March 2023 Connections Newsletter

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The Official Newsletter of Cobb Electric Membership Corporation | MARCH 2023


Annual Meeting

Sept. 16: The 85th Annual Meeting will be held on September 16 at Jim R. Miller Park.

May 26: The 2023 nomination petitions are due. Terms for directors of districts 1, 6, and 7 will be expiring this year. Nominations must be submitted to the Secretary of the Board of Directors (Sec. 3.07).

June 8: Member-sponsored bylaw amendments must be submitted to the Secretary of the Board of Directors (Sec. 10.01).

Aug 11: Written notice must be received by any member who desires to exceed the five-minute speaking limitation for the Annual Meeting (Sec. 2.12).

Upcoming Spring Member Benefits

March 1: HVAC tuneup applications open for members to receive a $50 voucher when using our approved contractor list.

March 25: Recycle Day at our corporate headquarters from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at 1000 EMC Parkway Marietta, GA 30060.

April 11: Register to attend our Energy Efficiency Webinar.


Cobb EMC is working for you by constantly improving our outage communications tools. We work 365 days a year and have crews ready day or night to keep your lights on.

If you do experience an outage, we have real-time information on our outage map to keep you in the know. We understand the importance of keeping members informed during outage situations.

Outage map

Our interactive outage map shows active outages by ZIP code and by impacted area. The map is viewable on a mobile device in the event you can’t access a desktop computer. You can view the outage map through the Cobb EMC app or by visiting the outage and storm center at

Outage and storm center

Our storm center provides detailed information about what happens during an outage and what to expect while you wait for power restoration. You can also learn about common outage causes like weather, wildlife, trees and accidents. View this page at

Storm safety and preparedness

Prepare for spring storm season by creating an emergency plan in advance. Identify your personal emergency support network and preparedness resources. Remember to stay safe even after a storm has passed. Downed power lines often carry a strong current that could cause serious injuries. View our storm safety guide today at

Report an outage

If you experience an outage, you can report it in one of many ways: through the Cobb EMC app, online at or by calling 770-429-2100.


We’re working to enhance our outage text alerts and notification tools. This exciting improvement will keep outage communications directly in the hands of our members. Stay tuned at




January brought devastating tornadoes to Georgia. During the tornado cleanup, Cobb EMC provided mutual aid assistance to Central Georgia EMC. As a co-op, we often provide help to neighboring communities in times of emergency. The long track tornado was rated an EF-3 at wind speeds over 136 mph. Multiple counties declared a state of emergency for federal assistance due to the widespread amount of damage. This is one way we represent cooperation among cooperatives, one of the seven cooperative principles.

Learn more at


Goshen Valley Boys Ranch, located on 160 acres in northern Cherokee County, is home to around 40 young men in foster care ages 8-18. The main goal of the organization is for every young man to know the safety of a home, the love of a family, and the hope of a future. Thanks to members like you and the Cobb EMC Foundation, Goshen Valley received a grant to help renovate four of the boys’ homes–providing new siding, new decks, updated kitchens, and various other upgrades to the group homes.

Learn more at


The Cobb EMC Youth Leadership Program gives current high school juniors the opportunity to develop leadership and networking skills. An important part of the program is the opportunity to volunteer to make a difference in our community. In January, the Youth Leadership participants volunteered with the MUST Ministries Toy Shop. They organized and packaged the supplies to return to the warehouse for next Christmas season. MUST Ministries president, Dr. Reighard, kicked off the YLP community night by speaking to volunteers about the impact of the Toy Shop serving over 6,300 children in need during the 2022 season.

Learn more at

22B CONNECTIONS | The Official Newsletter of Cobb Electric Membership Corporation | MARCH 2023

Kevan Espy, President & CEO

David Tennant, Chairman

Rudy Underwood, Vice Chairman

Tripper Sharp, Secretary-Treasurer

Kelly Bodner

Bryan Boyd

Eric Broadwell

Edward Crowell

David McClellan

Malcolm Swanson

Phone: 770.429.2100

Pay by phone: 1.855.730.8714 Web:


The Cobb EMC Foundation works together with our members to build a brighter future for those in need by granting funds to local nonprofits. In 2022, thanks to your generosity, the Cobb EMC Foundation poured $902,800 into our community to benefit members in our five-county service area.

Small change can make a big difference when neighbors work together. Many generous Cobb EMC members round up their monthly bills through Operation Round Up to donate to local nonprofits with outreach programs that benefit members within Cobb EMC’s five-county service area. On average, members donate about $6 per year through Operation Round Up, and the most anyone can give is a maximum of $11.88 per year.

This year, we published our first Cobb EMC Foundation report to summarize the impact your change has on local charitable organizations. Nonprofits rely on our support to continue to make a difference in our community. We are thankful for generous Cobb EMC members who make it possible. Find the full 2022 Community Impact Report at

CONTACT US highest rated natural gas provider in the state3 22C CONNECTIONS | The Official Newsletter of Cobb Electric Membership Corporation | MARCH 2023
Families, Children and Youth Human Services Housing and Shelter Arts and Culture Jobs Philanthropy Education, Schools and Literacy Public Safety Health Environment
Since 2012, members have contributed $7.5 million to benefit 718 nonprofits.
1-According to the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. 2-According to the Public Service Commission summer rate survey. 3-According to Google reviews as of 2023. Gas South is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Cobb EMC. view full report here


Spring is a good time to evaluate your energy use and how you can save. Join our Energy Network to learn about saving energy while earning incentives at

Beginning March 1, you can apply for our HVAC Tuneup rebate. Plus, try these simple DIY steps to save: Clean or replace your HVAC filters, seal all windows with new caulking and use window coverings to improve your HVAC efficiency.

Make your home more energy efficient with a smart thermostat to help you save money on your heating and cooling bills. Get a $100 incentive on a smart thermostat through the Energy Network and save $25 off installation in your home when using a participating contractor.


New this year, we are offering twofactor authentication (2FA) to add an extra level of security to your account. This feature provides strong protection against unauthorized access, which reduces the risk of fraud and will help prevent cyberattacks.

Sign up now by looking under My Profile when logged in to your account

• A 2¢-per-therm permanent discount*

• $50 in bill credits*

• No deposit and no connection fee

Protect your home and everything inside
$16.95 per month. No contract required. MARKETING PARTNER A J a c k s o n / W a l t o n / G r e y S t o n e E M C C o m p a n y
more on your natural gas.
savings on your
Georgia’s highest-rated gas
As a Cobb EMC member, you get special
natural gas with Gas South, our wholly
subsidiary. Join
provider today for:
Visit: Use Promo Code: 450
up for your special savings today online.
saved through Cobb EMC member discounts since 2006
$11.5 Million
on Google with more than 2,000+ reviews
1 Top market share in Georgia 16
serving Georgia communities *Conditions apply. See website for details.
4.7 Stars
CONNECTIONS | The Official Newsletter of Cobb Electric Membership Corporation | MARCH 2023 22D

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March 2023 Connections Newsletter by Cobb EMC - Issuu