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A coach has crashed on the AP7 motorway whilst carrying Erasmus students back from a night-time trip to the Fallas festival in Valencia.

Tues 22nd March - Mon 28th 2016

THIRTEEN KILLED IN COACH CRASH The accident happened on Sunday 20th March very early in the morning near the village of Freginals in Catalonia and it has been released that 13 people have so far been killed. Freginals is about 10km from the regional border with Valencia.Those killed include seven Italians, two Germans, one Romanian, one French person, one from Uzbekistan and one from Austria. Altogether there were thirteen different nationalities on board. The Erasmus programme provides foreign exchange courses for students from countries within the European Union.The young people were between 22 and 29 years of age and most of them were based at the University of Barcelona. They had been participating in the ‘nit de la Cremà’ which is the highlight of the

Las Fallas celebration. The coach that crashed was one of five that had driven down to take part in the event and was the last in the convoy. Altogether there were 61 people travelling on board and a number of these suffered injuries. The site of the crash is classified as being an accident black spot and two other vehicles were also involved. The driver of the coach was unhurt after the collision and tested negative for alcohol. It is believed that the driver lost control of the coach which crossed the central reservation, to collide with vehicles coming in the other direction. It is believed that this part of the road is quite dark and also includes a curve to it, whereas the majority of this stretch of road is straight. It has been reported that the coach drifted to the right and on correcting

itself then veered in the other direction. The driver of the coach had had seventeen years experience and had never previously been involved in an accident. The coach itself appears not to have suffered from a technical fault and had all the paper work in place including ITV. It was a Whatsapp message from one of the students on the crashedcoach that alerted the others in the convoy as to what had happened to their peers. The coach that was fourth in line noticed that the lights of the final coach were no longer showing behind it and pulled into a service station. The driver tried to contact the driver of the fifth coach but when he didn’t receive an answer he asked the students to message their colleagues to find out where they were. It was then that they discovered what had happened.




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CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016

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CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016

BITE SIZE Expats urged to NEWS: vote in referendum More emergency help in Torrevieja

From Saturday 19th March a new service will be made available by the Voluntarios de Protección Civil in Torrevieja. This voluntary group assist local police and other emergency services in different venues around the town. The new service will operate on Saturdays from 11.00pm until 5.00 am on Sunday morning. Councillor Javier Manzanares commented that; ‘the service will be provided every Saturday night from now until the end of the summer and will include two or more volunteers.’ This voluntary organisation provide support to the elderly and the disabled and can assist in emergencies whilst emergency services arrive or if these services are experiencing excessive demand. This additional help is particularly appreciated during the summer months as the numbers in Torrevieja swell.

New premises for AGAMED The water company AGAMED met recently with Torrevieja councillors to discuss the company’s financial statements and arrangements to change their headquarters. The new location of their offices will mean a saving of €105,000 in rent. The meeting was also opportunity to review the projects from 2015 and plan ahead. AGAMED is recognising its social Continued on page 4

Local political party CLARO is encouraging UK expats to vote in the 23 June referendum on the United Kingdom’s continuing membership of the European Union. The party is keen for expat residents to understand the devastating consequences of a British decision to leave the EU. The right to live and work in Spain, access to pensions, healthcare and public services, the right to start and run a business and several other rights, including the right to vote in local elections are only guaranteed to expat Spanish residents because of EU law. UK citizens resident abroad, among them those who have retired to Spain, should not assume that these rights will be guaranteed if the UK were to leave the EU. At the very least any terms which the UK might seek for its own citizens in a negotiation to retain these rights would have to be offered to EU citizens wishing to come or stay in the UK. Such a “successor” negotiation would be a very complicated and no doubt lengthy process which would have to be carried out with several countries not only Spain. Nor will these issues be of the highest importance and priority confronting the UK government

in the event of a vote to leave the EU. It is uncertain what would happen in the meantime to basic issues like continuing the receipt of pensions and access to healthcare. They would presumably be sorted out with time but uncertainty and suspension of existing rights could be very damaging to British citizens resident in Spain.

Apply now The procedure for applying to register to vote for those who are not still on a voters register in the UK is fortunately relatively simple, especially for those who have a valid British passport and a National Insurance number. The application can be made on-line using the official site www.gov.uk/register-tovote. The procedure takes only a few minutes. The right to vote in the June referendum is limited to those who have left the UK less than 15 years ago. The arrangements for voting by post are also being relaxed. Normally, ballot papers are only sent to overseas voters four working days before the date of an election. However, with the questionable efficiency of the local post this would make it almost impossible to receive and return the ballot papers before the election. Luckily, in this instance the electoral authorities say they will be sending the ballot papers to those registered to vote by post up to a month before the date of the referendum.





CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016


BITE SIZE Processions for Easter in Torrevieja NEWS:

Easter has now officially begun. The days of parades and processions began on 17th March with the transportation of the statues from the Semana Santa museum to the church of theInmaculada Concepción. Some of these were transported by lorries and others were carried by those who will be responsible for them in the processions too. The images and statues are kept in a tent by the church during this period and torches were used to light the proceedings due to difficulties with the electricity connection. This made the operation slightly more awkward as many of the items needed re-assembling after their journey. The opening speech to announce the beginning of holy week was held on the evening of the 18th March. Easter is the most important religious event of the year in Spain and from now on every evening will see some kind of ritual linked to Holy Week (Semana Santa).

Bags for the sweets This year local children will be given promotional bags in which to collect the sweets that are traditionally thrown during the procession. The bags are being distributed by Torrevieja’s business organisation APYMECO and are intended to promote local trade. 15,000 bags are being printed on recycled paper with


Semana Santa is marked by a number of processions. The majority of these begin at the central church, Inmaculada Concepcion, and travel around the main central streets of the town to return to the church situated in the Plaza de la Constitución. 20th March - Domingo de Ramos 10.30am – the palms blessing procession from the Inmaculada Concepcion church to the Sagrado Corazon de Jesus church. 8.30pm – the procession of the ‘mantillas’ including some floats and bands from the Sagrado Corazon de Jesus church to the Plaza de la Constitución. 21st March – Holy Monday 10.00pm – floats leaving Inmaculada Concepcion church and travelling back to Plaza de la Constitución. 22nd March – Holy Tuesday 10.00pm – floats leaving Inmaculada Concepcion church and travelling back to Plaza de la Constitución. 23rd March – Holy Wednesday 10.00pm – floats leaving from both theInmaculada Concepcion church and Sagrado Corazon de Jesus church.The floats from the two churches will meet. 24th March – Maundy Thursday 11.00pm – silent procession from the Inmaculada Concepcion church.

12.00pm – Christ of Calvery procession from the Plaza del Calvario 25th March – Good Friday 8.00pm – the Holy Burial procession from the Inmaculada Concepcion church. This procession includes a large number of floats, including the international float. 26th March – Holy Saturday 10.30 pm – this is the ‘great drum roll’ and is open to everyone who would like to participate with their drum. It sets off from the Centro Cultural Virgen del Carmen. 27th March – Easter Sunday 8.00 am–two processions, both setting off from the area of the Plaza de la Constitución. If you would like to see the International Cofradia (brotherhood) they will be carrying their float representing Jesus in the Garden of Olives in the processions on March 21st and March 25th.

messages that invite you to make your purchases in Torrevieja. The bags will be distributed just prior to the procession and it is hoped that they will be retained and used on other occasions too. They will be handed out from Sunday 20th March up to Holy Thursday.

Be careful where you park If you’ve been in Torrevieja town centre recently you might have noticed an increased number of ‘gruas’ or town council tow trucks that are hovering around the centre. They are already in position to tow away and take to the municipal pound any cars that have been left on the procession routes. Be careful when parking in Torrevieja at this time of year and take note of the circular signs which will indicate where a procession is likely to travel and where you could be towed away if you park. It’s not just minutes before the procession either. The tow trucks will start their work at least 12 hours before the beginning of each procession. Retrieving your car is a costly inconvenience. For more detail about the floats taking part in each procession and the exact route they will be taking http://www.torrevieja.com

Suzanne O’Connell

Continued from page 3 obligations with the provision of a social fund to help pay the water bills of the most disadvantaged in the area. The amount allocated in 2015 was €253,840 which was used to help 935 families. Following work that has been carried out on CalleJosefa Rodriguez and CV905, there are concerns about continued flooding in Torreta Florida. AGAMED is to conduct a study into the feasibility of minimising problems in this area.

Scottish tour operators visit Torrevieja Torrevieja played host to ten travel agents from the Scottish tour operator Barrhead Travel. They came to find out more about the city for themselves and were greeted by the tourist office and councillor Fanny Serrano. Whilst here they took part in a bicycle ride in the natural park where they enjoyed the lagoons and observed the wildlife and birds from the lookout. The travel agents found out more about the local history of the area and visited the church, the Eras de la Sal and casino. Their tour ended with a meal at Club Naútico. Barrhead Travel was founded in Glasgow in 1975 and is intending to includeTorrevieja in its list of towns to recommend to its clients. For this reason they felt it important to find out for themselves exactly what it’s like. Continued on page 6


CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016

BITE SIZE Success for NEWS: Zenia Boulevard Continued from page 5 Time for tapas in Montesinos On the 25th and 26th March it will beMontesinos’ turn to tempt you with tapas. A tapa and drink will cost you €2. Those taking part should collect their card and have it stamped at each of the premises they visit in order to qualify for entry in the prize draw for a dinner for two.

The lights go out for ‘Earth Hour’ If you were in Torrevieja on Saturday 19th March between 8.30pm and 9.30pm, you might have been surprised to see the lights go out in the Plaza de la Constitucion, the town hall, the Centro Cultural Virgen del Carmen and the church of the Inmaculada de la Concepción. This wasn’t as a result of faults in electricity infrastructure but a show of solidarity with ‘Earth Hour’ and the fight to address climate change. Councillor Fanny Serrano explained; ‘Only if we understand that the future of the planet depends on our commitment and respect for the environment, can we reduce the level of CO2 emissions on the planet.’ The Earth Hour campaign is organised by the World Wildlife Fund for Nature charity. It is believed that more than 200 cities and 400 companies registered their support for the campaign this year. Suzanne O’Connell

Easter weather uncertain Speculation on the Easter weather is always a talking point and for this reason, from now until the end of Holy Week, the Mastral Project team will update a special website with predictions for every day over Easter. The website can be found at www.semanasanta.eltiempoentorrevieja.es and you can find information there about the condition of the sky, the temperature, the probability of rain, a short analysis and, most importantly, how reliable the prediction is. It is most likely that there will be some rain during the first part of this week but hopefully temperatures will improve during the second part with the sun and cloud replacing overcast skies and showers. The Mastral Project team will be updating its special website constantly, as well as its social networks, www.facebook.com/proyectomastral and www.twitter.com/proyectomastral. The Mastral Project has also redesigned its usual website and added more information about the weather in the local area, satellite images, radar and many other details, such as earthquakes and astronomy information. The principal new additions are two more weather stations, at Patricio Pérez and Los Locos to add to the Mastral Project's existing network of four, bringing up to date information from various parts of the area.

Local shopping centre Zenia Boulevard has ended 2015 on a high, having recorded an annual total of nearly 13 million visitors, representing one million more than at the end of 2014. The shopping center has increased net sales and continues to grow for the third consecutive year since its opening in 2012. The centre, one of the largest in Europe, is owned by Immochan Spain and Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation (APFC) and is part of the Joint Venture

the previous year. In 2016 it is expected to see a significant increase in visitor numbers. Already in the months of January and February there has been an increase of 12 percent and 16 percent respectively. Visitor numbers have been boosted by the centre’s on-going enter-tainment policy which sees concerts, musicals and animations - about 700 are planned for this year - carried out in the Boulevard’s main square, as well as its architecture, layout and free and

between Immochan and CBRE Global Investor. Since its inception it has become the Business Centre of reference for the provinces of Alicante and Murcia in terms of both size and success. Zenia Boulevard continues to break records for footfall and sales, reaching almost 13 million visitors in its third anniversary. This growth is also reflected in an increase in sales of 18 per cent over

innovative services offered. The Boulevard continues to also prove attractive to businesses and brands with recent and planned openings including operators such as Rituals, Levi's, Che Express, Tagliatella, Lion of Porches, Superdry, Williot, Mental Asylum, (local innovator dedicated to extreme leisure) and Momo Sports Fitness Club.





CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016

Expired licences must be renewed ■ SUZANNE O’CONNELL

suzanne@costablancapeople.com Thousands of homes that were granted licences and due to be

Attempted baby snatches in Murcia A 21-year-old Spanish woman who attempted to steal new-born babies by dressing as a nurse has been arrested. She was caught trying to steal a baby from Valencia's La Fe hospital, but the infant's father stopped her from taking the child away, since he became suspicious. The same woman was being searched for by police from Cartagena, Murcia – 170 miles away - for having tried to steal two babies from a hospital there on the same day. According to the father of the infant in La Fe, she appeared in the obstetrics ward in a uniform which did not appear to be the same as that of the other nurses and doctors, and did not have the correct identification. He said she tried to take the baby from his arms, saying she needed to carry out tests. The father asked her for details of the tests, and thought her answers were 'inconsistent'. He took his baby back from her, and she fled the room. The infant's dad alerted hospital staff, who caught her leaving the toilet block. They say she had gone into several rooms without permission, and that the medical uniform she was wearing was from a hospital in Murcia. Staff managed to stop her from getting away and called the hospital's private security firm, which then contacted the National Police and ended in the girl's arrest. Apparently, after the father took his baby back and she fled, before hiding out in the toilet, she had gone into another room and told the female patient she needed to take her baby for tests – but, in this case, the woman had not yet given birth. She then went into a third room, where the baby's family told her to leave, after which she hid in the toilets and took off her hospital uniform. Police found a coach ticket in the pocket for a trip from Murcia to Valencia, arriving at 15.00pm on the day in question. She had tried to take two other babies from a hospital in Cartagena that morning, but the children's parents had become suspicious as their infants had only just come back from having tests. La Fe recalls that, like most hospitals in Spain, it has an 'open-door policy' which is beneficial to patients and their companions, since visiting hours are not restricted at all except when medical conditions or treatment dictate. However, parents of new-borns are allowed to be present during any tests or examinations carried out on their babies. The suspect, who was expected to go before an investigating judge after a police interrogation, has not been named. Specialist officers are now trying to establish if she acted alone or with the help of accomplices. The suspect reportedly told police after her arrest she had recently suffered two miscarriages.

constructed before the crisis will have to be renewed if they are to be carried out. When the housing bubble burst in Torrevieja many projects were abandoned as the sector found itself in recession. Now that there is a glimpse


of recovery some builders and construction companies are looking again to reinstate their plans. However, those intending to do so will find that their licences have now expired. Planning legislation clearly states that permits expire after 24 months and applicants must submit a new request. They will have to pay again for the application to be processed and projects will have to be adapted in the light of new regulations. The councillor for planning, Fanny Serrano, announced at a press conference on 17th March that Torrevieja town council will honour the fact that these licences have expired and that new applications must comply strictly with the law. Some of the licences go back to the year 2000 and are well out of date. Planned projects that are affected by this include 14 apartment blocks which were expected to be erected in front of Los Náufragos beach. The promoters of this development are currently interested in proceeding with it again but will need to reapply if they wish to do so. Suzanne O’Connell


CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016




CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016


San Luis Plaza takes control On Saturday 19th March the bar, restaurant and shop owners of San Luis Plaza held a bring and buy with a very clear purpose. They were raising money to help contain the local feral cat population which has been getting out of control. Debbie, of La Bodega, explains that it’s not about getting rid of the cats entirely. ‘We actually want to keep some cats here,’ she explains. ‘They help keep down the rodent population so they do serve a purpose and we can all live together. It’s just that at the moment there are too many of them.’ In fact, Debbie has herself adopted one of the cats and this privileged example, known as ‘Baby’ is well-loved by the customers. ‘The cats are actually not a problem in many respects,’ says Debbie. ‘We feed them dried food to make sure they don’t bother the customers and, overall, they stay away during the day.’

process started over again.’

The community come together The bring and buy was a combination of efforts by the local traders in the San Luis square and their customers. ‘We have been delighted with the response of the local community,’ explains Mairead, ‘We’ve had lots donated including a portable television. People have been bringing cakes to sell all day. It’s a good community and it deserves to have a decent square at its heart.’

The San Luis participants were delighted that at the last count, €1,300 was raised as a result of their fund raising efforts. This is enough for the whole feral community. ‘We will use any money that’s left over to help maintain the colony,’ says Mairead. ‘We will continue to feed the cats according to set feeding times and ask other people not to feed them.’ The area even has its own cat coordinator and the town hall has been training volunteers to ensure that

The winning tickets are drawn for the raffle

Maintaining the square The traders and local residents are keen to keep their square spic and span and have already trained the cats to use litter trays rather than leaving their deposits around the place. ‘We want this to be a pleasant place for everyone to use,’ explains Mairead Johnson from Glenns Bar. ‘We want to keep this area as a good, clean resource for the local community.’ It’s first thing in the morning and in the evening when the cats do make an appearance. ‘Our intention is to begin, now that we have some funds, to catch the cats and start the process of having them sterilized,’ says Debbie. ‘We did do this once before and it was successful but one cat escaped and the whole

Local traders and residents work together to maintain their square

They have also had lots of donations of money. ‘People who perhaps haven’t found anything to buy have just given us some money towards the appeal,’ says Debbie. ‘Now we’re thinking of having a regular event as it also brings people to the square which helps trade too.’ Those attending on Saturday could not only browse the bring and buy or take part in the raffle but early in the day they were entertained by ‘Hang Drum’ a type of music which has its origins in Switzerland and which will be a more frequent feature of the square in the summer.

colonies of cats are fed correctly and that indiscriminate feeding doesn’t lead to the increase in other pests.

Plans for the future ‘We’re planning on having a weekly or fortnightly cash prize with people having to guess from a floor plan the square where the cat sits,’ Mairead explains. ‘Half of the proceeds will go to the person who guesses correctly and the rest will go towards the management of the cats and the maintenance of the square.’ The success of the day has certainly fuelled ideas and it looks as though the temporary cat trouble at San Luis won’t be around for long. Suzanne O’Connell



CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016


Internal probe launched into former Valencia Mayor For the first time ever in its history, the Popular Party (PP) has launched an internal inquiry into an entire group of regional officials who are under court investigation for corruption and illegal party financing. The unprecedented move affects a veteran leader of the conservative party, the former Mayor of Valencia Rita Barberá, and around 50 of her team, including aides, councillors and advisers. The party will ask them for explanations in connection with Operation Taula, an anticorruption investigation launched in late January in the Valencia region, which was under PP control between 1995 and 2015. Sources familiar with the inquiry said that everyone under investigation is believed to have participated in a corrupt network that charged contractors commissions in exchange for awarding them with public contracts. These sources said investigators were also contemplating the possibility that part of the money was used for illegal party financing by the Valencia branch of the PP. The PP, which is currently struggling with a series of graft scandals, of which the Valencia probe is the latest, had been waiting for the judge to lift the seal on the Taula case, and to see Barberá’s reaction to the investigation, before launching its own internal inquiry. Barberá, a regional heavyweight who governed the city of Valencia for 24 years, had until now boasted about her party’s support. Acting Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy has said recently that her explanations at a press conference in Valencia left him feeling “calm” about the issue. However, other party leaders have openly dissented from this view. Fernando MartínezMaillo, the deputy organisation secretary, spent

all of Sunday night poring over the 1,000 pages of court papers detailing the Taula investigation, and could not believe his eyes. The material included revelations about courtordered secret recordings showing “unacceptable” behaviour by political leaders, admitted Martínez-Maillo after announcing the PP probe into the Valencia team. The party will now appoint an instructor to summon the individuals under scrutiny, take statements from them and propose adequate measures. Rita Barberá will be among them. The decision comes just hours after Barberá had accepted an offer by the judge presiding over the Taula case to provide voluntary testimony.

Immunity “The how and the when is still to be determined,” said Barberá, who became a senator after losing the mayor’s office at the May 2015 municipal elections. As such, she enjoys partial immunity from the lower courts, a concept known as aformiento. Barberá has made a point of saying that “absolutely nobody” within the PP has asked her to give up her senatorial seat, and that she has no plans to do so. “I committed no crime and I will not resign,” she said. Last week, Barberá had shown up at the Senate for a rare appearance in the chamber since her designation. It was while she was still inside that she learned about the PP inquiry into herself and her team. Asked whether he thought Barberá should step down and whether the party was uncomfortable with her presence in the Senate, former Balearics premier José Ramón Bauzá said: “It is up to her and her alone to decide whether she goes.”

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CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016


Air crash anniversary German fifth-formers from the Joseph König high school in Haltern am See, near Düsseldorf, have returned to Barcelona a year after the air crash which killed their class group and two teachers. The school has been taking part in an exchange programme with the high school in Llinars del Vallès (Barcelona) for over 15 years, but the last one was to end in tragedy when suicidal co-pilot Andreas Lubitz locked the captain out of the cockpit and deliberately crashed Germanwings flight 9525 into the French Alpes, killing himself, the pilot, four crew members and 144 passengers. The plane was shredded, and not only were there no survivors, but not one of the bodies was still intact. It has later come to light that a psychiatrist had recommended Lubitz, 28, be admitted to a mental health ward just two weeks before the crash, although the disturbed young co-pilot hid his medical notes, including sick notes signing him off work. His depression stemmed from knowing his career dream of becoming a long-haul pilot on the parent company airline, Lufthansa, was to be scuppered because of a detached retina. A final report on the crash has called for ongoing psychiatric examinations of all pilots, and to ensure that there is no threat to their jobs even if they are not allowed to fly for a time because of being considered a possible suicide risk. French investigators probing the Germanwings plane crash have called for ‘clearer rules’ on the lifting of medical confidentiality if pilots show signs of psychological problems.

Pilots explained after the crash cause was revealed that it was possible those with depression-related illnesses would not admit to their condition in case it cost them their jobs, especially where they were on zero-hours contracts. Now, 15 days before the anniversary of the crash, the class below the students who perished are now in fifth form and taking part in the Spanish exchange trip. Far from being afraid lightning may strike twice, the Giola secondary school in Llinars del Vallès says more German teens than ever have come over this time around – a total of 23 rather than last year's 16 students. However, to avoid tempting providence, the Joseph König School arranged for the students and their two accompanying teachers to fly from Cologne, rather than Düsseldorf. The young Germans got off the bus from Barcelona airport at the school and immediately visited the same classrooms their older colleagues had sat in the year before – and received a heroes’ welcome

from headmistress Sílvia Genís and the Giola fifth-formers. The visitors were shown to the 'Paseo de los Alemanes' – the 'German Boulevard' – an avenue of 16 cherry trees, once for each student, and two cypress trees, representing their teachers, who had lost their lives in the air crash. The trees had been planted last year by the pupils who hosted the deceased students in their homes for a week, and was officially unveiled when their younger schoolmates arrived. Joseph König's headmaster Ulrich Wessel joined the ceremony, where he admitted that 'the scars were very deep' and 'even more so' now that the anniversary is coming up. On the other side of Europe, Llinars del Vallès' mayor Martí Pujol said the news of the students' and teachers' deaths had 'deeply affected' the town. “They will always be here with us, and will always be remembered, even if we cannot bring them back to life,” he admitted.

Local movie premieres in glittering gala It was an exciting night for local actors and crew on Thursday as the highly anticipated premiere

of the Cucaracha Club movie took place in Torrevieja’s Virgen del Carmen Cultural Centre. We caught up with actress Yvonne Haughton just after the show, who told us, “The press and audience arrived before 6.3opm, which is when the first actors started arriving on the red carpet by limo. Our photos were taken the press as well as a local TV station Viva TV who where shooting the event and doing cast interviews. Lovely dresses and suits could be seen as we all srubbed up well for the event!” Yvonne continued, “At 8pm, the film commenced and we felt very proud to see the fruit of our

labour on the big screen. It moved us very much and Billie could not hold back his tears of

happiness when the film came to an end. We were pleased to hear laughter, ooohhs and aaahs

from the audience in the right places. After the viewing we had a little reception in the theater with a glass of cava and nibbles. Time for exchanging comments, critics, autographs and more pictures. Now the work starts with the entering of the movie in the different film festivals, having had already one invite from Toronto Canada, we now have to approach the European film festivals!”


CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016

ABOUT US GO SATELLITE was set up 12 years ago by husband and wife team. Ian has more than 20 years experience, having spent 10 years with SKY in Home Services in the UK, where he worked on the specialist heights team as well as SKY’s Prestigious VIP Team, which caters for the stars, therefore the quality of his workmanship is extremely high! After leaving SKY, Ian set up his own business in the UK and ran this very successfully for 5 years before moving to Spain. SERVICES WE OFFER We are here to help! We can arrange installation of TV direct from the satellite with no monthly subscription. We are able to make repairs to existing satellite systems, potentially saving you from additional costs. We are suppliers of Sky and Humax receivers direct from the UK. You will find we are the cheapest on the Costa Blanca. Ask us about Sky cards and subscriptions. We are not only here for your TV and Satellite solutions, but are able to offer help with internet and telephone.


WHERE ARE WE? GO SATELLITE is based in Ciudad Quesada and covers most of the Costa Blanca. WHY ARE WE DIFFERENT? Ian said “Being a small company has its advantages. We offer a personal service and get to know all our customers by name. It’s important to us that people fully understand and are happy with the service we are providing. We realise that the technology involved can be confusing, but we are happy to spend time with our customers to ensure that they get the best system for their needs”. CUSTOMER SERVICE Any concerns of queries are dealt with in a clear and professional manner and clients can call Ian at any point if they have any queries. This ensures that all of their customers have complete peace of mind throughout the lifetime of the service. Added to that is the fact that GO SATELLITE is a fully legal, Spanish registered business that provides individual, company and community installations with a free no-obligation site survey. Go Satellite is going from strength to strength! SATISFIED CUSTOMERS! Over the past 12 years the company has installed hundreds of satellite TV systems for individuals, companies and communities. The Go Satellite system uses highest quality Portuguese manufactured dishes and requires NO monthly payments. Packages are available to suit everybody’s requirements and budget. GO SATELLITE offer expertise, reassurance and a proven track record, which can be backed up by many a satisfied customer. OTHER SERVICES Go Satellite not only provide television, but are also able to provide internet and telephone services. Packages are available to suit all with a switch on/off service available for non-residents.

