PLR publication party
Student-run Prairie Light Review to host party in celebration of new issue of magazine daniel ehrhardt
staff correspondent
The Prairie Light Review (PLR) is an award-winning student-run literary arts magazine. To join, registration in English 2210 is required. For the spring 2013 semester, English 2210 will be held on Wednesdays from 3-4:50 P.M. in Student Services Center 3251. Students are encouraged to sign up for the class to learn about the reviewing, analyzing, and publishing process. As far as the process for choosing submissions goes, the editor-in-chief has the task of removing names from submissions so that all reviews are blind and unbiased. As a group, everyone discusses each submission and casts votes. Wednesday Dec. 5 from 6-8 P.M. in the SSC 3245 will be a party held in celebration of the submissions and release of the magazine.
Photo by London Summers
Prairie Light Review is a student-run literary magazine. The staff is hosting a party open to the public and published artists and writers. Two publication parties are held each year, at the end of the fall and spring semesters to debut the latest issue. All of the publication parties are open to the public and published artists and writers are encouraged to attend. The party features an open mic, which is avail-
able to all party attendees. Guests can sign up to participate ahead of time by sending a message to the Facebook page: facebook.com/plrmagazine or they can sign up when they arrive at the party. Additionally, the party will feature a silent auction, promotional tables for local businesses and
clubs, and refreshments. “I would like to personally encourage students and people of the community to join in at the party and continue to keep submitting to keep the magazine alive,” PLR member Adam Chalifoux said. “Wheaton North High School’s advanced photography students submitted
some incredible material.” Over one hundred pieces were submitted and the top rated ones were the ones that made the magazine. This event is a celebration of the different styles of literature, including, poetry, short stories, art work, photos, etc. The final piece will be sent out to the publisher and released all over the school for free; there will be a display in front of the library. Chalifoux described different ideas of what to expect such as black and white artwork. He is excited to see the reactions of the student body. According to Prairie Light Review Marketing Editor Allison Anderson, the submission deadline for the spring 2013 issue is Feb. 6, 2013. Submissions for the spring are now being accepted online or in person. To submit online, visit the website prairielightreview.org. To submit in person, drop your work at the office, SSC 3251.
COD alumna showcases art exhibit at Wings Gallery courtney clark
arts & entertainment editor
The Wings Gallery is featuring Ashly Metcalf’s exhibit through Dec. 13. Metcalf, a COD grad, mainly uses yarn to create sculptures. She utilizes linear lines and space to form patterns and webs. She also owned a
store before it burned down. This prompted her to move her business online and she now runs a website and a store on Etsy.com. She calls her store “LeafLee’s Little Sweat Shop” and sells jewelry, clothing, and accessories, which feature unique
and unexpected crochet and knit designs. The Wings Student Art Gallery is located in the Student Services Center, Room 2210. The gallery is open noon to 6:30 p.m. Mondays and Wednesdays, and 10:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Photos by London Summers
Left: Wings Gallery features new yarn installations. Above: Artist Ashly Metcalf talks to patrons at the opening reception of her exhibition