COBAR S.p.A. Costruzioni Barozzi Altamura (Bari) - Italy
COBAR Spa (private limited company), whose governing director is Mr Vito Matteo BAROZZI, is a company specialized in the planning and in the carrying out of public and private building constructions. The COBAR Spa, has been set up by the will of his partner and Legal Representative Mr BAROZZI through a transformation of an other company operating in the same sector of which Mr BAROZZI is founding partner, technical director and Legal Representative. The COBAR Spa unified the business organization as well as movable and immovable properties, employees and equipment, construction sites executed and in progress. Thanks to the experience reached in time the company has developed a main own activity specializing in the following sectors: - Planning and carrying out of every kind of public and private building constructions (civil, industrial, touristic, commercial, prefabricated etc. constructions, performed on one's own or on contract; - Restoration works and maintenance of monumental movable and immovable properties (churches, sanctuaries, monateries, historical buildings, etc.), under guardianship according the laws on the subject of Cultural Heritage and environment; - Planning, installation, maintenance and assistence of techological plants (electric, thermal, air-conditioned, water-sanitary, anti-fire plants, etc.) for civil, industrial, touristic, commercial constructions.
Most of the works carried out have been planned by both professional technitians who work for the Company and external well-known professional experts. The technitian staff and sometimes external technians in possess of great experience take care of the technical management. The operative system is made up of an homogeneous team of highly qualified workers specialized in specific sectors and processings. The great experience acquiered, the carrying out of a lot of important works and the highly qualified techical staff allow it to achieve in a complete sinergy constructions which require building competences and plant engineering offering to the client the most wide-ranging professionality and as a matter of fact the company is the only interlocutor during the whole period of the works. Besides, the Company is put on the register of the Trustee Companies of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities of the Architectural and Environmental Heritage Office for whom it has carried out different works about restoration and renovation of historical and artistic immovable properties churches, convents, castles, etc).
ISO 9001:2008
ISO 14001:2004
SOA CertiямБcation
OHSAS 18001:2007 CertiямБcate
Profile BAROZZI Vito Matteo Sole Administrator
Barozzi Vito Matteo born in Altamura (BA) on 18 September 1957, has been working as a building contractor for over twenty years. He held the office of Director, Partner and Technical Director of several companies operating throughout the country specializing in the restoration of monuments and art historic buildings, civil construction and industrial constructions and industrial plants. Among the most representative works produced include some of the most important monuments of central and southern Italy, artistic and cultural heritage which, after careful restoration, is back to being usable. These are monuments such as the Castello Svevo (the Svevo Castle) of Trani, Palazzo Coccia (Coccia palace) of Cerignola (FG), the Cittadella Vescovile (the Episcopal Citadel) in Gerace (RC), the Certosa di S. Giacomo in Capri (NA), the Palazzo Barberini (the Barberini Palace) in Rome, the Scala del Mascarino (the Mascarino stairs )and the Fontana dell’ Organo at the Palazzo del Quirinale in Rome, the Teatro Margherita (the Margherita theater) di Bari, the Cattedrale di S. Maria Assunta (Cathedral of St. Maria Assunta) in Altamura (BA). Since 2007 he is Sole Administrator and Technical Director of the company "COSTRUZIONI BAROZZI SRL" (acronym Cobar srl) based in Altamura (BA), that on 23.09.2009 has been transformed into joint stock company, which specializes in the planning and in the carrying out of restoration and maintenance of movable and immovable properties monuments, including planning, installation, maintenance and service of technological systems. Among the most important monuments completed or in progress in the last period include: the Teatro di San Carlo (the San Carlo theatre) in Naples, the Teatro Petruzzelli (the Petruzzelli theatre) in Bari, the Santuario di Ercole Vincitore (the Sanctuary of Hercules) in Tivoli (RM), the Museo Nazionale (the National Museum) in Reggio Calabria, the Museo di Storia della Scienza (the Museum of History and Science) in Florence. The experience, scrupulous professionalism and passion allows the entrepreneur Barozzi Vito Matteo to be a strong