Desert Wings - May 10, 2013

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Desert Wings

May 10, 2013


Serving the community of Edwards Air Force Base, California –

Volume 61, Number 42

May 10, 2013

C-5M undergoes ‘super’ upgrade at Edwards by Jet Fabara 412th TW Public Affairs In 2006, the C-5 Galaxy underwent a “super” upgrade to further strengthen the airframe’s worldwide airlift capabilities. Now known as the C-5M Super Galaxy, test teams at Edwards and Dover Air Force Base, Del., are showing why the recent software upgrade to the largest aircraft in the Air Force inventory is no small task. With initial modifications being tested at Dover AFB, the aircraft has been ferried back to Edwards AFB where the remaining flight test sorties are being accomplished during May. “The C-5M Super Galaxy Block 3.5.2 software upgrade is intended to correct 72 deficiency reports that were documented during previous C-5M test programs,” said

Joel Williams, 775th Test Squadron C-5 lead engineer at the 418th Flight Test Squadron. “The results of the 418th FLTS testing of 3.5.2 will help support a fielding decision by the program office at Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio,” added Maj. Zackary Schaffer, 418th FLTS C-5 test pilot. “Additionally, data from this testing will be used by the Development System Manager, Air Force Life Cycle Management Center (AFLCMC/WLS) at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, to generate a program assessment summary to verify the C-5M retains the navigational performance and surveillance capabilities necessary for future airspace requirements.” According to the C-5M test team, the systems affected by this

Air Force photograph by Jet Fabara

See C-5, Page 8

Edwards testers essential to X-51A Waverider success by Laura Mowry Staff Writer When the X-51A Waverider program was established, the test team set out to demonstrate the viability of air-breathing scramjet propulsion. The goal of the $300 million concept-demonstrator program became reality May 1 when the test team achieved a record-setting 210 seconds of airbreathing hypersonic flight. “This mission was a full success. We boosted for roughly 26 seconds and then we were on powered scramjet for three and a half minutes. We flew the mission until we exhausted the fuel. We took aerodynamic data on the cruiser from unpowered all the way until we flew it in the ocean,” said Charlie Brink, X-51A program manager, from the Air Force Research Laboratory’s Aerospace Systems Directorate. The test team gathered 370 seconds of telemetry data as the Waverider traveled 230 nautical miles and reached maximum Mach at 5.1, with a peak altitude of approximately 60,000 feet. The test was executed over the Point Mugu Naval Air Warfare Center Sea Range. It was the fourth and final flight for the X-51A Waverider program, the culmination of knowledge gained and lessons learned from previous flights. “The first flight was in May of 2010, which was a partial success; total flight time on scramjet power was 143 seconds. The second was in June of 2011 and the scramjet engine started and stalled due to excessive See WAVERIDER, Page 8

Test Wing awards

Air Force photograph by Bobbi Zapka

The X-51A Waverider flew its fourth and final mission May 1 over the Point Mugu Naval Air Warfare Center Sea Range, during which the test team achieved a record- setting 210 seconds of air-breathing hypersonic flight. Flight testers from Edwards played a vital role in the program’s success.

Retirees .... Page 5

Coming soon .... Page 11

.... Page 3 412th Test Wing honors first quarter award winners.

Team Edwards shows its appreciation to retirees.

Arby’s coming to the Edwards Air Force Base Exchange.


Desert Wings


May 10, 2013

Getting back to basics; Following standards on base by MSgt Christy Anderson Nellis AFB, Nev. I was in the office and a staff sergeant I work with noticed someone walking across a parking lot to the flight kitchen with no hat and no blouse on. I was shocked at what I saw. So much so, I left the office and went into the flight kitchen to let this person know that he must wear his hat and blouse. There is an authorized no-hat area between Bldg. 285 and the flight kitchen’s eastern entrance. This no-hat area is restricted to walking from Bldg. 285’s north side doors of the flightline-specific gate entryway. I couldn’t find anything that says you can have your blouse off. It’s been amazing to me how some people don’t follow the most basic of standards, and we need to get back to the basics. Being in the military and abiding by the rules isn’t difficult. Most of us had rules growing up, and knowing what the rules and regulations are will save you from the embarrassment of my next story. I occasionally go with Airmen that are taking their fitness assessment. One morning I went with a chief master sergeant and couldn’t believe how many people did not know what to do when reveille sounded. I stood in a sea of Airmen at attention as soon as the music began to play. When reveille sounds you should be at parade rest. After reveille has played, on the first note of the national anthem or

one. It is an easy reference for some very simple rules and guidelines. Another issue that has been repeatedly noticed by our leadership on base is not saluting Being in the military and abiding by the rules isn’t difficult. Most of us staff cars. Make sure had rules growing up, and knowing what the rules and regulations are you are always aware when will save you from the embarrassment of my next story. you’re walking around base. We have “To the Colors,” you snap to attention and salute. Hold your staff cars and need to salute them when we see them. Putting salute until the last note of the music is played. This is in the your head down while walking is not an excuse not to render Professional Development Guide, and it’s very easy to find. the proper courtesy to the Test Center commander and his vice If you don’t have a PDG, get with your first sergeant and get commander, wing commanders and their vice commanders

and group commanders driving their staff cars. I would much rather be the person that looks sharp saluting the staff car than the one the person driving the staff car stops to remind of what her or she is supposed to do. Believe me, the driver will stop the car, and I’m sure it won’t be pleasant. We represent something bigger and have a responsibility to adhere by our Air Force Instructions which are all easily found online. I put in some crazy stuff in search engines and get answers or at least a direction to go. So remember to wear your uniform correctly and wear it proudly. Follow customs and courtesies as they are what define us. We are different, not everyone wears this uniform and it makes us stand out. Always be aware of your surroundings, every good warrior knows what’s going on around them and you never know when someone is watching. I’m proud to be a member of this Air Force, and you should be too!

Commander’s Action Line email: The Commander’s Action Line gives all Airmen, retirees, families and community members a direct link to Brig. Gen. Michael Brewer, 412th Test Wing commander. The Action Line can be used to express constructive points of view on the policies and procedures of the base; discuss safety and security issues; and address problems, concerns, or suggestions after traditional methods have been exhausted. The Commander’s Action Line should not be the first action taken to resolve an issue. Those seeking a remedy to a problem should first follow the chain of command and take up the matter with the office of primary responsibility, supervisors, first sergeants or commanders. Action Line queries may be submitted by sending an e-mail to with Commander’s Action Line as the subject heading or by calling (661) 277-7325. Action Line submissions must be written in a courteous and professional tone, and must include a name, an e-mail address or an alternative method of contact. The requestor’s contact information will not be published in compliance with Privacy Act restrictions. Any messages received without contact information will not be routed, so please be sure to provide some method for communication. Action Line discussions that are deemed beneficial for the community at large will be published on the Web and the next available edition of the Desert Wings. Submissions may be edited for grammar and length.

Desert Wings

May 10, 2013

News 412th Test Wing honors first quarter award winners

Briefs AFAF campaign extended

Brig. Gen. Michael T. Brewer has extended the Air Force Assistance Fund campaign. It will now end May 17. Please postpone all fundraisers until after this date. If you have not had a chance to donate, contact your Unit Project Officer. There will also be a “Last Hoorah” Burger Burn 11 a.m.-1 p.m., May 17 at the new Airman and Family Readiness Center (used to be the Conference Center). We will accept a suggested donation of $5 per plate, which will include a hot dog, hamburger, small bag of chips and a can of soda. We will be providing enough food for the first 200 or so people that show up, so don’t be late! For more information, or you cannot get in touch with your UPO, call (661) 277-6829.


Air Force photograph by Edward Cannon

Airman 1st Class Stephanie L. Grebe, 412th Security Forces Squadron (center), receives the 412th Test Wing’s Airman of the Quarter Award from Brig. Gen. Michael T. Brewer, 412th TW commander; as 412th TW Command Chief Master Sgt. Brian Randolph looks on.

Peace officers ceremony

The 412th Security Forces Squadron invites you to the National Peace Officers End of Watch Ceremony 11 a.m., May 16 at the Bldg. 1 flagpole. Uniform of the day for military and dress attire for civilians. Call (661) 277-6901 or (661) 275-2867 for more information.

A Night at the Museum Please join us on May 20 as Desert Junior Senior High School is transformed into a living history museum. Exhibits will run from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. The students will transform the halls of DJHS into static displays, living statues and interactive history exhibits. It should be a wonderful celebration of the students’ hard work this year in their social studies class. Nearly every student at the high school will be involved in this event. We hope to see you there. For more information, contact Shay Wallace at or call (661) 524-3837.


