Costumes for the clueless
Rosie the Riveter
For those of you who have no idea what to be for Halloween. Check out what’s trending on Google and how you can make it your own. JORDIN GIGNAC // EDITOR-IN-CHIEF
We love their camo get-up, their sweet tea conversations and who could forget their long beards. If you haven’t considered dressing up as a character from Duck Dynasty, we’re making you consider it right now. Hey, if you already have a killer beard, why not? Make your own camo with some green, black and brown sharpies and an all white outfit or go out and buy some. Accessories to consider with this costume are a glass of sweet tea in a mason jar, usage of the word “Jack” and a duck call.
Breaking Bad
Daenerys from “Game Of Thrones”
She’s the mother of dragons. If you watch Game of Thrones, you adore her and don’t need much explanation as to why you should consider dressing up as Daenerys. Her costume is simple. Find an icy, braided, white wig and some burlap and you’re good to go. Maybe get a stuffed dragon and carry it on your shoulder for the evening.
This costume requires little to no effort. If you’re on a budget and can’t afford (or find) a hazard suit, you can easily dress as Walt by wearing whitey tighties, tan boots and a green button up. Add a fake gun and you’re a dead giveaway.
What better way to spend your Halloween night than dressing up as a fox and screaming random words and sounds? Do you need further persuasion?
AHS: Witches
Come on, what’s hotter than a pencil skirt and black stilettos? Instead of going for green make-up and warts, try sexing it up with some pumps and v-neck blouse. Go buy some hot new clothes because this costume is wearable even after the holiday. If you want to go for a more revealing costume this year, I recommend going as Miley Cyrus. This costume is a little challenging but you can find some nude underwear or a big teddy bear to wear.
If all else fails, use your resources!
Be an angry hobo. Find some old clothes that you don’t care about, rip them up and write something like “will work for food” on a piece of cardboard. Add a shotgun and now you’re “hobo with a shotgun.” Be a nudist on strike. Wear whatever you want and make a sign that says “nudist on strike.” Your costume is now cheap, clever and funny. And that’s just a few things you can do with a piece of cardboard; think about what you can do with other random objects around your house. Whatever you choose to be on Halloween, make sure you enjoy yourself and eat a safe amount of candy so you don’t hate yourself before Thanksgiving.
Ladies, Rosie is probably the most brilliant and easy costume for Halloween. Remember, you don’t have to have the same red, polka dotted hair scarf or dark denim button up to be Rosie. All you need is a sign that says, “We can do it!” and any button up and scarf you can find in your closet. The way this works, is you say that you are the modernized Rosie. If you happen to have the same outfit that she has, then go for it! But, if you don’t, follow these steps. 1. Dig out a cardboard box. Make sure it is big enough to square around your upper body. 2. Paint a blue talk bubble with white letters for “We can do it!” first. Make sure it is facing your mouth when you put on the cardboard. After the bubble is done, paint the rest of the square yellow. Let dry. 3. Gather a scarf and a button up blouse that has sleeves wide enough to be rolled up. 4. Tie the scarf at the top of your head, pin it down to ensure it won’t fall down later in the night. 5. Add Velcro to your button up or an elastic band to the sign so you can wear it all night instead of holding it. 6. Put it all on and you’re ready to empower all the lovely ladies all night.
Great Gatsby
Whether you want to be Daisy, Jordan or Myrtle, you’ll find it easy to pass as a roaring 20s character. We made this costume with a trip to Michael’s (craft store) and a few items found around the house. There’s three key elements to consider when creating your own Gatsby costume on a budget: headband, sparkle/pearls and loose fitting clothes. We decided to save money by using a white pillowcase, some old heels from homecoming and some ribbon, pearls and sequins from Michaels. Steps: 1. Take any color pillowcase (We used white to capture the elegance of Daisy) and cut a U to the bottom. This is will be your neckline. Then cut two holes on the sides from the bottom of the pillowcase (5 inch cut holes). 2. Then take your ribbon and cut a length that will fit just 3 inches under your hips. Take this ribbon and glue on your sequins. 3. Cut another ribbon that will fit as a headband. Glue sequins on this as well. 4. Take the pearls and string them through the ribbon. Make sure one necklace is longer than the other. 5. Once the ribbon for the pillowcase is dry, glue it 3 inches under where your hips would be on the pillowcase. 6. If you want to do your hair as well, take some bobby pins to your hair when it’s wet. Make waves with the pins and blow it dry. Once your hair is dry, you’ll have cute pin waves to add to your glittery headband. 7. Put it all on and you’re ready to party at Gatsby’s! 23 October 2013 // // 11
Apothecary Accouterments Set the mood for the night with “human” body parts on display. Small turnips in water with two drops of yellow food coloring serve as a jar of eyeballs, and it’s easy to portray intestines with dehydrated apple slices in green water. Our human heart complete with aorta, is a fennel bulb.