COME AND MEET US! We have an office in the Business Centre, Calle Los Arcos No 7B, Ciudad Quesada, so you can now come and meet us and we will endeavour to help you with all of your TV queries. DISH ISSUES? Here at Go Satellite, we only use only top quality Portuguese dishes and Invacom LNBs. Sky Packages are also available. If you do not have room or do not wish to have a dish, give us a call, as we have a solution! At Go Satellite, we will endeavour to provide TV for everyone. So, if you are fed up of missing your favourite programmes or you have lost your TV signal and do not want to lose out any more, then call 965 725 670 or call into our office to find out more about GO SATELLITE and its services. Alternatively, check out the website: www.freetvspain.com



CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016


Spanish consumer group slams Vodafone price hike Consumer protection group FACUA has filed legal action against mobile network provider Vodafone for having announced it will put its prices up from 18th April. The increase of between €2 and €3 applies to mobile, landline, internet and other customers.

The association says it ‘appears likely’ that Vodafone will ‘refuse to meet its legal obligations’, and therefore recommends customers ‘file legal complaints with the consumer protection authorities’ in their specific region, requesting ‘disciplinary action’ be opened against the firm. Anyone who is tied in with a contract to Vodafone and has not been notified in writing at least a month ahead of the planned price rise has the right to apply to his or her local court, verbally, for a breach of contract case. In the case of the latter, the customer does not need to appoint a lawyer, since the price rise, is a case of res ipsa loquituur, or the breach of contract speaks for itself.

Legal action FACUA says Vodafone's ‘excuse’ is that it intends to ‘improve the quality of its services’, but claims that it ‘does not offer its users the possibility of maintaining original conditions’ stated in the contract they initially signed. According to the consumer group, two aspects of the price increase are illegal – firstly, that customers of Vodafone have not been given a minimum of a month's notice in writing, as telecommunications law requires; and secondly, because customers who signed up for a compulsory minimum fixed period may not have any of the terms and conditions of the deal altered, except in their favour, until the renewal or expiry date. “Customers have the right to sever the deal if they do not agree with the price rise, to demand the company maintains the current price as a maximum until the end of the contract term, or request financial compensation equivalent to the amount stated in the penalty clause for breach of contract,” FACUA reveals.

If the customer wants to keep his or her contract with Vodafone going, FACUA says he or she can file a claim through the court in his or her town, ordering the telecommunications company to maintain the initial offer price until the lock-in period comes to an end, and to refund any extra Vodafone has charged over and above this sum. Otherwise, the customer can end the contract without penalty and demand Vodafone pay him or her the sum stated in the lock-in deal as a penalty charge for early release. This sum is normally payable by a customer who wants to break off the contract before renewal, since it is a penalty for breach of the terms and conditions – and as Vodafone has breached these terms and conditions, it works both ways and the customer should be paid accordingly, FACUA explains. An easier, cheaper, less complex and quicker method than going through the courts is to take the case to arbitration, FACUA explains. The outcome of arbitration is binding upon both parties, and neither is allowed to take the matter further through the normal legal channels.



CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016

Seagate Wealth Management

Managing your money: How do I find a local IFA to help with my finances and what value can they add? Y

ou may be perfectly com‐ fortable planning your investments, but there are times when you may need pro‐ fessional guidance when there is a big financial decision. Without help from someone else, there is no guarantee that you’ll end up with the best choice for you when it comes to finding the right investment or planning your retirement. What does an Independent financial adviser, IFA, do? An IFA will check your entire financial situation, suggest a suitable financial strategy and then comb the entire market for the best financial products available to fit your needs. They can help with sorting out your pension and give investment advice on buying funds, an Isa or just managing your cash efficiently. You will have to fill in some forms and be asked a lot of questions about what you want, your existing investments, and your attitude to risk. Only with that sort of information ‐ called a factfind ‐ can an adviser get a full picture of you. Not all advisers are independent. What is the value of advice? An adviser will check your entire financial situation, suggest a suitable financial strategy and then comb the entire market for the best financial products available to fit your needs. They can help with sorting out your pension and give investment advice on buying funds, an Isa or just managing your cash efficiently. This is useful if you are not confident making your own financial decisions and need support of a professional, or if you simply don’t have time to do it yourself. Setting up and monitoring an investment portfolio can be time consuming and difficult if you do not know much about the financial markets as you need to weigh up the risks and make sure you are getting the balance right in where your money is going. You also need to have the time and discipline to keep an eye on your portfolio to make sure it is heading in the right direction. Even if you feel you can manage all of the above, there may be occasions when an adviser is needed, such as handling the complicated tax issues around a big inheritance, or helping you understand what do when converting your pension into retirement income. Give me a call on 965 704 338 to book a free no‐obligation appointment in our Benijofar office. Alternatively, send an email to:




CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016

WEEKLY EURO UPDATE Following the ECB (European Central Bank) meeting the Euro continued to recover lost ground against the Pound in to the new week, helped on Monday by positive news from France with headline inflation climbing to 0.3% vs 0.2% expected and employment change maintaining 0.3% against 0.2% expected. Tuesday was a little more turbulent with conflicting news stories for the UK. The latest employment was positive showing average earnings climbing to 2.1% from 1.9% in February and the claimant count falling by a further 18k vs 8.8k expected. Although this caused a brief retracement in favour of the Pound vs the Euro the downward trend soon resumed as the issue of the UK EU referendum rumbled on with a poll for the Telegraph suggesting the leave campaign is 7 points ahead on 52% vs 45% for to remain. The odds of a vote to leave have also been cut by bookmakers although they still currently suggest a vote to remain is far more likely. Wednesday brought the first big event of the week with the FOMC (Federal Open Market Committee) meeting in the US.

The Euro posted a sharp gain against the US Dollar taking the rate to a 1 month high of 1.1342 close to the highpoint for this year of 1.1375 seen in February. This was a result of FED officials keeping interest rates on hold and scaling back forecasts for how high interest rates may climb this year. This cautionary tone led investors to fear that perhaps the Bank of England could also release a more dovish statement in their own MPC (monetary policy committee) meeting on Thursday. Anticipation of one of the members of the 9 strong committee voting for a rate cut led to a further decline in the value of GBPEUR to a low point of the week of 1.2636. There was some surprise then when the Bank of England made no changes with all policy members in agreement to keep rates on hold. The market was quick to react reversing the previous move taking the rate to a high of 1.2804 by the end of the afternoon. So we round up the week with a stronger Euro albeit only modestly against the Pound (0.5 %!) but more notably against the Dollar with a 1.25% move across the week.



CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016

Homes & Gardens



Homes & Gardens

CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016


There is nothing quite like the sweet scent of Plumeria in flower! Plumerias are some of nature’s most exotic plants and over the years they have become world famous for their association with the Far East and the beautiful Hawaiian islands. More commonly known as Frangipani or temple tree, Plumerias can be found from sea level to 2000 ft elevation, are easy to grow, and bloom with only minimal care and attention. They simply require a warm, well lit spot in a conservatory, home or garden and exposure to as much sun as your climate can offer. A little water and

some plant food is all you need add, as well as a good dose of “patience”, as some Plumerias can take up to 3-5 years to first bloom. But once this happens, your Plumeria will then continue to flower year after year after year. Spectacular colours, enchanting fragrances, and several hundred different varieties all combine to make these stunning plants a real "Tropical Gardener´s" delight. Plumeria flowers are most fragrant at night in order to lure sphinx moths to pollinate them. The flowers have no nectar, and simply dupe their pollinators. The moths inadvertently pollinate them by transferring pollen from flower to flower in their fruitless search for nectar. In several Pacific islands, such as Tahiti, Fiji, Hawaii, New Zealand, Tonga and the Cook Islands, Plumeria flowers are still used to make the beautiful garlands or "leis", given as a token of friendship and peace to visitors on their arrival in the islands. In modern Polynesian culture, the flowers can also be worn by women to indicate their relationship status - over the right ear if seeking a relationship, and over the left if taken. Plumeria is grown as an ornamental and has widespread use in tropical landscapes around the world. Plumeria is related to the well-known Nerium oleander and both possess poisonous, milky sap. It is generally a small tree growing to about 20 ft high. Its broad, usually round-headed canopy is often about as wide as the tree is tall. The species and hybrids vary somewhat in size, compactness, and branching character, leaf and flower size and colour, and deciduousness. The P. rubra types are deciduous, while P. obtusa and other white-flowered Plumeria species are evergreen. In deciduous types, the leaves fall during wintertime, and new leaves emerge during or following the spring flowering period. My favourite is the Plumeria pudica which blooms as many as 10 months a year and has only partial leaf drop during winter.

The trees reach maturity (full size) in about five years. Plumeria can also be grown to a relatively large size in large tubs. The size of the container will control the size of the plant. Plumeria planted in a 1 gallon pot will yeild a 2-3 foot plant.

CARE Plumeria is a hardy plant requiring little care, but they do not tolerate frost. If you have frosty winters, bring it indoors. Not too fussy about soil conditions, Plumeria can grow fairly close to the beach, but without full wind. Enriched soil is preferred and good drainage should be provided. Plumeria require at least a half day of full sun to produce blooms. Plants should be allowed to dry out between watering, but excessive dryness will result in foliage loss. Likewise the soil should not be kept soggy wet. Regularly feeding with a fertilizer high in phosphorus (the middle number) during the growing season will produce vigorous plants with large clusters of flowers from spring to late autumn. To keep the plant compact, avoid fertilizers high in nitrogen. Plumeria is fairly resistant to insects and diseases. If you feel your Plumeria requires pruning you should wait until the dormant period is well along, then cut for shape.


KEEP CALM AND Plumeria species are easily propagated by taking a cutting of leafless stem tips in spring and allowing them to dry at the base before inserting them into soil. They can also be propagated from seed collected from a tree, but flower quality is unpredictable, although it will tend to reflect the parent plant. With plants started from cuttings, flowers can be expected within the first year, depending on the original cutting size and the time of year that it was taken, although only limited production will occur. Seedlings take three years or more to produce flowers. So, if you would like to try the latest trend in Tropical Gardening, or just spice-up an existing collection, try growing Plumeria and you won’t be disappointed. Marc Vijverberg

READ CostaBlanca People


CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016

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CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016



CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016

WELCOME TO CALABRIA with Vivalia Travel

Calabria is a region in Southern Italy. It's considered the Caribbean of Europe thanks to its pristine beaches, stunning landscape, and rustic charms. Hillside towns, ancient Greek temples and Byzantine churches dot the countryside of Italy's best kept secret. The region's climate is mild in the winter, with hot, dry summers. The region is surrounded on three sides by the Mediterranean Sea: the Ionian Sea is to the east, the Tyhrrenean to the west and the Strait of Messina to the south. As such, the sea is a big part of the region's culture and cuisine. Calabria is subdivided into five provinces: Catanzaro, Cosenza, Crotone, Reggio di Calabria and Vibo Valentia. Calabria has historically been one of the poorest regions in Italy, although it is improving now. The region is quite undeveloped and under-visited by tourists but is, therefore, also unspoiled. When you visit Calabria, spending a couple of days in Praia a

Mare (known as Praja) is a great time. The off coast Dino Island is popular for its Grotta Azzurra (Blue Cave), where you can swim surrounded by fish in crystal blue water. EAT AND DRINK If there is a fundamental ingredient to Calabrese cooking, it would be the peperoncino. Calabrese cooking tends toward the spicy thanks to the generous use of various varieties of hot peppers in regional cuisine. In fact, so popular is the peperoncino, that the village of Diamante honors the hot pepper with its own festival. In the first week

of September the locals celebrate the Festival del Peperoncino, dedicated to the unofficial symbol of Calabria -- the cayenne pepper. During the festival, one can taste freshly harvested peppers or try locally-produced products that make use of the spicy condiment -anything from pasta to (yes) gelato. Olio Santo, olive oil infused with hot pepper, is sometimes added to a plate of pasta to give it a little extra zip. Soppressata (Sopresatta) is a popular dried sausage typical of the region. Also, Alici ripieni, stuffed anchovies, is a popular seafood dish. Sardella is produced in some of the towns along the Ionian coast in the province of Cosenza. It is a spicy paste made with olive oil, mashed baby sardines and hot pepper. On the other hand, Calabria is an up-and-coming producer of wines, with a number of regional wines earning the Denominazione di Origine Controllata (DOC) label from the Italian government, such as: Bivongi, Melissa or Savuto.

Albatera Mobile Home Park

Located in the Albatera countryside, the newest mobile home park on the Costa Blanca is an ideal early retirement site for the over 50s. Set in quiet surroundings, the newly built, fully legal mobile home park offers affordable Spanish living to a very high standard. The park itself is an easy walk from Albatera town with its public swimming pool and gym as well as a plethora of bars, coffee shops and restaurants. Located just 30 minutes from blue flag beaches and near the large indoor shopping centre, Nueva Condominia, there is never a shortage of ideas for days out. The town square of Albatera has cafes and is a great place to sit back, relax and watch the world go by. Albatera also has a busy market every Thursday with fresh fruit, vegetables, textiles and gifts on sale by local vendors. If you enjoy the great outdoors, Albatera Mobile Home Park is adjacent to a number of popular countryside walking routes or, if mountain walking is more your style, a ten minute drive will bring you to the nearby mountains with stunning scenery and

excellent walking routes. The local train service brings you to the cities of Alicante and Murcia for shopping trips or days out, and within a short drive of the mobile home park are a range of pretty Spanish villages just waiting to be explored. The mobile home park makes a great choice for retirees and those taking early retirement. It is a quiet, rural park just thirty minutes from Alicante airport. Plot prices are very reasonable and start at just ₏235 per month. You are free to landscape your plot to your own taste with plenty of space to park your car. What’s more, when you make the move, owners Chad and Jayne are more than happy to guide you through settling in to Spain and can help with paperwork, local advice and information about doctors, hospitals etc. Plots for rent and mobile homes for sale. For more information or to arrange a viewing, contact 0034 965 966 165 or 0034 686 665 720, or email enquiries@albateramobilehomepark.co.uk




CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016




CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016

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CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016



CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016



CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016

‘You Can’t Be Serious’ is a weekly tongue in cheek look at the world through Bernie Comaskey’s eyes. With kind permission of the Westmeath Examiner.



SO, WHAT DID YOU DO WITH YOUR OVERCOAT? How both men and women dress has always changed over time. I am old enough to remember when men wore ‘long johns’ and women were trapped inside vicious corsets with steel stays. Actually, I wore long johns, but that made a lot of sense ‘north of 55’ in the Canadian winter. I have fond memories of the old style corset (ah shut up lads) because my brothers and I used to make pea-shooters from the steel stays of my mother’s and aunts discarded corsets. I am reminded of a corset joke, which I know I shouldn’t tell you here – but we’ll chance it. Anyone easily offended should cast their eyes down to the bottom of the page and the gardening column. Two friends were togging out for a squash game. ‘This damn corset is killing me and I hate wearing it’, said one. ‘A corset? I didn’t know you had a corset? How long have you been wearing it?’ ‘I’m wearing it since the wife found it in the car!’ Sorry … and I don’t know how we got there – because what I started off to write about is the virtual disappearance of the overcoat – especially among menfolk. The old people had a saying that any fool

would bring his coat on a wet day, but a wise man would take it with him on a fine day. Nowadays you will find very few with a heavy coat on any sort of a day. Even students, going in or out of college on the coldest day of the year and few will be wrapped up in an overcoat. Look around you the next time you are in church – there will be

very few wearing a decent overcoat. I go to matches wearing a heavy overcoat and a warming scarf. In Croke Park, and even more so at soccer matches, the lads around me are likely to have nothing between them and a biting east wind but a tight T-shirt. Could these guys be engaging in a session of Matt Talbot-like self-flagellation? Take a walk down the town tonight and count how many men and women you will find not wearing an overcoat. If you really want to push it, you can study the queue lining up for the night club – although that is an entirely different story. The long fawn-coloured and belted gabardine was the man’s coat of choice when I was a kid. Then there was the trench coat which covered the same amount of body, but was made from a lighter material. My Uncle Paddy wore the same black oilskin coat down to his ankles for as far back as I can remember. Going back a bit

further and the cloak was the preferred outer garment for hundreds of years. F.D Roosevelt was very fond of the cloak and gave it an extended lease of life. The overcoat used to be a long coat, worn as the outermost garment, most commonly used in winter and bad weather – and was designed to keep the wearer dry and warm. It was invented sometime in the eighteenth century. During my youthful travels we called it a ‘topcoat’. Like we say, types, makes and designs of coats have come and gone over the generations, but who would ever have thought that it would become an endangered species – just like the corncrake? After the gabardine and trench coats alluded to above, we had duffle coats, mohair coats, sheepskin coats, suede coats, cashmere coats, crombie coats, wax coats and of course with the increase in car ownership, car coats – to mention but a few. These were followed by the anorak, which became the most popular coat of choice – but to me the anorak cannot be classified as an overcoat in the real sense.

Ladies coats are more difficult to define. There has always been a much greater range on the market at the same time – but their certainly was a 1920’s. 30’s and 50’s standard smart coat for women. Today, no two women want to own the same type of coat and the market is totally dictated by fashion. Back in the day, the fur coat was the ultimate ‘must have’ for the well-dressed and well-heeled ladies of their day. Jane Fonda, Brigitte Bardot and likeminded animal lovers soon put an end to the wild fur coat – though I think that the mink is still popular enough in places. The really surprising thing is that I notice more fur coats in Spain than Ireland – which doesn’t seem to make a lot of sense. Anyway, I hope that somebody donates an overcoat to our National Museum because it looks like you soon won’t find one on the street.

No matter how many times you have been wronged or hurt by others, all it takes is one act of kindness to make you believe in the goodness that exists in the world.


Spare the bull A day after thousands marched in Valencia to defend bullfighting, Mayor Joan Ribó suggested adopting the Portuguese style of the practice, in which the bull is not killed. The local leader, who belongs to the leftist Compromís party, defended a “synthesis” that would preserve the cultural elements of the fiesta while respecting the animals. “There are countries where this is being done, and I think it would be interesting if we in Spain could reach a deal by which the bulls did not get that treatment [death in the ring],” he said. Supporters of bullfighting marched in Valencia ahead of the city’s worldfamous Fallas festival, which features the burning of large papier mâché effigies in the streets. Protestors gathered downtown at around 3pm to cries of “Freedom! Freedom!” The rally in Valencia against local authority bans included a leading ‘torero’ who said that ‘this is our life, it’s a tradition’. The protesters marched through the streets of the city of Valencia to protest at local authority bans applied in some parts of the country. Famous names from the ritualistic sport attending the march were Enrique Ponce and Julian Lopez “El Juli” Escobar. Both joined another


CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016

famous fighter, Jose Antonio Morante Camacho, better known as Morante de la Puebla, at the gathering. Participants held aloft banners proclaiming the practice as a key element of cultural expression. “The bullfighting world is aware of the problem and maltreatment we are suffering at the hands of a part of the political class,” said Morante de la Puebla. Ponce meanwhile read a tract in defence of bullfighting, insisting the tradition has for centuries been an integral part of Spanish culture even if some refuse to accept it as such. And he urged that “toreros”, or bullfighters, be treated with the same respect as those pursuing “artistic” activities. The morning had seen a lower-key protest against bullfighting with some 20 semi-clad activists who had splattered themselves with red ink to symbolise the bulls’ suffering demanding the practice be abolished. Spain is split overall on the issue. Six years ago the largely autonomous regional Catalan government banned “corridas”, as the pastime is known in the region. In addition, some cities run by leftist administrations including Madrid and Valencia have also recently cut subsidies for bullfighting.


Murcia gets Spain’s first dome homes

A Spanish architecture company is putting the finishing touches to two circular houses in the southern region of Murcia that will be home to a British family and a Norwegian couple. The first of the wood-built structures is in Yecla, and has a floor space of 160 square meters; the second, in the wine-growing area of Jumilla, is made up of two igloolike constructions joined by a corridor that together provide 85 square meters of living space. “It’s a way of covering a circular space very efficiently by joining together triangular panels: this cuts down the amount of material that needs to be used, reducing building times and costs,” explain architects Pablo Carbonell and Juan Miguel Galera Miñarro from Ecoproyecta, which is building the homes. The ‘geodesic’ dome is not a new invention: US architect Buckminster Fuller was designing such structures in the mid-20th century – he built a 75meter-diameter dome for the US pavilion at the Canada Expo in 1967, held in Montreal. Other architects, among them Spain’s Emilio Pérez Piñero, further

refined Fuller’s design in the 1970s. Ecoproyecta has now revived the concept, allowing its clients to use renewable energy from solar panels and batteries to store electricity, making homes self-sufficient. There are also options to recycle rainwater. The appeal of using geodesic domes is that they cost between €500 and €1,000 per square meter, and take around six months to build. “The house in Yecla cost around €150,000 (€900 per square meter, including solar panel installation), while the home in Jumilla has cost around €45,000 (€550 per square meter), along with €3,000 for solar panels. You need to bear in mind that the first house is better equipped, with under-floor heating, a chimney that acts as a biomass-fueled boiler, and generally more expensive material,” says Carbonell. Both homes generate their own electricity. The larger property, in Yecla, will be home to a British family of five, while a Norwegian couple has bought the house in Jumilla. Both structures will be the families primary residences. The geodesic domes’ triangular panels are assembled in Ecoproyecta’s

workshop first, and then the dome itself is built on a cement foundation and covered with either a waterproof laminate and mortar or natural cork in just a couple of days. The flooring and interior work, electricity, water, and so forth takes up most of the construction time. Size is not an issue: any number of domes can be connected via passageways or corridors. “By adding domes you can create a property as big as you like. What’s more, you can increase the size as and when you need, for example, when you have more children [...] or want guest bedrooms,” says Carbonell. The domed interior is an open space without walls. The homes use biomass open fires for heating, while geothermic ventilation is provided by the Canadian well system, producing heat in winter and cold air in summer. Both homes are built on open land with trees that can be pruned for firewood. Ecoproyecta says interest in geodesic dome houses is growing in Spain, albeit slowly, and that it has just presented four new estimates for properties.


CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016




CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016


February price drop According to the National Statistics Institute (INE) consumer prices dropped 0.8 percent last month when compared to prices of consumer items from February 2015 - and pointed out that this has been a tendency for the last two months. In January the main reason for the fall in the Consumer Price Index was attributed to cheaper fuel and food prices. And on a month-upon-month basis, prices also fell 0.4 percent, which is the largest reduction for this time of year since 1970. Out of all the consumer goods, food and fuel are the two that weigh the heaviest on the expenses of a typical household in Spain. If you remove these two factors, instead of consumer prices falling 0.8 percent in February, they actually go up 1 percent compared to the same month last year. So, what products have actually increased and decreased in price in the last year? With regards to food and non-alcoholic beverages, not all have followed the same trend. Those that are not manufactured, as in natural produce, have dropped the most in price in the last year. For example, legumes and fresh fruit and vegetables are 9.8 percent cheaper than in February 2015. Pork meat costs 2.1 percent less, lamb is 1.9 percent cheaper, milk has dropped 3.7 percent in price and eggs have fallen 0.8 percent. Nevertheless, not everything related to food is cheaper. The biggest increases in prices have been registered in olive oil: 20.7 percent more expensive; potatoes and potato products cost 14.8 percent more than before; and fresh fish has gone up 6.9 percent in the last year, although prices are dropping now, as February’s prices of fish are 6.1 percent less than those registered in January this year. This point is also important as some products that are more expensive now than they were 12 months ago have actually fallen in price in the last

month. This is the case for chicken, shellfish, coffee or cocoa products. Leaving food products to one side, it is actually the cost of energy that most influences the rise and fall of the Consumer Price Index. For example, between February 2015 and February 2016, heating and water have lowered in price by 12.4 percent. Filling up your car with petrol and running your personal transport has also gone down in cost by 4.2 percent. This is influenced by the fall in petrol prices. And public transport is also cheaper, by 1.4 percent. Consumers will be pleased to read that energy products were 14.1 percent cheaper in February than they were a year ago, and this is compared to the 10.3 percent drop in price from January as well. Electricity prices fell 14.2 percent last month (and 13 percent in January) when compared to costs 12 months previously, and fuel prices are also 14.2 percent cheaper. With regards to the different autonomous regions in Spain, consumer prices did descend in all of them, albeit at a different rate. The smallest differences were registered in Cataluña and the Basque Country (-0.5 percent), followed by the Balearic Islands (-0.6 percent) and Navarra (-0.7 percent). On the other hand, annual prices dropped 1.4 percent in Castilla-La Mancha, which was the biggest decline in consumer prices in the last year.

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22nd DEC FROM 780€













single sup. 150€


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CostaBlancaPeople CostaBlancaPeople December March 22nd - 28th 28th 2015 2016


Business Profile


Your Guardian Angel has been by your side ever since you were born and although you may have never seen them, in order to connect to them you must put your belief and trust in their presence. Your Guardian Angel has been assigned to you to help guide you through your journey on the earthplane and loves you unconditionally asking for nothing in return. Angels exist in a different dimension than us and therefore work on a much higher vibration. Because of this, you need to raise your own consciousness if you wish to talk to your angel . Your angel is waiting for your call as they cannot intervene because us earthlings have something called 'free-will'. So what are you waiting for? Here are 7 easy steps to connection with your Guardian Angel 1. Buy a couple of 'angel-ings' (an Alison-ism!) such as a small angel figurine, an angel journal & an Angelite

crystal. Have these with you when you are ready to connect to your Guardian Angel 2. Write a letter to your angel telling them all your hopes and dreams for the future. Date the letter, and sign it and put it in a safe place. Hold the vision of your dreams in your thoughts every day 3. Sit in a quiet space where you won't be disturbed & quieten your mind by visualising a beautiful golden light washing over you 4. Light two white candles for purity preferably at your angel altar and look into the flame letting any worries of the day subside. As you watch the flame dance feel peace washing over you. 5. Hold a picture in your mind's eye of what your Guardian Angel will look like and ask your angel to carry your burdens away on their wings of light by saying the following - "Beloved angel so pure and true I wish to start connecting with you. Please give me a

sign & be by my side to heal my heart, and to lovingly guide". 6. Hold your arms up and outwards, to receive. Imagine shafts of beautiful white ethereal light descending all around you -healing & bringing you joy and upliftment 7. Talk to your angel. Yes, really! Your Guardian Angel is your best friend. They love you unconditionally and will listen without judgement. Start connecting with your angel now. Know that you deserve the best out of life, and never think otherwise. You may take a wrong turn here and there, but your Guardian Angel will help to guide you back to the pathway of light. Look out for their messages of confirmation which may come in the form of ideas which are subtle but powerful non-the-less. Your Guardian Angel's love for you is true, and all you have to do is to have patience, and believe.