• Senior Master Sgt. Anthony Thompson, the uperintendent of the 412th Logistics Test Squadron, is retiring after 26 years of service. The ceremony will be at See BRIEFS, Page 5

The 412th Test Wing announced its 2013 1st Quarter awardees at a commander’s call at the Base Theater May 1. Congratulations to all the winners! Airman of the Quarter Airman 1st Class Stephanie L. Grebe, 412th Security Forces Squadron NCO of the Quarter Staff Sgt. Michael J. Campbell, 412th SFS SNCO of the Quarter Senior Master Sgt. Blake D. Holm, 412th SFS Dorm of the Quarter Airman 1st Class Nicholas C. Kern, 412th Medical Group Company Grade Officer Capt. Stephen E. Klukovich, 412th SFS Supervision/Management Category Bruce Strong, 412th Operations Support Squadron Scientific/Engineering Category Joseph Duncan, 412th Test Engineering Group

The Desert Wings is published by Aerotech News and Review, a private firm in no way connected with the U.S. Air Force, under exclusive written contract with the installation commander. This commercial enterprise Air Force newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the U.S. military services. Contents of the Desert Wings are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense or the Department of the Air Force. The appearance of advertising in the publication, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the Department of Defense, the Department of the Air Force, or Aerotech News and Review, of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age marital status, physical handicap, political attitude or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. Advertising: (661) 945-5634. News copy: (661) 277-3510.

Technician Category Lyn King 412th Medical Support Squadron Trades & Labor Category Wayne Greenback, 412th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron Secretarial/Clerical Category Jessica James, 412th Maintenance Squadron Staff/Specialist/Analyst Category David Ross, 412th Maintenance Group Staff/Specialist/Analyst Category – Program Manager Bryan People, 418th Flight Test Squadron Team Category Global Hawk Interoperability Team, Global Vigilence Combined Test Force

Editorial Staff Commander, 412th TW ….................. Brig. Gen. Michael T. Brewer Director of Staff, 412th TW ................................ Col. Amy V. Arwood Command Chief, 412th TW ....... Chief Master Sgt. Brian Randolph Director, 412th Test Wing Public Affairs ................... Elizabeth Doss Editor .......………….............................................….. Kenji Thuloweit Production Staff ................................... Jet Fabara and Laura Mowry Layout and graphic design ………........................… Stuart Ibberson

Fax: (661) 277-2732. Editorial content is edited, prepared, and provided by the 412th Test Wing Public Affairs Office. All photos are Air Force photos unless otherwise indicated. Paid advertisements may be referred to Aerotech News and Review, 456 East Avenue K-4, Suite 8, Lancaster, CA, 93535 (661) 945-5634. Submitting false or misleading advertisements may, depending on circumstances, subject the violator for administrative or criminal penalties or civil suit. Team Edwards members are encouraged to submit news stories or story ideas through their Unit Public Affairs Representative (UPAR) or email the Public Affairs Office at Letters to the editor are encouraged. Also send to:

Use your smartphone to connect to our Website.


Desert Wings

AFMC recognizes first quarter ‘graduates’ The Air Force Materiel Command team wants to congratulate Edwards Airmen on completing a degree or certificate program during the first quarter of 2013, AFMC’s “Year of the Graduate.” The goal of YoGrad is to inspire those considering or currently working on an education plan to start, continue or complete that plan.

Master Sgt. Erin Fletcher Tech. Sgt. Kevin Herrera Staff Sgt. McKinley Huff Staff Sgt. Jermiah Jackson Staff Sgt. Jonathan Jansson Tech. Sgt. Michael Kimmel Tech. Sgt. Michael Krappitz Staff Sgt. Ciarra Malto Master Sgt. Richard Mathuren Staff Sgt. Jennifer McCullough Staff Sgt. Rene Medina Staff Sgt. Steven Sellers Tech. Sgt. Antonio Shotwell Staff Sgt. Brian Skiba Senior Airman Willie Smith Staff Sgt. Brandon Soares Staff Sgt. David Soltis Tech. Sgt. Nathan Taylor

Master Sgt. Willis Blevins Tech. Sgt. Jeremy Brandt Tech. Sgt. Michael Bryant Master Sgt. Shawn Burton Senior Airman Samantha Couch Tech. Sgt. Suzanne Cournoyer Master Sgt. Joseph Driscoll Tech. Sgt. Mark Dumas Master Sgt. Randall Faltinosky Tech. Sgt. Hector Fernandez-Hernandez

Materiel leader, squadron command candidate board meets in July

May 10, 2013

Master Sgt. Valarie Vasquez Master Sgt. Danny Vaughn Staff Sgt. David Williams Airman 1st Class Devin Wyatt Staff Sgt. Thomas Zogal

by Debbie Gildea JB San Antonio-Randolph, Texas Eligible acquisition officers will be considered for leadership opportunities when the materiel leader and commander selection board convenes July 29, Air Force Personnel Center officials said. “Commanders play a critical role in developing mission accomplishment, and in developing and growing future leaders, said Major James Norman, AFPC acquisition officer assignments. “The selection team will be looking for characteristics and traits that indicate leadership ability and potential.” Candidates must meet general eligibility and career fieldspecific criteria, and must be lieutenant colonels with an

April 1, 2010 or later date of rank, lieutenant colonel-selects, or majors with an Aug. 31, 2009 or earlier date of rank. Noncore officers may apply but must have 24 months experience in and meet education requirements for the acquisition career field. “Non-core officers must get a release from their core career field assignment team before they apply, though, so candidates should act expeditiously to ensure they have time to complete and coordinate their statement of intent,” said Norman. For a complete eligibility requirements and application instructions, go to the myPers website at https://mypers., and enter “61/62/63” for materiel leader and squadron commander information. For more information about other personnel issues, visit myPers.

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Desert Wings

May 10, 2013

BRIEFS, from 3 the Stripes Lounge 2 p.m., May 10. POC for this event is Master Sgt. Timothy Monte at (661) 275-6667. • Col. G. Arthur McGettrick, Detachment 5 Air Force Operational Test and Evaluation Center commander, invites everyone to attend a military ceremony in honor of Master Sgt. Lawrence W. Armstrong upon his retirement from the U.S. Air Force after 23 years of service. The ceremony is 1 p.m., May 17 in Room 109, Bldg. 1260 – the Det. 5, AFOTEC large conference room. Reception to follow. Unfiform is uniform of the day for military, casual for civilians. RSVP by May 14 to Jeffrey Brater at (661) 275-0535.

A&FRC move The Airman & Family Readiness Center has moved to our new location at the AFTC Conference Center, 90 Farrell Drive, Bldg. 5620. All A&FRC classes will now be held at this facility unless otherwise noted. For more information, call (661) 277-0723.

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Edwards shows its appreciation to retirees by Jet Fabara 412th TW Public Affairs More than 100 military retirees, their families and surviving spouses attended the Military Retiree Appreciation Day event held here May 4 at the Oasis Community Center. Of those in attendance, all were treated to financial and healthcare information and services in addition to welcoming remarks from base leaders. “Today, we’re showing our appreciation for all our military retirees and their families. We gathered the bulk of our base support systems that our retirees use so they can get the information and services they need at this event. It’s just a small way of saying thanks and taking care of our predecessors,” said Capt. Allison Bane, 412th Medical Group medical readiness officer and action officer for the event. During the event, information booths were set up throughout the community center with breakout sessions that occurred throughout the morning. Each breakout session was used to discuss the latest information regarding medical benefits, TRICARE, legal services and Casualty Affairs information. “After speaking with folks who

attend, they really enjoy an event like this because it gives them an opportunity to meet face to face with someone they normally have contact over the phone, be it medical or legal,” said Ed Fiske, 412th Test Wing Retiree Activities Office deputy director. “If a retiree has a question or an issue they can’t resolve over the phone, this is a good platform to be able to do that as well,” added Bane. Along with information booths, independent vendors were also in attendance with free lunches provided by the commissary.

“I retired when I was 60 and have been attending ever since they started this, so I make it a point to attend every year,” said William Petersen, retired Air Force servicemember who served on active duty for 30 years. Collectively, it took the help of more than 15 organizations to put the event together, according to Bane. “I am really grateful for all the support all the agencies provided to get this event running today especially with our fiscal constraints, it was awesome to see the giveaways

we received from the commissary and Base Exchange,” Bane said. “We also thank and appreciate all the support from our various base private organizations and the representatives from the various organizations at all of our information booths today.” For more information regarding military retirees, call the Edwards AFB Retiree Activities Office at (661) 277-4931. The Edwards AFB RAO is located in Bldg. 3000 and is open 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. with the exception of training days which occur on certain Mondays. Air Force photograph by Jet Fabara

Airman 1st Class Ryan Ruffner, 412th Aerospace Medicine Squadron, checks a retiree’s blood pressure during Edwards Air Force Base Military Retiree Appreciation Day May 4, 2013, at the Oasis Community Center.

