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Your Essential Weekly Read Tues 1st March - Mon 7th 2016




t was all ‘go’ on Sunday morning 28th February in Torrevieja as the half marathon and 10k races took place. The runners set off from the Paseo de la Libertad close to the casino. Around 1,500 people took part running the two distances of 10km and 21km. Fortunately the weather on Sunday turned out to be slightly less blustery and there were almost perfect running conditions with a

low temperature but some bursts of sun. The even went smoothly and was supported by many volunteers including children and parents from Las Culturas CEIP. The Las Culturas Scout group handed out water, medals and collected the tags from people when they had finished the race. The race is divided into two distances with there being a 21k and a 10k version. It’s not a fun run by any means although there were one or two who were evidently supporting a particular cause. Showing how easily it could be done was one man who ran Continued on page 3




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CostaBlancaPeople March 1st - 7th 2016

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CostaBlancaPeople March 1st - 7th 2016


Continued from page 1

El Corte Inglés outlet closed The cut price outlet in Calles Apolo and Diego Ramirez in Torrevieja was closed on Tuesday 23rd February by the councillor for town planning. The discount store selling reduced price clothing has been trading without the proper licences. There were also fire safety deficiencies that included having insufficient fire hydrants although there was a water vapour system in place. There was some confusion during the closure which took place at 12.30pm and attracted complaints from the customers at the time. Signs placed in front of the store indicate that it is only a temporary closure. The store opened in 2008 carrying the El Corte Inglés brand and then expanded to included cut priced clothing.

the circuit with three dogs and a baby in a pushchair. However, most of the participants were from running clubs or were hardened runners taking the race seriously. That doesn’t mean the race is without its camaraderie. There was plenty of evidence of people helping one another along and several children accompanied their parents across the finish line. For those keen on winning, there were plenty of opportunities for collecting a trophy too. There were ten categories including youth, seniors and seven categories of veterans. All are divided into male and female participants.

The winners In the 21k Cristian Fernandez came first in the men’s overall and senior 21k with a time of one hour and 11 minutes. Second position was taken by José Casas and third was Eduardo Chorda. The women’s overall

21k was won by Cristina Gonzalez Garcia in one hour and 26 minutes, followed by Estefania Carbonell Fernandez and Lola Dominguez Chesa in second and third place. In the 10k the fastest overall man was Henrik Johan Goesch who finished in a time of 34 minutes and the fastest overall woman was Nuria Larred Martinez in a time of 43 minutes. Even if you didn’t come out with a trophy, you could collect a little bag of goodies including a sun visa, energy bar, t-shirt and a packet of salt. There were free drinks available, including beer and a definite bonus was that the car park was a set fee of €1. It’s an amicable race with plenty of people out to support the runners along the route. The prizes were presented by the Mayor, José Manuel Dolón and the councillor for sports, Pablo Samper. Now it’s time to start training for the 34th medio marathon in 2017.

Coping with bereavement If you have suffered from a bereavement and want someone to talk to Paul Cunningham nurses offers the opportunity to attend ‘Companions’ which is a mixed social gathering for those who have suffered a loss. The idea is that those attending can help to support each other through allowing time for grieving whilst also looking at ways of facing the future. It is an environment where people can speak freely and have the confidence to share their experiences. The first meeting of ‘Companions’ is on Wednesday 16th March 2.30pm to Continued on page 4

Some of the winning men receive their trophies





BITE SIZE NEWS: Continued from page 3 4.30pm in Café J’s Bar in the Consum Commercial centre in La Marina.

Monthly Ceilidh Dance To be held at Matrix Studio Madhouse in Villacosta, Orihuela Costa on Saturday 12th March. Tickets are €7 each and to reserve tickets and/ or a table please contact Carol on 966762881 or email divesmith@hotmail.com Doors open at around 7.00pm and the dancing starts at 8.00pm. You can find out more about Grendels Bane at www.grendelsbanefolk.com

The 22nd Youth Habaneras competition This renowned competition will beheld on the 8th and 9th April and will include nine choirs performing. Seven of the choirs are Spanish and two are international and altogether there will be 450 singers taking part. Performances on the 8th April will begin at 7.00pm in the International Auditorium and these will included local school choirs from around the town. On the 9th April again in the International Auditorium, there will be the choral phase of the competition. A jury will decide the winners. If you are interested in attending, the price of tickets is €2 and they can be obtained between the 4th and 7th April in the offices of the Patronato Municipal de Habaneras, Calle Patricio Pérez from 9.00 am until 11.00am and from 12.00pm until 2.00pm. On the 8th April tickets will be available from 9.00am until 11.00am and from 12.00pm until 2.00pm in the Patronato office and also from 5.00pm in the ticket office of the International Auditorium.

The San Luis petrol station opens and shuts again The petrol station at La Siesta has looked at the point of opening for some time now. However, when they decided to begin trading a few weeks ago this was without a licence. Since then the petrol station has had to close down again and the town hall will issue a fine against them for opening without having the proper licence in place.

CostaBlancaPeople March 1st - 7th 2016

town hall who have objected to the new position and have accused the Mayor of nepotism in appointing someone he went to school with. A long meeting session was held in the town hall whilst this controversial appointment was debated. In the end it was passed by all the councillors representing the pentapartido and the two Ciudadanos councillors. ‘It’s not like that at all,’ says Carmen. ‘The asesor was previously working in this kind of role and then retired. We have asked him to come out of retirement to help ensure that the contract for refuse collection is completed in time. If it isn’t then we pay the penalty of having to hire the current contractors and pay them the total of €16,000 a day. That would soon cover the salary of the new appointee.’ For some of the councillors this has been a particularly difficult but unavoidable decision to have to make. Victor Ferrández is a member of the Izquierda Unida party. They have within their constitution an embargo on the payment of salaries over a set amount. Victor had to explain to them why someone additional was being employed at the salary of €80,000. The IU recognised the exceptional

What a disgrace! Costa Blanca People reader Tony Wagstaff got in touch this week with two very different photos of the same river. Although taken at the same spot between Rojales and Guardamar, the photos show a drastic contrast between the condition of the river along two stretches of river bank. Tony told us,

disgrace it is that it should be allowed to get in this state. Equally mind boggling is the level of mentality of those people who discard their rubbish this way.” Tony continued, “We have many species of bird life on the river in this area, including Herons, Guillemots (Black Shags), Moor

“The photos show two views of the river Segura, very close to where I live. Both pictures were taken at the same place, on a crossing between Rojales and Guardamar.” Tony explained, “One shows the river as it should be and one as it is, vast stretches are strewn with all kinds of rubbish, hundreds of plastic bottles etc, even a bed mattress. There seems be some question as to who is responsible for the maintenance of the river but what a

hens, Geese and Wild Ducks. What chance of survival do they have in polluted waters such as these?” The Costa Blanca People has sent Tony’s photos and comments to local authorities in both Rojales and Guardamar for comment. In the meantime, we would welcome information and photos from people who use this stretch of river – have you seen people leaving rubbish? What is your view? Let us know office@costablancapeople.com

Cheaper water for pensioners The Councillor for the Third Age, Domingo Pérez, has announced that from the 25th February those who qualify can apply for grants towards the payment of bills for drinking water, refuse and sewage for the year 2015. The deadline for applications will be the 25th April. The agreement has been reached between the council and Agamed. In order to qualify you must have been registered for at least two consecutive years in the Municipal register and must have a maximum of €7,455.14 income. The amount that can be granted is up to €260 a year. In order to qualify you must also comply with municipal tax obligations and have the necessary documentation available. Information about applying can be found on the Town Council website.

MURA meet in La Marina On the 24th February a meeting was Continued on page 5

Youth threatens his granny with a shotgun in Dolores

Time is running out for refuse collections The current contract for refuse collection in Torrevieja is due to expire on 13th June. The contract is worth 17 million a year and many people have not been happy with the service. So much so, that the current local government want to bring the rubbish collection service under the control of the municipality and keep it as a public service. However, time is running out if all the correct procedures and paperwork are to be completed before the deadline. Councillor Carmen Morate explains the difficulties in getting everything passed in time. ‘It’s like we’ve come into a dirty kitchen,’ she says. ‘We can’t start cooking until we have cleaned it. We’re spending most of our time sorting out new contracts and making sure correct legislation is in place. It doesn’t happen over night.’ Deadlines are approaching and so much so that the pentapartido government in Torrevieja knew that the two departments who are responsible for finance and the issuing of contracts were not going to be able to cope with the backlog of work. ‘That’s why the mayor has had to request the services of a qualified asesor, or financial advisor, to help ensure that the rubbish collection contract and others are out on time.’ This appointment has been raised as an issue by the PP councillors at the


circumstances that the councillor was trying to work within. ‘We had looked at all the alternative ways of plugging the gaps,’ explains Carmen. ‘It just wasn’t possible within the laws as they operate at the moment to do it any other way. The person appointed left work in 2014, he knows exactly how to make all the arrangements to transfer the contract but had to be persuaded to come back into the workforce. We needed the appointment to be made as soon as possible, to avoid throwing money away on a day by day basis. We don’t know how long he will stay with us for. However, we have got hopes to bring the bus services back to the municipality too, and any help we can get with this is very much needed.’ Suzanne O’Connell

A 21 year old man has been arrested in Dolores after he allegedly threatened his grandmother with a shotgun. When police arrived to arrest the man, they discovered he had been using his grandmother’s property to sell drugs. Guardia Civil were alerted after the grandmother phoned the emergency services when her 21 year old grandson threatened her with a shotgun during an argument. The argument was unrelated to the drugs and it is not known if the woman was aware that her grandson was using the property to sell a variety of drugs including cocaine and marijuana. However, when the Guardia Civil arrived, they seized a block of hashish, three bags of cocaine, 70 grammes of marijuana, a precision scale and other drug related paraphernalia. During the raid officers also seized 19 marijuana plants, two fans, a reflective screen and temperature gauge. The man was arrested for drug related crimes and threatening behaviour and has been remanded in custody before appearing in court.


CostaBlancaPeople March 1st - 7th 2016

BITE SIZE Looking after the NEWS: stray cats Continued from page 4

held at The Sports Complex in La Marina of MURA (Marina Urbanisations Residents Association). The meeting was called to raise concerns about the state of the urbanisation and the lack of official recognition that residents feel they receive. The aim of the organisation is to draw attention to the needs of the area and a variety of outstanding issues such as the need for repairs to footpaths and walkways, inadequate policing levels, unfinished complexes, the need for an adequate bus service and the clean up of waste ground. In order to support the organisation there will be a fund raising night on 22nd March at The Sports Complex and tickets are available at a cost of €5 from the club. The organisation is to be run on a fully legal basis and €5 a head is being requested for those who wish to join to help with legal expenses and statutes.The MURA offices are 107 Calle Madrid and people can register here but must bring their NIE. The phone number for the offices is 634 357 979.

Jazz music in Torrevieja Ever last Friday of the month there will be a jazz event in Torrevieja. The event will take place at the Hipopótamo café at 17 Avenida Cortes Valencianas from 2.00pm until 4.00pm. The first performance was on Friday 26th February. Continued on page 6


suzanne@costablancapeople.com The problem of stray cats is a significant one for Torrevieja as it is for many other towns and cities. Although the ideal way of curbing the problem is through a sterilisation programme, this is a lengthy and costly process. Two hundred cats were sterilised in Torrevieja last year and there are plansto double or even triple this next year if possible. In the meantime the cats are there and volunteers continue to try and feed them, an activity that causes controversy and can also be against the law if not done correctly. In order to try and address the issues raised, Carmen Morate held a meeting for volunteers who are currently engaged in feeding stray cats. ‘They need to have the proper information,’ she explains. ‘You can feed them but it has to be dried food and you must clear up afterwards and make sure the area is left clean.’ At the meeting Councillor Morate gave out 35 permits and badges to those attending who are engaged in feeding the stray cat population of Torrevieja. ‘There is still a lot more interest and I think we will be running another conference shortly. We had many international representatives there alongside theSpanish volunteers. British, Scandinavian and German

people were well represented.’ The conference was held on Saturday the 19th February in the Palacio de la Música and during the event, it was explained that it is important not to use your own left overs as this can cause difficulties with neighbours and attract bacterialeading to infections. Mediating between those who sympathise with the cats and those who don’t was one of the subjects of discussion. With people being aware of incidents of poisoning taking place. ‘We recognise that people sometimes take it on themselves to poison the cats. This is, of course, illegal and if you are suspicious then it can be reported but there must be evidence of it having taken place. We’re also hoping to appoint people who will represent and co-ordinate the batches of cats in different areas,’ says Carmen.





CostaBlancaPeople March 1st - 7th 2016


Get your priorities right, demands C.L.A.R.O. Orihuela Costa party C.L.A.R.O. launched a scathing attack on local political parties this week, demanding that those in power set realistic priorities for citizens on the coast. C.L.A.R.O. told the Costa Blanca People, “The politicians and political parties in Orihuela don’t get it. They cannot appreciate what is important for Orihuela Costa and what is not. Two examples illustrate this regrettable fact.” “On Sunday, 21 February residents called the fire brigade to extinguish a burning rubbish container in Calle Salzillo, not far from the La Zenia roundabout. They were concerned that the flames could spread to nearby houses. 40 minutes later a fire engine appeared. In the meantime, the fire was extinguished, not by the local police who arrived with an empty fire extinguisher.” C.L.A.R.O. claims, “This is a perfect example of the need for Orihuela Costa to have a proper Emergency Services Centre with ambulances, fire engines and local and national police. In December last year, C.L.A.R.O. organised a demonstration in front of the skeleton of the Emergency Services Centre whose foundation stone was laid 10 years ago demanding that the Centre should be completed. This demonstration was called after several recent cases of ambulances arriving late, sometimes also after 40 minutes. On occasions, those for whom they had been called subsequently died. If flames from the burning container had spread to nearby houses what good would it have been for the fire engine to arrive 40 minutes later?” According to C.L.A.R.O., people living in Orihuela Costa need the security of efficient emergency services located locally and not depending on Orihuela or Torrevieja. C.L.A.R.O. and its supporters are calling on the local government to get their priorities straight, referring specifically to this week’s monthly plenary meeting of the Orihuela Town Council where the

BITE SIZE NEWS: Continued from page 5 Each session will consist of a performance of jazz classics combined with originals in a set of one hour. There will be a new guest artist every month and a set special menu for only €9.

Del Fuegos playing live The rock and roll and blues music group will be playing live at The Club Quesada on Saturday 5th March at 8.00pm. The tickets are €12 a person and include dinner of Spanish meatballs or chicken curry. There will also be a charity raffle and all the money raised will go to Paul Cunningham Nurses Charity. You can book by calling 966 717 028.

Age Concern spring clean If you are having a spring clean please consider donating some unwanted items to Age Concern. Please bring any items to the shops in Torrevieja, Los Montesinos or the centre at La Siesta. They are also happy to collect if you call 96 678 6887. Suzanne O’Connell

Rubbish container burnt out before arrival of fire engine. Citizens Party (ex CLR) will present a said, “What kind of priority is this when motion on behalf of Orihuela Costa, Orihuela Costa lacks, not only emergency proposing a beach for dogs. services but social services, clean streets, An outraged C.L.A.R.O. spokesperson CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE



CostaBlancaPeople March 1st - 7th 2016


CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE C.L.A.R.O. volunteers clearing rubbish from Cala Mosca – days later, still not collected by Town Council rubbish collection service.

Proposals to spread Sunday opening Those who have been coming to Spain for some time will have seen the gradual spread of Sunday opening that has occurred in the last ten years.

a cultural centre and proper parks and gardens? Orihuela politicians and political parties will be insulting the intelligence of those living in Orihuela Costa, some 50,000 tax and rate paying citizens, if they think a beach for dogs is a priority deserving the attention of a full Council meeting.” C.L.A.R.O. continued, “Apart from not being relevant in regard to Orihuela Costa’s real priorities, the proposal of a beach for dogs is not even serious in itself. There are beaches in Spain and other countries where dogs are allowed but they are carefully selected beaches separate from those enjoying the sea, sand and sun. Orihuela Costa’s beaches are in the main large, open beaches where pets cannot be isolated. Most enjoy blue flag or other special status which specifically exclude, for reasons of hygiene, access for dogs and pets. These awards are of importance in attracting tourists and maintaining the quality reputation of Orihuela Costa.” There are smaller beaches and coves as in Cala Mosca but the priority for C.L.AR.O., in relation to Cala Mosca, is to stop the building of 1,500 new houses on this last green area on Orihuela Costa with sea views. It is C.L.A.R.O.’s hope that Cala Mosca be saved from development and become a natural park for the enjoyment of residents and tourists. C.L.A.R.O.’s

spokesperson said, “The political parties in Orihuela should be supporting this cause and not dreaming of beaches for dogs. Finally, how could we entrust the Town Council with the cleanliness of a beach for dogs when they cannot ensure the cleanliness of the streets of Orihuela Costa or Cala Mosca itself?” To draw attention to the lack of attention by the Town Council to the cleanliness of Cala Mosca, which is a popular area for walkers and joggers and the home of a protected species of plant, a number of C.L.A.R.O. volunteers recently spent several hours collecting litter and rubbish from the area. The volunteer team said, “Several days later, the neatly arranged piles of rubbish had still not been removed by the Orihuela Costa rubbish collection service.” C.L.A.R.O. finished their statement this week by saying, “The politicians and political parties in Orihuela should devote their energies to resolving some of the real problems of Orihuela Costa and not pretending to be concerned by presenting irrelevant and inappropriate proposals. In the meantime, residents can continue to exercise their pets on the extensive range of wastelands in Orihuela Costa, the so-called green areas which do not have the status of parks or gardens because they are abandoned and not maintained as they ought to be by the Town Council.”

Initially no shops were open on Sundays although bars and restaurants were. Changes first occurred with large supermarkets such as Carrefour opening on selected Sundays and bank holidays during the year.

Now, they are open all the time, at least on the coast where shops come under the category of being in a tourist area. The same rules still do not apply more inland or in some parts of the province. This has had the effect of venues like Zenia Boulevard being bombarded by people seeking out Sunday shopping. Although some parts of Alicante are eligible for extended opening, including during Easter week, others are not. The beach area of Alicante and the coastal strip of the town have privileged opening times but the town centre itself does not. A request has been made by the directors of the Gran Via shopping centre and some other centres to open during Easter, on Sundays and in the summer holidays. Smaller outlets are not so keen on the idea. And the debate continues about whether opening times should be extended on selected dates, all year round or not at all. The current mayor of Alicante, Gabriel Echavarri has been accused of trying to push through a plan to extend open days across the city too quickly and without proper consultation. Echavarri wants to allow all large areas of the city to open on Sunday and during holidays on the understanding that this would create 625 new jobs and that there would be restrictions on the amount of time employees were required to work. Echavarri acknowledges that the new deal would need monitoring and that if the conditions are breached there would need to be a review of the agreement. Although Echavarri has agreed to defer the decision he is still keen to press ahead because of the need to generate employment. Suzanne O’Connell



CostaBlancaPeople March 1st - 7th 2016


A deal for government or not? Follow the extended period of fruitless ‘talks’, an agreement of some kind was made on Wednesday 24th February between the PSOE (socialist) party and Ciudadanos (centre right). These unusual bedfellows have been brought together by the fact that time is running out and a reluctance to go back to the ballot box and the prospect of fewer votes next time round. Although the core politics of both parties would seem to be at opposite ends of the political spectrum, they do share some common goals. The main

They are dependent on other parties either abstaining in the vote of confidence or voting with them. The PP (centre right) is unlikely to do either with Rajoy already expressing his disgust at Pedro Sánchez’ candidacy for PM of Spain. In spite of this Albert Rivera (Ciudadanos leader) has announced that he is to hold talks with the PP in order to try and secure their abstention

expected. For example, it is stated that tax reform will be carried out at some point. El País points out that the programme may be modest but that it is at least an attempt at compromise and a proposal for the future which is more than the other parties have managed. But is this enough to lead a country like Spain through what must still be turbulent years ahead?

during the investiture vote in Congress. Podemos (anti-austerity) have made it clear that they are not prepared to support any agreement that includes Ciudadanos and Pablo Iglesias (leader of Podemos) has now, for the time being at least, walked away from the negotiating table. The agreement must also be taken to PSOE party members in order to get them to back it too. The programme itself is rather vague, as might be

With time running out and the PP and Podemos standing firm, it looks as though the more likely outcome is, as Mariano Rajoy (PP leader and outgoing PM) suggested, another general election. If this is the case then the next general election will be held on June 26th and it is hoped that if it does come to this there will be a more decisive outcome.

With time running out and the PP and Podemos standing firm, it looks as though the more likely outcome is ...another general election. unifying strand between the two parties is that they are opposed to the PP and want electoral reform. Whether this is a strong enough bond to produce a stable and forward looking government is another issue. It is a turnaround for Ciudadanos who had always stated that they would not back Sánchez in any vote to place him as Prime Minister. However, this is not the end to the issue of who governs Spain. Combined, the two parties do not have sufficient seats to take power out right. Between them, the PSOE and Ciudadanos hold only 130 seats which is a way from the majority they would need in the 350 seat house.

Suzanne O’Connell



CostaBlancaPeople March 1st - 7th 2016


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CostaBlancaPeople March 1st - 7th 2016


Bilingual programmes challenged In a bid to increase students’ ability to speak English, schools in Spain have gradually been introducing the teaching of other subjects in English. In most contexts it has been subjects such as Music and Art that have been taught in English in order to improve fluency, but in some cases core subjects such as science and even maths are being taught in English too. Not everyone agrees that this is a good idea. Using English to convey concepts in another subject can mean that some children not only don’t improve their English but miss out on understanding other subjects too. Primitivo Abella Cachero, Professor of IES de Pracia argues that it can also have the effect of increasing inequalities. Professor Cachero acknowledges the importance of language skills to improve the standing and economy of Spain but argues that the introduction of bilingual programmes into schools is not the means of doing this. There seems to be little evidence that teaching mathematics, for example, in English actually improves understanding of English, or mathematics. There is a difference between language learning where the grammar and syntax is made obvious and tuition is given and learning a language through being immersed in it as part of a bilingual environment. The professor argues that the use of English in these contexts limits the range of communication between the teacher and the student making interaction slower and less effective and

reducing understanding in the subject being taught. There are also socio-economic factors involved in this. The families who send

their children to bi-lingual schools understand that additional support may be needed. They then access this through enrolling their children in Academies and special classes and programmes. As their language skills improve so access to the content of the curriculum taught in English is easier for them than those who do not take on extra tuition. The report found that the intake of those schools offering bi lingual programmes changed.The percentage of those with parents having had university education increased from 33% to 39% and the number of students with parents in professional occupations increased from 24% to 29%. On the other hand, the percentage of immigrant pupils reduced from 19% to 13%; particularly those of Latin origin (from 10% to 6%) and the number of students with special needs dropped from 11% to 6%.

The report claims that for those students from a less privileged background not only is there little improvement in their knowledge and understanding of English but their performance in the subjects taught in it reduces as well. ‘Our findings indicate that there is a clear negative effect on learning of the subject taught in English for children whose parents have, at most, compulsory secondary education.’ Professor Cachero claims that the reason Spain has invested in bilingual programmes in schools is linked to the low proficiency in language learning here in comparison to some other countries. However, he argues that the level of language learning in a countryis influenced by many things. Firstly the level of proficiency in a second language is influenced by the international importance of the first language. So, the English have a low level of second language acquisition in comparison to the Swedish, for example. It’s also influenced by the amount of exposure that people have to other languages, generally. Instead of promoting bilingual education per se, the author suggest that there should be a debate about language learning and that any curriculum changes that there are should be accompanied by the resources to compensate students for any inequalities there might be. Suzanne O’Connell



CostaBlancaPeople March 1st - 7th 2016

June 23rd – the apocalypse or the resurrection? OW the date for the referendum has finally been announced, speculation as to what an exit from the EU might mean for those living in another European country is high. The exact implications are hard if not impossible to pin down. However, the issues are emerging and are worth careful consideration whether you are entitled to vote or not.

Should we stay or should we go? Bureaucratic burden or settling inequalities?

Suzanne O’Connell

Will we return power to Parliment?

Why do just as many want us to stay? What is important to remember is that although

additional legislation might have been imposed by the EU it is there for our protection. When individual governments are perhaps not behaving as they should citizens can take their grievances to the European court and, in some cases, it has worked. A good example of this in Spain is that of resident and non-resident inheritance taxes. Spanish law imposed high inheritance tax on those who are non-residents in comparison to those who aren’t. The EU claimed that this was against EU policy and eventually the Spanish government has had to back down. We have perhaps become rather used to the freedom of movement that being part of the EU means for British citizens. There would have been no doubt about the validity of the European driving licence if it hadn’t existed in the first place. Reciprocal agreements over payment of tax, health care and pensions have meant a relatively easy life for those retiring to Spain. Will all this be lost if the British vote out?

What might happen? The answer is, we don’t know. Eventually there would need to be renegotiation of the terms and conditions under which those living in Spain can remain there,


Benefits of cooperation or the disadvantages of dependence? How you view much of the legislation that comes from the EU will depend on your political and world view. This additional tier of government may seem to be a burden at times but it’s also a means of appeal that we have sometimes unknowingly benefitted from. Living in a European country without being part of the European Union is not impossible, we only have to look at the number of people already in the region who come from other parts of the world. Even if Britain does exit, there is no reason for those living in Spain to panic as the cogs will turn slowly and any changes will come over years rather than months. We have been through periods of scaremongering before. The millennium is still within most people’ memories to remind us of how the prospect of change can be far more frightening than the reality. Europe will not evaporate overnight and in fact, we may be underwhelmed by any immediate impact whichever way the decision goes. However, it is people’s perceptions that are most likely to receive the jolt. How the rest of our European neighbours see us may change and, of course, how we perceive ourselves. Our scoring at the European Song Contest could hardly get any worse and in time too, other issues will quickly overtake whatever Britain decides to do. However, voting out is a rebuff and will not enhance our reputation as an international player. It is a momentous decision and one that the British community in Spain will feel acutely. Not only for the practical implications it might have but for the messages it gives. As such, if you haven’t registered yet then make sure this is one issue you do use your vote on. For information about exactly how you should do this, go to page 30 of this issue for more details.

Why do so many want us to leave? The immigrant crisis has fuelled much of the anxiety about what EU membership means now and in the future. Images of thousands seeking entry into different European countries have caused consternation amongst those worried about job prospects and benefits. These concerns have been fuelled by the media and although they were tempered by the sight of Aylan washed up on a beach, people’s concerns remain high. The perception by many ‘Leavers’ is that the EU is a bureaucratic burden and is the reason why the ‘Leave’ campaign has attracted so many small businesses. The idea that the EU imposes unwanted legislation has been a favourite of the press for many years. The impact of EU legislation isn’t confined to the UK. For example, it has affected us in Spain in relation to making a will if you are a resident here. The European Parliament and European Council agreed to apply one law to a deceased person’s entire estate no matter how many countries the deceased had properties in. For British people living in Spain this meant that if they did not include the relevant clause in their will then their property would be distributed according to Spanish succession law. A piece of legislation that could be viewed as an irritant rather than an improvement.


but this would not happen over night. It is likely that the rules and regulations for residents and non-residents of Spain would mirror those already in existence for other nationalities outside of the EU. For example, there would be changes to some aspects of taxation for nonresidents. Currently non-residents who rent out their property in Spain are charged 24% tax if they live outside of the EU but those in the EU are charged 19%. The fall in sterling has been dramatic since the referendum was announced. However, there are other reasons for this too and not just the prospect of the vote itself. Another global slump is being forecast by some speculators and this along with the prospect of Brexit is contributing to a falling pound. Predictions have been that we might see an even greater fall if Britain does opt to leave. Of course, Britain is not unified in its feelings towards Brussels. Scotland and Ireland are much more pro European than their English neighbours and there are rumours that if there is a split between Britain and Europe then there might be calls again for independence for these parts of Britain themselves.



