Cobham Hall Newsletter - Monday 22nd May 2023

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Cobham Hall News

Monday, 22nd May | Neutral Week

Kindness, Trust, Respect, Honesty, Tolerance

Diary Dates

The Week Ahead

Internal Exam Week

Monday 22nd May – Friday 26th May (For timetable see final pages)

Year 8 Rehearsals

4:30pm – 6:30pm, Thursday 25th May

Half Term Begins 4:30pm, Friday 26th May

Year 12 Gold Duke of Edinburgh Assessed Expedition

8:00am, Tuesday 30th May – 11:59pm, Saturday 3rd June, Wales

Looking Further Forward

Boarders Return

4:00pm – 6:00pm, Sunday 4th June

Half Term Ends 8:30pm, Sunday 4th June

Year 10 Geography Fieldwork

8:30am – 4:30pm, Tuesday 6th June Reculver

Years 7 and 8 Athletics

2:00pm - 4:00pm, Wednesday 7th June

Dartford Harriers

Focus Day

8:30am – 4:30pm, Thursday 8th June

Interhouse Swimming Gala 3:30pm – 4:30pm, Friday 9th June

Familiarisation Day for Incoming Year 7 Students

9:00am – 2:00pm Saturday 10th June

Silver Assessed DofE Expedition

8:30am Saturday 10th June – 4:30pm

Monday 12th June, Ashdown Forest

Year 5 Taster Afternoon and Sleepover

Last week, we were delighted to welcome a group of Year 5 students who hope to join us in September 2024, for a taster of life at Cobham Hall. Their experience began with Art, where the girls created wonderful images of our building. They then headed to the kitchen for a lesson in making brownies.

After a taxing treasure hunt, it was time for hot chocolate, a taste of the brownies they had made, and a Cobham Hall teddy for company. Our thanks to all the staff who took part and to students Taina, Molly, Jasmine (Year 12) and Luise (Year 9) for their help with the treasure hunt and sleepover.

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Monday, 22nd May | Neutral

Year 8 Interview the Interviewer

On Thursday, Ali Agnew, the Kent Editor of online lifestyle platform Muddy Stilettos, visited Cobham Hall.

Here to interview staff and students as research for a review of the School, Ms Agnew was surprised when the tables were turned as she visited Year 8’s PDF lesson. Currently working on a publishing project of their own, the Year 8 editors swiftly introduced her to their determined team of reporters, who took the opportunity to quiz their guest about her career and thoughts on what made a great editor.

Joking that she was used to being on the other side of the table, Ms Agnew put down her own notebook and answered the probing questions of Ciko and the team. Our thanks to Ms Agnew for giving Year 8 her insights; we look forward to reading their report in the near future.

Year 9 and 10 Time Trials

On Tuesday afternoon, Years 9 and 10 visited Dartford Harriers Athletics Track to collect their 100m and 200m sprint times. Students encouraged each other throughout and showed great resilience - especially impressive since for many the time trials followed a physically tough weekend as they completed their DofE practice. Well done to Olivia G, Eva, Martha, Tolu and Emily L for their fantastic performances

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Cobham Hall
Week News

Cobham Hall News

Monday, 22nd May |Neutral Week News

Silver DofE Practice Expedition

The two Silver teams had a brilliant weekend, and even the weather was sunny and bright. Their navigation skills have really improved since doing their Bronze last year, and they worked fantastically as a team. Well done everyone.

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Monday, 22nd May |Neutral Week News

Bronze DofE Practice Expedition

In what was a challenging weekend for everyone, the Bronze teams showed excellent teamwork and navigation and arrived back at school on Sunday in one piece. With a little more navigation practice they will be ready for their assessed expedition at the end of June.

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Cobham Hall News

Cobham Hall News

Monday, 22nd May |Neutral Week News

DofE Gold Takes Rhiannon to Buckingham Palace

Cobham Hall’s former Guardian, Rhiannon (Year 13), was invited to Buckingham Palace on Monday 13th May for the Duke of Edinburgh’s Gold Award celebration garden party.

She had a great day and enjoyed listening to some inspirational speakers.

Many congratulations, Rhiannon, on completing your Gold DofE Award.