6 Desert Wings WAVERIDER, from 1

May 10, 2013

pressure in the combustor. This failed flight produced the most amount of learning, it was kind of an aha moment,” said Brink. “During the third flight in August 2012, we had an unexpected fin failure on the cruiser. It was a hardware failure, which had nothing to do with scramjets. May 1 was our last and most successful flight.” While lessons learned from previous flights and more recent advancements in hypersonic technologies contributed to the success of the final mission, according to Lt. Col. Jason Wierzbanowski, 419th Flight Test Squadron commander, ultimately it was the test team’s ingenuity and flawless execution that can be attributed to Waverider’s recordbreaking achievement. “The highly complex mission required coordination between multiple government agencies and branches of military service,” said Wierzbanowski. “It required flawless execution of the aircraft maintenance unit, aircrew members, support aircraft, and the control room members. The test mission was a unique challenge for the entire test team and required countless hours of planning and rehearsal.” The X-51A departed Edwards attached to the wing of a B-52H, flown by aircraft commander Maj. Andrew Murphy and pilot Capt. Thomas Meagher. Additional 419th FLTS crew members included navigator Maj. Jonathan Beich, radar navigator John Kirk and flight test engineer Capt. Christopher Rondeau. They faced a takeoff with the minimum amount of fuel and once airborne, crewmembers were challenged with strict timelines, constant coordination with the control

room and chase aircraft, while operating the B-52H on the edge of its flight envelope at 50,000 feet. “We took the B-52 to the very top of its envelope and we just barely reached the bottom of the X-51 envelope. There is minimal overlap there,” said Murphy. The 2nd Bomb Wing at Barksdale AFB, La., provided the B-52H flown during the final X-51A mission. The aircraft along with crew chiefs and maintenance personnel were sent to support the mission because the two B-52s at Edwards were assigned to other test programs. “We want to thank Global Strike Command and the Barksdale maintainers, those guys have been here for a month and half getting the airplane ready to support the mission, they were exceptional,” said Murphy. In addition to the support from the 419th FLTS, 912th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron and 419th Aircraft Maintenance Unit; the Hypersonics Combined Test Force was an integral component of the test team, serving as a liaison between AFRL and the operations community. “AFRL needed a test agency, so they came to us. We brought the flight test expertise to the program and the hypersonics knowledge to identify what was going to be needed; from identifying the launch platform, securing chase aircraft, coordinating support for Edwards and Point Mugu ranges and working with the ground crew, Boeing and Pratt and Whitney Rocketdyne. Really it’s a coordinated effort of understanding AFRL and operations community; we were the liaison between the two,” said Lt. Col. Timothy Jorris, Hypersonics CTF director.

One of the biggest challenges for Jorris was securing a chase aircraft for the final X-51 flight. They needed an aircraft that performed well at 50,000 feet, so the Hypersonics CTF coordinated with the NASA Dryden Flight Research Center, which provided an F-15 chase, flown by their chief pilot, David Nils Larson for the historic mission. An additional F-16 chase aircraft was provided by the 445th Flight Test Squadron. While the success of the final mission

was cause for celebration, Jorris is already looking forward to using all that was learned from the X-51A Waverider to further develop hypersonic capabilities. “Our Hypersonics CTF ends up getting lots of different test programs from a variety of sources; AFRL, DARPA, the Air Force Rapid Capabilities Office, even NASA. And what the X-51 program just did is open up See WAVERIDER, Page 7

Air Force photograph by Ethan Wagner

The test team gathered for a group photo before the fourth and final flight of the X-51A Waverider program.

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Desert Wings

May 10, 2013

WAVERIDER, from 6 multiple hypersonic research projects and demonstrations. What’s great is that it’s more than just the success of the X-51; it’s all the future projects that will now be moving forward,” said Jorris. The X-51A Waverider’s demonstration of sustained hypersonic, air-breathing propulsion was a major breakthrough that will lay the foundation for future development of hypersonic weapons and vehicles, providing a more efficient alternative to rocket propulsion. “Air-breathing scramjet propulsion is eventually going to have a place beside rocket propulsion. Think of the space shuttle; to get something into orbit you have to strap a huge tank of liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen and solid rocket boosters to get it into space. If you could fly along at high speeds and capture the air; you’re not carrying the oxidizer up with you,” said Brink. “Scramjets have the potential to become a much more efficient propulsion cycle for portions of the spacelift mission.” The Air Force Research Laboratory’s X51A Waverider program leveraged expertise from not only the 412th Test Wing and 412th Operations Group; but Boeing, Pratt and Whitney Rocketdyne and NASA, included a prominent role for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.

Edwards Air Force Base Driver Speeding & Privilege Suspension Tracker

Edwards Air Force Base Driver Speeding & Privilege Suspension Tracker The 412th Security Forces Squadron issued 20 speeding citations and processed 3 base driving suspensions from April 29-May 5, 2013. Below is a breakdown of the violations: 20 speeding violations cited for MPH over posted speed limit 01 – 10 11 – 15 16 – 20 21 – 24 25+ -1-9-5-4-13 new drivers with suspended privileges (new) 10 days 15 days 30 days 60 days -0-



90 days



54 drivers whose base-driving privileges are suspended (total) 10 day 15 day 60 days 90 days 365 days (one year) -0-9-0-2-37-

365 days (one year) -0-

730 days (two years) -0-

730 days (two years) -4-

1,095 days (three years) -2-

Per AFI 31-218 and EAFBI 31-280, a DD Form 1408 Armed Forces traffic tickets (no-fine) are issued to military members and civilians driving a Government Owned Vehicle. Military members receiving 1408s are subject to Uniform Code of Military Justice action. A DD Form 1805 U.S. District Court Violation (a fine) is issued to all civilians, dependents, and retirees. If issued an 1805, violators may be required to be present at Magistrate Court in Bakersfield, California; receive traffic violation points against their state-issued driver’s license, and potentially receive suspension of on-base driving privileges.

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Edwards Air Force Base

Restoration Advisory Board Me Meeting



Rosamond Blvd.







Environmental Man age ment (412 TW/CEV) Edwards Air Force Base, California


Map not to scale


For more information, contact Gary Hatch at (661) 277-8707 or e-mail

To Lancaster

• Vapor Intrusion Pathway Update

25th St. W.

• Occupational Health at Edwards AFB and Bioenvironmental Engineering's Role


Paid public announcement


30th St. W.

3179 35th St. W.

35th St. W.

Rosamond Community Services District

To Mojave

May 16, 2013 5:30 p.m. Rosamond







Desert Wings

May 10, 2013

C-5, from 1 software upgrade included the automatic flight control system, auto throttle, display services, embedded diagnostic system, and flight management system. “As part of the Traffic Collision and Avoidance System testing, we had to develop test techniques to safely generate collision warnings in-flight,” Schaffer said. “With the help of pilots at the 445th Flight Test Squadron and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Lincoln Laboratory, we were able to develop procedures using a T-38 Talon to generate all of the appropriate warnings while ensuring safe separation of aircraft throughout the test.” Initially, the aircraft was modified with test instrumentation and software at Dover AFB, which required all of the checkouts, Quality Assurance inspections, and initial ground and flight testing to be conducted off-site. “Thanks to the excellent coordination between Edwards Special Instrumentation team, Lockheed Martin Aeronautics, and the 436th Maintenance Group, all the modifications were completed ahead of schedule with the airplane fully mission capable,” said Schaffer. “With help from the 436th Operations Group, we were able to schedule all of the range support necessary for our testing.” Once the final portion of software upgrade testing is completed, Williams said the DR corrections will help bring many improvements to the C-5M platform including a new vertical guidance mode, new glideslope capture capabilities, identify friend or foe

Air Force photograph by Christian Turner

On the cover: The silhouette of an aircrew member from the 9th Airlift Squadron can be seen as they prepare to remove a power cart from a C-5M Super Galaxy for a test sortie April 26, 2013, in support of C-5M Super Galaxy Block 3.5.2 software upgrade testing. The C-5M Block 3.5.2 software upgrade is intended to correct 72 deficiency reports that were documented during previous C-5M test programs.

Air Force photograph by Jet Fabara

A C-5M Super Galaxy from Dover Air Force Base, Del., takes off from Edwards Runway 22L April 26, 2013, during a sortie to test the recent Block 3.5.2 software upgrade. C-5M Block 3.5.2 software upgrade testing is projected to be completed by the end of May 2013.

mode S enhanced surveillance, and updated traffic collision and avoidance logic. The C-5 Development System Manager, AFLCMC/WLS at

Wright-Patterson AFB, will use the result of testing to support airworthiness certification of the software update. The testing results will also support certifica-

tion of readiness for operational testing that will be conducted by the AMC Test and Evaluation Squadron. C-5M Block 3.5.2 software

upgrade testing is projected to be completed by the end of May 2013. The Air Force plans to upgrade 52 Galaxies to “super” status by the end of 2016.