CostaBlancaPeople March 1st - 7th 2016


Opposition demands El Oasis works are halted The opposition parties of San Fulgencio have asked for the stoppage of the works and payments for El Oasis. Four municipal groups that form the opposition parties of San Fulgencio the PIPN, APSUF, PSOE and the UpyD have signed a joint motion in which they ask the Mayor Carlos Ramirez (PP) (pictured) for the suspension of the project for works in Sector 2, El Oasis, and the suspension of the collection of the fees that the residents of the El Oasis urbanisation are having to pay. In the document they state that the “Plan Especial” could be illegal as the details of the General Urban Development Plan (PGOU) have been modified. The problem arose because a technical report, which was written in answer to a letter from a resident on the 2 October 2014, explained that there were irregularities in the area of Sector 2 because they did not coincide with the General Plan. “Due to this they explained in the motion they should have previously processed a modification of the General Plan or, as it is now called, a Detailed Management Plan”. The Opposition Councillors were keen to point out that an urban project can never modify the details of the General Urban Development Plan. The proposal that the PP has to accept or overturn (as it has a full majority) is to stop all works and collection of payments until a modification to the General Urban Development Plan has been made. The Opposition Groups have also presented a document to the Town hall that was signed by Samantha Jayne Hull, Rosario Mejias (PIPN), Alejandro Sampere, Dennis Pilkington (PSOE) and

Joel Noche (UpyD) in which they ask for three reports: from the Secretary, from a member of the Technical Department and from the Treasurer, regarding the situation of rubbish collection, that the Town hall is paying to the company GINSSA allegedly “without a current contract”, as reported in last week’s Costa Blanca People. This company handles the cleaning and collection of solid waste, as well as the UTE Sice-Inditec who are responsible for the maintenance and cleaning of the green and garden areas of San Fulgencio. In the document the Opposition Councillors allege that there may be an crime of obstruction of justice and misuse of public funds because they are not fulfilling the terms of the initial contract (which has already expired). As such, a report has been requested from the Secretary regarding the situation with both contracts, another from the Town hall architect in relation to the fulfilment of the terms of the contracts (which have already expired) and a third from the municipal Treasurer in reference to payments made outside of the contract and to “if these said companies have been paid any other monies for any other reason not covered in the contracts, also if the San Fulgencio Town hall has made any other payments for any other companies for work that should have been done under contract. These two joint initiatives show a cohesion between the four opposition groups, in which they are campaigning against the Mayor who has consolidated his majority in this second term to the point of having more than half the votes in plenary meetings.



CostaBlancaPeople March 1st - 7th 2016

Seagate Wealth Management

Do you have an investment but not an adviser? T

here are many clients in Spain that have an investment or a QROPS but no adviser to guide them. This can be for many reasons. It may be that you Financial Adviser has retired or that they have moved back to the UK. Seagate can help you. It's important to have an adviser that can guide you. We can also deal with the administrative part of your investment including withdrawals, income payments or simply keep you up to date with any news on your funds and provide valuations. At Seagate we provide you with -A dedicated Client Account. -Regular valuations -Advice on existing funds (whether to leave them where they are or switch them). -Advice on the tax efficiency of your investment. -Administration of your bond including processing withdrawals. -Inheritance tax advice. -Regular news on funds that you have invested in. Seagate is known as a knowledge-driven, clientorientated business that is focused on helping you achieve the financial wealth, security and peace of mind that you desire. This is why so many expats and companies are turning to Seagate. If you have an investment here or in the UK or a QROPS and feel at a loss because you do not have an adviser then please email us at Contact@SeagateWealth.es or phone 965 704 338.



CostaBlancaPeople March 1st - 7th 2016

WEEKLY EURO UPDATE The Pound dropped hard against the Euro at the start of the week. The confirmation of the date of the referendum on the UK’s membership of the European Union was set for the 23rd June 2016, and this really focused the market’s attention. While the Prime Minister was clutching his list of European reforms and asking for support, Boris Johnson the Mayor of London threw his not inconsiderable weight behind the leave campaign. The appearance of a charismatic character to lead the leave campaign makes the possibility of exit much more likely. In the meantime the UK has nearly four months of uncertainty over its future and the market has been scared away from the Pound. We saw a drop of nearly 2 cents against the Euro. It should be remembered that the prospect of the UK leaving the European Union is very worrying for the Europeans as well. The prospect of the second largest economy behind Germany breaking away from the bloc could be seriously damaging to the economic prospects for the whole region. In addition it would be a blow to their prestige and potentially open the door for other countries to follow suit. The single currency briefly fell below 1.10/ against the US Dollar, as the implications of this news sunk in. The economic prospects for the Eurozone have also remained a concern. The Eurozone figures for both manufacturing and service were lower on Monday, both now barely in growth. This fall represented the sharpest drop in a year. German business expectations dropped into

negative territory on Tuesday. Inflation figures remain perilously close to Zero, and Euro area confidence has fallen to -8.8 from -6.3 the previous month; the lowest level since June. This situation is likely to fuel calls for further Quantitative Easing at the next ECB meeting on the 10th March. Recent statements from the ECB President Mario Draghi indicate that he is prepared to increase stimulus from the current 60 billion Euro a month. The prospect of further increases or a move to cut deposit rates further into negative territory should weigh on the Euro going forward. Due to the risk of Brexit the Pound has not been in a position to take advantage of the European economic weakness. In fact our own consumer confidence and housing market seem to have been shaken by the uncertainty. The Pound will struggle to gain significantly against the Euro until the referendum is resolved, and then only if the UK stays with the European Union. Mounting global economic concerns have weighed on most economies and it is unlikely that the US will dare to raise interest rates further in the coming months. The divergence in central bank policy between Europe and the USA is therefore less severe than had been feared, and so far the Euro has not dropped as much as might have been feared. The market will be looking toward the next European Central Bank meeting on the 10th March. If they start pricing in aggressive action by the ECB the Euro will like come under general selling pressure.



CostaBlancaPeople March 1st - 7th 2016

Homes & Gardens


Pure vanilla, with its wonderful aromatic flavour, is the most widely used flavouring in icecream, pastries, confections, and other desserts. It is the second most expensive spice in the world, next to saffron, because growing the vanilla seed pods is labour-intensive. Vanilla is one of the most complex tastes in the world, with over 250 organic components creating its unique flavour and aroma. And as much as flavour chemists try, the cheaper synthetic vanillas on the market today do not come close to competing with pure vanilla.

History As you learn about vanilla you start to appreciate why it is so expensive. It begins with a cream-coloured orchid, the only orchid of about 20,000 varieties that bears anything edible. Vanilla was completely unknown in the

Old World before Columbus. Spanish and Portuguese explorers arriving on the Gulf Coast of Mexico in the early sixteenth century brought vanilla into Africa and Asia later that century. The word "vanilla" comes from the Spanish word "vainilla" which means "little pod" or "little sheath", referring to the pod's long thin shape. Native only to Mexico it took until the 19th century for botanists to figure out how it could be grown commercially in other tropical climates. The vines would grow, but would not fruit outside of Mexico. The problem was that this orchid, in order to produce the vanilla pods (beans), needs to be pollinated by a specific Melipone bee found only in Mexico (abeja de monte or mountain bee). This bee provided Mexico with a 300 year long monopoly on Vanilla production and it wasn't until "hand pollination" of the flowers was developed that vanilla could be successfully grown in other places.


Should you wish to try growing your own vanilla, it requires a lot of patience and work and you will need to imitate its natural habitat: Vanilla grows best in hot, humid climates from sea level to an elevation of 1500 m. The ideal growing conditions are moderate rainfall, 150-300 cm, evenly distributed through 10 months of the year. The optimum temperatures for cultivation

are 15-30°C (59-86°F) during the day and 15-20°C (59-68°F) during the night. Ideal humidity is around 80%. Soils for vanilla cultivation should be loose with high organic matter content and loamy texture. They must be well drained, and a slight slope helps in this condition. In the tropics, the ideal time for planting vanilla is from September to November, when the weather is neither too rainy nor too dry. Cuttings take 1 to 8 weeks to establish roots and show initial signs of growth from one of the leaf axils. A thick mulch of leaves should be provided immediately after planting as an additional source of organic matter.

Harvest and curing After hand pollination, the flowers develop into long thin green pods or beans that can grow up to 12 inches (30 cm) long. Average length is about 8 inches (20 cm) long. The vanilla bean grows quickly on the vine, but is not ready for harvest until maturity - approximately ten months. Harvesting vanilla beans is as labour intensive as pollinating the blossoms. Each bean ripens at its own time, requiring a daily harvest. To ensure the finest flavour from every bean, each individual pod must be picked by hand just as it begins to split on the end. Vanilla needs a process of curing similar to cacao to develop its characteristic aroma. Several methods exist in the market for curing vanilla; nevertheless all of them

consist of four basic steps: killing, sweating, slow-drying, and conditioning of the beans. The beans are first plunged into hot water to stop the vegetative growth of the pods and initiate enzymatic reactions responsible for the aroma. The sweating process consists of wrapping the beans in woolen cloth to raise the temperature of the beans under sunlight conditions for one hour, for up to 10 days. During the remaining time, the pods are stored in wooden boxes under air-tight conditions. These conditions allow enzymes to catalyze the reactions involved in generating the characteristic vanilla colour, flavour and aroma. To prevent rotting and to lock the aroma in the pods, the pods are then dried. Often, pods are laid out in the sun during the mornings and returned to their boxes in the afternoons. Finally, the beans are aged to bring out their full flavour. The entire curing process can take up to two years. During this process the beans become a very dark brown colour and develop a white crystalline substance (or frost) on the outside of the bean, called vanillin. The vanillin is what gives the beans their wonderful flavour and aroma. The cured vanilla beans contain an average of 2.5% vanillin. Vanilla is graded into different categories, mostly depending on the length of the bean, since there is a correlation between length and vanillin content. Once dried and cured the vanilla pods need to be kept airtight to retain their wonderful flavour.

Summary 3 years for cuttings to grow enough to produce flowers and subsequent pods, then daily hand pollination followed by a wait of about 10 months for the pods to mature, then daily harvesting by hand, and finally, a curing process lasting up to 2 years. Now you know why true vanilla is so expensive… Marc Vijverberg


Homes & Gardens

CostaBlancaPeople March 1st - 7th 2016


Business Profile

Eazylawns is the leading specialist in the trend for artificial grass that is taking the costas by storm. Forget 80s astro-turf and cheap-looking plastic turf, Eazylawns provides high quality artificial lawns that are so realistic no-one can tell the difference from real grass. Eazylawns was born

consultation and quotation service and works closely with each customer on the design and installation process. Once agreed, the installation is prompt and efficient, leaving the site clean and tidy. Artificial grass is safe and has a low abrasion index, providing a soft

of necessity; A client was looking for a solution to the common problem in Spain – how to make a lawn green and keep it green. Through the businesses extensive experience in garden maintenance, the team put together a program of watering, scarifying, fertilising, hollow-tining and cutting. This method was extremely costly, time consuming and far from fool-proof. Then they considered artificial grass. Eazylawns sourced several different types and were not impressed. Most of what they saw looked totally unrealistic and the level of service and expertise left more than a little to be desired. This inspired the team to develop its own product. Eazylawns products are produced in Spain and in the UK and the business covers the Costa Blanca, although it has undertaken projects as far afield as Valencia and Marbella. The business offers a free full

landing if there should be an accident. It is realistic and can be adapted to all areas, surfaces, uses and budgets and it comes with an eight year manufacturers guarantee. Put simply artificial lawns are practical, environmentally friendly, cost effective and convenient. Added to that is the sheer quality and realistic look of this product, it really does have to be seen to be believed. So, whether it’s a tennis court, putting green, communal lawn, picnic area or private garden, Eazylawns will make sure your grass is greener all year round. In addition to artificial turf, Eazylawns offers a complete garden design service, this includes: paths and patios, planting, irrigation systems, borders, outside lighting, and rockeries. For further information on any of the above, call 636 102 509, email: info@eazylawns.es or visit: www.easzylawns.es

KEEP CALM AND READ CostaBlanca People

Business Profile: Please note that all information contained within this CostaBlanca People Business Profile has been provided by the client, and is therefore deemed correct and accurate. Any errors, omissions or inaccuracies are the sole responsibility of the client.


CostaBlancaPeople March 1st - 7th 2016


We are the No.1 choice for hundreds of homeowners and community administrators throughout the Southern Costa Blanca. We tackle ALL challenges, including huge Pines, Eucalyptus and especially Palm Trees that have outgrown their welcome. We are also authorised by the Dept. of Agriculture to remove, transport and legally dispose of PHOENIX Palms that have succumbed to the Red Palm Weevil.



Homes & Gardens

www.PALM FARM.es Call Brian 634 372 558 634 355 218

Email: PalmFarm@mail.com

SPECIAL OFFERS Enjoy oranges from your own tree. We have 250, serious, thick trunked (40-50cm circum.) overall height 1.20m (4 ft) Characterful pomegranate trees. Thick trunks (40-50cm)

• Walls, roundabouts, pathways, driveways, kerbing, etc. • Complete garden design. • We obtain all necessary licences. • Plumbing and electrics by qualified tradesmen. Healthy, well rooted fig trees. Fast growing. • We use our 36 years of experience to work with our customers, designing and creating dream gardens.




• Mini excavator & very experienced driver 30€ per hour - 4 hours minimum. • Land cleared & graded. Tree stumps removed. • Foundations dug for builders and home owners. • Holes dug for septic tanks. Skips loaded. • Automatic watering systems. • Trees cut back or removed, including massive Pines, Eucalyptus and Palms, etc.


More and more homeowners are contacting us to tidy their gardens, lay top quality anti-weed blanket and spread gravel to 4-5cm depth. A few choice trees and shrubs (which we can supply) give you a beautiful garden which is virtually maintaince free. ENJOY your garden again. Good choice of different coloured gravel.



We deliver, FREE within our area. Planting costs extra. Please discuss.

Tel: 634 372 558



Call Brian 634 372 558 for a friendly quote. WE ALWAYS REMOVE ALL DEBRIS. ALL WORK IS LEGAL & INSURED.




CostaBlancaPeople March 1st - 7th 2016


1,100 EUROS FOR ALZHEIMERS AND A MED CRUISE FOR JOYCE Everyone's a winner when it comes to Charity Nights at Restaurante El Alto La Dolores, in Guardamar. The latest fundraising night was sold out 3 weeks before the event. Woody provided the entertainment, and was excellent, as always. So, by popular demand, he has been booked for the next charity night

on 23rd March. All funds raised on this night will go to The Children's Care Home in Elche. Back to the recent charity night, when 1,100 euros was raised for the Alzheimers Association, and once again, the Restaurant owners donated a Mediterranean Cruise as 1st prize in the

raffle. Lucky winner was Joyce Miles from Do単a Pepa, Quesada. Tickets for 23rd March are available from the Restaurant itself, or from The Card Place in Benimar, or Redz Cafe Bar in Quesada. Early booking is recommended, as these nights always sell out early.


CostaBlancaPeople March 1st - 7th 2016

WELCOME TO PORTO with Vivalia Travel

Porto is Portugal's second largest city and the capital of the Northern region. Its metropolitan area (Greater Porto) has some 2,500,000 inhabitants in a 50 km radius, with cities like Gaia, Matosinhos, Maia, and Gondomar. Porto has always been a mercantile city, and this is evident in the style of the buildings lining the Avenida dos Aliados, the core of the downtown area. The center of town, unlike other major Portuguese cities, which tend towards the baroque, is granite and monumental. The city is quite varied architecturally, with medieval as well as modern living side by side. Porto's geography is hard on the feet, but pleasant to the eye. The city is extremely hilly, with many buildings built into a cliff face that overlooks the river. Stairs cut into the stone run up and down the cliff face and offer a laborious but rewarding walking tour. Across the river from Porto proper, in the

suburb of Gaia, are located the warehouses of notable companies dealing with Port Wine, such as Cálem, Fonseca, Sandemans, Kopke, and others. SEE, DO AND SHOPPING The first place to begin with is the Ribeira, the part of the city near the river, which is also a good place to start visiting the World Heritage area; to the other side of the river you will see the Ribeira de Gaia, a similar area from the city of Vila Nova de Gaia (the two are only separated by the river) and where you could find the Port Wine Cellars. You can take a cruise upriver. Go at least as far as Pinhão. In addition, take a port wine tour and visit the various wine caves! This is a must as Porto is the port wine capital. The cellars are in Vila Nova de Gaia, a 5 minute walk from Ribeira across the Douro river. Visit the Dragão Stadium, home of FC Porto. The team has a rich history and the stadium is worth a

visit on the architecture alone. For shopping, take a stroll around the Mercado do Bolhão which has a food market and handicrafts stores, and Santa Catarina street (highly recommended, even if only to stroll), which is near Bolhão. Cedofeita street is also a busy shopping street, as well as Boavista. Porto and the suburbs have plenty of shopping centers, including Norte Shopping, Arrábida Shopping, Parque Nascente, Gaia Shopping and Mar Shopping. EAT AND DRINK The best restaurants of the city are mainly located in Matosinhos near the beach and the seaport called "Porto de Leixões". Expect hearty meals, and if you can, try "Tripas à moda do Porto". Be aware, however, that this is a tripe dish. Citizens of Porto are called tripeiros (tripe-eaters) on account of this dish. Also try the salted codfish "Bacalhau" - in any way it is cooked - there are hundreds of different dishes with salted codfish. Don't forget the traditional dish called "Francesinha", which literally translated means little French lady. It is covered with cheese and a spicy sauce, with the option of including french fries on top. However, Porto is home to port wine of course, and there are many wineries around the city where port wine is matured. The wine is produced and bottled in Porto.

Albatera Mobile Home Park

Located in the Albatera countryside, the newest mobile home park on the Costa Blanca is an ideal early retirement site for the over 50s. Set in quiet surroundings, the newly built, fully legal mobile home park offers affordable Spanish living to a very high standard. The park itself is an easy walk from Albatera town with its public swimming pool and gym as well as a plethora of bars, coffee shops and restaurants. Located just 30 minutes from blue flag beaches and near the large indoor shopping centre, Nueva Condominia, there is never a shortage of ideas for days out. The town square of Albatera has cafes and is a great place to sit back, relax and watch the world go by. Albatera also has a busy market every Thursday with fresh fruit, vegetables, textiles and gifts on sale by local vendors. If you enjoy the great outdoors, Albatera Mobile Home Park is adjacent to a number of popular countryside walking routes or, if mountain walking is more your style, a ten minute drive will bring you to the nearby mountains with stunning scenery and

excellent walking routes. The local train service brings you to the cities of Alicante and Murcia for shopping trips or days out, and within a short drive of the mobile home park are a range of pretty Spanish villages just waiting to be explored. The mobile home park makes a great choice for retirees and those taking early retirement. It is a quiet, rural park just thirty minutes from Alicante airport. Plot prices are very reasonable and start at just €235 per month. You are free to landscape your plot to your own taste with plenty of space to park your car. What’s more, when you make the move, owners Chad and Jayne are more than happy to guide you through settling in to Spain and can help with paperwork, local advice and information about doctors, hospitals etc. Plots for rent and mobile homes for sale. For more information or to arrange a viewing, contact 0034 965 966 165 or 0034 686 665 720, or email enquiries@albateramobilehomepark.co.uk





CostaBlancaPeople March 1st - 7th 2016

‘You Can’t Be Serious’ is a weekly tongue in cheek look at the world through Bernie Comaskey’s eyes. With kind permission of the Westmeath Examiner.



YOU DON’T ALWAYS HAVE TO GO TO THE WHOLE HOG... A fussy old couple were booking into a hotel one night. They wanted nothing less than the very best the hotel could provide. The wife was in the process of stretching the patience of the guy behind the reception desk. Ralph was tired and it had been a long day. ‘We want the best room you have available’, repeated the couple. The hotel guy thought for a moment longer and then suggested; ‘tell you what, you can have the honeymoon suite, as it’s all made up and vacant tonight.’ ‘The honeymoon suite … the honeymoon suite?’ The woman spat the words at him; ‘the honeymoon suite; young man, I’ll have you know we have been married for twenty-five years.’ Ralph had enough: ‘Madam, if I give you the ballroom – it doesn’t mean that you have to dance!’ You see, the fact is that we don’t always have to go the whole hog or push the boat out to the limit. I admit that I am not yet fully trained in this regard: Driving from Dublin on the motorway last week, I kept my usual nice and steady 85 kilometres per hour in the 80 zone around Lucan. I suffer trauma driving this stretch as it

once earned me two penalty points at 0430 in the morning. This was a good few years back, but I don’t recover easily from such beatings. Anyway … where was I …oh yes. I know where the 120 KPH sign stands waiting invitingly and with 100 metres to go, I move up to my regular 125 KPH and kick for home. Now, I do know that I have written messages like this before and then I forget my own advice. (What was that the behavioural expert I quoted recently; that it takes 68 days to break a bad habit?) The road wasn’t busy and traffic was moving nicely. I wasn’t in any great hurry home … so why did I go at 125 when I had no need to? Because it was there to be had is the answer. I copped myself on this occasion, tucked into the inside lane and enjoyed the cruise as far as Kinnegad.

‘As Much as You Can Eat’ for X amount of money restaurants are quite common in North America and are springing up here and

in Britain as well. I have been known to eat too much in such a joint. Why I ask you? I bet you would do the same thing? But why should anybody eat until it hurts and thereby

Business Profile Business Profile: Please note that all information contained within this CostaBlanca People Business Profile has been provided by the client, and is therefore deemed correct and accurate. Any errors, omissions or inaccuracies are the sole responsibility of the client.

Golden Leaves Expat Services sponsors leading Costa Blanca lifestyle show Golden Leaves Expat Services, the ground breaking initiative from Golden Leaves International Limited today announced its sponsorship of Pet Idol 2016, the latest exciting addition to the annual Homes Gardens & Lifestyle Show in Costa Blanca. The leading show of its kind for the expat community is also one of the most popular events in Costa Blanca providing inspiration, information, fun and feature attractions as well as opportunities to meet with celebrities. Pet Idol 2016 provides animal lovers with the opportunity to put their furry friends in the limelight and be voted favourite Costa Blanca pet, with the winner receiving a year’s pet insurance courtesy of Golden Leaves Expat Services. Pet Idol 2016 will also be raising much needed awareness for the work of the animal charity APASA. Barry Floyd, Managing Director at Golden Leaves International Limited explains why Golden Leaves Expat Services was keen to support the show. “For pet owners everywhere, their pets are more than just animals. In many ways they are family, loved by old and young alike and as such, deserve the same loving care as any other family member. Pet insurance is

the most cost effective way of ensuring that your beloved pet will receive the care it needs, when it needs it, which is why pet insurance is one of the many valued services that we provide for the expatriate community.” He continues, “For this reason we are delighted to sponsor Pet Idol 2016 as well as showing our support for the important work of the APASA. We would encourage all pet owners to enter the competition and wish everyone the very best of luck. While there can only be one winner of Pet Idol 2016, we would of course be more than happy to discuss anyone’s pet insurance requirements with them either at the show or at our new offices.” The Homes Garden & Lifestyle Show will be held at the Denia Marriott Hotel, La Sella Gold & Spa Resort, Jesus Pobre on 11th-12th March, 2016. For more information about GL Expat Services’ portfolio Call 8000 98309, visit glexpatservices.com or pop in and see their team at their new offices in Javea, in the Arenal at Avenida De La Pla 123-125, Edifico Caribe, Locale1 Javea 03730 Alicante.

forfeit the pleasure of enjoying good food and just eating enough to suffice. This is a perfect example of going the full hog … just because it is there to be had. The ‘free bar’ will ignite going for the whole hog like nothing else on earth. By and large I would say that the friendly local pub is a far more civilised emporium than it was during my misspent youth. Probably the trend towards serving food has much to do with this, as well as the fact that a high percentage of serious drinkers shop at the off-licence nowadays. There is far less drunkenness in pubs than what used to be the case. But Lord God Almighty, open a free bar – even for an hour and watch the most dramatic change in people since Mary Kenny. A majority present will suddenly become brandy connoisseurs and the Hennessy will be the first bottles to run out. Men and women, young and old, will hastily get p****d out of their minds – just because they could; and ask each other next day if they all had a good time. You don’t have to drive the most expensive car you can afford to buy –

and yet, it is surprising how many folks will do precisely that – just because they can. There are guys who like to have a second, third – or even more women at the same time, and vice versa with the ladies … just because they want the full hog and it can be done. What is enough money? Few can answer that ceist. A man in making the top 50 wealthiest list wants enough money to make the top ten. The woman with half a million in diamonds wants her cache to be worth a million. This whilst the kid in a third world country dreams of one good meal. Much wants more and whatever our circumstance, the aim of most people is the whole hog. Those who appreciate having enough as it is are the lucky contented minority – and they can sit back and enjoy watching the others chase the hog.

Like farmers, we need to learn that we can’t sow and reap the same day

Don’t Dress for Dinner

Don’t Dress for Dinner, a hilarious farce by Marc Camolletti (who also wrote Boeing, Boeing) will be at Benijofar Cultural Centre in March, performed by ACTS theatre company. ACTS was recently founded by Tony and Angela Goddard, former members of the much lamented Dramatic Licence. ‘We needed a professional drama company in the area,’ said Tony, ‘because the sad demise of Dramatic Licence left a huge gap in the local cultural scene. I’m delighted with the experienced and talented group of people who have joined ACTS, and rehearsals, directed by Albert Stokes, are progressing extremely well. ‘The story, which is very convoluted, is something like this... Bernard (Ian Vallender) and Jacqueline (Suzanne Stokes) are married, but unknown to each

other are having affairs with other people, both of whom come to dinner. Bernard’s mistress is Suzanne, (Robin Smith) known as Suzy, and in a panic Bernard decides to try to palm her off on Robert, (Tony Goddard) Jacqueline’s lover. To add to the chaos, the cook, (Michelle Edwards) hired for the evening is Suzette...also known as Suzy, which makes for a tangle of misunderstanding, made worse when her husband George (Michael Sheridan) turns up. If you get the picture (sort of) and fancy a fun night out with an experienced group of actors who are having a wonderful time rehearsing this play, put 17th, 18th and 19th March in your diary. Tickets are available at Restaurante Catorce in Benijofar– where early bird dinner will

be available on performance nights; The Card Place in Benimar, Stevie’s Bar by the golf club above Super Valu in Quesada, and Cards and More in La Marina. You can also order on line (collect and pay at the door) by emailing Michelle on; sales.tickets.acts@gmail.com, or by phoning 646 277 724 to reserve. Tickets will be 8 euros each, or buy ten and pay for eight, so why not organise a group! Profits will be donated to Benijofar Social Services for those residents who are in need.


CostaBlancaPeople March 1st - 7th 2016

ABOUT US GO SATELLITE was set up 12 years ago by husband and wife team. Ian has more than 20 years experience, having spent 10 years with SKY in Home Services in the UK, where he worked on the specialist heights team as well as SKY’s Prestigious VIP Team, which caters for the stars, therefore the quality of his workmanship is extremely high! After leaving SKY, Ian set up his own business in the UK and ran this very successfully for 5 years before moving to Spain. SERVICES WE OFFER We are here to help! We can arrange installation of TV direct from the satellite with no monthly subscription. We are able to make repairs to existing satellite systems, potentially saving you from additional costs. We are suppliers of Sky and Humax receivers direct from the UK. You will find we are the cheapest on the Costa Blanca. Ask us about Sky cards and subscriptions. We are not only here for your TV and Satellite solutions, but are able to offer help with internet and telephone.


WHERE ARE WE? GO SATELLITE is based in Ciudad Quesada and covers most of the Costa Blanca. WHY ARE WE DIFFERENT? Ian said “Being a small company has its advantages. We offer a personal service and get to know all our customers by name. It’s important to us that people fully understand and are happy with the service we are providing. We realise that the technology involved can be confusing, but we are happy to spend time with our customers to ensure that they get the best system for their needs”. CUSTOMER SERVICE Any concerns of queries are dealt with in a clear and professional manner and clients can call Ian at any point if they have any queries. This ensures that all of their customers have complete peace of mind throughout the lifetime of the service. Added to that is the fact that GO SATELLITE is a fully legal, Spanish registered business that provides individual, company and community installations with a free no-obligation site survey. Go Satellite is going from strength to strength! SATISFIED CUSTOMERS! Over the past 12 years the company has installed hundreds of satellite TV systems for individuals, companies and communities. The Go Satellite system uses highest quality Portuguese manufactured dishes and requires NO monthly payments. Packages are available to suit everybody’s requirements and budget. GO SATELLITE offer expertise, reassurance and a proven track record, which can be backed up by many a satisfied customer. OTHER SERVICES Go Satellite not only provide television, but are also able to provide internet and telephone services. Packages are available to suit all with a switch on/off service available for non-residents.

