Beacon - June 21, 2013

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Vol. 78, No. 24 neWS BrieFS VoLUnteerS needed at tHe retired actiVitieS oFFice The RAO is in need of volunteers to work Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to noon or noon to 3 p.m. Retired military and their dependents are encouraged to apply. For more information, contact Lt. Col. Carter or Senior Master Sgt. Brown at 951-655-4077 or 951-655-4079. eXtended operation For marcH taX center The March ARB Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Center will remain open for amending income tax returns and filing prior year returns. Appointments will be available on Tuesdays and Thursdays, with time slots from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information or to schedule an appointment, please Email, or call 951-655-3659.

reGiStration open For yeLLoW riBBon eVentS The events will provide programs, resources, referrals and services to minimize stress on families during all phases of deployment. Registration opening soon for the following upcoming events: • Orlando Fla., scheduled for July 19 to 21 For more information, contact Senior Master Sgt. Jo Carrillo at 951-655-2571 or Email josephine.carrillo@

March Air Reserve Base, California

Friday, June 21, 2013

Heerrrre’s Cory: Team March goes to Hollywood by Darnell Gardner 452 AMW public affairs

March Field, known for its historic connection with Hollywood greats such as Bob Hope and Cary Grant, now has a new line of Hollywood-hopefuls lined up to make their mark in the history of the base. One, Cory Jugas, Morale, Welfare and Recreation aide, 452d Force Support Squadron, was selected to make a guest appearance as an extra on the TV sitcom, Anger Management, June 13. “I attended a laugh-track taping of the show that was arranged through my squadron’s booster club,” said Jugas. “I didn’t set out to be part of the show, I just thought it would be great to be on an actual Hollywood set – and oh yes, get a chance to meet the show’s top actor (Charlie Sheen).” While there, show producers coaxed audience members into doing comedy skits between shoots – this was done to liven everyone up so they could record their laughter for future use in the show. Unknown to the audience members, producers were indirectly scouting for someone to make a cameo appearance on a future taping. They looked for participants who displayed enthusiasm and excitement, yet maintained a natural sense of being – no fakers. “They had us up there doing crazy things,” said Jugas. “The producers had one person create a crazy dance move and the rest of us had to add to it with even crazier moves. I guess my moves caught their attention because they selected me at the end of the show.” Jugas was given notice to standby for notification from the show’s producer. to make the trip back to the Anger Management studio for the taping. “It took awhile, but the producer finally Emailed me back for the show. He explained that I would be an extra during a barroom shoot. I was cast to have casual conversation with another bar-goer, but who can speak casually on a Hollywood set,” said Jugas? The day of the filming began around

U.S. Air Force photos/Darnell Gardner

Above, Team March member Cory Jugas, Morale, Welfare and Recreation aide, 452d Force Support Squadron, stands by for a cameo appearance on the sitcom, Anger Management, June 13. Jugas, was selected out of the audience of a previous taping because of his talented dancing skills. Below, Jugas gets a few stage pointers from Tiffer Boucher, production assistant, while sitting in the staged barroom.

noon with everyone sitting around the set, waiting. When the star of the show came on scene, about five hours later, everything seemed to come together like magic. The call to action sent everyone into frenzy, with lights and cameras in full action. From late afternoon to early evening; late evening to early morning, the cast filmed the bar scene set; take after take after take, with no real alcohol and a whole lot of meaningful [empty] conversation. At the stroke of midnight, the star actor called it “a wrap” and the cast and crew left for the day, satisfied with what they had accomplished. For an inexperienced actor, that was an ideal role. There were no lines to memorize or pressure to act above and beyond – just look interested. “I don’t foresee taking up acting as future career; I am not the camera-seeking type. I am most comfortable in the background,” Jugas said. “The show is expect-

ed to air, Aug. 15, on the FX channel.” The 452d FSS Go-getters, the squadron booster club, coordinated this event. It maintains solid connections with Hollywood producers on the Anger Management set, along with other shows such as Hot in Cleveland, America’s Funniest Videos and more. In addition, the booster club improves the morale of its members by offsetting the costs of social functions and other squadron events. They also provide flowers for hospitalized members, as well as family member bereavements. “Currently we are an FSS-specific organization; however, if we can align our efforts with other base entities, the possibility of opening up our services base-wide would benefit all of March,” said Michelle Converse, president, 452d FSS Go-Getters. “Our most popular program allows members to view tapings of popular TV sitcoms, in which we intend to make available to all Team March members.”