Scholarships availalbe for Junior/Senior High students The deadline to apply for the The Clay Lacy Scholarship Program and the Charles “Pete” Conrad, Jr., Scholarship Program is May 25. The scholarships are $5,000 and $2,000 respectively, and will be presented to the most qualified applicants. The award may be used for payment of tuition, books, fees, pilot ground and flight training, and other educational expenses. The awards will be

sent directly to the recipient’s choice of educational institution community college, four-year college, university, technical school, etc. Both scholarships are sponsored by the Flight Path Learning Center of Southern California. Scholarship recipients from previous years are eligible to reapply. Both Scholarships are presented to students who are interested in careers in aviation. Applications and information can be obtained

by calling (310) 331-1551 or (323) 588-2464; or by visiting Applications can be mailed to: Flight Path Learning Center of Southern California Scholarship Committee P.O. Box 90234 Los Angeles, CA 90009

UnitedHealthcare, TRICARE take steps to expedite authorizations TRICARE Management Activity is temporarily waiving the requirement for authorization of care in order to expedite service in its West Region, served by UnitedHealthcare. The waiver applies to any referrals obtained, or care received, from April 1 to May 18, 2013. Referrals are typically entered electronically, generating an authorization from the managed care support contractor. While UnitedHealthcare works to clear pending referrals, West Region enrollees who are referred to a network specialist for TRICARE covered services will not need an authorization. Beneficiaries should request

a written copy of their referral or ask their care provider to fax a copy to the specialist. The waiver does not apply to beneficiaries using TRICARE Standard. UnitedHealthcare Military & Veterans began serving the TRICARE West Region April 1, 2013. Since then, the company has experienced referral and care authorization volumes that exceeded historical norms and related challenges processing them in a timely manner. Effective immediately, referrals submitted by 412th Medical Group providers between April 1 and May 18, 2013 are authorized treatment in the TRICARE network

without an authorization. When a provider determines the need for a medical referral to an off-base provider, enrollees will be sent to the 412th MDG Referral Management Center for assistance in booking appointments with a TRICARE network provider. Additionally, enrollees will be given a paper copy of their referral and the UnitedHealthcare waiver letter authorizing care. Please call the Referral Management Center at (661) 275-2259, if you have questions. “UnitedHealthcare has committed the full resources of the company – at all levels and in all areas – to provide beneficiaries, care providers and Military Treatment Facilities

with high-quality service and support,” said UnitedHealthcare Military & Veterans CEO, Lori McDougal. “We understand issues have arisen that need immediate improvement, and we are taking aggressive actions to fix them. We sincerely apologize for any delay in services that TRICARE beneficiaries and care providers are experiencing as a result of these challenges.” West Region beneficiaries can get more information and sign up for updates at or westtransition

May 10, 2013

Community News

Desert Wings


Two revamped stores now open to serve Edwards by Kenji Thuloweit Editor Recently, Edwards Air Force Base saw the return of the Edwards Furniture Store to the housing area mini mall. Yvonne Manzoor, Edwards Furniture Store manager, said the previous furniture store had been closed for a few months, but now the store is back open under new management. “We just want to get the word out that the furniture store is open once again and we have furniture from several different retail stores to choose from,” said Manzoor. The store is open to the entire base populace, including civilians. Sales are tax free and the store accepts Military Star and all other major credit cards. Financing is available and there is no charge for deliveries on base. The furniture store still does not have a sign on the outside, but is located in the mini mall next to the dry cleaners. The store is open from 10:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Friday; and from 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday. The store is closed on Sundays. “A portion of the sales at the furniture store goes straight back to the

Edwards community.” Another store that is under new management and ready to welcome customers back is the flower and gift shop in the Edwards Exchange. Petals and Blooms Around the World is open 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Friday and from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. They are closed Sundays. For more information on the Edwards Furniture Store, call (661) 258-7043. Petals and Blooms can be reached at (661) 258-7070.

Air Force photographs by Kenji Thuloweit

Above: The Edwards Furniture Store, located next to the dry cleaners in the housing area mini mall, is now back open for business. Left: Petals and Blooms Around the World flower shop located in the Edwards Exchange is under new management and ready to serve the Edwards community.

Get Your News Via Email! Aerotech News and Review will soon begin publishing a FREE email newsletter containing top stories from all ten of its aerospace and military base newspapers. Sign up today to receive your FREE email newsletter! Go to www.aerotechnews. com and click on the “Join My List” button on the top right of the page! News from Nellis, Creech, Edwards, Luke, Davis-Monthan and Los Angeles Air Force Bases; Fort Irwin NTC and Fort Huachuca Army bases; China Lake NAWS; March Air Reserve Base, Air Force Plant 42, MCAS Yuma and Mojave Spaceport will all be included each week. Aerotech News will never sell, rent or give your email address to any outside organization. We have signed up with Constant Contact for the purpose of sending these email newsletters and to remain compliant with anti-spam laws. You may opt out at any time. Join our list today! Go to and click on the “Join My List” button on the top right of the page. Facebook: Aerotech News Inc. LinkedIn:


Desert Wings

May 10, 2013

Asian Pacific American Heritage Month events by Kenji Thuloweit Editor Team Edwards members in traditional Asian and Pacific American clothes officially announced the beginning to Asian Pacific American Heritage Month here on Edwards May 7. The events for the month were announced at the beginning of the 412th Test Wing staff meeting. Events for the month begin May 8th with a 5-, 7.5- and 10K Lei run/ walk. For May 14 to 16, at 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., there will be readings about Asian Pacific American Heritage at the Child Development Center and School Age Annex. APAH Month wraps up with a Cultural Day May 23, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. The event will be held at the Airman and Family Readiness Center (Bldg. 5620). There will be traditional food, a Fear Factor event, Sumo wrestling, performances and more. Cost is $7. See attached flyer to contact your unit representative for advanced tickets and more information. APAH Month is sponsored by the 412th Test Wing and NASA Dryden Flight Research Center; and championed by the 412th Aerospace Medicine Squadron.

Air Force photographs by Kenji Thuloweit

Above: MyNga Day, 412th Test Wing, brings by a tray of pineapple upside-down cupcakes made by Bonnie McGee (behind), to Col. Daniel Daetz, 412th TW vice commander during the May 7 412th TW staff meeting. Right: Team Edwards members dressed in traditional Asian and Pacific garb announce this year’s Asian Pacific American Heritage Month events. From left to right: Robert Cruz, 412th Communications Squadron; Airman 1st Class Brittany Rice, 412th Aerospace Medican Squadron; Senior Airman Necita Aldan 412th AMDS; Bonnie McGee, Air Force Test Center; Karen Eckles, Tech. Sgt. Steven Eckles 412th Test Wing; 1st Lt. Miles Chen 412th AMDS; MyNga Day 412th TW; and Master Sgt. Michelle Wolff, 412th AMDS.




educate - innovate - inspire - serve

1973 - 2013



CLASSES 140 Methusa Rd., Bldg. 2453 Edwards AFB, CA 93524 661.258.8644 Campus Hours Monday-Thursday -- 7:30am-4:30pm Friday -- 8:00am-12:00pm

East Kern Summer/Fall 2013 Schedule of Classes Looking for the latest, up-to-date class information? Check out Classes subject to change at any time.

Edwards AFB Classes Summer SPEECH SPCH C101 Elements of Speech (3 Units) CRN 50202 T Th 5:30-8:50pm EDC F Fisher J - Begins 11-Jun-13 Ends 01-Aug-13

Fall PHYSICAL SCIENCE PHSC C131 Intro to Meteorology (3 Units) [Reading Level 1, Writing Level 2] CRN 70346 T Th 6:00-7:25pm TBD Teets E PHSC C132 Introduction to Meteorology Laboratory (1 Unit) [Co-requisite: PHSC C131] CRN 70347 T Th 7:45-9:10pm TBD Teets E

California City Classes Summer EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIAN EMTC C070 CPR for the Healthcare Provider (.5 Units/.50 Units A) CRN 50111 M 8:00am-6:00pm CCHS Metcalf M - Begins 19-Aug-13 Ends 19-Aug-13

Fall ART ART C101 Introduction to Art (3 Units) CRN 70015 M W 6:45-9:55pm CCHS Kaczkowski E

Special Materials Fee: $10.00. Students will need to buy additional supplies.

COUNSELING COUN C101 Tools for College Success (2 Units) _____ TBA TBA CCHS STAFF EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIAN EMTC C105 Emergency Medical Technician (6.5 Units) CRN 72238 M W 5:10-10:15pm CCHS 203 STAFF Note: This class requires 171 total class hours.

ENGLISH ENGL C070 Introductory Composition (4 Units) [Prerequisite: ENGL C040] CRN 70157 M T Th F 7:15-8:11am CCHS Gionta D - W 7:15-7:51am CCHS Gionta D Begins 16-Aug-13 Ends 21-Dec-13. This class follows the California City High School calendar. ENGL C101 Freshman Composition (4 Units) [Prerequisite: ENGL C070] CRN 70164 M T Th F 8:14-9:10am CCHS Gionta D - W 7:54-8:30am CCHS Gionta D Begins 16-Aug-13 Ends 21-Dec-13. This class follows the California City High School calendar. ENGL C245 Women’s Literature (3 Units) [Advisory: Reading Level 1, Writing Level 1] CRN 70175 T Th 6:00-7:25pm CCHS Jeffrey M MATHEMATICS MATH C050 Elementary Algebra (4 Units) [Prerequisite: MATH C040] CRN 70265 T Th 7:35-9:40pm CCHS Bonner M PSYCHOLOGY PSYC C101 General Psychology (3 Units) CRN 70358 M W 5:10-6:35pm CCHS Peoples M

Desert Wings

May 10, 2013


Coming soon this summer! Get a napkin ready, because your taste buds might go crazy and your mouth may start to salivate. Arby’s, the fast food chain known for their roast beef sandwiches, is coming to the Edwards AFB Exchange. The chain began back in 1964, in Boardman, Ohio. Founders Leroy and Forrest Raffel had a taste for something different other than burgers so they opened a sandwich shop. They served up hot, freshly-sliced roast beef sandwiches as fast as anyone could flip a burger. Today, Arby’s has more than 3,400 locations worldwide and will be replacing the Robin Hood sandwich shop in the Exchange food court. Along with roast beef sandwiches, the menu includes subs, market fresh sandwiches, chopped salads and chicken. No date is set, but the new restaurant is set to open early summer.

