Your Essential Weekly Read
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Until recently bullying or ‘el acoso escolar’ didn’t seem to be such a big issue in Spanish schools. However, last October an eleven year old, Diego, committed suicide in Madrid allegedly as a result of bullying.
he child threw himself out of the window of the fifth floor flat and, although investigations still continue, this has brought the issue out into the public. Diario Informacion claims that the
Tues 26th January - Mon 1st February 2016
Concerns about bullying in Spanish schools Reason for being bullied They didn’t know To annoy them Because they are weaker As a joke Because of jealousy Because they’re different
Boys 17.4% 10.10% 8.3% 7.3% 6.7% 5.6%
Girls 15.2% 9.7% 5.00% 5.3% 8.7% 4.8%
cases of school bullying have increased considerably. A recent study suggests that 40% of children between the ages of 7 and 9 years old are the victims of bullying. These ‘third grade’ children have been identified as being particularly vulnerable. This is also the year group where a focus on testing has recently been introduced. This age group has been identified as being more at risk of bullying than those children in the first year of primary school or even pupils of 12 years old. The statistics come from the study ‘Informe Cisneros X School bullying and violence in Spain’ and they suggest that it is the second and third year of primary school when children are most at risk. Eight year olds are twice as likely to be bullied at school as those who are 12. Bullying can take many different CONTINUED ON PAGE 3
CostaBlancaPeople January 26th - 1st February 2016
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Claire Richards: Editor
Would you like to be a costalero? Semana Santa is the most important week of the year in the Spanish religious calendar. The Easter processions are renowned for their splendour and tradition. In Torrevieja, the International Cofradia (brotherhood) carry the ‘paso’ or float representing Jesus in the Garden of olives. The float is taken around the town along with many other pasos during two of the Easter processions. The International Cofradia consists of a group of international residents from several different countries. The majority of the group, however, are British and this year they are looking for new participants to take part in the processions. Each year the cofradia needs to recruit about 20 more men, or costaleros, to carry the float. This is an important role which makes a visible contribution to integration within the town. The first get together will be on Thursday evening 11th February at 7.30pm in the hall next to the Semana Santa Museum behind the Chinese restaurant on Avenida Baleares in Torrevieja. ‘Even the most experienced costaleros need to get ‘back into the swing’ of carrying the float,’ explains Paul Mutter. ‘Inevitably with the numbers involved there are usually some who are unable to carry. This provides opportunities for new recruits to take part and they of course need to be taught the unique marching steps which when properly carried out actually help ensure the weight is evenly distributed and more manageable.’ The meeting on the 11this opportunity to register for those who are going to continue carrying the paso this year and to welcome any new prospective members.Practice sessions will be held at 7.30pm on February 18th, February 25th, March 2nd, March 10th and March 17th. On March 17th the float will be carried to the marquee
behind the church in the main square ready for the processions on March 21st and March 25th. If you think you might be interested then come along to the first meeting and find out more about what being a costalero entails. Further information is also available from David McLachan on 966 700 056. Suzanne O’Connell The costaleros of the International Cofradio carry the float in the Semana Santa procession.
CostaBlancaPeople January 26th - 1st February 2016
Continued from page 1
Sport tourism for Torrevieja If you just stick to the coastline you can be forgiven for not realising how many sporting opportunities there are in Torrevieja. The Sports City and the ‘Palacio de los Deportes de Torrevieja’, as it has recently been renamed, provide extensive training facilities and a range of competitions. Pablo Samper, Torrevieja’s councillor for sport, has announced a new drive to draw tourists to Torrevieja who would like to make use of these facilities. The proposals were presented in the International Tourist exhibition in Madrid along with a promotional video. ‘We’ve launched this video,’ explains Councillor Samper, ‘with the intention of promoting the town as the perfect venue for training and preparation for associations, clubs and federations both national and international.’The video lasts for three minutes and includes images of the local area. ‘We hope to improve on last year’s results, opening new opportunities and also pushing the retail and commercial sector,’ says Samper. One of the chief attractions to bring sports clubs and associations here is the climate. With temperatures more than 15 to 20 degrees higher than that of many other European countries, there are definite advantages to training in Torrevieja. Sport tourism has already drawn a number of clubs here from other countries and hopefully the renewed drive will see more visiting our town. Continued on page 4
forms. The study reports that the most common types of bullying include: • Obstruction/ blocking exits and entrances (29.3%) • Harassment (20.9%) • Physical handling (19.9%) However, bullying can also be more subtle including through: • Exclusion (16%) • Intimidation (14.2%)
What you should do
The Psychologist, Miguel Del Nogal, member of the AEPAE (Asociación Española Para la Prevención del Acoso Escolar) has spoken out about the key factors that can help you detect when a child is being bullied. Although he acknowledges that there is no perfect formula for detecting bullying, indicators such as difficulty sleeping, stomach problems and simply not wanting to go to school are all signs that something is wrong. What’s perhaps most important is that parents keep channels of communication with their child open and that they feel able to confide in them if they have a problem. If parents do become aware that their child is being bullied then Miguel Del Nogal recommends the following actions: 1. Ask for a meeting with the child’s teacher or tutor 2. Ask for a meeting with the head of department or headteacher 3. Describewhat happened and take any evidence if it’s available 4. Ask for explanations of what’s happened at school 5. Ask for measures to be put into place to prevent it continuing 6. Check that the measures are specific
and clear 7. If measures are not put in place, take your concern further including local inspectors, the local council etc. 8. If all else fails you can make a denuncia to the police or at the children’s department. Bullying in UK schools has been an issue for decades and arguably has been a feature of schools since they began. The increase in cyber bullying means that there are a growing number of means of intimidating and harassing young people even when they are not in school. Emphasis in the UK has been placed on providing young people with the means of reporting the bullying and staff have been trained to recognise it too. The Samaritans in Spain are aware of school bullying as being a growing problem here. Lynda Brettle, CEO explains: ‘Kids in particular are under even more pressure with exams and we are seeing increasingly complicated family relationships and other difficulties within the home environment. Young people just can’t escape with internet trolls and bullies now also operating 24/7 on social media. It can be especially hard on kids in schools abroad as they may well have to cope with a second language and cultural challenges as well as missing friends and other relatives back home.’ Samaritans in Spain encourage any English speaking child or young person in distress to call them on FREEPHONE 900 525 100 and they will listen and go through their problems with them. Alternatively they can email
CostaBlancaPeople January 26th - 1st February 2016
Political impasse BITE SIZE ■ SUZANNE O’CONNELL As the Costa Blanca People went to print on Monday 25th January, Spain was still without a functioning government. Over the past week, King Felipe (right) of Spain has been a key player in the search for stability. More than a month since the general election (20th December) it has been down to the King, according to the Spanish Constitution, to call political leaders to form a government. On Friday 22nd January King Felipe invited Mr Rajoy to try and form a new cabinet. However, already knowing that no other party was prepared to cooperate with him, Rajoy turned down the offer, for the time being at least. In a move that some have described as ‘irresponsible’ Rajoy still wants to be in on the running whilst sat safely in the stalls. In the meantime, Podemos the antiausterity party, are showing their hand quite clearly. They spoke on Friday 22nd to say that they would be prepared to form a left-wing coalition with the PSOE (socialist party). They would accept the PSOE leader, Pedro Sánchez, as the leader of the party with Pablo Iglesias as deputy. No mention was made of their previous insistence that Catalonia must have a referendum. Within the next few days it is hoped that one of the leaders, either Rajoy or Sánchez does accept the offer to try and form a government. The alternative would be another general election.
However, current polls suggest that the outcome of this would not be much different from that on the 20th December. If this was the case then exactly the same political parties would
NEWS: Continued from page 3
Christmas campaign success The councillor for commerce in Torrevieja, Manuela Osuna, has claimed that the promotional videos and website have helped improve the fortunes of Torrevieja’s shops and outlets over Christmas. She says that the 45 second video, which was publicised on Youtube and Facebook, attracted a lot of interest reaching 10,100 viewings. The website is also proving to be popular and the blog attracted 19,000 views during 2015. Most visits were made on 26th November which was Black Friday.
be in exactly the same situation as they are now. The PSOE’s intentions are particularly hard to pin down. At one point it seemed as though a coalition of the left was possible when Pedro Sánchez went to visit the Prime Minister of Portugal, António Costa, in Lisbon. Portugal is currently governed by a leftleaning coalition of a similar nature to a PSOE/Podemos coalition. However other announcements have seemed to be less indicative of a left-coalition. The latest being Sánchez accusing Podemos’ of blackmail. For the people of Spain, this presents a very unsatisfactory period of uncertainty and the majority will be hoping that at least someone can settle their differences and provide a concrete plan for the future.
Carriage museum run The Torrevieja Classics and Specialist Car Club has completed its first run of 2016. This time they went to the Carriage Museum in El Algar with thirteen cars and twenty-six people. The club would thoroughly recommend the museum for a trip out. There are exhibits of numerous carriages which date back to the 17th century and range from landaus to dog carts to miniature carriages. The exhibition also included a collection of motorbikes dating back to the 30’s including a BSA Bantum and a Royal Enfield along with a selection of vintage farm instruments. The museum was opened specially for the group as usually it is only open to the public from Easter to September. For more information about the group Continued on page 5
CostaBlancaPeople January 26th - 1st February 2016
Continued from page 4 or if you would like to join visit their webpage or telephone Ron Blackwell on 966791212 or call into one of their monthly meetings on the first Wednesday of every month at 7.30pm in the Cafeteria Marina Club.
Park fencing to be carried out It has been announced that there are now plans to fence in the park at La Siesta while work continues on it again. There had been concerns that the site in its current condition might pose a danger to children. Work on the park stopped following the local elections and since then local residents have campaigned by petitioning the current government to get the work reinstated. The work on the park was unable to continue due to the nature and duration of the contracts of those previously working on it. There remain outstanding bills for materials and the current government has announced that these were not properly contracted for, leading to difficulties with payment.
Ski trip re-scheduled Following the cancellation of the ski trip from CIAJ due to lack of snow, new dates have now been issued. The ski trip will now be held on the weekend the 4th to the 6th March. The price for the trip is €167 for adults and €82 for children up to five years old and €114 for children from six to 12 years old. There is also an option of €95 for people who want to go to the Sierra Nevada for a weekend trip but who don’t want to ski. The cost includes transport to and from Torrevieja and accommodation in the four star hotel Luna in Granada. These rooms are multiple occupation and include half board for the Saturday with breakfast on the Sunday. Lift pass and travel insurance are also included. There are options to hire equipment and have lessons at an extra cost. You can also pay a supplement in order to have a private double room in the hotel if you prefer. Although it is arranged by the CIAJ (contact 965714072) which is the centre for information for young people in Torrevieja, it is open to all ages. You can also demonstrate your interest by contacting he CIAJ through email at
From Elvis to Rod Following the Elvis Tribute night at The Club, Quesada a total of €600 was raised. In addition the fundraiser, Tricia lee, was presented wih a donation of €212.50 from Barbara Sunter and the Golden Girls of Daya Nueva. Paul Cunningham Nurses’ next charity event will be at Casa Ventura, San Luis on 6th February. This will be a Rod Stewart tribute starting at 8.00 pm and tickets are now available for €12. Tickets can be obtained by calling 966 789 247. Suzanne O’Connell The funeral and a memorial evening were held this week for Scott Waring, the 40 year-old father of one who died after being attacked with a broken bottle last weekend. Friends, family, acquaintances and members of the local community who simply wanted to show their support filled The Royal Oak on Friday for the memorial event and it was standing room only. Police initially arrested four people, who were captured, near to the scene of the crime in a car driving with its headlights off. However, they were released a few days later and police appear to now be focussing their attention on a 29 year-old British man, who handed himself into to a police station in Altea. According to local sources, the man is known locally, and although he does not live in Spain spends a lot of time in Orihuela Costa and has done for several years. Appearing before the judge last week, the man said he had been partying for several days before the incident and had little recollection of the tragic events that took place. The man's lawyer, Jorge Martinez Navas, said his client went to the police out of his own accord, and that it does not mean he is guilty of any crime. He said: “The probe is still at a very early stage and we are awaiting the completion of more judicial procedures.” It is believed that the group had
been drinking together at another local centre before arriving early hours of the Saturday morning at the Plaza. The bar that served them was closed and the group were sitting outside finishing
drinks when the incident happened. Reports in UK papers that there was a ‘bar brawl’ and inferences that there are regular disturbances have angered local residents and business owners. Villamartin Plaza has an excellent reputation as a family friendly area with upmarket bars and restaurants. Last year the venue underwent a programme of considerable regeneration and reaped the rewards with crowds flocking to its free live music events that took place every weekday evening throughout the summer.
CostaBlancaPeople January 26th - 1st February 2016
15 years for Phoenix Solos Phoenix Solos, Torrevieja will soon be holding a dinner dance to celebrate 15 years continuous operation since its formation in January 2001. It has provided an opportunity for those on their own to improve their social life and make new friends. The event will be held on 25 February (at Rte. Rendezvous, Altos del Limonar), a date which coincides with the 85th birthday of one of the cofounders. Former members who would like to attend are invited to contact the Treasurer on 96 6 70 3 139.
‘Unmanned’ petrol stations banned as threat to region’s jobs A series of low-cost petrol stations set up across the Comunidad Valenciana, including Alicante Province, could see their days numbered. The regional government has banned all fuel-pump sites operating with no staff. These service stations are pre-paid and operate by credit or debit card, and as they do not have employees, they are able to keep the price of petrol much lower than in traditional refuelling areas. Whilst making petrol and diesel cheaper for drivers, these 'low-cost' pumps also act as an incentive for national and multinational chains to fire all their staff and make their premises self-service, which the Valencian government considers bad news in light of Spain's ongoing unemployment problem. From New Year's Eve, a law has been in force – which has only just come to light this week – forcing all petrol stations to have at least one employee on the premises during the daytime. Pump attendants are already facing their jobs disappearing as more and more petrol stations are self-service, meaning staff are only needed to man the shop and take payments – in previous years, as well as at least one shopkeeper, service stations would have at least one, but often several employees to put the petrol in the car for the customer. Self-service stations began to become cheaper in recognition that it was the customer who bore the fire risk when filling
up, rather than staff, but led to drivers using unmanned pumps to save money. However, many petrol station shop staff will automatically come outside and set the pump to fill for the driver, meaning they can go indoors and browse in store – or even stay put in their vehicles if it is cold or raining – while their tank is filling up. The new regional law also means service station employees, even at low-cost self-service pumps, are obliged to help disabled drivers fill up. Despite the law already coming into effect, as yet the term‘daytime’has not been fully defined in terms of hours. The Spanish Confederation of Service Station Owners (CEEES)’s chairman Javier Bru says this is likely to be taken as being from 06.00am or 07.00am in the morning to 10.00pm or 11.00pm at night, in line with existing staff shifts, meaning nearly the whole of the day is covered except the small hours when most people on the roads will be long-distance drivers.
Donations from Dick Whittington In the middle of November theatre group Studio 32 presented the pantomime Dick Whittington at the Cardenal Belluga Theatre in San Fulgencio. The performance was a success not only in terms of audience enjoyment but also the amount of money raised for charity. A total of €1,500 was raised from the show and this was split between the CardenalBelluga Theatre and the Alzheimer’s society. Studio 32 is currently experiencing a change of chairman and so it was the outgoing chairman, Graham Burge who presented a cheque to Don Benjamin Villena Rodriguez of the Alzheimers Association of San Fulgencio. This is one of Graham’s last duties as chairman of the group. A similar donation was also given to the San Fulgencio town hall to continue with the theatre maintenance fund. ‘Studio 32 is a very talented musical theatre company of mixed age groups,’ explains Philip. ‘Our aim is to produce high quality musicals to entertain the public, to raise money for charity, and to provide an arena for people to develop their acting, dancing and singing skills.’
The next production is the ‘Fiddler On The Roof’ and this will take place in June with tickets going on sale in February. This is quite a big production for the group to take on. ‘It’s our biggest challenge yet,’ says Philip. Suzanne O’Connell
Chairman of Studio32, Graham Burge, presents a cheque to Don Benjamin Villena Rodriguez of the Alzheimers Association.
SPANISH INEQUALITIES RISE MORE THAN MOST Out of the OECD group of most advanced or emerging economies, Spain is the nation where inequalities have risen the second-most -- far more than even crisis-hit Greece or emerging Mexico, aid group Oxfam said recently. In a report published ahead of the annual gathering of the world's financial and political elites in Davos, the anti-poverty agency announced that globally, the richest one percent of the population now owned more than the rest combined. And Spain - where a devastating financial crisis has eased off thanks to stringent spending cuts, tax rises and controversial labour reforms - is the OECD country where inequalities have risen most since 2007, second only to Cyprus. The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development counts 34 member countries, including many of the world's most advanced countries but also emerging countries like Mexico, Chile and Turkey. Oxfam said inequalities had soared in Spain “almost 10 times more than the European average and 14 times more than in Greece.” “In 2014, 29.2 percent of the Spanish population was at risk of poverty or social exclusion, 2.3 million more people than in 2008, exceeding the EU average
CostaBlancaPeople January 26th - 1st February 2016
by more than six percentage points.” According to the aid group, the wealth of the 20 richest people in Spain rose 15 percent last year, while the assets of the 99 percent remaining population fell by the same percentage. It said that inequalities rose due to “a combination of a huge salary gap with a backward tax system that doesn't much burden those who have the most.” “There has been a collapse in the average salary in Spain, with a 22.2 percent drop between 2007 and 2014-15,” the group said, adding that the presidents of the 35 main listed companies “earn 158 times more than the salary of an average worker.” Oxfam said that tax evasion was also rife in Spain. “Investment from Spain to tax havens rose 2,000 percent in 2014,” it said. Spain is currently locked in a political impasse after inconclusive general elections in December resulted in a hung parliament in which a ruling majority cannot easily be formed. Rising inequalities were one of the major themes of the election campaign, with the ruling, conservative Popular Party criticised for its stringent austerity measures. Oxfam has called on the next government to make the fight against poverty and tax evasion key priorities.
The council wants your views on dogs Dog ownership is probably one of the hottest issues in Torrevieja. Although the majority of dog owners are responsible people there are, unfortunately, some who are not. Dog excrement on pavements, barking at all hours and dogs off the leash are just some of the problems that are raised on a regular basis. Dogs look appealing but come at a cost both of time and money. Tragic cases of dogs whose owners can no longer look after them come to Councillor Carmen Morateon a regular basis. Recently a dog was reported to have been run over but the owner could not afford the vets bill. Unfortunately the dog died before it was able to receive treatment. The importance of thinking the decision through before purchasing a dog is something that
Carmen is keen to emphasise. However, she is also clearly a dog lover and her efforts to ensure that the dog pound does not have to put to sleepthe animals it takes in have clearly paid off. In 2014, thirty six dogs were put down. Under Carmen’s supervision this figure was reduced to one. Fifty cats were put down in the previous year but only five have had the same fate from July to December 2015.
What do you think? In a bid to make Torrevieja a more dogwise town, Carmen would like to hear your views. She, and her team, have put together a brief questionnaire that seeks to find out what the dog owners of Torrevieja do with their pets and what their views are about making the most
of them, safely. If you think you can contribute to the debate, please email and we will submit your replies. If you would prefer, you can deliver your answers directly to Carmen and Carlos in the OARI office and you will receive a complimentary little novelty to help you pick up after your pet. Either way, this is your chance to make your views known – so please use it. The Costa Blanca People will report back on what people had to say, keeping all your answers anonymous, of course. Carmen is keen to emphasise that this isn’t a project to find out who has had their pet microchipped or not but a genuine opportunity to shape policy by the people.
Dog owners’ questionnaire 1. How many dogs do you have? 2. Where did you get your dog(s) from? 3. What size are your dog(s)? 4. Is/ are your dog(s) microchipped or not? 5. Do you think the microchip is useful? 6. Has your dog been sterilised or castrated? Why/ why not? 7. Has it had puppies? What did you do with them? 8. Do you live in a flat or a house? 9. How many times a day do you walk your dog? 10. Where do you go to walk your dog? 11. Do you think there are enough places to walk dogs? 12. Do you think the law is right that dogs must always be on a lead? 13. Would you welcome designated areas in parks for dogs to be off the lead?
14. Do you have other animals? What are they? 15. Do you know about the Municipal dog pound? 16. Have you been to the dog pound? What do you think of it? 17. Do you think that adoption is a good option? Why/ why not? 18. What is your view about the dogs in the dog pound? 19. Are you aware that the mayor has made a statement about dog excrement? 20. Do you believe it is right to fine people for not cleaning up excrement? 21. What do you think about having a beach on which dogs are allowed? 22. Would you go with your dog? 23. Do you have any suggestions for avoiding misunderstandings between dog owners and those who don’t own a dog?
CostaBlancaPeople January 26th - 1st February 2016
When can we expect the EU referendum? When will they vote? ■ SUZANNE O’CONNELL
Will Britain stay in or move out of the EU?
he decision that the British voting public make before the end of 2017 will have great consequences for the future, not only for those choosing to live there but also, potentially, for those who don’t. There is still huge uncertainty about what the impact of a Brexit might be for British nationals living in Spain. Speculation abounds about the impact on health care and residency entitlement. Much will depend upon what measures the newly elected Spanish government will want to take. Another factor that is currently in the balance. It is known that David Cameron does not want the UK to leave the EU. He has made his views clear whilst also allowing members of his party to make their own decisions. However, he is also clear that he wants the UK’s involvement in Europe to be renegotiated. The extent to which the other countries allow him to do this will be the deciding factor in when the actual referendum takes place.
David Cameron will meet in February with European leaders to look at his demands. He is asking for: • The clause to move towards an ‘ever closer union’ be dropped from the Treaty of Lisbon • Fewer regulations from Brussels
• Fairer treatment for those not in the euro on issues that effect access to Europe’s single market • A cut in EU regulations and bureaucracy • Movement towards trade deals with the US • The removal of protectionist policies within the single market • The UK to have the right to refuse welfare benefits to migrants The issue of the suspension of benefits is particularly controversial amongst other EU countries and would seem to fundamentally challenge some of the core beliefs of the European alliance. If the demands of the UK are met then it would be likely that Cameron would want to see a referendum as quickly as possible. It could take place as early as June or July
this year. The vote cannot be taken at the same time as the devolved and local elections in May 2016 and 2017. There also has to be at least ten weeks of campaigning before hand. However, leaving it too late will provide lots of opportunity for things to happen in the meantime that could impact on the vote. If Cameron has secured a new deal for the UK he will not want to risk this. If David Cameron doesn’t reach an agreementthen it is likely he will want to delay the vote as long as possible. This could be awkward for him as in July 2017 he is due to be the rotating president and will not want to be juggling this role whilst a referendum is taking place.
Should we be nervous? The UK does not make friends easily in Europe. We’ve only to watch the European Song Contest to recognise that. Strong talk from Cameron about learning English and measures to limit the rights of EU members in the UK will not add to the country’s list of friends. Nor will it soften other government leaders to the experience of theBritish people who have settled in their country. Let’s hope that whatever the outcome of the next few months may be, the party/ies that take the reigns in Spain will put aside the rhetoric of the UK leadership and protect the rights and hopes of those who’ve made Spain their home.
CostaBlancaPeople January 26th - 1st February 2016
Earthquake hits Costa del Sol A strong 6.1-magnitude earthquake struck early on Monday morning in the Mediterranean Sea between the counties of Morocco and Spain, according to information supplied by the United States Geological Service. It said that the shallow quake hit at 4:22am 62 kilometres (39 miles) north of the Moroccan city of Al Hoceima and 164 kilometres east-southeast of Gibraltar. This quake was followed by a tremor that registered 5.3-magnitude on the Richter Scale. The quake was felt across Málaga, Granada, Sevilla and Jaén and in Melilla people ran into the streets. A previous quake in the same area measuring 3.2 occurred at 3.14am and a strong
aftershock arrived at 07.11am. In its initial assessment of the quake's impact, the USGS said there was “a low likelihood of casualties and damage.” However, in Melilla, the fire service was overwhelmed as anxious residents were shaken in their beds and they have noticed some material damage with falling façades or cornices. Cracks appeared on several buildings following the tremor but luckily there are no reports of anyone being injured. The area is prone to earthquakes and tremors and in February 2004 a strong 6.3 earthquake that hit near Al Hoceima killed 631 people.