COME AND MEET US! We have an office in the Business Centre, Calle Los Arcos No 7B, Ciudad Quesada, so you can now come and meet us and we will endeavour to help you with all of your TV queries. DISH ISSUES? Here at Go Satellite, we only use only top quality Portuguese dishes and Invacom LNBs. Sky Packages are also available. If you do not have room or do not wish to have a dish, give us a call, as we have a solution! At Go Satellite, we will endeavour to provide TV for everyone. So, if you are fed up of missing your favourite programmes or you have lost your TV signal and do not want to lose out any more, then call 965 725 670 or call into our office to find out more about GO SATELLITE and its services. Alternatively, check out the website: www.freetvspain.com



CostaBlancaPeople March 1st - 7th 2016


A new era for ‘Reach out – Extiende La Mano’ ■ SUZANNE O’CONNELL

suzanne@coastrider.net Since the crisis hit Spain in 2008 the numbers of homeless and those living on the borderline has escalated. There are precious few services here for them and the ones with most need often have greatest difficult accessing them. That’s one of the reasons why Reach Out Extiende la Mano has become such an important organisation. Located in the heart of Torrevieja’s market area, it provides those who are struggling on the breadline and below it, with hope. The homeless can come here for a much

needed midday meal, shower and opportunity to shave. But it’s much more than just a case of issuing food. Dolores Fernandez Sanz is the secretary of Reach Out and believes passionately in its importance not only in providing handouts for those desperate for them but in signposting them on to further support from services, both voluntary and statutory. ‘People come to us for food and we give them a few meals but then we need to find out more about

including pensioners and those with health issues. In some cases it can be families where parents work but are unable to manage on what they earn. Reach Out has links with social services and other statutory agencies to help identify sources of support. They are sought out by an increasing range of people.

New legal requirements The vision for the organisation has

now the board is working on a more egalitarian basis. The hierarchy has gone and everyone must agree on the decisions that we make together. We were audited in December and the auditors were both surprised and pleased with the clarity that they found.’ The new structure has been combined with new procedures that require consistency on a day-to-day basis. ‘Volunteers need to know where they stand and what’s expected of them,’ says Dolores. ‘We’ve got the systems in place now, but it’s taken a lot of hard work.’

Follow-up cases President Liz Thompson and her husband and treasurer John, are very closely involved with this transformation of Reach Out. They’ve seen a few people leave as a result of the changes but even

their dignity back.We follow up our cases and we look for ways of enabling them to get other forms of support too.’ Dolores and Liz talk about a widower with three children who they are currently working with. He originally sought their help when his wife had died and he couldn’t afford to bury her. He came back to them because he can’t manage his finances and the electricity was cut off. ‘We can see he’s a good father, and he’s been hesitant about engaging with social services in case they take his children from him.’ With the electricity cut off, Reach Out helped him pay his bill so he could be reconnected and are now looking for ways in which they can make sure he’s not evicted next month. They are currently trialling new policies announced by the new local

Volunteers staff the Reach out shop

People in need can buy goods at low prices

their circumstances and what we can do to help them, help themselves,’ she explains. Reach Out currently caters for some 103 homeless people, around 40 of whom come for breakfast and a midday meal. Along with a dining room they have a shop where people in need can purchase household items and clothing at a much reduced price and they have a food bank at which people who qualify can exchange points to buy basic items. Reach Out also supports people who are struggling to make ends meet,

always been the same, ‘Providing help and welfare to the homeless and needy through charitable means’. However, there is a new dimension to Reach Out. It comes with the increased legal requirements that mean many charities have had to completely review the way in which they work. ‘We have to comply with the legislation,’ explains Dolores. ‘If we don’t then we run the risk of not being able to continue. There is new legislation and tax law for associations. So we have completely changed our structure and

Volunteers and members of the board

more join or return. They are passionate about the charity. ‘It’s about giving people back their dignity,’ explains Liz. ‘They need to be shown respect, They’ve got used to being invisible and they need

government. ‘Things are changing here,’ says Dolores. ‘We were aware that the new government had made some agreement with Iberdrola so that they Continued on page 23


CostaBlancaPeople March 1st - 7th 2016

Continued from page 22 didn’t immediately cut off the electricity supply. We’re going to test this out now and discover just how well it’s working. We have 20 families similar to this one.’

The Board encourage those receiving help to give back to the organisation if they can. There are several roles within Reach Out that are carried out by those who originally came to them for assistance.

The mayor visits Reach Out As a charity and a voluntary organisation, Reach Out does not receive state money directly for the work it does. It relies on donations. They have, at times, felt neglected by local politicians. ‘The new mayor came to visit and seemed to be genuinely concerned,’ says Dolores.‘He was asking the right questions and we are optimistic. We couldn’t believe it when he offered to donate his expenses to us. We also received €550 of money collected during the Christmas Carol concert.’ The mayor presented his donation of €1,370.25 and councillor Carmen Morate presented the €550 from the concert. During the visit the mayor pointed out that what we must do is recognise that these problems exist in order to begin to deal with them. This visit was much appreciated not only for the donations that the visiting councillors brought but for the publicity that it gives the charity.

In need of more Reach Out is finding that the demand for its services is increasing. Along with the need to make sure they fulfil all legal requirements the pressure on finances and the need for volunteers has never been greater. The majority of those who come to Reach Out have multiple problems and it isn’t as simple as giving them food. The Board have recently employed a social worker and home visits are made to establish exactly how needy the families they work with are. ‘We’re seeing a change in attitude amongst the Spanish community,’ says Dolores. ‘Charity wouldn’t have been accepted previously. People were proud but more and more they’re seeking us out and accepting our help. They’re also getting more involved in donating too.The involvement and response of the Mayor is also a sign that things are changing.’

Homeless people enjoy their midday meal

However, they are still in need of more volunteers and, of course, donations. Dolores and Liz are very aware that they must be accountable for the money given. ‘We’ve got good records and can make sure that people know how much we appreciate what they give us. We acknowledge every donation and we issue certificates to those bars and others who fund raise on our behalf. The donations around Christmas were particularly amazing.’ You’ve got to have your heart in the right place to do this kind of work and it is evident that Reach Out is trying to fill an enormous gap within the welfare system here in Spain. There is an endless stream of people who they are currently helping and there are many more to come. If you would like more information about Reach Out you can view their website www.reachouttorrevieja.comIf you think you might be able to help you can call the office on 965 713 063 or email Dolores on secretary@reachouttorrevieja.com




CostaBlancaPeople March 1st - 7th 2016


Ref 2379

Ref 2821

Ref 2664

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Quesada, 4 bed, 3 bath villa, private pool, 600m2 plot, central heating + A/C, walk into Quesada centre, Price 355,000€

Los Montesinos, 3 bed, 2 bath semi, located on La Herrada, communal pool, 298m2 plot, Furnished + A/C - Price 99,999€

Quesada, New build 3 bed, 3 bath villas, Include private pool, Finished to a high standard, Show house ready, Under construction now - Price from 208.500€

Los Montesinos, 3 bed, 2 bath villa, private pool, 250m2 plot, 110m2 build, south facing, - Price 189,995

Quesada, top floor Buenavista apartment, 2 bed, 1 bath, communal pool, solarium with turret, fully furnished, Price 79,995€

Quesada, 2 bed, 1 bath villa, communal pool, 200m2 plot

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CostaBlancaPeople March 1st - 7th 2016

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CostaBlancaPeople March 1st - 7th 2016




CostaBlancaPeople March 1st - 7th 2016

If you’d like to book a private reading with me or discuss an event, please e-mail me to thequirkymedium@gmail.com If you have a question you’d like answered through this page, please contact me via e-mail to: thequirkymedium@gmail.com You can follow me on Twitter @rescuemediumali You can read about my future eventsand free articles on my websites http://thequirkymedium.blogspot.co.uk/http://discovertheangels.com/

The angel of love Archangel Chamuel Whatever you put out in life comes back to you whether it's how you treat yourself or others. Everyone deserves to be loved, to be treated with respect, and nurtured. Many people come to me for guidance from Spirit and the Angels as they are in unhealthy relationships and although the messages from above come through with specific information, strength and advice, it's up to the person themselves to make the decision as to whether to move on or not. I have written this article about Archangel Chamuel the Angel of Love as he can help with this very subject. I have also shared with you, one of my channelled angel cards which will help to improve your caring relationships with others by invoking this mighty angel. The Crystal associated with Archangel Chamuel is 'Pink Rubellite', and the Personal Daily Mantra is "I open my heart to love peace and gratitude".

ARCHANGEL CHAMUEL – THE ANGEL OF PURE LOVE Archangel Chamuel’s name means ‘He who sees God’ or He who seeks God’. Chamuel helps to renew and improve your loving, caring relationships with others by helping to develop the heart chakra. This is accomplished through the beautiful pink ray that represents our ability to love and nurture others, to be able to give and receive love, unconditionally free from all self-interest is a love that transcends and transforms the self and moves us through compassion towards the divine state of emotional maturity. Many people are afraid of opening their heart chakra, and those who have been able to overcome this fear have charismatic warmth that others find reassuring, soothing and uplifting. Call upon Archangel Chamuel to help to renew and improve existing relationships, or if you feel lonely, and need to be loved. Archangel Chamuel can help us to

find our soul mates once we have opened our hearts to his angelic love, peace and gratitude. Archangel Chamuel’s magical correspondences Ray/colour 3rd Ray – Pink Focus Creative intelligence Element Air/Developing the higher emotions. Crystal Rose Quartz, to open the heart. Archangel Chamuel helps us to appreciate the existing loving relationships we already have in our lives. His message is “it is only the love energy within any given purpose that gives lasting value and benefit to all creation’. Chamuel, with his loving delicate pink ray heals any part of your body you have rejected or judge unlovingly or unlovable. DISCOVER THE ANGELS HEALING CARDS ARCHANGEL CHAMUEL Archangel Chamuel is the angel of pure love and can assist if you are unhappy in your present job, or are looking for a complete change of career. He can help renew and improve your caring relationships with others by helping to develop the heart chakra. See yourself cocooned in his beautiful pink ray representing unconditional love, compassion and clarity. Remember to nurture yourself as well as others as this will enable you to give and receive love, as you move towards the divine state of emotional maturity. If you feel you have missed out on true love, this beautiful angel can unite you with your soul

mate. All you have to do is ask. Chamuel can help to strengthen a Parent-child bond, and will assist if your heart has hardened and is full of negative emotions or if you have lost someone close through death or separation. Call upon his divine love in a quite spot ideally in Mother Nature and ask him to carry your worries away on his loving wings of light as he leads you towards the pathway of true love and happiness.



CostaBlancaPeople CostaBlancaPeople December March 22nd 1st --28th 7th 2015 2016


Telephone (0034) 966 718 779 Fax: (0034) 965 725 582 Email: sunseekers@live.com Web: www.sunseekersquesada.com Calle Blanca No 1 (near Goyos Restaurant), Quesada


225,000 Euros

Quesada, detached villa with huge underbuild, own pool, good views, 3 beds, 2 baths, plus underbuild with separate kitchen and bathroom, ideal granny annexe, teenager annexe, 500sqm plot, very tastefully furnished.

97,500 Euros Cheapest ever!

Quesada, walking distance to Lidl and Consum supermarkets, this quad house has 3 beds, 1 family bathroom, downstairs WC, separate large kitchen, and good sized living/dining room. Fully furnished to a comfortable standard, communal swimming pool.

157,500 Euros

149,995 Euros

San Luis, semi-detached villa with large plot, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, large kitchen, living room and dining room, plus separate guest suite of bedroom and bathroom, large garage, rooftop solarium with lovely views, outside BBQ area, so many extras, too many to list. No pool, but space for. Located within easy walking distance to all amenities, a family home, not a holiday home.

Quesada, detached villa with 2 beds, 1 bathroom, lovely kitchen, two living rooms, legal extension, mature garden, off road parking, with brick built storage unit underneath, this property is presented immaculately, and represents spacious accommodation with recent extension, many, many extras too numerous to list, or indeed very close offers. Viewing essential.

79,000 Euros

32,500 Euros NO OFFERS

Quesada, mid terrace bungalow with 2 beds, 1 bathroom, dining room with beautiful kitchen, plus extension to make a large living room. Off road parking, front garden fully tiled, south facing. This is the best one I have seen in 15 years, fully furnished to an excellent standard. Price 79,000 euros, but owner is serious to sell, and will negotiate. Full photos in office. Located walking distance to supermarket, bars and restaurants.

Ground floor 1 bed apartment, excellent size, fully furnished to a very comfortable standard, communal pool 7 metres from front door, underground garage, telephone entry system, walking distance to town centre and Saturday market. 622



CostaBlancaPeople CostaBlancaPeople March December 1st -22nd 7th 2016 - 28th 2015




CostaBlancaPeople March 1st - 7th 2016


Surge in expats applying to register to vote as EU Referendum date is set The announcement of the date for the Referendum on the UK’s membership of the European Union has triggered a surge in the numbers of British expats wanting to register to vote. Latest figures show thousands of British nationals who live overseas are now going to www.gov.uk/register-tovote in order to be able to have their say on 23 June. The average daily rate of online registrations by Britons abroad has quadrupled from an average of just over 600 per day before the announcement of the referendum date last weekend, to more than 2600 per day since then. The Electoral Commission has launched a global campaign to encourage an estimated five million Britons living overseas to check their eligibility to vote ahead of the referendum on EU membership. The Foreign Office is supporting the campaign overseas, including in Spain. The British Ambassador Simon Manley, visiting Malaga last Tuesday (23 February), said:

“Whether you think the UK should remain in or leave the EU, the 23rd of June will be your chance to have your say. This is a once-in-a-generation opportunity for the British people to decide. “You might be asking yourself, why bother to vote? Although you may now live in Spain, most expats still have strong ties with the UK – financial, family, friends. You may also decide to return one day. So you very probably do have a stake in the outcome and how it may affect your life. I strongly encourage you to register to vote – just go online and follow the simple process.” If you have been on the UK electoral roll within the last 15 years, you are eligible to vote. Former residents of England, Scotland and Wales can quickly register at www.gov.uk/registerto-vote. If you last lived in Northern Ireland then you need to download an overseas voter application form from the Electoral Office for Northern Ireland, at www.eoni.org.uk.

HOW YOU CAN REGISTER TO VOTE AHEAD OF THE EU REFERENDUM 1. A referendum on the UK’s membership of the European Union will be held on 23 June. 2. If you were on the electoral roll in the UK within the last 15 years, then you can register as an overseas voter and have your say. #yourvotematters. 3. If you last lived in England, Scotland or Wales, go to www.gov.uk/register-to-vote and fill in your data. All you need is your National Insurance number, passport details and date of birth. (Even if you don’t have an NI number, you can still register). 4. Choose how you want to vote – by post, proxy, or even in person if you will be in Britain on polling day. If you choose to vote by post, ballot forms will be despatched about one month ahead, giving you time to receive, complete and return your vote. 5. If you were last registered to vote in Northern Ireland, download an overseas voter application form from the Electoral Office for Northern Ireland, at www.eoni.org.uk. You can choose to vote by proxy or in person, but not by post. 6. Do register now, don’t wait until the last minute and miss the deadline. Thousands of expatriates are already doing signing up. If you wait, you may miss your chance to have your say. 7. Just as in the UK, you need to register annually. So if you registered as an overseas voter for last year’s General Election, you still need to renew ahead of the EU referendum. 8. Out of 283,000 Britons officially resident in Spain, just 11,000 were registered to vote in last year’s UK General Election. Many British expats could miss out on their say in the EU referendum, so tell your friends to register too. 9. Use Facebook and Twitter to pass the message on that #yourvotematters. 10. Go to www.gov.uk/register-to-vote - make sure you can have your say.

Be mindful of mental health Traditionally a lack of understanding and effective treatments gave rise to a huge stigma around mental health issues and those suffering from them. However, thanks to open communication and media awareness mental health issues are no longer the taboo subject they were – but it remains an area of health and well-being that is not discussed and acknowledged enough. It’s estimated that a quarter of all adults will experience some sort of mental health condition in 2016. Mental health covers a wide range of conditions from depression, anxiety and panic attacks, to drug abuse, self-esteem issues, OCD to mania, paranoia, schizophrenia and suicidal feelings. New NHS figures show that the number of deaths annually among

mental health patients in England has risen 21 percent over the last three years. The government’s campaign, Time to Change, launched last October to raise awareness about the issue among young people, comes amid mounting criticism of cuts to mental health services.

So just how common are mental health problems? According to mental health charity Mind 1 in 4 people in the UK will experience a mental health problem each year. The overall number of people with mental health problems has not changed significantly in recent years, but worries about things like money, jobs and benefits can make it harder for people to cope. Every seven years a survey is done in England to measure the number of people who have different types of mental health problem each year. That latest figures available show that in every 100 people: 2.6 have depression 4.7 Anxiety 2.6 Phobias 1.3 OCD 3.0 Post-traumatic stress 1.6 Eating disorders During a person’s lifetime 17 in every 100 people will experience suicidal thoughts and 3 in 100 will self-harm. Around 4 in every 100 will experience a personality disorder and around 2 in every 100 are bipolar and the same amount are diagnosed with Schizophrenia.

To promote awareness and understanding of mental health BBC1 is launching its In the Mind season on 15th February with a primetime airing of a documentary which sees Stephen Fry return to the issue of his own disorder 10 years after his first award-winning show for BBC2. In The Not So Secret Life of the Manic Depressive: 10 Years On, Fry talks about his suicide attempt while filming in Uganda in 2012, six years after the last show aired.

Common problem Depression is one of the most common mental health issues experienced. This is more than simply feeling unhappy or fed up for a few days. We all go through spells of feeling down, but when you're depressed you feel persistently sad for weeks or months, rather than just a few days. Some people still think that depression is trivial and not a genuine health condition. However, they are wrong. Depression is a real illness with real symptoms, and it's not a sign of weakness or something you can ‘snap out of’ by ‘pulling yourself together’. The good news is that with the right treatment and support, most people can make a full recovery. Depression affects people in different ways and can cause a wide variety of symptoms. They range from lasting feelings of sadness and hopelessness, to losing interest in the things you used to enjoy and feeling very tearful. Many people with depression also have

symptoms of anxiety. There can be physical symptoms too, such as feeling constantly tired, sleeping badly, having no appetite or sex drive, and complaining of various aches and pains. The severity of the symptoms can vary. At its mildest, you may simply feel persistently low in spirit or mood, while at its most severe depression can make you feel suicidal and that life is no longer worth living. Most people experience feelings of stress, sadness or anxiety during difficult times. A low mood may improve after a short time, rather than being a sign of depression. Sometimes there is a trigger for depression. Life-changing events, such as bereavement, losing your job or even having a baby, can bring it on. People with a family history of depression are also more likely to experience it themselves. But you can also become depressed for no obvious reason. Depression is quite common and affects about one in 10 of us at some point. It affects men and women, young and old. Depression can also strike

children. Studies have shown that about 4 percent of children aged five to 16 in the UK are anxious or depressed. It’s no surprise that people suffering from this disorder are unsure about how to cure themselves. Many people with depression benefit by making lifestyle changes such as getting more exercise, cutting down on alcohol, stopping smoking and eating more healthily. Self-help measures such as reading a self-help book or joining a support group are also worthwhile. Happiness is what they are striving for, yet they are stuck in a negative mindset. This disease has the ability to take control over their lives. They may sometimes find themselves feeling worse and not knowing why. This is because depression can distort their thinking. There are things that they may be doing on a daily basis that are worsening their depression. It is important to remember that although you or someone you may know is suffering from this illness, it is not a reflection of the person that you/they are.

31 CostaBlancaPeople March 1st - 7th 2016

Suicide Squad (2016) A secret government agency recruits imprisoned supervillains to execute dangerous black ops missions in exchange for clemency. Director: David Ayer Writers: David Ayer, John Ostrander (comic book) Stars: Margot Robbie, Ben Affleck, Scott Eastwood

How to Be Single (2016) Rating 6.9 New York City is full of lonely hearts seeking the right match, and what Alice, Robin, Lucy, Meg, Tom and David all have in common is the need to learn how to be single in a world filled with definitions of love. Director: Christian Ditter Writers: Abby Kohn (screenplay), Marc Silverstein (screenplay) Stars: Dakota Johnson, Rebel Wilson, Leslie Mann

Hail,Caesar!(2016) Rating 6.9 A Hollywood fixer in the 1950s works to keep the studio’s stars in line. Directors: Ethan Coen, Joel Coen Writers: Joel Coen, Ethan Coen Stars: Josh Brolin, George Clooney, Alden Ehrenreich

Triple 9 (2016) Rating 6.7 A gang of criminals and corrupt cops plan the murder of a police officer in order to pull off their biggest heist yet across town. Director: John Hillcoat Writer: Matt Cook Stars: Casey Affleck, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Anthony Mackie

Don’t miss any of your favourite shows with the Costa Blanca People’s FREE comprehensive TV pullout, featuring extended listings from more TV channels than ever!

Chinese New Year Detached villa, 3 bed, 2 bath, 95m2 build, en-suite, communal pool. Reduced:

Detached villa, 3 bed, 2 bath, 81m2 build, 113m2 plot, sea views, east facing.

Was 115.000€

Must be viewed

NOW: 112.000€ Ref. NS072 - La Marina

129.000€ Ref. NS052 - La Marina

Detached villa bungalow, 3 bed, 2 bath, 142m2 build, 500m2 plot, private pool.

End terrace, 2 bed, 1 bath, 40m2 build, near shops, fully furnished.

Immaculate property

Excellent opportunity

240.000€ Ref. NS077 - La Marina

55.000€ Ref. NS069 - La Marina

Extended Josefina, 2 beds, 2 baths, 46m2 build, near shops, furnished.

Detached villa, 3 bed, 2 bath, 210m2 plot, near shops, communal pool.

Fantastic value

Good location


Ref. NS055 - La Marina

129.999€ Ref. NS059 - La Marina

Ref. NS076 - La Marina Detached villa, 3 bed, 2 bath, 77m2 build, 210m2 plot, private pool. Just reduced.

Quad, 3 bed, 2 bath, 87m2 build, 100m2 plot, communal pool.

Was 139.999€


Great location

NOW: 137.500€ Ref. NS073 - La Marina

La Marina Urb, Av. Londres, 1182 - 03177 San Fulgencio, Alicante Tel. (+34) 965 038 990 - (+34) 665 383 392 622 info@newstartestates.com - www.newstartestates.com

The Chinese New Year begins in February, so we are now officially in the Year of the Monkey. The new year, also known as the Spring Festival, is marked by the lunisolar Chinese calendar, so the date changes from year to year. The Year of the Monkey will last until 27th January 2017. Each Chinese New Year is characterised by one of 12 animals which appear in the Chinese zodiac. The Chinese zodiac is divided into 12 blocks (or houses) just like its western counterpart, but with the major difference being that each house has a time-length of one year instead of one month. This year it's the Year of the Fire Monkey (or Red Monkey), the ninth animal in the cycle. The next Year of the Monkey will be in 2028. Each year is associated with a Chinese zodiac animal sign, as well as one of the five vital elements: Gold, Water, Wood, Fire or Earth. Chinese New Year farewells winter and the year gone by and rings in spring and the fresh year with family and friends. Making wishes for luck, prosperity and good fortune and warding off evil spirits are central to many celebrations, which vary across China and Lunar New Year cultures.

As the Year of the Goat comes to an end it will herald a reversal in fortunes for some animal signs that suffered in the last year. According to Chinese Five Elements Horoscopes, Monkey contains Metal and Water. Metal is connected to gold. Water is connected to wisdom and danger. Therefore, we will deal with more financial events in the year of the Monkey. Monkey is a smart, naughty, wily and vigilant animal. If you want to have good return for your money investment, then you need to outsmart the Monkey. Metal is also connected to the Wind. That implies the status of events will be changing very quickly. Think twice before you leap when making changes for your finance, career, business relationship and people relationship. For the superstitious in China, the astrological divinations of a local feng shui master can be important guidance in making decisions for the coming year. Chen Shuaifu, a noted feng shui master and long-time chairman of the China Fengshui Association has made the following predictions. Unfortunately for anyone seeking reassurance about the worldwide economic turmoil, Chen does not have any encouraging words.

Predictions “In 2016 we will see a big slide in

the world economy,” he warns. “The global economic situation will be terrible and lots of companies will be bankrupted.” He recommends postponing important financial decisions in 2016, but warns that those looking to grow families or resolve questions of the heart shouldn't wait any longer. “It's a good year for people to give birth and to look for love,” he says. “Babies born in the Year of the Monkey are regarded as very hardworking and lucky.” Chen expects good times ahead for anyone born in the Year of the Snake (1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013); the Dragon (1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012); the Sheep (1943, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015); and Ox (1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009). Those animals ‘get along well with monkeys,’ Chen said. Chen suggests eating more red apples and storing them at home because monkeys like fruit and the red color will bring better fortune. In a nod to the monkey's natural forest habitat, Chen also recommends wearing more green.


Television: Tues 1st March BBC1

7.00am 10.15am 11.00am 12.00pm 12.45pm 1.15pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 2.45pm 3.15pm 4.00pm 4.45pm 5.30pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 11.45pm 12.45am 1.15am 2.55am


Breakfast Heir Hunters Homes Under the Hammer Countryside 999 Claimed and Shamed Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Regional News and Weather Doctors Moving On Escape to the Country Holiday of My Lifetime with Len Goodman Flog It! Pointless BBC News at Six Regional News and Weather The One Show EastEnders Holby City Happy Valley BBC News at Ten Regional News and Weather Life and Death Row Film 2016 Charlie and Boots Weather for the Week Ahead

7.15am 8.00am 8.45am 9.15am 9.45am 10.15am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.45pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 4.45pm 5.45pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 12.15am 1.15am 2.15am 3.15am

ITV2 6.55am 7.00am 7.20am 8.10am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 10.35am 11.15am 12.15pm 1.10pm 1.45pm 2.15pm 2.45pm 3.40pm 4.40pm 5.45pm 6.50pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 12.05am 12.35am 1.00am 1.30am

Heir Hunters Countryside 999 Claimed and Shamed Emergency Rescue Down Under Great British Railway Journeys Victoria Derbyshire BBC News The Daily Politics The Super League Show Coast Who Do You Think You Are? A Place to Call Home The Life of Mammals Terry and Mason's Great Food Trip Bargain Hunt Eggheads Too Much TV The Great Interior Design Challenge Back in Time for the Weekend Who's the Boss? Scrappers Newsnight Let's Play Darts for Sports Relief 2016 Back in Time for the Weekend MasterChef: The Professionals This is BBC Two

ITV1 6.05am 7.00am 9.30am 10.25am 11.30am 1.30pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.40pm 12.10am 1.10am 4.00am 4.50am 6.05am

Sky Sports 1

ITV2 Nightscreen Planet's Funniest Animals Dinner Date The Ellen DeGeneres Show Emmerdale Coronation Street Coronation Street Catchphrase Dinner Date Royal Pains Emmerdale Coronation Street Coronation Street The Ellen DeGeneres Show Judge Rinder The Jeremy Kyle Show The Jeremy Kyle Show Take Me Out You've Been Framed! You've Been Framed! Two and a Half Men Two and a Half Men Shaun of the Dead Family Guy Family Guy American Dad! American Dad!