June 21, 2013




Volume 78, Number 24

452 AMW Public Affairs

895 Baucom Ave. SE, #102 March ARB, CA 92518-2266 fax: 951-655-7343 phone: 951-655-4137 COMMANDER


Lt. Col. Donald Traud EDITOR

Darnell Gardner 452 AMW EDITORIAL STAFF 2nd Lt. Bari Yonkers Master Sgt. Linda Welz Tech. Sgt. Megan Crusher Staff Sgt. Joe Davidson Staff Sgt. Carrie Peasinger The Beacon is published by Aerotech News and Review. Aerotech is a private firm in no way connected with the U.S. Air Force, under exclusive written contract with the 452nd Air Mobility Wing. This civilian enterprise Air Force newspaper is an authorized publication for employees and members of U.S. military services, retirees and family members. Contents are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense or the Department of the Air Force. The appearance of advertising in this newspaper, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement of the products or services by the Department of Defense, the Department of the Air Force or Aerotech News and Review, Inc. Everything advertised in this newspaper shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. Editorial content is edited, prepared and provided by the staff of the 452nd Air Mobility Wing Public Affairs office at March Air Reserve Base. All photographs in the Beacon are Air Force photos unless otherwise stated. For advertising, contact Aerotech directly at 877-247-9288.

Aerotech News and Review 456 East Ave. K-4, Suite 8 Lancaster, CA 93535 commentary

Keeping service in perspective by Chief Master Sgt. James Powell 97 Medical Group

ALTUS AIR FORCE BASE, Okla. -- If you were approached by a co-worker, civilian or family member and asked the question, “Why do you serve?”, what would your answer be? How would you internalize what you do for the Air Force to the point where you could answer that seemingly simple question? Over the past several years, I have heard a full array of reasons from the events of 9/11 to family traditions. It was not until the sequestration events during this past spring, specifically the suspension of tuition assistance that I thought harder about the reasons why we serve. Let me start by saying that I am not against tuition assistance or any other benefit that the Air Force has given us. I personally have benefited from the use of TA and believe that our Air Force reaps the rewards from members who have taken the initiative to further their education. I bring up this subject because the news about terminating TA seemed to invoke an enormous response and I wanted to try to put some things into perspective. As Air Force members, we sometimes have a tendency to take things for granted. We have no problem when the 1st and 15th of the month come around and our paychecks are waiting for us in the bank -- we have grown to expect that. When we look at our leave and earnings statement, we see different benefits such as housing allowance or subsistence allowance and maybe even some type of specialincentive pay that is unique to a particular job or career field. Most of those benefits

remained largely intact during this fiscal crisis. Many of us have gone over to the clinic and received treatment and medications that would have been very costly if we had to procure treatments in the civilian sector. I did not see much effect on these benefits either. While not every temporary duty or permanent change of station assignment was perfectly timed or to an ideal location, we found some type of benefit whether it was the opportunity to travel or the associated allowances we received from being relocated for that period of time. In regards to TDYs, this area definitely saw some adjustments and some heartburn, but nowhere on the level I saw with the discontinuance of TA. This revocation happened in the wake of post 9/11 education benefits, various scholarships offered through professional organizations and Pell Grants. In addition, local colleges were working with members to make special arrangements to ease the financial burden. I truly do not think members serve simply for the education benefits, despite the fact that there were many who made comments to the contrary. I cannot tell you how many indicated that they were planning to separate just because this one benefit was on the verge of disappearing. I can happily report that I did not see one individual from my unit log onto the Virtual Military Personnel Flight and start the separation process. I am convinced there are different attitudes toward serving, such as education benefits or sense of family, patriotism or job security. I use the word “attitudes”

