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Tues 25th October - 31st October - 2016

SKIPS CAUSE LOCAL EYESORE The appearance of nine, rusty old skips outside the Park Inn in Quesada has caused outrage in the local community. Park Inn owners have claimed that the upturned eyesores have been placed there by local property developers Justo Quesada in a bid to force the bar to pay 1,000 euros in order to use part of the car park for its tables and to host its regular charity events. Landlord Tony said that the business sent a demand to his solicitor for the

payment out of the blue several weeks ago. This was the first time any kind of ‘terrace tax’ has ever been mentioned in the three years he and his wife Julie have owned the bar and to his knowledge the previous owners had never been approached either. Then a few months ago several concrete storm drains appeared on the car park but being resourceful, the owners had wooden tops made with umbrellas in and used them as decorative tables. The concrete storm drains disappeared, but it wasn’t long before the skips arrived at 7am one Monday morning in early October. Tony said: “We own the freehold lease to the Park Inn and we also pay Suma on the business. If Justo Quesada can prove it owns the car park, then we have no objection to paying a reasonable amount of rent for the small amount of space we use. Firstly, there appears to be a question mark over the ownership and classification of the land and secondly, 1,000 euros is a ridiculous amount; we could rent another business for that amount of money and simply do not

have that amount of disposable income a month.” The skips not only look a mess they are dangerous. Tony has been to the Polica Local, Guardia Civil and even the National Police to make a denuncia and to report the situation and has been told if there are any injuries then the property developer would be held responsible for Continued on page 8



CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016


Bus fire in Dehesa de Campoamor A spectacular fire on a bus owned by Costa Azul left Dehesa de Campoamor looking like a scene out of a Hollywood action film on Thursday. The blaze forced two units of the Torrevieja Fire Brigade to be mobilised to the bus stop on Calle Saavedra Fajardo, near to the Monte Piedra Hotel, but luckily, no-one was hurt in the fire and it

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was quickly put out by the fire fighters. However, the rain and storm that afternoon dragged the dirt from the fire down to the nearby Playa de la Glea causing a mess and disruption to the traffic. Civil Protection and maintenance workers were called there to clean up the area and to re-establish normal traffic flow.

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CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016


BITE SIZE Blue crabs on NEWS: Acequión beach Torrevieja is preparing for its 14th Tapas route and now is the time when bars and restaurants are registering their interest in participating. The next opportunity to tapas crawl in the town will take place from the 17th to 27th November. As on previous occasions, participants can offer Tapa de la Casa (standard tapas) and/ or Tapa Gourmet. Each establishment must have two tapas to offer each week that the route takes place. The cost of the tapas along with a drink is two euros for the standard tapas and two euros fifty for the gourmet.

The blue crab is an invasive bread of crab that is not native to Mediterranean waters. However, it appears that the blue crab is making an appearance in some coastal parts of Torrevieja including Acequión beach. The first examples of this non-native crab were logged in 2014 at the mouth of the Segura river. Now it seems they are spreading and some have been found in the port area of the town. Some have been caught by fisherman on the diquein Torrevieja. The concern is that the colony could

unwelcome visitor. The blue crab can grow to more than half a kilo in weight. As its name suggests, it has blue and green legs andit eats other crustaceans, small fish and vegetable matter. It can be a threat to indigenous crabs. It has claws of up to 20 centimetres but so far it has not caused any problem for bathers. Fishermen recognise the value of this crab but also what it is capable of. It does have value commercially and can be sold to restaurants. In Guardamar’s fish market

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Vega Baja gastro event On the 28th October from 11am the first ‘Gastrocultural’ festival in the Vega Baja will be launched. The ‘GastroVegaBaja’ will take place on the 28th, 29th and 30th October. On each of these days there will be food for €3, a sweet for €2 and drinks for €1 each. It’s not just about eating, however. There will also be children’s workshops and a bouncy castle to entertain the children. Participating restaurants in Torrevieja include: Restaurant Bahía Barlovento Las Columnas Alma Nautilus El Huertano The full programme across the three days can be viewed at: http://www.torreviejagastronomica.com

A bank for Torrevieja? The councillor for employment and Continued on page 5


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move upstream from Acequiónalong the canal which links this area with the natural lakes. The crab is a large variety and can continue to flourish in a salty environment. However, it could be that nature brings its own solution. It has been noted that empty shellsbelonging to the crab have been found on the Acequiónbeach suggesting that there is a natural predator out there that might be able to help readdress the appearance of this

it sells for 15 euros a kilo. The taste is like that of prawns, both sweet and tender but with less flesh than you might find on other, similar restaurant dishes. Since it was first spotted in these water two years ago, it has been seen all along the coast in the province from Santa Pola Salinas, Guardamar’s beaches up to the Mar Menor. Its native home is along the Atlantic Coast of Canada to northern Argentina and Japan. Suzanne O’Connell

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Torrevieja’s tapas route coming soon



CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016


Madrid overrules Catalonia on bullfighting In 2010 Catalonia banned bullfighting. Now the Constitutional Court in Madrid has confirmed in a statement e-mailed to journalists on Thursday 20thOctober that they have overturned the ban. The decision has been made on the basis that the regional law is ‘unconstitutional’ and that bullfighting is to be preserved as part of a ‘common cultural heritage’. The decision to allow bullfighting again was not a unanimous one amongst the justices. Three of the 12 voted against the development. However, this will hardly appease those who see bullfighting less as a cultural right and more as animal torture. Catalonia, will still be able to determine how bullfights are regulated and the attention given to the bull. However, legally bullfights can once again be staged there. Catalonia’s ban Catalonia includes the four provinces of Barcelona, Girona, Lleida and Tarragona. Its capital and largest city is Barcelona. The Catalan regional parliament voted in July 2010 to ban bullfighting and the ban came into effect on 1st January 2012. There are those who argue that Catalonia’s decision to ban bullfighting was more a protest vote against Spain than a vote against animal cruelty. The Catalan community continues to argue for its independence from Spain and there have been moves for an official referendum to be conducted. The Spanish parliament has continued to refuse. The Catalan language is the first language in the region and was previously banned during Franco’s dictatorship. Although much of the

community’s language, culture and identity has been reasserted since then, there continue to be clashes with Madrid. In 2013 Mariano Rajoy’s Popular Party declared bullfighting to be a cultural asset, enabling it to draw on public funding as well as giving it legal protection. This has enabled the current overriding of Catalonia’s decision to take place. What next? This ruling has caused outrage in many parts of the country, and amongst animal activists across the world. Bullfighting continues to be a highly controversial practice that many feel is not consistent with a modern, forward-looking country. The fact that Madrid has taken it on itself to overturn Catalonia’s decision will add fuel to the flames of their bid for independence. This might be interpreted as a direct attack at regional independence and one that’s insensitivity could backfire. What has made the decision even less palatable for some is that no such turn around was demanded from the Canary Islands which similarly chose to ban the practice in 1991. Catalonians will see this as a very thinly veiled attack on their region. Those with a concern for animal rights will be devastated by the decision whether it is politically motivated or not. The current Mayor of Barcelona, Ada Colau, is very unlikely to see bullfighting re-introduced under her watch. As a staunch campaigner for human and animal rights, she is unlikely to be phased by the constitutional courts. In a tweet following the announcement she stated that the Catalan capital will not allow animals to be mistreated. Similar

statements were made by Josep Rull, the Catalan minister for public works who stated; ‘The government of Catalonia will make every effort for bullfights not to return to our country.’

Councillor Carmen Morate is responsible for animal welfare in Torrevieja. She has very strong views about the practice of bullfighting. ‘If Catalonia ever allowed bullfighting again,’

says Carmen. ‘Spain would take a step back in its evolution. However, I am very sure that in less than two generations the bull fights will disappear.’ Suzanne O’Connell


CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016

BITE SIZE Council re-shuffle at NEWS: Torrevieja town hall Continued from page 3 development, Victor Ferrández has requested that the department for local development look into the feasibility of Torrevieja having its own municipal bank. The aim of the bank would be to provide services to small and medium-sized businesses, the self-employed and the unemployed in the area. These groups of people generally have difficulty putting projects into practice. The initiative has been trialled with success in some other localities.

Torrevieja gets rid of edging stones The paseo de Juan Aparicio runs along the sea front in Torrevieja. It is the main promenade packed with holiday makers in the summer season. From Monday 23rd October work will begin on removing the edging stones surrounding the palm trees along this stretch of walk way. The intention is to remove all the stones from the monument of the Hombre del Mar until La Cura beach. These have caused many pedestrians to trip over the years and have proved to be an obstacle for those with mobility difficulties. Other benefits of the work include creating more space which should be particularly beneficial during the summer and will help those responsible for keeping the paseo clean. The area of soil around the trees is also an attraction for dogs and tends to accumulate excrement. The next task once this project is completed is to clean up the graffiti.

Classes for new arrivals in Torrevieja This week there was the first meeting about the introduction of classes for new arrivals in Torrevieja. The idea is that people new to the area get to know the values, politics, languages, rules and rights they can expect to find in the region. Participants in the meeting included people from the town hall, social welfare, homes and education. A local historian and a lawyer who specialises in legislation for foreigners also attended. It was discussed during the meeting where the classes will take place and what they will include. This year there will only be one course available but it is hoped to expand the scheme in future years. The objective of the classes is that people new to the area can integrate better and more quickly. The final day to sign up for the class will be the 28th October and you can do this on the town hall’s website. The classes will be given by four teachers, a local historian, two lawyers, an economist and a social worker. Although the programme is open to anyone it is primarily intended for those over 18 years old who have recently come to live in the Valencian community. The content is divided into: • Languages – local and national • Basic legislation • The geography and history of Spain and Valencia The classes will start on the 14th Continued on page 6

The way for the pentapartito has never been a smooth one. The challenge of representatives from five different political parties working together was always going to be tricky. However, the ability of the ruling councillors to form a formidable government team is being tested even more. The two councillors for the political party Sueña have resigned. Party members voted to allow its two representatives; Pablo Samper and Alejandro Blanco, to step down from the local government team. The Mayor, José Manuel Dolón, has been keen to emphasise that the resignations have not affected the stability of the ruling party. He states that the remaining councillors have received additional responsibilities smoothly and have adjusted to the new situation. In a cabinet-style re-shuffle, the Mayor has had to hand out further responsibilities to the remaining councillors whilst also reallocating some existing responsibilities too. It wasannounced in a press conference on the 18th October that the adjustments had started to be made on the 29th September and could now be formalised since the councillors had now left. The town hall’s new line up The new line up includes: José Manuel Dolón– mayor and councillor for cleaning and refuse collection, human resources, traffic police and municipal offices Fanny Serrano – first deputy mayor and councillor for tourism, the environment and fisheries, town and

regional planning, housing and heritage Domingo Soler – councillor for parks and gardens, works and services, cemeteries, public lighting, health, pest control and water Victor Ferrández – councillor for employment and local development, citizen participation and sports and youth José Hurtado – councillor for economy and finance, recruitment and education Domingo Perez – councillor for culture and festivals Manuela Osuna – councillor for commerce, catering, consumer affairs, the food market and statistics Carmen Morate – councillor for international residents, immigration and integration, relations with the EU, animal protection, charities and volunteering Africa Celdrán– councillor for the third age, social welfare and women Javier Manzanares – councillor for beaches, transport, safety and emergency, public roads, markets and modernisation On behalf of his new government team the mayor announced; ‘We will take on the challenge and with commitment will make changes to Torrevieja in spite of difficulties.’ However, the fact remains that the newly reformed government has now only ten councillors who are up against the 11 councillors of the PP. The team will have to rely upon the agreement of the councillors who remain independent in opposition to have their plans approved. Decision-making in the new climate will be even more difficult than it was before.





CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016

Bake off for AECC The Weigh-In Club recently held their fifth annual event in aid of AECC (Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer) Torrevieja. The club raise money for the cancer charity every year and this year a sum of €2065 was raised by selling home-made cakes and holding a raffle. The event was held at the restaurant Casa Mia in El Chaparral and the cheque for the money was presented to hospital volunteer Ann Bissett by Caroline

Richardson from the Weigh-in Club. Ann thanked all those who attended the event for their generosity and hard work and also reminded those present of the need for regular breast cancer and cervical smear checks. Many local bars, restaurants and other organisations donated to the raffle, helping to make it such a money-raising success. Suzanne O’Connell

A selection of the home-made cakes on sale

Catral drug arrest The Guardia Civil has arrested man in Catral for drug offences. The 48 year old Spaniard had €25,000 worth of marijuana in his house when the Dolores Guardia Civil arrested him for the public health offence of growing and preparing marijuana. Officers seized a total of 19 kilos of marijuana buds and 11 large marijuana plants. The buds had been put out to dry, taking up various rooms of his house, which had been searched by the officers. They also seized 11 marijuana plants that were about two metres tall which had been planted in an area of farmland at the same address. The drugs would have reached a black market value of about €25,000. This investigation has put an end to an important point of sale for drugs in Catral, as it is believed that the man also sold the drugs he was growing. The man has been placed under judicial disposition, charged and released.


BITE SIZE NEWS: Continued from page 5 November and there will be nine sessions in November and six in December as well as talks and conferences with practical information. The total duration of the course is between 40 and 50 hours. More information about the course can also be obtained at the AMICS office in the building previously used as the tourist information centre.

Park foundation due to celebrate its 20th anniversary The La Mata park foundation is 20 years old. The anniversary will be celebrated over the next two months through hosting a range of activities that will culminate in a party on Saturday 10 December. The forthcoming list of activities includes: • 28th October – photo exhibition • 6th November – a talk on the life of birds • 11th November – a presentation on Habitats Extremos • 25th November - presentation in the Palacio de Música, Torrevieja • 4th December – walk around the wine route • 10th December – 20th anniversary celebration More information about the timings of these events will be included nearer the time. The volunteers who support and help maintain the park are keen to encourage people to join in with these activities and are also looking for new volunteers. If you think you might be able to volunteer in this satisfying and important role please contact them on lamatavols@gmail.com Suzanne O’Connell

Mayor attacks provincial allowances The Mayor of Torrevieja, José Manuel Dolón, has described as ‘scandalous’ the amount given to the political groups of Alicante Provincial Council. Altogether the council has an annual allowance of €518,000. A total which some of the councillors themselves have tried to reduce to a more acceptable level. ‘This allowance comes from the money paid by tax payers,’ says José Manuel Dolón. The money is distributed between five different political parties including the PP whose 15 deputies receive €250,000, the PSOE whose 11 councillors receive €183,810, Compromis (3 councillors) receive €50,130 and the remaining parties, with one councillor, who receive €16,710 each. In Torrevieja the allowances for seven political parties and 25 councillors comes to only €34,200. This includes the PP (11 councillors) having €13,800, PSOE and the Green Party (€3,000) to cover the four councillors they each have and Sueña Torrevieja and Ciudadanos, with €3,000 each for their two councillors. Those parties with one councillor (APTCe and IU) receive €1,800 euros each. A proposal had been made in Alicante by the Compromis group that the amount of allowances be reduced by €400,000. However the proposal was rejected. Had it been accepted this would still have allowed a total of €118,000 to have been available to the councillors. A sum that the mayor considers to be perfectly adequate for carrying out provincial business. Suzanne O’Connell


CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016




CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016

Continued from front page placing the skips on the car park and causing a danger to the public. Tony’s solicitor is in the process of making more sensible offer for monthly payments and so he is hopeful the situation will be resolved quickly and amicably, but if Justo Quesada holds out for the alleged 1,000 euros the situation could go on indefinitely. It’s not just the landlord, patrons and local community that have been left dumfounded by the dumping of the skips. Elche Children’s Care Home, a local charity providing an improved life to children in need, is devastated that the Park Inn can no longer hold its charity events. Michelle Diggle said: “We were absolutely devastated to see these pictures of the upturned skips which have been placed outside the Park Inn. The Park Inn is an avid supporter of the Elche Children's Care Home and raises thousands of euros every year by holding charity events in the car park directly outside their bar. Its target for this year is 10,000 euros (6,000 euros of which they have already raised), however, they will not able to hold any more events whilst these unsightly

monstrosities are outside the front door. As the home relies totally on donations, this money is crucial to the welfare of the children living there.” “We would appeal to Justo Quesada on behalf of the Elche Children's Care Home Charity to resolve this issue quickly and fairly so that a local business can not only continue to make a living and pay its staff but also to continue raising funds to support the children who live in the Elche Children's Care Home and rely heavily on the money raised by the ex-pat community to maintain the Home. The Park Inn is asking members of the local community to support their battle to get the skips removed by signing a petition in the bar. There are currently six pages of signatures and Tony is hopeful of reaching 15 pages before handing it in to Rojales Town Hall.


Gastronomic celebration in Algorfa Saturday saw Algorfa play host to a Gastronomic Day celebratory event in aid of the Spanish Association Against Cancer

Mireille Toddington At the time of going to press The Costa Blanca People is awaiting a response from Justo Quesada. We have been in touch with a number of company representatives and have been told that our enquiry has been passed to the relevant department and that a response will be given in due course. That response will be published as and when it is received.

(AECC). The municipality organised a number of activities for all ages in a day in which saw food combined with music, dance and culture. This was the town’s tenth Gastronomic Day and the second event where monies raised were donated to the AECC. The local government team said it wanted an event that was enjoyable, playful and

cultural. The event was held in the town’s main square, Plaza de Espana and began at 7.00pm. Around 11 clubs and associations took part and received 150 euros each from the municipality to create tapas using only ingredients bought in Algorfa. During the celebration drinks served with a tapa were sold at 2.5 euros and the proceeds will be donated entirely to the chosen charity. The deputy mayor, Fabian Rico, explained that the aim was to ‘merge gastronomy with music and dancing’. The organised activities included a performance from a local brass band, a salsa dancing workshop followed by a show from the Association La Salsa en la Calle, a group of 50 and 60 dancers who come from across the province. Money was also raised through the sale of solidarity bracelets at 7 euros. These were made in pink to support the AECC’s recent breast cancer awareness drive. Councillor Rico said that this was an event in which ‘we expected the participation of both residents of the municipality and from across the region and from all nationalities and we were not disappointed’.



CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016

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CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016


Launch of the 2016 Poppy Appeal The Launch of The Royal British Legion’s Poppy Appeal for 2016 took place in Benidorm on Friday 14th October. Once again the sun shone and the event saw hundreds attend the event, as well as drawing curiosity from holiday makers enjoying time on the beach, who came to see what was happening. The Parade was led by the Torrevieja Pipes and Drums followed by The Royal British Legion Branch Standards and those of other military organisations. Also taking part were the Benidorm Alcalde, Snr Antonio Pérez Pérez, guests from the British Consulate as well as the Defence Attaché and members of The Royal British Legion, followed by members of the public. Lt Col David Whimpenny, from London, Chairman of the Legion Membership Council was delighted to have attended. Regular attendees from the Royal Hospital, Chelsea were Arthur “Skippy” Teasdale and Wayne Campbell looking marvellous in their Chelsea Pensioner scarlet coats. The Parade finished at the dias in the Rincon de Loix where various speeches took place. Mr Nigel Hails, Chairman of District North, welcomed everyone and thanked the Alcalde and the Benidorm Ayuntamiento for its support and tremendous assistance, without which it would not have been possible to arrange this event. Mr Hails presented Snr Pérez Pérez with a Certificate of Special Recognition. Mr Hails remarked on the splendid total raised during last year’s Poppy Appeal of more than 171,000 euros and thanked the public for their most generous support. He also spoke of the

various ways the Legion helps beneficiaries here in Spain. The Alcalde welcomed everyone and said how delighted he was that Benidorm had, once again, been chosen to host the Launch and talked of Benidorm being a multi-national and multi-cultural city. As the Standard Bearers marched off at the end of the ceremony, appreciation was shown with rapturous applause. Every year The Royal British Legion distributes poppies to remember the fallen and support each new generation of veterans that need its help. The RBL Remembrance events help the nation and expats to come together and remember the Armed Forces past and present. The Poppy Appeal is the biggest

fundraising campaign and is held every year in November as this is the period of Remembrance. The Legion distributes its iconic paper poppies to raise vital funds to help the Armed Forces community. The first Poppy Appeal was held in 1921, the founding year of The Royal British Legion. Red silk poppies, inspired by the famous First World War poem In Flanders Fields, sold out instantly and raised more than £106,000. The funds helped WW1 veterans find employment and housing after the war. The following year, the Poppy Factory was set up, and employed disabled exServicemen to create the poppies to sell during the appeal. Today, the factory still produces millions of poppies each year. Further information about The Royal

British Legion can be found on its website: www.britishlegion.org.uk/counties/spain -north together with more photos of the

event. Wear your Poppy with pride this November.

Chelsea Pensioners “Skippy” and Wayne talking to Defence Attaché, Captain Paul Lemkes, RN, and Sgt Michelle Kadshaw RAF

Standard Bearers

The Torrevieja Pipes and Drums



CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016

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CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016


Volunteers trained in civil protection Thirty- six students took part in a basic civil protection course in Torrevieja at the weekend. The students are hoping to become part of the teams in Torrevieja, Pilar de la Horadada, Rojales and Almoradi. The course was opened by the mayor, José Manuel Dolón and councillor Javier Manzanares. Following the course, students become Civil Protection Volunteers which entails them attending major events and activities across the region and supporting the work of the emergency services. The course consists of modules

such as fire and search and rescue over a period of forty hours. Classes were held in the Real Club Nautico and on the Fire Brigade’s premises. The contribution of the

volunteers was noted by the councillors who praised their generosity in giving their time and effort to the service of others. Suzanne O’Connell

Two fund-raisers and two cruise winners Charity fund-raising nights are a monthly feature at Restaurante El Alto La Dolores. In September, however, two such nights were held, raising a total of 1,670 euros for charity. The benefiting charities were Elche Children's Care Home and The Cats and Dogs Association. Restaurant owners donated a Mediterranean Cruise for the raffle on each night. Winner of the first cruise was Denise Van Der Goten, from Torrevieja, and the second winner was Colleen Bryce of La Marina.

The Dance Ranch raises €150 for the AECC In memory of her husband John, Sue Briffa and her line dancers recently held a social evening with a raffle at the Club in Quesada which is where Sue holds her classes. The evening raised €150 which was handed over to Debbie Weedon representing Maria and the Pink Ladies for the AECC. John was also a trainer for the Dance Ranch and was particularly good at teaching the beginners. He is still sorely missed by Sue and her line dancers and 2 or 3 times a year Sue organises a

fundraising event for the AECC in John’s memory.

Pictured are the Dance Ranch line dancers with Sue in the centre.



CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016


Costa Blanca Solidarity Calendar The Costa Blanca Solidarity Calendar is on sale again for 2017, with all proceeds going towards local charities. The calendar – now in its 12th year of production – is the brainchild of local author and historian, Andy Ormiston. The means by which the calendar project raises money is genius in its simplicity. Andy raises sponsorship from local business to pay for the cost of producing the calendars. Local charities are then invited to collect and sell copies of the calendar for a recommended retail price of €5 or €6 each, after which the charities keep all the money they make by selling calendars. With a print run this year of 2000 calendars a potential €10,000 is available to local charities. The press launch took place recently at the headquarters of Aroca & Sequier Abogados, stalwart supporters of the calendar project for many years. Present were representatives of the calendar’s commercial supporters – Alamo Costa Blanca Inmobiliaria, Atlas Seguros, Currencies Direct, Mapfre (Brithol) Insurance and of course, Aroca & Sequier Abogados. Those gathered were surprised to hear that this year’s Solidarity Calendar almost didn’t happen.

Andy explained, “You have my doctor to thank for this year’s calendar. One day in March, I was feeling down, something that happens with advancing years. I was just not in the mood to do another calendar. However, I am fortunate enough to have a very caring and compassionate doctor. She always has a copy of the calendar in her office and this particular morning we were talking about it, and how patients, and even staff, comment on it often recognising someone in the photos. The doctor looked at me and said, ‘Andrew, I don’t think you realise what a point of reference you are in the town and how many people appreciate what you do.’” Andy continued, “I am telling you this not because of any praise for me, but because it brings home how we all have something to contribute to our

community in one way or another. It also illustrates how a nice word can boost someone’s morale.” The launch event was used as an opportunity to present three generous donations to local charities by Currencies Direct and Aroca & Sequier Abogados. HELP Vega Baja, AFA (The Alzheimer’s Association) and CARITAS were recipients of €3200 each. These three charities, and many other local charities in the area, now have copies of the Costa Blanca Solidarity Calendar for sale. The calendar is also available to purchase directly from the Costa Blanca People at our office in Ciudad Quesada. Proceeds from the sale of calendars at our office will go towards Reach Out, helping the homeless and families living in poverty. Aoife Leddy



CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016




he Euro was the biggest loser this week giving up almost 2% against the pound and 1.5% against the US Dollar. The majority of this move followed the European Central Bank meeting press conference with President Draghi. After initially confirming the ECB governing council did not discuss extending the QE program leading to a jump in the Euro value, he quickly undid this work by confirming that they did not discuss tapering the program either. He has also left the door open to further easing if necessary and suggested that a rise in inflation will only happen with very substantial monetary accommodation. The pound had already made a modest recovery against the Euro following strong inflation figures. Although Mark Carney (Governor of the Bank of England) has already suggested they are aware inflation will rise due to the value of the pound meaning they are unlikely to take action, it was enough to put the pound on a firmer footing

against the Euro. On Wednesday the latest UK jobs report came in as expected showing the UK jobs market remains robust despite Brexit fears. News from the high court that parliament are likely to get a vote on triggering Article 50 reducing the possibility of ‘hard’ Brexit also helped the Pound find favour. This is likely to go to the Supreme Court next so this is certainly a factor to keep an eye on in the coming months. The Euro fell to a 7 month low against the US Dollar. Although most of this was caused by the ECB meeting, the Dollar remained robust following the final presidential debate. Hilary Clinton has maintained a healthy lead in the polls with Donald Trump once again helping her out; this time suggesting he will not accept the election result if he loses the race. Undermining the American democratic process does not seem to be a good move with just over 2 weeks to go. With the market considering a democratic win as ‘better the devil you know’ the US dollar remains stable.

The PSOE backs down It looks as though almost one year of political deadlock is about to come to an end. On Sunday 23rd October, the PSOE (centre left) announced that following a party vote, they will abstain during the second part of the next voting round. This will mean, in effect, that the PP (centre right) will be able to form a government, albeit a government vastly reduced in strength from the last one in which they had a clear majority. In the second Spanish general election in June, Mariano Rajoy’s party (PP) came in as winners but without a sufficient majority to form a government. With a failure on the part of opposition parties to combine to form a realistic alternative, the nation was rolling towards a third general election at Christmas. On Sunday, the federal committee of the PSOE voted 136 (59.15%) – 96 (40.85%) to vote no to Mariano Rajoy in the first-round of a new confidence vote and then abstain in his favour in the second round. Their decision is perhaps largely fuelled by the likelihood that a third general election would see them lose even more seats.

However the decision leaves the PSOE party torn apart. Following the removal of their leader Pedro Sánchez, in a very messy internal battle, they were still split on the decision whether to support the PP or not. Although they will only abstain, this action will enable the PP to

take government. So who are the real opposition party now? Some would argue that the PSOE is now in tatters and as such cannot be viewed as real opposition. This would then leave the anti-austerity group, Podemos, as prime contenders for the opposition slot. One that they will be happy to occupy. Podemos have also had mixed fortunes during this election period. In the first election of December 20th they overtook rival, Ciudadanos, to come in as a

strong third place. A position they looked likely to consolidate in the second general election in June. However, this was not to be the case and their predicted increase in votes did not materialise and instead it was the PP who gained ground. This decision by PSOE will anger many of their grass root socialist members who may be drawn now towards Podemos. Pedro Sánchez was not on his own in believing that the PSOE could have no role in supporting a PP government. The PP has been linked consistently with corruption with as many as 500 PP elected representatives being investigated for corruption over the past four years. Although the PSOE has made the decision as a party, they will vote as individuals. As such it is likely that some will still choose to vote against the PP government. However, only 11 PSOE MPs need to abstain for Rajoy and the PP to form Spain’s next government. A result that they now look very likely to secure. Suzanne O’Connell


CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016

World Breast Cancer day Torrevieja joined in with the acknowledgement of World Breast Cancer day on the 19th October with the release of pink balloons in the Plaza de la Constitución. AFECANCÉR announced their manifesto to those present at the event which was attended by patients, families, councillors and town’s people. On the same day AECC (Asociación Española Contra el Cancér) presented their manifesto for the coming year in Habaneras shopping centre. With more pink balloons, the charitable organisation read out their statement and intentions to those present. In their manifesto, AFECANCÉR describe the disease as an epidemic. They argue that it can be classed as such due to the significant increase of this chronic and acute disease in a short space of time in the population. Already this year 1.7 million women have been diagnosed with breast cancer across the world. AFECANCÉR point out that we don’t really know the fundamental causes of breast cancer. More recently we are seeing developments in the care, treatment and diagnosis of the disease, but there are many steps that still need to be taken. These

include addressing: 1. The swelling of arms and legs due to damage of lymph nodes during cancer treatment 2. The effect of chemotherapy on feeling in hands and feet 3. The issues of anxiety, depression and lack of selfesteem The organisation recognise the valuable work that a psychooncologist can do and the fact that not all hospitals have people in this role available. AFECANCÉR want problems with the working environment to be addressed for those suffering from the disease. For example, in some cases people are not having their contracts renewed when

they have been diagnosed. AFECANCÉR want to see the stigma that sometimes accompanies patients into the workplace, removed. They are committed to: 1. Providing help to patients and their families throughout the process, including the emotional aspects through psychooncological care 2. Continuing to help fund research into cancer AFECANCÉR would like to thank all those who support them and to remember all those heroines who have fought against the disease. Suzanne O’Connell

A delegation of councillors and AFECANCÉR representatives




Homes & Gardens

Growing chillies is a very rewarding process, but often it’s the simplest things that get in the way of a great chilli harvest, follow the advice below, and with a little care and attention you could be enjoying juicy, great tasting chillies in no time. Germinating your chilli seeds Many of us struggle with germinating chilli seeds and getting them out of the ground! First of all, make sure that you select a good compost or seed mix, and gently work out any hard lumps from the soil. Then place your chilli seeds on top of the soil, planting them roughly 1-2 inches apart if planting multiple chilli seeds. Then loosely sprinkle some soil over the seeds, but do not compact. There are two main points that you will need to keep in mind to maximise your chances of germination. The first one is moisture – you can soak your pot(s) from the bottom using a tray filled with water the first time you water them to saturate the soil and activate your chilli seeds. For maintaining the moisture in the soil it is best to use a fine mist plant sprayer to water from the top. Aim to keep the soil moist but not soggy as this may cause your seeds to rot before them come up – just use your finger to test the surface of the soil. Watering your seed trays or pots with a plant sprayer causes

less disturbance to your germinating seeds. The second important point to note is temperature. Chilli seeds require a constant temperature range of between 27-32 degrees C. Remember to keep checking your pots to see if any seedlings have emerged, as you will then need to move them to a well lit area such as a sunny window sill, otherwise you will end up with thin and wispy plants. When to water your chilli plants and how much Often overlooked is the importance of watering. One of the most common situations is over-watering. Chilli plants like their soil to dry out before watering them again – they don’t like wet feet! You can tell if your chilli plant needs water by its leaves – if they are drooping, give it a drink. The best way is to use your finger to test the top of the soil. Again, moist but not soggy is the goal here and if your plant looks well, then it probably is. You will also need to keep your plants somewhere with a warm average temperature, where it doesn’t get too chilly in the night. Remember that you plant will also require a lot less water

CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016

while it is dormant – once every two weeks is enough. Your plant will slow its growth as it goes into hibernation, so don’t worry if you don’t see any new shoots for a while. Come spring time, give it a few weeks and your plant will start to shoot and

burst into life, read for the new year’s growing season with more chillies than you ever imagined! So, what are you waiting for, plant your chilli seeds now and soon you could be enjoying plentiful fresh chillies that you can cook and entertain with.



CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016


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Homes & Gardens

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CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016

Historical tapas in Guardamar which can be obtained from any of the seven participating local shops on request, while stocks last. Visitors can collect stamps on a flyer from six different places if they wish to vote for their favourite tapa and there are six €50 vouchers up for grabs to spend in local shops. The flyer also has some interesting information about the town and local history: Guardamar has its roots in the Middle Ages, as it was founded by King Alfonso X. Over the course of the 14th century Guardamar grew in importance due to its commercial and defensive status. Its strategic position protecting the coast of Orihuela meant it had to face devastating incursions from the Nazari Kingdom of Granada and Castillian troops in the War of the Two Pedros. The town’s best legacy from this period is its castle, which held the town within its walls and protected it from the dangers that come with being one of the main defence points of the southern coast of the Kingdom of Valencia. Food at the time was based on

Guardamar del Segura is hosting its tapas route until 6th November, and this one has a medieval twist. The event is promoting the municipality’s medieval heritage and this will be reflected in the dishes on offer. There are 20 different bars and

cereals, grains, wine and oil, with flours crucial for different recipes, like breads and 'gachas', which along with legumes and vegetables formed the staple diet. The typical cooking techniques used in creating dishes were boiling - for potages, soups and stews - in a cooking pot or pipkin made of earthenware or copper, and frying, with long handled copper or iron pans. Other commonly used cooking techniques would have been stewing, sweating and sautéing. Roasting, in an over or over hot coals, was also regularly used to cook meats, fish and desserts. Salted and cured meats and fish were also popular, as well as those preserved in brine or pickled. Spices were used to season foods and make sauces, like 'llimonea', 'pebrada' or 'almadroc'. Use of ceramic or wooden bowls was typical for eating these meals, as well as spoons and forks of wood or metal. It will be interesting to see how the modern bars and restaurants interpret this into their Medieval tapas offerings, certainly a taps route with a difference and one well worth a visit.

restaurants taking part, each offering a different tapa, all available for 2 euros which includes a beer, wine or soft drink. Visitors can also get a free tapa and a drink in exchange for one of the limited number of 'Conoce Guardamar (Get to know Guardamar) vouchers,


Orihuela launches Youth Employment Plan The Mayor of Orihuela, Emilio Bascuñana, and the Councillor for Employment, Victor Valverde, have presented the municipalities Youth Employment Plan. The announcement was made in the presence of the Director of Strategy of the EOI, Alfonso Seoane, and the regional director of the agency, Fernando Garrido. The Mayor said: “Through the EOI, Orihuela will offer new employment opportunities for the young through specific training initiatives. The programme aims to link real local employment needs to the skills offered by young people. We will discuss the employment needs of local businesses and use this to guide us toward the kind of training they need in an employee.” The recently signed agreement includes a plan of action, which will last 14 months, has a budget of 900,000 euros, of which 8.6 percent is contributed by the City of Orihuela and the remainder Industrial School, which comes under the Ministry of Industry. Fernando Garrido said: “This is an agreement that will work on two levels, through a formative period that meets the demands and needs of the labour market. On the one hand we will match 70 percent of the budget to training actions, so that we can design programs with flexible duration (from 100 to 400 hours), while secondly 270,000 euros is intended to provide support for the hiring of the trained students by these companies.” Victor Valverde, head of Employment explained that by working in this way the youngsters are almost guaranteed to find opportunities in the local labour market.

Restoration of La Mata dunes Torrevieja’s department for the environment has begun the process of dune restoration in La Mata. Councillor Fanny Serrano announced that they were hoping to ‘restore the biodiversity of the town and its landscapes and encourage quality tourism and activities that include environmental education’. One of the main problems continues to be the invasion of different types of plants which

are not native to the area and the need for protection of more native varieties. The actions being taken include the removal of exotic species like mimosa and cat’s claw. ‘These are plants,’ explained Councillor Serrano, ‘ that are very dangerous to the ecosystem locally and can instigate changes in the soil to suit their own.’ In addition they are planting more native species including

Planting of native varieties begins

some that are now extinct. Some of the planting has been done by volunteers which is hoped to also increase the involvement of local people in both understanding and preserving the natural environment. It is also hoped to install information points so that people can find out more about the different varieties of plant and the type of fauna to be found in and around the dunes. Suzanne O’Connell


CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016

VISIT TO SANTA MONICA with Vivalia Travel Located just west of Downtown Los Angeles, Santa Monica beach is an iconic example of the famed Southern California beaches.

Tourists and visitors come to the Santa Monica State Beach because it: • is large, at 3.5 miles in length • has a maintained, soft sand beach • is within walking distance to popular hotels, shops and restaurants • offers a variety of activities and attractions • is an iconic beach in Southern California BEACH BASICS Because the beach is long (3.5 miles in length) it is helpful to divide the beach into two sections: north of the pier and south of the pier. When one thinks of Santa Monica, the attraction of the Pier inevitably comes to mind. Its red and yellow Ferris wheel is a city icon. The Pier offers Pacific Park, a full service amusement park, combined with plenty of restaurants, bars, and souvenir shops, as well as an entertaining

arcade with more than 200 games. Pacific Park’s solarpowered Ferris wheel makes it the only one of its kind in the region. By day, marvel at the historic Looff Hippodrome Carousel, check out the street performers, or snag a stick of puffy cotton candy. The views of Malibu and the South Bay are pretty outstanding and make for the perfect evening when watched with a beer in hand. Stick around past sunset and you might just catch live local music to the sound of the nearby waves. The Pier is a must-visit Santa Monica attraction that really sets Santa Monica apart as an ideal destination for families and visitors of any age. NORTH OF THE PIER Santa Monica State Beach on the north side of the pier is separated from the city by the palisades (an ocean bluff) and the Pacific Coast Highway. A series of bridges, walkways and stairs provide access to the beach from

the city. The Annenberg Community Beach House is at the far north end of the beach, with houses and parking lots running along the Pacific Coast Highway to the Santa Monica Pier. SANTA MONICA PIER In the middle of the beach, extending from Colorado Blvd and the center of Santa Monica is the Santa Monica Pier. Featuring an amusement park, aquarium, and restaurants, the pier is a landmark for the beach and the city. SOUTH OF THE PIER Santa Monica beach on the south side of the pier is level with the city, with parking lots, parks, homes and hotels bordering the beach.The original Muscle Beach (featuring gymnastics equipment), International Chess Park and Carousel Park are located just south of the Santa Monica Pier, along with Shutters on the Beach and Hotel Casa del Mar.





CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016


Storm batters the More donkeys rescued as EHCRC celebrates anniversary Coast Reports of a drier October than usual were ended on Thursday as a severe local thunder storm brought a deluge of rain to the local area. The amount of rain to have fallen in Orihuela since 1st January has now exceeded 100 litres per square metre and unfortunately for the Vega Baja area, what is usually the rainiest month of the year, now is proving to be just that. Traditionally October is the month for predominantly bad weather and the one where most people change to their winter wardrobe. The line of storms that dominated Thursday afternoon’s weather was active for many hours, affecting the Albacete and Murcia regions before arriving locally. An impressive ‘Cumulonimbus arcus’ – which is a low, horizontal cloud formation associated with the leading

edge of thunderstorm outflow – battered the coast and brought torrential rain and an intense electrical storm. In Orihuela the rain was at its heaviest, 110.8mm per hour, at 5:25pm. From the start to the end of the storm the thermometer dropped by 4.9ºC (from 22.2ºC to 17.3ºC). In the city a total of 10.4mm of rain fell, with a maximum wind speed of 24.1km/h at 5:13pm. Twice that amount of rain, however, fell in Benijófar, where 21mm was recorded and appeared to be the centre of the storm. Over the course of Friday the bad weather receded and this continued over the weekend, with the chance of rain gradually reducing. Temperatures will recover this week thanks to southerly winds.

Rojales-based Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre is now caring for almost 100 rescued equines after Spanish police this month placed three more seized donkeys under its protection. Rescue Centre funders Sue and Rod Weeding say they are now searching for a sustainable way to continue their vital animal welfare work amid escalating running costs, as they prepare to mark eight years since founding the Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre on 22nd October, 2008. “We are stretched more and more for funds to do this and I honestly don’t know how we’re going to continue, but what is going to happen to all these creatures if there isn’t anyone who can take them in?” Sue said. The first donkey was seized by Los Montosinos police and placed in the Centre’s care on Sunday, 2nd October – during its monthly public open day. A young and feisty character, the donkey has since been castrated and treated for a painful hoof abscess. The other two baby donkeys were found dumped by a busy Almoradí roundabout on 13th October. “Luckily the Almoradí police were brilliant and managed to get them literally into the police station and hold them in a little pen for stray dogs until Rod arrived,” Sue said. One is so young he is still trying to suckle, while the other has a nasty nose injury caused by some sort of head collar that has been kept too-tight. Both are extremely thin and riddled with worms. “Despite all the challenges of running our rescue centre, when I see those two

little souls that were dumped on a roundabout and literally abandoned, I know we must find a way to continue,” Sue said. “We’ve created a situation in our Vega Baja area where the police are responding and seizing these neglected and abused animals, because they know we here at Easy Horse Care will take them.“But it's really just Rod and I, and we have only a small group of supporters backing us. We receive absolutely no public funding even though we are taking all of these animals for the police. We are so stretched now. Rod and I are working crazy hours seven days a week and we just can't carry on like this. There has to be a solution.” Sue said that any donations to help

cover the costs of these three new donkeys would be gratefully received – even just €5 feeds one donkey for a day. Donations can be made via bank transfer or PayPal online at: http://easyhorsecare.net/donate/oneoff-donation The centre is also holding a fundraising competition to name the three new donkeys. Entries cost €2 per name suggestion and can be made via the centre’s online donation form or in person at the next open day on Sunday, 6th November from 1pm to 4pm. For more details and directions, visit www.easyhorsecare.net. For regular updates, follow the centre on Facebook at @EasyHorseCare or to help in any other way contact Sue on 652 021 980.



CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016

Link between tourism and house sales It's no secret that Spain's tourism sector is on course to have yet another record-breaking year. Always a firm favourite with visitors from around the globe, it seems those holidaying in the European hotspot are now returning home having purchased their very own Spanish bricks and mortar. The latest data released from Spanish property portal Kyero.com highlights the paralleled growth between tourist visits and house sales. Thanks to the increasing number of tourists keen to experience all that Spain has to offer, Kyero.com predict that house sales too will rise this year (2016), a substantial 11% in comparison to last year. Indeed the volume of visitors to Spain has already reached a record high, as 10.1 million tourists arrived during August 2016; a 5.8% increase on the same month last year and according to the National Statistics Institute.

And it is the demand for Spanish property from overseas buyers that continues to flourish. According to Property Registrars, an impressive 17.5% of property bought in Spain was by foreign investors during the first half of 2016. The market share of foreign buyers in Q2 was 13.4%, almost a record high, with British buyers being the largest group with 20% of the foreign buyer market. With tourist figures and house purchases set to thrive simultaneously, Marc Pritchard, Sales and Marketing Director of leading Spanish homebuilder Taylor Wimpey EspaĂąa, shares his optimism for Q4 2016 and into 2017 commenting, "As a holiday destination, Spain is more popular than ever and an increasing number of those visiting are falling in love with the country and looking to acquire a more permanent position there. For the majority of European second home buyers, Spain is considered a short-haul

destination and therefore an ideal location for a holiday property." During August, according to the Spanish Central Statistics Unit, almost 8 million tourists chose a short break in Spain, a significant increase of 16.9% from last year. This growing popularity of shorter visits to Spain will further strengthen the holiday home market, with the ease of flying to Spain for a long, sun filled weekend of culture and relaxation allowing buyers to make the most of their second property year round. Marc continues, "We have definitely witnessed an increase in visitors to Spain in short bursts and those who like to enjoy the country for long weekends. The demand for short breaks away means that the convenience of a second home that is ready and waiting for that stress-relief weekend in the sun is a highly attractive option."



CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016




Planning office opening hours The Councillor for Town Planning, Begoña Cuartero, has announced the new schedule to the public for the municipal planning office services. She said that the Department is making the changes in order to “coordinate and facilitate citizen services in each of the departments that make up this area and specifically in conducting technical consultations.” Therefore, from this week, the Planning Department will be open from 9.00am to 2.00pm, from Monday to Friday to serve the public who have generic queries and enquiries. Residents can also phone 966 076 102 to discuss their issues and have planning questions answered. In Orihuela Costa, the same service will be available on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the times listed above, while consultations may be made on the phone by calling 966 760 000. As for technical advice, the schedule established by the Department of Planning is 9.00am to 2.00pm Tuesday and Thursday and people will need to make an appointment via telephone on 966 076 100 in order to speak with the municipal technician. Neighbors and residents of Orihuela Costa will also have this service during the same days and times but appointments need to be made on 966 760 000.

CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016

Children’s footballs to be arrested! Children who play ball in the streets and squares of Albox, Almería province, will have them confiscated, Mayor Francisco Torrecillas has warned. “By the end of October, I've given orders for at least 10 footballs to be ‘arrested’,” the leader of independents Ciudadanos Libres y Unidos (Free and United Citizens) said on the town hall’s Twitter site. He even posted a photo of the first ball ‘arrested’ on his mayoral Facebook site. “Parents – ladies and gentlemen – you don't play in the Plazas,” he warned. The reasons, he says, are that children are careless about kicking balls into windows, walls, flowerpots and other private residential, commercial and public fixtures, and fail to notice pedestrians, often lobbing a football right into them or their path. However, residents in Albox, and elsewhere in Spain, have launched harsh criticisms online, questioning where else the children are supposed to play. Other than on urbanisations – residential complexes at some distance from towns – Spanish homes even in villages are mainly apartments or, in lesser number, terraced townhouses, meaning domestic gardens are extremely rare. Public parks and gardens do not normally have huge strips of open space, tending to be taken up with ornamental plant features, trees, benches and playground apparatus.


Quesada language exchange For the fourth year in a row, the Department of Youth at Rojales Town Hall is promoting a language exchange programme among Spaniards who are learning a foreign language and foreign residents who are keen to learn the Spanish language and culture. People interested can join this programme, which has no deadline, by filling in a form at the Municipal Centre in Ciudad Quesada or in Rojales Town Hall.

The language exchange itself will be held at the Ciudad Quesada Cultural Centre and consists of talking half of the time in Spanish and the other half in the chosen foreign language, in this case English. In addition to aiding in the learning of a foreign language, the Language Exchange also aims to promote and help integration between foreign residents and Spanish locals; a further step to building a cohesive local community.

Council gets tough on IBI non payment The voluntary period for paying your IBI property tax has now closed with a total income of more than 37 million euros for the town hall. In order to make sure that as much money is available as possible for public works in the town,Torrevieja has decided to be tougher this year in ensuring that businesses pay their IBI on time. One way they are doing this is by refusing to issue licences for bars and restaurants to use public areas and outdoor spaces unless they have paid their IBI. The licence is needed if hoteliers want to place chairs and tables on the street. There are more than 500 retailers who place chairs and tables outside their premises. For the privilege of doing this the town council collects €700,000 a year. The town hall is using data collection and tracking methods to make sure

that non payment of IBI is tightened up on, at least when it comes to businesses in the town. The possibility of not granting licences as asanction for non payment of taxes has always been available.However, its use was infrequent and now some bars have been taken by surprise as their applications have been turned down. Some of the debts date back to previous years too. Bar and restaurant terraces are particularly important as a source of income in a tourist city such as Torrevieja. They have been a crucial attraction since the ban on smoking indoors came into force. Hoteliers are charged less for their use during the current season than the summer season and will not want to risk being without their terraces. Suzanne O’Connell

Remembrance Services Many of The Royal British Legion Branches in the area are holding Remembrance Services for members of the local community. In order to find a local Service near to you, please go to the Royal British Legion website: www.britishlegion.org.uk/counties/spai n-north and click on the button entitled ‘Remembrance Services’ or phone 648 860 251. Boxes of poppies have been delivered to businesses in the area. The Legion spends £200,000 each day to assist Armed Forces personnel and their families. By making a donation for your poppy you are supporting those who have dedicated their lives to serving their country. Our Welfare Co-ordinator can be contacted on 676 451 780. Please wear your Poppy with Pride and give generously to help the Charity’s continuing welfare work.



CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016

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30 SEP.



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CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016



CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016

HELP OUTLET RELAUNCH Saturday 22nd October saw the relaunch of HELP Murcia Mar Menor's enlarged outlet at the Oasis Centre, Los Alcazares. The outlet which has been open a year urgently needed more space as due to the generosity of the general public the staff were having to carry large items of furniture in and out of the outlet every day and display them under the canopy to allow space inside for trading. As luck would have it the property behind the original outlet became available and with a lot of hard work and a few minor alterations HELP's outlet is now four times the size it was. The reopening was carried out by Robin Bayliss HELP's long time

treasurer who will soon be retiring after many years’ service to the Charity meaning that it urgently needs someone to take over the treasurer's position. Most of the committee along with many HELP members attended the reopening and it is hoped that the enlarged premises will make shopping at the outlet more pleasurable for the general public. The committee would like to thank everyone who donated their time and energy into getting the outlet ready for today’s opening. They would also like to thank the general public for their donations and continued support of the Charity. Your help allows the charity to help others

who need it in the Murcia region. For more information about HELP M.M.M. please visit the office at Calle Penelope, Los Narejos or contact the team on 968 570 059 Monday to Friday 10 am. to 1.30 pm. Or inquire at the outlet in the Oasis Centre Tuesday to Saturday 10 am to 2 pm. All are welcome.





CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016


If you’d like to book a private reading with me or discuss an event, please e-mail me to thequirkymedium@gmail.com If you have a question you’d like answered through this page, please contact me via e-mail to: thequirkymedium@gmail.com You can follow me on Twitter @rescuemediumali You can read about my future eventsand free articles on my websites http://thequirkymedium.blogspot.co.uk/http://discovertheangels.com/

ANGEL GUARDIAN TO PROTECT THE HOME First of all, ask your Guardian Angel to come close and when you feel their presence, ask for the aid of another angel to constantly guard your property. Here is a list of the home guardians who will most likely be invoked in our world today. If you want to invoke one of the home angels regarding a specific problem, as an example, you would call upon Archangel Chamuel if you were looking for love, or if there has been a dispute or arguments within the home you would invoke Archangel Raguel, and so on..... • Archangel Gabriel, the angel of peace, the moon, and ruling over all individual household angels and homes. • Archangel Chamuel, to bring love & harmony into the home & fiercely protect your boundaries • Archangel Michael to guard everyone day and night & to clear the home of unhealthy energy • Archangel Raphael to heal any family rifts & to promote present and future happiness • Archangel Raguel who will instil harmony within relationships within the home Angel visual aid In order to give more power and emphasis to your request, it is a good idea to have a visual aid such as an angel figurine, or if you have children you may want to use something simple such as a child's Christmas angel made at school or a painting they have done of their Guardian Angel. Once you have chosen your angel visual aid, hold it in your hands and tell it that it has a very important job, as the Angel of the home. Take it and place onto your angel altar asking the celestial realms to charge it with the powers of your Household Guardian Angel. Leave it on

the angel altar for 3 days and then place near the front door, or hang it in the hall. Make sure you re-charge your visual aid every 3 months by dusting it, and repeating the process. Healing angels For those of you, who practice healing such as Reiki from home, please ensure that you set up your healing space every day. Please don't confuse this with the aforementioned. Your house cleansing spell should be done every 3 to 4 months or, when you intuitively feel it needs to be repeated. However, if you invite clients into your home, or run spiritual classes, it is imperative that you perform a healing session every day. Houses retain energy, whether negative or positive, and if you have different people coming into your home regularly, the last thing you want is for them to bring negative vibration into your space. I recite the Soul and Monadic Mantra after grounding, and before giving an Angelic Reiki Treatment/ spiritual classes. I am intrigued by the work of Alice Bailey, and this quotation is so profound, beautiful and selfless. I thought I would share it with you before introducing The Great Invocation channelled through Alice, by Djwjal Khul. Enjoy....... "The above Invocation or Prayer does not belong to any person or group but to all humanity. The beauty and the strength of this Invocation lies in its simplicity, and in its expression of certain central truths which all men, innately and normally, accept— the truth of the existence of a basic Intelligence to Whom we vaguely give the name of God; the truth that behind all outer seeming, the motivating power of the universe is Love; the truth that a great

Individuality came to earth, called by Christians, the Christ, and embodied that love so that we could understand; the truth that both love and intelligence are effects of what is called the Will of God; and finally the self-evident truth that only through humanity itself can the Divine Plan work out." Alice A. Bailey The Great Invocation - (short version) From the point of Light within the Mind of God, let light stream forth into the minds of men, let Light descend on Earth.

From the point of Love within the Heart of God, let Love stream forth into the hearts of men. May Christ return to earth. From the centre where the Will of God is known let purpose guide the little wills of men, the purpose which the masters know and serve. From the centre which we call the race of men, let the Plan of Love and Light work out and may it seal the door where evil dwells. Let light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.


More building irregularities in Torrevieja La Plasa is the indoor market in the centre of Torrevieja. For years it has been under occupied with only a handful of stalls actually operating. Now it appears that even that is in jeopardy. According to ‘Informacion’, the building itself should only have been built to three floors. The top floor is illegal and in order to regularise the building itself, must be removed. In the early nineties it was agreed by the PP mayor at the time, Pedro Hernández, that there would be a fifty year concession for the building which replaced the previous fish market. The agreement was that La Plasa would be constructed at no cost to the town hall, provided the ground floor was given over to the traditional municipal market. However, the agreement was riddled with irregularities and the top floor and terrace of the building were not even included in the original plan. The town hall are now left in something of a predicament. It is almost impossible to demolish the top floor without demolishing the whole building. On the other hand, those who do use the building officially still have another 25 years of lease to go.To end this obligation would cost the town almost €400,000. The presence of the illegal top floor is not the only irregular issue in its construction. There are many other


CostaBlancaPeople CostaBlancaPeople October December 25th 22nd - 31st - 28th 20162015

deficiencies which make it impossible to award the necessary licences. For example, the absence of water hydrants in case of fire and shortcomings in the underground car park. These deficiencies have not yet been formerly discussed by the town council. Once they are it will be necessary to close the facility. The presence of the top floor, although illegal does not present a danger to those using the building. However, closure would have an impact on a number of small businesses currently operating there. These problems do mean that the building is left in a kind of impasse. There is reluctance to promote the spare stalls when the whole future of the building is uncertain. Suzanne O’Connell

‘You Can’t Be Serious’ is a weekly tongue in cheek look at the world through Bernie Comaskey’s eyes. With kind permission of the Westmeath Examiner. bernie.comaskey@gmail.com

Standing on your Dignity I was in a restaurant in Villamartin several years back, when an incident, or rather a bit of a scene was played out in front of all our eyes. It is a nice restaurant, with a pleasant ambience and usually a singer entertaining softly in the background. This Friday night, Ruth was singing and apparently she had been on all week. Englishwoman Ruth was an excellent singer, in the Patsy Clyne mould, but it was clear to our table that she was too loud and too upbeat for background music in a classy restaurant. Now, I also happened to know, from experience, that the redheaded Ruth had a split personality coupled with an uncontrollable temper. The restaurant was still full at 11.30 when Ruth finished up and the ladyowner, also English, went over to pay her. Then she informed the singer that, whilst she was top class at what she did; nevertheless, her music was far from ideal for a restaurant and she would not be required any more. Ruth replied, ‘that is fine with me.’ Ruth’s partner had the gear moved outside the front door and Ruth was following him, until suddenly, she came up with what she felt was a much better idea! A large lady, her booming voice filled the restaurant, as she addressed the owner from the doorway and as diners stared into their plates. “Don’t you ever f*****g phone me again; If you only knew the work I passed up to sing in this f*****g kip; shove your f*****g (name of restaurant) and don’t you ever f*****g ring me again…” Ruth waited for a response, as she held the door ready for banging. The owner smiled sweetly,

shrugged her shoulders and in a perfectly reasonable tone of voice, replied simply; “ok then!” Just a small thing – but now, that is dignity! Dignity is something which is difficult to define, but we all know it when we see it. Who could ever forget the dignity shown by Jackie Kennedy, in the aftermath of her husband’s assassination in 1963. In even more difficult circumstances, the restraint shown by both sets of parents in the Holly and Jessica child murders, in England, a some years back was nothing short of incredible. Likewise, the late Gordon Wilson, when his beloved daughter was taken from him by murderers in Enniskillen. You see ordinary people, in everyday life, demonstrating dignity by the way they carry themselves through a tough period or family tragedy. “A dignified silence” must be one of the most difficult things to maintain. Almost all successful people or ‘doers’ have a sense of dignity. By successful, I don’t necessarily mean financial success, but people who have acquired satisfaction, peace and contentment. They are confident and comfortable in themselves and don’t feel the need to play any part or role. They are too busy getting on with things in their own lives. These dignified people don’t go around scared that they might say the wrong thing, or make a fool of themselves. Irish business mogul, Tony O’Reilly strikes me as one showing the same degree of dignity in adversity as when he was a prince of the international commercial world.

You don’t have to be a spoil-sport to possess dignity – you can have all the fun you want, but you don’t let go of control completely. Poise is a word I feel is closely related to dignity. Good manners, also, is a big part of being dignified. Good manners should be an unthinking habit. When Marie Antoinette was being brought to the guillotine, her jailer inadvertently hit her shoulder against something. “I am sorry”, he said. The queen replied; “It is all right, thank you, I don’t hurt any more”. That was dignity personified. Many years ago, I along with three others were volunteer barmen at a very important charity function. During the meal, the guest of honour rose from his table and approached the counter, whiskey-glass in hand. “Is this water?” he asked, pointing at a delph jug on the bar. The young lad he asked, looked at it for a second, picked it up, raised it to his mouth, took a good slug out of it, smacked his lips, wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and announced; “tis water all right!” The man – the most important man in town, gave a wry smile, poured from the jug into his whiskey, offered his ‘thank you’ to the young helper and returned to his seat. Dignity! And on that note, I shall make a dignified exit from the topic.

The man who believes in nothing but himself lives in a very small world


CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016




CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016

Business profile

A Cash and Carry that delivers too

If you are a DIY person and are looking for discount materials then take a look at ‘Cash & Carry’ DIY in La Marquesa. They are a well-established family business and in contrast to the name, they

are quite happy to deliver the materials to you and guide you through any problems that you might have. They specialise in all kinds of construction materials and pride themselves on their friendly and helpful service. Advertised on its Facebook page you will see different offers posted there regularly. There are all kinds of building materials for inside and outside the home aimed at merchants, builders and

the DIY enthusiast. They have a good selection of tiles in stock along with balustrades, screen blocks and industrial equipment too. You can see their full range of tiles exhibited on their premises. They are happy to offer full deliveries and no load is too small. Cash and Carry have a skip service and are particularly proud of their range of wall and floor tiles, many on offer at reduced prices. Cash and Carry also have an air conditioning service and can arrange installation for you too. The factory is located in San Miguel de Salinas on the Poligono Lo Quilez estate. The opening times are from 7.30am until 7pm. For more information you can call 605 27 89

81. You can also find out more information about them by visiting their page on Shoutlocal.com. This is a site where businesses on the Costa Blanca can advertise and inform potential customers. If you have visited Cash and Carry before and are intending to pay them another visit, you might not be aware that they changed premises in July. The new store has ample parking and shelving for their extensive range of products. However, what Paco and the team would really like is for you to pay them a visit and see the range of builders’ materials that they have on offer. You should also like their Facebook page to keep yourself updated with any new bargains that are made available. Suzanne O’Connell

Business Profile: Please note that all information contained within this CostaBlanca People Business Profile has been provided by the client, and is therefore deemed correct and accurate. Any errors, omissions or inaccuracies are the sole responsibility of the client.



CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016



en more of the most wanted British fugitives believed to be hiding in Spain’s ex-pat communities were revealed in a new appeal by independent UK crime-fighting charity Crimestoppers and the National Crime Agency (NCA). Publication of the latest list coincides with the 10th anniversary of Operation Captura –a multi-agency campaign which has seen 76 fugitives apprehended out of 86 publicised. The ten fugitives are wanted by law enforcement agencies in connection with crimes including murder, child sexual exploitation, drug trafficking, fraud, money laundering and serious assault. One of the ten fugitives was arrested the same day the National Crime Agency and Crimestoppers appealed for help to find him. Matthew Sammon, aged 45, from London, who was wanted on suspicion of making and possessing indecent photographs of children, was one of ten individuals revealed yesterday as part of Operation Captura - a multi-agency campaign to locate fugitives on the run in Spain. Following a tip off from a member of the public, who called both Crimestoppers and the Spanish authorities, Sammon was arrested by the Spanish National Police at a fairground site in Fuengirola at around 8pm where he had been living in a camper van. Steve Reynolds, Head of International Operations for the NCA, said: “We asked the public to help us find our most wanted fugitives and this early result the same day we launched our campaign shows the system works. “The Spanish National Police were able to respond quickly to a tip off about Matthew Sammon’s location and he was arrested last night in Fuengirola. As we have always said, Spain is not a safe haven." Lord Ashcroft KCMG, Founder & Chair of Crimestoppers, commented: "To have seen an arrest made less than 24 hours of the latest Captura appeal simply reinforces what we've said all along Spain is not the safe haven fugitives think it is. "I thank the NCA and the Spanish Police for their quick response to the information received, and the public for their continued support of this campaign, which has now seen 77 wanted individuals arrested. That figure, is quite remarkable." Extradition proceedings are now underway and he will appear at the Spanish National Court in Madrid later today. Sammon is the 77th fugitive to be arrested out of 96 publicised through Operation Captura.

