November 6, 2013 The Courier

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Finish Your Degree on the Fast Track

CHRISTINA’S CLASSIFIEDS 50 words for $25 Include a logo, no extra charge!

VOLUNTEER TO HELP A STUDENT FOR 8 WEEKS Help a student with a physical disability that is enrolled in a vocational skills cooking class in the Culinary building on Wednesdays from 10:1512:15. Class only runs for about 8 weeks. If interested in this opportunity please contact Rochelle Favale X 4260 or 630.942.4260 An undergraduate degree or certificate from Elmhurst will open doors and advance your career. Learn more at an information session on November 16. You’ll meet faculty, learn about admission and financial aid, and find out how Elmhurst can help you reach your goals.

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2 // // 6 November 2013

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11 S P O T L I G H T: J E W E L R Y D I S P L AY E D A R O U N D W O R L D








6 November 2013 // // 3




o I guess Nov. 1 marks the first day of Christmas, huh? That’s what Starbucks must think with their red snowman and snowflake covered cups. The only thing missing is the snow, oh and December, because I thought that’s what month Christmas was supposed to be in. No? Every year, companies across the board are preparing earlier and earlier for Christmas. Not just for the holidays, but specifically for Christmas. You go to the mall in September and you can see decorations hanging from the ceiling and that huge, fake Christmas tree standing in the middle of the main entrance. You can now go to IHOP and hang out at their “house” for the holidays with pumpkin and eggnog pancakes. Yes, eggnog pancakes. That’s pretty exciting, but how long will that excitement last? It’s one thing when companies are trying to promote a special for the holidays in advance, but it’s another when they start the campaign seven weeks away from the actual week of merriment. I can only see this getting worse and I’m not the only one who has noticed. Kerry Dougherty, a columnist from The Virginian-Pilot, says, “Snowmen,

Christmas trees and garland are sneaking onto store shelves, right next to the Halloween candy, which appeared around the Fourth of July.” Dougherty is one among many who think Christmas is not meant for any other month than December. You might have heard “The Way Too Early Christmas Song” on YouTube back in 2008 by Paul and Storm, a musical comedy duo, but incase you haven’t; you should check it out. The lyrics seem to hit the ball when it comes to most of us who are confused, angry and sometimes disorientated from seeing “mistletoe on Veterans Day” and “a little token dreidel in a big display next to the Cinnabon.” The last few verses of the song really foreshadow what might happen in the long run if this continues: “Finally, just outside the Master-Cuts/was Santa, and that fat [bleep] “Ho ho ho”-ing drove me up the wall/something snapped, I lost control/and kicked him square in his North Pole/and as he dropped, I decked him in his halls.” If it weren’t for the meaning of Christmas and the importance of Thanksgiving, I wouldn’t be that upset about what companies are doing. On

one hand, you’ve got Christmas. We’ve celebrated this holiday for centuries and I thought it was to serve a purpose. Now, children are becoming more and more spoiled. I know this because I was that child. I remember when I was about 8-years-old and on Christmas Day, I did something I would never do again. This particular Christmas, I was very, very greedy. I sat down to open presents with my younger sister, who was five at the time, and I started counting how many presents I had compared to her. When I found out I had more presents than her, I said, “I have one more present than you!” and stuck out my tongue at her. I looked up to find my grandma giving me the scariest look I have ever seen in my life. She pierced fear into me and I thought I was going to start crying. My grandma told me to apologize and threatened to take away all of my gifts away. From that day forth, I was never greedy on Christmas or any other day. I was almost afraid to even get gifts from anyone anymore. But, that experience is something I will forever be grateful for because I learned a lesson. Now, parents spoil their children and spend way too much money and I

think this contributes to the companies starting holidays like Black Friday on Thanksgiving night – which is insane. Thanksgiving and Christmas are meant for spending time with your loved ones, not showering them with gifts. If you have a genuinely loving family, they won’t care about the gifts. They’ll care about the precious hours that they actually get to spend off work, eating home cooked meals, sharing laughs and smiles. That is the point. I could care less about all of the “holiday secret shopping” – it’s not a secret if you tell everyone anyways.


