The Courier - September 9, 2015

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“Better than Before” mixes life lessons with music and comedy PAGE 6 > FEATURES NEWS

Joe Collins speaks on what students should know PAGE 4 >

Check out what is going on at the MAC the season

PAGE 8 >


Volleyball spikes back and is here to stay

PAGE 13 >





3 Student trustee talks politics


11 Waiting on Waterleaf


7 Upcoming performances at the MAC


8 Spotlight on selftaught art


14 Volleyball spikes back 14 Comics and more!

C O R R E C T I O N S & C L A R I F I C AT I O N S NEWSROOM 630-942-2683 ADVISER Jim Fuller

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ON THE COVER Photo taken by Berthany Berg at the “Better than Before” concert. 2 // // 9 September 2015

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Student trustee talks politics KELLY WYNNE NEWS EDITOR

Student Trustee Gloria Roark has had a busy summer, from board meetings to recruiting students for academic committees. The Courier sat down with her to talk about what happened this summer and what direction she hopes this school year takes. can email or call me, whatever they’d like. I will always answer emails. C: The vote passed to transition Waterleaf to an educational facility. How do you feel about that decision?

Courier: What is your vision for this upcoming year and your role as Student Trustee? Gloria Roark: I definitely think I want to get more students involved with the board in general. When I came in I didn’t know anything about the board, so that’s going to be my goal; to educate people about it, what it is and what we do. Then, of course, getting more student input about what students would like to see happen rather than just going up there and saying my opinion. I also want to continue student presentations. I want to know what students want the community to know about and what they want people to know about COD. If they’re doing something successful on campus, I want them to talk about it. C: What is the best way for students to contact you? GR: I have office hours on the window [of the SLC office]. Usually I’m here pretty early. I have class around 11 but I get here at nine. I’m pretty much here all day. They

GR: That was one of the decisions I was working to get student opinion on. I talk to everyone who comes into SLC and I would ask them what they wanted to see done. I had the chance to talk to the faculty members at the culinary building. I asked Tim Meyers [Culinary Coordinator and Professor] what his students want because he’s pretty close with his students. He said they want to use Waterleaf as much as they can. I think this vote is good for the students. I think having Waterleaf for academic purposes is going to be amazing, a great opportunity. I don’t know how many colleges have a restaurant on campus like that that their students get to use but I’m happy that students will get to use it now. C: The decision to start the termination process for President Robert Breuder… GR: I had to consider both sides. Obviously he did a lot of good things for the college, I mean walking around campus, it’s a beautiful campus, we have amazing programs, state of the art facilities, and things like that, which he helped to make better. I felt in this circumstance

the bad outweighed the good that he did here. That was a hard decision. He was a nice man too, it was hard to make that decision in particular. C: Do you come across students who have felt the same way? GR: Students didn’t really know. They hear about it on the news but the news is so biased. You can’t make a good opinion about someone you’ve never met. People in SLC know a little bit more so I can talk to them about it, but you know, a student walks in here and they don’t know anything about it and they’re just telling me what the news said, it’s hard to make a judgment. C: How did you feel about the fact that the vote didn’t pass unanimously? GR: Some of them had their opinions. I thought there was enough evidence to pass that vote unanimously, but some people didn’t feel that way. And that’s okay. It’s just everyone’s opinion. It passed, so. C: The enrollment video... GR: Yeah! I’m really excited about the enrollment video. I was a part of making it. Basically, that’s going to make students who commute here from far away places, or they have children or job obligations, it’ll just make the enrollment process easier. It explains things

better so there’s no room for questions. They don’t have to come into campus to turn in one paper, and then come back. It’s just gonna clear those things up. Enrollment was hard. I’m really excited about that. C: Will that be up on the COD website? GR: I think so! C: How do you feel about taking away premium parking? GR: The way I understand it is that we didn’t need the money that was coming from the premium parking passes. They were pretty expensive, which is why I never got one. That part made sense. When you came to campus there were a lot of empty premium parking spots. In terms of that I think it was a good idea. The only complaint that I had is, this man has an injury and he couldn’t get a handicap pass, so he bought a premium parking pass, so that is gonna be stressful on him. But that was the only reasonable complaint other than people saying like “Oh now where am I gonna park?” Somewhere else. You can just walk. C: What, in general, do you hope to see from the board this semester? GR: Unity. I don’t want bickering. I hate bickering because we waste time. We sit there and argue about the same thing, and people repeat themselves, and I’m like, you’ve said

