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Construction weekly

Street, Parking lots closed When Dec. 8, 12 through 31. Where The parking lots College 5 and Fawell C will be closed until Dec. 31 and Scholars Drive and a portion of Tallgrass Road (from Prairie Drive to Artists Drive) will be closed as well.

Why The parking lots are being used as a construction staging area for the SRC large air handling equipment. Access There will still be parking available by the Early Childhood Center across Fawell Blvd and all traffic will be directed to Fawell Blvd.

Get to know

WDCB radio host

Bruce Oscar

Family: Married to Julie Oscar with three children Hobbies: Playing music “It’s not a hobby, it’s a way of life.� Favorites: Color: Brown Film: Casablanca Music: “What day of the week is it?� Travel: Wants to go to Australia Future: “I just want to strive to be the best that I can doing it.�

Jordin Gignac News Editor

For WDCB Jazz Radio Host Bruce Oscar, life has been pretty musically in tune. Since age four, Oscar has had an itch to play music. “I am very blessed,� Oscar said. “Music has been

my whole life.� Oscar said that he’s always been around music growing up because his parents would have music playing around the house. Oscar’s parents then noticed his enjoyment in music and signed him up for classical piano lessons

Pace Bus stop moved

Building Closure

Cables overhead

When Dec. 12 through 31.

Where All areas of the north side of the SRC will be closed.

Where The second floor of the BIC by the Starbucks.

Where The Pace Bus stops along Tallgrass Road and Scholars Drive will be temporarily moved along the west side of Fawell C. Why closing of Tallgrass Road and Scholars Drive.

at age seven. According to Oscar, he had several music teachers and one very special mentor. “I studied classical music and had a wonderful teacher,� Oscar said. “I was maybe eight years old when I found her, or she found me.� Oscar said that when he would come in and play piano with his teacher, she always told him that he was not playing the right way. “’I used to come in and play and then she said ‘You know that’s not the way it’s written’ then I said, ‘I know’ and she said, ‘Then why you playin’ that way?’ I said, ‘Cause it sounds better that way’ she said ‘You can’t change the music’ I said ‘But it sounds better’ so that’s when she realized ‘Well you’re not going to be a classical player’ so she taught me how to be an entertainer.� Oscar then began his musical journey landing a part in a band at age eleven, which was his first performance in a group.

Student Resource Center across from Starbucks!


When Dec. 15 through 31. Why Due to the piking of the crane on the SRC. What SRC floors 1 through 3.

When Oscar was in high school he played in several groups and then went on to the military to serve in the Navy band. Coming out of the military, Oscar went to Columbia College in Chicago to study radio. “As far as why I’m here [at WDCB], I never thought about having a career in radio,� Oscar said. “I went to Columbia College to study radio because I thought commercials would be nice [and]

When Nov. 15 through Jan. 3. What Cables are being hooked up through the ceiling for construction uses.

I got some work through that.� Oscar said that it was his wife that encouraged him to apply for a job at WDCB and because of her he enjoys his what he does. “I’m content and more than happy doing what I do and being who I am,� Oscar said. Oscar is on air weekly in the afternoons in the OCC at the WDCB radio station.

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