December 11, 2013 The Courier

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2 // // 11 December 2013







18 P R O F. S E E S T W I S T E R D A M A G E F I R S T- H A N D





11 December 2013 // // 3



very year I make a New Year’s resolution. Last year it was to lose weight. The year before that it was to find out what I want to do for the rest of my life. This year, my New Year’s resolution is to make a list of all of the resolutions I never committed to and actually do them. How many of you have told yourself, “Well, there’s always next year?” I know I can’t count on just my hands how many times I’ve told myself that. This year I don’t want to be “that” person who always has the same resolution. Here’s how I am going to commit to my resolutions this year: Imagine it This may sound silly, but the best motivator is yourself. If you visualize what you want to see happen with your resolution, chances are your fantasies will motivate you to get it accomplished. I like to look at images related to my goal like loosing weight and motivate myself to reach them by imagining myself with those nice abs from the picture. I also like to post those pictures on my dashboard so I can see them every time I open up my laptop just as a little reminder.

Make the time

Add a friend

Very few of us college kids actually have a lot of it, but it’s something you need when trying to meet a goal. So make the time to accomplish it! Even if that mean scheduling a time to plan out how to accomplish your resolution, do it because you won’t lose the weight if you keep saying, “I’ll do it tomorrow.” Kill the procrastination and you’ll be setting sails towards your goal. Write it down Physically writing out your goal down in a place that you know you will see it every day is important. I write down what I need to get accomplished in my planner, so when I open up to that day I know what I need to do in order to get a step closer to my goal. Handwriting your goals is also a great memory tool. It lets you spend time thinking about what you want to accomplish as you write it down on your to-do list. But make sure you write it on the todo-today list and not the to-do-when-I-feellike-it list because we all know we have a never ending list of those.

If your goal is hard to get accomplished, sometimes it helps to add a buddy that will pull you up when you think you can’t go any further. If your resolution is to eat better, then adding a friend could make the cravings a little easier to forget. With someone to keep you focused to remind you why you made that goal, you’ll reach it in no time. Be patient The best advice I ever received was to be patient. Aspirations will not just happen overnight, they take time to develop. To throw in a little metaphor: take the longer path under the trees and you’ll realize when it rains, the short cut over the hill wasn’t worth it at all.

Make it count,

Jordin Gignac Editor-in-Chief






Looking forward to a week in California before her birthday in January Looking forward to a new year

4 // // 11 December 2013


Is feeling good after his first semester of college

FEATURES EDITOR Is psyched about her schedule next semester





Can’t wait to be done with finals and in new York Loves the snow!

POLICY The Courier is published every Wednesday when classes are in session during the fall and spring semester, except for the first and last Wednesday of each semester and the week of and the week after spring Break as a public forum with content chosen by student editors. One copy free, additional copies available upon request. Views expressed in the Courier represent opinions of majority of the staff. The Courier does not knowingly accept advertisement that discriminate on the basis of sex, creed, religion, color, handicapped status, veteran or sexual orientation, nor does it knowingly print ads that violate any local, state or federal laws. The Courier encourages all students, faculty, staff, administrators and community members to voice their opinions on all the topics concerning them both in and out of school. Writers can express their views in a “Letter to the Editor”.

All correspondence and letters for publication must be typed and signed with the author’s contact information and full name. Deliver all correspondence to BIC 3401 between regular office hours or mail to the Courier, College of DuPage, 425 Fawell Blvd., Glen Ellyn, IL. 60137. Letters also may be sent by e-mail. The subject heading to the message must read “Letter to the Editor.” The writer’s first and last names, major (if student) or occupation title, street address, city, state and complete phone number with area code must be included for identity verification by the Courier. Deadline for letters meant for publication is noon on Mondays. E-mails can be sent to Letters are subject to editing for grammar, style, language, length and libel. All letters represent the views of the author, not the editorial board.





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Corrections: Dec. 4 KELLY WEESE



It’s been a pleasure, You’re all beautiful people Can’t wait to go home for Christmas

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Achieve More. Together.

The Dec. 4 issue of The Courier incorrectly wrote the wrong headline on the cover image. The cover was supposed to read, “Ace the all-nighter (and the test).”

Learn more about our programs on-site: ΄ ή 4^\_dcRa EPWR]PR QRUaRR ΄ ή 4aW\W]MZΧE^PWMZ <dbcWPR M]Q 7WaR ERaeWPR 2Q\W]WbcaMcW^] QRUaRRb ΄ 6]VM]PRQ ή FRMPVRa 6QdPMcW^] QRUaRRb ͈6MaZh 4VWZQV^^Q 6QdPMcW^]͜ 6ZR\R]cMah͜ E_RPWMZ͜ M]Q 4^\OW]RQ 6ZR\R]cMahΧE_RPWMZ 6QdPMcW^]͉ (815) 836-5250

*Catch any corrections that we didn’t see? Write a letter to the editor (See “Courier Policy” for details).

11 December 2013 // // 5



Weather prof. shares stories from damage survey


Mandela will never be forgotten HAROON ATCHA // POLITICAL COLUMNIST



A woman peruses through a wrecked house as a result of the Washington, Ill. tornado that struck Nov. 17, 2013. The twister, rated as an EF4, had extreme winds ranging from 166 mph to 200 mph.

JOASH MENCIAS // NEWS EDITOR Houses scattered into pieces. Power lines down. Cars upended. A communications tower twisted. These images were some of the damage Victor Gensini saw from last month’s devastating tornadoes in central Illinois. “Story after story of remarkableness and of people surviving,” Gensini said of the tornadoes’ impacts. “It was just amazingly sad devastation.” Gensini, assistant meteorology professor of meteorology at College of DuPage, had the unique opportunity of assisting one of the damage surveying teams of the National Weather Service in Chicago the Monday after the rare, historic outbreak. The team looked at areas near the worst of the damage in Washington, Ill., but not directly where the tornado reached maximum intensity. The team geotagged locations of damage in order to track the path and intensity of the tornado. While they focused on canvassing the affected areas, the team also spoke with residents impacted by the twisters. “While interviewing these people, you can see they’re running on adrenaline,” Gensini said. “These people got no sleep

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while they lost all their assets and they were still talking to us.” Gensini recalled some of the harrowing stories of survival. One tale involved a group of eight women gathered in a residential home for a Mary Kay party. When one of the women received an emergency wireless alert on their phone, the group of women took action to protect themselves from the tornado that wreaked havoc on the home. Gensini attributed the high survival rates to the relatively new alert system on smartphones and weather warning dissemination. “I think the wireless alerts really saved them...this was a great job by the National Weather Service.” Since a tornado’s intensity cannot be directly measured when it is occurring, meteorologists from the National Weather Service must observe damage to estimate wind speeds of a tornado. Storm survey teams use damage indicators to help experts rate a twister’s strength on the Enhanced Fujita Scale which ranks the strongest tornadoes up to EF5. The tornadoes that struck the region last month ranged from EF0 to EF4.