because they are subject to change. We can all attest that we have taken a certain position or attitude toward something one minute and in the next, have it swayed to change. Hence, why I did not know of anyone who said they joined the Air Force merely for the education benefits, try to separate when TA was not available. This led me to believe that in actuality, we all serve for the same purpose, which can be summarized by one word: Commitment. We all took an oath of service upon enlistment and during reenlistment. Did that oath say anything about serving for the promise of getting medical or educational benefits? Does it even say anything about pay and allowances or patriotism? The obvious answer is no. Our oath uses words such as “support and defend” and “obey,” all of which require commitment. It requires a deep inner conviction and an obligation that is not limited to any one individual. Our commitment encompasses our Air Force, our families and our nation. When we can acknowledge the reason we serve, is because of our commitment, we set aside our individual attitudes toward a particular benefit or belief and take up a cause that is much bigger than any one of us combined. Hopefully we can all take a step back when asked the question why we serve and say that it wasn’t because of a particular benefit or promise. Some benefits have been cut, with more on the horizon, during the current fiscal environment. change, So let us keep our perspective of our commitment to “serve and defend” and sustain our Air Force as the most commanding power on the face of the earth.

Officials battle obesity, tobacco with Healthy Base Initiative by Amaani Lyle American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Defense Department has teamed with the White House, industry, medical communities and installation leaders to assess obesity and tobacco programs for the total workforce, a Pentagon official said. Starting in July, DOD officials will begin evaluating 13 installations to gauge their implementation of the Healthy Base Initiative, said Charles E. Milam, acting deputy assistant secretary of defense for military community and family policy at the 2013 American Lo-

gistics Association Congressional Caucus and Public Policy Forum. Installation assessments will consider such factors as healthy commissary offerings, ease of exercising, choices for healthy meals and availability of healthy snacks in vending machines, Milam said. Participating installations are Fort Bragg, N.C.; Fort Sill, Okla.; Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Hawaii; Submarine Base New London, Conn.; Mountain Home Air Force Base, Idaho; Yokota Air Base, Japan; Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center/Marine Air Ground Task Force Training Command, Twentynine Palms, Calif.; Marine Corps Base

Quantico, Va.; Coast Guard Air Station Cape Cod, Mass.; March Air Reserve Base, Calif.; and Camp Dodge, Iowa. The other two participants are the Defense Logistics Agency, Fort Belvoir, Va.; and Defense Health Headquarters, Falls Church, Va. The Department of Defense officials selected commanders who personally embrace a healthy lifestyle, Milam explained, adding that eight of the sites have on-base schools, facilitating assessments of each school’s fitness and lunch programs. Milam said the initiative began two years ago when the White House and First Lady MiSee HeaLtHy BaSe, page 5

June 21, 2013

The Beacon


diSaSter preparedneSS

Preparing to survive Wildfire season by Robert Kaschak 452 AMW Emergency Management technician

Southern California’s unique topography complemented with intense heat, dry soil, acts of nature and human carelessness, all combine to make it extremely vulnerable to wildfires. Every year we standby, ready to combat these demons of destruction. When not actually engaged in a response, firefighters train constantly to improve tactics, communication and working relationships. The drain on manpower, assets and critical resources is staggering and the devastation in the aftermath spans loss of life, homes and land. The most recent wildfire in Colorado Springs’ Black Forest, has already burned more than 15,000 acres, destroyed more than 1,020 homes and taken two lives. Closer to home, a fire at the Carstens, near Yosemite Park, forced the evacuation of 700 families from their homes, burned 1880 acres. We know the reality and ramifications of wildfires. As responders, we do all in our power to promote awareness and preventive measures to protect the environment. To augment standard preventive measures, 452d Emergency Management personnel suggest you be aware of additional measures to ensure family members stay safe during wildfires. Before a wildfire Reduce the risk by being prepared to protect your family, home, and property. • Families should discuss a plan of action to take if wildfires threaten the area. • Homeowners should design landscapes with wild-

• •

• • • •

fire safety in mind. Select materials and plants that can help contain fire rather than fuel it - plant fireresistant shrubs and trees. Hardwood trees are less flammable than pine, evergreen, eucalyptus or fir trees. Members should consider using fire-resistant or noncombustible materials on roofs and exterior structures of their dwellings. They should use fireretardant chemicals evaluated by a nationally recognized laboratory, such as Underwriters Laboratories. Regularly clean roof and gutters. Inspect chimneys at least twice a year and clean them at least once a year. Keep the dampers in good working order. Equip chimneys and stovepipes with a spark arrester that meets the requirements of National Fire Protection Association Standard 211. Contact your local fire department for exact specifications. Use one-eighth inch mesh screen beneath porches, decks, floor areas and the home itself. Also, screen openings to floors, roof and attic. Install a dual-sensor smoke alarm on each level of your home, especially near bedrooms; test monthly and change the batteries at least once each year. Teach each family member how to use a fire extinguisher, ABC type and show them where it’s kept. Keep handy household items that can be used as fire tools such as a rake, axe, handsaw or chain saw, bucket or shovel. Keep a ladder that will reach the roof. Consider installing protective shutters or heavy, fire-resistant drapes. Clear items that will burn from around the house, including woodpiles, lawn furniture, barbecue grills

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and tarp coverings -- move them outside of your defensible space.

