The Courier - September 7, 2016

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Things You You Didn’t Didn’t Know Know About About the the 88 Things Future of of Journalism Journalism (#7 (#7 might might shock shock you!) you!) p10-11 p10-11 Future N






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The Courier Courier isis published published every every Wednesday Wednesday when when The classes are are in in session session during during the the fall fall and and spring spring semessemesclasses ter, except except for for the the first first and and last last Wednesday Wednesday of of each each ter, semester and and the the week week of of spring spring break break as as aa public public semester forum with with content content chosen chosen by by student student editors. editors. One One forum copy free, free, additional additional copies copies available available upon upon request. request. copy The Courier Courier does does not not knowingly knowingly accept accept advertiseadvertiseThe mentthat thatdiscriminate discriminateon onthe thebasis basisof of sex, sex,creed, creed,relireliment gion,color, color,handicapped handicappedstatus, status,veteran veteranor orsexual sexualoriorigion, entation, nor nor does does itit knowingly knowingly print print ads ads that that violate violate entation, any local, local, state state or or federal federal laws. laws. any Deliver all all correspondence correspondence to to SSC SSC 1220 1220 between between Deliver regular office office hours hours or or mail mail to to the the Courier, Courier, College College regular of DuPage, DuPage, 425 425 Fawell Fawell Blvd., Blvd., Glen Glen Ellyn, Ellyn, IL. IL. 60137. 60137. of

On the the Cover Cover On

Joseph Molino’s Molino’s “Going “Going Digital” Digital” Joseph reimagination of of the the Courier Courier reimagination

2 // // 07 September 2016

Catch an error we didn’t see? Tell us about it. Send an email to

Auditor’s report not expected to be made public until end of 2016 Bridget Kingston · News Editor

College of DuPage President Ann Rondeau mistakenly announced during the Aug. 18 Board of Trustees meeting that the Illinois Auditor General’s report had been received and was ready to be looked over by the board. However, after much persistence by fellow board members to see the report in the days following, Chairwoman Deanne Mazzochi revealed that no final report exists.. “President Rondeau’s

statement was an error; we do not have a final report from the auditor general’s office,” Mazzochi said during the board’s Aug. 29 meeting. Rondeau then stated in an email she expects the office of the auditor general to release the finalized report within the following months. “I hope they release it within the fourth quarter of this year,” she said. “The auditor general is in complete control of their report; I do

not know their internal processes.” Until the changes are finalized, the draft of the audit will not be discussed or distributed amongst the trustees. “We are all under confidentiality obligations during the pendency of that report,” Mazzochi said. The Auditor General is required by the Illinois State Auditing Act to conduct a financial examination of every state agency. Occurring

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at least once every two years, the audits inform the public and the state of the agency’s spending habits. The auditor general also evaluate the agency’s compliance with the state and federal rules and regulations. Trustee Dianne McGuire brought the issue to light by addressing Rondeau and Mazzochi during the public comments portion of the Aug. 29 board meeting. After multiple different requests throughout the

week following the Aug. 18 meeting, McGuire came to the realization that she would not get her hands on the report. “How can I perform my responsibilities as a trustee, if I am not provided with the information to do my job?” she asked Rondeau. “I had hoped that this kind of behavior was behind us, and that the Clean Slate members would live by their election promises to be accountable and transparent. That report

exists; it’s here on this campus. Some of you have seen it and some of us have not.” Mazzochi responded by reiterating the fact that there is no actual report. “I am aware that people have been requesting materials as a consequence of President Rondeau’s erroneous statement. However, nobody is keeping you from seeing any final report.”

Jacob Sanchez Diagnosed with autism

07 September 2016 // // 3

Career Services conducts first Fall Self Directed Search workshop Vandy Manyeh · Reporter


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Wednesday, Sept. 97 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Student Services Center (SSC), Atrium QUESTIONS? Career Services, (630) 942-2230

4 // // 07 September 2016

With the prevailing unpredictable nature of the economy, enthusiastic high school graduates aren’t just concerned about the excitements they experience in college. The real issue over the years has been how much money a person will make after college and whether or not it will be enough. Even smart high school students who boast about having a mind made up about a college major still face this dilemma when the economy isn’t supporting their desired career. For many, this situation is nerve-racking leading to wasted college years caused by a change of major, while few get a taste of college life being an undecided major. Meeting with a counselor, exploring interests, abilities, values and desired lifestyle have helped thousands who have walked through the walls of Chaparral Country settle this internal conflict. Career Services, a department here at College of DuPage that serves as a link between job seekers and the business community, recently kicked off their regular Self Directed Search workshop on Aug. 30 . The workshop’s basic aim was to help students shape themselves as it relates to choosing a college career. Participants learned how to use a self-directed assessment results in career development, ways to understand strategies

