693 357 526 (614) Playa Flamenca (near new Carrefour before La Florida). Original Spanish lady, 35, very attractive offers complete service & erotic massages, private house, very discreet withparking has medical cert. 865 646 437 (615)

ANUNCIATE! Tlf 966701060 linda@costablancapeople.com SERVICIO DE TRADUCCION GRATUITO

CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015

Thai lady for massage and lots of pleasure. Tel 605 292 304 Cabo Roig (615) Nachuli introduces always new nice friends in La Zenia. Come to visit us at 15th, Turquesa St. (Spanish flag). We make your fantasies come true. opposite CC. Zenia Boulevard. www.sensualspain.net (map GPS) 656 314 941 (613) Almoradi. 2 blonde chicas will greet you in sexy lingerie. Kissing, petting. explosive! Tel 645 323 543 (613) Torrevieja. Loving blonde, erotic massage, natural French, kissing, all services. Calle Gotela 38. Tel 698 059 794. (614) Kamagra.Gold.100mg. Delivery or collection. Call Steve 694 449 102 email syork28 @gmail.com (613)

PETS For your dog’s health: Ambulant Canine Physiotherapy in San Miguel de Salinas and vicinity. Phone +34 629 261 541 Email fisican@yahoo.es (622)

Ref 2947. Formentera. Apartment, Com Solarium, 2 Bedrooms, Terrace, 1 Bathroom, Communal Pool. Dramatic reduction. €35.000 Ref 4095. Monte Azul. 130m2 Det Villa, Private Pool, 3 Bedrooms, A/C, 2 Bathrooms, Convservatory. Priced to sell. €205.000 Avda Federico Garcia Lorca 37, Benijofar 03178 (Alicante) Tel. (0034) 966 712 440 www.vincent-realestate.com info@vincent.realestate.com (613) CAMPOAMOR Golf. Terraced house, 2-3 bed, 2 baths, glazed-in terrace, well presented, sunny garden, terrace, walking distance to La Fuente comercial centre. 69,950 Euros. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hfimmo.com (613) TORREVIEJA, La Siesta. Terraced house, 110m² living area, 3 bed, 2 baths, spacious lounge, American kitchen, unfurnished, conservatory, walking distance to amenities. 69,900 Euros. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com (613)

PROPERTY WANTED PROPERTY FOR RENT Playa Flamenca. Urb. Parqu Del Duque. Superb 2 bedroom apartment. 2nd floor, overlooking tennis courts and pool. English TV. Off street parking, lift, air con. Long let. €350pcm + Bills. Tel. Astrids Rentals 965 319 731/649 235 327 (613) Los Altos. Mazana 15. Calle Pico Maldito. 5 mins Torre Hospital and Punta Prima. Immaculate 1 bed + box room. 2 bathrooms, separate kitchen, large tiled garden, BBQ, communal pool. Long let. €300pcm + Bills. Tel. Astrids Rentals 965 319 731/649 235 327 (613) Playa Flamenca. Urb. Parqu Del Duque. Superb 2 bedroom apartment. 2nd floor, overlooking tennis courts and pool. English TV. Off street parking, lift, aircon. Long let. €350PCM + Bills. Tel. Astrids Rentals 965 319 731/ 649 235 327 (613) Los Altos. Mazana 15. Calle Pico Maldito. 5 mins Torre hospital and Punta Prima. Immaculate 1bed + box room. 2 bathroom, separate kitchen, large tiled garden, BBQ, communal pool. Long let. €300PCM + Bills.Tel. Astrids Rentals 965 319 731/649 235 327 (613) CABO ROIG, Cala Capitán. Properties at the beach available now for holiday rental and for long-term rental during the winter season. Special prices. Tel. 609 620 457 (613) Flat to rent long term in Los Montesinos. 3 double bedrooms, 2 bathrooms large lounge with lake views, part furnished. €350 per month, bills not included.Whatsapp or call 699 203 035 Email:clarehanson73@ yahoo.co.uk (613)

PROPERTY FOR SALE Ref 1941. Doña Pepa. Townhouse. 134M2 Build,3 Bedrooms, Communal Pool, 3 Bathrooms, Solarium,Garage. Great price. €124.995 Ref 2872. Formentera.Top Flr Apart.Communal Pool, 2 Bedrooms, Private Solarium, 1 Bathroom, A/C. Just reduced. €52.000 Ref 4062. Cox. 110m2 Det Villa. Private Pool. 3 Bedrooms, 1.812m2 Plot, 2 Bathrooms, Solar Panels. Mountain views. €139.950 Ref 2944. Torrevieja. Apartment. Sea Views, 3 Bedrooms, Com Solarium, 2 Bathrooms, large Terrace,Beach 2 min walk. €80.000 Ref 4091. Montebello. Det Villa. Solarium, 3 Bedrooms, Communal Pool, 2 Bathrooms A/C, Corner Plot. Fabulous price. €148.000 Ref 1079. Doña Pepa. Top Flr Apart. 95m2 Build, 2 Bedrooms, Communal Pool, 2 Bathrooms, Private Solarium. Great location. €95.000