Lord Ashcroft KCMG PC, the Founder and Chair of Crimestoppers, said: “As we mark the tenth anniversary of Operation Captura, it is safe to say it has been an extremely effective way of tracking down some of the most wanted individuals who are deliberately running from justice. “These people have managed to evade arrest and avoid justice. We know that with the help of Spanish authorities,

Crimestoppers will help to locate the fugitives on the Operation Captura list. For people in Spain wishing to pass on information anonymously there is a dedicated freephone Spanish telephone number - 900 555 111 - which is directed to the Crimestopers’ call centre in the UK. A translation service is available on request. People in the UK can continue to contact Crimestoppers anonymously by

extremely violent and poses a high risk to both police and members of the public, was convicted at various courts of a number of offences between 2002 and 2010. He received sentences in excess of 16 years, and in September 2013 he was released on licence but failed to adhere to conditions set. The offences he was convicted of included an assault to severe injury and danger of life, robbery, assault to severe injury and

along with the public in Spain and the UK, we can find these people.” Steve Reynolds, Head of International Operations for the NCA, said: “The success of Captura demonstrates our relentless pursuit of fugitives. We never give up. Many of them use Spain as a base to continue illegal activities which still have an impact on the UK, but it is not a safe haven. “Seventy-seven fugitives on the Captura list have been caught to date, along with many more fugitives linked to other operations. The exceptional level of collaboration and intelligence sharing we have with the Spanish authorities has been vital to these arrests. “The fugitives we are hunting are wanted for serious crimes and must be returned to the UK to face justice. We need the support of the public to help us catch them. Be our eyes and ears and tell us if you have any information on the whereabouts of our targets.” Crimestoppers and the NCA liaise closely with the British Embassy in Madrid and with both British and Spanish law enforcement agencies. Simon Manley, British Ambassador to Spain, said: “Captura is one of the best examples of the fantastic collaboration between Spanish and British law enforcement. Our objective is for this collaboration to continue and strengthen in the coming years. I would like to congratulate all those that have worked over the last 10 years to bring fugitives to justice.” Information received by

calling the number 0800 555 111 or online at www.crimestoppers-uk.org

permanent disfigurement, breach of the peace and having a sharply pointed implement in prison. In one of the most serious assaults Kelly stabbed and paralysed his victim using a machete. He was also subject of a sexual offences prevention order. He is described as 180cm tall, heavy build, blue/grey eyes, short brown hair, Scottish accent, and occasionally has a beard. Also has scars to the left and right side of the face, on his arms and his right hand. Stephen Carruthers, aged 43, from Bury: Wanted by Cumbria Police on suspicion of 18 offences of making indecent photographs of a child. Carruthers was arrested when police officers executed a search warrant on 27 March 2014 at an address in Ambleside where he was living at the time. A computer recovered was analysed and found to contain 5,332 indecent images of children. The most serious of the images showed contact sexual abuse between adults and children. He was interviewed and denied committing any offences. He was given bail to re-attend the police station but failed to answer his bail. He is described as 172cm tall, medium build, short brown hair or shaved head and has blue eyes. Sarah Panitzke, aged 42, from Fulford: Wanted by HMRC for conspiracy to acquire criminal property. Panitzke was a senior member of a crime group involved in a VAT fraud. She controlled the company accounts of many companies remotely via different IP addresses. Panitzke travelled extensively

THE NINE REMAINING FUGITIVES Shane O’Brien, aged 28, from London: Wanted by the Metropolitan Police on suspicion of murder. In October 2015 O’Brien was in a wine bar in Middlesex with several friends. It is alleged that O’Brien approached a man called Josh Hanson who was with his girlfriend at the bar, removed an item from his coat pocket and plunged it into the his neck. Josh was pronounced dead at the scene. A £20,000 reward is available for information leading to the arrest and prosecution of O’Brien. He is described as 183cm tall, slim build, grey eyes and short dark brown hair. Also has a birthmark on his face, and a tattoo on his back ‘Shannon 15-04-06’. O’Brien also has links to Dubai. Jamie Acourt, aged 40, from South London: Wanted by the Metropolitan Police on suspicion of conspiracy to supply cannabis resin between 1 January 2014 and 1 February 2016. Acourt is believed to be a principal member of an organised crime group involved in the large-scale supply of cannabis. He is described as 173cm tall, athletic build, pale complexion, dark brown hair, brown eyes, and sometimes wears glasses. Jonathon Kelly, aged 36, from Glasgow: Wanted by Police Scotland on recall to prison to serve remaining sentence of 9 years 10 months for a number of serious assaults. Kelly, who is

to further the fraud to places including Dubai, Spain and Andorra. She was responsible for laundering approximately £1billion pounds. Panitzke absconded in May 2013 prior to the end of the trial and was convicted in her absence. She was sentenced to eight years on 22 August 2013. Eighteen members of the crime group received sentences totalling 135 years. She is described as 170cm tall, slim build with mousey straight hair, blue eyes and has a Yorkshire accent. Mark Acklom, aged 43, from London: Wanted by Avon & Somerset Police on suspicion of fraud by false representation. Acklom allegedly make a number of false representations after starting a romantic relationship with a woman from Bath in January 2012. She said Acklom first claimed to work in the banking world in Switzerland and was very wealthy, and then later went on to say he worked for an intelligence agency. During their relationship she said they discussed marriage. After saying he had cash flow problems that were hindering renovation work at one of the properties he wanted them to live in, the woman gave him numerous loans totalling £850,000. It later transpired that Acklom did not own the property. He disappeared and she never received any of her money back. He is described as 5ft 10ins tall, medium build, dark brown hair and green eyes. Dominic McInally, aged 25, from Liverpool: Wanted by Merseyside Police on suspicion of conspiracy to supply cocaine. McInally is the alleged leader of a drug trafficking gang that expected to bank £1.25m every month. Members of the gang travelled to the border of France and Belgium to pick up six kilos of cocaine. The package, secreted in a hidden compartment inside a Seat Leon car, was intercepted by police officers when they swooped on the gang near Crosby in January 2014. McInally evaded capture. Five members of the gang have received sentences totalling 48 years. He is described as 178cm tall and has blond hair. Mark Quinn, aged 52, from Liverpool: Wanted by Police Scotland on suspicion of supplying amphetamine. Between August 2013 and April 2014 Quinn was allegedly involved in an organised crime group concerned in the production, transportation and distribution of amphetamine with a street value of over £11m. He is described as 5ft 9ins tall, large build and has short brown hair. Simon McGuffie, aged 41, from Liverpool: Wanted by The North West Regional Organised Crime Unit (Titan) on suspicion of being a member of a Merseyside organised crime group involved in the large-scale supply of Cocaine, Heroin and Cannabis across the North West. He has a scarred right arm and distinctive 2” scar to the right cheek.

www.costablancapeople.com CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016




Separating fact from fiction How often have you heard two very different answers to the same question? Which if either is correct? Can I or can’t I? Should I or shouldn’t I? The Speaker at the November Chatters will be from the Local Police and will be separating the myths and rumours from the facts about what we should and shouldn’t do when cycling, driving and walking around Los Alcazares. As well as explaining and clearing up the more common misunderstandings he will be answering your individual questions and queries. The meeting will take place at The Pasty Shack in Rio Nalon, near to the Mercadona Supermarket, in Los Alcazares on Wednesday 16th November. Complimentary refreshments will be available from 10.15 until 10.45 and the meeting will start at 11am. The Meeting is open to all and everybody is welcome. After the usual games and quizzes, with the opportunity to win modest prizes, members will be going around the corner to the Police Theatre for the Presentation and Talk, followed by your own questions and answers. Anybody who does not want to join the

CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016

Business Profile


Simply Doors Simply Doors has now been established here on the Costa Blanca for 10 years, a family run business with a personal touch. As an installation company Simply Doors is able to offer a varied range of products and will give honest advice as to the best solution for the client.

Simply Doors are pleased to announce an addition to the range of products, as well as offering external doors, uPVC windows, conservatories and glass curtains the team is now


launching a new internal door range. Simply Doors’ internal doors are manufactured to a very high standard, all doors have a solid core and are pre finished so no painting requires. Simply Doors has a range of finishes available from gloss white to laminated wood effects. To view the range of products call into our showroom at Comercial San Luis, Local 2, Calle Avilés, San Luis next to the Christmas Shop and Hire Centre or call 966 718 738 or 671 260 204.

Business Profile: Please note that all information contained within this CostaBlanca People Business Profile has been provided by the client, and is therefore deemed correct and accurate. Any errors, omissions or inaccuracies are the sole responsibility of the client.

meeting but would like to attend the Presentation should meet outside the Pasty Shack at noon. This Meeting will also be the last chance to buy any remaining tickets for the Chatters Pasty Shack Christmas Carvery which will be on December 14th. Last year this Lunch was a very popular sell out and is looking to be the same this year so don’t miss out.20. Chatters primary purpose is to enable people to meet old friends, and perhaps make new ones in an

informal and friendly environment. Chatters is sponsored by Help At Home, a local charity which provides temporary help in their own home to Ex-Pats in need. Chatters makes no charge for any help given and rely entirely on donations and fundraising. Follow Chatters on Facebook or find out more about who they are and what they do by visiting



Su Casita celebrates 20th anniversary

n a happy and cheerful atmosphere the company Su Casita celebrated its 20th Anniversary recently with customers, friends and business associates. The party was held at the company’s offices in urbanisation La Marina. The refreshments flowed freely and there was plenty of ‘German’ tapas and of course champagne to toast the special occasion. There was also a draft beer also for those who love the amber nectar. As well as the ample food and drink, guest were treated to live entertainment courtesy of Pia. More than 100 guests joined the team for the anniversary celebrations, travelling from across the Costa Blanca rom areas such as Denia, Torre de la Horadada and Sax. The Su Casita team was particularly pleased to see customers who had bought their property 20 years ago, when the company was just starting, and who wanted to celebrate the occasion with them. The event proved a huge success and provided customers with the

opportunity to network and make new friends and contacts and to exchange views on the country they now call home. Twenty years ago, Monika and Dieter Hannemann started Su Casita in a small office in the basement of their house in the urbanisation of La Marina specialising in property sales. It was always important for them to offer a high standard of personalised customer care for their clients and they went beyond just real estate brokerage to provide information about the country, people and life on the Costa Blanca, and also always put first the safety and security of their customers when buying a property. Today there is a strong team of eight people at Su Casita, which is now based in a two-storey office in La Marina, but all retain a key focus and commitment to the customer, despite the service offering much more than real estate provision. For further information contact Monika Hannemann at Su Casita on 966 790 012 or visit: www.sucasita.eu

Business Profile: Please note that all information contained within this CostaBlanca People Business Profile has been provided by the client, and is therefore deemed correct and accurate. Any errors, omissions or inaccuracies are the sole responsibility of the client.


www.costablancapeople.com CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016



Why aren’t you benefitting from the exchange rate?



Rebecca Serwotka – Your favourite local property expert, of Inmobiliaria Real Estate Agents in Ciudad Quesada.

We’ve all seen the current exchange rate. Great for the sellers that are taking their funds back to the U.K., but not so great for the British that are looking to purchase Euros. The ongoing talks about Brexit isn’t stopping the British buyers still wanting a piece of what we already have…. This wonderful Spanish lifestyle and climate, but it does have an affect however, on their budget. What the British buyers were intending on spending has reduced, due to the drop in the exchange rate, but if you as a seller, are repatriating your funds back to the U.K., then talk to your Real Estate Agent and let them know your situation, as this would mean you could be more flexible with your price. You play a very active role in your own sale, bigger than you think, and knowing you can take a lower offer rather than voicing it to your agent, could make a difference of moving now, or moving at some point in the future. If you’ve received an offer from a British buyer that doesn’t sound as much as you were hoping for in Euros, STOP! Don’t turn it down with a flat NO! Look at the bigger picture, and calculate what those Euros

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would convert back to, in Pounds. Don’t lose a potential sale because you can’t look past the amount of Euros it cost you to buy the home in the first place. What you need to think about is how many Pounds you will be able to buy with your Euros. The difference of the current exchange rate at 1.11€/£, compared to when it used to be 1.28€/£, would mean an extra €22,000 for a British buyer purchasing a home for €150,000. By reducing your price in Euros, to compensate the exchange rate, without compromising on your final price in Pounds, puts you in a greater position to sell above someone that’s leaving their money here. So why not take advantage of the exchange rate now? With all this in mind, you could be moving to your new home quicker than your international neighbours, because you’re the ones with more negotiating power!

Ref 4275


Townhouse 2 Bedrooms 1 Bathroom

Comm Pool Garden, Drive Cloakroom

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Ref 4043

Detached Villa 3 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms

Detached Villa 3 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms

Room for Pool Solarium Open views


Com Pool Solarium, A/C Drive, Garden





From €159.000



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CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016



CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016




Telephone (0034) 966 718 779 Fax: (0034) 965 725 582 sunseekers@live.com WEBSITE DOWN AT THE MOMENT Calle Blanca No 1 (near Goyos Restaurant), Quesada

to o h p ng i t i a Aw

to o h p g n i t i Awa

Quesada, detached villa with huge underbuild, own pool, good views, 3 beds, 2 baths, plus underbuild with separate kitchen and bathroom, ideal granny annexe, teenager annexe, 500sqm plot, very tastefully furnished.

Quesada, Skandia village centre, 1 bed mid terraced bungalow, located on this most popular centre close to all amenities. Complex has communal pool, electric gated entrance, and is only 200m walk to supermarket, bars and restarants. Excellent rental ability.

Los Montesinos, two properties, one 4 bed, 2 bath, other, 3 bed, 2 bath, all on one plot, swimming pool, jacuuzi, outside bar, BBQ, stables, paddock, all walking distance to Los Montesinos small town and schools. ideal for two families, can only be described as immaculate properties, sensibly priced at 395,000 euros for both. Further details and over 50 photos in office.

Benijofar, mid terrace townhouse of excellent proportions, integral garage, 3 or 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, underfloor heating, rooftop solaruim with fantastic views, and study area, huge living and dining room leading to large kitchen. These village hoses are like a tardis, over 130m construction, communal swimming pool. Walking distance to all amenities.

225,000 €

57,500 €

395,000€ for 2

110,000 €

Jacarilla, some 9 miles from Quesada, mid terrace townhouse, 3 beds, 1 bath with downstairs WC. Massive living/dining,room the full depth of the property, plus fitted kitchen. Little or no garden to the front, but large open courtyard to the rear, ideal parties, BBQ, etc. Sold with minimal furnishings, located within easy walking distance to both the village centre and the municipal swimming pool. There are NO community charges with this property. This is an ill health sale and the owners are very minded to sell for obvious reasons. Price less than half a small property would cost you on Quesada????

Property urgently wanted for sale and or long term rental within this area, free no obligation valuation available

Jacarilla, 9.5 kms from Quesada, prestigious 1st floor apartment, 3 beds, 2 baths, over 110 square meters, beautifully furnished, south facing directly overlooking the communal pool, security entrance system, car parking space and large storage space below, walking distance to all the village amenities, cost 167,000 euros 10 years ago, offered for sale due to ill health at 83,500 euros. Absolute bargain.

83,500 €

Algorfa, 2 bed detached villa, beautiful private pool, close to La Finca Golf, south facing, shaded off road parking. Price 169.500€.

Ref 2464

Ref 3092

Ref 3090

58,500 €

Ref 3079

Ref 2954

Ref 3089

Ciudad Quesada, 3 bed, 2 bath villa, central Quesada location, 800m2 plot, private pool, all on one level. Price 259.995€.

Guardamar, 2 bed corner town house, overlooking comm. pool, gated community, secure car parking, sold furnished. Price 119.950€.

Guardamar, 3 bed, 2 bath villa, south facing, jacuzzi, part furnished + A/C, spacious solarium. Price 179.950€.

Catral, 3 bed 2 bath country villa, 2200m2 plot, 10 x 5 private pool, 160m2 living area, furnished with A/C. Price 178.000€.

Torrevieja, 2 bed terraced bungalow, very well presented, fully furnished, large sunny patio, close to amenities. Price 59.995€.

NEW OFFICE NOW OPEN, OPP. SANTANDER BANK, NR THE ARCHES. You can also visit us at our El Raso office on Commercial El Campico next to The Hot Stone Restaurant, for more information on the above properties and many others available. We will be happy to give advice on the buying or selling process in Spain and look forward to meeting you at either office. Pop in to see us for our new commission deals.

info@propshopspain.com - www.propshopspain.com - Tel. Quesada: 966 718 836 - Mob: 628 045 614 - Tel. El Raso: 965 501 006

We are currently looking for good priced properties for waiting clients in Quesada and Guardamar. 657



CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016



Ciudad Quesada

Ciudad Quesada

Ciudad Quesada

Villa, 4 bed, 3 bath, 550 plot, 160 built, Summer kitchen, private pool. Ref: 447

Bungalow, 2 bed, 2 bath, 25 plot, 67 built, roof terrace, communal pool. Ref: 138

Townhouse, 3 bed, 3 bath, 100 plot, 105 built, air con, com pool. Ref: 304.

Apartment, 2 bed, 1 bath, 65 built, Solarium, views, communal pool. Ref: 065





Ciudad Quesada

Ciudad Quesada

Ciudad Quesada

Ciudad Quesada

Apartment, 1 bed, 1 bath, 50 built, Solarium, comm pool, overlooking pool. Ref: 093

Vilal, 2 bed 1 bath, Solarium, air cond, Private parking, Private pool. Ref: 448.

Apartment, 2 bed, 1 bath, 65 built, Solarium, views, communal pool. Ref: 444.

Villa, 2 bed, 1 bath, 200 plot, 72 built, Solarium, views, com pool. Ref: 462





Ciudad Quesada

Ciudad Quesada

Ciudad Quesada

Ciudad Quesada

Townhouse, 2 bed, 1 bath, 90 plot, 80 built, balcony, storage, commpool. Ref: 076

Villa, 3 bed, 2 bath, 700 plot, 140 built, Garden, off-road parking, private pool. Ref: 018

Quad, 2 bed, 1 bath, 120 plot, 70 built, off-road parking, solarium, communal pool. Ref: 449.

Villa, 2 bed, 1 bath, 500 plot, 72 built, Offroad parking, garden, private pool. Ref: 159





Ciudad Quesada

Ciudad Quesada

Ciudad Quesada

Ciudad Quesada

Apartment, 2 bed, 1 bath, 50 plot, 65 built, views. Ref: 246.

Villa, 2 bed, 1 bath, 500 plot, 80 built, garden, garage, bbq. Ref: 142.

Villa, 2 bed, 2 bath, 800 plot, 85 built, air conditioning, Garden, private pool. Ref: 280.

Villa, 3 bed, 2 bath, 575 plot, 150 built, air conditioning, private pool. Ref: 071.





El Raso Office Centro Comercial Euro-Terra Plaza de la Figuera, 1 - Local 7 03140 Guardamar del Segura Tel: (+34) 966 716 019

Quesada Av. Las Naciones, 18-A 03170 Rojales Tel: (+34) 966 718 006 (Head Office)

Villamartin Office Av. de las Brisas, 6 - Local 26 Villamartin 3189 Orihuela Costa Tel: (+34) 966 764 003




www.costablancapeople.com CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016

Captain Fantastic (2016) 8.0 In the forests of the Pacific Northwest, a father devoted to raising his six kids with a rigorous physical and intellectual education is forced to leave his paradise and enter the world, challenging his idea of what it means to be a parent. Director: Matt Ross Writer: Matt Ross Stars: Viggo Mortensen, George MacKay, Samantha Isler

Keeping Up with the Joneses (2016) 5.4 A suburban couple becomes embroiled in an international espionage plot when they discover that their seemingly perfect new neighbors are government spies. Director: Greg Mottola Writer: Michael LeSieur Stars: Zach Galifianakis, Isla Fisher, Jon Hamm

Don’t miss any of your favourite shows with the Costa Blanca People’s FREE comprehensive TV pullout, featuring extended listings from more TV channels than ever!

We URGENTLY require REF: NS157 LA MARINA more properties in La Marina area. Contact Us For A Free Valuation Today! REF: NS163 LA MARINA


Town House, 1 Large Bedroom, 2 Bath, Extended Good Location, 46m2 Build, South Facing Solarium, Sea Views , Com Pool

Semi - Detached, 3 Bed, 2 Bath, Immaculate Villa Air Conditioning, 78m2 Build ,146m2 Plot East Facing, Off Rd Parking, Com Pool





Quad, 3 Bed, 1 Bath, Good Condition, Off Rd Parking, Room For A Pool, 86m2 Build, 138m2 Plot, Large Solarium, Air Conditioning, Com Pool

Terraced Bungalow, 1 Bed, 1 Bath, Furnished 30m2 Build, South Facing, Extended Enclosed Terrace, On Rd Parking



We would like to say a huge THANK YOU to all our clients for their support and loyalty over the last year enabling us to go from strength to strength . We will be celebrating our first year here in La Marina on the 1st of November and we hope that we can continue to provide our excellent service in the coming years. To all our new clients that we have not yet met, our doors are always open to assist or advise in any way we can regarding property here in Spain. We look forward to meeting you all .... From The Newstart Team

La Marina Urb., Avenida Londres, 1182 ­ 03177 San Fulgencio (Alicante) Tel. (+34) 965 038 990 · (+34) 665 383 392 info@newstartestates.com | www.newstartestates.com



Television: Tue 25th Oct BBC1

7.00am 10.15am 11.00am 12.00pm 12.45pm 1.15pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 2.45pm 3.15pm 4.00pm 4.45pm 5.30pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 11.45pm 12.45am 1.45am

Breakfast Countryfile Autumn Diaries Homes Under the Hammer Claimed and Shamed The Sheriffs are Coming Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Regional News and Weather Doctors Decimate Escape to the Country Money for Nothing Flog It! Pointless BBC News at Six Regional News and Weather The One Show EastEnders Holby City Ordinary Lies BBC News at Ten Regional News and Weather Britain's Body Image Secrets with Anne Robinson Saving Africa's Elephants: Hugh and the Ivory War Weather for the Week Ahead

BBC2 7.00am 7.30am 8.15am 9.00am 10.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.45pm 3.15pm 3.45pm 4.15pm 5.15pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 12.15am 1.05am 2.05am 3.05am 4.05am

ITV2 6.45am 7.00am 7.20am 8.10am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 11.10am 12.10pm 12.15pm 1.15pm 1.45pm 2.15pm 2.45pm 3.35pm 4.40pm 5.45pm 6.50pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.05pm

ITV2 Nightscreen Planet's Funniest Animals Dinner Date The Ellen DeGeneres Show Emmerdale Coronation Street Coronation Street You've Been Framed! The Hot Desk Free Willy 2: The Adventure Home FYI Daily Free Willy 2: The Adventure Home Emmerdale Coronation Street Coronation Street The Ellen DeGeneres Show The Jeremy Kyle Show The Jeremy Kyle Show The Jeremy Kyle Show Take Me Out You've Been Framed! You've Been Framed! Two and a Half Men Two and a Half Men Shaun of the Dead FYI Daily Shaun of the Dead

Sky Movies Premiere 7.15am

Down Dog




Closer to the Moon


The Danish Girl




Tim Burton's Peculiar Tales


The Finest Hours


Closer to the Moon


The Danish Girl






The Returned


Lost in Karastan


Bridget Jones: Renee Zellweger's Baby


Inferno: Premiere

Cowboys and Angels Claimed and Shamed Money for Nothing Coast: The Great Guide Victoria Derbyshire BBC Newsroom Live The Daily Politics The Edge Hi-De-Hi! Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em To the Manor Born The House That £100k Built Wild China Antiques Road Trip Eggheads Strictly Come Dancing: It Takes Two Great British Menu Autumnwatch Great Continental Railway Journeys Later Live... with Jools Holland Newsnight NFL Wild West: America's Great Frontier The Apprentice The Victorian Slum This is BBC Two

ITV1 6.05am 7.00am 9.30am 10.25am 11.30am 1.30pm 2.30pm 2.55pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 11.40pm 12.20am 1.20am 2.10am 4.00am 4.50am 6.05am

Sky Sports 1 6.00am 6.30am 6.45am 7.00am 7.15am 7.30am 7.45am 8.00am 9.00am 9.15am 9.30am 11.30am 12.00pm 12.15pm 12.30pm 1.00pm 1.15pm

Premier League 100 Club Spanish Gold Spanish Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold WWE SmackDown! SPFL Round Up Football Gold The Premier League Years Soccer AM: The Best Bits 2016/17 SPFL Round Up Football Gold Premier League 100 Club Football Gold Football Gold

E4 7.00am 7.45am 8.10am 8.40am 9.10am 9.40am 10.05am 10.35am 11.00am 11.30am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 3.30pm 4.00pm 4.30pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 1.05am 1.55am 3.00am 3.45am 4.40am 5.05am 5.25am

Charmed Hollyoaks Rude(Ish) Tube Coach Trip Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother Baby Daddy Baby Daddy Charmed Charmed The Goldbergs The Goldbergs The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother Baby Daddy Baby Daddy The Goldbergs The Goldbergs The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Hollyoaks Black-Ish The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Body Fixers Empire First Dates Abroad The Lie Detective Body Fixers Empire First Dates Abroad Rude Tube Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement

CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016

The Jeremy Kyle Show Good Morning Britain Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning Loose Women ITV Lunchtime News ITV News London Judge Rinder Rebound Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London ITV Evening News Emmerdale Fishing Impossible The Agenda The New Clampers: Where's My Car Gone? ITV News at Ten and Weather ITV News London On Assignment Judge Rinder's Crime Stories Murder, She Wrote Jackpot247 Loose Women ITV Nightscreen The Jeremy Kyle Show

Sky 1 6.00am 6.30am 7.00am 8.00am 8.30am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 1.00am

Motorway Patrol Motorway Patrol It's Me or the Dog Monkey Life Monkey Life RSPCA Animal Rescue RSPCA Animal Rescue Futurama Futurama Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 NCIS: Los Angeles Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 NCIS: Los Angeles A Town Called Eureka The Simpsons The Simpsons Modern Family The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons The Flash Mount Pleasant A League of Their Own NCIS: Los Angeles Police Ten

Channel 4 6.10am 7.00am 7.45am 8.10am 8.35am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 1.05pm 2.05pm 3.10pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.55pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.35pm 12.35am 1.35am Final 2.30am 2.55am 3.25am 3.50am 4.20am 5.15am 6.10am

Movies Now Man About the House Heartbeat Where the Heart is Wild at Heart Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy Murder, She Wrote The Darling Buds of May Heartbeat Wild at Heart Where the Heart is Man About the House On the Buses On the Buses Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Midsomer Murders Law and Order: UK Lightfields Wycliffe The Darling Buds of May ITV3 Nightscreen Teleshopping

tv pick Married at First Sight Channel 4 – 10.00 pm Can science help us fall in love? A group of young men and women unable to find a long-term partner, and disillusioned with online dating, agree to put their trust in science, and a panel of experts, to help them find their perfect match. The experts are psychologist Mark Coulson; sex and relationship therapist Jo Coker; evolutionary anthropologist Dr Anna Machin; and Nick Devenish, a Church of England vicar. The experts sift through thousands of applicants until eight singles are set to become four couples. The five week experiment begins when the couples meet as complete strangers and marry at first sight. It continues with a honeymoon and four weeks of living together as man and wife. The experiment concludes with Decision Day, when the couples must decide - stay together or seek a divorce? In this second episode, another couple are matched and meet just before they say 'I Do'. Will true love flourish for these two singletons looking for The One?

Deal or No Deal Countdown King of Queens The Goldbergs The Goldbergs Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Frasier A New Life in the Sun Ramsay's Hotel Hell Channel 4 News Summary Come Dine with Me Hoarder SOS Countdown Deal or No Deal Four in a Bed Come Dine with Me My Kitchen Rules UK The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News The Political Slot Your Face Says it All Married at First Sight Damned 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown SAS: Who Dares Wins Pokerstars and Monte-Carlo EPT Grand KOTV Boxing Weekly Motorsport Plusnet Yorkshire Marathon Food Unwrapped Phil Spencer: Secret Agent Location, Location, Location Deal or No Deal

BBC 4 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 1.00am 2.00am 2.50am 3.50am 4.50am

ITV3 7.00am 7.10am 7.35am 8.35am 9.35am 10.35am 11.00am 11.25am 11.55am 12.55pm 2.00pm 3.05pm 4.10pm 5.15pm 5.50pm 6.20pm 6.55pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 1.05am 2.10am 3.05am 3.30am


World News Today Grand Tours of Scotland Bridging the Gap Horizon Fatal Experiments: The Downfall of a Supersurgeon The Brain: A Secret History Precision: The Measure of All Things Natural World Fabric of Britain Horizon This is BBC Four

Channel 5 6.10am

House Doctor


House Doctor


Toby's Travelling Circus


Lily's Driftwood Bay


Fireman Sam


Peppa Pig


Peppa Pig


Bob the Builder


Little Princess


Pip Ahoy!


Thomas and Friends


Noddy: Toyland Detective


Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom




Peppa Pig


Peppa Pig


Paw Patrol


Toot the Tiny Tugboat


Bananas in Pajamas


The Wright Stuff


House Doctor


5 News Lunchtime


Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords


Home and Away






A Father's Secret


5 News at 5




Home and Away


5 News Tonight


House Doctor


The Yorkshire Vet


Ben Fogle: New Lives in the Wild


The Boy with Giant Hands


The Hotel Inspector Returns


Inside Holloway Prison


Super Casino




Now That's Funny!