for gathering occupational information, and how to use COD resources to assist in a job search. They completed a career assessment and later reviewed occupational information to learn income and job growth data. Students and community members learned how to identify their next career goal, what employers are looking for, the effects of the global national trend, and they were urged to take advantage of the Learning Commons. “Your career is what you want to do 8 hours a day, and not just a labelled profession,” said Stephanie Wilcox from Career Services. Students who participated felt pleased about the opportunities made available through Career Services at COD. “What really helped me was listening to what Stephanie had to say about what one should think about when considering a certain career or job,” said Victoria Mendez, an undecided major student at COD. “I really kept in mind when she told us that when picking out a career choice to ask ourselves, ‘Would I like doing this for eight or more hours in a day?’ To me, that really made me think about whether or not a specific career choice would make me happy or not. It made me realize that yes, money or salary is important, but that I also have to put that

aside and also consider whether or not I would mind doing certain tasks of the job.” Students here at COD are responsive to opportunities provided through Career Services. “Our individual appointments with Career Specialists are often booked out over a week in advance and workshops and career fairs are quite popular for learning those important networking, resume creation and interviewing skills,” said Steve Gustis, Manager Career Services. “However, we always invite and encourage more students to take advantages of the services we offer.” Currently, COD provides updated links to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Occupational Outlook Handbook, the System of Integrated Guidance and Information (SIGI), a platform that helps students to create a career plan that is right for them, and Horizons, a computerized system with Illinois databases. Career Services appointments are available throughout the semester. Regular workshop topics are related to details surrounding social media branding, resume development, exploring jobs based on one’s major and interviewing skills. Career Services also organizes job fairs with specific academic departments.

Reflecting on 30 years of art Caroline Broderick · Features Editor Bethany Berg · Photo Editor

This year is not just a celebration of COD’s 50th year, but the 30th anniversary of professional art being on campus. Before COD’s art gallery was known as the Cleve Carney Art Gallery, it was the Gahlberg Gallery, named after William E. Gahlberg, a suburban developer and avid art collector for 11 years before renovations provided by philanthropist and art collector Cleve Carney in 2012. Before 2001,

the gallery was simply the “The Art Center Gallery” until the MAC was built in 1986. This year marks the 30th year a gallery has been on campus, providing art for education and for culture for three decades. In light of the celebratory anniversary, the gallery has opened its latest exhibition: “Long View / Long Game” curated by Brandon Alvendia, which runs until Oct. 1. The exhibition displays artwork from the

30 years the art collection has been growing so community members may see the journey art has taken as well as the gallery itself. Justin Witte became the gallery’s new director last year, and he has already immersed himself in its history. “From the beginning, when Eileen Broido was the director, the gallery has been known as a top center for contemporary art,” said Witte. “Barbara Wiesen was the second direc-

tor of the space and did exceptional work in building on the reputation Eileen started.” Broido, an avid art collector, was the gallery’s first director and has donated multiple pieces for the gallery’s permanent collection as well as beginning its reputation. Barbara Wiesen ran the gallery through its establishment as the Gahlberg Gallery to its first years as Cleve Carney. In that time, the galleries have been graced with excep-

tional works including over 100 polaroids by Andy Warhol, perspective pieces by Amy Vogel and an entire Native American artwork collection in archives. “What a better way to expose and educate the community to the advancement of the visual arts than having a professional art gallery on a community college campus,” said Wiesen in an interview with COD in 2013. Not only does the gallery display works

through the years, but Alvendia has provided an interactive piece for the community: a time capsule. Students and the public may place anything they’d like into the time capsule to represent the current time. The capsule is set to be opened 30 years into the future. “this is a quote from the curator about the time capsule and how cool it is and it’ll end the piece on a very neat-o line or two or three”

07 September 2016 // // 5



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6 // // 07 September 2016

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Light Fixtures at Wings Gallery Bethany Berg · Photo Editor

The “Interior Design Lighting Show 2016” hosted a plethora of student work, all centered around light fixtures created by students in the classroom. From wire frames wrapped around Edison bulbs to detailed frays imprinted on the surface of a spherical hanging fixture. The show has been hosted in Wings Art Gallery since Aug. 15, and will end on Sept. 9. The next show is called “Alastaire Lundeen,” and will be on display from Sept. 15 until Oct. 14. 07 September 2016 // // 7