The Storm Prediction Center had forecasted a rare ‘high risk’ threat of severe weather for the region including Chicago on Nov. 17, which definitely caught Gensini’s attention. “All the ingredients started coming together...I was really worried Sunday morning and thought we’d have a disaster. I felt sick to my stomach that day.” Gensini was quick to remind about the dangerously close proximity of November’s major storms to the city. “Just take that track, put it starting in Joliet and we’re talking millions of people. I’m sure we wouldn’t be in class if [the tornado] hit Chicago instead.” While the tornadoes did not track all the way northward, the damage Gensini surveyed still hit a personal note. He grew up near the towns affected by the storms and still has family in the Pekin and Washington areas, unaffected directly. “When you see tornado damage in an area you’re familiar with, it’s of a different magnitude when you’re hits home a little closer and I’m more sympathetic to folks down there. The event becomes real.”

ew men are remembered by history. Most of us will be mourned by only our families, forgotten within a generation. Our actions will not alter the flow of history, our words will not be quoted and our unfulfilled ambitions will remain as such. For Nelson Mandela however, history will make an exception. The world now mourns the loss of a great man, Nobel laureate and first democratically elected president of South Africa. At 95 years of age, Mr. Mandela left this world in better condition than he found it. Instrumental in dismantling Apartheid, institutionalized segregation in South Africa, Nelson Mandela epitomized the values of sacrifice and leadership. With the help of others including Rev. Desmond Tutu, he guided his country to a period of reconciliation and acceptance at a time when ruthless violence would have been an all too easy alternative. This man is a role model. Not because he was perfect, but rather, in spite of his imperfections. Bravery is a word you may have heard used to describe Mr. Mandela and in this instance it’s hard to disagree. Most men faced with the possibility of being sentenced to death would humble themselves in front of a judge, regardless of how corrupt a regime that judge may serve. Mr. Mandela entertained no such idea. Appearing in front of the court in traditional garb, he gave a 4 hour speech condemning the inhumanity of apartheid. For this, and many other offenses, he spent 27 years in prison. Even prison was not enough to temper his revolutionary zeal however. During his time at Robben Island, Mr. Mandela openly defied apartheid, writing letters to powerful figures around the world, championing the cause of equality. These are the actions of a brave man; a man who valued his convictions over his own life. Such a life does not come without sacrifice however. The pain of being imprisoned for nearly three decades would be enough to drive most of us to madness. Mr. Mandela however bore another burden: his family. His time in prison isolated him from his family as he watched his children grow up from the inside of a jail cell. His personal relasee Mandela, Page 7



Ill. pension reform irks public workers New pension law is detrimental, says COD faculty president

3+1 fire science program discontinued Lewis University and College of DuPage have agreed to discontinue the 3+1 program in fire science administration. According to an e-mail sent by Jean Kartje, vice president for academic affairs, talks between both colleges led to the conclusion that most students who pursue fire science administration usually obtain certification and work on the field before getting a baccalaureate degree. Those currently enrolled in the program will be allowed to complete coursework to obtain the degree.

Britten music festival conclusion The Britten Music Festival concludes with a choral concert on Dec. 12 at 7:30 p.m. in the Student Resource Center, room 2000. The concert will feature the music of classical English composer Benjamin Britten to be presented by COD chamber singers and concert choir. Visit or call 630-942-4000 for more information.

College Week Live Chat Get questions answered on Dec. 12 from 10:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. in an online live chat with admissions representatives from COD facilitated through CollegeWeekLive, an online college fair. Visit the Admissions page of for more information.

Dec. board meeting The Board of Trustees will hold its final meeting of the 2013 calendar year on Dec. 19 at 7:00 p.m. in the Student Resource Center, room 2200. Students, faculty and community members are welcome to attend the public meeting.

JOASH MENCIAS // NEWS EDITOR Illinois Governor Pat Quinn’s recent signing of pension reform legislation has met intense opposition from a coalition of labor groups like the Illinois Education Association. The IEA’s affiliate at College of DuPage has also echoed a sour sentiment. From the perspective of Glenn Hansen, president of the college’s Faculty Association, the new law is detrimental especially for those already receiving pensions. “We look at this as being a dark day because again, we’ve decided as a state, the decisions that the legislators made, was on behalf of everyone of us, that the way to

balance and fix the pensions was to now basically take this from the retirees.” “…In our perspective in that they willfully decided that they would violate the constitution,” Hansen added. The legislation in question, known officially as Public Act 098-0599, overhauls Illinois’ public pension system. Through the measures enacted, lawmakers hope to save about $160 billion. However these measures irk labor groups because of the overall effect of reduced income for retired employees. One area of worry is a decrease in member contributions from

Tier I employees. “Of great concern to myself and others is that there is no significant increase in revenue. It’s only been cuts in spending on the people that could probably least afford to have the cuts,” Hansen said. Opponents of the current form of pension reform say higher contributions to the pension system could maintain a fair pension for retirees. Other aspects of the law that concern opponents are changes in the cost-of-living-adjustments and retirement age increase. While unions have been at the forefront of the fight, Hansen be-

lieves the issue ultimately rests in the hands of all Illinoisans. “They’ve gotten us into this situation. And all of us as citizens of the state have a responsibility here…We blame Springfield and the legislators, but we bear responsibility for having let them do this over and over again.” Although the law has already passed through the legislative process, Hansen, like so many others, have not given up. “This is far from over. It’s a pause. We now go to the courts.” Read the legislation online, at

Mandela, from Page 6

tionships too took a back seat to diplomacy. In his struggles we see a man who inspired a nation and the world at the expense of his own happiness. It’s often easy to forget how taxing a position of power can be. When the hopes of a nation rest on your shoulders, you cease to be a man allowed to make mistakes. Instead, you become an image to aspire to. Your every action is scrutinized and every word spoken becomes infused with meaning. Despite this immense load, Nelson Mandela sacrificed for his country and performed with poise. He served as a role model and continues to do so. Difficult though it may be, the world will move on, aching from this loss. Though we mourn the passing of a great man, we should rest assured with the knowledge that if anyone has earned rest, he has. A man that gave himself wholly to the cause of equality, Nelson Mandela will not be forgotten. Rest in peace Madiba.




