Orientation Fall 2014

Page 1


YOUR GUIDE TO COD Find Your Way Around Campus Full color pull-out map inside

10 Things to Know A how-to guide for common questions

Where to Eat on Campus


a COURIER publication






Get to know your community college





Places to chow down on campus

O R I E NT AT I O N FALL 2014 a COURIER publication Joash Mencias EDITOR

Parker Rechsteiner WRITER

Ashlee Berner DESIGNER

Christina Payton


Jim Fuller ADVISER

Inquiries? Email editor@cod.edu




FOR STUDENTS Your briefing on student services

12 HOW TO A how-to guide for everything COD

The sun sets on the west side of campus. Photo courtesy of COD News Bureau.





MESSAGE from the


COD in Numbers


Percentage of district 502 high school graduates who attend COD at some point in their lives We congratulate you for making a sound educational and fiscal decision. Serving more than 28,000 students per semester with more than 220 degrees and certificates, College of DuPage is the second largest provider of undergraduate education in the state. Our academic quality, affordability, stateof-the-art facilities and individualized student attention are second to none. Our faculty are here to help you excel both in the classroom and beyond, while the Learning Commons provides academic support at no cost to our students. This is also a time to get involved: the college has more than 80 student clubs and organizations, and athletic opportunities. Whatever reason brought you to College of DuPage, take advantage of what we have to offer. Our most successful students repeatedly tell us the quality of their college experience depends on what they put into it. So give it everything you’ve got. We look forward to hearing your success stories. -Dr. Robert Breuder


Number of buildings on main campus, all recently constructed or renovated

245,800 Number of books inside COD’s library



Number of LEED-certified buildings on main campus

Size of COD’s main campus, in acres

52 v. 46


Number of elected officials on the board of trustees

Percentage of female students versus percentage of male students (fall 2013) Sources: Office of Research and Analytics, www.cod.edu

COD POLICE AND EMERGENCY ALERTS COD’s police department ensures the safety and security of students, staff and visitors. COD’s police headquarters is located in the Homeland Security Center at the corner of Fawell Blvd. and Lambert Rd. You can also reach police at the 24-hour dispatch center, located between the Learning Commons and Starbucks in the Student Resource Center.

To contact COD police, call 630-942-2000 or send a text message to 67283. Using a cell phone, type in the phrase “CODTIP” along with details of your situation. It’s highly recommended students sign up for emergency and weather closing alerts. Register your email address and cellphone number on www. gerrave.com/login/cod.




While the current campus looks brand new, College of DuPage has been serving thousands of students from district 502 for nearly 50 years. Here’s a quick look at COD’s decades-long history.

Andy Beier/Courier archives

Above: The main lobby of the Student Resource Center under construction in 1995. Left: Students dance during an “All-Campus Mixer” on Sept. 27, 1968. Right: Then-U.S. Senate candidate Barack Obama delivers a speech at College of DuPage in October 2004.

Bruce Lamb/Courier archives

Mary Yurgil/Courier archives

TIMELINE June 1994

July 2003

November 2010

College of DuPage WDCB 90.9 FM, established, despite lack COD’s jazz radio staof permanent campus tion, hits the airwaves

Michael Murphy becomes third college president

Dr. Sunil Chand appointed as fourth college president

October 1967

January 1979

November 2002

August 2005

Voters approve $168 million referendum, paving the way for extensive renovations of the main campus

Student journalists launch Courier newspaper

Harold McAninch begins tenure as COD’s president, replacing Dr. Rodney Berg

September 1967

Fall 1973 First permanent building, the Berg Instructional Center, opens for students

July 1977

Voters approve $183 million referendum, allowing for the creation of Homeland Security Education Center, October 1986 Student Services Center and Culinary & McAninch Arts Center, Hospitality Center COD’s venue for musical and artistic events, opens

COD moves from a quarterly academic schedule to a semester system January 2009 Current president Dr. Robert Breuder takes up the reins at COD

October 2013 “Temporary” buildings on west campus demolished Sources: Courier archives, www.cod.edu