6.00am 6.30am 7.00am 7.15am 7.30am 7.45am 8.00am 9.00am 10.00am 11.00am 11.30am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 3.00pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.30pm 8.30pm 11.00pm 12.30am 2.00am 2.30am 3.00am 5.00am 5.30am 6.00am 6.30am

Premier League 100 Club Premier League 100 Club Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold WWE SmackDown! Soccer A.M. - The Best Bits Football League Goals BPL Legends BPL Legends Soccer A.M. - The Best Bits Premier League 100 Club Football League Goals The Premier League Years Barclays Premier League Review Eredivisie Barclays Premier League Review Live Coppa Italia Ford Football-Match Choice Ford Football-Match Choice La Liga World 2015 Premier League The Premier League Years Premier League 100 Club Premier League 100 Club Premier League 100 Club Premier League 100 Club

7.00am 7.50am 8.35am 9.05am 9.35am 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 11.30am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 3.30pm 4.00pm 4.30pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.50pm 12.20am 12.50am

Made in Chelsea Charmed Hollyoaks Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement New Girl New Girl Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey Charmed Charmed How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother New Girl New Girl The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Hollyoaks The Big Bang Theory The Goldbergs The Goldbergs Tattoo Fixers Virtually Famous The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Tattoo Fixers

Sky Movies Premiere 6.00am

Avengers: Age of Ultron Special


Exodus: Gods and Kings Special




Far From the Madding Crowd


Fast and Furious 7 Special




Barely Lethal


Last Knights


Mad Max: Fury Road


Far From the Madding Crowd


Mad Max: Fury Road








Barely Lethal


Avengers: Age of Ultron Special


Terminator Genisys: The Future Reborn

CostaBlancaPeople CostaBlancaPeople December March 22nd 1st- -28th 7th 2015 2016

The Jeremy Kyle Show Good Morning Britain Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning Loose Women ITV Lunchtime News Jeremy Kyle's Emergency Room Masterpiece with Alan Titchmarsh Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London ITV Evening News Emmerdale The Inspectors are Coming It's Not Rocket Science Frustrated Britain: Caught on Camera ITV News at Ten and Weather On Assignment Davina Mccall: Life at the Extreme Jackpot247 Loose Women ITV Nightscreen The Jeremy Kyle Show

Sky 1 6.00am 6.30am 7.00am 7.30am 8.00am 8.30am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 1.00am 2.00am 2.30am 3.00am 3.30am

Sky World News Sky World Review and Business Report Sunrise Sunrise Sunrise Sunrise Sunrise Sunrise NCIS: Los Angeles Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 NCIS: Los Angeles Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Inside RAF: Brize Norton Futurama Futurama The Simpsons Futurama Futurama The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons The Flash Stella NCIS: Los Angeles Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Motorway Patrol Motorway Patrol Highway Patrol Highway Patrol

7.00am 7.25am 8.25am 9.30am 10.35am 11.00am 11.25am 11.55am 1.00pm 2.00pm 3.05pm 4.10pm 5.15pm 5.50pm 6.20pm 6.55pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 11.00pm 1.10am 2.10am 3.05am 3.30am

Doctor in the House Heartbeat Where the Heart is The Royal Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy Wycliffe Murder, She Wrote Heartbeat The Royal Where the Heart is Doctor in the House In Loving Memory On the Buses Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Midsomer Murders A Touch of Frost Wycliffe Where the Heart is ITV3 Nightscreen Teleshopping


Channel 4 6.05am 7.00am 7.45am 8.10am 8.35am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 1.05pm 2.10pm 3.10pm 4.10pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.05am 1.10am 2.05am 2.30am 2.55am 3.50am 4.20am 5.15am 6.10am

Emmerdale: Chrissie discovers a family secret. Zak is feeling the pressure. Aaron gets some news.

Eastenders: Honey comes up with an idea to cheer Ronnie up, but how will she react? Lee and Nancy reach breaking point, threatening to tear the Carter family apart. Claudette is haunted by a face from the past.

Location, Location, Location Countdown King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Frasier Car S.O.S Undercover Boss USA Channel 4 News Summary A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun Deal or No Deal Countdown A New Life in the Sun Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News The Secret Life of the Zoo Born to be Different Natural World Sarah Millican: Chatterbox Live Pokerstars.Com and Monte-Carlo Casino EPT Grand Final KOTV Boxing Weekly Gillette World Sport Frostgun Invitational Freerider World Tour Beat My Build Location, Location, Location Deal or No Deal

BBC 4 8.00pm 8.30pm Kearney 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm

World News Today Great Irish Journeys with Martha

3.00am 4.00am 5.00am

The Taff: The River That Made Wales The Brecon Beacons with Iolo Williams The Last Seabird Summer? Life of a Mountain: A Year on Scafell Pike The Prosecutors: Real Crime and Punishment The Last Seabird Summer? Every Breath We Take: Understanding Our Atmosphere Fonteyn '59: Sleeping Beauty World War Two: A Timewatch Guide This is BBC Four


Jamie's Comfort Food


Food Unwrapped


Come Dine with Me


Four in a Bed


Four in a Bed


Four in a Bed


Four in a Bed


Four in a Bed


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


A Place in the Sun


A Place in the Sun: Summer Sun


The Supervet


Grand Designs


Selling Houses with Amanda Lamb


Million Pound Properties


24 Hours in A and E


Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA

12.00am 1.00am 2.00am




Channel 5 6.10am

House Doctor


House Doctor


The Wotwots!


Chloe's Closet


Lily's Driftwood Bay


Fireman Sam




Peppa Pig


Pip Ahoy!


Little Princess


Bob the Builder


Thomas and Friends


Noddy in Toyland


Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom


Peppa Pig


Peppa Pig


Paw Patrol


Bananas in Pajamas


Toot the Tiny Tugboat


The Wright Stuff


Cowboy Builders


5 News Lunchtime


Police Interceptors


Home and Away








5 News at 5




Home and Away


5 News Tonight


The Dog Rescuers with Alan Davies


Britain's Horror Homes


The Great British Benefits Handout


Age Gap Love


The Woman with No Face


Botched Up Bodies


Super Casino


GPs: Behind Closed Doors


Wildlife SOS


Divine Designs


House Doctor


House Doctor


House Doctor

7.00am 7.10am 8.00am 9.00am 10.00am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 1.30pm 1.55pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.35pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 12.40am 2.45am

Goals of the 80s Minder The Chase The Professionals The Sweeney Magnum, P.I. The Chase Pawn Stars Pawn Stars The Car Chasers The Car Chasers Magnum, P.I. Minder The Sweeney The Professionals The Car Chasers The Car Chasers Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Storage Wars Texas Storage Wars Texas The World is Not Enough Raw Deal Ax Men

More 4


www.costablancapeople.com CostaBlancaPeople CostaBlancaPeopleMarch December 1st - 7th 22nd 2016 - 28th 2015

BBC1 7.00am 10.15am 11.00am 12.00pm 12.45pm 1.15pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 2.45pm 3.15pm 4.00pm 4.45pm 5.30pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 11.45pm 1.15am 1.20am


Breakfast Heir Hunters Homes Under the Hammer Countryside 999 Claimed and Shamed Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Regional News and Weather Doctors Moving On Escape to the Country Holiday of My Lifetime with Len Goodman Flog It! Pointless BBC News at Six Regional News and Weather The One Show Traffic Cops DIY SOS The Big Build BBC News at Ten Regional News and Weather Match of the Day Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News

7.15am 8.00am 8.45am 9.15am 9.45am 10.15am 12.00pm 12.30pm 2.00pm 2.10pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 4.55pm 5.55pm 6.25pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 12.15am 1.15am 1.45am 2.45am 3.40am

ITV2 7.00am 7.20am 8.10am 9.00am 9.30am 10.35am 11.15am 12.15pm 1.10pm 1.45pm 2.45pm 3.40pm 4.40pm 5.45pm 6.50pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 12.10am 12.40am 1.10am 1.40am 2.05am 2.30am 3.20am 6.50am

7.00am 7.15am 7.30am 7.45am 8.00am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 11.30am 11.45am 12.00pm 1.00pm 1.30pm 2.00pm 3.30pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.30pm 6.45pm 7.00pm 7.15pm 7.30pm 7.45pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 11.00pm 12.30am 2.00am 3.30am

Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold WWE Experience Fantasy Football Club Highlights Premier League 100 Club Ford Football-Match Choice Football Gold Football Gold Soccer A.M. - The Best Bits La Liga World 2015 Fantasy Football Club Highlights Ford Football-Match Choice Ford Football-Match Choice La Liga World 2015 Soccer A.M. - The Best Bits Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold The Mavericks Live Coppa Italia Ford Football-Match Choice Ford Football-Match Choice Ford Football-Match Choice Sporting Triumphs

7.00am 7.50am 8.35am 9.05am 9.35am 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 11.30am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 3.30pm 4.00pm 4.30pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 12.30am 1.00am

Made in Chelsea Charmed Hollyoaks Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement New Girl New Girl Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey Charmed Charmed How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother New Girl New Girl The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Hollyoaks The Goldbergs The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The 100 Supernatural The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Tattoo Fixers

Sky Movies Premiere 7.00am



Terminator Genisys: The Future Reborn


Far From the Madding Crowd




Barely Lethal


Mad Max: Fury Road


Last Knights


Far From the Madding Crowd


Mad Max: Fury Road




Unconscious Unfriended


Barely Lethal

ITV1 7.00am 9.30am 10.25am 11.30am 1.30pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.25pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.40pm 1.10am 1.35am 4.00am 6.05am

Sky Sports 1

Planet's Funniest Animals Dinner Date The Ellen DeGeneres Show Emmerdale The Cube Catchphrase Dinner Date Royal Pains Emmerdale You've Been Framed! The Ellen DeGeneres Show Judge Rinder The Jeremy Kyle Show The Jeremy Kyle Show Take Me Out You've Been Framed Rides Again! Two and a Half Men Two and a Half Men Quantum of Solace Family Guy Family Guy American Dad! American Dad! Two and a Half Men Scorpion Teleshopping ITV2 Nightscreen


Heir Hunters Countryside 999 Claimed and Shamed See Hear Great British Menu Victoria Derbyshire BBC News The Daily Politics Coast The Pallisers Who Do You Think You Are? A Place to Call Home The Life of Mammals Terry and Mason's Great Food Trip Bargain Hunt Eggheads Too Much TV The Great Interior Design Challenge £100k House: Tricks of the Trade One Child Live From the BBC Newsnight The Story of China See Hear The Great Sport Relief Bake Off Nature's Miracle Orphans This is BBC Two


Terminator Genisys: The Future Reborn


Avengers: Age of Ultron Special

Television: Wed 2nd March

Good Morning Britain Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning Loose Women ITV Lunchtime News Jeremy Kyle's Emergency Room Masterpiece with Alan Titchmarsh Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London Party Political Broadcast by the UK Independence Party ITV Evening News Emmerdale Coronation Street Big Star's Little Star Grantchester ITV News at Ten and Weather When Ant and Dec Met the Prince Richard Wilson on the Road Jackpot247 ITV Nightscreen The Jeremy Kyle Show

Sky 1 7.00am 7.30am 8.00am 8.30am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 1.00am 2.00am 2.30am 3.00am 4.00am 5.00am 6.00am

Sunrise Sunrise Sunrise Sunrise Sunrise Sunrise NCIS: Los Angeles Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 NCIS: Los Angeles Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Harrow: A Very British School Futurama Futurama The Simpsons Futurama Futurama The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons Arrow Limitless Scream 2 Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Motorway Patrol Motorway Patrol Night Cops Stargate SG-1 Stargate SG-1 Sky World News

7.00am 7.25am 8.25am 9.30am 10.35am 11.00am 11.25am 11.55am 1.00pm 2.00pm 3.05pm 4.05pm 5.15pm 5.50pm 6.20pm 6.55pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 1.15am 2.15am 3.05am

Doctor in the House Heartbeat Where the Heart is The Royal Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy Wycliffe Murder, She Wrote Heartbeat The Royal Where the Heart is Doctor in the House In Loving Memory On the Buses Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Rosemary and Thyme Love Your Garden A Touch of Frost Wire in the Blood Where the Heart is ITV3 Nightscreen


Channel 4 7.00am 7.45am 8.10am 8.35am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 1.05pm 2.10pm 3.10pm 4.10pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.55pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.35pm 12.35am 1.35am 3.00am 4.35am 5.30am 5.55am 6.10am

BBC 4 8.00pm 8.30pm


World News Today Great Irish Journeys with Martha Kearney Ultimate Swarms The Prosecutors: Real Crime and Punishment The Lady Who Flew Africa: The Aviatrix Life of a Mountain: A Year on Scafell Pike Ultimate Swarms The Lady Who Flew Africa: The Aviatrix Crime and Punishment The Prosecutors: Real Crime and Punishment This is BBC Four


Jamie's Comfort Food


Food Unwrapped


Come Dine with Me


Four in a Bed


Four in a Bed


Four in a Bed


Four in a Bed


Four in a Bed


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


A Place in the Sun


A Place in the Sun: Summer Sun


The Supervet


Grand Designs


Discovering Britain


8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown


24 Hours in A and E


Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA

9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 1.00am 2.00am 3.00am 4.00am


SOAP UPDATE Emmerdale: Chrissie calls a truce. Robert makes a deal. Jai makes some progress with Megan.

Coronation Street: Will Eva and Aidan be caught red-handed? Erica makes her intentions clear. Michael feels left out.

Countdown King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Frasier Car S.O.S Undercover Boss USA Channel 4 News Summary A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun Deal or No Deal Countdown A New Life in the Sun Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News The Political Slot Posh Pawn 24 Hours in A and E Raised by Wolves Secrets of the Sauna How to Get a Council House Music on 4 All About Steve Location, Location, Location Ultimate Dealer Hugh's 3 Good Things Deal or No Deal

Channel 5 7.00am

The Wotwots!


Chloe's Closet


Lily's Driftwood Bay


Fireman Sam




Peppa Pig


Pip Ahoy!


Little Princess


Bob the Builder


Thomas and Friends


Noddy in Toyland


Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom


Peppa Pig


Peppa Pig


Paw Patrol


Bananas in Pajamas


Toot the Tiny Tugboat


The Wright Stuff


Cowboy Builders


5 News Lunchtime


Police Interceptors


Home and Away




NCIS: Los Angeles


Hit and Run


5 News at 5




Home and Away


5 News Tonight


The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door


GPs: Behind Closed Doors


Inside Buckingham Palace


Person of Interest


Person of Interest




True Crimes: The First 72 Hours


Super Casino


Inside the World's Toughest Prisons


Wildlife SOS


Divine Designs


House Doctor


House Doctor


House Doctor

7.00am 7.50am 8.50am 9.50am 10.50am 11.50am 12.50pm 1.25pm 1.50pm 2.25pm 2.55pm 3.55pm 4.55pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 12.30am 2.40am 3.25am 3.50am

Minder The Chase The Professionals The Sweeney Magnum, P.I. The Chase Pawn Stars Pawn Stars The Car Chasers The Car Chasers Magnum, P.I. Minder The Sweeney The Professionals The Car Chasers The Car Chasers Pawn Stars Pawn Stars The Chase: Celebrity Special Lethal Weapon 4 Death Race Ax Men The Car Chasers ITV4 Nightscreen

More 4


The Great Interior Design Challenge BBC 2 – 8.00 pm The Great Interior Design Challenge is a British television annual interior design competiton first broadcast on BBC Two on 20 January 2014. Each series aims to find “Britain's best amateur interior designers”.




Television: Thurs 3rd March BBC1

7.00am 10.15am 11.00am 12.00pm 12.45pm 1.15pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 2.45pm 3.15pm 4.00pm 4.45pm 5.30pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 11.45pm 12.45am


Breakfast Heir Hunters Homes Under the Hammer Countryside 999 Claimed and Shamed Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Regional News and Weather Doctors Moving On Escape to the Country Holiday of My Lifetime with Len Goodman Flog It! Pointless BBC News at Six Regional News and Weather The One Show EastEnders Room 101 Would I Lie to You? Pompeii: New Secrets Revealed with Mary Beard BBC News at Ten Regional News and Weather Question Time This Week

7.15am 8.00am 8.45am 9.15am 10.15am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.05pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 4.55pm 5.55pm 6.25pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 12.15am 12.55am 1.55am 2.55am 3.55am

ITV2 7.00am 7.20am 8.10am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 10.35am 11.15am 12.15pm 1.10pm 1.45pm 2.15pm 2.45pm 3.40pm 4.40pm 5.45pm 6.50pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 12.00am 12.30am 1.00am 1.30am

7.15am 7.30am 7.45am 8.00am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 11.30am 1.00pm 1.15pm 1.30pm 1.45pm 2.00pm 3.30pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.15pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 8.00pm 11.30pm 11.45pm 12.15am 1.15am 1.30am 1.45am 2.00am 2.30am

Sky Movies Premiere 7.00am



Fast and Furious 7 Special




Far From the Madding Crowd Barely Lethal


Last Knights


Mad Max: Fury Road


Far From the Madding Crowd


Mad Max: Fury Road








Barely Lethal

ITV1 7.00am 9.30am 10.25am 11.30am 1.30pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.40pm 12.10am 1.10am 2.00am 4.00am 4.25am

Sky Sports 1

Planet's Funniest Animals Dinner Date The Ellen DeGeneres Show Emmerdale Coronation Street You've Been Framed! Catchphrase Dinner Date Royal Pains Emmerdale Coronation Street You've Been Framed! The Ellen DeGeneres Show Judge Rinder The Jeremy Kyle Show The Jeremy Kyle Show Take Me Out You've Been Framed! Two and a Half Men Two and a Half Men Scorpion The Keith Lemon Sketch Show Family Guy Family Guy American Dad! American Dad! Two and a Half Men


Heir Hunters Countryside 999 Claimed and Shamed The Great Interior Design Challenge Victoria Derbyshire BBC News The Daily Politics Coast The Pallisers Who Do You Think You Are? A Place to Call Home The Life of Mammals Terry and Mason's Great Food Trip Bargain Hunt Eggheads Too Much TV Cycling Murder Stewart Lee's Comedy Vehicle Newsnight The People v OJ Simpson: American Crime Story The Inside Story The Story of China Earth's Greatest Spectacles This is BBC Two


Fast and Furious 7 Special


Terminator Genisys: The Future Reborn

Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold WWE SmackDown! Premier League 100 Club Premier League 100 Club Ford Football-Match Choice Ford Football-Match Choice Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Ford Football-Match Choice Ford Football-Match Choice Premier League 100 Club Premier League 100 Club Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Barclays Premier League World BPL Legends Live Premier League Darts Darts Gold II La Liga Show 2015 Barclays Premier League World Super League Highlights Football Gold Football Gold La Liga Show 2015 Barclays Premier League World

Made in Chelsea Charmed Hollyoaks Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement New Girl New Girl Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey Charmed Charmed How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother New Girl New Girl The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Hollyoaks The Goldbergs The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Brooklyn Nine-Nine Brooklyn Nine-Nine The Inbetweeners Movie Tattoo Fixers Rude Tube

9.30am 10.00am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 1.00am 2.00am 2.30am 3.00am 4.00am 5.00am 6.00am 6.30am

Eastenders: Ronnie must come to a decision about her future. After visiting Lucas, Denise finds herself in a tough situation. Mick and Linda attempt to reunite the Carter family, but will their plan work?

Sunrise NCIS: Los Angeles Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 NCIS: Los Angeles Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Harrow: A Very British School Futurama Futurama The Simpsons Futurama Futurama The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons DC's Legends of Tomorrow A League of Their Own Stan Lee's Lucky Man Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Motorway Patrol Motorway Patrol Night Cops Stargate SG-1 Stargate SG-1 Sky World News Sky World Review and Business Report

7.00am 7.25am 8.25am 9.30am 10.35am 11.00am 11.30am 11.55am 1.00pm 2.05pm 3.05pm 4.10pm 5.15pm 5.50pm 6.20pm 6.55pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.55pm 1.10am 2.05am 3.00am 3.30am

Doctor in the House Heartbeat Where the Heart is The Royal Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy Wycliffe Murder, She Wrote Heartbeat The Royal Where the Heart is Doctor in the House In Loving Memory On the Buses Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote The Making of a Lady A Touch of Frost Wire in the Blood Where the Heart is ITV3 Nightscreen Teleshopping


Channel 4 7.00am 7.45am 8.10am 8.35am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 1.05pm 2.10pm 3.10pm 4.10pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.55pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.05am 1.10am 2.05am 3.00am 3.55am 4.45am 5.40am 6.10am

Countdown King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Frasier Car S.O.S Undercover Boss USA Channel 4 News Summary A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun Deal or No Deal Countdown A New Life in the Sun Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News The Political Slot Ugly House to Lovely House with George Clarke 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown Alan Carr: Chatty Man Tattoo Fixers Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA Royal Navy School Born to be Different Undercover Boss Canada Beat My Build Ultimate Dealer Deal or No Deal

BBC 4 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 1.00am 1.40am 2.40am 3.25am 4.55am


SOAP UPDATE Emmerdale: Chrissie digs up the past. Aaron feels torn. Megan gets a surprise.

Good Morning Britain Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning Loose Women ITV Lunchtime News Jeremy Kyle's Emergency Room Masterpiece with Alan Titchmarsh Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London ITV Evening News Emmerdale Tonight Emmerdale The Cruise Bear Grylls: Mission Survive ITV News at Ten and Weather The Late Debate Frustrated Britain: Caught on Camera Murder, She Wrote Jackpot247 Tonight ITV Nightscreen

Sky 1

E4 7.00am 7.50am 8.35am 9.05am 9.35am 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 11.30am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 3.30pm 4.00pm 4.30pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 10.30pm 11.00pm 1.05am 2.00am

CostaBlancaPeople March 1st - 7th 2016

World News Today Top of the Pops: 1981 Indian Hill Railways Do We Really Need the Moon? Ancient Egypt: Life and Death in the Valley of the Kings The Golden Age of Canals Top of the Pops: 1981 Neil Sedaka: King of Song Neil Sedaka Says: All You Need is the Music Treasures of the Louvre This is BBC Four

Channel 5 7.00am

The Wotwots!


Chloe's Closet


Lily's Driftwood Bay


Fireman Sam




Peppa Pig


Pip Ahoy!


Little Princess


Bob the Builder


Thomas and Friends


Noddy in Toyland


Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom


Peppa Pig


Peppa Pig


Paw Patrol


Bananas in Pajamas


Toot the Tiny Tugboat


The Wright Stuff


Cowboy Builders


5 News Lunchtime


Britain's Horror Homes


Home and Away






Dangerous Lessons


5 News at 5




Home and Away


5 News Tonight


Ben Fogle: New Lives in the Wild


The Secret Life of the Family


Olympus Has Fallen


Can't Pay? Final Demand Special


Super Casino


I Want That Wedding!


Wildlife SOS


Divine Designs


House Doctor


House Doctor


House Doctor

More 4 9.55am

Jamie's 15 Minute Meals


Food Unwrapped


Come Dine with Me


Four in a Bed


Four in a Bed


Four in a Bed


Four in a Bed


Four in a Bed


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


A Place in the Sun


A Place in the Sun: Summer Sun


The Supervet


Grand Designs


The Good Wife


Thicker Than Water


24 Hours in A and E


Chopped Off: The Man Who Lost His

ITV4 7.00am 7.05am 8.00am 8.50am 9.50am 10.55am 11.55am 1.00pm 1.30pm 1.55pm 2.30pm 2.55pm 3.55pm 4.55pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.35pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 12.20am 1.25am 3.35am

Football's Greatest Minder The Chase The Professionals The Sweeney Magnum, P.I. The Chase Pawn Stars Pawn Stars The Car Chasers The Car Chasers Magnum, P.I. Minder The Sweeney The Professionals The Car Chasers The Car Chasers Pawn Stars Pawn Stars The Classic Car Show The Chronicles of Riddick Bundesliga Extreme Measures The Car Chasers


www.costablancapeople.com CostaBlancaPeople March 1st - 7th 2016


LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Dear Editor Torrevieja Christian Fellowship (TCF) are holding a Craft Fayre at TCF Avenida de las Cortes Valencianas,68, Torrevieja 03183 on Wednesday 9th of March between 3.00 pm. and 5.00 pm. Our Craft Club have made, hand-made cards, knitted goods and embroidery, plus items suitable for Easter. Refreshments are also available, tea ,coffee etc. All are welcome. Dear Editor I read your article in the 16th Feb. - 22nd Feb. 2016 regarding the fire in El Hondo Natural Park. I realise that sometimes these are natural disasters, and that there is an investigation by the authorities. This is the first time I have ever commented on a newspaper article, however I sometimes wonder if the authorities are missing some BASICS. I am a cyclist of more than 1000kms and have lived in Spain for 6 years now after retiring. Whilst cycling in the campo I see lots of glass bottles left by the roadside, either thrown out of cars, vans or lorries or even left by fruit pickers. Sun and glass bottles acting as a magnifying glass could be the simple explanation. Perhaps litter laws need to be looked into. Yours Sincerely Dave Hughes. Dear Editor Charles Darwin’s Birthday Celebrations Congratulations to Buddy and Paco for

being second, after the Wolverines (Colette and John), at the Saladillo meeting point. Twenty-five walkers set off on the Humanists of Murcia Easy Rambling walk, led by the reliable and lovely Audrey, along the newly levelled railway track towards Totana. After passing the smelliest pig farm ever, the more able bodies took off to the “woods”while the able bodied continued along the smooth path. The trees were full of birds and mainly yellow butterflies and the views were magnificent. The walk was a pleasant 2 .5 hours and the cars were soon heading back to Mazarrón to La Siena Restaurante. It was great to see that the fare had been modernised and the “Italian” wine bottles had been updated. Note to management: “If using red wine, to fill up a wine bottle, do not put it in a vino blanco one”. Large plates of winter food followed a rather boring salad. As befits her status, Audrey had a special entremeses while everyone else had guiso or jam and beans. John did the honours welcoming everyone and of thanking the appropriate people. After singing“Happy Birthday” to Charles Darwin (207 years old), John introduced the birthday speaker, Annie who as well as researching the topic has spent many a year sailing the seven seas with Walt. Annie’s subject was Charles Darwin and HMS Beagle. It was a subject of interest to many listeners including a couple of sailors who were pleased to get a drawing of the ship and directions as to where the rudder was hung. The Beagle

had a full life crossing the oceans for many years. Charles Darwin was invited on board as a paying passenger and as company for the skipper. We did not get much passed the Cape Verdi Islands before Annie stopped. She has promised to continue the story at an unclosed date in the future. “What will happen to Charles? Will he be in time for the carnival in Rio? Will he throw up rounding the Horn? And will he get to ride on a gigante tortuga in the Galapagos Islands”. A big thanks to Audrey for leading the walk, to John for only loosing one paying customer (28 not 29 for lunch), and to Annie for an intriguing talk. For more information on Charles Darwin and the antics of the Humanists of Murcia, go to humanistsofmurcia.com Dear Editor K9 Club - Wanted Volunteers to help out at our Kennels and Cattery near Crevillente. Help is needed to feed the animals, clean pens, walk dogs and work in general. Also volunteers required for both of our shops in La Marina and Almoradi and volunteers needed to work on the van, delivering and collecting. If you have any spare time, then K9 Club Animal Rescue Charity would like to hear from you. Please call 661 350 963 for more information.” CHATTERS MARCH MEETING The next meeting of Chatters will be on Wednesday 16th March at The Pasty

Shack in Rio Nalon, Los Alcazares, near to the Mercadona. As always, complimentary refreshments will be available at 10.30am and the meeting will start at 11am. Our Guest Speaker in March will be from Fowof, soon to be renamed Tasia’s Computer Service. They are a leading local retailer of Desktops, Laptops & Mobiles, as well as a full range of related accessories, If you have a question about which model to buy, or about your current model and its performance and suitability why not come along and ask the Specialists? We will also have the regular Fun & Games, quiz and the opportunity to win modest prizes. All are welcome and entry is free. Why not join us and meet old and new friends as well as getting answers to your questions. Chatters is sponsored by HAH – Help at Home Mar Menor. We provide a little extra help to those in temporary need in their own homes. We make no charge for our help, relying solely on Donations and Fundraising. Follow us on Facebook, or find out more by visiting www.helpathome.es Dear Editor This is the tragic reality for cats Here in Quesada these cats were living happily in the garden of an elderly lady (around 80 years old) from Switzerland. Recently she was talking to Peter and Rune about them and since she has no money to sterilise all of them Peter and Rune were helping her, asking other

charities too, for help with neutering. The cats did not do any harm to anyone except were going free around and possibly were making their toilet in peoples gardens. I don´t think this is such a terrible crime, since humans are rubbishing every place on this planet in worse matters ever. Anyway, today she has found around 10 of them dead in the corner of her garden. She knows her neighbour does not like cats, so she went to him asking if he knows anything. Obviously he would not admit and without the proof, nothing can be done. There are a few cats that are very sick, but alive, so Peter rang me and I asked him to get them as soon as possible to the hospital. Maybe we can save some of them. I rang the vet and they are expecting them in the emergency room. We need to wait until this poor lady will catch them, because when Peter went there the cats ran away. Just to show you, animals are not safe on the streets or in our garden. Disgusting humans who can do this to these innocent creatures will be sleeping happy now I am sure, feeling proud for what they did. I am very sorry for this lady. These cats were her life. PLEASE WE ARE BEGGING YOU TO PUBLICISE THIS STORY AS IT IS NOT THE FIRST TIME IT HAS HAPPENED. Last time cats were lured from their gardens and the murderer smashed their heads in with a rock and threw the bodies over the wall into the owners garden.



