Serving the community of Edwards Air Force Base, California –
Volume 61, Number 36
March 29, 2013
AFAF kicks off at Edwards by Laura Mowry Staff Writer Edwards kicked off the annual Air Force Assistance Fund campaign March 25, which will continue through May 3. The campaign raises funds to assist Air Force active duty servicemembers, retirees, reservists, guardsmen and their dependents. “The Air Force Assistance Fund is a great opportunity to help support one another. It’s that commitment to caring and supporting of our fellow Airmen the Air Force and Edwards community prides itself on,” said Brig. Gen. Michael T. Brewer, 412th Test Wing commander. Funds will benefit the General
and Mrs. Curtis E. LeMay Foundation, Air Force Enlisted Village Foundation, Air Force Villages Foundation, and Air Force Aid Society. These organizations help Airmen in need by providing them with aid in the event of an emergency, with educational needs, or provide a secure retirement home for widows or widowers of Air Force members in need of financial assistance. “I encourage you to participate, as the AFAF is a great opportunity to help those in need during these times of uncertainty,” Brewer added. “Let’s help make a real difference.” This year, the goal is 100 percent See AFAF, Page 3 Air Force photograph by Laura Mowry
1st Lt. Carlos Rojas, the Air Force Assistance Fund installation project officer from the 772nd Test Squadron and 2nd Lt. Ryan Bush, the assistant IPO, from the 411th Flight Test Squadron met with Brig. Gen. Arnold W. Bunch, Air Force Test Center commander, when he completed his 2013 Air Force Assistance Fund contribution form.
Edwards crew chief leaves historic mark at squadron by Jet Fabara 412th TW Public Affairs Upon entering the building known as “Bomberland,” home of the 419th Flight Test Squadron and the Bomber Combined Test Force, you’ll come across a distinctive oil painting that embodies the history, unity and collaboration of the entire combined test force over the years. A large and important part of that history and collaboration is due to the work that countless engineers, contractors, government employees and crew chiefs, like Tech. Sgt. Chad McBunch, who arrive at Edwards as first-term Airmen and leave their mark at this South Base facility. “For someone who has been involved with operational test and the verification and validation of technical orders since 2002, I feel it’s only fitting that someone like Sergeant McBunch has been noted in flight test history through this painting for the one decade
worth of B-1 upgrades that have been directly affected by his contributions,” said Master Sgt. Cade Peterson, 31st Test & Evaluation Squadron bomber flight chief. The oil painting, which is currently in the care of the 419th FLTS, depicts a variety of BCTF personnel preparing for a B-1 mission See CREW CHIEF, Page 5 Air Force photograph by Jet Fabara
This oil painting, which is currently in the care of the 419th Flight Test Squadron, depicts a variety of Bomber Combined Test Force personnel preparing for a B-1 mission with Tech. Sgt. Chad McBunch’s image in the center of the painting handing a helmet bag to a B-1 pilot. The oil painting embodies the history, unity and collaboration that countless engineers, contractors, government employees and crew chiefs, like McBunch, have provided to the Bomber Combined Test Force over the years.
Sports trophy
Career building
.... Page 3
.... Page 6
31st TES, 412th AMXS claim Commander’s Trophy.
Career Assistance Adviser helps Airmen navigate career decisions.
Super Guppy .... Page 8
Super Guppy swallows T-38s; heads for El Paso, Texas.
Desert Wings
Commentary Resilience, excellence in all you do! by Nancy Koch-Castillo 412th TW community support coordinator Shona Wood has presently worked at Edwards Air Force Base for the last 12 years as a dental technician and the 412th Test Wing plans management analyst. She was also recently selected to be an installation master resilience trainer. Members considered as MRTs should already demonstrate a high degree of personal resilience. Master Resilience Trainers, or MRTs, are an integral element to provide trained and certified members as installation experts for Comprehensive Airman Fitness. MRTs provide awareness education and skill development techniques for Airmen and their families to enhance individual resilience across the four pillars of CAF: mental, physical, social, and
spiritual. The MRT role is an additional duty. When first interviewing Shona, I asked what resiliency meant to her. She explained, “It is a state of mind, where you don’t let the bumps in the road slow you down in achieving your goals.” She pointed out she has been teaching resiliency to her Desert High School track and field students for the last 19 years as a coach. She further explained her personal battle with resiliency started when she turned 12 years old and was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis is a form of inflammatory arthritis and an autoimmune disease it is a chronic condition characterized by stiffness and inflammation of the muscles, tendons, joints, bones or nerves, possible loss of mobility and marked by discomfort and disability.
March 29, 2013
Throughout her life she has battled with her pain and discomfort and pushed forward to actually go against the odds. She runs and trains for half marathons and is training for the Agoura Hills half marathon in 2013. She has never let her discomfort get in the way of her achieving her goals. Her determination and will to succeed in all that she undertakes in life has inspired her track and field students to take on the same positive attitude and upbeat spirit in accomplishing their goals. The last quote Shona left with during our interview was this, which she stated was her favorite to not only quote, but to live by: “If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude” – Maya Angelou
Eye contact one way to communicate with Airmen by Chief Master Sgt. Troy Miller Travis AFB, Calif. It’s often been stated by United States Air Force leaders that the mission comes first or it’s for the best interest of the Air Force. With that said, I would argue that if we expect the mission to come first and if it’s truly in the best interest of the Air Force, we need to understand the human element behind it all. Planes cannot fly themselves, our gates are not manned without people and our Airmen are not led by robots. Retired Gen. Ronald Fogleman, Air Force Chief of Staff, said, “People are the assets that determine our success or failure. If you are to be a good leader, you have to cultivate your skills in the arena of
personal relationships.” I would like to introduce a new concept to all upcoming or existing leaders, the concept of leadership by caring. Webster’s dictionary defines the word caring as, “feeling and exhibiting concern and empathy for others.” My boss, Maj. Jonelle Eychner, whom I hold in high regard as a great leader, came into my office the other day and asked me, “How are you doing?” Then, she proceeded to stare at me for a period of time. After a few seconds, I had to ask her why she was staring at me and she told me she heard leaders need to look their people in the eye for 90 seconds as they ask them how they are doing. I laughed and told her that creeps
me out and please don’t do that. Now, if I would have thought about it a little longer, I may have understood the point of this staring contest. She probably didn’t need to stare at me for 90 seconds, but at least she was trying to make a caring connection with me. How can we be effective leaders of people if we don’t sincerely care about them? If you are somewhat of a stoic leader, I challenge you to step outside your comfort zone and interact with your people. Once you make that initial contact, you will probably be amazed by what you learn. Then demonstrate that you actually care by asking open-ended questions. Don’t be afraid, they won’t bite.
I will warn you, though. You will need to be sincere because your subordinates are not dumb and they can tell if someone is being insincere from a mile away. Sometimes, we like to talk about ourselves a little too much, but, for once, we should just listen. Yes, that means not interrupting the person who is talking and to actively listen to them. I try to make it a point to bring up something from the last conversation that I had with them. This shows them that you were genuinely listening and you actually care. It is really pretty simple. If we are serious about taking care of the mission, then we should be serious about taking care of our No. 1 asset, our people.
Commander’s Action Line email: The Commander’s Action Line gives all Airmen, retirees, families and community members a direct link to Brig. Gen. Michael Brewer, 412th Test Wing commander. The Action Line can be used to express constructive points of view on the policies and procedures of the base; discuss safety and security issues; and address problems, concerns, or suggestions after traditional methods have been exhausted. The Commander’s Action Line should not be the first action taken to resolve an issue. Those seeking a remedy to a problem should first follow the chain of command and take up the matter with the office of primary responsibility, supervisors, first sergeants or commanders. Action Line queries may be submitted by sending an e-mail to with Commander’s Action Line as the subject heading or by calling (661) 277-7325. Action Line submissions must be written in a courteous and professional tone, and must include a name, an e-mail address or an alternative method of contact. The requestor’s contact information will not be published in compliance with Privacy Act restrictions. Any messages received without contact information will not be routed, so please be sure to provide some method for communication. Action Line discussions that are deemed beneficial for the community at large will be published on the Web and the next available edition of the Desert Wings. Submissions may be edited for grammar and length.
March 29, 2013
Briefs Edwards commissary
The commissary will be open regular hours Easter Sunday, March 31.
Commander’s Call for all Edwards’ staff sergeants
To accommodate multiple work shifts, Brig. Gen. Michael Brewer, 412th Test Wing commander, will be hosting two Staff Sergeants Calls for all Edwards Air Force Base staff sergeants on April 1 at 2 p.m. and April 3 at 8 a.m. in the Base Theater. All staff sergeants are required to attend one of the two mandatory briefings. Supervisors should adjust schedules to allow for maximum participation. Dress attire is uniform of the day. For more information, contact Master Sgt. Erik Robbins, 412th TW career assistance adviser, at (661) 277-1984.
New base guides now available New base guides are now available through the Edwards Air Force Base Graphics department. Only unit or squadron representatives may pick up base guides on Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Thursdays between 1 and 3 p.m. at Bldg. 1405, Room 300. Quantities are limited.
Edwards AFB 2013 community pageant
The 2012 Edwards Air Force Base queens, Miss Alexis Baiza, Junior Miss Marcella Werre, Little Miss Cecilia Werre and Tiny Miss Priscilla Werre, along with the 2013 contestants cordially invite everyone to attend the 2013 Edwards AFB community pageant March 30 at the Oasis Community Center, Stripes Lounge. This year’s theme is “Girls Rock.” The pageant will begin at 1 p.m., but doors will open at 12:30 p.m. Admission is $5 in advance, $7 at the door. For more information, contact Glenda Chevis at (661) 277-6696.
