Spring is on our doorstep, and while we look forward to more opportunities to be outdoors and enjoy warmer weather, spring and summer can also create the perfect conditions for severe storms. Here’s a glimpse at how Cobb EMC prepares for inclement weather and what you can do to keep you and your family safe:
MONITOR: Cobb EMC tracks storm advisories, regional power outages and weather updates.
PREPARE: Before a storm, we assess the storm type, required crews, timing of the storm, the need for additional contractor and mutual aid resources, as well as support from other departments within the company. Extreme weather events are an all-hands-on-deck effort at Cobb EMC.
MITIGATE: After the storm, crews prioritize restoring power to essential services like hospitals and public safety facilities, then systematically work to restore power to the greatest number of members.
INFORM: You may receive notifications from Cobb EMC about power outages via text, email or voice. Our crews and operations team work hard to keep our members informed regarding restoration times and outage causes.
Learn more about how power is restored by scanning the code with your smartphone.

• Create an emergency kit with power outage essentials: batteries, power banks, flashlights, nonperishable foods, water, medical supplies and prescriptions.
• If you or a family member require medical devices powered by electricity or medicine that requires refrigeration, talk with your medical provider about your power outage plan.
• Monitor local weather news for updates.
• Use portable generators safely: Operate outdoors in well-ventilated areas, place on a flat, dry surface, do not overload and always read the operating manual before use. NEVER plug generators directly into outlets because that poses a danger to our line crews.
• Severe storms can bring down tree limbs and power lines. If you encounter a downed line, stay back. Always assume a downed line is live and dangerous.
Education initiatives that are transforming communities
Cobb EMC is committed to educating young minds and illuminating pathways to success. This is part of what makes us a cooperative, and more than your electric provider. Explore our education initiatives below:
Cobb EMC Youth Leadership Program:
This program gives current high school juniors the opportunity to develop leadership and networking skills, learn about their electric cooperative and earn scholarships.
Mini-Grants for Teachers: Every year, Cobb EMC sponsors mini-grants for teachers in our service area to help fund special projects for their students. Teachers can apply for mini-grants up to $500 to go toward their projects. In 2025, $38,525 will be awarded to 81 teachers within our five-county area.
Partners in Education: Cobb EMC is a Partner-atLarge serving 150 schools in our service area. Our participation includes cosponsoring a variety of programs, activities and special events throughout the school year, together with Gas South. These include Cobb and Cherokee County Science Olympiads and Engineering Fairs, STEM essay contests, Literacy Week, and more.
Scholarships: In support of furthering education, Cobb EMC currently offers scholarship opportunities for our young student members. As of January 2025, $988,050 has been awarded in scholarships to students in our service area.
Interested students can apply for available opportunities at

$75.8 MILLION since 2013 in cash back to members in the form of a WPA.
#1 IN THE STATE for lowest rates among all electric utilities.2 $42 IN SAVINGS
Members’ monthly bills are $42 lower than the average electric bill. NO INCREASES Cobb EMC rates have remained the same for 2025.