Plan your water needs Identify and maintain an adequate outside water source such as a small pond, cistern, well, swimming pool or hydrant. It is a good idea to have a garden hose that is long enough to reach any area of the home and other structures on the property. Install freeze-proof exterior water outlets on at least two sides of the home and near other structures on the property to ensure for complete protective coverage - install additional outlets at least 50-feet from the home. Also, consider obtaining a portable gasoline powered water pump in case electrical power is cut off. Your best resource for proper planning can be viewed at, which has outstanding information used daily by residents, property owners, fire departments, community planners, builders, public policy officials, water authorities, architects and others to assure safety from fire. Fire-wise workshops are offered free nationwide and fire-wise materials can be obtained easily by anyone interested. If you can command the recommendations above and feel comfortable about your fire preparation, you are off to a good start. No one can control the weather or the actions of others, but having a solid plan and instituting the preventive measures contained herein, will give you a much better chance for a successful outcome for you, your family and your home. It is a long season. Let us make it through together, safely.


June 21, 2013

Air Force leaders congratulate Army on 238 years WASHINGTON, D.C -- Secretary of the Air Force Michael Donley, Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mark A. Welsh III and Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force James Cody recognized the Army on its 238th birthday, June 14. Donley wrote a letter to the secretary of the Army stating: “Congratulations on the U.S. Army’s 238th birthday. The U.S. Air Force joins you in celebrating Army heritage and in paying tribute to the Soldiers whose unwavering dedication to the profession of arms has protected our Nation since the American Revolution. “America’s Airmen salute you and wish you the best on the Army’s birthday and in the years ahead. Thank you for all you do to lead a force of Soldiers, families and civilians that is truly Army Strong.” Welsh wrote a letter to the chief of staff of the Army stating: “Happy birthday to the U.S. Army and best wishes to you and all the Soldiers serving our Nation. For 238 years, great Soldiers have fought and sacrificed bravely for our country and its ideals. Today’s Soldiers continue to uphold these hallowed traditions. The men and women of the U.S. Air Force are honored to serve alongside the U.S. Army as we defend our Nation’s freedom and preserve its liberty. America’s Airmen salute you.” Cody wrote a letter to the sergeant major of the Army stating:

“On behalf of the 690,000 men and women in the U.S. Air Force, I wish a Happy Birthday to the U.S. Army. We are extremely proud of your 238 years of dedicated service to our great nation. “From the days of the Continental Army to current day operations in Afghanistan, America’s Sol-

diers have proven to be strong, professional partners in the Joint fight. We are honored to serve alongside our Army brothers and sisters in defense of our great Nation. “America’s Airmen wish you the best as you celebrate another year.”

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The Beacon HeaLtHy BaSe, from page 2

chelle Obama’s “Let’s Move!” campaign sought to partner with DOD to assess the impact of national prevention strategies on youth in America. The Healthy Base Initiative falls under Operation Live Well, which Milam calls “a bigger, much larger initiative under [DOD] health affairs that is enduring,” as officials seek empirical evidence of successful health programs. Milam noted that canvassing the services for effective health, wellness and fitness ideas yielded some 40 pages of different initiatives. “Many of them were very effective, [but] no one could really tell me how effective they were,” Milam said. So officials focused on improving two areas within the national prevention strategy, Milam said, with health affairs focusing on tobacco control and military community and family policy promoting nutrition and healthy lifestyles. Milam illustrated the nation’s spiral into obesity since 1990, noting that in 2010 about 40 percent of the states were obese, with average body mass index of 30 percent or higher and that trends indicate the majority of the United States will be obese

by 2030. The military has a vested interest in eradicating this problem and with good reason, he said. “Today, we recruit from a pool of about 25 percent of young men and women who are even eligible to join the military,” Milam explained. “And out of that pool, 27 percent can’t even meet basic weight requirements.” Tobacco use, while on a fairly steady decline across the United States, is on an uptick in DOD, with a price tag of $1.6 billion in medical care costs, he noted. “We spend about 95 percent of our health care budget on treatment and about 5 percent on prevention,” Milam said. “So now is not a good time for me to be going to the comptroller to ask for more money.” In 2010, 85,000 service members were obese, Milam said, adding that one of the primary reasons for men and women being forced to leave the military is failure to meet fitness and weight standards. “Now, many are coming to us with weight problems already, because of what the nation is starting to look like,” Milam said. The Defense Department has reached

