3 minute read

Sales Manager of CO2save

Matteo Agodi Sales Manager of CO2save

sustainability and energy saving are now indisPensable for retail too


It is essential to start with a particularly topical issue, the rise in energy prices. We are finding ourselves in a new and unexpected scenario, although we had already noticed a few signs of this last summer. In the coming months, we hope for an easing of tensions on the markets, but the distinguishing feature of 2022 will remain the extreme price volatility. It is difficult to predict when we will be able to return to the situation of 2019 in terms of both fluctuations and rates. What is certain is that, in order to cope with these price increases, large retailers, but not network of points of sale must be redeveloped. Thanks to an overview of the entire network, the upgrading measures and future investments can be managed with the right priorities. It is therefore essential to understand how smart buildings/stores in retail are evolving. The key word is ‘energy communities’, an important topic that we also covered at the ‘Smart Building Report 2021’ event, of which we are a partner, organised by Milan Polytechnic. Although the legislation has not yet been defined, with some of our customers we have already

«a On prOject is truly prOfitability, it sustainable if invOlves every it is measurable, it One in the cOmpany has an and, Of impact cOurse, it is envirOnmentally friendly»

only them, have to initiate energy efficiency projects to achieve immediate savings. It can therefore come as no surprise that our customers are now asking us first and foremost how they can save money. To achieve this, we need to act in a structured way: first of all analysing consumption, then budgeting for energy expenditure and, in parallel, identifying areas for savings with energy management. It is also necessary to correct the causes of waste with targeted actions and to maintain the achieved levels of efficiency with expert plant management. Lastly, the embarked on evaluation paths for the establishment of energy communities that reward self-consumption. Expectations are high, but so are confidence levels, and there is a strong belief that these solutions are the right way to achieve the European and global goals of sustainability and combating climate change. So how do sustainability, energy saving and retail fit together? They are all elements that can no longer be excluded from companies’ strategies. This is demanded by con-

▲►Energy requalification projects


sumers, who are increasingly inclined to use brands where sustainability is a value, but also by large investors who are guided in their choice of investments by the ESG rating. True sustainability permeates all levels of the organisation. We have made this our mantra: a project is truly sustainable if it is measurable, if it has an impact on profitability, it involves everyone in the company and, of course, it is environmentally friendly. Each of us can leave our own footprint to improve the environmental conditions of our planet. We at CO2save are agents of this change, helping our customers to consume energy responsibly and consciously, translating this desire into an energy sustainability project. The ‘CO2save sustainability table’ is the starting point for every project in this respect, around which all the company figures who play a key role in corporate sustainability projects sit together with us. The results are manifold and everyone can contribute in their own sphere to creating a sustainable image of their company, then communicating it transparently and truthfully to their stakeholders. •

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