that already. It’s in my notes. I understand your point. Everyone heard you the first time, now you’re just saying it to make a point and I’m tired of hearing it. It really is annoying to hear constant arguing. If those things settle down I would be much happier. I don’t know when they will settle down, hopefully sometime soon because really all it does is makes meeting extensively long, stressful, and I don’t want to be there until 1 a.m. C: You want everyone to work together a little better. GR: Yeah. When I took the position they said you can say whatever you want, but when something passes you should back it. You should support the decisions for the good of the school. Ultimately faculty and committees recommend these things to us and they want us to say yes most of the time. You can say no- that’s your opinion. But you shouldn’t bring it up 100 times. It passed. Just support what the college is doing. C: At the last board meeting you brought up that there may not be student representation on the transition team to find a new president. Why is it important for you to have the students helping to give their input? GR: To me, what the transition team is trying to do is resolve the issues that were going on around the college. Students do

have opinions about what is happening but there’s no easy way to express these things. Personally, I think there should be student representation on anything that’s going on around the college. They’re here for the students; they’re here to fix the college for the students, so there should be students on the transition team. I hope other people are in support of that and I hope the transition team understands that as well. C: Is there anything else you’d like to add? GR: In regards to the HLC board meeting. I’m sitting there and the guy [from HLC] said “so, when you make a decision is the first thing you think about the students?” and someone said yes. I feel differently. From my position, I feel that they think about politics or finances first. Another one of the questions was “before the new board was it always a unanimous vote?” and someone said yes. I knew that was completely off too. A few of us made eye contact, and just knew that was wrong. I actually got to sit down with the HLC in a larger group of students. Maybe they get caught up in finance and politics and they don’t want what happened to happen again, which is understandable. I just wish they had represented themselves in a different way. That’s all I wanted to say about that meeting.

9 September 2015 // // 3


Presidential Candidates: What you need to know about the top names KELLY WYNNE NEWS EDITOR

As the Presidential race begins to pick up speed, it may be time to start studying up on candidates. The race so far has been full of opposing ideas, controversial names and even candidates holding unfriendly twitter conversations. The Courier has put together a list of some of the race’s top names along with what the candidates stand for. These candidates were chosen based on their high percentages on polls conducted by Public Policy Polling.


Hillary Clinton: Qualifications: Former Secretary of State, Former U.S. Senator Former first lady Campaign Statements: Keep military off of the grounds of the Islamic State, cut taxes for middle class, encourage transparency between the National Security Agency and U.S. citizens What she’s for: Abortion rights, gender equality, same sex marriage, Affordable Care Act, higher taxes on higher income, easier to gain citizenship,

expand free trade

taxes on higher income, easier to gain citizenship, avoiding foreign trade and conflict

What she’s against: Keeping God in the public, gun ownership, expanding the military

What he’s against: Keeping God in the public, expanding free trade

Bernie Sanders: Qualifications: Current U.S. senator, former U.S Representative

Republicans: Donald Trump:

Campaign Statements: Create easier access to becoming a U.S citizen, withdraw from Iraq war soon, make college more affordable to all students

Qualifications: Current President of The Trump Organization Campaign Statements: Climate change is not a real issue that needs to be addressed, replace Affordable Care Act, secure the country’s boundaries

What he’s for: Abortion rights, gender equality, same sex marriage, Affordable Care Act, higher

against illegal immigration What he’s for: Keeping God in the public, gun ownership, higher taxes on higher income, expanding the military What he’s against: Abortion rights, same sex marriage, legally hiring both genders, Obamacare, legalizing illegal immigrants, expanding free trade

Ben Carson: Qualifications: Former Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery Campaign Statements: Climate change is “irrele-

vant,” U.S military should work to defeat the Islamic State militant group, time to rethink “common core” school requirements What he’s for: Keeping God in the public, gun ownership, avoiding foreign conflict and trade What he’s against: Abortion rights, same sex marriage, Affordable Care Act, higher taxes on higher income, making it easier to become a citizen

Scott Walker:

Overturn the Supreme Court ruling on samesex marriage, begin the conversation to remove income tax, take more dire steps against ISIS What he’s for: Gender equality, Keeping God in the public, gun ownership, expanding free trade, expanding the military What he’s against: Abortion rights, same sex marriage, Affordable Care Act, higher taxes on higher income, avoiding foreign conflict and trade

Qualifications: Current Governor of Wisconsin Campaign Statements:



Joe Collins speaks what students should know

4 // // 9 September 2015

To those of you who have just begun your educational experience with College of DuPage, let me offer my thanks for choosing us as your college, and to those of you who are returning students, welcome back! There is nothing like the first week or two of classes in the fall. It is a time of renewal and rejuvenation

for those of us who work in community colleges, and the excitement and energy created by the throngs of students and staff walking the halls raises everyone’s spirits. This is a special year for community colleges in Illinois, as we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Illinois Public Community Col-

lege Act. The community college system in Illinois is the largest provider of higher education in the state, serving almost one million students each year. College of DuPage will celebrate our 50th anniversary next year, and we hope to have a number of celebrations throughout the year to mark the special place COD has

occupied in the hearts and minds of all the students, faculty and staff who have contributed over the years to making COD a truly incredible institution of higher learning. While we have a long and impressive history of service to our communities, this spring and summer is probably not going to be remembered as a continued on page 5


continued from page 4 great time for the College. We have been the subject of much attention in the media for a number of issues. One that I would like to address specifically is the question that has been raised regarding the status of our accreditation. A number of people have told me that they have been fielding questions from current and prospective students regarding the status of our accreditation. You may ask, what is accreditation and why does it matter? Accreditation is a process by which colleges and universities voluntarily

agree to follow a set of common standards and to open themselves up to peer review by members of other institutions to ensure that they are meeting those standards. All colleges and universities are accredited by one of six regional accrediting agencies in this country. The Higher Learning Commission, located in Chicago, is the regional accrediting agency for colleges and universities in the Midwest, including COD. Accreditation matters, because it ensures that our credits are accepted by other institutions,

and that we are eligible for federal financial aid support. Without accreditation, it would be very difficult to continue to function as we do now. One of the standards we agree to follow is that in situations where there is a substantial amount of negative publicity, the HLC reserves the right to send in a team of peer reviewers to see what is going on at the College. In response to multiple Chicago Tribune articles over the past few months, the HLC sent a three-person team in July to meet with various

individuals and groups at COD. Ultimately, the site visit team will report their findings to the president of the HLC. What possible actions could the HLC take? Depending on findings from their visit, the HLC could put us on a monitoring status, which means we would be required to show plans and evidence of addressing any issues identified, or we could be put on notice, which is a little more serious and would similarly require a remedial plan for us. In either case, we would typically be given 12 months

to make corrections. Rest assured that I will commit the College to doing anything necessary to remediate any issues identified by the HLC, since the consequences of not doing so are nothing we want to think about. Bottom line, College of DuPage has always had a strong relationship with the HLC. We will do what we need to do to maintain our accreditation, and there will be no negative impact on the transfer of your credits or your ability to apply for and receive federal financial aid. You have made a great

choice coming to College of DuPage. It is a wonderful institution, the flagship community college in the state, and one of the finest in the country. Whether you came here to get the skills and knowledge to find meaningful employment in the workplace, or to get the first two years of a baccalaureate degree, or for any of a number of other reasons, you will no doubt be glad you made this decision. On behalf of our world-class faculty and staff, I wish you a successful year!

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9 September 2015 // // 5


Comedians and singer unite for free concert “Better than Before” mixes life lessons with music and comedy

pist, and businessman. The contemporary R&B artist performed a variety of songs ranging from slower tempos on the keyboard to booming, upbeat R&B. Keyz moved to LA four years ago to further pursue music, and attended Los Angeles Pierce College to study business. He has been performing since the age of eight, after winning competitions at the Apollo Theatre in Chicago. Even with the level of success he is at now, Keyz was Main comedian act, T-Murph, sharing his own personal stories in his stand-up. very open with some of his past hardships. From a speech impairment, to childhood obesity, to standing his own in the entertainment business, Keyz has managed to work through them and still become successful. “You don’t let the devil win, you keep pushing,”he said. Audience members were invited to hop on stage after the performance and take pictures with him, and many took him up on Calvin Evans opening the night with original stand-up comedy. the offer.

Main music act, Julian Keyz, performing songs from his album, College Tales: Heartbreak. 6 // // 9 September 2015



impact his life experiences have made, and how they have helped shape him into the comedian we see today.“If I started [comedy] in high school, I probably wouldn’t have gone to college. If I would have started in college, I probably would’ve dropped out of college versus graduating.” It was only when he had everything he needed that he got started in comedy. Comedian T-Murph took the stage next. Also a native of Chicago, T-Murph gave the audience hilarious glimpses of his perspective on family, fatherhood, son-hood, and just the hood in general. The room was in good spirits as he touched on the variety of topics, all the while keeping it light hearted. Julian Keyz, a Chicago born, LA based performer closed out the evening. The multi-talented entertainer identifies as a singer, musician, producer, songwriter, dancer, philanthro-


Stand-up comedians T-Murph and Calvin Evans joined forces with multi-talent performer Julian Keyz for a free concert on Sept. 4. Presented by the Center for Student Diversity and Inclusion, Student Leadership Council, and Student Life, the concert, “Better than Before,” tied in real life experiences from the performers that were aimed to aid in student success. Calvin Evans, a Chicago native, was the first to perform. The part time stand-up comedian had the audience doubled over with laughter from the beginning, poking fun at some of the everyday oddities he witnesses throughout the city of Chicago. A graduate of Southern Illinois University, Evans mentioned the importance of taking chances, learning from one’s own experiences, and taking things as life throws at you. When asked about getting started in comedy, he noted how much of an



T-Murph talks to the crowd on Thursday, Sept. 3.


