4 minute read
Worship Resources
22 October 2023
Ordinary Time (Proper 24)
1 Thessalonians 1:1-10
Make Your Faith Known
Additional Scriptures
Exodus 33:12-23; Psalm 99; Matthew 22:15-22; Doctrine and Covenants 163:3a
Create a worship center on a table with 3-5 small mirrors and one flashlight. If appropriate, have enough mirrors for each participant. Cover the mirrors and flashlight with a cloth.
Hymn of Praise
Encourage participants to sing in languages other than their own.
84 OR “Jesu, Tawa Pano/Jesus, We Are Here” sing several times
“Uyai Mose/Come All You People” sing several times
71 OR “All Creatures of Our God and King”
Call to Worship
Psalm 99:9
Hymn of Invitation to Worship
“Jubilate Deo” sing several times
Can be sung a cappella and in a round with up to 6 parts. OR “Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty!
OR “I Will Sing, I Will Sing” sing at least twice
Encourage participants to sing in languages other than their own.
OR “Sing to God as Sings the Ocean”
Prayer for Peace
Light the Peace Candle.
Scripture Reading: Doctrine and Covenants 163:3a Prayer
Gracious, loving, and pushing G-d, We come to you in this specific space and time seeking your guidance and wisdom as we strive to be grace-filled and vulnerable to make our faith and trust in you known. This is hard work.
Too often there are forces pulling and pushing us in so many directions- work, family, soccer practice, choir rehearsals, town council meeting, and quite frankly, sometimes church council meetings it can be a challenge to remember the ultimate goal. We can get caught up in the minutia and lose track of placing our faith and actions in the direction of you, G-d.
We ask for your guidance through the whispering and forceful Holy Spirit to keep us accountable so that you may shine forth through us. May we, through the tribulations and joy, continue to be faithful persons as a testament to your grace among us in this world.
In hope and determination, Amen.
- Brinna Kolitz, used with permission
For additional ideas: Find this day’s Prayer for Peace service on the church’s website at www.CofChrist.org
Focus Moment: “Reflections” see below
Hymn of Inspiration
“Holy Presence, Holy Teacher”
601 OR “The Vision of a Life to Be”
OR “Keep Your Lamps Trimmed”
Based on 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10
Ministry of Music or Hymn of Response
507 OR “Fountain of All Revelation”
“O Christ, My Lord, Create in Me”
67 OR “Jésus est le rocher de ma vie/Jesus Is the Rock for You and Me”
265 Sing along with the vocal recording found on Community of Christ Sings Audio Recordings, available from Herald House. Encourage participants to sing in languages other than their own. Consider adding actions that mirror the text, as in “…above, below, in front, behind, and all around.”
Disciples’ Generous Response
The Generosity Cycle
Today marks the beginning of the Generosity Cycle. During this season, focus is on the four phases of the Generosity Cycle: Invite, Discover, Respond and Reflect. This is a season where we are invited to remember God’s extravagant grace and generosity, to discover a deeper joy in discipleship living Christ’s mission, and to respond through whole-life stewardship by intentionally pausing and reflecting on our journey as generous disciples.
The following video shares more about this meaning full season in the life of the church. Play https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FY4xxernG1o if technology means are available.
If technology is not available, consider incorporating the following into your thoughts: Week One - introduces the Generosity Cycle and invites people to participate Weeks Two through Four - focus on the Discover phase and explore how gratitude shapes our generous response
Week Five – asks members to consider a commitment to sharing their time, talent, treasure and testimony as the Disciples’ Generous Response focuses on the Respond phase.
Week Six – invites members into a year-long reflection period as the church heads into the season of Advent.
As we embark on this adventure, may we do in a spirit of openness and exploration. God’s grace abounds, and together we’ll discover where it will lead us next!
Blessing and Receiving of Local and Worldwide Mission Tithes
For additional ideas, see Disciples’ Generous Response tools at www.CofChrist.org/disciples-generous-response-tools
Hymn of Making Our Faith Known
Sending Forth
Be a people who embody the fullness of the gospel. Reflect God’s love into the mysterious of life. Do not be afraid. Even the smallest of light can illuminate an unseen path. Make your faith known, share your light, and be the presence of Christ! Postlude
Focus Moment: “Reflections”
Be sure to read through this activity prior to worship. It will be helpful to have volunteers identified to help with the mirror portion.
Bring volunteers to the front of your meeting space so the congregation can see. Be sure to include children and youth as volunteers.
Ask the volunteers to guess what’s under the cloth. Feel free to describe the silhouettes of the items on the table. Reveal the items after several guesses. Tell the congregation what you see.
Share the following
What do mirrors and a flashlight have to do with God?
In the letter to the Thessalonians, Paul wants his readers to be imitators of God and to share joy! Even on bad days, God wants us to generously share our love for God, the earth, and all creation. Even you!
Give one volunteer a mirror. With the flashlight in your hand, demonstrate how light is reflected off the mirror. Be careful that light does not shine into someone’s eyes!
After demonstrating the reflection, give another volunteer a mirror. Try to align the mirrors so light reflects off one mirror and onto another. You’re encouraged to try and get as many mirrors to align as possible.
God’s love is the light, and you are the mirror! Just as the light bounces off the mirror, God’s love reflects off of you – your whole self! No matter how dark the room gets, the light will always shine from God onto you. Wherever you go, even far from home, as long as you reflect the light, all people will know you are child of God.
Sing: “This Little Light of Mine” https://www.christmassongsandcarols.com/products/this-little-light-of-mine Replace mirrors and flashlight on the table upon completion. Place items so the congregation can see them on the worship center.