COD’s new solution to college stress Caroline Broderick · Features Editor

Beginning 11 a.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 7 in SSC 1225, guided meditation workshops will be held every week. Run by Margaret McKenzie and hosted by the Mental Health Awareness Team and Counseling Services, the workshops are 100 percent free and open to any interested. McKenzie is a licensed social worker and has taught meditation in past COD courses. She has practiced meditation and Buddhism for over 20 years and hopes to

share valuable knowledge with stressed out college students. Dennis Emano, mental health counselor, professor and avid meditator help bring the workshop to life and supports the strong positives meditation has to offer. “I meditate regularly, which helps when I try to teach and explain meditation practice to students,” said Emano. “To be an effective meditation teacher, one must engage in regular meditation practice. I practice meditation

8 // // 07 September 2016

for all the wonderful benefits it has to offer, from stress reduction to finding a greater sense of peace within. As a meditator and mindfulness practitioner, I personally believe in the benefits of meditation and mindfulness. If I did not experience any benefits from mindfulness meditation practice, I honestly would not be recommending it to others.” From personally experiencing the benefits, Emano believes that meditation could be an answer for many

students that they have yet to discover. “Through regular practice, students can potentially learn to better relate to school and life stressors so as not to exacerbate their stress and levels of anxiety,” explained Emano. “Students can learn to better concentrate on their studies and things important to them. Students can potentially learn to be more present rather than be vexed by things of the past or the future. Students can also learn to better

accept the things they can’t control and, as a result, experience less suffering. Students can learn to value being in the moment no matter what experience is, and by doing so know they can fully live in the present.” Meditation as a way to relieve stress may not seem like it could work with everybody, but McKenzie and Emano truly believe that through the weekly guided meditations, anybody can be affected by the peace meditation may bring.

“I believe everyone has the potential to meditate, regardless of how distractible they may be,” said Emano. “There are some who say they can’t meditate because their mind is too busy and can’t seem to be still. Meditation, as some gurus would say, is like an exercise of the mind. Meditation works out the mind in the same way going to the gym workouts the body.”

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07 September 2016 // // 9


8 Things You Didn’t Know About the Future of Journalism (#7 might shock you!) The expectation of journalism has been changing through the years. What was once a medium for exposing truth and informing the public has turned into clickbait and photo slideshows of dogs eating muffins. Is this the future of journalism? And if so, is it for better or worse? *sigh* 5. It’s not possible to make stacks on stacks on stacks.

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(815) 836-5250 • 10 // // 07 September 2016

1. Modern day journalism is trying too hard to be #relatable.


b #relata

Newspapers are turning into what they call “digital-first” companies, which means the majority of the work they do is published online. This means instead of having the audience of just their city or town, newspapers now have the whole world as potential readers. All content must be relatable, killing many potential local news stories.

2. Online publications require journalists to go above and beyond what’s expected.

6. College run newspapers may become a thing of the past. This one hits us at the Courier a little too close to home. The only reason we are able to write every week for this publication is because of our print advertisements in this paper. Look to the right or the left of this editorial. What do you see? Ads. However if you go on our website, you will see nothing but content. We have personally experienced how tricky it can be to stay afloat financially while still fighting our way into the digital age, and it’s not easy.

According to Washington Post Editor Marty Baron, journalists today have extreme workloads. In an interview with the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers he explains, “They have to do their traditional reporting. They have to participate in social media. They have to produce a wire service available 24 hours a day. They have to be responsible for video. You name it, they’re involved in it. It’s a lot to ask.”


Because who doesn’t want to see photos of a horse high-fiving an otter, or a video of a baby eating pizza for the first time. Some publications have even started their own section for these types of articles, like Huffington Post with their good news section dubbed “What’s Working.”

4. Paper is so last year.


Cutting-edge program. Committed faculty. Accredited degree.


7. Maybe we can find a happy medium!

3. A newspaper reaches out to a broader online audience with #cute articles.

Everything and everyone is going paperless. People read on their tablets, or listen to audiobooks. They get their news from the internet, whether that be a newspaper’s app or Twitter feed. It’s great because you can save the planet one tree at a time! You might be giving yourself cancer from holding a smartphone in your hand 24/7, but it’s a small price to pay for the environment.

Advertisements are the main source of revenue for a newspaper. According to Advertising Age, on online publication about advertisements in common day media, print ads bring in far more revenue than online ones. Take Men’s Health magazine for example. Thirty percent of their annual revenue comes from printed advertisements, whereas only 4 percent comes from digital ones. The Atlantic doesn’t make a profit at this time, but one of the reasons they are able to stay afloat is from making 31 percent of their revenue in print advertising, as opposed to the 10 percent from digital advertisements.

Take a website like Buzzfeed for example. They are a company designed around the use of clickbait. However they have started doing real, hard-hitting journalism in their “News” section, and using the clickbait technique to get people to read the articles. Perhaps there is a method to their madness after all?