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June 21, 2013 out to private industry, working with corporations that have developed their own health and wellness programs to take a holistic approach to improving health habits, including families, civilians and children, Milam said. A team of contractors from Cornell University in Ithaca, N.Y., will travel to the military communities with DOD officials to help them evaluate the efficacy of health programs. Dr. Brian Wansink, who leads the team, specializes in cafeteria makeovers, specifically in schools, Milam said. “He goes in there with his team [and] doesn’t change one menu item, but he moves things around,” Milam explained. “He takes the sugary drinks, moves them toward the back, brings the water up front and puts the candy bars out of reach. You have to ask for them.” These simple moves, known as “stealth health” have spurred a 35 percent change in behavior, where students reportedly opted for healthy alternatives to sweets and fried foods. “At the end of all of this, we’re going to package the empirical data, not only DODwide, but put together something we’ll be able to share with the nation,” Milam said


The Healthy Base Initiative will: • Promote a healthy and fit force, which is essential to national security • Increase the awareness of the devastating impact of sedentary lifestyles and poor nutrition choices • Empower the military community to make better nutritional choices, increase physical activity, decrease tobacco use and lose weight • Provide a hands-on look at service-level innovations, which can be used to promote health and wellness best practices throughout the DOD • Support Operation Live Well, a program aimed at making healthy living the easy choice and the social norm.


June 21, 2013

Date of separation rollback phase II underway by Debbie Gildea Air Force Personnel Center public affairs

JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIORANDOLPH, Texas -- The Air Force has implemented fiscal 2013 force management enlisted date of separation rollback program phase II, Air Force Personnel Center officials said. Separation rollbacks are one of several voluntary and non-voluntary programs implemented during fiscal year 2013, to help bring overall force numbers to congressionally mandated levels, said Lt. Col. Tara White, AFPC retirements and separations branch chief. The rollback will accelerate the date of separation for senior master sergeants and below who meet required criteria. Affected Airmen must separate from the Air Force by Sept. 20, and those eligible to retire must do so effective Aug. 1, or earlier. The rollback program also allows

commanders to consider Airmen for selective reenlistment early, if they meet program criteria. Airman can be considered for the DOS rollback only if they: - Have fewer than 14 years or more than 20 years of total active federal military service as of Sept. 20, 2013, and - Have an Aug. 31, 2013 or later DOS for retirees or Sept. 20 DOS or later for separatees, and - Have one of the reporting identifiers, reenlistment eligibility codes, assignment eligibility codes or grade status reasons defined in the program commander action table (go to and search for PSDM 13-51). Identifiers or codes that require separation are established when a second-term or career Airman refuses to get retainability for training, retraining, or professional military education or declines training, retraining, or PME; when an Airman

Team March participates in Torch Run 2013

The 452d Security Forces Squadron participated in the Southern California Special Olympics Inland Empire Regional Spring Games, “Torch Run”, June 4. The Torch Run is part of the SCSO grass-roots fund raising events that raise public awareness about children with intellectual disabilities through sports training and competition. Every year, hundreds of law enforcement agencies from across the country come together to participate in this charitable event. During this year’s event, the torch was passed from members of the Moreno Valley Police Department to the 452d SFS team, which after completing their 5.2-mile leg in 51-minutes, then passed the torch off to the San Bernardino Sherriff’s Department. Participants in the run included Majs. Ryan Robin and Jason Price; Master Sgts. Javier Murillo, Juan Rodriguez, Jeffrey Dennis and Darryl Heisser; Tech. Sgt. Daniel Armstrong; and Staff Sgts. Mariano Morua and Cesar Gutierrez from the 452d SFS. Maj. Deric Prescott, active duty staff judge advocate; Senior Master Sgt. Jeffrey Feller, 701st Combat Operations Squadron; and Airman 1st Class Jonathan Hueso, 452 Civil Engineer Squadron, also ran as part of the Security Forces team. Torch Run support drivers included Marvin Tucker, Staff Sgt. Timothy Yoder, Senior Airman David Adolfo from 452d Mission Support Group.

