July 2023 Connections Newsletter

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Stay informed during an outage

Our employees work 24/7/365 to ensure you have power you can rely on. Despite our best efforts, strong summer storms can damage our lines, interrupting your service. If you experience an outage, visit our Outage and Storm Center online to stay informed and safe at home.


New and improved outage text alerts: Cobb EMC has enhanced notification tools to keep outage communications in the hands of our members. Text “Register” to 898-362 (TXTEMC) to enroll in outage text alerts.


Outage Map:

See current outages, crew status, weather and more on our outage map.


Member benefit

One of our co-op principles is education, training and information. We practice these principles as we serve you, our members, through this no-cost publication. Stay up to date with current news on our website:



As your local electric cooperative, Cobb EMC is committed to keeping your rates affordable. In fact, over the last two years, we have absorbed rising wholesale power costs with the help of dividends received from Gas South, our wholly-owned subsidiary, plus our rates are the lowest among all 41 EMCs in Georgia.* Did you know that you can also make a significant impact on your electric bill by reducing consumption? We’re here to help you save energy this summer.

Shift your energy use:

On extremely hot days, your cooling system runs more often and for longer periods. This high energy use can put additional pressure on the electric grid and increase wholesale power costs. We’re encouraging all members to pitch in and spread out the use of large appliances during off-peak hours, before 2 p.m. and after 7 p.m. on weekdays, when there is less overall demand for energy.


mindful of cooling and heating:

According to the Energy Information Administration (EIA), cooling and heating account for approximately 16% of your electricity bill. While it’s essential to keep your home comfortable, there are ways to optimize your energy use. Set your thermostat as high as comfortable and consider using

ceiling fans to circulate cool air during summer months. Proper insulation and sealing windows and doors can also contribute to energy savings.

Get outside: July is the perfect time to plan outdoor gatherings with friends and family. Instead of cooking indoors using energy-consuming appliances, grill outside or prepare simple and healthy picnic foods like fresh fruits and sandwiches. By avoiding oven and stove use, you can reduce your energy consumption and save on cooking costs.

Visit our Energy Resource Center at cobbemc.com/save for an appliance calculator, expert-approved energy efficiency products, DIY tips to help you save energy year-round and more. To support your energysaving efforts, we also offer an app that allows you to view your daily and hourly energy use so you can monitor the real-time impact of your energy-saving actions. By making small changes to your energy-use habits, together we can help relieve pressure on the grid by conserving energy, reducing costs and saving a little money along the way.

CONNECTIONS The Official Newsletter of Cobb Electric Membership Corporation | JULY 2023
*According to Georgia PSC 2023 Winter Residential Rate Survey.


Thousands of times each year, underground infrastructure is damaged by those who do not have underground lines located prior to digging, resulting in service interruption and major safety hazards. Our board of directors recently signed a resolution for Safe Digging Month! Please call 811 before you dig.



This spring, Cobb EMC linemen competed against other electric utility linemen in the Georgia Lineman’s Rodeo. The daylong competition tests linemen’s skills and reinforces safe work practices. During the events, linemen competed either as journeymen teams comprised of three linemen and a coach, or individual apprentices.

Cobb EMC’s 2023 team trained well in advance of the rodeo and endured weeks of drills and practice to make these awards possible. We’re proud of their hard work leading up to – and during – the event!

Cobb EMC linemen brought home eight awards, including top awards for the following: first place for Apprentice Lineman Overall, first place for Apprentice EMC Overall, first place in Journeyman Hurtman Rescue and first place for Service Installation.

Kevan Espy, President & CEO LEADERSHIP David Tennant, Chairman Rudy Underwood, Vice Chairman Tripper Sharp, Secretary-Treasurer Kelly Bodner Bryan Boyd Eric Broadwell Edward Crowell David McClellan Malcolm Swanson Phone: 770.429.2100 Pay by phone: 1.855.730.8714 Web: cobbemc.com CONTACT US 18B highest-rated natural gas provider in the state3 2nd in the nation for reliable power1 CONNECTIONS | The Official Newsletter of Cobb Electric Membership Corporation | JULY 2023 1-According to the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. 2-According to the Public Service Commission Winter Rate Survey. 3-According to Google reviews as of 2023. Gas South is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Cobb EMC.

Have you ever wondered how to start a sustainable farm?

One of Cobb EMC’s own engineers, Kevin Rowell, has a passion for serving and leading in our community. At Cobb EMC, he helps design electric service for new homes and streetlights, operates GPS units for new construction, locates and does computer-aided design (CAD) work in engineering. Rowell is growing our community outside of work through fruits and veggies at his family -owned and operated K&T Farms.

