New Board Member Orientation Packet - 2021

Page 18

18 | CCA Board Orientation



DEVELOPMENT SCFD Funding CCA continues to qualif y a s a “Tier II” Scientific and Cultura l Facilities District (SCFD) gra nt recipient. SCFD distributes f unds from a 1/10 of 1% sales a nd us e tax to cultural facilities throughout the seven-county Denver metropolitan area. Tier II organizations re ceive SCFD funding based on two equa l factors: 1) qualifying annua l income that meets a def ined threshold, and 2) paid a ttendance. CCA’s SCFD funding typica lly totals between $700 and $800K per year, but the impact of COVID-19 on sales tax rev enue, has reduced available f unding to around $510k for the ye a r 2020/2021.

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