Jordin Gignac Editor-in-Chief


JORDIN GIGNAC EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Going to Utah in January to go skiing with her best friend


4 // // 6 November 2013

Runs on Dunkin’

Loves Mediterranean food

Is counting down the days until Black Friday



Eats Chipotle 4 days a week Made chili for the first time this season

POLICY The Courier is published every Wednesday when classes are in session during the fall and spring semester, except for the first and last Wednesday of each semester and the week of and the week after spring Break as a public forum with content chosen by student editors. One copy free, additional copies available upon request. Views expressed in the Courier represent opinions of majority of the staff. The Courier does not knowingly accept advertisement that discriminate on the basis of sex, creed, religion, color, handicapped status, veteran or sexual orientation, nor does it knowingly print ads that violate any local, state or federal laws. The Courier encourages all students, faculty, staff, administrators and community members to voice their opinions on all the topics concerning them both in and out of school. Writers can express their views in a


“Letter to the Editor”. All correspondence and letters for publication must be typed and signed with the author’s daytime phone number. Deliver all correspondence to BIC 3401 between regular office hours or mail to the Courier, College of DuPage, 425 Fawell Blvd., Glen Ellyn, IL. 60137. Letters also may be sent by e-mail. The subject heading to the message must read “Letter to the Editor.” The writer’s first and last names, street address, city, state and complete phone number with area code must be included for identity verification by the Courier. Deadline for letters meant for publication is noon on Mondays. E-mails can be sent to Letters are subject to editing for grammar, style, language, length and libel. All letters represent the views of the author, not the editorial board.





While patrolling in Afghanistan with his Marine squad, COD student veteran, Mike Xu, looks down to watch where he’s walking. Mike stressed how important it was to be cautious while walking in the roads in Afghanistan because IED explosives are buried underneath the roads and planted by the Taliban. This week’s cover photo highlights the impact war has on the brothers while deployed in Afghanistan. Read their story on page 10 and 11.


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Courses offered in Wheaton, Chicago, and online.



DENTON DOOLEY PHOTO EDITOR His birthday is on Saturday


Will be on the road with the football team this weekend

@CODCOURIER 6 November 2013 // // 5



The importance of internships

Q+A with WDCB’s new station manager JOASH MENCIAS // NEWS EDITOR


Courier: How does it feel to be the new station manager for WDBC? Bindert: I’m really excited. I’ve been a long time jazz fan and I worked in that end of radio for many years. I’m a long time listener of the station too and I’m a fan of what everybody in the building does so I’m really excited to be a part of it… to be in management in a station that plays jazz, blues, American roots music, news, it was a combination of everything that I loved and fell in a perfect point for me in my career. How did you start off doing radio? The first radio thing I really did was in high school. They had a station that they played to the cafeteria at various times during the day. I was so shy of being on the microphone that I would play records. I would open up the mic to talk and then I’d back off and let the records keep playing. And somewhere along the line in college, I decided that I was really interested in it and started working for the radio station at SUNY Brockport in New York state…I found out that they needed someone to do play-by-play for the college hockey team. I wanted to be on the radio and I said, “well, OK, I’m gonna have to get over the stage fright thing.” And so I started doing play-by-play for sports initially but very quickly around that time I became very

interested in jazz and blues music and there was an opening for the jazz program on the radio so I started doing that. I started delving into the music library, which was mostly vinyl, and just got really into the music and fell in love with it. What is it about radio that made it more appealing than other media for you? I think it’s the intimacy. There’s something really different about radio. It’s live, it’s one person on a microphone talking to a lot of times one person in a car or a person alone at home…It’s the idea of it being live right there in the moment talking to another person and sharing music with them. To me there’s something magical about radio in general. What are some new plans you have for WDCB? We’re certainly going to be looking at all the various possibilities…I think there are ways to improve it, to make it more relevant here locally and all throughout Chicago. One thing I want to do is bring in more live broadcasts. That’s not always an easy thing to do and it’s something we’ll probably have to grow into, but doing live events where there’s live music happening like at a jazz club or a concert or a festival where we’re broadcasting it live…Here at the station also, we have these new studios. We’re not