Briton kills wife in Mallorca Warren Little, who confessed to killing his wife early Saturday morning, has been imprisoned without bail. The duty judge, José Castro, gave the order after Little was accused of strangling his partner to death in, what he claims, was a sex game which went wrong in their apartment in the Siesta de la Costa de la Calma, Mallorca. The 50-year-old Brit rang 061 to confess his killing of 49-year-old Lisa Jane and explained what had happened in court. However, his claims of an accident are being tempered against a history of domestic violence. Mr Little was arrested in the United Kingdom as many as 40 times for domestic violence and served 14 prison terms. The emergency services on the island informed they received a call at 3.20am on Saturday morning and when they arrived it was discovered that the woman had suffered a heart attack. There were ligature marks around her neck, and they were unable to save her. Little told the judge his partner wanted to play a sexual game, and accidentally he strangled her with the cable of a mobile phone charger. Warren Little arrived at the court having been held in custody since his confession; he refused food and drink while in the cells of the Guardia Civil barracks in Son Rapinya, but was deemed fully capable to testify. He was accompanied by an appointed lawyer and an interpreter.
Sad legacy This is the sixth domestic violence fatality so far this year and another remains under investigation in Toledo. On 4thJanuary a 43 year old Romanian woman was strangled to death by her partner, a 41 year old Albanian, in their home in the Hortaleza district of Madrid. On 5thJanuary a 33 year old woman was stabbed to death in Guadalajara and her partner arrested. On 7thJanuary the Guardia Civil found floating in the Alange reservoir the body of a 19 year old Romanian girl with signs of violence. Her former Romanian boyfriend was arrested. He had been subject to a distancing order and had a son. On 13thJanuary a 59 year old man shot dead his 43 former partner in the middle of the city centre in Tarragona and later committed suicide. On 22ndJanuary a 73 year old woman was assassinated in Valencia at the hands of her 77 year old husband, who also committed suicide. On 11thJanuary the body of a 55 year old woman was found at her home in Toledo. She had been stabbed and her husband was arrested. However, the case remains open.
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MAR 13-15 & MAR 30-1 APR
CostaBlancaPeople January 26th - 1st February 2016
The importance HUMOUR TAKES of mediation to CENTRE STAGE integration On 21st January, Carmen Morate attended a meeting in Valencia with the focus of helping different immigrant communities integrate with one another. A key theme of the day was the importance of mediation in ensuring that different communities can coexist peacefully. With Torrevieja having such a multicultural community the importance of bringing understanding and empathy to one another is vital. Conflict can arise when we do not understand the reasons behind actions that might seem logical to one culture but unacceptable to another. The discussion was presented by Mónica Oltra, the Vice President and councillor for equality and inclusive politics. Mediation can make a big difference not only in relation to those already in the town but immigration too. Oltra explained; ‘It is our responsibility to meet migrants, refugees and the diverse cultures that come into our land, because all people have rights.’ Carmen Morate is well aware in her role as councillor for International Residents, that recognising diversity is important. ‘International mediation to help us co-exist is vital,’ she says. ‘It can help resolve conflicts and help us make the most of the opportunities that there are with so many different nationalities living in our town.’ One of Carmen’s key aims is to encourage interaction between the different groups and cultures in Torrevieja and she would like to make this a priority for 2016. This includes taking proactive steps for those traditionally marginalised groups, such as the street sellers,finding some way of enabling them to work within the law. Suzanne O’Connell
Orihuela councillor for Culture, Begoña Cuartero, has presented the programme for the first quarter’s performances at the city’s Teatro Circo. This includes a variety of entertainment from concerts and children's shows to classic theatre productions – all with a common theme. “The commitment of this quarter is to bring comedy through drama to our audiences. We have different productions that will appeal to different people, but they all aim to make us have a good time from the seats,” said the councillor. The programme officially began at the weekend and the play “Maribel and her friends” by The Tarantula Theatre Company’ is to be performed on Friday, 29thJanuary, for which tickets are on sale. The last weekend of January will see a full concert by what is considered to be one of the best bands ‘Triana’. On Sunday, 31stJanuary at 7.30pm is a unique show which will, said the councillor, ‘impress the public by combining theatre, music, dance and acrobatics’ this is entitled ‘The Ghost and Camille Claudel’. February The month of February will open on Saturday 6th February at 8.00pm with the theatrical comedy ‘At the end of the road’ starring Raul Pena, Angeles Martin, Manuel Baqueiro and Marina San José. On Friday, 12th February at 10.30am, it is the turn of the children's show “The Lost Treasure” by the Gang of Drilo to take to the stage. Whilston Saturday 13th, at 8.00pmthe Orchestra of the City of Orihuela will perform its Winter Concert. On February 14th, at 6.00pm the Teatro Circo will host the hit comedy starring Paco Bertin Osborne and Arévalo, entitled “By humor to the art”. The theatre will continue on Saturday 27th with the comedy “The last thing I turn off is the light” starring Emma Ozores and Vicente Renovell. March On Sunday, 6thMarch the theatre will raise the curtain on the musical “Easter of the Senses”, organised by the Brotherhood of the Pillars of Solitude. Also on Sunday, 13thMarch at 6.30pm, the musical “Beauty and Beast” will close the programme of the first quarter.
BEWARE GANG OF STREET ROBBERS The Coast Blanca People has been contacted this week by the local branch of the Neighbourhood Watch scheme, which wants to issue the local community with a warning. During the past twelve months a large number of street robberies have occurred throughout theAlicante Provence and particularly in the southern part of the Costa Blanca. They appear to be committed by a gangof Eastern European criminals who prey on elderly male or female victims walking alone at anytime of the day or evening. The gang appears to work in groups, which usuallyconsist of a male driver and either one or two females cruising the streetsin different cars. A common tactic is for the females approach and sexually assault solitary males whilst at the same timeattempting to remove wrist watches, wallets or jewellery. The driver has been seen to be carrying a large knife and the gang should not be challenged. The presence of this gang and their practises
has been publicised in the Press before in different areas but it is now believed the gang may well be working in our area. The following advice should be born inmind.If seen in suspicious circumstances or if anyone witnesses the above in operation try to obtain the registered number and description of the car being used by the gang. Do not hesitate,call the Police immediately using the 112 system. The head of the Neighbourhood Watch scheme for Orihuela Costa, Chris Poole, also advises people not to wear expensive jewellery, watches or wallets that can be easily removed by the thieves, particularly if you will be journeying on foot or alone at any point. Chris said: “Be suspicious of being approached by anyone you do not know, especially if a car is seen tobe lingering in the vicinity. Meet with friends and walk together if possible. Plan your route to avoid quiet, deserted areas. Be aware and stay safe.”
CostaBlancaPeople January 26th - 1st February 2016
ABOUT US GO SATELLITE was set up over 10 years ago by husband and wife team. Ian has more than 20 years experience, having spent 10 years with SKY in Home Services in the UK, where he worked on the specialist heights team as well as SKY’s Prestigious VIP Team, which caters for the stars, therefore the quality of his workmanship is extremely high! After leaving SKY, Ian set up his own business in the UK and ran this very successfully for 5 years before moving to Spain. SERVICES WE OFFER We are here to help! We can arrange installation of TV direct from the satellite with no monthly subscription. We are able to make
repairs to existing satellite systems, potentially saving you from additional costs. We are suppliers of Sky and Humax receivers direct from the UK. You will find we are the cheapest on the Costa Blanca. Ask us about Sky cards and subscriptions. SATISFIED CUSTOMERS! Over the past 10 years the company has installed hundreds of satellite TV systems for individuals and companies. The Go Satellite system uses highest quality Portuguese manufactured dishes and requires NO monthly payments. Packages are available to suit everybody’s requirements and budget.
GO SATELLITE offer expertise, reassurance and a proven track record, which can be backed up by many a satisfied customer. OTHER SERVICES Go Satellite not only provide television, but are also able to provide internet and telephone services.
CostaBlancaPeople January 26th - 1st February 2016
In memory of Kathleen Vahey The Orihuela Costa community is mourning the loss of local well-known and much-loved fundraiser Kathleen Vahey – known to all as the Galway Girl. Kathleen’s passing at her home last weekend came as a shock to friends and family and she will be dearly missed by all who knew her. Kathleen was a member of The Sovereign Order of Malta, a voluntary ambulance and first aid organisation founded in her native Ireland. Its purposes include teaching first aid, providing ambulance cover at large events, patient transport, community and nursing services. Therefore, looking after people and having an inherent need to help those less fortunate than her were more than just Kathleen’s nature, they were fundamental parts of her. Each year she returned to her duties with The Order of Malta and accompanied the disabled on an annual pilgrimage to Lourdes. It is no surprise, therefore, that from the moment she arrived in Spain, Kathleen became involved with a number of local charities included The Royal British Legion, The British Lions, Reachout Torrevieja, La Finca Castellano and more recently Help at Home Costa Blanca. Over the years Kathleen worked tirelessly to organise events, fun days, fashion shows, markets, raffles and auctions to help those in need and raised tens of thousands of euros. She flattered, flirted, coerced and probably practically prised gifts from local businesses time-and-time again and her house was a grotto full of every kind of prize imaginable. In addition to her charity work, many of you will know Kathleen as a local performer; she danced, sang and played the squeeze box and could often be found at The Emerald Isle, The Celtic Isle or Alfie’s Place accompanying local entertainer Simon Morton. She took great pleasure in entertaining people, making them smile, sing and dance along. Kathleen was full of fun and laughter and always had a smile for people. Noarh Bond, friend and colleague, Help at Home Costa Blanca said: “Words cannot express
the loss of a dear friend who lived to help others. She was loved by us all and will be so missed. Kathleen was definitely one of a kind, unique. She made time for everyone but had a real soft spot for children. The world will be a darker place without her.” A Memorial Mass was held last week at La Zenia, followed the day after by an event held at the Emerald Isle with local entertainers giving their time for free in order to pay their respects. Monies from the event will be divided between three local families in need who have small children to look after and who Kathleen was close to. A memorial plaque will also be placed at the Help at Home Charity Centre in Playa Flamenca. Kathleen’s body was flown home to Ireland by the Order of Malta to have a full official burial at which Irish international singing legend Daniel O’Donnell was to lead the tributes. Mireille Toddington
Kathleen with Angel and his Mum (saved from eviction by HAHCB).
CostaBlancaPeople January 26th - 1st February 2016
Seagate Wealth Management
The famous free lunch seminar is back! F
or those of you who haven’t already attended a free lunch seminar, they are a great way to learn about life in Spain. They cover a number of topics from legal matters, financial matters and much much more. Experts from a range of different fields are there to answer any questions you may have such as “how the tax system works in Spain”, “what's the best way to transfer money from the UK to Spain”, “how do the pension changes effect me now I live in Spain” and “how does the funeral system work here in Spain”. There seem to be so many grey areas that us Expats come across all the time and it´s so frustrating being told different things time and time again. Well now is the chance to have your question answered by an expert, and if that's not enough, once all questions have been answered, everyone receives a Free Lunch!! The Free Lunch Team are now in their 3rd year of organizing the famous “Free Lunch Seminars”, so if you have any worries or questions about life here in Spain – join the team on 28th January at Quesada Fish and Chips starting at 12 noon.
Call 966 799 070 to register or email
CostaBlancaPeople January 26th - 1st February 2016
WEEKLY EURO UPDATE Whilst global stock markets have been sold aggressively this week as the Chinese slowdown continues to impact all markets, the European single currency has not succumbed to an overwhelming negative sentiment in spite of the lack of formation of a Spanish Government or that Greek default worries continue. The Euro has held onto a range of $1.08 – 1.10 over the week as it can be considered a safe haven currency alongside the US dollar now, and especially so in times of extreme global financial meltdown. Against the British pound the Euro continues to perform well. Sterling has been under intense pressure lately as concerns of a UK exit from the European Union remain heightened although we are no closer to knowing a referendum date. David Cameron continues to paint a picture of hope for the pro-European side, although we are yet to hear from the EU ministers as to what reforms and if any renegotiated conditions may be available to the UK Government. The pound fell to its weakest level in a year against the Euro just below €1.28 as Bank of England Governor Mark Carney took it upon himself to state that ‘the journey to monetary policy normalisation is still young’, and ‘now is not the time to raise interest rates’. Such a clear message when inflation is not an issue, and oil and
energy prices are likely to fall far lower than the current levels. Dealers have taken this to scale back UK interest rate increases further still; possibly nothing now until 2017. The drop in the UK unemployment rate to just 5.1% was certainly encouraging although not enough to help sway investor sentiment towards the pound. From the EU whilst the already stated range contained much of the business over the week, Thursday’s ECB press conference did help to deliver a slight Euro sell off down to €1.08 as President Draghi suggested that he does still see Euro interest rates at current levels or even lower for an extended period, as downside risks to the European Union have increased again and of course the Central bank will need to re-evaluate its policy stance. The markets will hold out for an improvement for the European Purchasing Managers Indices due for release on Friday. The markets appear to be expecting something similar to the previous month or maybe slightly lower. Any major deviation could impact the direction of the Euro. The week ahead see the next Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting and USA interest rates decision. Having moved rates higher in December there is little prospect of another change so soon.
CostaBlancaPeople January 26th - 1st February 2016
Homes & Gardens
CostaBlancaPeople January 26th - February 1st 2016
The Bleeding Heart vine (Clerodendrum thomsoniae), also known as Bleeding Glory Bower or Bag Flower, is a beautiful, twining, tropical plant with showy red and white flowers.
It should not be confused with any members of the genus Dicentra, also commonly called “bleeding heart.” Bleeding Heart vine is a completely different plant. While the Dicentra members are mainly spring flowering plants native to North America and eastern Asia, the Bleeding heart vines are summer flowering and originates in the warm climates of West Africa.
DESCRIPTION Bleeding Heart is a sprawling vine-like shrub that can be trimmed to just about any desirable size. It produces tons of clusters of white heart-shaped flowers with a red, tear-like attachment at the base of the flower. Flowers are seen year round, but more during the warmer months of the year. The Bleeding Heart vine is covered with large, evergreen leaves and climbs rapidly. The plant's stems can get 12-15 ft (4-5 m) long, climbing without tendrils, suckers or root hairs, but rather by twining through and around its support. You should provide a structure for it to climb on or keep it trimmed as a shrub.
CULTURE This is a tropical plant that will take some care to flourish. First thing to do is to choose a sheltered, sunny location to grow your Bleeding Heart vine - it needs heat and a lot of sunlight to reach its full potential. Best results occur with morning sun and afternoon shade. The soil will have to be high quality and have the ability to drain well. It should be loose and not packed. If planting in a pot, make sure the pot has holes on the bottom so that water can drain through. You don’t want water settling around the root, as this will cause root rot. When you have placed the plant in a container and covered the roots with soil you can add a bit of mulch around it, being careful not to let the mulch come into contact with the plant itself. After planting the Bleeding Heart vine make sure that you water the plant well. This is important until the plant is well established. Always use lukewarm water and not cold water, as a frigid water temperature may put your plant into shock. It is also important that
you never let the soil dry out, which will kill the plant. Bleeding heart likes high humidity and a moist, but not soggy, soil. You will want to feed your plant about every two weeks while growing. Use a gentle liquid fertilizer that you can add to the water. If you plant outdoors you can add slow release fertilizer to the soil. The Bleeding Heart vine will need to be pruned during the winter months for best growth during the warmer months. Prune it in mid-February just before new growth emerges. You’ll want to remove old, overcrowded shoots - particularly any that are too long for your taste. Plus, the flowers grow on new wood so don’t be afraid to cut the plant back severely. This plant is frost tender and may die back in winter. If plants are damaged by frost, burnt tips and leaves should be left on the plant until spring and then cut away to make way for vigorous new growth. The Bleeding Heart vine is a plant that produces some great flowers for cutting. You won’t have to feel guilty about cutting flowers from this vine, as it will actually help it to become healthier and produce more flowers. You’ll enjoy the heaviest flower crop from early spring through mid-summer and then it will slow a bit into the fall .
The Bleeding Heart vines are popular ornamentals, cultivated widely for their distinctive and beautiful flowers. It can be kept pruned into a shrub, or given support and allowed to scramble like a vine. It does not spread as much as some, and is thus a good choice for a restricted support like a doorway arch or container trellis, and not such a good candidate to cover a fence or an arbor. This plant is great for growing in containers, especially in hanging baskets. It also makes a fine houseplant anywhere, so if your climate is too cold, grow it indoors. In captivation - your living room, say, or your kitchen - it’s likely to stay under three feet. When properly sited and cared for, it will be full with lush foliage and branches that spill over the edge of whatever container you choose.
PROPAGATION If you want to plant more vines you can use cuttings; these will root in about 2 weeks, but you will want to mist these cuttings on a frequent basis. Or you can collect seed and plant them in spring. Bleeding Heart vine is one of the most beautiful flowering vines there is and a great way to add beauty and colour to your garden or home. When your friends see it, they’ll want some cuttings to start their own... Marc Vijverberg
CostaBlancaPeople January 26th - February 1st 2016
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CostaBlancaPeople January 26th - February 1st 2016
CostaBlancaPeople January 26th - February 1st 2016
Kuala Lumpur is a sprawling city and its residential suburbs seem to go on forever. The city proper, is a Federal Territory has an area of 243 km2 which consists of the city centre and its surrounding urban areas, managed by the KL City Hall. The city can be divided into the following areas, each of which offers a particular attraction or activity: Old City Centre/Old Town: This is the traditional core of Kuala Lumpur where you’ll find the former colonial administrative centre, with the Merdeka Square, Sultan Abdul Samad Building and Selangor Club. This district also includes Kuala Lumpur’s old Chinese commercial centre which everyone refers to now as Chinatown. Golden Triangle: This is where you will find many of the city’s shopping malls, five-star hotels and the iconic Petronas Twin Towers. Brickfields: This area, located south of the city centre, is Kuala Lumpur’s Little India filled with saree shops and banana leaf rice restaurants.
THINGS TO SEE AND DO Kuala Lumpur is short on must-see attractions: beyond the Petronas Twin Towers, the real joy lies in wandering randomly, seeing, shopping and eating your way through it. While some buildings in the high-rise Golden Triangle, such as the KL Tower, are uninspired copies of other famous structures, the Petronas Twin Towers are truly marvelous. Other interesting things to see: Masjid Jamek, a charming Moorish-style mosque set at a confluence on the Klang River or The National Monument in the pretty Lake Gardens, inspired by the Iwo Jima Memorial in Arlington, Virginia. Other activities include usual urban sports such as golfing, cycling, running, jogging and horse riding. If you’re into rock climbing, the Batu Caves in the Northern suburbs is popular. Several good theatres and performance halls have emerged as part of Malaysia's drive to encourage greater cultural expression.
Pampering and spas can be found in several five-star hotels and independent centres in the Golden Triangle. Shopping in Kuala Lumpur is one of travel's greatest pleasures. Kuala Lumpur alone has 66 shopping malls and it is the retail and fashion hub for Malaysia. EAT AND DRINK Delicious food can be very cheap too: just head to the ubiquitous roadside stalls or kedai kopi (literally coffee shop, but these are all about the food). These shops operate like a food court with many stalls selling a variety of food. Some coffee shops have tables and chairs by the roadside. Chinatown in the city centre and Jalan Alor in the Golden Triangle have some of the greatest concentrations of coffeeshops and stalls. They mostly open only at night. Also, Kuala Lumpur has quite a vibrant night-life and the Golden Triangle is the epicentre of most of the partying which goes on in the city.
CostaBlancaPeople January 26th - February 1st 2016
Faith the three-legged pony dies ■ MIREILLE TODDINGTON
The first pony in Spain to be fitted with an artificial leg has passed away five years after her mutilated foreleg was amputated in a life-saving operation. Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre co-founders Sue and Rod Weeding, who rescued the badly injured pony in 2010, said they made the heartbreaking decision to have Faith put down on the advice of specialist veterinarians. “No expense was ever spared on Faith and she absolutely loved her prosthetic leg because it gave her freedom. The amputation was the right thing to do – it gave her a wonderful five years. She had companionship, mobility and lived pain-free in five-star accommodation,” Sue said. Faith lived happily at the Equihealth Veterinarios clinic in Barcelona, under the supervision of skilled Dutch vet Gasper Castelijins. However, in October Gasper reported that Faith’s ‘good’ front leg – weakened by severe laminitis – had also begun to fail. Faith had been found at a Spanish farmhouse in 2010, her right front foreleg deeply gouged and damaged by a rope used to tie her to a tree. She underwent months of
intensive treatment at the Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre, near Rojales, but her mutilated foreleg was unable to be saved. In February, 2011, Faith underwent pioneering surgery in Barcelona, where two surgeons worked for five hours to sever her right foreleg 7.5cm below the knee. Faith was then fitted with a prosthetic leg
Miracle pony specially made in the United States by Dwayne Mara of the Bayou Orthotic and Prosthetic Centre in New Orleans. Faith was put to sleep on October 29, 2015. Sue said: “Faith's death has been incredibly sad for us. She was such a special little pony who touched so many lives. We would like to thank our supporters for understanding our decision to take a few weeks to privately grieve before publicly announcing Faith's death.”
Donation brings new life Now Faith’s artificial leg is set to help another amputee pony in France. The prosthesis has been sent to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital at the University of Lyon, where veterinarian Michael Schramme is fitting it for a 10-year-old Shetland pony named Iris. “Iris had been diagnosed and treated for a chronic foot infection for several years by the time she came to see us in October of last year,” Michael said. “Our investigations showed she had a malignant tumour in the foot and that the only chance of saving her would be to amputate the limb above the tumour.” The Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre relies entirely on donations to fund its important animal welfare work, including the feeding and care of the centre’s more than 90 rescued equines. The Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre, located just outside Rojales at Partido Lo Garriga, 59, opens to the public on the first Sunday of every month between 1pm and 4pm. Free horse tours run throughout the afternoon and refreshments are available in the café. For more details and directions, please visit or call 652 021 980.
CostaBlancaPeople January 26th - February 1st 2016
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CostaBlancaPeople January 26th - February 1st 2016
La Mata, 2 bed, 1 bath penthouse, sea views, 50m to La Mata beach, 48m2 private terrace, furnished with A/C - Price 94,500€
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CostaBlancaPeople January 26th - February 1st 2016
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CostaBlancaPeople January 26th - February 1st 2016
CostaBlancaPeople January 26th - February 1st 2016
96 574 43 26
CostaBlancaPeople January 26th - February 1st 2016
27 CostaBlancaPeople January 26th - February 1st 2016
Carol (2015) Rating 7.6 An aspiring photographer develops an intimate relationship with an older woman. Director: Todd Haynes Writers: Phyllis Nagy (screenplay), Patricia Highsmith (novel) Stars: Cate Blanchett, Rooney Mara, Sarah Paulson
Brooklyn Rating 7.7 An Irish immigrant lands in 1950s Brooklyn, where she quickly falls into a romance with a local. When her past catches up with her, however, she must choose between two countries and the lives that exist within. Director: John Crowley Writers: Nick Hornby (screenplay), Colm Tóibín (novel) Stars: Saoirse Ronan, Emory Cohen, Domhnall Gleeson
Legend (2015) Rating 7.1 The film tells the story of the identical twin gangsters Reggie and Ronnie Kray, two of the most notorious criminals in British history, and their organised crime empire in the East End of London during the 1960s. Director: Brian Helgeland Writers: Brian Helgeland, John Pearson (book) Stars: Tom Hardy, Emily Browning, Taron Egerton
Spotlight (2015) Rating 8.3 The true story of how the Boston Globe uncovered the massive scandal of child molestation and cover‐up within the local Catholic Archdiocese, shaking the entire Catholic Church to its core. Director: Tom McCarthy Writers: Josh Singer, Tom McCarthy Stars: Mark Ruffalo, Michael Keaton, Rachel McAdams
Don’t miss any of your favourite shows with the Costa Blanca People’s FREE comprehensive TV pull‐out, featuring extended listings from more TV channels than ever!
