The Courier - September 28, 2016

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CO LLE G E O F D U PAG E S T U D EN T N EWS PA P ER // 28 S EP T EM B ER 2016 // VO LU M E 51 – I S S U E 05






Editor-in-Chief Lucas Koprowski Opinion Editor Miranda Shelton News Editor Bridget Kingston Features Editor Caroline Broderick Photo Editor Bethany Berg Graphics Editor Joseph Molino



4 Charlotte shooting: video leaves most important questions unanswered

8-9 College of DuPage then and now 11 Negative is never nice


6 BTE returns with hilarious farce,


15 best intentions

Sports Editor Quinten Hayley Reporter Vandy Manyeh

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Social Media Manager Alizay Rizvi Newsroom 630-942-2683 Adviser Jim Fuller Advertising Christina Payton The Courier is published every Wednesday when classes are in session during the fall and spring semester, except for the first and last Wednesday of each semester and the week of spring break as a public forum with content chosen by student editors. One copy free, additional copies available upon request. The Courier does not knowingly accept advertisement that discriminate on the basis of sex, creed, religion, color, handicapped status, veteran or sexual orientation, nor does it knowingly print ads that violate any local, state or federal laws. Deliver all correspondence to SSC 1220 between regular office hours or mail to the Courier, College of DuPage, 425 Fawell Blvd., Glen Ellyn, IL. 60137.


A photo of a student enlisting for class, provided by COD Archives

2 // // 28 September 2016


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C o r r e c t i o n : I n l a s t w e e k ’s “ 1 0 0 M o n s t e r s a t tack COD” piece, we incorrectly spelled the a r t i s t ’s n a m e , “ A l l i s t a i r e L u n d e e n . ” T h e s p e l l i n g o f t h e a r t i s t ’s n a m e i s A l a s t a i r e L u n d e e n .


28 September 2016 // // 3


Charlotte shooting: video leaves most important questions unanswered Bridget Kingston · News Editor

Nearly a week of riots and protests over the fatal shooting of an African American man in Charlotte, North Carolina led to the anticipated release of the police footage on Saturday. To the country’s dismay, no light was shed as to whether Keith

Scott was in fact threatening police with a gun before being shot. However, College of DuPage has come to one mutual conclusion: the violence in Charlotte is a reflection of a grander scale of divide among Americans. The controversial death

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has made Charlotte the latest hotspot in the ongoing protest against police killings of African American men in the United States. Fervent riots morphed into peaceful protests since the fatal encounter last Tuesday. Demonstrators began Wednesday morning by blocking an interstate and have continued demonstrations the subsequent nights since. David Swope, COD’s manager of Diversity and Inclusion, believes the divide amongst African Americans and Caucasians in America has exploded into an era of civil unrest. “Personally, I do believe

that America struggles with it’s own biases and I do think that those biases can hamper the way that justice is carried out,” Swope said. “One of the largest biases in American history, unfortunately, is racism.” Police released body camera and dashboard camera footage on Saturday. The footage shows two officers running towards a white truck with guns drawn and pointing while shouting “Drop the gun!” Scott’s wife responds, “He doesn’t have a gun.” Scott, 43, then exits his car and immediately falls to the ground as four shots ring out. It

is not clear whether he was holding anything. COD student and Turning Point USA president Patrick Wool weighed in on the controversial video, explaining that the footage interpretation is up to the viewer. “There may have been a gun in his hand or there may have not been,” Wool said. “It really just leads up to speculation at this point. But at the end of the day this is just a sad thing that happened in Charlotte, and I wouldn’t wish that upon any community.” In regards to the violence and riots, Wool believes the protestors’ actions were premature due to the lack of information

on the shooting at the time. “I understand the anger and frustration,” Wool said. “But rioting just destroys neighborhoods and divides the people more.” One day before the police videos were released, Scott’s widow released her own video of the minutes leading up to her husband’s death. She shouts to police that her husband has a brain injury as they scream at Scott to put down a gun. This also shows no visual evidence of whether Scott was holding a gun or not.