We are looking for good and sensibly priced properties in the Orihuela Costa area and surroundings for our international clients (many cash buyers). Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com(613) Quesada, and surrounding areas, property wanted for sale and or long term rental. Free valuation, and tenants waiting for long term rentals especially. Further details please telephone SunseekersQuesada on 966 718 779 Office hours, for a free no obligation valuation. (613) SunseekersQuesada have an English couple, retired with 2 small dogs looking to rent a semi, or detached property long term within the Quesada, Rojales, Benijofar, Los Montesinos, Formentera, and Catral areas. Fair rent paid, for a fair property. If interested please contact SunseekersQuesada on 966 718 779 office hours. (613)

TUITION & TRANSLATION One Way Services Wills €80 Residents annual tax declaration €45 Driving licences (incl. medical) €130 NIE + Residencia €50 Call 966 716 540 or 650 130 853. C/-Blanca 1, Cuidad Quesada (on the Main Square) (612) (M)

TILING P&R Tiling The best quality and value around. Only the highest quality materials used (swimming pool grade adhesive and grout). Call 622 154 380 for a no obligation quote or to see our extensive portfolio of bathrooms, kitchens, driveways, patios, solariums, swimming pools, landscape gardening and more. Happy to introduce new clients to previous clients for references. See our website www.pandrtiling.com or call 622 154 380. Hablamos Español. (AL) (613)

Make your small ad stand out from the rest. Frame it for just €1.55! 966 701 060 linda@costablancapeople.com

USHER is one of 5 puppies that had been seen wandering on the edge of an urbanisation. He is 4½ months old and a real sweetie; a very friendly and happy boy. He is now fully vaccinated, micro chipped and ready for adoption.

IMPORTANT CONTACT NUMBERS EMERGENCY 112 SAMARITANS IN SPAIN 24 hour Helpline 900 525 100 Email: pat@samaritansinspain.com TORREVIEJA STROKE SUPPORT GROUP E-mail: strokesupportgroup@hotmail.com Telephone: 966 718 964, www.torreviejastrokesupport.com ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Confidential helpline Costa Blanca 625 912 078 Los Alcazares 679 385 105 Spanish Speaking 679 212 535 German 966 789 686 Scandinavian 659 779 222 Flemish 635 047 053 http://aa-costablanca.org AECC You can contact Maria Wilson on 602 418 959 and Javier Murcia on 647 703 811 AL-ANON FAMILY GROUP TORREVIEJA For details phone 692 799 318 HELP Association Vega Baja Calle Lope de Vega 46 San Miguel de Salinas. Telephone 966 723 733 HELP Association Vega Baja Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia 4, Torrevieja Telephone 965 704 282 HELP Association Vega Baja La Marina HELPDESK Calle Madrid 5, Urbanisation La Marina Telephone 673 109 096 24 hour, 365 day Emergency helpline on 966 723 733 AGE CONCERN TORREVIEJA Telephone 966 786 887 HELP MURCIA MAR MENOR 968 570 059 OUT OF HOURS TELEPHONE NO. 654 632 077 (in an emergency ONLY) LISTENING EAR TEAM: 634 348 376 BRITISH CONSULATE ALICANTE 00 34 95 216 022 (in Spain) 9.30am-1.30pm 00 34 913 342 194 (outside Spain) CONSULATE OF IRELAND IN ALICANTE Tel: +34 965 107 485 Fax: +34 965 113 519 PARKINSON SUPPORT GROUP For chat and support over a cup of tea at Bobbie Jo’s, Los Montesinos Contact Wally Williams on 966 770 871 THE ROYAL BRITISH LEGION please ring 676 451 780 or check our website www.britishlegion.org.uk /counties/spain-north For all other general enquiries, please ring 648 860 251



CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015

Emergency chemist MARKETS In every town on the Costa Blanca, you will find a chemist open out of hours. In some larger towns such as Torrevieja, some chemists open throughout the day with no ‘siesta’, or even until 9pm and over weekends. The duty chemist can change on a weekly basis and in some towns, local pharmacies take turns to be ‘on duty’ out of hours and through the night for emergencies. If you approach an emergency chemist and it appears to be closed, look closer as often for security reasons, out of hours business is done via a small hatch

through which prescriptions, payment and medication can be passed. Consult a full list of emergency chemists for out of hours medication at: www.lasfarmaciasdeguardia.com Under the heading, “Farmacias de guardia por provincia” choose your province (Alicante or Murcia for most readers) and you will be presented with an alphabetical list of towns. Simply click the town you are in, or a nearby town, and you will be given the name of the chemist along with a Google Maps link to the location.