CostaBlancaPeople March 1st - 7th 2016


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CostaBlancaPeople March 1st - 7th 2016



Spain’s population falls as foreigners continue to leave

“Love Notes” from the USA and “Musical Island Boys” from New Zealand, both world champion quartets, are being flown in for A Cappella Magic, a concert being held at on March 31st at Casa de Cultura, Calpe. A Cappella Magic is being organised by the Spanish Association of Barbershop Singers who are visiting Calpe for their Annual Convention March 31st to April 3rd. Almost six hundred singers and fans of Barbershop will be in Calpe including visitors from Russia, Sweden, Holland, Ireland, the UK – and of course, the best in the world from the USA and New Zealand.

Spain’s population has dropped for the third consecutive year, partly due to continued rise of the number of official immigrants leaving the country. On 1st January, 2015 Spain had 146,959 fewer people than it did on the same day the year before, according to data released recently by the National Statistics Institute (INE) based on information from the municipal rolls. These latest figures reveal that Spain’s population stands at 46,624,382 people. The drop in the number of foreigners resident in the country by close to 300,000 is one reason for Spain’s falling population figure. Spurred by the economic crisis, many foreigners have returned to their home countries or moved to other countries. Those who have stayed, and have been granted Spanish nationality, now fall into the category of Spaniards registered on the municipal rolls, which increased by 0.35 percent – or 146,884 people – from 2014. According to preliminary figures released by the INE in June of last year, 205,870 people were granted citizenship in 2014. Of the 4.7 million foreigners living in Spain, around 2.6 million come from countries outside of the European Union. But their numbers have also dropped – by 377,000 from 2014. However, the other 2.1 million residents from EU countries increased their presence in Spain in 2014 by 82,000 compared to the previous year.

Current President of SABS, Lyn Baines, commented “Barbershop in 2016 is very different to what it was when it started to grow away from its African-American roots between the 1st and 2nd World War, when only men took part. Today, the barbershop style of singing

is enjoyed by male and female quartets and choruses throughout the world.” Lyn added “In the 1950/60’s singers like Andy Williams, Dick Van Dyke and even the Osmonds made the style popular. Today’s champions sing traditional and very modern songs.”

Marcia’s Dance Centre and Stage School will also be performing at the event. Everyone who enjoys a musical evening with some comedy thrown in, are welcome at Casa de Cultura, Calpe on March 31st. For tickets call 693 017 617 or email: tickets@sabs.es.

Romanians and Moroccans continue to make up the biggest foreign communities in Spain. One out of every five foreigners living in Spain is from either Morocco or Romania. Because more than half are under the age of 40, these

“The rate of dependency – the proportion of people over the age of 65 compared to those between the ages of 25 and 65 – will continue to rise because of falling birthrates...” nationals are helping to contribute to replacing Spain’s own aging population with younger blood. The number of births in 2014 outpaced the number of deaths by 31,678, but this was the lowest such figure seen since 2000. INE officials are predicting that 2015 will see more deaths than births in Spain for the first time since the Civil War (1936-1939). In Spain, a person dies every 69 seconds while a child is born every 86 seconds. That means there will be 19,268 more deaths than births recorded in 2015, statistics experts predict. They also estimate that Spain will lose about a million people over the next 15

years and that by 2063 there will be 330,423 more deaths than births. “The number of deaths will not drop,” explains Pau Miret, a researcher at the Center for Demographic Studies in Barcelona. “The generations that reach very advanced ages are growing larger each time and those that reach the reproduction age are dropping.”

Age is an issue Besides the decline in population, the main challenge will be aging. The average age of Spain’s population will not stop rising for various reasons. First, Spaniards typically branch off from their families later in life than other Europeans. The average age is 28.9 years. This prevents them from starting their own families any earlier. Spanish women are having their first child at around age 31.8 and the median number of children born to each woman is 1.32 while in the rest of Europe it is 2.1. “The rate of dependency – the proportion of people over the age of 65 compared to those between the ages of 25 and 65 – will continue to rise because of falling birthrates,” says José García Montalve, an economics professor at Pompeu Fabra University. “This will complicate the sustainability of the pensions system even if the unemployment rate is reduced. Everything will depend on the hypothetical improvement of productivity.”


BBC1 7.00am 10.15am 11.00am 12.00pm 12.45pm 1.15pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 2.45pm 3.15pm 4.00pm 4.45pm 5.30pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.25pm 11.35pm 12.05am 12.35am


Breakfast Heir Hunters Homes Under the Hammer Countryside 999 Claimed and Shamed Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Regional News and Weather Doctors Moving On Escape to the Country Holiday of My Lifetime with Len Goodman Flog It! Pointless BBC News at Six Regional News and Weather The One Show A Question of Sport EastEnders Celebrity Mastermind Shetland BBC News at Ten Regional News and Weather Comedy Playhouse Catherine Tate's Nan The Celebrity Apprentice USA

7.15am 8.00am 8.45am 9.15am 10.15am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 12.00am 12.35am 2.00am 3.00am 4.00am

ITV2 7.00am 7.20am 8.10am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 10.35am 11.15am 12.15pm 1.10pm 1.45pm 2.15pm 2.45pm 3.40pm 4.40pm 5.45pm 6.50pm 7.50pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 12.00am 12.30am 1.00am 1.30am 1.55am

7.00am 7.15am 7.30am 7.45am 8.00am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 10.30am 2.30pm 4.30pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 8.00pm 11.15pm 12.15am 1.15am 1.45am 2.15am 2.30am 3.00am 3.15am 4.15am 4.30am

Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold WWE Main Event Premier League 100 Club Premier League Barclays Premier League World Premier League Darts The Premier League Years La Liga Show 2015 Premier League 100 Club BPL Legends Game Changers Barclays Premier League World The Fantasy Football Club Football A League of Their Own The Fantasy Football Club Mavericks Barclays Premier League World Super League Highlights Barclays Premier League World Sporting Triumphs The Fantasy Football Club Sporting Triumphs The Premier League Years

7.00am 7.50am 8.35am 9.05am 9.35am 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 11.30am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 3.30pm 4.00pm 4.30pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 12.10am 12.40am 1.10am 2.10am

Made in Chelsea Charmed Hollyoaks Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement New Girl New Girl Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey Charmed Charmed How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother New Girl New Girl The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Hollyoaks Brooklyn Nine-Nine The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Knight and Day The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Tattoo Fixers Tattoo Fixers

Sky Movies Premiere 7.00am

Barely Lethal


Revenge of the Green Dragons

10.45am 12.45pm 1.00pm 2.45pm 4.45pm 7.00pm

Heir Hunters Countryside 999 Claimed and Shamed MasterChef: The Professionals Victoria Derbyshire BBC News The Daily Politics Tennis Eggheads Too Much TV Cycling Gardeners' World Land of Hope and Glory British Country Life QI Newsnight Artsnight Leave to Remain Question Time The Not So Secret Life of th Manic Depressive: 10 Years on This is BBC Two

ITV1 7.00am 9.30am 10.25am 11.30am 1.30pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.40pm 12.10am 2.25am 4.00am 4.50am

Sky Sports 1

Planet's Funniest Animals Dinner Date The Ellen DeGeneres Show Emmerdale Emmerdale You've Been Framed! Catchphrase Dinner Date Royal Pains Emmerdale Emmerdale You've Been Framed! The Ellen DeGeneres Show Judge Rinder The Jeremy Kyle Show The Jeremy Kyle Show Take Me Out The Hot Desk You've Been Framed! Two and a Half Men Two and a Half Men That Awkward Moment Family Guy Family Guy American Dad! American Dad! Two and a Half Men

Ashby The Top Ten Show 2016 Stretch Barely Lethal Terminator Genisys Ashby


Terminator Genisys




Revenge of the Green Dragons




Revenge of the Green Dragons


Chappie Special


Terminator Genisys: The Future Reborn

Television: Fri 4th March

CostaBlancaPeople March 1st - 7th 2016

Channel 4

Good Morning Britain Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning Loose Women ITV Lunchtime News Jeremy Kyle's Emergency Room Masterpiece with Alan Titchmarsh Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London ITV Evening News Emmerdale Coronation Street Best Walks with a View with Julia Bradbury Coronation Street Mr Selfridge ITV News at Ten and Weather Benidorm The Man with the Golden Gun Jackpot247 Murder, She Wrote ITV Nightscreen

Sky 1 7.00am 7.30am 8.00am 8.30am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 1.00am 2.00am 3.00am 4.00am 5.00am 6.00am

Sunrise Sunrise Sunrise Sunrise Sunrise Sunrise NCIS: Los Angeles Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 NCIS: Los Angeles Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Harrow: A Very British School Futurama Futurama The Simpsons Futurama Futurama The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons Dogs Might Fly Stan Lee's Lucky Man Stella Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 To be Announced Night Cops Stargate SG-1 Stargate SG-1 Sky News on the Hour

7.00am 7.25am 8.25am 9.30am 10.35am 11.00am 11.30am 11.55am 1.00pm 2.00pm 3.00pm 4.05pm 5.15pm 5.45pm 6.15pm 6.50pm 7.55pm 8.55pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 1.15am 3.40am 4.35am

Doctor in the House Heartbeat Where the Heart is The Royal Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy Wycliffe Murder, She Wrote Heartbeat The Royal Where the Heart is Doctor in the House In Loving Memory On the Buses Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Long Lost Family A Touch of Frost Changeling Long Lost Family Rory Bremner's Great British Views


7.00am 7.45am 8.10am 8.35am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 1.05pm 2.10pm 3.10pm 4.10pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.05am 12.40am 1.40am 2.20am 4.20am 5.15am 6.10am 6.25am

Countdown King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Frasier Car S.O.S Undercover Boss Canada Channel 4 News Summary A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun Deal or No Deal Countdown A New Life in the Sun Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Jamie and Jimmy's Friday Night Feast Food Unwrapped Gogglebox The Last Leg Raised by Wolves Rude Tube Virtually Famous Coming to America Location, Location, Location Beat My Build Kirsty's Homemade Home Deal or No Deal

BBC 4 8.00pm 8.30pm 8.50pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm


The Wotwots!


Chloe's Closet


Lily's Driftwood Bay


Fireman Sam




Peppa Pig


Pip Ahoy!


Little Princess


Bob the Builder


Thomas and Friends


Noddy in Toyland


Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom


Peppa Pig


Peppa Pig


Paw Patrol


Bananas in Pajamas


Toot the Tiny Tugboat


The Wright Stuff


Cowboy Builders


5 News Lunchtime


Can't Pay? Benefits Special


Home and Away






Til Death Do Us Part


5 News at 5




Home and Away


5 News Tonight


The Gadget Show


That's So...1990


NCIS: New Orleans




NCIS: Los Angeles


True Crimes: The First 72 Hours


Super Casino


I Want That Wedding!


Now That's Funny!


House Doctor


House Doctor


House Doctor

4.20am 4.30am


Jamie's 15 Minute Meals


Movies Now


Food Unwrapped




Come Dine with Me 8.10am

The Chase The Professionals

1.30am 1.50am 2.50am


More 4 12.10pm

Four in a Bed



Four in a Bed



Four in a Bed


The Sweeney


Four in a Bed 11.10am

Magnum, P.I.


Four in a Bed


Come Dine with Me


Pawn Stars


Come Dine with Me




Come Dine with Me 6.00pm

The Professionals


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


The Car Chasers


A Place in the Sun


The Car Chasers


A Place in the Sun: Summer Sun 8.00pm

Darts Kull the Conqueror


The Supervet


Grand Designs





How I Spent My Summer Vacation




Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA


ITV4 Nightscreen


Grand Designs



SOAP UPDATE Eastenders: A worried Patrick learns of Denise’s intentions, but can he convince her otherwise?

Channel 5

World News Today Top of the Pops: 1981 Sounds of the Sixties Perfect Pianists at the BBC Country at the BBC The Heart of Country: How Nashville Became Music City USA Johnny Cash: The Man, His World, His Music Top of the Pops: 1981 Country at the BBC The Heart of Country: How Nashville Became Music City USA Sounds of the Sixties This is BBC Four



Tensions simmer for the Hubbards, and Linda comes up with an idea to help her daughter. Coronation Street: Bethany’s day goes from bad to worse. Will Eva be sent packing at the factory? Andy has something to tell Michael. Emmerdale: Megan is in hospital. Emma is suspicious about April’s injuries. Zak hopes to make amends.


Television: Sat 5th March BBC1




Saturday Kitchen Live


Mary Berry's Foolproof Cooking


BBC News


Football Focus


Saturday Sportsday






Final Score


Dynamo: Magician Impossible


BBC News


Regional News and Weather


The Getaway Car


The Voice UK




The National Lottery Live


BBC News


Match of the Day


The Recruit


Weather for the Week Ahead


BBC News

BBC2 7.05am 8.15am 9.35am 11.10am 12.10pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 3.05pm 4.45pm 5.30pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.30pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.30am 1.30am 2.30am 3.55am

ITV2 7.00am

The Hot Desk


Emmerdale Omnibus


Coronation Street Omnibus


Ant and Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway


The Almost Impossible Gameshow






Beethoven's 2nd


Despicable Me 2




Take Me Out: The Gossip


Family Guy


Family Guy


American Dad!


American Dad!


The Keith Lemon Sketch Show


Ibiza Weekender


Beowulf: Return to the Shieldlands



Barely Lethal


Revenge of the Green Dragons






Inside Out: Special


Barely Lethal


Terminator Genisys




Terminator Genisys




Revenge of the Green Dragons




Revenge of the Green Dragons


Avengers: Age of Ultron Special


Fast and Furious 7 Special

ITV1 7.00am 7.15am 7.25am 7.35am 7.50am 7.55am 8.05am 8.15am 8.30am 8.35am 8.50am 9.10am 9.30am 10.05am 10.25am 11.20am 12.15pm 1.15pm 1.25pm 2.30pm 3.30pm 4.35pm 7.00pm 7.10pm

Sky Sports 1 7.00am 7.30am 7.45am 8.00am 8.15am 8.30am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 11.00am 1.00pm 3.45pm 6.00pm 9.00pm 12.30am 12.45am 1.00am 1.15am 1.30am 1.45am 2.00am 2.15am 2.30am 6.00am 6.15am 6.30am

Game Changers Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Barclays Premier League World Game Changers Nick Kicks The Fantasy Football Club Soccer A.M. Football Live Pro 12 Rugby Live Ford Saturday Night Football Live Fight Night Football Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Fight Night Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Game Changers

7.00am 7.25am 7.50am 8.10am 8.40am 9.05am 9.35am 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 11.30am 12.00pm 12.30pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 3.30pm 4.00pm 4.30pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 12.00am

Rude(Ish) Tube Rude(Ish) Tube How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement Baby Daddy Baby Daddy Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Jump The Goldbergs The Goldbergs The Goldbergs The Goldbergs Brooklyn Nine-Nine Brooklyn Nine-Nine The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Inbetweeners Movie Tattoo Fixers

Sky Movies Premiere 7.00am

After Tonight The Quatermass Xperiment Dean Spanley Homes Under the Hammer Natural World Rick Stein's India The Best Dishes Ever Talking Pictures Notorious Escape to the Country Tennis Flog It! Gardeners' World Back in Time for the Weekend Queen Victoria's Children Dad's Army Stag Dom Hemingway Line of Duty Line of Duty Lebanon This is BBC Two

CostaBlancaPeople March 1st - 7th 2016

Bottom Knocker Street Bottom Knocker Street Dino Dan: Trek's Adventures Dino Dan: Trek's Adventures Share a Story Sooty Super 4 Looped Scrambled! Mr. Bean Horrid Henry Nerds and Monsters Jessie The Tom and Jerry Show Murder, She Wrote The Jeremy Kyle Show USA The Jeremy Kyle Show ITV News and Weather The Jeremy Kyle Show Judge Rinder Tipping Point The Spy Who Loved Me ITV News London ITV News and Weather

Sky 1 6.00am 6.30am 7.00am 8.00am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 11.00am 1.00pm 1.30pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 3.30pm 4.00pm 4.30pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 1.00am 3.00am 4.00am 5.00am 6.00am 6.30am

Sky News on the Hour The Debate Ashley Banjo's Big Town Dance Ashley Banjo's Big Town Dance Game Changers Duck Quacks Don't Echo The Fantasy Football Club Soccer A.M. Monkey Life Monkey Life Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama The Simpsons The Flash NCIS: Los Angeles Hawaii Five-0 Limitless Arrow DC's Legends of Tomorrow Scream 3 Strike Back: Project Dawn Strike Back: Project Dawn Emergency with Angela Griffin Nothing to Declare Nothing to Declare


Movies Now


Death Becomes Her


Where the Heart is

10.00am 11.05am


Channel 4 King of Queens


Peppa Pig


King of Queens


Bananas in Pajamas


Freerider World Tour


Angelina Ballerina


Mobil 1 The Grid


Everybody Loves Raymond


Bob the Builder Tickety Toc


Everybody Loves Raymond



The Morning Line


Zack and Quack


The Big Bang Theory


Roobarb and Custard Too


The Big Bang Theory


Make Way for Noddy


The Superhumans Show


Paw Patrol


The Simpsons 8.35am

Little Princess Pip Ahoy!


The Simpsons


Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.



Channel 4 Racing


Blaze and the Monster Machines


Come Dine with Me


Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom


Come Dine with Me


Wanda and the Alien


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me

7.35pm 8.00pm


The Fairly Odd Parents


The Saturday Show Live

Channel 4 News


Star Trek: The Motion Picture

Great Canal Journeys


Criminally Funny: Caught in the Act


Penelope Keith's Hidden Villages


Now That's Funny!


The Bourne Legacy


Cats Make You Laugh Out Loud


Seven Psychopaths


Hollyoaks Omnibus


Grannies Make You Laugh Out Loud


Selling Houses with Amanda Lamb


Can't Pay? We'll Take it Away!


Location, Location, Location


World War II in Colour


Kirstie's Vintage Gems


The Gadget Show


King of Queens


5 News Weekend


The Championship


Goal Rush


Law and Order: Special Victims Unit


Law and Order: Special Victims Unit


Super Casino


I Want That Wedding!


The Woman with No Face


Divine Designs




Angels of Jarm


Angels of Jarm


2.45am 3.25am 3.45am 4.45am

Human Planet Survivors: Nature's Indestructible Creatures Trapped Trapped Doris Day: Virgin Territory ... Sings Musicals Sound of Cinema: The Music that Made the Movies Top of the Pops: 1981 Top of the Pops: 1981 Doris Day: Virgin Territory This is BBC Four


Kirstie's Vintage Gems


Ax Men


Time Team


Ax Men


Come Dine with Me


The Professionals


Come Dine with Me



Where the Heart is


Come Dine with Me



Sherlock Holmes:


Come Dine with Me


The Sweeney


Come Dine with Me


Pawn Stars


Four in a Bed


Pawn Stars

The Hound of the Baskervilles

8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 10.50pm 11.45pm 12.45am 1.45am

More 4


A Touch of Frost


Four in a Bed




Four in a Bed


Four in a Bed


Jane Eyre


Four in a Bed


Midsomer Murders


Grand Designs


Grand Designs


Grand Designs


Grand Designs

Midsomer Murders


A Touch of Frost


Blue Murder


Channel 5






Doctor in the House


ITV3 Nightscreen



Sky Movies Premiere Terminator Gensi

10.40pm 11.45pm





Storage Wars Texas


Storage Wars Texas


Pawn Stars


Pawn Stars




The Hitcher

80 Years of the Spitfire:


Hell on Wheels

Guy Martin's Spitfire



80 Years of the SpitfireBattle of Britain:


Movies Now

The Day the War Was Won


ITV4 Nightscreen

24 Hours in A and E



When John Connor, leader of the human resistance, sends Sgt. Kyle Reese back to 1984 to protect Sarah Connor and safeguard the future, an unexpected turn of events creates a fractured timeline.

Television: Sun 6th March

www.costablancapeople.com CostaBlancaPeople March 1st - 7th 2016

BBC1 7.00am 8.25am 10.00am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.15pm 1.30pm 2.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.35pm 7.35pm 7.50pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.20pm 11.30pm 12.35am 1.45am 1.50am


Breakfast Match of the Day The Andrew Marr Show The Big Questions Sunday Politics BBC News Bargain Hunt Tennis Escape to the Country Songs of Praise Nature's Miracle Orphans BBC News Regional News and Weather Countryfile Call the Midwife The Night Manager BBC News Regional News and Weather Match of the Day 2 Women's Football Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News

7.00am 7.45am 8.45am 9.15am 9.45am 10.45am 12.15pm 12.45pm 1.15pm 2.00pm 3.00pm 7.00pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 12.40am 2.05am 3.00am 4.00am

ITV2 7.00am Records 7.20am 10.00am 12.20pm 1.50pm 2.55pm 5.05pm 6.40pm 7.40pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 12.00am 12.30am 1.00am 1.30am 1.55am 2.25am 2.50am 3.15am 6.45am

Emmerdale Omnibus Coronation Street Omnibus Take Me Out Take Me Out: The Gossip Back to the Future Part II Ant and Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway Catchphrase Back to the Future Part III Ibiza Weekender Family Guy Bordertown Family Guy Family Guy American Dad! American Dad! The Cleveland Show The Cleveland Show Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records Teleshopping ITV2 Nightscreen

7.00am 7.15am 7.30am 7.45am 8.00am 8.30am 10.00am 11.30am 1.30pm 4.30pm 8.00pm 8.05pm 10.10pm 10.25pm 10.40pm 10.55pm 1.00am 1.15am 2.45am 3.45am 5.15am 5.30am

Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Premier League SNF: Match Choice The Sunday Supplement Goals on Sunday Live Ford Super Sunday Live Ford Super Sunday Football Gold Football Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Football Football The Sunday Supplement Goals on Sunday Ford Football Special Football Gold The Sunday Supplement

7.00am 7.20am 7.40am 8.05am 8.35am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 1.30pm 1.55pm 2.25pm 2.55pm 3.25pm 3.50pm 4.25pm 4.50pm 5.20pm 5.50pm 6.15pm 6.40pm 7.10pm 7.35pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 1.05am 2.05am 3.05am 3.50am 4.40am

Rules of Engagement Baby Daddy Baby Daddy Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey The Goldbergs The Goldbergs The Goldbergs The Goldbergs Hollyoaks Omnibus The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Mission: Impossible II Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Tattoo Fixers Tattoo Fixers Rude Tube The 100 Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Tattoo Fixers Hollyoaks Omnibus

Sky Movies Premiere 7.00am

Barely Lethal


Revenge of the Green Dragons Ashby


The Top Ten Show 2016


Barely Lethal




Terminator Genisys




Terminator Genisys

11.15pm 1.00am

7.00am 7.15am 7.25am 7.35am 7.50am 7.55am 8.05am 8.15am 8.30am 8.35am 8.50am 9.10am 9.30am 10.05am 10.25am 10.30am 11.25am 12.25pm 1.30pm 1.40pm 2.40pm 3.45pm 4.45pm 5.15pm

Sky Sports 1

Totally Bonkers Guinness World


A to Z of TV Gardening Great British Garden Revival An Island Parish Gardeners' World Countryfile Saturday Kitchen Best Bites The Best Dishes Ever The Best Dishes Ever MOTD2 Extra Triathlon Cycling Flog It! Who's the Boss? Steve Backshall's Extreme Mountain Challenge Let's Play Darts for Sports Relief 2016 Thirteen The People v OJ Simpson: American Crime Story Shifty Countryfile Holby City This is BBC Two


Stretch Revenge of the Green Dragons




Revenge of the Green Dragons


Terminator Genisys: The Future Reborn


Avengers: Age of Ultron Special

Bottom Knocker Street Bottom Knocker Street Dino Dan: Trek's Adventures Dino Dan: Trek's Adventures Share a Story Sooty Super 4 Looped Scrambled! Mr. Bean Horrid Henry Nerds and Monsters Bear Grylls Survival School The Tom and Jerry Show ITV News Murder, She Wrote The Jeremy Kyle Show The Jeremy Kyle Show ITV News and Weather The Jeremy Kyle Show Judge Rinder Big Star's Little Star Off Their Rockers Moonraker

Sky 1 7.00am 8.00am 8.30am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 1.30pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 3.30pm 4.00pm 4.30pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 1.00am 2.00am 3.00am 4.00am

The Hour of Power RSPCA Animal Rescue RSPCA Animal Rescue Monkey Life Monkey Life Monkey Life Monkey Life The Flash WWE Raw Duck Quacks Don't Echo Duck Quacks Don't Echo Modern Family Modern Family Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family The Simpsons The Simpsons Dogs Might Fly Duck Quacks Don't Echo Hawaii Five-0 NCIS: Los Angeles Stop, Search, Seize Road Wars Britcam: Emergency on Our Streets A League of Their Own Road Wars


Channel 4 7.15am

King of Queens


The Wotwots!


Everybody Loves Raymond


Chloe's Closet


Everybody Loves Raymond


Lily's Driftwood Bay


Fireman Sam








Peppa Pig


The Simpsons


Pip Ahoy!


Little Princess


The Simpsons


Bob the Builder


Sunday Brunch


Thomas and Friends


The Simpsons


Noddy in Toyland


George Clarke's Amazing Spaces


Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom


Peppa Pig


Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules


Peppa Pig


Home Alone 2: Lost in New York


Paw Patrol


Channel 4 News


Bananas in Pajamas


Toot the Tiny Tugboat


The Secret Life of the Zoo


The Wright Stuff


The Jump


Cowboy Builders


American Hustle


5 News Lunchtime


An Officer and a Gentleman


The Dog Rescuers with Alan Davies


Home and Away




The Secret Life of the Pub


Come Dine with Me


NCIS: New Orleans


Come Dine with Me




5 News at 5




Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Home and Away


Come Dine with Me


5 News Tonight


Selling Houses with Amanda Lamb


FIA World Rally


Carry on Caravanning


The X Files








True Crimes: The First 72 Hours


Super Casino


GPs: Behind Closed Doors


Wildlife SOS


Divine Designs


House Doctor


House Doctor


House Doctor

Championship Highlights

BBC 4 8.00pm

3.25am 4.25am 4.55am

On the Buses


Kirstie's Vintage Gems




On the Buses


Discovering Britain


The Sweeney


On the Buses


Selling Houses with Amanda Lamb


The Professionals


A Touch of Frost


Jamie's 15 Minute Meals


The Professionals


Come Dine with Me


Pawn Stars


Come Dine with Me


Pawn Stars


Come Dine with Me


Pawn Stars


Come Dine with Me


Pawn Stars The Classic Car Show

8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.25pm 12.55am 2.25am


More 4







Jane Eyre




Come Dine with Me



Agatha Christie's Marple


Four in a Bed




Margery and Gladys


Four in a Bed


Storage Wars Texas


Midsomer Murders


Four in a Bed


Storage Wars Texas


Carry On Forever


Four in a Bed


The Car Chasers


Mrs Biggs


Four in a Bed


The Car Chasers


Come Dine with Me




Come Dine with Me


Smokin' Aces


Come Dine with Me


Ax Men


Come Dine with Me


Highway Patrol


Something's Gotta Give




May the Best House Win


May the Best House Win


Come Dine with Me


Movies Now


Judge Judy


Car S.O.S


ITV4 Nightscreen


ITV3 Nightscreen


East is East



SUNDAY MOVIE PICK tv PICK Grown Ups 2 - Three years after crossing paths for the first time since high school, fortysomething friends Lenny (Adam Sandler), Eric (Kevin James), Kurt (Chris Rock) and Marcus (David Spade) all live in the same Connecticut neighbourhood. The men are dealing with a variety of parenthood problems, made all the more complicated when a run-in with a group of frat boys shows them to be a bunch of big kids themselves.

Channel 5

Jigs and Wigs: The Extreme World of Irish Dancing Jigs and Wigs: The Extreme World of Irish Dancing Do We Really Need the Moon? The German Doctor Storyville The Heart of Country: How Nashville Became Music City USA Johnny Cash: The Man, His World, His Music Singer-Songwriters at the BBC Britain on Film This is BBC Four


Adam Sandler doesn't really make films for critics, and this unabashedly silly comedy is no exception. The comedian has teamed with director Dennis Dugan on several occasions (including Happy Gilmore and Big Daddy), and with Grown UpsBig Daddy becoming their biggest collaboration to date, this almost as popular sequel was somewhat inevitable. Most of the gang is back, minus Rob Schneider, while, of the newcomers, Twilight's Taylor Lautner is good value as bonehead beefcake frat boy Andy.