Here’s Lookin At You With a bit of imagination, these chocolate sandwich cookies transform into little monsters. Served along side a glass candle holder full of “regurgetated candy chunks,” these doctored up cookies bring a bit of fun to the table.
**RECIPIES ON PAGE 15 12 // // 23 October 2013
Filling a shot glass with ketchup and sticking french fries in it looks impressive but is ridiculously simple. Guacamole is the perfect color and texture to make it onto our Halloween spread. We served the gruesome green stuff in a clear bowl with orange sweet potato chips, but blue corn tortillas would be a dark alternative. Get the recipie on page 15.
N SPECIAL Grab some empty bottles from the recycle and wash them out. Free online printables make it easy to transform a bottle of water with a few drops of blue food coloring into deadly cyanide. The bottle marked snake oil is actually one of our signature drinks: carmel apple spice cider. Turn to page 15 for a recipe that trumps Starbucks.
Lady Fingers You may have seen the shortbread cookie version of these handheld treats, but why make a mess of your kitchen when these chocolate covered pretzels are just as authentic? Melt white chocolate in the microwave and coat pretzel rods, leaving them to cool on wax paper. Just before the chocolate sets, stick an almond on the top for a fingernail and score knuckles in three sections with small knife cuts
Caramel Apple Bar Who doesn’t love snacks on a stick? Make it easy for your guests to munch while they mingle by cutting up a few apples to be put on lollipop sticks (available at Jewel or Hobby Lobby). Pair the fun fruit with carmel sauce and toppings; here we used some creepy chem-lab test tubes full of sugar and sprinkles. Some other suggestions include crushed Oreos, gummy worms, chocolate chips and peanut butter.
Vampire Blood Punch When your friends peer inside the punch cauldreon give them a fright with these ‘chilling’ ice cubes. Fill powder-free laytex gloves with water and knot the bottom to seal. Lie flat in freezer for 24 hours. Snip the knot off and carefully peel back the laytex to reveal skeletal ice hands. Drop into the punch recipe on page 15 and sample if you dare.
23 October 2013 // // 13
TRICK OR TREATS Vampire Blood Punch Ingredients 2 tablespoons sugar 1 1/2 cups fresh apple cider 2/3 cup chilled ginger beer 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice 3 1/2 ounces (1/4 cup plus 3 tablespoons) gin, if desired Directions Muddle cranberries with sugar in a pitcher. Add apple cider, gingerbeer, lemon juice, and gin if desired. Divide among 4 glasses. Serve chilled or over ice.
Spider Venom Guacamole
Ingredients 2 Haas avocados, halved, pitted, and diced in shell 1/2 red onion, thinly sliced 1 jalapeno, finely diced 1/2 bunch fresh cilantro, coarsely chopped Juice of 1 lime Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper Directions Mash the avocados with a fork and combine with the red onion, jalapeno, cilantro, lime juice, salt and pepper.
Better Than Starbucks
Caramel Apple Spice Cider Ingredients 2 Cups Apple Juice -or- Apple Cider for a more spiced taste 1/4 Cup Butterscotch sundae topping (or caramel if you prefer!) 1 tbsp. Ginger 1 tsp. Cinnamon Whipped Cream topping (optional) Directions Pour Apple Juice/ Cider into a microwavable bowl, and add butterscotch/caramel topping. Stir gently. Put in microwave for 1:30 Take out, stir until fully mixed Add ginger and cinnamon Stir gently for 1 minute, or until fully mixed Pour into a glass, add whipped topping, and drizzle butterscotch/caramel on top.
Monster Eyeball Oreos
Ingredients Oreos- any kind (double chocolate look best) Frosting- we love Wilton Color Mist Food Spray, One 1.5 Oz Can (pick a Halloween color) Frosting eyeballs- found in the baking aisle, try the Wilton brand! Directions Take Oreo cookie, spray on frosting in a unique pattern (criss-cross, x’s, circles, etc.) Stick edible eyeball into frosting; have fun and make unique designs! 23 October 2013 // // 15