Airport Bus Timetable This service offers eight return trips between Alicante-Elche Airport and Torrevieja central bus depot without any stops, every day of the year. Torrevieja to Airport: 7:00, 9:00, 11:00, 13:00, 15:00, 17:00, 19:00, 21:00 Airport to Torrevieja: 8:00, 10:00, 12:00, 14:00, 16:00, 18:00, 20:00, 22:00 Departure and arrival (in Torrevieja): From Torrevieja bus station. Calle del Mar, 50 Departure and arrival (in Alicante-Elche Airport): 2nd Floor Price: €6.92 Children under 4 years travel for free (ID may be requested) Pensioners: 30% discount available for pensioners with accreditation from Social Security. Please note that the discount here applies ONLY to pensioners registered as permanent residents of the

Valencian Community. To prove this, you must show ID stating that you are over 65 as well as your DNI (if Spanish) or Residencia (if foreign resident) confirming that your residence is within the Valencian Community. All buses on this route have wheelchair access, free wifi and luggage storage. Tickets in Torrevieja are available for purchase within the bus station (Calle del Mar 50), and in the airport directly from the driver. Prior booking is not required, however more information can be found by calling the bus station (in Spanish) on 96 571 01 46. The journey time is 50 minutes and the driver takes the route to and from the airport via the A7 motorway, thus avoiding the frequent seasonal delays on the N332.

Useful numbers Transport Torrevieja Bus station 96 670 10 68 Torrevieja Radio Taxi 96 571 22 77 – 96 571 10 26 Orihuela Costa Radio Taxi 966 76 10 88 Alicante-Elche Airport 96 691 90 00 Renfe (trains) 902 24 02 02

Commercial Centres Zenia Boulevard 96 676 15 30 Habaneras 96 571 23 00 Dos Mares 968 54 70 00 L’Aljub (Elche) 965 43 00 90

Emergency Services National Police (NIE/Residencia application) 96 570 88 34 Guardia Civil 062 Protección Civil 96 571 39 27 Fire Brigade 96 670 44 33/53 EMERGENCIES 112

Local Services Torrevieja Town Hall 96 571 02 50 Rojales Town Hall 966 71 50 01 San Miguel de Salinas Town Hall 965 72 00 01 San Fulgencio Town Hall 966 79 42 01 Orihuela Town Hall 966 73 68 64 Elche Town Hall 966 65 80 50

Alicante Town Hall 965 14 91 00 Los Alcazares Town Hall 968 57 44 09 San Pedro del Pinatar Town Hall 968 18 06 00 Pilar de la Horadada Town Hall 965 35 22 25 Guardamar del Segura Town Hall 965 72 90 14 Los Montesinos Town Hall 966 72 10 87 Sports Palace Infanta Cristina 966 111 222 Sport palace Cecilio Gallego 966 111 222 Tourist info 901 343 343 Consumer Info Centre 96 570 78 88 Ecoparque 96 570 72 32 La Mata’s Natural Park 96 692 04 04 Museo del Mar y de la Sal 96 670 46 43 Museo de Semana Santa (Easter Museum) 96 670 80 37

Services Iberdrola (Electricity) 96 571 02 48 AGAMED (water) 902 222 306 and 96 571 09 66 SUMA 96 670 37 44

Leisure IMF Cinema 96 570 54 14 Centro Ozone 96 570 58 80

Monday 9:00 - 14:00 San Pedro del Pinatar 9:00 - 14:00 Santa Pola Tuesday 9:00 - 14:00 Los Alcázares 9:00 - 14:00 Pilar de la Horadada 9:00 - 14:00 Orihuela Wednesday 9:00 - 14:00 San Miguel 9:00 - 14:00 Guardamar del Segura 9:00 - 14:00 La Mata Thursday 9:00 - 14:00 Rojales 9:00 - 14:00 Guardamar del Segura Friday 9:00 - 14:00 Torrevieja 9:00 - 14:00 Pilar de la Horadada 16:00 - 19:00Los Montesinos Saturday 9:00 - 14:00 Santa Pola 9:00 - 14:00 Playa Flamenca 9:00 - 14:00 Almoradi 9:00 - 14:00 Orihuela 10:00 - 14:00Bigastro Sunday 9:00 - 14:00 Zoco 9:00 - 14:00 Guardamar Lemon Grove

Lottery EUROMILLIONS Friday 11th December 2015 03 - 05 - 21 - 40 – 43 Lucky Stars: 06 - 11 UK LOTTERY Saturday 12th December 2015 15 - 22 - 25 - 40 - 53 – 57 Bonus ball: 23 Wednesday 9th December 2015 03 - 08 - 14 - 28 - 34 – 53 Bonus ball: 32 IRISH LOTTERY Saturday 12th December 2015 1 – 10 – 13 – 14 – 16 – 30 Bonus Ball: 32 Wednesday 9th December 2015 1 – 14 – 12 -31 – 37 – 39 Bonus ball: 18



CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015

Tales from the Top Flight ■ CHRIS DARWEN chris@costablancapeople.com

That noise you can hear is the “you can win the title” door being firmly shut on Manchester United, Spurs and Liverpool. Recent weeks have allowed some socalled pundits to talk up the chances of those three sides of making a dash for the title nobody seems to want to win. Yes, the Premier League has been unpredictable this season and I have been far from the perfect prediction maker myself but I shall make this one and I shall make it loud and proud. The winner of the Premier League will not be United, Spurs or Liverpool. Or Chelsea for that matter, and you can probably rule out Aston Villa as well. Why? Call me a fool but I don’t think many teams lose at Bournemouth and go on to win the title. It is also advisable not to go ahead against a woeful Newcastle side at home, a Newcastle side that is more likely to win a game in Argentina than London, and lose. I would also not recommend scraping a 2-2 draw with WBA on your own patch. No, to win the title you need to be able to put teams like Swansea firmly to bed with no worries whatsoever, just like City did. What do you mean they nicked it with an injury-time-deflected-lucky winner? OK, then you need to be confident of going to Villa Park, never an easy place to get all three points, and go home unscathed. Arsenal managed that, therefore will spend at least twenty-four hours installed as my title favourites. Leicester and Chelsea face off on Monday night, after this column is sent to press, so

Quesada Golf Society Last Wednesday members of the society played the final game of 2015 at Lo Romero. The format of the competition was a “Blind Pairs” with each pair comprising of a high handicapper and a low handicapper with their scores being totalled at the end of their rounds. The winners of the competition were David McSweeney and Bert Morl with 58 points. In second place was the pairing of Charlie Wallace and Sheila McSweeney with 54 points. In third place was the pairing of Ron Perkins and Ann Hobbs. The “Nearest the Pin” winners were Brian Smith, Sue Westerman, Tom Taylor, Eddie Scott and John Dunnion and John Featherstone. The winner of the 2’s pot with not one but two 2’s on the day was Brian Smith who gratefully pocketed a fist full of euros not dollars. The next game is the first one in the New Year at Roda on Wednesday 13 January, the course at which our Eclectic competition will be played for 2016 over four games there. Before then there is the society’s Annual General Meeting which will be held at the Quesada Country Club on January 5th starting at 10.30 am. All members are encouraged to attend.

I could go all mystic and predict the outcome. Or not. What I will say is that Mourinho would rather spend Christmas alone than give Vardy and Mahrez an inch of space to run into. Therefore I would imagine JT might get the evening off. What about Watford, hey? In a season of surprise packages they must be heartbroken at how their exploits are being overshadowed by those Foxes. A 1-0 win up at Sunderland saw the Hornets slip gracefully into seventh place, the winner scored once more by Ighalo. Romano Lukaku seems to have Jamie Vardy’s record in his sights as he scored for the seventh consecutive match in Everton’s 1-1 draw with Norwich. Everton should have been out of sight by half time but allowed the relegation threatened Canaries back into the game. Palace may have just started to nudge some pressure Ronald Koeman’s way by beating Southampton 1-0 at Selhurst

Park, Cabaye getting an early winner. Palace continue to ride high in sixth place. West Ham and Stoke played out a 0-0 draw, West Ham still unable to find any consistency in their last season at Upton Park. Bournemouth’s famous win over United moved them up to fourteenth. Chelsea, before the Leicester game, were a single point of the relegation zone. Finally, who will be the new Swansea manager? Well, it won’t be Brendan Rodgers who sees a move back to Wales as a backward step in his career. It won’t be David Moyes, who was never in the running. Ryan Giggs is being seriously considered, though he might be better picking up the pieces at United in the short-term when Van Gaal strops off in January when he isn’t allowed to go and buy a striker having sold all the ones he had. Dennis Bergkamp and Gus Poyet are also in the running, and my money is on Gus.

Traditional Christmas run in Orihuela The Councillor for Sports, Damaso Aparicio, has presented the eighth annual edition of the traditional Night Run organised by the Association of Local Police ‘Virgen de Monserrate’, in conjunction with the Sports Club Athletics Oriol. The sporting event, which each year has seen a steadily increasing number of participants, will take place on 26th December at 10.00pm The councillor stressed the uniqueness of this race in which the participants and those cheering on from the side lines usually wear fancy dress and there is definite festive atmosphere. The councillor was accompanied by the president of the Police Association, Manuel Lorente and Ouharrouch Hassan, president of the Athletic Club Oriol, the Inspector of Police Senor Vergara and Antonio Riquelme, owner of the gym One Sport.

The race is on.

Manuel Lorente encouraged the oriolanos ‘to participate in the race that will end with the added incentive of chocolate for all those who make it to the finish line’, while adding ‘our expectations are high and continue to increase with the number of people registered’. Senor Vergara, meanwhile, explained that an emergency and security service with Civil Defense and Red Cross, along with the local police will be established to ensure the safety of all those participating in the race. Those interested in participating in the Night Race, which will reward winners in several categories including the junior categories, senior, veterans, emergency services and best costume, can register on the website: www.crono3.es, while entrants can continue to register until 25th December.


