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Childhood Sexual Abuse (CSA) alters an individual's neurobiology and stress physiology causing shortterm consequences such as substance abuse and long-term consequence such as mental health problems. As a result of the substance abuse and mental health problems, CSA survivors are 30% more likely than their non-abused peers to have a serious medical condition such as cancer, heart problems, eating disorders, anxiety, chronic headaches, and posttraumatic stress disorder. According to a Center for Disease Control 2015 study, expenses for these healthcare issues plus costs of criminal justice proceedings and productivity losses can and has costs the United States economy $9.3 billion in a single year.

In the wake of such trauma, women especially brown women are often left feeling broken, lost, and empty, while still having to maintain a home, a career, a family, and their health. But what if someone who has been through that same horrific experience could help you, or a loved one, go from victim to victor?

In Letters to My Brown Girls: 4-Phases to a Liberated Life Beyond Childhood Sexual Abuse, Dr. Cynthia Sutherland (Dr.CyS®) shines a guiding light on the dark subject matter of childhood sexual abuse. Letters to My Brown Girls provides a four-phase transformation in the A.F.T.R. Framework, Companion Articles, Grounding Exercises, YouTube Playlists, Motivational Letters, and other resource to help survivors who aspire to heal past their mental, emotional, and spiritual barriers of childhood sexual abuse.

An example of adversity and resilience, Dr. Cynthia Sutherland's story serves as proof that you too can travel a journey of healing from your traumatic experience. Dr.CyS® is a Child Sexual Abuse Victor, Public Speaker, Author, and Educator who provides resources with time and space for sexual abuse survivors to heal. Transitioning from being a teenage mom on welfare, single mom of a black male, 2-time college dropout, an Army Veteran, and a woman in a male-dominated career, Dr. Sutherland deciphered the mental, emotional, and spiritual barriers to connect mental health to financial wealth and overcome triggers from childhood sexual abuse.

The framework and resources in her new book, Letters to My Brown Girls, reflect her strength, motivation, and inspiration to heal past a 60-year generational curse of childhood sexual abuse and successfully serve as the first U.S Representative to become the Global Chair of a multinational military security board with NATO, complete her Doctorate in Cybersecurity as a wife and mom, serve as the Chief Information Security Officer for the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and become the first U.S. Senior Executive Service Member to serve as FEMA's Chief Information Security Officer.

Currently, through her nonprofit company, Hidn TrezHer, Inc., Dr.CyS® empowers childhood sexual abuse survivors and the people who love them with global, private and public support services, sexual assault awareness events, and more. Checkout www.hidntrezher.org for more information and events.

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