If you’d like to book a private reading with me or discuss an event, please e-mail me to thequirkymedium@gmail.com If you have a question you’d like answered through this page, please contact me via e-mail to: thequirkymedium@gmail.com You can follow me on Twitter @rescuemediumali You can read about my future eventsand free articles on my websites http://thequirkymedium.blogspot.co.uk/http://discovertheangels.com/

Business Profile



As we’re now into Spring, it’s the time when we can start to notice the wear and tear that our kitchens suffer from. Your kitchen is the centre of your house and having one that is carefully planned and designed to meet your needs can make a significant difference to your life here in Spain. Kosta Kitchensis an established business that has been trading on the Costa Blanca for 13 years. During that time they have expanded and have just celebrated their first anniversary since they moved into larger premises in Torrevieja. They are now just two minutes away from Habaneras Shopping Centre and they invite you to come and take a look at the choice available. James Woodham (joint director) first started fitting kitchens for the family business in the UK before moving to Spain and starting Kosta Kitchens in 2003. Therefore, he has vast experience of what is required in the fitting as well as designing of kitchens. ‘We offer a total service that begins with a consultation to find out exactly what you need and would like from your kitchen,’ explains James. ‘We offer various options with different alternative designs to maximise space and suit your budget.’

Kosta Kitchens aim to provide a wide choice of styles and finishes to their kitchens and are particularly excited by their showcase ‘curved kitchen’ which is on display in their showroom. A particular success has been the range of glass splashbacks that they offer with a wide spectrum of colours to choose from either with or without sparkle. There is a good selection of worktops including the famous Silestone range. ‘We

are proud that we were chosen as an Elite showroom for Silestone,’ says Claire Woodham (joint director). Kosta Kitchens have some exclusive products on offer too. They are one of the only local suppliers for NEFF ‘hide n slide’ ovens as featured in the Great British Bake Off. They also have available ‘De Dietrich’, Bosch, Siemens (to name a few) range of competitively priced appliances. Their years of experience mean that they know exactly the common pitfalls of poor kitchen design and how to avoid them. Once a plan is in place then you can sit back and watch as Kosta Kitchens bring

together all the necessary services to make sure your kitchen is installed correctly. A quality kitchen involves not only the selection of units and work surfaces but the co-ordination of tiling, plumbing and electrics. They will organise general building work and have high expectations of the finish. This bespoke service is tailored to you and Kosta Kitchens are quite happy to come out and advise you on transformations that can be achieved just by changing doors and worktops rather than a full renovation. A free, no obligation appointment can be arranged and in the comfort of your own home you can discuss the possibilities. Kosta Kitchens is open on Monday to Friday from 10.00 am until 4.00 pm and Saturday from 10.00 am until 12.30 pm. Their showroom is on Poligono Industrial estate, Avenida Delfina Viudes 26/28. You can call them on 965 072 992 or visit their website www.kostakitchens.com

Please note that all information contained within this CostaBlanca People Business Profile has been provided by the client, and is therefore deemed correct and accurate. Any errors, omissions or inaccuracies are the sole esponsibility of the client.


Stewart has been our local domestic appliance engineer on the Costa Blanca for over 15 years. He qualified in the UK 25 years ago and is now extending his family run business. You will be able to visit the new premises from this week, following the launch on March 18th last week. Stewart gives a two year guarantee on all new appliances and all his repairs are guaranteed, he works on a FREE CALL OUT basis, if the appliance is not viably repairable there will be no charge. He can then, though, offer a replacement appliance, usually the same or next day. The service includes installation and disposal of the old appliance.

He also now has a large range of small appliances and homeware goods, once again all guaranteed. Kettles, toasters, irons, juicers, blenders, slow cookers, vacuum cleaners, planchas, bbq´s, halogen ovens, vapour

mops, magic mops and much more. This is a small family run business with Maggie, Stewarts wife, in the office, answering all your enquiries and

bookings for repairs (the office the office number is 966785451). Donna, Stewart’s sister, will be manning the shop. Monday to Friday 10 to 5 and Saturday 10 to 4 to assist you (the shop telephone number is 693270910). Stewart and Alan, both fully qualified engineers with over 60 years experience between them, will be travelling around repairing your appliances. Stewart told the Costa Blanca People, “We are an honest, reliable and fully legal business and look forward to welcoming you into our new venture.” He continued, “Our opening day on 18th March was very successful, we would like to thank everyone for their support. You can find us on the square in Los Montesinos.”

Please note that all information contained within this CostaBlanca People Business Profile has been provided by the client, and is therefore deemed correct and accurate. Any errors, omissions or inaccuracies are the sole esponsibility of the client.

Alicante village needs new residents

Many years ago, the tiny village of La Encina in Villena, Alicante, was known to be one of the most important and busy railway hubs in Spain. It is situated at a crossroads between Castilla-La Mancha’s highland plateau, la Meseta, and the Mediterranean Sea. The land is rich and fertile and the prosperous area received many visitors from across the country up until the end of the last century. However, today things look very different in La Encina. The village has become practically deserted and the residents that are left have sounded the alarm in nearby city Villena that they need new inhabitants – and quickly. One of the main problems is that there are hardly any children left. Only five attend the local school, and unless new residents make their home in the village, the school is likely to close. Next year, these students will move

up into secondary education, which means that the primary school will have to be shut down unless there is a minimum of five students to attend lessons. La Encina is located 18 km from the urban centre of Villena, which is a bustling and busy city rich in history and culture, particularly from Medieval times. It is situated next to the provinces of Valencia and Albacete, and has a total of 200 inhabitants. The town hall of La Encina is calling out to residents of its largest neighbouring city – and surrounding areas - to come to the village to live, and trying to entice them by offering them the delights of clean-living and being closer to nature and the natural environment. In terms of services, there is a family doctor in the village three times a week, a chemist, a bus that connects the residents to Villena two days of the week in winter and three days in summer, and a train station with lines to Valencia and Alicante. There are gardens, allotments, a church, cemetery and post office amongst other things. The Town Hall has confirmed that there are around 15 houses for sale in the village and several up for rent, and prices are very affordable. With regards to work and business opportunities, there is plenty of activity at the two farms, two quarries, the solar energy plant, two restaurants and the huge plots of surrounding agricultural land.


CostaBlancaPeople CostaBlancaPeople March December 22nd22nd - 28th - 28th 20162015



CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016




CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016


Telephone (0034) 966 718 779 Fax: (0034) 965 725 582 Email: sunseekers@live.com Web: www.sunseekersquesada.com Calle Blanca No 1 (near Goyos Restaurant), Quesada


112,500 Euros

157,500 Euros

149,995 Euros


La Horadada, close to Los Montesinos, semi detached villa, 3 beds, 2 baths, living dining room, scope to extend, large driveway to suit motorhome parking, space for own pool, yet beautifull communal pool 4 minutes walk away. Walking distance to the centre of Los Montesinos with various banks, bars, and restaurants, supermarket 3 minutes walk away! Viewing essential to appreciate all.

San Luis, semi-detached villa with large plot, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, large kitchen, living room and dining room, plus separate guest suite of bedroom and bathroom, large garage, rooftop solarium with lovely views, outside BBQ area, so many extras, too many to list. No pool, but space for. Located within easy walking distance to all amenities, a family home, not a holiday home.

Quesada, detached villa with 2 beds, 1 bathroom, lovely kitchen, two living rooms, legal extension, mature garden, off road parking, with brick built storage unit underneath, this property is presented immaculately, and represents spacious accommodation with recent extension, many, many extras too numerous to list, or indeed very close offers. Viewing essential.

225,000 Euros

149,950 Euros

79,000 Euros

175,000 Euros


El Raso, large semi detached villa, 3 beds, 2 baths, 2 separate reception areas, large kitchen, lovely garden, walking distance to the commercial area, beautifull communal pool, fully furnished to a very high standard, divorce sale, priced at 175,000 euros, but owners are very minded to sell. To view the property is to buy it!!!!!!

Ref 2048

Ref 2664

Ref 2831

Quesada, detached villa with huge underbuild, own pool, good views, 3 beds, 2 baths, plus underbuild with separate kitchen and bathroom, ideal granny annexe, teenager annexe, 500sqm plot, very tastefully furnished.

Quesada, detached villa with 2 beds, 1 bath, 550m plot, above ground swimming pool, walking distance to Dona Pepa Gama supermarket. First time for sale in 27 years, needs minor TLC to make immaculate, yet perfectly serviceable now. Scope for extension, priced sensibly at 149, 950 euros. These properties are hard to find, you need to be quick.

Quesada, mid terrace bungalow with 2 beds, 1 bathroom, dining room with beautiful kitchen, plus extension to make a large living room. Off road parking, front garden fully tiled, south facing. This is the best one I have seen in 15 years, fully furnished to an excellent standard. Price 79,000 euros, but owner is serious to sell, and will negotiate. Full photos in office. Located walking distance to supermarket, bars and restaurants.

SPECIAL OFFER FROM 190,000€ Quesada, new build 3 bed, 3 bath villas, include private pool, finished to a high standard, show house ready, under construction now - Price from 208.500€

Quesada, 3 bed, 2 bath quad, stunning views, communal pool, well presented under build available-Price 149,995€

Quesada,2 bed, 2 bath detached villa, private pool, 500m2 plot, garage, furnished + A/C - Price €199,500 Ref 2841

Ref 2839

Ref 2763

Benijofar, new build villas, 3 bed, 2 bath, private pool, under floor heating, 400m2 plot - Price 240,200€

Quesada, 3 bed, 2 bath villa, Communal pool, located nr the country club, air conditioning, needs lick of paint, hence price - Price 79,995€

El Raso, 2 bed, 1 bath detached villa, Fully furnished + a/c, communal pool, 145m2 plot, large solarium Price 129,950€

NEW OFFICE NOW OPEN, OPP. SANTANDER BANK, NR THE ARCHES . You can also visit us at our El Raso office on Commercial El Campico next to The Hot Stone restaurant, for more information on the above properties and many others available. We will be happy to give advice on the buying or selling process in Spain and look forward to meeting you at either office. Pop in to see us for our new commission deals

info@propshopspain.com - www.propshopspain.com - Tel. Quesada: 966 718 836 - Mob: 628 045 614 - Tel. El Raso: 965 501 006

We are currently looking for good priced properties for waiting clients in Quesada and Guardamar. 626



CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016






REF. CM1849 La Herrada (Montesinos)

REF. CM4514 Fincas de la Vega


SOL REDUCED. Spacious detached villa 110sqm house, 370sqm plot with private pool, 3 bed, 2 bath, separate kitchen, large lounge.



REF. CM4530 Los Montesinos (Montesol)








REF. CM4600 Villamartin






PRICE: JUST €180.000!



REF. CM4607 La Zenia

REF. CM4609 Benimar - Rojales

REF. CM4616 La Zenia

BARGAIN. South facing second floor apartment, 2 bed, 1 bath, communal pool, lift access, walking distance to the beach, furnished.

NEW LISTING. Immaculate south facing villa, 3 bed, 2 bath, large lounge/diner, off road parking, solarium, communal pool.

NEW LISTING. Stunning south facing detached villa, 3 bed, 2 bath, separate kitchen, corner plot, walking distance to the beach.

PRICE: JUST €85.000!

PRICE: JUST €139.950!

PRICE: JUST €165.000!

NEW LISTING. South facing first floor apartment, 2 bed, 1 bath, sep. kitchen, large sun terrace, communal pool, close to golf.

PRICE: JUST €73.000!

The family are back from another successful UK property exhibition. Many buyers here already! CONTACT US FOR A FREE VALUATION. 626

www.costablancapeople.com CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016





CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016



Ciudad Quesada

Ciudad Quesada

Ciudad Quesada

Townhouse, 2 bed, 2 bath, 90m2 plot, 80m2 build, Communal pool. REF: 161

Villa, 2 bed, 1 bath, 250m2 plot, 80m2 build, private pool. REF. 130

Villa, 3 bed, 2 bath, 200m2 plot, 90m2 build, private pool. REF. 198

Villa, 2 bed, 2 bath, 550m2 plot, 100m2 build, private pool. REF. 242





Ciudad Quesada

Ciudad Quesada

Ciudad Quesada

Ciudad Quesada

Townhouse, 2 bed, 2 bath, 120m2 plot, 80m2 build, communal pool. REF. 420

Villa, 3 bed, 3 bath, 500m2 plot, 130m2 build, private pool. REF. 1126

Villa, 2 bed, 1 bath, 500m2 plot, 90m2 build, private pool. REF. 153

Quad, 2 bed, 1 bath, solarium, 70m2 build, communal pool. REF. 156





Ciudad Quesada

Ciudad Quesada

Ciudad Quesada

Ciudad Quesada

Villa, 2 bed, 2 bath, 500m2 plot, 85m2 build, space for pool. REF. 070

Villa, 3 bed, 3 bath, 500m2 plot, 120m2 build, private pool. REF. 243

Apartment, 2 bed, 1 bath, garden, 65 build, communal pool. REF. 102

Villa, 3 bed, 2 bath, 500m2 plot, 117m2 build, private pool. REF. 244





Ciudad Quesada

Ciudad Quesada

Vista Bella

El Raso, Guardamar

Detached villa, 3 bed, 2 bath, 120m2 plot, 85m2 build, communal pool. REF. 275

Detached villa, 2 bed, 2 bath, 500m2 plot, 95m2 build, space for pool. REF.199

Townhouse, 3 bed, 2 bath, 190m2 plot, 84m2 build, communal pool. REF. 1091

Quad, 3 bed, 2 bath, 150m2 plot, 90m2 build, communal pool. REF. 023





El Raso Office Centro Comercial Euro-Terra Plaza de la Figuera, 1 - Local 7 03140 Guardamar del Segura Tel: (+34) 966 716 019

Quesada Av. Las Naciones, 18-A 03170 Rojales Tel: (+34) 966 718 006 (Head Office)

Villamartin Office Av. de las Brisas, 6 - Local 26 Villamartin 3189 Orihuela Costa Tel: (+34) 966 764 003



35 CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016

10 Cloverfield Lane (2016) Rating 8.0 After getting in a car accident, a woman is held in a shelter with two men, who claim the outside world is affected by a widespread chemical attack. Director: Dan Trachtenberg Writers: Josh Campbell (story), Matthew Stuecken (story) Stars: John Goodman, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, John Gallagher Jr.

Batman v Superman (2016) Fearing the actions of Superman are left unchecked, Batman takes on the man of steel, while the world wrestles with what kind of a hero it really needs. With Batman and Superman fighting each other, a new threat, Doomsday, is created by Lex Luthor. It’s up to Superman and Batman to set aside their differences along with Wonder Woman to stop Lex Luthor and Doomsday from destroying Metropolis. Director: Zack Snyder Writers: Chris Terrio, David S. Goyer Stars: Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Amy Adams

Zootopia (2016) Rating 8.4 In a city of anthropomorphic animals, a rookie bunny cop and a cynical con artist fox must work together to uncover a conspiracy. Directors: Byron Howard, Rich Moore Writers: Byron Howard (story), Jared Bush (story) Stars: Ginnifer Goodwin, Jason Bateman, Idris Elba

Captain America (2016) Political interference in the Avengersʹ activities causes a rift between former allies Captain America and Iron Man. Directors: Anthony Russo, Joe Russo Writers: Christopher Markus (screenplay), Stephen McFeely (screenplay) Stars: Tom Holland, Elizabeth Olsen, Scarlett Johansson

Don’t miss any of your favourite shows with the Costa Blanca People’s FREE comprehensive TV pullout, featuring extended listings from more TV channels than ever!


Television: Tues 22nd March BBC1

7.00am 10.15am 11.00am 12.00pm 12.45pm 1.15pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 2.45pm 3.15pm 4.00pm 4.45pm 5.30pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 11.45pm 12.45am 1.45am 1.50am


Breakfast Heir Hunters Homes Under the Hammer Call the Council Caught Red Handed Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Regional News and Weather Doctors Think Tank Escape to the Country The TV That Made Me Flog It! Pointless BBC News at Six Regional News and Weather The One Show EastEnders Holby City The A Word BBC News at Ten Regional News and Weather The Battle for Christianity Shop Well for Less Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News

7.00am 7.45am 8.30am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.05pm 2.50pm 3.20pm 4.15pm 5.15pm 5.45pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 12.15am 1.15am 2.15am 3.15am 4.45am 5.45am 6.45am

ITV2 6.55am 7.00am 7.20am 8.10am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 10.35am 11.15am 12.15pm 1.10pm 1.45pm 2.15pm 2.45pm 3.35pm 4.40pm 5.45pm 6.50pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 12.10am 12.35am 1.10am 1.35am 2.05am

6.00am 6.30am 7.00am 7.15am 7.30am 7.45am 8.00am 9.00am 10.00am 11.00am 11.30am 12.00pm 1.00pm 1.30pm 2.00pm 3.00pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.30pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 12.00am 2.00am

Premier League 100 Club Premier League 100 Club Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold WWE SmackDown! Soccer A.M. - The Best Bits Barclays Premier League Review BPL Legends BPL Legends Soccer A.M. - The Best Bits Premier League 100 Club SPFL Round Up Barclays Premier League Review The Premier League Years Barclays Premier League Review Super League Fulltime Premier League 100 Club Premier League Barclays Premier League Review MLS Goals Round Up Fantasy Football Club Highlights Soccer A.M. - The Best Bits SPFL Round Up La Liga World 2015 Barcelona's 3 Kings The Premier League Years La Liga World 2015

7.00am 7.45am 8.35am 9.05am 9.35am 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 11.30am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 3.30pm 4.00pm 4.30pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.50pm 12.55am 1.25am

Charmed Charmed Hollyoaks Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement New Girl New Girl Baby Daddy Baby Daddy Charmed Charmed How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Baby Daddy Baby Daddy How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother New Girl New Girl The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Hollyoaks The Big Bang Theory The Goldbergs The Big Bang Theory The Aliens Virtually Famous Tattoo Fixers The Goldbergs Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Sky Movies Premiere 6.00am

Avengers: Age of Ultron Special


Fast and Furious 7 Special The Age of Adaline


Kung Fu Panda 3: Special


Search Party


Lost and Found


The Age of Adaline


Kung Fu Panda 3: Special


Spooks: The Greater Good


The Salvation


Lost and Found


Spooks: The Greater Good


The Salvation


Search Party


Monster Hunter


Lost and Found


Fast and Furious 7 Special


Fast and Furious 7 Special

ITV1 6.05am 7.00am 9.30am 10.25am 11.30am 1.30pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.40pm 12.45am 1.35am 4.00am 4.50am 6.05am

Sky Sports 1

ITV2 Nightscreen Planet's Funniest Animals Dinner Date The Ellen DeGeneres Show Emmerdale Coronation Street Coronation Street Catchphrase Dinner Date Royal Pains Emmerdale Coronation Street Coronation Street The Ellen DeGeneres Show The Jeremy Kyle Show The Jeremy Kyle Show The Jeremy Kyle Show Take Me Out You've Been Framed! Two and a Half Men Two and a Half Men The Break-Up Family Guy Family Guy American Dad! American Dad! Two and a Half Men


Show Me the Monet Talking Pictures Caught Red Handed Emergency Rescue Down Under Great British Railway Journeys Victoria Derbyshire BBC Newsroom Live The Daily Politics Coast The Super League Show Portillo's State Secrets The Doctor Blake Mysteries Rivers with Griff Rhys Jones The Best Dishes Ever Terry and Mason's Great Food Trip Antiques Road Trip Eggheads Too Much TV This Farming Life Mary Berry's Easter Feast Inside Obama's White House Scrappers Newsnight Horizon Back in Time for the Weekend Cats v Dogs: Which is Best? Ted Hughes: Stronger Than Death Schama on Rembrandt: Masterpieces of the Late Years Rubens: An Extra Large Story This is BBC Two

CostaBlancaPeople CostaBlancaPeople December March 22nd 22nd --28th 28th 2015 2016

The Jeremy Kyle Show Good Morning Britain Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning Loose Women ITV Lunchtime News Judge Rinder Dickinson's Real Deal Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London ITV Evening News Emmerdale The Inspectors are Coming It's Not Rocket Science Speeding Wars ITV News at Ten and Weather Saudi Arabia Uncovered - Exposure Davina Mccall: Life at the Extreme Jackpot247 Loose Women ITV Nightscreen The Jeremy Kyle Show

Sky 1 6.00am 6.30am 7.00am 7.30am 8.00am 8.30am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.45am 1.45am 2.45am 3.10am 4.00am 5.00am

Sky World News Sky World Review and Business Report Sunrise Sunrise Sunrise Sunrise Sunrise Sunrise NCIS: Los Angeles Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 NCIS: Los Angeles Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 All Aboard: East Coast Trains Futurama Futurama The Simpsons Futurama Futurama The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons The Flash Ross Kemp's Britain Childhood's End Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Nothing to Declare Danny Dyer's Deadliest Men Stargate SG-1 Stargate SG-1

7.00am 7.10am 7.35am 8.35am 9.40am 10.40am 11.05am 11.30am 12.00pm 1.05pm 2.05pm 3.05pm 4.05pm 5.20pm 5.50pm 6.20pm 6.55pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 11.00pm 1.05am 2.05am 3.00am

Movies Now Doctor in the House Heartbeat Where the Heart is The Royal Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy Noah's Ark Murder, She Wrote Heartbeat The Royal Where the Heart is Doctor in the House In Loving Memory On the Buses Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Midsomer Murders A Touch of Frost Noah's Ark Where the Heart is ITV3 Nightscreen


Channel 4 6.25am 6.30am 7.00am 7.45am 8.10am 8.35am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 12.00pm 12.30pm 1.00pm 1.05pm 2.10pm 3.10pm 4.10pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.05am 1.10am 2.05am 2.30am 3.00am 3.30am 4.00am 4.55am 5.55am

Emmerdale - Paddy’s positive as he suggests to Rhona they go away to Paris for the weekend, but the moment’s ruined when Pierce turns up, asking if Tess was having an affair. Elsewhere in the Village..

Eastender - Kyle and Stacey talk about the past. Kush's behaviour spirals out of control, while Mick confides in a worried Shirley about recent events.

Hugh's 3 Good Things Jamie's Money Saving Meals Countdown The Goldbergs The Goldbergs The Goldbergs Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Frasier Car S.O.S Shipping Wars Shipping Wars Channel 4 News Summary A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun Deal or No Deal Countdown A New Life in the Sun Couples Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners One Born Every Minute First Dates Million Pound Jewellers Poker Stars and Monte-Carlo Casino Ept Grand Final KOTV Boxing Weekly Gillette World Sport Mobil 1 The Grid The Superhumans Show Kirstie's Fill Your House for Free Location, Location, Location Selling Houses with Amanda Lamb

BBC 4 8.00pm 8.30pm

Channel 5 6.10am

House Doctor


House Doctor


The Wotwots!


Chloe's Closet


Lily's Driftwood Bay


Fireman Sam




Peppa Pig


Pip Ahoy!