Television: Tues 26th January BBC1
7.00am 10.15am 11.00am 12.00pm 12.45pm 1.15pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 2.45pm 3.15pm 4.00pm 4.45pm 5.30pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 11.45pm 12.45am 1.30am 1.35am
Breakfast The Housing Enforcers Homes Under the Hammer Wanted Down Under Emergency Rescue Down Under Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Regional News and Weather Doctors Father Brown For What It's Worth James Martin: Home Comforts Antiques Road Trip Pointless BBC News at Six Regional News and Weather The One Show EastEnders Holby City Silent Witness BBC News at Ten Regional News and Weather Attenborough and the Giant Dinosaur Live at the Apollo Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News
7.00am 7.20am 8.05am 9.05am 9.35am 10.05am 10.35am 11.20am 12.20pm 1.10pm 1.45pm 2.15pm 2.45pm 3.40pm 4.45pm 5.50pm 6.50pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 10.30pm 11.00pm 1.40am 2.05am 2.30am
Planet's Funniest Animals The Ellen DeGeneres Show Dinner Date Emmerdale Coronation Street Coronation Street Catchphrase Dinner Date Royal Pains Emmerdale Coronation Street Coronation Street The Ellen DeGeneres Show The Jeremy Kyle Show The Jeremy Kyle Show The Jeremy Kyle Show Take Me Out You've Been Framed! You've Been Framed! Two and a Half Men Two and a Half Men Mom Mom Knocked Up Two and a Half Men Two and a Half Men The Almost Impossible Gameshow
BBC2 7.15am 8.00am 8.45am 9.15am 9.45am 10.15am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.05pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 4.45pm 5.30pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 12.15am 1.05am 2.05am 3.05am 4.05am
Ant-Man: Behind the Scenes
Kingsman: The Secret Service Special
The Legend of Longwood
M:I - Rogue Nation Special
The Face of an Angel
Seventh Son
Into the Grizzly Maze
Ant-Man: Behind the Scenes
Sword of Vengeance
The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel
Seventh Son
The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel
Sword of Vengeance
Into the Grizzly Maze
The Face of an Angel
Into the Grizzly Maze
Kingsman: The Secret Service Special
Ant-Man: Behind the Scenes
ITV1 6.05am 7.00am 9.30am 10.25am 11.30am 1.30pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.40pm 12.10am 1.10am 4.00am 4.50am 6.05am
The Jeremy Kyle Show Good Morning Britain Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning Loose Women ITV Lunchtime News Judge Rinder Dickinson's Real Deal Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London ITV Evening News Emmerdale The Kyle Files Sugar Free Farm Saved ITV News at Ten and Weather On Assignment The Nick Jackpot247 Loose Women ITV Nightscreen The Jeremy Kyle Show
6.00am 7.00am 7.30am 8.00am 8.30am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 1.00am 2.00am 3.00am 4.00am 5.00am 6.00am
Stargate SG-1 Zoo Tales Zoo Tales Monkey Life Monkey Life RSPCA Animal Rescue RSPCA Animal Rescue All Aboard: East Coast Trains Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Forever Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 All Aboard: East Coast Trains Futurama Futurama The Simpsons Futurama Futurama The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons Duck Quacks Don't Echo Stella Stop, Search, Seize Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Forever Caribbean Cops Brit Cops: Frontline Crime Stargate SG-1 Stargate SG-1
7.00am 7.25am 8.30am 9.35am 10.40am 11.05am 11.35am 12.00pm 1.05pm 2.05pm 3.05pm 4.10pm 5.15pm 5.50pm 6.20pm 6.55pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 1.05am 2.10am 3.00am
Man About the House Heartbeat Where the Heart is The Darling Buds of May Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy The Return of Sherlock Holmes Murder, She Wrote Heartbeat Wild at Heart Where the Heart is Man About the House Rising Damp On the Buses Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Midsomer Murders Law and Order: UK Unforgiven The Return of Sherlock Holmes Where the Heart is ITV3 Nightscreen
Sky Sports 1 6.00am 7.00am 7.15am 7.30am 7.45am 8.00am 8.30am 9.35am 1.00pm 1.15pm 1.30pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 3.30pm 3.45pm 4.00pm 4.15pm 4.30pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 8.00pm 11.15pm 11.30pm 12.00am 1.00am 2.00am 2.30am 3.30am
Soccer A.M. - The Best Bits Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold SPFL Round Up Football League Goals Cricket Football Gold Football Gold SPFL Round Up Fantasy Football Club Highlights Soccer A.M. - The Best Bits Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Fantasy Football Club Highlights Barclays Premier League Review Soccer A.M. - The Best Bits Barclays Premier League Review Football Football Gold La Liga World 2015 Barclays Premier League Review Capital One Cup Highlights La Liga World 2015 Barclays Premier League Review Capital One Cup Highlights
7.00am 7.50am 8.40am 9.05am 9.35am 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 11.30am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 3.30pm 4.00pm 4.30pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.50pm 12.20am 12.50am
Made in Chelsea NYC Charmed Hollyoaks Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement The Goldbergs The Goldbergs Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey Charmed Charmed How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Goldbergs The Goldbergs The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Hollyoaks 2 Broke Girls The Goldbergs The Goldbergs Tattoo Fixers Virtually Famous The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Gogglebox
Sky Movies Premiere 6.00am
The Housing Enforcers Wanted Down Under Escape to the Continent Thief Trackers Great British Railway Journeys Victoria Derbyshire BBC News The Daily Politics Island Stories The Pallisers Who Do You Think You Are? A Place to Call Home David Attenborough's Natural Curiosities Best Bakes Ever Flog It! Eggheads Great British Railway Journeys Celebrity Antiques Road Trip Winterwatch The Real Marigold Hotel Phone Shop Idol Newsnight Race to Super Bowl 50 The Town that Took on the Taxman Immortal Egypt with Joann Fletcher Barely Legal Grafters This is BBC Two
CostaBlancaPeople January December 26th - February 22nd - 28th 1st 2015 2016
Sky 1
Channel 4 6.10am 7.00am 7.45am 8.10am 8.35am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 10.35am 11.05am 11.30am 12.30pm 1.00pm 1.05pm 1.40pm 2.10pm 2.40pm 3.10pm 4.10pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 1.05am 2.00am 2.30am 2.55am 3.55am 4.50am 5.40am
Deal or No Deal Countdown King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Frasier Frasier Undercover Boss USA Four in a Bed Channel 4 News Summary Four in a Bed Four in a Bed Four in a Bed Four in a Bed Deal or No Deal Countdown A Place in the Sun Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Tricks of the Restaurant Trade Travel Man The Mad World of Donald Trump Kid Criminals Dogs on the Dole 15 Kids and Counting KOTV Boxing Weekly Gillette World Sport International Snowdon Race Superscrimpers: Waste Not, Want Not Undercover Boss USA Deal or No Deal
8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm
Top Gear Don't Tell the Bride Murder Games: The Life and Death of Breck Bednar EastEnders Russell Howard's Good News Extra Family Guy Family Guy American Dad! Family Guy Murder Games: The Life and Death of Breck Bednar Russell Howard's Good News Extra Emergency Rescue Down Under Murder Games: The Life and Death of Breck Bednar
Channel 5 6.10am 6.35am 7.00am 7.10am 7.20am 7.30am 7.40am 7.50am 7.55am 8.10am 8.20am 8.35am 8.45am 8.50am 9.00am 9.15am 9.25am 9.35am 9.50am 10.00am 10.15am 12.10pm 1.10pm 1.15pm 2.15pm 2.45pm 3.15pm 4.15pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 1.00am 2.00am 4.10am 5.00am
House Doctor House Doctor The Wotwots! Chloe's Closet Lily's Driftwood Bay Fireman Sam Wissper Peppa Pig Pip Ahoy! Little Princess Bob the Builder Thomas and Friends Milkshake Monkey Noddy in Toyland Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Paw Patrol Bananas in Pajamas Toot the Tiny Tugboat The Wright Stuff Cowboy Builders 5 News Lunchtime Celebrity Big Brother Home and Away Neighbours NCIS Escape From Polygamy 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away 5 News Tonight The Dog Rescuers Bargain Loving Brits in the Sun Celebrity Big Brother The Secret Life of the Family Celebrity Big Brother's Bit on the Side Celebrity Big Brother Super Casino 10,000 BC Wildlife SOS
8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm
3.00am 4.00am 5.00am
World News Today Sorry! Donald Campbell: Speed King James Clerk Maxwell: The Man Who Changed the Modern World Shipwrecks: Britain's Sunken History Rome's Invisible City Nature's Wonderlands: Islands of Evolution Stories From the Dark Earth: Meet the Ancestors Revisited The Viking Sagas Shipwrecks: Britain's Sunken History This is BBC Four
7.00am 7.20am 7.45am 8.45am 9.50am 10.50am 11.55am 12.25pm 12.50pm 1.20pm 1.50pm 2.55pm 3.55pm 4.55pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 1.15am 3.35am 3.55am
Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Minder The Professionals Magnum, P.I. The Sweeney Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Minder The Professionals Magnum, P.I. The Sweeney Minder The Professionals Pawn Stars Pawn Stars The Chase: Celebrity Special River Monsters The Specialist Absolute Power Nitro Circus ITV4 Nightscreen
BBC 3 11.00pm 11.30pm 12.15am 12.40am 1.00am 1.25am 1.45am 2.45am 3.30am 4.00am
11.00pm 12.00am 1.00am 2.00am
More 4 9.55am
Phil: Secret Agent Down Under
Grand Designs
Time Team
Come Dine with Me
Come Dine with Me
Come Dine with Me
Come Dine with Me
Come Dine with Me
Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA
A Place in the Sun
A Place in the Sun
Grand Designs
Beatrix Potter with Patricia Routledge
Grand Designs
24 Hours in A and E
Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA
Beatrix Potter with Patricia Routledge
24 Hours in A and E
Kirstie's Vintage Gems
Spain: a great place to live, a terrible place to work
It’s long been a cliché that Spain is a great place to live but a terrible country to work, and over the last five years, as the economic crisis has bitten deeper, many of those lucky enough still to have a job are finding
themselves working harder, often for lower wages and with fewer resources, as their employers strive for greater competitiveness. Spaniards sleep fewer hours and work longer days than their European neighbours, but are less productive. At the same time Spain fails to attract overseas talent, while tens of thousands of well-educated Spanish youngsters are heading abroad in search of work. The country also has one of the EU’s highest school dropout rates and a work culture hostile to the needs of families with young children. Meanwhile, its birth rate is fast approaching negative as its
population ages. A 2012 survey by global consultancy Reputation Institute shows that a significant majority of people in G-8 countries believe that Spain is indeed a great place to live, but one of the worst in which to invest or purchase quality goods. Ignacio Buqueras, president of the Commission for the Rationalization of Working Hours makes some damning conclusions: “The clichés about Spain are more or less true. Despite the crisis, this is still a great place to live: the climate, the food, the healthcare and education systems, the way people interact with each other… In
this country, you’re not going to die due to a lack of health insurance like in the United States. But let’s admit it, working practices are poor, we’re not really professional about our work. You see it in taxi drivers, civil servants, aerospace engineers; in just about every profession.” “For one thing, the professional and personal spheres are not separated in the workplace, which gives rise to false loyalties and conflicts; also, employees are rarely given clear goals, instead simply focusing on meeting deadlines. Then there are the long working days with two-hour lunches. Bosses are mediocre, yet behave like
gods, unable, or unwilling to explain themselves. Meanwhile, everybody says they’re bilingual, but actually, they’re not. Furthermore, this is still a country where everybody hopes to get rich quick, where people scheme and plot, where personal or family contacts are everything, and where junk television influences the way people think they should earn a living.” Jaime Malet, head of the USSpanish Chamber of Commerce, accepts that among the problems Spain faces are widespread nepotism, absenteeism, and fewer incentives to improve productivity, along with a January CostaBlancaPeople 26th - February December 1st 2016 22nd - 28th 2015
BBC1 7.00am 10.15am 11.00am 12.00pm 12.45pm 1.15pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 2.45pm 3.15pm 4.00pm 4.45pm 5.30pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.30pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 11.45pm 12.45am 1.15am 3.00am 3.05am
Breakfast The Housing Enforcers Homes Under the Hammer Wanted Down Under Emergency Rescue Down Under Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Regional News and Weather Doctors Father Brown For What It's Worth James Martin: Home Comforts Antiques Road Trip Pointless BBC News at Six Regional News and Weather The One Show Dickensian The Great Sport Relief Bake Off Would I Lie to You? BBC News at Ten Regional News and Weather Children Saved from the Nazis: The Story of Sir Nicholas Winton Film 2016 Someone to Watch Over Me Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News
BBC2 7.15am 8.00am 8.45am 9.15am 9.45am 10.15am 12.00pm 12.30pm 2.00pm 2.05pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 4.45pm 5.30pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 12.15am 1.15am 2.15am 3.15am
ITV2 7.00am 7.20am 8.05am 9.05am 9.35am 10.35am 11.20am 12.20pm 1.10pm 1.45pm 2.45pm 3.40pm 4.45pm 5.50pm 6.50pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 12.55am 1.25am 1.50am 2.40am 3.05am 3.30am
Planet's Funniest Animals The Ellen DeGeneres Show Dinner Date Emmerdale The Cube Catchphrase Dinner Date Royal Pains Emmerdale You've Been Framed! The Ellen DeGeneres Show The Jeremy Kyle Show The Jeremy Kyle Show The Jeremy Kyle Show Take Me Out You've Been Framed! You've Been Framed! Two and a Half Men Two and a Half Men Skyfall Two and a Half Men Two and a Half Men The Almost Impossible Gameshow Planet's Funniest Animals Planet's Funniest Animals Teleshopping
The Housing Enforcers Wanted Down Under Escape to the Continent Sophia: Suffragette Princess Terry and Mason's Great Food Trip Victoria Derbyshire BBC News The Daily Politics Island Stories The Pallisers Who Do You Think You Are? A Place to Call Home David Attenborough's Natural Curiosities Best Bakes Ever Flog It! Eggheads Great British Railway Journeys Holocaust Memorial Day 2016 Winterwatch Trust Me, I'm a Doctor Russell Howard's Good News Newsnight James May's Cars of the People World's Weirdest Events The Age of Loneliness This is BBC Two
Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold WWE Experience Capital One Cup Highlights Fantasy Football Club Highlights Soccer A.M. - The Best Bits Barclays Premier League Review Capital One Cup Highlights Fantasy Football Club Highlights Soccer A.M. - The Best Bits Barclays Premier League Review La Liga World 2015 SPFL Round Up Capital One Cup Highlights Football Gold Football Gold Premier League Legends Capital One Cup Highlights Football The Mavericks Football Gold La Liga World 2015 The Mavericks Capital One Cup Highlights Barclays Premier League Review Capital One Cup Highlights Football League Goals
7.00am 7.50am 8.35am 9.05am 9.35am 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 11.30am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 3.30pm 4.00pm 4.30pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 11.05pm 12.00am 12.30am 1.00am 1.50am 2.50am
Made in Chelsea Charmed Hollyoaks Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement The Goldbergs The Goldbergs Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey Charmed Charmed How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Goldbergs The Goldbergs The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Hollyoaks 2 Broke Girls Sister Act Supernatural The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Gogglebox Supernatural New Girl
Sky Movies Premiere 7.00am
The Legend of Longwood
Chappie Special
The Face of an Angel
Seventh Son
Sword of Vengeance
Big Hero 6 Special
Into the Grizzly Maze
The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel
Seventh Son
The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel
Into the Grizzly Maze
Sword of Vengeance
The Face of an Angel
Into the Grizzly Maze
Ant-Man: Behind the Scenes
Kingsman: The Secret Service Special
refusal to recognize and reward talent. He comes back to those marathon working days: “Productivity would increase if office hours were more rational. People don’t sleep enough and they tend to have no life outside work. We have to move toward a more compact working day, by reducing lunch breaks. He also says that bringing the prime-time slot on television forward by an hour to 9pm, as in the rest of Europe, or North America, would also help. Most Spaniards who work, or have recent memories of doing so, would probably admit that they spend more time chatting with colleagues about non-work-related matters or answering personal emails than their counterparts in other countries. A study by multinational
ITV1 7.00am 9.30am 10.25am 11.30am 1.30pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.25pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 11.00pm 11.40pm 12.40am 1.10am 4.00am 4.40am 6.05am
Sky Sports 1 7.00am 7.15am 7.30am 7.45am 8.00am 9.00am 10.00am 10.30am 11.30am 12.30pm 1.30pm 2.00pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 4.30pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 6.15pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 8.00pm 11.15pm 11.45pm 12.00am 12.30am 1.00am 2.00am 3.00am 4.00am
Unique The Spanish tend to think that the hours they keep have to do with the weather and their Mediterranean culture, but that is not the case; Spain’s hours are unique to Spain. When Spanish executives and managers are returning from lunch at 4pm and start calling their European counterparts – and let’s not forget that 65 percent of Spanish exports go to EU members –
Good Morning Britain Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning Loose Women ITV Lunchtime News Judge Rinder Dickinson's Real Deal Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London Party Political Broadcast by the Liberal Democrats ITV Evening News Emmerdale Coronation Street Midsomer Murders ITV News at Ten and Weather Parking Wars The Kyle Files Jackpot247 The Jeremy Kyle Show USA ITV Nightscreen The Jeremy Kyle Show
Sky 1 7.00am 7.30am 8.00am 8.30am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 12.00am 1.00am 2.00am 3.00am 4.00am 5.00am 6.00am
Zoo Tales Zoo Tales Monkey Life Monkey Life RSPCA Animal Rescue RSPCA Animal Rescue All Aboard: East Coast Trains Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Forever Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 All Aboard: East Coast Trains Futurama Futurama The Simpsons Futurama Futurama The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons A League of Their Own xXx2: The Next Level Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Forever Caribbean Cops Brit Cops: Frontline Crime Stargate SG-1 Stargate SG-1
7.00am 7.25am 8.30am 9.35am 10.40am 11.05am 11.35am 12.00pm 1.05pm 2.05pm 3.10pm 4.15pm 5.20pm 5.55pm 6.20pm 6.55pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 1.05am 2.10am 3.00am 3.30am
Man About the House Heartbeat Where the Heart is The Darling Buds of May Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy The Return of Sherlock Holmes Murder, She Wrote Heartbeat Wild at Heart Where the Heart is Man About the House Rising Damp On the Buses Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Paul O'Grady: For The Love of Dogs Paul O'Grady: For The Love of Dogs Women Behind Bars Law and Order: UK Unforgiven The Return of Sherlock Holmes Where the Heart is ITV3 Nightscreen Teleshopping
consultancy Regus gives Spain a worklife balance score of 97, compared to the global average of 120, and concludes that just one third of Spaniards are happy about the amount of time they are able to spend with their families, compared to an average 60 percent in all other countries.
Television: Wed 27th January Channel 4 7.00am 7.45am 8.10am 8.35am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 10.35am 11.05am 11.30am 12.30pm 1.00pm 1.05pm 1.40pm 2.10pm 2.40pm 3.10pm 4.10pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.05am 1.10am 1.35am 2.30am 3.25am 5.15am 6.10am
Countdown King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Frasier Frasier Undercover Boss USA Four in a Bed Channel 4 News Summary Four in a Bed Four in a Bed Four in a Bed Four in a Bed Deal or No Deal Countdown A Place in the Sun Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Mary Portas: Secret Shopper 24 Hours in A and E Bodyshockers The Undateables C4's Future Sounds: Music on 4 How to Lose Weight Well Embarrassing Bodies Another Stakeout Phil Spencer: Secret Agent Deal or No Deal
8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 12.25am 12.45am 1.10am 1.30am 2.30am 3.30am 4.00am 5.00am
Top Gear Don't Tell the Bride Troll Hunters Life and Death Row Family Guy Family Guy American Dad! Family Guy Life and Death Row Troll Hunters Emergency Rescue Down Under Troll Hunters This is BBC Three
Phil: Secret Agent Down Under
Grand Designs
River Cottage Bites
The Desert Rats
Time Team
Come Dine with Me
Come Dine with Me
Come Dine with Me
Come Dine with Me
Come Dine with Me
Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA
A Place in the Sun
A Place in the Sun
Grand Designs
Building the Dream
they find that many of them are getting ready to go home. As well as recommending that Spain join the rest of Europe in spending eight hours at work, eight hours enjoying free time, and eight hours in bed, experts suggests that the country, along with France and Belgium, should move to Greenwich Mean Time in accordance with their positions in relation to the Greenwich Meridian. On average Spaniards get 53 minutes less sleep than their European neighbors, which impacts on productivity and accidents in the workplace. What’s more, children don’t sleep enough either. Instead of looking to do our best while at work, the Spanish is a culture of being seen to be working.
Channel 5 7.00am 7.10am 7.20am 7.30am 7.40am 7.50am 7.55am 8.10am 8.20am 8.35am 8.50am 9.00am 9.15am 9.25am 9.35am 9.50am 10.00am 10.15am 12.10pm 1.10pm 1.15pm 2.15pm 2.45pm 3.15pm 4.15pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.05am 1.05am 1.55am 4.10am 5.00am 5.25am 5.45am 6.10am
The Wotwots! Chloe's Closet Lily's Driftwood Bay Fireman Sam Wissper Peppa Pig Pip Ahoy! Little Princess Bob the Builder Thomas and Friends Noddy in Toyland Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Paw Patrol Bananas in Pajamas Toot the Tiny Tugboat The Wright Stuff Cowboy Builders 5 News Lunchtime Celebrity Big Brother Home and Away Neighbours NCIS The Gourmet Detective 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away 5 News Tonight Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords GPs: Behind Closed Doors Celebrity Big Brother 10,000 BC Capital One Cup That's So 1980 Super Casino 10,000 BC Wildlife SOS Great Scientists House Doctor House Doctor
BBC 4 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 1.00am 2.00am 3.00am 4.00am 5.00am
World News Today Sorry! The Story Of... Stonehenge: A Timewatch Guide Survivor Stories James Clerk Maxwell: The Man Who Changed the Modern World How Earth Made Us Health Before the NHS The Story Of... Stonehenge: A Timewatch Guide This is BBC Four
7.00am 7.20am 7.45am 8.45am 9.50am 10.50am 11.55am 12.50pm 1.25pm 1.50pm 2.55pm 4.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 1.15am 2.15am 3.10am 4.00am
Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Minder The Professionals Magnum, P.I. The Sweeney Duck Dynasty Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Minder The Professionals Magnum, P.I. Minder The Professionals Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Storage Wars Texas Storage Wars Texas Benidorm The Kingdom River Monsters Ax Men The Sweeney Teleshopping
More 4
8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown
24 Hours in A and E
Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA
Building the Dream
24 Hours in A and E
Kirstie's Vintage Gems
TV Pick
The Great Sport Relief Bake Off BBC1 – 9.30 pm
Celebrities take on baking challenges for Sport Relief. Mel Giedroyc hosts this first episode featuring comedian Jason Manford, EastEnders actor Maddy Hill, former England goalkeeper David James and businesswoman Samantha Cameron. The contestants face three challenges - making canapes using rough puff pasty, preparing a Paris-Brest, a French dessert, and finally, creating a 3D cake in the shape of a sporting trophy.