National Dance Medals for Denice and Anna

Dancing sisters Denice (Year 12) and Anna (Year 10) qualified for a national competition which took place in Spain last weekend. The girls made the final on all three days and returned home with three medals each.

Congratulations from all at Cobham Hall on this amazing achievement.

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A Level Biology

Our thanks to our Year 12 A Level Biologists for sharing these images of from their dissection of a lamb’s heart this week.

Wisteria in Bloom

Our thanks, too, to Ms Russo Tomassi for sharing this lovely picture of the wisteria blooming against the Hall’s walls.

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Week News
Cobham Hall News Monday, 22nd May |Neutral

Cobham Hall News

Monday, 22nd May |Week Neutral News

Artist of the Week

The artist of the week is Martha in Year 10. She has produced a wonderful and varied collection of portraits and figure drawings for her GCSE project. Martha has worked across drawings, etchings, painting, and digital drawings to develop her ideas and we think they are looking fantastic. Below is just a snapshot of what she has produced so far.

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News from a Cobham Hall Elder

We were delighted to receive news recently from Cobham Hall Elder, Aya Indimi, who joined us for the Sixth Form between September 2017 and July 2020.

“Although my 2-year journey was cut short due to Covid, I can wholeheartedly say my time at Cobham Hall was the best two years of my life,” Aya wrote.

“During my time in Sixth Form, I studied Business, Psychology and Film, and wrote an essay for my EPQ on the causes of civil war in Sudan; this allowed me keep a broad range of options as I was unsure of what direction I was heading towards. Eventually, I discovered that my interest lay in the world of Business and decided to challenge myself by undertaking a degree in Accounting and Management at the University of Reading. I was completely unfamiliar with the modules offered at first; however, I made use of lectures, notes, seminars and frequent meetings with professors in order to gain a thorough understanding and to be able to progress.

“After my second year, I interned at an accounting firm in Nigeria, which gave me practical experience and an insight into what my future could potentially look like. The internship was a great way of gaining valuable experience and testing the waters to see if this was the path I wanted to continue on. I am now in my final year of undergraduate studies and have just started to apply for a Postgraduate Degree in Management. Pursuing a Master’s Degree is a great way to expand my knowledge and to open up more doors of opportunity.

“Looking back at my university experience, one piece of advice I would give is to be sure to make friends. Having a good set of people around you makes your journey easier and more exciting. Come out of your shell and embrace your new chapter!”

Our thanks to Aya: we wish her every success in her postgraduate studies.

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Cobham Hall News

Monday, 22nd May |Week Neutral

Coming up

Creative Arts Festival Invitation

Family and friends are invited to join us at our upcoming Creative Arts Festival. Taking place 13th June, the festival showcases Cobham Hall students’ art, music and drama and promises to be a wonderful occasion.

If you would like to attend, please reply to the School Office on

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Y7 End of Year Examinations May 2023

Date Time Subject Room Length Monday 22nd May 1+2 Maths CR4 1h00 3+4 English CR4 1h45 EFL (Reading & Writing) CR4 1h30 5+6 Art AR1 1h30 Tuesday 23rd May 1+2 Science CR4 1h30 3+4 Latin CR4 1h00 5+6 Music MR1 1h00 Wednesday 24th May 1+2 Geography CR4 1h00 3+4 Drama CR4 1h00 5+6 PE AC Thursday 25th May 1+2 English Progress Test CS2 1h00 3+4 Computing Science CR4 1h00 5+6 PE AC 1h00 Friday 26th May 1+2 Maths Progress Test CS2 1h00 3 Spanish CR4 0h45 4 French CR4 0h50 5+6 History CR4 1h00

