24 | CCA Board Orientation
CCA' s Board and Committee Re sponsibiliti es P olicy outl ines the rol es, responsibil iti es, a nd p rocedu res rela te d to the Board of Directors. Incl u ded in this p ol icy a re CCA ' s "principl es of governing s tyl e," wh ich highl ight the B o a rd' s governance rol e. This pol icy affirms that the B oard' s s ol e off ici a l connection to the operation of the or ga niz a tion is thro u gh the CEO. Board member s do not inv ol v e thems el ve s w ith operational detail s, nor do they dir ect s ta f f , or interf e re with the performance of their duties. B oard m e m b ers shoul d al ways direct th eir questions to the CE O , not to staff members. Moreover, onl y decisions of the B oard a cting a s a body are binding on the CEO, ex cep t in ra re insta nces w here the Board has specifical l y d el ega ted s u ch a u thor ity to a specific director of Boa rd com m ittee.