Television: Thurs 28th January BBC1
7.00am 10.15am 11.00am 12.00pm 12.45pm 1.15pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 2.45pm 3.15pm 4.00pm 4.45pm 5.30pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 11.45pm 12.45am 1.30am 1.35am
Breakfast The Housing Enforcers Homes Under the Hammer Wanted Down Under Emergency Rescue Down Under Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Regional News and Weather Doctors Father Brown For What It's Worth James Martin: Home Comforts Antiques Road Trip Pointless BBC News at Six Regional News and Weather The One Show EastEnders Dickensian EastEnders Death in Paradise BBC News at Ten Regional News and Weather Question Time This Week Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News
BBC2 7.15am 8.00am 8.45am 9.15am 9.45am 10.15am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.05pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 4.45pm Curiosities 5.30pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 12.15am 1.15am 1.45am 2.15am 3.15am
ITV2 7.00am 7.20am 8.05am 9.05am 9.35am 10.05am 10.35am 11.20am 12.20pm 1.10pm 1.45pm 2.15pm 2.45pm 3.40pm 4.45pm 5.50pm 6.50pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 1.05am 1.30am 1.55am 2.20am 2.40am
Planet's Funniest Animals The Ellen DeGeneres Show Dinner Date Emmerdale Coronation Street You've Been Framed! Catchphrase Dinner Date Royal Pains Emmerdale Coronation Street You've Been Framed! The Ellen DeGeneres Show The Jeremy Kyle Show The Jeremy Kyle Show The Jeremy Kyle Show Take Me Out You've Been Framed! Two and a Half Men Two and a Half Men Scorpion Little Man Two and a Half Men Two and a Half Men Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records Planet's Funniest Animals Planet's Funniest Animals
The Legend of Longwood
The Face of an Angel
M:I - Rogue Nation Special
Seventh Son
Into the Grizzly Maze
Sword of Vengeance
Avengers: Age of Ultron Special
The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel
Seventh Son
The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel
Sword of Vengeance
Into the Grizzly Maze
The Face of an Angel
Into the Grizzly Maze
Kingsman: The Secret Service Special
Ant-Man: Behind the Scenes
Best Bakes Ever Flog It! Eggheads Great British Railway Journeys Celebrity Antiques Road Trip Winterwatch The Story of China The Clare Balding Show Newsnight Immortal Egypt with Joann Fletcher Panorama Saving the Forgotten Jews Victorian Bakers This is BBC Two
ITV1 7.00am 9.30am 10.25am 11.30am 1.30pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.40pm 12.45am 1.40am 4.00am 4.25am 6.05am
Sky Sports 1 7.00am 7.15am 7.30am 7.45am 8.00am 9.00am 10.00am 11.00am 12.00pm 12.30pm 1.30pm 2.30pm 2.45pm 3.00pm 3.15pm 3.30pm 4.30pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.30pm 10.45pm 11.15pm 11.45pm 12.15am 1.15am 2.15am 2.45am
Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold WWE SmackDown! Capital One Cup Highlights Barclays Premier League Review Capital One Cup Highlights Fantasy Football Club Highlights Soccer A.M. - The Best Bits Capital One Cup Highlights Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Capital One Cup Highlights Premier League Legends Premier League Legends ICC U19 World Cup Cricket Barclays Premier League World Capital One Cup Highlights Capital One Cup Highlights Barclays Premier League World La Liga Show 2015 Barclays Premier League World Capital One Cup Highlights Capital One Cup Highlights La Liga Show 2015 Football Gold
7.00am 7.50am 8.35am 9.05am 9.35am 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 11.30am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 3.30pm 4.00pm 4.30pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 10.30pm 11.00pm 12.00am 12.30am
Made in Chelsea Charmed Hollyoaks Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement The Goldbergs The Goldbergs Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey Charmed Charmed How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Goldbergs The Goldbergs The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Hollyoaks 2 Broke Girls The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Brooklyn Nine-Nine Brooklyn Nine-Nine Gogglebox The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory
Sky Movies Premiere 7.00am
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Good Morning Britain Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning Loose Women ITV Lunchtime News Judge Rinder Dickinson's Real Deal Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London ITV Evening News Emmerdale Tonight Emmerdale Birds of a Feather Jericho ITV News at Ten and Weather John Bishop's Gorilla Adventure Murder, She Wrote Jackpot247 Tonight ITV Nightscreen The Jeremy Kyle Show
Sky 1 7.00am 7.30am 8.00am 8.30am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 1.00am 2.00am 3.00am 4.00am 5.00am 6.00am
Zoo Tales Zoo Tales Monkey Life Monkey Life RSPCA Animal Rescue RSPCA Animal Rescue All Aboard: East Coast Trains Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Forever Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 All Aboard: East Coast Trains Futurama Futurama The Simpsons Futurama Futurama The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons Flintoff: Lord of the Fries A League of Their Own Stan Lee's Lucky Man Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Forever Caribbean Cops Brit Cops: Frontline Crime Stargate SG-1 Stargate SG-1
7.00am 7.25am 8.25am 9.30am 10.35am 11.00am 11.30am 11.55am 1.00pm 2.05pm 3.05pm 4.05pm 5.20pm 5.50pm 6.20pm 6.55pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 1.35am 2.30am 3.25am 3.30am
Man About the House Heartbeat Where the Heart is The Darling Buds of May Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy The Return of Sherlock Holmes Murder, She Wrote Heartbeat Wild at Heart Where the Heart is Man About the House Rising Damp On the Buses Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Doc Martin Britain's Busiest Airport - Heathrow Law and Order: UK Blue Murder The Return of Sherlock Holmes Where the Heart is ITV3 Nightscreen Teleshopping
loans, and up to 27 percent on credit cards, micro-loan companies, which offer borrowers a maximum of €600, can charge annual percentage rates (APR) of between 3,500 percent and 4,500 percent. ADICAE, the national association of bank users, has also just released figures on the activities of payday lenders and aims to pass on its complaints to the government consumer bodies, along with the Ombudsman. Consumer rights organisations accuse payday lenders of taking advantage of low-income families and people in difficult circumstances, citing companies such as Préstamo10, Twinero,, Qué bueno!, Ok Money,, Ferratum and as among those charging the highest rates. For
example: the APR on a €300 loan to be paid in 30 days was 1,269.7 percent at and 4,507 percent at Préstamo 10. Alberto B told Spnaosh newsppaer El Pais that he borrowed €200 from pay-day lender Vivus to pay a traffic fine. “I contacted them and the next day the money was in my bank account,” he says. But when the month was up he was due to repay the loan. “I fell into their trap. I asked to pay the loan back in €40 installments, but they refused. They kept piling up the interest and said they would put me on a credit blacklist. I ended up paying them more than €1,000. It was horrible. Nobody should do this. My conclusion is that you shouldn’t spend money you don’t have,” he says.
Channel 4 7.00am 7.45am 8.10am 8.35am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 10.35am 11.05am 11.30am 12.30pm 1.00pm 1.05pm 1.40pm 2.10pm 2.40pm 3.10pm 4.10pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.05am 1.10am 2.05am 3.00am 3.55am 4.50am 5.45am 6.35am
Countdown King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Frasier Frasier Undercover Boss USA Four in a Bed Channel 4 News Summary Four in a Bed Four in a Bed Four in a Bed Four in a Bed Deal or No Deal Countdown A Place in the Sun Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Location, Location, Location The Restoration Man First Dates 24 Hours in A and E The Mad World of Donald Trump Three Wives, One Husband Manchester's Serial Killer? Undercover Boss USA Phil Spencer: Secret Agent Deal or No Deal 1001 Things You Should Know
8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 10.30pm 11.05pm 11.35pm 12.05am 12.25am 12.45am 1.10am 1.30am 2.00am 3.00am 4.00am 4.30am
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Phil: Secret Agent Down Under
Grand Designs
River Cottage Bites
Bend of the River
Time Team
Come Dine with Me
Come Dine with Me
Come Dine with Me
Come Dine with Me
Come Dine with Me
Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA
A Place in the Sun
A Place in the Sun
Grand Designs
The Good Wife
8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown
Embarrassing Bodies
Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA
8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown
Embarrassing Bodies
River Cottage Bites
Channel 5 7.00am 7.10am 7.20am 7.30am 7.40am 7.50am 7.55am 8.10am 8.20am 8.35am 8.50am 9.00am 9.15am 9.25am 9.35am 9.50am 10.00am 10.15am 12.10pm 1.10pm 1.15pm 2.15pm 2.45pm 3.15pm 4.15pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.05am 1.00am 4.10am 5.00am 5.25am 5.45am 6.10am 6.35am
The payday lenders making a killing in Spain Desperate borrowers are turning to fast and quick loans with interest rates of up to 4,500 percent. Three out of 10 Spanish families regularly run out of money before the end of each month, according to a new survey by the OCU, Spain’s leading consumer rights organisation. At the same time, around half of households have faced serious financial difficulties on at least one occasion and around 3.5 million of the country’s unemployed receive no social security payments To meet their short-term needs, growing numbers of cash-strapped Spaniards are turning to so-called payday lenders that charge extortionate interest rates on small loans. While most banks charge the equivalent of around 13 percent annually on
January 26th - February 1st 2016
BBC 4 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.40pm 12.40am 1.20am 2.20am 3.20am 4.00am 5.00am
World News Today Top of the Pops: 1981 Stonehenge: A Timewatch Guide The Brain with David Eagleman Brian Pern: 45 Years of Prog and Roll I'm a Pop Star! Top of the Pops: 1981 The Fish Market: Inside Billingsgate Len Goodman's Dancing Feet: The British Ballroom Story Brian Pern: 45 Years of Prog and Roll The Brain with David Eagleman This is BBC Four
7.00am 7.45am 8.45am 9.50am 11.50am 12.20pm 12.45pm 1.15pm 1.40pm 2.50pm 3.55pm 4.50pm 5.55pm 7.00pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 12.00am 2.05am 3.00am 3.50am 4.00am
Duck Dynasty Minder The Professionals Magnum, P.I. Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Minder The Professionals Magnum, P.I. The Sweeney Minder The Professionals Pawn Stars Pawn Stars The Classic Car Show Universal Soldier: Regeneration Exit Wounds Ax Men Minder ITV4 Nightscreen Teleshopping
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The problem is that most people who are desperately short of money do not bother to read the small print on the websites of payday lenders, says ADICAE. Twinero’s page warns: “Delayed payment: the penalisation for late payment will be 1 percent daily on the total amount of unpaid debt, with a maximum limit of 100 percent on the principal and without prejudice to the other consequences that could derive from failure to provide details about solvency.” Another borrower lost her home after taking out a loan to buy a car.
No supervision In Spain, payday lenders can operate without any supervision from the Bank of Spain, but must be registered with the Health Ministry’s consumer subdirectorate. But it falls to regional
The Wotwots! Chloe's Closet Lily's Driftwood Bay Fireman Sam Wissper Peppa Pig Pip Ahoy! Little Princess Bob the Builder Thomas and Friends Noddy in Toyland Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Paw Patrol Bananas in Pajamas Toot the Tiny Tugboat The Wright Stuff Cowboy Builders 5 News Lunchtime Celebrity Big Brother Home and Away Neighbours NCIS My Daughter Must Live 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away 5 News Tonight Ben Fogle: New Lives in the Wild Britain's Bloody Crown Celebrity Big Brother 10,000 BC Celebrity Big Brother's Bit on the Side Super Casino Dogs Make You Laugh Out Loud 2 Wildlife SOS Great Scientists House Doctor House Doctor House Doctor
governments to chase up complaints and punish abusive practices. “There are no checks carried out and the sanctions applied to these companies are not heavy enough,” says a spokesman for consumer rights organization FACUA, pointing out that the Supreme Court recently passed legislation supposedly preventing lenders from charging an APR of over 24.6 percent. Spain’s complex laws covering the sector make it hard for consumers to complain, says ADICAE, which is calling for out-of-court settlement systems in such cases. “In a country like Spain, where complaints to the Bank of Spain and the National Stock Exchange Commission are not binding, settling out of court is a good way to play down abuses in the sector,” says ADICAE.
CostaBlancaPeople January 26th - 1st February 2016
No barriers to a government deal
ne of the biggest hurdles to a potential governing alliance between Spain’s Socialist Party (PSOE) and Podemos has been cleared. The anti-austerity party and its three associates in Valencia, Galicia and Catalonia have finally agreed to integrate into a single parliamentary group, rather than seek four separate delegations. Podemos’s regional partners had, until now, demanded a separate presence in Spain’s Congress, a petition that, if granted, would have meant greater subsidies and a bigger representation on house committees. However, other parties in the lower house rejected this demand, pointing to internal regulations that state that deputies cannot create separate groups if“at the time of the election, they belonged to political entities that did not compete against each other for votes.” The deal came shortly before the deadline to file the petitions for congressional groups last week. . But four deputies for Compromís, the Valencian party that ran in tandem with Podemos at the 20th December election, decided to reject the deal and file a separate request for a group of its own. This means that the Podemos group in Congress will have 65
representatives, rather than the 69 originally attributed to the antiausterity party after the election. Compromís deputy Joan Baldoví acknowledged that its
“If he wants to be prime minister of Spain, the first thing he needs to do is explain what for, and maybe Íñigo Errejón (above he will find some form of support” alliance with Podemos was‘broken’, but insisted that any other choice would have meant betraying its own electorate. “We kept our promise to Valencian voters,” he said. Podemos’s decision to accept a single congressional group eliminates one of the hurdles in the way of an alliance with the Socialists. The latter’s leader, Pedro Sánchez, is aiming for a coalition of progressive forces to form an alternative government to the conservative Popular Party (PP), which won the most seats at the election (123). But other sticking points remain, not least of which is Podemos’s support for a referendum on self-rule in Catalonia – an option that the Socialist Party has so far rejected as energetically as the PP. Íñigo Errejón, the number two official at Podemos, warned that despite the recent deal, Sánchez
should not take it for granted that he will find support for a bid to the prime minister’s office. “If he wants to be prime minister of Spain, the first thing he needs to do is explain what for, and maybe he will find some form of support,” he said. Following an inconclusive election in which no party achieved a sufficiently significant majority to form a government, Spain’s parties have been scrambling to strike deals that will allow them to take power and avert new elections. Acting Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, of the PP, will seek reinstatement at the upcoming investiture vote, but has few chances of being successful as his party fell short of the 176 seats required for a congressional majority.
CostaBlancaPeople January 26th - 1st February 2016
OFFERED AT: €87,000
NEWLY PRICED: €110,000
OFFERED AT: €105,000
NEWLY PRICED: €235,000
2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Linked Duplex ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Roof Solarium ♦ Spectacular Views ♦ Communal Parking ♦ Close to Amenities ♦ Communal Swimming Pool
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LD O S 2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Linked Duplex ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Communal Swimming Pool ♦ Great Location ♦ Close to Local Amenities
OFFERED AT: €295,000
NEWLY PRICED: €525,000
NEWLY PRICED: €218,000
PRICE: €397,000
3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Detached Villa ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Private Swimming Pool ♦ South Facing ♦ 994m2 Plot ♦ 145m2 Build Size ♦ Walking Distance to Shops
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OFFERED AT: €130,000
OFFERED AT: €249,000
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OFFERED AT: €75,000
2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Linked Duplex ♦ Beautifully Presented ♦ Furnished ♦ Stunning Views ♦ Roof Solarium ♦ Resident Parking ♦ Communal Swimming Pool
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2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Linked Bungalow ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Roof Solarium ♦ Fabulous Views ♦ Communal Swimming Pool
Property CostaBlancaPeople January 26th - 1st February 2016
Estate Agents
OFFERED AT: €110,000
OFFERED AT: €220,000
OFFERED AT: €360,000
OFFERED AT: €395,000
2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Semi-Detached Villa ♦ Furnished ♦ Roof Solarium ♦ Communal Swimming Pool ♦ Located on the La Marquesa Golf Course
3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Detached Villa ♦ 519m2 Plot ♦ Large Roof Solarium ♦ Private Swimming Pool ♦ Off Road Parking
3 Bedroom, 3 Bathroom Detached Villa ♦ 150m2 Build Size + 500m2 Plot ♦ Modern – Brand New Build ♦ Fabulous Golf Views ♦ Private Swimming Pool
4 Bedroom, 3 Bathroom Detached Villa ♦ 200m2 Build Size + 870m2 Plot ♦ Front Line Golf + Fabulous Golf Views ♦ Garage ♦ 10m x 5m Swimming Pool
OFFERED AT: €165,000
OFFERED AT: €165,000
OFFERED AT: €279,000
2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Semi-Detached Villa ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Immaculately Presented ♦ Off Road Parking ♦ Communal Swimming Pool ♦ Gated Community
2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Detached Villa ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Very Well Maintained ♦ Off Road Parking ♦ Underbuild ♦ 325m2 Plot
2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom Detached Villa ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ 10m x 5m Swimming Pool ♦ 500m2 Corner Plot ♦ Golf Course Location
4 Bedroom, 4 Bathroom Detached Villa ♦ Part Furnished ♦ 8m x 4 Swimming Pool ♦ Summer Kitchen ♦ 500m2 Plot ♦ Garage
OFFERED AT: €117,000
OFFERED AT: €69,500
OFFERED AT: €87,000
NEWLY PRICED: €659,000
3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Detached Villa ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Immaculately Presented ♦ Tiled Gardens ♦ Off Road Parking ♦ Communal Swimming Pool
2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom Ground Floor Apartment ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Beautifully Presented ♦ Large Tiled Gardens ♦ Communal Swimming Pool ♦ Golf Course Location
2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Ground Floor Apartment ♦ Part Furnished ♦ Fantastic Location ♦ Overlooking Communal Swimming Pool ♦ Close to Local Amenities
6 Bedroom, 4 Bathroom Spacious Detached Villa ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Great Location ♦ 317m2 Build Size ♦ Views ♦ Private Swimming Pool
CostaBlancaPeople January 26th - 1st February 2016
CostaBlancaPeople January 26th - 1st February 2016
7.00am 10.15am 11.00am 12.00pm 12.45pm 1.15pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 2.45pm 3.15pm 4.00pm 4.45pm 5.30pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 11.00pm 11.25pm 11.35pm 12.25am 12.55am 2.25am 2.30am
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Seventh Son
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Sky Movies Premiere 7.00am
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Television: Fri 29th Jan
Sky 1
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Come Dine with Me
Come Dine with Me
Come Dine with Me
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Channel 5 7.00am 7.10am 7.20am 7.30am 7.40am 7.50am 7.55am 8.10am 8.20am 8.35am 8.50am 9.00am 9.15am 9.25am 9.35am 9.50am 10.00am 10.15am 12.10pm 1.10pm 1.15pm 2.15pm 2.45pm 3.15pm 4.15pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 12.05am 1.00am 4.10am 5.00am 5.25am 5.45am 6.10am 6.35am
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2.40am 3.40am 4.40am
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7.00am 7.20am 7.45am 8.45am 9.45am 10.45am 11.50am 12.20pm 12.50pm 1.15pm 1.45pm 2.50pm 3.55pm 4.55pm 5.55pm 7.00pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 12.15am 2.30am 3.25am 3.50am 4.00am
Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Minder The Professionals Magnum, P.I. The Sweeney Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Minder The Professionals Magnum, P.I. The Sweeney Minder The Professionals Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Counting Cars Counting Cars Cliffhanger The Specialist River Monsters Nitro Circus ITV4 Nightscreen Teleshopping
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TV Pick
Alice in Wonderland – BBC3 – 9.00 pm
Tim Burton fantasy featuring Lewis Carroll's creations. Alice is of marriageable age, but not inclination, when a tree root trip transports her to Wonderland, where she is greeted by creatures who seem to know her. However, she has precious little recollection of them, even though lives depend on her triumphing over the Red Queen and the fearsome Jabberwock.
Television: Sat 30th Jan BBC1
7.00am 11.00am 12.30pm 1.00pm 1.05pm 1.10pm 2.00pm 3.30pm 4.15pm 5.00pm 6.10pm 6.40pm 6.50pm 6.55pm 7.00pm 7.50pm 8.45pm 10.10pm 11.00pm 11.10pm 11.25pm 11.30pm 12.50am 2.35am 2.40am
Breakfast Saturday Kitchen Live Mary Berry's Foolproof Cooking BBC News Weather Football Focus Tennis Bargain Hunt Escape to the Country Final Score Now You See It BBC News Regional News Weather Pointless The Getaway Car The Voice UK Casualty The National Lottery Live BBC News Weather Match of the Day: FA Cup Highlights Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News
BBC2 7.30am
Race to Super Bowl 50
The Quick Gun
Homes Under the Hammer
Natural World
Best Bakes Ever
Best Bakes Ever
Fire Down Below
Funny Girl
Celebrity Antiques Road Trip
King George and Queen Mary: The Royals Who Rescued he Monarchy
Dad's Army
The Real Marigold Hotel
Live at the Apollo
Insert Name Here
Bright Days Ahead
This is BBC Two
ITV2 7.00am
The Hot Desk
Emmerdale Omnibus
Coronation Street Omnibus
Ninja Warrior UK
You've Been Framed!