Rowell’s passion is a family farm that ultimately provides a sustainable future for his family while contributing to our community. His love of farming began in a small greenhouse as a family undertaking with his children, parents, fiancé, and in-laws. They started farming through trial and error, learning valuable lessons along the way. Rowell also studied at the Johns Hopkins School of Environmental Science, learning about hydrology, sustainable business and supply chains. One key factor in starting the farm was a grant from the Foodwell Alliance. The grant was used to purchase a small tractor to plant seedlings.


The farm has different animals, including chickens, goats, sheep, and alpacas, contributing to fertilizing and egg production! One of the benefits of locally grown produce is the ability to grow organic, without mass-produced chemicals. Rowell uses ladybugs, praying mantis, diatomaceous earth and neem oil to battle pests. They even have farm dogs to protect their herd.

Serving the veteran community is unique because different United Methodist churches lease their land to veterans. Veterans have the opportunity to own a farm and learn a new trade after years of serving our country.

This community work allows K&T Farms to support those just starting on the journey of life as well as those starting a new chapter.

Big results

Today, the family farm includes more than 12 acres of land. You can find K&T Farms produce at Bridge Mill Farmers Market on Wednesdays, Dallas Farmers Market on Saturdays and Hollydale UMC Farmers Market on Saturdays. Produce is also donated to the community food banks at Hollydale UMC and Acworth UMC.

Suburban farming with purpose K&T Farms not only sustainably produces food, it also supports veterans by leasing church property to build farms. Rowell also works with school groups through the Future Farmers of America (FFA) to establish farmland.

The need for food is something often overlooked in urban communities. Community-backed farms help teach new farmers how to run a sustainable operation, give back to the church and provide for those in need. Throughout the season, more than 14 varieties of fruits and veggies are donated to the church food pantries at Hollydale UMC and Acworth UMC. Additionally, Wheeler and Campbell High schools have FFA programs in the planning stages within the Cobb EMC service area.

You can get involved by volunteering at your local food pantry or through the church programs. Rowell is currently looking for new church property to expand these programs in Cobb EMC’s service area. Please reach out with interest by following K&T Farms on Facebook. Watch the planting season bloom and keep an eye out for K&T Farms at farmers markets. Produce like okra, tomatoes, cucumbers and squash will be available throughout the summer.

What goes into farming?

The love of suburban farming has expanded K&T Farms to much larger projects that grow year-round. Rowell manages everything from seedlings to compost to fertilizers.

K&T Farms is working with FFA groups to better utilize their school property to grow year-round. The FFA students also go to the farms operated by K&T Farms to learn about greenhouses and growing. Serving FFA groups allows young people to discover a life path and rewarding career in farming.

18C CONNECTIONS | The Official Newsletter of Cobb Electric Membership Corporation | JULY 2023
Owners K&T Farms from leftt: Tom Rowell, Cindy Rowell, Melinda Wilson, Kevin Rowell. Baby goat owned by Kevin Rowell and Melinda Wilson. Kevin Rowell at Hollydale UMC farm.

Come to our member appreciation event and hear how our team is working to make your electric service more convenient and reliable. Plus, members who attend and register in person by 9:30 a.m. will receive 4 North Georgia State Fair tickets.

8-11:30 a.m. Saturday, September 16 at Jim R. Miller Park

8-9:30 a.m. member registration

9 a.m. business meeting

More info: cobbemc.com/annualmeeting

Bring this magazine, a copy of your bill or the Cobb EMC app to simplify registration.

S m a r t e r t h a n t h e a v e r a g e s e c u r i t y . A l a r m M o n i t o r i n g f r o m $ 1 6 9 5 p e r m o n t h N o C o n t r a c t R e q u i r e d PER MONTH MARKETING PARTNER: * A J a c k s o n / W a l t o n / G r e y S t o n e E M C C o m p a n y 18D CONNECTIONS | The Official Newsletter of Cobb Electric Membership Corporation | JULY 2023
Visit: GasSouth.com/Cobb Use Promo Code: Cobb Join today online and get the great service and special savings you deserve! Save more with Georgia’s most-trusted natural gas provider. As a Cobb EMC member, you get special savings on your natural gas with Gas South. Easily sign up today with Georgia’s top-rated provider in just minutes and get:
A 2¢-per-therm permanent discount*
$50 in bill credits
No deposit and no connection fee *Conditions apply. See website for details.

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