The Courier - April 15, 2015

Page 1



A sweep for slate Three reform candidates nab seats on board PAGE 4 > EDITORIAL What new trustees should keep in mind PAGE 12 >



AIGA showcases art at Wings Gallery

TIDAL: a Spotify killer? PAGE 11 > NEWS

New vending machines have some saying “whoa” PAGE 8 >

PAGE 6 >






4 ‘Clean Slate’ set to take board majority

11 What the new board should keep in mind

6 New vending machines on campus



14 Chaparral baseball on a roll


8 AIGA showcases art at Wings Gallery


18 Comics and more

PHOTO EDITOR Lucas Koprowski

C O R R E C T I O N S & C L A R I F I C AT I O N S NEWSROOM 630-942-2683 ADVISER Jim Fuller

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ADVERTISING Christina Payton

NOTE The Courier is published every Wednesday when classes are in session during the fall and spring semester, except for the first and last Wednesday of each semester and the week of and the week after spring break as a public forum with content chosen by student editors. One copy free, additional copies available upon request. The Courier does not knowingly accept advertisement that discriminate on the basis of sex, creed, religion, color, handicapped status, veteran or sexual orientation, nor does it knowingly print ads that violate any local, state or federal laws. Deliver all correspondence to SSC 1220 between regular office hours or mail to the Courier, College of DuPage, 425 Fawell Blvd., Glen Ellyn, IL. 60137.

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Courier brings home six awards from conference The Courier received six awards during the Illinois Community College Journalism Association Spring Conference on April 10 in Utica, Ill. The staff as a whole was awarded with an honorable mention in the website category. Former Opinion Editor Parker Rechsteiner was named Editorial Writer of the Year. Rechsteiner was also awarded with both first and second place in the staff editorial category. Editor-in-chief Joash Mencias received first place in the news story category. Taira Alabi, news editor, took second place for excellence in an arts review. -Kelly Wynne, Features Editor

For breaking news and campus updates, follow us on Twitter: @CODCourier

ON THE COVER A stylized collage of the winning trustee candidates. From left: Deanne Mazzochi, Frank Napolitano and Charles Bernstein. Photos by Joash Mencias. Below: Art gallery photo by Lucas Koprowski. 2 // // 15 April 2015

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15 April 2015 // // 3


Three candidates set to take board majority TAIRA ALABI NEWS EDITOR

Three reform candidates for the College of DuPage Board of Trustees claimed victory over the April board election. Election returns put candidates Deanne Mazzochi, Frank Napolitano and Charles Bernstein as the top vote-getters. Endorsed by outspoken board member Kathy Hamilton, the trio ran as the “Clean Slate.” “THE CLEAN SLATE IS VICTORIOUS,” a Twitter account for the group proclaimed in all caps, shortly before all of the precincts had officially reported results on April 7. The group also tweeted minutes later a warning to the College of DuPage administration.

“Dear COD administration: don’t delete anything,” the Clean Slate tweeted. In a statement by the Clean Slate, the trio expressed gratitude to the voters. “They saw, like we did, the need for change and reform on the board of the College of DuPage, the statement said.“They saw that the Breuder era of corruption needed to end.” The Clean Slate has been vocal about providing COD with more transparency and “ending the Breuder era of corruption.” In the next few weeks, the new trustees will be introduced to the board. Later this spring, they will be formally sworn in and

start each of their six-year tenures. “With this historic victory, the Clean Slate for COD joins Kathy Hamilton in forming a new majority on the Board at the College of DuPage that will deliver the reform that voters are demanding,” the reform slate stated in a statement. The community college has been under heavy public scrutiny, in light of a $763,000 severance package given to COD President Robert Breuder in January. Glenn Hansen, the president of the faculty association, said the association was disappointed that only one of its endorsed can-

PROVIDED BY CLEAN SLATE From left: Frank Napolitano, Deanne Mazzochi, Chairwoman Kathy Hamilton and Charles Bernstein.

didates, Mazzochi, won. However, he is excited to see what the new members have to offer, as Hansen wants reform at the college. “COD needs to get out of

the news for all the wrong reasons," Hansen said. Hansen revealed that the the trustee-elects had already reached out to him to hear what he had to say.

This was something that impressed Hansen. “It is very refreshing,” Hansen said. “ It is healthy for everyone.” Email:


What does election mean for COD?