France says no to plastic plates and utensils by 2020 Vandy Manyeh· Reporter

France is officially the first country in the world to ban plastic plates and cutlery, a move that local fans of the environment would also like to see come to the College of DuPage (COD). The law is an amendment to the country’s existing “energy transition for green growth” act passed in 2015, which regulates energy targets for transport, housing, and renewable energy. This law initially targeted fairly flimsy plastic bags at grocery stores and marketplaces in France during its early enactment. Alternatively, companies will be required to use biologically sourced materials in the production process, thereby bringing an end to petroleum-based produce. End users of these utensils will be required to work on composting them domestically. The Washington Post quotes President François Hollande that the intent is “to make France … an exemplary nation in terms of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, diversifying its energy model and increasing the deployment of renewable energy sources.” France has been a leader when it comes to fighting greenhouse emission. The European nation hosted the Conference of Parties (COP) 21st conference in November 2015, after which 55 countries that represent 55 percent of global greenhouse emissions signed a binding agreement to reduce carbon output in an attempt to keep global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius. There have been praises

given to France’s actions. COD environmental biology professor Shamili Ajgaonkar referred to the ban as "a step further towards a vision to mimic nature and eliminate the concept of waste." "In general, I think that we need to take steps towards shifting from a linear 'cradle-to-grave' economy, which centers on consumption and disposal to a circular 'cradle-to-cradle' economy, which centers on resource efficiency and recovery," said Ajgaonkar. "And yes, sustainability goals in general, though challenging, as they involve the consideration of numerous trade-offs, are attainable if we determine them to be our priority. It is not the lack of solutions but the collective human desire to execute them that is the biggest hurdle." Like many environmental laws, this law will have a huge financial impact on the production costs incurred by manufacturing entities. Pac k2GoEurope, a European convenience packaging association, has filed an official complaint to the European Union Commission, with the sole objective to stop this law from going into force. The company argues that “finding a package that meets the really critical food hygiene requirements that consumers want, that can also be composted in a domestic composter…right now they don’t exist.” It is, however, uncertain if the commission will lis-

ten to their plea, or give in since a law enacted a step further doesn’t exist anywhere in the world. Most European nations just curtail the usage of plastic bags. The Scandinavian nation of Denmark gives tax incentives to

the process of passing one. There are no laws that take a step further to give an alternative to plastic utensils. The usage of plastics by consumers is an issue for businesses that have been compelled to give them out. The

customers for using reusable bags, while the territories of the United Kingdom tax consumers for using plastic bags. German stores are required to pay a recycling tax if they vehemently decide to give out plastic bags, while Italy totally frowns on giving out non-biodegradable plastic bags. Here in the United States, the city of Chicago is among 98 cities that have passed a strong plastic control law, or is

Jewel-Osco on Ogden Avenue in Naperville, for example, try to make buyers aware of the need to use reusable bags during their shopping errands. They play a short video repeatedly which states, they used 1,179 boxes of plastic bags in 2015. That is an equivalent of 32 pallets of plastic bags, or 13 tons of plastic. The video also urges customers to help reduce plastic consumption by 20% in 2016 by using reusable bags.

The food service company at COD, Sodexo, has very strong environmental policies that are sustainable to help minimize plastic and its associated waste. The company is guided by a 'Better Tomorrow Plan' that serves as a roadmap for creating a better future. “Some examples include the Choose to Reuse container program and the Weigh the Waste program to reduce food waste,” said Lynn Konicek, Sodexo’s general manager at COD. “We have also developed and implemented proprietary tools such as SMART (Sustainability Management and Reporting Tool), a comprehensive, web-based, operational metrics dashboard that assesses sustainability performance at individual campuses. In addition, we strive to promote sustainable sourcing by creating relationships with local vendors and those who offer sustainably grown and produced goods.” Even students here at COD with the zest to have a clean environment have reacted positively to the bold step taken by France and even want students here to emulate France’s example. “As an officer of the environmental club, I feel as though France's decision to ban plastic cups and plates by 2020 is a positive change,” said Hayley Deam, an officer of the environmental club. “(It is) a change that is a

step in the right direction. Reducing the use of plastic does not need to be a government regulation for COD to make a change. From using a reusable water bottle to bringing one’s own silverware, each person can make a positive impact.” The environmental club even has tangible plans to help students and the entire college community to feel their presence. “Last year the COD Environmental club worked to get composting here on campus to help reduce the amount of organic waste COD produces,” Deam continued. “In doing this we ran into a few issues. Our administration was not committed to a widespread composting program, because, COD as a community is not as successful as it could be even when it comes to recycling. From unwanted plastic that cannot be recycled to contaminated recyclables, these are some of the issues we face. When our recycling is contaminated it costs COD more money because our waste company will charge a fee. If COD made a choice to reduce our use of plastic all together we could be more successful in possibly implementing organic recycling,” added Deam. But there are concrete examples of the value COD puts on the environment. COD has been a leader in an environmentally friendly campus community. In fact, most buildings on the campus have earned Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold Certification from the U.S. Green Building Council.

