tissue in the back of the eye, which is called the retina, to deteriorate. This type of eye disease is genetic – passed down from either one or both parents. My mum was diagnosed with RP at 17 and I talked to her about her experiences.
In 1847 The Charity for the Asylum of Idiots was established in London, the term ‘idiots’ meaning anyone with a learning or mental disorder, or autism.
Such stigma needs to stop. Those living with a disability should not labeled ‘insane’ or ‘delusional’ just because they suffer with something you don’t. In the same way you shouldn’t label people as ‘freaks’ because they look different from what society deems perfection. We are perfection-obsessed.
While queuing in W H Smith she overheard two people talking. One said, ‘People like that should not be let out of the house.’ Another time a schoolboy at a crossing thought it was funny to keep getting in her way and refusing to let her pass. In the end he Mocking someone because they live went off, laughing with a deformity is with his ‘mates’. And unacceptable and, if On multiple occasions on multiple occasions when she was in obvious you have ever done when she was in distress and needed help, so you must stop. ‘Just obvious distress ask if I need help. I can members of the public and needed help, always say no.’ This is just walked past. members of the public the advice my mum just walked past and gave me to share with tried their hardest to avoid her. Bear in you. If you see a person with a disability mind this has all taken place in the last in distress, without being patronizing 30 years. ask if they need help. Physical disability does not mean mental disability. This is what my mum said, and your mum is never wrong. For future reference listen to her.
Mind’s Eye Kent | January 2020