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The College of DuPage’s flagship jazz radio station, WDCB-FM, has a new station manager. Dan Bindert, who most recently hailed from WLPR in Merrillville, Ind. as Vice President of Radio Operations, started his tenure last week at WDCB. He replaced Scott Wager after his retirement earlier in the summer. The Courier sits down with Bindert to talk about his new role at the college. fully a hundred percent equipped the way we will be in the future as far as the studio equipment. But we have room for an entire performance space where we can have musicians come in to be interviewed and perform live in studio...I think we really going to be able to offer something that reflect on what’s going on here locally in DuPage County but also in Chicagoland overall. Any plans to broaden out WDCB’s programming? Jazz is still really the primary focus. We play 17 hours a day of jazz music in addition to having news, blues, roots and world music. But that’s really going to remain our focus. We’ve built up a good audience who listens to that and it’s something that is not only in Chicago, which is one of the great jazz cities of the world, but it’s also an American cultural art form that’s really a great thing…One thing that we may try to broaden out a little bit is our identity as not only a jazz station but as a place for arts and culture. It fits in nicely to what we already do and I think a lot of jazz listeners tend to have an interest in arts and culture as well. As the new station manager, what would you say to WDCB’s most loyal listeners? I love the station for the same reasons that our loyal listeners love it… But I think they’re go-

ing to love it even more going forward and my goal is to make them feel even more engaged in it and for them to listen for even longer periods of time and enjoy much more. A lot of our listeners who become members and donate money to the station are almost like family to us. We feel we have a responsibility to serve them well. What would you say to potential new listeners of WDCB? If some are not jazz listeners and have never been, that we’re something that is waiting to be discovered. For me, hearing jazz music on the radio and being a part of it at my college radio station changed my life…( Jazz) is an incredible musical legacy that’s out there. You’ve got right now more than 90 or 100 years of jazz recordings and you’ve got a century of American history and at the same time it’s this great unfolding of all these musical evolutions that has happened in jazz that’s out there. A lot of people might not even know they like jazz. I didn’t hear it growing up, but a radio station is something where you can be exposed to it for free and get to understand the context and sometimes people might be surprised at how much they find they like’s a discovery waiting to happen for people.


“Employers are expecting you to have work experience,” assistant manager of career services Sara Kirby tells students in the internship search workshop held October and November in the library. A great resource for students, the hour-long information session proves incredibly informative for students looking to gain an edge creating a network and building up a skill set. “Internships give students the opportunity to gain valuable applied experience and make connections in professional fields they are considering for career paths; and give employers the opportunity to guide and evaluate talent.” Kirby first explains to attendees the value of such an extension of the classroom, but also notes that internships can serve as an exploration of a career path, or even to build authority with a specific program/software. It’s important to highlight the idea of deepening one’s knowledge of a certain professional path. Internships are often only thought of as “real-world” experience, and while that is true, the benefits are much more multi-dimensional. Students can also hope to learn more about the different facets of a career. Say you are interested in marketing; you take an internship with a social media research team and discover that collecting demographic data is absolutely not what you are interested in, but you work closely see Internships, Page 7



Internships, from page 6

with a creative advertising team and a public relations team. Upon the completion of your internship, you whittle down the scope of what your interests are moving forward and dispel any preconceived notions you may have had about what ‘marketing’ encompasses. You decide public relations is what you are most interested in and narrowcast your educational goals toward that. Suffice it to say, internships can not only enhance a resume, but also give students learning experience that cannot be taught in the classroom.

Tips for Internship Success -Tell everyone and anyone you’re hunting; often your neighbor’s sister’s fiance is working somewhere that interests you. -Create a LinkedIn profile; start making connections and building your personal brand. -Triple check your cover letters and resumes; have a professor or mentor take a look at them.


The college will be holding a number of free events on Nov. 11 to commemorate those who have served in the armed forces. The day will kick off with a flag raising ceremony at the Homeland Security Education Center from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. All throughout the day, a free screening of the inspirational military film “High Ground� will take place in the Student Services Center in room 2201. Between 11:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m., COD will host its 7th annual Read-In event, featuring readings of military literature, poems and personal experiences. At 7:00 p.m., Operation Support Our Troops will present a film entitled “The Welcome� in the Student Resource Center in room 2000.








6 November 2013 // // 7



They are trained to locate, close in on and neutralize the enemy by fire or maneuver. That means they are most likely to take a hit or fire one. Only about 10 percent of all Marines become grunts, or infantry level. The percent is even less for how many identical twins are living in the world. Mike and Kevin Xu are grunts, identical twins and leaders. Third Battalion, First Marine infantrymen, who share a brotherhood of heroism that no one else could ever experience.