CFC ceremony See BRIEFS, Page 4
Desert Wings
31st TES, 412th AMXS claim Commander’s Trophy Chief Master Sgt. Brian Randolph (center), 412th Test Wing command chief, presents 1st Lt. Jonathan Tellefsen (left), 31st Test and Evaluation sports representative, and Master Sgt. James Miller, 412th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron sports representative, with the 2012 Commander’s Trophy during an Edwards Fitness and Sports Advisory Council meeting March 26 at the Oasis Community Center. The Commander’s Trophy is an award that recognizes units who have accumulated the most intramural sport points out of any organization on base combining participation, regular season standings and post-season outcome. Air Force photograph by Jet Fabara
AFAF, from 1 contact with all Edwards active duty servicemembers, with a monetary goal of raising $60,215. Overseeing the 2013 AFAF campaign for Edwards is installation project officer, 1st Lt. Carlos Rojas from the 772nd Test Squadron. Throughout the campaign, Rojas will be joined by assistant IPO, 2nd Lt. Ryan Bush, from the 412th Test Management Group. “I’m grateful for the opportunity to step up and help others as this year’s IPO. What’s great about the Air Force Assistance Fund is that it gives those who are able, a chance to help our fellow Airmen. It’s that commitment to caring that’s so important, especially right now,” said Rojas. “I feel like that’s what the Air Force is all about; taking care of our own and helping fellow Airmen out during their time of need.” For more information about the Air Force Assistance Fund, contact the installation project officer, 1st Lt. Carlos Rojas, at (661) 277-6829 or visit http://afassistancefund. org/.
The Desert Wings is published by Aerotech News and Review, a private firm in no way connected with the U.S. Air Force, under exclusive written contract with the installation commander. This commercial enterprise Air Force newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the U.S. military services. Contents of the Desert Wings are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense or the Department of the Air Force. The appearance of advertising in the publication, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the Department of Defense, the Department of the Air Force, or Aerotech News and Review, of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age marital status, physical handicap, political attitude or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. Advertising: (661) 945-5634. News copy: (661) 277-3510.
Air Force photograph by Laura Mowry
1st Lt. Carlos Rojas, the Air Force Assistance Fund installation project officer from the 772nd Test Squadron met with Brig. Gen. Michael T. Brewer, 412th Test Wing commander, when he completed his 2013 Air Force Assistance Fund contribution form.
Editorial Staff Commander, 412th TW ….................. Brig. Gen. Michael T. Brewer Director of Staff, 412th TW ................................ Col. Amy V. Arwood Command Chief, 412th TW ....... Chief Master Sgt. Brian Randolph Director, 412th Test Wing Public Affairs ................... Elizabeth Doss Editor .......………….............................................….. Kenji Thuloweit Production Staff ................................... Jet Fabara and Laura Mowry Layout and graphic design ………........................… Stuart Ibberson
Fax: (661) 277-2732. Editorial content is edited, prepared, and provided by the 412th Test Wing Public Affairs Office. All photos are Air Force photos unless otherwise indicated. Paid advertisements may be referred to Aerotech News and Review, 456 East Avenue K-4, Suite 8, Lancaster, CA, 93535 (661) 945-5634. Submitting false or misleading advertisements may, depending on circumstances, subject the violator for administrative or criminal penalties or civil suit. Team Edwards members are encouraged to submit news stories or story ideas through their Unit Public Affairs Representative (UPAR) or email the Public Affairs Office at Letters to the editor are encouraged. Also send to:
Use your smartphone to connect to our Website.
4 Desert Wings BRIEFS, from 3
March 29, 2013
The Combined Federal Campaign committee will host a ceremony to recognize contributors, volunteers and participants during last Fall’s Combined Federal Campaign 10 a.m., April 1, at Club Muroc. CFC representatives will also present the CFC Diamond Award to 412th Test Wing leadership. The base received this award from the Southern California CFC for raising the most money of any federal organization in southern California.
Lankin, team captain chair, at (661) 805-5210.
Enlisted promotion ceremony
Edwards Air Force Assistance Fund Campaign
This month’s enlisted promotion ceremony is 3 p.m., March 29 in the Base Theater. Promotees and their commanders will be in service dress. Attendees uniforms will be uniform of the day. Come out and congratulate all promotees.
Clarification about fundraising events All private organizations wishing to conduct fundraising events during Air Force Assistance Fund campaign must route their requests through the 412th Force Support Squadron, be reviewed by the Judge Advocate and then approved by the installation commander before the event can occur. As a reminder, the Air Force Assistance Fund campaign for Edwards runs March 25 through May 3. If you have any questions regarding fundraisers, contact the 412th FSS PO Monitor, Andrea Osteroos, at (661) 2777840.
April Tehachapi Relay for Life team captain’s meeting Teams are now forming for the 2013 Tehachapi Relay For Life on July 13 and 14. Teams from Edwards Air Force Base are already beginning to plan and raise funds for cancer research and patient services. The next meeting for team captains will be held April 11 at the Carden School Auditorium in Tehachapi, Calif. Team captains open will begin at 5 p.m., regular meeting will begin at 6 p.m. The time is now to form a team. For more information, contact Tracy
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Palace Chase briefing
There will be a Palace Chase briefing 1 p.m., April 2 in the First Floor Conference Room of Bldg. 3000 (5 Seller Road). For more information, contact Master Sgt. Jeffrey Ossman at (661) 277-3582.
The Air Force Assistance Fund campaign for Edwards will be held March 25 through May 3. As a reminder, no other fundraising is to occur during the AFAF campaign. The Edwards project officers for this year are 1st Lt. Carlos Rojas at (619) 277-6829 and 2nd Lt. Ryan Bush at (619) 275-4718.
“The Fracture Clinic” (661) 949-8643
The Conference Center is temporarily unavailable due to staffing constraints. Alternative areas should be utilized until further notice (i.e. Club Muroc, Community Center, Base Theater, etc.). An email will be sent out to notify the Edwards Community when the Conference Center is available for use again. We apologize for any inconvenience. For more information, contact Kim Strong at (661) 2774598 (; Rodney Cruse at (661) 275-9002 (; or Bill Grahn at (661) 275-9296 (
Logistics/Supply Ballroom closed The Logistics/Supply Ballroom located in Bldg. 3735 is currently unavailable due to renovations. The estimated timeframe is six to nine months. For questions contact Betty A. Nakashige at (661) 277-2710.
Tax Center to close April 11 Since income tax season is rapidly coming to a close, the Tax Center will be closing on April 11. The Tax Center offers free tax preparation and services for active duty service members, retirees, eligible dependents, and reservists on active duty orders. The Tax Center is staffed by volunteers who are certified to prepare returns by both the IRS and the California Franchise Tax Board. The Tax Center is located at 1100 Kincheloe Avenue. Please call 275-ETAX to schedule an appointment between the hours of 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Thursday and between the hours of 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Friday. When you make an appointment, you will be told what information and forms to bring with you to your appointment. At a minimum, please bring last year’s tax return and any tax documents you
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Edwards’ Conference Center temporarily unavailable
have received for the 2012 tax year. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays between 7:30 to 8:30 a.m., dorm residents who will be filing a 1040EZ may come in during walk-in hours at the Legal Office, located in Building 1. If you come during walk-in hours, please make sure to bring: (1) last year’s tax return, (2) completed page 1 and 2 of the Intake/ Interview Form (available at the Tax Center and Legal Office), (3) Military Identification, (4) W-2 and any other tax forms you may have received, and (5) a blank check with your routing and account number if you want your refund directly deposited. The last day for potential walk-ins will be April 10. For more information, contact Capt. Jenna Perkins at (661) 277-2825.
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Security on Private Commercial Aircraft
The United States Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has enhanced security regulations at private airports. All passengers must present two forms of identification before boarding an aircraft. Pilots have the right to inspect passengers and luggage.Direct Air is continually working with aviation industry officials to determine what and if additional security measures or requirements are necessary.
Ticketing & Reservations: Visit website: Phone: 714-556-4444
Desert Wings
March 29, 2013
CREW CHIEF, from 1 with McBunch’s image in the center of the painting handing a helmet bag to a B-1 pilot. According to Peterson, the unique thing about Sergeant McBunch’s tenure here is that since his arrival to Edwards as his first duty station in September 2002; he has served the entire period inside the Birk Flight Test Facility, otherwise known as South Base. “The unique thing about ‘South Base’ is that personnel are geographically separated and isolated inside the borders of the perimeter. With this separation from ‘Main Base,’ many of the outstanding day-to-day actions may not be immediately apparent, and the opportunity to interact with other units is limited,” said Sergeant Peterson. “Sharing his story would help many to understand the contributions of personnel in the BFTF. Essentially, one of the longest- and continuously-serving NCOs at the BFTF who is now preparing to depart Edwards for a new duty station in April of this year. I think it is extremely important to the heritage of Edwards, especially for those first-term Airmen assigned as B-1 crew chiefs, that his contributions be catalogued.” In addition to the oil painting, Sergeant McBunch’s legacy lives on with the Air Force Flight Test Museum’s acquisition of aircraft tail number 84-049A, a B-1B that served as the platform for flight test at Edwards and an aircraft that McBunch was a dedicated crew chief for. To prove his involvement with the team, Sergeant
McBunch’s name remains on the aircraft as “A1C Chad McBunch.” “Being here in an extremely unique test environment like this, you really get to see all the new software upgrades, to include the usage and capabilities of the B-1 as it transformed from a long-range nuclear deterrent into a close-support, direct-combat airframe over a decade,” said McBunch. During Sergeant McBunch’s career at the BFTF, he has directly worked on the following B-1 upgrades: • B-1 Block E upgrades • Laser Joint Direct Attack Munition integration • Mixed load software integration • Sniper Targeting Pod • Cockpit and software modernization Aside from working on these upgrades over the span of a decade, McBunch was noted at the squadron for reviewing more than 8,900 pages and removing approximately 900 specific discrepancies that they identified in just one year. Capt. Tara Jackson, 31st TES bomber suitability flight commander, said that this was just one of the many areas that set McBunch apart in his unit. “Sergeant McBunch’s dedication and diligence over the past 10 years will be missed by the 31st TES, especially since his expertise on bomber test programs will be difficult to replace,” said Jackson. When asked about what advice he could impart on first term Airmen who will arrive to provide support for the B-1s future
Air Force photograph by Jet Fabara
Tech. Sgt. Chad McBunch, 31st Test and Evaluation Squadron B-1 crew chief, stands in front of one of the first B-1s he worked on as a first-term Airman upon arriving at Edwards as a dedicated crew chief in 2002.
upgrades, he left with these comments: “For those arriving here as a first term Airman, I would recommend that you seek out the challenge and take it upon yourself. It’s very easy to lay back and say it’s too difficult, too complicated or too different from a main operating base or what I’m used to. If you embrace it and go with it, you can pick up a very unique skill set and you can find the challenge to be very rewarding. I have and I am extremely thankful for it,” added McBunch.