Y8 End of Year Examinations May 2023

Date Time Group Subject Room Length Monday 22nd May 1+2 Y English Progress Test CS2 1h00 Z Latin CR2 1h15 3+4 Y English Progress Test CS2 1h00 Z Latin CR1 1h15 5+6 Y Geography CR1 1h00 Z Geography CR2 1h00 Tuesday 23rd May 1+2 X Maths Prgress Test CS2 1h00 Y Music MR1 1h00 3+4 X Music MR1 1h00 Y Maths Prgress Test CS2 1h00 5+6 French CR1 0h45 Spanish (Reading & Writing) CR2 1h00 Wednesday 24th May 1+2 X Computing Science CR1 1h00 Y Art AR1 1h30 3+4 X Art AR1 1h30 Y Computing Science CR2 1h00 B Drama CR2 1h00 5+6 A+B PE AC 1h00 Thursday 25th May 1+2 Set 1 Maths CR1 1h00 Set 2 Maths CR2 1h00 3+4 X Revision CR1 Y Revision CR2 5+6 X Science CR1 1h30 Y Science CR2 1h30 Friday 26th May 1+2 Set 1 English CR1 1h45 Set 2 English CR2 1h45 EFL (Reading) CR2 1h15 3+4 A Drama CR1 1h00 B Drama CR2 1h00 5+6 X History CR1 1h00 Y History CR2 1h00

Y9 End of Year Examinations May 2023

Date Time Group Subject Room Length Monday 22nd May 1+2 E1 English CR8 1h45 E2 English CR9 1h45 EFL (Reading/Writing) CR9 1h20 3+4 Set 1 Biology CR8 1h30 Set 2 Biology CR9 1h30 5+6 Y Drama CR8 1h15 Z Drama CR9 1h15 Tuesday 23rd May 1+2 Set 1 Maths (Non-calc) CR8 1h00 Set 2 Maths (Non-calc) CR9 1h00 3+4 H1 History CR8 1h30 H2 History CR9 1h30 5+6 H1 Latin CR8 1h30 H2 Latin CR9 1h30 Wednesday 24th May 1+2 Y Science Progress Test CS2 1h00 Z Computing Science CR9 1h00 3+4 Y Music MR1 1h00 Z Science Progress Test CS2 1h00 5+6 Set 1 Physics CR8 1h30 Set 2 Physics CR9 1h30 Thursday 25th May 1+2 Y Art AR1 1h30 Z Music MR1 1h00 3+4 Y Computing Science CR8 1h00 Z Art AR1 1h30 5+6 Set 1 Maths (Calc) CR8 1h00 Set 2 Maths (Calc) CR9 1h00 Friday 26th May 1+2 Set 1 Chemistry CR8 1h30 Set 2 Chemistry CR9 1h30 3+4 H1 Geography CR8 1h15 H2 Geography CR9 1h15 5+6 G Spanish CR8 1h00 G French CR9 1h00 EFL Reading CR9 1h15

Y10 End of Year Examinations May 2023

Date Period Group Subject Room Length Monday 22nd May 1+2 E1 English Poetry & Shakespeare CR5 2h15 E2 English Literature AIC & Shakespeare CR6 1h45 EFL Reading/Writing CR6 1h30 3+4 1 Chemistry 1 CR5 2h00 2 Chemistry 1 CR6 2h00 Single Science CR7 1h00 5+6 Drama CR5 1h45 French (H) Writing CR6 1h15 Tuesday 23rd May 1+2 1 History 1 CR5 1h30 2 History 1 CR6 1h30 3+4 Sets 1, 2, 3 Mathematics 1 - non calc* ILC 1h30 5+6 1 Biology 1 CR5 2h00 2 Biology 1 CR6 2h00 Wednesday 24th May 1+2 E1&2 English Language Paper 1 CR5/6 1h45 3+4 1 Physics 1 CR5 2h00 2 Physics 1 CR6 2h00 5+6 Music MR1 1h30 PE CR5 1h15 Thursday 25th May 1 Spanish (H) Reading CR5 1h00 French (H) Reading CR6 1h00 2 Physics 2 CR5 0h45 3+4 Computing Science CR5 1h30 Latin (unseen) CR6 1h30 Spanish (H) Writing CR6 1h15 5+6 1 History 2 CR5 0h45 2 History 2 CR6 0h45

* Please note that this will take place in the ILC Chemistry and Biology paper 2s will take place in the week beforehand

Friday 26th May 1 1 Geography CR5 0h50 2 Geography CR6 0h50 09:5013:20 Art 5+6 Sets 1, 2, 3 Mathematics 2 - calc* ILC 1h30

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