Doctor Thorne - Lavish period drama set in 1855, based on the novel by Anthony Trollope. When Doctor Thorne’s penniless niece Mary is excluded from the wedding preparations of her childhood playmate, she probes her uncle about the circumstances of her birth. She is devastated to learn that she is the illegitimate child of his late brother, and it seems she has neither breeding nor fortune. This is a problem as Mary and Frank - heir to the local Greshamsbury estate have fallen in love. Frank is under strict instructions from his overbearing mother Lady Arabella to save the family from financial ruin by marrying money. Lady Arabella plots to separate the two lovebirds, urging her son to woo the wealthy American heiress Miss Dunstable. Doctor Thorne acts as both physician and business advisor to railway millionaire Sir Roger Scatcherd, in whose hands the fate of Greshamsbury lies - but who is rapidly drinking himself into an early grave.


Television: Mon 7th March BBC1

7.00am 10.15am 11.00am 12.00pm 12.45pm 1.15pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 2.45pm 3.15pm 4.00pm 4.45pm 5.30pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 11.45pm 12.15am 12.45am


Breakfast Heir Hunters Homes Under the Hammer Countryside 999 Claimed and Shamed Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Regional News and Weather Doctors Moving On Escape to the Country The TV That Made Me Flog It! Pointless BBC News at Six Regional News and Weather The One Show Inside Out EastEnders Panorama Frontline Doctors: Winter Migrant Crisis BBC News at Ten Regional News and Weather Cuckoo Have I Got Old News for You Live at the Apollo

7.15am 8.00am 8.45am 9.15am 9.45am 10.15am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 4.50pm 5.50pm 6.20pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 10.50pm 11.30pm 12.15am 1.15am 1.45am 3.10am

ITV2 7.00am 7.20am 8.10am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 10.35am 11.15am 12.15pm 1.10pm 1.45pm 2.15pm 2.45pm 3.40pm 4.40pm 5.45pm 6.50pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 10.30pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 12.00am 12.30am 1.00am

Heir Hunters Countryside 999 Claimed and Shamed Emergency Rescue Down Under Mary Berry's Foolproof Cooking Victoria Derbyshire BBC News The Daily Politics The Chef's Protege Portillo's State Secrets Who Do You Think You Are? A Place to Call Home The Life of Mammals Terry and Mason's Great Food Trip Bargain Hunt Eggheads Too Much TV This Farming Life University Challenge Mary Berry's Foolproof Cooking The People v OJ Simpson: American Crime Story QI XL Newsnight Steve Backshall's Extreme Mountain Challenge Phone Shop Idol The Celebrity Apprentice USA This is BBC Two

7.00am 7.15am 7.30am 7.45am 8.00am 9.00am 10.00am 11.30am 12.30pm 1.00pm 4.30pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.30pm 8.25pm 10.30pm 11.30pm 12.30am 1.00am 2.00am 2.30am 3.00am 5.00am 5.30am 6.00am 6.30am

Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold WWE Raw Goals on Sunday Ford Football Special Football League Goals Top 14 Rugby Highlights Fight Night Goals on Sunday Game Changers Fantasy Football Club Highlights Soccer A.M. - The Best Bits Football League Goals Football La Liga Goals Football League Goals Fantasy Football Club Highlights Soccer A.M. - The Best Bits Premier League 100 Club Fantasy Football Club Highlights The Premier League Years Premier League 100 Club Premier League 100 Club Premier League 100 Club Premier League 100 Club

Sky Movies Premiere 7.00am

Barely Lethal


Revenge of the Green Dragons




Inside Out: Special




Barely Lethal

ITV1 7.00am 9.30am 10.25am 11.30am 1.30pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.45pm 12.25am 1.25am 4.00am 4.55am

Sky Sports 1

Planet's Funniest Animals Dinner Date The Ellen DeGeneres Show Emmerdale Coronation Street Coronation Street Catchphrase Dinner Date Royal Pains Emmerdale Coronation Street Coronation Street The Ellen DeGeneres Show Judge Rinder The Jeremy Kyle Show The Jeremy Kyle Show Take Me Out You've Been Framed! Two and a Half Men Two and a Half Men Family Guy Bordertown Family Guy American Dad! American Dad! The Cleveland Show The Cleveland Show


Terminator Genisys




Terminator Genisys




Revenge of the Green Dragons




Revenge of the Green Dragons


Chappie Special


Fast and Furious 7 Special

Made in Chelsea Charmed Hollyoaks Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement New Girl New Girl Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey Charmed Charmed How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother New Girl New Girl The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Hollyoaks The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Tattoo Fixers Rude Tube The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Tattoo Fixers

Good Morning Britain Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning Loose Women ITV Lunchtime News Jeremy Kyle's Emergency Room Masterpiece with Alan Titchmarsh Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London ITV Evening News Emmerdale Coronation Street Further Tales from Northumberland with Robson Green Coronation Street Davina Mccall: Life at the Extreme ITV News at Ten and Weather The Agenda The Jonathan Ross Show Jackpot247 The Jeremy Kyle Show ITV Nightscreen

Sky 1 7.00am 7.30am 8.00am 8.30am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 1.00am 2.00am 3.00am 4.00am 5.00am 6.00am

E4 7.00am 7.45am 8.35am 9.05am 9.35am 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 11.30am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 3.30pm 4.00pm 4.30pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.10am 12.35am 1.00am

CostaBlancaPeople March 1st - 7th 2016

Sunrise Sunrise Sunrise Sunrise Sunrise Sunrise NCIS: Los Angeles Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 NCIS: Los Angeles Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Show Me Your Garden Futurama Futurama The Simpsons Futurama Futurama The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons Modern Family Modern Family Karl Pilkington: The Moaning of Life A League of Their Own Limitless Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Night Cops Stargate SG-1 Stargate SG-1 Sky World News

Doctor in the House Heartbeat Where the Heart is The Royal Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy Wycliffe Murder, She Wrote Heartbeat The Royal Where the Heart is Doctor in the House In Loving Memory On the Buses Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Lewis A Touch of Frost Wycliffe Where the Heart is ITV3 Nightscreen Teleshopping


7.00am 7.45am 8.10am 8.35am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 1.05pm 2.10pm 3.10pm 4.10pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.55pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.50pm 12.55am 1.55am 2.45am 3.40am 4.40am 5.05am 6.00am

Countdown King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Frasier Car S.O.S Undercover Boss Canada Channel 4 News Summary A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun Deal or No Deal Countdown A New Life in the Sun Couples Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News The Political Slot Dispatches Food Unwrapped Royal Navy School Fresh Meat 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown 24 Hours in A and E Secrets of the Salon The Last Leg Grand Designs Ultimate Dealer Selling Houses with Amanda Lamb Location, Location, Location

Coronation Street - Michael’s dislike for Phelan reaches new heights. Aidan is roped into another of Eva’s plans. Sally and Norris come under fire. Michael falls from grace. Tim's past derails Sally’s campaign. It is back to reality for Marta.

Channel 5 7.00am

The Wotwots!


Chloe's Closet


Lily's Driftwood Bay


Fireman Sam




Peppa Pig


Pip Ahoy!


Little Princess


Bob the Builder


Thomas and Friends


Noddy in Toyland


Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom


Peppa Pig


Peppa Pig


Paw Patrol


Bananas in Pajamas


Toot the Tiny Tugboat


The Wright Stuff


Cowboy Builders


5 News Lunchtime


The Dog Rescuers with Alan Davies


Home and Away




NCIS: New Orleans




5 News at 5




Home and Away


5 News Tonight


FIA World Rally


Carry on Caravanning


The X Files








True Crimes: The First 72 Hours


Super Casino


GPs: Behind Closed Doors


Wildlife SOS


Divine Designs


House Doctor


House Doctor


House Doctor

Championship Highlights

BBC 4 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.05am 1.05am 2.05am 3.35am 4.35am

World News Today Timothy Spall: Back at Sea Great Irish Journeys with Martha Kearney The Return of Flying Scotsman The Renaissance Unchained Imagine: The Trouble with Tolstoy Imagine: The Trouble with Tolstoy Human Planet Storyville The Renaissance Unchained This is BBC Four

More 4 9.55am

Jamie's 15 Minute Meals


Food Unwrapped


Come Dine with Me


Four in a Bed


Four in a Bed


Four in a Bed


Four in a Bed


Four in a Bed


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


A Place in the Sun


A Place in the Sun: Summer Sun


The Supervet


Grand Designs


Vet on the Hill


24 Hours in A and E


Sex Diaries: Trans Lovers


Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA


Emmerdale - Carly is forced to defend herself. Rakesh is in over his head. Sam's hopes are dashed. Eastenders - Mick attempts to bring his family back together for Mother’s Day, but will all go to plan? Claudette goes to desperate lengths to solve her problems. Jordan reveals his plan to an unsuspecting Denise.

Channel 4

ITV3 7.00am 7.25am 8.25am 9.30am 10.35am 11.00am 11.25am 11.55am 1.00pm 2.00pm 3.05pm 4.10pm 5.15pm 5.50pm 6.20pm 6.55pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 11.00pm 1.05am 2.05am 3.00am 3.30am


Barely Lethal - Sky Movies Premiere 2.45pm A teenage special ops agent coveting a "normal" adolescence fakes her own death and enrolls in a suburban high school. She quickly learns that surviving the treacherous waters of high school is more challenging than international espionage. Director: Kyle Newman Writer: John D'Arco Stars: Jaime King, Samuel L. Jackson, Madeleine Stack

ITV4 7.00am 7.15am 8.05am 8.55am 10.00am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 3.30pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 12.05am 1.00am 2.05am 4.00am

Hat-Trick Heroes Magnum, P.I. The Chase The Professionals The Sweeney Ax Men The Chase The Professionals Storage Wars Storage Wars The Car Chasers The Car Chasers Magnum, P.I. The Sweeney The Professionals Storage Wars Texas Storage Wars Texas Rugby Highlights Ax Men Kull the Conqueror Bundesliga Rugby Highlights The Chronicles of Riddick Teleshopping




CostaBlancaPeople March 1st - 7th 2016

Call us 966 712440







REF. CM4032 Villas Andrea, Bigastro

REF. CM4552 Benijofar Village

REF. CM4556 Daya Vieja Village

REF. CM4557 Playa Flamenca

REDUCED. Spacious Detached Villa (100sqm) – 3 bed / 2 bath, spacious living areas, large garden with Jacuzzi/chill out zone.

NEW LISTING. 200sqm plot of land at the heart of the village – space to incorporate a 100+sqm house + garden areas.

NEW LISTING. South-Facing Quad with countryside views, 3 bed / 2 bath, sun terraces + large garden, designer bathroom.

NEW LISTING. Spacious quad-style property with internal garage/underbuild, 3 bed / 2 bath, sun terraces, communal pool.

PRICE: JUST €148.995!

PRICE: JUST €90.000!

PRICE: JUST €120.000!

PRICE: JUST €124,950!

REF. CM4559 Playa Flamenca

REF. CM4560 El Raso, Guardamar

NEW LISTING. 2 bed / 2 bath quad property walking distance to Zenia Boulevard, communal pool and sunbathing areas.

NEW LISTING. Luxury townhouse overlooking communal pool + gardens, 2 bed / 2 bath, spacious living areas, 4 x terraces + driveway.

PRICE: JUST €109.900!

PRICE: JUST €135.000!




CostaBlancaPeople March 1st - 7th 2016


The cheapest and most expensive areas for property in Spain


hile we are all aware that property prices are steadily rising in Spain, the average cost of a typical property is not equal across the country. Even in the same region, the difference between the most expensive and the cheapest properties can be quite considerable. According to research carried out by Tecnitasa, a leading property-valuing company, the area where the cost per

Madrid. Here, in 2015, the average price per square metre of land was 10,900 euro. At the other end of the scale, the cheapest property based on the price per square metre is found in the district of Guinea in the province of Castellón in the Region of Valencia. Here, the average price per square metre of land is just 363 euro. At the same time, the property-valuing company has reported that house prices in Spain have finally started to even out, given

marked in the majority of cities. Maximum house prices in Santander and Burgos registered substantial drops of 13 percent and 12 percent last year, meaning that the most expensive properties there have come down in value. At the same time, minimum prices dropped the most in Logroño, Palma de Mallorca and Zaragoza, at around 12 percent. With regards to property prices going up, the biggest increases were registered in Pontevedra (+11 petcent) and Vigo (+20 percent) in their most expensive districts, and in Zaragoza and Castellón (+21 percent) in the districts where prices are more moderate. It has also been found that property prices have risen across the country in the most attractive districts of each city, while property found in less desirable areas continues to be difficult to shift, and its price continues to decline. Maximum house prices have also gone up in the most attractive areas, as mentioned above, albeit in a more moderate fashion. •Cádiz (+1%) •Huelva (+1%) •Marbella (+2%) •Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (+2%) •Mallorca (+4%) •Valencia (+5%)

square metre is the highest in the country continues to be in the Calle Serrano area of

that the increases and decreases over the last 12 months have not been particularly

And, alternatively, prices were reduced in the less attractive aears of: •Córdoba (-1%) •San Sebastián (-3%) •Jerez de la Frontera (-7%) •Cádiz (-9%) •Palma de Mallorca (-12%)

Discover the benefits of Cool Glass tinting by visiting www.coolglasstinting.com

The popularity of window films has grown continuously since their introduction in the 1970s offering a cost-effective and long term protection against solar heat gain, diminishing glare also limiting fading of objects as a result of harmful UV rays. Why have window filmed installed on your home or office? There are numerous benefits to the product including keeping heat out and reducing glare, but Cool Glass Tinting gives us seven top reasons why it can improve your property: Decreases heat: Today’s solar control window films are highly efficient in reducing the amount of heat that passes through your windows into your home or office. Clear untreated glass blocks only 14 per cent of the suns energy while solar screen films rejects 80 per cent. Reduce fading: Solar control film blocks 99 per cent or more of UV rays while also significantly lowering solar heat gain. Reducing these two primary causes of fading helps protect your valuable furnishings Cut annoying glare: Direct sunlight is not only annoying but also can be dangerous if it obstructs your vision. Like sunglasses, window film does an excellent job of reducing glare up 85 per cent. Enjoy energy savings: Solar control film can significantly reduce air conditioning bills, saving you money on your electricity bills.

Increase safety and security: Accidents and forces of nature can turn a pane of glass into dangerous shards. Solar Screen security films are thicker and stronger than standard films and are able to give an extra level of protection in case of breakage. We also have frosted film for glass balconies. Enhance appearance: Enhance your exterior of any home or office and get the look you desire with an extensive range of solar control and decorative films. Available from clear to total blackout film . Fast and easy: At Cool Glass Tinting owner Mark Williams is fully qualified and trained with Ultimate Tinting in the UK before moving to Spain 6 years ago. Mark operates a competitive pricing policy and offers free, no obligation quotations and unlimited advice on the type of tinting required. Solar Screen film applied by Mark of Cool Glass Tinting is easy to clean, requires no special treatment and lasts for 10 years or more. For more information call Mark at Cool Glass Tinting on 608 100 610 or email info@coolglasstinting.com or view my website www.coolglasstinting.com

Cool Glass Tinting Tel: 608 100 610 Visit www.coolglasstinting.com Email info@coolglasstinting.com

BUSINESS PROFILE: Please note that all information contained within this CostaBlancaPeople Business Profile has been provided by the client, and is therefore deemed correct and accurate. Any errors, omissions or inaccuracies are the sole responsibility of the client.

With regard to the difference between the most and least expensive properties in a given city, Madrid is where this difference is most accentuated. The most expensive properties are found in Calle Serrano, at 10,900 euro per square metre, while the cheapest are in the district of San Cristobal de los Ángeles, where the average price per square metre is just 623 euro. This means that a 100-square-metre

apartment in the former would cost 1.1 million euro, but in the latter you could pick one up for a mere 62,000 euro. After the Calle Serrano area of Madrid, the next areas where prices are at the highest in the country are: Paseo de Gracia in Bacelona (8,450 euro), Avenida de la Libertad-Boulevard in San Sebastián (6,100 euro) and Puerto Banús, Marbella (5,500 euro).


CostaBlancaPeople March 1st - 7th 2016

Bars & Restaurants


Phoenix School to host International Cricket Tournament We are delighted to announce that Phoenix International School will be hosting an inter-school Cricket Tournament on Thursday 3rd March 2016. The contest has a truly international flavour with many nationalities being represented amongst the participating schools. Schools involved include El Limonar, Murcia; Kings College, Murcia; Newton College, Elche; CEIP San Isidro, Cartagena and hosts, Phoenix International School. Graham Gooch, former England and Essex cricket captain has given his backing to this prestigious event. Twelve to fourteen year old students from his very own secondary school, Norlington School for Boys, where he spent his formative, teenage years, are making the journey over to Spain to act as umpires during the matches and to

practise their leadership skills in many of the participating schools in the days leading up to the event. The tournament will take place at CDM, Orihuela Costa with the first match starting at 10.30 and the final encounter commencing at 2pm. Each school will be entering three teams: a primary team (age 8 to 11), secondary team (age 12 to 16) and an all girls team (mixed ages). Spectators will be in for a nail biting treat as the tournament promises to be an exciting head to head battle between the rival schools. The pupils will be able to apply the leadership and team building skills that they have learned from the Norlington boys in a thrilling challenge and the chance to take the coveted title of school champions 2016. But whilst all teams will naturally have

the desire to win, this competition is all about forging links between schools, raising the importance of team work and building the confidence of the players. For further details, please contact Phoenix International School on 0034 965 720 785 or office@phoenixschool.es.


Bars & Restaurants

CostaBlancaPeople March 1st - 7th 2016



CostaBlancaPeople March 1st - 7th 2016

Bars & Restaurants



Bars & Restaurants

CostaBlancaPeople March 1st - 7th 2016



CostaBlancaPeople March 1st - 7th 2016

Bars & Restaurants




Christian via email asks: Hello Aunty. Not long ago you informed about a disc shredding program which should be able to remove anything at all from the disc. Sorry, could I kindly ask you to repeat the name of the software which you know about? I have found several possibilities on the internet but I am

CostaBlancaPeople March 1st - 7th 2016


diskwipe.org to securely wipe disks or USB sticks. Both are free, easy to use and work well with Windows. Alan via email asks: Hi Aunty. I recently upgraded my HP pavilion laptop to Windows 10 and now I appear to have a problem. After scanning a document and saving onto the laptop, when I try to attach it to an email, a message comes up saying “attachment to big” This is same for any size and I never had any issues attaching prior the Windows upgrade. My provider is Orange. Would you be able to give me any guidance?

Aunty Says: Hi Alan. I can only think that the Windows upgrade has also updated your printer/scanner software drivers which has resulted in your scanner scanning documents at a too high resolution. Have you tried lowering the resolution (DPI) before you start the scan? I find 300 is more than enough & I set it to black & white if it’s a simple document, when you say the problem occurs with “any size” note that resolution isn’t the same as the document’s dimensions. Unless you have started using the email app that come with Win10 then I can’t think of another way that a Windows upgrade could restrict email attachments but if you can send me some more details I will investigate. Barbara via email asks: Dear Aunty, I wonder if you can help me? I have yahoo.co.uk email and have downloaded win10. Every time I sign out it always comes up in Spanish. I have changed the language to English but it doesn’t make any difference. Is there anything else I can do to stop this? Also is there anything I can do to stop the Spanish ads popping up? Your help would be much appreciated. Aunty Says: Hello Barbara. The Spanish language page can usually be controlled by a setting within your browser (Chrome, Firefox etc) where you can set your homepage and search engines to yahoo.co.uk. In Chrome click on the three little bars in the top right corner and choose “Settings, In Firefox go to “Tools” on the menu bar. The annoying popup ads will be stopped by downloading the fabulous & free Adblock and you can find a safe link & info on the “Downloads” section on the enetcomputers.net website.

still confused about what is the best. Aunty Says: I'm not sure I remember this one Christian. Someone in another local newspaper is faking my article and using my good name in vain, could this be where you read it? I use a free program called Freeraser to permanently delete individual files/folders and I use

Any questions then email me at auntyvirus@costablancapeople.com. See you all next week.


CostaBlancaPeople March 1st - 7th 2016





CostaBlancaPeople March 1st - 7th 2016



Ciudad Quesada

Ciudad Quesada

Ciudad Quesada



Townhouse, 2 bed, 2 bath, 80m build area, 90m plot, Ref: 161, Communal pool

Townhouse, 3 bed, 2 bath, 101m build area,plot 44m2 Ref: 455, Communal pool

Villa, 2 bed, 2 bath, 85m build area, 500m plot, Ref: 070

Villa, 2 bed, 2 bath, 100m build area, 550m plot, Ref: 242, Private pool





Ciudad Quesada

Ciudad Quesada

Ciudad Quesada

Ciudad Quesada

Bungalow, 2 bed, 1 bath, 70m build area, Ref: 067 No community

Villa, 3 bed, 3 bath, 140m build area,550m plot, Ref: 1123 Private pool

Villa, 3 bed, 3 bath, 114m build area, 702m plot, Ref: 381 Private pool

Detached Villa, 3 bed, 2 bath, 85m build area, 120m plot, Ref: 275 Communal pool





Ciudad Quesada

Ciudad Quesada

Ciudad Quesada

Ciudad Quesada
















Villa, 3 bed, 2 bath, 90m build area, plot 90m2 Ref: 307 Communal pool

Villa, 4 bed, 3 bath, 164m build area, 625m plot, Ref: 019,Private pool

Apartment, 2 bed, 1 bath, 65m build Ref:073, Communal pool

Villa, 3 bed, 2 bath, 90m build area, 500m plot, Ref: 380, Private pool





Ciudad Quesada

Ciudad Quesada

Ciudad Quesada

Ciudad Quesada







Semi-Detached, 3 bed, 2 baths, 96m build area, plot 300m , Ref: 1124, Comm pool

Villa, 3 bed, 2 bath, 108m build area, 450m plot, Ref: 1113b

Bungalow, 1bed, 1bathroom, 40m build , 20m plot Ref: 090, Communal pool

Villa, 4 bed, 3 bath, 160m build area, 550m plot, Ref: 444 Private pool










El Raso Office Centro Comercial Euro-Terra Plaza de la Figuera, 1 - Local 7 03140 Guardamar del Segura Tel: (+34) 966 716 019

Quesada Av. Las Naciones, 18-A 03170 Rojales Tel: (+34) 966 718 006 (Head Office)

Villamartin Office Av. de las Brisas, 6 - Local 26 Villamartin 3189 Orihuela Costa Tel: (+34) 966 764 003




Health & Beauty

CostaBlancaPeople March 1st - 7th 2016

Special needs vehicle campaign gets €500 jump start The Emerald Isle La Florida has donated €500 to jump start a drive to achieve a target of €40,000 to purchase a Special Needs Vehicle for the coast. This vehicle would be specifically set up to carry wheelchairs and would be of great service to the Orihuela Costa and beyond. Every Tuesday the Emerald Isle run a charity market from 11am to 3.30pm, with many stalls and entertainment from Sunshine FMs Simon Morton (impersonating Elvis, Pavarotti and

Sinatra) and guests. So please come along, be entertained and help support this worthwhile drive.

A carrot a day Eating carrots regularly could slash a woman's chances of developing certain types of breast cancer by up to 60 per cent, a study shows. Other fruits and vegetables rich in a pigment called beta-carotene – such as spinach, red peppers and mangoes – have the same effect. Beta-carotene is a naturally occurring chemical which gives plant foods their bright colours. For years, scientists have been advocating its consumption as part of a healthy diet in order to ward off lifethreatening conditions like heart disease and cancer. But the latest study, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, suggests the benefits in terms of breast cancer are greater than anyone thought. Around 58,000 women a year in the UK are diagnosed with breast cancer. The disease strikes one in eight at some point in their lives. A healthy diet rich in plant chemicals has long been thought to have a

protective effect. Scientists carrying out one of the biggest ever studies into the relationship between diet and cancer – the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition – looked at a wide range of plant chemicals to see how they affected cancer risk. Scientists from all across Europe studied 1,500 women diagnosed with breast tumours and another 1,500 or so who were cancer-free. They were quizzed on dietary habits and blood tests were carried out to measure levels of beta-carotene, as well as other plant-based substances like vitamin C and lycopene. The results revealed that women who ate foods packed with beta-carotene – like carrots and peppers - were between 40 and 60 per cent less likely to develop oestrogen receptor negative breast cancers. These account for nearly one in three of all breast tumours.




Price Euros

1-star Aids *

2-star Aids **

3-star Aids ***

4-star Aids ****

5-star Aids *****






Domestic Situations 1-1 conversation TV Shopping Public places



Active Social

Family gatherings Cafés Small groups

Restaurants Parties Social gatherings Noisy places

Large groups Business meetings Outdoor sports Music

Demanding Situations Public meetings Concerts Theatre Orchestra

€695 single aid €1,290 pair

€845 single aid €1,590 pair

€995 single aid €1,890 pair

€1150 single aid €2,200 pair

€595 single aid €1,090 pair



Health & Beauty

CostaBlancaPeople March 1st - 7th 2016


Poets Corner "Mother" Dear Mother I know you're in Heaven But you're also right here In my heart And as Mother's Day slowly approaches I'm sad that our world's are apart For I want to put my arms around you And tell you I miss you so much

And express how my heart has been aching Since that day we were both out of touch My grief has no end or remission It remains always there close at hand I know that we'll all take that journey Maybe someday I might understand But till then I'm still hurting and longing

For the wonderful mother I had I just wish that I'd told you I loved you And that makes me so terribly sad For without you I wouldn't be living Now without you I need you to know That when Mother's Day comes I'll be thinking Of the mother I will not let go. The End by David Whitney c 2016


CostaBlancaPeople March 1st - 7th 2016

Health & Beauty


Business Profile

Exciting new hair care range at Hair OTT Now available at Hair OTT, Olaplex® is a new, revolutionary in-salon system that seeks out and helps to permanently rebuild damaged disulphide bonds (the side bonds) within the hair. Those very same bonds that give elasticity and strength to the hair. These bonds do break during chemical processes, particularly during colouring, relaxing, keratin treatments, perming, and are also

be damaged with the use of heated tools. The Olaplex® chemistry has never been seen before and opens up brandnew possibilities in hair colour variations. Until Olaplex® nothing has been able to actually re-link the broken bonds. THE FIRST OF ITS KIND Olaplex® No.3 Hair Perfector is the AtHome part of the system and contains the same active ingredient as both No.1 and No.2. This allows you to repair and maintain strong, healthy hair in between salon visits as it continues to rebuild the bonds. To Use: Using your Olaplex® No.3, apply a generous amount to towel-dried hair, comb through and leave on for a minimum of 10 minutes or longer; then rinse, shampoo and condition. To achieve the best results, use at home once a week. The look and feel of the hair after an Olaplex Colour Service is simply amazing. Olaplex®: Born from the wish of

founder Dean Cristal to keep chemical treatments from damaging hair, invented by Dr. Eric Pressly, PHD in Materials, and Dr. Craig Hawker, PHD in Chemistry. Olaplex® new ingredient is their first invention in the beauty industry. It has become a sensation amongst Hollywood’s ‘A’ celebrities and across the world. Celebrity Hairstylists Tracey Cunningham and Guy Tang are avid supporters of the brand and have used Olaplex® on many of their clients including Kim Kardashian, Kylie Jenner, Jennifer Lopez and Cameron Diaz. Olaplex® allows colourists to create colour changes to hair that were previously only dreamed of: Black to blonde in just one session and the ability to repeatedly change hair colour without damaging the integrity of the hair. Olaplex® is compatible with all hair types (from virgin to compromised chemically treated hair) and may be used in lighteners, base colour, glosses and with all types of extensions (from keratin bonds, extension links, braid-in and taped-in human hair). If the hair is

severely compromised prior to colouring, Olaplex® recommends a series of Olaplex Treatment Services prior to a colouring session. Olaplex® is free of silicone, sulphates, phthalates, DEA, aldehydes, gluten and is never tested on animals. The three-step, in-salon system is effectively a ‘reset’ service for hair allowing your hairdresser to rebuild the strength, structure and integrity of the hair. The service may be done before and/or after a chemical process. STEP 1 OLAPLEX® NO. 1 BOND MULTIPLIER – In-Salon Service STEP 2 OLAPLEX® NO.2 BOND PERFECTOR – In-Salon Service STEP 3 OLAPLEX® NO. 3 HAIR PERFECTOR – At-Home Treatment Service Olaplex® No. 3 Hair Perfector is the At-Home part of the system and contains the same active ingredient as both No.1 and No. 2. This allows you to repair and maintain strong, healthy hair in between salon visits as it continues to rebuild the bonds. To Use: Using your Olaplex® No.3, apply a generous amount to toweldried hair, comb through and leave on for a minimum of 10 minutes or longer: Then rinse, shampoo and condition. To achieve the best results, use at home once a week. Owner of Hair OTT salon Natasha told us, “The look and feel of the hair after the Olaplex® Colour Service is simply amazing. I am delighted to be able to offer this service to my clients.” For more information on the Olaplex service, contact Natasha at Hair OTT (see main advert on page 18 of this week’s Costa Blanca People.)

