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When Necole Parker was passed over, for yet another promotion, she had a decision to make. Stay or leave and start her own business. Parker listened to her heart and created a thriving business that is celebrating 15 years of success.

By Leslie Logan

After Necole Parke graduated from college, she did what all college graduates do, she went and found a job. Parker worked and developed a talent in the project management field and began to have some success.

Parker enjoyed success at a very high level and believed that her value was evident to those she worked for. That was until she was passed over for a promotion, again. Parker was a little confused by the decision to not give her the position she deserved. Parker brought in over 70 percent of the revenue. She was beloved by her co-workers and clients who knew her, and could not understand the decision.

Perplexed by the companies decision to not award her hard work, she went to her fathers house and tried to reflect on what just happened.

“I sat with my father, in tears, and went over the decision that was made and how I was going to address it,” Parker said. Parker’s father gave her some great advice.

“You know what you are going to do?” Parker’s father said. “You are going to quit, and start your own business.”

Parker did just that, she started The Elocen Group. She listened to her father, and her own heart, and formed her own company in her parents basement.

Elocen, which is her name spelled backwards, would work in the construction management field and attempt to fill her inner calling to become a entreprenor.

Dubbed the million dollar basement, where she also lived at the time, Elocen was officially incorporated in 2007. Within just five years, Elocen went from Parker being the company’s sole employee to employing several full-time workers and contractors.

With this rapid growth, The Elocen Group moved to its first commercial office space in Washington, D.C. in 2010. As the company continued to grow and expand its horizons beyond the Capital Region, the company rebranded to reflect the industries greater need for the services Elocen knew it could perfect.

This gave the firm the ability to provide a streamline of client solutions, scope capacity, and approach to client solutions, attention to detail, and focus emphasizing customer care. In the years since. The Elocen Group expanded its offices and reach into Virginia, Georgia, and Florida as the company continues to engage, execute and deliver to its customers.

Today Elocen is a 10 million dollar firm employing over 50 employees and contractors across the country. Parker just celebrated being in business for 15 years and offers her success to her ability to stay true to who she is through it all.

“I tend to never look back,” Parker said. “There is a reason why the rearview mirror is smaller than the window in front of you.”

If you meet Parker you will understand why she is so successful. Her amazing spirit and positive outlook is expressed from every inch of her. Parker, who works in a male dominated field, manages her business with the savvy of Oprah Winfrey, the charisma of Michelle Obama and the fashion sense of Beyonce.

That combination is what makes her so special. Her smile is infectious and here leadership skills command respect. There is no wonder as to why she is beloved by those she works with and serves in her community.

“We all fall down a time or two,” Parked continued “But we learn that we have to get back up and remain in the fight if we are going to win.”

Parker’s company was hit by the Pandemic in 2020 and lost some accounts in different states. But she worked even harder to maintain her staff and managed to remain relevant when the conditions questioned everyone who owned a business.

Necole Parker celebrating 15 years in business at NOREL.

“When we lost the contracts in Altanta, it allowed me to focus on my home market, and we were able to pick up the contracts we lost and more,” Parker said.

The Pandemic allowed Parker’s team to go back and research the market to find even more opportunity for growth in her own office and across the industry.

15 years is a long time to be in business. Necole Parker feels blessed beyond belief to be able to lead her team and her industry in an ever changing world. Parker serves as a reminder to always follow your heart. ●

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