Ways of rainfall channelling in cities_power point

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Ways of rainfall channelling in cities

Maria Plesniak Individual Study at Copenhagen University (5th year of master studies at Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences) Supervisor: Senior Researcher, PhD Marina Bergen Jensen Academic year: 2007/2008 ECTS credits: 15

Urban developement and water cycle urban development = increase sealing of the surface bigger surface runoff = possibility of overflood bigger surface runoff in cities = more polutants in water

Sustainable development • development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs • 3 dimensions of sustainability: environmental, economic and social

Sustainable rainwater management • SUDS deal in an integrated way with the issues of water quantity, water quality and amenity

Ways of rainfall channelling: altenative or suplementary to the sewage system

Stormwater chain

Bo01, Malmo

Bo01, Malmo

Ecocity Augustenborg, Malmo

Ecocity Augustenborg, Malmo

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