House Doctor


House Doctor

7.00am 7.10am 8.05am 8.55am 9.55am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 2.55pm 3.30pm 3.55pm 4.55pm 6.00pm 6.55pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 8.55pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 12.05am 1.05am 2.05am 2.10am 2.55am

Football's Greatest: George Best The Professionals The Chase Quincy, M.E. Ironside The Professionals The Chase Cash Cowboys The Car Chasers The Car Chasers Storage Wars Texas Storage Wars Texas Quincy, M.E. Ironside Cash Cowboys Motogp Highlights Pawn Stars Pawn Stars The Chase: Celebrity Special Benidorm Tremors FYI Daily Tremors Rumble in the Bronx FYI Daily Rumble in the Bronx Fifth Gear

More 4 9.55am

Food Unwrapped


Time Team


Down to the Sea in Ships


Kirstie's Handmade Treasures


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun


A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun


Find it, Fix it, Flog it


Car S.O.S


Grand Designs


Homes by the Sea


999: What's Your Emergency?


24 Hours in A and E


Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA


Homes by the Sea


Love Child


8 Out of 10 Cats


www.costablancapeople.com CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016

BBC1 7.00am 10.15am 11.00am 12.00pm 12.45pm 1.15pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 2.45pm 3.15pm 4.00pm 4.45pm 5.30pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 11.45pm 12.15am 2.15am 2.20am

Breakfast Countryfile Autumn Diaries Homes Under the Hammer Claimed and Shamed The Sheriffs are Coming Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Regional News and Weather Doctors Decimate Escape to the Country Money for Nothing Flog It! Pointless BBC News at Six Regional News and Weather The One Show The Great British Bake Off The Missing BBC News at Ten Regional News and Weather A Question of Sport Tron Legacy Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News

BBC2 7.00am 7.30am 8.15am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 12.00pm 12.30pm 2.00pm 2.45pm 3.15pm 3.45pm 4.15pm 5.15pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 12.15am 12.45am 1.45am 2.45am 3.45am

ITV2 7.00am 7.20am 8.10am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 11.00am 11.10am 12.15pm 12.20pm 1.15pm 1.45pm 2.45pm 3.35pm 4.40pm 5.45pm 6.50pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 12.30am 1.00am

Planet's Funniest Animals Dinner Date The Ellen DeGeneres Show Emmerdale Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records You've Been Framed and Famous! The Hot Desk Dragonheart FYI Daily Dragonheart Emmerdale You've Been Framed! The Ellen DeGeneres Show The Jeremy Kyle Show The Jeremy Kyle Show The Jeremy Kyle Show Take Me Out You've Been Framed! You've Been Framed! Two and a Half Men Two and a Half Men Hell's Kitchen Ibiza Weekender Family Guy Family Guy American Dad!

Sky Movies Premiere 7.00am

Closer to the Moon


Inferno: Premiere


Lost in Karastan


The Danish Girl


Down Dog


The Top Ten Show 2016


Closer to the Moon




The Danish Girl


The Finest Hours






The Returned


Down Dog


Bridget Jones: Renee Zellweger's Baby


Avengers: Age of Ultron Special


Inferno: Premiere

Cowboys and Angels Claimed and Shamed Money for Nothing Great British Menu Great British Menu Victoria Derbyshire BBC Newsroom Live The Daily Politics The Edge Hi-De-Hi! Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em Open All Hours The House That £100k Built Wild China Antiques Road Trip Eggheads Strictly Come Dancing: It Takes Two Great British Menu Coast: The Great Guide Autumnwatch The Premier League Show Newsnight No Such Thing as the News Hunting the Nazi Gold Train Britain's Pet Secrets with Anne Robinson Ambulance This is BBC Two

ITV1 7.00am 9.30am 10.25am 11.30am 1.30pm 2.30pm 2.55pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 11.45pm 1.20am 4.00am 4.50am 6.05am

Sky Sports 1 8.00am 9.00am 11.00am 11.30am 12.00pm 12.30pm 1.30pm 3.45pm 4.00pm 4.30pm 5.00pm 5.15pm 5.30pm 5.45pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.30pm

WWE Experience The Premier League Years Efl Cup Highlights Premier League 100 Club Football's Greatest Sky Sports Originals Live Chinese Super League Football Gold Football's Greatest Premier League 100 Club Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold BPL Legends Sky Sports Originals Efl Cup Highlights

E4 7.45am 8.10am 8.40am 9.10am 9.40am 10.05am 10.35am 11.00am 11.30am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 3.30pm 4.00pm 4.30pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 12.30am 1.00am 2.00am 3.05am 4.00am 4.45am 5.10am 5.30am

Hollyoaks Rude(Ish) Tube Coach Trip Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother Baby Daddy Baby Daddy Charmed Charmed The Goldbergs The Goldbergs The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother Baby Daddy Baby Daddy The Goldbergs The Goldbergs The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Hollyoaks Black-Ish The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Crazyhead Scream Queens The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Tattoo Fixers First Dates Crazyhead Scream Queens Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement Charmed

Television: Wed 26th Oct Good Morning Britain Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning Loose Women ITV Lunchtime News ITV News London Judge Rinder Rebound Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London ITV Evening News Emmerdale Coronation Street Puppy Secrets: The First Six Months Him ITV News at Ten and Weather ITV News London The Scorpion King Jackpot247 Murder, She Wrote ITV Nightscreen The Jeremy Kyle Show

Sky 1 7.00am 8.00am 8.30am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 1.00am 2.00am 3.00am

It's Me or the Dog Monkey Life Monkey Life RSPCA Animal Rescue RSPCA Animal Rescue Futurama Futurama Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 NCIS: Los Angeles Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 NCIS: Los Angeles A Town Called Eureka The Simpsons The Simpsons Modern Family The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons Arrow Stella The Force Prison: First and Last A League of Their Own Most Shocking Most Daring

7.00am 7.25am 7.50am 8.50am 9.50am 10.50am 11.15am 11.40am 12.05pm 1.05pm 2.10pm 3.10pm 4.15pm 5.15pm 5.50pm 6.20pm 6.55pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 1.05am 2.10am 3.05am 3.30am

Man About the House On the Buses Heartbeat Where the Heart is Wild at Heart Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy Murder, She Wrote The Darling Buds of May Heartbeat Wild at Heart Where the Heart is Man About the House On the Buses On the Buses Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Rosemary and Thyme Killer Women with Piers Morgan Law and Order: UK Lightfields Wycliffe The Darling Buds of May ITV3 Nightscreen Teleshopping

Channel 4 7.00am 7.45am 8.10am 8.35am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 1.05pm 2.05pm 3.10pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.55pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.05am 1.10am 1.40am 2.30am 4.10am 5.05am 5.15am 6.05am

Countdown The Goldbergs The Goldbergs The Goldbergs Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Frasier A New Life in the Sun Ramsay's Hotel Hell Channel 4 News Summary Come Dine with Me Hoarder SOS Countdown Deal or No Deal Four in a Bed Come Dine with Me My Kitchen Rules UK The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News The Political Slot Little British Isles with Alison Steadman Grand Designs Gogglebox It's a Weird World Four to the Floor Embarrassing Bodies Letters to Juliet Your Face Says it All Hugh's 3 Good Things Phil Spencer: Secret Agent Location, Location, Location

BBC 4 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm

3.00am 4.00am

World News Today Grand Tours of Scotland Castles: Britain's Fortified History Sailors, Ships and Stevedores: The S tory of British Docks Fatal Experiments: The Downfall of a Supersurgeon Sleuths, Spies and Sorcerers: Andrew Marr's Paperback Heroes The Last Explorers Britain's Whale Hunters: The Untold Story Fabric of Britain Sailors, Ships and Stevedores: The


Grand Designs


Time Team


Flying Tigers


Kirstie's Fill Your House for Free


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun


A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun


Find it, Fix it, Flog it


Car S.O.S


Grand Designs


8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown


8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown


24 Hours in A and E


Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA


Grand Designs


Love Child


8 Out of 10 Cats

11.00pm 12.00am 1.00am 2.00am



Channel 5 7.00am

Toby's Travelling Circus


Lily's Driftwood Bay


Fireman Sam


Peppa Pig


Peppa Pig


Bob the Builder


Little Princess


Pip Ahoy!


Thomas and Friends


Noddy: Toyland Detective


Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom




Peppa Pig


Peppa Pig


Paw Patrol


Toot the Tiny Tugboat


Bananas in Pajamas


The Wright Stuff


House Doctor


5 News Lunchtime


The Gadget Show


Home and Away






I Didn't Kill My Sister


5 News at 5




Home and Away


5 News Tonight


Police Interceptors


GPs: Behind Closed Doors


Can't Pay? We'll Take it Away!


Undercover Benefits Cheat


Football on 5


Bamma Highlights


Super Casino




Caught on Camera


The Great Artists


House Doctor


House Doctor

7.00am 7.15am 8.10am 9.00am 10.00am 11.05am 12.05pm 1.05pm 2.05pm 2.35pm 3.00pm 3.30pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.05am 12.10am 1.10am 2.15am 2.20am

Hat-Trick Heroes The Professionals The Chase Quincy, M.E. Ironside The Professionals The Chase Cash Cowboys Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Storage Wars Texas Storage Wars Texas Quincy, M.E. Ironside Cash Cowboys Storage Wars Texas Storage Wars Texas Pawn Stars Pawn Stars River Monsters Car Crash Global Double Jeopardy FYI Daily Double Jeopardy Halloween H2O: 20 Years Later FYI Daily Halloween H2O: 20 Years Later

More 4



Television: Thur 27th Oct BBC1

7.00am 10.15am 11.00am 12.00pm 12.45pm 1.15pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 2.45pm 3.15pm 4.00pm 4.45pm 5.30pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 11.45pm 12.45am 1.30am 1.35am


Breakfast Countryfile Autumn Diaries Homes Under the Hammer Claimed and Shamed The Sheriffs are Coming Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Regional News and Weather Doctors Decimate Escape to the Country Money for Nothing Flog It! Pointless BBC News at Six Regional News and Weather The One Show EastEnders The Great British Bake Off Class of 2015 The Apprentice BBC News at Ten Regional News and Weather Question Time This Week Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News

7.00am 7.30am 8.15am 9.00am 10.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.45pm 3.15pm 3.45pm 4.15pm 5.15pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 12.15am 1.15am 1.45am 3.00am 4.00am

ITV2 7.00am 7.20am 8.10am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 11.00am 11.10am 12.10pm 12.15pm 1.15pm 1.45pm 2.15pm 2.45pm 3.35pm 4.40pm 5.45pm 6.50pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.50pm 12.20am 12.45am 1.10am

Sky Movies Premiere The Danish Girl


The Finest Hours


The Quiet Hour


Inferno: Premiere


Closer to the Moon




The Danish Girl


The Quiet Hour




The Finest Hours


The Returned






Inferno: Premiere

ITV1 7.00am 9.30am 10.25am 11.30am 1.30pm 2.30pm 2.55pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 11.40pm 12.10am 1.05am 4.00am 4.25am 6.05am

Sky Sports 1

Planet's Funniest Animals Dinner Date The Ellen DeGeneres Show Emmerdale Coronation Street You've Been Framed! The Hot Desk A Little Princess FYI Daily A Little Princess Emmerdale Coronation Street You've Been Framed! The Ellen DeGeneres Show The Jeremy Kyle Show The Jeremy Kyle Show The Jeremy Kyle Show Take Me Out You've Been Framed and Famous! Two and a Half Men Two and a Half Men Tricked Celebrity Juice Family Guy Family Guy American Dad! American Dad!


Cowboys and Angels Claimed and Shamed Money for Nothing Gardeners' World Victoria Derbyshire BBC Newsroom Live The Daily Politics Pressure Pad Hi-De-Hi! Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em Open All Hours The House That £100k Built Wild China Antiques Road Trip Eggheads Strictly Come Dancing: It Takes Two Great British Menu Autumnwatch The Fall The Apprentice: You're Fired! Newsnight The Victorian Slum Panorama Louis Theroux A World Without Down's Syndrome? This is BBC Two


Bridget Jones: Renee Zellweger's Baby


Avengers: Age of Ultron Special

7.00am 7.15am 7.30am 7.45am 8.00am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 11.30am 12.00pm 12.30pm 12.45pm 1.00pm 1.30pm 2.00pm

Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold WWE SmackDown! Premier League Legends Premier League Legends Barclays Premier League World Premier League Legends Efl Cup Highlights Premier League Legends Boxing Gold Football Gold Football Gold Barclays Premier League World Efl Cup Highlights Live ATP Masters - Vienna

E4 7.00am 7.45am 8.10am 8.40am 9.10am 9.40am 10.05am 10.35am 11.00am 11.30am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 3.30pm 4.00pm 4.30pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 12.20am 1.25am 1.50am 2.20am 3.25am 4.20am 4.45am 5.10am 5.35am

Charmed Hollyoaks Rude(Ish) Tube Coach Trip Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother Baby Daddy Baby Daddy Charmed Charmed The Goldbergs The Goldbergs The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother Baby Daddy Baby Daddy The Goldbergs The Goldbergs The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Hollyoaks Black-Ish The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra Tattoo Fixers The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory First Dates Rude Tube Rude Tube Drifters Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement

CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016

Good Morning Britain Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning Loose Women ITV Lunchtime News ITV News London Judge Rinder Rebound Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London ITV Evening News Emmerdale Tonight Emmerdale Paul O'Grady: For The Love of Dogs Paranoid ITV News at Ten and Weather ITV News London The Late Debate Murder, She Wrote Jackpot247 Tonight ITV Nightscreen The Jeremy Kyle Show

Sky 1 7.00am 8.00am 8.30am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 1.00am 2.05am 3.05am 4.00am

It's Me or the Dog Monkey Life Monkey Life RSPCA Animal Rescue RSPCA Animal Rescue Futurama Futurama Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 NCIS: Los Angeles Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 NCIS: Los Angeles A Town Called Eureka The Simpsons The Simpsons Modern Family The Simpsons The Simpsons Pixar Greatest Moments A League of Their Own Hooten and the Lady 50 Ways to Kill Your Mammies Tough Nuts Most Shocking Most Daring Brit Cops: Frontline Crime

7.00am 7.10am 7.35am 8.35am 9.35am 10.35am 11.00am 11.25am 11.55am 12.55pm 2.00pm 3.05pm 4.10pm 5.15pm 5.50pm 6.20pm 6.55pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.05am 1.05am 2.10am 3.05am 3.30am

Movies Now Man About the House Heartbeat Where the Heart is Wild at Heart Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy Murder, She Wrote The Darling Buds of May Heartbeat Wild at Heart Where the Heart is Man About the House On the Buses On the Buses Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Rosemary and Thyme Paul O'Grady's Animal Orphans Law and Order: UK Lightfields Wycliffe The Darling Buds of May ITV3 Nightscreen Teleshopping

Channel 4

Channel 5




Toby's Travelling Circus


The Goldbergs


Lily's Driftwood Bay


The Goldbergs


Fireman Sam


The Goldbergs


Everybody Loves Raymond


Peppa Pig


Peppa Pig


Everybody Loves Raymond




Bob the Builder




Little Princess


A New Life in the Sun


Pip Ahoy!


Ramsay's Hotel Hell


Thomas and Friends


Channel 4 News Summary


Noddy: Toyland Detective


Come Dine with Me


Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom


Hoarder SOS






Deal or No Deal


Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Paw Patrol


Four in a Bed



Come Dine with Me



My Kitchen Rules UK


Toot the Tiny Tugboat


The Simpsons


Bananas in Pajamas




The Wright Stuff


Channel 4 News


House Doctor


5 News Lunchtime


Can't Pay? We'll Take it Away!


George Clarke's Amazing Spaces




Britain's Benefit Tenants


Married at First Sight


Home and Away






Tanu Weds Manu Returns




Kirstie's Handmade Treasures


Kiss of the Black Widow




5 News at 5


Phil Spencer: Secret Agent




Deal or No Deal


Home and Away


5 News Tonight


The Tube: Going Underground


On Benefits


The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door


Me... and My Eating Disorder


Tattoo Disasters


Super Casino

BBC 4 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 1.00am 2.00am 2.40am 3.40am 4.40am

World News Today Top of the Pops Railways: The Making of a Nation Hive Minds Rome's Invisible City Fatal Experiments: The Downfall of a Supersurgeon The Incredible Human Journey Great Barrier Reef Top of the Pops Arena Rome's Invisible City This is BBC Four


Food Unwrapped


Grand Designs


Time Team


The Yellow Mountain


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun


A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun


Find it, Fix it, Flog it


Car S.O.S.



Britain's Greatest Bridges


Caught on Camera


The Great Artists


House Doctor


House Doctor


World Cup Rivalries: England v Argentina The Professionals The Chase Quincy, M.E. Ironside The Professionals The Chase Cash Cowboys Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Storage Wars Texas Storage Wars Texas Quincy, M.E. Ironside Cash Cowboys Storage Wars Texas Storage Wars Texas Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Fishing Impossible You Only Live Twice FYI Daily You Only Live Twice Car Crash Global Death Wish 3 FYI Daily

More 4


Grand Designs


My Floating Home


24 Hours in A and E


24 Hours in A and E


Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA


My Floating Home


Love Child


8 Out of 10 Cats

ITV4 7.20am 8.10am 9.00am 10.00am 11.05am 12.10pm 1.10pm 2.05pm 2.40pm 3.00pm 3.30pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.10pm 11.15pm 12.25am 1.25am 2.30am


SOAP UPDATE Eastenders – Johnny comes to a realisation which he is forced to confront. Worried about her sister, Kim takes matters into her own hands.


Tricked ITV2 – 10.00 pm

Emmerdale – Charity and Cain prepare to leave. Chrissie feels pushed out. Kerry loses friends and alienates people. Cain makes his decision. Things between Zak and Joanie start to sour. Chrissie steps up her deviousness.

Prankster and magician Ben Hanlin returns with a Halloween special of his hidden camera magic show. Celebrity guests including Made in Chelsea's Jamie Laing, Geordie Shore's Marnie Simpson, TOWIE's Danni Armstrong and Love Island's Scott Thomas and Kady McDermott try to survive Ben's House of Horrors, TOWIE's Megan McKenna witnesses some paranormal activity, and Blue's Lee Ryan finally gets revenge on bandmate Simon Webbe for his caravan prank which left the rest of the group in utter shock.

www.costablancapeople.com CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016




CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016



LYN DALLOW Managing Director, Founder

2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Detached Villa ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Sun Room ♦ Utility Room ♦ La Marquesa Golf Views ♦ Communal Swimming Pool



OFFERED AT: €89,500

OFFERED AT: €105,000



2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom Semi­Detached Bungalow ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Roof Solarium ♦ Off Road Parking ♦ Utility Room ♦ Gas Central Heating ♦ Communal Swimming Pool

3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Semi­Detached Villa ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Roof Solarium ♦ Open Front Terrace ♦ Communal Swimming Pool ♦ Priced to Sell



OFFERED AT: €93,000

OFFERED AT: €97,000


2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Detached Villa ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Superb Condition ♦ Extended Roof Solarium ♦ Communal Swimming Pool ♦ Close to La Marquesa Golf Course






2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom, Linked Duplex ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Well Maintained ♦ Off Road Parking ♦ Directly Overlooking Communal Pool ♦ Gated Community



TONY DALLOW Director, Photographer, Videographer, Co-Founder

2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Top Floor Apartment ♦ Roof Solarium with Views ♦ Kitchen Balcony Overlooking Communal Pool ♦ Balcony from Lounge with Lake Views ♦ Communal Pool within Gated Community





CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016

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K SALE AT: €150,000


Estate Agents



3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom “Practically” Detached Villa ♦ Part Furnished ♦ Corner plot ♦ Garage ♦ Communal Swimming Pool ♦ 10 Minutes Walk to Ciudad Quesada

REBECCA SERWOTKA Sales Director, Co-Founder



NEWLY PRICED: €110,000

OFFERED AT: €110,000



3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Linked Duplex ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Former Show House ♦ Covered Terrace ♦ Tiled Front Garden ♦ Directly Overlooking Communal Swimming Pool ♦ Close to Amenities

2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Semi­Detached Villa ♦ Roof Solarium ♦ Extended Front Terrace ♦ Outdoor Living at it’s Best ♦ Off Road Parking with Electric Sliding Gate ♦ Communal Swimming Pool





1 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom Linked Bungalow ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Sun Room ♦ Immaculate Condition ♦ Recently Renovated ♦ Lake Views ♦ Close to Amenities

OFFERED AT: €83,000


2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom Linked Bungalow ♦ Furnished ♦ Front & Rear Tiled Gardens ♦ Roof Solarium ♦ Automatic Sun Canopy ♦ West Facing ♦ Communal Swimming Pool




2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom Linked Bungalow ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Well Maintained ♦ Sun Room ♦ Close to Amenities ♦ No Community Fees

JOHN CLIFFORD Real Estate Specialist




Television: Fri 28th October BBC1

7.00am 10.15am 11.00am 12.00pm 12.45pm 1.15pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 2.45pm 3.15pm 4.00pm 4.45pm 5.30pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 10.30pm 11.00pm 11.25pm 11.35pm 12.25am 12.50am


Breakfast Countryfile Autumn Diaries Homes Under the Hammer Claimed and Shamed Close Calls: On Camera Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Regional News and Weather Doctors Decimate Escape to the Country Money for Nothing Flog It! Pointless BBC News at Six Regional News and Weather The One Show A Question of Sport EastEnders Would I Lie to You? Have I Got News for You Still Game BBC News at Ten Regional News and Weather The Graham Norton Show Josh The NFL Show

7.00am 7.30am 8.15am 9.00am 10.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.45pm 3.15pm 3.45pm 4.15pm 5.15pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 12.05am 1.10am 2.10am 3.10am 4.10am

ITV2 7.00am 7.20am 8.10am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 11.00am 11.10am 12.10pm 12.15pm 1.15pm 1.45pm 2.15pm 2.45pm 3.35pm 4.40pm 5.45pm 6.50pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.05pm 11.10pm 12.10am 12.40am 1.05am

7.00am 7.15am 7.30am 7.45am 8.00am 9.00am 9.30am 11.30am 12.00pm 12.30pm 1.00pm 1.30pm 2.00pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 7.00pm


Closer to the Moon


The Finest Hours


The Top Ten Show 2016


The Danish Girl


The Rocky Horror Picture Show: Let's Do the Time Warp Again Grimsby The Quiet Hour

Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold WWE Main Event Barclays Premier League World The Premier League Years Premier League Legends Premier League Match Pack ATP Tour Uncovered Premier League 100 Club Premier League 100 Club NFL Highlights Cricket Cricket The Premier League Years The Fantasy Football Club


Sky Movies Premiere


ITV1 7.00am 9.30am 10.25am 11.30am 1.30pm 2.30pm 2.55pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 11.40pm 1.40am 4.00am 4.50am

Sky Sports 1

Planet's Funniest Animals Dinner Date The Ellen DeGeneres Show Emmerdale Emmerdale You've Been Framed! The Hot Desk See Spot Run FYI Daily See Spot Run Emmerdale Emmerdale You've Been Framed! The Ellen DeGeneres Show The Jeremy Kyle Show The Jeremy Kyle Show The Jeremy Kyle Show Take Me Out You've Been Framed! Two and a Half Men Two and a Half Men Shaun of the Dead FYI Daily Shaun of the Dead Family Guy Family Guy American Dad!


Cowboys and Angels Claimed and Shamed Flog It! Antiques Roadshow Victoria Derbyshire BBC Newsroom Live The Daily Politics Pressure Pad Hi-De-Hi! Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em Open All Hours The House That £100k Built Wild China Antiques Road Trip Strictly Come Dancing: It Takes Two Great British Menu Mastermind The Great British Bake Off: An Extra Slice The Fall QI Newsnight Later... with Jools Holland The School That Got Teens Reading Question Time Sir Chris Hoy This is BBC Two


The Danish Girl


The Rocky Horror Picture Show: Let's Do the Time Warp Again




The Finest Hours






The Top Ten Show 2016


Inferno: Premiere


Bridget Jones: Renee Zellweger's Baby

7.00am 7.45am 8.10am 8.40am 9.10am 9.40am 10.05am 10.35am 11.00am 11.30am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 3.30pm 4.00pm 4.30pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 12.05am 12.35am 1.00am 1.35am 2.05am 3.10am 4.05am 5.00am 5.20am

Charmed Hollyoaks Rude(Ish) Tube Coach Trip Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother Baby Daddy Baby Daddy Charmed Charmed The Goldbergs The Goldbergs The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother Baby Daddy Baby Daddy The Goldbergs The Goldbergs The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Hollyoaks Black-Ish The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Friday Night Dinner Friday Night Dinner First Dates First Dates Abroad Body Fixers Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement

CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016

Good Morning Britain Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning Loose Women ITV Lunchtime News ITV News London Judge Rinder Rebound Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London ITV Evening News Emmerdale Coronation Street Countrywise Coronation Street The Level ITV News at Ten and Weather ITV News London Overboard Jackpot247 Murder, She Wrote ITV Nightscreen

Sky 1 7.00am 8.00am 8.30am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 1.00am 2.00am

It's Me or the Dog Monkey Life Monkey Life RSPCA Animal Rescue RSPCA Animal Rescue Futurama Futurama Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 NCIS: Los Angeles Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 NCIS: Los Angeles A Town Called Eureka The Simpsons The Simpsons Modern Family The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons Harry Hill's Tea-Time Modern Family Hooten and the Lady An Idiot Abroad Duck Quacks Don't Echo Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0

7.00am 7.25am 7.50am 8.50am 9.50am 10.50am 11.15am 11.40am 12.05pm 1.00pm 2.05pm 3.10pm 4.15pm 5.20pm 5.50pm 6.20pm 6.55pm 7.55pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 1.05am 2.05am 2.10am 2.55am 3.45am

Man About the House On the Buses Heartbeat Where the Heart is Wild at Heart Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy Murder, She Wrote The Darling Buds of May Heartbeat Wild at Heart Where the Heart is Man About the House On the Buses On the Buses Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Rosemary and Thyme Long Lost Family Law and Order: UK Lightfields Doc Hollywood FYI Daily Doc Hollywood Long Lost Family Rory Bremner's Great British Views

Emmerdale – Zak is surprised. Kerry is determined. Marlon is confided in.

Channel 4 7.00am 7.45am 8.10am 8.35am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 1.05pm 2.05pm 3.10pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.05am 1.10am 2.05am 3.35am 4.30am 5.25am 6.20am

Countdown The Goldbergs The Goldbergs The Goldbergs Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Frasier A New Life in the Sun Ramsay's Hotel Hell Channel 4 News Summary Come Dine with Me Hoarder SOS Countdown Deal or No Deal Four in a Bed Come Dine with Me My Kitchen Rules UK The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Unreported World Jamie's Super Food Food Unwrapped Gogglebox The Last Leg First Dates It's a Weird World Powder Room Humans Humans Phil Spencer: Secret Agent Location, Location, Location

BBC 4 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm Concerto 10.00pm 11.00pm

World News Today Top of the Pops Nicky and Wynton: The Making of a

Channel 5 7.00am

Toby's Travelling Circus


Lily's Driftwood Bay


Fireman Sam


Peppa Pig


Peppa Pig


Bob the Builder


Little Princess


Pip Ahoy!


Thomas and Friends


Noddy: Toyland Detective


Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom




Peppa Pig


Peppa Pig


Paw Patrol


Toot the Tiny Tugboat


Bananas in Pajamas


The Wright Stuff


House Doctor


5 News Lunchtime


The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door


Home and Away






Kiss of the Black Widow


5 News at 5




Home and Away


Police Interceptors


The Gadget Show


Secrets of Great British Castles


Britain's Greatest Bridges




5 News




Super Casino


Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords

3.40am 4.40am

Petula Clark Live in Berlin Je t'aime: The Story of French Song with Petula Clark Dusty Springfield at the BBC Top of the Pops Petula Clark Live in Berlin Je t'aime: The Story of French Song with Petula Clark Dusty Springfield at the BBC This is BBC Four


Grand Designs


Football's Greatest


Time Team


The Professionals




The Chase


Kirstie's Fill Your House for Free


Quincy, M.E.


Come Dine with Me




Come Dine with Me


The Professionals


Come Dine with Me


Cash Cowboys


Come Dine with Me


Pawn Stars


Come Dine with Me




Formula 1


Cash Cowboys


Guy Martins Passion for Life


Test Match Cricket Highlights


Find it, Fix it, Flog it




Car S.O.S


Test Match Cricket Highlights


Formula 1


30 Days of Night


Broken City


FYI Daily


Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA


30 Days of Night


8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown


The Car Chasers


Love Child


ITV4 Nightscreen


8 Out of 10 Cats



12.00am 1.00am 1.40am 2.40am



Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords


The Great Artists


Wildlife SOS


Angels of Jarm


Roary the Racing Car

More 4



SOAP UPDATE Eastenders – It is Lee's stag do, but what do his friends and family have in store? Claudette goes to desperate lengths to get her way.


Shaun of the Dead ITV2 – 10.00 pm Coronation Street – Michelle faces her turmoil. Caz begins to plot after rejection from Kate. Will Beth do enough to win Kirk over? Steve comes face to face with fate. Caz shocks with a terrible confession. Alya takes a step towards success.

Zombie-filled romantic comedy. Unfulfilled thirtysomething Shaun finds his life falling apart when his beleaguered girlfriend leaves him, tired of his daily pub expeditions and his loser mates. Then zombies start to roam London and Shaun must kickstart himself into action to save those closest to him, as well as winning back his one true love.



CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016


Rajoy reassures Britons of position in Spain after UK leaves EU British Prime Minister Theresa May, has continued her Brexit tour of European capitals with a recent visit to Madrid. May met with her Spanish counterpart, acting-PM Mariano Rajoy, at his official residence, La Moncloa. The main item on the agenda of the bilateral talks was the impact of the UK’s vote to leave the European Union on the rights of the over 100,000 Spanish citizens who live in Britain and

the estimated 310,000 UK citizens who are resident in Spain. According to a statement issued after the meeting Rajoy told May that British firms in Spain as well as residents and the “millions of tourists” need not worry, just as Spanish residents in the UK can be reassured that Spain will defend their interests. Although nothing can be decided until Britain invokes Article 50, Rajoy

Lost property auction The city of Madrid is to auction off its lost property, which includes: Tous jewellery, Rolex watches, Armani sunglasses and iPads – with lots starting at 10 euros. The Spanish capital’s unclaimed lost property in Madrid is being auctioned off online and face-to-face, and includes designer goods and Apple technology. In all cases, the legally-required twoyear period the city hall has to allow for the owners to collect their goods or their finders to reclaim them, has long passed, and the proceeds from the items will go into public funds. Jewellery by Tous and Tiffany’s, sunglasses by Ray Ban, Emporio Armani, Calvin Klein and Prada, watches by Rolex, Gucci, Tag Heuer, and Baume & Mercier, designer pens such as Mont Blanc, rings, earrings, bracelets, necklaces and chains in gold, silver and

with precious stones, costume jewellery, vinyl records, musical instruments, tablets, laptops, mobile phones, CD and MP3 players and iPods, and even topbranded ties and bras are among the 1,303 items set to go under the hammer. They will be marketed and described by auction positioning experts Durán Arte y Subastas form Durán Art and Auctions, which will also run a series of physical auctions; managed by the firm Surus Inversa, and available for bidding on the industrial auction website Escrapalia. The items will not be bought from the city council first, but merely sold and advertised on its behalf with the intermediaries earning a commission. As yet, there is no suggestion that the auctions have a time limit, so they are likely to continue until stocks run out.

had previously released a reassuring message on Twitter that said, “We will work together to preserve the important ties that join Spain and the UK.” Regret Rajoy stressed his regret at the UK’s decision to leave and defended the future integrity of the rest of the EU countries.