‘Clean Slate’ to create a new majority on Board of Trustees TAIRA ALABI NEWS EDITOR

To the surprise of many, the censured board member Kathy Hamilton endorsed Clean Slate featuring Deanne Mazzochi, Frank Napolitano, and Charles Bernstein took all three vacant seats on the College of DuPage Board of Trustees. As the College of DuPage was thrust into the media spotlight due to criticism over its lack of fi-

nancial transparency many voters, students and faculty members where looking for a change for the college. Here are some of the potential ramifications of the new board. A new majority This is perhaps the most important and obvious aspect of the election of a Clean Slate is the immediate new majority on the board. The board has voted

4 // // 15 April 2015

6-1 on recent controversial decisions involving finances and administration, with Kathy Hamilton being the lone “no”vote. Now, Hamilton has three individuals who she helped get elected that will likely stand by her. Things to look out for will be for will be a new board leader to replace current Chairwoman Erin Birt. In an election night interview with WGN Radio, Hamilton expressed hopes that she would be the new board

chairwoman. Focus on taxpayers

What does it mean for the current administraThe Clean Slate has been tion? extremely vocal about being accountable to taxpayAfter a severance package ers. According to its web- of $763,000 was given to site, it will “ re-orient COD President Robert Breuder to put taxpayers and stu- in January, the Clean Slate dents at the forefront of all gained steam with voters decisions.” The Clean Slate upset over the package by believes financial transpar- branding themselves as the ency will help reduce costs ender of “the corruption of and improve efficiency at the Breuder era.” The slate COD for students and tax- has been very open about payers alike. its distaste for COD’S current administration. Just

minutes after winning the election, the group’s Twitter account tweeted, “Dear COD administration: don’t delete anything.” Just hours after his election as a trustee, Trustee-elect Bernstein was quoted in the Daily Herald explaining that he thinks that President Breuder should take a “leave of absence.”




A piece of the pie

Breaking down the board election BY JOASH MENCIAS // EDITOR-IN-CHIEF

Amid the backdrop of negative publicity on College of DuPage, voters in district 502 turned out to the polls to elect three candidates for the college’s Board of Trustees this month. Three reform candidates, known as the “Clean Slate,” ran on a platform of ending the “Breuder era of corruption.” The slate, made up of Deanne Mazzochi, Frank Napolitano and Charles Bernstein, received the most votes among a crowded field of nine other candidates. Below are unofficial election results.

Sources: DuPage County Election Commission, Will County Clerk’s Office, Cook County Clerk’s Office

Lower voter turnout

Close, but not close enough

Incumbents still get support

Voter turnout for the April board election is the lowest since 2011 in DuPage County. Voter turnout amounted to a little over 17 percent, according to data from the county election commission. In the previous board election in 2013, that figure nearly reached 19 percent. Voter turnout was at 20 percent in the 2009 election, which was a similarly crowded race with 10 candidates.

Sandra Pihos, a former state representative from Glen Ellyn, finished at fourth place. Pihos attracted at least 27,856 voters, and was shy of about one percentage point to winning a seat on the board.

While incumbent candidates Nancy Svoboda and Kim Savage were unsuccessful in their re-election bids, they received significant portions of the vote. Despite their approval of President Robert Breuder’s $763,000 severance package, Svoboda received the fifth highest amount of votes. Savage rounded out the list of the top seven vote-getters, receiving more than 16,200 votes. 15 April 2015 // // 5


Health-conscious vending machines have some saying ‘whoa’ TAIRA ALABI NEWS EDITOR

While the business affairs office at College of DuPage hopes students will be excited by the “Go! Slow! Woah!” program now offered by vending machines on campus, some students are simply saying “woah” at the rise in prices. After spring break, business affairs introduced these new health-conscious vending machines to students on its Glen Ellyn campus. “Go! Slow! Woah!” is intended to make consumers more aware of their eating habits, according to Laura Weiland, administrative assistant to COD’s director of business affairs. The new vending machines are equipped with “mindful screens” that will show nutritional content of the items. Weiland noted that

these touch screen monitors are not yet functioning in all machines. The machines feature three rows that are color coded with green, yellow and red. If the item is healthy, the item is located on the top shelf next to a green panel. If the choice is reasonably healthy but has added sugar or preservatives like cereal snacks or toaster pastries, the item is on the middle shelf, next to a yellow panel. If the choice is extremely unhealthy, like candy or cookies, the item is on the lowest shelf and next to a red panel. Weiland explained that the new machines were installed after the college’s contract with ACE vending ended. After receiving bids from other companies, Weiland said that COD decided to continue with