Children’s free sports activities The Councillor for Sports, Damaso Aparicio, has announced that, following the success of last year’s event, the youth-based sports and activity fest ‘Juve’will return to Orihuela Costa. The event will run for two evenings from Tuesday 15th December until 8pm on 16th December and is free of charge for

all children to take part. There are a wide range of activities for the children of the coast to enjoy all professionally organised and supervised at the Municipal Sports Centre. These planned activities include a climbing wall with rope-bridge, inflatables, workshops for several different sports, electric cars and an area of console games for popular systems such as ‘Wii’ and ‘X-Box’. The Councillor for Sports also said that during the two evenings of Juve, which will run between 5.00pm and 8.00pm, a page of the Magi will visit the Sports Centre to collect the wishes of the children. Damaso Aparicio said: “This is the second annual youth event to be held at the Municipal Sports Centre. Juve is designed to combine the practice of sport with fun and recreation and to encourage the children to enjoy themselves whilst keeping fit and healthy.” Moreover, Aparicio said that “this is the first Juve event specifically designed for the holidays, as from 2nd January, this event will also be rolled out to the city centre and the districts”.


Spanglish Robins had 2 of their pairs win 2 games each for a 5-4 win. Spanglish Voles also had same result with 2 pairs winning 2 games each. All 3 pairs from Da Vinci’s Ospreys won 2 of their games each to win 6-3. Dave & Les, Ian & Jim won all of their games for an 8-1 win for the Archers Jays.

Martin & John won all 3 games 2-0, Stewart & Jane also won 3 games for Irish Abbey Magpies for a 7-2 win. Lo Crispin Tavern , 2 pairs won 2 games each for a 5-4 win. Elaine & Stan, Margaret & Vanessa both won all 3 games for Concierto Jaguars. All 3 of Meson Galea Peacocks pairs won 2 games each.



CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015

El Plantio 2 Golf Society Tuesday 8th December saw 18 members turn up for a ‘Joker’ competition, where each player nominates 2 different holes of the 18 before the start, and the Stableford scores are doubled for these. Everything went swimmingly until one of our members contrived to leave his tee shot on the third hole within diving distance of the pond. Jeff’s stance required him to put one foot on the plastic pond liner and he contrived to lose his balance and slide down a steep slope towards the rancid, polluted water. Fortunately for him, he managed to catch hold of the top and was rescued by his playing partners. What could have been a serious accident eventually ended up as a joke. Nearest the Pin - Hole 1, Rod Loveday - Hole 4, John O`Brien. 3rd Place, Handicap 10 - score 36 Keith Smith, 2nd Place, Handicap 15 - score 39 George Stanhope 1st Place, Handicap 9 - score 40 - Ray Housley If anyone would like to join our Society, we play at El Plantio Golf Club on Tuesday, Friday and Sunday. We use both courses - the Par 3 nine hole course and the main 18 hole course, so we cater for all abilities. The membership rates are very competitive, so call for more details. Anyone who wishes to play in the Society as a guest or join as a new member, contact Ian Henderson on 966 716 616 or 636 116 230. David Swa nn


Golf Society Your week in sport Imanyo “Ted Adams Trophy” at Roda ■ CHRIS DARWEN chris@costablancapeople.com

Fighters! Fighters everywhere! There were two fairly sizeable fights over the weekend won by two fairly sizeable fighters, without a threatened newspaper reporter in sight. It’s nice to see boxing and UFC get through a week without threatening to send one of the lads round. Anthony Joshua lifted the British Heavyweight belt by skillfully crafting a seventh round knockout win over Dillian Whyte. The Olympic champion thoroughly deserved his victory and is now set to give David Haye one more big fight than his career really deserves. If Anthony comes through that game of charades and Tyson Fury beats Klitcshko once again then there is every chance that the two British fighters will meet in the ring late 2016 for the world title. Conor McGregor is in slightly more of a hurry in the UFC featherweight bout at the MGM. The Irishman needed just a “lifetime of hard work and 13 seconds” and to knockout Jose Aldo. Aldo had not been beaten since 2005, but McGregor’s timing and precision saw that run come to a spectacular end. I don’t often mention the British badminton, predominantly as they rarely give me anything worth commenting on but Chris and Gabby Adcock bucked the trend in admirable fashion over the

weekend. The husband and wife team became the first British pair to win the mixed doubles crown at the World Superseries Finals in Dubai. Cen Xialoin, a name not many will be familiar with, became a world record holder on Saturday. Why is this news? Because he is a mere eleven years of age. The more sceptical of you might wonder what world record a child could break that would be worthy of mention in such a high profile column as this. Let me inform you that the 30 second skipping event is very popular in this household and we were glued to the TV watching the action unfold in Dubai. Dubai was clearly the place to be this weekend. Cen managed to skip 110 times in the 30 seconds, smashing the World Inter-School Rope Skipping record. Rather than go home to watch the latest episode of SpongeBob Square Pants, or whatever an 11 year old watches in this day and age, Cen went on to break the 3-minute record for good measure. 548 for anyone that was tempted to give it a go before Eastenders. According to Lord Coe, the athletics crisis is “incomparable” to the one going on at FIFA HQ. This can only be down to one alleged reason. Qatar have not come knocking on Lord Coe’s door with some sacks full of what can only be presumed to be large wads of cash. Other than that, I would say FIFA and the IAAF would probably end up even in a corruption dance-off.