Upcoming performances at the MAC Fall season preview



The McAninch Arts Center, located right here on College of DuPage’s campus, has many events lined up for the upcoming season. With a rich variety of performances ahead, the MAC will surely keep people of all interests entertained. Sept. 12: Mac Motown:

Signed, Sealed, Delivered World class Motown musicians with special guest Jim Belushi are set to kick off the season. Belushi will make his official dedication of the Belushi Performance Hall, while the Motown artists perform with College of DuPage’s New Philharmonic Orchestra. For those interested in the pre-show party,


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rican-style Cirque du Soleil, contortionist, dancers, acrobatics, and musicians unite to create the high energy Cirque Zuma Zuma. The artists, from 16 different African countries, will showcase their talents at 7p.m. in the Belushi Performance Hall, with tickets starting at $36 for youth and $46 for adults.

Oct. 8: Faculty Recital

The second company of Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater will perform at 7 p.m. on Oct. 18 in the Belushi Performance Hall. The renowned company focuses on the bright and fresh capacity of some of the country’s most talented young dancers. Together with innovative and passionate choreographers, energy and dimension should be expected. Tick-

as well as a meet and greet with Jim Belushi, VIP tickets are available in addition to concert tickets. The pre-show party begins at 6 p.m. and the concert begins at 7 p.m. Tickets begin at $65.

College of DuPage’s very own music faculty are set to perform on Oct. 8 at 7:30 p.m. in the Playhouse Theater. A variety from classical music to jazz will be performed. Tickets are $6.

Sept. 19: Robert Cray

Oct. 10: Cirque Zuma

The Grammy Award winning blues singer and

Zuma Described as an Af-


guitarist is set to take the stage this fall. He is on tour celebrating the 40th anniversary release of the album “In My Soul.” Cray performs shows worldwide, has opened for acts as well-known as Eric Clapton, and was recently inducted into the Blues Hall of Fame in 2011. The show begins at 8 p.m. in the Belushi Performance Hall with tickets starting at $50.

Oct. 18: Ailey II

ets begin at $45. Oct. 25: National Acrobats and Circus of the People’s Republic of China, performing Peking Dreams Founded in 1953, this circus spectacle is one of the longest standing groups of its kind in China. Aerial silk, solo trapeze, grand martial arts, and juggling acts are just a few of the many talents the performers take with them on stage. Ornate costumes and colorful atmospheres add to the thrill and mystique of this legendary performance troupe. They will be performing at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. in the Belushi Performance Hall, with tickets starting at $36 for youth and $46 for adults.

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ON CAMPUS “Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest!” Believe it or not, God only wants to know you. But are you giving Him the chance? Visit University Bible Fellowship, Sundays at 11 in BIC1632. All are welcome, stay for lunch!

9 September 2015 // // 7


Spotlight on self-taught art BRIDGET KINGSTON FEATURES EDITOR

The Cleve Carney Art Gallery opened its doors to spectators on Sept. 3 with the exhibit “Past Time: Self-Taught Art from the Collection of Jim and Beth Arient.” This collection features art from four American

artists, all considered selftaught artists. This is the first exhibit at College of DuPage to feature selftaught art. The collection includes fired clay and slip pots by Georgia Blizzard, script painted on wood and


canvas by Jesse Howard, enamel on wood poles by Tim Lewis, and glazed stoneware by Lanier Meaders. All of the artists, excluding Tim Lewis who is still alive, were born preWorld War II and lived and died in rural regions

on the South. Self-taught artists are unique in that they typically don’t identify themselves as artists professionally, and usually do not begin creating art until later in life. They are often deeply connected to



their land, families, and life that they know. With those components as their main influences, they have little knowledge of the mainstream, current art of the outside world. All of these factors come together to form the organic,

raw essence their pieces embody. “Past Time” will be on display in the Cleve Carney Art Gallery until Oct. 10. The MAC Gala Reception will take place from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Sept. 12.