Little Princess


Bob the Builder


Thomas and Friends


Noddy in Toyland


Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom


Peppa Pig


Peppa Pig


Paw Patrol


Bananas in Pajamas


Toot the Tiny Tugboat


The Wright Stuff


Cowboy Builders


5 News Lunchtime


The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door


Home and Away






The Wrong Woman


5 News at 5




Home and Away


5 News Tonight


Police Interceptors


Britain's Horror Homes


Benefits by the Sea: Jaywick


The Best of Bad TV


Penn and Teller: Fool Us in Vegas


Gypsies on Benefits and Proud


Tattoo Disasters UK


Super Casino


GPs: Behind Closed Doors


Nick's Quest


Divine Designs


House Doctor


House Doctor


House Doctor

4.00am 5.00am

World News Today Pagans and Pilgrims: Britain's Holiest Places The Return of Flying Scotsman The Brecon Beacons with Iolo Williams The Beginning and End of the Universe Louis Theroux Indian Hill Railways The Story of British Pathe How to Get Ahead: At Medieval Court Sound of Cinema: The Music that Made the Movies The Beginning and End of the Universe This is BBC Four


Jamie's 15 Minute Meals


Hogan's Heroes


Food Unwrapped


Hogan's Heroes


Come Dine with Me 8.05am

The Chase

9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 1.00am 2.00am 3.00am




More 4



Four in a Bed


Four in a Bed


The Professionals


Four in a Bed


The Sweeney


Four in a Bed 11.10am

Ax Men


Four in a Bed


Come Dine with Me


The Chase


Come Dine with Me


Pawn Stars


Come Dine with Me 1.45pm



Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Storage Wars


A Place in the Sun: Summer Sun


Motogp Highlights


A Place in the Sun: Summer Sun 7.45pm

Snooker Tin Cup


The Supervet


Grand Designs



Selling Houses with Amanda Lamb


The Sweeney


World's Weirdest Homes


24 Hours in A and E


ITV4 Nightscreen


Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA



www.costablancapeople.com CostaBlancaPeople CostaBlancaPeopleMarch December 22nd 22nd - 28th- 28th 2016 2015

BBC1 7.00am 10.15am 11.00am 12.00pm 12.45pm 1.15pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 2.45pm 3.15pm 4.00pm 4.45pm 5.30pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 11.45pm 12.15am 12.45am 2.15am 2.20am

Breakfast Heir Hunters Homes Under the Hammer Call the Council Caught Red Handed Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Regional News and Weather Doctors Think Tank Escape to the Country The TV That Made Me Flog It! Pointless BBC News at Six Regional News and Weather The One Show MasterChef Inside Europe's Terror Attacks BBC News at Ten Regional News and Weather A Question of Sport Would I Lie to You? Wedding Daze Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News

BBC2 7.00am 7.45am 8.30am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 12.00pm 12.30pm 2.00pm 2.10pm 2.20pm 2.50pm 3.20pm 4.15pm 5.15pm 5.45pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 12.15am 1.15am 2.15am 3.15am 4.15am 5.15am

ITV2 7.00am 7.20am 8.10am 9.00am 9.30am 10.35am 11.15am 12.15pm 1.10pm 1.45pm 2.45pm 3.35pm 4.40pm 5.45pm 6.50pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 12.10am 12.40am 1.10am 1.35am 2.05am 2.30am 3.25am 6.55am

Planet's Funniest Animals Dinner Date The Ellen DeGeneres Show Emmerdale You've Been Framed and Famous! Catchphrase Dinner Date Royal Pains Emmerdale Funniest Ever You've Been Framed The Ellen DeGeneres Show The Jeremy Kyle Show The Jeremy Kyle Show The Jeremy Kyle Show Take Me Out Funniest Ever You've Been Framed! Two and a Half Men Two and a Half Men The Back-Up Plan Family Guy Family Guy American Dad! American Dad! Two and a Half Men Scorpion Teleshopping ITV2 Nightscreen

The Age of Adaline


Search Party


Kung Fu Panda 3: Special

11.15am 1.00pm

Lost and Found The Age of Adaline


The Salvation


Kung Fu Panda 3: Special


Spooks: The Greater Good


Lost and Found


Spooks: The Greater Good


The Salvation


Search Party


Monster Hunter


Lost and Found


Avengers: Age of Ultron Special


Fast and Furious 7 Special

ITV1 7.00am 9.30am 10.25am 11.30am 1.30pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.45pm 12.40am 1.10am 4.00am 6.05am

Sky Sports 1 7.00am 7.15am 7.30am 7.45am 8.00am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 10.15am 10.30am 10.45am 11.00am 11.30am 12.00pm 1.00pm 1.30pm 2.00pm 2.15pm 2.30pm 2.45pm 3.00pm 3.30pm 4.00pm 2.30am 3.00am 3.30am 4.00am 4.30am 5.00am

Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold WWE Experience Fantasy Football Club Highlights Premier League 100 Club Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Fantasy Football Club Highlights Premier League 100 Club Soccer A.M. - The Best Bits La Liga World 2015 Fantasy Football Club Highlights Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs La Liga World 2015 Fantasy Football Club Highlights Live Tennis Sporting Greats Sporting Greats Sporting Rivalries Sporting Rivalries Sporting Rivalries Sporting Triumphs

7.00am 7.45am 8.35am 9.05am 9.35am 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 11.30am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 3.30pm 4.00pm 4.30pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 12.00am 1.00am 2.05am

Charmed Charmed Hollyoaks Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement New Girl New Girl Baby Daddy Baby Daddy Charmed Charmed How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Baby Daddy Baby Daddy How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother New Girl New Girl The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Hollyoaks Jane the Virgin The Big Bang Theory The 100 The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Tattoo Fixers Tattoo Fixers The Aliens

Sky Movies Premiere 7.00am

Show Me the Monet Talking Pictures Caught Red Handed Emergency Rescue Down Under Great British Menu Victoria Derbyshire BBC Newsroom Live The Daily Politics Coast Lifeline The Chef's Protege Portillo's State Secrets The Doctor Blake Mysteries Rivers with Griff Rhys Jones The Best Dishes Ever Terry and Mason's Great Food Trip Antiques Road Trip Eggheads Too Much TV This Farming Life Horizon Employable Me Live From the BBC Newsnight Inside Obama's White House Land of Hope and Glory British Country Life Famous, Rich and Homeless Pompeii: New Secrets Revealed with Mary Beard Simon Rattle: The Making of a Maestro Caribbean with Simon Reeve

Television: Wed 23rd March

Good Morning Britain Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning Loose Women ITV Lunchtime News Judge Rinder Dickinson's Real Deal Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London ITV Evening News Emmerdale Coronation Street Big Star's Little Star Grantchester ITV News at Ten and Weather Bear Grylls: Mission Survive Richard Wilson on the Road Jackpot247 ITV Nightscreen The Jeremy Kyle Show

Sky 1 7.00am 7.30am 8.00am 8.30am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.30am 1.00am 2.00am 3.00am 4.00am 5.00am 6.00am 6.30am

Sunrise Sunrise Sunrise Sunrise Sunrise Sunrise NCIS: Los Angeles Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 NCIS: Los Angeles Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 All Aboard: East Coast Trains Futurama Futurama The Simpsons Futurama Futurama The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons Arrow Limitless Ascension A League of Their Own Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Danny Dyer's Deadliest Men Stargate SG-1 Stargate SG-1 Sky World News Sky World Review and Business Report

7.00am 7.10am 7.35am 8.35am 9.40am 10.40am 11.05am 11.30am 12.00pm 1.05pm 2.05pm 3.10pm 4.10pm 5.20pm 5.55pm 6.20pm 6.55pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 1.05am 2.05am

Movies Now Doctor in the House Heartbeat Where the Heart is The Royal Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy Noah's Ark Murder, She Wrote Heartbeat The Royal Where the Heart is Doctor in the House In Loving Memory On the Buses Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Rosemary and Thyme Love Your Garden A Touch of Frost Wire in the Blood Where the Heart is


Channel 4 7.00am 7.45am 8.10am 8.35am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 12.00pm 12.30pm 1.00pm 1.05pm 2.10pm 3.10pm 4.10pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.35pm 12.35am 1.35am 2.05am 3.00am 4.35am 5.30am 5.40am 6.10am

Countdown The Goldbergs The Goldbergs The Goldbergs Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Frasier Car S.O.S Shipping Wars Shipping Wars Channel 4 News Summary A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun Deal or No Deal Countdown A New Life in the Sun Couples Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News The Supervet 24 Hours in A and E Raised by Wolves Gogglebox Plus Sized Wars Live From Abbey Road Classics The Secret Millionaire Goon Selling Houses with Amanda Lamb Hugh's 3 Good Things Jamie's Money Saving Meals Deal or No Deal

BBC 4 8.00pm 8.30pm

Channel 5 7.00am

The Wotwots!


Chloe's Closet


Lily's Driftwood Bay


Fireman Sam




Peppa Pig


Pip Ahoy!


Little Princess


Bob the Builder


Thomas and Friends


Noddy in Toyland


Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom


Peppa Pig


Peppa Pig


Paw Patrol


Bananas in Pajamas


Toot the Tiny Tugboat


The Wright Stuff


Cowboy Builders


5 News Lunchtime


Can't Pay? We'll Take it Away!


Home and Away




NCIS: Los Angeles


Mystery Girl


5 News at 5




Home and Away


5 News Tonight


The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door


GPs: Behind Closed Doors


Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords


Can't Pay? We'll Take it Away!


Botched Up Bodies


Benefits by the Sea: Jaywick


Tattoo Disasters UK


Super Casino


Trauma Doctors


Nick's Quest


Divine Designs


House Doctor


House Doctor


House Doctor

3.30am 4.30am 5.00am

World News Today Pagans and Pilgrims: Britain's Holiest Places Hidden Kingdoms Chef v Science: The Ultimate Kitchen Challenge Hurricanes and Heatwaves: The Highs and Lows of British Weather Hidden Kingdoms Time Shift Dreaming the Impossible: Unbuilt Britain Visions of the Valleys Britain on Film This is BBC Four


Jamie's 15 Minute Meals


Movies Now


Food Unwrapped


Hogan's Heroes


Celebrity Come Dine with Me


Hogan's Heroes


Four in a Bed


Four in a Bed


The Chase

9.00pm 10.00pm 11.30pm 12.30am 1.30am 2.30am



More 4



The Professionals


Four in a Bed


Four in a Bed


The Sweeney


Four in a Bed


Ax Men


Come Dine with Me


The Chase


Come Dine with Me


Pawn Stars


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me




Come Dine with Me


Storage Wars


A Place in the Sun: Summer Sun


The Professionals


A Place in the Sun: Summer Sun




The Supervet




Grand Designs


The Sweeney


Discovering Britain


8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown


Hogan's Heroes ITV4 Nightscreen Teleshopping


24 Hours in A and E



Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA



Television: Thurs 24th March BBC1

7.00am 10.15am 11.00am 12.00pm 12.45pm 1.15pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 2.45pm 3.15pm 4.00pm 4.45pm 5.30pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 11.45pm 12.45am 1.30am 1.35am


Breakfast Heir Hunters Homes Under the Hammer Call the Council Caught Red Handed Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Regional News and Weather Doctors Think Tank Escape to the Country The TV That Made Me Flog It! Pointless BBC News at Six Regional News and Weather The One Show EastEnders MasterChef DIY SOS The Big Build BBC News at Ten Regional News and Weather The Autistic Me This Week Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News

7.00am 7.45am 8.30am 9.00am 10.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.20pm 2.50pm 3.20pm 4.15pm 5.15pm 5.45pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 12.15am 12.45am 1.45am 2.35am 3.05am 4.05am 5.05am 6.05am

ITV2 7.00am 7.20am 8.10am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 10.35am 11.15am 12.15pm 1.10pm 1.45pm 2.15pm 2.45pm 3.35pm 4.40pm 5.45pm 6.50pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.50pm 12.20am 12.50am 1.20am

Show Me the Monet Talking Pictures Caught Red Handed The Great Interior Design Challenge Victoria Derbyshire BBC Newsroom Live The Daily Politics Coast The Chef's Protege Portillo's State Secrets The Doctor Blake Mysteries Rivers with Griff Rhys Jones The Best Dishes Ever Terry and Mason's Great Food Trip Antiques Road Trip Eggheads Too Much TV Big Dreams Small Spaces The Secret History of My Family Line of Duty Stewart Lee's Comedy Vehicle Newsnight The Women's Football Show Employable Me The People v OJ Simpson: American Crime Story Panorama Let's Play Darts for Sports Relief 2016 A Culture Show Special Caribbean with Simon Reeve This is BBC Two

ITV1 7.00am 9.30am 10.25am 11.30am 1.30pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.40pm 12.40am 1.30am 4.00am 4.25am 6.05am

Sky Sports 1

Planet's Funniest Animals Dinner Date The Ellen DeGeneres Show Emmerdale Coronation Street Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records Catchphrase Dinner Date Royal Pains Emmerdale Coronation Street You've Been Framed! The Ellen DeGeneres Show The Jeremy Kyle Show The Jeremy Kyle Show The Jeremy Kyle Show Take Me Out Funniest Ever You've Been Framed! Two and a Half Men Two and a Half Men Scorpion Celebrity Juice @Elevenish Family Guy Family Guy American Dad!

7.00am 7.15am 7.30am 7.45am 8.00am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 10.15am 10.30am 10.45am 11.00am 1.00pm 1.15pm 1.30pm 1.45pm 2.00pm 2.15pm 2.30pm 2.45pm 3.00pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.15pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm

Sky Movies Premiere 7.00am

The Age of Adaline


Search Party


Kung Fu Panda 3: Special


Lost and Found


The Salvation


Kung Fu Panda 3: Special


The Age of Adaline


Spooks: The Greater Good


Lost and Found


Spooks: The Greater Good


The Salvation


Search Party


Monster Hunter


Lost and Found


Fast and Furious 7 Special


Avengers: Age of Ultron Special

Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold WWE SmackDown! Premier League 100 Club Premier League 100 Club Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold The Premier League Years Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs The Premier League Years Premier League 100 Club Premier League 100 Club Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Barclays Premier League World BPL Legends Kell Brook's Greatest Hits Live Premier League Darts

Charmed Charmed Hollyoaks Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement New Girl New Girl Baby Daddy Baby Daddy Charmed Charmed How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Baby Daddy Baby Daddy How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother New Girl New Girl The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Hollyoaks The Goldbergs The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Brooklyn Nine-Nine Brooklyn Nine-Nine The Inbetweeners The Inbetweeners The Big Bang Theory

7.00am 7.30am 8.00am 8.30am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.50pm 12.50am 1.50am 2.15am 3.05am 4.00am 5.00am 6.00am 6.30am

Emmerdale: Rhona is determined to go ahead with the adoption. Cain’s car has gone. Val’s headstone arrives.

Sunrise Sunrise Sunrise Sunrise Sunrise Sunrise NCIS: Los Angeles Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 NCIS: Los Angeles Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 All Aboard: East Coast Trains Futurama Futurama The Simpsons Futurama Futurama The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons DC's Legends of Tomorrow Childhood's End Stan Lee's Lucky Man Hawaii Five-0 Nothing to Declare Hawaii Five-0 Danny Dyer's Deadliest Men Stargate SG-1 Stargate SG-1 Sky World News Sky World Review and Business Report

7.00am 7.10am 7.35am 8.35am 9.40am 10.40am 11.05am 11.30am 12.00pm 1.05pm 2.05pm 3.05pm 4.10pm 5.15pm 5.50pm 6.20pm 6.55pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 11.00pm 1.05am 2.05am 2.55am

Movies Now Doctor in the House Heartbeat Where the Heart is The Royal Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy Noah's Ark Murder, She Wrote Heartbeat The Royal Where the Heart is Doctor in the House In Loving Memory On the Buses Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Foyle's War A Touch of Frost Wire in the Blood Where the Heart is ITV3 Nightscreen


Channel 4 7.45am 8.10am 8.35am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 10.35am 11.05am 12.05pm 12.30pm 1.00pm 1.05pm 2.10pm 3.10pm 4.10pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.05am 1.10am 2.05am 2.55am 3.50am 4.20am 4.45am 5.45am 6.10am

The Goldbergs The Goldbergs The Goldbergs Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Frasier Car S.O.S Shipping Wars Shipping Wars Channel 4 News Summary A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun Deal or No Deal Countdown A New Life in the Sun Couples Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Ugly House to Lovely House with George Clarke 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown Alan Carr: Chatty Man Tattoo Fixers The Last Leg Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA Royal Navy School Dispatches Unreported World Selling Houses with Amanda Lamb Jamie's Money Saving Meals Deal or No Deal

BBC 4 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 1.00am 1.30am 2.30am 3.00am 4.00am 5.00am


SOAP UPDATE EastEnders: Mick seeks advice from another Walford couple. One resident reveals some exciting news. Phil is given another chance, but will he stick to the terms?

Good Morning Britain Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning Loose Women ITV Lunchtime News Judge Rinder Dickinson's Real Deal Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London ITV Evening News Emmerdale Tonight Emmerdale The Cruise Bear Grylls: Mission Survive ITV News at Ten and Weather Speeding Wars Murder, She Wrote Jackpot247 Tonight ITV Nightscreen The Jeremy Kyle Show

Sky 1

E4 7.00am 7.45am 8.35am 9.05am 9.35am 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 11.30am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 3.30pm 4.00pm 4.30pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 10.30pm 11.00pm 11.35pm 12.10am

CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016

World News Today Top of the Pops: 1981 Time Shift Digging for Britain Roman Britain: A Timewatch Guide The Beginning and End of the Universe Top of the Pops: 1981 Arena Sounds of the Eighties Pappano's Classical Voices Digging for Britain This is BBC Four

Channel 5 7.00am

The Wotwots!


Chloe's Closet


Lily's Driftwood Bay


Fireman Sam




Peppa Pig


Pip Ahoy!


Little Princess


Bob the Builder


Thomas and Friends


Noddy in Toyland


Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom


Peppa Pig


Peppa Pig


Paw Patrol


Bananas in Pajamas


Toot the Tiny Tugboat


The Wright Stuff


Cowboy Builders


5 News Lunchtime


Can't Pay? We'll Take it Away!


Home and Away






Garage Sale Mystery


5 News at 5




Home and Away


5 News Tonight


Ben Fogle: New Lives in the Wild UK


Medical Mysteries


Trauma Doctors


Cop Killer: Britain's Worst Crimes


Left for Dead by the Yorkshire Ripper


Super Casino


That's So...1984


Nick's Quest


Divine Designs


House Doctor


House Doctor


House Doctor

More 4



Jamie's 15 Minute Meals


Hogan's Heroes


Food Unwrapped


Hogan's Heroes


Celebrity Come Dine with Me 8.05am

The Chase


Four in a Bed


Four in a Bed


The Professionals


Four in a Bed


The Sweeney


Four in a Bed


Four in a Bed


Ax Men


Come Dine with Me


The Chase


Come Dine with Me


Storage Wars


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me




Come Dine with Me


Storage Wars


A Place in the Sun: Summer Sun


The Professionals


A Place in the Sun: Summer Sun 7.45pm



The Supervet


Grand Designs


Magnum Force


The Good Wife


The Sweeney


Thicker Than Water


Gadget Man


ITV4 Nightscreen


Gadget Man




Line of Duty: Line Of Duty returns to BBC Two and pits AC12 against their most dangerous adversary yet. Series three opens with the fatal shooting of a criminal suspect by an armed response unit led by Sergeant Danny Waldron. Danny and his team claim they acted in self-defence, but AC-12, led by Superintendent Ted Hastings, gather evidence that suggests that this was a deliberate killing. Under interview, Danny confidently rebuts all of AC-12’s accusations that he acted unlawfully, so DC Kate Fleming is sent undercover into Danny’s team to find out more. Ingratiating herself to her new colleagues, Kate is quick to identify tensions and conflict between Danny and his team. But when Kate’s own conduct comes under scrutiny, she finds herself sidelined from an armed drugs raid that goes very badly wrong.


BBC1 7.00am 10.00am 11.00am 12.00pm 12.45pm 1.15pm 2.00pm 2.20pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 3.55pm 4.40pm 5.25pm 6.10pm 6.45pm 7.30pm 7.45pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 10.30pm 11.00pm 11.15pm 11.25pm 12.10am


Breakfast In the Footsteps of Judas Homes Under the Hammer Call the Council Caught Red Handed Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Regional News and Weather Doctors The Doctor Blake Mysteries Think Tank Escape to the Country The TV That Made Me Flog It! Pointless BBC News at Six Regional News and Weather The One Show A Question of Sport EastEnders MasterChef Boomers Mrs. Brown's Boys BBC News at Ten Regional News and Weather The Graham Norton Show Room 101

7.00am 8.30am 10.00am 11.00am 12.00pm 12.45pm 2.35pm 4.15pm 5.15pm 5.45pm 6.15pm 6.45pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 1.15am 2.55am 3.55am 4.55am 5.55am 6.55am

ITV2 7.00am 7.20am 8.10am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 11.00am 11.45am 1.45pm 2.15pm 2.45pm 4.40pm 6.25pm 8.15pm 10.00pm 11.50pm 12.20am 12.50am 1.15am 1.40am 2.10am 2.40am 3.05am 3.30am

7.00am 7.15am 7.30am 8.00am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 1.30pm 4.00pm 6.15pm 8.30pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 12.30am 1.30am 2.00am 2.15am 2.30am 3.00am 3.15am 4.15am 4.30am 6.30am

Football Gold Football Gold Kell Brook's Greatest Hits WWE Main Event Kell Brook's Greatest Hits Barclays Premier League World Premier League Darts Live Super League Live Super League Football Football Boxing The Fantasy Football Club A League of Their Own Boxing Super League Highlights Sporting Triumphs Barclays Premier League World Super League Highlights The Fantasy Football Club Sporting Triumphs The Premier League Years Barclays Premier League World

7.00am 7.45am 8.35am 9.05am 9.35am 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 11.30am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 3.30pm 4.00pm 4.30pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 12.00am 12.30am 1.00am 2.00am

Charmed Charmed Hollyoaks Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement New Girl New Girl Baby Daddy Baby Daddy Charmed Charmed How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Baby Daddy Baby Daddy How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother New Girl New Girl The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Hollyoaks Brooklyn Nine-Nine The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Max Payne The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Tattoo Fixers The Goldbergs

Sky Movies Premiere 7.00am

Cop Car


The Salvation


Monster Hunter


Lost and Found


Robot Overlords


Spooks: The Greater Good


The Salvation


Robot Overlords


Cop Car


Spooks: The Greater Good


Stage Fright


Search Party


Stage Fright


The Top Ten Show 2016

Herbie Goes Bananas Short Circuit Heir Hunters Natural World Talking Pictures Kismet Singin' in the Rain Rivers with Griff Rhys Jones The Best Dishes Ever Terry and Mason's Great Food Trip Eggheads Antiques Road Trip Too Much TV Mary Berry's Easter Feast Mastermind Gardeners' World Springwatch QI Night Train to Lisbon The Tempest Dunblane: Our Story Land of Hope and Glory British Country Life Caribbean with Simon Reeve A Very British Renaissance Arch of Triumph

ITV1 7.00am 7.25am 7.40am 7.55am 8.00am 9.30am 10.25am 10.55am 11.20am 1.30pm 2.25pm 2.40pm 3.20pm 4.25pm 5.20pm 6.25pm 7.25pm 7.45pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm

Sky Sports 1

Planet's Funniest Animals Dinner Date The Ellen DeGeneres Show Emmerdale Emmerdale You've Been Framed! Catchphrase Nim's Island Emmerdale Emmerdale Ella Enchanted Cats and Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore Despicable Me Liar Liar Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters Family Guy Family Guy American Dad! American Dad! Two and a Half Men The Cleveland Show The Cleveland Show Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records Teleshopping


Avengers: Age of Ultron Special


Fast and Furious 7 Special

Television: Fri 25th March

CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016

Dino Dan: Trek's Adventures Super 4 Super 4 Oddbods Good Morning Britain Lorraine Thunderbirds are Go Thunderbirds are Go Overboard Loose Women ITV Lunchtime News Celebrity Squares Judge Rinder Dickinson's Real Deal Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London ITV Evening News Emmerdale Coronation Street Britain's Whales and Sharks Coronation Street Britain's Whales and Sharks ITV News at Ten and Weather

Sky 1 7.00am 7.30am 8.00am 8.30am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 1.00am 2.00am 3.00am 4.00am 5.00am 6.00am 6.30am

Sunrise Sunrise Sunrise Sunrise Sunrise Sunrise Futurama Futurama Supergirl Supergirl Supergirl Supergirl Supergirl Supergirl Supergirl Supergirl Futurama The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons Dogs Might Fly Stan Lee's Lucky Man A League of Their Own Duck Quacks Don't Echo Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Macintyre: World's Toughest Towns Stargate SG-1 Stargate SG-1 Sky News on the Hour Week in Review

7.00am 7.25am 7.50am 8.10am 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 11.30am 1.20pm 3.10pm 4.55pm 5.30pm 5.55pm 6.30pm 6.55pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 11.00pm 1.10am 3.20am 4.10am 5.00am 5.50am

Rising Damp Rising Damp Rising Damp Carry on Don't Lose Your Head Rising Damp Rising Damp Rising Damp On the Buses Mutiny on the Buses Holiday on the Buses Rising Damp Rising Damp Rising Damp Rising Damp Doc Martin Doc Martin Midsomer Murders A Touch of Frost Private Benjamin Long Lost Family Rory Bremner's Great British Views Rory Bremner's Great British Views On the Buses


7.00am 7.45am 8.10am 8.35am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 10.35am 11.00am 11.30am 12.00pm 12.25pm 12.55pm 1.25pm 2.30pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.05am 12.40am 1.40am 2.20am 4.05am 5.00am 6.00am 6.25am

planned? It's the day of the Easter egg hunt but tensions simmer among the residents. Coronation Street: Carla refuses to dance to Tracy's tune. Will Gail give Michael the cold shoulder? Max is eager to meet his baby brother. Emmerdale: Megan brings Eliza home. Holly finds an ally in Charity. Marlon lays down the law.

Countdown The Goldbergs The Goldbergs The Goldbergs Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Frasier The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Simpsons The Simpsons A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun Channel 4 Racing A New Life in the Sun Couples Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Unreported World Food Unwrapped Travel Man Gogglebox The Last Leg Raised by Wolves First Dates Virtually Famous The French Connection Kirstie's Fill Your House for Free Location, Location, Location Jamie's Money Saving Meals Deal or No Deal

BBC 4 8.00pm

Top of the Pops: 1981


The Good Old Days

Channel 5 7.00am

The Wotwots!


Chloe's Closet


Lily's Driftwood Bay


Fireman Sam




Peppa Pig


Pip Ahoy!


Little Princess


Bob the Builder


Thomas and Friends


Noddy in Toyland


Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom


Peppa Pig


Peppa Pig


Paw Patrol


Bananas in Pajamas


Toot the Tiny Tugboat


The Wright Stuff


Fail Army


5 News Lunchtime


Home and Away






Operation Daybreak


5 News at 5




Home and Away


Police Interceptors


Concorde Air Disaster


All New Super Scary Plane Landings


Air Force One


The Good Old Days


Janis Joplin: Little Girl Blue


Aircrash: The Miracle of Flight 32


Girls in Bands at the BBC


Super Casino


Girl in a Band: Tales From the


Police Interceptors

Rock 'N' Roll Front Line


Weather Terror


House Doctor


House Doctor


House Doctor


Hogan's Heroes


Hogan's Heroes


The Chase


Top of the Pops: 1981


Janis Joplin: Little Girl Blue


Girls in Bands at the BBC


This is BBC Four


Jamie's 15 Minute Meals


Food Unwrapped


Come Dine with Me


Four in a Bed


Four in a Bed


Four in a Bed


Four in a Bed


Four in a Bed


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


SOAP UPDATE EastEnders: Abi turns to Babe for help with her lie, but what does Babe have

Channel 4


More 4



The Professionals


The Sweeney


Ax Men


Police Academy 6: City Under Siege Snooker


Come Dine with Me



Come Dine with Me


Storage Wars


A Place in the Sun: Summer Sun The Professionals


A Place in the Sun: Summer Sun



Vet on the Hill




Grand Designs


Blue Eyes


Coogan's Bluff


8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown


Child's Play 3


8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown


Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA




Janis, Little Girl Blue: Documentary which brings to life the paradox of rock star Janis Joplin - both insecure and brazen, with interviews from old band members, unseen audio and video, plus readings from Janis’s letters home to her parents. It offers new understanding of a bright, complex woman whose surprising rise and sudden demise changed music forever. Janis Joplin is one of the most revered singers of all time. She thrilled millions of listeners with her powerful, soulful voice and blazed new creative trails before her death in 1971 at the age of 27. The film includes some of her most iconic performances which embodied the musical and cultural revolution of the 1960s. Yet her onstage bravado and uninhibited sexual persona hid hurt and insecurity stemming from her childhood in conservative Texas. On relocating to San Francisco and discovering the blues, Janis found an outlet for her loneliness and fell into a community that would embrace and celebrate her talent.



CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016






OFFERED AT: €67,000

OFFERED AT: €77,000

OFFERED AT: €115,000

OFFERED AT: €278,500





2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom Semi-Detached Apartment ♦ Ground Floor ♦ Potential for Underbuild ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Garden ♦ Off Road Parking ♦ Wonderful Views ♦ Communal Swimming Pool

2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom Top Floor Apartment ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Large Roof Solarium ♦ Stunning Panoramic Views ♦ Communal Swimming Pool ♦ Overlooking Golf Driving Range

2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom Semi-Detached Villa ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ 1 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom Guest Apartment ♦ Roof Solarium ♦ Superb Corner Position ♦ Directly Overlooking Communal Swimming Pool

4 Bedroom, 3 Bathroom Detached Villa ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Balcony from Master Bedroom ♦ 500m2 Corner Plot ♦ Private Swimming Pool ♦ Superb – Sought-After Location




OFFERED AT: €83,000

OFFERED AT: €67,000

OFFERED AT: €135,000




2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom Linked Bungalow ♦ Furnished ♦ Front & Rear Tiled Gardens ♦ Roof Solarium ♦ Automatic Sun Canopy ♦ West Facing ♦ Communal Swimming Pool

2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom Linked Bungalow ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Well Maintained ♦ Sun Room ♦ Close to Amenities ♦ No Community Fees

2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom Detached Villa ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Immaculately Presented ♦ 240m2 Plot ♦ Sun Room ♦ Roof Solarium ♦ Communal Swimming Pool




OFFERED AT: €110,000

OFFERED AT: €165,000

OFFERED AT: €110,000




3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Semi-Detached Villa ♦ Part Furnished ♦ Courtyard ♦ Roof Solarium ♦ Off Road Parking with Car Port ♦ Communal Swimming Pool

2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom Detached Villa ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ 10m x 5m Swimming Pool ♦ 500m2 Corner Plot ♦ Golf Course Location

2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Semi-Detached Villa ♦ Furnished ♦ Roof Solarium ♦ Communal Swimming Pool ♦ Located on the La Marquesa Golf Course





OFFERED AT: €128,000

OFFERED AT: €68,500

OFFERED AT: €87,000

OFFERED AT: €65,000





2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Detached Villa ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Sun Room ♦ Roof Solarium ♦ 200m2 Plot ♦ Off Road Parking ♦ Communal Swimming Pool

2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom Ground Floor Apartment ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Gas Central Heating ♦ Front Tiled Garden ♦ Connected to Mains Gas ♦ Communal Swimming Pool ♦ Located on La Marquesa Golf Course

2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Linked Duplex ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Communal Swimming Pool ♦ Great Location ♦ Close to Local Amenities

2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Ground Floor Apartment ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Front Line Golf ♦ Close to all amenities ♦ Communal Swimming Pool


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CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016

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Estate Agents





OFFERED AT: €105,000

OFFERED AT: €360,000

OFFERED AT: €249,000

OFFERED AT: €165,000





3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Detached Villa ♦ Part Furnished ♦ Connected to Mains Gas ♦ South Facing ♦ Off Road Parking ♦ Communal Swimming Pool

3 Bedroom, 3 Bathroom Detached Villa ♦ 150m2 Build Size + 500m2 Plot ♦ Modern – Brand New Build ♦ Fabulous Golf Views ♦ Private Swimming Pool

3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Detached Villa ♦ Furnished ♦ 143m2 Build Size ♦ 420m2 Corner Plot ♦ Off Road Parking ♦ Lovely Mountain Views ♦ Private 8m x 4m Swimming Pool

2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Detached Villa ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Very Well Maintained ♦ Off Road Parking ♦ Underbuild ♦ 325m2 Plot




OFFERED AT: €105,000

NEWLY PRICED: €297,000

NEWLY PRICED: €397,000




2 Bedroom Semi-Detached Bungalow ♦ Part Furnished ♦ Immaculate Condition ♦ Large Communal Swimming Pool ♦ Gated Community

4 Bedroom, 3 Bathroom Detached Villa ♦ Beautifully Maintained ♦ 10m x 5m Private Swimming Pool ♦ 800m2 Plot ♦ 5 Minute Walk to Ciudad Quesada

4 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Detached Villa ♦ Split Level Kitchen ♦ Private Swimming Pool ♦ Garage + 500m2 Plot ♦ Stunning Sea & Lake Views




NEWLY PRICED: €218,000

OFFERED AT: €295,000

OFFERED AT: €499,500




3/4 Bedroom, 3 Bathroom Detached Villa ♦ Part Furnished ♦ Beautifully Presented ♦ Large Garage + Utility Area ♦ Communal Swimming Pool ♦ Small Gated Community ♦ Mountain Views

3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Detached Villa ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Private Swimming Pool ♦ South Facing ♦ 994m2 Plot ♦ 145m2 Build Size ♦ Walking Distance to Shops

4/5 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Luxury Modern Detached Villa ♦ Truly Stunning ♦ 580m2 Plot ♦ Underfloor Heating ♦ 305m2 of High Quality Build ♦ Private Salt Water 8m x 4m Swimming Pool ♦ Double Garage




OFFERED AT: €220,000

OFFERED AT: €135,000

OFFERED AT: €69,500





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3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Detached Villa ♦ 519m2 Plot ♦ Large Roof Solarium ♦ Private Swimming Pool ♦ Off Road Parking


CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016



CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016



Television: Sat 26th March BBC1

7.00am 11.00am 12.30pm 1.00pm 1.10pm 1.50pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 4.30pm 6.00pm 6.10pm 6.20pm 7.10pm 8.00pm 9.55pm 10.05pm 10.35pm 11.25pm 11.45pm 1.40am 4.25am 4.30am

Breakfast Saturday Kitchen Live MasterChef BBC News Football Focus Saturday Sportsday Can Seb Coe Save Athletics? World Half Marathon Championships The Princess and the Frog BBC News Regional News and Weather Pointless Can't Touch This The Voice UK The National Lottery Live The Voice UK Casualty BBC News Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Biker Boyz Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News

BBC2 7.00am 9.05am 10.40am 11.10am 12.10pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.45pm 4.50pm 5.15pm 6.15pm 6.45pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.50am 3.25am 4.25am 5.25am 6.25am 6.55am

ITV2 7.00am 7.10am 9.40am 12.10pm 1.40pm 2.40pm 3.40pm 4.40pm 4.45pm 5.35pm 6.40pm 7.40pm 7.45pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 10.05pm 11.05pm 11.50pm 12.20am 12.50am 1.20am 1.50am 3.40am 3.50am 6.50am

The Hot Desk Emmerdale Omnibus Coronation Street Omnibus Ant and Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway The Almost Impossible Gameshow Scorpion Evan Almighty FYI Daily Evan Almighty Britain's Got More Talent The Mummy FYI Daily The Mummy The Back-Up Plan FYI Daily The Back-Up Plan Celebrity Juice Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy American Dad! Beowulf: Return to the Shieldlands The Hot Desk Teleshopping ITV2 Nightscreen

Search Party


Stage Fright


Robot Overlords


Lost and Found


Stage Fright


Cop Car


Inside Out


Robot Overlords


Inside Out


Cop Car


Stage Fright


Search Party


Robot Overlords


Inside Out: Special

ITV1 8.00am 8.10am 8.30am 8.35am 8.50am 9.10am 9.30am 10.05am 10.25am 10.50am 11.15am 12.10pm 1.15pm 1.20pm 2.25pm 3.25pm 4.25pm 4.55pm 6.35pm 6.45pm 7.00pm 8.30pm 11.00pm 12.05am

Sky Sports 1 7.00am 7.30am 7.45am 8.00am 8.15am 8.30am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 11.00am 1.00pm 8.30pm 12.30am 12.45am 1.00am 1.15am 1.30am 3.00am 3.15am 3.30am 3.45am 4.00am 4.30am 5.00am 5.30am 6.00am 6.30am

Game Changers Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Barclays Premier League World Game Changers Nick Kicks The Fantasy Football Club Soccer A.M. Football Live Fight Night Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Sporting Rivalries Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Sporting Greats Sporting Greats Sporting Greats Sporting Greats Sporting Greats Sporting Greats

7.00am 7.25am 7.45am 8.10am 8.40am 9.05am 9.35am 10.00am 11.00am 11.30am 12.00pm 12.30pm 1.00pm 1.30pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 3.30pm 4.00pm 4.30pm 6.45pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 12.15am 1.20am 3.25am 3.55am

Rude(Ish) Tube Rude(Ish) Tube Rude(Ish) Tube Suburgatory Suburgatory Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement Jane the Virgin Baby Daddy Baby Daddy Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother Brooklyn Nine-Nine Brooklyn Nine-Nine The Goldbergs The Goldbergs The Goldbergs Hairspray Rude(Ish) Tube Shorts The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Terminator Salvation Gogglebox Gogglebox Scheiffer Bates: I Con Tattoo Fixers

Sky Movies Premiere 7.00am

This is BBC Two The Captive Heart The Women's Football Show Homes Under the Hammer Natural World Rick Stein From Venice to Istanbul Talking Pictures The Heroes of Telemark Flog It! Big Dreams Small Spaces Gardeners' World Easter from King's Tribes, Predators and Me Perry and Croft: Made in Britain Dad's Army Being the Brontes Jane Eyre Passion Monteverdi in Mantua: The Genius of the Vespers The World's Most Expensive Stolen Paintings Mozart in Prague: Rolando Villazon on Don Giovanni This is BBC Two Great British Garden Revival

CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016

Super 4 Looped Scrambled! Mr. Bean Horrid Henry Nerds and Monsters Jessie The Tom and Jerry Show Thunderbirds are Go Thunderbirds are Go Murder, She Wrote The Jeremy Kyle Show ITV News and Weather The Jeremy Kyle Show Judge Rinder The Chase Planet's Got Talent Free Willy 3: The Rescue ITV News London ITV News and Weather Ant and Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway International Football The Jonathan Ross Show ITV News and Weather

Sky 1 7.00am 8.00am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 11.00am 1.00pm 1.30pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 3.30pm 4.00pm 4.30pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 12.30am 1.00am 3.00am 4.00am 5.00am 5.30am 6.00am

Ashley Banjo's Big Town Dance Ashley Banjo's Big Town Dance Game Changers Duck Quacks Don't Echo The Fantasy Football Club Soccer A.M. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice... Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Futurama Futurama Zootropolis The Simpsons The Flash NCIS: Los Angeles Hawaii Five-0 Limitless An Idiot Abroad A League of Their Own A League of Their Own Arrow DC's Legends of Tomorrow Strike Back: Project Dawn Nothing to Declare Nothing to Declare Emergency Abroad

7.00am 7.10am 7.35am 8.00am 9.00am 9.05am 9.45am 10.10am 10.45am 11.15am 12.15pm 12.20pm 1.05pm 2.05pm 2.10pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 4.05pm 4.55pm 5.30pm 5.55pm 6.30pm 6.55pm

Movies Now Rising Damp Rising Damp On the Buses FYI Daily On the Buses Rising Damp Rising Damp Rising Damp Carry on Loving FYI Daily Carry on Loving Carry on Jack FYI Daily Carry on Jack Carry on Cleo FYI Daily Carry on Cleo Rising Damp Rising Damp Rising Damp Rising Damp Doc Martin


Channel 4

Cop Car A small town sheriff sets out to find the two kids who have taken his car on a joy ride. Director: Jon Watts Writers: Jon Watts, Christopher Ford (as Christopher D. Ford) Stars: Kevin Bacon, James Freedson-Jackson, Hays Wellford

Channel 5


How I Met Your Mother


Peppa Pig


How I Met Your Mother


Bananas in Pajamas


Mountain Biking


Bob the Builder


Everybody Loves Raymond


Tickety Toc


Everybody Loves Raymond 7.40am

Zack and Quack


Make Way for Noddy


Paw Patrol


The Morning Line


Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.


The Superhumans Show


The Big Bang Theory


Little Princess


The Big Bang Theory


Pip Ahoy!


The Simpsons


Blaze and the Monster Machines


The Simpsons


Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom


Channel 4 Racing


Wanda and the Alien


Channel 4 Racing


Speed with Guy Martin


Channel 4 News


The World's Weirdest Weather


The Fairly Odd Parents


The Fairly Odd Parents


The Saturday Show Live


Police Interceptors


Shakespeare's Tomb


The Heat


Star Trek V: The Final Frontier


The Change-Up


Columbo: By Dawn's Early Light


Hollyoaks Omnibus




Sarah Beeny's How to Sell Your Home


Location, Location, Location


NCIS: Los Angeles


NCIS: New Orleans




Murder, Smoke and Shadows


Treasures of the Indus


Human Planet


5 News Weekend


Follow the Money


Goal Rush


Follow the Money


Hello Quo


Live Championship Boxing


Status Quo: Live and Acoustic


Super Casino


Top of the Pops: 1981


Top of the Pops: 1981


Law and Order: Special Victims Unit


Hello Quo


Law and Order: Special Victims Unit


Sounds of the Sixties 6.45am

Chinese Food in Minutes


This is BBC Four


River Cottage Bites


Ax Men


Time Team


Ax Men


Time Team


The Sweeney


Four in a Bed


Hogan's Heroes


Four in a Bed


Four in a Bed




Four in a Bed


Formula E: Sound of the Future




Sky Movies Premiere 10.45pm


More 4



Four in a Bed


Come Dine with Me


FYI Daily


Come Dine with Me




Come Dine with Me




Come Dine with Me


Pawn Stars


Come Dine with Me


Storage Wars Texas


Vet on the Hill


Storage Wars Texas


Great Canal Journeys




Walking Through History


Walking Through History


The Wicker Man


Coastal Walks with My Dog


FYI Daily


Walking the Himalayas


The Wicker Man


Walking the Himalayas


Hell on Wheels


Walking the Himalayas



www.costablancapeople.com CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016

BBC1 7.00am 10.00am 11.00am 12.00pm 12.25pm 1.10pm 2.00pm 2.15pm 3.00pm 3.25pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.05pm 7.35pm 7.50pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.20pm 11.30pm 12.00am 1.30am 1.35am


Breakfast BBC News Easter Sunday Worship Live From St Albans Cathedral Urbi et Orbi 2016 Homes Under the Hammer Bargain Hunt BBC News Father Brown Escape to the Country The Boat Race A Question of Sport Songs of Praise Paul O'Grady BBC News Regional News and Weather Countryfile Antiques Roadshow The Night Manager BBC News Regional News and Weather Would I Lie to You? Little Fockers Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News

7.55am 8.55am 9.25am 9.55am 10.55am 12.25pm 12.55pm 1.25pm 4.00pm 4.30pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 12.50am 2.50am 3.45am 4.45am 6.30am

ITV2 7.00am 7.50am 10.40am 1.05pm 2.20pm 3.20pm 3.25pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 5.05pm 5.55pm 7.30pm 8.30pm 8.35pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 12.00am 12.30am 1.00am 1.30am 1.55am 2.25am 2.50am

7.00am 8.50am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 11.30am 12.30pm 2.30pm 4.45pm 7.15pm 7.30pm 7.45pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 12.30am 1.30am 3.00am 3.30am 4.00am 4.30am 5.30am 6.00am 6.30am

Live Super Rugby Football Gold Premier League Premier League The Sunday Supplement Goals on Sunday Football Live Championship Rugby Union Live Championship Rugby Union Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Goals on Sunday Fight Night Goals on Sunday The Sunday Supplement Sporting Mavericks Sporting Mavericks Sporting Mavericks Goals on Sunday Sporting Mavericks Sporting Mavericks Sporting Mavericks

7.00am 7.20am 7.45am 8.05am 8.30am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 10.30am 1.00pm 1.30pm 2.00pm 4.00pm 4.30pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 1.00am 2.10am 2.55am 3.40am 4.25am

Rude(Ish) Tube Rude(Ish) Tube Suburgatory Suburgatory Baby Daddy Baby Daddy How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother Hollyoaks Omnibus Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey 17 Again The Goldbergs The Goldbergs The Goldbergs The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Tattoo Fixers Tattoo Fixers The Aliens Virtually Famous The 100 Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Hollyoaks Omnibus

Sky Movies Premiere Search Party


Stage Fright


Robot Overlords


Lost and Found


Cop Car


Stage Fright


Inside Out


Robot Overlords


Inside Out

ITV1 8.05am 8.15am 8.30am 8.35am 8.50am 9.10am 9.30am 10.05am 10.25am 10.55am 11.20am 12.25pm 1.25pm 1.35pm 3.35pm 4.35pm 5.10pm 7.35pm 7.45pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 11.00pm 11.15pm 12.55am

Sky Sports 1

You've Been Framed! Emmerdale Omnibus Coronation Street Omnibus Take Me Out Cats and Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore FYI Daily Cats and Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore Ella Enchanted FYI Daily Ella Enchanted Ant and Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway The Mummy Returns FYI Daily The Mummy Returns Ibiza Weekender Family Guy Bordertown Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy American Dad! American Dad! The Cleveland Show The Cleveland Show


This Farming Life Gardeners' World An Island Parish Countryfile Saturday Kitchen Best Bites The Best Dishes Ever The Best Dishes Ever King of Kings Flog It! Tim Rice - A Life in Song The Secret History of My Family Springwatch Gareth Malone's Great Choir Reunion Natural Born Winners Tribes, Predators and Me Thirteen The People v OJ Simpson: American Crime Story Youth Without Youth Countryfile Holby City Hockney This is BBC Two


Cop Car


Stage Fright


Search Party


Robot Overlords


The Top Ten Show 2016


Avengers: Age of Ultron Special


Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice - Special

Television: Sun 27th March

Super 4 Looped Scrambled! Mr. Bean Horrid Henry Nerds and Monsters Bear Grylls Survival School The Tom and Jerry Show Thunderbirds are Go Thunderbirds are Go Murder, She Wrote The Jeremy Kyle Show ITV News and Weather Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory Big Star's Little Star Off Their Rockers A View to a Kill ITV News London ITV News and Weather The Chase Celebrity Special Our Queen at 90 ITV News and Weather Corrie: The Road to Coronation Street Rugby Highlights

Sky 1 7.00am 8.00am 8.30am 9.00am 9.15am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 1.30pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 3.30pm 4.00pm 4.30pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 1.00am 2.00am 3.00am 4.00am 4.30am 5.00am

The Hour of Power Monkey Life Monkey Life Zootropolis Spy Kids The Flash WWE Raw Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family The Great Disney Easter Egg Hunt 2 The Muppets Modern Family The Simpsons Dogs Might Fly A League of Their Own Hawaii Five-0 NCIS: Los Angeles Ross Kemp's Britain Stop, Search, Seize The Force: Manchester Strike Back: Project Dawn Motorway Patrol Motorway Patrol Emergency Abroad

7.00am 7.10am 8.10am 8.15am 8.40am 9.45am 10.15am 10.45am 11.20am 12.20pm 12.25pm 1.10pm 2.10pm 2.15pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 4.05pm 4.50pm 5.20pm 5.50pm 6.20pm 6.50pm 7.55pm

Movies Now Mutiny on the Buses FYI Daily Mutiny on the Buses Rising Damp Forever Rising Damp Rising Damp Rising Damp Carry on Henry FYI Daily Carry on Henry Carry on Girls FYI Daily Carry on Girls Carry on Matron FYI Daily Carry on Matron Rising Damp Rising Damp Rising Damp Rising Damp Doc Martin Rising Damp


Channel 4

Director: Jon Wright Writers: Mark Stay, Jon Wright Stars: Ben Kingsley, Gillian Anderson, Callan McAuliffe

Channel 5


How I Met Your Mother


Peppa Pig


How I Met Your Mother


Bananas in Pajamas


Everybody Loves Raymond


Everybody Loves Raymond


Bob the Builder


Everybody Loves Raymond


Tickety Toc Zack and Quack







Make Way for Noddy




Paw Patrol


Sunday Brunch


George Clarke's Amazing Spaces


Little Princess


Pip Ahoy!


The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory


Blaze and the Monster Machines


The Big Bang Theory


Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom


The Great Mouse Detective


Wanda and the Alien




Ice Age: The Great Egg-Scapade


Toby's Travelling Circus


Channel 4 News


Thomas and Friends


The Secret Life of the Zoo


The Fairly Odd Parents


Great Canal Journeys


The Fairly Odd Parents


Indian Summers


Goal Rush




Inglourious Basterds


Now That's Funny!


Embarrassing Bodies


Pets Make You Laugh Out Loud


Come Dine with Me


Dogs Make You Laugh Out Loud


Come Dine with Me


Watership Down


Come Dine with Me


Greatest Animated Movies


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Now That's Funny!


Penn and Teller: Fool Us in Vegas


5 News Weekend


Due Date


Bounty Hunters


Super Casino


Selling Houses with Amanda Lamb

BBC 4 8.00pm

The Passion


The Brontes at the BBC


How to Make a Number One Record


The Tube: Going Underground


Love is All You Need


Wildlife SOS


One-Hit Wonders at the BBC


Wildlife SOS


Len Goodman's Dancing Feet:


The Great Artists


Divine Designs


Angels of Jarm


Angels of Jarm

The British Ballroom Story 2.50am

The Brontes at the BBC


The Story of British Pathe


This is BBC Four


Jamie's 15 Minute Meals


Ax Men


Selling Houses with Amanda Lamb


Ax Men


Bugsy Malone


Coastal Walks with My Dog


Ax Men


More 4



Coastal Walks with My Dog



Four in a Bed


The Professionals


Four in a Bed


The Professionals


Four in a Bed


Four in a Bed


Motogp Highlights


Four in a Bed




Come Dine with Me


Pawn Stars


Come Dine with Me


Storage Wars


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


The Sweeney

Storage Wars Snooker


Come Dine with Me



Car S.O.S


Tin Cup


It Was Alright in the 1970's


FYI Daily


It Was Alright in the 1980s


That's So Last Century


Tin Cup


Being Kevin Pietersen




8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown


Car S.O.S

SUNDAY MOVIE PICK tv PICK Sky Movies, 7.15pm Earth has been conquered by robots from a distant galaxy. survivors are confined to their houses and must wear electronic implants, risking incineration by robot sentries if they venture outside.


Our Queen at 90: ITV 1, 9pm New film offers rare glimpse into Queen's life as she approaches 90th birthday. As the Queen approaches her 90th birthday a new film looks set to offer a rare glimpse of what life is really like for Britain's longest reigning monarch. Told in the words of those closest to her 'Our Queen at Ninety' features interviews with family members about what the 89-year-old is really like as well as showing behind the scenes footage of her life while homage is paid to her many years at the helm of the Royal family.


Television: Mon 28th March BBC1

7.00am 10.00am 10.45am 11.45am 12.30pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.20pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 3.50pm 4.35pm 5.20pm 6.05pm 6.45pm 7.30pm 7.45pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 11.40pm 11.55pm 12.05am 12.35am 1.20am


Breakfast Heir Hunters Homes Under the Hammer Call the Council Caught Red Handed Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Regional News and Weather Doctors Father Brown Think Tank Escape to the Country The TV That Made Me Flog It! Pointless BBC News at Six Regional News and Weather The One Show Wallace and Gromit: The Wrong Trousers EastEnders Marvel's Avengers Assemble BBC News at Ten Regional News and Weather Cuckoo The Graham Norton Show Weather for the Week Ahead

7.10am 9.00am 10.35am 12.30pm 1.30pm 4.20pm 5.15pm 6.15pm 6.45pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 10.40pm 11.40pm 12.25am 1.25am 2.25am 4.00am 5.00am 6.00am

ITV2 7.00am 7.50am 8.45am 9.15am 9.50am 10.20am 11.20am 12.20pm 12.25pm 1.35pm 2.05pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 4.05pm 5.05pm 5.10pm 6.10pm 7.10pm 7.15pm 8.05pm 9.05pm 9.10pm 10.00pm 10.30pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 12.00am

The Private Affairs of Bel Ami The Amazing Mr. Blunden Secretariat Natural World Fall of the Roman Empire Coast Australia Rivers with Griff Rhys Jones Eggheads Antiques Road Trip Too Much TV This Farming Life University Challenge An Island Parish The People v OJ Simpson: American Crime Story Eddie Izzard QI XL Natural Born Winners Behind Closed Doors The Celebrity Apprentice USA Frankenstein and the Vampyre: A Dark and Stormy Night Copacabana Palace This is BBC Two

7.00am 7.15am 7.30am 7.45am 8.00am 9.00am 10.00am 11.00am 11.15am 11.30am 11.45am 12.00pm 12.15pm 12.30pm 1.30pm 3.45pm 6.00pm 8.30pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 12.00am 12.30am 1.30am 2.00am 2.30am 2.45am 3.00am 5.00am 5.15am

Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold WWE Raw Goals on Sunday Soccer A.M. - The Best Bits Football Gold Football Gold Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Goals on Sunday Football Live Super League Live Super League Football Sporting Mavericks Sporting Mavericks Fantasy Football Club Highlights Soccer A.M. - The Best Bits Premier League 100 Club Premier League 100 Club Super League Highlights Super League Highlights The Premier League Years Super League Highlights Super League Highlights

Sky Movies Premiere 7.00am

Search Party


Stage Fright


Lost and Found


Robot Overlords


Stage Fright


Cop Car


Inside Out


Robot Overlords


Inside Out


Cop Car


Stage Fright

ITV1 7.00am 7.10am 7.25am 7.40am 7.55am 8.00am 9.30am 10.25am 10.50am 11.20am 1.30pm 2.25pm 2.40pm 3.25pm 4.25pm 5.25pm 6.25pm 7.25pm 7.40pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm

Sky Sports 1

Dinner Date You've Been Framed! Emmerdale Coronation Street Coronation Street You've Been Framed! Peter Pan FYI Daily Peter Pan Emmerdale Coronation Street Coronation Street The Nation's Favourite Disney Song Happy Feet FYI Daily Happy Feet Despicable Me FYI Daily Despicable Me Evan Almighty FYI Daily Evan Almighty Family Guy Bordertown Family Guy American Dad! American Dad!