Small Soldiers
The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas
The Mummy
Take Me Out: The Gossip
Little Man
The Keith Lemon Sketch Show
Beowulf: Return to the Shieldlands
Viral Tap
Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records
Planet's Funniest Animals
5.00am 5.30am
Sky Movies Premiere 7.00am
Seventh Son
Big Hero 6 Special
Into the Grizzly Maze
Mountain Men
Ant-Man: Behind the Scenes
Seventh Son
The Boy Next Door
John Wick
Mountain Men
John Wick
The Boy Next Door
Just Before I Go
Into the Grizzly Maze
Mountain Men
Ant-Man: Behind the Scenes
The Man From U.N.C.L.E Sky Movies Special
Kingsman: The Secret Service Special
ITV1 7.00am 7.25am 7.35am 7.45am 8.00am 8.05am 8.15am 8.30am 8.35am 8.50am 9.10am 9.30am 10.05am 10.25am 11.15am 12.15pm 1.20pm 1.25pm 2.30pm 3.30pm 4.30pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.15pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.15pm 11.15pm 11.30pm 1.45am
Sky Sports 1 7.00am 7.15am 7.30am 7.45am 8.00am 8.30am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 11.00am 1.00pm 3.30pm 3.45pm 6.00pm 8.30pm 12.30am 1.30am 2.00am 2.30am 3.00am 3.30am 4.00am
Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Premier League Legends Premier League Legends Game Changers Premier League Legends The Fantasy Football Club Soccer A.M. Football Football Gold Pro 12 Rugby Pro 12 Rugby Fight Night NFL Boxing Gold Boxing Gold Boxing Gold Premier League Legends Premier League Legends Sky Sports Originals Bumble.. The David Lloyd Story Cricket's Greatest Intl Women's T20 Cricket
Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement Baby Daddy Baby Daddy Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Goldbergs The Goldbergs The Goldbergs The Goldbergs The Goldbergs The Goldbergs The Goldbergs Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Brooklyn Nine-Nine Brooklyn Nine-Nine The Goldbergs The Goldbergs The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Safe House Gogglebox Gogglebox
Fort Boyard Ultimate Challenge Pat and Stan Dino Dan Dino Dan Share a Story Sooty Super 4 Scrambled! Mr. Bean Horrid Henry Nerds and Monsters Jessie The Tom and Jerry Show Murder, She Wrote The Jeremy Kyle Show The Jeremy Kyle Show ITV News and Weather The Jeremy Kyle Show Judge Rinder Tipping Point Doc Martin The Martin Lewis Money Show The Chase ITV News London ITV News and Weather You've Been Framed! Ninja Warrior UK Take Me Out The Jonathan Ross Show ITV News and Weather The Lost World: Jurassic Park Jackpot247
Sky 1 7.00am 8.00am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 11.00am 1.00pm 1.30pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 3.30pm 4.00pm 4.30pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 12.00am 1.00am 2.00am 3.00am 4.00am 5.00am 6.00am
E4 7.00am 7.25am 7.45am 8.10am 8.40am 9.05am 9.35am 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 11.30am 12.00pm 12.30pm 1.00pm 1.30pm 2.00pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 4.30pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 12.15am 1.20am
CostaBlancaPeople January 26th - 1st February 2016
Ashley Banjo's Secret Street Crew Ashley Banjo's Secret Street Crew Game Changers Football Freestyler The Fantasy Football Club Soccer A.M. What's Up RSPCA Animal Rescue Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama NCIS: Los Angeles Hawaii Five-0 Snakes on a Plane A League of Their Own Karl Pilkington: The Moaning of Life Highway Patrol Flintoff: Lord of the Fries Night Cops Inside Gatwick UK Border Force
Channel 4 7.15am
King of Queens
King of Queens
Brooks Snowdonia Marathon
Everybody Loves Raymond
Everybody Loves Raymond
The Morning Line
The Big Bang Theory
The Big Bang Theory
The Big Bang Theory
The Simpsons
The Simpsons
Channel 4 Racing
Come Dine with Me
Come Dine with Me
Come Dine with Me
Come Dine with Me
Come Dine with Me
Channel 4 News
Great Canal Journeys
George Clarke's Amazing Spaces
Now You See Me
The Hole
Hollyoaks Omnibus
Phil Spencer: Secret Agent
Beat My Build
Deal or No Deal
How I Met Your Mother
8.00pm 9.00pm 10.10pm 12.10am 12.35am 12.55am 1.15am 1.40am 2.00am 2.25am 2.55am
Don't Tell the Bride Top Gear Die Hard with a Vengeance Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Siblings Great Movie Mistakes V: Revenge of the Fifth National Treasure: Book of Secrets This is BBC Three
Where the Heart is
The Royal
Channel 5 7.00am 7.05am 7.15am 7.30am 7.40am 7.55am 8.05am 8.20am 8.35am 8.45am 9.10am 9.30am 9.45am 9.55am 10.30am 12.45pm 1.15pm 2.15pm 3.15pm 4.15pm 5.15pm 6.10pm 7.10pm 8.00pm 8.55pm 9.55pm 10.00pm 10.30pm 11.00pm 12.00am 12.55am 1.05am 4.10am 5.00am 5.50am 6.20am 6.45am 6.50am
Peppa Pig Bananas in Pajamas Bob the Builder Tickety Toc Zack and Quack Make Way for Noddy Paw Patrol Little Princess Pip Ahoy! Blaze and the Monster Machines Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom Wanda and the Alien Toby's Travelling Circus Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The Saturday Show Fail Army Police Interceptors Police Interceptors Now That's Funny! Puppies Make You Laugh Out Loud Pets Make You Laugh Out Loud 2 Toddlers Make You Laugh Out Loud Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords World War II in Colour World War II Battlefield Recovery 5 News Weekend The Championship Goal Rush Celebrity Big Brother Fat, Fabulous and Filthy Rich Access Super Casino Celebrity Big Brother Celebrity Botched Up Bodies House Doctor House Doctor Angels of Jarm Angels of Jarm
8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.45pm 12.45am
How Earth Made Us Shipwrecks: Britain's Sunken History The Young Montalbano Music Moguls: Masters of Pop It's Only Rock 'N' Roll: Rock 'N' Roll at the BBC Danny Baker's Great Album Showdown Top of the Pops: 1981 Top of the Pops: 1981 Sounds of the Eighties This is BBC Four
3.05am 5.00am
ITV3 7.00am
1.45am 2.45am 3.25am 4.05am 4.35am
More 4
Jamie's 15 Minute Meals
Goals of the 80s
Time Team
Ax Men
Time Team
Formula E: Sound of the Future
The 39 Steps
The Royal
The Royal
Four in a Bed
Pawn Stars
A Touch of Frost
Four in a Bed
Pawn Stars
Four in a Bed
Pawn Stars
The Pure Hell of St. Trinian's
Four in a Bed
Pawn Stars
The Return of Sherlock Holmes
Four in a Bed
The 'Burbs
The Return of Sherlock Holmes
Britain's Favourite Children's Book
Darts: The Masters
Beatrix Potter with Patricia Routledge
Storage Wars Texas
4.05pm 5.15pm
Grand Designs
Storage Wars Texas
Midsomer Murders
Grand Designs
Storage Wars Texas
Midsomer Murders
Treasures Decoded
Storage Wars Texas
Treasures Decoded
Darts: The Masters
Father Ted
Universal Soldier: Regeneration
Agatha Christie's Marple
Father Ted
The Sweeney
The Return of Sherlock Holmes
8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown
Highway Patrol
8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown
Movies Now
Man About the House
ITV4 Nightscreen
Hugh's 3 Good Things
AGRICULTURAL THEFT PREVENTION The Councillor for Agriculture and Rural Development, Victor Valverde, has presented the campaign being conducted by the Department in collaboration with local police to prevent theft in the fields and orchards of the municipality. “We are providing information to farmers through a brochure published with tips to prevent the theft of goods and materials,”said the mayor, who noted that“it is a very important issue for our farmers and we want to strengthen attention on them.” The brochure includes tips for selfprotection, as well as tips for communicating with both the local police and the Guardia Civil, if necessary. In addition, it also provides contact numbers for the relevant security bodies to report a case of theft. This prevention initiative sees the council working alongside and with the support of the Rural Support Group and the Rural and Districts Unit, whose leaders Manolo Lorente
and the inspector Rate Vergara stressed that “it is important that farmers have a serial number on their belongings so we can locate them more easily in case of theft.” Vergara insisted that“it is essential that those affected report cases of theft so we can act more effectively.” Meanwhile, Lorente said that the “mission is to prevent any attempt of theft in the districts, which have more rural areas.” In the last three months a reinforced police presence has conducted 619 surveillances operations and general monitoring, 207 vehicles have been checked and 28 cars immobilised. Around 575 identifications have been made. Both the Councillor for Agriculture and Rural Development, and the heads of the local police, were thankful for “the cooperation of citizens, of the neighbours, because thanks to their vigilance we can further prevent any type of theft.” CostaBlancaPeople January 26th - 1st February 2016
BBC1 7.00am 8.40am 10.00am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.15pm 2.00pm 2.10pm 2.15pm 2.50pm 3.35pm 4.35pm 7.30pm 7.50pm 7.55pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.20pm 11.25pm 11.30pm 12.00am 12.30am 2.15am 2.20am
Breakfast Match of the Day: FA Cup Highlights The Andrew Marr Show The Big Questions Sunday Politics Bargain Hunt BBC News Weather for the Week Ahead Songs of Praise Escape to the Country The Great Sport Relief Bake Off Match of the Day Live BBC News Regional News Weather Countryfile Call the Midwife War and Peace BBC News Regional News Weather Match of the Day: FA Cup Highlights Live at the Apollo My Brother the Devil Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News
A to Z of TV Gardening
Monty Don's Secret
Saturday Kitchen Best Bites
Best Bakes Ever
Best Bakes Ever
The Alamo
Ladies in Lavender
Ski Sunday
John Carter
Dragons' Den
James May's Cars of the People
True Grit
Then She Found Me
History of the British Garden
Holby City
This is BBC Two
ITV2 7.00am 7.25am
Emmerdale Omnibus
Coronation Street Omnibus
Take Me Out
Take Me Out: The Gossip
Cats and Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore
The Mummy Returns
Mr Bean's Holiday
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
American Pie Presents Band Camp
Release the Hounds
Planet's Funniest Animals
7.00am 7.15am 7.30am 7.45am 8.00am 8.30am 9.00am 9.30am 11.00am 11.55am 2.00pm 2.15pm 2.30pm 2.45pm 3.00pm 10.30pm 10.45pm 11.00pm 11.15pm 11.45pm 12.15am 1.15am 5.00am 5.15am 5.30am 6.00am 6.30am
Sky Movies Premiere 7.00am
Into the Grizzly Maze
Big Hero 6 Special
Seventh Son
Mountain Men
Big Hero 6 Special
The Boy Next Door
Seventh Son
John Wick
Mountain Men
John Wick
The Boy Next Door
Just Before I Go
Into the Grizzly Maze
Mountain Men
The Man From U.N.C.L.E Sky Movies Special
Big Hero 6 Special
Ant-Man: Behind the Scenes
ITV1 7.00am 7.25am 7.35am 7.45am 8.00am 8.05am 8.15am 8.30am 8.35am 8.50am 9.10am 9.30am 10.05am 10.25am 11.20am 12.20pm 1.25pm 1.35pm 2.35pm 3.40pm 4.40pm 7.00pm 7.15pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 11.00pm 11.15pm 12.15am 1.15am 4.00am 6.05am
Fort Boyard Ultimate Challenge Pat and Stan Dino Dan Dino Dan Share a Story Sooty Super 4 Scrambled! Mr. Bean Horrid Henry Nerds and Monsters Bear Grylls Survival School The Tom and Jerry Show Murder, She Wrote The Jeremy Kyle Show The Jeremy Kyle Show ITV News The Jeremy Kyle Show Judge Rinder Ninja Warrior UK Diamonds are Forever ITV News London ITV News Planet's Got Talent Beowulf: Return to the Shieldlands Vera ITV News Panda Babies Rugby Highlights Jackpot247 ITV Nightscreen The Jeremy Kyle Show
Sky Sports 1
You've Been Framed!
Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Premier League 100 Club Premier League 100 Club Premier League 100 Club The Sunday Supplement Goals on Sunday Football Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs NFL Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs NFL NFL NFL NFL Pro Bowl Football Gold Football Gold Premier League 100 Club Premier League 100 Club Premier League Legends
Sky 1 7.00am 8.00am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 11.30am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 3.30pm 4.00pm 4.30pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 1.00am 2.00am 3.00am 4.00am
The Hour of Power Are You Smarter Than a 10 Year Old? Monkey Life Monkey Life Monkey Life Monkey Life Monkey Life Monkey Life WWE Raw Wild Things Duck Quacks Don't Echo Duck Quacks Don't Echo Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons Duck Quacks Don't Echo Hawaii Five-0 NCIS: Los Angeles Stop Search Seize Air Ambulance ER Britcam: Emergency on Our Streets Stop, Search, Seize Night Cops
E4 7.00am 7.20am 7.40am 8.00am 8.30am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 1.30pm 2.30pm 3.35pm 5.35pm 6.00pm 6.35pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 1.05am 1.40am 2.15am 2.45am 3.15am 4.00am 4.25am
Rude(Ish) Tube Baby Daddy Baby Daddy Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey The Goldbergs The Goldbergs How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother Hollyoaks Omnibus Couples Come Dine with Me Couples Come Dine with Me Sister Act The Goldbergs The Goldbergs The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Tattoo Fixers Rude Tube The Inbetweeners The Inbetweeners The IT Crowd The IT Crowd Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother
Television: Sun 31st Jan Channel 4 7.15am
How I Met Your Mother
King of Queens
King of Queens
Everybody Loves Raymond
Everybody Loves Raymond
Sunday Brunch
George Clarke's Amazing Spaces
Location, Location, Location
The Simpsons
The Simpsons
The Simpsons
Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Channel 4 News
The Incredibles
The Jump
Deutschland 83
8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown
Sorority Row
Embarrassing Bodies
Come Dine with Me
Come Dine with Me
Come Dine with Me
Come Dine with Me
Come Dine with Me
Beat My Build
Hugh's 3 Good Things
Deal or No Deal
8.00pm 8.05pm 8.35pm 10.00pm 11.45pm 12.15am 1.00am 1.20am 1.50am 2.20am 2.50am 3.20am 3.50am 4.20am 4.50am
Great Movie Mistakes Great TV Mistakes The Voice UK Meet the Parents Russell Howard's Good News Family Guy Family Guy Cuckoo Cuckoo Cuckoo Cuckoo Cuckoo Cuckoo Emergency Rescue Down Under Great Movie Mistakes V: Revenge of the Fifth
Rising Damp
On the Buses
On the Buses
The Pure Hell of St. Trinian's
The Return of Sherlock Holmes
The Return of Sherlock Holmes
Agatha Christie's Marple
Midsomer Murders
The Secret Life of Dogs
Caroline Quentin's National Parks
The Kindness of Strangers
Meet Joe Black
Secret Smile
On the Buses
Movies Now
ITV3 Nightscreen
Movie Pick The Wedding Date – Channel 5 – 8.25 pm
Without a man in her life, Kat is determined to show everyone at her sister’s wedding that she's not pathetically single and hires Nick Mercer, the bestlooking, most sophisticated male escort money can buy. But as Clare Kilner’s rom-com proves, money can't buy you love ... or can it?
Channel 5 7.00am 7.05am 7.20am 7.30am 7.45am 7.55am 8.05am 8.20am 8.35am 8.50am 9.00am 9.25am 9.45am 10.00am 10.15am 10.30am 10.55am 11.30am 12.00pm 12.30pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 4.15pm 6.15pm 8.25pm 9.55pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 2.20am 3.15am 4.10am 5.00am 5.25am 5.50am 6.15am 6.40am 6.50am
Peppa Pig Bananas in Pajamas Angelina Ballerina Bob the Builder Tickety Toc Zack and Quack Make Way for Noddy Paw Patrol Little Princess Pip Ahoy! Blaze and the Monster Machines Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom Wanda and the Alien Toby's Travelling Circus Jelly Jamm LazyTown Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The Championship Goal Rush Fail Army Can't Pay? We'll Take it Away! The Deep End of the Ocean No Reservations Hitch The Wedding Date 5 News Weekend Celebrity Big Brother Celebrity Botched Up Bodies Red Dragon Britain's Worst Crimes Super Casino Bargain Loving Brits in the Sun House Doctor House Doctor House Doctor House Doctor Angels of Jarm Angels of Jarm
Pierre Boulez at the BBC: Master and Maverick Russia's Lost Princesses Tales From the Royal Bedchamber A Death Row Tale: The Fear of 13 Horizon The Brain with David Eagleman Rock 'N' Roll America Sounds of the Eighties Danny Baker's Great Album Showdown This is BBC Four
BBC 4 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.30am 1.30am 2.30am 3.30am 3.55am 4.55am
More 4 9.55am 10.25am 10.55am 11.25am 11.55am 12.30pm 1.00pm 1.35pm 2.40pm 3.40pm 4.15pm 4.50pm 5.20pm 5.55pm 6.25pm 6.55pm 7.25pm 7.55pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.50pm 12.55am 1.55am 3.00am 4.00am
Kirstie's Handmade Treasures Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Jamie's 15 Minute Meals Building the Dream Beatrix Potter with Patricia Routledge Four in a Bed Four in a Bed Four in a Bed Four in a Bed Four in a Bed Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Tiny House Nation Season of the Witch 24 Hours in A and E Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA 24 Hours in A and E 24 Hours in A and E Tiny House Nation
ITV4 7.00am
Football's Greatest: George Best
Ax Men
Ax Men
Ax Men
Counting Cars
Counting Cars
Pawn Stars
Pawn Stars
Pawn Stars
Pawn Stars
Pawn Stars
Pawn Stars
Darts: The Masters
Storage Wars
Storage Wars
The Classic Car Show
Darts: The Masters
Jackie Brown
Motorway Patrol
ITV4 Nightscreen
TV Pick
The Jump – Channel 4 – 8.30 pm The Jump returns for a third series, with TV's most terrifying elimination show bigger, better and scarier than ever. Over the new few weeks on Sundays, 12 celebrities - Dean Cain, Sarah Harding, Linford Christie, Arg, Becky Adlington, Tina Hobley, Mark-Francis, Beth Tweddle, Tamara Beckwith, Brian McFadden, Louisa Lytton and Sid Owen - live together in the Austrian Alps and compete in a series of hair-raising winter sports as they bid to be crowned the winner of The Jump 2016. The first episode of the new series finds the celebrities going head to head in the death-defying Skeleton event. The losers of each race then face the Air Jump live, with one celebrity set to be eliminated. Presented by Davina McCall.
Television: Mon 1st Feb BBC1
7.00am 10.15am 11.00am 12.00pm 12.45pm 1.15pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 2.45pm 3.15pm 4.00pm 4.45pm 5.30pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 11.40pm 11.45pm 12.15am 12.50am 1.35am 1.40am
Breakfast The Housing Enforcers Homes Under the Hammer Wanted Down Under Emergency Rescue Down Under Bargain Hunt BBC News Regional News Doctors Father Brown For What It's Worth Holiday of My Lifetime Antiques Road Trip Pointless BBC News Regional News The One Show Inside Out EastEnders Would I Lie to You? Silent Witness BBC News Regional News Weather Tracey Ullman's Show Football Focus The Graham Norton Show Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News
BBC2 7.00am 8.00am 8.45am 9.15am 9.45am 10.15am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.05pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 4.45pm 5.30pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 12.10am 12.15am 1.15am 1.45am 3.10am
ITV2 7.00am 7.20am 8.05am 9.05am 9.35am 10.05am 10.35am 11.20am 12.20pm 1.10pm 1.45pm 2.15pm 2.45pm 3.40pm 4.45pm 5.50pm 6.50pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 12.10am 12.40am 1.15am 1.45am 2.05am 2.25am 2.50am 3.10am 6.40am
Planet's Funniest Animals The Ellen DeGeneres Show Dinner Date Emmerdale Coronation Street Coronation Street Catchphrase Dinner Date Royal Pains Emmerdale Coronation Street Coronation Street The Ellen DeGeneres Show The Jeremy Kyle Show The Jeremy Kyle Show The Jeremy Kyle Show Take Me Out You've Been Framed! You've Been Framed! Two and a Half Men Two and a Half Men Fast and Furious Plebs Plebs Two and a Half Men Two and a Half Men Mom Mom Planet's Funniest Animals Teleshopping ITV2 Nightscreen
Seventh Son
Avengers: Age of Ultron Special
Into the Grizzly Maze
Mountain Men
Seventh Son
To be Announced
The Boy Next Door
John Wick
Mountain Men
John Wick
The Boy Next Door
Just Before I Go
Into the Grizzly Maze
Mountain Men
Avengers: Age of Ultron Special
To be Announced
Chappie Special
ITV1 7.00am 9.30am 10.25am 11.30am 1.30pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.45pm 12.45am 1.40am 4.00am 4.55am 6.05am
Sky Sports 1 7.00am 7.15am 7.30am 7.45am 8.00am 9.00am 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 11.30am 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 4.30pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 11.00pm 12.00am 12.30am 1.30am 2.30am 3.00am 3.30am 4.00am 5.00am 5.30am 6.00am
Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold WWE Raw Goals on Sunday Premier League 100 Club Premier League 100 Club Premier League 100 Club The Sunday Supplement Goals on Sunday Premier League 100 Club Premier League 100 Club The Sunday Supplement Goals on Sunday To be Announced Fantasy Football Club Highlights Soccer A.M. - The Best Bits Top 14 Rugby Highlights ICC U19 World Cup Cricket Football La Liga Goals SPFL Round Up Soccer A.M. - The Best Bits Goals on Sunday Premier League 100 Club Premier League 100 Club SPFL Round Up Soccer A.M. - The Best Bits Fantasy Football Club Highlights SPFL Round Up Goals on Sunday
7.00am 7.45am 8.35am 9.05am 9.35am 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 11.30am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 3.30pm 4.00pm 4.30pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.40am 1.10am 1.40am
Made in Chelsea Charmed Hollyoaks Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement The Goldbergs The Goldbergs Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey Charmed Charmed How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Goldbergs The Goldbergs The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Hollyoaks 2 Broke Girls The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Rude Tube Gogglebox The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Sky Movies Premiere 7.00am
Homes Under the Hammer Wanted Down Under Flog It! Close Calls: On Camera Now You See It Victoria Derbyshire BBC News The Daily Politics Island Stories The Pallisers Who Do You Think You Are? A Place to Call Home Best Bakes Ever David Attenborough's Natural Curiosities Flog It! Eggheads Great American Railroad Journeys Great Interior Design Challenge University Challenge Mary Berry's Foolproof Cooking Bloody Queens: Elizabeth and Mary Insert Name Here Newsnight Weather Dragons' Den Phone Shop Idol The Celebrity Apprentice USA This is BBC Two
CostaBlancaPeople January 26th - 1st February 2016
Good Morning Britain Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning Loose Women ITV Lunchtime News Judge Rinder Dickinson's Real Deal Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London ITV Evening News Emmerdale Coronation Street Griff's Great Britain Coronation Street Benidorm ITV News at Ten and Weather The Jonathan Ross Show Saved Jackpot247 The Jeremy Kyle Show ITV Nightscreen The Jeremy Kyle Show
Sky 1 7.00am 7.30am 8.00am 8.30am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 1.00am 2.00am 3.00am 3.30am 4.00am 4.30am
Zoo Tales Zoo Tales Monkey Life Monkey Life RSPCA Animal Rescue RSPCA Animal Rescue All Aboard: East Coast Trains Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Forever Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 All Aboard: East Coast Trains Futurama Futurama The Simpsons Futurama Futurama The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons Modern Family Modern Family Karl Pilkington: The Moaning of Life A League of Their Own Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Forever Motorway Patrol Motorway Patrol Highway Patrol Highway Patrol
Man About the House Heartbeat Where the Heart is The Darling Buds of May Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy The Return of Sherlock Holmes Murder, She Wrote Heartbeat Wild at Heart Man About the House Rising Damp On the Buses Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Lewis Law and Order: UK Wycliffe The Return of Sherlock Holmes Where the Heart is ITV3 Nightscreen Teleshopping
Queen puts up Spanish royals
privileged home stay with Queen Elizabeth II at Windsor Castle is on the cards for HRHs Felipe and Letizia. Queen Elizabeth II of England and her husband Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh will put their Spanish counterparts up at the British monarch's private residence, Windsor Castle, when they visit the UK – a privilege granted to very few heads of State. The now-abdicated King Juan Carlos I and his wife, Queen Sofía stayed at Windsor 30 years ago when they visited the Queen of England, and their son and successor, King Felipe VI and his wife, Queen Letizia
will be given the same distinguished treatment. Britain's longest-reigning monarch normally puts up national leaders at Buckingham Palace, which she has never made any secret about the fact she finds ‘cold and uncomfortable’ – privacy is nearly impossible because of the literally hundreds of staff, and the iconic central London building is mainly the Royal workplace. Windsor Castle – which is in fact more of a walled-in village and about 25 miles west of the British capital – is HRH Elizabeth II's favourite residence. She has been spending weekends there for decades –
Channel 4 7.00am 7.45am 8.10am 8.35am 9.00am 9.35am 10.00am 10.35am 11.05am 11.30am 12.30pm 1.00pm 1.05pm 1.35pm 2.10pm 2.40pm 3.10pm 4.10pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.35pm 12.35am 1.35am 2.30am 3.25am 4.20am 5.15am 6.10am
Countdown King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Frasier Frasier Undercover Boss USA Four in a Bed Channel 4 News Summary Four in a Bed Four in a Bed Four in a Bed Four in a Bed Deal or No Deal Countdown A Place in the Sun Come Dine Champion of Champions The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Dispatches Supershoppers The Undateables Crashing Tattoo Fixers Bodyshockers Date My Mum Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners Grand Designs Undercover Boss Canada Phil Spencer: Secret Agent Deal or No Deal
8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 12.00am 12.25am 12.45am 1.10am 1.30am 2.30am 3.00am 3.30am 4.00am 5.00am
Top Gear Don't Tell the Bride Rise of the Superstar Vloggers EastEnders Siblings American Dad! American Dad! Family Guy Family Guy Rise of the Superstar Vloggers Siblings Russell Howard's Good News Emergency Rescue Down Under Rise of the Superstar Vloggers This is BBC Three
and her summer holidays at Balmoral Castle in Scotland – but in recent years has taken to spending weeks at a time at Windsor. Among the privileged few who got to stay at Elizabeth II's true home include former Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani and his wife, Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser al-Missned, who visited the UK in 2010, and Irish Prime Minister Michael Higgins in April 2014 when he made an official trip to London to finally seal a peace declaration between the British capital and Dublin, long overdue given that the latter declared its
Channel 5 7.00am 7.10am 7.20am 7.30am 7.40am 7.50am 7.55am 8.10am 8.20am 8.35am 8.50am 9.00am 9.15am 9.25am 9.35am 9.45am 10.00am 10.15am 12.10pm 1.10pm 1.15pm 2.15pm 2.45pm 3.15pm 4.15pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 1.00am 1.55am 4.10am 5.00am 5.25am 5.45am 6.10am 6.35am
ITV3 7.00am 7.25am 8.30am 9.35am 10.40am 11.05am 11.35am 12.00pm 1.05pm 2.10pm 3.15pm 5.15pm 5.50pm 6.20pm 6.55pm 7.55pm 9.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 1.05am 2.10am 3.05am 3.30am
BBC 4 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 12.40am 1.20am 2.20am 3.20am 3.50am 4.50am
More 4 9.55am
Phil: Secret Agent Down Under
Jamie's 15 Minute Meals
Hugh's 3 Good Things
The Undefeated
Time Team
Come Dine with Me
Come Dine with Me
Come Dine with Me
Come Dine with Me
Come Dine with Me
Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA
A Place in the Sun
A Place in the Sun
Grand Designs
A Place in the Sun
24 Hours in A and E
24 Hours in A and E
Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA
A Place in the Sun
24 Hours in A and E
Kirstie's Vintage Gems
independence in the 1920s. Windsor Castle is where the Queen of England feels more relaxed and at home, and heads of State who stay there instead of at Buckingham Palace are usually those with whom her relationship is more based on friendship than business. A formal dinner-dance will be given in honour of King Felipe and Queen Letizia at Windsor when they arrive on 8th March, and a later one will be arranged by the Lord Mayor of London and the City of London Corporation in accordance with the set protocol for State visits, which happen around twice a year. The Spanish monarchs will also meet with British PM David Cameron, and their visit – which concludes on 10th March –
The Wotwots! Chloe's Closet Lily's Driftwood Bay Fireman Sam Wissper Peppa Pig Pip Ahoy! Little Princess Bob the Builder Thomas and Friends Noddy in Toyland Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Paw Patrol Bananas in Pajamas Toot the Tiny Tugboat The Wright Stuff Cowboy Builders 5 News Lunchtime Celebrity Big Brother Home and Away Neighbours NCIS Hannah's Law 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away 5 News Tonight Ice Road Truckers Ancient Mysteries Celebrity Big Brother Gotham Celebrity Big Brother's Bit on the Side Big Brother: Best Bits Super Casino Britain's Bloody Crown Wildlife SOS Great Scientists House Doctor House Doctor House Doctor
World News Today Grand Tours of Scotland Attenborough and the Giant Egg Nature's Wonderlands: Islands of Evolution The Meat Market: Inside Smithfield The Great War The Great War Attenborough and the Giant Egg Donald Campbell: Speed King Britain on Film Nature's Wonderlands: Islands of Evolution This is BBC Four
ITV4 7.00am 7.25am 7.45am 8.40am 9.40am 10.50am 11.50am 12.50pm 1.25pm 1.50pm 2.50pm 3.55pm 4.55pm 5.55pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 1.00am 2.00am 2.55am 3.45am 4.00am
Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty The Sweeney The Professionals Minder Magnum, P.I. The Sweeney Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Shed and Buried The Professionals Magnum, P.I. Minder The Sweeney Storage Wars Texas Storage Wars Texas Rugby Highlights Storage Wars Storage Wars The Chase: Celebrity Special Ax Men Bundesliga Rugby Highlights Ax Men Minder ITV4 Nightscreen Teleshopping
will involve at least one celebration to mark the fourth centenary of each country's most iconic authors, William Shakespeare and Miguel de Cervantes. Shakespeare and the writer of Don Quijote de la Mancha were born and died on the same day as each other. Their deaths were on 23rd April, although two different calendars were in operation at the time meaning the official dates were not the same in the 17th century. Spain's and Britain's Royals are distantly related, through Queen Sofía, who is in fact Greek, and the Duke of Edinburgh. Queen Elizabeth II celebrates her 90th birthday this year, and a charity garden party on the Mall organised by her grandson Peter Philips will be open to the public with 1,000 tickets on sale for a cool €195 (150 pounds) a head. CostaBlancaPeople January 26th - 1st February 2016
Bars & Restaurants
CostaBlancaPeople January 26th - 1st February 2016
Lots on offer at Toldos Guardamar For many years this family-owned business has been serving the local community, making and installing high quality awnings. Over its 35-year history Toldos Guardamar has gone from strength-tostrength from a small workshop in La Marina to its current purpose-built showroom in San Fulgencio. It now has offices in Calpe and the Netherlands and a commercial network of more than 300 collaborators in countries from Europe to North Africa. Products have evolved from simple awnings to life-style solutions that are UVA protective, energy-saving, noise conscious and fully guaranteed. 2015 proved to be no exception and Toldos Guardamar had an exceptional year with bumper orders and was so busy it remained open throughout the festive period so that expert staff could complete customer orders in time for New Year and The Three Kings. However, despite this huge growth, Toldos Guardamar continues to play a key role in the local community and provide local residents, customers and potential customers with special offers and dedicated events. The first of these for 2016 is a special discount which is available to all throughout the month. All products ordered, bought or paid for this month – January 2016 are subject to a huge 25 percent discount, that’s one quarter off the normal retail price. The discount applies to everything supplied by the company and runs until the end of the working day on Saturday 30th January. For customers and potential customers Toldos Guardamar is running a series of‘by invitation only’events each Friday in February. This includes: Friday 5th, Friday 12th, Friday 19th and Friday 26th of the month. Invites are at the discretion of members of staff including technicians and sales staff – so if you are booking an appointment with Toldos Guardamar or would like to discuss the product range, don’t forget to ask for your invite. The events, entitled
The 7th Annual Costa Blanca People Culinary Awards
For the seventh consecutive year, Costa Blanca restaurants are in line to receive a well known local award which celebrates all that is good about the dining scene in Spain. The 2016 Costa Blanca People Culinary Awards recognize excellence in the local dining industry, offering restaurateurs a standard to strive for, and diners a gauge by which to choose their eatery. We are spoiled for choice when it comes to lunch menus, evening meals and even a quick and tasty snack. The Costa Blanca People Culinary Awards are a mark of excellence which diners can rely upon to guide them to a quality restaurant. Managing Director of the Costa Blanca People, Claire Worland, said “Last year’s Costa Blanca People Culinary Awards were a wonderful success. The atmosphere at the awards ceremony was as fantastic as ever. Now in their seventh year, the Costa Blanca People Culinary Awards serve as a great platform for bar and restaurant suppliers and servicers to promote themselves directly to restaurant owners in a friendly and upbeat environment.” Claire continued, “We feel that having such a benchmark will really help consumers in choosing excellent restaurants. For restaurateurs, the winning of a Culinary Award will boost morale for
staff and owners, and will offer restaurants a tangible ‘seal of approval’ which they can strive to win again and again as the years go on.” The 2016 Costa Blanca People Culinary Awards are broken into a number of categories: Best Newcomer (open less than 12 months) Best Indian Restaurant Best Spanish Restaurant Best European/International Restaurant Best Pub Fayre Best Sunday Roast Best Café/Bar Best Menu del Dia/Noche Best Fine Dining Best Chef Front of House Award for Outstanding Service The closing date for nominations for the Costa Blanca People Culinary Awards is April 8th 2016. If you think your favourite restaurant should be in the running too, then get nominating! If you are a restaurant and would like a copy of the form to offer to clients, please get in touch via email Limited opportunities are available for branding and sponsorship of the awards. For more information, contact Claire on 966 70 10 60.