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11 December 2013 // // 7


Publishing peers


For over twenty years, COD’s artists, poets, and storytellers have been expressing their creative passions through the college’s liberal arts magazine, Prairie Light Review. The winter 2013 publication will be distributed today at the PLR Magazine launch party 6-8 PM in SSC 1200.

Storyteller brings talent to PLR “I got my first diary as a birthday gift when I was little. It was pink with glittery stars on it and it went with me everywhere.” 23 year-old Megan Thornsbury has finally decided to take her talent for short story writing public by getting published in the winter 2013 Prairie Light Review. Thornsbury also grew an interest in photography when she took a class her freshman year of high school. Her favorite photographs are portions of the body instead of the complete model. “If you think about it, one person is made up of a lot of pieces.” A lot of Thornsbury’s work is inspired by her past experiences, authors like Dorothy Parker and Amy Hempel and the stories she hears from the people she talks to every day. “The darkest part of people inspires me.” Megan’s poem to the far right was motivated by the fact that there is a stigma around mental issues. “I’m only human. There’s days I don’t have my

sh*t together. Nobody wants to talk about it but everyone feels that way sometimes – and hopefully someone else can feel a little more comfortable in their skin [from my writing].” Thornsbury also enjoys gardening, painting, drawing, and spending time with her son. She’s looking at transferring to DePaul or Purdue in the future. “No matter what, I never want to stop writing.”

Marine Corps to spoken word poet

Things to Do When You’re Having a Nervous Breakdown By Morgan Thornsbury Call Hunter’s grandfather, beg him to babysit – claim you forgot you had to work. 'EPP [SVO TVIXIRHMRK ,YRXIV LEW XLI ÂY ³ you cannot make it in. Dig through the dusty boxes crowding your garage shelves. Retrieve your acrylics, and horse-hair brushes. Dig through your underwear drawer, clawing toward the back. Search for Exacto blades. Give up. Drag a chair outside, trailing scratches on the hardwood along the way. Crank feminist music full-blast. Paint a mural of dolls, and rain, and graves covering your chair. Call Wal-Mart. 'SRÁVQ XLI] WXSGO )\EGXS FPEHIW Call Dr. Pelligrini mumble Prozac and plead Trazodone. Digest the two-week appointment wait. Get pissed off. Slip the feathered duvet from your bed. 7PMRO HS[R XLI LEPP[E] ERH IRXIV XLI ÁVWX HSSV SR ]SYV PIJX Barricade yourself, blanket-wrapped, in the shower. Dissociate. Stare at the white walls, and cry. Give up. Call Rajan at work and apologize.

8 // // 11 December 2013

Marine Corps veteran, Call the hospital. spoken word poet and phoRequest a twenty-four hour evaluation, but decline tographer, Brad Setter, is one an ambulance ride. of the many students whose Get pissed off. work will be published in this Cry. Give up. semester’s Prairie Light Review Publication, where three of his photos will be featured. Setter found his passion for photography the first time he picked up Alliance and hopes to transfer to UIC or NIU next fall, to a camera as a child. continue studying sociology. “I get to share what I see with other people, and evoke a message for society.” Setter has a fascination with humanity, which he says started while he was in combat. “It made me value human life on a much higher level.” In the photo to the left, Setter explained how the meaning behind this was to portray how society teaches little children. “When you’re little, you’re bright and don’t worry about anything. But children shouldn’t be blindsided.” In high school, Brad enjoyed martial arts and his love for poetry began after seeing award-winning poet, Andrea Gibson perform. Setter now does “Perception” by Brad Setter. His artwork can be found in the winter 2013 open mics around the suburbs to share his work. issue of the Prarie Light Review. Setter is also president of the college’s Pride

Five things to do over break 1. Visit the Christkindlmarket at Daley Plaza in Chicago UNTIL DEC. 24 2. Light up the night with Zoo Lights at Lincoln Park Zoo UNTIL JAN. 5 3. Experience Christmas Around the World at the Museum of Science and Industry UNTIL JAN. 5 4. Attend Winter WonderFest at Navy Pier UNTIL JAN. 12 5. Ice skate at Millennium Park Rink UNTIL MARCH 9

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SRC BUILDING | | Black & White


For Black background, there is a white border around it.

11 December 2013 // // 9

ok, so my subs really aren't gourmet and we're not french either. my subs just taste a little better, that's all! I wanted to call it jimmy john's tasty sandwiches, but my mom told me to stick with gourmet. She thinks whatever I do is gourmet, but i don't think either of us knows what it means. so let's stick with tasty!

Established in Charleston, IL in 1983 to add to students GPA and general dating ability.


All of my tasty sub sandwiches are a full 8 inches of homemade French bread, fresh veggies and the finest meats & cheese I can buy! And if it matters to you, we slice everything fresh everyday in this store, right here where you can see it. (No mystery meat here!)

#1 PEPE®

Real applewood smoked ham and provolone cheese garnished with lettuce, tomato, and mayo.


Medium rare choice roast beef, topped with yummy mayo, lettuce, and tomato.


Fresh housemade tuna, mixed with celery, onions, and our tasty sauce, then topped with cucumber, lettuce, and tomato. (My tuna rocks!)