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Col (sel) Kathryn Hughes, USAF



Commander of the 412th Aerospace Medicine Squadron, Edwards Air Force Base

Cmdr. Michael ‘Mick’Williams, USN

Test Pilot Instructor at USAF TPS Edwards Air Force Base

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Get Nosey about History! Call 661.824.2481 for more information! Join Us For

Plane Crazy Saturday!

Fly-in and Static Display

• Art & Collectibles for Sale • Static Aircraft Display – Fly in or Drive in • Voyager Restaurant opens at 8 a.m • Bring the Kids, wear sunscreen, bring a camera!

When: Saturday, May 18, 2013 – Armed Forces Day! 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. – Free Admission! Where: Mojave Air and Spaceport Transient Parking Area – By Old Tower

KMHV – TWR 127.6 WX AWOS-3 (132.225) (661.824.5218) Ground 123.9 Joshua Approach 133.65 or


Desert Wings

May 10, 2013

Announcements for an appointment.

Aero Club 320 Jones Road, South Base, Bldg. 320, (661) 275-AERO

Arts and Crafts Center Mother’s Day Special: May 12, time based on your reservation request. Take your mother for an aerial tour of the Antelope Valley. Cost is $165 for a one-hour flight for two adults or one adult and two children. Contact the Aero Club for advanced reservations.

Airman and Family Readiness 5 N. Seller Ave., Bldg. 3000, (661) 277-0723 The Airman & Family Readiness Center has moved to our new location at the AFTC Conference Center, 90 Farrell Drive, Bldg. 5620. All A&FRC classes will now be held at this facility unless otherwise noted. FREE Computer Class for Military Spouses: May 21, 23, 28 and 30, 9 a.m.-noon. The A&FRC has received an Air Force Aid grant to conduct a free basic computer class for military spouses to assist them in gaining or enhancing skills that could lead to employment opportunities. The class includes instruction in Windows, Microsoft Word, emailing, saving files, spell check and more. This is a foursession class and will be held in the Education Center Computer Classroom, Bldg. 2419, Room C. Wi-Fi is available for those choosing to use their own lap tops. There are 25 spaces, first come-first served. To sign up, call Linda Crump at (661) 277-4662 or Teri Sanchez at (661) 277-0723. Department of Labor Employment Workshop: May 1317, 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m. in the TAP Classroom (formerly the Looking Glass Room). The five-dayTransition Assistance Program workshop is required for all personnel separating or retiring. Limited to 22 attendees. For more information and to sign up, call (661) 277-8451 or (661) 277-0732. The Women’s Infants’ & Children’s Mobile Clinic: May 13, 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. in the Chapel Two Annex. Walk-ins and appointments – closed for lunch from noon to 1 p.m. For an appointment or to get information about obtaining vouchers on line, call 1-866-327-3074. The PLAYpass deadline has been extended through Dec. 31, 2013. If your spouse is deployed or you are a single Airman returning from a deployment, then come to the A&FRC to get your PLAYpass and register! PLAYpass discount cards are used for various activities and programs on base for adults and children. For more information contact the A&FRC. Military Family Life Counselor: A Military Family Life Consultant is on board at the A&FRC to help military members, spouses, family members, friends and staff members address issues such as relationships, deployment, parenting, stress, grief and many other issues. Consultations are free and anonymous - no records are kept. Call (661) 742-4733

200 Methusa Rd., (661) 275-ARTS FREE Admission for Military Families at Blue Star Museums: The National Endowment for the Arts has partnered with the Department of Defense, Blue Star Families and museums across the United States to offer free admission to military personnel and their families through Blue Star Museums from Memorial Day through Labor Day. Blue Star Museums is a model partnership in support of the White House’s Joining Forces initiative. Highlights More than 1,800 museums in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and American Samoa are participating, including: • Children’s museums • Fine art museums • History and science museums • Nature centers Eligibility • Any bearer of a common access card, DD Form 1173 ID card or DD Form 1173-1 ID card • Military ID holder plus up to five family members, which may include a spouse or child, aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc. Additional Information Blue Star Museums National Endowment for the Arts\

Auto Hobby 200 Methusa Rd., (661) 275-AUTO Tire Balance Special: May 16, 9 a.m.–6 p.m. Get four tires balanced for the price of three. Call for more information as pricing differs depending on tire size.

Club Muroc 275 Doolittle Parkway, (661) 275-CLUB Club Muroc is closed on Saturdays and Sundays except for special functions or events. Club closed on Mondays after lunch. Call (661) 275-CLUB to book a special function with our catering department. Mother’s Day: May 12, three seatings; 10 a.m., 11:30 a.m., and 1 p.m. at Club Muroc. Make reservations at (661)

275-CLUB by May 10. Cost is $19 for members; $23 for eligibile non-members; $7 for children 6-12; $2 for children under 6; and $15 per adulte for E1-E4 club members. Breakfast Menu: Classic Eggs Benedict with Hollandaise Sauce, Scrambled Eggs, Cook to Order Omelet Station, Belgian Waffle Station with Assorted Toppings, Country Smoked Bacon and Link Sausages, Home Style Fried Potatoes, Buttermilk Biscuits with Country Gravy, and Grits. Lunch Menu: Chef’s Carving Station Featuring Tender Steamship Round of Beef and Virginia Honey Cured Ham, Tender Chicken Breasts in a Light Lemon Sauce, Shrimp Creole, Garlic Mashed Potatoes, Rice Pilaf, Spring Mixed Vegetables and Assorted Dinner Rolls, Green Salad, Fruit and Cheese Display, and Dessert Station. Kids’ Korner: Mini Sliders, Hot Dogs, French Fries, Macaroni and Cheese, and Ice Cream Sundae Bar. Beverage Station: Champagne and Mimosas, fresh brewed coffee, hot and iced tea, orange juice, apple juice, and milk. Fogleman’s Lounge Club Member Specials The Classic Burger: half-pound, 100-percent Angus steak burger on toasted Kaiser roll with fries. Half of men price Tuesdays, 5-7 p.m. Spicy Chicken Sandwich: Half off menu price, Tuesdays, 5-7 p.m. Order the Two-plus-Two special. Bring a friend or the entire shop and treat them to $2 dometic drafts and $2 for six-piece wings. Thursdays, 5-6 p.m. Member’s Only Social Hour Food: Fridays, 5-6 p.m. Bingo Night: Six game ‘call’ bingo, Fridays, 6-7 p.m. Evening Dining at Club Muroc Barbecue Buffet: May 14, 5-8 p.m. Buffet only – no other dining room menu available. Cost is $10.95 for members; $12.95 for non-members; $6 for children 6-12; and $2 for children under 2. Special kids buffet available Home Style Buffet: Every Wednesday, 5-8 p.m. Cost is $10.95 for members; $12.95 for non-members; $6 for all children 6-12; and $2 for children under 6. Special kids buffet available. Lots of Pasta: May 16, 5-8 p.m. Cost is $10.95 for members; $12.95 for non-members; $6 for all children 6-12; and $2 for children under 6. Special kids buffet available. Mongolian Barbecue Stir-Fry: May 17, 5-8 p.m. Cost is $13.95 for adult members; $15.95 for adult non-members; $6.95 for children 6-12 years; and $2 for children under 2. Special kids menu available. Fill your bowl with fresh See ANNOUNCEMENTS, Page 13

Chapel Corner Gaining Altitude – Growth opportunities for the week This is a weekly segment in Desert Wings to highlight a spiritual focus for the Edwards community: Through our prayers – an opportunity to pray for the needs of our community This week’s request: Pray for our President and Congress that their decisions will allow us to live in peace and dignity. Through our character – an opportunity to reflect on important issues in our community – It’s been said that “humility is not thinking less of ourselves, but it is simply thinking of ourselves less.” Through our worship opportunities – Right.

Monday-Thursday 11:30 a.m. – Catholic Mass, Chapel 2 1 p.m. – Muslim Prayer, Chapel 1 Thursday 5:30 p.m. – Wiccan/Pagan Worship, Chapel 1 Annex Friday 1:15 p.m. – Muslim Prayer, Chapel 1

Sunday 8 a.m. – Protestant Gospel Service, Chapel 1 9 a.m. – Catholic Mass, Chapel 2 11 a.m. – Protestant Traditional Service, Chapel 1 11 a.m. – Protestant Contemporary Service, Chapel 2 4 p.m. – Catholic Mass, Chapel 2

Desert Wings

May 10, 2013


vegetables, sauces and seasonings and take back to your table. Your server will ask for your choice of pork, chicken or beef and take your bowl to be cooked. Help yourself to beverages, soup, rice or noodles. These dishes are healthy and are cooked with very little oil. It doesn’t get any better! Air Force Club Membership Cash Back Rewards: Military Free Cash – “One more reward for being a club member.” Earn two points for every $1 spent on-base in FSS activities, the Exchange (including gas) and Commissary. Earn one point for every $1 spent everywhere else. Receive rewards for as little as 2,000 points, points don’t expire. Redeem points for great rewards - cash back and/or gift cards, travel (airlines, hotel, car rental) and more! It’s a terrific member benefit you shouldn’t be without. It’s designed specifically for you. You deserve it and it’s Free! For more information, visit or call Club Muroc at (661) 275-CLUB.