“Most of all, it’s humbling, because you normally don’t spend more than 10 years anywhere without leaving a mark. Personally, when I was younger, I always tried to stay out of the social limelight, but it’s really interesting to stand back now and say that I did that, I was a part of that or I had a hand in every bit of it. It definitely gives you a better perspective of how what you do now impacts the mark you will leave for future generations.”
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Desert Wings
March 29, 2013
The career you build, could be your own, just ask by John Haire 412th TW Public Affairs An Airman has a lot to decide when it comes time to re-enlist. There is always a wealth of advice from peers; the supervisor surely has some wisdom and guidance, as does your family. Maybe you have a cool job, but wish it could be cooler. Or maybe you just don’t know what to do. Well, Master Sgt. Erik Robbins, the Edwards Air Force Base Career Assistance Adviser, can help turn that maybe in to a reality of success. Robbins takes a lot of pride and joy in his job. He’ll eagerly tell you that he “helps Airmen make decisions about their career.” Robbins will give examples like reenlisting, cross training into a new career field, or leaving the service entirely, to find the fit that is just right for you. Robbins can also make sure you know the score with certain regulations, so you don’t turn down a permanent change of station or a promotion only to find out that you are now barred from reenlistment. “My job is to help Airmen make the right decisions and help them avoid the bad ones,” said Robbins. As the base career assistance
advisor, he is a no pressure counselor who simply helps those that let him focus their future, make informed decisions and decisions that are right for them and the bigger Air Force. Robbins should be no stranger to Airmen here. He runs the FTAC, First Term Airman Center, and helps new Airmen learn what is unique about Edwards. “I help Airmen make decisions about their career, retention, cross training, or changing jobs,” said Robbins. “I am not a recruiter, but help guide first- and second-term Airmen.” Robbins said he also advises them on regulatory requirements, so they don’t make a career error. In addition to this, Robbins runs NCO and Senior NCO enhancement seminars. Most first term and career airmen will normally meet Robbins roughly 13 months before they separate for a threehour class. “Here they will learn about the benefits they have earned, the benefits of a career in the Air Force or how their career can be continued in the National Guard or Reserve,” added Robbins. “Most Airmen, particularly first termers, are not fully aware of what they have earned or what benefits they are eligible for. I try to offer
Air Force photograph by Jet Fabara
Master Sgt. Erik Robbins, 412th Test Wing career assistance adviser, goes over a list of available career options with a young Airman. Sergeant Robbins is located near the First Term Airman Center and is there to provide career assistance to Airmen who have questions about retention, cross training, or changing jobs.
examples, such as possibly being able to get transferred early to a base of your choice, career bonuses or how easy it might be to
change career field as a first term Airman. “ Robbins is located in Bldg. 2460, Room B, right next to the
FTAC classroom and just behind the Education Center. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call (661) 277-1984.
Desert Wings
March 29, 2013
Edwards Air Force Base Driver Speeding & Privilege Suspension Tracker The 412th Security Forces Squadron issued 7 speeding citations and processed 6 base driving suspensions from March 18-24, 2013. Below is a breakdown of the violations: 7 speeding violations cited for MPH over posted speed limit 01 – 10 11 – 15 16 – 20 21 – 24 25+ -3-4-0-0-06 new drivers with suspended privileges (new) 10 days 15 days 30 days 90 days -1-
365 days (one year) -2-
730 days (two years) -0-
49 drivers whose base-driving privileges are suspended (total) 15 day 365 days 730 days 1,095 days (one year) (two years) (three years) -5-38-5-1Per AFI 31-218 and EAFBI 31-280, a DD Form 1408 Armed Forces traffic tickets (no-fine) are issued to military members and civilians driving a Government Owned Vehicle. Military members receiving 1408s are subject to Uniform Code of Military Justice action. A DD Form 1805 U.S. District Court Violation (a fine) is issued to all civilians, dependents, and retirees. If issued an 1805, violators may be required to be present at Magistrate Court in Bakersfield, California; receive traffic violation points against their state-issued driver’s license, and potentially receive suspension of on-base driving privileges. R2/DE/Beacon 03.11.11 Association of Old Crows
Please Help Complete A Family
The Association of Old Crows will be offering a free 03.11.11 presentation May 8th, 1130-1300 by Major Gary Maki of AK in Afghanistan”. This AFOCTEC titled “EW Operations presentation is unclassified but requires U.S. Citizenship. Original Tour of the Benefield Anechoic BW Facility (Bldg1030) will also be provided. Brown Bag lunch is ok, but pizza and soft drink will be available for $5.00.
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Desert Wings
March 29, 2013
Super Guppy swallows T-38s; heads for El Paso A NASA Super Guppy transport plane “swallowed” two NASA T-38 aircraft whole March 18, right out on NASA Dryden Flight Research Center’s back ramp. The SGT Super Guppy Transport, the last of its kind still flying, is based at Ellington Airport in Houston, near NASA’s Johnson Space Center. The aircraft was at Dryden to transport the two T-38s that Dryden hasn’t flown in several years and are no longer airworthy to El Paso, Texas, where they will be cannibalized for parts to keep other Johnson-operated T-38s in El Paso flying. After removing the wings and other usable components, the remaining portions of the airframes will be trucked to the Air Force’s Aerospace Maintenance and Recovery Center adjacent to DavisMonthan Air Force Base near Tucson, Ariz., for final disposition. Aside from the Super Guppy’s size – it measures more than 48 feet to the top of its tail and has a wingspan of more than 156 feet with a huge upper cargo bay – the aircraft features a hinged nose that opens 110 degrees. Once open, an aircraft cargo loader was used to load the two trainer aircraft. The Guppy’s 25-foot diameter cargo bay permitted the two T-38 aircraft to be moved with only the wingtips needing to be removed, said Johnson flight engineer David Elliott, the Guppy’s project manager. After opening the nose section of the Guppy, hoisting the T-38s onto a specially designed pallet atop a mobile transporter, loading the pallet and T-38s onto the Guppy and then reclosing the Guppy’s nose section – about a 2.5-hour process – the Guppy departed for El Paso. Dryden has seen the Super Guppy Transport before during the delivery of X-38 vehicle 131R prototype crew return vehicle on July 11, 2000. It also visited NASA Dryden for a landing gear change in 2005. The Super Guppy is the latest iteration of its kind – the last of three outsized aircraft to have transported a number of NASA’s hefty payloads ranging from Saturn rockets to International Space Station modules. The Space Race had a number of complicated problems to solve, Elliott said. In 1962, California-based Aero Spacelines Industries solved the problem of transporting large components when it introduced the first Guppy aircraft. That first version of the Guppy was evaluated during flight tests flown at NASA’s Flight Research Center at Edwards Air Force Base that fall. Built from a heavily modified KC-97 Stratotanker, the B-377PG Pregnant Guppy featured the largest cargo compartment of any aircraft ever built to that time. At just over 19 feet in diameter, this massive cavity was specifically designed to carry the second stage of a Sat-
urn rocket for the Apollo program, Elliott said. The Pregnant Guppy allowed NASA to deliver crucial oversized cargo to Cape Canaveral in 18 hours as opposed to 18 to 25 days aboard a barge, he added. The program was so successful that it was followed by an even larger version of the aircraft in 1965. Dubbed the B377SG Super Guppy, it was equipped with a 25-foot diameter cargo bay, more powerful turboprop engines, a pressurized cockpit, and a hinged nose for easier loading of cargo. Aero Spacelines continued to own and operate the aircraft until 1981, when NASA purchased the aircraft. During its 32 years of service, the original Super Guppy flew over 3 million miles in support of NASA’s Apollo, Gemini, Skylab, and International Space Station programs. It also transported the X-24B and HL-10 lifting bodies lifting bodies from NASA Dryden to the Air Force Museum adjacent to WrightPatterson Air Force Base in Ohio in 1976. (The HL-10 was subsequently returned to NASA Dryden, and remains on display in front of the center today.) The Super Guppy Transport version currently operated by NASA is the last generation of Guppy that
Aero Spacelines built. The most important difference between it and its predecessor was an upgrade to more reliable and readily available Allison T-56 turboprops. Airbus Industries commissioned and operated four SGT Super Guppy Transport aircraft to ferry large A300 fuselage sections throughout Europe during the last three decades of the 20th century. When Airbus retired its fleet to museums in 1997, NASA was able to acquire the number 4 aircraft to replace its aging B377SG Super Guppy under an International Space Station barter agreement with the European Space Agency. NASA’s Super Guppy Transport continues to support America’s space program and is scheduled to transport the Orion Heat Shield from Textron Defense Systems near Boston to NASA’s Kennedy Space Center at the end of March. The U.S. Department of Defense and government contractors also have tapped the Guppy’s capabilities to move aircraft and large components around the continent, including T38s for the Air Force and V-22s for the Navy.
NASA photograph by Jim Ross
Two retired NASA T-38 trainers mounted on a transport pallet atop a mobile transporter are positioned for loading aboard NASA’s Super Guppy prior to ferrying them to El Paso, Texas, for disassembly.
NASA photograph by Jim Ross
The second retired T-38 joins its companion on the special transport pallet.
NASA photograph by Jim Ross
Workmen carefully guide the first of the T-38s into place as it is hoisted onto its pallet.
NASA photograph by Tony Landis
NASA’s outsized SGT Super Guppy Transport transport aircraft lifts off the runway at Edwards Air Force Base after a prior visit.
Desert Wings
March 29, 2013
2013 Air Force Community Assessment Survey to be released
412th EWG to host Security Awareness Week To attend the CLASSIFIED OSI/ATO/ INTEL brief scheduled for April 3 at 9 a.m.; a security clearance is required. For information on the mandatory Annual Special Access Program training, contact Linda Drummond at (661) 277-1792. For information on the mandatory SemiAnnual Communications Security training, contact Rudy Burgess at (661) 277-1831. For a detailed list of Security Awareness Week events, look to the 412th EWG calendar of events.
