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nimbleness, coordination, and innovation. The flexibility of this approach helps to break down the goals and objectives of the Strategic Plan into actionable, attainable steps, while also providing a means of reviewing any changes in conditions, responsible parties, and other coordination needed on a regular basis. These concentric layers of planning will ensure that COC’s Strategic Plan is actionable, impactful, flexible, and useable for the College in order to make a difference.
COC seeks to use planning documents to underscore important goals and associated efforts that make a meaningful difference for students, staff, and the community in keeping with the college’s overall mission and priorities. This work should also take place within a dynamic and supportive environment that promotes wellness, engagement, kindness, enthusiasm, and innovation that also helps to attract and retain top talent. The annual tactical planning review will also provide an opportunity for the College to continue to align and norm the Strategic Plan with other College plans, such as the Educational & Facilities Master Plan, Technology Master Plan, annual Program Design, Planning, and Review, and other operational plans. This is also an opportunity to make adjustments to training, activities, professional development, and practices especially within the context of new emerging technologies, innovations, and advancements that may impact the College.
Summarized Strategic Plan Objectives

Appendix And Interactive Links
With many terms, abbreviations, and phrases unique to community college work, the following highlighted glossary helps to define terminology:
Ab 1725
This is the Community College reform legislation passed in 1988. The provisions of it are now contained in the Education Code and in Title V.
Association of California Community College Administrators.
The process of identifying, measuring, and communicating financial information to permit informed judgments and decisions by users.
Ada Base Revenue
The amount that the State supplies the District towards meeting its attendance targets, commonly known as State Apportionment.
Age Discrimination in Employment Act.
Alternative Dispute Resolution.
American Federation of Teachers.
AI Artificial intelligence ALLOCATION
The amount of funds a district receives for ADA generated apportionment.
Federal or state taxes distributed to college districts or other governmental units according to certain formulas.
An allocation of funds made by a legislative or governing body for a specified time and purpose.
Assessed Value
The value of land, homes or businesses set by the country assessor for property tax purposes. Assessed value is either the appraised value of any newly built or purchased property or the value on March 1, 1975 of continuously owned property, plus an annual increase. This increase is tied to the California Consumer Price Index but may not exceed 2%.
The unit that was used prior to FTES as the basis for the computation of State Apportionment for California Community Colleges. One requirement of State law is that the regular day college must be maintained not less than three hours per day per five-day college week for 35 weeks.
Auxiliary Operations
Food Service and dormitories are considered auxiliary operations.
Base Year
A year to which reference is made when projecting a current condition.
Block Grant
A fixed sum of money, not linked to enrollment/ ADA (now FTES) measures, provided a college district by the State.
Board Of Governors
The statewide governing board of the community colleges. The members are appointed by the Governor. The Board hires the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges and makes policy decisions that affect all districts. The Board may be directed by the Legislature to regulate certain matters and it may choose to regulate others.
Board Of Trustees
The local governing board of each community college district. Its members are elected from the service area. The board hires the chief administrator of the district and directs the operations of the district. It makes policy decisions that are permitted or mandated at the local levels.
A plan of financial operation for a given period for a specified purpose consisting of an estimate of revenue and expenditures. (Ideally an educational plan expressed in dollars.)
Budget Act
The legislative vehicle for the State’s budget appropriations. The Constitution requires that it be passed by a majority vote of the Assembly and the Senate and sent to the Governor by June 15 each year. The Governor may reduce or delete, but not increase, individual items.