Events at Cleve Carney Zoe Nelson: in |side| out |side| in

Studio Art Faculty Exhibit

Oct. 18 to Nov. 21, 2015 Opening Reception: Sunday Oct. 18, 5 to 8 p.m. Performance of dance work: Sunday, Oct. 18, 7:15 p.m.; Nov. 7 and 14, 1 p.m. Artist Talk: date TBA

Dec. 3, 2015 to Jan. 23, 2016 Opening Receptions: Thursday Dec. 3, 6 to 8 p.m.

8 // // 9 September 2015







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9 September 2015 // // 9


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Registration is encouraged: For Americans with Disabilities Act accommodations, call (630) 942-2141 (voice) or (630) 858-9692 (TDD). For individuals who need language assistance, contact Campus Central at (630) 942-2380.

10 // // 9 September 2015


Waiting on Waterleaf

At one point in time, the Waterleaf restaurant on the campus of College of DuPage was a beacon: culinary students would get hands on experience working in the kitchen of a five star restaurant, community members could enjoy a night of fine dining close to home, and college officials could get $350,000 worth of meals and alcohol on the tab of the taxpayers. Don’t you miss the good old days? Now, Waterleaf is no man’s land, sitting empty on campus as a reminder of the recent end to former president Robert Breuder’s fateful era. With him out of the picture and Board of Trustees chairwoman Kathy Hamilton calling the shots, closing Waterleaf was one of the major changes made to the school. The stoves were turned off, employees were given their final paychecks, the doors closed, and the final verdict on its destiny was left mostly unclear. Essentially, there were only three options for the board to choose from when deciding what to do with Waterleaf once it


Slow-moving plans for student-run restaurant

People attended Waterleaf’s Third annual food and wine festival in September of last year.

closed: convert the building into classrooms, lease the space, or turn it into a student-run restaurant. It was determined that the layout of the building would never work for a classroom setting, and because the space was originally built to benefit culinary students, it was decided that making it a student-run restaurant was the best choice. And it absolutely is. COD is first and foremost a place for learning. It’s where many




culinary students come to get hands-on experience working in a kitchen and excel in their field. For this reason alone, we’re glad the administration made the choice to make Waterleaf a place for these ambitious students. Especially now with enrollment numbers down, COD needs to work at attracting new students more than ever. It’s incredibly important for the school to offer its students as much educational experience as possible, and

choosing to make Waterleaf a place to provide it was the right idea. We just wish these plans had been put in place much earlier. The decision to close Waterleaf was made by the board on Aug. 13, with the restaurant officially closing its doors on Aug. 31. This didn’t leave any time between Waterleaf closing and fall semester beginning – in fact, it closed a full week after the start of the new school year. Now, the useful space sits empty

and untouched on campus, with students eager to use it but without a clue as to when they will. Considering it’s already September and no official plans have been made, culinary students are getting cheated out of what little time they have to use the Waterleaf facilities. In addition, the few plans that are actually in place for Waterleaf are vague to say the least. With the recent accusations the college has faced for its ambiguous,

secretive behavior, there is reasonable skepticism from students and community members. People want answers – and action – and they want it now. The only way to clear up any confusion regarding Waterleaf ’s reopening is for the administration to provide a timely, well thought out plan regarding its future and what it will mean for students’ curriculum. They have the ideas; they just need to implement them. We aren’t trying to come across as demanding, but it would be nice if the plans for Waterleaf became a priority, especially since the beginning of this semester has already gone to waste. In order to be one of the best, COD must provide the best. In order to provide the best, the administration must take action to offer the best education to those in the culinary program. The sooner we get students in the kitchen, the sooner the past Waterleaf scandal will become a distant memory and learning needs will be met. Until then, students are just left craving more.

Views expressed in The Courier represent opinions of majority of editorial board. The Courier encourages all students, faculty, staff, administrators and community members to voice their opinions on all the topics concerning them both in and out of school. Writers can express their views in a “Letter to the Editor”.” All correspondence and letters for publication must be typed and signed with the author’s contact information and full name. Letters can be sent via e-mail to The subject heading to the message must read “Letter to the Editor.” The writer’s first and last names, major (if student) or occupation title, street address, city, state and complete phone number with area code must be included for identity verification by the Courier. Deadline for letters meant for publication is noon on Fridays. Letters are subject to editing for grammar, style, language, length and libel. All letters represent the views of the author, not the editorial board. 9 September 2015 // // 11