Col. Kevin Muckerheide, 412th Electronic Warfare Group commander, Lt. Col. Chris Snyder, 771st Test Squadron commander, and David Krohman, 772nd Test Squadron director, are encouraging base personnel to attend Security Awareness Week, which will be hosted by the 412th EWG, starting April 1 through April 5. This year’s theme is “OPSEC and International Programs.” All 412th EWG security education and training events will require a supervisor’s approval to attend during duty hours. Each day, the group will spotlight a specific security discipline to highlight by providing a briefing, demonstration or an instructional class for 412th EWG personnel. Every time unit personnel participate in one of the briefings, demonstrations or game booths, they will be entered in daily or weekly prize drawing. To attend any classes or briefings, contact Tiffany Boykin via email or call (661) 277-6589.
by Jet Fabara 412th TW Public Affairs The Air Force Community Assessment Survey for 2013 will be released in March. The theme for this year’s survey is “A Strong Community Depends On You.” The Community Assessment is the only Air Force-wide survey that gathers information tailored for each and every Air Force installation. Results from the Community Assessment Survey will inform installation community actions and improvements of programs and services that support military families. “Base leadership is sensitive to the fact that this year’s survey comes at a time of increased anxiety and uncertainty surrounding the impact of budget cuts on our community and workforce. We would expect to see those concerns reflected in survey responses,” said Col. Daniel Daetz, 412th Test Wing vice commander. Active Duty, Reservists, Guardsmen, and Civilian employees can expect e-mail notifications within the coming weeks. Spouses will be sent an invitation postcard. Both the e-mails and postcards will include a link to the online survey and all responses will be kept completely anonymous
and confidential. This survey is completely anonymous. The Air Force has contracted the research company, Ipsos, to conduct this survey. According to Ipsos, they have designed this survey so that no one – the Air Force, the government, nor Ipsos – can link any aspect of your responses to your personal identifiable information. Past surveys have resulted in new and/or improved programs to support the entire Air Force community. Previous surveys have resulted in new parks, job opportunities for spouses, increased support networks like the Adopted Family Program, INTRO program, Singles Network Group and new classes. “While this survey is not the only avenue for the Edwards community to voice feedback, it will be carefully considered as we revise our Community Action Plan later in the year,” added Daetz. “We were successful in lobbying for an extension of the survey period, which should give greater flexibility for participation by those who are randomly selected.” For assistance in taking the survey, please call Ipsos’ survey support helpline at 1-866-342-3357 or email them at
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Desert Wings
Aero Club 320 Jones Road, South Base, Bldg. 320, (661) 275-AERO Month of the Edwards Child: In celebration of the Edwards Child, your Aero Club invites you to introduce your children to aviation! Have fun while learning aerodynamics using math and science skills. Cost is $165 for one hour introduction flight for up to two children and one adult. Contact the Aero Club for advanced reservations.
Airman and Family Readiness 5 N. Seller Ave., Bldg. 3000, (661) 2770723 Five-Day Department of Labor Employment Workshop: April 8-12, 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m., at the Education Office, Bldg. 2460, Classroom C. The Transition Assistance Program is required for all personnel separating or retiring. Limited to 22 attendees. Call (661) 277-8451 to sign up as early as possible. The PLAYpass deadline has been extended through Dec. 31, 2013. If your spouse is deployed or you are a single Airman returning from a deployment, then come to the A&FRC to get your PLAYpass and register! PLAYpass discount cards are used for various activities and programs on base for adults and children. For more information contact the A&FRC. Military Family Life Counselor: A Military Family Life Consultant is on board at the A&FRC to help military members, spouses, family members, friends and staff members address issues such as relationships, deployment, parenting, stress, grief and many other issues. Consultations are free and anonymous – no records are kept. Call (661) 742-4733 for an appointment. SBP/Casualty Assistance Office: The SBP and Casualty Assistance Office is now combined and located in Bldg. 3000, Room 215. Please note: Every retiring member, married or single, must make a valid election prior to retiring. See the SBP counselor
March 29, 2013
Announcements for more details. Retired military survivor assistance is available at the A&FRC. For more information, call the SBP/Casualty Assistance office at (661) 277-3757. Help is available to file claims through various agencies: DFAS, V.A., SSA, OPM. Sponsorship Training: Attention Sponsors and Unit Training Managers, first impressions are lasting impressions! This training is mandatory for all first time sponsors or those who haven’t sponsored anyone for more than a year. There is a new online sponsorship training that replaces the classroom training. Access eSponsorship Application & Training at http://apps. Training and resources can be found within this new comprehensive application. Certificate of completion must be turned-in to Tonya Eckles and/or your unit training manager for record keeping. For more information on this training or to get a few resources, contact Tonya Eckles at (661) 277-4709 or email tonya.
Arts and Crafts Center 200 Methusa Rd., (661) 275-ARTS Spring Break Art Camp (Elements of Art): April 2-4 (three-day camp), 1-4 p.m. Open to ages 6-10. Cost is $100 and includes instruction and supplies. This fun camp is designed to teach students fundamental visual art concepts. Students will develop and apply their understanding of the elements of art (line, shape, color, value, texture, form, and space) and create their very own masterpieces! Frame shop special: We would like to introduce our new line of spring design frame moldings from our vendors. In the month of April we will offer 20 percent off on frames. This discount applies to custom orders only. Adult Pottery (Semi-private and Private Lessons): Saturdays, 9–11 a.m., by appointment only. Students will learn how to create decorative or functional pottery using pinch, coil, and slab techniques. *Students will be required to purchase one block of clay for class, which will create
Need a Speech Class??? Cero Coso Community College is offering Elements of Speech this summer starting June 11 through Aug. 1. Classes go from 5:30–8:50 p.m., Tuesdays and Thursdays here at Edwards AFB. If interested, visit us at 140 Methusa Avenue, Bldg. 2453, or call (661) 258-8644.
several projects. Pottery Parties: Great for birthday parties, spouses’ groups, or anyone ready for something fun! Each 2- hour party event teaches the basics of working with clay while creating a fun, hand-built project and includes all tools, instruction and firing fees. Cost will vary according to time and projects involved. For more information, call (6610 275-278. Use your PLAYpass here!
ing the Edwards child: April 1: Crazy Sock Day April 2: Backwards Day April 3: Pajama Day April 4: Crazy Hair DayApril 5: Literacy Day Parade (Bring your favorite book) Part Day Enrichment Program: Sign your child up for our exciting Enrichment Program. We offer a three-day program for 3-5 year olds. Space is available now.
Club Muroc Auto Hobby
275 Doolittle Parkway, (661) 275-CLUB
200 Methusa Rd., (661) 275-AUTO Tires available for your needs: Let us price new tires for your vehicle. We offer very competitive prices as well as services in mounting and balancing. Come visit Auto Hobby at Bldg. 2440 or call (661) 275-AUTO (2886) and ask for Jesse. Towing Service Available through Auto Hobby: Tuesday–Friday, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Call Auto Hobby for more information.
Child Development Center 1208 W. Fitzgerald Blvd., Bldg 6457, (661) 275-8687 Use your PLAYpass here! Immediate Openings For Children 3-5 years old: The CDC has immediate openings for your child. If you need help with child care, then please come see us. We will assist you in finding the best child care for your child’s needs. Month of the Edwards Child: Join us throughout the month of April in celebrat-
Club Muroc is closed on Saturdays and Sundays except for special functions or events. Club closed on Mondays after lunch. Call (661) 275-CLUB to book a special function with our catering department. Air Force Club Membership Cash Back Rewards: Military Free Cash – “One more reward for being a club member.” Earn two points for every $1 spent onbase in FSS activities, the Exchange (including gas) and Commissary. Earn one point for every $1 spent everywhere else. Receive rewards for as little as 2,000 points, points don’t expire. Redeem points for great rewards – cash back and/or gift cards, travel (airlines, hotel, car rental) and more! It’s a terrific member benefit you shouldn’t be without. It’s designed specifically for you. You deserve it and it’s Free! For more information, visit com/militaryfreecash or call Club Muroc See ANNOUNCEMENTS, Page 11
412th MDG Public Health Flight to host National Public Health Week The 412th Medical Group Public Health (PH) Flight will be celebrating National Public Health Week starting April 1 through April 5. This year’s national theme is “Public Health is ROI: Save Lives, Save Money.” The acronym ROI is a common business term which stands for Return-On-Investment. America can ensure a healthier nation, build a stronger community and experience significant health care cost savings through time and effort invested into disease prevention. Therefore, the Public Health Flight will be hosting the following: Monday: “Creating a Healthy Workplace” Public Health will be providing education and training on heat stress prevention, work-rest cycles, importance of proper hydration, and proper wear of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to select flightline shops. Tuesday: “Providing a Safe Environment for Children at School” Children enrolled at the Child Development Center (CDC) on base will be educated by PH technicians on the proper techniques of hand washing to include demonstrations, games and prizes.
Wednesday: “Empowering a Healthy Community” Public Health with the base Veterinary Clinic, Security Forces K-9 Unit, Adopt A-Pet Rescue (APET) and their rescued pets will be at the Community Park across from the CDC educating attendees on Rabies prevention. Thursday: “Protecting You While You’re on the Move” Anyone traveling through the West Gate on Thursday morning, will see PH technicians dressed up in costumes and holding up poster boards advertising the slogans “DON’T DRINK AND DRIVE”, “DON’T TEXT AND DRIVE” and “BUCKLE-UP.” Friday: Public Health Appreciation Day This day will be used as a day to reflect on how this week’s education has enhanced disease prevention and maintained a healthier lifestyle. The Edwards AFB Public Health Flight looks forward to assisting the base in future disease prevention. For more information about National Public Health Week, contact the Edwards Public Health Flight at (661) 277-2244.