With an eye on his own Catalan separatist issue, Rajoy told May that Spain would support the “integrity of the UK” in any renewed attempts by Scotland to become an independent country and stay in the EU. There was no confirmation that Gibraltar was discussed, although diplomatic sources thought it unlikely that the subject could be avoided. The acting-Spanish government has used

Celebrate a “classic” Christmas with HELP Vega Baja The grand Christmas Market that HELP Vega Baja host each year is always a huge success and it looks as though this year will be no exception. The market is once again being held in the church, Parroquia Cristo Rescucitado, at the Centro Ecumenico near La Zenia and all the stalls that you would expect to find will be there. This includes tombola, delicious home-made cakes, books, jewellery, linen and so much more. HELP is also renowned for the clothes on sale at their market and there will be plenty of bargains, including many dresses and outfits for those Christmas and new year festivities The grand raffle this year includes a brand new tv and stand which was very kindly donated in memory of a great friend and supporter of the charity, Bob Heron.

Niesa King, events co-ordinator said: “The event is looking to be a wonderful day and the volunteers have been working extremely hard over many months to ensure its success. We have also recently received a note from a certain man in a red coat saying that he will be paying us a visit and will have some gifts for the little ones who come along on the day! Torrevieja Classic Car club are going to try to organise for a few of their classic cars to be on display so the market really will have something for everyone.” The Christmas market will be on the 19th November and is open from 10 am to 1.30 pm. For more information please call the San Miguel Centre on 966 723 733.

the uncertainty over Brexit to repeat its historic demands for eventual sovereignty over the Rock. Speaking in London on the same day as May’s visit to Madrid, Boris Johnson, UK foreign secretary, said that the UK will maintain “a completely implacable, marmoreal and rocklike resistance” to any attempt to change the status of Gibraltar.

New emergency vehicle Emergency Councillor Victor Valverde, accompanied by the emergency coordinator Jesus Rodriguez, handed over a new emergency vehicle for the Civil Protection Emergency service. The vehicle is a nine-seater van with great versatility. The vehicle can accommodate people and the substantial amount of equipment needed to be ready for effective emergency provision. Even before its official hand-over, the vehicle proved its worth when used in the recent search for a lady missing from one of the municipalities parishes, who was found alive and returned to her family. The emergency coordinator stressed that the new vehicle has a high load capacity so that “it facilitates the transfer to any incident” and said it was a “necessary purchase in order to improve our service.” This vehicle will also become the Civil Protection Mobile Unit, which is used in case of emergencies to coordinate with other security and emergency services.


Television: Sat 29th Oct BBC1

7.00am 11.00am 12.30pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.10pm 2.15pm 5.30pm 6.10pm 6.40pm 6.50pm 6.55pm 7.00pm 7.45pm 9.20pm 10.10pm 11.00pm 11.15pm 11.20pm 12.45am 1.15am 2.40am 2.45am

Breakfast Saturday Kitchen Live James Martin: Home Comforts Football Focus BBC News Weather Rugby League Final Score Celebrity Mastermind BBC News Regional News Weather Pointless Strictly Come Dancing The National Lottery: Who Dares Wins Casualty BBC News Weather Match of the Day Asian Provocateur Halloween: Resurrection Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News

BBC2 7.35am

They Knew What They Wanted


Mr. & Mrs. Smith




Secret Britain


Homes Under the Hammer


Great British Menu


Great British Menu




The Great British Bake Off: An Extra

Slice 5.35pm

Emmerdale Omnibus Coronation Street Omnibus Catchphrase You've Been Framed! You've Been Framed! Dragonheart FYI Daily Dragonheart Looney Tunes: Back in Action FYI Daily Looney Tunes: Back in Action Corpse Bride FYI Daily Corpse Bride Twilight FYI Daily Twilight Scorpion The Xtra Factor Celebrity Juice Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy American Dad! Release the Hounds Wild Child FYI Daily

Sky Movies Premiere 7.00am



The Finest Hours


The Rocky Horror Picture Show: Let's Do the Time Warp Again




The Quiet Hour




The Danish Girl




The Rocky Horror Picture Show: Let's

Do the Time Warp Again 12.00am 1.30am

Grimsby Evolution


The Quiet Hour


Closer to the Moon


Tim Burton's Peculiar Tales

Flog It!


National Treasure


A Very British Murder with Lucy Worsley


Dad's Army






The Harder They Come


Andrew Marr's Great Scots: The Writers Who Shaped a Nation


Witchfinder General


The Curse of Frankenstein


This is BBC Two

ITV2 7.00am 9.30am 12.05pm 12.45pm 1.15pm 1.45pm 2.45pm 2.50pm 3.50pm 4.50pm 4.55pm 5.40pm 6.40pm 6.45pm 7.20pm 8.20pm 8.25pm 9.55pm 10.50pm 11.20pm 12.10am 12.35am 1.05am 1.35am 2.00am 2.00am 3.00am

CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016

ITV1 7.00am 7.10am 7.20am 7.35am 7.45am 7.55am 8.00am 8.15am 8.25am 8.30am 8.50am 9.10am 9.30am 10.05am 10.25am 10.30am 11.25am 12.20pm 12.50pm 1.50pm 2.00pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.30pm 6.45pm

Sky Sports 1 7.00am 7.15am 7.30am 7.45am 8.00am 8.30am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 11.00am 12.30pm 4.00pm 6.15pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 11.30pm 12.30am

Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Barclays Premier League Preview Premier League Legends Game Changers Barclays Premier League Preview The Fantasy Football Club Soccer A.M. Football Gillette Soccer Saturday Football EFL Goals Nissan Game of the Day Nissan Match Choice Football

E4 7.00am 7.25am 7.50am 8.10am 8.35am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 11.00am 12.00pm 12.30pm 1.00pm 1.30pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 3.30pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.40pm 12.40am 1.40am 2.40am 2.10am 3.10am 4.10am 4.30am 4.55am 5.20am 5.40am

Animals Unleashed Baby Daddy Baby Daddy Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother Made in Chelsea Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Black-Ish Black-Ish Black-Ish Black-Ish Black-Ish The Goldbergs The Goldbergs To be Announced The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory To be Announced Gogglebox Rude Tube Rude Tube The Inbetweeners Gogglebox Rude Tube How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Mindy Project The Mindy Project Revenge

movie pick Twilight – ITV2 – 8.25 pm Adaptation of Stephenie Meyer's best-selling series of fantasy novels about a teenage girl who falls in love with a vampire. When Bella Swan relocated to Washington after her mother re-married, little did she know she would fall for handsome and complex Edward who just happens to be a vampire.

Grizzly Tales for Gruesome Kids Grizzly Tales for Gruesome Kids Dino Dan: Trek's Adventures Dino Dan: Trek's Adventures Sooty Share a Story Super 4 Oddbods Scrambled! Nerds and Monsters Horrid Henry Looped Thunderbirds are Go Adventure Time ITV News Murder, She Wrote Murder, She Wrote Wild Australia with Ray Mears Judge Rinder ITV News and Weather Cash Trapped Puppy Secrets: The First Six Months Big Star's Little Star Thunderbirds are Go Ninja Warrior UK ITV News London ITV News and Weather

Sky 1 7.30am 8.00am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 11.00am 12.30pm 1.00pm 1.30pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 3.30pm 4.00pm 4.30pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 1.05am 2.05am 2.05am

Monkey Life Ashley Banjo's Secret Street Crew Game Changers Futurama The Fantasy Football Club Soccer A.M. The F1 Show Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Modern Family Harry Hill's Tea Time Yonderland Supergirl The Flash The Simpsons The Simpsons Landscape Artist of the Year 2016 Stan Lee's Lucky Man Assault on Precinct 13 Arrow Mount Pleasant A League of Their Own


Doctor at Large


Doctor at Large


Judge Judy


Where the Heart is

Channel 4 7.15am

Gillette World Sport


Manchester Half Marathon


Everybody Loves Raymond


Everybody Loves Raymond






The Morning Line


The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory


The Simpsons


The Simpsons


The Simpsons


Sarah Beeny's Four Rooms


Channel 4 Racing


Formula 1


Channel 4 News


Formula 1


How to Build a Human


8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown


Michael Moore in Trumpland


The American


Hollyoaks Omnibus


Kirstie's Fill Your House for Free


Phil Spencer: Secret Agent


Location, Location, Location


Deal or No Deal

BBC 4 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 1.00am 2.00am 2.35am 2.15am 3.15am



Where the Heart is




Carry on Henry


FYI Daily


Carry on Henry


Columbo: The Greenhouse Jungle


Rosemary and Thyme


Rosemary and Thyme


Agatha Christie's Marple


Midsomer Murders


Doc Martin






Agatha Christie's Marple


ITV3 Nightscreen




Sailors, Ships and Stevedores: The Story of British Docks The Incredible Human Journey The Code The Code The Kate Bush Story: Running Up That Hill Kate Bush at the BBC Top of the Pops Top of the Pops The Kate Bush Story: Running Up That Hill This is BBC Four

Channel 5 7.00am



Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles


Mosquito Squadron


Police Interceptors


Police Interceptors


Can't Pay? We'll Take it Away!


Can't Pay? We'll Take it Away!


Can't Pay Special: Secrets and Lies


Can't Pay? We'll Take it Away!






NCIS: New Orleans


5 News


Football on 5


Football on 5


Step Brothers


Super Casino


Now That's Funny


Winter Road Rescue


House Doctor


House Doctor


Angels of Jarm


Roary the Racing Car

7.00am 7.55am 8.55am 9.55am 10.55am 11.55am 12.20pm 12.45pm 1.15pm 1.45pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 8.00pm 12.00am 1.00am 2.05am 2.10am 2.45am 2.50am 3.35am 3.40am 4.00am

The Professionals Motorsport UK Bundesliga Motogp Highlights Cash Cowboys Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Darts Fishing Impossible Test Match Cricket Darts Test Match Cricket Halloween H2O: 20 Years Later FYI Daily Halloween H2O: 20 Years Later Hell on Wheels Car Crash Global Movies Now ITV4 Nightscreen Teleshopping

More 4 9.55am 10.55am 12.00pm 1.00pm 1.35pm 2.05pm 2.35pm 3.10pm 3.40pm 4.10pm 4.40pm 5.15pm 5.50pm 6.20pm 6.50pm 7.25pm 7.55pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.05am 1.10am 2.15am 2.20am

Tony Robinson Down Under Britain's Ancient Tracks with Tony Robinson My Floating Home Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Four in a Bed Four in a Bed Four in a Bed Four in a Bed Four in a Bed Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me The World's Weirdest Weather Tony Robinson Down Under Little British Isles with Alison Steadman 24 Hours in A and E 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown Love Child Tony Robinson Down Under


A Very British Murder with Lucy Worsley BBC2 8.30 pm

Documentary investigating the dark and revealing history of our curious relationship with killing.


www.costablancapeople.com CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016

BBC1 7.00am 8.30am 10.00am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.15pm 2.00pm 2.10pm 2.15pm 2.45pm 3.15pm 3.55pm 4.10pm 5.10pm 6.10pm 6.50pm 7.05pm 7.13pm 7.15pm 8.15pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.20pm 11.25pm 11.30pm

Breakfast Match of the Day The Andrew Marr Show Sunday Morning Live Sunday Politics Bargain Hunt BBC News Weather for the Week Ahead A Tale of Five Temples - The Story of Hinduism in Britain Homes Under the Hammer Escape to the Country Points of View The Great British Bake Off The Great British Bake Off Class of 2015 Songs of Praise BBC News Regional News Weather Countryfile Strictly Come Dancing Antiques Roadshow Poldark BBC News Regional News Weather Match of the Day 2

BBC2 7.15am 8.00am 8.45am 9.15am 9.45am 10.45am 11.15am 12.45pm 1.15pm 2.00pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 4.45pm 5.40pm 7.00pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.35pm 12.10am 12.55am 2.40am 3.35am 4.35am

ITV2 7.00am 7.25am 10.00am 11.50am 2.15pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.05pm 5.10pm 5.40pm 6.05pm 7.05pm 7.10pm 7.55pm 8.55pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 12.00am 12.30am 1.00am 1.30am 1.55am 2.30am 2.55am 3.20am

You've Been Framed! Emmerdale Omnibus The X Factor Coronation Street Omnibus Catchphrase You've Been Framed! Corpse Bride FYI Daily Corpse Bride Smurfs: The Legend of Smurfy Hollow Hotel Transylvania FYI Daily Hotel Transylvania Red Riding Hood FYI Daily Red Riding Hood The Xtra Factor Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy American Dad! American Dad! American Dad! The Cleveland Show The Cleveland Show Teleshopping

Sky Movies Premiere

A to Z of TV Gardening Glorious Gardens From Above Life in a Cottage Garden with Carol Klein Greatest Gardens Countryfile The Beechgrove Garden Saturday Kitchen Best Bites Food and Drink MOTD2 Extra Great British Menu Killer Whales Heir Hunters Flog It! Frankenweenie Britain's Classroom Heroes Inside Obama's White House Coast Great Guides Operation Goldrush with Dan Snow Nigel Farage Gets His Life Back Mock the Week QI XL Let Me in Countryfile Autumn Special Holby City This is BBC Two

Football Football Football Football Football Football The Sunday Supplement Goals on Sunday Live Nissan Super Sunday Live Nissan Super Sunday Live Mexican Grand Prix Great Sporting Moments Great Sporting Moments Football Football Chinese Super League Goals on Sunday

E4 7.00am

Animals Unleashed


Baby Daddy


Baby Daddy


Melissa and Joey


Melissa and Joey


The Goldbergs


The Goldbergs


The Quiet Hour


Hollyoaks Omnibus




Made in Chelsea


The Finest Hours


Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.


The Rocky Horror Picture Show: Let's


To be Announced

Do the Time Warp Again


The Big Bang Theory




The Big Bang Theory


Paranormal Activity: The Ghost


The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory


To be Announced


Tattoo Fixers




The Inbetweeners

Dimension 5.10pm

Closer to the Moon




The Rocky Horror Picture Show: Let's Do the Time Warp Again


Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dime nsion



ITV1 7.00am 7.10am 7.20am 7.35am 7.45am 7.55am 8.00am 8.15am 8.25am 8.30am 8.50am 9.10am 9.30am 10.05am 10.25am 10.30am 11.00am 11.55am 12.25pm 1.30pm 1.40pm 3.30pm 5.30pm 6.30pm 7.30pm 7.45pm 8.00pm

Sky Sports 1 7.00am 7.30am 8.00am 8.30am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 11.30am 1.30pm 4.30pm 7.30pm 10.30pm 10.45pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 12.00am 2.00am


The Inbetweeners Gogglebox





The Quiet Hour


Tattoo Fixers on Holiday


Bridget Jones: Renee Zellweger's Baby


Body Fixers


Tim Burton's Peculiar Tales


Rude Tube


Avengers: Age of Ultron Special


Hollyoaks Omnibus

movie pick Red Riding Hood – ITV2 – 7.55 p Fairytale. A young woman finds herself in danger when she falls in love with the human form of a werewolf. Her village is terrorised by a lycanthrope who grows dissatisfied with the dwelling's monthly sacrifices and starts to kill the inhabitants, but she discovers too late that the lonely woodcutter she is drawn to could be the beast.

Television: Sun 30th Oct

Grizzly Tales for Gruesome Kids Grizzly Tales for Gruesome Kids Dino Dan: Trek's Adventures Dino Dan: Trek's Adventures Sooty Share a Story Super 4 Oddbods Scrambled! Nerds and Monsters Horrid Henry Looped Thunderbirds are Go Adventure Time ITV News Bear Grylls Survival School Peston on Sunday Gino's Italian Escape: Hidden Italy Chopping Block ITV News and Weather The X Factor Midsomer Murders Spotless Tipping Point ITV News London ITV News and Weather The Chase: Celebrity Special

Sky 1 7.00am 8.00am 8.30am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 3.30pm 4.00pm 4.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 10.30pm 11.00pm 12.00am

The Hour of Power Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Supergirl The Flash WWE Raw Drone Racing League Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Pixar's Greatest Moments The Simpsons The Simpsons Harry Hill's Tea-Time Yonderland The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons The Force Ross Kemp's Britain

7.00am 7.25am 9.30am 10.35am 11.35am 1.30pm 3.30pm 5.10pm 6.10pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 8.00pm 10.00pm 11.35pm 12.35am 1.40am 1.45am 3.35am 4.30am 5.20am 6.15am 6.40am

Doctor at Large Inspector Morse Heartbeat Heartbeat Agatha Christie's Marple Lewis Columbo: The Most Crucial Game Carry on Matron FYI Daily Carry on Matron Rosemary and Thyme Lewis When Ant and Dec Met the Prince Charles: The Destiny of a Prince The English Patient FYI Daily The English Patient Wycliffe May the Best House Win May the Best House Win On the Buses ITV3 Nightscreen

Channel 4 8.10am








Channel 5 7.00am



Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

The Big Bang Theory


Football on 5


The Big Bang Theory


Football on 5


Sunday Brunch


Jamie and Jimmy's Friday Night Feast


World Rally Championships Live


The Simpsons


The Gadget Show




Fail Army


The Addams Family Values


Channel 4 News


High Spirits


Formula 1


The Ghost of Greville Lodge




Michael Moore in Trumpland


One Chance




Ice Road Truckers


To be Announced


5 News


To be Announced


To be Announced


The Peter Kay Story


Grand Designs


Peter Kay Live at the Comedy Store


To be Announced


Phil Spencer: Secret Agent


Peter Kay: The Early Years


Deal or No Deal


My Super Ex-Girlfriend


Super Casino


Do or Die


Criminals Caught on Camera


House Doctor


House Doctor


Angels of Jarm


Roary the Racing Car


Snooker v Darts


The Professionals


Fifth Gear


The Classic Car Show

BBC 4 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 11.15pm

4.15am 4.45am

Canals: The Making of a Nation Books That Made Britain Frankenstein From the Royal Ballet Annabel's Nightclub: A String of Naked Lightbulbs BBC: The Secret Files Fatal Experiments: The Downfall of a Supersurgeon Fatal Experiments: The Downfall of a Supersurgeon Fatal Experiments: The Downfall of a Supersurgeon Books That Made Britain This is BBC Four

9.55am 10.55am 12.00pm 1.00pm 1.35pm 2.05pm 2.35pm 3.10pm 3.40pm 4.10pm 4.40pm 5.15pm 5.50pm 6.20pm 6.50pm 7.25pm 7.55pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 10.30pm 11.00pm 12.05am 1.10am 2.15am 3.20am 4.20am

Sarah Beeny's Four Rooms Homes by the Sea Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Four in a Bed Four in a Bed Four in a Bed Four in a Bed Four in a Bed Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Hitler Father Ted Father Ted 24 Hours in A and E 24 Hours in A and E Hitler Jamie and Jimmy's Friday Night Feast Love Child 8 Out of 10 Cats

12.15am 1.15am 2.15am 3.15am


More 4



Cash Cowboys


Cash Cowboys


Storage Wars Texas


Storage Wars Texas


Monster Carp




Pawn Stars


Pawn Stars


Test Match Cricket




Test Match Cricket


Total Recall


FYI Daily


Total Recall


Tommy Cooper


ITV4 Nightscreen



tv PICK Hotel Transylvania ITV 2 – 6.05 pm

Family animation. Legendary vampire Dracula runs the Hotel Transylvania, where monsters such as Frankenstein, the Mummy and the Invisible Man can get away from what Dracula imagines to be the torch-wielding humans of the outside world. Then, unaware of who the other guests are, hitchhiker Jonathan arrives on the doorstep and, to Dracula's horror, attracts the attention of his forever-young daughter Mavis during her 118th birthday party.


Television: Mon 31st Oct BBC1

7.00am 10.15am 11.00am 12.00pm 12.45pm 1.15pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 2.45pm 3.15pm 4.00pm 4.45pm 5.30pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 11.40pm 11.45pm 12.30am

Breakfast Sister Rita to the Rescue Homes Under the Hammer Claimed and Shamed The Housing Enforcers Bargain Hunt BBC News Regional News Doctors The Moonstone Escape to the Country Money for Nothing Flog It! Pointless BBC News Regional News The One Show Inside Out EastEnders Panorama Saving Africa's Elephants: Hugh and the Ivory War BBC News Regional News Weather Have I Got a Bit More News for You The Graham Norton Show

BBC2 7.00am 7.30am 8.15am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.45pm 3.15pm 3.45pm 4.15pm 5.15pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 12.10am 12.15am 1.15am 2.15am

ITV2 7.00am 7.20am 8.10am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 10.30am 11.20am 12.15pm 1.15pm 1.45pm 2.15pm 2.45pm 3.35pm 4.40pm 5.45pm 6.50pm 8.05pm 9.05pm 9.10pm 10.00pm 10.30pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 11.55pm 12.25am 12.55am

Planet's Funniest Animals Dinner Date The Ellen DeGeneres Show Emmerdale Coronation Street Coronation Street Psych Royal Pains Dinner Date Emmerdale Coronation Street Coronation Street The Ellen DeGeneres Show The Jeremy Kyle Show The Jeremy Kyle Show The Jeremy Kyle Show Take Me Out Hotel Transylvania FYI Daily Hotel Transylvania Family Guy Family Guy American Dad! American Dad! The Cleveland Show The Cleveland Show Celebrity Juice

Sky Movies Premiere 7.00am

Closer to the Moon


The Quiet Hour


The Top Ten Show 2016






Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension


The Rocky Horror Picture Show: Let's Do the Time Warp Again


The Quiet Hour




Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension


All Hallows' Eve


The Rocky Horror Picture Show: Let's Do the Time Warp Again


Closer to the Moon




Tim Burton's Peculiar Tales

Cowboys and Angels Claimed and Shamed Flog It! See Hear Great British Menu Victoria Derbyshire BBC Newsroom Live The Daily Politics Pressure Pad Hi-De-Hi! Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em Open All Hours The House That £100k Built Wild China Antiques Road Trip Eggheads Strictly Come Dancing: It Takes Two Richard Parks on Everest University Challenge Only Connect The Victorian Slum Morgana Robinson's the Agency Newsnight Weather Horizon Frankenstein and the Vampyre: A Dark and Stormy Night See Hear

ITV1 7.00am 9.30am 10.25am 11.30am 1.30pm 2.30pm 2.55pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.30pm 12.00am 12.15am 12.55am 1.50am 4.00am 4.55am 6.05am

Sky Sports 1 7.00am 7.15am 7.30am 7.45am 8.00am 9.00am 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 11.30am 12.00pm 12.30pm 1.00pm 1.30pm 2.00pm 4.00pm 4.30pm

Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold WWE Raw Goals on Sunday Football Football Premier League Legends Premier League Legends Boxing Gold Darts Gold Football Football The Premier League Years Boxing Gold Darts Gold

E4 7.00am 7.45am 8.10am 8.40am 9.10am 9.35am 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 11.30am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 3.30pm 4.00pm 4.30pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 12.00am 12.30am 1.00am 2.00am 3.00am 4.00am 5.00am

Charmed Hollyoaks Rude(Ish) Tube Rude(Ish) Tube Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother Baby Daddy Baby Daddy Charmed Charmed The Goldbergs The Goldbergs The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey Baby Daddy Baby Daddy How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Hollyoaks Black-Ish The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Made in Chelsea Drifters The Inbetweeners The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Tattoo Fixers First Dates Rude Tube Made in Chelsea Drifters

tv pick Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension Sky Movies Premiere – 10 pm

CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016

Good Morning Britain Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning Loose Women ITV Lunchtime News ITV News London Judge Rinder Rebound Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London ITV Evening News Emmerdale Coronation Street Gino's Italian Escape: Hidden Italy Coronation Street Dark Angel ITV News and Weather ITV News London The Agenda The Jonathan Ross Show Jackpot247 The Jeremy Kyle Show ITV Nightscreen The Jeremy Kyle Show

Sky 1 7.00am 8.00am 8.30am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 1.00am 2.00am 3.00am 4.00am

It's Me or the Dog Monkey Life Monkey Life RSPCA Animal Rescue RSPCA Animal Rescue Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Road Wars NCIS: Los Angeles Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 NCIS: Los Angeles A Town Called Eureka Futurama The Simpsons The Simpsons Modern Family The Simpsons The Simpsons Supergirl 50 Ways to Kill Your Mammies Prison: First and Last 24 Hours The Force A League of Their Own Most Shocking Most Daring Brit Cops: Frontline Crime

7.00am 7.25am 7.50am 8.50am 9.50am 10.45am 11.10am 11.35am 12.05pm 1.00pm 2.05pm 3.10pm 4.10pm 5.15pm 5.50pm 6.20pm 6.55pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 1.10am 2.10am 3.05am 3.30am

Man About the House On the Buses Heartbeat Where the Heart is Wild at Heart Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy Murder, She Wrote The Darling Buds of May Heartbeat Wild at Heart Where the Heart is Man About the House On the Buses On the Buses Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Doc Martin Britain's Busiest Airport - Heathrow Law and Order: UK Wycliffe Marchlands Marchlands ITV3 Nightscreen Teleshopping


Channel 4 7.00am

Kirstie's Fill Your House for Free




Mobil 1 The Grid

8.10am 8.35am 9.00am





The Wright Stuff



House Doctor



5 News


Can't Pay? We'll Take it Away!


Home and Away




NCIS: New Orleans


Oliver's Ghost


5 News




Home and Away


5 News


FIA World Rally Championship


The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory


Sunday Brunch


Jamie and Jimmy's Friday Night Feast


The Simpsons




The Addams Family Values


Channel 4 News


Formula 1








Undercover Boss USA


Grand Designs


Superfoods: The Real Story


Food Unwrapped


Hugh's 3 Good Things


Phil Spencer: Secret Agent


Deal or No Deal

BBC 4 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 12.30am 1.20am 2.20am


Channel 5

World News Today Grand Tours of Scotland Great Barrier Reef Sleuths, Spies and Sorcerers: Andrew Marr's Paperback Heroes Virago: Changing the World One Page at a Time A Very British Pornographer: The Jack Kahane Story The First World War Dan Cruickshank's Adventures in Architecture British Art at War: Bomberg, Sickert and Nash

Highlights - Great Britain 9.00pm

Police Interceptors


Chris Tarrant: Ice Train to Nowhere


Can't Pay? We'll Take it Away!


The Haunting of Radcliffe House


Criminals: Caught on Camera


Super Casino


The Yorkshire Vet


Criminals Caught on Camera


The Great Artists


House Doctor


House Doctor

7.00am 7.10am 8.00am 8.50am 9.50am 10.55am 11.55am 12.55pm 1.55pm 2.30pm 2.55pm 3.55pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.05pm 12.05am 1.00am 2.00am 3.00am 3.55am 4.00am

Sporting Funnies The Professionals The Chase Quincy M.E. Ironside The Professionals The Chase Cash Cowboys Storage Wars Texas Storage Wars Texas Quincy M.E. Ironside Cash Cowboys Storage Wars Texas Storage Wars Texas Rugby Test Match Cricket Motogp Highlights Tremors FYI Daily Tremors Bundesliga Rugby Test Match Cricket Motorsport UK ITV4 Nightscreen Teleshopping

More 4 9.55am

Grand Designs


Time Team


Hanover Street


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun


A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun


Find it, Fix it, Flog it


Car S.O.S


Grand Designs


Vet on the Hill


999: What's Your Emergency?


24 Hours in A and E


Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA


Vet on the Hill


Love Child


8 Out of 10 Cats



Saving Africa's Elephants: Hugh and the Ivory War BBC1 - 10 pm

Using a special camera that can see spirits, a family must protect their daughter from an evil entity with a sinister plan. Director: Gregory Plotkin Writers: Jason Pagan (screenplay) (as Jason Harry Pagan), Andrew Deutschman Stars: Chris J. Murray, Brit Shaw, Ivy George

Two-part documentary series in which Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall explores what can be done to stop the killing of African elephants for their ivory. Starting in the poaching hotspot of northern Mozambique, Hugh follows the ivory trail through the port of Mombasa in Kenya, where a whistleblower reveals the corruption that lets smuggled ivory through the port. From there, Hugh heads to one of the busiest ivory markets in the world - Hong Kong, where he goes undercover to prove that traders are laundering recently poached ivory smuggled in from Africa. To his surprise, he discovers that Europe and the UK are also sending huge amounts of ivory to Asia. Back in the UK, Hugh uses radiocarbon dating to reveal that carved ivory pieces on sale here are not always the antiques they claim to be. These shocking results lead him to call into question the UK government's policy on ivory. Are they prepared to take action? Hugh is determined to get answers at the highest level.


CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016

Barry via email asks: Dear Aunty, Can you help please. I have win 10 which was working perfectly OK until just over a week ago when I suddenly lost the use of the PC for several hours as windows carried out updates. Apart from the usual annoying habit of changing the way certain things work, without any notification or hints on how to now use them, I found that online things like Microsoft games were now

running considerably slower. They are painfully slow. I've googled for help but the hints always seem too complicated or refer to tabs/buttons which I can never find. Do you have any simple solutions please? Aunty Says: I’m not 100% sure about this one Barry. If it is just the games that have slowed then I’d suggest a possible graphics driver problem so maybe check on your PC manufacturers

Technology website for the latest Windows 10 drivers, but if it is also affecting other online things then maybe even more Windows updates are hogging your Internet connection. If you want to check and control what is going on with updates you can have a look by clicking on the start icon, settings, and click on the “Update & security” section. Amongst other things, you can manually check for updates and also control when Windows installs them. There are far too many options to cover here but it is all fairly self explanatory so have a browse around. As always a proper shut down and restart can help updates install so avoid the sleep and hibernate options and let me know how you get on.