When the jokes go too far


The upcoming election is more humor than politics MAGGIE CURRAN OPINION EDITOR

I have a serious problem with American politics. It isn’t only the corrupt nature of many of those in office. It isn’t just the corporations that pay millions of dollars toward funding politicians to protect their dirty work. It’s that American politics isn’t taken seriously by what could be its greatest influencers: millennials. Our upcoming presidential election has essentially become a joke. And it isn’t funny at all. Before this begins to sound like a rant against the youth of America, I want to clarify that’s not the case. I have hope for our future; young adults today are more open-minded, accepting, and ambitious than ever before. However, they’re also quite the class clowns. The millennial generation doesn’t necessarily have the best sense of humor, but it does have the best platform for expressing it. Social media sites, especially those such as Reddit, Tumblr, Vine, and Twitter, are often used to create worldwide jokes. Within seconds of something being reported in the media, users post hundreds of thousands of gags and poke fun at almost everything in an attempt to get a laugh. It’s this ability to instantly make a joke that somehow turns everything laugh-worthy, including politics. And it’s all fun and games… until it’s taken too far.

So, what exactly is too far? Did we take it too far when masses of voters supported rapper Waka Flocka Flame when he announced he was running for president earlier this year? The artist, who stated that his running mate would be DJ Whoo Kid, said that his main concern for America was the immediate legalization of marijuana. The 29-year old and his fans-turned-supporters were seemingly unaware that one must be at least 35 years old to run for president. Or maybe we took it too far when a 15-year old boy from Iowa registered to run for president under the alias Deez Nuts – and polled better than any other independent candidate in the past two decades. When North Carolina residents were asked whether they would rather vote for GOP candidate Donald Trump, Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, or Nuts, the practical-joking teenager polled at 9%. When asked by The Guardian how he felt about the situation, Nuts, whose real name is Brady Olson, replied, “It’s been really fun.” And fun it has been, but the laughs are dying out as the upcoming election appears to be more comedy than reality. Sure, this isn’t the first time someone has satirically run for president. In 2012 a candidate known as

Vermin Supreme became an overnight sensation for wearing a boot on his head and claiming that upon being elected, he would give everyone a free pony. What’s different about this year is that the joking is constant. People, especially millennials, seem to be more interested in media coverage of joke candidates than serious ones, which will have major repercussions when it comes time to actually elect the new leader of the free world. Even those who want to be taken seriously in this election are the butt of a thousand jokes. While some mockery is true of any presidential candidate, it is no more prevalent than with Trump. Sure, I’ve laughed at photos of his hideous haircut and the edited videos of his speeches set to music. Who hasn’t? Most of what comes out of Trump’s mouth is comical; the scary part is that while many people give him the spotlight simply to have a laugh, he is actually serious. Giving him support, even as a joke, is helping his campaign get the publicity he wants. Another example of a candidate-turned-punch line is rapper Kanye West, who recently announced his candidacy at the MTV Video Music Awards. While West is presumed to be serious about running, no one can tell for sure anymore after all

that’s happened in the race to the White House thus far. This confusion over what is and is not a joke encompasses exactly where the problem lies: when it comes down to it, voters won’t be able to make a serious decision. Clearly, millennials aren’t the first or only generation to mock politics. Political cartoons have been around since our founding fathers first signed the Declaration of Independence, and certainly there are some Baby Boomers tweeting funny pictures of Hillary Clinton. There’s nothing wrong with finding humor in corrupt politicians, bad campaign slogans, or “binders full of women.” The problem is when the jokes get more attention than the actual purpose of the campaign. With so many millennials getting their first chance to vote this year, it’s more crucial than ever for them to be informed. Casting a ballot in the presidential election is important, but if the only information we have on the candidates is gags and memes, no good will come of our vote. Keep laughing at Trump’s hair, but don’t forget to educate yourself on the real issues at hand to make a knowledgeable decision regarding our country’s future. There is a time and place for humor, and it isn’t in the voting booth.


Are you paying attention to the upcoming presidential election?

Matt Heyer

Brianna Gorham

(First year at COD)

(First year at COD)

- Not really

- Not at all

Glen Tang

Cassidy Burt

(First year at COD)

(First year at COD)

- Somewhat

- Not really


12 // // 9 September 2015


Volleyball spikes back

Chaparral Women’s Volleyball is back and here to stay

Upcoming Sporting Events



College of DuPage volleyball players block a spike during a game at Joliet Junior College on Sept. 3. .

banner on the wall. It’s not just talk, they literally want to do it,” said Koskinaris. “Some of these girls have very tremendous high school stats. Rory [Manion] won a state championship. She has high

ception Catholic Prep in Elmhurst, Illinois. Koskinaris has said that without her, they wouldn’t have as strong of a team; due to her help bringing in many of these players. “I just want to do my personal

“ I feel like if we keep our positivity up, work together and do what we can the

team will go far. I feel like there is a really good potential for this team .

