WE SHARE… a Mission
How do we share the peace of Jesus Christ in all of its personal, interpersonal, community, and worldwide dimensions? The church’s mission statement points the way: We proclaim Jesus Christ and promote communities of joy, hope, love, and peace.
We Proclaim Jesus Christ! We proclaim Jesus Christ through local and worldwide evangelism, including ministries of invitation, witness, inclusive fellowship, worship, caring, and lifelong disciple formation. (See Community of Christ’s statement on Christology, “We Proclaim Jesus Christ," on page 58 or at www.CofChrist.org/ we-proclaim-jesus-christ.)
We Promote Communities! We promote local and worldwide communities that signal (represent, reveal) the peaceful reign of God on Earth. Some call this the cause (hope) of Zion. When we effectively proclaim Jesus Christ by sharing our witness, ministries, and sacraments 20
Photos (top and above) by Wayne Rowe