Exchange caters for less on Mother’s Day Diners can spend a little more on Mom by dining and saving at an Army & Air Force Exchange Service restaurant this Mother’s Day as food orders made with a MILITARY STAR® Card on May 12 will be discounted 20 percent. “According to retail estimates, the average shopper will spend more than $150 on Mother’s Day,” said the Exchange’s Senior Enlisted Adviser Chief Master Sgt. Tony Pearson. “The Exchange is offering an opportunity to shave a little bit off the bottom line, and, instead of the usual 10 percent off diners enjoy every day when using their MILITARY STAR® Card, for this special day those savings will be doubled.” In addition to getting more for less at the food court, MILITARY STAR® Card holders receive exclusive savings at the pump with a five cents a gallon discount every time they fuel up at Army and Air Force gas stations. In addition to the everyday savings, steeper discounts are offered periodically throughout the year.

Education and Training 140 Methusa Ave., Bldg. 2453, (661) 277-2713 Complete Your CCAF Degree: The Education Center has CCAF advisors available to assist you with completion of Complete Your CCAF Degree: The Education Center has CCAF advisers available to assist you with completion of your CCAF degree. Call (661) 277-2713, or stop by Bldg. 2435, 7:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Don’t procrastinate, it’s easier than you think!

Family Child Care 1208 W. Fitzgerald Blvd., Bldg. 6457, (661) 275-4322 The benefits of being a family child care provider: Being able to work out of your home, working while caring for your own children, being in charge of your own business, doing work that you love, setting your own hours and free training! If you are interested in becoming an FCC licensed or affiliated provider, contact the FCC Office at (661) 275-4322. New provider orientation starting soon! We need providers to offer alternate hours to accommodate evening, swing and weekend duty hours. We are looking for providers to offer care for children with special needs including asthma, allergies, cerebral palsy and other physical impairments.

High Desert Lanes Bowling Center 205 Fitzgerald, Bldg. 5214, (661) 275-BOWL Summer BuildIT Bowling ‘Colored Pin Nights:’ Fridays, May 10-Aug. 30, 6-10 p.m. Cost is $10 per person and includes three games and shoe rental. When you bowl a strike with a colored head pin (verified by the bowling staff) you will win a ticket to one of Southern California’s amusement parks, including Disneyland, Legoland, Universal Studios and Knott’s Berry Farm. Quarter Mania Mondays: 11 a.m-7 p.m. Cost is 75 cents per game; 75 cents shoe rental. Brown Bag and Bowl: Tuesday-Friday, 11 a.m.- 2p.m. Cost is $1.25 per game, $1.50 for shoe rental. Bring your lunch and have some fun! Family Game Night: Thursdays, 3-7 p.m. Glow-in-theDark bowling, fun for the whole family. Cost is $1.50 per person per game, with $1 shoe rental. Friday Night Early Bird Special: Fridays, 2–6 p.m. Cost is $5 per person; bowl as many games you want. $1.75 shoe


rental for adults; $1.50 for youth. Friday Night Extreme Bowling, Bring your own Music Night: Fridays, 6-10 p.m. Cost is $2.25 per person per game. Shoe rental is $1.75 for adults and $1.50 for youth. Beat the Saturday night rush. Enjoy glow-in-the-dark bowling, great music and fun for everyone. Bring in your CDs, MP3 players or IPODS and we will play your music. No explicit language (High Desert Lanes Bowling Center has the right to refuse any songs). Family Dollar Day: Saturdays, noon-6 p.m. Cost is $1 per game, shoe rental is $1. Glow-in-the-Dark Bowling: Saturdays, 6-10 p.m. Cost is $10 per person, shoe rental included to bowl as many games as you want. Don’t miss out on all the fun at an affordable price. There will be Glow-in-the-Dark bowling, and a fun atmosphere for the whole family. Unit Functions: All hours, with reservations. Cost is $5 per person and includes three games and shoe rentals. Units may reserve lanes anytime during open bowling for parties, commander’s call, team building events, etc.

Library 5 W. Yeager Blvd., Bldg. 2665, (661) 275-BOOK Children’s Story Time: Wednesdays and Fridays, 10 a.m. At the Library: Available for a loan period of two weeks; each item may be renewed at the library only, if there are no pending requests by other customers: • Books • Books and CD Sets • MP3 (Playaway) • Rosetta Stone CD-ROM (Spanish and Russian only) New item Tuesdays: Be the first one to borrow new released books, DVDs, Blu-Ray, TV series, books on CD and more. We invite you to sign up for the Information Awareness Program, to receive a weekly email containing the complete list of new items. Call the library for more information. Transparent Language Online: This effective and engaging language-learning program is available for libraries and their patrons. The program is accessible via the Internet and will be available to active duty Air Force, Air National Guard, Reservists, retirees and their respective family members. Air Force civilian employees and contractors who are eligible to use an Air Force library are also eligible. All users must register in person at an Air Force library and See ANNOUNCEMENTS, Page 14

14 Desert Wings ANNOUNCEMENTS, from 13 can then use it anywhere and at any time. Transparent Language Online is packed full of pronunciation, speech, grammar, writing, and vocabulary building lessons for more than 80 languages. Featuring top-of-the-line coursework combined with great social media resources, Transparent Language Online is a complete language-learning system. New Resources in the Children’s section: Playaway View, the first all-in-one video player of its kind, pre-loaded with multiple videos of the best educational programming, now available at the Main library. Try it out and select titles such as math, exploring space, U.S. history and more.

Muroc Lake Golf Course 111 Crest Dr., (661) 275-PUTT May Fitness Month: In the spirit of May Fitness Month, any players who walk the course during the month of May will receive discounts on merchandise in the Golf Pro Shop. For more information, contact our new Golf Manager, Pablo Vasquez at (661) 275-PUTT. Twilight Golf: Daily, 4 p.m.-sunset. Had a long day at work? Take a little time to relax and enjoy some golf! Our ‘Twilight Special’ is a great way to end the day, get a few holes in before dark and save money! E1-E4: $4.50 green fees E5-O3: $6.50 green fees O4-above: $7.50 green fees DOD, Contractors and guests: $7.50 green fees Carts are $5 per person Monday-Friday Special: $20, 7 a.m.–1 p.m. Cost is $20 for 18 holes of golf, a cart

May 10, 2013 and lunch. Want to learn how to play golf: Come learn from our club pros, Ricky Lanning and Chelsea Orozco can teach you everything you will need to know at your convenience. From longer drives to make more putts and everything in between, our pros can bring you from amateur to pro! Have a broken club: You don’t want to spend the money to buy a new one? Come see our club craftsmen to repair it at a fraction of the price. Prices vary on the damage, call (661) 275-PUTT for more information. Sandbagger Grill at the Muroc Lake Golf Course The Sandbagger offers a large variety of meal options from our breakfast menu, Angus beef hamburgers, sandwiches, focaccia’s, Panini’s and salads. Call for more information, reservations or special functions. Daily specials are served with a side of French fries or salad and small soda: Monday: Barbecue pulled pork sandwich, slow cooked and smothered with barbecue sauce on ciabatta bread; $8.95. Tuesday: Homemade tuna salad on butter croissant with lettuce and hard-boiled egg; $7.95. Wednesday: Build your own taco salad with the choice of homemade chicken or beef and a various selection of toppings (fries and salad are not available as a side with this meal); $8.25. Thursday: Tri tip slow cooked and marinated in tequila, thinly sliced on toasted ciabatta bread, topped with Swiss cheese and sauteed mushrooms; $8.95. Friday: Nine-ounce fish fillet and chips,

Armed Forces Day May 18, 2013

Ceremony on Mojave Air & Spaceport Flightline!

Armed Forces Day Ceremony On Mojave Air & Spaceport Flightline

Col (sel) Kathryn Hughes, USAF

Commander of the 412th Aerospace Medicine Squadron, Edwards Air Force Base

Cmdr. Michael ‘Mick’ Williams, USN Test Pilot Instructor at USAF TPS Edwards Air Force Base

Capt. Todd Quelet, USA Economic Analyst at United States Department of Defense Captain - Civil Affairs Team Leader at 450th Civil Affairs - US Army

Color Guard – O’Callahan Division Sea Cadet Unit

Veteran Military Aircraft on static display Historic Aircraft Display Day at Mojave Air & Spaceport

Get Nosey about History! Call 661.824.2481 for more information! • Art & Collectibles for Sal e • Static Aircraft Display – Fly in or Drive in • Voyager Restaurant opens at 8 a.m • Bring the Kids, wear sunscreen, bring a c amera!