Phillip via email asks: Hi Aunty, I have a problem with my Windows 8 laptop. When I try to open emails & some personal sites a message pops up saying it cannot establish a secure connection and often (but not always) it doesn't give me an option to continue access. Aunty says: Hello Phillip. This could simply be your Windows time and date settings being incorrect. Some webpages will check for a thing called a “Security Certificate” basically to confirm the website is genuine but if the date is wrong on your device then your browser (Safari, Chrome or Firefox etc.) will refuse the website as it’s certificate appears out of date and therefore invalid. If you right click on the date and time in the bottom right corner you will be able to manually change the date & time (and GMT+1 settings if you are in Spain). Pauline via email asks: I have a HP printer which worked OK my Windows Vista laptop but when I plugged it in to my new Windows 10 Acer it seems to start installing and then just stops and I have no printer or scanner option. Do you know of a way to get it work as 7 years ago it was a top of the range printer and scanner. The copy and fax bits still work but I’m guessing that is because it doesn’t actually use my computer to fax or copy. Aunty Says: Hi Pauline. Most likely HP or Microsoft haven’t released a new driver for Windows 10 but it is probably still worth visiting the support section of the HP website to check there isn’t a Win10 or Win8 download available. You are correct that the copy function on printers can work without a computer connected. Any questions, you can email me at: auntyvirus@costablancapeople.com and hopefully see you all next week.


Bars & Restaurants

CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016



CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016

Bars & Restaurants



Bars & Restaurants

CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016



CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016

Bars & Restaurants



Bars & Restaurants

CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016



CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016

Bars & Restaurants



Gig Guide

CostaBlancaPeople October 18th - 24th 2016


October 18th - 24th 2016


houls and boys as if you didn’t know it, this weekend is Halloween. Witch of the many acts will you be going out to party with? The choice this week is bone chillingly good and there are so many chances to treat yourself and that is no trick! Sorry, but I couldn’t resist. The week starts off on Tuesday with Dee returning once again to La Bodegueta in Lo Crispin, followed on Thursday at The Royal Oak in El Galan, who will be using the event to raise funds for a local dog charity. The Shandon Bells in Villamartin Plaza has recently had a facelift. Now under new entertainment management it has a full programme of top acts starting on Thursday with the beautiful tones of Ayla and Mike. There is a treat on Saturday as smooth as silk vocalist Rob Sweeney makes his first appearance at the plaza. Sunday is the turn of the very talented Backyard Session duo. With Halloween falling on Monday venues get the chance to extend the celebrations. It is also your chance to get up to four nights wear from your costumes. On Saturday night “The Warlocks Ball” (pun intended) will be taking place at The Club in Quesada. The show premieres “Steve the Entertainer” who has been one of the top attractions in Majorca and will now be working on the Costa Blanca. Steve whose range of music goes from Michael Buble to Ollie Murs, Rock and Roll to Robbie Williams will be showing the folks on “the mainland” why he is frighteningly good at his job. Steve is joined on the show by lead vocalist of The Stoned Francis Symons. Fun loving Francis has assured me that it will be dance music all the way and is all set to make the night spookily memorable. Steve can also be seen in the Murcia area on Monday at The Blue Palm in Sierrra Golf where the celebrations include fancy dress prizes and hot and cold buffet. If you love your Northern Soul then Monday from 2pm Richie Alexander will be back for his monthly appearance at The Club in Quesada. Once again fancy dress is an option and knowing Richie and his fans this is going to be a hysterically fun afternoon that shouldn’t be missed. And yes, the legend is going to be wearing his costume. Richie is not willing to divulge what it is going to be yet but as one of the most loved entertainers in our area the man can wear a paper bag and still pull the crowds.

Sat 29th Oct – Halloween Weekend

Tues 25th Oct La Bodegueta, Lo Crispin – Dee - 9pm Yolo, Cabo Roig – Rod Stewart Tribute – 10.30pm Pablo’s International, Playa Flamenca – Jose Miguel – 9pm St James’s Gate, Torrevieja – Adam Slater – 5pm - Ed Temple – 9pm Mumbai Blue, La Florida – Richie Alexander – 8pm Sumo Wok, Benimar – Peter G – 7pm Washington Bar, La Siesta – Lynden B – 5pm

Weds 26th Oct

The Club, Quesada – The Warlocks Ball with Steve The Entertainer and Francis – 7pm – 15 Euros La Bodegueta, Lo Crispin – Justin Sane – 9pm Spice City, La Finca – Bee – 8pm Pablo’s International, Playa Flamenca – Angie McKay – 9pm Hillside, La Marina – Rob Roberts – 6pm - Dee – 9pm Le Cabaret, Benissa – Fakers Quo – 7.30pm Punjabi Palace 1, Los Montesinos – Samantha Curtis – 7pm Bar Carlos, Torrevieja – PDQ – 9pm Posh Club, La Marina – 3 singers – Alzheimers Association – 7pm – 12 Euros Paddy’s Point, La Zenia – Bardoi – 10.30pm De Bassus, La Zenia – Duo Eclipse – 8pm Shandon Bells, Villamartin Plaza – Cassi Kennedy – 10pm Marabu Lounge, Pueblo Bravo – Lynden B – 3pm Whispers Bar, San Miguel – Lynden B - 9pm Le Cabaret, Benissa – Fakers Quo – 9pm Caravaning La Manga – Paul Christie – 9pm Landsdowne, Playa Flamenca – Bella Luna – 10pm

Casa Ventura, San Luis –Everlys – 9pm Emerald Isle, La Florida – Variety Night – Angie McKay, Maria O’Hara, Paula B – 8pm Pablo’s Int, Playa Flamenca – Ed Temple Hypnotist and Buzzer game – 9pm Park Inn, Quesada – Samantha Curtis – 8pm Posh Club, La Marina – Red Cherries – 8.30pm - 12€ Landsdowne, Playa Flamenca – Jamie Jackson O’Keefe – 10pm Thurs 27th Oct Posh, La Marina – Ricky Patton – 12 midday The Local, La Florida – Dougie Monroe – 10pm Park Inn, Quesada – Samantha Curtis – 8pm Pablo’s International, Playa Flamenca – Paul Allen - 9pm YOLO, Cabo Roig – Richie Alexander – 10.30pm Fa Li Du, Los Dolces – Paul Christie – 8.30pm Landsdowne, Playa Flamenca – Chloe Leigh – 10pm Royal Oak, El Galan – Dee for animal chariity– 7pm Shandon Bells, Villamartin Plaza – Ayla and Mike – 10pm

Sun 30th Oct

The Snug, Torre de La Horradada – Dee -9pm Tradewinds, La Fuente – Sharni – 10pm La Vida Sunset, Doña Pepa – Daz – 8pm Punjabi Palace 3, La Marquesa – Samantha Curtis – 7pm Pablo’s International, Playa Flamenca – Richie Alexander – 9pm La Casa de Xu, La Siesta – Jose Miguera – 8pm YOLO, Cabo Roig – The Cages – 10.30pm Rancho El Paso, Aspe – Bella Luna – 5pm Casa Ventura, San Luis – Lynden B – 5pm La Taberna, Entre Naranjas – Lynden B – 9pm The Cavern, Playa Flamenca – The Starbeats – 1.30pm Eddie’s Bar, La Fuente – Paul Christie – 9pm Landsdowne, Playa Flamenca – Tony de Love – 10pm The Olive Bar, Pueblo Bravo – Ricardo – 6pm The Pub, Gran Alacant – Mr Bojangles – 4pm

Fri 28th Oct

Pablo’s International, Playa Flamenca – Zodiac Duo - 9pm Bamboo Lounge, Entre Naranjas – Rob Sweeney – 9pm Maggie O’Briens, Campoverde – Dee – 8pm Rusty Nail, Campoverde – Ricky Patton – 9pm The Hen’s Teeth, Villamartin Plaza – Pirates of the Halloween with The Streeters – 9.30pm Croeso Inn, La Florida – Johnny Scott – 9pm Shandon Bells, Villamartin Plaza – Gemma B – 10pm Hillside, La Marina – Andy Jones 6pm, Rebecca Holt – 9pm Torre Asia Restaurant – Peter G – 9pm Sinnots Bar, La Manga – Lynden B - 9pm New Tavern, San Miguel – Paul Christie – 9pm Landsdowne, Playa Flamenca – Childrens Halloween Party – 6pm/ Colt 45 Duo – 10pm

Mon 31st Oct

Blue Palm, Sierra Golf, Murcia – Steve the Entertainer – 9pm Camping Lo Monte – Rob Sweeney – 9pm The Club, Quesada – Richie Alexander – 2pm Stray Sod, La Fuente – The Cages acoustic – 10.30pm Paddy’s Point, La Zenia – Ali and Che – 10.30pm Bar Kenz, San Luis – Samantha Curtis – 9pm Emerald Isle – Johnny Dillon and Abba Elite – 9.95 Euro Final Whistle, La Marina – Cherry K – 2pm Bar Stop, La Marina – Arche – for Pets in Spain – 3pm Tavern, Lo Crispin – Lynden B – 9pm Molly Malones, Gran Alacant – Paul Christie – 9pm Landsdowne, Playa Flamenca – Lady’s Day from 2pm

Happy Halloween to all Costa Blanca People Readers. If you would like your events in this guide, they are FREE. Just email me the details to letsrockshowslive@gmail.com. All details correct at time of going to press. Shows dates can be found on www.lrshows.com Please contact me direct to book top quality and exclusive acts. Tel 697501992 Love life, love music and support your venues and acts. Jax Lawson xx

Francis Symo n



y Rob Sweene


CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016

Justin Bieber causes frenzy over Spanish concert error Justin Bieber has sent a rural Spanish town into frenzy after mistakenly announcing it as a tour date location. Locals of the small Spanish town of Belmonte de Tajo went into meltdown when Justin Bieber’s website mistakenly announced he would be touring there in November. Residents in the village, which has just 1,400 residents, could not believe that their small town would be hosting such a huge concert and Twitter soon went into overdrive as word spread across Spain that the unassuming town 65km from Madrid would be hosting one of the world’s biggest stars. However, the town Mayor Amador Salinas broke the news that it was all a mistake, but not before joining in on mocking the error. “There are no parties planned for November here so we’re not sure how to prepare for this event,” he said. “I suppose we could always get the football stadium ready but we’re a bit short of time.” Fans browsing www.justinbiebermusic.com were offered VIP tickets for a 23rd November performance at

the Barclaycard Arena in Belmonte de Tajo, Spain – however, the Barclaycard Arena is the name of Birmingham’s sports and entertainment venue 3,700km away in the UK, where the singer is bringing his Purpose World Tour. There was even an address for the concert venue which on Google Maps appeared to be a privately-owned semi-detached house. While pictures of the redroofed home opposite a bus stop boasted a few plastic chairs and tables in the front garden, it didn’t seem capable of catering to thousands of screaming ‘Beliebers’, as his fans are known.

A ‘Where to Eat’ section on the Belmonte de Tajo town website lists four bars. An ironmonger’s and butcher’s are alos listed as two of the six recommended places to visit. Town Hall officials said they were bombarded with phone calls after the gaffe. One local jokingly said: “If Justin really wants to come here, we’ve got a small municipal centre he could use. But thousands of people are going to descend on the town if he does end up here and I think so many Beliebers in such a small space could be dangerous.”

Bars & Restaurants



Bars & Restaurants

CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016


La Finca residents charity weekend The residents of La Finca, Algorfa, have raised 1,285 euros for the AECC anticancer charity and the local school, CEIP Miguel de Cervantes, in a charity fundraising weekend. The event featured numerous activities for adults and children and there was a 500 euros draw for those who ate, drank or shopped in the local area. The council supported solidarity weekend was organised and hosted by local residents for the two causes, and the funds raised will be divided equally between the two. The City Council said to wanted to note publically its appreciation ‘to these neighbours of La Finca for the charity weekend, especially Gary Cornfort, for

their dedication and attention”. The Mayor, Manuel Ros said that these activities were “very important because it is a way of uniting the local community and promoting coexistence with a

supportive approach”. The Mayor took the opportunity to thank the residents of La Finca for their ‘interest and passion which they demonstrated by carrying out this event’.


CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016

Bars & Restaurant



Bars & Restaurants

CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016



CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016

Bars & Restaurants



Bars & Restaurants

CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016



CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016

Charity Fashion Show Fashion Show to be held at QCC (Quesada Country Club), Quesada Saturday 29th October at 2:30 pm. Many bargains, cruise gowns and evening wear from 10 euros winter warmer coats jackets tops trousers from 3 euros. Also shoes, bags and jewellery at very reasonable prices. Tickets 5 Euros, to include a glass of wine and nibbles. All proceeds to Cats N Dogs Aid Association. Registration number G54658810 T Tickets Available at Cats N Dogs Aid Association shop in Quesada or call 616655789.

Health & Beauty



Health & Beauty

CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016

All About Health & Beauty

61 Sleeps to Christmas! Oh dear, I still have to have my late summer holidays, it can’t only be 61 sleeps to Christmas. STRESS STRESS STRESS. Talking of sleeping, how well do you sleep? The fact is that as we get older many of us sleep less well than younger people. This may be due to many things but let’s have a look at some of the more common reasons. Alcohol in small doses acts as a sedative but in larger amounts can have the opposite effect, letting us drop off to sleep quickly but then waking after a few hours, partly due to a due to a full bladder, alcohol acts as a diuretic. It also impairs breathing and makes us have shallower sleep.

Several groups of drugs can make sleep more difficult including some anti depressants, asthma drugs, heart drugs and some antibiotics. If you are taking a new drug and having problems sleeping it is always worth mentioning this to your doctor. Snoring can be a dreadful problem and many couple take to sleeping in separate rooms, it is the person who hears it rather than the snorer and this can cause friction and rows. Caffeine is also a stimulant and

having things like coke and coffee late at night can cause sleeplessness and even in some cases nightmares. Stress is another reason why we don’t sleep well and normally stops us getting to sleep and then having long periods in the middle of the night where we feel wide awake, but often don’t want to get up next morning. Exercise too late at night may actually keep us awake so if you exercise, which in itself is normally a good thing , try to avoid doing it too late. Eating dinner too late also may contribute to the problem of sleeplessness if this is the case eat earlier but also don’t go to bed if your stomach is rumbling because this may keep you awake as well. Recent research is indicating that the use of mobile telephones and computers late at night should be avoided as the blue light tends to keep us awake and even some manufacturers are working on making the light emitted from their appliances a more yellow and soothing light. If you have got a bedside clock with blue or green light up numerals try turning it away for your eyes at night and see if this helps. To have a good nights sleep have a comfy mattress and pillows the right height to suit you. Don’t have the bedroom too warm and try to have a little fresh air. Try a warm glass of milk before bed and one suggestion is to eat a slice of turkey as this prompts the body to release the sleep hormone serotonin. If all else fails you might try homeopathic sleep remedies but it is always worth discussing with your doctor as it might be a sign of an underlying illness. Sweet dreams !



CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016

Health & Beauty



Health & Beauty

CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016


Spain lags behind in mental health provision Spanish authorities spend less than the European average on mental health diagnosis, assistance and care, which in turn leads to a lack of resources for everything from depression and anxiety through to more serious pathologies such as schizophrenia. The 10th October was International Mental Health Day, which has thrown

into the spotlight the fact that although the average spending in this field for the European Union is 7 percent of the health budget, or 7 euros in every €100, Spain's own investment comes to just 5.5 percent, or €5.50 per €100. Considered one of the top causes of temporary and permanent disability in the western world, a typical one in

four people in Spain will suffer mental health problems at some point in their lives – a figure which exactly mirrors the global average. In the main, these tend to be the less serious but equally debilitating conditions such as panic attacks, phobias, depression and OCD, or personality disorders - narcissistic, histrionic, paranoic, avoidant, and so on -

although in many cases these can equally be life-threatening. And certain brands of personality disorders, such as sociopathy and psychopathy can potentially lead to others being placed in danger. The one in four, however, also covers very life-limiting conditions such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder – once known as 'manic depression' – attention deficit disorder and autism spectrum disorders, all of which need constant medication and monitoring. Anecdotal evidence of insufficient mental healthcare resources include long waiting lists, lack of day centres and other physical facilities, and an absence of any 'active' therapy besides medication for those which are more subjective than purely biological and would benefit from counselling and cognitive or dialectic behavioural therapy. Head of psychiatry at Madrid's Gregorio Marañón hospital, Dr Celso Arango – also chairman of the ministry of health's psychiatry commission – points out that according to the World Health Organisation (WHO), ‘without mental health, there is no health’. Effectively, this does not only mean that a person cannot be healthy unless he or she has no mental illness, but goes a step further and suggests personal and social wellbeing is completely necessary for an individual to be in full physical health. Dr Arango says some of the problems arising through lack of investment include a shortage or near-absence of preventive measures, scarce resources for early intervention appropriate to each patient's age, limited or no research or development into child and teenage mental health care, and a lack of ‘intermediary’ facilities such as day centres and day hospitals. General public attitude holds back some of the progress Spain could otherwise make, but which may be possible to change with more financial investment, Dr Arango reveals. “For example, Spain is a country

where it is believed that, either a person can work like anyone else, or they can’t work at all – there's no middle ground – and the consequences of either can be nefarious for people with mental illness,” he explains. “With the right support and supervision, a person with a mental illness would be able to access the job market in a 'protected' format. “The number of people with severe mental disorders in Spain who are actually working is vastly lower than in other countries, and this erodes patients' self-esteem, a situation which feeds their disorder.”

Lack of resources

Chairman of the National Mental Health Confederation, Dr Nel A. González, says the ‘lack of resources’ is ‘very noticeable’ in the extraordinarily long waiting lists for patients to be attended to. And even once patients are able to be seen, the amount of time professionals are able to spend on them is ‘very limited indeed’, unless they pay to go to a private consultant. “Cases which, a priori, appear less serious are the ones that suffer from the most critical deficiencies, because patients are not given the amount of time they need and their situation can get out of hand, meaning their recovery is far more difficult and a much slower process,” Dr González explains. Spain does indeed have a Mental Health Strategy in place, but according to Dr Arango, it is 'out of date'. A new one has been drawn up, but has not been signed off because the various regional governments are unable to agree over its content. Dr González adds that new approaches need to be incorporated into the Strategy, such as the issue of mental health patients' rights and their participation in society. The first of these 'frankly, has room for improvement', and the second 'should be complied with by all regions as an obligation' in order to 'end the unfairness and inequality' in this area.


CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016




CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016



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Ford Fiesta 1.5TDCi 2013, many extras, low consumption, 3,7L/100km 9,995€

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CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016

Madrid tops for Car2go A year on from their launch, the blue-and-white distinctive electric vehicles belonging to carsharing firm Car2go, part of Germany’s Daimler-Mercedes Benz group, have become a common sight in downtown Madrid.

while each of the firm’s cars in the capital is hired out from 12 to 15 times daily. Results in Madrid have exceeded the company’s “most optimistic forecasts,” Beermann says. “When you are looking at such

In fact, the roll-out of the cars in the Spanish capital has been so Thomas that successful Beermann, the man responsible for Car2go’s European operations, describes it as the company’s best ever and the numbers seem to back that up. The company now has more than 112,000 users in Madrid and its fleet of 500 Smart Fortwo cars has already traveled 5.8 million kilometers, for a saving of 568 tons in CO2 emissions in a city that has long been plagued by pollution. On top of that, Madrid can boast of Car2go’s greatest number of vehicles per user,

high daily-usage rates there are always going to be issues related to the flexible car-sharing model, but we try and respond fully to these,” he notes. In more good news for the company, initial problems with vandalism seem to have become a thing of the past, with no incidents reported since the company went to the authorities complaining that 60 of its vehicles had been damaged. The Madrid Taxi Association, which was very active in opposing the entry of transport service Uber into the Spanish market, denied that it had anything to do with the

vandalism to the company’s fleet. In fact Beerman says the company has good relations with taxi organisations in those cities where it operates. “We see ourselves as providing a service that complements their activities,” he explains. “Car2go doesn’t compete with public transport in cities, instead it is a useful addition because there are a lot of situations where people who live downtown prefer individual transport instead of buses, underground trains or taxis,” he adds, citing as examples trips that would require a lot of changes, or weekend journeys when public transport is less frequent. The company is now looking at extending its service beyond the 53 square kilometers where it operates at present, Beermann says. Car2go’s vehicles are more than capable of “going to the airport and back,” as long as all trips begin and end in the current operational zone, the executive adds. There are no plans to change the company’s current pricing structure in Madrid, according to the Car2go executive. Most Car2go users in the city are aged from 26 to 35, while men account for 70 percent of customers. The average trip time is 20 to 30 minutes, with peak periods being from 12pm to 3pm and then again from 6pm to 9pm, according to the company.



HISTORIC REFERENDUM On Thursday June 23, the people of Britain voted for a British exit, or Brexit, from the European Union in an historic referendum. This decision has prompted jubilant celebration whilst sending shockwaves through the global economy. Over the next two years or so, Britain will negotiate its exit under article 50 of the Treaty on European Union. WHAT HAPPENS AFTER BRITAIN EXITS THE EU Through the withdrawal negotiations, nothing will change for British expats in Spain because the UK will remain part of the EU during this transitional period. However, what happens after Britain has left the EU and how this may affect you is still unclear. LEGAL ASSISTANCE SERVICE Whilst many questions remain unanswered, Línea Directa would like to remind its customers that they can include our Legal Assistance service in their insurance policies. Then, if you have any queries you can call and consult one of our lawyers. They offer information and legal advice on a wide range of matters such as inheritance, family, taxes, purchase and rental of property, etc. As the Brexit negotiations evolve, our legal team will keep abreast of all the latest developments relating to events occurring in the Spanish territory and those to which Spanish legislation is applicable.

24-HOUR ASSISTANCE FOR EMERGENCY LEGAL CONSULTATIONS Should you require an immediate legal consultation, which due to the gravity of the matter in hand cannot wait, we offer a 24-hour legal advice service. Regardless of the time of day, we can provide immediate specialist legal advice for emergency incidents relating to you, your family or your home. IN ENGLISH The service is entirely in English. From the drafting and revision of legal documents to negotiations with third parties and or opposing parties. We can’t provide all the answers to the questions raised by the Britain’s exit of the EU, but we can provide sound legal advice for our expatriate customers living in Spain. We hope the information provided in this article is of interest. If you would like to contact Línea Directa please call 902 123 566 More information on Línea Directa online at www.lineadirecta.com

Please note that all information contained within this CostaBlanca People Business Profile has been provided by the client, and is therefore deemed correct and accurate. Any errors, omissions or inaccuracies are the sole responsibility of the client.



CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016



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CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016


THANKS FOR THE MEMORY Most of us can lose our train of thought midway through a sentence but this can be become more of a serious issue if it begins to affect your work or quality of life such as forgetting an appointment or how to get somewhere. So how do you recognise what is forgetfulness and what is a more serious memory issue, and more importantly is there anything we can do to improve our memory? In a recent study of healthy adults, the average number of memory slips, like putting the coffee jar in the fridge, was around six per week, irrespective of age, gender and , intelligence. Remembering is an active process and making the most of your memory involves paying better attention, planning and organising. Luckily, there are some tricks and strategies to help you banish those ‘thingumabob’ moments. When trying to remember something, visualise the place in which you were when you had the object or learnt the thing you are trying to remember. Research also suggests that balling up your right hand and squeezing it tightly actually makes it easier to memorise phone numbers or shopping lists. Later, when you want to retrieve the information, clench the left fist. Researchers think the movements activate brain regions key to the storing and recall of memories. However, experts agree that the best way to ‘consolidate a memory’ is to go through the information just before going to sleep. This is because there are fewer ‘new’ interfering memories so you will remember it better the next day. Wiggling your eyes from side to side for 30 seconds could be the key to boosting concentration. That’s because the left and right sides of the brain perform different functions and improving communication between them can bolster mental performance. Scientists at Manchester Metropolitan University got volunteers to listen to recordings of words then either wiggle their eyes horizontally for 30 seconds, vertically for 30 seconds, or just stare ahead. The horizontal movement group recalled more words than the other two, according to results in the journal Brain and Cognition.

Hospital Quirónsalud Torrevieja raises Breast Cancer awareness Hospital Quirónsalud Torrevieja participated in the organization of an information day on the occasion of International Breast Cancer awareness day. Advice was offered on how to prevent this disease and the importance of early diagnosis. Members of the Association, Relatives and sufferers of Cancer Torrevieja (AFECÁNCER) also participated in the event. The table was installed from 10.30 am to 2.00 pm in the Plaza de la Constitucion, Torrevieja. At 12 midday, balloons with messages for loved ones fighting with this illness were released followed accompanied by the reading of a piece by members from AFECÁNCER. In addition, to facilitate self-examination, Quirónsalud have

This is the easiest of all methods for remembering everything from where you put your car keys to what you need from the shop to revising for a test, say memory experts. Studies found saying what you want to remember out loud to yourself – or even mouthing it – will help with recall.

What you put in… Scientists asked 972 people to fill in detailed surveys on their diets and to complete eight rigorous tests to check their concentration, memory and learning abilities. Adults who consumed dairy products at least five or six times a week did far better in memory tests compared with those who rarely ate or drank them. Several studies have shown that aerobic exercise improves cognitive function and is particularly good at enhancing memory. Exercise is also thought to encourage the growth of new brain cells in the hippocampus – an area of the brain important in memory and learning. A Mediterranean diet – low in red meat and dairy and high in omega-3 fatty acids found in oily fish and nuts – can help preserve memory and reduce dementia risk, say US researchers. The study, in the journal Neurology, studied the diets of 17,478 people with an average age of 64. Those who followed the Med diet were 19 percent less likely to develop problems with memory. Eating too much can double the risk of memory problems in old age, according to US research. Studies found a high-calorie intake can substantially increase the risk of developing mild cognitive impairment, or MCI, characterised by memory loss, which can precede dementia. Alcohol may help you fall asleep but it leads to a disrupted night’s rest – and has a detrimental effect on produced a guide in the form of bookmark that was distributed free at the information table with the aim of promoting prevention.

ABOUT QUIRÓNSALUD Quirónsalud is the largest hospital group in Spain and the third largest in Europe. It is present in 13 autonomous communities, has the most advanced technology and has more than 6,200 beds in the 80 centres, as well as a large team of highly specialized professionals and international prestige. The team works in promoting and teaching (seven of Quirónsalud hospitals are universities) medical and scientific research (Quirónsalud has the Health Research Institute of the FJD, a unique private research centre accredited by the Ministry of Research, Development and Innovation). Currently, Quirónsalud is developing more than 1,600 research projects throughout Spain and many of the centres are market leaders in this field, being pioneers in different specialties such as cardiology, endocrinology, gynecology, neurology and oncology, among others.

concentration and memory, say researchers at The London Sleep Centre. And the more you drink, the less deep – or REM – sleep you get. However, Chinese researchers say regularly drinking a small amount, like a glass of wine, could improve your memory and

delay the onset of Alzheimer’s disease thanks to its key ingredient – the organic molecule EGCG (epigallocatechin-3 gallate), an antioxidant that protects against agerelated degenerative illnesses. Eating chocolate can improve your memory, said Oxford University scientists, who tested 2,000 volunteers. A separate study at Northumbria University found people given large amounts of flavonols, a compound found in chocolate, found mental arithmetic much easier.

Quit smoking Smoking it seems can cause significant damage to your memory, say researchers at Northumbria

IT’S SHOW TIME A.C.T.S, the Benijofar-based drama group, is preparing for its second production following on from the huge success of its inaugural performance ‘Don't Dress for Dinner. Profits will again be donated to the Benijofar Crisis Appeal. In the new production comedian and national treasure Dave Thursby has died, and on the day of his funeral, friends and colleagues gather beside his coffin to pay their last respects. There is Harvey, who wrote Dave's material , Vi, Harvey's wife, Kevin, Dave's agent, and Kevin's wife Jane. Dave's glamorous widow Laura has arranged a funeral to remember, complete with horse-drawn hearse and an attending dog. An unfamiliar woman in flamboyant mourning clothes turns out to be Kay, Dave's ex-wife from before he was famous, and a series of revelations end up with Kevin throwing a drink into the coffin and all hell breaking loose as the ‘real’ Dave reveals himself from beyond the grave. This two act comedy was written by Eric Chappell who also wrote the T.V. comedy series, Rising Damp, Home to Roost and The Bounder. Tickets are priced at 8.00 euros and are available by contacting: tickets.acts@gmail.com or by calling 646277724. They are also available from various local outlets including Catorce Restaurant, Benijofar, which is also offering an

University. When 69 students aged 18 to 25, were asked to memorise a list of tasks, those who had never smoked did best, remembering to complete 81 percent of the tasks. The smokers – on an average of 60 cigarettes a week – managed to get through only 59 percent. A separate study at King’s College London found that middle-aged smokers performed less well on tests compared with those without the tobacco habit.

Adolescents who are regular users of cannabis are at risk of permanent damage to their intelligence, attention span and memory, according to the results of a new long-term study, which followed over 1,000 people from birth to the age of 38. If there’s something you have to do every day at a specific time and often forget, a technique called implementation intentions is very simple. For example, say to yourself ‘whenever I have my first cup of tea in the morning, I will also take my pills’. Or ‘when the lunchtime news finishes, I’ll do my exercises’. One type of mnemonic – or memory aid – relies on imagery rather than words. A classic way of remembering a person’s name is to try and imagine it (or something associated to it) on the person’s face. So, if you meet John Bridge – imagine a bridge on his face. Psychologists have found that the more bizarre and vivid the image the better it works. Learning a foreign language can boost the brain – even as an adult. Research carried out at Edinburgh University found verbal fluency and intelligence improved in 262 people who took on another tongue. Other studies have even hinted that being bilingual can delay the onset of Early Bird Dinner before the show as the restaurant is only a 5 minute walk from the theatre. For further information contact Catorce on 966849030. The performances will take place on 3rd, 4th and 5th November 2016 at the Benijofar Cultural Centre with curtain up at 8.00pm. Profits will be donated to the Benijofer Crisis Appeal, with the last show raising 2,500 euros.

dementia by several years. The effects were present in those who learned their second language early, as well as later in life. Generally developing an interest or hobby and staying involved in activities that stimulate the mind and body can also help with memory loss. Travel is supposed to broaden the mind. But according to psychologists at Northwestern University in the US, it can also make it work better. They gave a series of tests, designed to check the brain’s capacity for creative thinking, to a group of students who had lived abroad and another group who had not. The results showed those who had spent time studying overseas performed much better; because moving abroad involves major psychological transformation that expands the mind. Our short-term memory is very distractible. The brain erases trivial information to make room for more important information. This includes: • Forgetting what you went upstairs for. • Taking several minutes to recall where you left the car. • Putting things down and being unable to find them soon after. • Forgetting something a friend mentioned to you the day before. • Forgetting the name of someone you’ve just met. • Briefly forgetting the name for something –the ‘thingumabob’ moment. However, more serious memory lapses can be a sign of illness and should be discussed with a doctor: • Multi-tasking becomes difficult – an able cook suddenly finds preparing a Sunday roast overwhelming. • Problems negotiating familiar places, such as regularly not being able to find your car. • Forgetting the names of close friends and relatives. • Problems recognising faces, colours, shapes and words. • Repeating a question asked half an hour previously.