8. With all of that being said, local journalism may not be going away anytime soon. As John Oliver so eloquently puts it, “The media is a food chain which would fall apart without local newspapers.” We at the Courier realize that idea may seem a bit far fetched. After all, how could the video of the 10 best frittata recipes in the U.S. really be related to anything you see on the 10 o’clock news or your daily paper? The fact is, that same website where you watched the video also has an article talking about gun violence in Chicago, or a drought in Phoenix. And those articles were often researched through other articles from small town papers. No matter how much we don’t like to admit it, media as a whole relies on these publications. Without them we would be lost, and because of that they should not disappear anytime soon.

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PHOTO POLL: Miranda Shelton · Opinion Editor // Joseph Molino · Graphics Editor

This past week, we asked students where they find their news and what they think about their sources. Ben Glowacki – Year 3

Do you consider yourself someone who follows current events/the news? For the most part yes. Do you lean more towards print publications or online news sites? I read a lot of Newsweek. I look at a lot of newspapers and try to read articles online. Where do you think the future of journalism is going? A lot of journalism is moving towards video information. I don’t see too many journalism publications like the Chicago Tribune going towards videos yet. But I do see a lot of the agencies are going more towards the interests of millennials. A lot of us are interested in watching videos on the internet, it takes up most of our time. I feel it gears more towards the general interest of our generation. Brooke Morenz – Year 1

Do you consider yourself someone who follows current events/the news? Yeah, I check the news to see what’s up. Do you lean more towards print publications or online news sites? I usually look at it more so online. I go on Google News a lot because it’s just a conglomer-

ate of different news sites.

Where do you think the future of journalism is going? I think there are a lot of people who prefer the print publication of it, but I would say in general society is moving more towards technology oriented things. It seems like more news is online more than ever. Nana Asnte – Year 1

Do you consider yourself someone who follows current events/the news? Yes, somewhat. I think I do. Do you lean more towards print publications or online news sites? I do go to the independent sources, not really any big names because they often have the majority’s opinion. They want to know what other people are thinking. Where do you think the future of journalism is going? I think the online movement is going forward because so many teenagers are online. It has more impact than paper.

12 // // 07 September 2016

Events calendar at

WANNA DO COOL STUFF? The Courier Courier is is looking looking for for The

Freelance Writers Social Media Manager for the the Fall Fall 2016 2016 semester. semester. for Email Email with inquiries. inquiries. with

Upcoming 50th Anniversary event: COD Food Truck Rally and Sunset 5K Saturday, Sept. 17, 2016 • 07 September 2016 // // 13

You put what in where? Why I started using a cup to maintain my period. Miranda Shelton · Opinion Editor

Once a month I wake up startled in the middle of the night. My sweaty hair is matted to my forehead and there is a sharp pain in my side. “It’s happening,” I whisper to myself, as I gingerly pick myself up out of bed and tiptoe to the bathroom so as not to wake anyone. I turn on the lights, and it’s a crime scene. In a sudden state of awakeness I realize: I’ve gotten my period. I have been living this hell since I was 13. My period would come and go, surprising me and scaring me half to death every time, and I’ve never quite gotten use to it. I happen to be one of those people who experience this special time at such an extreme level, and it dictated how I could live my life. I started my journey with the standard beginner-level feminine product: the sanitary pad. This giant diaper-like underwear attachment left me with a camel toe the size of an actual camel’s toe, and no coverage. Sure it covers the blood’s main pathway, but has little to no coverage in what my friends and I dubbed

“the splash zone.” This is the area right in front of or behind the pad, where the blood would creep and leave behind bizarre, Jackson Pollock-esque stains. While the idea of sticking a tampon where the sun don’t shine freaked me out at the time, I refused to walk around with stains on my pants. I would often stick three to four pads in my underwear, essentially covering every surface so I wouldn’t have to worry. This was effective, but I’m pretty sure I was the only eighth grader at my school who was concerned about diaper rash. Coming into high school was hard, because all of my friends started using tampons. I could no longer send an SOS text asking to borrow a pad. It was a truly scary time, one where there were no backup plans. If I was out of pads, I was out of luck. Still, I managed to get to the summer before my senior year, when I went to my first pool party that fell on one of the