ACE, because of its “Go! Slow! Woah!” program. However, it’s not the increase in healthy options that is upsetting students, but rather the increase in prices. Jessica Gue, 23, a graduating student majoring in business, said seeing that she would have to give up an extra quarter when using vending machines was something that “ticked her off.” “Not everything should be the same price,” Gue said. “A NutriGrain bar should not be the same price as [a bag of chips].” The new machines have a more standardized pricing system. All food items from a bag of chips to a small bag of peanuts are $1.25. Gum is 75 cents. For Gue, the increase in prices was something that would usually dissuade her

from buying items from the vending machines. “I am just really desperate right now because I’m really hungry,” Gue said. “That is probably why they raised it because they knew we would [be forced to use the machines.]” Gue was not the only student irked by the hike in pricing. On COD Snaps, a Snapchat account popular among COD students, several students posted pictures of the vending machines with captions claiming the new machines “suck.” Weiland said that the raise in prices was something that simply came with the addition of brand new machines and changes in the economy. “It was time to change the prices to go with the upturn in the economy,”

Weiland said. Weiland also claimed the prices rival the prices of many retail stores. The “Go! Slow! Woah!” program is not a new concept. It has been tried in different variations is big cities such as Chicago as well as small school districts to promote healthy vending. While Gue acknowledges that the “Go! Slow! Woah!” program is a unique take on healthy eating, she does not feel that it will help herself. “I am not going to look at it, and it is not that important to me,” Gue said. According to Weiland, though, knowing the nutritional content of food is something that is pivotal to some staff and students at COD. Weiland said that the business affairs office received feedback asking

for “nutritional information and healthier options” in vending machines. She hopes that when the mindful screens that display nutritional content work, which should be in a few weeks, the reviews of the new machines will improve. “It will be a great asset to anyone who wants to know the nutritional value of something before they buy it,” Weiland said. Students at COD’s Glen Ellyn campus won’t be the only ones to get the new vending machines. Weiland said that once all machines in Glen Ellyn are operating correctly, students and staff at COD’s regional centers will get the new machines as well. Email:

POLICE REPORTS Hit and Run in Fawell

Car Struck While Backing Out in Fawell Parking Lot

At approximately 9:30 a.m. on April 10, police received a call from the driver of a white Ford Explorer. The driver had parked in parking lot D2 the night before on April 9. The next morning, the driver noticed damage to the rear driver’s side tail light. The driver noted that she did not drive anywhere except to the College of DuPage on April 9. There was no paint transfer on the white Ford Explorer. At the time of print, the offender is unknown.

At approximately 4 p.m. on April 6, police were called to the scene of a crash in a parking lot near Fawell Boulevard. The driver of a red Lincoln SUV was backing out when he hit a white BMW coupe. The driver of the white BMW explained that she tried to alert the driver by honking her horn. There was damage to the white BMW coupe’s driver door. A witness stated that a hole of the driver’s side door of the white BMW coupe was caused by the red Lincoln SUV’s trailer hitch. Neither car was towed in the incident.

6 // // 15 April 2015

Crash in College Parking Lot

At approximately 9:50 a.m. on April 10 in the parking lot 1C, police were called to the scene of a crash. While exiting the parking lot, the driver of a gray Nissan Sonata failed to yield and was struck by a white Chevy Malibu on the rear bumper. Both units were towed from the scene and paramedics were called to the scene. The driver of the gray Nissan Sonata was taken to Good Samaritan Hospital.

Courier TV

Watch newscasts and video features produced by students from the MPTV department. Click on ‘Courier TV’ on

15 April 2015 // // 7



The College of DuPage branch of the American Institute of Graphic Design, AIGA, has been opening new opportunities for art students to present their work to the public. The group released the Brain Flower magazine, a student-work driven

artistic publication, on April 12. The content in this magazine and other art that couldn’t fit in the publication will be presented at the Brain Flower exhibit in the Wings Student Art Gallery from April 12 to April 17. LUCAS KOPROWSKI/COURIER

The piece “Moving On Series” by Madison Brady.