Departments & Services

Student Life It’s not all studying and hard work at COD. The college’s Office of Student Life coordinates a variety of fun activities and engaging services for students. Located in Student Services Center 1217, the office also organizes more than 60 student organizations and clubs on campus. Student Life Services Student IDs: It’s highly recommended all students have an ID. Turn to page 13 to find out how to get one. Movie Ticket Discounts: Speaking of discounts, you can purchase discounted movie tickets from the Student Life desk. There are no purchase limits and tickets never expire. Lounge: Need a place to relax and have fun? Try the Student Life Lounge (SSC 1200). Play billiards, ping pong and video games with your friends here. Student Organizations A student organization is an established group with their own office space on campus. Student activity fees help fund

these organizations. Currently, there are six organizations. Student Leadership Council, or SLC for short, represents the student body on campus. The award-winning Forensics speech team compete in oral communication events. COD’s local chapter of Phi Theta Kappa, an international honor society for two-year colleges, provides opportunities for academic scholars. Prairie Light Review, COD’s literary magazine, curates student expressions of poetry and art. Alter Ego Productions coordinate entertainment events on campus. The Courier student newspaper, established at the same time of COD’s inception, covers campus news and publishes weekly. Student Clubs Student clubs cater to a variety of niche groups. From academic clubs such as the local chapter of the American Meteorological Society to faith-based groups like Interfaith Student Alliance, any type of student can find something they can join.

CHAPARRAL LIFE Find campus events and connect with student organizations and clubs with Chaparral Life, a one-stop station for COD Student Life. Log on to www.cod.collegiatelink.net.


Counseling and Advising The Counseling and Advising Center will help construct a plan to accomplish any and all academic goals. Faculty Counselors and Program Advisors will help with both career, and degree related progress. Schedule a session at the Main Campus by calling (630) 942-2259, going to cod. edu/counseling, or by visiting the counseling center in SSC 3200. Career Services Get help writing a resume, develop interview techniques and learn a variety of skills to become more marketable and ensure career success. Career Services at the college will help with both short-term, and long-

term career goals. They also maintain an electronic job board online with career information for students at collegecentral.com/dupage. Career Services is located in SSC 3258, or can be reached at (630) 942-2230. Access and Accommodations Students with disabilities should contact Access and Accommodations for support in their college career. The center is completely voluntary and confidential, and exists to ensure all students capable of college work can be successful. It is located in SSC 3249, or can be reached at (630) 9422154. Learning Commons

Ellyn Learning Commons. Located in SRC 2102, the commons services include assistance in specific subject areas, one-on-one tutoring, test preparation resources as well as assistance with Blackboard and myAccess. Call the Learning Commons at (630) 942-3941 Financial Aid The Office of Student Financial Assistance will help navigate the various means of paying tuition at the college. They will help bridge the gap between the student’s need for, and the availability of, different methods of financial aid. Visit them in SSC 2220 or call (630) 942-2251 for more information.

Get help navigating coursework at the Glen

@CollegeDuPage: Official COD Twitter account // @CODCourier: Student newspaper // (page 11) >>


C A M P U S M A P >> College of DuPage Locations MAIN CAMPUS 425 Fawell Blvd. Glen Ellyn, IL, 60137

CAROL STREAM CENTER 500 N. Kuhn Rd. Carol Stream, IL, 60188

WESTMONT CENTER 650 Pasquinelli Drive Westmont, IL, 60559

ADDISON CENTER 301 S. Swift Road Addison, IL, 60101

NAPERVILLE CENTER* 2244 W. 95th Street Naperville, IL, 60540

LISLE CENTER 2525 Cabot Drive Suite 201 Lisle, IL, 60532

*Temporary Location



From tennis to cross-country, COD provides great sport fields for anyone interested in joining a sport. Do you play a sport? Join our many sport teams at the college and get involved!

The Seaton Computer Center serves students with technologically advanced classrooms. Studying in the SCC is fully loaded with charging stations at every open seating area. Look on the wall near the building’s main entrance and you will find a little inspiration from Steve Jobs.

Get physical at the PE Center! This recently renovated building hosts Chaparral Fitness, physical education classes and a swimming pool.


MAC The McAninch Arts Center (MAC) was first built in 1986 but has dramatically changed ever since. You can watch a variety of performances, from student concerts to famous acts in the Belushi Performance Hall. You'll also find art and music classes in this building.

Completed in 2009, the Technical Education Center is home to many programs, including architecture, horticulture, automotive technology, manufacturing technology and more.

Map courtesy of College of DuPage

CHC DON’T GET LOST! -Keep this map in your purse or backpack. -Look out for maps around campus. -If you are really lost, approach any staff or faculty member. They are always willing to help you find your way.