Please note that all information contained within this CostaBlancaPeople Business Profile has been provided by the client, and is therefore deemed correct and accurate. Any errors, omissions or inaccuracies are the sole responsibility of the client.
‘Cata de Vino’and organized by the iniciative Experience by Toldos Guardamar, are wine tasting experiences that will be held at the Los Mora showroom and head office from 5pm. March will see the company host its annual fiesta weekend, an event that is extremely popular within the local community and one that is open to all. This year the 4th, 5th and 6th March is a Gastronomic Weekend; a celebration of traditional Spanish eating and drinking. Friday 4th March will see Toldos Guardamar provide a free BBQ, live music and drinks to all who wish the join the party. The celebrations continue on Saturday with a giant paella and drinks and a number of special activities for all the family to join in with and enjoy. This includes the preparation and cooking of a cocido for more than 500 people. Finally, on Sunday 6th March guests will be able to try the cocido along with tortilla de patatas and michirones. For further information on any of the above, contact Toldos Guardamar at Los MorasPoligono, Calle Isla de Ibiza 12-14 or call 966 726 258. The showroom is open Monday to Friday 9am to 7pm and 9am to 1pm on Saturdays. Mireille Toddington CostaBlancaPeople January 26th - 1st February 2016
Bars & Restaurants
Bars & Restaurants
CostaBlancaPeople January 26th - 1st February 2016
CostaBlancaPeople January 26th - 1st February 2016
Brits return to buying property on the Spanish coast One out of every five properties purchased in Spain by a foreigner ends up in the hands of a British national. Their preference for Spain as one of the best destinations to buy a first or second home continues, and shows no signs of letting up. As proof of this, we only have to look at a recent report published by housebuilder and developer Taylor Wimpey, who, just out of interest, has been in the business for half a century now. The property company, which is based in London, increased the number of properties it sold in Spain last year by 53 percent from the year before. This, they attributed to the improvement in the British and Spanish economy, and the strength of the pound against the euro. With a main share of properties for sale along the Mediterranean coast and in the Balearic Islands, Taylor Wimpey sold 251 homes in 2015, compared to just 164 twelve months earlier. What’s more, British buyers actually went from shelling out an average of 250,000 euro on a property in 2014 to 314,000 euro the following year. Taylor Wimpey has managed to increase their year-upon-year profits by 5.6 million euro and already has big plans for this year in Spain. Nevertheless, as with the majority of developers and property
companies, they are still not selling at levels reached before the economic and property crisis took hold of Spain in 2008. In 2006, for example, the company carried out a total of 379 operations and turned over 130 million euro. The lion’s share of properties promoted by Taylor Wimpey are acquired by British buyers who predominantly want to buy a
second home in the sun that they can visit several times a year. And, Spain is the only country aside from the UK that the company actually operates in. After a period of poor sales in 2007 and 2010, the company returned to purchasing plots of land on the Costa Blanca, Costa del Sol and the Balearic Islands, where it forecast the future demand would be.
: Please note that all information contained within this CostaBlancaPeople Business Profile has been provided by the client, and is therefore deemed correct and accurate. Any errors, omissions or inaccuracies are the sole responsibility of the client.
The Vestry –
setting the standard The Vestry has long been a favourite restaurant of ours so when the opportunity came up to visit recently, we jumped at the chance. Located in the sleepy town of Algorfa, the Vestry is a local culinary institution – the sort of place you just know you will enjoy good food, fine wine and excellent service in lovely surroundings. Offering two excellently priced set menus and a very inventive a la carte menu, the Vestry has something for everyone. Starters range from light options such as soup, gateaux of melon and orange to the indulgent mushrooms in cream and brandy, pork loin Rossini or caramelized goat’s cheese. As well as a full menu page dedicated just to steaks, the Vestry has an incredibly well thought out menu where taste and presentation are obviously top priority. On our visit, I chose the blue cheese and broccoli pithiver while my dining partner chose the confit of duck with black pudding and smoked bacon, washed down with a glass of the fabulous house red. Also on offer was tenderloin of pork, poached sole, steak and ale pie and the very popular slow braised lamb shank. The main courses were accompanied by seasonal vegetables and cooked to perfection. We just about had room for dessert – after hearing other diners ‘oooh and ahhh’ over the sticky toffee pudding, we were almost obliged to give it a try. We weren’t disappointed; it was dark, rich and utterly delicious. We also shared a heavenly filo basket with fruit and cream. The two set menus – named the Priory and the Vestry – are priced at €19.95 and €15.50 respectively and offer a wonderful range of imaginative dishes, many of which we have tried on previous visits and thoroughly enjoyed. One feature of the Vestry’s menu which I particularly love is the children’s menu. Rather than offering the usual ‘rubbish’ seen on children’s menus across the Costa Blanca, the Vestry offers children a taste of REAL food which in my view is a delight. Not only that but the extensive adult’s drinks and cocktail menu also includes some creative alcohol free ‘mocktails’ for children. Coming up soon at the Vestry is a special Valentine’s Day menu which is on offer on February 12th, 13th and 14th. The menu includes a whopping five courses and is priced at €26.95 per person – booking is essential. If you are after an extra special lunch, don’t forget that the Vestry offers an excellent lunchtime menu – offering one, two or three courses. Diners can enjoy a real lunchtime treat from 1pm on weekdays (except Mondays). The lunch menu is a step up from your usual menu-del-dia fayre with starters such as sticky bbq chicken wings or smoked salmon roulade, mains like hand carved roast, beef and ale casserole or poached sole and a selection of delicious desserts (if you have room!). Sunday lunch is highly recommended and booking is essential, such is the popularity of the Vestry’s Sunday offering. To book for lunch, dinner or the special Valentine’s menu, simply call the Vestry on 966 783 976. The Vestry’s slogan is “Food is our passion. Service our pleasure” – we heartily agree. If you want to dine in style and be made to feel incredibly well looked after, there are few places that do it better than the Vestry. Aoife Leddy
Bars & Restaurants
Tourism makes millions Tourism brought €124 billion to Spain’s economy last year, with 84.7 per cent of firms confirming that their sales improved last year. Sun, sea and sangria is still a bestseller, with tourism pouring billions into the Spanish economy last year. And the largest contributor to Spain’s GDP also creates the most employment, representing one in seven jobs last year – a total of 73,343 posts – 5.5 per cent up on the previous year.
Tourism grew by 3.7 per cent in 2015 but transfer company Exeltur forecasts only 2.7 per cent growth in 2016 if the unstable political situation continues. However companies are positive, with 84.7 per cent of firms confirming their sales improved last year. “2015 was a great year, with every single autonomous community and destination improving its figures,” said Exeltur’s Vice-President, Jose Luis Zoreda.
Bars & Restaurants
CostaBlancaPeople January 26th - 1st February 2016
CostaBlancaPeople January 26th - 1st February 2016
REF. CM1024 Benijofar village
REF. CM1671 Los Palacios, Formentera
REF. CM4077 Los Montesinos (Montesol)
REF. CM4395 Daya Vieja village
REDUCED. Spacious village townhouse (160sqm) 3 double bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, large lounge-diner, internal garage, views.
RELISTED. Attractive 3 bed / 2 bath corner townhouse (non-communal) 130sqm build, large front garden with open vista.
REDUCED. East facing semi-detached villa – 2 bed / 2 bath – open plan lounge-diner, A/C throughout, parking + solarium.
REDUCED. A charming farmhouse – 5 bedrooms (all en-suite), separate guest apartment, garage, pool, gardens, terraces + views.
PRICE: JUST €119.995!
PRICE: JUST €116.000!
PRICE: JUST €90.000!
PRICE: €299.000!
REF. CM4482 Los Montesinos (Montesol)
REF. CM4481 Las Heredades (Almoradí) RESALE PROPERTY
NEW LISTING. Attractive semi-detached villa – 2 bed / 2 bath, off-road pa rking, gardens, salt lake views, communal pool.
NEW LISTING. Stunning village property (150sqm build) 3 bed / 2 bath, 1 w.c, internal 50sqm garage, central heating, com-pool.
PRICE: JUST €97.500!
PRICE: €99.950!
CostaBlancaPeople January 26th - February 1st 2016
Ciudad Quesada
Apartment, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 65m build area, Ref: 073, Communal pool
Villa, 3 bed, 2 bathrooms, 125m build area, plot 500m , Ref: 244, Private pool
Ciudad Quesada
Ciudad Quesada
Ciudad Quesada
Ciudad Quesada
Villa, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 121m build area, 500m plot Ref: 1083, Priv. pool
Villa, 3 bed, 2 bath, 96m build area, 175m plot, Ref: 1116, communal pool
Town house, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 101m build area, 44m plot, Ref: 455
Detached villa, 3 bed, 2 bath, 100m build area, 117m plot, Ref: 085, Com. pool
Ciudad Quesada
Ciudad Quesada
Ciudad Quesada
Ciudad Quesada
Villa, 3 bed, 2 bath, 108m build area, 450m plot, Ref: 1113B, Communal pool
Apartment, 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, 40m build area, 40m plot, Ref: 287
Ciudad Quesada
Ciudad Quesada
Ciudad Quesada
Ciudad Quesada
Villa, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 85m build area, 500m plot, Ref: 210, Space for pool 2
Ciudad Quesada
Ciudad Quesada
Townhouse, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathrooms, Apartment, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 82m build area, Ref: 1062, Communal pool 80m build area, Ref: 462, Communal pool 2
Detached villa, 2 bed, 2 bath, 102m build Villa, 3 bed, 1 bathroom, 95m build area, area, 500m plot, Ref: 3105, Private pool 300m plot, Ref: 1071, Communal pool 2
Semi-detached villa, 3 bed, 2 bath, 90m Semi-det. villa, 3 bed, 2 bath, 85m build area, 317m plot, Ref: 1073, Com. pool build area, 90m plot, Ref: 238, Com. pool
Semi.detached villa, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, Ref: 083, Communal pool
El Raso Office Centro Comercial Euro-Terra Plaza de la Figuera, 1 - Local 7 03140 Guardamar del Segura Tel: (+34) 966 716 019
Quesada Av. Las Naciones, 18-A 03170 Rojales Tel: (+34) 966 718 006 (Head Office)
Villamartin Office Av. de las Brisas, 6 - Local 26 Villamartin 3189 Orihuela Costa Tel: (+34) 966 764 003
CostaBlancaPeople January 26th - February 1st 2016
Almond milk leaves Spanish baby with scurvy A Spanish baby whose parents only fed him almond milk has developed scurvy, doctor revealed this week. The child had been drinking almond milk since he was just over two months old after he developed an allergy to cow’s milk formula. When he was 11 months old, he was reportedly brought to hospital because he couldn’t walk. Dr Isidro Vitoria, of the Hospital Universitario y Politecnico La Fe in Valencia, Spain, concluded that plant-
based beverages like almond milk cannot be used to replace breast milk or infant formula, and paediatricians should be careful when suggesting alternatives to breast milk or formula. Writing in the journal Pediatrics, he said: 'This case demonstrates that scurvy is a new and severe complication of improper use of almond drinks in the first year of life. 'Manufacturers should indicate that these beverages are inappropriate for
infants who consume a vitamin C– deficient diet.' The boy had been born with a normal body weight of just under 7lb (3.2kg) and had all the required vaccinations. At two-and-a-half months old he developed skin inflammation which doctors believed was being caused by the baby milk formula he was drinking, which was made of cow's milk.
Health & Beauty
Health & Beauty
CostaBlancaPeople January 26th - February 1st 2016
How will you die? An interactive chart developed by a statistician from the UCLA lets you find out exactly how you are likely to die. An interactive chart has been created which calculates the likelihood of a person dying from the likes of cancer, infection or external causes based both on a person's current age and how old they are when they go. Using information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, statistician Nathan Yau has created the colourful graphic revealing what you are most likely to die from once factors such as gender and race have been considered. The test, located online at w-you-will-die/ works by asking users to enter details including age, gender, and ethnicity before they can watch how their life and death may unfold. It shows how the age you are today can affect what you are most likely to die of at various stages in your life. Writing on his Flowing Data website, Professor Yau explains how the different dots relate to the various causes of death, listed right. 'Colour corresponds to cause of death, and the bars on the right keep track of the cumulative percentages. By the end, you're left with the chances that you will die of each cause,' he writes. By changing the age, the number of dots changes with a much lower mortality rate among children leading to fewer colourful circles. For example, the leading causes of death in someone who is less than 12 months old are perinatal or congenital i.e. a condition inherited from birth.
However, this compares to circulatory problems, such as heart disease and stroke, being the most likely cause of death for both men and woman in their 50s. The older people get, the more likely they are to die from disease with anyone over the age of 80 having a 40 per cent or higher change of dying from a circulatory problem, regardless of the demographic.
'This surprised me, because it seems like cancer would be the leading cause just going off general news, said Professor Yau. 'This is certainly true up to a certain age, but get past that and your heart can only keep going for so long,' he said. Across the globe, heart disease and stroke are the leading causes of death, accounting for 31 per cent of the total figure.
Price Euros
1-star Aids *
2-star Aids **
3-star Aids ***
4-star Aids ****
5-star Aids *****
Domestic Situations 1-1 conversation TV Shopping Public places
Active Social
Family gatherings Cafés Small groups
Restaurants Parties Social gatherings Noisy places
Large groups Business meetings Outdoor sports Music
Demanding Situations Public meetings Concerts Theatre Orchestra
€695 single aid €1,290 pair
€845 single aid €1,590 pair
€995 single aid €1,890 pair
€1150 single aid €2,200 pair
€595 single aid €1,090 pair
CostaBlancaPeople January 26th - February 1st 2016
Health & Beauty
CostaBlancaPeople January 26th - February 1st 2016
Largest known prime number discovered A computer in Missouri, US, has discovered the largest known prime number. Prime numbers - such as two, three, five and seven - are divisible only by themselves and one, and play a significantly important role in computer encryption. The newly discovered prime, discovered at an American university, is more than 22 million digits long, five million longer than the previous largest
known prime. Experts believe that prime numbers this large could prove useful to computing in the future. The new prime number was found as part of the Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search (Gimps), a global quest to find a particular type of large prime numbers. Mersenne primes are named after a French monk who studied prime
numbers in the 17th Century. Mathematicians search for prime numbers by multiplying two by itself a large number of times, then taking away one. It is a relatively manageable calculation for today's computers, but not every result is a prime number. The newly discovered prime is written as 2^74,207,281-1, which denotes two, multiplied by itself 74,207,280 times, with one subtracted afterwards. The Gimps project has calculated the 15 largest Mersenne primes in the 20 years it has been running and it is possible that there could be an infinite number of them to discover. Large prime numbers are important in computer encryption and help make sure that online banking, shopping and private messaging are secure, but current encryption typically uses prime numbers that are hundreds of digits long, not millions. However, searching for large primes is intensive work for computer processors and can have unexpected benefits. "One prime project discovered that there was a problem in some computer processors that only showed up in certain circumstances," said Dr Steven Murdoch, cybersecurity expert at University College London. The new large prime, the 49th known Mersenne prime, was discovered by Dr Curtis Cooper at the University of Central Missouri. Although computers do most of the hard work, primes are said to be discovered when a human takes note of the result.
Len from Altea asks: I overheard someone at the airport seriously shouting at their friend for unplugging a USB memory dongle from their laptop without ejecting it properly. Is this something I should be doing and how, as I simply plug mine in and out whenever I need to? Aunty Says: Hello Len. It is definitely something you should be doing as you can permanently damage the data on the dongle by unplugging it whilst Windows is accessing it. There is a "Safely Remove Hardware" icon in the bottom right corner (maybe need to click the tiny arrow to see it) that will let you do exactly that. John via email asks: I have a 3 year old HP laptop that has been in and out of the local shop more times than I can remember. The latest and most frustrating problem is that a load of annoying adverts keep popping up whenever I go onto the internet. I have Windows Defender, Superantispyware and Malwarebytes but these ads keep coming back and my laptop has slowed down to a crawl. I have Windows 8 and I use Chrome. Aunty Says: Hi John. Assuming you have scanned with your up to date
CostaBlancaPeople January 26th - February 1st 2016
virus and spyware programs there is a great add-on for Chrome called Adblock that will sit quietly in the background and block 99% of these annoying ads that seem to be cropping up everywhere. Type adblock into Google and from the resulting list choose either the Google Chrome Web Store or Once installed there is a voluntary donation/payment page that pops up but it’s entirely up to you whether you choose to pay. If you are experiencing sluggish apps and Windows start-up then it could be that you have a full hard drive, too many things battling with Windows or that the Windows 10 free upgrade is downloading and hogging your machine. I wasn’t a big fan of Win8 so maybe give Phil at Enet Computers a call on 687362844 and arrange for a health check and Windows 10 upgrade. Harvey via email asks: Hello Aunty. My Acer laptop will freeze for no reason and sometimes it will actually switch itself off. When I restart again I often get a text type message that I need to repair the disk or something. It is fairly old (like myself) and has Windows Vista so is it worth repairing? Aunty Says: Hello Harvey. This sounds like an overheating or hardware problem, maybe RAM or a
failing hard disk. I would strongly recommend making a copy of any valuable documents and photos just in case the laptop completely packs up. If you email me the exact model number I will recommend a fix or upgrade solution. Susan via email asks: Hello Aunty. I have a laptop with Windows 8 and I somehow have two different antivirus programs on it, McAfee and Defender. I have no idea how they both got on there but I seem to remember reading that having two antivirus programs will slow down the computer. Is this still the case and also which one would you recommend keeping? Aunty Says: This will slow your computer down Susan as they will both be trying to update and scan your computer at the same time. I would recommend keeping Defender and uninstalling McAfee. Defender is the new name for Microsoft Security Essentials and being a Microsoft product, it works very well with Windows. Any questions please email me at
See you all next week.
New alarm clock app wakes users up with a ‘selfie’ A new android alarm clock app makes users take a selfie or recite a complicated tongue twister in order to switch it off. Microsoft has revealed its new app which uses games to wake users up. If you don’t complete the game in 30 seconds, the alarm app will sound again. Many people dread the sound of the early morning alarm clock and often hit the ‘snooze’ button once too often to get that cherished extra ten minutes in bed. The new app could solve the snooze button problem by forcing you awake to complete an activity. The alarm app, called Mimicker, is quite similar in appearance to most alarm apps, but it forces you to play one of three games to prove you're alert and ready to start your day. Mimicker’s developers claim t hat the games are a fun way to wake up, but in addition, they are also a great way to showcase Microsoft’s Project Oxford machine learning APIs, focusing on emption, computer vision and speech. The three games – Express yourself, Colour Capture and Tongue Twister. 'Express Yourself' tells you to take a selfie showing a certain emotion that reflects what the game has chosen. The app will ask you to make a happy, sad,
surprised or angry face, and users can share their good morning face on any social media outlet with the hashtag '#Iwokeuplikethis. The second game is 'Colour Capture' that prompts you to snap a picture of an object that best matches the colour presented by the game. Tongue Twister, as the name suggests, asks you to repeat a complicated phrase or rhyme. 'We're a lot nicer than other alarms,' says Allison Light, a program manager on a team that develops apps for Project Oxford. ' 'You start with dismiss or snooze.' 'If you snooze, the default is five minutes to delay the game.' 'If you dismiss, we mute the alarm – but then you have 30 seconds to complete this challenge.' If users fail to complete the game in a certain amount of time, the app assumes you fell asleep and will start blaring the alarm again. Only one game is needed to shut the ringing off, and you have a choice at the game you want to play and sounds you want to hear for the alarm. Project Oxford gives developers the ability to add intelligence into apps without having to be knowledgeable in
artificial intelligence. 'It's one example of how Microsoft is democratizing artificial intelligence and pursuing its vision for more personal computing experiences using systems that are progressing toward seeing, hearing, speaking and understanding the complex nature of human interaction,' according to a recent press release. 'With Mimicker, we are showcasing several different Project Oxford APIs,' said Light. 'We wanted to build a simple app that used Project Oxford to make it unique and interesting. Since we're open sourcing all of the code, we thought an alarm app would be easy for other developers to read the code and see how we used the APIs.' 'We tried to do games that are challenging in their own way,' said Light. 'Tongue twisters, from a speech perspective, are hard. Especially when you're just waking up, your tongue isn't really awake yet.' The 'Color Capture' game is challenging if you don't have something of that color next to your bed.' 'You might have to get out of bed and go to the living room to find it, and at that point you're not going back to bed.'