The piece “Fight in Flight” by Charles Loggins III.


One part of the piece “Unlikely Friendships” by Atiyya Shahab.


The piece “Acao Chocolates” by Isabel Lyon.

8 // // 15 April 2015


The piece “Televised Corruption” by Nathan Reed.


Student entrepreneur creates online reader’s community KELLY WYNNE FEATURES EDITOR


Second-year College of DuPage student Jacob Wisniewski has begun to create a website, and future app, designed to bring users together based on books they have read. The website, titled Bookcase, is designed with the

hopes of becoming a social networking site where users can exchange book recommendations, create lists of future reads and even purchase their next selection. The idea came to Wisniewski while searching through blog posts in order to find a new book to read. Bookcase is not directed at a certain target audience, but can be used to connect those with common majors, careers or simply taste in reading material. Wisniewski feels that his idea is well formed, but he has yet to find his

footing in the design and Web-management world. “Starting off, I had to teach myself how to make a website,” said Wisniewski. “This is something I am completely teaching myself. At the beginning of the idea I didn’t know any of it so it’s kind of a slow process.” Part of the uphill battle may be Wisniewski is designing and launching the website single-handedly. He feels, at a community college, it can be difficult to find those with similar interests in order to form business partnerships. “It can be a little intim-

idating,” said Wisniewski. “That’s why a lot of people who have big ideas never act upon them. It can be a big hurdle to tackle that idea.” Throughout the learning curve, Wisniewski has stuck with his ideas. This has helped him to dream up possible features that differentiate the site from other on the web. Bookcase will be based on discussion instead of centering on reviews, giving it a fresh take on typical bookstore review pages. The finished product will also have a link to Amazon so users are only one click

away from purchasing their next read. As “Bookcase” nears a possible release, Wisniewski hopes to inspire readers, as well as non-readers, by creating an environment where reading is widely accepted. “I do hope it can turn non-readers into readers as well,” said Wisniewski in an email. “I know reading is seen as uncool for a lot of people in our age group, so even if somebody does read, it’s not something they talk about a whole lot. So I hope that adding a social aspect to reading will help people find books that

they would love, whether it be books similar to TV shows they love, or books that leaders in the industry that they are interested in are reading.” Although the final product of Bookcase has yet to roll out, those interested can visit www.mybookcase. co and enter their email to become part of the intial beta testing. Future users can also follow Bookcase on Twitter, @mybookcaseapp, for release updates.

Email: Twitter: @kellywynne23




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15 April 2015 // // 9



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10 // // 15 April 2015


Are TIDAL’s technical aspects worth the money? How the new streaming service compares to Spotify LUCAS KOPROWSKI PHOTO EDITOR

With high anticipation for Jay-Z’s new music streaming service, TIDAL, many have begun to wonder if the music site with oust other services like Spotify. Although they provide three separate file types for streaming quality, exclusive music videos and artist documentaries, it isn’t worth the $20 price tag. When comparing the sound quality from TIDAL’s Hi-Fi to Spotify’s high quality, it’s obvious that there is a small, yet noticeable difference. That’s because TIDAL uses FLAC lossless audio file for high quality, while Spotify provides OGG 320kbps files for high quality.

A FLAC, or Free Lossless Audio Content, file is a high quality file that is the standard for lossless audio, which is an audio that preserves all of the necessary data from the original studio quality WAV file. FLAC is the gateway to common file types most people use, such as MP3, ACC and OGG files. These files are compressed versions of FLAC, using different compression techniques. This cuts the sound quality by taking away some of the nonessential elements that makes the sound fuller. Most people would find the FLAC file type inconvenient, because of its memory size. A FLAC file is 1,411

Kbps, which makes it about 10 megabytes per minute. Using this file type offline is great, but streaming from your data plan will hurt your wallet if you use the service too much. MP3, OGG and ACC all range from having a bitrate from 64 Kbps to 320 Kbps in most cases. 64 Kbps is the standard quality for streaming, which lowers the quality and the amount of data your phone uses. 128 Kbps is the mid-range high quality standard used by online retailers like iTunes and Google Music. 320 Kbps is the highest quality small size compression file type. Every second of a song consists of 64 Kbs to 320