Saturday, May 18, 2013 Armed Forces Day! 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. – Free Admission! Mojave Air and Spaceport Transient Parking Area – By Old Tower

KMHV – TWR 127.6 WX AWOS-3 (132.225) (661.824.5218) Ground 123.9 Joshua Approach 133.65

with a side of homemade tartar sauce and malt vinegar; $8.95.

Oasis Community Center 205 W. Popson Ave., (661) 275-CNTR Lunch Hour Pool Tournament: May 17, 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. $5 entry fee (Entry fees go to overall winner). Fitness Classes available at the Oasis Community Center: Zumba: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday; 7-7:55 p.m. Monday and Wednesday; 10-10:55 a.m. Cost is $3 per person, per class, 25 percent discount if you purchase a 10-class punch card Aerobics: Monday, Wednesday and Friday; 11 a.m.-noon Cost is $3 per person, per class, 25 percent discount if you purchase a 10-class punch card Kickboxing: Tuesday and Thursday; 11 a.m.-noon Cost is $3 per person, per class, 25 percent discount if you purchase a 10-class punch card

Outdoor Recreation Kincheloe Ave., (661) 275-CAMP May Special for National Barbecue Month: $5 off barbecue grill rental at ODR Equipment Checkout. Disc Golf Clinics: May 15, noon-1 p.m. Everyone is invited to learn how to play disc golf. If you are new to the sport, this is a

perfect introduction. If you are experienced, we will teach you techniques to get that extra distance and hit those putts. Instruction will be held at the Mojave Greens Disc Golf Course located near the softball field at the Rosburg Fitness Center Open Paintball/ Airsoft: May 18, 10 a.m.4 p.m. • $35 Paintball package includes 500 rounds, air, equipment rental and field fees • $35 Airsoft package includes 2,000 rounds, equipment rental and field fees • $25 Package includes air, equipment rental and field fees • $10 Field fee, $5 - All day air Beginner thru advanced are welcome! Games run all day long so bring lunch and water..

Rod & Gun 210 Adams Way, (661) 275-CAMP Rifle and Pistol Range: May 11, 10 a.m.1 p.m. Open for Rod & Gun patrons. Pistol rentals available at the Rod & Gun Club (Bldg. 210) ATA shoot (100= target events): May 18, registration runs 8:30-9 a.m.

Rosburg Fitness Center 210 W. Popson Ave.,(661) 275-GYM1 May Fitness Punch Cards: For each workout you do during the month of May, you will get a punch hole on your card. Cards will be submitted to the Fitness Center SEE ANNOUNCEMENTS, Page 15

Desert Wings

May 10, 2013

ANNOUNCEMENTS, from 14 at the end of the month and participants who completed at least 20 workouts will receive a free fitness lanyard or T-shirt (while supplies last). May Fitness cards will be available at the Fitness Center front counter for pick-up. “Street” Hockey Tournament, Five-Man Teams: May 17, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Team signups required by COB May 4. Teams will meet at the hockey rink behind the Joshua Tree Dining Facility. All you need is a team and your running shoes! Equipment will be provided. Disc Golf Clinics: May 15, noon-1 p.m.

Everyone is invited to learn how to play disc golf. If you are new to the sport, this is a perfect introduction. If you are experienced, we will teach you techniques to get that extra distance and hit those putts. Instruction will be held at the Mojave Greens Disc Golf Course located near the softball field at the Rosburg Fitness Center. Bench Press Competition: May 15, 11 a.m. Sign up required by COB May 10. Weigh-ins start at 10:30 a.m. Competition starts at 11 a.m. Prizes will be awarded for each weight class. Armed Forces 5K “Poker” Run: May 17,


Come out and support the men and women of the 412th SFS while celebrating National Police Week

May 13-17 2013

The 412th Security Forces Squadron will host the following events: May 13: Security Forces Military Working Dog, Weapons, Gear Display (Open to base population) Location: Base Exchange Time: 10 a.m.-2 p.m. May 14: Children’s Drug Awareness and Security Brief (Open to parents and school age children) Location: School Age Annex Time: 3 p.m. May 15: Kern County/412 SFS K9 Demo (Open to base population) Location: Desert High School football field Time: 10:30 a.m.-Noon May 16: Multi-Agency End of Watch Ceremony (Open to base population) Location: Flag pole in front of Bldg. 1 Time: 11 a.m.-Noon May 17: National Memorial Fund Golf Tournament (Contact Staff Sergeant Mendoza to enter tournament, slots limited (661) 275-2867) Location: Base Golf Course Time: 8 a.m.

I need a home ... Hunter is a 2-year old short haired orange tabby male. He is a good boy who loves to interact with people. He craves attention and loves to cuddle.

APET Rescue is looking for adult volunteers. If you are interested, visit APET Rescue at 615 South Forbes Avenue, or call (661) 258-9525. APET Rescue is open 4:30- 6 p.m., Monday-Friday, and 3:30-5 p.m., Saturday and Sunday.

7 a.m., Fitness Center parking lot Best Poker hand at the end of the race wins! T-shirts will be given to participants. Fitness on Request Classes: Tuesdays and Thursdays in May, starting at noon. We will host a different class throughout the month of May to highlight the Fitness on Request system. Double punches will be provided for attendance.

Teen Center 100 Kincheloe Ave., Bldg. 7211, (661) 2758336 Youth & Teen Centers Memberships: For about a dollar a day, you could have peace of mind knowing that your son or daughter is in a safe environment – an environment that fosters development in many different areas and offers constant supervision, tutoring and fun! Did you know that the most dangerous time for youth, especially teens, are between the hours of 3 pm and 6 pm? The Youth and Teen Centers offer social opportunities and structured programming from affiliated agencies such as the Boys & Girls Clubs of America and the 4-H Club. For more information about youth & teen memberships, contact the main youth center at (661) 275-5437. Youth & Teen Sponsorship: Are you new to the area? Will you be PCS’ing soon? Wouldn’t it be nice to have a friend to show your kids around base? The Air Force Youth Centers offer sponsorship for kids & teens so that every move is a seamless transition. For more information about Youth or Teen Sponsorship contact the Main Youth Center, (661) 275-5437. Super Sitters Course: Cost is $40 for course and registration, at Youth Center (Bldg. 5210). Super Sitters courses are held every so often when at least six students are on the list. The classes are taught in two, four-hour segments, location and times will vary on availability. The course is open for


youth and teens ages 11-18. Once registered, student will be notified of the next available course. Tutoring is now available at the Teen Center: The Tutoring is Free to members of the teen center or $5 for non-members. Each tutor (adult) is very experienced in their subject, and we have tutors available in many subjects. For more information, call (661) 275-TEEN or come by the Teen Center.

Youth Programs 24 Lathrop Dr., (661) 275-5437

Preteen “End of School” Dance: May 17. 7-10 p.m. at the Youth Center. Cost is $3 for members, $5 for non-members . Open to ages 9-12. This is the last dance of the school year for preteens so don’t miss this evening of fun, food and dancing the night away as only a preteen can. Toddler Learning Center: Toddler classes at the Creative Arts Center (JZ) for ages 1-4 (older siblings are welcome). Are you looking for a class that you and your toddler can share in? If so this is the class for you! TLC is a Mom, Pop & Tot class that allows families to learn while playing! Classes are filling fast! Call Youth Programs at (661) 275-KIDS or Ms Amy at (325) 829-5101. School Age Programs Summer Camp Registration: For children in grades 1 through 6. Registration is on-going. Your child must have completed one year of Kindergarten in order to be eligible. Sign up at the School-Age Annex, Bldg. 6459.

Youth Sports Contact Emil Graves, (661) 277-8961 American Kids’ Run: May 17, 3:30 p.m., at Arnold Park. Ages 5 to adult. For more information, contact Emil Graves at (661) 277-8961.


Desert Wings

May 10, 2013

Worship Directory To advertise in the Worship Directory, please call toll free (877) 247-9288.