Mike and his third platoon, 2nd their fallen Marine, Sergeant Ra


evin and Mike Xu were born on June 20, 1989 in Harbin, China where they were raised by their grandparents until age 11. Their mother, who lived in America, sent them to the states in 2000 to live with her in Bartlett, Illi. Ever since they were in middle school, they wanted to join the Marines. But, it wasn’t until they were in high school that they would commit to it. Kevin said a Marine, Staff Sgt. Webb who would recruit once a month at their school, encouraged them to sign up. “He was a great guy who showed me that there was something more than just college. That there is another life to live that would make me grow as a person.” The twins flew to Marine Corps Recruit Depot, California after graduation from high school in 2007. They had their heads shaved and described it as “chaos” with everyone yelling at them. “They treated me like I was; a recruit. They stripped me of everything I was in order to train me. I wouldn’t get treated like a Marine until I graduated basic training,” said Mike. Boot camp was hard for Mike and Kevin, but they said they got used to it and knew that they were learning how to be strong. In September, the twins graduated boot camp and went on to infantry training through December. Infantry training was a big leap from basic training. The twins learned about

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every infantry weapon, spent days training and hiking in the trails at the camp while learning special skills like night operations and working with their radios. “Training is good because the more you sweat in training, the less you will bleed in combat,” said Mike. After graduating basic infantry training, the Xu brothers were split up and assigned to different companies in the Third Battalion, First Marines; Kevin was assigned to Kilo and Mike to Lima. The twins trained with their units until July of 2008 where they would deploy to the 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit out of Okinawa, Japan. There they would float around the Pacific Ocean in Southeast Asia. “We were given a few days of freedom to go out, make some friends and have fun,” said Kevin. For seven months, Kevin and Mike trained in different conditions. They went to Japan and completed missions in the jungle. Okinawa was some of the worst conditions they had to endure. Mike said, “The jungles are miserable. Snakes and spiders the size of my head were everywhere. We were always wet and had to sleep in the rain every night. Out of everywhere I have been, the jungle was the worst place I had to operate in.” Mike then headed over to Iwo Jima, South Korea to practice beach-landing exercises with the Korean Marines, while

Kevin went to the mainlands of Japan to practice operations like hostage rescue with the Japanese self-ground defense forces. After they trained in Asia, they went back to Camp Pendleton for a year to get ready for deployment to Afghanistan. “The only easy day was yesterday,” said the twins. “Our first firefight with the Taliban in Afghanistan was unreal. They welcomed us with bursts of bullets from AK-47s, but our training helped us overcome them.” When asked about their most frightening experience in Afghanistan, they both said it was while in a firefight against the Taliban. Kevin was addicted to firefights ever since. The adrenaline and excitement of a firefight was what created the addiction. 14 days before Kevin’s twenty-first birthday, he got into a huge firefight with the Taliban. Kevin and his squad were completing a defensive operation in the summer on June 6. They pushed into enemy territory when they were warned about what might happen in the next few minutes after moving on from that point. “They told us before we left that they are wired,” said Kevin. “Once we exit here, no more than 500 meters, we will get shot at.” Kevin admitted he didn’t believe what they said and decided to push to the front line of the squad. As they went on and were no more than 400 meters to enemy territory,

they started hearing machine guns. Kevin immediately dropped to the ground with the rest of his squad. He saw dirt flying up around him and could barely see a thing. He decribes this moment as the actualization of his reality. Everything he had been training for was standing in front of him, shooting machine guns. Kevin and his squad lay there for 30 minutes with no cover and could not get any back up. Their main platoon was a half an hour behind them being sniped by snipers. With no help on the way, Kevin decided to run for cover in a ditch 12 feet away. “It was just me, my sergeant and two other Marines,” said Kevin. “This was the moment that I can remember clear as day.” Kevin remembers the flash of light between life and death as he jumped into the ditch; a trail of bullets followed right behind him. One by one they missed him by mere seconds. “I could have died,” said Kevin. 20 more minutes and there was silence. Kevin realized the Taliban were reloading and that was his chance to get the rest of his squad covered. “I realized the enemy was reloading,” said Kevin. “My sergeant called me on the radio… I told him, ‘I’ll cover you, just run’ so he got up and ran.” The Taliban had taken over the village and they had no choice but to shoot grenade

CUS TOP FROM FAR LEFT: Mike patrolling in the area of operation in Afghanistan. Mike posing after a successful firefight against the Taliban. Kevin posing before returning back to his squad’s base in Afghanistan. Mike’s squad dog, Miley. They bought her for $5 in the village near their base and had to take 20 ticks off of her. Kevin’s squad dog, Zooey, a 2-month-old pure bred Afghan Hound.