14 // // 07 September 2016

days of my period. I called my best friend at the time to come over a few hours early, and we went to the drugstore to buy tampons. Probably due to the lack of sex education I had received in school over the years, I had no idea what to purchase. Sure, “light” and “regular” tampons made sense, but what in the world was “super?” The only reference I had was that one quote in “Mean Girls” about having a “wide set vagina,” and I was pretty sure I didn’t have one of those. We returned to my house, and she talked me through inserting a tampon through my bathroom door. I laughed. I cried; all in all it was a life-changing experience. We got dressed and went to the party. I felt so grown up, like I had a little secret. That is, until I jumped into the pool. Funny thing about tampons: they soak up liquid, and they do it fast. Very quickly it ballooned out and, unbe-

knownst to me, shot out of my swimsuit. Needless to say I was mortified. I went home that night crying, and determined to figure out how to use tampons properly. As the years passed, I grew quite comfortable with tampons. I thought I was a period master. That is, until I stumbled upon a Youtube video about menstrual cups. What are menstrual cups? They’re flexible silicone cups you use to contain your blood flow during your period. Unlike mainstream feminine products, they don’t absorb the blood; they catch it, leaving less likelihood for leaks or potential health issues. Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) is a huge concern for tampon users. TSS is a life-threatening complication of certain types of bacterial infections. According to the leading tampon brand Playtex, “There is risk of TSS to all women using tampons during their menstrual period.” There is no risk of TSS for cup users. This is because it

starts when the tampon absorbs fluids that aren’t meant to be absorbed. There are lots of good bacteria that should stay in the vagina to keep it healthy and void of bad bacteria, but a tampon just absorbs them, leaving an opportunity for bad bacteria to enter. The way you position a menstrual cup leaves it sitting right below your cervix. Because of this, it’s also healthy and safe to have sexual intercorse while wearing a cup, if you so chose. Just be sure you use protection because it will not keep you safe from STDs or an unwanted pregnancy. Menstrual cup wearers are able to relax on their period. There are no chance of leaks, because the cup is designed to create a suction. It also has a ton of space to hold the blood. I, personally, have never come close to filling one, and I only change mine twice a day. The most amazing thing about menstru-

al cups, and reusable feminine products in general, is the cost. I purchased my Eva Cup for $18.99, but there are numerous other companies that sell menstrual cups ranging from $15.99 to $59.00. While this might seem like a lot of money to shell out over one small product, I can tell you the savings overall make it more than worth it, as a cup can last up to 10 years. A box of tampons generally costs $10 a box, which means that over the course of 10 years, that’s $1,200 spent on disposable products. While an insertable feminine product might not be up your alley, there are always reusable options that are safer, healthier, and more comfortable to use. Many of the reusable products you see today were made by people who know what it’s like to have a brutal week once a month, and they just want to make it easier for the rest of us. So next time your Aunt Flow rolls around, try a reusable menstrual cup! Your body will thank you.

Coca-Cola Cocaine Conundrum Quinten Hayley · Sports Editor


According to various news outlets across the world, 800 pounds of high quality cocaine have been found in a Coca-Cola plant, near the Mediterranean France. The value of the bust ranges between $12.5-$56 million US dollars, which, according to the BBC, makes it one of the largest drug busts in France’s history. This particular warehouse was used for concentrates; the drugs

were found stashed in crates of oranges. The employees who found the cocaine immediately informed police, which suggests that the employees on the lowest part of the totem pole have no involvement. Investigations are underway despite this. According to the New York Times, Coca-Cola regional president Jean-Denis Malgras stated, “The first elements of the in-

vestigation have shown that employees are no way involved.” How anyone could know for sure is beyond me, considering the fact that Coca-Cola is still one of the only corporations in the nation that makes legal use of the coca plant. Coca-Cola still uses dried coca leaves in their product to this day. Stephan Company, a manufacturer headquartered in Northfield,

Ill., is the only commercial entity in the United States authorized by the Drug Enforcement Administration to import coca leaves, and process them into cocaine, which come primarily from Peru. Approximately 100 metric tons of dried coca leaf are imported each year. The cocaine-free leaves are sold to The Coca-Cola Company, while the cocaine is sold to Mallinckrodt, a

pharmaceutical firm, for medicinal purposes. So what you have here are three entities directly benefiting from each other’s existences, while also maintaining exclusive legal rights to one of the most addictive drugs on the face of the planet, not to mention the one of the ONLY drugs that causes permanent brain damage. And they just happen to find $50 million dollars’ worth

of prime fish scale chiva, and expect people to think that this was somehow an accident? While all parties responsible for the concoction of the most powerful/ plentiful cocaine in the world are all sitting in the same board rooms? I guess when you have the DEA on your side, the truth is whatever you make it out to be.

