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MARIA PLESNIAK landscape architecture student

What a sustainable development is? (The Brundtland Commision, 1987)

• development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs • 3 dimensions of sustainability: environmental, economic and social EN S – Social



Global Development Up to 1987

E – Economic EN – Environmental



Global Development After 1987

What is a rain garden? • • • •

sustainable development feature helps to keep water on the side lower area with drought/flood tolerant plants rainwater is collected and can infiltrate instead of going to the sewer system

Why a rain garden? urban development = increase sealing of the surface bigger surface runoff = possibility of overflood bigger surface runoff in cities = more polutants in water

rain gareden is a method of dealing with the surface runoff

What is a storm water chain? green roof green roof stormwater planter rain barrel

retention pond rain garden


It is a bigger system incorporating rain garden with other elements.

How does stormwater chain work? • • • •

infiltration (soaking water into the ground) evapotranspiration storage (collecting water) conveyance

How rain garden control water quality? Urban runoff can be polluted with: • sediments • nutrients • bacteria • heavy metals • pesticides

Water purification in rain garden is based on physical, chemical and biological processes: • bioremediation • phytoremediation

selection of plants with complex root system help setting sediments and pollutants

What we can gain from rain garden? • • • • •

better local microclimate more wildlife and biodiversity in urban areas cost savings visual and sensory pleasure it alert society about …

sustainable water management

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