This was the first time we played for this trophy and many thanks to Ted and Ann Adams for sponsoring the day. We had a good turnout for our first visit to Roda where the course was in great condition. A few of our higher handicappers found some of the holes tough, but we still had a great day’s golf. We played full handicap stableford and we did a blind draw at the end on four holes to double points which made it interesting.

Winner of the ”Ted Adams Trophy” was Neil Adams with 39 points, runner up was Brian Court with 35 points, the Endeavor award went to our favourite golfer, Phil Ward. Three nearest the pins were won by our regular nearest the pin experts, hole 5 in 3 shots Alan Ralph, hole 8 in 2 shots Brian Court, and hole 16 in 2 shots by Alan Byrne. The football card was won by Neil Adams with Blackpool winning €20 and raising €20 for this year’s charity, Caritas Daya Nueva.

Lime Bar Golf Society Los Altos The golf society’s venue for 9th December 2015 was held at Las Colinas Golf Course. The course was in good condition and played very well, however it appears the early start seems to have resulted in the lower than average scores. The competition was in the stableford format and the scores recorded are as follows. Nearest the pin on the 7th hole (par 3) was Pat Heaney. Nearest the pin on the 10th hole (par 3) was Arthur Jones. Nearest the pin on the 14th hole (par 3)

was Peter Gillespie. Nearest the pin on the 17th hole (par 3) was Ken Sutton. Bronze Class in 2nd place was Ben Gadd with 25 points. Bronze Class in 1st place was Norman Dobson with 28 points Silver Class 2nd place was Bob Adair with a score of 25 points. Silver Class 1st place was John Walls with a score of 28 points. Gold Class 2nd place was Arthur Jones with a score of 31 points. Gold Class 1st place was Pat Heaney with a score of 32 points.

post which found Higon and his shot on target from an angle was blocked by the Rayo keeper. After 24 minutes a free-kick into the Torry box was met with a powerful header by the giant Rayo no.4 which crashed against the crossbar and came back into play and was cleared. Cesar then had a couple of half chances, his first effort being blocked after being found from a superb pass by Ruben Suarez. The second came after the Rayo keeper spilled a deep cross from Higon with his effort being deflected off a defender for a corner. After 36 minutes Rayo opened up the Torry defence and Serna did well to block a goal-bound effort at the expense of a corner. Rayo were coming back strongly into the game. After 41 minutes Javi Selvas failed to cut out a through ball from a Rayo midfield and their no.9 took it on and beat Serna with a composed finish to give Rayo the lead. Just before the break Vicente delivered a good cross which Lewis headed wide from a good position. Torry manager Pedreno introduced Sanchez to the action at the beginning of the second half, taking off Martin who had had an indifferent first half. Torry started the second period well with greater

vigour and more urgency and took the game to Rayo. They got their reward for their efforts after 54 minutes when Lewis clipped a low cross from Luis Carlos into the roof of the net for the equaliser. 5 minutes later Lewis was at it again when he struck a fierce shot into the corner of the net from just outside the area after great play by Sanchez. Torry then had a bit of a breather with Rayo failing to threaten. Then after 76 minutes after a brilliant interplay between Luis Carlos and Sanchez with the latter finding Higon who played the ball back to Ruben Suarez on the edge of the box. Suarez struck the ball with the outside of his left foot and it flew into the top corner of the net for a third goal to Torry and to give them a two goal cushion. Torry continued to take the game to Rayo and could have added to their tally with a few close efforts before the game came to a close. A great second half performance by Torry turned things round and lifts them a place up the table and will give them added confidence going into their next game on Saturday against strugglers Jove Espanol. Lets hope they can make it 3 wins in a row and climb higher up the table before the Christmas break. Darrylldinho


On Sunday Torry entertained Rayo Ibense who gained promotion to Tercera at the end of last season. They have settled comfortably into higher level football and before the game were in mid-table in 10th place with 23 points from 16 games, 6 places and 7 points better off than Torry. They beat Novelda at home in their last outing. A fortnight ago. Torry needed to build on their 3 -1 win against Recambios Colon to move them away from the relegation zone. Vicente Boix was restored to the side after a one match suspension at the expense of

young Croatian defender Matej. Cesar was also restored to the starting line-up in preference to the other young Croatian, Brani. The Torry line up: Miguel Serna, Vicente Boix, Luis Carlos, Javi Selvas, Quintero, Martin (Sanchez 45'), Higón, Burguillos © ,Cesar (Manu Amores 69'), Ruben Suarez and Lewis (Carrasco 86'). Not used: Kike and Matej. The game was again played on the artificial playing surface at the Nelson Mandela. The game kicked off with the sun going down and the temperatures

beginning to drop in front of a crowd of around 300 hardcore supporters. The first 15 minutes were quite scrappy with the opposition having the edge without troubling Torry keeper Serna. Torry had little cohesion with the opposition pressing high up the field and Martin and Burguillos getting caught in possession a bit too often. Torry started to come to life after the 20 minute mark when Cesar was played in with the keeper just getting to the ball before Cesar. On 22 minutes Cesar hit a superb raking cross-field pass to the far



CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015

PETANCA ABBEY ANGLING This week’s open match was fished at the El Bosquet Complex on the 8th December, the enthusiasm was not great as this venue is not fishing at all well at the present time. Bob Rafferty drawn on the oblong water, fishing the pole using maggot and corn took the top spot with just over 7kgs. Hopefully the fishing here will improve in time. 1st Bob Rafferty with 7.200kgs fishing the pole using maggot and corn 2nd Lennie Bolton with 4.620kgs fishing the pole using maggot and corn 3rd Richard Woods with 3.900kgs fishing the pole using bread punch We held our Presentation Dinner Dance at the Abbey Tavern in La Florida on Saturday 5th December it was an excellent meal and first class entertainment supplied by the duo Diverse and was enjoyed by everyone and our thanks go once again to Mick Hill for all his hard work in organising the event. The winners of the trophies for 2015 are as follows: Abbey Angling Cup 1st B. Reade, 2nd T Screen, 3rd B Homer Spring Series Cup 1st T Screen, 2nd L Bolton, 3rd B Reade Summer Series Cup 1st T Screen 2nd B Reade, 3rd L Bolton Winter League Cup 1st D Hoare 2nd L Bolton, 3rd T Screen Xmas Contest Cup 1st T Macmillan, 2nd D Hoare, 3rd B Cannon The Speciman Cup Winner M Hill with a Mullet of 3.340kgs The Memorial Plaque. Donated by

Bob and Di Munns was won for 2015 by L Bolton. All details are available on our website www.abbeyangling.com or from me on 965 328 368. RODS & REELS It was our Xmas Contest this week which we fished on the Eden Stretch of the river Segura on the 9th December. It was a grueller of a day, with just 1.5kgs separating the first five places. Most fish were taken on the feeder using corn or maggot. 1st B Reade with 5.400kgs fishing the feeder and pole using corn and bread 2nd Marlene Hutchinson with 4.800kgs fishing the feeder using corn 3rd Derek Swann with 4.200kgs fishing the feeder using corn We also held our Presentation Dinner Dance in conjunction with Abbey Angling on the 6th December. The winners of the Trophies for 2015 are: Winter Series 1st L Bolton, 2nd B Reade, 3rd T Screen Spring Series 1st B Reade, 2nd A Reid, 3rd T Screen Summer Series 1st B Reade, 2nd N McBirnie, 3rd L Bolton Ladies Championship 1st M Hutchinson Memorial Match 1st D Hoare Charity Match 1st B Homer Knock Out Final 1st L Bolton, 2nd B Reade, and 3rd M Hill There are still some vacancies at the club and if anyone is interested in joining please contact Derek Swann on 966 729 293 or 617 283 503 Tight Lines Terry Screen

Eurogolf Society plays Bingo, Bango, Bongo! Getting into the Seasonal Festivities, on Thursday 10 December Eurogolf Society played a game of Bingo, Bango, Bongo. With stableford scores added to the bonus points to give a total score, many high scores came in, and the final results were: Gold Division: 1st David Gregson 60 pts. 2nd George McCullum 54 pts. 3rd David Blanchette 53 pts. Silver Division: 1st Ken Enever 58 pts. 2nd Ray Porter 52 pts. 3rd Colin Hobden 49 pts. Bronze Division: 1st Connie Parker 54 pts. 2nd Jan Shorley 53 pts. 3rd Gill Britten 50 pts. N.T.P’s 5th Bob Buckeridge 11th Morag Turner 15th Keith Wright 17th David Gregson Football Draw Winners: George McCullum, Bob Buckeridge, Keith Wright, Gill Britten The results of the Toffs weekly stableford competition played on Tuesday 8th were:

Overall winner with an impressive score of 40 points Debbie Weedon. Gold Division: 1st Bill Martin 35 pts, 2nd Sue Gillett 34 pts, 3rd David Gregson 32 pts. Silver Division: 1st Debbie Weedon 40 pts, 2nd Colin Hobden 35 pts, 3rd Gloria Manning 32 pts c/b. Bronze Division: 1st Joy Gray 35 pts, 2nd Sandy Holland 35 pts c/b, 3rd Bev Fairhurst 35 pts c/b Best front nine: Ian Pegg and best back nine Angelique Berndt N.T.P’s 5th Bill Martin, 11th Jean Jackson, 15th Ian Pegg, 17th Phyllis Venables A reminder that our Christmas Dinner Dance is to be held on Saturday 12 December at Stan and Ollies. A prize will be presented to the best decorated table! More information about our friendly society can be found on our website www.eurogolf-quesada.co.uk

The Las Salinas winter petanca league is now stopping for the Christmas and New Year break. It will recommence on the 8th January 2016, so the players will have plenty of time to enjoy the festivities. In division 1 Amigos Belgas 1 cemented their top spot position with a 7-1 victory over Lakeside Lakers. Good wins for Dominos Red, Los Bandidos and Rocajuna. In Division 2 Blagul 1 retain top

spot with an 8-0 victory over El Mirador eagles. El Mirador Hawks had a good home win against XPS 6-2. Corsairs had a good away win at Danish Dynamite 5-3 whilst Lakeside Mosquitos and Amigos Belgas2 ended up in deadlock 4-4. In division 3 Pumas stay top of the table with a good away win at Peacocks Red 6-2, also good away wins for Amigos Belgas 3, 5-3 and El Mirador Kestrals 7-1. Buddies had a good home win 5-3. In division 4 Guardamar stay top, with a solid home win 7-1 other winners Torre Bears 2, 5-3 over Peacocks blue,