Kbs of data. At 120 Kbps, a song is about one megabyte per minute. Spotify uses the OGG file type, which is higher quality than normal MP3s. They provide 64 Kbps for mobile users, 128 Kbps for desktop and high quality mobile. 320 Kbps are provided at high quality for desktop and extreme quality for mobile users. TIDAL uses the ACC file type, which is also higher quality than MP3, at 96 Kbps for the basic subscription. This one is best for mobile streaming. Then they have 320 Kbps for high quality AAC and FLAC 1411 for the lossless audio quality they promise. Spotify gives its 64 Kbps



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feels fuller when listening to the FLAC files. It sounds obvious, but you just feel the music differently when you listen to a lossless audio file. However, that feeling is still not worth the extra $10 a month. The 320 Kbps OGG music file gives the best deal for a great sound quality. Plus, if you’re a college student you only have to pay $4.99 a month with Spotify’s student discount. Even with its exclusive editorial content and videos, Spotify provides the best deal for the provided service.


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and 128 Kbps service for free through their mobile and desktop subscriptions. TIDAL doesn’t have a free subscription, but they do provide 96 Kbps for their standard subscription, which is $10 a month. Spotify Premium is also $10 a month, but provides the 320 Kbps quality that TIDAL only provides at their $20 per month premium subscription. At $20, TIDAL provides their lossless FLAC quality and the 320 Kbps content. When comparing Spotify’s 320 Kbps OGG file type sound to TIDAL’s FLAC 1411 Kbps sound, there is an obvious difference. The music sounds and (630) 942-4000

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15 April 2015 // // 11


What the ‘Clean Slate’ needs to keep in mind

New board majority need to prove they care about other issues The Board of Trustees elections have come to a close and a new era, with new controversies, is soon to begin at College of DuPage. Notoriously outspoken and President Robert Breuder-intolerant Trustee Kathy Hamilton has gotten her wish: candidates Deanne Mazzochi, Frank Napolitano, and Charles Bernstein were elected as our three new trustees. Hamilton actively endorsed the candidates, who called themselves the “Clean Slate.” The question remains: will they really fit that bill? We think they could. Though we did not endorse Napolitano and Bernstein, they earned the support of the community and hold a firm stance on issues involving Breuder. In many ways, they are carbon copies of Hamilton’s ideals and this will certainly play into future board rulings. With Hamilton and the Clean Slate on the board, many decisions could end up 4-3. By collaborating together, these candidates will have the power to dominate our board, hopefully with the best interest of students,

From left: Deanne Mazzochi, Frank Napolitano, Charles Bernstein.

faculty, and the community in mind. While we aren’t fighting the Clean Slate on their stance against Breuder, we do hope they put some effort into other issues at the college as well. These trustees will be around until 2021. They’ll need to do a lot more than passive-aggressively tweet about Breuder to gain our approval in the long run. They’ve already convinced the community that they have the potential to turn the school around for the better. Now they have to



EDITOR IN CHIEF Joash Mencias OPINION EDITOR Maggie Curran DESIGN EDITOR Ashlee Berner 12 // // 15 April 2015

prove it with their actions. For us, the main concern is gaining back trust between the faculty and the administration. It’s no secret the two sides

the new board can look past their differences and reach a common ground. This restoration is crucial to keeping the peace and saving COD’s renowned


As the sole reason the school exists in the first place, it’s unquestionably essential to keep education not only accessible for them, but also at the best quality available. Amid While we aren’t fighting the Clean Slate on the mess of administrative scandals, it’s easy to forget their stance against Breuder, we do hope they put some effort into other issues at the about the one thing at school that won’t change: college as well. students. They will always need a way to afford have been battling it out reputation. If we can’t work education and they will for some time now. Even together, we won’t work always deserve the highest though full-time faculty at all. quality possible. The board did not endorse these two Of course there’s also the must remember that there’s particular candidates, we concern of what the Clean more to COD than its hope that both they and Slate will do for students. finances.