Business Profile: Please note that all information contained within this CostaBlanca People Business Profile has been provided by the client, and is therefore deemed correct and accurate. Any errors, omissions or inaccuracies are the sole responsibility of the client.


Health & Beauty

CostaBlancaPeople March 1st - 7th 2016


Business Profile

About Face Aesthetics 'About Face Aesthetics' is a new service to be offered at the Carredent British Dental practice in Torrevieja. All aspects of facial aesthetics are performed by a trained aesthetics nurse who qualified and worked in the UK for sixteen years as a registered nurse. Samantha later qualified in 2011 in facial aesthetics and she has a thriving business in the UK with her own clinic and beauty salon. Popular and current treatments on offer include platelet rich plasma therapy, this is referred to in the media as the 'vampire facelift' with celebrities such as Kim Kardashian being a recent advocate of this incredible facial treatment. This procedure is a revolutionary treatment that utilises the potential of your body to improve the overall texture and tone of your skin naturally. The process reduces wrinkles and blemishes using the reparative and growth factors within the plasma of the blood thus improving blood supply and stimulating collagen formation. The results slowly improve over time with evidence suggesting that PRP therapy

results last longer than chemical treatments. This treatment is relatively painless and takes approximately 45 mins to perform. Samantha is interested in skin integrity and she aims to offer treatments that will work with the body's natural healing process and enhance the natural features of the face whilst also reducing the appearance of fine lines and volume loss. A natural part of the ageing process is the loss of the natural rounded appearance of the face to that of a more square shape. With subtle replumping of the fat pads in the mid face region, the face adopts a more youthful appearance without too much trauma to the structures of the skin. Treatments such as dermal fillers in the mid face region with additional skin treatments to increase hydration using hyaluronic acid mesotherapy injections, will help keep the skin fresh and plump. A recent innovation in the UK for dramatic facial lifting using a special thread weave containing polydioxanone is proving very successful and our UK clients are

loving the long lasting results that this procedure gives. Polydioxanone contains chemicals that increase the synthesis levels of collagen and elastin, this helps to contour and smooth the face. The threads are inserted via one entry point using a small cannula and are left in situ in the facial muscle. PDO threads are perfect for tackling horizontal or vertical forehead wrinkles, v lifting sagging cheek areas, the double chin, lower jaw and for lifting eyebrows. The process takes around an hour and requires a quiet period for a few days post treatment. Samantha is currently studying at post graduate level to enhance her knowledge and skill base in advanced skin treatments as she has identified that sun damage especially in Spain is an issue that she could incorporate into her skill base and she hopes to be able to offer an advanced range of skin peels for a variety of skin conditions once qualified. For further information on the full range of treatments on offer or for a free consultation please contact Carredent British Practice.

Business Profile: Please note that all information contained within this CostaBlanca People Business Profile has been provided by the client, and is therefore deemed correct and accurate. Any errors, omissions or inaccuracies are the sole responsibility of the client.


CostaBlancaPeople March 1st - 7th 2016



CostaBlancaPeople March 1st - 7th 2016





Seat Ibiza FR 1.6TDI, 2013, 48,000Kms, many extras, FR Interior & exterior. 10,995 €


Ford Focus 1.6 TDCI, 2013, 57,000Kms, dual climate. 10,995 €


Opel Corsa 1.3 CDTI Ecoflex, 2011, 97,000Kms, aircon, CD. 7,495 €


Seat Leon 1.6TDI, 2013, 75,000Kms, Alloy wheels, Bluetooth, CD, Many extras. 12,995 €


Toyota Auris 120D, 2013, 43,400 Kms, GPS, parking assistant with cameras. 13,995 €

Toyota Aygo 1.0 Petrol, 2012, 70,700Kms, aircon, CD, Bluetooth. 6.995 €


Ford Fiesta 1.5TDI, 2013, New Model, 59,000Kms, Bluetooth, Climate. 9,995 €


Renault Megane Sport Tourer 1.5TDI, 2011, 37,300Kms, Key card, CD. 10,495 €

VW Polo 1.2TDI, 2013, 75CV, Low consumption 3,4L/100km, 10,995€

Ford Focus Estate 1.8TDCI, 2002, 162,500Kms, Aircon, CD, Parking sensors. 2,995 €


Seat Leon 1.6TDI, 2013, 43,960Kms, Bluetooth, dual climate. 12,995 €


VW Golf 1.6TDi Blue Motion, 2011, Climate control, CD, USB, 67,000km, 12,695€

Transfer, Full service and minimum 1 year warranty Included in the price. Part Exchange & Finance Available


CostaBlancaPeople March 1st - 7th 2016




Gig Guide

A few weeks ago I wrote about my trip to Benidorm to see some of the acts there. One of the reasons I went was to bring one of the top acts from there into our area. There is only one place in Benidorm you can find this act and there will be only one place you can find him in our area. I am talking about the phenomenal “Benidorm Tom” tribute show. Over the next 3 weeks you and a friend will have the opportunity to win 2 tickets to see Benidorm Tom plus Europe’s top Lady Gaga and Kylie Minogue tributes. The 2 winners will also receive a 3 course meal before the

show and front row VIP seats. This competition is only available through the Costa Blanca People and entry is free from Lets Rock Shows website The “Gaga For Benidorm Tom” show is on at Restaurante Los Rosales on Saturday March 26th. This is the first time this show has ever been seen, not only in our area but anywhere. I was blown away by the excellent professionalism of the acts as I am sure you will be too. Benidorm Tom has his first television appearance on “Stars in Their Eyes!” way back in the early 1990’s and has been on televisions shows all

CostaBlancaPeople March 1st - 7th 2016

over the world since then. Both he and his beautiful wife, who does the Lady Gaga and Kylie tributes are well travelled and have been in great demand all over the world from Vegas to Russia, South Africa to the United Arab Emirates. They both take care to have authentic costumes and wigs. The show is a combination of the couple’s outstanding talent and showmanship. Nothing is left to chance. With rave reviews from all over the world we just had to book these acts for you to see for yourself. This really is a Vegas comes to the Costa Blanca show!

Competition Win 2 Tickets to see “Gaga For Benidorm Tom” on March 26th All you have to do is answer the question that is on the competition page of Lets Rock Shows website. www.lrshows.com. All the correct answers will be drawn from a hat by a member of Costa Blanca People’s staff. The winner will be notified by email and the results printed in the March 22nd edition. Closing date is March 16th. This competition is exclusive to The Costa Blanca People and Lets Rock Shows. Entrance must be at least 16 years old.


Other than that, anyone can enter for free. Good luck, and if you can’t wait to get your tickets they are on sale in all the usual outlets or call on 697501992 to reserve. If you would like your events in this guide, they are FREE. Just email me the details to letsrockshowslive@gmail.com. To book acts please go to my new site www.jaxlawson.com Love life, love music and support your venues and acts. Jax Lawson xx

March 1st - March 7th 2016 Tues March 1st

YOLO, Cabo Roig – David J Williams – 10pm Pablos International, Playa Flamenca – Martin Kay - pm The Archers, Quesada – Denis Christian – 5pm Breakaways, Pueblo Principe – Richie Alexander – 9pm – 5 Euros with food Stray Sod, La Fuente – Bella Luna – 10pm

Wednesday March 2nd

Stray Sod, La Fuente - David J Williams – 10pm Park Inn, Quesada – Samantha Curtis – 8pm Final Whistle, La Marina – Variety Show for Tasha – 2pm So Bar, Benimar – Paula Molina – 5pm The Local, La Florida – Richie Alexander – 6pm Paddy’s Point, La Zenia – The Cages Acoustic – 10pm Maggie O’Briens, Campoverde – Brian Bennett – 4.30pm

Thursday March 3rd

Pablos International, Playa Flamenca – Paul Allen – 9pm The Local, La Florida – Richie Alexander – 6pm Stray Sod, La Fuente – The Cages – 10pm Mono’s Bar, Quesada – Samantha Curtis – 8pm Restaurante Nautilus, Torrevieja – Jose Bolero – 7.30pm Sports Complex, La Marina – Re Union Gap – 7pm – 15 Euros with meal

Friday March 4th

O’Riordans, Cabo Roig – Paul Allen – 10pm Pablos International, Playa Flamenca – Rod Stewart Tribute – 9pm Posh Club, La Marina – Charles Cole – 1.30pm Lansdowne, Playa Flamenca – The Streeters – 10pm Emerald Isle, La Florida – Richie Alexander – 9pm Bar Carmens, El Chapparal – Samantha Curtis – 2pm Stray Sod, La Fuente – Bella Luna – 10pm Final Whistle, La Marina – Ed B Williams – 9pm Marabu Lounge, Pueblo Bravo – Saxy Johan – 8pm

Saturday March 5th

Le Cabaret, Benissa – Rob Lewis as Phil Collins – 7.30pm – 15 Euros Breakaways, Pueblo Principe – Francis Sings – 9pm Pablo’s International, Playa Flamenca – Paul Christie – 9pm Eduardos Villamartin – Rod Stewart Tribute – 9pm Posh Club, La Marina – Diverse Duo – 9pm New Yorks Bar, El Trampolin – Ruby Rox – 9pm Landsdowne, Playa Flamenca – Richie Alexander – 10pm Gogarty’s, La Zenia – Tony de Love – 10pm Aneto Cerveceria, Benimar – Tony Capaldi – 9pm Bar Carlos, Torrevieja – Open Mic night - 9pm Stray Sod, La Fuente – Kolted – 10pm Foxy’s Bar, Via Park V – James Ellis – 6.30pm La Bodegueta, Lo Crispin – Samantha Curtis – 8pm Pato Pekin, El Presidente – Kevin Tyler – 9pm Emerald Isle, La Florida – Dan Davy and Nick Gold – 9pm PALS, La Siesta – Angus McKay – 9pm Slievenemon Bar, Cabo Roig – Snowblind – 10pm

Sunday March 6th

Pablo’s International, Playa Flamenca – Richie Alexander – 9pm Champagne Bar, La Fuente – Benny the Piano Man – 3pm Durty Nelly’s, Torrevieja – Jose Bolero – 3pm

Sports Complex, La Marina – Woody – 9pm Monos, Quesada – Crazy G – 8pm Bog Road, Cabo Roig – Tullamore Duo – 10pm Marabu Lounge, Pueblo Bravo – Nick Gold – 3pm

Monday March 7th

Tradewinds, La Fuente – Richie Alexander – 9pm Bar Kenz, San Luis – Samantha Curtis – 9pm Stray Sod, La Fuente – Jimmy and John Acoustic – 10pm Rianxiera Restaurante, Cabo Roig – Jose Bolero – 8pm Final Whistle, La Marina – Richie Alexander – 2pm

Sneak Peek Saturday 12th March - Restaurante Los Rosales, Guardamar. The Liverpool Band - Tickets 15 Euros with 2 course meal. Doors at 7.30pm www.lrshows.com or phone 697501992

Puzzle Page

CostaBlancaPeople March 1st - 7th 2016


logic puzzle Logic puzzles require the solver to deduce the relationships between different people, places and things based on a limited number of clues given in the puzzle.




quick ACROSS 1. Insubordination (12) 7. Sudden thrust (5) 8. Diminish (5) 9. Arid (3) 10.Spin on tiptoe (9) 11.Fearful (6) 12.Specimen (6) 15.End (9)

4. 5. 6. 7. 10. 13. 14. 16. 20.

17.Epoch (3) 18.Steer (5) 19.Banal (5) 21.Break (12) Down 1. Drawback (12) 2. Prohibit (3) 3. Dismal (6)

Utter suddenly (9) Skill (5) Loss of speed (12) Stratum (5) Prerogative (9) Bit (5) Trade (6) Rule (5) Little devil (3)


DOWN 1. Transport for a small charge (12) 2. Circle in never-never dance (3) 3. The minority of lawyers (6)

4. First man to take up a craft (4,5) 5. Prepared to fight (3-2) 6. There's possibly more credit in being very fast (2,6,4) 7. Concerning a sailor who's away from home (5) 10. It has a back-breaking job keeping down vermin (9) 13. What one thinks about a bad side (5) 14. Incline towards a simple building (4-2) 16. Scope for cookery (5) 20. It preserves timber and ropes for the sailor (3)

SOLUTIONS 622 QUICK Across: 4 Acquire; 8 Needle; 9 Equable; 10 Accent; 11 Enlist; 12 Pamphlet; 18 Abeyance; 20 Muster; 21 Clique; 22 Imperil; 23 Morass; 24 Presage. Down: 1 Unhappy; 2 Welcome; 3 Blanch; 5 Coquette; 6 Unable; 7 Relish; 13 Learning; 14 Unequal; 15 Reverse; 16 Summer; 17 Stress; 19 Yellow. CRYPTIC Across: 4 Acclaim; 8 Elated; 9 Flights; 10 Retail; 11 Siting; 12 Offences; 18 Pilotage; 20 Candle; 21 Sticks; 22 Picador; 23 Tissue; 24 Arising. Down: 1 Bedroom; 2 Mastiff; 3 Design; 5 Colossal; 6 Legate; 7 Intent; 13 Cape Horn; 14 Carcase; 15 Leashed; 16 Rapier; 17 Ideals; 19 Obtain.

Solution for Logic Puzzle Ismael








Oriole Vulture Eagle Stork Osprey

Backpacking Climbing Basketry Leatherwork Bugling

Sudoku Solution


1. The person who arrived at 7:00am is not Tristen. 2. The one who saw the vulture arrived earlier than the scoutmaster who awarded the backpacking merit badge. 3. The scoutmaster who awarded the leatherwork merit badge saw the stork. 4. The one who saw the oriole arrived later than Ismael. 5. The one who saw the eagle didn't award the bugling or climbing merit badge. 6. The scoutmaster who awarded the backpacking merit badge is Jonah. 7. Of Alison and Ismael, one saw the stork and the other arrived at 7:00pm. 8. Either the person who arrived at 7:00pm or the person who arrived at 9:30pm saw the vulture. 9. The scoutmaster who awarded the bugling merit badge arrived earlier than Pablo. 10. The 5 people were the one who saw the oriole, Alison, the person who arrived at 1:00pm, the scoutmaster who awarded the bugling merit badge, and the one who saw the vulture.

I'm overdrawn (6) 15. A mere agent may make one (9) 17. Close object (3) 18. Man of property, three quarters in gold (5) 19. They're played in no set order (5) 21. Radio schedule from which no departure is contemplated (3,9)


Remember: every item on the board belongs to one and only one person, no item will ever be shared. Using only the clues provided and simple deductive logic and reasoning, fill in the grid with Xs and Os to determine the solution.

ACROSS 1. Game of chance to which sailors become accustomed (5,3,4) 7. It has a shaky reputation as a writer! (5) 8. Not an outstanding demonstration (3-2) 9. A low cry (3) 10. A number, for example, having a device for long distance communication (9) 11. False description of the Tower of Pisa (6) 12. Last month from my own fault



CostaBlancaPeople March 1st - 7th 2016








Classified ads from as little as €4.20 per week Tel: 966 725 968 CAR VALETING ELECTRICIAL






CostaBlancaPeople March 1st - 7th 2016





Classified adverts from as little as

€4.20 per week Telephone: 966 725 968 LOCKSMITHS

Classified ads from as little as €4.20 per week Tel: 966 725 968 We accept PayPal


Classified ads from as little as €4.20 per week Tel: 966 725 968





CostaBlancaPeople March 1st - 7th 2016




CostaBlancaPeople March 1st - 7th 2016




Jasper, 14 weeks old, has had his first 2 puppy vaccinations and is in excellent health. Jasper is house trained, great with other dogs and will be large when fully grown. Call: 645 469 253 www.petsinspain.com info@petsinspain.com



Anúnciate – Tlf: 966 701 060 – linda@costablancapeople.com

Servicio de traducción gratuito TILING

Tyler and his brother Kingsley were rescued by us in January 2013 as small puppies. Now they are 3 years old and have never known a loving home. They are both lovely dogs and deserve the chance to be part of a loving family.

Jester, came to us in October 2012 and is still here, a small pointer cross, weighing 15 kilos, loves playing with his kennel mates but also loves lots of human contact. He is 6 years old, fully vaccinated, microchipped and castrated.


Alfie, born December 2014, owned by a family who didn’t care for him and he was abandoned at the door of the APAH kennels. He was terrified of everyone, but since living in a foster home he is now friendly, happy and needs a loving home.

Bonnie, a Manx cat, is now 7 months’ old, and waiting for a lovely, caring home. If you are able to offer her a home, then please call 610 832 726 or 600 845 420.


Don’t pay MORE for LESS! Advertise in the CostaBlancaPeople 966 701 060 advertising@costablancapeople.com

Ruben, is a 10 year old Spanish water dog, sweet natured and undemanding. He was abandoned as his owner did not want the responsibility of an older dog. Ruben shouldn’t be in kennels at his age, he deserves somewhere warm with love.



BUILDERS G.F.R. Builders 30 years experience 13 years in Spain All general building work and Property Maintenance undertaken Gazebos, Pergolas and car ports made to your specification All works guaranteed Competitive prices Ring now for free no obligation quotation Tel 653 262 489 Whatsapp or email:gfrbuild@gmail.com (LR) (623)


EMPLOYMENT Estate agency in Guardamar, require a native English speaker with fluent Spanish for part-time Monday to Saturday customer service/admin. role. Valid driving licence and good IT skills required. Send CV to info@ononix.com (624) Headlines of Los Montesinos High Street is looking for experienced beauty therapist/ massage and nail technician. Please phone Adrian 966 721 175 (624) Fully trained mechanic required for a busy garage in Quesada. Immediate start. For further info please email your CV to massey ccaa@yahoo.co.uk or call 699 203 035. (625)

GARDENING Quesada, Bar restaurant Lease for sale, established almost 30 years, on the main square of Quesada village. These premises have recently been refurbished to a very smart, clean and inviting appearance. All paperwork available to prove it is fully licensed and 100% legal. Full stainless steel kitchen. Inside 30 covers plus, outside 60 covers plus. These premises could easily be run by 4 people. Rent is 1,000 Euros per month, equivalent to 33 Euros a day. Price is 17,500 Euros, to include all fixtures and fittings, everything! Turn key and open. No other similar premises available within the same area for this price. Next month is Easter and Summer is coming! These premises are for sale through SunseekersQuesada exclusively. For further information please telephone 966 718 779 office hours, or 672 366 275 any reasonable time. Please note, proof of financial ability, i.e. Bank balance from ATM machine - costs nothing - required before any viewings. Sorry, but this is to stop time wasters and nosey parkers. Bob Hope and NO hopers need not apply. Quesada, Olive Bar and restaurant lease for sale. Well known and very established popular bar, fully equipped in every respect, separate function room, large outside terrace, separate large dining area, open 7 days a week, with all legal licences in place, a real turn key and go operation. Price 40,000 Euros. Further information please telephone SunseekersQuesada on 966 718 779 office hours. Quesada, Pueblo Bravo, large restaurant and bar for sale with private car park, 200m square build, enormous kitchen, fully fitted in stainless steel, very nicely decorated and internal furnishings, open 7 days a week, current popular clientele, only for sale due to personal reasons, price 25,000 Euros. For further information please telephone SunseekersQuesada on 966 718 779 office hours. Quesada, large garage for sale freehold, 58 square metres, easy access and very secure, ideal storage, or vehicles, jet skis etc. Price 16,000 Euros, which is very reasonable as it would cost more to build if you were given the land. Further details telephone SunseekersQuesada on 966 718 779 office hours. (623)

BUY & SELL Turn your unwanted furniture, electrical, household goods, Bric-a-Brac, clothing, antiques and collectables into cash. Anything! Anywhere! 965 319 220/663 012 541 (625)

CARS Sporty, blue Hyundai Coupe 1.6FX petrol, manual. Very good condition. New battery and Cam Belt. ITV 02.09.16. €1500. Call 619 466 300. (623)

COUNSELLING Cognitive Behavioural Therapist available for consultations. Tel 691 734 775 or email sacred_waters@hotmail.co.uk (630)

Eazy Lawns the artificial grass experts Eight year guarantee Many different effects for all surfaces and budgets Full garden design & construction Fully legal and registered company covering all of the Costa Blanca Tel 636 102 509 or email info@eazylawns.es or www.eazylawns.es (C) (623)

HEALTH & BEAUTY Experienced mobile hairdresser. Good price and service. City & Guilds qualified. Tel 663 173 385. (M) (623)

HOME IMPROVEMENTS METAL MAN! All your metal and iron works made to your specification Specialising in Staircases, Roller Shutters, Gates and Railings Best prices on the Costa Blanca! Call for no obligation quotation Tel 652 262 489/whatsapp or email: metalguy1958@gmail.com (L)(623)

CostaBlancaPeople March 1st - 7th 2016

Retired, English Gentleman seeks affectionate, passionate, attractive female for discreet, romantic, sexual relationship in area from Torrievieja to Cartarenga. I would travel to your home for meetings and outings. Happy to assist with finances. Please email me on reg.england@yahoo.co.uk to exchange photos and other details. (626) ANUNCIATE! Tlf 966 701 060 linda@costablancapeople.com SERVICIO DE TRADUCCION GRATUITO Torrevieja Centro, young oriental girl gives complete massage, 24 hrs in your house or mine. C/ Concordia 2, 4K. Tel: 698 280 842 (643)

Sensual relaxing massage. 25 min. of professional relaxing massage followed by 25 min. sensual body2body julia 647 234 622 (624) Experience a great one hour massage with Veronica fully qualified. For appointments call 679 292 678 (630) Torrevieja Casa Angela. Discreet and private deluxe chalet offers you exotic girls from South America, call us, come and enjoy 24 hrs, easy to find, easy parking, free drink also escort service 609 573 468/639 832 118 Address: Avd. Association Victimas Del Terrorismo (631) New friend 25, nice body, sensual, erotic massage, fantasies. 15th, Turquesa St. La Zenia, opposite Zenia Boulevard. www.sensualspain.net 656 314 941. (623) Ladies! Big or small, old or young, enjoy a sensual spanking and more and it’s FREE! The Headmaster visits you at home. Details: headmaster@live.co.uk (624) Playa Flamenca (near new Carrefour before La Florida) Original Spanish lady 35 very attractive offers complete service & erotic massages, private house, very discreet withparking has medical cert. 865 646 437 (626)

REF 683. Pueblo Bravo. 2 Bedroom Semi-Detached Bungalow Part Furnished Immaculate Condition Large Communal Swimming Pool Gated Community. €105,000

Thai lady for massage and lots of pleasure.Tel 605 292 304 Cabo Roig (625) Almoradi. 2 blonde chicas will greet you in sexy lingerie. Kissing, petting. explosive! Tel: 645 323 543 (623)

For further details call Inmobiliaria on 966 718 392 (IQ) (623)

Cindy, the horniest Venezuelan friend. Wonderful body. Fantasies. La Zenia, close Consum, house 77. 607 735 745. (629) Mary, 33, Polish, sweet friend. Wonderful body, fantasies. The best attention. Cabo Roig, opposite Puccini’s restaurant. 672 872 050. www.sensualspain.net (627) Shirley 32, busty qualified masseuse deep, strong or relaxing. Prostate great stimulation. Delay ejaculation. Torrevieja opposite mortuary. Opening prices 1 hour 50€. 4 hand massage 75€ with Ana 25, sweet Polish friend. 604 381 926 (625) Sammy 19, qualified masseuse in bikini. Sensitive, relaxing. No sex. Only 10 days. La Zenia opposite Zenia Boulevard. 617 709 701 (624) Kamagra.Gold.100mg. Free Weekender with every purchase .Delivery or collection. Call Roy 602 579 481 email royframe@gmail.com (624)


Sophie. Elegant, sexy, naughty lady. Visit, all areas. Home/house and hotel visits. Tel 693 357 526 (653)

REF 585. Doña Pepa. 2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom Ground Floor Apartment Fully Furnished Wheelchair Friendly Overlooking Communal Swimming Pool Communal Car Park. €95,000

REF 692. Rojales Hills. 3/4 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Detached Villa Well Maintained Fully Furnished Very Good Location 470m2 Plot Large Double Garage Close to All Local Amenities. €235,000



Villamartin/Los Dolses. (Panorama Country Club) A superb 2 bedroom ultra modern cottage. Private roof terrace. Private secure car park. Aircon. Front and back garden. Internet/Wifi TV. Long let. €425 + bills. Astrid 965 319 731 or 649 235 327. (623) Quesada, Long term rental, Skandia Centre, one bed bungalow, unfurnished, new kitchen and redecoration, communal swimming pool, electric gates, very close to supermarket and other local facilities. Rent is 330 Euros per month including all electric and water bills, suma etc, etc. Deposit required of 660 Euros. Further information please telephone SunseekersQuesada on 966 718 779, office hours, or 672 366 275 any reasonable time. Quesada, Long term rental available on the prestigious Bravo Hills Club. Second floor. one bed apartment, with solarium and tremendous views, fully furnished, UK TV, Beautiful communal swimming pool, electric gates, fountains etc etc. Rent 300 Euros per month, deposit 600 Euros per month, further details telephone SunseekersQuesada on 966 718 779 office hours, or 672 366 275 any reasonable time. Torrevieja, third floor 2 bed apartment to rent long term. Two elevators, communal swimming pool, 150m to the beach, Playa Athenion, walking distance to Torrevieja town centre, many bars, restaurants and shops nearby. Air Con, UK TV, fully furnished, rent 350 Euros per month plus water and electric, deposit required of 700 Euros, further details telephone SunseekersQuesada on 966 718 779 office hours or 672 366 275 any reasonable time. (623)


TILING P&R Tiling The best quality and value around. Only the highest quality materials used (swimming pool grade adhesive and grout). Call 622 154 380 for a no obligation quote or to see our extensive portfolio of bathrooms, kitchens, driveways, patios, solariums, swimming pools, landscape gardening and more. Happy to introduce new clients to previous clients for references. See our website www.pandrtiling.com or call 622 154 380. Hablamos Español. (AL) (623)

TUITION & TRANSLATION Reliable translator. Competitive prices. Medical, police, trafico, schools, etc. Tel Debbie 630 325 957 (624)

Ref 4006 La Finca Golf. Exquisite Villa. Absolutely immaculate 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms with underbuild, glass curtained terrace, private pool, C/H, A/C, underbuild, garden. 275.000€ Ref OC1211 Villamartin. Townhouse. Gated community, 3 bedrooms, bathroom, solarium, a/c, garden, cloakroom, beach & golf close by, communal pool. 119.500€ Ref 2581 La Mata. 150 metres from beach. Townhouse with sea views, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, solarium, terrace, patio, cloakroom, gated community. 92.000€ Ref 2585 Heredades. Country Villa. Detached, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, country views, solarium, A/C, private pool, outer building, heaps of potential, good business opportunity. 254.950€

Angelo, in the vets now for 3 months and desperate to find a home. He is 10 years old and the problem is he has feline leukemia, so needs to either be the only house cat or with others with feline leukemia.

Ref 2579 La Mata 2nd Line Beach Apartment, communal pool, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, spacious terrace, communal solarium, well presented. 89.950€ Ref 4067 Formentera. Bargain. Closed complex, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, communal pool, private solarium, terrace, short walk to village amenities. 45.995€ Ref 1273 Formentera. 81m2 Apartment. Immaculate 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, terrace, communal pool, U/ground parking, solarium shared by 4 properties. 69.000€

Lucas and Tito, 11 week old brothers, are living in the APAH kennels and will only be small dogs when they are fully grown. To arrange to meet the brothers please call 630 422 563 or 616 210 850.