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Learning Commons - SRC 2102 07 September 2016 // // 15

Chaps Dominate in Oshkosh Quinten Hayley · Sports Editor

The Chaparral’s men’s football team experienced monumental success in their game versus University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh JV on Sunday, Sept. 4. The game ended with a score of 48-0, completely decimating any preconceived notions I had about the team. The Chaps scored two touchdowns in the first quarter, two in the third, and a whopping two touchdowns and two field goals to wrap up the fourth. They

hardly even let the other team touch the ball, and showed no remorse towards the end of the game when it was clear victory was imminent. They drove them into the pavement. It’s clear where their success derived from. Quarterback No. 12 Tavion Pauldo managed to complete 10 of 12 passes, while Quarterback No. 2 Evan Scales completed 9 of 14. Between the two of them, they accumulated a total of 316

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yards, netting them two touchdowns each. Running Back Jordan Brown managed two touchdowns of his own, amounting to 50 yards rushed. Other notable runners featured in this game included Running Back Marcus Jester, accumulating 58 yards, and both aforementioned quarterbacks, who both rushed for 40 yards themselves. Four different receivers were responsible for four touchdowns. First and foremost was

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Arturo, accumulating a whopping 101 yards. There was also Joey Fontano, Malik Space, and Keith Dixon, who’s yard allocation ranged from 23-65. All scored touchdowns of their own. Offense wasn’t the only factor to write home about. The Chaps defense was responsible for keeping Oshkosh at bay for the duration of the threehour game. Left Back Shannon Hall and Defensive Lineman Tyler

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LaBarbera managed to sack the opposing quarterback twice, once each, respectively. The defensive line was something akin to an infantry, like a band of warriors shielding their homeland from enemy intrusion. Their resilience and vehemence was recognized as the Chaps prevented the enemy from so much as moving. In terms of total yard allocation, the Chaps accumulated 565, while Oshkosh moved a measly 127;

the Chaps moved more than four times farther. My initial estimates of the Chaparrals were juvenile, misguided, and was established under a myopic lens. These guys may have been shaky for the duration of the first game, but any nuance of anxiety was quickly disregarded as they embarrassed Oshkosh’s entire football program without so much as a bead of sweat.

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Colin Kaepernick, freedom of speech, and the power of perspective Quinten Hayley · Sports Editor

Consumers and other social media enthusiasts have taken to their various internet platforms to express their distress over Colin Kaepernick, quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers. He recently refused to stand for the national anthem during an NFL game. In a press conference, Colin said he made this decision because “I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color. To me, this is bigger than football, and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder." This has caused a lot of outrage within various communities and subcultures, including the Social Justice Warriors, the politically correct, military veterans, general nationalists, etc. One of the reasons this particular altercation has become so poignant is because there are so many perspectives to choose from. Is he the black man who rose from nothing, a martyr for the sake of his people? Is he a man speaking up for the hundreds of years of discord inflicted upon his people? Or, is he a pretentious

guy with no real inkling as to how things really are? Does the fact that the man makes $19 million a year imply his disillusion? Could he ever really feel even an iota of the widespread suffering experienced daily? I’m a naturally cynical individual. So when I perceived all of these people getting riled up about the singular decision/statement of a glorified sack of meat, I couldn’t help but feel frustrated. The masses won’t rise up in opposition to the systematic oppression and endless wars that our bourgeois zookeepers keep in perpetuity, but some rich guy doesn’t stand up for the special song, and suddenly everyone wants their voice heard. There is a plethora of videos of people literally buying his $60-$80 jersey just to light it on fire, releasing god knows what into the atmosphere and strengthening Charles Darwin’s theories on evolution. We have a reality show host and a lizard person running for office, and this is what we spend our energy on. But then I talked to someone currently serving in the armed forces. His name is Colton Gilbert, and he’s an Explosive Ordnance Dispos-

al Technician (EOD) currently stationed in Japan. What he had to say made me consider my perspective on a lot more than just our topic of conversation. “I think what he did is a disgrace to American soldiers,” said Gilbert. “I've seen friends who have come home from deployment, mentally and emotionally messed up. I've seen people physically messed up, for what reason? Because of that flag. What he did is no different than stomping on the flag, spitting on the flag, or burning my flag. I don't disagree with his opinion. It's his opinion. He has a right to that. But what he did is disrespectful to the men and women, my brothers and sisters that have sacrificed so much for that flag. I wear that flag on my right arm every single day. That's the reason I do what I do. A guy that has been given so much by this country and sacrificed so little, should have more respect. You can protest and do it respectfully. He chose not to.” His words stretched my eyes wide open. It’s always easy to consider your own perspective, you do so whether you're aware of it or not. But as i tried to self insert into his position, I realized I