Search Party


Robot Overlords


Inside Out: Special


Boyhood Special


Avengers: Age of Ultron Special

Charmed Charmed Hollyoaks Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement Fantastic Mr. Fox Rude(Ish) Tube Shorts Charmed Charmed Toy Story of Terror Toy Story Toons The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Hollyoaks The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Tattoo Fixers Rich Kids Go Shopping The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Gogglebox Tattoo Fixers Rich Kids Go Shopping

Dino Dan: Trek's Adventures Dino Dan: Trek's Adventures Super 4 Super 4 Oddbods Good Morning Britain Lorraine Thunderbirds are Go Thunderbirds are Go The Railway Children Gok's Lunchbox ITV Lunchtime News All Star Family Fortunes Judge Rinder Dickinson's Real Deal Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London ITV Evening News Emmerdale Coronation Street Further Tales from Northumberland with Robson Green Coronation Street

Sky 1 7.00am 8.00am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 11.30am 12.30pm 1.30pm 3.00pm 3.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 1.00am 2.00am 3.00am 4.00am 5.00am 6.00am

E4 7.00am 7.45am 8.35am 9.05am 9.35am 10.00am 11.45am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.25pm 3.00pm 3.30pm 4.00pm 4.30pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 12.35am 1.00am 2.05am 3.10am

CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016

Glee Glee Monkey Life Monkey Life Monkey Life Monkey Life Monkey Life Big Cats: An Amazing Animal Family Big Cats: An Amazing Animal Family David Attenborough's Natural History History Museum Alive Futurama Futurama The Simpsons Futurama Futurama The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons The Muppets Modern Family An Idiot Abroad Ross Kemp's Britain Limitless Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Danny Dyer's Deadliest Men Macintyre: World's Toughest Towns Stargate SG-1 Stargate SG-1

Movies Now Holiday on the Buses FYI Daily Holiday on the Buses Rising Damp Forever Rising Damp Rising Damp Rising Damp Carry on Jack FYI Daily Carry on Jack Carry on at Your Convenience FYI Daily Carry on at Your Convenience Carry on Again, Doctor FYI Daily Carry on Again, Doctor Rising Damp Rising Damp Rising Damp Rising Damp Doc Martin Doc Martin


7.00am 7.25am 7.50am 8.15am 8.40am 9.10am 9.40am 10.10am 10.40am 11.10am 11.40am 12.10pm 12.40pm 2.10pm 3.10pm 4.10pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.15pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.50pm 12.50am 1.50am 2.50am 3.40am 4.10am 5.05am 6.05am 6.10am

How I Met Your Mother The Goldbergs The Goldbergs The Goldbergs Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Frasier The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Simpsons The Simpsons A Goofy Movie A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun Deal or No Deal Countdown A New Life in the Sun Couples Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Guy Martin's Wall of Death: Live The Island with Bear Grylls Fresh Meat 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown One Born Every Minute Alan Carr: Chatty Man Undercover Boss USA Sarah Beeny's How to Sell Your Home Selling Houses with Amanda Lamb Location, Location, Location Kirstie's Fill Your House for Free Deal or No Deal

BBC 4 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.25am 1.25am 2.25am 3.20am 4.20am 4.50am

The World's Most Beautiful Eggs: The Genius of Carl Faberge Digging for Britain The Art of Scandinavia 1916: The Irish Rebellion Treasures of the Indus Looking for Mr Bond: 007 at the BBC Premium Bond with Mark Gatiss and Matthew Sweet The Art of Scandinavia Goya Exposed with Jake Chapman This is BBC Four


Jamie's 15 Minute Meals


Food Unwrapped


Come Dine with Me


Four in a Bed


Four in a Bed


Four in a Bed


Four in a Bed


Four in a Bed


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


A Place in the Sun: Summer Sun


A Place in the Sun: Summer Sun


Great Canal Journeys


Grand Designs


Vet on the Hill


24 Hours in A and E


24 Hours in A and E


Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA

Eddie Izzard – BBC2 – 10.40pm

CORONATION ST - This week on Coronation Street: Will Tracy reveal Carla's secret? When things get worse for Izzy she turns to Gary for help, Michelle meets a blast from her past and Sarah brings the baby home.

Channel 5 7.00am

The Wotwots!


Chloe's Closet


Lily's Driftwood Bay


Fireman Sam




Peppa Pig


Pip Ahoy!


Little Princess


Bob the Builder


Thomas and Friends


Noddy in Toyland


Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom


Peppa Pig


Peppa Pig


Paw Patrol


Bananas in Pajamas


Toot the Tiny Tugboat


The Wright Stuff


Fail Army


Cowboy Builders


5 News Lunchtime


Home and Away




NCIS: New Orleans


The Dirty Dozen


5 News




Home and Away


Inside Buckingham Palace


Inside Buckingham Palace


The Tube: Going Underground




Goal Rush


Person of Interest


True Crimes: The First 72 Hours


Super Casino




Wildlife SOS


The Great Artists


House Doctor


House Doctor


House Doctor

More 4


EMMERDALE - Ashley drops a bombshell Holly’s plan is thwarted David worries about Pollard. EASTENDERS - The Mitchells are left outraged by Phil's latest act. Despite his feelings, Tamwar stands up for Nancy. Kush makes a decision about his future with Arthur.

Channel 4

ITV3 7.00am 7.10am 8.10am 8.15am 8.45am 9.50am 10.20am 10.45am 11.20am 12.20pm 12.25pm 1.10pm 2.10pm 2.15pm 3.05pm 4.05pm 4.10pm 4.55pm 5.25pm 5.55pm 6.30pm 6.55pm 8.00pm


Eddie is donning his running shoes once again, and attempting to complete a staggering 27 marathons in 27 days across South Africa. That’s 707 miles (1,134 km) in temperatures in excess of 40 degrees C.

ITV4 7.00am 7.25am 7.55am 8.55am 9.55am 10.55am 11.55am 12.55pm 1.55pm 2.25pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 4.05pm 5.15pm 6.15pm 6.20pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.05pm 12.45am

Hogan's Heroes Hogan's Heroes The Chase The Professionals The Sweeney Ax Men The Chase The Professionals Hogan's Heroes Hogan's Heroes Shalako FYI Daily Shalako The Rawhide Years FYI Daily The Rawhide Years Storage Wars Storage Wars Rugby Highlights Ax Men Public Enemies FYI Daily Public Enemies Storage Wars


CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016



CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016



CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016

Bars & Restaurants



Bars & Restaurants

CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016



McCartney in Madrid Ex-Beatle Sir Paul McCartney will perform tracks from his ‘Fab Four’ days at his first concert in Spain to be held for 12 years. On 2 June, McCartney will be on stage at the Vicente Calderón stadium in Madrid thanks to a joint effort by Spanish national daily newspaper El País and top 40 chart radio station Los 40 Principales, which are celebrating their 40th and 50th anniversaries respectively this year. McCartney actually cut the red tape on Los 40 Principales' new studio on the Gran Vía in Madrid in 1989, according to its directors – and since then it has been known as 'the McCartney studio'. The youngest Beatle has not performed live in Spain since his concert on 30th May, 2004 at the La Peineta stadium as part of his European tour that year which had started in Gijón in Asturias earlier. Most of his show this year will involve old Beatle tracks, with a few of his own as a solo artist – and given the popularity of the Beatles in Spain among Spaniards and expats alike, it is expected to be a sellout. Tickets went on sale from 10.00am on Friday 18th March via the usual channels – Ticketmaster, El Corte Inglés and Livenation.es. Paul McCartney's One to one tour will see him perform alongside his band of the last 10 or so years, comprising Paul 'Wix' Wickens on keyboard, Brian Ray on bass guitar, Rusty Anderson on guitar, and Aby Laboriel Junior on drums. McCartney, 73, wrote the Beatles' tracks Hey Jude, Let it be, Eleanor Rigby, Michelle, Penny Lane and Yesterday, which entered the Guinness Book of Records as the most-covered song in history.

CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016

Bars & Restaurants



Bars & Restaurants

CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016



CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016

Bars & Restaurants



Bars & Restaurants

CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016



CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016

Bars & Restaurants



Bars & Restaurants

CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016




CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016


FBI warns about car ‘hacking’ The FBI and the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration have this week added their voices to growing concerns about the risk of cars being ‘hacked’. In an advisory note issued this week, the FBI it warns the public to be aware of "cybersecurity threats" related to connected vehicles. Last year Fiat Chrysler recalled 1.4 million US vehicles after security researchers remotely controlled a Jeep.

Len from San Pedro asks: I would like to backup everything from my computer in case of any problem doing the Windows 10 upgrade and I know you often advise us to do this anyway but I’m not really sure how to do it! I have loads of photos and documents but my videos and music I’m not too bothered about. Aunty Says: Probably the easiest way Len is to simply copy them all onto a USB memory stick, and you can pick up a huge 32GB one for under €15 which will hold 1000’s of photos and documents. When you plug the USB stick in it will appear as the next available drive letter in “Computer” (from the Start button). I simply use the built in copy and paste function which you can get to by right clicking and “copy” on the folder on your computer and then right click and “paste” onto the USB drive. Ron from El Mojon asks: Hi Aunty. I use Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and sometimes also Google Chrome browsers and I am trying to consolidate all of my bookmarks/favourites into just use one basic file in Firefox which I can then export/import to the other browsers. Could

you advise the full directory path and description to where the favourites and bookmarks are stored in the 3 different browsers? Aunty Says: Hi Ron. Without knowing which version of Windows you are running I can’t point you to the exact path where bookmarks are stored. However all three browsers have an option to export and import bookmarks/favourites from each other so probably the best method would be to set your Firefox bookmarks how you want them and then use the import function from IE and Chrome. Susan via email asks: Hi Aunty. I bought a Toshiba laptop from a supermarket before Christmas and it was great for the first few months but it slowly started getting slower and slower until it actually packed up completely. When I took it back they pretty much refused to help as I hadn’t been back within 2 weeks with the guarantee (which I am now told breaks all EU laws) but luckily I had bought it with my Barclaycard and I was able to threaten them with Barclaycard’s refund service. They ended up taking my laptop off me and said one of their engineers would

look at it and I would have to come back next week. I picked it up 2 weeks later but when I switched it on none of my stuff was on there and after a closer look I realised it wasn’t my original laptop so all of my photos, emails and bank login details were gone!! The Supermarket then told me that mine had been returned to the manufacturer in China and recommended I contact my banks and cancel any credit cards etc (which I have done) but the worst thing was all of my photos have gone. Is there anything at all that I can do? Aunty Says: Sorry to hear this Susan but this is the big problem when buying a computer from a supermarket , they have a basic replacement policy and virtually no system in place to backup or secure any of your personal details. There is so much of our private information stored on computers these days that it pays to use a proper computer shop that can at least advise you on clearing the machine and backing up your valuable stuff should a serious fault occur. That’s it for this week, email me at auntyvirus@costablancapeople.com

and I’ll see what I can do.

People who suspect their car has been hacked were told to get in contact with the FBI. The public service announcement laid out the issues and dangers of car hacking. "Modern motor vehicles often include new connected vehicle technologies that aim to provide benefits such as added safety features, improved fuel economy and greater overall convenience," it read. "With this increased connectivity, it is important that consumers and manufacturers maintain awareness of potential cybersecurity threats." It went on to offer tips to both drivers and manufacturers including: ❧ Ensuring vehicle software is up-todate ❧ Keeping an eye out for recalls ❧ Being careful when making modifications to vehicle software ❧ Exercising discretion when connecting third-party devices to vehicles ❧ Being aware of who has physical access to vehicles The FBI also warned that criminals may latch on to online vehicle software updates by sending out fake messages that trick users into "opening attachments containing malicious software". Both General Motors and BMW have recently issued security updates to mitigate the risk of remote attacks that would have allowed hackers to open doors and, in the case of GM, start the engine. Fiat Chrysler was forced to recall millions of vehicles after Wired magazine demonstrated how hackers could remotely take control of car functions, including steering and brakes. However, there has not yet been a realworld example of such hacking.


CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016


Orihuela Costa celebrates St Patrick’s Day Thousands of people of all nationalities joined the Irish community in the celebrations for their patron saint on Thursday (17th March). There was a sea of green at Cabo Roig strip as everyone donned something in the Celtic colour, from hats and t-shirts to wigs and full fancy dress costumes for St Patrick’s Day. The crowds gathered early and there was barely a parking space within a mile of Cabo Roig strip by the time the sixth annual parade got underway. The main parade included procession of floats, bands, local groups and charities. The parade was led by several dignitaries from Ireland as well as local councillors and prominent members of the community. Saint Patrick's Day or the Feast of Saint Patrick is a cultural and religious holiday celebrated annually on 17th March. It commemorates Saint Patrick (AD 387–461), the most commonly recognised of the patron saints of Ireland and the arrival of

Christianity in Ireland. Saint Patrick's Day was made an official day in the early seventeenth century, and has gradually become a celebration of Irish culture in general. The day is generally characterised by the attendance of a church service,the wearing of green clothes, public parades and processions, and the lifting of Lent restrictions on eating and – most importantly, having a good old fashioned party. Saint Patrick's Day is widely celebrated by the Irish people, wherever they are in the world especially in places such as Canada, the United States, Argentina, Australia, and New Zealand, among others. Today, St. Patrick's Day is probably the most widely celebrated saint's day in the world. Many local bars and restaurants held their own events, particularly of course Irish bars such as The Emerald Isle, Paddy’s Point, Gogarty’s, the Abbey Tavern, the Randy Leprechaun and the Stray Sod. Photos: Photos courtesy of Richard O’Rourke


CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016




Health & beauty

CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016


Spanish rape victim humiliated by female judge A women’s rights organisation in Spain has lodged a formal complaint against a female judge who it is claimed “humiliated” an alleged rape victim by asking whether she had ‘tried closing her legs’. The magistrate reportedly interrupted the alleged victim’s account, asking: “Did you close your legs properly? Did you close off your female organs?” The Clara Campoamor association said it had reported Judge Maria del Carmen Molina to the national judicial council (CGPJ), demanding that she be suspended or dismissed over the interrogation which took place in a special women’s violence court in February. “This question is offensive, degrading and humiliating,” said Blanca Estrella, president of the Clara Campoamor association. “It shows a complete lack of professional rigour and ethical treatment of the victim.” The woman, who is five months pregnant, reported her partner to police in Vitoria, northern Spain, for “repeatedly abusing her both sexually and physically”. She told the association she was “shocked” by the aggressive line of questioning adopted when she appeared




Price Euros

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€695 single aid €1,290 pair

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in front of Judge Molina, seeking a restraining order against the accused man. The magistrate “showed obvious disbelief of the testimony of the victim, questioned her without allowing her to answer, asking leading and offensive questions,” said Ms Estrella. “Such questions are not only unnecessary to the investigation but are completely offensive and violate the dignity of the victim,” she said. The CGPJ confirmed that the complaint had been received earlier this week. A spokesman said that the magistrate had been asked to give her version of events before a disciplinary committee decides whether to take action. The Clara Campoamor association, named after a politician from the Spanish Republic who campaigned for women’s suffrage, said that other women had complained about Judge Molina’s attitude. According to Spain’s judicial authorities, 1.1 million complaints of domestic violence against women have been reported since a 2005 law set up specific courts to make it easier for female victims to seek protection.


CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016

Health & Beauty



Health & Beauty

CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016


New ALDI in Torrevieja A new ALDI opened in Torrevieja on 17th March. The new supermarket was inaugurated by the mayor, José Manuel Dolón, who, after the opening speeches, cut the ribbon to allow trading to begin. Located in the Avenida de las Cortes Valencianas the supermarket chain now has 53 shops in Valencia, 31 of which are in the province of Alicante. ALDI is committed to the employment of local people and the new shop brings with it 12 new jobs. The store comes with 118 parking spaces and is open from Monday to Saturday 9.00am until 9.30pm. Its Sunday hours are 10.00am until 3.00pm. ALDI stocks a range of products for the family including fresh local products and organic alternatives. It also offers a number of own-brand items and some of these were on offer around the store for people to sample on the shop’s opening day. Its new customers took up the opportunity to benefit from the opening offers that were available. The first shoppers were invited to take part in a

special promotion in which they could win baskets of products and shopping vouchers. ALDI is one of the most important supermarket chains worldwide. It began

in Germany and now has more than 5,000 shops in nine different countries. It came into Spain in 2002 and has more than 250 outlets in the country. Suzanne O’Connell

The mayor cuts the ribbon to mark the opening of the new store

Studio 32 present Fiddler on the Roof Taking on ‘Fiddler on the Roof’ is a bold project for the amateur musical theatre company Studio32. Rehearsals are now well under way for this summer production with the actors enjoying the challenge of the task. Bill Nicholson plays the lead role of Tevye and Rose Maclean is Golde, his wife. Alongside these two central characters are the cast who portray the difficulties of family life in pre-revolution Russia. The show is particularly well known for its classic songs including ‘If I were a rich man’, ‘Sunrise Sunset’ and ‘Matchmaker Matchmaker’. The cast and directors would like people to begin putting the dates for the performance into their diary. The show will be performed at the Cardenal Belluga theatre in San Fulgencio on Wednesday 1st, Thursday 2nd, Friday 3rd and

Saturday 4th June. The performances will begin at 7.30pm with doors opening at 7.00pm. You can reserve your seats now by calling Philip on 642 080 258 or email

The Fiddler on the Roof cast

tickets@studiothirtytwo.org. Tickets are also available from Tourist Information, La Marina; Cards & More, La Marina; The Card Place, Benijofar and Kennedy Supermarket, Los Montesinos.


CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016

So what is Cross Fit? It’s the exercise sensation that is taking the world by storm. Having swept across America, the UK, Europe and even Australia, CrossFit even has its own CrossFit Games…but what exactly is it? CrossFit is a fitness regimen developed by Greg Glassman over several decades. It defines fitness in a meaningful, measurable way: increasing work capacity across broad time and changing modals. CrossFit is specifically designed to improve fitness and health and is also classed as a competitive sport. CrossFit is constantly varied functional movements performed at relatively high intensity. All CrossFit workouts are based on functional movements, and these movements reflect the best aspects of gymnastics, weightlifting, running, rowing, HIIT, plyometrics, calisthenics, strongman and more. These move the largest loads the longest distances, so they are ideal for maximising the amount of work done in the shortest time. Intensity is essential for results and is measurable as work divided by time - or power. By employing a constantly varied approach to training, functional movements and intensity lead to dramatic gains in fitness.The friendships arises when people do these workouts together is a key component of why CrossFit is so effective, and gave birth to a global network of CrossFit affiliates that number over 11,000. Harnessing the natural camaraderie, competition and fun of sport and exertion, results in much more than physical fitness; it promotes team-spirit, encouragement, support and positivity. All levels Overall, the aim of CrossFit is to forge a broad, general and inclusive fitness supported by measurable, observable

and repeatable results. The program prepares trainees for any physical contingency - its specialty is not specialising.While CrossFit is designed for universal scalability, making it the perfect application for any committed individual, regardless of experience. It scales load and intensity rather than changing the program meaning that sport professionals and pensioners can work out side by side. CrossFit workouts are extremely demanding and will tax the capacities of each individual. You would be well advised to take on the Workout of the Day (WOD) cautiously and move toward completing the workouts comfortably and consistently before throwing yourself at them 100 percent. The best results have come for those who have scaled the workouts down to establish competency before maximising intensity. Workouts can be scaled—or modified—by adjusting the length, number of reps, loads, distances or even movements. CrossFit workouts represent the philosophy of constantly varied functional movements performed at high intensity. There is always a mixture of gymnastics, strength training and conditioning, all presented in variety of formats. Some workouts are longer than others, and some will contain more or less elements. The overall goal is to ensure athletes are exposed to a broad array of movements, loads and time domains. Professional tuition The CrossFit brand is heavily protected. The right to teach and use the ‘CrossFit’ name is only given to fully qualified affiliates. CrossFit studios are called boxes and only one box is allowed per area. Technique is key for both safety and

performance improvement and so each box member has to complete training sessions on every CrossFit element before they are allowed to take part in a CrossFit session. Hour-long classes at affiliated boxes typically include a warm-up, a skill development segment, the highintensity WOD, and a period of individual or group stretching. Some gyms also often have a strength focused movement prior to the WOD. Performance on each WOD is often scored and/or ranked to encourage competition and to track individual progress. Some affiliates offer additional classes, such as Olympic weightlifting, which are not centered around a WOD. CrossFit gyms use equipment from multiple disciplines, including barbells, dumbbells, gymnastics rings, pull-up bars, jump ropes, kettlebells, medicine balls, plyo boxes, resistance bands, rowers, and various mats. CrossFit is focused on constantly varied, highintensity, functional movement, drawing on categories and exercises. “CrossFit is not a specialized fitness program, but a deliberate attempt to optimize physical competence in each of 10 recognized fitness domains,” says founder Greg Glassman in the Foundations document. Those domains are: cardiovascular and respiratory endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, coordination, agility, balance, and accuracy. Fun and Games The CrossFit Games have been held every summer since 2007. Athletes at the Games compete in workouts they learn about only hours beforehand, sometimes including surprise elements that are not part of the typical CrossFit regimen. Past examples include a rough-water swim, a softball throw and

Health & Beauty

a pegboard climb. The Games are styled as a venue for determining the “Fittest on Earth”, where competitors should be “ready for anything”. In 2011, the Games adopted an online format for the sectional event, facilitating participation by athletes worldwide. During the ‘CrossFit Open’, a new workout is released each week. Athletes have several days to complete the workout and submit their scores online, with either a video or validation by a CrossFit affiliate. The top CrossFit Open performers in each region advance to the regional events held over the following two months. The Games include divisions for individuals of each gender, and for a number of Masters and Teenage age groups. CrossFit criticism The risk of injury associated with CrossFit training has been a controversial question since the program’s popularity began to climb in the early 2000s. Critics have accused CrossFit of using dangerous movements, inappropriate levels of intensity, and allowing under-qualified individuals to become CrossFit Trainers. In response to these criticisms, CrossFit claims its methodology is relatively safe even when performed with poor technique. CrossFit also claims risk for injury can be reduced by properly scaling and modifying workouts, a concept taught on its website and at the CrossFit Level 1 Trainer Course. CrossFit Inc. supports this position by citing three academic surveys of CrossFit participants. These surveys calculated injury rates between 2.4 and 3.1 injuries per 1000 hours of training, which CrossFit argues is consistent with or below injury rates found in ‘general


fitness training’. The relationship between CrossFit and exertional rhabdomyolysis (ER) has been a subject of controversy for the company. ER is the breakdown of muscle from extreme physical exertion. It is one of many types of rhabdomyolysis that can occur and because of this the exact prevalence and incidence are unclear. ER is more likely to occur when strenuous exercise is performed under high temperatures and humidity. Poor hydration levels before, during, and after strenuous bouts of exercise have also been reported to lead to ER. This condition and its signs and symptoms are not well known amongst the sport and fitness community and because of this it is believed that the incidence is greater but highly underreported. Risks that lead to ER include exercise in hot and humid conditions, improper hydration, inadequate recovery between bouts of exercise, intense physical training, and inadequate fitness levels for beginning high intensity workouts. Critics argue that both the CrossFit methodology and the environment created by CrossFit trainers put athletes at high risk for developing rhabdomyolysis. CrossFit, Inc. does not dispute that its methodology has the potential to cause rhabdomyolysis. CrossFit Inc. believes that exertional rhabdomyolysis can be found in a wide variety of sports and training populations and argues that its critics equate CrossFit's high awareness of rhabdo with high risk. Since May 2005, CrossFit, Inc. has published several articles about rhabdomyolysis in the company's CrossFit Journal. Information is also given in the CrossFit Manual provided to all prospective trainers.


CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016



CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016




CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016


Seatbelt safety campaign intensifies In 2014 (the last year of consolidated data), the number of unbelted deaths accounted for 24% of the total, with some 194 of the 822 people in cars and vans who lost their lives, not wearing a seatbelt, despite knowing the

importance of doing so. In addition to the officers on patrol during the campaign, the DGT are operating three roadside cameras which will be under test during the week, prior to a mass roll-out across the road

network by 2017. The cameras are in place on the A-1, A-2 and A-3, in Madrid, but throughout this year, 270 cameras will be in use across the country able to monitor seatbelts use. The images captured by the cameras

are electronically sent to a control centre which then processes the images and sends a sanction to the vehicle owner who then faces a 200 euro fine and the Continued on next page


All this week, the Guardia Civil traffic department, supported by their colleagues in the police, will be out in force to ensure the correct use and operation of seatbelts and child restraint systems in vehicles.

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Continued on next page

loss of 3 points. It is the aim of the DGT to reduce this figure to zero by making the use of seatbelts and child restraint systems 100% for all vehicle occupants. The focus of the campaign will not only be those who should know better about looking out for their own safety, but also those who should be looking out for those more vulnerable, namely adults who carry children in the vehicles. In 2014, 2 out of the 14 children under 12 years who died travelling in cars or vans were not wearing any safety device at the time of the incident. In addition, 9 out of 82 seriously injured, and 107 of those who suffered minor injuries were not correctly restrained. From that data, 118 children suffered unnecessary injury or death as a result of the supposedly responsible adults not showing due care. On account of how seriously the DGT takes such actions, the law was recently approved whereby traffic officers can immobilise a vehicle if a child is found to be travelling without the correct restraint system in use.

CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016

It is also important to remember that since October, children under 135 centimetres in height are not allowed to travel in the front seats of vehicles and must be properly restrained by a device appropriate to their height and weight. The proper wearing of seatbelts and restraint systems is also vital to their correct use. All occupants in a vehicle must wear a seatbelt, whether they are in the front or the back, although some people incorrectly believe that wearing a seatbelt in the back is not necessary, it is, and it is also required by law. If a

person in a rear seat is not wearing a seatbelt they are eight times more likely to kill the person in a seat in front of them. Wearing a seatbelt is statistically proven to half the risk of death if involved in a collision as it also helps to distribute the force of the impact across the body and not directly at more vulnerable parts of the body. A seatbelt prevents the occupant being ejected from a vehicle, saving them from more serious injury.