Although there is hope for this new era, there’s also fear. A 4-3 vote on any decision can be dangerous, but this new administration will soon be picking our new college president to replace Breuder. The Clean Slate members, titling themselves like a middle-school clique, have already made a point to set themselves apart from the rest of the board and band together. And though they have shown promise for change, excluding or working against other members is certainly not ideal and could lead us down the same road as before. The Clean Slate needs to consider the other board members and not work on their own separate agenda. This isn’t “House of Cards,” it’s College of DuPage. Unity should be the end goal, not supremacy. Hamilton, Mazzochi, Napolitano, and Bernstein have come this far, but they have even farther to go before we can assess their abilities and gauge just how well this election turned out.

Views expressed in The Courier represent opinions of majority of editorial board. The Courier encourages all students, faculty, staff, administrators and community members to voice their opinions on all the topics concerning them both in and out of school. Writers can express their views in a “Letter to the Editor”.” All correspondence and letters for publication must be typed and signed with the author’s contact information and full name. Letters can be sent via e-mail to The subject heading to the message must read “Letter to the Editor.” The writer’s first and last names, major (if student) or occupation title, street address, city, state and complete phone number with area code must be included for identity verification by the Courier. Deadline for letters meant for publication is noon on Fridays. Letters are subject to editing for grammar, style, language, length and libel. All letters represent the views of the author, not the editorial board.



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15 April 2015 // // 13


Baseball slides past opponents, wins eight straight games JAMES KAY SPORTS EDITOR

College of DuPage’s baseball team has gone through the typical experience for Illinois ball clubs this time of year as they have had to reschedule many times due to poor weather conditions. Last week, they were scheduled to play 12 games, which can be detrimental to a pitching staff that consists of only six starting pitchers. Needless to say, COD handled their opponents and made a statement to the rest of the conference by winning eight of the nine games they got to play, as more rain delays canceled the other three make up games. COD, 24-9, now stands in second place in the conference right behind Madison College who has taken the conference the past seven years. Though Madison has a commanding three game lead over COD in the loss column, the other teams in the conference have played, at best, .500 ball and don’t seem to be a major concern for the Chaparrals. Since Madison is a division II team, the Chaparrals won’t have to face them in the playoffs which is a blessing since Head Coach Kevin Tyrrell describes them as, “the best team in Illinois.” Despite being swept by Madison, COD has been rolling over other teams. Tyrrell contributes his team’s success to the team-oriented mindset that the team seems to be

Results April 6 Rock Valley College W 3-2 WP: R. O’Neil Rock Valley College W 5-2 WP: W. Trautwein

April 7 Joliet Junior College W 6-3 WP: J. Adams Joliet Junior College W 4-3 WP: S. Waldrop LUCAS KOPROWSKI/COURIER

Chaparral Baseball player #32 Doren Blake swinging for the ball at a home game at the College of DuPage on April 6.

in every time they step onto the field. “We really have a good group of individual ball players who are playing well as a team, too,” said Tyrrell. “We have a hero every game day and with nine games in a week where we have played nine games, we have nine different heroes.” When questioned whether his team was more of pitching or hitting oriented squad, Tyrrell didn’t hesitate in exuding high confidence in his staff. He says that Wyatt Trautwein is their number one starter as of right now but that there are “five different guys that can fall into that category of a number

14 // // 15 April 2015

two starter.” There isn’t a coach out there that would complain about having too many plus-arms in the rotation so COD looks to be set with their power staff. “Good pitching always beats good hitting and the most important part of our team is the nucleus of pitchers we have. I feel like we have eight guys that are winners.” COD’s offense isn’t slacking on their end either. After playing nine games this past week, they now are hitting .340 as a team which puts them in the top ten in hitting in the national at the junior college level. Shortstop Bryan Taheri is batting .492 for the Chaparrals

while backstop Doran Blake is also tearing up the competition’s pitching and holds a .484 batting average. Though they have been red-hot since last Monday, one aspect of their game Tyrrell thinks they need to improve on is their fielding. After winning eight games in a row going into the final game of a doubleheader last Sunday, COD threw the game away by losing 8-3 to Triton College. The score was 8-3 but none of the runs were earned runs since COD committed an abundance of errors in the field. “The defense was the reason we lost that game. Some of our guys were ei-

ther tired or were overconfident and it seemed like Triton wanted to win more than we did.” Despite a tough loss to Triton, the Chaparrals look to start up a new winning streak and Tyrrell expressed his sense of confidence in his team the rest of the way. “We have a long way to go still but I personally think we are the best team in the region. As long as we show up to play and catch and throw the baseball, I don’t think there is a team that can compete with us.”