The Culinary and Hospitality Center located next to the MAC offers culinary classes as well as hospitality courses like hotel management training. The building also houses a fine dining restaurant called Waterleaf and a swanky boutique hotel called Inn at Water’s Edge.

BIC The Berg Instructional Center was completed in 1974 and renovated in 2011. The center houses labs, workshops, faculty and departmental offices, conference areas and classrooms. It is named after the first president of College of DuPage.

SSC + SRC The Student Services Center and Student Resource Center are two interconnected buildings that act as the campus’ “living room.” In the SSC, you’ll find student departments, student life activities and of course, Starbucks. The SRC houses the library, learning commons, cafeteria and the Turner Conference Center.



The Health and Science Center provides combination of laboratory, classroom, office and instructional space. Highlights include the nursing wing, full dental lab and a fully functioning “Sim Hospital,” which allows students pursuing a medical degree to apply what they have learned.

The Homeland Educational Security Center serves as a state-of-the-art facility, serving students of programs such as criminal justice and the Suburban Law Enforcement Academy. COD police headquarters are also housed here.

TECH TIP Need to find a specific classroom? Use Google Maps to zoom in on College of DuPage. You will find a detailed map of each building’s interior. You can also download COD’s official mobile application, Chap App. The app has the same Google Maps features, and also includes your class schedule, campus updates and more. Chap App is available for iPhone and Android devices. Screenshot of College of DuPage via Google Maps.




While many restaurants surround COD’s main campus, there are convenient places to eat on campus ranging from fast food to fine dining.

Einstein Bagels

First floor, MAC by the tunnel connecting to the BIC From chocolate chip to poppyseed, Einstein has your favorite bagel flavor ready to be warmed up. The bagel chain also serves bagel sandwiches and drinks.


Second floor, SSC near Financial Aid Office and U.S. Bank Besides lattes and cappuccinos, Starbucks offers a surprisingly wide array of snacks and treats. The coffee chain’s Boulange bakery items cater to sweet-tooths but also has savory squares and sandwiches. Starbucks also has on-the-go snacks if you’re in a hurry.

Wheat Café and Waterleaf Cafeteria First floor, SRC

The cafeteria hosts several fast food chains and standard fare. Chick-fil-A Express, which opened earlier in 2014, offers a scaled-down sampling of the chicken eatery’s full menu. Chick-fil-A Express serves their classic fried chicken sandwiches with waffle fries, but also offers breakfast options and salads. Eat fresh at Subway with subs and flatbread sandwiches. Sodexo, COD’s food service provider, also has options in the cafeteria. If you are in the mood for Mexican food, try Wholly Habaneros. Enchiladas, burritos, tacos and more are all on the menu. Eatery 425 offers made-to-order salads, sandwiches and other lunchtime treats.

If fast food is too low brow for you, COD has two upscale options. Wheat Café is a student-run eatery, offering a more casual but still classy dining experience. Students rotate through culinary themes in creating prix fixe meals. The college’s fine dining restaurant, Waterleaf, has received positive reviews from the local media. Run by executive chef Nadia Tilkian, this professional restaurant offers swanky entrees like seafood matelôte and procini crusted veal loin. Both restaurants are only open on a limited schedule, so check the COD website for more information.

<< (continued from pg 6) // @CODStudentlife: Office of Student Life // @dupageslc: Student Leadership Council // @CODCareerCenter: Career Services



10 Things New Students Should Know With a new school comes a thousand new things to learn. Whether you’re fresh from high school or returning to college for the second time, new students at College of DuPage usually have to figure things out for themselves. Lucky for you, we have curated a collection of how-to lists. From finding your grades on Blackboard to finding a parking spot, this guide gives important tips and tricks that will help you fit in at COD in no time.


How to Find a Parking Spot


Since paying $85 per semester for a closer parking spot can be expensive, it’s important to know how to find a parking spot and get to class on time.

How to Access Blackboard Blackboard is the course management resource used at the college. You may not love it, but you will depend on it. Instructors can post assignments, readings, test dates and even grades. 1. 2.

-Arrive on campus at least 30 minutes before you have to be here. Chances are, you will find a parking spot.

Navigate to bb.cod.edu. Type in your myAccess ID and your password.

Voilà. You’re in. You’ll see a clickable list of courses you’ve registered for. On the top right side of the screen, you’ll see your name, next to which a Facebook-esque red number will appear when items require your attention.