Gig Guide


ow that we have all put our green clothing and shamrock festooned apparel away, it is time to get ready for all the Easter entertainment. Tuesday finds the King of Northern Soul Mr Richie Alexander performing in Lo Crispin for the first time ever. La Bodegueta is run by a very hard working couple who have built up a friendly atmosphere in this local bar. Hard work and dedication to their customers and a huge range of top quality entertainers seems to be the key to their success. More often than not you will find the bar and terraces packed with loyal customers who

come like clockwork to support Oxsana and her family. The bar is renowned for it’s “slightly crazy” customers, who may be getting on in years but are out to have a good time and party whenever they can. Saturday is another first. This time at “The Club” in Quesada. Stars in Their Eyes winner and Phil Collins Tribute Rob Lewis will be packing the house with his first performance in the area. Usually found on world cruise ships Rob, who now lives in Spain recently wowed audiences in Benissa with his scarily accurate Phil Collins show. I recently met Rob and was blown away by the fact that he even

CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016

looks like the man. There will be plenty of dance music too as Rob is a fan of Soul and Motown music. A new bar that is making waves in entertainment is The Leprechaun in Santa Pola Del Este. Its recent refurbishment and grand opening was greeted with much enthusiasm by locals. A local favourite, the bar has now been revamped and has a full programme of live entertainment that will set hearts a pumping. This week Dee will be captivating guests with her voice and personality which has people following her from gig to gig. The bar has been

lucky enough to secure one of the few dates on April 10th for the original lead singer of Hot Chocolate, Greg Bannis. With huge work commitments in other countries, Greg loves to take a work break in Spain. Despite being a true star he still loves to perform to a “real” audience. He can also be found on April 9th at Breakaways Bar in Tiro de Pichon. Sad news I am afraid. Due to circumstances beyond my control the Tom Jones show has had to be postponed. All entries for the competition will be held and drawn once a new date and venue is confirmed. I would like to


offer my sincere apologies to all who entered and bought tickets. Full refunds are available at the outlets and I have emailed those concerned. I hope this will not spoil your Easter Weekend. As you will see from the guide, there is plenty to keep you dancing and enjoying all the venues who keep you entertained. If you would like your events in this guide, they are FREE. Just email me the details to letsrockshowslive@gmail.com. To book acts please go to my new site www.jaxlawson.com Love life, love music and support your venues and acts. Jax Lawson xx

March 22nd - March 28th 2016 Tuesday March 22nd La Bodegueta, Lo Crispin – Richie Alexander – 9pm YOLO, Cabo Roig – David J Williams – 10pm Pablos International, Playa Flamenca – Martin Kay - 9pm The Archers, Quesada – Denis Christian – 5pm Vistabella Golf, Entre Naranjas – Samantha Curtis, Lynden B and Danny Rae – 8.30pm Stray Sod, La Fuente – Bella Luna – 10pm Alfie’s Bar, La Zenia – The Rekords – 1.15pm Sports Complex, La Marina – Chloe Leigh – 9pm - 5€ Bar Carlos, Torrevieja – No Limit – 5pm

Wednesday March 23rd So Bar, Benimar – Paula Molina – 5pm Pablos International, Playa Flamenca – Elvis – 9pm The Local, La Florida – Richie Alexander – 6pm Paddy’s Point, La Zenia – The Cages Acoustic – 10pm Maggie O’Briens, Campoverde – Brian Bennett – 4.30pm Marabu Lounge, Pueblo Bravo – Juanjo – 3pm Bar Britannia, Torrevieja – The Blue Waves – 3pm El Alto Los Dolores, Guardmar – Woody for Elche Children’s Home – 9pm – 10€ Posh Club, La Marina – Country and Western night – Cherry K and Charles Cole – 10€ Bar Carlos, Torrevieja – PDQ open mic night – 9pm

Thursday March 24th Pablos International, Playa Flamenca – Paul Allen – 9pm The Local, La Florida – Richie Alexander – 6pm Stray Sod, La Fuente – The Cages – 10pm Victoria Tea Room, Almoradi – Glen Mills – 9pm Olive Bar, Pueblo Bravo – Samantha Curtis – 5pm La Vida Sunset Bar, Dona Pepa – Samantha Curtis – 9pm Restaurante Nautilus, Torrevieja – Jose Bolero – 7.30pm Wok Buffet, Benimar – Peter “G” – 7.30pm

Friday March 25th Cagney’s, La Marina – The Eagles Tribute – 3pm Pablos International, Playa Flamenca – Paul Christie – 9pm Posh Club, La Marina – Charles Cole – 1.30pm Lansdowne, Playa Flamenca – The Streeters – 10pm Emerald Isle, La Florida – Richie Alexander – 9pm Stray Sod, La Fuente – Bella Luna – 10pm Doolans, Via Pk 3 – The Blue Waves – 3pm Eddie’s Bar, San Miguel – Jose Bolero – 7.30pm Bamboo Lounge, Entre Naranjas – Martin Ross – 9pm O’Riordans, Cabo Roig – Paul Allen– 10pm Final Whistle, La Marina – Cherry K – 9pm

Saturday March 26th Pablos International, Playa Flamenca – Neil Diamond – 9pm La Bodegueta, Lo Crispin – Cassi Kennedy – 9pm Imanyos, Daya Nueva – Nilo – 9.30pm The Club Quesada – Phil Collins Tribute – 12€ – 7.30pm Hillside Bar, La Marina – JJ Soulman – 9pm Eduardos Villamartin – Rod Stewart Tribute – 9pm Landsdowne, Playa Flamenca – Richie Alexander – 10pm Gogarty’s, La Zenia – Tony de Love – 10pm Aneto Cerveceria, Benimar – Tony Capaldi – 9pm Bar Carlos, Torrevieja – Open Mic night - 9pm Stray Sod, La Fuente – Kolted – 10pm Foxy’s Bar, Via Park V – James Ellis – 6.30pm Marabu Lounge, Pueblo Bravo – Samantha Curtis – 9pm Pato Pekin, El Presidente – Kevin Tyler – 9pm Emerald Isle, La Florida – Dan Davy and Nick Gold – 9pm PALS, La Siesta – Jammy Dodgers – 9pm Marabu Lounge, Pueblo Bravo – Samantha Curtis – 9pm

Slievenemon Bar, Cabo Roig – Snowblind – 10pm Edinas Bar, Lemon Tree Rd – Ricardo – 8pm Lo Marabu, Pueblo Bravo – Samantha Curtis – 8pm Eddie’s Bar, San Miguel – Keely – 9pm Bamboo Lounge, Entre Naranjas – Rain O’Connor – 9pm Bar Piscina, Lago Jardin 1 – Lynn and Brian – 9pm Bar Carlos, Torrevieja – PDQ – 9pm La Manga Camping, La Manga – Sugar n Spice – 9pm

Sunday March 27th Leprechaun bar, Santa Pola del Este – Dee – 8.30pm Pablo’s International, Playa Flamenca – Richie Alexander – 9pm Twilight Bar – Johnny Sax with hog roast – 1pm – 10€ Champagne Bar, La Fuente – Benny the Piano Man – 3pm Durty Nelly’s, Torrevieja – Jose Bolero – 3pm Sports Complex, La Marina – Woody – 9pm Monos, Quesada – Crazy G – 8pm Bog Road, Cabo Roig – Tullamore Duo – 10pm The Stray Sod, La Fuente – Dougie Monroe – 9pm Eddie’s Bar, San Miguel – Benny Conway – 7pm

Monday March 28th The Club, Quesada – Richie Alexander – 2.30pm Pablo’s International, Playa Flamenca – Rain and Melissa – 6pm Hellie’s Bar, Los Dolses – Charity event with Samantha Curtis – 1pm Bar Kenz, San Luis – Samantha Curtis – 9pm Tradewinds, La Fuente – Richie Alexander – 9pm Stray Sod, La Fuente – Jimmy and John Acoustic – 10pm Rianxiera Restaurante, Cabo Roig – Jose Bolero – 8pm Hellies Bar, Los Dolses – Variety of Acts and Hog Roast – 2pm

Sneak Peek The Troupers Swing Band, The Club Quesada, 15€ with 2 course meal. Doors at 7.30pm www.lrshows.com or phone 697501992

Puzzle Page

CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016


logic puzzle Logic puzzles require the solver to deduce the relationships between different people, places and things based on a limited number of clues given in the puzzle.




quick ACROSS 1. Brackets (11) 9. Bullfighter (7) 10.Ancient (5) 11.Mistake (5) 12.Mean (7) 13.Offer (6) 15.Esteem (6) 18.Nourish (7)

5. 6. 7. 8. 14. 16. 17. 19. 21.

20.Foreign (5) 22.Draws nigh (5) 23.Guileless (7) 24.Obstinacy (11) Down 2. Later (5) 3. Approve (7) 4. Menace (6)

Eat away (5) U.S. state (7) Insolent (11) Standing by (2,9) Relate (7) Resilient (7) Stay (6) Overturn (5) Motionless (5)


DOWN 2. You'll find me upset by the conclusion - that's correct (5) 3. Remote station providing job in the open air? (7) 4. Bed in the south-east required for writer (6) 5. He may be seen in a drab biretta

6. 7. 8. 14. 16. 17. 19. 21.

(5) Not a rod used for a heavy blow (7) Put up with the charge (4,3,4) Prepared to lie (5,3,3) Extent of land needs unusual care over a long time (7) Arraign him disturbed about endless peace (7) A bad spot for a pollen receptacle (6) Canvas is put on this framework (5) Before the leader of the brothers (5)

SOLUTIONS 625 QUICK: Across: 1 Harmless; 5 Apes; 9 Bass; 10 Manifold; 11 Merit; 12 Deplore; 13 Pronouncement; 18 Traction; 19 Sign; 20 Aroused; 21 Final; 22 Last; 23 Pretends. Down: 2 Amateur; 3 Mission; 4 Standing order; 6 Propose; 7 Saddest; 8 Ripple; 13 Pitfall; 14 Orators; 15 Obtuse; 16 Missile; 17 Niggard. CRYPTIC: Across: 1 Longbows; 5 Plum; 9 Bear; 10 Armament; 11 In law; 12 Suicide; 13 Garden flowers; 18 Restrain; 19 Tout; 20 Aligned; 21 Delia; 22 Edge; 23 Imposing. Down: 2 Oceania; 3 Garland; 4 Words of wisdom; 6 Lee-side; 7 Mothers; 8 Calico; 13 Garbage; 14 Risking; 15 Errand; 16 Witness; 17 Reunion.

Sudoku Solution

Solution for Logic Puzzle Paul Wilbur

3:15 pm


3:00 pm


2:45 pm


2:30 pm

Blueberry pie Watermelon Oyster Hot dog Chicken wing

Naperville Tillerville Raleigh Monkton Pervis

1. Paul started eating at 3:30 pm.. 2. Wilbur didn't win the hot dog contest.. 3. The contestant who began his competition at 3:30 pm won the blueberry pie contest.. 4. Of Zachary and the competitor from Monkton, one won the hot dog contest and the other started eating at 2:30 pm.. 5. The contestant from Pervis didn't win the watermelon contest.. 6. Adam was from Raleigh.. 7. The competitor from Raleigh didn't win the watermelon contest.. 8. The competitor who began his competition at 3:00 pm won the oyster contest.. 9. The person who began his competition at 3:15 pm won the watermelon contest.. 10. The contestant from Naperville began his contest 45 minutes after the competitor who won the hot dog contest.. 11. The contestant who began his competition at 2:45 pm, Zachary and Adam are all different contestants.

moment (7) 20. This will wrap soft variety of pear (5) 22. See 9 Across 23. A type of rock from Tangier (7) 24. Wind instrument naturally! (7,4)

3:30 pm

Remember: every item on the board belongs to one and only one person, no item will ever be shared. Using only the clues provided and simple deductive logic and reasoning, fill in the grid with Xs and Os to determine the solution.

ACROSS 1. Show what those who feel strongly do (11) 9 & 22Ac. As pieces of aircraft equipment, they're throw-outs (7,5) 10. Bump into a boat (5) 11. Set kind of activity (5) 12. Robber provides equipment in the gang (7) 13. Is this kind of welcome pulsating? (6) 15. A hint that the cue has lost its end (3-3) 18. Watercourse on view at the




CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016




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CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016






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CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016

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Torrevieja Centro, young oriental girl gives complete massage, 24 hrs in your house or mine. C/ Concordia 2, 4K. Tel: 698 280 842 (643) Thai lady for massage and lots of pleasure.Tel 605 292 304 Cabo Roig (630) Cindy, the horniest Venezuelan friend. Wonderful body. Fantasies. La Zenia, close Consum, house 77. 607 735 745. (629)

We accept PayPal ARTS & CRAFTS Kilned Ceramic Bisqueware ready for painting, Jugs.Vases. Garden ornaments. Chess sets, etc. 966 184 124. La Marina Urb. (628)

BALLROOM DANCING La Bamba’s - Ballroom Modern/ Latin/Argentine Tango/Sequence Dancing. Los Rosales Restaurant, Guardamar CV895 (near Lemon Tree Sunday Market) Monday - Social Dance 8.30-10.30pm (Sequence Class 7.30-8.30pm). Friday - Social Dance 7.30-10.30pm. Wednesday - New Beginners Class (new beginners starting Wednesday 13th January 2016) 2-3pm. Intermediate Class 3-4pm. Intermediate Plus Class 4-5pm. Andrea Murphy (00 34) 616 478 157 (626)

BUILDERS G.F.R. Builders 30 years experience 13 years in Spain All general building work and Property Maintenance undertaken. Gazebos, Pergolas and car ports made to yourspecification All works guaranteed Competitive prices Ring now for free no obligation quotation Tel 653 262 489, Whatsapp or email: gfrbuild@gmail.com (LR) (626)

BUY & SELL For sale 4 red toldos complete. 157cm, 94cm, 420cm, 435cm, 435cm width. 345cm height. 2 large have windows. 9 months old. Widths are reducible. Offers over 350€ for all. Satellite dish 240cm with stand 150€ GIHD digital combo receiver Avatar 1080p 50€. Avtex 12/24 volt TV. Freeview DVD 19 inch 150€. Avtex 12/24 volt TV DVD 16 inch 120€ or 240€ for both. White, wall hung radiator 1500 watt, used once. 40€. Tel. 865 779 609 or 653 342 422. Catral. (626) Turn your unwanted furniture, electrical, household goods, Bric-a-Brac, clothing, antiques and collectables into cash. Anything! Anywhere! 965 319 220/663 012 541 (629) Two “Z” Beds as new. 2 seater garden swing. Large garden plastic table. Picture mount cutter. New car/caravan fridge. 2 golf bags. Large 3 piece suite. Reasonable offers. Tel 966 715 811 (628)

COUNSELLING Cognitive Behavioural therapist available for consultations. Tel 691 734 775 or email sacred_waters@hotmail.co.uk (630)

GARDENING BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Quesada, Graces Bar/Cafeteria lease for sale. Established almost 30 years, on the main square of Quesada village. These premises have recently been refurbished to a very clean and smart, inviting location. As everyone knows the current tenant has just had a baby, and babies and bars do not work - not rocket science? Fully licenced by the local Ayuntimiento and 101% legal. 30 plus covers inside, 60 plus covers outside. Full stainless steel kitchen. Rent is 1,000 euros per month, equal to 33 euros a day. No other similar premises available within the same area, for anywhere near the same price. Even if you were given an empty unit, anyone would have to spend in excess of 25,000 euros to fully equip said premises, right down to the knives and forks? Later this month Easter is here, and the summer right behind. Whilst the present tenant freely admits business has gone down, that’s the time to buy, as there’s only one way - up! Any bar and or restaurant is only as good as the service provided and the quality of food they serve. Graces bar for sale at 16,500 euros. For sale exclusively through SunseekersQuesada telephone 966 718 779 office hours, or 672 366 275 any reasonable time. (626)

Eazy Lawns the artificial grass experts Eight year guarantee Many different effects for all surfaces and budgets Full garden design & construction Fully legal and registered company covering all of the Costa Blanca Tel 636 102 509 or email info@eazylawns.es or www.eazylawns.es (C) (626)

HEALTH & BEAUTY Experienced mobile hairdresser. Good price and service. City & Guilds qualified. Tel 663 173 385. (M) (626)

HOME IMPROVEMENTS METAL MAN! All your metal and iron works made to your specification Specialising in Staircases, Roller Shutters, Gates and Railings Best prices on the Costa Blanca! Call for no obligation quotation Tel 652 262 489/ whatsapp or email: metalguy1958@gmail.com (L) (626)


Sophie. Elegant, sexy, naughty lady. Visit, all areas. Home/house and hotel visits. Tel 693 357 526 (653) English, semi-retired gent is looking for lady, between 30-55 years for companionship. Returnable photo appreciated. No strings attached. Send info to: Aptdo de Correos 54, 03170 Rojales, Alicante. (628) Tony now has in stock the following tablets: Super Kamagra 160mg. Kamagra 100mg. Kamagra Polos. Aurogra 100mg. Femalerga Pinks (for Women). We also keep a range of slimming tablets for Men and Women. Deliveries in all Torre areas. Tel. 697 777 811 (628) Retired English Gentleman. Seeks affectionate, passionate, attractive female for discreet, romantic, sexual relationship in area from Torrievieja to Cartarenga. I would travel to your home for meetings and outings. Happy to assist with finances. Please email me on reg.england@yahoo.co.uk to exchange photos and other details. (626) Torrevieja Casa Angela. Discreet and private deluxe chalet offers you exotic girls from South America, call us, come and enjoy 24 hrs, easy to find, easy parking, free drink also escort service 609 573 468/639 832 118 Address: Avd. Association Victimas Del Terrorismo (631) Massage for Ladies Experienced, mature male massage or discerning ladies of all ages. Feeling stressed? Feeling frustrated? You want to feel alive again? Why not enjoy a long, sensual massage? In a comfortable apartment in Guardamar. Discretion and satisfaction my priority. No rush, minimum 90 minutes 635 938 330 text if phone busy, please leave name and a good time for me to return the call. (627) Playa Flamenca (near new Carrefour before La Florida) Original Spanish lady, 35, very attractive offers complete service & erotic massages, private house, very discreet withparking has medical cert. 865 646 437 (630) Experience a great one hour massage with Veronica fully qualified. For appointments call 679 292 678 (630) Attractive mature bi-sexual lady. full sex. Couples welcome. €70.00. 10 mins from Quesada. Tracy, Tel 672 932 162 (630) Torrevieja, veteran lady, fat, busty. Massage expert. Eastern technique. Erotic Tantra, happy ending. by appointment 698 516 142 (626)

Torrevieja. Madam Silvy. Dominatrix, cruel and ruthless. Whip, toys and more. By appointment 678 364 210. (626)

Mary 33, Polish sweet friend. Wonderful body, fantasies. The best attention. Cabo Roig oposite Puccini restaurant. 672 872 050. www.sensualspain.net (627) Shirley 32, busty qualified masseuse deep, strong or relaxing. Prostate great stimulation. Delay ejaculation. Torrevieja opposite mortuary. Opening prices 1 hour 50€. 4 hand massage 75€ with Ana 25, sweet Polish friend. 604 381 926 (625) Kamagra Gold. 100mg. Free Weekender with every purchase .Delivery or collection. Call Roy 602 579 481 email royframe@ gmail.com (626) Torrevieja Calle La Loma 72. Beautiful Russian lady. Feminine, sexy body, big breasts. All fantasies + massage, discreet. Also escort. 611 251 975 (627)

PROPERTY FOR RENT House for rent Algorfa area. Fully furnished, detached, 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom house. Air con, ceiling fans, alarm, UK TV supply, communal pool. 450€ pcm + bills. Tel Bob 965 724 183 or 616 883 103. (627)


PROPERTY MAINTENANCE Electrical, plumbing, fencing, water boilers, balustrades, painting and general maintenance. Tel 965 328 361 or 680 934 549. (631)

PROPERTY WANTED Quesada, Lo Marabu area, retired widow is looking for a bungalow with 2 bedrooms within this area for a long term rental. Fair rent paid for an equally fair property, good references available, if you have such a property, then please contact SunseekersQuesada on 966 718 779 office hours, or 672 366 275 any reasonable time. Reason for moving, this lady’s current home has many steps - hence the need for a bungalow! (626)

TILING P&R Tiling The best quality and value around. Only the highest quality materials used (swimming pool grade adhesive and grout). Call 622 154 380 for a no obligation quote or to see our extensive portfolio of bathrooms, kitchens, driveways, patios, solariums, swimming pools, landscape gardening and more. Happy to introduce new clients to previous clients for references. See our website www.pandrtiling.com or call 622 154 380. Hablamos Español. (AL) (626)

PROPERTY FOR SALE REF 692. Rojales Hills. 3/4 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Detached Villa Well Maintained Fully Furnished Very Good Location 470m2 Plot Large Double Garage Close to All Local Amenities. €235,000 REF 683. Pueblo Bravo. 2 Bedroom Semi-Detached Bungalow Part Furnished Immaculate Condition Large Communal Swimming Pool Gated Community. €105,000 REF 718. Ciudad Quesada. 3/4 Bedroom, 3 Bathroom Detached Villa Part Furnished Beautifully Presented Large Garage + Utility Area Communal Swimming Pool Small Gated Community Mountain Views. €218,000 REF 724. Ciudad Quesada. 4 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Detached Villa Split Level Kitchen Private Swimming Pool Garage + 500m2 Plot Stunning Sea & Lake Views. €397,000 REF 727. Ciudad Quesada. 2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Linked Duplex Beautifully Presented Furnished Stunning Views Roof Solarium Resident Parking Communal Swimming Pool. €130,000 REF 730. Ciudad Quesada. 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Detached Villa Fully Furnished Corner Plot Off Road Parking Communal Swimming Pool. €135,000 REF 733. Ciudad Quesada. 2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Semi-Detached Villa Furnished Roof Solarium Communal Swimming Pool Located on the La Marquesa Golf Course. €110,000 REF 734. Fincas De La Vega. 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Detached Villa 519m2 Plot Large Roof Solarium Private Swimming Pool Off Road Parking. €220,000 REF 735. Ciudad Quesada. 3 Bedroom, 3 Bathroom Detached Villa 150m2 Build Size + 500m2 Plot Modern – Brand New Build Fabulous Golf Views Private Swimming Pool €360,000 Ref 744. Ciudad Quesada. 2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom Ground Floor Apartment Fully Furnished Beautifully Presented Large Tiled Gardens Communal Swimming Pool Golf Course Location.€69,000 For further details call Inmobiliaria on 966 718 392 (IQ) (626)

Gorgeous George is in desperate need of a new home. He is an 8 month old Galgo cross and great with other dogs and loves children. Call: 645 469 253 or email on: info@petsinspain.com www.petsinspain.com

Two sisters and two brothers were rescued by us when just a few weeks old. They are very sweet puppies, four months old now and ready to be adopted. If you would like to meet the family please call 630 422 563 or 616 210 850.

Steel, a very handsome dog, 4 years old, fully vaccinated, microchipped and castrated, playful with his kennel mates and his toys and loves to go for a walk, has a gentle nature and would make a great companion.

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CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016



Emergency chemist In every town on the Costa Blanca, you will find a chemist open out of hours. In some larger towns such as Torrevieja, some chemists open throughout the day with no ‘siesta’, or even until 9pm and over weekends. The duty chemist can change on a weekly basis and in some towns, local pharmacies take turns to be ‘on duty’ out of hours and through the night for emergencies. If you approach an emergency chemist and it appears to be closed, look closer as often for security reasons, out of hours business is done via a small hatch

through which prescriptions, payment and medication can be passed. Consult a full list of emergency chemists for out of hours medication at: www.lasfarmaciasdeguardia.com Under the heading, “Farmacias de guardia por provincia” choose your province (Alicante or Murcia for most readers) and you will be presented with an alphabetical list of towns. Simply click the town you are in, or a nearby town, and you will be given the name of the chemist along with a Google Maps link to the location.

Jasper, 14 weeks old, has had his first 2 puppy vaccinations and is in excellent health. Jasper is house trained, great with other dogs and will be large when fully grown. Call: 645 469 253 www.petsinspain.com info@petsinspain.com

Airport Bus Timetable This service offers eight return trips between Alicante-Elche Airport and Torrevieja central bus depot without any stops, every day of the year. Torrevieja to Airport: 7:00, 9:00, 11:00, 13:00, 15:00, 17:00, 19:00, 21:00 Airport to Torrevieja: 8:00, 10:00, 12:00, 14:00, 16:00, 18:00, 20:00, 22:00 Departure and arrival (in Torrevieja): From Torrevieja bus station. Calle del Mar, 50 Departure and arrival (in AlicanteElche Airport): 2nd Floor Price: €6.92 Children under 4 years travel for free (ID may be requested) Pensioners: 30% discount available for pensioners with accreditation from Social Security. Please note that the discount here applies ONLY to pensioners registered as permanent residents of the Valencian Community.

To prove this, you must show ID stating that you are over 65 as well as your DNI (if Spanish) or Residencia (if foreign resident) confirming that your residence is within the Valencian Community. All buses on this route have wheelchair access, free wifi and luggage storage. Tickets in Torrevieja are available for purchase within the bus station (Calle del Mar 50), and in the airport directly from the driver. Prior booking is not required, however more information can be found by calling the bus station (in Spanish) on 96 571 01 46. The journey time is 50 minutes and the driver takes the route to and from the airport via the A7 motorway, thus avoiding the frequent seasonal delays on the N332.

Useful numbers Transport Torrevieja Bus station 96 670 10 68 Torrevieja Radio Taxi 96 571 22 77 – 96 571 10 26 Orihuela Costa Radio Taxi 966 76 10 88 Alicante-Elche Airport 96 691 90 00 Renfe (trains) 902 24 02 02

Commercial Centres Zenia Boulevard 96 676 15 30 Habaneras 96 571 23 00 Dos Mares 968 54 70 00 L’Aljub (Elche) 965 43 00 90

Emergency Services National Police (NIE/Residencia application) 96 570 88 34 Guardia Civil 062 Protección Civil 96 571 39 27 Fire Brigade 96 670 44 33/53 EMERGENCIES 112

Local Services Torrevieja Town Hall 96 571 02 50 Rojales Town Hall 966 71 50 01 San Miguel de Salinas Town Hall 965 72 00 01 San Fulgencio Town Hall 966 79 42 01 Orihuela Town Hall 966 73 68 64 Elche Town Hall 966 65 80 50

Alicante Town Hall 965 14 91 00 Los Alcazares Town Hall 968 57 44 09 San Pedro del Pinatar Town Hall 968 18 06 00 Pilar de la Horadada Town Hall 965 35 22 25 Guardamar del Segura Town Hall 965 72 90 14 Los Montesinos Town Hall 966 72 10 87 Sports Palace Infanta Cristina 966 111 222 Sport palace Cecilio Gallego 966 111 222 Tourist info 901 343 343 Consumer Info Centre 96 570 78 88 Ecoparque 96 570 72 32 La Mata’s Natural Park 96 692 04 04 Museo del Mar y de la Sal 96 670 46 43 Museo de Semana Santa (Easter Museum) 96 670 80 37

Services Iberdrola (Electricity) 96 571 02 48 AGAMED (water) 902 222 306 and 96 571 09 66 SUMA 96 670 37 44

Leisure IMF Cinema 96 570 54 14 Centro Ozone 96 570 58 80

Tyler and his brother Kingsley were rescued by us in January 2013 as small puppies. Now they are 3 years old and have never known a loving home. They are both lovely dogs and deserve the chance to be part of a loving family.