April 8 North Central College JV W 7-4 WP: A. Schramm

April 11 Harper College W 17-4 WP: T. Aguilar Harper College W 2-1 WP: J. MacDonald

April 12 Triton College W 8-3 WP: M. Hansen Triton College L 3-8 LP: W. Trautwein

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15 April 2015 // // 15




With the Major League Baseball season finally underway, there has been excitement around the league already within the first 10 games of the season. As someone who has followed the MLB for the last 8 years, I haven’t seen an offseason that featured this many transactions from every team. This, of course, was highlighted by the Padres’ rookie general manager A.J. Peller. Peller traded for former all-stars, Matt Kemp and Justin Upton while also acquiring former Rookie of the Year Will Meyers. Other blockbuster moves included Jason Heyward being traded to the St. Louis Cardinals in exchange for starting pitcher Shelby Miller, the Cubs signing of Jon Lester and the Red Sox breaking the bank to

sign Hanley Ramirez and former World Series MVP, Pablo Sandoval. With revamped rosters, every team, besides the Phillies, has a shot at making the playoffs. This is what I have gathered over the past week of following the MLB. Surprise Team: Kansas City Royals How is the success of last year’s pennant winner surprising? Besides keeping their top tier bullpen intact, the Royals lost out on resigning James Shields who was their ace while also losing slugger Billy Butler to the Oakland A’s. They had a boring offseason which a lot of evaluators thought would trump their chances of returning to the World Series. As of right now, the Royals are undefeated thanks to the emergence of starter Yordano Ventura.

Besides OF Alex Gordon, they are also crushing the teams they are facing on offense which would make them a 90-win team since they already have the best defense in the game right now. If they can hit constantly they will be at the top of the standings at the end of the season. Most Disappointing Team: Chicago White Sox After trading for Jeff Samardzija and adding top free agents in Adam LaRoche and Melky Cabrera, the White Sox have started off the season on a bad note. They lost four games in a row to start the season, all of which were to their division rivals. They shouldn’t be too worried since it is only the first six games of the season but they need their bats to come alive in order to



16 // // 15 April 2015

compete with a loaded AL Central division. Team Everyone Knew Would Be Successful Right Away: Detroit Tigers Though they lost Max Scherzer to free agency, the Tigers haven’t faltered in any way, shape or form. After acquiring Yoenis Cespedes from the Red Sox, their lineup is now full of hitters who would normally be batting cleanup for any other team. They already have two contenders for the batting title in Miguel Cabrera and Victor Martinez so their season all depends on the health of the pitching staff, as Justin Verlander is currently on the disable list. They could easily take the division based on their hitting ability alone but a boost from the rotation would put them in the conversation of

the best teams in baseball. Player Who Has Surprised Everyone The Most: Adrian Gonzalez During his tenure with the Red Sox, all the signs pointed to the decline of Gonzalez’s power numbers, who averaged 21 home runs a year with the Red Sox in comparison to his 32 home runs with the Padres. This season he set the record for hitting five home runs in the first three games of the season. Gonzalez is also hitting .609 and is the lead anchor for a team that lost all of its offense to trades and free agency. Gonzalez won’t bat .600 all season but expect for him to post a MVP worthy slash line. Player Who Has Disappointed The Most: Clayton Kershaw Kershaw has won three

Cy Young awards in the past four years to go along with an MVP award last year. This year has already started off sour for the lefthander who is used to dominating every lineup he faces. He did have to face one of the best offenses in the Padres but still has posted a 5.84 ERA in his two starts this season. Of course this is a small sample size but maybe, maybe teams have started to figure out Kershaw’s stuff. I doubt it but Kershaw doesn’t get in slumps. We shall see. We still have six more months of the season left and if last year proved anything, the season is up for the taking for any of the thirty teams. Based on the first week, we are in for a long surprising season. Email:

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North Central College offers: s More than 55 majors s Excellent location for internships and jobs s Great support for COD students s Academic scholarships and needbased grants

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s NCAA Division III athletics 15 April 2015 // // 17


1 Don’t slack

5 TIPS FOR MANAGING LIFE Get ahead in your life with these five super helpful tips.


The tendency for many students is to slack off after spring break. This student laziness gets even stronger if you are graduating. However, you must finish the semester strong, as your grades will be marked on your final transcript. Many students who plan on transferring to a different institution usually have to send in a final transcript from College of DuPage. Four-year schools reserve the right to reverse their decision to accept students if they see a significant change in academic behavior. Let this fact serve as a reminder to keep studying hard all the way until the term ends.

