Patons AW 2015-2016 look book

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Autumn | Winter 2015 at LoveKnitting - Autumn Winter 2015


at LoveKnitting - Autumn Winter 2015


at LoveKnitting - Autumn Winter 2015

at LoveKnitting - Autumn Winter 2015


Men’s Fairisle Jumper PBN000-04020 This jumper is a great challenge for the intermediate knitter and a fun knit for those who are more experienced. We love the snowflake design and think this would be a great jumper for winter walks!


at LoveKnitting - Autumn Winter 2015

45 Colours

R 00101 2 00102 2 00105 2 45 00110 Colours 2 00111 2 00112 2R 00101 62 00120 00102 62 00121 00105 62 00123 45 00110 2 00125 Colours 62 00111 00130 6 00112 62R 00131 00120 00101 662 00132 00121 00102 162 00133 00123 00105 662 00134 00125 00110 162 00135 00130 00111 162 00136 45 00131 00112 162 00137 Colours 00132 00120 166 00138 00133 00121 11R6 00145 00134 00123 1626 00101 00146 00135 00125 1126 00102 00147 00136 00130 1126 00105 00148 00137 00131 1126 00110 00149 00138 00132 5126 00111 00150 00145 00133 5121 00112 00151 00146 00134 5166 00120 00152 00147 00135 5161 00121 00153 00148 00136 5161 00123 00154 00149 00137 5161 00125 00155 00150 00138 4561 00130 00165 00151 00145 4561 00131 00167 00152 00146 4561 00132 00168 00153 00147 4511 00133 00169 00154 00148 3561 00134 00171 00155 00149 3511 00135 00172 00165 ttle green 00150 00136 00173 3415 00167 00176 00151 3415 00137 00174 00168 00152 3415 00138 00175 00169 00153 4415 00145 00176 00171 00154 4315 00146 00177 00172 00155 2315 00147 00190 00173 00165 2314 00148 00192 00174 00167 2314 00149 00198 00175 00168 2354 00150 00199 00176 00169 454 00151 00177 00171 453 00152 00190 00172 253 00153 00192 00173 253 00154 00198 00174 253 00155 00199 00175 243 00165 00176 44 00167 denim 4 00177 00168 4 00154 00190 42 00169 00192 32 00171 00198 32 00172 00199 32 00173 00174 3 00175 3


Merino Merino MerinoMerino Merino dfjkypdfjky Extrafine DK pDK Extrafine Merino

100 % Virgin wool

50 g ball

500 g100 % poly bag Virgin wool

50 g ball

500 g poly bag

Merino pdfjky Extrafine DK Merino Merino pdfjky Extrafine DK Merino Merino pdfjky Extrafine DK Merino Extrafine DK pdfjky


100 % 50 g Virgin wool ball 50 g ~ 120 m

500 g poly bag 50 g ~ 120 m

N°/Nr.: 9806560

pale pink 00135

tearose 00136

pink mint 00137 00167

cyclamen bottle green 00138 00176

100 % 50 g burgundy pine teal Virgin wool wisteria ball 00133 00177 00169 50 g ~ 120 m00145

N°/Nr.: 9806560

500 g iris polyplum bag

00146 00168

violet pool 00147 00165

anemone 00148 4

eggplant 00149

violet 00147

anemone 00148

eggplant 00149

eggplant 50 g 00149

N°/Nr.: 9806560

pale pink 00135

tearose 00136

pink 00137

cyclamen Patons 00138

pale pink 00135

tearose 00136

pink 00137

cyclamen 00138

burgundy 00133

wisteria 00145

plum 00146

violet 00147

anemone 100 % 00148

suede 00112

chestnut 00111

maroon baby blue 00110 00152

camel denim 00105 00154

50nile g ~ 120 m white cream navy blue 00101 00102 00150 00155

black majesty 00199 00153

charcoal heather royal 00198 00151

medium grey heather 00192 5

pale pink 00135 suede

tearose 00136 chestnut

pink 00137 maroon 00110

cyclamen 00138 camel

burgundy 00133 cream


plum 00146 black 00199

violet charcoal 00147 heather 00198

anemone eggplant medium light 00148 00149 50 g ~ 120 m grey heather grey heather

bottle green 00176 white 00101

pine 00177 black 00199

teal 00169 charcoal heather 00198

iris 00168 medium grey heather 00192

pool 00165 light grey heather 00190

coral 00134

orange 00125

scarlet 00130

cherry 00131

wine 00132

white 00101

black 00199

charcoal heather 00198

medium grey heather 00192

light grey heather 00190

50 g ball

500 g poly bag







Merino Extrafine Colour Palette 00133 00145 00146 100 500 g 50 g%~ 120 m 50 g 100% wool Virgin wool ball poly bag N°/Nr.: 50g ball |9806560 45 Shades

