6 minute read
Worship Resources
15 October 2022
Ordinary Time (Proper 23)
Children’s Sabbath
Philippians 4:1-9 Be What You Believe
Additional Scriptures
Exodus 32:1-14; Psalm 106:1-6, 19-23; Matthew 22:1-4; Doctrine and Covenants 164:9e-f
This service has been prepared as a joyful reflection on the guidance Community of Christ has received from God, the journey, and the transformation that continues to occur.
For the collage in the Focus Moment, find and write down quotes about joy, gratitude, and peace on colorful paper. You will need enough quotes for each participant to have one. Spread these papers throughout the worship space. You will need blank butcher paper or poster board and glue sticks. Pictures of joy, gratitude, and peace as well as markers, crayons, stickers, or other art supplies should be on hand to decorate the finished product.
Invitation to Worship: Jump for Joy
Sing several of your congregation’s favorite joyful songs or choose from options below. If the songs are unfamiliar, consider having a leader at the front of the congregation for call-and-response style singing, rather than using hymnals. While singing, invite action motivated by the joy of gathering and singing together. Ideas include:
• prepare a group (be sure to especially include children) to sing a joyful song with actions;
• have a congregational dance circle and take turns in the center;
• hold a “Jump for Joy” contest and see who can jump the highest and longest;
• take selfies with smiles or funny faces that encourage laughter;
• ask someone to prepare a joyful Ministry of Dance.
Songs of Joy
“Rejoice in the Lord Always, and Again I Say Rejoice” (campfire song) https://my.hymnary.org/song/dynamic/734/rejoice_in_the_lord_always_and_agai n_i_s?toolkit=veroviostatic
OR “I’ve Got the Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy Down in My Heart” (campfire song) https://www.psalty.com/track/687853/joy-joy-down-in-my-heart
OR “Halle, Halle, Hallelujah” CCS 86 OR Takwaba Uwabanga Yesu!/There’s No One Like Jesus!” CCS 121 OR “Siyahamb’ Ekukhanyen’ Kwenkhos’/
We are Marching in the Light of God” CCS 95
Encourage participants to sing in languages other than their own.
Welcome participants with a smile and some humor that is appropriate for your congregation. Example:
“Each of you is perfect the way you are… and you can use a little improvement.”
-Shunryu Suzuki, Sōtō Zen monk and teacher who is renowned for founding the first Zen Buddhist monastery outside Asia.
Include an introduction to the Children’s Sabbath. Information can be found at: https://www.childrensdefense.org/childrens-sabbath-celebration/. The founder of The Children’s Defense Fund was Marian Wright Edleman, a lifelong advocate for disadvantaged children. She received Community of Christ’s International Peace Award in 1995.
Call to Worship ask a child or youth to read the scripture
Psalm 106:1-3
Invocation: Body Prayer
Ask children and youth to model some prayer postures in front of the group from https://goodgodideas.wordpress.com/2018/07/19/postures-of-prayer/, inviting participants to adopt a comfortable posture while a simple invocation is given, or use the prayer below. Ask a child or youth to offer this prayer.
Holy One, We offer you joy.
May our joy welcome your Spirit.
Holy One,
We seek your Spirit. May the Spirit bring us Joy. Amen.
Focus Moment
Invite participants to find one of the quotes spread around the worship space Take turns reading the quotes and then bring them to the large, empty butcher paper or poster board to be pasted into an artful collage. Once the quotes are all pasted into a collage, ask the children and youth of the group to continue enhancing the collage using the supplies and pictures provided during the remainder of the service while everyone else returns to their seats. Ask an artistic person to assist with creating the collage and to remain with the children and youth as they continue to create. The collage needs to be completed in time for the Guided Meditation.
Scripture Reading
Philippians 4:1-9
Hymn of Reflection
“Dear God, Embracing Humankind” CCS 194 OR “O Senhor é a minha força/In the Lord I’ll Be Ever Thankful” CCS 129 Sing several times. Encourage participants to sing in languages other than their own.
Based on Philippians 4:1-9 OR
Congregational Sharing
Everyone has a testimony. Consider asking some of the following to share their stories:
-A child’s testimony of why they decided to be baptized.
-Long-time member’s memories and lessons from their faith journey.
-A historian’s perspective on Community of Christ’s ongoing transformation.
-A testimony about finding joy or peace amid difficulty
-A youth’s hopes and dreams for the future.