Corporate Headquarters Champaign, IL



Any Sub minus the veggies and sauce

slim slim slim slim slim slim

1 2 3 4 5 6

Ham & cheese Roast Beef Tuna salad Turkey breast Salami, capicola, cheese Double provolone


Low Carb Lettuce Wrap ®

#5 VITO®

Same ingredients and price of the sub or club without the bread.

Fresh sliced turkey breast, topped with lettuce, tomato, sliced cucumber, and mayo. (The original) The original Italian sub with genoa salami, provolone, capicola, onion, lettuce, tomato, & a real tasty Italian vinaigrette. (Hot peppers by request)


Layers of provolone cheese separated by real avocado spread, sliced cucumber, lettuce, tomato, and mayo. (Truly a gourmet sub not for vegetarians only . . . . . . . . . . . peace dude!)


DELIVERY ORDERS will include a delivery charge per item.

TW YM NL J // NSF ¹8 Q


Bacon, lettuce, tomato, & mayo. (The only better BLT is mama's BLT)



+ Giant chocolate chip or oatmeal raisin cookie + Real potato chips or jumbo kosher dill pickle + Extra load of meat + Extra cheese or extra avocado spread + Hot Peppers

freebies (subs & clubs only) Onion, lettuce, tomato, mayo, sliced cucumber, Dijon mustard, oil & vinegar, and oregano.

My club sandwiches have twice the meat or cheese, try it on my fresh baked thick sliced 7-grain bread or my famous homemade french bread!

#7 GOURMET SMOKED HAM CLUB A full 1/4 pound of real applewood smoked ham, provolone cheese, lettuce, tomato, & real mayo!


Choice roast beef, smoked ham, provolone cheese, Dijon mustard, lettuce, tomato, & mayo.


Real genoa salami, Italian capicola, smoked ham, and provolone cheese all topped with lettuce, tomato, onion, mayo, and our homemade Italian vinaigrette. (You hav'ta order hot peppers, just ask!)


A full 1/4 pound of fresh sliced medium rare roast beef, provolone, lettuce, tomato, & mayo.


Fresh sliced turkey breast, applewood smoked ham, provolone, and tons of lettuce, tomato, and mayo! (A very traditional, yet always exceptional classic!)


Fresh baked turkey breast, provolone cheese, avocado spread, sliced cucumber, lettuce, tomato, and mayo! (It's the real deal, and it ain't even California.)

#13 GOURMET VEGGIE CLUB® Double provolone, real avocado spread, sliced cucumber, lettuce, tomato, & mayo. (Try it on my 7-grain whole wheat bread. This veggie sandwich is world class!)


+ sides + + Soda Pop

GIANT club sandwiches

THE J.J. GARGANTUAN® This sandwich was invented by Jimmy John's brother Huey. It's huge enough to feed the hungriest of all humans! Tons of genoa salami, sliced smoked ham, capicola, roast beef, turkey & provolone, jammed into one of our homemade French buns then smothered with onions, mayo, lettuce, tomato, & our homemade Italian dressing.

Roast beef, turkey breast, lettuce, tomato, & mayo. An American classic, certainly not invented by J.J. but definitely tweaked and fine-tuned to perfection!


The same as our #3 Totally Tuna except this one has a lot more. Fresh housemade tuna salad, provolone, cucumber, lettuce, & tomato.


Fresh sliced turkey breast, bacon, lettuce, tomato, & mayo. (JJ's original turkey & bacon club)


Real applewood smoked ham and bacon with lettuce, tomato & mayo, what could be better!


"YOUR MOM WANTS YOU TO EAT AT JIMMY JOHN'S!" ® © 1 9 8 5 , 2 0 0 2 , 2 0 0 3 , 2 0 0 4 , 2 0 0 7 , 2 0 0 8 J I M M Y J O H N ’ S F R A N C H I S E , L L C A L L R I G H T S R E S E RV E D . We R e s e r ve T h e R i g h t To M a k e A n y M e n u Ch a n g e s .

10 // // 11 December 2013


2013 marked the 50 year anniversary of the JFK assassination, a historical milestone for the nation, particularly the Baby Boomers. However, having already put a dozen years between September 11 and present day, it’s apparent the generaltional shift is ready to settle into cruise control. Millennials account for 36 percent of the workforce heading into 2014; so what will we be reminiscing about 50 years from now? We take a stab at it. A COURIER STAFF COLLABORATIVE // EDITED BY CAROLINE KOCH

11 December 2013 // // 11


The strongest typhoon to make landfall unfortunately resulted in the deadliest storm in Philippine history, killing at least 5,759 according to government reports. Super typhoon Haiyan caused catastrophic damage to the central region of the island nation, causing an outpouring of international and charitable aid. On May 20 an EF5 tornado struck Moore, OK, with winds over 210 mph. 23 people were killed and 377 injured. Locally, on November 17, 2013, over 20 tornadoes touched down in Illinois, leaving over 2,400 homes in ruin.

debt ceiling

Former contractor for the National Security Agency, Snowden leaked thousands of confidential intellegence documents to the press, revealing domestic spying programs by the NSA. Articles revealed a government sanctioned telecommunications monitoring program called PRISM, just one of the causes of much ongoing debate regarding privacy and security.


natural disaster

NEWS Congress’ refusal to pass legislation extending federal funding resulted in a 16 day government shut down, furloughing 800,000 workers.


“We fumbled the rollout“

With liberty and health care for all. All presidencies have a defining moment; it’s likely one of Barack Obama’s will be the attempt and failure to successfully deliver the Afforadble Care Act’s promise of universal health insurance.

BOSTON STRONG Two pressure cooker The shut down of 49 elementary schools and one high school program throughout the Chicago Public School system, makes it the largest closure in U.S. history, a change causing over 12,700 students to have to attend new schools for the 2013 school year, a major concern considering students would have to cross gang lines to arrive at new schools. The city set up “Safe Passage” routes for all of the “welcoming schools” that took in students from closed schools, staffed with 600 trained workers and city officials.