Desert Wings
March 29, 2013
ANNOUNCEMENTS, from 10 at (661) 275-CLUB. Easter Sunday Champagne Brunch: March 31; two seatings, 10 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. Reservations only, call (661) 275-CLUB by March 26. Easter Egg Hunt at 11 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. with the Easter Bunny on the back patio of Club Muroc. Cost is $19 for members; $21 for eligible non-members; $9 for youth 13-17; $7 for children 6-12; and free for children under five. Club members E1-E4 are $15 per adult. Breakfast; Classic eggs benedict with hollandaise sauce, scrambled eggs, cook-toorder omelet station, Belgian waffle station with assorted toppings, country smoked bacon and link sausages, home style fried potatoes, buttermilk biscuits with country gravy, and grits (regular and cheese). Entrées: Chef’s carving station featuring tender steamship round of beef, Virginia honey cured ham, whole smoked Atlantic salmon, stuffed chicken breast over rice pilaf in mushroom gravy, sweet potato soufflé, spring vegetables, green salad, dinner rolls, and fruit and domestic cheese platters. Kid’s Korner: Chicken nuggets, hot dogs, macaroni and cheese, and ice cream sundae bar. Decadent dessert display. Champagne and Mimosas Fresh brewed coffee, hot and cold tea, orange juice and milk. Fogleman’s Lounge Club Member Specials The Classic Burger: Tuesdays, 5-7 p.m., half-pound, 100-percent Angus steak burger on Kaiser roll with fries, half off menu price. Special on Appetizers: Wednesdays, 5-7 p.m. Half off selected appetizers. Spicy Chicken Sandwich: Thursdays, 5-6 p.m. Half off menu price.
Fridays, 5-6 p.m. Member’s only social hour food. Bingo, 6-7 p.m. Six game “Call” Bingo After Bingo, join us for Karaoke until 10 p.m. Evening Dining at Club Muroc Family Night Buffets, leave the cooking to us. Mexican Buffet: April 2, 5-8 p.m. Buffet only – no other dining room menu available. Cost is $10.95 for adult members; $12.95 for adult non-members; $6 for children 6-12: and $2 for children under 6. Special kids buffet available. Home Style Buffet: Wednesdays, 5-8 p.m. Cost is $10.95 for adult members; $12.95 for adult non-members; $6 for children 6-12: and $2 for children under 6. Lots of Pasta: April 4, 5-8 p.m. Cost is $10.95 for adult members; $12.95 for adult non-members; $6 for children 6-12: and $2 for children under 6. “Muroc” Steakhouse Buffet: April 5, 5-8 p.m. Cost is $13.95 for adult members; $15.95 for adult non-members; $7.95 for children 6-12; and $2 for children under 6. Menu (children’s menu also available): One top sirloin steak or grilled chicken breast, breaded butterfly shrimp, baked potato bar, vegetable soup and salad bar, homemade rolls, ice cream and choice of fountain beverage.
Education and Training 140 Methusa Ave., Bldg. 2453, (661) 277-2713 Complete Your CCAF Degree: The Education Center has CCAF advisers available to assist you with completion of your CCAF degree. Call (661) 277-2713, or stop by Bldg. 2435, 7:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Don’t procrastinate, it’s easier than you think! Community of Practice website: A training class schedule is now available on the Education and Training CoP. See at a glance all the classes offered by the Education & Training Section for Edwards military and DOD civilians. Contact your training manager for detailed course infor-
mation. Log on to views/home.aspx?Filter=24828.
Family Child Care 1208 W. Fitzgerald Blvd., Bldg. 6457, (661) 275-4322
Month of the Edwards Child: Join us throughout the month of April in celebrating the Edwards child. April 3, Crazy Hat Day! The Benefits of Being a Family Child Care Provider: Being able to work out of your home, working while caring for your own children, being in charge of your own business, doing work that you love, setting your own hours and free training! If you are interested in becoming an FCC licensed or affiliated provider, contact the FCC Office at (661) 275-4322. New provider orientation starting soon! We need providers to offer alternate hours to accommodate evening, swing and weekend duty hours. We are looking for providers to offer care for children with special needs including asthma, allergies, cerebral palsy and other physical impairments. Family Child Care is seeking dedicated people who love working with children! If you live on base and want to care for children in your home or you are a military dependent and live off base, you may be eligible to be a licensed or affiliated provider! Make a positive difference in the lives of children! Most materials and training are provided free of charge!
High Desert Lanes Bowling Center 205 Fitzgerald, Bldg. 5214, (661) 275-BOWL Youth Spring Break Special: April 1-5. Cost is $1 per game and $1 shoe rental for youth up to 18 years old. Air Force HOOPS 2013: March 1–April 8. Win up to
Get Your News Via Email! Aerotech News and Review will soon begin publishing a FREE email newsletter containing top stories from all ten of its aerospace and military base newspapers. Sign up today to receive your FREE email newsletter! Go to www.aerotechnews. com and click on the “Join My List” button on the top right of the page! News from Nellis, Creech, Edwards, Luke, Davis-Monthan and Los Angeles Air Force Bases; Fort Irwin NTC and Fort Huachuca Army bases; China Lake NAWS; March Air Reserve Base, Air Force Plant 42, MCAS Yuma and Mojave Spaceport will all be included each week. Aerotech News will never sell, rent or give your email address to any outside organization. We have signed up with Constant Contact for the purpose of sending these email newsletters and to remain compliant with anti-spam laws. You may opt out at any time. Join our list today! Go to and click on the “Join My List” button on the top right of the page. Facebook: Aerotech News Inc. LinkedIn:
12 Desert Wings ANNOUNCEMENTS, from 11 $5,000 cash – PLAY TO WIN! Get your game piece at High Desert Lanes Bowling Center or Muroc Lake Golf Course, one game piece per day, no purchase necessary while supplies last. Game pieces also awarded with the purchase of a commemorative 44oz. soda or combo meal available at the Sandbagger Grill at Muroc Lake Golf Course. Scratch-off game pieces contain either an instant win prize or a code which unlocks a random seed in the Men’s Division 1 College Basketball Tournament, March 19-April 8. Enter the code at Instant win prizes: • Fountain Soda, Combo Meal, Hot Dog or French Fries – available at the Sandbagger Grill • Games of Bowling • Shoe Rental • HU28 Packages • Golf Course Cart Rental • Large Bucket of Balls • FSS Gift Cards valued at up to $500 • Air Force Hoops Commemorative Bowling Ball Redeem instant win prize tickets at the High Desert Lanes Bowling Center or Muroc Lake Golf Course through April 30 (all soda, hot dog, French fries or combo meal winning tickets can only be redeemed at the Sandbagger Grill at Muroc Lake Golf Course). Quarter Mania Mondays: 11 a.m.-7 p.m. Cost is 75 cents per game, and 75 cents for shoe rental. Brown Bag and Bowl: Tuesday-Friday, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Cost is $1.25 per game, shoe rental $1.50. Bring your lunch and have some fun! Family Game Night: Thursdays, 3-7 p.m. Glow-in-the-dark bowling, fun for the whole family. Cost is $1.50 per person per game, shoe rental $1. Friday Night Early Bird Special: 2-6 p.m. Cost is $5 per person, bowl as many games as you want. Shoe rental, $1.75 for
March 29, 2013 adult and $1.50 for youth. Friday Night Extreme Bowling – Bring your own Music Night: 6-10 p.m. Cost is $2.25 per person per game. Shoe rental is $1.75 for adults and $1.50 for youth. Beat the Saturday night rush. Enjoy glow-inthe-dark bowling, great music and fun for everyone. Bring in your CD’s, MP3 players, or iPODS and we will play your music. No explicit language (High Desert Lanes Bowling Center has the right to refuse any songs). Family Dollar Day: noon-6 p.m. Cost is $1 per game, $1 shoe rental. Glow-in-the-Dark Bowling: Saturdays, 6-10 p.m. Cost is $10 per person, shoe rental included to bowl as many games as you want. Don’t miss out on all the fun at an affordable price. There will be Glowin-the-Dark bowling, and a fun atmosphere for the whole family. Unit Functions: All hours, with reservations. Cost is $5 per person and includes three games and show rental. Units may reserve lanes anytime during open bowling for parties, commander’s call, team building events, etc.
Honor Guard 148 Methusa Ave., Bldg. 2462, (661) 275-BLUE If you need to request the Blue Eagles Honor Guard for your ceremonies please email, or call (661) 810-8039.
Information, Tickets and Travel 205 W. Popson Ave., Bldg. 2500, 2(661) 275-TRIP Jet Hawks Tickets: Our popular Jet Hawks vouchers for the dugout section are now available at your ITT office. We also feature the Family Fun Pack which in-
cludes reserved section tickets, hot dogs, chips and a drink for a famiy of four. Mulligan Family Fun Center: All-day pass tickets are now available for $17 per person. ITT Pricelist & Other Events: To see the current ITT price list for events, parks, hotels and discount information, visit For the most up-to-date information, press the F5 key to refresh page.
Library 5 W. Yeager Blvd., Bldg. 2665, (661) 275-BOOK, Children’s Story Time: Wednesdays and Fridays, 10 a.m. Free Online Services, Zinio: A leading full-service distributor of digital magazines, the Zinio newsstand has thousands of top magazines from around the world. Browse the list of subscriptions AF libraries own (currently 642 popular titles including Newsweek, National Geographic and Parenting), select and read anywhere, anytime using your computer, smartphone or tablet. To take advantage of this wonderful service, visit the Base Library or call (661) 275-BOOK for more information. At the Library: Available for a loan period of two weeks; each item may be renewed at the library only, if there are no pending requests by other customers: • Books • Books and CD Sets • MP3 (Playaway) • Rosetta Stone CD-ROM (Spanish and
Russian only) New item Tuesdays: Be the first one to borrow new released books, DVDs, BluRay, TV series, books on CD and more. We invite you to sign up for the Information Awareness Program, to receive a weekly email containing the complete list of new items. Call the library for more information. Universal Class Now Available: Get access to Universal Class today! This program offers more than 500 online courses on a wide range of subjects/levels, available 24/7, instructor led, self paced. Universal Class courses are informational and designed to enhance student knowledge, increase skills and stimulate interest in a subject. Visit the Library for more information. Transparent Language Online: This effective and engaging language-learning program is available for libraries and their patrons. The program is accessible via the Internet and will be available to active duty Air Force, Air National Guard, Reservists, retirees and their respective family members. Air Force civilian employees and contractors who are eligible to use an Air Force library are also eligible. All users must register in person at an Air Force library and can then use it anywhere and at anytime. Transparent Language Online is packed full of pronunciation, speech, grammar, writing, and vocabulary building lessons for more than 80 languages. Featuring top-of-the-line coursework combined with great social media resources, Transparent See ANNOUNCEMENTS, Page 13
Making Changes That Last a Lifetime
Sign up TODAY!