Gig Guide
To quote from Bob Marley “One good thing about music, is when it hits you, you feel no pain.” In fact it has been proven that listening to music has many benefits to our heath and well being, from easing pain during and after surgery, to making riding a bike and exercising easier. How much easier it is to do any type of activity when there is music playing. Time seems to pass much faster if you are doing housework with music in the background. It must be good for your body too as you sing along and if you are like me, have a little dance while you listen and work. Music can also help you sleep better,
eat less and relieves stress. In this day and age when we live in such a fast and goal orientated world it is nice to know that there is something that is free and that can help to ease those stressful days. Music makes us happy, and when we are happy the brain releases endorphins, which is the body’s own happy juice. Studies have also shown that young children are affected in a positive way by being coached with music. They have much higher verbal, communication and visual skills and even a higher IQ than those who didn’t receive the coaching. Did you know that by listening to music we are concentrating? And when we
CostaBlancaPeople January 26th - February 1st 2016
concentrate it gives our brains a “workout”, which makes our memories better. If you think about it when we are listening to a song we are hearing the lyrics, and usually trying to remember them as well as analysing the rhythm and sounds that the music is creating. We are affected by the very beat of the music. A fast tempo makes us happy, whereas a slow one is associated with making us feel sad. I always think that the most popular music is the one that is nearest to our own heartbeat rate. If you have ever wondered why the radio or some other type of background music is played in all types of workplaces,
from factories, shops, restaurants, bars and hotels, it is because music has also been found to increase productivity and can even change the mood of those in the premises. Music is such a powerful tool and can be used in many ways. But the best way is to use it for enjoyment. Music has the power to speak when words fail you. To quote John Miles - “Music is my first love and it will be my last. Music of the future and music of the past. To live without my music would be impossible to do. In this world of troubles, my music pulls me through” Says it all. Go and enjoy and treat
yourself to the joy that music brings. Thank you to The Costa Blanca People readers for the lovely emails I have had. If you would like your events in our next issue, it’s free. Just let me know who, where and when by emailing me at Or visit for shows, acts and event details.
Love your life. Love live, music and support your entertainers! Jax Lawson x
Jan 19th - Jan 25th 2016 Tues Jan 26th
Mon Feb 1st
Alfie’s Bar, La Zenia – The Rekords – 1pm Stray Sod, La Fuente – Bella Luna – 9pm Pablos International, Playa Flamenca – Martin Kay - pm The Archers, Quesada – Denis Christian – 5pm
Bar Kenz, San Luis – Samantha Curtis – 9pm
Wed Jan 27th Maggie O’Briens, Campoverde – Brian Bennett Live Rock – 4.30pm So Bar, Benimar – Paula – 5pm Bar Britannia, Torrevieja – Blue Waves – 3pm Park Inn, Quesada – Lynden B – 8pm Bar Carlos, Torrevieja – PDQ – 9pm Stray Sod, La Fuente – Ali and Che Acoustic – 10pm
Thurs Jan 28th Maggie O’Briens, Campoverde – Paul Mac – 9pm Pablos International, Playa Flamenca – Paul Allen – 9pm Madhouse, Pueblo Principle – Help Tasha Come home concert – 7.30pm - 10€ The Club, Quesada – Alison Wynne-Ryder/Gillian Berridge – Messages from the Spirits – 4pm – 10€ Aneto Cerveceria, Benimar – Juanjo – 9pm Stray Sod, La Fuente – The Cages – 10pm The Local, La Florida – Richie Alexander – 6pm
Friday Jan 29th Em’s Dreams, La Marina – Paul Vegas -9pm O’Riordans, Cabo Roig – Paul Harris – 10pm Emerald Isle, La Florida – Richie Alexander – 9pm La Taberna, Quesada – Nilo – 9pm Summers Bar, El Galan – Variety Show – JJ, Gemma and Ed Temple – 11.50€ - 8pm Pablos International, Playa Flamenca – Sharni – 9pm Maggie O’Briens, Campoverde – Lucinda – 9pm Monte Mar Bowls, Gran Alacant – Sandy Fitz – 9pm Rusty Nail, Campoverde – Nikki G – 9pm Stray Sod, La Fuente – Dan Davy – 10pm Posh Club, La Marina – Charles Cole – 1.30pm
Saturday Jan 30th La Bodegueta, Lo Crispin – Red Strokes – 9pm O’Riordans, Cabo Roig – Cassi Kennedy – 10pm Orihuela Costa Resort, La Zenia – That’s Entertainment – 2pm & 8pm – 10€ Burgundy, La Marina – Burns Night – 7pm – 25€ El Gallego, El Pinet – The Beatles Duo – 9pm Pablos International, Playa Flamenca – Bella Luna – 9pm Maggie O’Briens, Campoverde – The Soundz – 9pm Aneto Cerveceria, Benimar – Tony Capaldi – 9pm Inn at the Green, Entre Naranjas – JJ Soulman – 9pm Campoamor Golf, La Fuente – Andy Jones Black Bull, Castalla – Danny Rae – 9pm Bar Carlos, Torrevieja – Open Mic night - 9pm Stray Sod, La Fuente – Kolted – 10pm The Club, Quesada – Diva Show with Maria O’Hara – 9pm - 12€ Emerald Isle, La Florida – Dan Davy and Nick Gold – 9pm The Archers, Quesada – El Fuego – 8pm Lounge Bar, La Marina – Glenroy Oakley – 9pm Orihuela Costa Resort, La Zenia – That’s Entertainment – 2pm - 10€ or 8pm - 12€ Sant Joan, Municipal Park, Alicante – Jan Enclave Flamenca – 9pm
Sun Jan 31st Maggie O’Briens, Campoverde – Andy Jones – 9pm Ship Inn, Torrevieja Marina International – Cover Brothers and Guests – 9pm Pablo’s International, Playa Flamenca – Richie Alexander – 9pm Sports Complex, La Marina – Woody – 9pm
Sneak Peak Sat 20th Feb - Restaurante Los Rosales, Guardamar. Bang! The Streeters. Tickets 15 Euros with 2 course meal. Doors at 7.30pm
CostaBlancaPeople January 26th - February 1st 2016
CostaBlancaPeople January 26th - February 1st 2016
Puzzle Page
CostaBlancaPeople January 26th - February 1st 2016
logic puzzle Logic puzzles require the solver to deduce the relationships between different people, places and things based on a limited number of clues given in the puzzle.
quick ACROSS 1. Obesity (10) 7. Core (5) 8. Frigidity (7) 10.Twisted together (8) 11.Plunge (4) 13.Subdue (6) 15.Pick (6) 17.Faithful (4)
4. Way out (4) 5. Fissure (7) 6. Unexcitable (10) 9. Unbelief (10) 12.Frightful (8) 14.Sleep (7) 16. Ghost (6) 19.Clothing (5) 20.Sullen (4)
18.Intermittent (8) 21.Bootmaker (7) 22.Glorify (5) 23.Alacrity (10) Down 1. Skill (5) 2. Attendant (8) 3. Combined (6)
DOWN 1. Foes disturbed about southern trench fortification (5) 2 & 20Dn. One of the best reservations that can be made for Boxing Day! (8,4) 3. Dealing with the shrew (6) 4. A sharp-eyed one for the golf-
course, we hear (4) 5. They provide information at the track-side (7) 6. Middle-man is after a fellow he's the criminal (10) 9. Linda, fetch the expensive crockery for a change (5,5) 12. Would it be expected to take off from the main runway? (8) 14. Ancestry leads to a row a long time afterwards (7) 16. Pure social distinction about the first of the Hindus (6) 19. Concerning a spell of illness (5) 20. See 2 Down
SOLUTIONS 617 QUICK Across: 6 Foreman; 7 Parch; 9 Act; 10 Beginning; 12 Deferential; 15 Vicissitude; 17 Inquiring; 19 Gem; 21 Stout; 22 Monocle. Down: 1 Roach; 2 New; 3 Pale; 4 Magnitude; 5 Scandal; 8 Divert; 11 Deciduous; 13 Ensure; 14 Dignity; 16 Realm; 18 Noon; 20 Lot. CRYPTIC: Across: 6 Fritter; 7 Regan; 9 Ace; 10 Repeaters; 12 Private-eyes; 15 Pomegranate; 17 Inflation; 19 Off; 21 Level; 22 Lighter. Down: 1 Track; 2 Sty; 3 Here; 4 Vestments; 5 Carried; 8 Beaten; 11 Orderlies; 13 Verity; 14 Pointer; 16 After; 18 Omit; 20 The.
Solution for Logic Puzzle Braylon
Pisces Aquarius Virgo Sagittarius Gemini
Valentine Edwards Bryan West Salazar
Sudoku Solution
1. Of the presenter who spoke for 14 minutes and the presenter who got the A, one talked about Maximus and the other was Dave.. 2. Harriet spoke 6 minutes less than the student who got the A.. 3. Harriet was either the student who gave the presentation on Licinius or the student who spoke for 12 minutes.. 4. Vickie didn't get the B-.. 5. The presenter who got the B- spoke for a somewhat shorter time than the presenter who got the B+.. 6. The student who spoke for 10 minutes, the presenter who got the B- and the presenter who spoke for 6 minutes were all different students.. 7. Of the student who got the C- and Dave, one spoke for 6 minutes and the other talked about Augustus.. 8. The presenter who got the A- didn't talk about Caligula.. 9. The student who got the A- didn't talk about Maximus.. 10. Ivan spoke for 14 minutes..
(4-4) 21. They refer to the books for university men (7) 22. Large seed is distressing when trodden on (5) 23. Let men test unusual agreement (10)
Remember: every item on the board belongs to one and only one person, no item will ever be shared. Using only the clues provided and simple deductive logic and reasoning, fill in the grid with Xs and Os to determine the solution.
ACROSS 1, & 11Ac. Splendid armour required for this post! (5-5,4) 7. But it may not attract a light sentence! (5) 8. Coped with a fellow, advanced in years (7) 10. Calm air for the service (8) 11. See 1 Across 13. Refer to everything due for a change (6) 15. Estate rearranged - it could be made of 9Dn. (3-3) 17. Where to find the fuel for wartime transport (4) 18. Phil Shaw upset by the scourge
CostaBlancaPeople January 26th - February 1st 2016
We accept PayPal CARS
CostaBlancaPeople January 26th - February 1st 2016
ClassifiedsPlus LOCKSMITHS
Anúnciate – Tlf: 966 701 060 – ITEMS WANTED
Servicio de traducción gratuito
Classified ads from as little as €4.20 per week Tel: 966 725 968
CostaBlancaPeople January 26th - February 1st 2016
PLUMBING (Continued)
Don’t pay MORE for LESS! Advertise in the CostaBlancaPeople 966 701 060
Don’t pay MORE for LESS! Advertise in the CostaBlancaPeople 966 701 060
BALLROOM DANCING Ballroom and Latin dancing for beginners and improvers every Monday and Thursday 11.30am - 1.00pm. Beginners only Fridays 5.30pm - 6.30pm. Venue: Le Monte Hotel, Pilar de la Horredada (N332) Further information: Marilyn 606 738 866 (621) La Bamba’s - Ballroom Modern/Latin/ Argentine Tango/Sequence Dancing. Los Rosales Restaurant, Guardamar CV895 (near Lemon Tree Sunday Market) Monday Social Dance 8.30-10.30pm (Sequence Class 7.30-8.30pm). Friday - Social Dance 7.3010.30pm. Wednesday - New Beginners Class (new beginners starting Wednesday 13th January 2016) 2-3pm. Intermediate Class 34pm. Intermediate Plus Class 4-5pm. Andrea Murphy (00 34) 616 478 157 (618)
BUILDERS G.F.R. Builders 30 years experience, 13 years in Spain All general building work and Property Maintenance undertaken Gazebos, Pergolas and car ports made to your specification All works guaranteed Competitive prices Ring now for free no obligation quotation. Tel 653 262 489 Whatsapp or email: (LR) (618) Need a home improvements worker? Professional tiling, painting, terrace, maintenance and much more for only €8 hr. Just give me a call and enjoy your perfect home! All work is quality done and guaranteed. Free quotations for larger projects. Tel 664 339 687/whatsapp. Thomas (618)
EMPLOYMENT New Year – New Start! We are looking for an individual who has a genuine interest in helping all nationalities with their lifestyle choices here in Spain. For this role, we require an individual who is fluent in English with other languages being a plus. You would need to be: Enthusiastic, personable, approachable and confident in talking to the general public to promote our range of products. You must also have a car with a full clean driving licence. We will provide, full training and support along with organised venues to make this opportunity work for you as well as all marketing materials and uniform along with a basic wage with uncapped commissions. For more information regarding this data capture role please contact
CostaBlancaPeople January 26th - February 1st 2016
Person required for translation and visiting clients. Spanish/English. Call for details. Tel: 691 510 958 (618)
ENTERTAINMENT & LEISURE Trumpet player required, who can preferably play lead, for established big band in the Torrevieja. Would suit retired pro or semi-pro player who still wishes to play for pleasure with the occasional paid gig. Please contact Keith on 965 720 651 or 698 453 335 (620)
GARDENING Eazy Lawns the artificial grass experts Eight year guarantee Many different effects for all surfaces and budgets Full garden design & construction Fully legal and registered company covering all of the Costa Blanca Tel 636 102 509 or email or (C) (618)
HEALTH & BEAUTY Experienced mobile hairdresser. Good price and service. City & Guilds qualified. Tel 663 173 385. (M) (618)
HOME IMPROVEMENTS METAL MAN! All your metal and iron works made to your specification Specialising in Staircases, Roller Shutters, Gates and Railings Best prices on the Costa Blanca! Call for no obligation quotation Tel 652 262 489/whatsapp or email: (L) (618)
ITEMS FOR SALE Barracuda Zodiac Robot pool cleaner. Auto hydraulic suction. Cleans pools 6-12 metres. Rarely used. Guaranteed clean floor and sides. €100.00. Tel 672 365 677 (618) Full size wooden artist easels, 6 available. €15.00 each or €70.00 for the lot. Collection Quesada. Only used twice. Tel 672 365 677 (618)
Ultimate set. James Bond DVDs (20) unused. The Sweeny complete series 14 discs. John Wayne collection. 34 movies. €50.00 the lot. All unused. €50.00. Tel 672 365 677. (618) Formal Kilt outfit. Prince Charlie Jacket and vest. Stewart Hunting Ancient kilt. 2 sporrans. Kilt belt. Ghillie Brogue shoes size 9. Kilt socks - Kilt pin. Sgian Dubh. Green flashes. Dress shirt and bow tie. €250.00 the lot. Contact Stuart 697 439 503 (619)
Classified ads from as little as €4.20 per week Tel: 966 725 968 Experience a great one hour massage with Veronica fully quallified. For appointments call 679 292 678 (618) Playa Flamenca (near new Carrefour before La Florida). Original Spanish lady, 35, very attractive offers complete service & erotic massages, private house, very discreet with parking has medical cert. 865 646 437 (620) ANUNCIATE! Tlf 966 701 060 SERVICIO DE TRADUCCION GRATUITO
ITEMS WANTED Turn your unwanted furniture, electrical, household goods, Bric-a-Brac, clothing, antiques and collectables into cash. Anything! Anywhere! 965 319 220/663 012 541 (621)
New friend 25, nice body, sensual, erotic massage, fantasies. 15th Turquesa St. La Zenia, opposite Zenia Boulevard. 656 314 941. (623)
LEGAL SERVICES One Way Services Wills €80 Residents annual tax declaration €45 Driving licences (incl. medical) €130 NIE + Residencia €50 Call 966 716 540 or 650 130 853 C/-Blanca 1, Cuidad Quesada (on the Main Square) (618) (M)
PERSONAL SERVICES Sophie. Elegant, sexy, naughty lady. Visit, all areas. Home/house and hotel visits. Tel 693 357 526 (653) Sensual relaxing massage. 25 min. of professional relaxing massage followed by 25 min. sensual body2body Julia 647 234 622 (618)
Torrevieja Casa Angela Discreet and private deluxe chalet offers you exotic girls from South America, call us, come and enjoy 24 hrs, easy to find, easy parking, free drink also escort service 609 573 468/639 832 118 Address: Avd. Association Victimas Del Terrorismo (619)
Torrevieja, Calle La Loma. Beautiful Russian lady. Nice, sexy body. Big breasts. Erotic massage. Lots of pleasure. 611 251 975. (618) Dominatrix Dora, 35, curvaceous body, BDSM, fetish, golden rain, spanking, change roll, transformist. 604 356 635 (620) ANUNCIATE! Tlf 966 701 060 SERVICIO DE TRADUCCION GRATUITO Torrevieja Centro, young oriental girl gives complete massage, 24 hrs in your house or mine. C/ Concordia 2, 4K. Tel: 698 280 842 (643) Thai lady for massage and lots of pleasure.Tel 605 292 304 Cabo Roig (620) Almoradi. 2 blonde chicas will greet you in sexy lingerie. Kissing, petting. explosive! Tel 645 323 543 (623) Kamagra.Gold.100mg. Free Weekender with every purchase .Delivery or collection. Call Roy 602 579 481 email royframe@gmail .com(618)
PETS Cindy 38, the horniest Venezuelan friend. Fantasies. Wonderful body. La Zenia, close to Consum. House 77. 600 784 461/607 735 745 (618)
For your dog’s health: Ambulant Canine Physiotherapy in San Miguel de Salinas and vicinity. Phone +34 629 261 541 Email (622)
PROPERTY FOR SALE REF 595 Pueblo Bravo. 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Detached Villa Fully Furnished Sun Room Garage Private Swimming Pool 500m2 Corner Plot. €230000 REF 645. Ciudad Quesada. 3 Bedroom, 3 Bathroom Detached Villa Separate 1 Bed. Guest Apartment 10m x 5m Swimming Pool + Jacuzzi 800m2 Corner Plot Central Location + Close to Shops. €375000 REF 655. La Fiesta. 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Detached Villa Fully Furnished Sun Room + Pool House 700m2 Plot Garage Private Swimming Pool. €345000 REF 685. Pueblo Bravo. 2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Linked Bungalow Fully FurnishedBeautifully Presented Roof Solarium Lovely Location Small Community Communal Swimming Pool. €98000 REF 690. Ciudad Quesada. 2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom, Detached Villa Plus 1 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom, Self-contained Guest Apt. Fully Furnished Lovely Views Off Road Parking 510m2 Plot Private Swimming Pool. €238000 REF 694. Ciudad Quesada. 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Detached Villa Nicely Presented Garage Roof Solarium 760m2 Plot Fantastic Quiet Location Private Swimming Pool. €295000 REF 698. Ciudad Quesada. 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Detached Villa Fully Furnished Immaculate Condition 339m2 Plot Off Road Parking. €195000 REF 699. Ciudad Quesada. 2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Detached Villa Fully Furnished 230m2 Plot Roof Solarium Mains Gas Central Heating Off Road Parking Car Port Located on Golf Course. €115000 REF 700. El Dorado. 4 Bedroom, 3 Bathroom Detached Villa Beautifully Maintained 10m x 5m Private Swimming Pool 800m2 Plot 5 Minute Walk to Ciudad Quesada. €350000 REF 708. Doña Pepa. 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Semi-Detached Duplex Part Furnished 126m2 Build Size Communal Swimming Pool Lovely Outlook Sought-After Location. €148000 REF 709. Doña Pepa. 2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Linked Duplex Covered Terrace Fully Furnished Communal Swimming Pool & Gardens Short Walk to Local Amenities. €105000. REF 712. Finca De La Vega. 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Detached Villa Fully Furnished Large Sun Room 129m2 Build Size 685m2 Plot Private Swimming Pool Corner Plot with Off Road Parking. €265000 Please see our main advert in the centre pages or call Inmobiliaria on 966 718 392 (IQ) (618)
TILING P&R Tiling The best quality and value around. Only the highest quality materials used (swimming pool grade adhesive and grout). Call 622 154 380 for a no obligation quote or to see our extensive portfolio of bathrooms, kitchens, driveways, patios, solariums, swimming pools, landscape gardening and more. Happy to introduce new clients to previous clients for references. See our website or call 622 154 380. Hablamos Español. (AL) (618)
Do you need a translator? For help with doctors/hospital, NIE/Residencia, schools, padron, Traffico etc. Call Debbie 630 325 957. Email: Reliable and friendly service Over 28 years in Spain Own vehicle. (620)
Chip,is a small dog about 7 or 8 years old. She is quite nervous with people at first and then she is really affectionate. Chip is spayed and is used to cats and other dogs. If you are interested in adopting this lovely girl then call 600 845 420.
Los Amigos Golf Society George, a 6 month old Galgo cross, is in desperate need of a new home. He is great with other dogs and loves children. Call: 645 469 253.
Nearest the pin: Hole 13 Dave Jones and Hole 16 Mike Jee 3rd place, Mike Jee with 25 points. (14 points on the back nine.) 2nd place, Steve Rhodes also with 25 points but with 16 points on the back nine. 1st place, Dave Jones with 28 points. If you are interested in joining Los Amigos, playing at La Finca on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday call our captain; Robert Pronk, Tel. 627 068 532
La Zenia Golf Society Some great weather greeted us for our weekly game. Saurines was in excellent condition, only problem which made the putting difficult was the position of the pins, which was reflected in the scores. Two single match play championship games were played, Steve Woods and Mike Sephton won their games, Steve proceeding to the quarter finals and Mike proceeding to the semi final. We played full handicap stableford two n/ t/ p's, and
the two's pot. Nick Brooks won the day with 34 Pts. The two's pot was not won roll over to next week, a second week. the pins No 6 Steve Woods, No 18 Jeff Luke. The raffle was won by Eric Lucas. Raffle sponsored by Gogarty's. Thanks to James and his staff for a great buffet and hospitality. Diary Dates: Tuesday 26th January at Riquelme first tee 10-06, Thursday 28th January at El Valle first tee 10.00. Benidorm trip April 29th for three
nights is now fully booked. Please note information re our two games at Las Colinas is on the web site. On a sad note, the committee and members of La Zenia Golf Society would like to send our condolences to Sue and Keith on their sad loss. Guests are invited to all our games, clubs can be hired. Contact details: Eric 667196178, Maurice 690268711 Eric Lucas, secretary
LAS RAMBLAS GOLF SOCIETY We started the week with an Away Day at La Finca Golf Course Algorfa. With the exception of the bunkers the course was in very good condition especially the greens which were very fast compared to our home course which seemed to affect the scores being returned with many players three putting. We played a singles stableford and as there were only 18 players we only had one category with prizes for the top 4 places as follows: 1st Donna Campbell 33 pts (c/b) 2nd Terry Field 33 pts 3rd Bryan Neal 32 pts 4th Yvonne Phipps 30 pts The biggest winner of the day however was Terry Cullen who had the only two in the 2's Club. It was a chilly start to our stableford competition back at Las Ramblas on Wednesday which may have contributed to the generally low scoring on the day despite the tee positions being in favourable positions.The exception however was Jan Svendsen who came in with a very good 37 pts to win Category One. The top 3 in each Category were as follows: Cat 1. 1st Jan Svendsen 37 pts 2nd Lindsay Forbes 35 pts 3rd Dave Pulling 34 pts Cat 2. 1st Rod Doel 34 pts (c/b) 2nd Yvonne Phipps 34 pts 3rd Geoff Biggerstaff 33 pts 2's Club: Ron Phipps, Terry Field and Bryan Neal On Friday it was the first round of our 6 Card Joker Eclectic Stableford competition where the winner is the player with the highest aggregate score taking their best score on each hole over five rounds. During each round one hole on the front and back nine are nominated to count for double points and one card
Here to speak Spanish for you 20 years experience in English Tel: Lucía 666 939 842 (620)
One Way Services Wills €80 Residents annual tax declaration €45 Driving licences (incl. medical) €130 NIE + Residencia €50 Call 966 716 540 or 650 130 853 C/-Blanca 1, Cuidad Quesada (on the Main Square) (618) (M)
CostaBlancaPeople January 26th - February 1st 2016
must be declared void for those competing in all six rounds. The top three getting off to a good start were as follows: 1st Lindsay Forbes 42 pts 2nd Marleen Billen 40 pts (c/b) 3rd Terry Field 40 pts
LA MARINA GOLF SOCIETY Once again, chilly but sunny weather greeted us at Alenda which,as usual, was in immaculate condition and resulted in some excellent scoring,many taking advantage of their revised handicaps to improve on last year. Gold winner with a great 34 points was Barry Thorogood who, without having had a handicap increase, continues to show his quality. Silver winner with 35 points was a surprised Pete Wootton ,who denied he had a chance until the results were all in and then celebrated with a small glass of red wine, the first for a week he assured us. He also bagged a nearest the pin on hole3, with other nearest the pin prizes going to Captain Jimmy Scott [again] ,guest Dave Walsh and to Louvain Smith. Back to The La Marina Club for the prize-giving,where Helena provided us with a very welcome meal of Chicken and chips.Our thanks to her.