Jester, came to us in October 2012 and is still here, a small pointer cross, weighing 15 kilos, loves playing with his kennel mates but also loves lots of human contact. He is 6 years old, fully vaccinated, microchipped and castrated.

Todd is a very lively 6 month old terrier type who walked into our La Marina Shop. He has obviously been well looked after as he is used to people and other dogs. Todd loves travelling in a car. Todd is a small dog with a big personality.


CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016

Spangles hoping The Members Golf Society to taste success Ex-pat pool players that formed a team in 2010 are currently playing under the banner of Los Montesinos, Alicante based ‘Bar Spangles’ restaurant in the Torrevieja 8-Ball Pool 2015-16 winter league. “We started playing at The Plaza in 2010-11 and moved to Los Brujitas and JR’s in 2011-12, playing in the winter league at JR’s in the 2012-13 and 2013-14 seasons; moving to Bobby Jo’s in 2014-15, playing in the winter league," Bar Spangles pool team manager Jim Holt told me. “In the 2015 season summer league the ‘A’ team emerged as league winners," said Jim. "We have built up the teams over the years from scratch, having had no players. We have had our ups-and-downs – with players leaving – and new players coming on board. Along with playing at different venues, since our inauguration in 2010,” said Jim. “At Bar Spangles we have a very happy crew of players on board – and we aim to better ourselves each season,” said Jim.

Proprietors of Calle San Antonia based Bar Spangles Bar, Karen and Jane, welcomed the players to their new venue in Los Montesinos after a championship winning 2015 summer campaign by the ‘A’ team at Bobby Jo’s. “We improved, from finishing fourth in the 2012-13 winter league at JR’s, to finishing second in the 2013-14 winter league,” said Jim. “Having moved to Bobby Jo’s for the 2014-15 winter league season we finished fourth – with the ‘A’ team becoming Champions of the summer league in the 2015 season,” said Jim. Current players at Bar Spangles include Jim, captain Brian, John, Pedro, Roger, Pete Neale, Derek Brearley, Derek Barker, Pete Belch and Jeff Whatley. “At the moment we are mainly concentrating on players and our venue in the Torrevieja 8-Ball Pool league, run by Alan Boswell,” said Jim. "Hopefully we will taste success once again at Bar Spangles." added Jim. By Andrew Atkinson -

Alenda was selected as the venue for the final round of our Annual Medal Trophy, where the best 3 cards from 5 are calculated to find the winner. The front 9 holes on this course can give you a false sense of security, wide fairways and reasonably short par 4’s, however when you turn onto the back nine the course really does show its teeth. The 10th hole was a relatively easy par 4 that was until new trees were planted alongside the tee box restricting the players choice of shot, he is now left with only 2 options, one is to choose a club that will only advance the ball 150m or so and the other is to be able to execute a “fade”. As we moved into the afternoon the wind as usual started to blow and it must be said that there are a number of tricky holes on the back nine especially when it’s blowing. It was no surprise then that only 1 player broke par although a few did come quite close. Integral to this competition was the long awaited for “Viking” Trophy competition whereby the “Vikings” were taking on the rest. They thought that they were going to repeat history by pillaging (if not raping) the Brits. It was noticed on several Viking Facebook pages that they were so UP for it that they had even been to Alenda the previous week to practise. Well it didn’t do them any good as the best 10 cards were calculated from each side they were well beaten by 8 shots. It should be said that they took their loss in good spirit and promised us a good run for OUR money when we have a rematch in the autumn. So for the next 6 months the Brits and co. will have the bragging rights. There was also the small matter of the “2’s” pot still to be played for and one could feel the tension in the air when it was announced that it contained €237!

Joe Dean was out in the first group so he soon came round to the 1st par 3 that just happens to be adjacent to the 1st tee where quite a que had formed waiting to tee off. His tee shot peppered the flag stick and the ball came to rest just 5ft from the hole, yes you’ve guessed it, under the pressure of the chants from the first tee, he missed it to some loud applause, his concilation was a bottle of rioja for the N.T.P. however 3 lucky players did make a “2” and took home €79 each. Namely; Mick Kennedy, Eamon Sheridan and “Viking” Kjell Johnsen. Results for the N.T.P. competition; hole 3 Joe Dean, Hole 5 Mick Kennedy, Hole 13 Norbert Spaniol and hole 16 Kjell Johnsen. Silver category results; 4th Alex Alm 82, 3rd Lars Jernberg 76, 2nd Jenny Morris H/H 73 and the

winner Dutchman Fred Kras also 73. Gold category; 4th Tove Roed 80, 3rd Bob Watson 77, 2nd Sverre Sonesen 74 and best score of the day Kjell Johnsen 67 who with all that he has won would be advised to set sail for home in his long boat albeit without the Viking Trophy.Photo; the lucky 2’s winners.Forth coming event; 20/3/16 Captain’s day at Campoamor followed by the annual Trophy prize giving while enjoying a free buffet. This will be followed by our A.G.M. to follow the adventures for the rivalry between the Vikings and the Brits log on to www.tmgs.org or Facebook/TMGSGOLF tweet us @TMGSGOLF for telephone enquiries call the Secretary on 661 524 101


Martin & John from Irish Abbey Magpies won all 3 games for a 7-2 win. All 3 pairs for The Archers Jays won 2 games each to lift them of the bottom. 2 pairs for Casa Ventura Merlins won 2 games each to help to a 5-4 win. Ann & Alan from Da Vinci’s Ospreys won all 3 of their games to win 5-4. 2 pairs from Rojales Steak house won 2 of their games to win 5-4. Vanessa & Margaret ,Shelagh & Sue won all their games for a comfortable 7-2 win for Concierto Jaguars. Mick & Florence won all 3 for Casa Ventura Merlins to get a 6-3 win. Catorce B won 5-4 when Derek & Pat took all 3 of their games.

Altea Golf Club (formerly Club de Golf Don Cayo) is the oldest golf club on the Costa Blanca topping 40+ years. The new manager Pablo Riestra wanted to show off Altea Golf Club to golf societies in the south of Alicante, so a two man team Texas Scramble competition was organised. An autobus was hired to take 22 golfers from South Alicante and a further 18 made their own way, from other locations, to make of a field of 20 Golf Societies, 40 players. Although Altea Golf is a nine hole course there are differing Tee positions to provide a very testing layout It was a Shot Gun start on a chilly afternoon but this did not deter the players and it turned out to be a very close fought competition with just 1.25 points covering the nett first three positions The best two player Gross scores came from Dave Smith and Andy Trefry of Quesada Super League with a score of 75 shots and Ray Muttock and Andy Drinkall scoring 76 shots, both teams carried the same team handicap of 6.50 which meant that single shot made all the difference. Oh how that missed putt mattered! Third place went to local team Los Nuruegos G S of Bjorn Scharning and Christine McKeag who scored a larger number of total shots their joint handicap of 10.25 made the difference and pushed Union Jack G S into fourth place. The trophies were presented by Altea Golf Club Manager Pablo Riesta and Organiser Ivie Davies. The final results were: Nett Score 1st: Quesada Super League Dave Smith and Andy Trefry 68.50 2nd: Lo Marabu G.S. Ray Muttock

and Andy Drinkall 69.50 3rd: Los Nuruegos G.S. Bjorn Scharning and Christine McKeag 69.75 Nearest The Pin Hole 4: John Goulder – Spanglish G.S. There were numerous other prizes

FULL RESULTS QUESADA SUPER LEAGUE LO MARABU G S LOS NURUEGOS G S UNION JACK G S VBPGL PEER GYNT G S DON CAYO G S GOLF RELLEU G S ORBA WARBLERS G S ALFA G S St. JAMES G S BAR SONIA G S SPANGLISH G S VILLIAITANA MARSHALLS IRISH ABBEY G S HONDON VALLEY G S TORRETA G S SPORTSMAN G S CLAPTONS G S BLACK BULL G S Everyone had a really good day on Altea Golf Club and a big thank you for all the players making the journey, to all the staff at the club and to Pablo Riestra and Ivie Davies for making it all possible. There are going to be course improvements and rest assured the event will be played next year. Winners: Quesada Super League: Andy Trefry, Ivie Davies and Dave Smith

which included Green Fee/Buggy Vouchers and Meal Vouchers in the Don Cayo Restaurante and bottles of wine all completed on a scorecard draw. The day was rounded off by drinks and a Paella before the players departed to make the journey home.

GROSS H/C 75 6.50 76 6.50 80 10.25 77 6.50 78 5.75 79 6.75 79 6.25 79 5.25 83 9.25 78 3.75 83 8.75 85 10.75 83 8.00 3 7.00 88 10.50 87 8.25 106 16.00 N/S N/S N/S

NETT 68.50 69.50 69.75 70.50 72.25 72.25 72.75 73.75 73.75 74.25 74.25 74.25 75.00 76.00 77.50 78.75 90.00


CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016


ABBEY ANGLING This week we fished the River Segura at Murcia for the 1st round of the Spring Series on the 15th March. There is talk that before the recent dredging began on this stretch of river that around sixteen thousand Carp were removed and taken to Largo, where ever that is? And this could be the reason why the water is not fishing to its full potential. Richard King came out on top by just beating Lennie Bolton by .620grams to win the match, and Alan Reade taking a good specimen Carp of 5.640kgs(12.5LB) Well Done to them. 1st Richard King with 19.760kgs fishing the Method feeder using corn 2nd Lennie Bolton with 19.140kgs fishing the pole using bread and paste 3rd Bill Reade with 10.080kgs fishing the feeder using corn There are still some vacancies available for membership at the club All details are available on our website www.abbeyangling.com or from me on 965 328 368

RODS & REELS We fished the 11th round of the Spring Series at the Embalsa de Argos on the 16th March. The water level is higher than we

On Sunday Torry made the long trip trip to the north of the Valencian region to play 3rd placed CD Castellon a side on a charge who were unbeaten in their last 6 games and full of players of higher level pedegree.

have ever seen it, and gin clear possibly due to snow melting in the mountains and filtering in to the Lake, which is also keeping the temperatures down. Doug Hornblow fishing the method of the pellet up in the water to take the top weight with mainly Barbel, as the Carp was not very interested in feeding to-day and there were also three dry nets 1st Doug Hornblow with 38.240kgs fishing the feeder using pellet up in the water 2nd Bill Reade with 17.980kgs fishing the feeder using maggot 3rd Lennie Bolton with 16.580kgs fishing the feeder using corn and pellet There are still some vacancies at the club and if anyone is interested in joining please contact Derek Swann on 966729293 or 617283503 TIGHT LINES Terry Screen

EUROPE DRAWS YIELD ALL-SPANISH CLASHES Friday’s European draws overshadowed the weekend games, and the Champions’ League quarters will see a head-on clash between Barcelona and Atletico, whilst Real Madrid cop German upstarts Wolfsburg. The Europa League sees another all-domestic tie, as Athletic Bilbao take on champions Sevilla. So to the weekend, and Atletico were in early action – or was it inaction? Griezmann’s early goal at Sporting’s Molinon Stadium was cancelled out as the home side took over for a rare win, 2-1. Barcelona travelled to Villareal, where they had the benefit of at least two outrageous refereeing errors, one that gave Neymar a penalty, the other enabling Pique to remain on the pitch, so that they could achieve a 2-2 draw. After Valencia had somehow managed to lose yet again (0-2 at home to Celta) Real Madrid played host to Sevilla, and Benzema put them ahead early with a fierce shot from Bale’s pinpoint pass. An‘invented’penalty at the other end was stopped by the impenetrable Keylor Navas, but Madrid squandered a host of chances, including a Ronaldo penalty (also dubious, to be fair) before the same player put the game out of Sevilla’s reach. Bale and substitute Jesé added two more as the visitors threw in the towel.

Second division leaders Leganés snatched a late draw at Girona to stay three points clear of Alavés, who also drew, at home to Lugo – a popular result in the division, shared by locals Elche, who couldn’t seem to find a goal against relegationthreatened Almería. There wasn’t a deal of change in division 2B, where group 1 sees Racing Ferrol staying well clear of the chasing pack, but in group 2 Castilla’s home win takes them to within five points of Barakaldo, who lost at Roda. Groups 3 and 4 remain much as before, with Villareal B and Real Murcia respectively in charge. In England’s Premier League, people are starting to take Leicester’s challenge seriously – they are now five points clear of Spurs, in second place – a scenario completely unthinkable pre-season, when nobody would have bet against a clash between Chelsea and the Manchester clubs. Perhaps, after all, money isn’t everything? In tennis Djokovic again proved his invincibility, winning yet another tournament after ditching Rafa in the semis, and no sports round-up would be complete without mentioning England’s (or Joe Root’s) amazing run-chase to beat South Africa’s mammoth total in the T20 World Championship Malcolm Palmer

Torry were looking to build on last weeks vitory against another top 4 side Elche Ilicitano. The were without defeders Jorge through suspension and Martin through injury and had a last minute set-back when Luis Carlos had to with-draw through injury just before kick-off. Veteran Carrasco replaced him with Quintero moving into central defence and Matej moving to leftback. Prieto was preferred to young Lewis up front. Ex Castellon players for Torry Ruben Suarez and Javi Selvas had a point to prove. The game kicked off in midday sunshine in the magnificent 16,000 all seater ground in front of well in excess of 2,000 home fans. The Torry line up: Miguel Serna, Vicente Boix, Carrasco, Javi Selvas, Matej, Quintero, Higón, Burguillos ©, Prieto (Kike 65 '), Ruben Suarez (Sánchez 69') and Rafa Gomez (Lewis 67). Not Used: Chupe and Luis Carlos The home side came out on the front foot and pushed Torry on the back foot with Torry relying on the counter-attack. Castellon used the width to good advantage but Torry dealt with the balls played into the box. The atmosphere was quite intimidating with the referee facing the wrath of the home fans every time a decision went against their side. The referee stood firm. Torry took a surprise lead in the 23rd minute when Carrasco met a corner from Ruben Suarez with a stooping header which he guided into the corner of the net. Castellon though were soon back on the attack and pegged Torry back but Torry had a chance to extend their lead just before the break when they created a 3 on 1 situation after a fast break out. Prieto found Higon who in turn found Rafa Gomez who was clear on goal but he shot too hastily and his effort lacked both power and direction and was comfortably saved by the opposition keeper. Castellon came out all guns blazing in the second-half and Torry were forced into a desparate rearguard action defending ball after ball played into the box. The pivotal moment of the game came

La Marina Golf Society A beautiful day greeted our return to Alicante golf on Thursday and most players were down to shirt sleeves by midday , although some optimists wore shorts , thinking summer had arrived. The course was in its usual immaculate condition, although the strong breeze may be the reason for several below par scores. We had our biggest attendance so far this year ,and hopefully this will continue with improving weather to come. Our gold winner ,on countback with 34 points was handicap secretary Alan Jones and he also snaffled a nearest the pin award on hole 12. Silver winner with an impressive 35 points was Louvain Smith. With nobody achieving nearest the pin on hole 17, Carol Marriner took the prizes for holes 3 and 8. The prize for the best guest went to Peter Bennett with 32points. Many thanks to Helena for our after match bangers and chips.

after 65 minutes when Serna blocked a fierce shot and went for the rebound which was blasted into the back of the net for what seemed to be the equalising goal for Castellon. However, the linesman had his flag up and after a consultation with the referee the goal was ruled out and instead a penalty given and Torry keeper Serna shown the red card. There was a lengthy

on the edge of the box and the fiercely struck shot from Lewis flew agonisingly just wide of the post. With 90 mins up on the electronic scoreboard Lewis played a ball to Sanchez who jinked past a defender and took the ball on and struck it beyond the keeper into the far corner of the net to extend Torrys lead. Unbelievable. The Catellon fans went silent and began to head

stoppage as young reserve keeper Kike readied himself and came on for striker Prito. Torry now down to 10 men and facing a penalty. There was a cauldron of noise which greeted young Kike for his league debut. A baptism of fire. What did he do – he guessed right and dived to his right and saved the spot kick. Magnificent !!!! The pressue from Castellon intensfied and Torry literally parked the bus as they had no other option but somehow managed to survive with Kike making a couple of excellent reaction saves. Torry brought on fresh legs in the form of Lewis and Sanchez. With the clock ticking down Sanchez sep Lewis up

for the exits. Castellon did get a goal back in time added on but it wasn´t enough and Torry came away with a famous victory. You had to be there to believe it but Torry just went and did it !!! Torry are at home to Torre Levante next Saturday, kick-off 5.00 pm. Try to be there. The lads deserve your support and ought to receive a rousing reception when they take to the field after their exploits in Castellon, particularly young keeper Kike who won´t forget the moment when he made his league debut for Torry. Darrylldinho


Firstly the result of last Friday's Bogey competition was a win for Nick Campbell with a score of +3. In second place was Jan Svendsen on +1 beating Dougie Wright in third on a count back. Our first game of this week was a First and Last with the best 2 of 4 scores counting on all holes except 1, 9, 10 and 18 where all 4 players scores counted towards the teams total. The winning team coming home with a very good score of 97 pts were Ray Waite, Jenny Staines, Ulrike Barth and Mike Chapman. The win was largely the result of an excellent 12 pts on hole 9 followed by 11 pts on the 10th. In second place with 90 pts were Rod Doel, Bryan Neal, Benedicte Kruse and Ellen Drakesmith. On Wednesday it was the third round of our Monthly Medal competition where up to six points are available in both Gents and Ladies Divisions. The player with the most points from the best 4 of 6 medal

rounds winning the trophy. In the Gents Division it was Tom Hardie in first place yet again with a handicap reducing net 69 to take maximum points and now has an almost unassailable lead of 17 points. The only other player to see a handicap cut was Mike Chapman with a net 70. Ulrike Barth was third on the day but first in the Ladies Division securing 6 points with a net 73. The top four receiving prizes were as follows: 1st Tom Hardie 69 2nd Mike Chapman 70 3rd Ulrike Barth 73 4th Liz Robertson 74 Heinz Lei was probably the biggest winner of the day however despite not being in the frame as he had the only 2 in the 2's Club. The result of Friday's competition will be included in next weeks report. Mike Chapman


CostaBlancaPeople March 22nd - 28th 2016

YOUR WEEK IN SPORT ■ CHRIS DARWEN chris@costablancapeople.com

That sweet chariot was swinging pretty low on Saturday night as England claimed their first Grand Slam since 2003 with a fine 31-21 victory over in France. Eddie Jones has put a big tick in the first box of his to do list. England looked a different force from the side that were disappointing in the World Cup and if they can tighten up the discipline this team could go far. On the subject of discipline, Scotland were wondering what happened to theirs as they let Ireland off the hook. In danger of winning back to back matches, the Scots slumped to a 35-25 defeat. Wales, as expected, made light work of Italy. The World T20 is in full swing now, and England are being gloriously inconsistent as recent form made us expect. Being beaten by a Chris Gayle inspired West Indies in their first game could have dented confidence, especially as one of the tournament favourites South Africa awaited them in the second fixture. An entirely different England team turned up for this one, a stunning batting performance by Joe Root seeing England chase down 229 and winning by two wickets. Root smashed 83 from 44 balls, to leave South Africa shell shocked. West Indies beating Sri Lanka helped England immeasurably, and progress to the next round looks like a realistic prospect.

from pole to fifth in the first lap. Rosberg drew first blood, claiming the opening victory. F1’s new qualifying system went down as well as Aston Villa in it’s first showing. Having said that, if it went down as well as Aston Villa, that would suggest it went down well. I shall abort that gag and just say that everyone found it “boring.”

Victoria Pendleton came out of Cheltenham unscathed. In fact, more than unscathed, reputation intact and almost some begrudging congratulations. The novice rider finished fifth in the Foxhunter Chase, something that seemed ridiculous only weeks ago. Pendleton herself stated the obvious after the race saying, “I mean, I could have fallen off!” The end of this column is normally saved for some corruption in sport type chat. Today we shall finish with the news that good old Harry Redknapp is to manage Jordan. Really, I didn’t think either of their careers had sunk so low. Jordan has not been the same since she left Peter, and Harry has carried a very forlorn look since he missed out on the England job to Roy. This move has absolutely nothing to do with the fact the FA of Jordan are one of the richest associations in world football. None whatsoever, just ask Harry’s tax adviser.

■ CHRIS DARWEN chris@costablancapeople.com

In years gone by this would be the time of year that United would steadily move through the gears, chase down anyone that had dared gone ahead of them in the table and invariably end up breaking some hearts. Well Louis, just pretend that the top three don’t exist and you might be able to play that game yourself whilst adopting a thick Scottish accent and pointing at your watch a lot. United beat City in the Manchester derby with a goal from young Marcus Rashford, who according to many should now be on the plane to Euro 16. The boy striker now has five goals in his first eight United matches. Rashford became the youngest goalscorer in a Premier League Manchester derby in a stat that once again reminds us of the television’s desire to brain wash us into thinking football started in 1992. It took Cantona ten games to score his first five and Van Nistelrooy thirteen. That’s it, Rashford is definitely the next kid on the “wasn’t he supposed to be the next Michael Owen” block. The win keeps United in sixth, but closes the gap on City in fourth to a mere point.

Stray Sod Golf Society Margaret Wright and Marie Fegan ruled the day with 36 points each - well done girls. Photos show Eoin presenting Marie and Margaret with their prizes. Next week’s game is 29th March at Riquelme 10.15 tee time everyone welcome you can leave your name behind the bar in The Sod or phone 690268711.

themselves. All that taxpayers money will have gone to good use if Champions League football is welcomed at the Olympic Stadium in it’s first year. Take that Leyton Orient, hey?

Fabian Delph

Leicester, fresh from seeing off a much improved Newcastle 1-0 last Monday, saw off a much improved but still incapable of winning Crystal Palace by the same scoreline. Mahrez added yet another goal to his tally to momentarily send Leicester eight points clear with seven games remaining. Eight points became five by the end of the weekend, Spurs making very light work of Bournemouth. Harry Kane and Delle Alli inspired them to a comfortable 3-0 win. Whilst I am on the subject of Kane and Alli, and Jamie Vardy and Danny Drinkwater for that matter, if they do not feature in the England team this summer then there is something very, very wrong in football. Four English players playing at the absolute top of their game in teams that are fighting for the title. I can almost guarantee that this summer’s eleven will feature out of form “stars” such as Sterling, Rooney, Lallana and Delph. Not that Delph is a star, he might need to let Pep know who he is when the Spaniard arrives.

Marcus Rashford

West Ham are the meat in the Manchester sandwich, having drawn 2-2 at Chelsea following a somewhat dubious late penalty given to the hosts. Fabregas scored it to gain the nearly-formerChampions a point. The Hammers have the same points as United, but are one goal to the good. Just imagine if they see off both City and United and finish fourth

Fernando Alonso, a fellow Oviedista, was lucky to be alive following a horror crash in the Australian Grand Prix. Hamilton had a horror of his own, going

Tuesday saw 20 golfers travel to La Torre from The Stray Sod. The course was in superb condition, the weather was perfect with no wind. We played singles stableford and 2 nearest the pins. Nearest to the pin on the 3 rd hole was Jeff luke and the nearest to the pin on the 17 th was Kenny.

Tales from the Top Flight

Sunday afternoon also saw interesting conversation directional changes at half time at St Mary’s. “That Klopp, he is getting Liverpool firing now, isn’t he?” Liverpool led Southampton 2-0 and were very good value for their lead. Southampton, traditionally Liverpool’s feeder team, were just messing about for the first forty five minutes and decided to put in a late shift. Incredibly the game ended 3-2 to the Saints.

LAS RAMBLAS GOLF SOCIETY Firstly the result of last Friday's Bogey competition was a win for Nick Campbell with a score of +3. In second place was Jan Svendsen on +1 beating Dougie Wright in third on a count back. Our first game of this week was a First and Last with the best 2 of 4 scores counting on all holes except 1, 9, 10 and 18 where all 4 players scores counted towards the teams total. The winning team coming home with a very good score of 97 pts were Ray Waite, Jenny Staines, Ulrike Barth and Mike Chapman. The win was largely the result of an excellent 12 pts on hole 9 followed by 11 pts on the 10th. In second place with 90 pts were Rod Doel, Bryan Neal, Benedicte Kruse and Ellen Drakesmith. On Wednesday it was the third round of our Monthly Medal competition where up to six points are available in both Gents and Ladies Divisions. The player with the most points from the

best 4 of 6 medal rounds winning the trophy. In the Gents Division it was Tom Hardie in first place yet again with a handicap reducing net 69 to take maximum points and now has an almost unassailable lead of 17 points. The only other player to see a handicap cut was Mike Chapman with a net 70. Ulrike Barth was third on the day but first in the Ladies Division securing 6 points with a net 73. The top four receiving prizes were as follows: 1st Tom Hardie 69 2nd Mike Chapman 70 3rd Ulrike Barth 73 4th Liz Robertson 74 Heinz Lei was probably the biggest winner of the day however despite not being in the frame as he had the only 2 in the 2's Club. The result of Friday's competition will be included in next weeks report. Mike Chapman

If there was one team in the league who needed a win more than Palace, it was Norwich. Their match with WBA was never likely to win “most glamorous game of the weekend” but it was a huge three points for the team from Norfolk. To make their weekend even better, Sunderland and Newcastle played out a tempestuous 1-1 draw that did neither team any good whatsoever. Jekyll and Hyde’s favourite team Everton would have fancied their chances against an Arsenal side that seem to still believe there is some mileage left in their title challenge. Arsenal gave their fans further false hope with an impressive 2-0 win. Everton’s minds were probably in the same location as Watford’s, the location marked “FA Cup Semi Final coming up soon.” Watford fell to a 2-1 defeat against Stoke. Swansea eased further away from the relegation mire, beating everybody’s favourite team to play when needing points, Aston Villa. By the time you read this, Villa might be on the verge of another mission impossible. Remi Garde is rumoured to be on the verge of having his dream come true, an early sacking from a job he was mad to take in the first place. Don’t worry Remi, in six months time when Villa lose at Rotherham they won’t even remember your name

Remo Garde

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