28 September 2016 // // 5


BTE returns with hilarious farce, “Don’t Dress for Dinner” Caroline Broderick · Features Editor

Green posters, pages of signatures, full hearts and countless petitions from community members is what finally got the Buffalo Theater Ensemble (BTE) reinstated into COD and given them the opportunity to open with their comeback: “Don’t Dress for Dinner.” For the past three years, COD’s residential theater ensemble has been put on the back burner. The ensemble lost its residency at the college due to numerous confusing and ambiguous reasoning, all being blamed on budgetary issues.

While the Board of Trustees focused on the new presidential search and getting COD back on track, students and community members continued to push for BTE to return. BTE has been around as long as the MAC has, being established in 1986. It wasn’t until 1996 that the ensemble became an equity group.The ensemble has provided a place where students are able to work hands on and even act themselves with professionals. Students get an inside look into the business and learn far more

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than a classroom can teach. Already offering opportunities for students, BTE has established a BTE Stage Management scholarship, new acting shadows for theater students and a high school ambassador program. “At Buffalo Theatre Ensemble, we are most interested in our relationship with the community, because we are a vital member of your community,” said professor and ensemble member, Amelia Barrett. “We are fully committed to the education of both students and the DuPage community at large. Ev-


erything we do— every production we mount, every experience we create —both in and out of our theatre—is about initiatives to enrich and engage the lives of all the potential theatre going community.” To celebrate their return, the ensemble has opened back up with “Don’t Dress for Dinner,” a farce written by Marc Camoletti that centers around Bernard who has invited his mistress for the weekend as his wife is away. Everything seems to be planned perfectly, but if it worked out perfectly, that would make for a boring show.


“It is an honor to be back in residence at the MAC,” said Connie Canaday Howard, professor and ensemble member. “In choosing our season, we thought that doing a farce, which is meant to be silly and elicit enjoyment and laughter, was a great way to celebrate BTE’s return to the MAC. It’s also a type of play that BTE has been noted as doing well. And, in spite of all of the silliness, it’s ultimately saying that all of us, as individuals, can come through adversity and be even better, and that relationships are worth the work.”

“Don’t Dress for Dinner” has already made good impressions with raving reviews in the Daily Herald, NewCity Stage and being a Critics’ Pick in Windy City Times. “There isn’t a weak link in the cast with Brad Walker, Robert Jordan Bailey and BTE artistic director Connie Canaday Howard setting the stage as the husband, friend and wife respectively,” said NewCity Stage. “Don’t Dress for Dinner” runs through Oct. 9 in the Playhouse Theater, tickets are available for purchase at the box office.

COD Courier Student Newspaper SWEET PRINCE


Glen Ellyn resident turns diabetes into dreams Caroline Broderick · Features Editor


Worrying about which goblin or ghoul you’re going to be is oftentimes the only worry 4-yearolds have on Halloween. For Glen Ellyn resident Carolyn Friedman, her Halloween at 4 years-old was a lot more worrisome. Friedman was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. This form of diabetes can be summarized as a chronic issue of one’s pancreas not producing enough insulin. Throughout her childhood, Friedman was always active. Basketball was her favorite pastime for years, and she made sure her diabetes didn’t interfere with her active lifestyle. “My parents always encouraged me to play sports, and always told me diabetes could not prevent me from doing anything I want to in life,” said Friedman. Once college came around, Friedman made two big decisions. She traded a basketball for more running shoes, and brought an insulin pump into her life. These two things have led Friedman to where she is today: a Global Heroes runner. Friedman took up running after being inspired