-A story about finding joy in the mundane, ordinary things of life
-An evangelist’s experience of offering the sacrament of evangelist blessing.
Hymn of Discipleship If using testimonies, divide stanzas of the hymn between speakers. “You Are Called to Tell the Story”
CCS 625 OR “Teach Me, God, to Wonder
CCS 176 OR “Fanana”
CCS 596
If this is unfamiliar, sing along with the vocal recording found on Community of Christ Sings Audio Recordings available from Herald House. Point out the meaning of the text found at the bottom of the page.
Disciples’ Generous Response Story
Share “The Joy of Supporting Local and Worldwide Mission” by Steve Graffeo, located in Principle 4 of the Community of Christ resource, Choose Generosity: Discovering Whole-Life Stewardship, pp. 78-79, available from Herald House.
Ask someone to share a short, personal testimony of how generosity has brought joy to their life.
During this time of a Disciples’ Generous Response, we focus on aligning our heart with God’s heart. Our offerings are more than meeting budgets or funding mission. We can tangibly express our gratitude to God through our offerings, who is the giver of all.
As we share our mission tithes either by placing money in the plates or through eTithing, use this time to thank God for the many gifts received in life. Our hearts grow aligned with God’s when we gratefully receive and faithfully respond by living Christ’s mission.
Blessing and Receiving of Local and Worldwide Mission Tithes
For additional ideas, see Disciples’ Generous Response Tools at www.CofChrist.org/disciples-
Prayer for Peace
Light the Peace Candle.
Prayer 和平祈禱
親愛的上帝,懇請以祢的平安祝福我們。當我們處於痛苦和困 難中時,請賜給我們信心、力量和智慧。當我們被恐懼包圍時,
候有祢的陪伴。當我們迷茫或迷失時,請引導我們在心中找到 祢的平安。全能的上帝啊! 請住在我們心中,賜予我們平安。請 幫助我們了解和平並不是來自叛逆或悲傷,而是通過思想和靈 魂的平靜而獲得的。在這裡,我們祈求祢的平安住在我們心中。 阿門。
Dear God,
Bless us with your peace. Give us confidence, strength, and wisdom when we are in suffering and difficulty. Give us hope when we are surrounded by fear. Give us your peace. Ensure us that you are with us when we seem alone. When we are confused or lost, please guide us to find your peace in our minds. Almighty God, please live in our hearts and give us your peace. Help us to understand that peace may not come with rebellion or grieving. It is often obtained through the calm of mind and soul. Today, we pray for your peace to reside in our hearts. Amen.
-written and translated by George Chu, Taiwan
For additional ideas: Find this day’s Prayer for Peace service on the church’s website at www.CofChrist.org.
“God of Grace and God of Laughter” CCS 100 OR “Of All the Spirit’s Gifts to Me CCS 45 OR “Je louerai l’Éternel/Praise, I Will Praise You, Lord” CCS 115 Sing at least twice, encouraging participants to sing in a language other than their own. OR Sing along with the vocal recording from French Polynesia found on Community of Christ Sings Audio Recordings
Guided Meditation: Future
Ask the children and youth to bring the collage created in the Focus Moment to the front for all to see. Encourage observations especially from the children and youth about the messages the collage sends, and the community needed to create it After the discussion, enter into this Guided Meditation.
Find a comfortable position.
Close your eyes or allow them to focus softly on one spot.
Turn your thoughts to your breath. As you think about your breath, notice if it automatically lengthens and deepens.
Challenge yourself to take the deepest breath you’ve taken all day. Breath in and make a little natural noise as you breathe out.
One more time in and let go of any tension as you breath out.
Let this breath fuel your imagination.
Slow the pace. Don’t rush visioning the future.
Envision the future of the church.
Breathe in joy, breathe out hope.
What is the best future you can imagine?
Where do you fit into this picture?
Breathe in joy, breathe out hope.
Let go of negative thoughts that may arise, and allow the Spirit to suggest ideas, even if they seem radically different or difficult. Be specific if you like. Who’s there? Where are you? What are you doing?
How can you “Be what You Believe?”
Breathe in joy, breathe out hope.
Take a few longer, deeper breaths as you bring yourself back to the community around you.
Allow the joy to come to your face… into your heart.
Allow hope in as well.
Open your eyes and refocus on your surroundings.
Welcome back from the future. --Scripture Reading:
Sending Forth
Go! Be what you believe! Go with God!