waiting for retraining is disqualified for cause, when an Airman is awaiting discharge, separation or retirement for cause and other similar circumstances, White said. Airmen eligible for retirement who meet the criteria are also subject to DOS rollback. Retirement-eligible members affected by the program must submit their retirement request by July 2. “Enlisted retirement is not automatic, so affected members who don’t submit their request by July 2, will be projected for separation instead,” White said. Airmen separated under DOS rollback won’t be required to return unearned portions of bonuses, special pays, or other monetary incentives and will not be entitled to any unpaid portions of bonuses, special pays, or other monetary incentives. If they meet Post-9/11 GI Bill eligibility requirements and are honorably discharged, involuntary sepa-

ration will not affect their benefits. However, members who transferred education benefits to their dependents who do not complete their related active duty service commitment may be required to repay those benefits. Airmen with six or more but less than 20 years of active service who are not in their initial term of enlistment may be authorized half separation pay, but will be required to sign an individual Ready Reserve agreement to receive that benefit. In addition, Airmen who served 180 days or more on active duty who are separated under the DOS rollback will be authorized transition assistance benefits, such as permissive temporary duty, 180 of days extended medical care for themselves and their family members and two years of commissary and exchange privileges. For more information about force management programs and other personnel issues, visit the myPers website.

Air Force Reserve announces senior leader changes

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Lt. Gen. James F. Jackson, chief of Air Force Reserve, announced the following senior leader changes from left to right: Brig. Gen. Stephen “Fritz” Linsenmeyer, from commander, Force Generation Center, Headquarters Air Force Reserve Command, Robins Air Force Base, Ga., to deputy director for Joint Matters, Hq Air Education and Training Command, Joint Base San Antonio - Randolph, Texas. Brig. Gen. Edmund D. Walker, from special assistant to the vice commander, AFRC, Robins AFB, Ga., to commander, FGC, Hq AFRC, Robins AFB, Ga.

Col. Donald R. Lindberg, from commander, 482nd Fighter Wing, Homestead Air Reserve Base, Fla., to vice commander, 10th Air Force, Naval Air Station Fort Worth Joint Reserve Base, Texas. Col. Christian G. Funk, from commander, 476th Fighter Group, Moody AFB, Ga., to commander, 482nd FW, Homestead ARB, Fla. Col. Arthur E. Jackman, Jr., (not pictured) from mobilization assistant to the Staff Judge Advocate, Hq Air Mobility Command, Scott Air Force Base, Ill., to mobilization assistant to the Director, Administrative Law, Office of the Judge Advocate General, Hq U.S. Air Force, Washington, D.C.

The The Beacon

Personal OPSEC: Tips on Avoiding Identify Theft by Aaron Brynildson 452 March legal office

Identity theft among military members occurs at a much higher rate than with their civilian counterparts. The reason for this elevated incident rate is partially due to the copious amounts of personnel documents generated and the frequency of deployments that take servicemembers’ focus away from personal business maintenance, such as monitoring their credit reports. There are three major ways to avoid identity theft: deterrence, detection and defense. In order to deter identity theft, it is important to know where your sensitive information is kept. Thieves rummage through trash cans and check unsecured mailboxes for information that can link them to personal information. Therefore, it is important to check your mail regularly and shred sensitive documents before throwing them away. If you notice bank statements or other important documents missing, that could be a sign that your mail has been stolen. In addition, you should only give your social security number and other identifying information when legally required and through secured means. Also, it is best not to keep your SSN and passwords to accounts in your wallet or other easily obtainable locations. Try to minimize the number of credit application submissions. Be a detective when it comes to Emails or other correspondence asking for personal information. Typically, thieves pose as bank employees or government officials to retrieve sensitive information. Use complex passwords for bank accounts and other online resources that contain your personal information – remember to change passwords routinely. This helps to avoid unauthorized access to your accounts. In most cases, taking a proactive stance to prevent identity theft can be a highly effective defense; however, some incidents can occur that inadvertently lead to the unwanted release of information. Being vigilant