by her brother who consistently ran in high school and took his passion to college with him. With his inspiration, Friedman challenged herself with longer distances. Global Heroes is sponsored by Medtronic, the same company who makes Friedman’s insulin pump. Global Heroes is a team comprised of passionate runners who each benefit from medical technology in some way. The goal is to share inspiration among the world through the 12 team members, each chosen from groups of applicants to run a marathon together on Oct. 7 to 9 in Minneapolis. Initially, Friedman was hesitant to apply for the Global Heroes team due to personal doubt. Her request to join only followed a last-minute decision to apply the night before the deadline. For Friedman, her insulin pump brings her a world more of opportunities than before. Whether a 2-mile run or a 22-mile run, she takes it with her wherever. “I have much better control of my blood sugars with the pump,” said Friedman. “You program

the pump to give you a certain amount of insulin throughout the day. When you eat a meal or a snack, you tell your pump how many carbohydrates you ate and it uses the information you programmed in it to give you insulin to cover what you just consumed.” “Running for a person with a fully-functioning pancreas is a bit different than those with diabetes,” Friedman continued. “Diabetes is a tricky condition, as you can do the exact same thing multiple days and get a different result each time.” For others, worrying about a pump and a serious medical condition can close doors on opportunities, especially with activities like running, but Friedman scoffs at that mindset with six marathons behind her and two in the near future. Friedman has run over 60 races throughout her career and logs roughly 2,000 miles a year. “I love how running makes me feel,” said Friedman. “No matter what kind of day I am having, running always puts me in a better mood. I like that you can have time

goals and other goals.” Running has not only given Friedman hope with her diabetes, but it has provided her with an intense love and a strongly knit community. “I trained for the [Chicago Marathon] with the Glen Ellyn Runners and have been a member ever since,” said Friedman. “Training with the Glen Ellyn Runners has been incredibly beneficial to me. I run with them twice per week and have met a ton of people through the group. It is a supportive group of people and I know I would not be the runner I am today without the group.” As a Global Hero, Friedman will meet her other inspirational team members in their race next week. For tradition, each Global Hero chooses a running mate and Friedman is bringing along the one who started the love: her brother. “I firmly believe that diabetes does not hold you back from what you want to do in life. It may take extra work or a few different times to succeed, but if a person wants to achieve the goal bad enough it will happen.”

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28 September 2016 // // 7



College of DuPag

We at the Courier believe that over the course of 50 years, the College amples of how. Learn more about these stories and more from COD

Campus THEN - The staff worked in trailers that were right outside of farms on Lambert Rd. The bookstore was located on Roosevelt Rd., and it was completely separate from the “campus”, and it was also utilized as the school’s library. Many of the main classroom buildings were built similarly to a warehouse with walls separating each room. They were supposed to be up temporarily (only about 10 years) but ended up lasting almost 40 years on campus. NOW - We have state of the art facilities, featuring a beautiful library, bookstore, study areas, hundreds of classrooms, and a quad. The majority of the buildings on campus are connected, essentially as one long hallway. This makes all of our lives easier during the cold and wet months.


THEN - The Courier has been a major news source f COD since the college opened. The newspaper was ori inally mostly news stories and was done entirely in prin since the internet didn’t exist yet!

NOW - We at the Courier work tirelessly to bring yo current and breaking news, both in print and through o website and social media. We have created sections of t paper for features, opinion, and sports, and we have r cently added areas such as our coffee break (which no includes poetry) and music page where we are able show our creative side.

8 // // 28 September 2016



ge then and now

e of DuPage has changed and grown for the better. Here are some exD’s 50 Years of Stories series at the College of Dupage YouTube page.

Sports THEN - The sports at COD were entirely self-sufficient. There were no facilities set up for the teams, so the coaches and players managed everything themselves. The football team practiced for the first two years of COD at Lewis College. There was no designated home field. NOW - We have a beautiful, recently renovated football field, as well as a baseball field, soccer fields and fitness center.