N°/Nr.: 9806560 wisteria 00145 white


suede 00112

chestnut 00111

maroon 100 % 00110

camel 50 g 00105

mint 00167 cream 500 g 00102

lemon 00175

chartreuse 00174

apple green sundance 00173 00120

forest canary 00172 00121

olive apricot 00171 00123

no Merino afine DK pdfjky Merino Extrafine DK pdfjky Virgin wool


suede 00112 lemon 00175

chestnut 00111 chartreuse 00174

camel maroon 00110 50 g ~ 120 m00105 forest apple green 00172 00173

pine 00177 lemon 00175

teal 00169 chartreuse 00174

iris 00168 apple green 00173

N°/Nr.: 9806560 pool 00165 forest 00172

poly bag

cream 00102 olive 00171 100 %

Virgin wool

baby blue 00152 4 olive 00171



denim 00154

blue nile 00155


50 g ~ 120 m

N°/Nr.: 9806560 lemon mint 00175 00167

chartreuse bottle green 00174 00176

apple green pine 00173 00177

forest teal 00172 00169

olive iris 00171 00168

blue nile 00155

navy 00150

majesty 00153

royal 00151

sundance 00120 5

pool 00165 3

canary 00121

4 apricot 00123

Virgin wool

00192 N°/Nr.:


light grey heather 00190

00190 9806560

royal majesty 00151 00153 45 Colours R 00101 2 00102 2 00105 2 00110 2 00111 2 00112 2 00120 6 00121 6 00123 6 00125 6 00130 scarlet orange6 coral 00131 00130 001256 00134 00132 6 00133 1 6 at LoveKnitting00134 - Autumn Winter 2015 00135 1 00136 1 navy 00150



500 g poly 1 bag


1 2

4 2




45 Colours R cherry2 00101 001312 00102 00105 2 00110 2 00111 2 5 00112 2 00120 6

Women’s Cardigan and Accessories PBN000-04036 The length of these mittens are perfect, we can imagine sneaking them under a jumper for extra cosiness. We like the neutral shade as they’ll go with everything and they have such an interesting texture!


at LoveKnitting - Autumn Winter 2015



Soft Mix


45 % Polyamide

30 % Alpaca

25 % Wool

25 g ball


with baby alpaca

250 g

bag NEW

35 22

Patons Soft Mix Colour 25g ~ 113Palette m 45% Polymide, 30% Alpaca and 25% Wool N째/Nr.: 9806573 25g ball | 10 Shades

cream 00001

aqua 00065

grey 00090

indigo 00050

black 00099

earth 00010

peach 00034

rose 00035

cardinal 00036

cranberry 00030

at LoveKnitting - Autumn Winter 2015


Kid’s Cardigans PBN000-04049 These cardigans are super sweet and you could mix and match them for boys and girls! The aran weight yarn would keep little ones comfy and warm.


at LoveKnitting - Autumn Winter 2015



Wool Aran


100 % Virgin wool

50 g ball

500 g poly bag



25 18

50g ~ 85 m

Patons Wool Aran Colour Palette N째/Nr.: 9806575 100% Wool 50g ball | 25 Shades maize 00220

passion fruit 00221

orange 00225

cranberry 00229

cherry 00231

merlot 00232

pink 00237

lilac 00245

natural 00202

mocca 00212

camel 00205

oatmeal 00293

olive 00271

mustard 00274

leaf green 00278

mint ice cream 00264

beach blue 00265

heaven 00256

petrol blue 00269

marine 00250

fog 00294

slate 00295

anthracite 00298

black 00299

plum 00244

at LoveKnitting - Autumn Winter 2015


Men’s Accessories PBN000-04030 The cowl has such a fun design – we think it would be a delight to knit! We also like the vibrant colour choice as it brightens up classic menswear.


at LoveKnitting - Autumn Winter 2015


Essentials Classic

Wool DK


100 % Virgin wool

50 g ball

500 g poly bag


pdhj채x 50g ~Wool 125 m DK Colour Palette Patons 100% Wool N째/Nr.: 9806578 50g ball | 25 Shades

maize 00120

passion fruit 00121

orange 00125

cranberry 00129

cherry 00131

merlot 00132

pink 00137

lilac 00145

natural 00102

mocca 00112

camel 00105

oatmeal 00193

olive 00171

mustard 00174

leaf green 00178

mint ice cream 00164

beach blue 00165

heaven 00156

petrol blue 00169

marine 00150

fog 00194

slate 00195

anthracite 00198

black 00199

plum 00144

at LoveKnitting - Autumn Winter 2015



Women’s Easy Coat PBN000-04044 This has to be the ultimate cover up for winter! We’d knit it in a light brown tone to go with the seventies shade trend for autumn/winter. We love the simple garter stitch style too!