GET STARTED TODAY No more excuses, its time to focus on YOU! Develop a habit of good health. Its important that you CHANGE your LIFESTYLE to reap the benefits of optimum health. SET YOUR GOALS Did you know that maintaining a healthy weight and eating the right foods, can prevent many chronic health conditions? There’s no magic pill. Its simple. Exercise regularly and Eat the Proper foods to maintain health. Get STEP BY STEP Therapeutic Lifestyle Change strategies to track progress and achieve your goals. STAY ON TRACK This GOAL development workshop will give you the guidance needed to stay on track and live a healthier life. Follow-up classes will be offered for those interested for continued motivation.
Where: FAMILY HEALTH CLINIC, 412th MEDICAL GROUP Wednesday, 10 April 2013 Time: 13:00—14:30 To sign up for class: call 661-275-2737 or 277-9763!/95thmedicalgroup?fref=ts
LFD 2013
Desert Wings
March 29, 2013
ANNOUNCEMENTS, from 12 Language Online is a complete languagelearning system. New Resources in the Children’s section: Playaway View, the first all-in-one video player of its kind, pre-loaded with multiple videos of the best educational programming, now available at the Main library. Try it out and select titles such as math, exploring space, U.S. history and more.
Muroc Lake Golf Course 111 Crest Dr., (661) 275-PUTT Annual Membership Dues: Muroc Lake Golf Course is proud to announce our NEW and IMPROVED Annual Membership Dues: E1–E4: $275 E5 and Above/Retirees/DOD Civilians: $375 Contractors/Guests: $475 These new fees are effective April 1. Sign up today at the Muroc Lake Golf Course Pro Shop. Air Force HOOPS 2013: March 1–April 8. Win up to $5,000 cash – PLAY TO WIN! Get your game piece at High Desert Lanes Bowling Center or Muroc Lake Golf Course, one game piece per day, no purchase necessary while supplies last. Game pieces also awarded with the purchase of a commemorative 44oz. soda or combo meal available at the Sandbagger Grill at Muroc Lake Golf Course. Scratch-off game pieces contain either an instant win prize or a code which unlocks a random seed in the
Men’s Division 1 College Basketball Tournament, March 19-April 8. Enter the code at Instant win prizes: • Fountain Soda, Combo Meal, Hot Dog or French Fries – available at the Sandbagger Grill • Games of Bowling • Shoe Rental • HU28 Packages • Golf Course Cart Rental • Large Bucket of Balls • FSS Gift Cards valued at up to $500 • Air Force Hoops Commemorative Bowling Ball Redeem instant win prize tickets at the High Desert Lanes Bowling Center or Muroc Lake Golf Course through April 30 (all soda, hot dog, French fries or combo meal winning tickets can only be redeemed at the Sandbagger Grill at Muroc Lake Golf Course). Twilight Golf: Daily, 3 p.m.- sunset. Had a long day at work? Take a little time to relax and enjoy some golf! Our ‘Twilight Special’ is a great way to end the day, get a few holes in before dark and save money! E1-E4: $4.50 green fees E5-O3: $6.50 green fees O4-above: $7.50 green fees DOD, Contractors and guests: $7.50 green fees Carts are $5 per person Monday-Friday Special: $20, 7 a.m. – 1 p.m. Cost: $20 for 18 holes of golf, a cart and lunch Annual Membership: Are you a fre-
quent visitor to Muroc Lake Golf Course? Save some money by purchasing an annual membership. Prices vary on duty status. Want to learn how to play golf: Come learn from our club pros, Ricky Lanning and Chelsea Orozco can teach you everything you will need to know at your convenience. From longer drives to make more putts and everything in between, our pros can bring you from amateur to pro! Wi-Fi is now available at the Muroc Lake Golf Course Clubhouse. Have a broken club: You don’t want
to spend the money to buy a new one? Come see our club craftsmen to repair it at a fraction of the price. Prices vary on the damage, call (661) 275-PUTT for more information. Golf Pro Shop: Our pro shop offers special orders and yellow tag sales – stop by and check it out. Sandbagger Grill: Muroc Lake Golf Course See ANNOUNCEMENTS, Page 14
Chapel Events Holy Week Catholic March 29: Good Friday, 5 p.m., Chapel 2 March 30: Holy Saturday, 8 p.m., Chapel 2 March 31: Easter, 9 a.m., Chapel 2
Protestant March 29: Good Friday, 7 p.m., Chapel 2 March 31 Easter Gospel Service, 8 a.m., Chapel 1 March 31: Easter Combined Service, 11 a.m., Chapel 2
Pick up your copy of Desert Wings off base at the following locations: Lancaster North Valley Vet Hospital • Ave K & Sierra Highway Karen’s Kitchen • 235 W. Ave K Barber Shop • 1149 W. Ave K Superior Electronics • 43769 15th St. West Calif. State Parks Info Center • 43779 15th St. West High Desert Medical Group • 43839 15th Street West Oxford Inn • 1651 West Ave K Marie Callender’s • 1649 West Ave K Fox Field • Ave G & 50th St W Barnes Aviation • Ave G & 50th St. W Exodus Air Service • Ave G & 50th St. W Employment Office • 1420 W Avenue I Crazy Otto’s • 1228 W Avenue I DMV • 1110 W Ave I Aviation Collectibles • 45626 N. Sierra Highway VFW • 43843 Division St Metrolink Station • 44812 N. Sierra Highway Inn of Lancaster • 44131 Sierra Hwy Tire Store • 43923 N. Sierra Hwy Sammy’s Restaurant • 44139 Sierra Highway Village Grille • 44303 Sierra Highway Thai Restaurant • 44759 Sierra Highway Judy’s Cafe • 43855 Sierra Highway Sierra Jr Liquor & Market • 42145 Sierra Hwy Nico’s • 42417 Sierra Highway Brunswick Sands Bowling • 43233 Sierra Highway Uncle Sam’s Bar & Grill • 42101 Sierra Highway Aero Bending • 43328 Division Street
Hughes Elec Comm • 104 E. Avenue K-4 Sparta • 244 E. Ave K-4 EDO • 254 E. Ave K-4 Donuts Plus • 844 E Avenue K Stater Bros. • 1850 East Avenue J Country Cafe • 1748 East Avenue J American Legion • 44355 40th Street East Wing & A Prayer • 44423 90th Street East Palmcaster Rental • 850 West Avenue L8 Lancaster Deli & Liquor • 42212 10th St W # 10B HW Hunter Dodge • 1130 Auto Mall Drive AV Ford • 1155 Auto Mall Dr Sierra Toyota • 43301 12th St. West Century 21 Yarrow & Assoc • 44143 20th Street West Coldwell Banker Hartwig • 43912 20th Street West Antelope Valley Courthouse • 42011 4th Street West Edwards Federal Credit Union • 44288 N 10th St. West Sierra Medical Group • 44469 10th Street West Lancaster City Hall • 44933 Fern Avenue City Hall Aerospace Office Western Hotel • 557 West Lancaster Blvd Lancaster Post Office • 567 West Lancaster Blvd AV Chamber of Commerce • 554 West Lancaster Blvd Lancaster Public Library • 601 West Lancaster Blvd Lancaster Sheriff’s Station • 501 West Lancaster Blvd. Jalapeno Grill • 43769 15th Street West Town House Motel • 44125 Sierra Highway Campos Mexican Food • 2761 West Avenue L EZ Mail • 2763 West Avenue L
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AMPM/Arco • 2008 W Avenue I Chevron • 1860 W Avenue I Batz Liquors • 1448 W Avenue I Sandy’s Coin Wash • 1306 W Avenue I BL Liquor Store • 1304 W Avenue I Big O Tires • 1240 W Avenue I Denny’s • 1028 W Avenue I All-State • 764 W Lancaster Blvd Little Szechwan • 688 W Lancaster Blvd Bohn’s Printing • 656 W Lancaster Blvd Preferred Real Estate • 646 W Lancaster Blvd John E. Peakes Insurance • 568 W Lancaster Blvd Nick’s Pizzeria • 43755 15th St West High Desert Optometry • 43839 15th St West Barber Shop III • 2723 W Avenue L Todd Martin Salon • 2743 W Avenue L Sandy’s Coin Wash • 2863 W Avenue L All State • 1148 W Avenue I PMG Urgent Care • 44222 10th St West Rite Aid • 44226 10th St West Patty’s Cafe • 44228 10th St West Miso Sushi and Roll • 44230 10th St West H & R Block • 44232 10th St West Source One • 43770 15th St West rosamond Post Office • Chevron Ramon’s Restaurant • Ken’s Smoke Shop A.V. Pharmacy • Antelope Valley Bank Albertsons • Rite Aid • Chuck’s Pizza
Rosamond Real Estate • Dry Cleaners Sherrif’s Station • Auto Pro’s • B & K Mini Mart Kieffe & Son’s • Rosamond Hills Apts. VFW • Casino • Century 21 • Diamond Hair Chamber of Commerce • Army Recruiter mojave Jerry’s Restaurant • Mojave Desert Bank Best Western Motel • Kieffe & Son’s • Airport Flightline Scaled Composites • BAE Tower Section • Voyager Restaurant Fiberset • Incotec FTA Inc. 1326 • FTA 1224 • Xcor Co. • Mercy Air Flight Research Inc. • National Test Pilot School Off FlightLine • BAE Central Bldg. ASB Avionics 1032 Sabovich HigHway 58 CHP • Mariah Hotel caL-city Ace Hardware • Shell • Benz Sanitation Chuck’s Pizza • Ramon’s Restaurant • Rite-Aid McDonald’s • Modern Video Real Estate • Cal-City Airport • Mojave Plaza Plaza Courtyard Professional Bldg. • Cal-City Market • Fitness Center teHacHapi Benz Propane • Village Grill • Holiday Inn • K-mart Tehachapi Medical Center • Best Western Ace Hardware • Travel Lodge • Cattlemans Restaurant
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Desert Wings
March 29, 2013
ANNOUNCEMENTS, from 13 The Sand Bagger offers a large variety of meal options from our breakfast menu, Angus beef hamburgers, sandwiches, focaccia’s, Panini’s and salads. Call for more information, reservations or special functions! Daily specials are served with a side of French fries or salad and small soda. Monday: Barbecue pulled pork sandwich, slow cooked and smothered with barbecue sauce on ciabatta bread; $8.95. Tuesday: Homemade tuna salad on butter croissant with lettuce and hard-boiled egg; $7.95. Wednesday: Build your own taco salad with the choice of homemade chicken or beef and a various selection of toppings (fries and salad are not available as a side with this meal); $8.25. Thursday: Tri tip slow cooked and marinated in tequila, thinly sliced on toasted ciabatta bread, topped with Swiss cheese and sautéed mushrooms; $8.95. Friday: Nine-ounce fish fillet and chips, with a side of homemade tartar sauce and malt vinegar; $8.95.