Connections and Bonds THEN - Since the beginning, COD has been a place for people to create lasting friendships. This was especially true when the school was first opened because the only way it would run smoothly was with inherent trust in your peers, coworkers, professors and bosses. NOW - COD has seen good times and bad, and it has only gotten stronger as these initial bonds have deepened and new ones have grown. This has become an institution that can handle anything as long as we believe in it.

for ignt,

you our the reow to


28 September 2016 // // 9




October 15

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10 // // 28 September 2016

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Negative is never nice Miranda Shelton · Opinion Editor

Negative political advertising is ruining our country. If you flip to any news station this presidential season you will see a medley of campaign ads, many of which are growing increasingly negative. What was once an outlet for presidential candidates to inform people of their policies has now become an opportunity for public smear campaigns and trash talk, and I have had enough. Historically, political campaigns were about meeting voters and local, town-hall based debates. There was no television screen to hide behind. The candidates were out and about, making a firsthand effort increase their voter base. Harry Truman even went so far as

to travel over 31,000 cities during his campaign, and historians believe he had shook upwards of half a million hands. Because they were often traveling with their running mate, they had very little opportunity to turn voters against an opponent. Instead, candidates would try to sell voters on their policies as well as try to establish a connection with people on a simple level. With the invention of television came the first televised presidential debate between Richard Nixon and John F. Kennedy, and not long after there were presidential ads for these two gentlemen popping up on most major channels. With the comfort of

hiding behind a screen, something people nowadays are all too familiar with, candidates were about to trash talk their candidates without actually having to face them while saying such negative things. In fact, the first televised attack ad was so negative, it is famously known as one of America’s greatest pieces of propaganda since the World Wars. It is called “The Daisy Girl,” and it consists of a young girl playing the “he loves me, he loves me not” game with a beautiful flower. As the last petal is picked, a voice begins counting down a nuclear explosion, with the tagline, “because the stakes are too high for you to stay at home.”

While you might be thinking to yourself that political advertisements aren’t like this anymore, and that times have changed, I would argue you’re wrong. The most recent negative campaign ads coming from both political candidates this season have been full of unbacked allegations and serious juvenility. Hillary Clinton has created her entire ad campaign on the basis of destroying Donald Trump’s image, and she’s done so by using actual footage of his speaking over many different occasions. The main issue with this campaign is that, much like many of the liberal media sources, they are taking his quotes out of context, and therefore potentially put-

ting words in his mouth. Trump’s campaign has taken a different approach and is certainly embracing a comical spin on these attack ads. In an ad first released on August 6th, 2016, Trump takes a jab at Clinton’s self-proclaimed “short circuiting” that occurred at a previous engagement, going so far as to say she is truly a robot. While this is supposed to be a metaphor for her acting as a dummy for the liberal agenda, the creators do not to a great job of explaining it, and thus many people took it as Trump calling Clinton a literal robot. While negative campaigns can be entertaining for the viewers, it is ultimately not a healthy way to gain voters. This is be-

cause instead of showing how qualified they are as a candidate, it simply upsets and confuses voters who may have already been on the fence. Furthermore, one should be wooing voters with their ideas and beliefs, with plans of change and amazing speeches and debates. Presidential campaigns should no longer be about who can make the other look worse, it should be about who would be best for our country. By just keep making each other look bad, they are perpetuating the idea of having to vote for the “lesser of the two evils” instead of a candidate you actually believe in. Now we can only hope that they notice this, and start to turn things around.

28 September 2016 // // 11


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12 // // 28 September 2016

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We are the Hearts – EXGF Genre: Alternative, Pop Similar to: EDEN, Jon Bellion, Halsey

This track came out of nowhere. For its cult-pop feel, it wasn’t on any radio station, nor spanning multiple Spotify playlists. Instead, I stumbled upon it out of the blue and fell in love. Filled with beautiful imagery and victorious trumpets, this is a song I would associate being with a movie trailer for the pure hype it holds. EXGF’s message with the song is one that resonates with a sense of eternal youth: “We are the lost generation. But are we the ones who are truly lost? The dreamers, the freethinkers, the creators. Our hearts bleed but never die.” It’s the kind of song that you listen to when you want to realize you’re bigger than you feel. —Beth

Fear Less – Nick Murphy Genre: Electronica Similar to: Tim Rogers, Jack Ladder

Although this is Nick Murphy’s first track since letting go of his previous moniker, Chet Faker, the feel of the piece remains true to his original sound. His unique and spacious electronic beats, hand-in-hand with his wonderful voice envelops your sense of hearing into an unknown void away from civilization. This new song owns a more electronic vibe than his previous works, such as “Talk is Cheap,” which focuses more on his vocal prowess. I found out about him through Spotify’s “New Releases” tab this past Friday, and I wish I heard of him sooner. —Lucas