Florentillies shared the points with El Raso Bandidits 4-4. Into division 5 good wins for Rocajuna lions, Blagul 2 and Falcons, Lakeside Ramblers shared the points with Daya Vieja hillbillies 4-4. Linda Haymes

Atletico celebrate as rivals slip In the first significant match of the weekend, Barcelona looked to be coasting home when goals by Messi and Rakitic put them ahead of Deportivo la Coruña. Luis Enrique accordingly brought on substitutes – and regretted it, as Depor levelled things in the late stages with goals from Lucas Perez and Bergantinos. When Atletico hosted Athletic Bilbao, it looked as if their visitors were also going to run out ahead but their early goal was equalised on the stroke of halftime by Saúl, then the reliable Griezmann won the game for the home side with his second half goal. Real Madrid hoped to make up ground, but had a tough encounter in prospect – a visit to fifth-placed Villareal – and so it proved. The Real side looked hopeless in a shocking first half display in which Soldado put Villareal ahead, and when they got their act together in the second half, nothing would go into the net. The unpredictable Benzema spurned at least two golden opportunities, and Real Madrid stay well off the lead, now

shared by their two rivals. Sevilla meantime beat Sporting 2-0, but Gary Neville’s Valencia could only draw with Eibar. The second division lead is opening up a little, as Córdoba keep up the pace and are now three points ahead of Alavés, who, in turn, are two in front of Oviedo. Elche had a good 0-1 win at Girona, but remain in mid-table. In division 2B, group 1 continues to be a procession for Racing de Ferrol, who are 7 points clear and group 2 features Barakaldo, 2 ahead of Castilla. (both sides drew at the weekend). In group 3 Reus have eased a little further ahead, but Alicante side Hercules are now in third place, winning 2-0 against l’Hospitalet. The two Murcia sides continue to boss group 4, both registering good wins, Real showing that they are really a class above division 2B. In the draw for the Eurocup, Spaain have what DelBosque described as a ‘complicated’ draw, the main problem being Croatia (the Czech Republic and Turkey complete the group) whilst

Club de Golf El Paraíso (Rojales) at La Serena La Serena was the choice of venue for our last competition before Christmas, with many members already having made the journey back to their homeland to celebrate Christmas and the New Year, left us with depleted numbers, but nevertheless the competitive spirit lives on. La Serena is, to say the least a challenging course where even good shots can find a watery grave there being water in play on 16 holes. However new member Perry Kristiansen playing the course for the first time didn’t seem to find it so intimidating, scoring 24 points after just nine holes and that was more than some members scored after 18! He did falter a little on the back 9 though and could only manage another 17 points to bring his total to a very

N.T.P. and card draw winners.

commendable 41 points. Obviously with that score he won the competition, in 2nd place was Sverre Sonesen on 35 points, Back in 3rd place was new Polish member Jack Daroszewski on 33 points. In the N.T.P. competition the winners were; hole 3 Ove Cederberg, hole 9 Benedicte Kruse, hole 15 Tove Roed and Jack Daroszewski on hole 17. Our new calendar for 2016 is now being prepared and will be published on our website and Facebook page shortly. If you would like to join this multinational golf club (we are registered with the R.F.E.G.) please visit www.club degolfelparaiso.com or visit us at Facebook/clubdegolfelparaiso or tweet us @elparaiso14.

England are drawn with Wales, (no less) Russia and Slovakia – Hmmm! Away from football – isn’t it good to get away? – Javier Fernández, Spain’s best ever figure-skater, couldn’t overcome his great friend and training partner Yu, despite scoring a European points record, and had to settle for a silver medal, in the latest Grand Prix. Malcolm Palmer

Javier Fernandez

EL RASO GOLF SOCIETY AT ALENDA On Friday 11 December, El Raso G.S. travelled to the popular course of Alenda, for the monthly Stableford competition. With several members suffering with ailments and injuries we had a reduced field of 17 members and 2 guests. The course was in good condition, however, the greens proved rather tricky and hence several players misjudging the speed, resulting in lower than usual scores coming in. Nevertheless, there were some players who managed to achieve a respectable score. Congratulations to the winner Dave Nicholls with 32 points, in second place Paul Burletson 31 pts and third Stan Low 30 pts. Best front nine Tony Wilson 14 pts and best back nine Robin Richards 17 pts. N.T.P’s 3rd Robin Richards 5th Paul Burletson 13th Malcolm Foskett 16th Craig Lambert. Well done to guest, Preston Ives coming in with an impressive score of 36 points. Our next game is on Friday 29th January on our home course, La Marquesa.


CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015




CostaBlancaPeople December 15th - 21st 2015


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