-The parking lots are usually jam-packed by 10:00 a.m. To avoid all of the traffic from people trying to find a spot, just head straight over to the soccer field lot or lot 6. However, parking in these areas requires a long walk to class.


-Consider biking, walking or using public transportation. -As the weeks go on during the semester, keep in mind that students drop classes, freeing up more parking spaces.

How to Access Your Email Most of your instructors will prefer to communicate by e-mail. A common gripe around campus is that students don’t check their e-mail regularly. Solution: Check your e-mail, stay on the teacher’s good side. 1. 2.


How to Get a Library Card The library, and its extensive online databases, are an invaluable resource. Getting a card is simple. Head down to the Circulation Services Desk just inside the main entrance to the library and they’ll set you up. You’ll need a photo ID, proof of present address and proof of current enrollment. If you got your Student ID, bring it along and they will simply activate it for you.


Navigate to outlook.com/dupage.edu. Type in your myAccess ID and your password.

How to Get Your Books Remember in high school when teachers passed out textbooks at the beginning of the semester? Never again. You are now responsible for getting your own books and supplies. Luckily, the Folletts College of DuPage Bookstore in SRC 1060 will have most of the books you need, though you will pay a premium for the convenience. Sites like Chegg.com or Amazon.com will usually have the same books way cheaper.


8 6

How to Avoid the Line at Starbucks Starbucks inside campus? Great. The line of people buying coffee from Starbucks? Not so great. -If you don’t care where you get your coffee from, grab a cup from Einstein Bagels in the MAC or the self-serve station in the cafeteria. -During peak hours, the line at Starbucks can extend out into the hallways. The best times to line up are early morning, mid-afternoon and in the evening. -If you have to line up, know your order ahead of time and have your method of payment ready. If everyone pitches in this way, the line will move quickly.


How to Study Studying in college is a bit different for everyone. It may take you some time to transition into the college mindset, but a few things are the same for everybody. -Be proactive. Your teachers have a lot of students. Very few of them will force you to do anything. If you think you might need something, seek it out as quickly as possible. -Get a studying schedule. Set aside time to go over class notes. Figure out if the teacher is a “book” teacher, or a “lecture” teacher and plan accordingly. -Try not to procrastinate. You will, but try not to. While you might be able to grind it out the night before a test, you won’t retain much of that information. This can be a killer in a world of cumulative finals. Try to space things out as much as you can.


How to Get a Student ID It’s highly recommended that students get an ID card. If you head to the Office of Student Life in SSC 1217 or the PE Center, you can fill out an application for an ID. It’s free and will act as your fitness pass, your library card, as well as general identification for other student activities. Best part about having one is getting discounts from area restaurants and cultural venues. The card is valid for three years.


How to Join the Chaparral Fitness Center The new fitness center is excellent, there’s absolutely no denying it. There’s a pool, an indoor track, a state of the art workout floor and other amenities. The best part is that it is free for full-time students. Simply bring your class schedule and student ID into the Physical Education Center and they’ll sign you up for a semester-long membership. Part-time students can also join for $50 a semester.


How to Access MyAccess

MyAccess is the place where you will register for and drop classes, manage financial aid, order transcripts and handle most of the boring meta-college stuff. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Navigate to myaccess.cod.edu. Click “Login” on the top right of the screen. Type in your myAccess ID and your Password. Click “myAccess for Students.”

Your myAccess ID is extremely important, so once you get it you should write it down somewhere safe. It is typically your last name followed by the first letter of your first name. Under the “registration” heading you will find “Register & Drop Classes,” under which you will find options to mess with your course load.

CAMPUS EVENTS Chaparral Days August 25 - September 5 All-campus event

Student Life Fair September 3, 10 am- 1 pm SSC Atrium

COD welcomes students to the fall term. Students can enjoy free food and festivities throughout the first two weeks of school.

Representatives from more than 60 clubs and student organizations will be present to showcase their causes and answer your questions.

Homecoming Week September 22-27 All-campus event

Student Life Fall Fling October 17

Homecoming is back. Watch the Chaparrals fight on the football field on Sept. 27 for a classic homecoming game. There will be all-campus events and activities during the days prior to the big game.

Join friends and other students at the annual Fall Fling, sponsored by the Office of Student Life. Socialize and dance at this Halloween-themed event.

Location TBD

Covering COD since 1967.




New issues starting September 3. Have a tip or question? Email editor@cod.edu.

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