could never understand the magnitude of the commitment and dedication of someone in the armed forces; and therefore had no rightby my own standards, morals, and practices to even comment on the matter. When I told Gilbert how his words had affected me and my perspective, he went on to provide further insight into the mind of a man fully dedicated to nationalism, and the American ideal. “It's his right to freedom of speech but that's because of the men and women that are the true heroes of this country,” said Gilbert. “I am not one to hold back what I think. So let me tell you, the true heroes are the ones that haven't made it home. The true heroes are the ones who wake up every night with nightmares because of what they have seen. I visited Arlington National Cemetery today. I was told they have over 400,000 grave sites. 400,000! That's 400,000 men, women, children, and family members that have sacrificed so much to give that sorry excuse his freedoms. You're right... He has the right to sit down. But the true question is... Should he?” “Should he disrespect

my flag and my brothers and sisters? Should he be able to do the equivalent of spitting, stomping on, and burning my flag? Hell no,” Gilbert continued “I and many others, wake up every morning and put a uniform on with that flag on our right shoulder. Why? Because that flag represents our country. That flag represents our people. That flag represents us and everything about us. The good, the bad, and the ugly. Most people cannot understand that until they have marched over 12 miles with 65 to 95lbs on your back with your feet bleeding since mile three. They do not understand until they have to attend a military funeral and watch his son ask the mother why daddy had to die. They will never understand until they have to walk down on an explosive device and wonder if you'll make it home that day or smell and see what explosives can do to a human body. Kap doesn't know what sacrifice is. Kap doesn't know what honor, duty, and respect is. Standing for the National Anthem is respect. Not for this supposed racist country, not for the supposed racist cops, but for the men and women that have given everything for his

worthless opinion.” “Sorry if this is hard to follow or understand, I am currently on a C17 US Air Force aircraft flying across the ocean on my way to protect the US President. Away from my family and friends knowing what sacrifice and respect are.” My original intention in writing this article was to verbally bash everyone who paid anything Kaepernick had to say any mind, but that’s no longer my purpose. I think a lot of the world’s issues are rooted in the fact that we can’t see past our own perspectives. We become so wrapped up in trying to convince people of our convictions, that we never take the time to consider the foundation for other people’s beliefs: their lives. A commonality that we all share. I don’t think absolute truth exists. Everyone is the good guy in their own head, and until man can truly consider the needs of the many instead of the needs of himself, the proletariat, the people who keep society in motion, will continue to lose their heads over society’s entitled benefactors. It’s frankly all some of us can do to escape from the looming truth of the reality we’re living in.

07 September 2016 // // 17

Thank God for Girls – Weezer Genre: Alternative Rock Similar to: Foo Fighters, Jimmy Eat World

I hope I am not alone when I say Weezer has never lost their touch over 15 years and 12 albums after their initial formation. Their latest album is no exception. Unlike so many other bands, Weezer has always stayed true to their sound while continuing to expand the definition of “their sound.” My summer was filled with the “White Album” on repeat, and everybody knew whenever “Thank God for Girls” came on, they needed to stop what they were doing and sing. The intense yet humorous lyrics are sliced with melodies you love shouting to and slowing down to. Though a different sounding song, Weezer does it justice and brings a whole new sound with this one. –Caroline

War Ready – Vince Staples Genre: Hip-hop Similar to: Earl Sweatshirt, Young Thug, Tyler the Creator *cough* poser *cough*, Schoolboy Q, Kendrick Lamar

I like hood music. I can relate to the struggle. This particular song incites in me the adrenaline experienced by someone thrust into circumstances they would have otherwise avoided. The beat is perfectly compiled to compliment Vince’s unique vocal intonations, featuring high pitched 808 synth blurbs, a piano, and a lyrical feature from the legendary Andre 3000 of Outkast. The rhyme schemes coincide with lyrical prowess, and what you’re left with is a hood banger. Turn it up loud and evade the police. –Quin

Hot 8 Brass Band Genre: Jazz/Soul/Funk Similar to: Anything you’d hear walking down the street in New Orleans

This was my song of the summer, but it’s still hanging on as the weather starts to change. Hot 8 tion to the melody to the Marvin Gaye classic, I would argue it’s even better than the original. fun and swingy. You can’t help but bounce in your seat when you hear it. Then when the chorus of can’t help but break out in a smile. It’s just a song the creates such joy, it will shift any low mood

Brass Band gives such emoIt’s tight and clean, but very men break out into song you you could ever be in. -Andie

When the Poet Sings – L.A. Salami Genre: Blues-Rock Similar to: Annie Eve, Meadowlark