12 // // 11 December 2013

C Ma

bombs were purposefully detonated at the Boston Marathon by two self-radicalized brothers, killing three and injuring many. Americans watched the day-long manhunt for the suspects play out on network television. Found alive and hiding in a citizen’s boat in Watertown, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev has pled not guilty to 30 charges. Rolling Stone immortalized the bomber, bestowing him with the not-so-much-anymore honor of the cover, usually reserved for tastemakers. The mayor of Boston wrote a justifyably furious letter to the publishers: “The survivors of the Boston attacks deserve Rolling Stone cover stories, though I no longer feel that Rolling Stone deserves them.” The bombings marked an important point in social media too, as Twitter was the main source of information and photos immedeately folling the explosions.

After three years of violence, civil war in Syria culminated when the U.S. and others sounded the threat of a military strike against the Assad regime after intelligence confirmed the use of chemical weapons to attack citizens. After Obama put the American answer to the crisis in the hands of congress, Russia’s Vladimir Putin offered resolution that stored remaining Syrian weapons under UN control and made mandatory the signing of the chemical weapon prohibition treaty, avoiding (another) war in the Middle East

Formerly Brad was sentence in prison for source in Wi largest leak documents history.



Pakistani teenag iban assassinatio the 2013 UN Hum en to the late Ne achievement in h



Arguably the most progres pope ever, Francis has m waves in the global media afte inauguration as the leader o Roman Catholic Church. In his months as pope, he has kiss disfigured man, prayed for poor in the middle of Rome’s h end shopping district, critic capitalism and has said in re to gay individuals, “who am judge?”


(New word alert) SELFIE.

It’s official: we’re obsessed with snapping pics of ourselves at arms length. The Oxford English dictionary may have granted the term offical membership into the real-word club, but it didn’t quite make Merriam-Webster’s word of the year; which for 2013 is “science.“


Chelsea anning

dley, Manning ed to 35 years her role as a ikiLeaks - the of classified in American




ge activist Malala Yousafzai, survived a Talon attempt in 2012 and has been awarded man Rights Prize, an accolade previously givelson Mandela in recognition of outstanding human rights.


ssive made er his of the s first sed a r the highcized egard m I to

George Zimmerman was found not guilty in the second degree murder of unarmed Treyvon Martin, skyrocketing racial tension in the US. The jury’s acquittal sparked loud debate on civil rights and racial profiling, prompting entire communities to protest injustice, holding rallies and wearing t-shirts declaring “I AM TRAYVON MARTIN.“ Celebrities Beyonce, Jay Z, Oprah and even President Obama spoke out on the meaning of the verdict.

Everyone from Gaga to Google addressed the cultural epidemic of bullying in 2013. Studies prove one fourth of students in elementary/ high school experience bullying due to race, gender, disability, or sexual orientation. Major players in the campaign to end intolerance include Bravo’s Andy Cohen, the NBA’s Jason Collins, the NFL’s Jonathan Martin and Macklemore. Memorable moment: Frank Ocean comes out to fans via Twitter.

According to Gallup, 58 percent of Americans support legalizing marijuana in 2013 - the first majority in history. California, New York and Illinois have decriminalized cannibis or made its medicinal use legal.

In a landmark year for same-sex marriage, the Supreme Court ruled the Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutional causing the federal government to recognize same-sex unions. Newly legal in six states this year (including Illinois), the number of gay marriage states climbs to 16.





Fastest software update ever: installed to 200 million Apple devices in just four days.


goes public: debuts on the New York Stock Exchange for $44.90, making the company’s value at nearly $31 billion.

Peace, love and molly: rise of the mega concert has everyone raving and getting weird. ___________ OF THE YEAR: TITAN





Jay Z

Lance Armstrong

Miley Cyrus

Lebron James

Jimmy Fallon

BIGGEST LOSER In response to Armstrong’s admission to doping, his sponsors dropped him; it’s reported he lost close to $75 million dollars in one day. Yikes. 11 December 2013 // // 13



The only freshman to win the Heisman Trophy had an off-season unlike any other: from partying with celebrities, being arrested, and suspended from the first half of the season opener, it would be hard to forget Jonny Manziel.

Although the MLB season was scarred by suspensions stemming from Biogenesis, the Red Sox were able to stay “Boston Strong” and clinch the World Series at home for the first time.


champs: hawks, heat, red sox

The NHL season was shortened due to another lockout. A CBA was reached and the season continued with a shorter schedule... which the Blackhawks dominated, winning their second Stanley Cup in three years.



More memorable than the commercials, the Destiny’s Child halftime reunion and maybe even the Ravens winning the game was the second half power outage that left the Superdome (and viewers at home) in the dark for about thirty minutes.

INJURY The Return Part II? Excitement for the return of Derrick Rose is short lived as Bulls’ comeback kid tears his meniscus and is declared out for season. Kobe Bryant also out for the Laker’s season after tearing his Achilles earlier this year.

Former Patriots tight end, Aaron Hernandez, accused of murdering Odin Lloyd.


After claiming the national championship title in three of the past four seasons, Nick Saban’s Crimson Tide dynasty comes to an end at the hands of rival, Auburn.

CAN I JUICE THAT? Gluten free, paleo diets, quinoa, wholistic, organic, jucing everything... this year was all about adapting a healthy lifestyle (by all means necessary).


BUZZWORD = CONCUSSIONS The NFL and NCAA continue to place rules against targeting players above the shoulders to make the football safer and limit concussions. NFL agreed to pay out $765 million in a pivitol concussion settlement with 4,500 retired players. Remember that moment: Bret Farve admits to not remembering daughter’s soccer games.



GOING THE DISTANCE The health kick extends beyond jucing though, 2013 was a year for runners and themed events like zombie runs - color and glow runs kept things cool. COUNTRY MUSIC Blake Shelton, Florida Georgia Line, Jason Alden, Hunter Hayes, Luke Bryan and the ever unstoppable Taylor Swift made this a memorable year for popular country music. OMG YOU LOOK SO CUTE Ombre hair, high-waisted shorts, crop tops, wedge sneakers, beanies and of course, all things neon. We rocked all the trends this summer.

14 // // 11 December 2013

Murder in the NFL?

royal play date? Britain’s royal baby Prince George is third in line to succeed his great grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II for the throne. Kimye’s North West? Not so much. Kanye West became known for his outlandish comments throughout 2013, and compared his family to royalty. In an interview he said his daughter “is in a position of a level of royalty, like the prince and princess in London.”