ABOVE: Mike provides security for movement into unknown territory in Afghanistan. LEFT: Kevin looking through an M16-A4 rifles RCP scope in Afghanistan.

squad in Limo Co. with a hand painted mural for ankel.

launchers, machine guns and an M16 in order to move safely. Mike’s experience was a tad different. Kevin and his squad were elite in some major operations while in Afghanistan. He got into many gunfights, but the one he would remember the most would impact him forever. “We got into a complex ambush with the Taliban,” said Mike. “We were taking casualties when my sergeant was shot.” Mike’s sergeant, Sgt. Rankel, was bleeding profusely. Mike and a corpsman tried to aid Rankel. Since they were in the middle of a complex mission, calling in a helicopter was not an option. “Luckily I was trained medically to assist his wounds,” said Mike. They continued to hear firing above their heads as Rankel bled. Out of rage, Mike got up and started shooting back. A bullet shot from the enemy, came hurling towards Mike’s rifle. The bullet shattered his sling, and the pieces flew at his face causing some wounds. “It ripped my gun out of my hands,” said Mike. “Everything happened so fast and I didn’t hear the bullet coming.” Mike then ran over and picked his rifle back up. Mike focused and found his target. Before they knew it, the enemy was neutralized. His squad could finally get a helicopter in to take Rankel to better medical assistance. “We carried [Rankel]

into the helicopter,” said Mike. “He was the only person who didn’t make it out alive that day.” Mike and his squad honored Rankel’s sacrifice and commended him as a true hero. Later, the Marines found out there were over 20 Taliban fighters; there were only eight Marines that day. Mike said the combat would’ve lasted up to an hour more if they would have stayed no more than 10 minutes. They would have been facing up to 45 Taliban fighters and less likely to make it for another few hours. While in Afghanistan, they would find themselves in more firefights, patrolling villages to protect the locals and clearing roads of IED bombs and other treats. They also built schools for the boys and girls of the villages. “We made friends with all of the village kids and brought them candy and toys like soccer balls that they got to keep,” said Mike. “One day I saw a little girl die from an IED explosive. My squad escorted her body to the grave sight and it broke my heart because the body was so small.” That was not the only time they had seen something so traumatizing. Kevin said after he almost got shot in his first huge firefight, the platoon was assigned to sit in the compound to conduct a patrol operation to locate any enemy strongholds in the area

until their main effort could get to position on foot. For six days, Kevin and his unit had to survive on grapes and dirty water while trying to shoot down the snipers as they waited. “We started to suffer from diarrhea, dehydration and starvation. One of the six days we were stranded, I was laying on a rooftop, looking through my riflescope when I saw a father and his daughter walking down the road. It was odd seeing any locals around that time. I zoomed in the get a better look at them and before I could finish zooming in, they blew up. They stepped onto an IED that was planted by the Taliban. That was one of the roads we hadn’t gotten to clear yet,” said Kevin. “The Taliban want to kill and they don’t care who gets caught in the crossfire.” Kevin and his unit were able to get out of the village by the sixth day to return to camp. Kevin and Mike said the desert had harsh conditions with an average of 130 degree weather and bugs like sand mites that would bite any part of their body that wasn’t covered. The conditions in Afghanistan were unbearable at times, which made them appreciate basic human needs that most take advantage of. “The hardest thing about being an infantryman is the food and the hours allowed to sleep. I love sleep and food

very much, but I never knew how much I’d miss either until I joined the Marines,” said Kevin. Kevin and Mike left after seven months in Afghanistan in 2010. They would return home to their family members and later enroll at COD in the criminal justice 3+1 program with Lewis University. Aside from being a COD student, the twins both work side by side in the veteran services office where they help incoming veterans. They also have two other jobs outside campus working as an armed security officer for different companies, and work places that hire them and training at the Marine reserve near Chicago. The two plan to continue to work at the reserve even after their contract is up while they finish their fourth year at Lewis. Mike and Kevin said that their experience in the U.S. Marines was one that shaped them, Mike elaborates: “The impact the Marines had on me was to appreciate everything! Air, food, water and everyday freedoms that we take advantage of today. I loved being a Marine because there was a sense of belonging to something greater. Throughout my training and experience, I have pushed my body and mind over the limit and learned as long as your mind is strong enough to push, your body will follow.” 6 November 2013 // // 9


POLICE REPORTS INCIDENT: Oct. 28 A suspect admitted to damaging a vending machine on Oct. 28 from 7:15 p.m. to 7:18 p.m. in a first floor lounge of the Technical Education Center. According to a witness, several people came in to help someone who seemingly had an item stuck in the vending machine. One of the people who came in said, “it’s football season,� then hit the machine, shattering the glass pane. Police checked the area



and security cameras for the suspect with negative results. At 9:49 p.m., the suspect came into police dispatch and stated he damaged the vending machine because he was helping someone who had a candy bar stuck by initially rocking the machine back and forth. He then lunged at the corner of the machine but slid into the glass. The suspect said he was willing to pay for the damage.