at LoveKnitting - Autumn Winter 2015



Wool Blend Aran

63 % New wool

37 % Acrylic

100 g ball

1000 g poly bag


Patons Wool Blend Aran Colour Palette 63%100g Wool~ and 185 m37% Acrylic 100g ball 18 Shades N째/Nr.: |9806522

cream 00002

grey 00088

steel 00097

black melange 00093*

charcoal 00095

black heather 00098*

natural flame 00080

linen mix 00089

beige 00011

brown melange 00014

taupe 00012

olive tweed 00072

NEW cherry 00131

berry 00136

burgundy tweed 00030

purple 00149

navy tweed 00052

airforce 00053

at LoveKnitting - Autumn Winter 2015


Women’s Coverlet PBN000-04039 This beautiful coverlet is so versatile. It can be dressed up or down! The chunky style is perfect for layering and will add a touch of chic to any outfit.


at LoveKnitting - Autumn Winter 2015


Essentials Classic

200 g ~ 120 m

N°/Nr.: 9806548

THE YARN cream 02307

neon pink marl 02312*

Fab Big

strawberry 02340

poppy 02348

100 % Acrylic

200 g ball

wine 02313

1000 g poly bag


Essentials Classic

200 g ~ 120 m

N°/Nr.: 9806548 frost cream 02349 02307

neonmint pink marl 02343* 02312*

Fab Big sky blue cream frost 02345* 02307 02349

neondenim pink marl mint 02354 02312* 02343*

emerald strawberry 02344* 02340

NEW forest poppy 00172 02348

100 % Acrylic

plum 02352

wine 02313

plum 02352

Fab Big

200 g ball

1000 g poly bag

100 % Acrylic

Essentia Class

200 g ~ 120 m

200 g ~ 120 m

N°/Nr.: 9806548

N°/Nr.: 9806548

NEW delphinium poppy forest 02350 02348 00172

cream wine 02307 02313

neon plum pink marl 02312* 02352

Fab Big Fab Big 100 % Acrylic

200 g ball

strawberry 02340

1000 g poly bag

poppy 02348

100 % Acrylic

N°/Nr.: 9806548

cream indigo grey emerald 02307 02351 02353 02344*

cream frost strawberry 02307 02349 02340

neonpoppy pink marl mint 02312* 02343* 02348

strawberry emerald wine 02340 02344* 02313

NEW poppy forest plum 02348 00172 02352

NEW mustard denim slate marl 02342 02354 00183

neon yellow indigo frost grey 08232* 02351 02349 02353

neon green delphinium mint black 08233 02350 02343* 02311

sky blue frost neon pink emerald 02345* 02349 08234 02344*

NEW denim mint neon orange forest 02354 02343* 08279 00172

indigo emerald 02351 02344*

NEW delphinium forest 02350 00172

*while stocks last rusttaupe orange

NEW mustard slate marl 02342 00183

skygrey blue neon yellow 02345* 08232* 02353

denim neon green black 02354 08233 02311

sky blue indigo taupe neon pink 02345* 02351 02347 08234

NEW denim delphinium slate marl neon orange 02354 02350 00183 08279

indigo grey 02351 02353


delphinium black 02350 02311

rust orange *while stocks last

mustard 02342

neontaupe yellow 08232* 02347

NEW neon slategreen marl 08233 00183

rust orange taupe neon pink grey 02341* 02347 08234 02353

NEW mustard slate marl neon orange black 02342 00183 08279 02311

neongrey yellow 08232* 02353


neonblack green 08233 02311

rust orange sky blue taupe 02341* 02345* 02347

02341* 02347


at LoveKnitting - Autumn Winter 2015 rust orange


rust neonorange yellow

mustard neon green

wine 02313

1000 g poly bag

200 g ~ 120 m

NEW neon pink marl delphinium black forest 02312* 02350 02311 00172

taupe sky blue frost 02347 02345* 02349

200 g ball



Patons Fab Big | Colour Palette 63% Wo ol200 andg ~37% 120 mAcrylic 100g ball | 18 Shades N°/Nr.: 9806548 NEW denim slate marl mint 02354 00183 02343*

1000 g poly bag


udfäy indigo strawberry emerald 02351 02340 02344*

200 g ball

neon neonyellow pink

neon orange green neon

wine 02313

neon pin 08234


neon pin

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