New Board Member Orientation Packet - 2021

Page 25

25 | CCA Board Orientation



As required by the CCA B yl a ws (wh ich a re s u bjec t to change with a maj ority vote of the B oard) , the B o a rd meets at l east eight times (incl u ding a n Annua l Retre a t) over the course of a ye a r. B esides these eight regu l a rl y schedul ed meetings, specia l m eetings m a y occ u r a s needed. The Executive Committ ee m eets a p p rox im a tel y two weeks before each Boar d m eeting to s et the a ge n da . To pl ace an item on the agenda, a B oard dir ector m u s t present the item and the reas on f or the des ire d a ction to the Board Chair at l ea s t 15 days p rior to the B o a rd meeting. Agendas, meeting docum ents a nd background m a teria l s are email ed to Board director s a f ew days in a d va nc e of the meeting date. Prior to, or a t the beginning o f ea ch meeting, directors must p u bl icl y discl os e a ny con f l ict of interest to the other dir ector s .

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