A minor accident occurred between 2010 Chevy Impala and a 1999 Audi A4 in college parking lot 3B on Oct. 31 at 11:15 a.m. The driver of the Impala stated he was travelling northbound when the A4 was proceeding through and collided. The driver of the A4 stated he was proceeding through the main thoroughfare when the Impala crossed over, causing

both vehicles to strike one another. The Impala sustained damage to its right side. The A4 sustained damage to its front side.

An unknown suspect committed an act of retail theft on Nov. 1 from 9:40 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. at Follett’s Bookstore located in SRC 1600. The cashier was approached by the suspect and placed three items including earbuds on the counter. The male suspect asked if he could use student aid money to purchase the items and the cashier advised him he could not use student aid

money. The suspect left the store when the cashier noticed one of the boxes left on the counter did not contain earbuds. The retail value of the product was $49.99. The cashier reported the incident to the manager who then reported it to police. Police have nothing further to report.

“Everything was easy to do. I transferred right in, no problem.� LIAM GROGAN, HISTORY MAJOR AT LOYOLA

For Liam Grogan, transferring to Loyola from the College of DuPage was a breeze. From reviewing his transcripts to helping him line up financial aid, Loyola’s advisors helped Liam every step of the way. And that let Liam focus on what matters most—getting his degree from one of the nation’s best universities. Meet with us at the College of DuPage: Sept. 18, Nov. 11 Meet with us BU -PZPMB 0QFO )PVTF PO /PW /PW t 5SBOTGFS /JHIU PO 0DU Learn more about transferring to Loyola at


8 // // 6 November 2013


Jewelry teacher devoted to her craft on and off campus ROSALIE DEASTIS // FEATURES EDITOR


ewelry and metal-smithing teacher, Suzan Rezac, is known for her passion for metal inlay work and labor intensive, unique jewelry pieces. Born in Czechoslovakia and raised in North Africa by her doctor parents, Rezac says her work is very much inspired by the beautiful scenery she was surrounded by every day. “My love of nature has definitely influenced my pieces. I’ve always loved the ocean and the Islamic patterns of North Africa.� Rezac discovered her adoration for jewelry making while at the Rhode Island School of Design. Originally, she was a graphic design major. “I ended up hating it. It was too stiff. I needed something looser, so I tried painting, and that was too loose,� said Rezac about her endeavors until visiting her school’s art gallery one day. “I came across the jewelry exhibition there, and remember saying ‘oh my God!’ I want to do that. I was just Rezac enjoys working out of her home, where she spends much of her time developing new concepts for her art. She is happy where she is in her career and says this will be a lifelong hobby of her’s. “I’ve always felt comfortable with jewelry making. It’s a different world for me.� See Rezac’s jewelry at

so fascinated.� Rezac then begged to be accepted into her school’s metal-smithing/jewelry program and eventually earned a spot. In 1981, she had completed her Master of Fine Arts. Since then, Rezac has received a National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship, the Raphael Prize, the prestigious Dr. Herbert Hoffman Award and she was the winner of the 2001 Society for Contemporary Craft Founder’s Prize. She also had her own jewelry gallery in the late 1980s in downtown Chicago called Rezac Gallery. Today, she remains a passionate studio jeweler, working from the comfort of her own home. “If I didn’t believe jewelry was art, I wouldn’t be doing it,� says Rezac, whose work can currently be found in galleries from Massachusetts to Barcelona. It takes her up to 10 weeks to finish something as simple as a necklace, but she admits to loving the precision

this craft requires. “These days, people want easy. I tell my students they have to persevere, because this requires so much patience.� Rezac has been working at the college for eight years now and says she has gone to many different facilities, but feels that COD offers the best. “Every student has their own torch, flex shaft.. etc. It’s really a great space to teach.� Today, Rezac finds inspiration not only from nature but from her existing work; “Often when I’m working on a piece, one thing leads to the next. There’s never just once source of inspiration.� When she isn’t spending endless hours perfecting and creating her art, Rezac enjoys gardening, as well as scuba diving, sailing and kayaking when she travels. It’s evident that Rezac’s unquenched curiosity in nature’s culture is constantly evolving her art.

