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Get to know people who are making a difference in their careers and changing the world!



Donna Dabbs created the Greater Cleveland Urban Film Festival (GCUFF) in 2012 with the vision of showcasing the work of emerging filmmakers and established artists who both contribute to and celebrate urban culture.

This September, the GCUFF will celebrate urban films all around Cleveland with special guest Michael Jai White. Tickets are on sale right now.


Since 1996 Terry Clark and Clarktel Communications have been helping businesses all around Northeast Ohio with their communication needs.

Clark is a huge supporter of local events and charities around the Akron area and continues to grow with new and digital communications technology. Learn more at

https://www.univergeblue.com/ cloud-services/connect/


Dr. Hackler fixes hearts for a living. Although Blacks make up only 13% of the population, they are twice as likely to die from heart disease. Less than 3% of cardiologists are black. Precisely, only 4% of cardiologist are Black women and only 3% of cardiologists are Black men. Hackler chose this field for that reason specifically: To do the most good for the most people in the Black community. It’s a privilege he doesn’t take lightly and is blessed to be able to do so.


Dru Thompson has become a fashion staple in Cleveland, creating original designs at her boutique, Dru Christine Fabrics & Design. Thompson, a Cleveland native, has been working in Cleveland’s fashion industry since 2001 and has run Dru Christine Fabrics & Design since 2012. In addition to selling her colorful clothes, Thompson also offers a variety of sewing classes from her store, which is located inside the Lake Affect Building at 1615 East 25th Street.



Belize emerges as the premiere destination postpandemic.

“Where the heck is Belize?” That was the question I most often encountered thirty years ago whenever I would mention the name. Over the course of the next decade, it became the best kept secret in the scuba diving community. By the turn of the century, travelers began waking up to this little known paradise, the gateway between Central America and the Caribbean.

Slightly smaller than the State of Massachusetts, Belize is incredibly diverse in terms of population and physical features. In one vacation you can enjoy pristine beaches, clear blue and aquamarine water, rainforests, refreshing rivers and falls, Maya temples, and cuisine influenced by its Kriol, Garifuna, Mestizo, Maya, Mennonite, Spanish, East Indian, and Middle Eastern cultures. Today, as you contemplate your much-needed post pandemic vacation, Belize should be at the top of your list. And that is not just because of all the benefits mentioned above. It truly is one of the safest places to visit and live at this incredibly tumultuous time in the world. It seems that the world is getting crazier by the day. And there is no better place to find safe haven than in little Belize.

In March of 2020, right around the time of my planned return to the US from Belize, countries around the world came under increasing pressure to close their borders and lock everything down in an effort to mitigate against the spread of COVID-19. I made the decision to cancel my flight and remain in Belize to wait it out. I have not regretted that decision for one moment.

The total number of deaths remains at just over 300, attributable in large measure to the aggressive action of the government. Yes, the total population of Belize is comparatively small. But it could have been a lot worse. And now, as we emerge on the other side of the pandemic, notwithstanding the uptick we see around the world and the increasing prevalence of the Delta variant and others, Belize continues that same trend, even as the country gradually reopens to tourism. Living in Belize for the past year has been an eye opener. No effort has been spared to keep the residents safe. They also understand that tourism is the lifeblood of the country. And so, that

same effort continues to be applied to keep you, the visiting public, safe. That is how they have managed to keep the death toll so low. So, rest assured that you will be able to both enjoy your vacation and have the peace of mind that comes from knowing your safety is everyone’s concern.

I’ve also, during my time there, been able to observe first hand just how friendly and open the people are. Warmth and hospitality are expressed everywhere, not just by those paid to make you appreciate good customer service. People are genuinely welcoming and willing to share with strangers and visitors. Among all the richness of experiences that you will have in Belize, this is one that you will treasure and always remember. I’m finally back in the US almost a year and a half later. And now, as I consult my bucket list in contemplation of my next international move, I’m having a certain difficulty I never had before. Every time I take a look, the name Belize seems to magically appear at the top of that list. Yes, I had already crossed it off. But it seems to continually reappear even as the others recede in the distance. Is my mind playing tricks on me, or did I leave my heart in Belize?

It appears that I may have to follow my gut and return to Belize for another visit. That is what every fiber of my being is now telling me. And the strange thing is that, if I am to be honest with myself, this feels like more than just the urge to make another visit. Something deep down inside is telling me that I ought to consider moving there, perhaps retiring there. I’ve done some research into that and have been pleasantly surprised by what I have found. But I will not bore you with details here. For now, suffice it to say that everything I learned is extremely positive with respect to making that move. And I promise that I will provide much more detail in an upcoming article. Besides, I don’t want to ruin the excitement and the suspense. I want you to experience it exactly the way I did. Consider taking your next vacation there. Do some research and plan a trip. Maybe even include a friend or two. Experience the joy and anticipation as your travel day approaches. I’ve observed travelers as they board a boat to go out on the water to visit some of the 450 islands between the coast and the world’s second largest barrier reef. They appear so relaxed and happy, their faces just beaming. You can experience that same feeling as you plan your trips once you are there. And long after you return, it will still be with you. Yes, I think I’m going back soon and will probably end up living there eventually. Perhaps, I might even see you there. I get around a lot when there and try to enjoy as much as I can of what Belize has to offer.

Where the hell is Belize? That’s no longer a T-shirt thing. Everybody now knows where it is. But only some have intimate knowledge of exactly what it is. Will you become one of a chosen few of the not so rich and famous? There’s a reason the locals call it “The Jewel”. You better Belize it!

Belize offers amazing experiences that last a lifetime when you visit.

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