With a new coaching staff and fresh players, the Chaparral Women’s volleyball team has a lot of momentum heading into this season. Although there was no team last year, the new Head Coach, Tolis Koskinaris, and the new squad wants to bring this team to the next level. “They [the players] know what happened here last year, and I told them all as I was recruiting them what happened,” said Koskinaris, “Their goal is to finish the season and get this program back on track.” Koskinaris has high expectations for his players this year, due to the player’s individual successes in their past careers. “These girls want to get another

-Tatijana Wadsworth, Middle Blocker goals, and many of these players have played at a high level.” Outside Hitter Rory Manion is the most successful on the team, winning a state championship in her senior year of high school at Immaculate Con-

best for every game, so I can give the team my all,” said Manion. “I really want to do good so we can benefit the team, and I really see us all working as one this year. I’m really excited and we’ll see how it goes.” Many of the play-

ers have very precise mindsets on what they need to do to make it to nationals this year. Middle Blocker Tatjiana Wadsworth is the only returning player from last year’s early potential team, and has hopes to enter the national tournament with this year’s new squad. “It’s really hard to stay positive, but positivity is key; especially in a group dynamic,” Wadsworth said. “So I feel like if we keep our positivity up, work together and do what we can the team will go far. I feel like there is a really good potential for this team. If we keep pushing we’ll go really far this year.” Although there are high hopes to reach nationals by many of these players, the many teams

in our region have been historically and recently challenging. Although the team has beaten most of the other teams in our region, they haven’t beaten Harper since the 2007 season, and there hasn’t been a win against Madison in all 8 years of records for the team since 2005. Koskinaris and many of the players have recognized that Madison and Harper are their biggest challenges to overcome, and have already seen what Harper can do when they faced them in their away season opener, losing 3-0. “Madison and Harper are going to be our two biggest competitors,” said Koskinaris. “Harper beat us on Friday [Aug. 28], but we are still just learning our way. Madison from what I saw is a very good team, and they’re going to be very tough to beat.” The team plays at Madison College on Sept. 8, and hopefully their win against Joliet on Sept. 3 will springboard them to their first victory against the regional powerhouse in a long time. Only time will tell how well this team does, but with their evolved game philosophy and persistence we may see a historical season.

SEPTEMBER Wed., 9 Women’s Soccer at Triton Thu., 10 Men’s Soccer at Kennedy-King Fri., 11 Women’s Tennis at Oakton Fri., 11 Women’s Soccer JOLIET Sat., 12 Football IOWA CENTRAL Mon., 14 Women’s Soccer at South Suburban Tue., 15 Women’s Tennis ELGIN Wed., 16 Women’s Soccer MADISON

9 September 2015 // // 13


Opening Shutout Chaparral Football wins home opener




our young team. I think if we just keep improving it, and cut down on the mistakes that we make; we’ll be in great shape for the rest of the year.” Although there were minor mistakes that could be improved upon, such as fumbling, holding and helmet-to-helmet contact, the team shined brightly under the hot Labor Day sun. Running Back Linell Gaston had a great game, with 21 rushing yards and a touchdown. “While we had a lot of mental mistakes and touchdowns called back; I think it was Defensive Back #29 Kyler Davis takes down University of Wisconsin Oshkosh player at the a good team effort,” said College of DuPage on Sept. 7. Gaston. “It gets us ready The Chaparral Football weirdly enough their last to get better,” said Head for Georgia Military.” team shutout the Univerone since Sept. 7, 2014 Coach of the Chaparral The team’s next chalsity of Wisconsin Oshagainst Illinois Wesleyan football team Matt Foster. lenge is on the road on kosh JV 28-0 with their JV 31-0; exactly one year “We have a lot of thing September 19 when they season home opener on previous. we can improve on, and face Georgia Military Sept. 7. This is their first “I think as good as it is, I think we’re just starting Community College. shutout of the season, and we have a long ways to go to scratch the surface of Last year, the Chaparral

Moment of Silence Before the Chaparral Football home opening game against the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh JV at the College of DuPage on Sept. 7, there was a moment of silence for the late Coach Kyle Kirchhoff; who died in late May earlier this year. The immediate nuclear family of Coach Kirchhoff was on the field to represent him, and was presented a bouquet of flowers by Vice President of Student Affairs Earl Dowling and Head Coach of the Chaparral Football team Matt Foster. Our condolences go to the Kirchhoff family as they go this difficult time. 14 // // 9 September 2015

football team faced them for their Homecoming matchup and lost 6-52. “They’re a great team, we’re traveling far, and we’re going to definitely face some adversity,” said starting Quarterback Devin O’Hara. “We just got to do what we got to do and execute to our full potential.” O’Hara had 11 complete passes out of 13 attempted, and passed 174 yards against Oshkosh. Their next home game is on Saturday, Oct. 17 when they face Iowa Western Community College during Homecoming at 1 pm. Free food is provided, while supplies last, before during the tailgate event beforehand from 11 am to 1pm; so don’t miss out on some good ole chaparral fun!