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s he the one? Will he bring peace to earth? Is Ender the hero the film industry deserves but not the one it needs right now? “Ender’s Game” brings Orson Scott Card’s critically acclaimed novel to the screen for the first time. The concepts and actors are all in the right place, yet the film lacks consistent quality to raise the story above cliché Hollywood fare. The year is 2086: Earth’s leaders are still reeling from shock after surviving an alien invasion. In order to prepare for future attacks, an International Fleet scouts the globe for potential adolescents with the best tactical mind. These teens endure intensive training in order to become war leaders. Andrew “Ender” Wiggin, played by Asa Butterfield, is seen as great potential for tactical duty. Fleet Commander Colonel Grif (Harrison Ford), watches him with special care and brings him to military training camp. Wiggins rise to power is stereotypical of every story of this type. An average looking individual - an outcast - is chosen by a

leader to save the world. The chosen one goes through special training where he excels at greater speed than everyone around him. He has oddball friends; people don’t like him, etc. A major issue is that the book is roughly 380 pages and the film wants to hit every major story arc in the span of two hours. Many of the characters quickly come and go and we never understand the reason why the protagonist cares so much about his sister. The film would benefit by allowing certain scenes and characters to develop instead of clogging the book’s dimensions into such a limited time. It would be simple for me to point out Ender’s many faults and simply write an article bashing the film, but doing so would be disingenuous as a writer. That is due to the fact the film is uneven in quality. One moment, the acting and story come together to create an intriguing scene- a moment of cinematic delight - and the next could be an overdramatic mess. What happened in the writer’s room or the director’s chair during these sections? Who knows. But Ender’s lacks consistency.

One part of Ender’s that is consistent? The film’s high-minded concepts. Many ideas of privacy and the nature of war are brought up throughout the film. Explaining such notions would ruin much of the movie, but the driving philosophical theme will linger with you long after the credits roll. The special effects are also of high quality. There are training sessions involving zero gravity and guns that look incredibly authentic. CGI is used seamlessly throughout scenes to the point where the viewer forgets that it is even there. It is hard to recommend this movie; the film is clogged with too many ideas and not enough time is given for the development of important characters. The script is uneven, whereby some scenes hit their emotional mark and others drag into a campy territory. That being said, “Ender’s Game” explores notions rarely discussed in films. Although the movie’s quality is not consistent throughout, when it does work, the film is far more intriguing than the typical sci-fi romp.

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12 // // 6 November 2013


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“Dude I’m pretty sure they mixed up “By all means, move my flu shot with steroids.” at a glacial pace. You know how that thrills me.”


“I have been having impure thoughts about my professor.”

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Drowning in debt

“Let me look at his ears.” “...I don’t speak Walmart.”

“My hemorrhoids are acting up.” to parents or family members who may be able to help you cover some costs of school to then allow a lighter work schedule. If this isn’t an option, consider getting a job on campus. Campus jobs are generally more flexible, and the staff you work with will be much more understanding of your academic priorities. It’s important that you put your health and well being first, because you can’t succeed without them!

Celebrity insecurity My girlfriend keeps talking about celebrities from TV shows and movies that are “hot” and it’s bugging me. Every time she mentions one of them it makes me feel inferior. Now when we watch shows or movies together, I can’t help but wonder if she’s only interested so she can look at her celebrity crushes. I want to be the guy she finds most attractive. Am I overreacting here? -Sick with Envy

Dear Sick with Envy, You probably don’t want to hear this but YES you are overreI’m so stressed out! I have to work to be able to pay for acting. Completely. Celebrities are designed to illicit positive recollege, but my schedule takes up time that I should be do- actions from fans, which is exactly what your girlfriend is doing. ing homework and studying. I end up sleeping less, feeling Most people will never actually meet a celebrity, much less think worse, and getting sick really easily. How can I balance about or have a relationship with one. You can’t tell me you have all of these things and still stay afloat? never looked at a supermodel or famous actress and thought she -Stressed to the Max was attractive. Your girlfriend talks about it in front of you because she feels secure with your relationship. Let it go, because there is Dear Stressed to the Max, nothing to worry about. It is important to have a healthy amount Find comfort in the fact that you aren’t alone! Most college of freedom in any relationship, and quite frankly, it sounds like you students have to balance a job with their studies, especially as are putting her on a short leash. If it continues to make you feel tuition costs go through the roof. Remember that this is just a super insecure, talk to her about it and explain your feelings. She time in your life when things will be crazy, but it’s all for the big probably doesn’t realize how her lighthearted comments are makpicture goal: your career. If you feel it is appropriate, try talking ing you feel.