Oasis Community Center 205 W. Popson Ave., (661) 275-CNTR Fitness Classes available at the Oasis Community Center: Zumba: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 7-7:55 p.m.; Monday and Wednesday, 10-10:55 a.m. Cost is $3 per person, per class. Twenty-five percent discount if you purchase 10-class punch card. Aerobics: Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 11 a.m.noon. Cost is $3 per person, per class. Twenty-five percent discount if you purchase a 10-class punch card. Kickboxing: Tuesday an Thursday, 11 a.m.-noon. Cost is $3 per person, per class. Twenty-five percent discount if you purchase a 10-class punch card. Monthly Instructional Classes: All classes are conduct-
ed at the Oasis Community Center. Call (661) 275-2687 for additional information. Use your PLAYpass here! • Classical Guitar Lessons: Cost $28 per half hour lesson, per student. Call for available lesson days/times. • Basic/Beginning Drum Lessons: Cost $28 per half hour lesson, per student. Call for available lesson days/times. • Piano Lessons: Cost $28 per half hour lesson, per student. Call for available lesson days/times. • Kinderfiddle (beginning violin): Cost $28 per half hour lesson, per student. Call for available lesson days/times. • Karate Class: Monday and Wednesday, 5-7 p.m. Cost is $55 per month, per person, ages 7 and up. • Hula Lessons: Thursdays, $20 per month for beginners, $25 per month for intermediate and advanced.
Private Swimming Lessons: Schedule your appointment with one of our lifeguards for a time that works for you. Cost is $10 for a 30 minute lesson, any age. Looking to learn how swim; how about improve on what you already know? Come talk to our seasoned lifeguard staff about what you want to learn and let them help you accomplish your goals, today! Horseback Riding Lessons: Variety of lessons offered. Call Outdoor Recreation for more information. Cooking Equipment: We have oil less infrared cookers and traditional fryers for only $5 a day!
Outdoor Recreation
ATA Shoots: 100= target events, April 6. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m., shoot begins at 9 a.m. Archery: Come test your equipment at our self-use Archery range! The range is FREE to those with their own equipment. If you would like to try archery and do not have equipment; equipment is available for rent at the Rod and Gun Club.
Kincheloe Ave., (661) 275-CAMP Paintball: April 6, 10 a.m.–4 p.m. $35 Paintball package includes 500 rounds, air, equipment rental and field fees $35 Airsoft package includes 2,000 rounds, equipment rental and field fees $25 Package includes air, equipment rental and field fees $10 Field fee $5 All day air Beginners thru advanced are welcome! Games run all day long so bring lunch and water. *Special – April Month of the Edwards Child: Free field fees and rental for children ages 10-18 (limit one FREE child per paying adult). Blue Fins Swim Club Junior Varsity: Monday and Wednesday, 4:30-5:30 p.m. beginning April 1. Sign up by March 29. Cost is $60. Open to ages 4-10. Blue Fins Swim Club Varsity: Monday and Wednesday, 5-6:30 p.m. beginning April 1. Sign up by March 29. Cost is $70. Open to ages 11-18.
Furniture and more For Sale!!
Rod & Gun 210 Adams Way, (661) 275-CAMP
Rosburg Fitness Center 210 W. Popson Ave.,(661) 275-GYM1 Healthy Weight Class: Thursdays, noon-1:30 p.m. Call the HAWC for more information. Tae Kwon Do: Cost: A children’s monthly pass is $65, an adult monthly pass is $70, and a daily pass is $9 per day. For more information, call Kumye Moore at (661) 8609292. Use your PLAYpass here! Personal Trainers: Cost is $40 per hour session, $25 See ANNOUNCEMENTS, Page 15
Call Paul at (661) 917-1835
#913 Wrought Iron and Steel Queen bed frame. Includes headboard, footboard, metal frame. $85
#868, #869 Antique “Mountain Maid” cedar chest. $250
#870, #872 Antique “Forest Park Line” cedar chest. $175
#912 Five Drawer Dresser $65
#914 Beautiful Nine Drawer Dresser $200
Check out the new posts at Paul’s Yard Sale:
Desert Wings
March 29, 2013
ANNOUNCEMENTS, from 14 for a half-hour session. Call to schedule your appointment and start reaching those fitness goals. For appointments, call Jeff Walden at (210) 723-2052, Johnny Johnson at (660) 233-2141 or Lauren Brandin at (210) 723-2052. Equipment Orientation Classes: Tuesday, 10-11 a.m., Wednesday, 4-5 p.m., and Thursday, 7-8 p.m. Not sure how to use equipment or what it does for you? Stop by the front desk and sign up for this one-hour class. We are here to help you get the most out of your fitness routine.
Teen Center 100 Kincheloe Ave., Bldg. 7211, (661) 275-8336 Month of the Edwards Child: Join us throughout the month of April in celebrating the Edwards child. Trip to Magic Mountain, April 2. Youth & Teen Centers Memberships: For about a dollar a day, you could have peace of mind knowing that your son or daughter is in a safe environment - an environment that fosters development in many different areas and offers constant supervision, tutoring and fun! Did you know
that the most dangerous time for youth, especially teens, are between the hours of 3 pm and 6 pm? The Youth and Teen Centers offer social opportunities and structured programming from affiliated agencies such as the Boys & Girls Clubs of America and the 4-H Club. For more information about youth & teen memberships, contact the main youth center at 275-5437. Youth & Teen Sponsorship: Are you new to the area? Will you be PCSing soon? Wouldn’t it be nice to have a friend to show your kids around base? The Air Force Youth Centers offer sponsorship for kids & teens so that every move is a seamless transition. For more information about Youth or Teen Sponsorship contact the Main Youth Center, (661) 275-5437. Super Sitters Course: Cost is $40 for course and registration, at Youth Center (Bldg. 5210). /Super Sitters courses are held every so often when at least six students are on the list. The classes are taught in two, four-hour segments, location and times will vary on availability. The course is open for youth and teens ages 11-18. Once registered, student will be notified of the next available course. Tutoring is now available at the Teen
Chapel Corner Gaining Altitude This is a weekly segment in Desert Wings to highlight a spiritual focus for the Edwards community: Through our prayers – an opportunity to pray for the needs of our community This week’s request: Pray that we would find constructive ways to deal with the stress and strain resulting from the furlough. Through our character – an opportunity to reflect on important issues in our community “The Soldier’s heart, the Soldier’s spirit, the Soldier’s soul, are everything. Unless the Soldier’s soul sustains him he cannot be relied on and will fail himself and his commander and his country in the end.” Gen. George C. Marshall, in his speech, “Morale in Modern Warfare,” 1941.
Center: The tutoring is free to members of the teen center or $5 for non-members. Each tutor (adult) is very experienced in their subject, we have tutors available in many subjects. For more information call (661) 275-TEEN or come by the Teen Center. Keystone Club: Tuesdays, 4:15 p.m. The Keystone Club is a leadership group for high school students to learn and practice leadership skills through the management of community service projects and fund raising activities.
Youth Programs 24 Lathrop Dr., (661) 275-5437 Month of the Edwards Child: Join us throughout the month of April in celebrating the Edwards child: April 1-5: School-Age Program: Jump Rope Camp April 1: Kindergarten: Day in the Park April 3: Kindergarten: Museum Visit; School-Age: Drive-in Movie April 4: Kindergarten: Museum Visit; School-Age: Drive-in Movie April 5: School-Age: Crazy Hat Day; Youth: Fitness Day School Age Programs Summer Camp Registration: For children in 1st TYHROUGH 6TH grades, registration begins 6:15 a.m., April 15. Your child must have completed one year of Kindergarten in order to be eligible. Sign up at the School-Age Annex, Bldg. 6459. Toddler Learning Center: Toddler classes at the Creative Arts Center (JZ) for ages 1-4 (older siblings are welcome). Are
you looking for a class that you & your toddler can share in? If so this is the class for you! TLC is a Mom, Pop & Tot class that allows families to learn while playing! Classes are filling fast! Call Youth Programs at (661) 275-KIDS or Ms Amy at (325) 829-5101. Boys & Girls Club Power Hour/Project Learn, Join today: Monday-Thursday, 2:45-4 p.m. Power Hour: making minutes count helps club members (ages 6-12) become successful in school by providing homework help/tutoring while encouraging members to become self-directed learners. See Ms. Jasmine for details and to sign up.
Youth Sports Contact Emil Graves, (661) 277-8961
Smart Start Baseball for 3 and 4 year olds: Registration is underway, and the season will start April 17. Cost is $35 per child. For more information, contact Emil Graves or Andrew Neises at (661) 2778961. Coaches and Umpires: Youth Sports is looking for highly motivated volunteers to coach and umpire youth baseball and softball. Contact Emil Graves or Andrew Neises at (661) 277-8961 for more information. FitFactor Fridays, 3:15-5 p.m. Join us in the Gym! Be Active and Eat Healthy to reach the FitFactor Levels and Earn Prizes! You can find more information at
I need a home ...
Through our worship opportunities – See below.