Arriving into Autumn months, playlists will soon pop up with slow and soft beats to match the cloudy and cool weather. If you want to skip the rest of the heat and jump straight to the sweaters, warm drinks and crunching leaves, then “When the Poet Sings” is the perfect track to start with. Its somber, yet upbeat acoustic sound will warm you up, with lyrics like a welcome home sign held high: “the poet’s song will set apart and turn to flames my weary rungs, and set my phenomenons ablaze.” This indie track will enchant you with the spirit of the season, even if it’s not entirely here yet. -Beth

Express Yourself – N.W.A. Genre: Rap Similar to: Ice-T, Ice Cube

This is probably the cleanest song Dr. Dre has ever produced. Although it still has the explicit label on it for talking about drugs, he doesn’t swear at all. His perfect flow, on top of the classic instrumentals of Charles Wright’s song “Express Yourself,” Dre set a standard still followed by rap artists today. His social commentary on how fake rappers are everywhere in the scene, and how the only way to push forward with their careers is to be honest with their audience, is truly enlightening. Although he transforms himself into the person he despised in the song later in his career, the piece is a cool snap shot into the mindset of when he first started to the present. –Lucas

18 // // 07 September 2016



7 6

8 8 9

4 1


6 5 7

6 5


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1 2 6 5 3 5 7 6 6 8 2 4 2 4 5 4 1 3 9 1 2 8 3 9 8 7 8 7 6 7

3 4 2 5 6 8 7




How to beat Str8ts – Like Sudoku, no single number can repeat in any row or column. But... rows and columns are divided by black squares into compartments. These need to be filled in with numbers that complete a ‘straight’. A straight is a set of numbers with no gaps but can be in any order, eg [4,2,3,5]. Clues in black cells remove that number as an option in that row and column, and are not part of any straight. Glance at the solution to see how ‘straights’ are formed.


9 4 8 2 7 1 3 5 6

5 2


7 6

8 9

3 2


4 1 2

The solutions will be published here in the next issue.


7 6 2 5 9 3 1 8 4

5 3 1 6 8 4 7 9 2

4 7 5 1 2 6 8 3 9

8 2 6 9 3 5 4 1 7

1 9 3 8 4 7 6 2 5

6 8 7 3 5 9 2 4 1

2 5 4 7 1 8 9 6 3

3 1 9 4 6 2 5 7 8

To complete Sudoku, fill the board by entering numbers 1 to 9 such that each row, column and 3x3 box contains every number uniquely. © 2016 Syndicated Puzzles


9 5 8

Previous solution - Medium

5 1 4

9 6

5 6 7 9 1 7 6 5 6 7 8 2 7 8 9 3 4 8 2 1 4 2 1 3 3 2 1 2 5 3 4 6 4 3 5 7


5 1 9 3 1 2 8 3 2 7 4

3 4



You can find more help, tips and hints at

2 1 8 4 2 3 1 2 5 6 3 4 5 7 4 6 5 7 8 6 8

3 4 6 8 7

How to beat Str8ts – Like Sudoku, no single number can repeat in any row or column. But... rows and columns are divided by black squares into compartments. These need to be filled in with numbers that complete a ‘straight’. A straight is a set of numbers with no gaps but can be in any order, eg [4,2,3,5]. Clues in black cells remove that number as an option in that row and column, and are not part of any straight. Glance at the solution to see how ‘straights’ are formed.


No. 297



Previous solution - Easy


SUDOKU 9 2 6


For many strategies, hints and tips, visit If you like Str8ts, Sudoku and other puzzles, check out our books, iPhone/iPad Apps and much more on our store at

No. 298

1 2 4 4 8

Very Hard

5 3 1 9

Previous solution - Tough


7 2 8 5 3 6 1 9 4

5 3 7


7 2 6

3 7 5 9

8 5 1 7 6

The solutions will be published here in the next issue.

9 6 3 4 1 2 7 5 8

4 5 1 8 9 7 2 6 3

6 7 4 9 2 3 5 8 1

2 8 5 1 7 4 9 3 6

1 3 9 6 5 8 4 2 7

8 9 6 2 4 1 3 7 5

5 1 7 3 6 9 8 4 2

3 4 2 7 8 5 6 1 9

To complete Sudoku, fill the board by entering numbers 1 to 9 such that each row, column and 3x3 box contains every number uniquely. © 2016 Syndicated Puzzles


4 6 8 9 8 7 8 9 9 7 1 3 3 1 7 5 6 2 6 4 5 2 4 5 3 2 4

1 8 2 3 3 1 4

© 2016 Syndicated Puzzles


No. 298

© 2016 Syndicated Puzzles

No. 297

Previous solution - Medium

For many strategies, hints and tips, visit If you like Str8ts, Sudoku and other puzzles, check out our books, iPhone/iPad Apps and much more on our store at

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07 September 2016 // // 19

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