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6 November 2013 // // 13




The COD men and women’s cross country team pose with their plaques after their Regional Championship victory.

The fall sports season is rapidly coming to a close and the men and women’s cross country teams have added two more pieces of hardware to the COD trophy case. Going into last Saturday’s Regional Championship meet, the women’s team was focused to repeat as champs, while the men’s team looked to regain the title. Led by Monica Bryne, the women’s team scored 42 points en-route to their second consecutive Region IV title. Bryne ran a season best 19:48 in her first place individual title. Team captain, Kelah Freeman finished ninth to help secure the win for the women’s team. “They were ready for this meet, I knew and more importantly, I could tell they knew it too,” coach Wilhite said. The men’s team was a heavy underdog going into the meet. After losing to Morton College

in last year’s regionals, COD took back the title by beating Morton by 9 points. They scored 49 points in their first place finish. Captain, Daryle Worley placed third overall with a 27 minute flat time. Top finishes by Jose Garcia-Alverez, Erik Greenwell and David Alvarez contributed to the team championship. “I have never been more proud or excited for them,” Wilhite said. This is the first time both the men and women’s teams have won championships under coach Wilhite. With both teams’ success, coach Wilhite was named the Region IV Coach of the Year. Looking forward, both teams will compete at the NJCAA DI Championships this weekend in Fort Dodge, IA. “It was awesome seeing them realize their potential and fulfill their goals for the season,” coach Wilhite said.


Cornerback, Turvaraus Wade pursues the Iowa Western receiver. The Reivers beat the Chaps 17-0.

KELLY WEESE // SPORTS EDITOR The highly anticipated rematch between No. 3 Iowa Western Reivers and No. 20 COD Chaparrals didn’t go the way either team had planned. Coming into the game, Iowa Western was scoring an average of 50.9 points per game. The Chaps were only allowing 12.5 points per game on defense. In their last matchup, the Reivers shutout COD 33-0. This rematch would decide who would win the Midwest Football Conference title. As the game kicked-off, the Chaps were led by new starting quarterback Austin Howarth. On his first drive under center, a Reivers defensive back picked Howarth off. The Chaps defense stepped up once again as defensive tackle Derrick Rodgers, sacked the opposing quarterback. The Reivers drive after the turnover was held to a field goal. As the first quarter progressed, the Reivers scored on a pass to the back of

14 // // 6 November 2013

the endzone. Iowa Western went ahead 10-0. At the end of the quarter, defensive back, Thomas Burton, intercepted the ball for the Chaps. DuPage’s game wouldn’t get any better after the first quarter. Offensively, they couldn’t find a run or pass game. They were shutout once again by Iowa Western losing 17-0. With the loss, COD’s four game win streak is over. “It’s a heart-breaker man, we work hard all week in practice. We have been looking forward to this game and we came up short,” linebacker, Devin Coney said. COD’s defense held one of the highest scoring offenses in the country to 17 points. Going forward, the Chaps have one more game left on their schedule. They will travel to Ellsworth Community College to play the Panthers. The Chaps came into last Saturday’s game ranked in the top 20 for the first time all season. The loss brings them

to 6-3 and puts them second in the Midwest Football Conference. “The kids will bounce back, these kids are winners,” coach Foster said. “It’s tough, we are right there and we couldn’t finish.” The loss will most likely drop them from the rankings and hurt their bowl game chances. This Saturday’s road trip to Ellsworth will decide whether the Chaps will compete in an NJCAA Championship Bowl game. In the previous meeting between the two teams, DuPage won 17-9. In order to win, the Chaps must get the offense going again. The season is on the line and another win can propel the Chaps into a postseason game. “We have to pick each other up because right now we are down,” Coney said. “If we come together as a team, I think we should be able to make a run for a bowl game.”

Defensive back Thomas Burton intercepts the Iowa Western quarterback. Burton had interceptions in both games against the Reivers.


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Nicole Spizzirri I’ve been on the mock trial team, I did student government, I’m an Alpha Phi, and I traveled to Turkey. I’ve made some great connections and I’ve grown—both personally and professionally.


6 November 2013 // // 15

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16 // // 6 November 2013

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