Monday-Thursday 11:30 a.m. – Catholic Mass, Chapel 2 1 p.m. – Muslim Prayer, Chapel 1 Thursday 5:30 p.m. – Wiccan/Pagan Worship, Chapel 1 Annex Friday 1:15 p.m. – Muslim Prayer, Chapel 1
Sunday 8 a.m. – Protestant Gospel Service, Chapel 1 9 a.m. – Catholic Mass, Chapel 2 11 a.m. – Protestant Traditional Service, Chapel 1 11 a.m. – Protestant Contemporary Service, Chapel 2 4 p.m. – Catholic Mass, Chapel 2
Taro is a 4-year old Retriever mix. He is very well mannered, such a good boy. You should stop by and meet him.
APET Rescue is looking for adult volunteers. If you are interested, visit APET Rescue at 615 South Forbes Avenue, or call (661) 258-9525. APET Rescue is open 4:30- 6 p.m., Monday-Friday, and 3:30-5 p.m., vSaturday and Sunday.
Desert Wings
March 29, 2013
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Desert Wings
March 29, 2013
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Misc. for Sale
CALIFORNIA CITY-15 Minutes from Edwards. 2-Story Home w/ Natural Gas. 3-Bedroom, 2.5Bath, 2-Car Garage w/Opener. Kitchen Appliances, Golf-Course Community, Near Central Park, Fenced Yard, F/P, $875/Month Pets w/Approval 760-301-2855
STAY COOL IN THE SUMMER! Save $$, (2) Compact White A/C’s, Used in Window of Room. Both Work Fantastic! $45 EachOBO Call 661-361-3236
Apartments for Rent
Available Now! ONLY $375/ Month! North Edwards, Close to Base. Spacious 1-Bedroom, 1-Bath Includes, Water & Trash Stove Fenced Yard. Call for More Information 213-200-9184
******************** Includes Tank Great Condition! 1-Yr Old, Side Burner I’m Moving, Must Sell Located In Lancaster 661-361-3236
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Beautiful and Spacious 2 Master Bedrooms/2.5 Baths/2 Car Garage. 1332 sq. ft. in Gate Community. Appliances included. Fenced Yard, Community Pool. $995/mo.
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RUMMAGE SALE Saturday, April 20th 8am - 5pm Our Lady of Lourdes Church Parish Hall 9970 Caifornia City Blvd.
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Nice 3-BR, 2-BA Fenced Backyard, Pets OK w/Approval Central A/C, Swamp Cooler
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Earn up to $40,000! Apply At: 1 888-898-8123 Notice of Public Sale Notice is hereby given that the undersigned intends to sell the personal property described below to enforce a lien imposed on said property pursuant to Sections 21700-21716 of the Business & Professions Code, Section 2328 of the UCC. Section 535 of the Penal Code and provisions of the Civil Code. The undersigned will sell at a public sale by competitive bidding on the 4th day of April at 10:00 a.m. by American Auctioneers; Bond #FS8632014, on the premises where said property has been stored and which are located at: Storage 4 Less, 2463 15th St. West, Rosamond, CA 93560 County of Kern, State of California, the following: Ricardo Vallejo Jr. – Ladder, Bikes, Fishing Pole, BBQ, Cabinet and Misc Items. Aldhei McMahon – Cabinet, Electronics, Furniture, Bags and Boxes. Ted Langford – Hobby Horse, Car Battery Charger, Tri-cycle, Boxes, Totes, Albums, Toys and Misc Items. Wesley L. Simpson – Bike, BBQ, Sink, Furniture, Fridge, Violin Case, Boxes and Misc Items. Terry Alvarez – Furniture, Trunk, Electronics, Totes and Boxes. Paul Asuncion – Step Stool, Golf Items, Pictures, Mirror, Electronics, DVDs, Misc Items and Boxes. Ronald L. Williams – Luggage, Water Cooler, Furniture and Misc Items. Enrique Lopez – BBQ, Furniture, Kitchen Appliances and Misc Items. Karen Wold –Trunk, TVs, BBQ, Clothes, Furniture, Motorized Bike, Boxes and Misc Items. Jose Lopez-Gonzalez – Table with Benches, Totes, TV and Misc Items. Lillian Moreno – Furniture, Boxes, Microwave, Vacuum and Misc Items. Jill D. Montemayor – Furniture, Totes, Clothes and Misc Items. Rick Santiago – Furniture, Car Seats, Toys, Small Hockey Table, Boxes and Misc Items. Brianna Cothern – Tires, Totes, Luggage, Bike, Clothes, Lamp, Wheel Chair, Lounge, Electronics and Misc Items. Charles Hutchinson – Dyson Vacuum, Fishing Pole, Microwave, Furniture, Boxes and Misc Items. Dawn Swink – Dresser, VCR and Boxes. Corie Bates – Furniture, Big Framed Picture, TVs, Containers, Bags and Items. Mary Glover-Schroeder – Furniture, Ladder, Suitcase, Lawnmower, Boxes, Trunk, Records, Racket, Toys and Misc Items. Rick Webb, Webb and Son Landscape – Bookcases, Books, Clothes, Magazines, Gardening Equipment and Misc Items. Brien Bogan – Tires, Furniture, TV, Totes, Jacks, Leaf Blower and Auto Stuff. Robert Del Rosso – Screen Door, Boxes, Tires and Misc Items.
Desert Wings
March 29, 2013
Notice of Public Sale Notice is hereby given that the undersigned intends to sell the personal property described below to enforce a lien imposed on said property pursuant to Sections 21700-21716 of the Business & Professions Code, Section 2328 of the UCC. Section 535 of the Penal Code and provisions of the Civil Code. The undersigned will sell at a public sale by competitive bidding on the 4th day of April, 2013 at 1:00p.m. by American Auctioneers, Bond #FS8632014, on the premises where said property has been stored and which are located at: West Side Storage, 2061 West Avenue J-8 County of Los Angeles, State of California, City of Lancaster, the following: Amy Davis: Tubs, Boxes. Rosario Flores: Furniture, Tubs, Boxes, Household. Daniel Jordan: Furniture, Tables, Bed, Misc. Thomas Motta: Tools, Tires, Gardening. Danielle Claiborne: Mattresses, TV, Kids Toys & Clothes. Victor Martin: Furniture, Household. Victor Martin: Tubs, Household, Boxes, Furniture. Marlon Morrison: Boxes, Tubs, Furniture, Household. Robert Leighton: Toolboxes, Boxes, Mattresses. Timothy Leonhardi: Industrial Racks, Desk. Tashieta Hoskins: Children’s Toys. Kourtney Youngblood: Mattresses, Boxes, Furniture.
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Desert Wings
March 29, 2013
Worship Directory To advertise in the Worship Directory, please call toll free (877) 247-9288.
Worship service 10:30 am spanish service 12:30 pm Sunday School .....................................9:00 AM Thursday Family Night ........................6:00 PM Adult Ministries • Youth Ministries • AWANA
2584 Felsite Ave., Rosamond
(661) 256-9222
Our Lady OF LOurdeS CathOLiC ChurCh
Baptist Church
evening Mass- “The supper of The Lord”
easter Mass at Our Lady of Lourdes
10173 South Loop California City
Thursday, March 28th @ 6 pm
Good Friday “Stations of the Cross”
Sunday, March 31st @ 10:30 am Spanish @ 12 noon
Ron Smith, Pastor
“Liturgy of the Passion of The Lord”
• Sunday School 10:00 am • Morning 11:00 am • Sunday Evening 6:00 pm • Wednesday 7:00 pm For transportation from Edwards AFB call
(760) 373-7314
Sunday Morning Bible Study 9:45 am Sunday Morning Service 10:45 am Sunday Evening Service 6:00 pm Wednesday Evening Service 6:00 pm 1389 Rosamond Blvd Rosamond CA, 93560
(661) 256-3245
Sunday, March 31st @ 8:15 am
easter Vigil Saturday, March 30th @ 8 pm
Our Lady Of LOurdes • 9970 California City Blvd. for details, call (760) 373-2256
Eph 4:4-6
12450 Boron ave, Boron
Friday, March 29th @ 6 pm
Independent - Fundamental
Church of Christ
easter Mass at st Joseph Mission
Friday, March 29th @ 12 pm
You’re invited to The First Baptist Church of Rosamond Ministries throughout the week for the entire family
Hope and ResuRRection LutHeRan cHuRcHes Sunday Holy Eucharist 9 am
◆ Sunday School ◆ Worship ◆ Team Kids ◆ Youth Study ◆ Promise Keepers Fellowship ◆ Women’s Bible Study
The corner of 20th and Poplar, 2 blocks from Post Office
256-2469 or 256-2244
The Rev. Wm. R. Hampton, STS K and Inyo Streets, Mojave (one block east of Carls Jr.) 909-989-3317
Edwards Air Force Base Protestant and Catholic Parish
We are a community of dedicated believers who are committed to Christ-centered worship. We welcome you to join us! Protestant Worship Schedule: Sunday 8 a.m. - Protestant Gospel Service, Chapel 1 11 a.m. - Protestant Traditional Service, Chapel 1 11 a.m. - Protestant Contemporary Service, Chapel 2 Catholic Mass Schedule: Sunday : 9 a.m. - Chapel 2 Monday-Thursday : 11:30 a.m. - Chapel 2 Confession: Sunday 3:30 p.m to 4:00 p.m (Chapel 2) Or by appointment *Memorial Chapel 1, Bldg 2700, 15 W. Popson Ave *Community Chapel 2, Bldg 6447, 10 Chamberlin Lp 661.277.2110 Or visit us on Facebook: Edwards AFB Protestant Parish / Edwards AFB Catholic Parish
Pastor Paul Chappell
Lancaster Baptist is an independent, Baptist church with a friendly, family atmosphere; compassionate vision; and strong commitment to Bible truth. We offer classes specifically designed for military families and singles, Join us this Sunday at 0830 or 1100
Only 15 minutes from Edwards South Gate: exit South Gate and turn right on Ave. E, left on 90th St. E, right on Ave. I and left on 40th E. 661.946.4663 4020 E. Lancaster Blvd. Lancaster, CA 93535