Regional Youth Sailing Regatta The Councillor for Sports, Damaso Aparicio, and Councillor for Tourism, Sofia Alvarez were present this weekend at the fifth annual Youth Sailing Regatta, at Campoamor Yacht Club. Councillor Aparicio said: “The City Council supports children’s water sports as Orihuela is fortunate to have wonderful beaches that can accommodate this type of sporting activity. Around 180 children from clubs from Murcia and Valencia competed in the third heat of nine categories. The participants were aged between 8 and 13 and competed in three races of 45 minutes.



CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016

Business profile

The festive season is closer than you think


know that you have just got the summer months behind you , but Christmas is not as far away as you think. People are booking earlier and earlier for the festive season and it is important not to miss out on the best deals by leaving it too late. David's Coachtrips offer some of the best deals from in and around the Torrevieja area to the social capital of the Costa Blanca, Benidorm. Usually blessed with fine weather, and where there is always something to do night and day in this lively fun loving town. The long established relationship between David's Coachtrips and the 4* Palm Beach Hotel has helped the two companies, to offer some

really good Christmas and New Year deals. Take all the hassle out of it and enjoy real value for money. Picked up by coach from near to your home, you will be whisked effortlessly to Benidorm. On arrival your courier will have you quickly booked in to your room. Then let the party begin.(For those who prefer, you can

arrange to go in your own car). Palm Beach Hotel is a large comfortable 4* hotel. Friendly helpful staff, good food (buffet) , nightly entertainment, brilliant gala meals which include wine and Cava for both Christmas and New Year are served to the table. Professional entertainment on the afternoon of Christmas day follows an excellent Christmas dinner. On New Years Eve a gala dinner leads us into the New Year which we welcome with live music and a free bar until 3 a.m. There is an indoor swimming pool, gymnasium, large sun area and bar area. All rooms have balconies. Everything is carefully planned and organised to give you the best possible festive break. At the prices offered. It is hard to imagine better value for money. All deals are full board, including transfers, and hotel entertainment. Why not join hundreds more of your fellow expats on a fabulous effortless festive break. What a lovely way to spend the festive season. No cooking to do, no beds to make, no dishes to wash. Benidorm hotels are selling out fast this year so be careful not to miss out. You can choose from these options. Christmas 5 days, 4 nights . 22-26 Dec 299€ OR 6 days, 5 nights 22-27 Dec 359€ . Christmas New Year 12 days, 11 nights 22 Dec -2 Jan 649€ New Year 3 days, 2 nights. 31 Dec -2 Jan 259€ Alternative hotels available. See website for details. Reservations can be made online at www.coachtriponline.com or by calling direct on (0034) 966785910.

Business Profile: Please note that all information contained within this CostaBlanca People Business Profile has been provided by the client, and is therefore deemed correct and accurate. Any errors, omissions or inaccuracies are the sole responsibility of the client.


A remembrance concert to… well remember Two of the leading choirs on the Costa are combining once again to provide a memorable Remembrance Concert on Sunday 6th November. This very popular event will take place at the Centro Ecumenico - Cristo Resucitado in Calle Diamante, La Zenia. The concert will feature both the Orihuela Costa Male Voice Choir - now 30 strong - and the awardwinning In Harmony Chamber Choir; a mixed choir consisting of 30 of the best auditioned expat singers in the area. Both choirs will be conducted by local top professional singer, conductor and vocal coach, Nigel Hopkins, and accompanied by Philip Mitchell on the piano. The programme will include many popular and classical songs, as well as several speciality songs

including songs in the Italian and Zulu languages, and of course a smattering of popular Welsh hymn tunes so loved by audiences. By popular demand there will be an audience Sing-a-long of famous wartime songs, wellknown to everyone. Featured soloists will include the 19 year old singing sensation Verity Hall, and the very experienced soprano Alyson Horsfall. Nigel Hopkins himself will feature in several songs, so a great night is promised to all patrons. Tickets, priced at 10€, are available from La Ponderosa Gift Shop at La Zenia C.C. Proceeds will be split between the church and towards the Male Choir's ongoing support of the AECC when they visit Alfaz del Pi and Albir shortly.


Alternatively come and celebrate the age-old tradition of Bonfire Night on Saturday November 5th with a spectacular firework display choreographed to music and a gigantic bonfire. Money will be raised for the Elche Children's Home with their 'Penny for the Guy' Raffle and there will be plenty of activities and themed fun for the whole family to enjoy. For more information please visit the website at www.thingstodoinspain.info or call Jenni on 660816620. It is advisable to book in advance for these popular events. You can find Casa La Pedrera 700m along the CV950, just off the CV95 Vistabella, San Miguel/Orihuela Road.

There is some frighteningly fun time to be had for the whole family at Casa La Pedrera, The Grand Design House this Halloween and Bonfire Night! Fall under the spell with their Witches Trick Or Treat Spell Trail to be held daily throughout Halloween week ending with a 'Fright Night Fancy Dress Party' on Saturday Oct 29 from 6.30p.



CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016


Business profile


Global Discount Furniture Outlet is run by a family who have been in the furniture industry for over 40 years, in the UK and now on the Costa Blanca Spain. Global Discount Furniture Outlet specialise in quality low to mid range furniture of all descriptions at low affordable prices. The team told the Costa Blanca People, “We pride ourselves on being a furniture store where the sale never ends. Our long standing time in the furniture industry gives us the opportunity to locate and purchase large amounts of stock at low prices, where we can pass on the savings to our customers.” “We purchase stock from; Argos, Homebase, B&Q, Habitat and most catalogue companies. Most of our stock is ex display, end of lines or just liquidation stock.” At Global Discount Furniture Outlet’s warehouse in Benijófar you will find a

large stock of items for all of your household, garden and home office needs such as lounge furniture, sofas, wall units, coffee tables, side tables, cupboards and more. You will also find dining room furniture, single beds, double beds, king size beds, storage beds, bunk beds, pine beds, wardrobes, chest of drawers and a wide range of garden furniture from rattan sets to quality metal and plastic seating, tables and loungers, plus much more. Global Discount Furniture Outlet also purchases and sells quality second hand furniture of all descriptions. So for all of your furniture needs at affordable prices come and take a look at Global Discount Furniture’s new outlet in Benijófar. “We have prices to match every budget. Remember we are the sale that never ends.” Stock changing weekly.

Business Profile: Please note that all information contained within this CostaBlanca People Business Profile has been provided by the client, and is therefore deemed correct and accurate. Any errors, omissions or inaccuracies are the sole responsibility of the client.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Dear Editor SAD BUT PROUD AND THANKFUL TAABS It is with enormous regret that T.A.A.B.S. (Torrevieja Amateur Association of Balladeer Singers) has now been dissolved. Over the past decade, under wonderful musical direction and dedication, we have donated and helped to raise thousands of Euros for many, many charities. In the past we have performed, with as many as 30 performances a year. We would like to thank all the venues who have supported TAABS and the charities during this time. A special thank you to the captain’s table Punta marina and Sunshine radio who have been our sponsors. Marion Skinner. Treasurer. Dear Editor, I feel I must write to you in response to the letter you printed in the Tuesday 18th October edition of the Costa Blanca People from Tony Dean. I too saw the news item in question and was concerned at the time at the number of purported “facts” in the story. Part of my role as one of the Alicante British Consul “Our Local Ambassadors” is to attempt to direct people to official sources of information, especially with the underlying issues of the consequences of the EU Referendum. There has been enough

gossip and misinformation circulating in the past few months without adding more fuel to the fire. Returning to the original piece you printed, can I make the following observations and also at the same time answer Tony Dean’s understandable points. 1. Neither Boris Johnson nor his counterpart in Spain have it in their gift to "thrash out a post-Brexit deal". This is something to be decided after Article 50 is triggered and not before. 2. How does anyone know that healthcare for expats is "Top of Boris’ list of priorities"? 3. For information, there is NO reciprocal healthcare arrangement between the UK and Canada. The 99% waiver referred to is applied to trade tariffs. 4. Sñr Margallo did not DEMAND "Britain foots the health bill". He said that "there must be an agreement". Quite a difference. Mr Dean also says that “...when he [Mr Cameron] resigned outside 10 Downing Street that established circumstances and residency would not affect us.” The former Prime Minister said no such thing. What he did say and has been said umpteen times since June 23rd was: “I would also reassure Britons living in European countries and European citizens living here there will be no immediate changes in your circumstances.” Could I respectfully suggest to you, Mr

Dean and to all your readers to ONLY get their information about aspects of Brexit from OFFICIAL sources such as the British Consul or via the website at www.gov.uk to avoid any future misunderstanding. Sincerely, Darren James, La Marina.

POETS’ CORNER October rain visits us with a vengeance when least expected; for baking July and August had left us wondering whether thunder and lightening aren't the foes we'd rather forget? The roads are turned into torrents and rivers, not quite what's beloved by holiday drives; a round of golf or a dip in the sea, are denied to folk who are left to sip tea. We do not see the best of Spain when scurrying for shelter from the October rain. Most of us are but expatriates here, lured by the sun, sea, sangria and the beer. Some of us are resident, others come and go seeing the seasons change with temperatures high and low. Those who fought forest fires, earlier in the year welcome the October rain, to them most dear. Migel Jayasinghe

Send your letters to office@costablancapeople.com before midday on Thursday for publication. By submitting your letter, you acknowledge and agree that the views expressed by you do not necessarily reflect the views of the Costa Blanca People, and we do not support or endorse any third party content. We reserve the right to refuse to publish, cut, crop or edit your letter at our sole discretion. We accept no liability in respect of any content submitted by readers and published by us.


Puzzle Page

CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016




logic puzzle Logic puzzles require the solver to deduce the relationships between different people, places and things based on a limited number of clues given in the puzzle.

quick ACROSS 1. Incompetent (11) 9. Transit (7) 10. Drone (5) 11. Souvenir (5) 12. Chivalrous (7) 13. Persian king (6) 15. Author (6) 18. A wine (7)

5. Warble (5) 6. Brave (7) 7. Almost exact (11) 8. Associates (11) 14. Shine (7) 16. Recipe (7) 17. Hairdresser (6) 19. Thoughts (5) 21. Proportion (5)

20. Type of dog (5) 22. Commerce (5) 23. Fragile (7) 24. Measuring (11) DOWN 2. Of the nose (5) 3. Engaged girl (7) 4. Vigour (6)

cryptic 6. 7. 8.

DOWN 2. Delete the first letter in Gaelic (5) 3. Sets one’s sights higher and improves (7) 4. Cordial from Ealing (6) 5. Castles in the air? (5)

16. 17.


19. 21.

Old city in Natal is unaffected (7) He has no saving graces (11) How near David got to Goliath? (6-5) An appeal for economy is seemingly no good (7) In the main a submarine hazard? (7) In a way I set my golf ball to obstruct others (6) More than usually wide, perhaps (5) Many times from a number (5)

SOLUTIONS 656 QUICK: Across: 1 Opposite; 5 Slip; 9 True; 10 Alliance; 11 Horde; 12 Animate; 13 Embellishment; 18 Pedigree; 19 Nigh; 20 Squeeze; 21 Agree; 22 Deny; 23 Asperity. Down: 2 Perform; 3 Overdue; 4 Talkativeness; 6 Lineage; 7 Present; 8 Finish; 13 Exposed; 14 Bedouin; 15 Lugger; 16 Manager; 17 Neglect. CRYPTIC: Across: 1 Bankrupt; 5 Stet; 9 Airy; 10 Dynamite; 11 Estop; 12 Hold out; 13 Sedentary life; 18 Venetian; 19 Bole; 20 Grocery; 21 Union; 22 Sash; 23 Eternity. Down: 2 At issue; 3 Keyhole; 4 Psychoanalyst; 6 Tipoli; 7 Trestle; 8 Waylay; 13 Savages; 14 Dingoes; 15 Nether; 16 Lebanon; 17 Fall out.

Sudoku Solution

Solution for Logic Puzzle Chloe Tobias








TBS Cinemax HBO TNT Showtime

Wisk Biz Tide Gain Sun

1. The person who uses Wisk is not Roy or Sara. 2. The person who watched HBO is Sara. 3. Sara has a camera with fewer megapixels than the person who watched TBS. 4. The person with the 7.0 megapixel camera doesn't use Wisk. 5. The person with the 5.2 megapixel camera watched TNT. 6. The 5 people were the person who watched Cinemax, America, the person who uses Wisk, the person with the 6.0 megapixel camera, and the person who watched Showtime. 7. Roy has a camera with fewer megapixels than the person who watched TNT. 8. The person who watched Cinemax has a camera with more megapixels than the person who uses Gain. 9. Of the person who watched TNT and Tobias, one uses Gain and the other uses Biz. 10. Either the person with the 6.0 megapixel camera or the person with the 7.0 megapixel camera uses Tide.

time (5) 22. Quick! It’s nearly all run away! (5) 23. Music master (7) 24. Eastern country spy selling land not his own (6,5)


Remember: every item on the board belongs to one and only one person, no item will ever be shared. Using only the clues provided and simple deductive logic and reasoning, fill in the grid with Xs and Os to determine the solution.

ACROSS 1. Looking for scraps? (11) 9. Some soldiers a philosopher gets on with (7) 10. Eight people who work and play together (5) 11. Eden’s necessities (5) 12. There’s no place for him (7) 13. A superior suit (6) 15. Gives up the struggle with crops (6) 18. Put in again (2-5) 20. He tangles with cop - that will mean


CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016



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CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016




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BALLROOM DANCING Ballroom and Latin dancing for beginners and improvers every Monday and Thursday 11.30am - 1.00pm. Venue: Le Monte Hotel, Pilar de la Horradada (N332) Further information. Marilyn 606 738 866. (655) EOW

BUILDERS G.F.R. Builders 30 years experience, with 13 years in Spain. All general building work and Property Maintenance undertaken. Gazebos, Pergolas and car ports made to yourspecification All works guaranteed Competitive prices Ring now for free no obligation quotation Tel 653 262 489, Whatsapp or email: gfrbuild@gmail.com (LR)

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Business Opportunity. Net income 21,600 Euros P.A. Total investment 29,900 Euros. Easy work one day a week. Operate from home. All cash income. 697 834 934. (659) Kleeneze has just arrived in Spain! We are expanding rapidly and looking for distributors in all areas. Work full time, part time or spare time. Information on www.kleenezeespana.com - contact Claire for more information - 661 856 014 or Claire.twigg@hotmail.com (660) Quesada, Dry cleaning business, the Marco Polo, oldest dry cleaning business on Quesada-theres only three? A unique 9am to 5pm business, fully equipped with all machinery ready for either commercial contracts like bars and restaurants, or for simple domestic use of trousers, jackets, dress´s and skirts etc etc. The previous owners built this business up and sold all contacts 'for a substantial sum'. I have full details of all contacts available in my office. This is a high profit ratio business to the right husband and wife team with get up and go. Rent is 500 euros a month, equal to 20 euros per day, assuming a 5 and half day working week. All anyone needs is common sense, and the ability to work and net work. For sale at 10,000 euros. Further details telephone SunseekersQuesada on 966 718 779 office hours, or 672 366 275 any reasonable time. Benijofar, Restaurant Auberge Lease For Sale. This highly rated Restaurant, located within an 'Arcade' location, right in the centre of Benijofar, is sadly for sale due to ill health reasons. The premises are fully equipped in every respect, and fully licenced too. The interior décor is of a very expensive high standard, the basic details are as follows. 44 covers inside, space for another 20 outside. Huge fully fitted stainless steel kitchen, with two separate storage areas. Full air conditioning throughout. 139 square metres construction, which is over 3 times the size of my office! Two disabled W.C's. Very reasonable rent of 28 euros per day.Underground parking space for owners car. These premises are 'turn key and go' for whatever choice of foods the new owners proposed to trade as. The Restaurant has been established over 5 years with excellent reviews on Trip Advisor, what more can we say? Priced at 32,500 euros, to include all fixture, fittings, furnishings and kitchen equipment. Over 20 photographs available, simply contact

CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016

SunseekersQuesada on 966 718 779, 0ffice hours, or 672 366 275 other times. Quesada Centre village area, Kebab/Pizza/burger takeaway business for sale. Established many years with outside seating of 20 covers, and in a prime location close to the main Petrol Station next to the Arches entrance. This business is fully registered, licenced by Rojales Ayunitmiento, and with a current Hygene Licence. Fully equipped with all stainless steel appliances, and truly is a 'turn key and go' operation. Owner is prepared to offer training, but this is not a question of needing 'al a carte' chefs experience! Rent is 750 euros per month, equal to less than 25 euros per day. Ample parking outside. Takeaway food is a high profit ratio business and cash only, need I say more? Reasonably priced at 20,000 euros to include all fixture, fittings and many years of goodwill.Reason for sale, owner wishes to retire. At present this business does not sell alcohol, which could easily be changed and I feel would benefit this business. Further details and photos in my office, please telephone SunseekersQuesada on 966 718 779 office hours, or 672 366 275 other times. Quesada, Bar/Cafeteria for sale, currently trading with amazing views of the golf course. Outside terrace for almost 20 covers, inside covers for almost 20 covers, small but well fitted kitchen, interior decorations are truly first class, a very smart unit offering simple snacks to full meals within a very classy establishment. Rent 650 euros amonth, equal to 21.36 euros per day????? Fully licenced in every respect, price 20,000 euros. Further details telephone SunseekersQuesada on 966 718 779 office hours or 672 366 2775 other times. Quesada, Peublo Bravo, lock up Bar Cafeteria/Takeaway and much more. Prime location, over 100m construction, fully licenced, equipped and open now. Ideal husband and wife operation, scope for expansion, and a real turn key and go operation. Buy today, open tomorrow. Training and advice given for a 'hand over period'. Price 20,000 euros. Further details telephone SunseekersQuesada on 966 718 779, or 672 366 275 anytime. Los Montesinos, 4kms from the arches,Rare Bed and Breakfast opportunity. Rurally located in 8,330m of land, with building of over 550m plus garage block. This property now has planning for use as a Bread and Breakfast Bussiness. Without any further construction, but with 2 walls inside the property being moved, and one wall added, this property would make 8 en suite bedrooms, and a further 2 Motel style rooms, thus making 10 letting rooms.This would make a serious business, unlike other silly attempts with 2 or 3 rooms to rent. Plus enormous farmhouse kitchen, living room, dining room suitable for upto 20 covers, plus swimming pool, full oil fired central heating, mains water, electric, wifi, landline telephone, and a further 5,000m of land we have never used in almost 17 years! Vehicle, caravan, boat storage? with separate entrance. Owners accommodation inside the building of 2 beds, living room and bathroom. Adequate parking for 20 cars or more immediately outside the building. The property is easily located with main road advertising available. Price 600,000 euros. For further details please contact SunseekersQuesada on 966 718 779 office hours or 672 366 275

GARDENING Eazy Lawns the artificial grass experts Eight year guarantee Many different effects for all surfaces and budgets Full garden design & construction Fully legal and registered company covering all of the Costa Blanca Tel 636 102 509 or email info@eazylawns.es or www.eazylawns.es (C)

HEALTH & BEAUTY Experienced mobile hairdresser. Good price and service. City & Guilds qualified. Tel 663 173 385. (M)



HOME IMPROVEMENTS METAL MAN! All your metal and iron works made to your specification Specialising in Staircases, Roller Shutters, Gates and Railings Best prices on the Costa Blanca! Call for no obligation quotation Tel 653 262 489/whatsapp or email: metalguy1958@gmail.com (L) Need a home improvements specialist? Kitchen, bathroom, tiling, painting and much more for only 8€ hr. Just give me a call and enjoy your perfect home! All works guarenteed. free quotations for larger prejects. Tel 664 339 684/whatsapp Thomas. (658)

MOBILE HOMES Beat the heat. Holiday in England. Buy your mobile static home. 37 feet long. 2 beds 2 toilets, shower. Can sleep 56. Fully equipped including washing machine, sky TV. 2 fridge freezers. Beautiful situation on Sussex Downs. 15,000 GBP. Telephone for more details on 966 718 805 or 603 341 534. (663)


REF 784. Pueblo Bravo. 2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom Top Floor Apartment Fully Furnished Roof Solarium Stunning Panoramic View Gated Communal Car Park Lovely Location Directly Overlooking Communal Swimming Pool €72,000 REF 787. Entre Naranjos. 2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom Ground Floor Apartment Fully Furnished Covered Terrace Tiled Front Garden Lake View Communal Swimming Pool Close to Amenities. €65,000 REF 789. Ciudad Quesada. 2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom Ground Floor ApartmentFully Furnished Beautifully Presented Generous Sized Front Garden Stunning Golf Views Communal Swimming Pool. €82,000 REF 796. Ciudad Quesada. 2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom Semi-Detached Villa Sun Room Garage Quiet Location Close to Amenities No Community Fees. €90,000 REF 798. Doña Pepa. 2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Linked Bungalow Sun Room Part Furnished Gated Community Close to Amenities Communal Swimming Pool. €85,000 REF 799. Ciudad Quesada. 6 Bedroom, 4 Bathroom Luxury Detached Villa Fully Furnished Great Location 317m2 Build Size Views Private Swimming Pool. €649,000

Catral, very long term rental available. First floor apartment in a small complex of just 9 units. The apartment is on a corner location, south facing, 2 beds, 2 baths, beautifully furnished, telephone entry system, elevator even down to the garage with one parking space. Both bedrooms have small verandas, living room has larger veranda.The property has full intergrated air con, hot and cold. Located in the centre of Catral, and therefore walking distance to everything this charming small Spanish Town offers. Rent is 320 euros per month, plus water and electric. Deposit required of 640 euros. This property will be available for at least 3 years to the right persons. Further information, please contact SunseekersQuesada on 966 718 7779 office hours or 672 366 275 anytime.

REF 800. Ciudad Quesada. 2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom Semi-Detached Bungalow Fully Furnished Off Road Parking Large Roof Solarium Sea & Lake Views Short Walk to Amenities. Communal Swimming Pool. €87,000

Quesada, studio apartment to rent long term, fully furnished to a comfortable standard, UK TV, air con hot and cold, 1st floor location, amazing views, only 275 euros per month, plus water and electric, deposit required of 550 euros. Further details telephone SunseekersQuesada on 966 718 779, or 672 366 275 anytime

REF 803. Ciudad Quesada.2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom Ground Floor Apartment Fully Furnished Extended Covered Terrace Views Tiled Garden Close to La Marquesa Golf Course. Communal Swimming Pool. €69,000

Los Altos. Calle Lemon. Semi detached bungalow. aircon, com pool.Furnished or unfurnished,. Long let. €395 + Bills. tel astrid 965 319 731 or 649 239 327. (658) SunseekersQuesada desperately require properties of all sizes for Long Term rentals, please phone us on 966 718 779 office hours or 672 366 275 other times for immediate attention. Catral, Callosa,Almoradi and other areas, SunseekersQuesada have clients wanting to rent a detached villa with or without swimming pool for long term basis. Furnished or unfurnished. Reasonable rent paid, if you have such a property please contact us on 966 718 779, or 672 366 275 anytime. Other propertis always wanted for long term rentals, free rental valuation, no obligation, simply contact us for an appointment

PROPERTY FOR SALE REF 764. Ciudad Quesada.2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom Linked Bungalow Fully Furnished Sun Room Roof Solarium Mediterranean Sea & Lake Views Communal Swimming Pool €65,000 REF 777. El Raso. 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Detached Villa Fully Furnished Roof Solarium with Pool & Lake Views Directly Overlooking Communal Swimming Pool Great Location 5 Minutes to the Beach. €165,000 REF 780. Ciudad Quesada. 2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom Top Floor Apartment Fully Furnished Sun Room Large Roof Solarium Directly Overlooking Golf Driving RangeCommunal Swimming Pool. €85,000

REF 801. Ciudad Quesada. 2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Semi-Detached Villa Part Furnished Off Road Parking Tiled Garden Gated Community Fabulous Location Overlooks Communal Swimming Pool. €105,000 REF 802. Entre Naranjos. 2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom Top Floor Apartment Fully Furnished Roof Solarium Turret Wonderful Views Close to Amenities Communal Swimming Pool. €69,000

REF 808. Miontebello. 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Semi-Detached Villa Fully Furnished Mains Gas Central Heating Fully Air Conditioned Off Road Parking with Carport Communal Swimming Pool. €120,000 REF 809. Montebello. 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Detached Villa Part Furnished 232m2 Plot Off Road Parking Private Swimming Pool Quiet Location. €155,000 REF 810. Entre Naranjos. 2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom Top Floor Apartment Part Furnished Large Roof Solarium Sea & Lake Views Communal Swimming Pool Close to Amenities. €69,000 For further details call Inmobiliaria on 966 718 392 (IQ) (657) Ref KR1250 BENIJOFAR CENTRAL LOCATION Brand new detached villas on 400m2 plot, 3 bedrooms, 2 u/floor heated bathrooms, elec blinds, solarium, private pool. 245.000€ Ref 4226 FORMENTERA SPACIOUS APARTMENT With lift, spacious terrace with panoramic views, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, underground parking, communal pool and solarium.75.000€ Ref 4215 DAYA VIEJA TOP FLOOR APARTMENT South East facing, with communal pool, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, A/C, terrace, private solarium. 64.000€ Ref 4129 SAN LUIS BUNGALOW 10 min drive to Torrevieja and beaches, 1 bedroom, bathroom, cloakroom, tiled garden, spacious part glazed terrace, lake views. 48.950€


Ref 4088 MONTEMAR COUNTRY VIEWS Top floor apartment, gated community with gardens pool & tennis court, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, utility room, solarium, terrace.66.000€ Ref 4084 LOMAS DE LA JULIANA IMPOSING POSITION 214m2 detached villa on a 1080m2 plot, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, panoramic views, terrace, private pool, A/C, C/H, u/build & garage. 420.000€ Ref 2571 LA MATA CLOSE TO BEACH 95m2 townhouse, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, communal pool, garden, terrace, solarium with lake views, great holiday home.125.000€ CONTACT VINCENT REAL ESTATE: 966 712 440 info@vincent-realestate.com (657)

Punta Prima, 1st floor one bed apartment within 600m walk to the beach, immaculately presented with designor kitchen, and spacious living/dining area. Outside terrace to the rear of the property, south facing, sold part furnished at 55,000 euros, NO OFFERS. An ideal holiday retreat, or for one or two people residencial.Community swimming pool, garage space available, rent or buy. Walking distance to all amenities from Consum to Macdonalds and a variety of restaurants and other shops. Further details telephone SunseekersQuesada on 966 718 779 or 672 366 275 anytime.

PROPERTY MAINTENANCE METAL MAN! All your metal and iron works made to your specification Specialising in Staircases, Roller Shutters, Gates and Railings Best prices on the Costa Blanca! Call for no obligation quotation Tel 652 262 489/whatsapp or email: metalguy1958@gmail.com (L) The Little English Cleaning Company. Window cleaning, villa and terrace cleaning, handyman, painting, ironing, Guardamar area. Tel 645 350 733 (658)

WE ACCEPT PAYPAL PROPERTY WANTED SunseekersQuesada desperately require properties of all sizes for Long Term rentals, please phone us on 966 718 779 office hours or 672 366 275 other times for immediate attention.

Catral, Callosa,Almoradi and other areas, SunseekersQuesada have clients wanting to rent a detached villa with or without swimming pool for long term basis. Furnished or unfurnished. Reasonable rent paid, if you have such a property please contact us on 966 718 779 or 672 366 275 anytime. Other properties always wanted for long term rentals, free rental valuation, no obligation, simply contact us for an appointment.

TILING P&R Tiling The best quality and value around Only the highest quality materials used (swimming pool grade adhesive and grout). Call 622 154 380 for a no obligation quote or to see our extensive portfolio of bathrooms, kitchens, driveways, patios, solariums, swimming pools, landscape gardening and more. Happy to introduce new clients to previous clients for references. See our website www.pandrtiling.com or call 622 154 380. Hablamos Español. (AL)


CostaBlancaPeople - Edition 606 - October 27th 2015

PERSONAL SERVICES ANUNCIATE! Tlf 966 701 060 linda@costablancapeople.com SERVICIO DE TRADUCCION GRATUITO Melanie, wonderful new friend 28. Open minded, soft submissive. English spoken. Cabo roig opposite health center. Www.sensualspain.net 672872050. (659) Jenifer 25, sweet caring, nice breast. La Zenia close to Consum. Www.sensualspain.net 656314941.(659) Pamela 28, busty, petit, slim, loving. Again at Turquesa opposite cc. Zenia-Boulevard. Www.sensualspain.net. 656314941 (660) Gabi, Spanish 29, nice body. All fantasies. Golden rain. (BDSM). Change role. Few days. La Zenia/Cabo Roig. Www.sensualspain.net 672872050 (657) Sexy young sisters for erotic massage and sex. Fantasies. Torrevieja Opposite mortuary. 604381926///603392899.www.sensualspain.net (661) Playa Flamenca (near new Carrefour before La Florida) Original Spanish lady 35 very attractive offers complete service & erotic massages, private house, very discreet withparking has medical cert. 865 646 437 (660)


Sexy Young sisters for erotic massage. Fantasies. Torrevieja. Opposite Mortuary. 604 381 926/603 392 899 www.sensualspain.net (656) Torrevieja Casa Angela. Discreet and private deluxe chalet offers you exotic girls from South America, call us, come and enjoy 24 hrs, easy to find, easy parking, free drink also escort service 609 573 468/639 832 118 Address: Avd. Association Victimas Del Terrorismo (656) New! Villamartin. Private flat. Lucia/Sophie. Naughty, elegant. 3 languages spoken. Escort all areas. 693 357 526 (705) Andrea. New sexy Mexican lady in Orihuela Costa. 35 yeasrs. Natural breasts. Only for 2 weeks. 634 735 905 (658) Playa Flamenca (near new Carrefour before La Florida) Original Spanish lady 35 very attractive offers complete service & erotic massages, private house, very discreet withparking has medical cert. 865 646 437 (660) Thai lady for massage and lots of pleasure.Tel 605 292 304 Cabo Roig (659) Viagras, Kamagras Jellies and Weekenders. Delivery or collection. Steve 694 449 102 or email: syork28@gmail.com (657)

Sophie. Elegant, sexy, naughty lady. Speaks 3 languages. Visit, all areas. Home/house and hotel visits. Tel 693 357 526 (705) Misuky 42. Asian. Qualified masseuse, slim, the best strong massage. Complete service. 15th, Turquesa st. Opposite Zenia Boulevard. Private wood house. Www.sensualspain.net 656 314 941 (657) Attractive bisexual mature lady. Full service €50. 10 mins from Quesada. Tel 604 332 601 (661)

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CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016

CD MONTESINOS 3 – 2 RACING EUROGOLF MONTHLY PLAYAS ORIHUELA TEAM: Dani, Fabian, Bachyr, Aureu, Koko, Alfredo, Fram, Carlos, STABLEFORD AND Dimitri, Joao, Fernandez. SUBS: Rodrigo, Yeray, German, Palomo.