Hope and ResuRRection LutHeRan cHuRcHes

Church of Christ Eph 4:4-6

Sunday Holy Eucharist 9 am The Rev. Wm. R. Hampton, STS K and Inyo Streets, Mojave (one block east of Carls Jr.) 909-989-3317

Sunday Morning Bible Study 9:45 am Sunday Morning Service 10:45 am Sunday Evening Service 6:00 pm Wednesday Evening Service 6:00 pm 1389 Rosamond Blvd Rosamond CA, 93560

(661) 256-3245

Worship service 10:30 am spanish service 12:30 pm Sunday School .....................................9:00 AM Thursday Family Night ........................6:00 PM Adult Ministries • Youth Ministries • AWANA

2584 Felsite Ave., Rosamond

(661) 256-9222


Baptist Church 10173 South Loop California City

Ron Smith, Pastor • Sunday School 10:00 am • Morning 11:00 am • Sunday Evening 6:00 pm • Wednesday 7:00 pm For transportation from Edwards AFB call

(760) 373-7314

Independent - Fundamental

Edwards Air Force Base Protestant and Catholic Parish

We are a community of dedicated believers who are committed to Christ-centered worship. We welcome you to join us! Protestant Worship Schedule: Sunday 8 a.m. - Protestant Gospel Service, Chapel 1 11 a.m. - Protestant Traditional Service, Chapel 1 11 a.m. - Protestant Contemporary Service, Chapel 2 Catholic Mass Schedule: Sunday : 9 a.m. - Chapel 2 Monday-Thursday : 11:30 a.m. - Chapel 2 Confession: Sunday 3:30 p.m to 4:00 p.m (Chapel 2) Or by appointment *Memorial Chapel 1, Bldg 2700, 15 W. Popson Ave *Community Chapel 2, Bldg 6447, 10 Chamberlin Lp 661.277.2110 Or visit us on Facebook: Edwards AFB Protestant Parish / Edwards AFB Catholic Parish

Pastor Paul Chappell

Lancaster Baptist is an independent, Baptist church with a friendly, family atmosphere; compassionate vision; and strong commitment to Bible truth. We offer classes specifically designed for military families and singles, Join us this Sunday at 0830 or 1100

Only 15 minutes from Edwards South Gate: exit South Gate and turn right on Ave. E, left on 90th St. E, right on Ave. I and left on 40th E. 661.946.4663 4020 E. Lancaster Blvd. Lancaster, CA 93535

Desert Wings

May 10, 2013

Pick up your copy of Desert Wings off base at the following locations: Lancaster North Valley Vet Hospital • Ave K & Sierra Highway Karen’s Kitchen • 235 W. Ave K Barber Shop • 1149 W. Ave K Superior Electronics • 43769 15th St. West Calif. State Parks Info Center • 43779 15th St. West High Desert Medical Group • 43839 15th Street West Oxford Inn • 1651 West Ave K Marie Callender’s • 1649 West Ave K Fox Field • Ave G & 50th St W Barnes Aviation • Ave G & 50th St. W Exodus Air Service • Ave G & 50th St. W Employment Office • 1420 W Avenue I Crazy Otto’s • 1228 W Avenue I DMV • 1110 W Ave I Aviation Collectibles • 45626 N. Sierra Highway VFW • 43843 Division St Metrolink Station • 44812 N. Sierra Highway Inn of Lancaster • 44131 Sierra Hwy Tire Store • 43923 N. Sierra Hwy Sammy’s Restaurant • 44139 Sierra Highway Village Grille • 44303 Sierra Highway Thai Restaurant • 44759 Sierra Highway Judy’s Cafe • 43855 Sierra Highway Sierra Jr Liquor & Market • 42145 Sierra Hwy Nico’s • 42417 Sierra Highway Brunswick Sands Bowling • 43233 Sierra Highway Uncle Sam’s Bar & Grill • 42101 Sierra Highway Aero Bending • 43328 Division Street

Hughes Elec Comm • 104 E. Avenue K-4 Sparta • 244 E. Ave K-4 EDO • 254 E. Ave K-4 Donuts Plus • 844 E Avenue K Stater Bros. • 1850 East Avenue J Country Cafe • 1748 East Avenue J American Legion • 44355 40th Street East Wing & A Prayer • 44423 90th Street East Palmcaster Rental • 850 West Avenue L8 Lancaster Deli & Liquor • 42212 10th St W # 10B HW Hunter Dodge • 1130 Auto Mall Drive AV Ford • 1155 Auto Mall Dr Sierra Toyota • 43301 12th St. West Century 21 Yarrow & Assoc • 44143 20th Street West Coldwell Banker Hartwig • 43912 20th Street West Antelope Valley Courthouse • 42011 4th Street West Edwards Federal Credit Union • 44288 N 10th St. West Sierra Medical Group • 44469 10th Street West Lancaster City Hall • 44933 Fern Avenue City Hall Aerospace Office Western Hotel • 557 West Lancaster Blvd Lancaster Post Office • 567 West Lancaster Blvd AV Chamber of Commerce • 554 West Lancaster Blvd Lancaster Public Library • 601 West Lancaster Blvd Lancaster Sheriff’s Station • 501 West Lancaster Blvd. Jalapeno Grill • 43769 15th Street West Town House Motel • 44125 Sierra Highway Campos Mexican Food • 2761 West Avenue L EZ Mail • 2763 West Avenue L

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AMPM/Arco • 2008 W Avenue I Chevron • 1860 W Avenue I Batz Liquors • 1448 W Avenue I Sandy’s Coin Wash • 1306 W Avenue I BL Liquor Store • 1304 W Avenue I Big O Tires • 1240 W Avenue I Denny’s • 1028 W Avenue I All-State • 764 W Lancaster Blvd Little Szechwan • 688 W Lancaster Blvd Bohn’s Printing • 656 W Lancaster Blvd Preferred Real Estate • 646 W Lancaster Blvd John E. Peakes Insurance • 568 W Lancaster Blvd Nick’s Pizzeria • 43755 15th St West High Desert Optometry • 43839 15th St West Barber Shop III • 2723 W Avenue L Todd Martin Salon • 2743 W Avenue L Sandy’s Coin Wash • 2863 W Avenue L All State • 1148 W Avenue I PMG Urgent Care • 44222 10th St West Rite Aid • 44226 10th St West Patty’s Cafe • 44228 10th St West Miso Sushi and Roll • 44230 10th St West H & R Block • 44232 10th St West Source One • 43770 15th St West rosamond Post Office • Chevron Ramon’s Restaurant • Ken’s Smoke Shop A.V. Pharmacy • Antelope Valley Bank Albertsons • Rite Aid • Chuck’s Pizza

Rosamond Real Estate • Dry Cleaners Sherrif’s Station • Auto Pro’s • B & K Mini Mart Kieffe & Son’s • Rosamond Hills Apts. VFW • Casino • Century 21 • Diamond Hair Chamber of Commerce • Army Recruiter mojave Jerry’s Restaurant • Mojave Desert Bank Best Western Motel • Kieffe & Son’s • Airport Flightline Scaled Composites • BAE Tower Section • Voyager Restaurant Fiberset • Incotec FTA Inc. 1326 • FTA 1224 • Xcor Co. • Mercy Air Flight Research Inc. • National Test Pilot School Off FlightLine • BAE Central Bldg. ASB Avionics 1032 Sabovich HigHway 58 CHP • Mariah Hotel caL-city Ace Hardware • Shell • Benz Sanitation Chuck’s Pizza • Ramon’s Restaurant • Rite-Aid McDonald’s • Modern Video Real Estate • Cal-City Airport • Mojave Plaza Plaza Courtyard Professional Bldg. • Cal-City Market • Fitness Center teHacHapi Benz Propane • Village Grill • Holiday Inn • K-mart Tehachapi Medical Center • Best Western Ace Hardware • Travel Lodge • Cattlemans Restaurant

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DESERT WINGS CLASSIFIEDS Homes for Rent WESTSIDE LANCASTER 1,776-Sqft. 3-Bedroom 2.5-Bath, 2-Car Garage Stove/Dishwasher/Microwave Bonus Room, Freshly Painted Draped Windows Nicely Landscaped Gardener Included! Pets Considered $1,400/Month+$1,400 Deposit Available Now! Call 661-803-9537

Apartments for Rent CALIFORNIA CITY FURNISHED STUDIO APARTMENT $375/Month! Call Ruth 661-942-7844

Roommate Wanted WEST PALMDALE Rancho Vista Golf Course Seeking Reliable Roommate Female Preferred Who Doesn't Mind Kids Background Check $550/Month $200 Security Deposit Includes Utilities, Cable & Internet Full House Privileges Washer & Dryer 1-Pet Ok Please Call 661-208-0337

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GARAGE SALE 8849 Eucalyptus Avenue California City Saturday, May 18th 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Dining Set, Coffee Table Bedroom Furniture, TV/DVD Combo, Clothing Knick-Knacks, & Much More!

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• Communication Studies Instructor (FT, 10 mo, Temporary) Deadline: 6/3/13 • Earth Science Instructor (FT, 10 mo, Temporary) Deadline: 6/3/13 • Mathematics Instructor (FT, 10 mo, Temporary) Deadline: 6/3/13

For a complete listing and details of all open positions and how to apply, select the HR Employment link on the AVC website at: or contact: Human Resources Office at: (661) 722-6311; TDD (661) 722-6362; 3041 West Avenue K, Lancaster, CA 93536

Desert Wings

May 10, 2013

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Desert Wings

May 10, 2013


LaTraviata A love story shrouded in sacrifice and misunderstanding.



AT 7 Pm


June 2

AT 4 Pm


~ Curtain Raiser one hour before each performance ~

AnTELoPE VALLEy coLLEGE PERfoRmInG ARTS ThEATRE • 3041 WEST AVE. K, LAncASTER, cA TIcKETS: General $30 • Senior, military, AVc Staff $25 • youth, AVc Students $15 AnTELoPE VALLEy coLLEGE PERfoRmInG ARTS ThEATRE Box offIcE PhonE: 661.722.6580 • E-mAIL: • onLInE:

3041 West Avenue K | LAncAster, cALiforniA | (661) 722-6300 |

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