#whatdoesthefoxsay #turntup #tbt #harlemshake

February Winter Olympics: Sochi, Russia


June FIFA World Cup: Brazil Panama Canal construction complete (Delays set back finish to 2015)

Nelson Mandela, former President of South Africa and worldwide inspiration for peace, died at age 95 on Dec. 6. Actor Paul Walker killed in freak car crash at the age of 40 on Nov. 30 in California. Walker was best known for his work in the blockbuster “Fast and Furious” series. Cory Monteith, 31, was tragically found dead in his hotel room in Vancouver on July 13. Monteith played Finn Hudson on the hit TV show “Glee.”

look forward


James Gandolfini, star of the Sopranos, died of a heart attack while vacationing with his son in Italy on June 19. Famed movie critic Roger Ebert died in Chicago on Aug. 4 at the age of 70 after a second bout with cancer. He wrote on April 2, “I’ll see you at the movies.” American chef Charlie Trotter was found dead in his Chicago home on Nov. 5 at 54-years-old. American military novelist and author of “The Hunt for Red October“ Tom Clancy passed at age 66.

You heard it here first... No need to flag down the waiter: get ready for grocery stores and restaurants to switch over to mobile payments.

Country star Mindy McCready died Feb. 17 after an apparent suicide, one month after her boyfriend suffered the same fate. Shain Gandee of MTV’s Buckwild died in April at 21 from carbon monoxide poisoning.

Move over Jimmy Johns: Amazon, EBay and Walmart prepare for same day delivery demands.

Folk music star Richie Havens died on April 22nd from a heart attack, after a long and successful career. Havens toured for 45 years and is remembered as the first performer at Woodstock in 1969.

Major medical devlopments: drugs for Lukemia, MS, blood cancer, Hepatitis C launch onto market.

TV’s Big MOMENT: Breaking Bad Series Finale

Tunes & Flicks Soundtrack of the Year Highest Grossing Movies

Honorable Mention: Game of Thrones “The Red Wedding“ HOLY COW. Talk about the end of an era - errr - storyline? The penultimate episode in GOT’s third season received the most social media attention in HBO history and saw over 13 million viewers.

There’s a special place in America’s hearts for the Robertson family, their camoflougue... and their beards. One of the most watched shows on television this year, the Duck Commander crew continues to make us happy happy happy.

Netflix had a killer year, proving subscriber TV can do everything cable can - including win Emmys. Shows like “House of Cards“ and “Orange is the New Black“ solidify Netflix’s longevity and popularity.

Robin Thicke – “Blurred Lines” Lorde – “Royals” Daft Punk – “Get Lucky” Miley Cyrus – “Wrecking Ball” Drake – “Hold On...” CHVRCHES – “Recover” JT ft. Jay Z – “Suit & Tie” Eminem ft. Rihanna – “The Monster” Lady Gaga – “Do What U Want” Avicii – “Wake Me Up” Taylor Swift – “Trouble” Katy Perry – “Roar” Zedd ft. Foxes – “Clarity” One Direction – “Story of My Life” Selena Gomez – “Come & Get it” Demi Lovato – “Heart Attack” Chance the Rapper – “Chain Smoker” Anna Kendrick – “Cups” Fall Out Boy - “My Songs Know...“ Arcade Fire – “Reflektor”

Iron Man 3 (Top: $409,013,994) Despicable Me 2 The Hunger Games: Catching Fire Man of Steel Monsters University Gravity Fast & Furious 6 Oz The Great & Powerful Star Trek Into Darkness World War Z Thor: The Dark World The Croods The Heat We Are The Millers The Great Gatsby The Conjuring Identity Theft Grown Ups 2 The Wolverine GI Joe: Retaliation

11 December 2013 // // 15

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16 // // 11 December 2013

EVENTS Percussion Ensemble When: Wednesday, Dec. 11 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Where: Student Resource Center, Room 2000 Enjoy dozens of instruments and a myriad exotic sounds.

Chamber Singers/Concert Choir When: Thursday, Dec. 12 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Where: Student Resource Center, Room 2000. The Chamber Singers specializes in madrigals, African, hispanic and other folk music.

New Philharmonic - “Viennese Pops New Year’s Eve Celebration with an International Twist.”

Keb’ Mo’

When: Tuesday, Dec. 31 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Where: MAC Performance Hall

The three-time Grammy Award-winning contemporary blues singer/ songwriter performs an intimate evening on solo guitar featuring his soulful bluesy voice and magnetic charisma.

Ring in 2014 and be the first to expeience an evening of waltzes, polkas and traditional Viennese musical selections in the newly renovated MAC.

When: Saturday, Feb. 8, 2014 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Where: MAC Performance Hall

SALOME’S STARS ARIES (March 21 to April 19) The arts are a strong part of the Arian aspect, with music becoming more dominant. An important decision looms as a longtime relationship takes an unexpected turn. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Surrounding yourself with beautiful things helps restore the Taurean soul. Enjoy an art exhibit, for example. Or redecorate your personal space with something truly splendid. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Some colleagues might try to talk you out of what they insist is a risk, but which you consider an opportunity. As usual, follow your own good sense when making your decision. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) A workplace change you might have worried about soon proves to be highly favorable for the clever Crab who is ready to take advantage of new opportunities opening up. LEO (July 23 to August 22) Congratulations. Your Leonine pride is polished to a dazzling new brilliance thanks to your success in winning support for your new project from even the most doubtful of detractors. VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) An unsettling rumor about a colleague’s apparently regrettable behavior is soon proved groundless, allowing you to enjoy the upcoming end-ofyear festivities in a happy mood. LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) Your success in helping to create a harmonious environment out of a chaotic situation earns you the admiration of someone who could become an important new presence in your life. SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) Your Scorpion’s sense of loyalty could find you leading a passionate defense of a loved one you feel is being unfairly treated. The week’s end brings long-awaited family news. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) Your keen instincts are once more on high alert as you find yourself being pressured to make a quick decision about a certain matter. More facts come to light by week’s end. CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) An unexpected workplace development could disrupt some family plans. A full explanation, however, averts domestic discord. A financial matter continues to need attention. AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) Spend time away from distractions to reassess some recent moves that might not have worked out as you had hoped. What you learn could be invaluable for future decision-making. PISCES (February 19 to March 20) A recent act of kindness is a reminder of how important your friends are to you. You might want to show your appreciation by hosting a special preNew Year’s party just for them.