Goji Berry Sunset – Jealous of the Birds Genre: Indie Similar to: She Drew the Gun, Xylaroo

This song has single-handedly saved me from countless bouts of stress induced rage in the past week alone. Singer/songwriter Naomi Hamilton weaves together simple guitar melodies, ethereal vocals and lush, poetic lyrics to generate ultimate contentedness within the listener. Jealous of the Birds’ debut album, Parma Violets, is an eclectic mixture of simple guitar and quirky lyrics that set it apart from the typical indie album. Whether it’s a crisp Sunday morning and you need some feel good music to accompany your coffee, or a Wednesday evening and you’re on the verge of a mental collapse, Jealous of the Birds won’t disappoint. —Bridget

Beverly Laurel – Tame Impala Genre: Psychedelic Rock Similar to: MGMT, Neon Indian, Grimes

The simplistic drum beat mixed with exquisite synth swells and sugary melody makes this song the perfect Fall jam. Imagine: the air is crisp and cool, the sun warmly hugs your skin and the trees are changing. The leaves are falling as you walk around your neighborhood, while the song’s pulsating bass mellows down with each single step you make. Even though Beverly Laurel is just a bonus track from the deluxe edition of Tame Impala’s Lonerism 7” Vinyl, it’s still arguably one of their best. It’s a complete transformation from the band’s usual rock vibe into pure psychedelic electro bliss. Kevin Parker’s voice as he sings “I know what’s right for me” over and over again will leave you in a deep haze. —Joseph

The Pigeon – Jeffrey Lewis Genre: Indie Similar to: Kimya Dawson, that weird guy the lived on your corner singing folk songs

This isn’t a song so much as a spoken word of a playfully yiddish New Yorker spewing thoughts of pigeons. When listening it makes me oddly reminiscent of a time I never witnessed: one of ice boxes and tenement homes, and finding joy in depression (economic or otherwise). The music is very chill, and a great thing to just listen to when you want to think for a while. Definitely the perfect rainy day jam. —Andie

14 // // 28 September 2016


LOVE DON’T LIVE HERE ANYMORE BETHANY BERG i miss you, i sigh because mercury has been nothing but bare, i’ve been crying less and less, but everything is still just a damn tragedy. i miss you, i wave because in the distance i swear i can see you, in the faint familiarity of blue and green that makes our home look like a painting made to be shown off.

i can’t find you, i yell as people exist everywhere, but there is no you, they say that the moon was made because the earth was lonely, and i wonder if you’re ever lonely without me. i’m coming, i say as my stolen spaceship rumbles with earthquakes, fleeing the ground like a

best intentions Quinten Hayley


flower being picked, like a rose handed to a lover saying ‘ this is for you. ‘ take care of it. you are not here, i cry as dust falls through my fingers, gloves lost to the martian wind, because not even the robot population could comfort me now. i don’t see you, i sob as i speed past jupiter, watching comets explode out my window,

creating a hurricane where it already feels so cold. i’m coming for you, i yell as my hand runs the edges of saturn’s rings, colors of storms twisting and turning -like the clouds are spinning, and the planet is dancing. the waltz of celestial spaces, the tango of intergalactic emptiness.

i feel lost, i spill looking into the depths of blue as if uranus could drown me any further, for oxygen is only necessary on the ground. where are you, i ask spinning circles around the moons of neptune, because there are thirteen, and that has always been my lucky number. i never found out yours. i miss you, i say. the sun is so far gone

now, and i am lost. pluto is so dark and i am starting to see the commonalities, how it’s three am and everything’s wormholes. maybe, in another universe, this worked out another way. but there are other solar systems, other galaxies. there is more warmth than just you.

We cannot help you. We are taking you somewhere, Where they know how to, Deal with the sort of issues, Which clearly have you, Feeling so very obtuse. But you are just sick. That’s all, nothing more than that. The things you think and feel are wrong. But medicine will make you right. Don’t be scared. They only have your best intentions. We only want what’s best for you. We are leaving now. See you in a month, son.

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16 // // 28 September 2016

Homecoming 2016 Saturday, Oct. 1, 2016 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Bubble Soccer Tournament and Pre-Game Party and Tailgating starting at 9 a.m. Kickoff at 1 p.m. with your COD Chaparrals taking on the Ellsworth Panthers!

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