CD Montesinos came into this game on the back of two league defeats and having dispensed with the services of ex manager Camacho. The new management team of Carlos Perez and Angel Ivan have, in just under two weeks, produced a complete turn about, not only in team morale but in organisation, commitment, and brought out a will to win in players who looked as if they did not have it in them. Add to this a couple of dynamic players up front and you have the right combination to make us mere supporters start to dream

again! But this game, a must win game to keep the season alive even at this early stage, started badly as the “Monte” defence demonstrated why it still needs working on. We gifted our feisty opponents a headed goal early on. Worse was to come, as half-way through the first half our defending was woeful once more, and another headed goal looked as if it was curtains for the home side, and all this despite CD Montesinos playing some neat attacking football with the new forwards working hard but being out of luck in front of goal. Going in 0-2 down at the half-time break, Manager Carlos Perez read the riot act and told the players to go out and win the game. He also reminded them that the large crowd that once again flocked to the Campo Municipal expected them to win. Whatever he did say worked because the second half was one of the best 45 minutes of football we have seen for a long time. Right from the kick-off “Monte” attacked, and the all important early goal arrived inside the first 10 minutes when Aureu, who had scored five times in last weekend friendly game, pulled one back. That was the sign for the noise level to rise dramatically in the ground as the home support, especially the

FULL MONTE Supporters club, felt that an epic comeback was possible. When the other of our new forwards, Carlos (signed only last Friday from Almoradi), got on the end of a cross and headed home at the far post to equalise, the crowd “raised the roof” once again, this time knowing that a win was certainly possible. The winning goal was once more scored by the “In Form” player Aureu who finished off a superb four man move to give CD Montesinos their first points of the campaign in their third league encounter of the season. Interviewed after the game, Carlos was delighted with the performance and amazed at the support the team gets. Manager Carlos Perez, never one to get too excited once more thanked the fans, especially The Full Monte for their outstanding support. He also went on to say that although he was happy with the win, there are still a few things to iron out. He also mentioned that we are still without four players who are regular first teamers and should be ready for selection within the next two weeks. For match schedule, keep an eye on website (www.cdmontesinos.com) or facebook page (CD Montesinos) for additional and up to date information. VAMOS MONTE!!!

LATE MORATA GOAL PUTS WOBBLY REAL MADRID ON TOP A crazy weekend saw four different sides heading the Primera Liga table at various stages. Barcelona took over from original leaders Atletico Madrid, when they luckily got the better of a resurgent Valencia in the Mestalla, thanks to an offside ‘goal’ by Messi, a whole catalogue of refereeing errors, then a 94th minute penalty, slotted home by none other than Leo Messi, to see the Catalans home 2-3. Atletico visited Sevilla, and

Ronaldo looking as if he’s forgotten what he’s doing there. Benzema’s early goal was soon cancelled out by a determined Bilbao attack, and it wasn’t until very late in the match that substitute Alvaro Morata scrambled home a winner to put the ‘whites’ on top of the league. Villareal scraped past Las Palmas – another tight affair – to stay in fifth place, the only unbeaten side apart from Real Madrid. Down at the other

suffered their first defeat of the season, thanks to N’Zonzi’s 73rd minute goal. This took the Andalucian side above Barça, and into the lead. But the final word was with Real Madrid, who welcomed Athletic Bilbao to the Bernabeu, on a filthy evening of pouring rain. The home side looks weak without Modric and Casemiro in midfield, no Sergio Ramos at the back, and Cristiano

end, Granada, who could only draw with Sporting, are still without a victory. Levante are currently running away with the second division – now six points clear after destroying Mirandés 03 – with newly-promoted Reus in second place, themselves three points clear of the pack, after overcoming Lugo. Elche drew 2-2 with Córdoba to stay somewhere near the play-off

places. In division 2B, Cultural Leonesa and Racing de Santander are looking set to fight out group 1. Group 2 is still looking very tight, whilst group 3 is now being led by local side Alcoyano, who had a very good result, beating Lerida 31, whilst Hercules lost to newcomers Prat (please don’t look for a joke there) 0-2. In group 4, Marbella march on, with another win, taking them way clear of the field. In England Manchester is not looking a happy city! Pep’s City side could only draw with Southampton, and now share the lead with Arsenal and Jürgen Klopp’s new-look Liverpool, who were the only side of the three to win, beating West Brom 3-1. Conte appears to be somewhat more ‘special’ than his predecessor, his Chelsea team hammering Manchester United 4-0. One wonders just what excuse Sr Mourinho will produce for that one. Maybe he’ll resort to Bill Shankly’s famous remark when Liverpool were thrashed 5-0 by Ajax: ‘Och, ye cannae play futbo’ against a defensive team!’ In cricket, England had to pull out all the stops to overcome a spirited Bangladesh team in a truly great test match, Ben Stokes starring with bat and ball, and Jonny Bairstow performing well behind the stumps as well as supporting the Durham man with the bat. 22 runs was the margin, and augurs well for the nest meeting, due for this Friday. Malcolm Palmer

Heavy mist delayed Eurogolf’s monthly stableford for an hour but everyone waited patiently for the mist to lift and when it did it gave way to a lovely days golf apart from a slight rain shower for 15 minutes.

The results were Cat 1 1st George McCallum 37 2nd Paul Manning 35 3rd John Barraclough 35 c/b Cat 2 1st Robin Richards 35 2nd Bert Lawson 33 3rd John Holland 31Cat 3 1st Ann Rogers 30 2nd Bruce Gordon 30 3rd Jan Shorley 30 Cat 4 1st Marion Quin 32 2nd Chris Stanley 32 3rd Franco Gentili 31 Monthly Stableford winner George McCallum Non winners cup winner Paul Manning Best front 9 Malcolm Foskett 20 Best back 9 Bob Shorley 18 NTPs 5th Bert Lawson 11th Harry Armstrong 15th John Barraclough 17th Paul Manning Football draw John

Holland Gary Grierson Lauraine Walker Steve Sayers and Kevin Bonser

Tuesday Toffs On Tuesday 18th October 77 players took part in the weekly stableford golf competition at La Marquesa. Due to the rain in the early hours it was a very grey and humid day with very little breeze which made way for some great scores. Cat 1 1st Paul Manning 42 2nd Bill Martin 36 3rd Gary Grierson 35 Cat 2 1st Alan Venables 34 2nd John Kirkwood 33 3rd Terry Sayers 32 Cat 3 1st Ian Stewart 34 2nd Phyliss Venables 33 3rd Bruce Gordon 33 Cat 4 1st Norman Woods 36 2nd Chris Stanley 36 3rd Franco Gentili 32 Overall winner Paul Manning Best front 9 George McCallum 18 Best back 9 Ian Pegg 19 NTP´s 5th Tony Stanley 11th Morag Turner 15th Bill Martin 17th Alan Venable Football draw Norman Woods Mary Sanderson Ian Turner Tony Stanley and Bill Martin. If you would like to play with Eurogolf on Tuesdays and Thursdays at La Marquesa please visit the website www.eurogolf-quesada.co.uk

Costa Cobras RFC Debra Raffle Costa Cobras RFC have organised a raffle of signed home nations 7’s shirts with the help of local businesses selling the tickets, Victoria's Tearooms in Almoradi, the Bridge Bar in Rojales, Tim at Lucky Pearl on Moncayo Market, The Post Room in Benijofar with Golden Keys Property, at Elche RFC and at both the DEBRA shops in Pablo Bravo and La Marina, and from the Rugby stall at Zoco Market on Sunday. The draw is on 29 October at 19.00 at so come along and support the charity. Organisers said, “You have just this week, until Saturday, to get your ticket and help raise money for this charity, it is just 1€ a ticket so if everybody buys a ticket we can sell them all.” The club also revealed, “We also have this week now a new coach, Bob Lovell, an ex army and Scotland A coach on board with the club who has just moved over here.” Costa Cobras RFC will continue training on Monday and Wednesday from 20.0021.30 on Guardamar beach in front of the

restaurants until further notice, by the Red Cross place. The club said, “We have been told by the end of the month we will know if we will have a permanent pitch in Guardamar, so fingers crossed for good news within the next couple of weeks. We are looking to recruit more players through training on the beach to get a team together to put into the Valencian league next year and enter the 7’s tournaments in the area next summer.” So come along and join the rugby revolution with this new rugby club from the start and be part of something new in the area. All ages, gender and nationalities are welcome, from beginners to experienced players, the more the merrier, as the club is based on the true traditional ethics of the sport. So come along and join the newest rugby club on the Costa Blanca. Also team bonding after training in the nearest bar for a drink and chat, just how rugby should be. For more information about the club contact Dutch on 692 767 242. Also at the Rugby Stand at Zoco market on Sunday from 09.00-13.30, so come on down and find more out about the club and rugby in the area.

CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016


Tales from the Top Flight ■ CHRIS DARWEN chris@costablancapeople.com

The “crisis” at Manchester City is a little like the billionaire being down to his last 50 million big ones isn’t it? Pep’s side haven’t won in five games and therefore he is being written off as a fraud and a charlatan. Admittedly, this is the kind of backlash you would expect from this column especially if the protagonists were the likes of Jose, Pogba, Arsene or Theo. Anyone would think I was antiUnited or Arsenal. I can assure you I am not. Neither am I massively pro-City as anyone who read my thoughts post-

Barcelona will testify. The fact remains that City, albeit trying to prove McManaman and Hoddle right, are top of the table at this premature stage. Plus, I openly know nothing about this freak show they called the Premier League as I was tipping Claude Puel to be the first manager to be politely shown the door. Southampton were good value for their draw at the Etihad and certainly did not turn up hoping not to lose. But let’s not start thinking Pep’s footballing beliefs are completely incompatible with the league. Not yet, anyway. I mean, it’s not as if they conceded within 30 seconds having selected a team to pick up another point away at a big rival, was it? Or then proceed to lose to said rivals 4-0. It was very benevolent of Jose to distract the attention

immediately away from Pep, incredibly unlike him. If United parked the bus at Anfield, it must have got clamped or something because it was as if the back four had just met via online dating and were not that impressed with each other. It was the kind of performance that a Jose team tends to give a year or so after winning their first trophy for him when he has offended all of them and blamed their mothers for not working hard enough. People are picking on Paul Pogba yet again, but it is a lot to expect of an £89m player to put in two decent performances back to back. N’Golo Kante, known for his attacking prowess in the final third, made United

fans thinking that maybe Eric Djemba Djemba really wasn’t that bad in the middle of the park. Chelsea fans were singing “Do You Know The Way To Sack Jose” to the tune of a well known song, whilst Jose had the temerity to suggest that Conte’s celebrations were a little bit over the top. Mind you, it has been that long since Jose had anything to really celebrate he has probably forgotten his own antics. Liverpool fans started chirping up, but they should probably remember that they were unable to break down this watertight defence. As ex-Chelsea player Eidur Gudjohnsen brilliantly put, at least Jose still knows how to get the best out of Chelsea. Still, the globality was good, right? Let us not completely overlook the brilliant work by Conte. Just two weeks ago he was on his way out of Chelsea

and now he has rebuilt Gary Cahill, turned David Luiz into a player you can trust in a back three and has even found room for Victor Moses. And he loves a goal celebration. Oh, and he has made Kante a goal scoring midfielder. Yes, more of Conte please! For me the sign of a good manager is being able to totally hoodwink your players into delivering a fine performance and, by this token, Claudio Ranieri is a very good manager. Ranieri told all the players to listen to the Champions League anthem on the way into work on Saturday morning, told them they were playing Basel and even got them believing it was a Wednesday night. The net result? Leicester beat Palace 3-1. Genius. I’d also like to tip my hat to the documentary curse of Pardew doing a piece with the BBC and having his praises sung during the week before getting put back in his place by a manager who really knows how to manage a club below the elite. Talking of managing clubs below the elite, Sean Dyche is clearly planning to take over the Premier League one city at a time. Both Liverpool and Everton have been to Turf Moor and left pointless this season and Burnley even managed to pull this one off without their main man Steven Defour. “Ginger Mourinho” is a tag that Dyche is trying to shake off, mainly because nobody wants to be thought to be like Mourinho these days, but he could well become the next Englishman to be considered way too unfashionable to manage the national side. But in these days of equal opportunities, who knows? Arsene Wenger signed Petr Cech in the hope he would single-handedly win the points that eventually lead Arsenal to the title. A good goalkeeper can be worth up to 72 points a season to a club like Arsenal after all. However, I feel it unlikely that Arsene was expecting it to be matches at home to Middlesbrough where his goalkeeper would earn them a valuable point. Cech was superb against a Boro side who ran past Arsenal like a doped up sprinter in the first half. Arsenal moved into top spot on their manager’s birthday.

Liverpool climbed their way to the top of the pile on Saturday night, but then lost their footing and fell back down. Liverpool fans tweeting “Top of the League” were quickly forced to adjust that to “Joint Top of the League” as Klopp’s men were superb for 80 minutes against WBA. But, if you cannot defend corners there is every chance that West Brom will score against you and McCleary’s goal sufficiently dented Liverpool’s goal difference to see them end the night in second place. Spurs could have made all of this irrelevant had they scored a fraction as many goals as they picked up yellow cards in the 0-0 draw with Bournemouth. Where Liverpool and United served up a 0-0 of the dullest variety a week ago, the clash at Dean Court was full of entertainment and, somewhat blatantly, elbows. Eddie Howe would well within his rights to believe the Cherries should have been seeing out the game against 9 Spurs players after Lamela and Sissoko managed to get away with various crimes. Maybe Spurs are indeed more able with Kane? Back in the day, Harry Bassett used to have his Sheffield United team have their Christmas party in August as they

never got going until the New Year. Maybe Mark Hughes needs to explore similar possibilities as yet again Stoke have waited until late October to kick off their season. If there is a manager regretting their decision to officially take a job more than Mike Phelan right now, I would love to see him. Stoke returned from Humberside two goals to the good and faux-Barcelona’d their way out of the relegation zone. I hate it when a Saturday round of fixtures passes without being able to point at someone and absolutely die of laughter. Thankfully in the 94th minute Sunderland gave me my moment. Is there a more hapless club in the first part of any football league season? Even they must have thought they could go to the London Stadium and make West Ham hate their new home even more? But no, deep deep deep into injury time Winston Reid thumped home the kind of goal that Payet would have been proud of to make the chatter around Sam Allardyce become a full on chant. PS: I’ll be back next week to review next weekend’s matches - in the meantime head over to www.talesfromthetopflight.com to follow the daily column. You can follow me on Twitter: @comeontheoviedo

T.M.G.S. @ Villamartin

La Siesta Bowls Club

Again another early start which meant for most members that they were up before the sun came up, speaking of which according to the forecast it was supposed to rain, thankfully the Spanish forecast is about as accurate as the English one is. We were however greeted by heavy cloud but this did not deter the spirit needed for a Medal round. With just 2 no shows 34 members began from the dreaded tee 10. I fail to see the problem that many people have with this hole, it is after all another shortish par 4 oh yes - I forgot to mention the out of bounds on the left and the water hazard on the right. Anyway the day progressed well with the Gold

South Alicante Leagues resulted in identical wins by 10-4 for both the Apollos and the Pioneers. The Apollos beating Country Bowls away by 118-93 and the Pioneers winning at home against Horadada by 113-90. Top Spot for the Apollos were Ann & Robert Heath with John Ball winning 31-7 Beryl Styring, Alan Barton and Alex Morrice and Joy Gardiner,Bill and Sue Jordan had convincing wins with the latter triple nearly getting a hot shot by scoring an 8 .In a close encounter Irene Mangan,Barbara and Jack Cooper won by a single shot. Top Spot for the Pioneers were Tom Heaslewood with Roy and Sheila Millward winning 29-6.The other winning teams were Hilary Clarke,Tony Campbell and Tony Dalton, Dennis Andrew,Sid Gallup and Johnnie Ryder,Wendy Ralph,Rab Logan and Val Dalton. Tuesday Touring side Burgess Hill visited and in match with rinks shared equally La Siesta came out narrow

category showing why the Medal format is better suited to the lower handicappers where the podium places were won with scores around

par. For the amount of traffic on the course it was found to be in excellent condition with the greens yet again

proving to be the stumbling block for the higher handicappers. Results; Best Visitor Mr. L. Brain nett 74. Bronze category, 3rd T. Finne 80, 2nd J. Dursley 74 1st C. Marsden 73 Silver category, 3rd D. Hazel 76, 2nd F. Kras 76 L/H, 1st P. Skarnes 73. Gold category, 3rd P. Bradley 73, 2nd K. Aasebo 70, 1st D. Lethaby 67. N.T.P.’S hole 6 K. Aasebo, hole 9 P. Sabine, hole 13 M. Kennedy hole 17 P. Bradley. The “2’s” pot had rolled over from last week and contained €76 which was won by D. Lethaby and J. Dursley. For further information about our Society please visit our website www.tmgs.org or www.facebook.com/TMGSGOLF our phone number is 661 524 101

winners on shots scored. This was a most enjoyable encounter which both sides finished with a lovely lunch supplied by our green owners Jim and Lynn. Following last week’s commendable start in the Winter League La Siesta came down to earth with a 10-2 defeat at home to Montemar by 96-77.With 5 ends remaining the overall shots were level but our visitors pulled away. The consolation victory was achieved by Sheila Chorley, John Taylor, Sue Jordan and yours truly by 29-15. The Bluess had an excellent home win against Quesada winning 117-89 and obtaining 12-2 in points. Top Rink was Dawn Taylor,Harold Charleton and Pat Reilly winning 2716. Two rinks were won by the odd shot 16-15 on the final end and thanks to Barbara Cooper getting a single on the last end to win and similarly skip Brian Harman who rescued his rink when defeat loomed. Rod Edgerton


CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016

Imanyo Golf Society José Domingo Garcia Gallud Memorial Cup - Altorreal This is the start of our third year of the forming of the society and we started the year off by playing for the José Domingo Garcia Gallud Memorial cup in memory of Antonio’s (owner of Imanyo) younger brother who sadly died in a car accident 20 years ago.

As usual we all arrived early at Imanyo’s where the day started with the traditional full English breakfast. The format was full handicap Stableford split into two groups, high handicaps and low handicaps. On arriving at Altorreal the weather was just brightening up after overnight rain, we ended up with superb golfing conditions so a big thanks to Antonio and all his staff for their hard work. Chris Baillie and Eamon Murphy, the two previous year’s winners, especially stayed on before returning to Scotland and Ireland to try and defend their respective titles and retain the cup but alas it was our newest member, Martin Gadney, who stole the day with a magnificent 37 points.

Winner of the José Domingo Garcia Gallud Memorial Cup was group A winner Martin Gadney with 37 points, runner up in group A was Dave field on count back with 26 points, winner of group B was another regular winner when he is here, Donald Main with 31 points, group B runner up was another regular name “Keep It In The Family” Carol Murphy on count back 28 points. There were six nearest the pins and the winners were hole 2 in two shots “Keep It In The Family” Eamon Murphy, hole 5 in one shot Ian Chetwynd, hole 8 in one shot Martin Gadney, hole 10 in one shot no winner, hole 16 in three shots “I’m Back” Alan Rodger, hole 17 in one shot “The Wine Collector” Brian court. The presentation was held at Imanyo’s where Antonio presented the prizes on behalf of his family. Afterwards we finished with the usual good food and drink, thank you to Antonio, Norma and all the staff for looking after us and once again thanks to Harry Goldsmith, our in house photographer. The football card was won by Steve Day with Chelsea who made the donation up to €30 and we also held a bottle raffle and managed to raise another €135 for our charity, Caritas Daya Nueva. www.imanyogolfsociety.com imanyogolfsociety@gmail.com

Royal British Legion “Poppy Appeal” On Wednesday 12th October, over 70 people arrived ready to play Petanca – some had never played before. Teams were of mixed abilities, regular players from the El Presidenté teams, players from El Rancho Bowls Club and members of the Royal British Legion, for a fun Mixed Triples Competition. The referee for the day was Geoff Taylor, who not only supervised fair play, also went from team to team advising and encouraging the non players. With a break for lunch after 2 games and a raffle and fun game to help raise

more funds for the RBL Poppy Appeal, players returned with renewed enthusiasm and desire for the game. The winning team consisted of Tony Thurlow, Ian Morris and Cathy Forbes, with second place going to the team of Phyllis Seddon, John Dwyer and Jimmy Somers and in a close third place the team of Leila Lönnqvist, Alan Milkin and Pauline Grindley. The day raised 463€ for the “Poppy Appeal” and it is hoped this will now become an annual event at El Rancho, in Montesinos.

SAMM PIRATES AT CALDERO DAY For a number of years SAMM has booked a pitch on the beach in support of the Caldero Day fiesta at Los Alcazares, held every year in October. The theme was again ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ and members who live locally arrived early, suitably dressed, to set up the marquee and BBQ equipment while the pirate ship, one of the Shoestring Group dinghies, bought the supplies drinks and snacks. Throughout the day many members came for a get together, a chat and some fun and games. One such organised by Julian Perring was a human take on table football, not only good fun but attracted quite a bit of friendly rivalry from our Spanish neighbours on the next pitch. Some members brought their own food

to BBQ while others had ordered paella cooked by Balaton group member Colin Finch. Estimates put the total number of members attending at close over 100, with at least 70 crowded onto the small patch of beach at the busiest time. Great interest was shown in SAMM and its activities by several of the passing crowd some of whom were given the opportunity of a short sail. Those who expressed an interest in joining the club were given literature and invited to the next meeting on November 9th at the Las Claras social center in Los Narejos. If you would like more information about SAMM please feel free to join us at our next meeting or have a look at our web site at www.sailingmarmenor.com

RUGBY MARTIN CASTROGIOVANNI VISIT Thirty-four years old rugby legend Martin Castrogiovanni visited Cartagena Rugby Club's training session. Much to the delight of players old and new, the 119 cap Italian international with four world cups under his belt was able to see and meet Cartagena's junior and senior teams. English premiership player of the year in 2007 and European Champion is visiting the Murcia and former CRUC coach Sergio Ordoñez. NEW SEASON KICKS OFF FOR CRUC SENIORS Cartagena senior A team, kicked off their season with a win away at Orihuela. Cartagena struggled to overcome a strong Orihuela side whose discipline let them down and Cartagena's kicker "Perri" punished them kicking 24 points. Friendly CRUC B vs Murcia XV 5th november in Cartagena and 19th November in Murcia.


CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016

Your week in sport ABBEY ANGLING The 6th round of the Winter Series was fished at the El Bosquet Complex on the 18th October. It was a bit mucky under foot with rain early on, but it did dry up later in the day. There was a good turn out, but weights were not great and our new member Ian Brown only needed to take over 18kgs to take the top place, is the cooler weather and the rain possibly beginning to put the fish off feeding? Pellet was the top bait of the day with bread for the Mullet. 1st Ian Brown with 18.220kgs fishing the pole with banded hard pellet 2nd Terry Screen with 15.680kgs fishing the pole using pellet 3rd Bob Rafferty with 12.900kgs fishing the pole using corn There are still some vacancies available for membership at the club All details are available on our website www.abbeyangling.com or from me on 965328368.

RODS & REELS We also fished the El Bosquet Complex for this week’s open match on the 19th October. With a match fished here yesterday, anglers were optimistic about the weights and it was also raining, but again it did dry up later in the day. Wow! What a good day it was for some, with Lennie weighing in over 35kgs only to be told he was in second place, as yes you guessed right, Neil (The Boy) once again smashed the record here with over 42kgs, both of them using bread and pellet for bait. 1st Neil McBirnie with 42.120kgs 2nd Lennie Bolton with 35.280kgs 3rd Bill Reade with 19.120kgs All fishing the pole using bread and pellet

■ CHRIS DARWEN chris@costablancapeople.com

Lewis Hamilton won the US Grand Prix. Whether that means he is still as grumpy as he has been recently, we do not know. Yes folks, that is the high level of sporting chat you are getting from me today. Oh go on, you can have an actual fact. That was Hamilton’s 50th Grand Prix win. That’s quite a lot. He has now closed the gap between him and Rosberg, only slightly but hey. British tennis is suddenly quite good, right? Not only is Andy Murray winning title after title and closing in on the World No.1 spot his compatriot Kyle Edmund got to an actual ATP semi-final. Ok, he lost but it was a proper semi-final not one of

those Wimbledon qualifier things or a challenger event. Top that you say? Well Jo Konta narrowly missed out on the Women’s ATP Tour Finals event at the O2 Arena. That event is for the best eight female players in the world this year, meaning a British female player was nearly one of them! I know, crazy! Murray heads off to Vienna this week to play in the tennis equivalent of 20/20 cricket. Called Tie Break Tens there is a prize pot of $250k to be won and, as you might expect, it is the first to ten points. The summer darling who has been completely forgotten, Marcus Willis, also gets a go and you never know, he might cause an upset or two. There was a tense finish to the 1st Test in Bangladesh. We are talking cricket now. It was tense, I assure you. Bangladesh needed 33 runs on Monday to win and England needed just two wickets to grab the victory themselves. The sleepless night for both teams was fully worth it as the morning lasted a mere 3.3 overs before Ben Stokes took the two wickets needed to claim victory for England. Some

There are still some vacancies at the Club and if anyone is interested in joining please contact Derek Swann on 966729293 or 617283503 TIGHT LINES Terry Screen

say England were the winner, but I say ginger Test cricketers were the real winners. There was an NFL match at Twickenham. You can just imagine the

old blazers at the RFU going purple with rage at the idea, until they realised how much champers they could buy with the earnings. There is actually nothing left in sport that cannot be bought. Next week Arsenal will be holding a 5 aside tournament on Centre Court at Wimbledon. Shane Sutton, remember him? The former Performance Director of British Cycling and advisor to Team Sky is convinced British Cycling and Team Sky will be cleared of any wrongdoing. I would assume his conviction comes from the fact that any wrongdoing would potentially immediately implicate him, what with being the Performance Director and all. Sir Bradley Wiggins is to race his last race on British soil this week, taking part in the London Six Day event. Let us hope he has remembered his inhalers.

Alzira 2-1 CD Torrevieja MAGNIFICENT IN DEFEAT Many have written off Torry this term already, as they languish at the bottom of the table with only four points after eleven games. But anybody watching

middle, who in turn cracked the ball first time into the roof of the net for the opening goal on four minutes. It was pace and accuracy that the hosts could

Torry attacking in Alzira this tenacious, spirited performance would have to agree that the team is as good as any in this group. It is true that presently there is no depth to the squad and there is a real need to bolster the ranks with four or five more seasoned professionals, but take nothing away from this quality group of talented players who came with a whisker of pulling off a memorable victory in the estadio Luis Suñer on Sunday evening. A sweeping move delivered the ball to the non stop Lewis on the left wing who picked out the advancing Pastor in the

not cope with and Alzira should have found themselves two down shortly after. This time Pastor turned provider from the same left flank and passed a sweet cross to Lewis who had space to pick his spot. He leaned back a little and hit it over the bar from six yards out. Torry remained resolute throughout the first half with Booker demonstrating his ability with a commanding performance in midfield. He belied his young years with great positional play and superb passing, complementing the brilliance of Damian who has that special

quality of being able to create space for himself when he needs it. Hugo was winning the aerial battles and Torry had a menace about them that had the hosts worried. Debutant Baza was terrific at the heart of the defence, soaking up constant pressure, but demonstrating outstanding composure and terrific skill. Another two or three like him would be fabulous. Alongside him, Carrasco was showing one and all that he is a class act. However, Alzira is a good side and they came out in the second half like a team possessed. They bossed the midfield and Torry legs tired as their opponents began to batter them. Booker was badly fouled when he courageously won a ball in midfield to set up a Torry attack and he had to be replaced with Matheus. Alzira had missed a penalty in the first half, but that did not stop their ardent supporters from braying for at least six more in the second period. Every time one of their own went down in the box there was thunderous exclamations for another spot kick. Their wish was granted with six minutes left on the clock when Carrasco was deemed to have committed a penal offence from a corner kick. With red and blue shirted players going down like flies, it was impossible to determine if this was a legitimate claim, but the referee was adamant. Gisbert had missed the target from 12 yards in the first half but Luis Garcia made

no such mistake this time, burying the ball in the corner of the net with viciousness. As Alzira bombed forward for the winner, they left themselves exposed at the back and twice Torry almost snatched the winner. The three substitutes, Kerman, Matheus and Eneko combined to bring out two superb saves from Ovejero to keep the score level. Then in the final minute of play a fast break from Alzira saw Luis Garcia rifle another into the Torry net to steal all three points. Every Torry player gave everything they had and played with consummate skill and determination. For the second week in succession they conceded two

penalties and paid the price, but it was nothing short of a remarkable display of quality football and gutsy resolution. They will need all that again as they make the long haul to face Segorbe on Saturday, who are the side immediately above them in the table. They will have Vicente back from suspension, but a couple more new signings would also be welcome. CD Torrevieja: Buba, Dani, Carrasco, Juanmi, Luis Carlos, Luis (Mathews, min. 54), Eugenio, Pastor (Kerman, min. 70), Damián (Eneko, min. 85), Lewis & Hugo Salamanca. Jeff Scott

Lewis captains the team in Alzira

www.costablancapeople.com CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016



CostaBlancaPeople October 25th - 31st 2016


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