AMERICA’S MOST INFLUENTIAL ART AND DESIGN SCHOOL SAIC encourages investigation that is interdisciplinary, collaborative, and experimental.

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(c) King Features Synd., Inc. 11 December 2013 // // 17



The college football bowl season is here and the Courier sports editor makes his call on all 35 NCAA bowl games.


Gildan New Mexico Bowl Washington St. vs. Colorado St. Dec. 21

Royal Purple Las Vegas Bowl Fresno St. vs. USC Dec. 21

Famous Idaho Potato Bowl Buffalo vs. San Diego State Dec. 21

R+L Carriers New Orleans Bowl Tulane vs. Louisiana Lafayette Dec. 21

Beef ‘O’ Brady’s Bowl East Carolina vs. Ohio Dec. 23

Connor Halliday is the reason why Washington State will win this game. The quarterback has 4,187 passing yards and 28 TD’s on the season. Washington State will improve to 7-6.

USC has had a rough season. Fresno almost reached BCS buster status. The Bulldogs, 2013 Mountain West Champs, will knock off SC and improve to an almost perfect season at 12-1.

S-D-S-U Aztecs Fight! State has had success on the blue turf at Bronco Stadium in the past. The Aztecs, led by running back Adam Muema, will take the Potato Bowl.

The Green Wave vs. the Ragin’ Cajuns, two of the best monikers in college football face off in the Superdome. This will be a close game, but the Cajuns will win by a touchdown.

Passing conditions will be perfect inside Tropicana Field. ECU quarterback Shane Carden loves to air the ball out. The Pirates are the favorite in this one.

SDCCU Poinsettia Bowl Utah St. vs. NIU Dec. 26

Military Bowl Marshall vs. Maryland Dec. 27

Texas Bowl Syracuse vs. Minnesota Dec. 27

Jordan Lynch and NIU are forced to settle for San Diego instead of a BCS bowl after losing the MAC Championship game. 70 degrees on the day after Christmas will be nice for the Huskies.

Look for Maryland to rock some freaky looking uniforms as bowl season brings out the team’s best. The Herd’s season will end sour as the Terps will win, this is basically a home game for them.

Reliant Stadium is a beautiful venue for the Texas Bowl. The Golden Gophers are going to enjoy the rodeo in Houston as they will beat Syracuse by using the ground game.

Belk Bowl Cincinnati vs. North Carolina Dec. 28

Russell Athletic Bowl Miami vs. Louisville Dec. 28

Buffalo Wild Wings Bowl Michigan vs. Kansas St. Dec. 28

Sheraton Hawaii Bowl Boise St. vs. Oregon St. Dec. 24 Bob Gregory is the interim head coach after coach Peterson left for Washington. Oregon St. a passing team that will be tough to stop. The Beavers will have a pleasant trip to Hawaii, unlike Boise. Fight Hunger Bowl BYU vs. Washington Dec. 27

Little Caesars Pizza Bowl Pittsburgh vs. Bowling Green Dec. 26 BGSU beat then undefeated Northern Illinois in the MAC Championship Game. BGSU will keep the momentum going and beat the Pitt Panthers in Detroit. New Era Pinstripe Bowl Rutgers vs. Notre Dame Dec. 28

They will convert AT&T Park into a football field for this game. Bishop Sankey and UW will be running foul pole to foul pole all day.

Another baseball mound leveled, only this game will feature more of a passing attack. Tommy Rees and the Irish will win in the Bronx.

Armed Forces Bowl Middle Tennessee vs. Navy Dec. 30

Music City Bowl Ole Miss vs. Georgia Tech Dec. 30

Navy runs the wing-t that will prove effective against a weak Blue Raider defense. It’s the Armed Forces Bowl, Navy should win the game just because of the name.

Georgia Tech, another wing offense that loves to run faces off against a young, talented Ole Miss team in Nashville. Youth wins this one as the Rebels will be even better next year.

Hyundai Sun Bowl Virginia Tech vs. UCLA Dec. 31

The Bearcats have a strong passing attack, but will it be enough to stop UNC in their home state? Yes, the Cats will pull off the slight upset. Valero Alamo Bowl Oregon vs. Texas Dec. 30

This has the potential to be an awesome game. Both teams were ranked inside the top 10 earlier in the season. This BCS caliber matchup will be won by Teddy Bridgewater and Louisville.

Michigan almost upset Ohio State but came short after failing to convert on a two-point conversion. Michigan has Devin Gardner who will preform well in Tempe. Wolverines by two touchdowns.

Holiday Bowl Arizona St. vs. Texas Tech Dec. 30

AdvoCare v100 Bowl Arizona vs. Boston College Dec. 31

Disappointing seasons from two typical BCS teams force them to settle for San Antonio. Once a Heisman front runnner, Marcus Mariota will lead the Ducks to victory in the Alamodome.

Good chance I will be at this game as I go to the Holiday Bowl almost every year. It will be exciting to watch ASU mix up their multiple style offense to put the Red Raiders away.

Two of the best running teams in the country face off. Boston College’s Andre Williams will have a huge night even though he won’t win the Heisman. BC knocks off the Wildcats.

AutoZone Liberty Bowl Rice vs. Mississippi St. Dec. 31

Chick-fil-A Bowl Duke vs. Texas A&M Dec. 31

Gator Bowl Nebraska vs. Georgia Jan. 1

Heart of Dallas Bowl UNLV vs. North Texas Jan. 1

This game features two awesome quarterbacks. The spread offense will be in showcase, but UCLA will run it better with Brett Hundley under center. UCLA wins in El Paso.

Rice comes into the game as the Conference USA Champions, but their season won’t be capped off with a bowl win. Mississippi State will overpower the Owls.