Sat., 12 IOWA CENTRAL 1:00 pm Sat., 19 at Georgia Military 1:00 pm OCTOBER Sat., 3 at Ellsworth [IA] 1:00 pm Sat., 10 at Erie [NY] 12:00 pm Sat., 17 IOWA WESTERN 1:00 pm Mon., 26 OLIVET NAZARENE JV 7:00 pm NOVEMBER Sun., 1 UW-WHITEWATER JV 1:00 pm Sat., 7 at Hocking [OH] 1:00 pm


The Road to Rio

How basketball teams qualify for the Olympics LUCAS KOPROWSKI SPORTS EDITOR

Although the 2016 Summer Olympics seems far away, the qualifying rounds to participate in this historic event are just beginning. One of the most influential sports in the world, basketball’s precursor tournaments has already begun, starting in Mexico for the FIBA; or International Basketball Association, Americas qualifying tournament. Although the United States has already gained entrance into the Olympic tournament due to winning the FIBA World Cup in 2014, there is still some major competition within our regional tournament that will be exciting to watch. The tournament in FIBA Americas is the national teams are split into two groups. Each group has five teams to start off with in the first stage, the group stage. The first stage is a round robin style tournament, where each team faces each other once and the rankings are based on their win-loss ratio. At the end of this stage, the bottom team of each group is eliminated from the pool and the 8 that remain go onto the second phase. The second phase, like the rest of the tournament, is a knockout round. This means that every team plays only one game. The winner

of those games go onto the next round, while the losing four are eliminated. Then comes the semi-finals, where the final four of this competition face off just like in the previous round. The only difference is that although the winners of these games still go onto the finals, the losing teams go onto a 3rd place matchup. Whichever team wins the finals is the champion of the region, but the two teams who have made it to the final match are automatically placed into the Olympic tournament. The 3rd, 4th and 5th teams are put into the FIBA Olympic Qualifying tournament, where they will go against other regions’ qualifying teams to earn a spot in the Olympic tournament. All other regions, except Oceania, have identical tournaments with the same grouping style seen in not only FIBA, but in other sports as well like in soccer’s international association FIFA, the International Federation of Association Football. Oceania is the exception, because there are only two teams in this region that are able to participate in the Olympics out of the 21 national associations within the area; Australia and New Zealand. The team who

places 2nd of the two is placed in the Qualifying Tournament, while the winner is placed into the Olympic tournament. Each one of these regions that are part of FIBA put in a different number of teams into the Olympic and Qualifying tournaments. FIBA Americas and EuroBasket, the European branch of FIBA, put in their top two teams from their respective tournaments into the Olympic tournament, but EuroBasket places their 3rd through 6th place teams into the Qualifying Tournament; one more team than the Americas. The AfroBasket, the African branch of FIBA, and FIBA Asia have their first place countries of their tournaments placed in the Olympic Tournament, while their 2nd and 3rd place teams are put into the Qualifying Tournament. There are a total of 12 teams in the Qualifying Tournament, and the top three from it are placed into the Olympic Tournament. Finally, the host country for the Olympic Games is automatically placed in the Olympic Tournament; which in 2016 is Brazil. That makes a total of 12 teams in the Olympic Tournament. In the London 2012 Summer Olympics, the US beat Spain in the finals, while

Russia defeated Argentina in the 3rd place match. The US has taken home the gold in the past two Olympic tournaments, London 2012 and Beijing 2008, facing Spain in both finals. The US beat Spain by 7 points in 2012 and by 11 points in 2008. Although the US breeds top tier basketball players like our farmers grow corn and soybeans, Spain has a very strong team that will certainly qualify for the Olympic Tournament and be a challenge for us like the past two Olympics. Then again, the US has won 14 out of the 18 Olympic Basketball tournaments that have happened since the first one hosted in Berlin, Germany in 1936. So while you wait for the NBA season to start on Oct. 27, why not watch a match or two of the Americas tournament happening right now? Although the AfroBasket tournament has already finished, with Nigeria claiming their first ever continental title and qualifying for the Olympic tournament, the Eurobasket has also recently started, and the Asian tournament is set to start on Sept. 23.

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(815) 836-5250 • 9 September 2015 // // 15


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16 // // 9 September 2015

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