Our next meeting is on 4th February at Las Colinas at a cost of 55 Euros First tee 1000 hours. Places are filling up fast for this, so get your name down quickly. We will be playing for the Helena and Paolo Trophy provided by our hosts at the La Marina Club . Our next social function is on 11th February , a Valentines Dance at the La Marina Club with a 2-course meal with music by Richie Alexander. Please let Elspeth know your requirements on 96507704 or
Trebol, a lively 8 year old who weighs around 16.5 kilos, loves to play with his toys and get lots of cuddles, is fully vaccinated, microchipped and castrated. If you think he would fit well in your family then please contact the kennels.
Milo, 2 years old, a pedigree Bodeguero, who was left at a local vets by his owner, who no longer wanted to keep him. He gets on well with other dogs and loves to sit beside people and be made a fuss of. To meet Milo please call 630 422 563.
The Celts Club de Golf Last Saturday we celebrated our first Open Day for 2016 at La Serena our home course. Conditions were ideal for golf with glorious sunshine and a gentle breeze, making for ideal scoring. The course is in fantastic condition with receptive and fast greens, challenging rough and improved bunkers. Thanks again to the hard working green-keeping staff under the guidance of Wayne the head green keeper. As always the marshalls and clubhouse staff of Jean and Jose looked after all our needs and we were set for a great day of golf. The competitions committee under the guidance of Camillus and ably assisted by Philip, Andy and Alisdair had their most challenging event, with a field of 78 players a record turnout down to play and the new handicap requirements now in operation, the committee had us out on the course and everything running like clockwork, well done Cam and co. Our captain Bev Ellender was at hand to present our monthly prizes and the lucky winners were as follows; in our Crystal events, we had week one Winner Andy Thomas with 43 points and second Mary Wigley 42. Week two, winner David Gibson 41 points and second Michael Reeves with 39. Our monthly medal winners were, Cat II, George Thomas with 75 and Category I, Michael Banfield with 73. We also presented the Club Four-ball prizes. We would like to thank Ronnie Drugan for kindly sponsoring the trophy for this event. Ronnie went on to compliment all the competitors in the event and congratulate the winners. The beaten finalists in a very closely fought competition, which was decided on the 19th hole in a sudden death play-off were, Lynda Adams and Andy Thomas. The winners of the event were Denis McCormack and John O’Brien. This was not the first time that Denis and John had to go down the 19th in this tournament, as they had won two previous matches on both the 19th and 22nd previously.
Congratulations to the winners and to all those who took part. May I also remind members to get in touch with the competitions committee if you intend playing in the match-play events this season. Down to the results on the day; NTP's John O’Brien twice, Andy Currie, Sue Owens, Philip Mountford and Harry Lee. Category III, winner Sally Hopkins 38, second Danny Kennedy with 37 and third Pat Packham with 35. Category II, winner Dave Sommerville 38, second Ian Sadler 36, and third Mike Banfield 36. Category I, winner Andy Currie with 38 points (a note Andy had the misfortune of signing for a higher score on his card and this relegated him from first over-all), second Denis McCormack 37 and third John O’Brien 36. Second over-all went to the very in form The International League is all but ready to begin for the new season. As I said in previous reports there is huge demand to compete in the event. There are already 15 teams committed to play this season and if you are interested in entering a team (8 players) will you please contact me? The federation have provided a subsidy for all players taking part in the tournament with all green fees costing 25 euro per course. Among the courses we will play this year are, Las Ramblas, Alicante, Alenda, El Plantio, Bonalba, Villaitana, El Bosque, Lo Romer, La Marquesa and Los Colinas. We would like to thank the federation in Valencia for this generous sponsorship. Are you aware to maintain your handicap here in Spain you must play in 4 federated games per year? We always welcome new members and guests and if you would like to play in one of our Open Days why not give me a call? It also counts as one of your official score cards for handicap purposes. For further details on membership contact 615466398 or e-mail
The 3rd round of the Abbey Angling Cup was fished at Nancy’s on the 19th January. This place is really a cesspit, with bottles cans etc left on the bank and in the water, and some of it is left by Anglers. Are you one of these dirty devils? Who cannot be bothered to clear your rubbish and take it away with you, there are plenty of bins at the venue and around the roadside everywhere, so let’s try and keep the place clean and tidy. Despite these problems the fish are in pristine condition and now getting accustomed to the cooler weather and starting to feed better, the best fish taken on the day was a Carp of 3.720kgs roughly 8.25 lb in English 1st Terry Screen with 20.480kgs fishing the feeder using bread and maggot 2nd Barry Homer with 8.540kgs fishing the feeder using maggot and corn 3rd Marlene Hutchinson with 6.000kgs fishing the feeder using maggot and corn There are still some vacancies available for membership at the club All details are available on our website or from me on 965328368
CostaBlancaPeople January 26th - February 1st 2016
This week’s 3rd round of the Winter Series was fished on the Eden Stretch of the River Segura on the 20th January. The river is in desperate need of a few good rain storms to flush it through, as the water levels are right down. Fishing was hard going with no small fish showing, Sue Swann excelled herself winning the 3rd place with a nice Carp weighing in at 2.200kgs, also Jim Rouse managing to find his form to take the 2nd spot. It is good to see the not so experienced Anglers getting in to the top spots. 1st Bill Reade with 6.180kgs fishing the feeder using corn and bread 2nd Jim Rouse 4.000kgs fishing the feeder using corn and maggot 3rd Sue Swann with 3.140kgs fishing the feeder using corn There are still some vacancies at the club and if anyone is interested in joining please contact Derek Swann on 966729293 or 617283503 TIGHT LINES. Terry Screen
TORRY BEAT LEADERS ATL SAGUNTINO TO EXTEND THEIR UNBEATEN RUN On Sunday Torry welcomed league leaders Atl Saguntino to the Vicente Garcia. It is Saguntino´s 100% home record of 10 wins out of 10 which has taken them to the top of the table. Their away form has been mixed with 3 wins, 4 draws and 3 defeats. They were without 3 key players through suspension including top scorer Esteve. Torry had a full squad to select from except for the suspended Vicente Boix. Manager Pedreno left out veteran Carrasco and brought in two attacking players in Higon and Cesar as he set up the team to attack and hopefully entertain and win. Torrys form of late has been superb with young English born striker Lewis on fire with 6 goals in 6 games. Another goal against the league leaders is what the supporters were looking for. The Torry line up: Miguel Serna, Matej, Luis Carlos, Jorge, Javi Selvas (Sanchez 37 '), Quintero, Higón (Carrasco 85'), Burguillos © Cesar (Rafa Gomez 65 '), Ruben Suarez and Lewis. Not used: Quique and Manu Amores. The game kicked off at tea-time in bright sunshine in front of 500 + spectators. The playing surface was again in superb condition. Torry started brightly and took the game to the opposition. The main outlet for Torry was down the left through the overlapping Luis Carlos who
time and again got forward and delivered inviting crosses which the Saguntino defence managed to repel with a few close shaves. The closest Torry came during this exciting period of play was through a header from Lewis from close range which he didn´t quite connect with and from a half volley from Higon at the back post which he mis-timed and struck wide. As the game wore on Atl Saguntino gradually worked themselves into the game and started to assert themselves going forward. On the half hour mark Fas for Saguntino had a golden opportunity to open the scoring but shot wide when it looked easier to score. Torry then lost influential defender Javi Selvas through injury and he had to be stretched off when contesting a through-ball with Saguntino´s dangerous no.11. Central midfielder Sanchez replaced him with Quintero dropping back into central defence. Temperatures began to rise in what was a feisty encounter and a few players went into the referees notebook. On 42 minutes Saguntino created another opening and Jorge came to Torrys rescue, clearing off the line. Saguntino completed the first half the stronger. Torry began the second half as they had the first , on the front foot and 2 minutes in took the lead with a well worked delightful goal. Suarez played Sanchez in and he passed across goal to
Lewis who side-footed home for his 7th goal in 7 games. Torry then continued to pull the strings and Cesar came close on two occasions with very good efforts which both produced excellent saves by the Saguntino keeper. Torry were generally on top but as the game came towards the end Saguntino pushed Torry back but the Torry defence held firm with Jorge a tower of strength. In injury time a goal bound effort from a Saguntino player after a corner wasn´t cleared produced a magnificent fingertip save from Torry keeper Serna who again kept a clean sheet. Torry recorded a memorable victory to climb up to 9th place in the table and continue their fabulous turnaround in fortunes. The referee was busy booking 3 Saguntino players and four Torry players, Quintero, Ruben Suarez, Jorge and Lewis. The injured Javi Selvas sustained a dislocated shoulder and had to be taken to hospital which is a big blow for Torry. Next weekend Torry are away to midtable Alzira and will be looking to extend their unbeaten run. Lewis will be looking to find the back of the net again. The Torry Army will be taking a coach to the game. Call in at the Torry Army office in San Luis and put your name down to go. Onwards and upwards for Torry! Darrylldinho
MESSI PUTS BARCELONA AHEAD In a weekend of odd results, the first game set the standard. Sporting, who were on the receiving end of five goals from Real Madrid last time out, scored five of their own – against Real Sociedad, Sarabia, netting three. Then Barça travelled to Málaga, and suffered at one all for a long time, before Messi found the winning goal. Atletico, whose defence has been virtually impenetrable – they have let in eight goals in 21 matches – entertained Sevilla, and discovered the Andalucian side just as hard to break down, ending up with a goalless draw. A clash between the same two cities saw Real Madrid take the field against Betis. The home side scored stunning goal, through Cejudo, early on, and from then it was a constant assault on their goal. Some deplorable refereeing, coupled with the absence of speedy Gareth Bale, were enough to restrict Real’s reply to Benzema’s equalizer. Meanwhile Athletic beat neighbours Eibar 5-2, the latter’s striker Borja Baston becoming the top Spanish goalscorer in la Liga, with 12 to his name. Villareal were held to a draw by Español, and Celta were surprisingly beaten 3-0 by struggling Rayo Vallecano. Valencia could do no better than draw with Deportivo. In the second division, Alavés keep winning, and are now three points clear of Córdoba, with Osasuna slipping into third place. Elche, with a 1-0 win over Ponferradina, move into eighth spot, not too far from a play-off place. At the bottom, Athletic Club B are again demonstrating that maintaining a ‘reserve’ team at this level is no easy matter.
In 2B, Racing de Ferrol and Logroñes are way ahead of group 1, locked in their own deadly struggle. In group 2, Barakaldo stay four points clear of Castilla, in turn just clear of Real Union, after all of them won. Group 3 now seems to have become a two-horse race between Villareal B and Reus, way clear of the rest, after the former beat Hercules, sending the Alicante side down into sixth place. Real Murcia are drawing clear in group 4, now with a 7 point margin over neighbours UCAM, who could only draw at Mérida. In the Premier League, Leicester are again in the driving seat after thrashing Stoke, with Manchester City, who drew at West Ham, in second place on goal difference from Arsenal. The Gunners had Mertesacker dismissed for a daft foul very early, and Diego Costa, enjoying a new lease of life since Hiddinck took over at Chelsea, did the rest. Meanwhile, Manchester United are unable to find any fluency under the lugubrious Van Gaal, and lost at home to Southampton. Malcolm Palmer
Petanca The Las Salinas winter petanca league has now reached the half way stage of the season, but bad weather has seen a few matches having to be rearranged. Some teams have had to play with raincoats and umbrellas. Why does it rain on Friday mornings? In division 1 Amigos Belgas 1 stay top of the league after a hard fought match at Buccaneers drawing 4-4. Rocajuna stay 2nd with a win over Lakeside Lakers 7-1. Los Bandidos go 3rd with a 6-2 win over Lakeside hellcats. Dominos Red had to play Dominos Dragons and came out winners 6-2. In division 2 Blagul 1 stay top of the division with a good win over Corsairs 7-1. Lakeside Mosquitos go 2nd with a close win over Danish Dynamite 5-3. Other good wins in this division for Amigos Belgas 2 and El Mirador Hawks. In Division 3 Pumas stay top with a 7-1 victory over Buddies. El Presidente 1 verses Torre Bears 1 and Peacocks Red verses Amigos Belgas 3 both ended with 4-4 draws. Division 4 the top 3 all won with Guardamar top,
Dominos McCoys second and San Miguel Tigers 3rd. El Raso Bandits move up to 4th place with a good away win over Hideaway. Division 5 good wins for Rocajuna Lions, Blagul 2 and Falcons consolidate their positions as 1st 2nd and 3rd. Division 6 Dominos Phoenix stay top even though they had a bye. El Presidente 2 stay 2nd with a good away win over
Costa Knights 5-3. Laguna Rosa are finally playing well with a 7.1 victory over Torre del Agua. The knock out cup is being played on Wednesday 27th January, if it dose not rain. Thanks to our sponsors Casas Manuel, reditel orange mobile, Dominos bar Press sec Linda Haymes
CostaBlancaPeople January 26th - February 1st 2016
Cricket Corner Tales from the Top Flight ■ CHRIS DARWEN
Before we move our way into the dead rubber Test match, I would like to doff my baggy cap to the late Jack Bannister who passed away this weekend. Bannister, 85, never played for England but had a very commendable career for Warwickshire. However, he was better known for his work in setting up the Professional Cricketer’s Organisation and then, later,
Jack Banister
for his prowess in the commentary box alongside the likes of Richie Bernaud and Tony Lewis. As mentioned above, the final Test between England and South Africa is very much a dead rubber, England leading the series 2-0 heading into the match. By the close of play on Sunday, it was very much South Africa’s match to lose having bowled out England 144 runs short of their 475. England clearly missed the injured Steven Finn with the ball, as the South African’s were able to post two centuries in their first innings. England’s bats made some promising starts but none were able to push on through to score a significant total. With weather very much being part of the game, it will take a mammoth effort from England to bowl South Africa out for a total that is gettable but this team is capable of a magic session. If they can remove South Africa for anything around a target for 275 then this match might have an exciting finish.
As regular readers of this column will know, I claim not to be much of a gambling man. But imagine if I had put €100 on under 0.5 HT goals at Old Trafford, every match this season? I wouldn’t need to be writing this now, that is for sure! Yes, for the four hundred and sixth time since Fergie retired, United went in at 0-0 at home on Saturday. The opposition were Southampton, who summoned their £4m signing Charlie Austin from the bench. Austin, a former bricklayer who came through the non-league scene at Poole, had the dream debut scoring the winner just three minutes from time. United still in the title race? I think not.
Blarneystone Golf Society After hearing reports of freezing weather in the UK and Ireland we were delighted to spend a day playing golf at Roda in beautiful sunshine with great temperatures for January. If anyone did not play well they couldn’t blame the weather or the course which was in great condition. Thanks to Jose and his staff at Roda for an enjoyable day of golf. We returned to the Blarneystone at Zeniamar for refreshments and the presentation, thank you to Eamon, Gill and Georgia. Initially there was a bit of confusion when the vice chairman (getting on in years!) announced the nearest the pin winners based on La Serena instead of Roda. This month to give everyone a chance of a win we had a blind pair draw. The winners on the day were: NTP hole 2 – Steve Morfee NTP hole 7 – Charlie McGonagle NTP hole 11 – Terry Jones NTP hole 13 – Steve Morfee
Charlie Austin
President Eamon presenting winner Clive Grice with his winnings)
There was no winner for the twos pot which will be rolled over. Longest Drive – Terry Jones Best Guest – Trevor Pye, 34 points 2nd place – Terry Jones, 31 points 1st place – Clive Grice, 35 points Blind Pair – Trevor Pye and Mick Gossage Our next outing is on Thursday 18th February at Lo Romero, guests welcome. Call in to the Blarneystone at Zeniamar to add your name to the list.
Alfie’s Golf Society Alfie’s Golf Society is a friendly society that plays quality local courses, on the last Thursday of each month. At the conclusion of each round we get back to our "watering hole", for the prize giving, buffet, a charity raffle and the compulsory few beers. Each player generously contributes towards our charity, which is picked each year by The Captain, and at the end of the year a sizeable amount is then given to the charity concerned. We have in the past alternated between UK and local charities. Recently our President returned to the UK for a visit, and during that time had the opportunity to present cheque's, to two well deserving charities. The photographs show Ian Connell presenting a cheque for £450 to Vicky Richardson representing The Alzheimer's Society, and a cheque for £820 to Steve Maden representing MIND UK (the mental health charity). If you are interested in playing with Alfies' Golf Society please contact our Secretary by email at;, or alternatively call into Alfie’s Bar at La Ronda, behind the roundabout on the road from Cabo Roig to Las Ramblas. We look forward to seeing you!
King Klopp maintains he is all about heavy metal, thrills and spills, crazy mad football. To be fair to the enigmatic German, he is providing a little more entertainment than LvG. The game at Carrow Road had everything from comical defending to goal of the month contenders and when Norwich made it 4-4 in injury time you could have been forgiven for thinking the chaos was finally over. This is the Premier League folks, the only predictable element of this season is the unpredictability of it all! Lallana broke the Canary hearts by notching the ninth goal of the game
even deeper into injury time. Do you remember Klopp calling out Liverpool fans for leaving matches early? That is why. Whether he can return Liverpool to their glory years I do not know, but Liverpool are going to be very interesting to watch over the next season or so. It shows how impressive Leicester are when beating a Stoke side with their own European aspirations is not even a minor shock. With Stoke happy to have the ball and Leicester more than happy for them to have it, it was the perfect scenario for the Foxes. Sure enough, they romped to a 3-0 win and Jamie Vardy was back in the goals. Leicester have Liverpool, Manchester City and Arsenal in the next three games. If they can come out of those matches with five points or more there is a huge chance that something incredible might be happening, especially if Arsenal keep losing games here and there. The stage was set on Sunday for Arsenal to move ahead of Leicester on goal difference. All they had to do was beat that relegation threatened team in blue. Even without Jose in charge, Chelsea remain Arsenal’s nemesis, their kryptonite. After 18 minutes Diego Costa and Per Mertesacker got caught in one of those embarrassing dad races at the local sports day and the German got a straight red for bringing Costa down. Personally, I think anyone who gets outsprinted by the slightly rotund striker deserves an instant dismissal. Costa proved to be the double thorn in the side, meeting Ivanovic’s cross with a fine finish for the game’s only goal. Leicester have three points clear daylight at the top. This has to be the least Spurs-like side in history. I mean, they are consistent and winning games that previous Spurs teams would have drawn or lost. 1-1 with seven minutes to go at Palace and Dele Alli scored the kind of goal Matt Le Tissier would have been proud of. Receiving the ball with his back to goal, Alli lobbed the ball over his marker,
spun, and volleyed home from 20 yards. If Roy Hodgson does not build the England team around him this summer it will be a wasted opportunity.
Del Alli
A lot has been said about plucky little Bournemouth and their style of football. I admit to being a huge Eddie Howe fan, but enough of the little now. Bournemouth face a huge fine if they are relegated to the Championship for failing to meet financial fair play guidelines in their promotion season. Sadly, this is tantamount to cheating by the rules laid out. Bournemouth have been able to buy big this month, Big Ben Afobe coming in from Wolves for just under £10m. With two goals already, he will ensure the Cherries stay up this season. His goal on Saturday ensured a 1-1 draw with Sunderland. The Watford slump and Newcastle revival both came to an abrubt end in the same ninety minutes. Ighalo scored again as Watford got a much needed 21 win. It would seem that Newcastle are extending their inability to win in London to just north of the capital these days. Swansea capitalised on Newcastle, Norwich, Bournemouth and Sunderland’s failure to win by beating Everton 2-1. The win lifts the Swans to 15th in the table. One day someone will write a book on the greatest 0-0 draws ever. WBA 0 – 0 Aston Villa will not be in it.
Your Week in Sport ■ CHRIS DARWEN
The Australian Open Tennis is in full swing down under and, amazingly, Great Britain have two players still in the draw. Sydney-born but raised in Eastbourne and, er, Spain Johanna Konta is in the last 16 where she will play Makarova, seeded 21. That means that by the time you read this then Andy Murray may well be the last Brit still in the tournament. Murray’s progression rests more on the health of his father-inlaw than his form. Lined up to play home-boy Tomic, it will all depend on whether Nigel Sears has recovered from collapsing courtside in Murray’s win over Sousa. Murray is already on another medical standby, prepared to leave the tournament at a moment’s notice to fly home for the birth of his first child. Nadal crashed in the first round, Federer is playing like a dream and Djokovic may not be at his best but is grinding out the wins. In the women’s
draw, Sharapova saw off last week’s outside tip Bencic to set up a mouth watering clash with Serena Williams. The winner must surely go on to the title. Tennis would not be a proper sport if it did not have a murky scandal surrounding it currently. Match-fixing is the racquet’s vice of choice, and there has been talk that some top players have thrown matches for a high fee. There has also been talk that some British players have thrown matches. My only question on that is, how would you tell? If I asked you which nationality traditionally wins the World Sumo Championships, I would imagine a high percentage of you might answer Japanese. Well, and mark my words I was blown away by this news, Kotoshogiko’s victory at the weekend was the first time in ten years that a Japanese wrestler had been crowned world champion. I am sure you are equally blown away.
There is plenty of sport to look forward to in 2016, and I have devised a new game of “Scandal Pairs.” This is how you play. Take the following scandals and match them with the upcoming sporting events of this year. Doping. Spot fixing. Match fixing. Bribery and corruption. The events? The Six Nations. The T20 Cricket World Cup. Euro 2016. The Rio Olympics. Actually, you are right. You could probably attach each scandal to each sport really. Ah well, I’m off to watch the sumo wrestling highlights.
CostaBlancaPeople January 26th - February 1st 2016
CostaBlancaPeople January 26th - February 1st 2016
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Ford Mondeo estate 2.0 tdci diesel automatic 2011 126000km fully equiped!! heated seats,central locking,cruise control,climate control 11.495€
Opel Zafira 7 seater 1.7 diesel manual 2010 169.000km, aircon, central locking, cruise control, radio CD & more! Only 9.995€
Mazda RX8 1.3 litre rotary engine with a thirilling 9.000 rpm, 6 speed manual, 2007, 125.000km, sat nav, full leather, heated seats, suicide doors & more! 8.995€
Renault Laguna 2.0 dCi GT 4 Control diesel automatic 2012 90.000 km fully loaded with sat-nav, heated seats, cruise control, xenon, rear parking sensors & more! Only 15.995€
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Mercedes E350 3.5 Petrol automatic 2005 fully loaded with sat-nav, cruise conrol, climate control, full leather & xenon Only 9.995€
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