Johnny Football has been having another amazing season even though he doesn’t have the wins to back it up. He will end his college career with a win over Duke.

Capital One Bowl Wisconsin vs. South Carolina Jan. 1

Outback Bowl Iowa vs. LSU Jan. 1

Rose Bowl Stanford vs. Michigan St. Jan. 1

Tostitos Fiesta Bowl UCF vs. Baylor Jan. 1

Allstate Sugar Bowl Oklahoma vs. Alabama Jan. 2

Zach Mettenberger will lead LSU to victory. He has thrown for 3,082 yards and 22 TD’s this season. Look for him to throw a couple more TD passes in the win against the Hawkeyes.

The granddaddy of them all. Michigan State upset Ohio State’s Championship Dreams. Stanford upset Oregon’s. This will be close but Stanford’s Tyler Gaffney is smelling the roses.

Both teams are coming off conference championships to get them into the Fiesta Bowl. The Bears offense is dynamic and will overpower the Knights. Bryce Petty leads Baylor to a BCS Bowl win.

Alabama isn’t in the National Championship game. It’s shocking after being ranked No. 1 for most of the year, but a Sugar Bowl win for the Tide will be a consolation to an almost perfect season.

Discover Orange Bowl Clemson vs. Ohio St. Jan. 3

AT&T Cotton Bowl Oklahoma St. vs. Mizzou Jan. 3

BBVA Compass Bowl Vanderbilt vs. Houston Jan. 4

GoDaddy Bowl Arkansas St. vs. Ball St. Jan. 5

BCS National Championship Florida St. vs. Auburn Jan. 6

Ohio State was one game away from the BCS National Championship. They will face Taj Boyd and Clemson in the Orange bowl instead. Boyd will out duel Miller as the Tigers will win.

Mizzou had a horrible season last year but turned it around this year, they almost won the SEC Championship. The Tigers always play well in bowl games and will play very well in Dallas.

This matchup interupts the BCS bowl season. Houston is a passing team and even though they come from a weaker conference, they will knock off Vandy.

Ball State comes into the GoDaddy Bowl with a 10-2 record. Ball State quarterback Keith Wenning has thrown for 3,933 yards and will lead the Cardinals to a victory in Mobile.

Auburn is back in the National Championship with a magical season after going winless in the SEC last year, but Florida State has Heisman finalist Jameis Winston. 35-28 FSU.

Clowney and the Gamecocks had a lot of hype at the start of the season. Coming into the bowl at 10-2, South Carolina will win by a touchdown in a close matchup.

18 // // 11 December 2013

Big Ten vs. SEC. Niether the Bulldogs nor the Huskers have had the season they were expecting. The Dawgs will come away with the win.

North Texas hasn’t had much publicty this season but they are entering the game as the favorite. The Mean Green will play well in Dallas.

SPORTS GAMES An image of the new Chaparral fitness logo. The P.E. Center cost 24 million dollars to renovate.

P.E. BUILDING SET TO OPEN KELLY WEESE // SPORTS EDITOR The much-anticipated opening of the P.E. Center is finally approaching. The 24 million dollar project will give COD students and athletics program a state of the art facility to use. The week of Jan. 6th, right before spring semester begins, is when the center is expected to re-open. Although the center will be open for use, the pool area will still be under construction until mid-February. A 14,000 square-foot addition to the south side of the building gives the Chaparral athletics program new locker rooms along with a strength lab and training room. A COD sports display featuring trophies and other Chaparral memorabilia was added to the facility as well. The renovations don’t only help the athletics but students and the community as well. The student locker rooms have been renovated along with the community fitness lab. The P.E.

Center brings College of DuPage facilities up to par with top universities and colleges. The fitness lab will be available to students and the public on a membership based system. Although a list of membership prices have yet to be released, memberships will consist of quarterly, semi-annual and annual passes. The school’s basketball teams will conclude their seasons in the new arena that features a new concessions stand and lobby entrance. A new hallway design will also give the center a more effective way to move throughout the building. The renovation will push the college closer to achieving it’s goals academically and athletically.


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630.682.6000 11 December 2013 // // 19

COFFEE BREAK “I can’t focus on school, the Drake and Miguel concert is next week!”

“My finals grades bring all the boys to the yard.”

“Her boobs are going 3D in that.”

“I may be 18 in the U.S. but I’m 21 in Canada.”

“Bro...what if cats can see the future?” “THAT’S WHY THEY LAND ON THEIR LEGS!” “No wayyyyyy.”

“My Christmas tree is sexy!”

“Soup makes everything better.”

“ Freaky Icecubes Never Allow Lovely Sleep ”

New Year’s Slump


Advice, answers and no fluff.

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20 // // 11 December 2013

I always set New Year’s resolutions that I don’t end up keeping. Should I just skip the resolution completey? -Grumpy Dear Grumpy, Instead of trying to make a resolution just for the sake of making one, try planning out a realistic goal that you have always wanted to acheive, and adopt it as your resolution. It does not have to be fitness related! Perhaps there is something you have always wanted to try. Plan a time to go and do it. Maybe you want to stop doing something (thinking negatively?). Design a personal plan to reach that goal and list specific steps for how you will accomplish it. Visualize yourself succeding, and imagine how great you will feel after reaching your goal. Remember, the key to success when planning is to balance the big picture with the small details. Give yourself wiggle room to change things along the way!

Transferring Woes

I really want to transfer to a four year university after spring semester at COD. I am not sure which classes to sign up for, because I want to make sure they will transfer, but I’m am considering three different schools and have not made up my mind yet. How can I figure this out!? -TransferTroubles Dear TrasnferTroubles, The process of transferring can be quite a headache if you haven’t done your research. I recommend making an appointment with a transfer coordinator to go over all of your options (Contact 630-942-2776). Before you go in for your appointment check out Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI), which can be found on COD’s transfer page of the school website. Here, you will find lists of courses that transfer to various universities. Print off transfer information for each school you are interested in and cross reference them. Chances are there will be courses at COD that will transfer to most, or all, of the universitites you are considering. Double check your information with a transfer coordinator!


11 December 2013 // // 21

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11 December 2013 // // 23

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