and closely monitoring personal matters can help minimize most damage if a theft has occurred. It is a good idea to check your credit report at all three credit bureaus [TransUnion, Equifax and Experian], at least once a year. This can be done free of charge. If your budget allows, you can hire a commercial services that specialize in monitoring credit profiles and flagging suspicious activities. According to Maj. Deric Prescott, active duty Staff Judge Advocate, a good idea for military members is to place a free “active duty alert” on their credit report while they are deployed. This prevents any new credit applications from being made. If victimized by identity theft, members should immediately file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission and local law enforcement officials. These agencies can provide specific remedies that limit liability if identity theft has occurred. Also, immediately contact your creditors to report the theft and start the process of undoing the damage caused by the thieves. Be sure to maintain documentation of all correspondence with credit agencies and financial institutions. Be diligent in reporting fraudulent charges or activity because the issues become more difficult to solve as time elapses. Stop by the March Legal office for more information regarding identity, handouts and attorney referrals. There are additional online resources are available at topics/privacy-identity.

June 2013 June 21, 21, 2013



June 21, 2013

Comptroller offers glimpse of post-sequester options by Karen Parrish American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The budget storms assailing the Pentagon are unprecedented, the Defense Department’s chief financial officer said in Washington, D.C. “I’ve never seen anything like this,” Pentagon Comptroller Robert F. Hale told an audience attending the 2013 Defense Communities National Summit, “and I hope we never see it again.” Hale asked attendees how many of them had seen serious effects from sequestration defense spending cuts at their home installations and dozens of hands went up around the room. Hale said the across-the-board cuts, costs for the war in Afghanistan that were higher than expected and continuing resolutions that have in recent years replaced approved budgets have left Pentagon planners unable to make long-term course corrections. Remaining shortfalls in fiscal year 2013 clearly show “we haven’t fully landed this plane,” Hale acknowledged and he warned that 2014 and 2015 could be just as bad. Cuts to training and maintenance this

year will result in future “get-well” costs as the services clear backlogs and retrain members, Hale noted. If Congress passes a budget this year, he added, he’s confident defense programs will be funded near the levels President Barack Obama requested. If a continuing resolution again takes the place of an approved budget, however, “we would face the get-well costs without the resources to get well,” the comptroller said. Defense officials, including Hale, have maintained repeatedly that they can save greatly in the long term if Congress allows them to close excess facilities and the budget request this year again asks for a round of base realignments and closures, Hale noted. Studies have shown DOD has 25 percent too much infrastructure, all of which is expensive to maintain and operate, the comptroller said. He added that while it is a “significant understatement” to say Congress is reluctant to approve base closures, previous Base Realignment and Closure rounds resulted in ongoing savings of $12 billion per year. Consolidating or closing underused military facilities will be essential to the department’s future financial health, he added.

“We need the help of the United States Congress. The BRAC is an obvious example,” he said, but it’s not the only area in which the Pentagon needs Congress to act. “We need their permission to retire lower-priority weapons and slow the growth in military pay and benefits,” he said, noting “uniform agreement” among the Joint Chiefs of Staff that the department must contain personnel costs. Hale said results from Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel’s strategic choices in management review -- which has been

completed and is now being studied at the Pentagon’s highest levels -- will guide spending decisions in the coming years. Sequestration has been and remains a painful experience, Hale said, but he added that defense managers are learning to identify lower-priority initiatives as cuts increase. “Some of those decisions shouldn’t be reversed.. As we recover from this long disease called sequestration, I hope we can benefit just a little bit from the cure,” he said.

June 21, 2013

The Beacon

New professional development guide available Air Education and Training Command public affairs

JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO RANDOLPH, Texas -- The new Professional Development Guide, or PDG, AFPAM 36-2241, is now available at Printed guides will be distributed to all promotion-eligible active duty Airmen in the grades of E-4 through E-8 and Airmen first class with at least two years in service. Base and unit Weighted Airman Promotion System monitors will assist with the distribution of printed guides slated for early fall. Effective date of the new guide is Oct. 1, 2013. Master sergeants testing this December will be the first examinees to use the guide to prepare for promotion testing.