2 Summer Class

Want to get ahead in your degree progress? The simplest way to do so is by signing up for summer classes at COD. From traditional to online classes, the community college offers many types of general education courses to go towards completing your degree. Yes, it may be no fun to take classes in the middle of the heat, but in terms of your academic future, you can get a lot of simple, mandated courses out of the way. And you don’t have to take a fulltime load of classes if you choose to take classes that way.

3 Summer playlist

Speaking of summer, now is a great time to discover new music to add to your summer playlist. Many artists are releasing new singles now in order to nab the title of “song of the summer.” One of the easiest ways to discover music is through Spotify, a streaming music service. Spotify makes it easy for users to listen to new songs. On their “Browse” page, you can find new releases conveniently grouped together. So go on your music search, and find your selection of summer jams.

4 Prioritize time

At the end of the semester there are lots of projects and papers that are due and it can be overwhelming. Don’t feel that you have to do it all at once. Look at the due dates and see what is due first and get that task done first. Don’t do something that is due at the latest due date. You have more time to do that task, so get done what will be due sooner. If you prioritize you assignments that way, it will seem less stressful.

5 Wear what’s comfortable

A lot of my friends will contact me and ask if what they are wearing is cute or not, if it looks right etc. My advice to that is if you like it, then wear it. If you feel comfortable in your what you are wearing, then wear it. Don’t worry about what other people are going to think about it. We all have different comfort zones of what we like to wear and certain preferences. There are so many outfits and trends out there. Just be yourself, wear what you love and who knows, maybe you’ll start a new fashion trend.


Steve Sack, The Minneapolis Star Tribune

18 // // 15 April 2015

Bill Day, Cagle Cartoons



Eric Allie,


No. 225


Previous solution - Medium

1 3 9 5


3 1 2

8 4 3

7 6 8

1 9 6

7 9 2 6


You can find more help, tips and hints at

9 8 1 2 5 6 7

7 6 5 6 7 4 5 3 5 4 6 4 5 8 7 5 3 7 8 8 2 3 4 1 3 2 7 2 1 3 6 8 9 2 1

7 6 1 5 4


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2 9 4 7 6 5 8 3 1

9 2 5 4

7 6

4 5

4 6 9 1 7 3


How to beat Str8ts – Like Sudoku, no single number can repeat in any row or column. But... rows and columns are divided by black squares into compartments. These need to be filled in with numbers that complete a ‘straight’. A straight is a set of numbers with no gaps but can be in any order, eg [4,2,3,5]. Clues in black cells remove that number as an option in that row and column, and are not part of any straight. Glance at the solution to The solutions will be published here in the next issue. see how ‘straights’ are formed.

7 1 3 2


No. 225


© 2011 Syndicated Puzzles, Inc.



8 9 2 3 4 6 7 5






© 2011 Syndicated Puzzles, Inc.


Wolverton, Cagle Cartoons

7 6 3 1 4 8 5 2 9

1 5 8 9 3 2 6 7 4

8 2 6 5 9 1 7 4 3

5 3 1 6 7 4 2 9 8

9 4 7 8 2 3 1 5 6

3 1 9 2 5 6 4 8 7

4 8 5 3 1 7 9 6 2

6 7 2 4 8 9 3 1 5

To complete Sudoku, fill the board by entering numbers 1 to 9 such that each row, column and 3x3 box contains every number uniquely. For many strategies, hints and tips, visit If you like Str8ts check out our books, iPhone/iPad Apps and much more on our store.

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COD students earn $9.30 per hour tutoring fellow students. Stop by the Learning Commons, SRC 2102, for application information or call 630.942.3686 or email 15 April 2015 // // 19


Tuesday, April 21

COST GUARANTEE: New students can lock in tuition, fees and room and board at the previous year’s rate just by registering for a Summer Session course.

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20 // // 15 April 2015

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