and valid partner of designers and directors of works and the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage achieving excellent results in the works and to respect fully their delivery times. Work history (from 1986 to 1997) Member, Attorney General and Technical Director of another company involved in the construction sector for the construction of public and private construction works, with respect to the restoration and rehabilitation of monumental buildings of historic or artistic interest, etc.., Preservation and Restoration of artwork and certifies the following information: - Turnover from 1986 to 1997: approximately EUR 46,500,000.00 - Cost of labor from 1986 to 1997: approximately EUR 11,500,000.00
(from1997 to 2007) Sole Director, partner and technical director of another company involved in the construction sector for the construction of public and private construction works, especially with regard to the conservative restoration of monumental buildings of historic and artistic interest, etc.., Preservation and Restoration of works of art, and certifies the following information: - Turnover from 1995 to 2007: approximately Euro 130,000,000.00 - Cost of labor from 1995 to 2007: approximately EUR 33,500,000.00 Year (since 2007) to date. Sole Director, Partner and Technical Director of the Cobar SpA company resulting from the cleavage of other company operating in the same sector. The company specialized into design and construction of public and private construction works, which develops its activities in the following sectors: - the design and construction of public and private construction works of all kinds (civil structures, industrial, tourist, commercial, prefabricated, etc..), Performed both in his that in contract. - restoration and maintenance of movable and immovable properties monuments (churches, sanctuaries, monasteries, palaces, etc..) Submitted for protection under the provisions relating to cultural and environmental assets - planning, installation, maintenance and service of technological systems (electric, thermal, air-conditioned, water-sanitary, anti-fire plants, etc..) for civil, industrial, touristic and commercial constructions The Cobar S.p.A. beginning of the activity is able to certify the following information: - Turnover from 2007 to 2009: approximately Euro 130,000,000.00 - Cost of labor from 2007 until 2008: approximately Euro 30,000,000.00 Certifications: - Certificate SOA - Quality Certification Additional Activities He’ s currently a member of other companies that are primarily of construction of civil and industrial construction, which companies RESTAURI GROUP srl, MURGIA ENGINEERING srl, COSTRUZIONI PBS srl, GE.IM.A. srl, COSEDIL srl, CO.IMM. Srl, which has built several complexes and industrial properties primarily in the towns of Altamura (BA), Gioia del Colle (BA) and Casamassima (BA), which have made in the course of their business, a substantial amount on the annual turnover and labor costs incurred.
Restoration works
Roma (Rome)
Palazzo Barberini (the Barberini Palace) Intervention:
Restoration work, structural consolidation and museum preparation
Buyer: Year:
Supeintendence for Architectural Goods and Landscape and for Artistic and Anthropological Heritage of Rome 2008 – in progress
â‚Ź 11.000.000,00
Napoli (Naples)
Teatro di San Carlo (the San Carlo theatre) Intervention:
Design and planning of works of architectural and plants restoration to increase the productivity of the theatre.
Buyer: Year:
Presidency of the Council of Ministers – Mission structure for the Celebration of the 150th Anniversary of National Unity 2008 – in progress
€ 57.000.000,00
Teatro Petruzzelli (the Petruzzelli theatre) Intervention: Buyer: Year: Amount:
Restoration works and functional recovery Regional Directorate of Cultural and Landscape Heritage of Puglia 2007-2009 â‚Ź 37.700.000,00
Roma (Rome)
Palazzo del Quirinale - “Sala del Mascarino” e “Fontana dell’Organo” (the Quirinale Palace – “the Mascarino Stairs” and “the Organ Fountain” Intervention:
Restoration works
Buyer: Year:
Supeintendence for Architecture and Landscape and for Artistic and Anthropological Heritage of Rome 2004 - 2005
€ 400.000,00
Tivoli (RM)
Santuario di Ercole Vincitore (the Sanctuary of Hercules) Intervention:
Restoration works and development of the monumental whole
Regional Directorate of Cultural and Landscape Heritage of Lazio
2008 - in progress
â‚Ź 7.500.000,00
Firenze (Florence)
Museo di Storia della Scienza (the Museum of History of Science) Intervention:
Structural and functional adjustment of Castellani Palace
Institute and Museum of History of Science
â‚Ź 1.700.000,00
Ex Ospedale Civile “SS. Annunziata” Ex-Civil Hospital “St. Annunziata” Intervention:
Restoration and functional adjustment works of the old civil Hospital.
Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities
2007 - in progress
€ 15.000.000,00
Reggio Calabria
National Museum Intervention:
Final design and execution of restoration works
Buyer: Year:
Presidency of the Council of Ministers – Mission structure for the Celebration of the 150th Anniversary of National UnityNazionale 2009 - in progress
â‚Ź 20.000.000,00
Capri (NA)
Certosa di San Giacomo (the Convent of St. James) Intervention:
Restoration and development works
Buyer: Year:
Supeintendence for Historical, Artistic and Anthropological Heritage of Naples 2004 - 2007
â‚Ź 3.000.000,00
Altamura (BA)
Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta (the Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta) Intervention:
Restoration works
Diocese of Altamura – Gravina in Puglia – Acquaviva delle Fonti
2005 - 2007
€ 1.800.000,00
Teatro Margherita (the Margherita theatre) Intervention:
Architectural and Structural restoration work
Regional Directorate of Cultural and Landscape Heritage of Puglia
2006 - 2009
â‚Ź 2.000.000,00
Castello Svevo (Swabian Castle) Intervention:
Restoration work
Regional Directorate of Cultural and Landscape Heritage of Puglia
Monopoli (BA)
Chiesa di Santa Maria Amalfitana (the Church of Santa Maria Amalfitana) Intervention: Buyer:
Restoration work Santa Maria Amalfitana parish
Carovigno (BR)
Castello Dentice di Frasso (the Dentice di Frasso Castle) Intervention: Buyer:
Restoration work Municipality of Carovigno
Monte Sant’Angelo (FG)
Basilica Santuario di San Michele Arcangelo (the Sanctuary of San Michele Arcangelo) Intervention: Buyer:
Structural and functional adjustment Sanctuary of San Michele Arcangelo
Palazzo Beltrani (the Beltrani Palace) Intervention: Buyer:
Restoration work Municipality of Trani
S. Maria di Leuca (LE)
Basilica Santuario di Santa Maria di Leuca (the Sanctuary of Santa Maria di Leuca) Intervention:
Restoration and recovery work
Sanctuary of Santa Maria di Leuca
Mola di Bari (BA)
Castello Angioino (Angevin Castle) Intervention:
Static-higienic-functional recovery
Municipality of Mola di Bari
Museo Archeologico Nazionale (National Archaeological Museum) Intervention:
Recovery, Restoration and Development of the museum
Supeintendence for Architectural Heritage and Landscape of Puglia
Castello Svevo (Swabian Castle) Intervention:
Restauration work
Supeintendence for Architectural Heritage and Landscape of Puglia
Molfetta (BA)
Museo Marineria Molfettese ex Ospedale Crociati (the Marineria Molfettese Museum Crociati ex-Hospital) Intervention:
Conservative recovery
Municitality of Molfetta
Molfetta (BA)
Ex Complesso Monastico di San Domenico (the Ex-monastery of San Domenico) Intervention:
Conservative recovery and restoration work
Municipality of Molfetta
Roccella Ionica (RC)
Castello Palazzo Carafa (the Carafa Palace Castle) Intervention:
Work of supreme urgency
Supeintendence for Architectural Heritage and Landscape of Calabria - Cosenza 2005
Teatro Rendano (the Rendano theatre) Intervention:
Restoration work of areas outside the theatre
Municipality of Cosenza
2002 - 2004
Gerace (RC)
Convento dei Cappuccini (the Capuchin Monastery) Intervention:
Restoration work
Supeintendence for Architectural Heritage and Landscape of Calabria - Cosenza 2007
Seminario (Seminary) Intervention:
Work of supreme urgency
Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport
Canosa (BT)
Cattedrale di San Sabino (the Cathedral of San Sabino) Intervention:
Restoration works
San Sabino parish
2002 - 2004
Altamura (BA)
Chiesa di Santa Teresa d’Avila (the Church of Santa Teresa d’Avila) Intervention:
Restoration work and structural consolidation
Santa Teresa parish
2003 - 2005
Altamura (BA)
Chiesa di San Michele al Corso (the Church of San Michele al Corso) Intervention:
Restoration work
Diocese of Altamura – Gravina in Puglia – Acquaviva delle Fonti
2003 - 2004
Laurenzana (PZ)
Castello medioevale (the Medieval Castle) Intervention:
Restauration work
Municipality of Laurenzana
Building works civil, industrial and plants contruction
Lavori di realizzazione di uffici finanziari (Realization of finacial offices) Buyer:
Uffici Finanziari 2000 scarl
2001 - 2003
Realizzazione della palazzina destinata ad ediďŹ cio comunale e parcheggi nel Centro Direzionale – Piano di Zona Japigia (Realization of the building and parking intended to Municipal Business Center) Buyer:
Japigia 2000 srl
2001 - 2003
works acquired under building site
Lavori di costruzione di edificio di ampliamento del N.C.C.E. ed adeguamento normatio e funzionale del padiglione dei servizi amministrativi, sitemazioni esterne e sottoservizi - “Asclepios III” Construction work for building expansion of the NCCE and regulatory and functional adaptation of the Hall of administrative services, outdoor and underground gaming "Asclepios III" Azienda ospedaliero universitaria consorziale Policlinico di Bari Buyer:
€ 43.484.954,16
Lavori di costruzione di edificio di ampliamento del N.C.C.E. ed adeguamento normatio e funzionale del padiglione dei servizi amministrativi, sitemazioni esterne e sottoservizi - “Asclepios III” Construction work for building expansion of the NCCE and regulatory and functional adaptation of the Hall of administrative services, outdoor and underground gaming "Asclepios III"
Sede Legale: Via Selva, 101 - Uffici Amministrativi: Via Monte Pollino, 3 70022 ALTAMURA (BA) Tel. 080.3103067 - 080.3142735 Fax 080.3140572 C.F. e P. IVA 06605700720