Contact Vincent Real Estate: 966 712 440 info@vincent-realestate.com (623)

We accept PayPal PROPERTY MAINTENANCE Electrical, plumbing, fencing, water boilers, balustrades, painting and general maintenance. Tel 965 328 361 or 680 934 549. (631)


Steel, a very handsome dog, 4 years old, fully vaccinated, microchipped and castrated, playful with his kennel mates and his toys and loves to go for a walk, has a gentle nature and would make a great companion.

SunseekersQuesada urgently require a 2 bed ground floor apartment or bungalow for long term rental by an elderly Norwegian lady with slight walking problems. A very fair rent offered, so if you have such a property for rent please contact us immediately on 966 718 779 office hours. Indeed all types of property wanted for Long term rental. SunseekersQuesada urgently require a finca style property in and around this area for long term rental, 2 or 3 bedrooms swimming pool not essential, furnished or unfurnished, please telephone us on 966 718 779, client is waiting with immediate decision. (623)

Todd is a very lively 6 month old terrier type who walked into our La Marina Shop. He has obviously been well looked after as he is used to people and other dogs. Todd loves travelling in a car. Todd is a small dog with a big personality.


CostaBlancaPeople March 1st - 7th 2016



Emergency chemist In every town on the Costa Blanca, you will find a chemist open out of hours. In some larger towns such as Torrevieja, some chemists open throughout the day with no ‘siesta’, or even until 9pm and over weekends. The duty chemist can change on a weekly basis and in some towns, local pharmacies take turns to be ‘on duty’ out of hours and through the night for emergencies. If you approach an emergency chemist and it appears to be closed, look closer as often for security reasons, out of hours business is done via a small hatch

through which prescriptions, payment and medication can be passed. Consult a full list of emergency chemists for out of hours medication at: www.lasfarmaciasdeguardia.com Under the heading, “Farmacias de guardia por provincia” choose your province (Alicante or Murcia for most readers) and you will be presented with an alphabetical list of towns. Simply click the town you are in, or a nearby town, and you will be given the name of the chemist along with a Google Maps link to the location.

Yang, one of 5 abandoned puppies and lucky to have been found. They are a diverse group that we will be small/medium size when they’re older. They are now 9 weeks old and have had the relevant vaccines so are now ready to be adopted.

Airport Bus Timetable This service offers eight return trips between Alicante-Elche Airport and Torrevieja central bus depot without any stops, every day of the year. Torrevieja to Airport: 7:00, 9:00, 11:00, 13:00, 15:00, 17:00, 19:00, 21:00 Airport to Torrevieja: 8:00, 10:00, 12:00, 14:00, 16:00, 18:00, 20:00, 22:00 Departure and arrival (in Torrevieja): From Torrevieja bus station. Calle del Mar, 50 Departure and arrival (in AlicanteElche Airport): 2nd Floor Price: €6.92 Children under 4 years travel for free (ID may be requested) Pensioners: 30% discount available for pensioners with accreditation from Social Security. Please note that the discount here applies ONLY to pensioners registered as permanent residents of the Valencian Community.

To prove this, you must show ID stating that you are over 65 as well as your DNI (if Spanish) or Residencia (if foreign resident) confirming that your residence is within the Valencian Community. All buses on this route have wheelchair access, free wifi and luggage storage. Tickets in Torrevieja are available for purchase within the bus station (Calle del Mar 50), and in the airport directly from the driver. Prior booking is not required, however more information can be found by calling the bus station (in Spanish) on 96 571 01 46. The journey time is 50 minutes and the driver takes the route to and from the airport via the A7 motorway, thus avoiding the frequent seasonal delays on the N332.

Useful numbers Transport Torrevieja Bus station 96 670 10 68 Torrevieja Radio Taxi 96 571 22 77 – 96 571 10 26 Orihuela Costa Radio Taxi 966 76 10 88 Alicante-Elche Airport 96 691 90 00 Renfe (trains) 902 24 02 02

Commercial Centres Zenia Boulevard 96 676 15 30 Habaneras 96 571 23 00 Dos Mares 968 54 70 00 L’Aljub (Elche) 965 43 00 90

Emergency Services National Police (NIE/Residencia application) 96 570 88 34 Guardia Civil 062 Protección Civil 96 571 39 27 Fire Brigade 96 670 44 33/53 EMERGENCIES 112

Local Services Torrevieja Town Hall 96 571 02 50 Rojales Town Hall 966 71 50 01 San Miguel de Salinas Town Hall 965 72 00 01 San Fulgencio Town Hall 966 79 42 01 Orihuela Town Hall 966 73 68 64 Elche Town Hall 966 65 80 50

Alicante Town Hall 965 14 91 00 Los Alcazares Town Hall 968 57 44 09 San Pedro del Pinatar Town Hall 968 18 06 00 Pilar de la Horadada Town Hall 965 35 22 25 Guardamar del Segura Town Hall 965 72 90 14 Los Montesinos Town Hall 966 72 10 87 Sports Palace Infanta Cristina 966 111 222 Sport palace Cecilio Gallego 966 111 222 Tourist info 901 343 343 Consumer Info Centre 96 570 78 88 Ecoparque 96 570 72 32 La Mata’s Natural Park 96 692 04 04 Museo del Mar y de la Sal 96 670 46 43 Museo de Semana Santa (Easter Museum) 96 670 80 37

Services Iberdrola (Electricity) 96 571 02 48 AGAMED (water) 902 222 306 and 96 571 09 66 SUMA 96 670 37 44

Leisure IMF Cinema 96 570 54 14 Centro Ozone 96 570 58 80

Twinkle, a lovely 2 year old tabby and white girl was bought into K9 after being abandoned. She has been spayed, is very affectionate and enjoys a sedentary life and loves home comforts. She is fine with other cats, loves being with people.

Odin, a 17 month old male Fox Terrier crossbreed, found running along a main road late at night, is fully vaccinated, microchipped and castrated; a happy boy who plays well with his kennel mates looking for a loving home of his own.

George, a 6 month old Galgo cross, is in desperate need of a new home. He is great with other dogs and loves children. Call: 645 469 253. www.petsinspain.com info@petsinspain.info



CostaBlancaPeople March 1st - 7th 2016

Tales from the Top Flight ■ CHRIS DARWEN chris@costablancapeople.com

At 17:40 on Saturday evening I was starting to tap away with my, “oh well Leicester, it was fun whilst it lasted” piece for this newspaper and then they went and changed it all again, didn’t they? Two minutes later and I was having to start this column all over again. Oh Leicester, you little teases making us all think that you were going to fail to beat Norwich and let your title challenge disintegrate just like Walkers Crisps do in the sun. Time to give Ranieri a whole season’s worth of credit, his substitution and injection of a little Ulloa led to the last minute winner from the Argentine. If Leicester pick up momentum again and close out this title I hope people remember that tactical change as a pivotal moment. What do I mean if? Of course they will. “Will” became even more likely with the Sunday results. Two games is normally long enough to label someone the new “Rooney/Lineker/Owen/Fowler/Henry/Sh earer/Charlton/Giggs/Best/Pele” so Marcus Rashford must be the new one of them, maybe even two of them rolled into one. Having come off the bench to save United’s blushes in Europe (see Eurovision for more information) the young striker started against Arsenal. Graeme Souness, who played far better than he managed and managed far better than he pundits on Sky, suggested that Rashford might have been out of his depth against an Arsenal defence. Graeme, he was playing against Arsenal’s defence! Rashford marked his first Premier League start with another double which led United to a 3-2 win against a team that seems unlikely to catch Leicester now. Face the truth Arsene, Chelsea, United and City have all gone backwards this season and you have still failed to win the title. Let someone else have a go next season.

club record of 708 minutes without conceding a goal he completely forgot what he was in goal for and watched Fabregas’ cross-cum-shot-cum-feebleattempt-at-kicking-a-ball bobble into the corner. Clearly distraught and not used to seeing a number registered in the goals against column, big Fraser was unable to keep out Ivanovic’s late header which sealed a surprise 2-1 win for Chelsea on the south coast. Whereas many of the Saturday afternoon kick offs started in a boring fashion and improved, Bournemouth and Watford started in a boring fashion and got worse, the game ending 0-0. With entertainment at a premium, you can imagine my personal joy at noticing the late televised game was WBA at home to Palace! Mock not, mock not. The most nailed on 0-0 in recent Premier League history turned out to be a five goal thriller. WBA, clearly forgetting everything Pulis had said to them before kick off, raced out of the blocks and led 3-0 at half time. Palace, clearly forgetting everything Pardew had said before kick off and then suddenly remembering at half time, fought back superbly in the second period to make it 3-2. Cast your mind back to earlier in the season when I think I suggested Pardew might be a good shout for England manager. No league wins in ten games goes a long way to remind you that I know very little about this game. They couldn’t end up getting dragged into the relegation mess, could they?

The Saturday afternoon games were fairly dull, if truth be known. They had been preceded by West Ham beating Sunderland 1-0 in a game that was never likely to capture the imagination and the result leaves Sunderland in the relegation zone. Mind you, considering they have spent the vast majority of the season there this should not be the most surprising news of the weekend. Do you remember when some people were talking Stoke up to be the new Barcelona? Fools. Now they have slumped to a level so low that they can only manage to beat Villa 2-1. The shame of it all. Arnautovic got a brace to continue Villa’s descent into Championship obscurity. Seriously, put some money on Villa winning League One in the 2017/18 season. Poor Fraser Forster. Having just set a

YOUR WEEK IN SPORT ■ CHRIS DARWEN chris@costablancapeople.com

I do not claim to be a rugby expert, but even I cannot fail to be impressed with how quickly Eddie Jones has turned England into a half decent rugby team. Their 21-10 victory over Ireland at Twickenham was a step up in class compared to their previous Six Nations run-outs so far. Billy Vunipola was taking the plaudits once more as England overpowered the Irish to go top of the table. Scotland were finally able to remember what it was like to celebrate a Six Nations win, going to Rome and beating the Italians 36-20. Rumour has it the Scots left the wooden spoon in the Italians dressing room as they now believe they have no need to look after it. Friday night had seen the Welsh overcome the French 1910, meaning their next match against England will most likely decide the championship winners. If Wales win, they would only have to beat Italy to secure the title with England travelling to France on the final day. There was a lot of build up to the Carl Frampton – Scott Quigg World Super Bantamweight Title Fight. They waited four years to fight, nearly got it on in the press conference and it all ended with a little bit of controversy. Frampton won on points, in a split decision that seemed way more comprehensive than the judges seemed to notice. Either way, the fight took a while to get going and ended with a frantic finish. Frampton’s win unifies the WBA and IBF belts.

At the end of the weekend Leicester still lead the way, ahead of Spurs by two points. Arsenal have drifted to five points short of top place and City, well they had other things on their minds.

Footballers often get told they are a bit soft and should look to the rugby lads on how to take injuries “like men”. Well even the rugby boys would do well to top Lindsey Vonn. The American skier sustained a hairline fracture of her knee

All Spurs needed to do was keep winning, therefore applying subtle pressure to Leicester. Ranieri’s boys will have sat with their feet up once again, revelling in the fact that both North London teams might slip up, and they nearly got their wish. Swansea led Tottenham for the majority of the game, but these Spurs players are made of stronger stuff than previous years. With twenty minutes to go they knuckled down and turned a 1-0 deficit into a 2-1 win.

Stray Sod Golf society We end today’s column with the first silverware of the season. No Arsene, the Community Shield did not count. Manchester City and Liverpool headed down the motorway to Wembley to contest the League Cup Final. Jurgen Klopp may well be one of the most likeable characters on British footballing shores currently, but hands up if you enjoyed the irony of a German manager seeing his team lose on penalties? No? Just me then! Actually, I fib. I would have loved to have seen Klopp lift a title so early in his Liverpool reign, but then by a similar token I was pleased to see Pellegrini at least win something since being told he was being Pepped. Caballero may have his critics, but he was rather good at stopping those penalties. Mignolet also has his critics. I have no idea why, he is fully deserving of a new five-year deal, isn’t he Jurgen?


A reasonable turnout for our outing at The Mar Menor, the weather was fantastic and the course was in good condition. We played two nearest the pins won by Jeff luke and Andy Kane. The runner up with a great score of 38 points was Marcia Langdon and today’s winner was Andy Kane with 39 points. We returned to The Stray Sod for the presentation and a great buffet thanks again Eoin and staff for your hospitality. To book your place on the next outing call in at the Sod or phone 690268711

cap on Friday, and went on to record the fastest time of the year in the “Super G” on Saturday morning. As she said on Twitter, “nobody can ever call me a whimp”. No Lindsey, they cannot, but they can pull you up on your spelling of wimp. Steven Finn has to be the most injury

prone English cricketer of recent times. Having worked so hard to force himself back into the international set-up, the fast bowler managed to pull his calf in a fitness session, ruling him out of the T20 World Cup. Steve, it’s simple. Don’t do fitness sessions, they clearly do you more harm than good. Just run in hard, wang it down as fast as you can until you feel tired, then go and rest. I am pretty sure many a great fast bowler managed a career on that advice. This injury is being called a “huge blow” to England’s chances of winning the tournament, though further investigation may uncover a serious dose of “getting your excuses in early.” Formula One plan to change their qualifying system, making it all a little more X-Factor. Rather than wait until the end of each session to kick the slowest driver out of the race, they plan to do it every seven minutes. The only problem? Their computer software won’t be ready until the fifth race of the season, so they will make the change then. Hang on, surely that is the equivalent of changing the rules for qualifying for the Champions League, or changing how you qualify for the Olympics after half the people have qualified? Still, if you let a sport be run by Bernie Ecclestone you have nobody to blame other than yourselves.

Tennis great Roger Federer will be out a little longer than expected following knee surgery. He now plans to return at the Monte Carlo Rolex Open event in April. Really Roger? What was it about the very plush location and sponsor that made you pick that exact event to return? Either way, it would be great to see Federer add to his 17 Grand Slams before he calls it a day. To be fair, all he needs to do is face Murray in a final and his almost guaranteed the W.

Jenny Meadows (no, me neither) said she nearly quit racing the 800m for Great Britain as she was fed up of losing to drug cheats. At first glance I felt this story was nothing more than a traditional British moan at not winning, but to be fair she had a point. On three occasions she had been kept off a major championship podium by someone that went on to be discredited as a drug taker. Three may not sound like many, but it would have doubled her medal haul so she probably has the right to be a little disgruntled. Either way, she hasn’t retired and the drugs cheats are now banned so I fully expect at least a silver from her in Rio. FIFA will be saved! FIFA will be saved! For the first time in over nineteen decades, they are now being run by someone that is not Sepp Blatter. Ignore the fact that Mr Infantino has made promises that sound very similar to the pint-sized dictator and was massively implicated in the Michel Platini scandal. Look away, it is all going to be absolutely fine now and FIFA will become as reputable as, well I don’t know, McDonalds?

Sucina Golf Society Another excellent turnout of 35 players & guests for our second game of the year. Again, choosing an Individual Stableford format, with the addition of a Team Game prize. The first players teeing off at 10 o’clock had to deal with a very cold and blustery start. The wind chill factor not helped by the fact that we were all on buggies. As usual at Las Colinas the service from all the staff was excellent and the course was in lovely condition, although due to the high winds putting was a problem for most players, which was reflected in the low scores recorded. These conditions continued for most of the day. The disadvantage of playing this course on a buggy is the fact that they automatically stop at least 50 metres from the greens and on many a hole, players had to walk some distances

carrying a collection of clubs. Leaving the buggies on the side of the fairways involves a lengthy walk up and down steep slopes to get back to the buggies, which seemed to hinder the pace of play. Most players enjoyed the course and hope that we meet with better weather on our next visit.The presentation after the game was held back at Franc and Louise. The winners on the day were: Div 1 – Roger Major, 37pts. Div 2 – Wayne Harris, 32pts and Div 3 – Ian D White ( on c/back), 30pts. 5 NTP’s went to: Hole 5, Malcolm Smith. Hole 7, George Rowe. Hole 10, Dave Hurst. Hole 14, Phil Robinson and Hole 17, Jim Hayes. Winning Team comprised of: Ian White, Wayne Harris, Jim Hayes and Roger Locker. Our next outing is on Tuesday 15th March at Hacienda de Alamo


San Miguel Golf Society Forty-eight players, including 4 guests, attended this month’s SMGS visit to La Finca, clearly not deterred by a recent increase in the green fee at a venue popular with members. Spring like conditions met the players, and the course was again in good condition, with excellent greens, although beginning to show in places the effects of lack of rain this winter, particularly in areas of frequent buggy traffic. One score stood out from those eventually posted, that of in-form Ivan Hanak with a superb 38 points, well ahead of the rest of the field, the next best score being that of Norman Cahill with 35 points. Just what could have been if Ivan could putt! SMGS’s singles and doubles match play competitions continue apace, with two 2nd round singles matches and the final first round doubles match taking place. In the former Ken Flaherty beat Brian Staines 4&2, and Darren Hancock defeated Glen Rapley 5&3. In the doubles Micks Inc. (Mike Jordan and Mick Roscoe) overcame the Jacarilla Jackers (Robin Eastman and Grattan Forber) in a tightly fought battle 2&1. The day’s stableford competition results, by category and in reverse order, were the following: Bronze Category: 5th John Parker (28 on CB), 4th Norman McBride (30 on CB), 3rd Brian Butler (30 on CB), 2nd Kyree Skarsmoen (30 on CB), and 1st Ray Ewins


CostaBlancaPeople March 1st - 7th 2016

with 33 points. Silver Category: 5th Phil de Lacy (29 on CB), 4th Steve Davis (29 on CB), 3rd Alan Williams (31), 2nd Ken Flaherty (34) and 1st Norman Cahill with 35 points. Gold Category: 5th Steve Fleet (33), 4th John Osborne (34 on CB), 3rd John Aitchison (34 on CB), 2nd Steve Higgins (34 on CB), and 1st, with by far the best score of the day, Ivan Hanak with 38 points. Nearest the pins on the par 3’s (open to all) went to John Osborne (3), Steve Higgins (6), Chris Griffith (13) and Grattan Forber (16). Nearest the pins in 3 went to Darren Hancock (Gold, hole 7), Ken Flaherty (Silver, hole 11) and Phil Birtwistle (Bronze, hole 10) The Abacus was won by Derek Johnston. The best guest prize went to Peter Devlin who won on countback with 29 points. Our thanks go to the staff at La Finca golf course for their contribution to an enjoyable day. Keep up to date with all SMGS matters by logging on to our website www.smgs.org or simply give Barry Roehrig a call on 966 731 033 to find out more about the society and its weekly golf get-togethers. Next week we will be at Villamartin for the 2nd round of this season’s Bogey’s Medal Shield.


Quesada Golf Society Last Wednesday the Society played Las Colinas which most golfers consider to be the the best golf course on the southern Costa Blanca. It was found to be in first class condition with the greens slick and quick. The weather was perfect for golf with the sun out and only a very slight breeze. 26 players contested an Individual Stableford with two divisions with the overall winner having his name etched onto the “Alex Starkey Memorial Trophy”. Alex was a founder member of the society and a real gentleman who passed away a few years ago but his memory lives on. A few players got caught out by the sophisticated GPS on the buggies when they strayed into areas of the course they should not have been in their buggies. There was also no need for fancy “distance” watches and binoculars as the screen in the buggies gave you the distances. Just one of the extras that you get for your money at Las Colinas along with a free pyramid of balls on the range and free tees and water in the buggies and a free post match drink. In our group was Les “ I can´t hear You” Lindores who is waiting for a hearing aid. His fellow

players had to revert to sign language for communication but Les didn´t have to use his fingers to indicate his score on each hole as we could hear him “ loud and clear” as we weren´t in need of a deaf aids ! The overhaul winner on the day was young buck, “Rhino” Rogers who hits the ball a country mile and came in with 33 points off a handicap of 9. Ryan won the Gold division followed by Tom Taylor with 28 points in second place and Sue Forbes, a recently joined lady member from “Tiger Bay”, playing off an handicap of 12 with 26 points. I am sure Sue will be among the winners again. The winner of the Silver division was our treasurer Brian Airey with 29 points who went home with an envelope full of dinero. In 2nd place was another new member Keith Morgan with 27 points. He has just returned from England and found the conditions on the golf course preferable to those in England at this time of year and had a thoroughly enjoyable day. In third place was the “Man in Black” Bert Morl with 26 points who said he would have done better if he hadn´t had to multi-task in playing golf and also putting out the “Nearest the Pin”

markers as he kept forgetting and had to go back on a couple as he had put them on the wrong hole. The “Nearest the Pin” winners were Ryan Rogers x 2, Big John Featherstone, Paul “Jet Lagged” Flanaghan and Paddy McGinty “and his Goat”. No 2´s on the day but several near misses with the pot being carried forward to the next game. The “scratchcard” went to the seller of them, Big Roy Kavanagh with Everton with cries of “Fix” reverberating around the room. After the game the players returned to the society base at the Quesada Country Club for the presentations, a drink or two and a tasty hot and cold buffet kindly provided by mine hosts. The bar has just opened again after having undergone refurbishment and is now bright and airy and well worth a visit. The next society game is on Wednesday 9 March at Alenda. Anyone in the Quesada area looking to join a very friendly golf society and play golf once a fortnight at a wide variety of courses at a very reasonable cost, should contact the Chairman & Membership Secretary Les Pancott on 966716723.

La Zenia Golf Society Bench Presentation We travelled down on Thursday to Roda, to play our 10th Presidents Trophy game of the season. This competition is coming near to the end with only two more games to play. Roda again was in good condition, the weather was sunny with a bit of blustery wind going across the course. Andy Kane has been in great form over the last few weeks and won again with 35 Pts . Steve Woods won his championship game against Nigel Cawthra and now moves into the semifinal. We played full handicap stableford, four n/t/p's and the usual two's pot. Winner with a great score of 35 Pts was Andy Kane. Pin winners No 2 Ollie Teahan, No 7 Nick Brooks, No 11 Chris Blown, No 17 John Mackay. Two's pot was shared by two Ollie Teahan, and Jim Fegan (nice little earner). The raffle was won by Brian Newton. Thanks to Gogartys who sponsored the raffle, thanks also to Bliss and her staff who fed and watered our members. Diary Dates Tuesday 1st March at La Torre, first tee 10.30, Thursday 3rd March at Hacienda

Del Alamo first tee 10.40. We do now have in stock the society polo shirts, if you would like one reserved please contact Eric. Please note important date in the future ,on Saturday 28th May we are raising money to purchase an Ambulance for the local area. Our game of golf will be at Riquelme, shot gun start at 9.30. Hoping you can play. We would like this to be a great success, so we are looking for your kind sponsorship on this event. Please contact Eric or Maurice if you can help this worthy cause for local people. There is a two day trip arranged for Saturday/Sunday 4th & 5th of June 2016 at Albacete, please check the web site for all the information again Contact Maurice or me ( Eric ) to book yourself for the event. All information is on the notice board outside Gogarty's for our games in the coming weeks, and on the web site which is updated every Sunday night, guests are invited to all our games. Clubs can be hired. Contact Eric 667196178, Maurice 690268711

Members of The Playa Flamenca Walking Football team recently presented, to Babs Wightman this Bench to commemorate the life, of her Husband Keith Wightman, a valued member of the Walking Wanderers, Walking football team. The presentation was made by the President of the club Mr Robert Gorril, at the CDM Sports Centre ,Playa Flamenca. The presentation was made on the 1st February at the Playa Flamenca (CDM) sports centre, as this is where the unfortunate death took place. Incidentally, it was over this tragic incident that highlighted the state of the ambulance service to the Orihuela Costa, from Orihuela City as the ambulance took over 45 minutes to arrive, and got lost on its journey to the Sports centre. Questions were asked if an incident like this was to happen at Zenia Boulevard not one kilometre away, what would happen? Also To commemorate the Life of KEITH WIGHTMAN The Playa Flamena Walking Football Club have organised an

International Walking Football Competition with teams coming from England, Los Montesinos, Moraira, Daya Vieja, and Playa Flamenca to Play at the C.D.M. Sports Centre Playa Flamenca on Friday 4th March kick off first game at 10 o.c an all day event, with 8 teams

participating. Entry is free and refreshments are available. Please come along and watch. For further information contact Terry Sawkins 965319279 or email the club President Robert Gorril bobbyg2542@hotmail.com



CostaBlancaPeople March 1st - 7th 2016


The members Golf Society ABBEY ANGLING

We fished the 8th round of the Abbey Angling Cup on the river Segura at Murcia on the 23rd February. The law of the land is that you may drive up the river to and from your peg to take or fetch your tackle, but all cars must return to the Car park and must not be left on the road behind you, I was told by the Police that if you do it could result in a fine, and do make sure someone is watching your tackle at all times. The river is still looking good, but the fishing was patchy, Bill Reade drawing permanent peg no 118 which produced the winning weight for the second week on the trot. 1st Bill Reade with 11.430kgs fishing the feeder using corn 2nd Dave Hoare with 8.100kgs fishing the whip using maggot 3rd Lennie Bolton with 5.320kgs fishing the pole using corn There are still some vacancies available for membership at the club All details are available on our website www.abbeyangling.com or from me on 965328368 RODS & REELS The 8th round of the Winter Series was fished at Beniarres Lake on the 24th February. It is over eighteen months since we last held a match up here and what a shock on our arrival, as I have never seen the

water level as low as it is now in the last fifteen years. There was plenty of fish showing, but they did not want to feed not even the hoards of Bleak, although it did pick up in the last hour and a half with the anglers starting to catch. Bill Reade made the top spot two days on the trot, showing that he is probably the best feeder fisherman on the circuit. 1st Bill Reade with 12.460kgs fishing the feeder using corn 2nd Lennie Bolton with 8.660kgs fishing the feeder and pole using corn 3rd Mick Hill with 5.940kgs fishing the feeder using corn There are still some vacancies at the club and if anyone is interested in joining please contact Derek Swann on 966729293 or 617283503 TIGHT LINES Terry Screen

36 members and guest turned up for a very early start (1st tee time was 8, 36) upon arrival at 8am the place was swarming with Scandinavian members of the club jostling for their start times. Yes folks high season has arrived early this year and it could be a sign of things to come for us residents! As always at this time of year we must give preference to the “members” from tee 1 so our opening tee shots have to navigate between the gardens on the left and the water hazard on the right of the 10th hole. It’s clear to see from the score cards that this is not the easiest hole to begin on. Recent maintenance on the greens made putting a little more difficult than usual but I guess that it must be done. This also had an effect on the “2’s” competition as no one made a birdie on any of the par 3’s. There was €80 in the pot because this was rolled over from last week, this will be again rolled over to next week where the members will have 5 opportunities to win it as there are 5 par 3’s at Campoamor and if you add to that the short par 4 11th it could be 6 chances! The N.T.P. competition this week was sponsored by 2 time player of the month winner, Sverre Sonesen, yes he’s a Viking. At first I thought that he was feeling a little guilty after winning both January and February’s P.O.M. but then again Viking don’t usually show that kind of sentiment or he is playing mind games with the Brits before our battle at Alenda in a couple of weeks. Anyway Sverre thank you for your kind gesture it is very much appreciated. The recipients of the fine bottles of wine that he suppled were; Holes 6 & 13 Swede Alex Alm, Hole 9 Les Wilton and Hole 17 another Viking Per Skarnes. Winner of the visitor’s category was Swede S. Malgren

with 25 pts. In the main competition the Bronze category results were; 4th J. Hillier 30 pts. 3rd Gunn Handeland 33 pts. 2nd Colin Marsden 34 pts. It appears that 3 weeks in Thailand fighting off the young Thia ladies didn’t sap his strength too much. And again for the 2nd time within a couple of weeks was Irishman Robbie Rea, who at 80 years young still managed the best score of the day, 35 pts. Well done Robbie, it must have something to do with your female Austrian Partner. Just what is it that she is feeding you on? In the Gold category the Vikings made a clean sweep, taking all 4 prizes. In 4th place was

Dag Lovas with 31 pts. 3rd place was the Captain of one of their long ships or as they are known these days an oil tanker, Ole Rong with 32 pts. N.T.P. sponsor was in the prizes yet again taking 2nd place with 33 pts. And top of the Gold category was Norwegian, Henning Kyvag with 34 pts. Photo: Silver category winners. If you would like to play at any of our venues in a warm but competitive atmosphere you will find lots of information on our website at www.tmgs.org or follow us on Facebook/TMGSGOLF or tweet us @TMGSGOLF failing all else you can still contact us by phone on 661 524 101

www.costablancapeople.com CostaBlancaPeople March 1st - 7th 2016



CostaBlancaPeople March 1st - 7th 2016


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