To assist Airmen studying for promotion, PDG study tools including audio files, interactive exercises, smart phone and computer applications, eReader files and Military Knowledge and Testing System, or MKTS, survey results are also available. Airmen can access these tools on the Airman Advancement Division’s website at http:// New interactive exercises will be posted monthly on the site to enhance Airmen’s knowledge of the PDG.

Team March Motorcycle Safety Week 24-28 June 2013 Events: Wednesday, June 26 - Annual Preseason Brief and Group Ride 11:00 a.m. – Brief (behind the fitness center) 11:30 a.m. to1:30 p.m. - Group Ride /Mentoring Thursday and Friday, June 27 to 28 - Basic Riders Course 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. - Wing Safety, Building 394

• • • •

Riders who cannot make it to the Group ride can attend preseason brief for credit Group Ride – Civilians may be required to take leave (check with supervisors) Make sure your tank is full for the Group Ride Must have all safety gear for the Group ride as per AFI 91-207

452d AMW/SEG, 2285 Graeber st., Building 394 Phone: 951-655-4481, Fax: 951-655-3446 Email:

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June 21, 2013


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#1090 Solid wood table with two chairs. $25

Futon frame Wood - loveseat size – $30

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Table and four chairs $100 China hutch and buffet “Nottingham” by Coaster - $900 Regular retail over $2500.

Birch and birch burlwood. Excellent, excellent condition! Truly beautiful!

Check out the new posts at Paul’s Yard Sale: PaulsYardSaleLancasterCa

Queen headboard and basic metal frame. $30 for both.

Limited Edition “Legends of the Court” All Star 2003 Kobe Bryant bobblehead - $50

Limited Edition “Legends of the Court” Kobe Bryant bobblehead - $50

Furniture and more For Sale!! Call Paul at (661) 917-1835

Very nice solid wood two drawer lateral file. $120

#897 Beautiful formal dining table and four oversized chairs - $325 Delivered Table measures 45.5” W x 88.5” L plus a leaf about 24”

Two vintage solid wood side tables with leather tops. $100 for both Four drawer heavy duty metal lateral file. $120

#1071 Box springs. Twin and full. Twin- $15; Full- $20 In very good condition.

#1091 King bed frame. $60 Some wear. Includes headboard, footboard and side rails.

Check out the new posts at Paul’s Yard Sale:

June 21, 2013

The Beacon


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June 21, 2013



play and instrument, act, etc., please

operatinG HoUrS

let us know by sending an Email to

Until further notice, the fitness In-

staff has designated the following

clude your full name, rank, Email ad-

hours of operation for the track:

dress and phone number and be sure

Summer months: 5 a.m. to 8 p.m. Winter months: 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Hours of operations were determined due to safety concerns. The track has not been equipped with proper lighting yet, which can cause hazard conditions for runners before or after daylight. Updated information will be provided after the completion of the track.

vations, call 310-653-5428. SaFety adViSory continUed Drivers and pedestrians traveling

improve the overall health and wellness of service members, families and civilians with a focus on making informed nutritional food choices, increased physical activity, weight

near the Air Traffic Control Tower,

management and tobacco cessation.

Bldg. 1220, should proceed with cau-

tranSition aSSiStance

The HBI and DOD’s Operation Live

tion due to the construction of the

proGram SLotS

Well are part of the President’s Na-

new tower. In addition, the gate enter-


tional Prevention Strategy and com-

ing the Flightline at Base Ops (F18)

plements the first lady’s Let’s Move!

Los Angeles Air Force Base will

is now closed. All personnel needing


conduct Fiscal Year 2013 TAP classes

access will still sign in at Base Ops,

for interested military and family

then enter the Flightline through the

to tell us what your talents are.

July 8 to 12 Aug. 12 to 16

gate at Security Forces (Bldg. 470).





tainment connectionS? The PA office is reaching out to

Sept. 9 to 13

marcH SeLected aS Site

anyone who has connections with

Oct. 7 to 11

For dod HeaLtHy BaSe

entertainers who may be interested

The public affairs office is compil-

Nov. 4 to 8


in a USO-type variety show. If you

ing a list of all Team March members

Dec. 9 to 13

who have talent when it comes to entertainment. So if you sing, dance,

are yoU taLented?

March will participate in the

have a connections, please contact us

Reservists will not be reimbursed

DOD’s Healthy Base Initiative, de-

at or

for travel or per diem. To make reser-

signed to identify effective ways to


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