High Desert Warrior - May 3, 2013

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Spring means increased wildlife activity

Local spelling bee champ to go national

For fun and bragging rights

pg. 11

pg. 18

pg. 20

High Desert Warrior

Volume 9, Number 5

Published in the interest of the National Training Center and Fort Irwin community • www.irwin.army.mil

Monthly Observance

Every May, the Army celebrates Asian Pacific American Heritage Month to acknowledge all that this great nation has gained from Asian and Pacific American communities. From the early days of labor on the country’s railroads and farms, through the many wars of the past two centuries, to the entrepreneurial spirit of today’s leaders in every sector of American life, Asian and Pacific Americans have contributed rich chapters of struggle and success to our collective story. We are truly grateful for the lasting contributions and many sacrifices of our Asian and Pacific American Soldiers, Civilians and Family members. The NTC EO/EEO Offices and the 2916th Aviation Battalion invites the community to attend the Fort Irwin Asian Pacific Heritage Month Celebration at Sandy Basin Community Center from 10 – 11:30 a.m., May 8. The event’s guest speaker will be a Veteran of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. The unit was composed almost entirely of American Soldiers of Japanese descent who volunteered to fight in World War II, even though their families were subject to internment. The 442nd, beginning in 1944, fought primarily in Europe during World War II.

May 3, 2013

Fort Irwin pays tribute to Vietnam era Veterans

Your Installation Weed Army Community Hospital will be renovating its operating room as part of a congressionally mandated initiative to update and standardize operating suites throughout all military treatment facilities. The renovation is scheduled to begin May 20 and construction will last approximately five weeks, with a completion date scheduled for June 21. In order to align with technical advances, WACH will undergo minor upgrades and facility changes. During this time, there is expected to be minimal impact to services provided for the community. For questions about the renovation, call 380-8942.

Larry Morris (Vietnam Veteran with Army, 1966-68), Tom Burns (Vietnam Veteran with Army, 1969-72), Bob Tolliver (Vietnam Veteran with Army, 1968-71) and Terry Wood (Vietnam Veteran with Navy, 1963-66) are all smiles at the fourth “Welcome Home” ceremony hosted by the National Training Center and Fort Irwin, April 10. Morris said that the ceremony is a type of event that allows communities to recognize Vietnam Veterans for who they are and represent.

Installation holds fourth annual ceremony for approximately 250 Veterans Gustavo Bahena

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We salute, honor


Fort irwin SoldierS currently deployed Source: Directorate of Human Resources National Training Center and Fort Irwin

public Affairs office ntc and Fort irwin

The National Training Center and Fort Irwin honored Vietnam Veterans during a ceremony at this active duty Army installation in the Mojave Desert, April 10. Approximately 250 Vietnam War era Veterans came out to the “We Will Not Forget” ceremony. Families of the honorees and the Fort Irwin community attended the event, which was presided over by NTC and Fort Irwin Commander Brig. Gen. Ted Martin. Guest speaker Tom Lewis from Barstow, Calif., provided humorous and at times

emotional remarks to the crowd gathered at the post helipad under a bright, blue sky. During opening remarks, Martin thanked the Veterans for their service and for traveling to the NTC and Fort Irwin. He explained that his father served in Vietnam in 1965 and that he was never welcomed home. “He passed away before our nation ‘stood to’ and finally paid a debt that we owe all of you – which is to welcome you home from that very hard tour or tours of duty that you performed for your country, giving selflessly of your service, time and treasure,” Martin said. Martin also thanked Patriot Guard motorcycle riders and other motorcyclists for supporting funerals of fallen servicemembers from the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Before the ceremony, some of the Veterans

arrived on their motorcycles in a procession that originated at the Marine Corps Logistics Base in Barstow. Soldiers and leadership also participated in the ride that served as an escort for a bus carrying Veterans from the California Veterans Home in Barstow. One of those motorcyclists, Larry Morris, served as an Army sergeant in Vietnam from 1966 to 1968. Morris said that the ceremony is a type of event that allows communities to recognize Vietnam Veterans for who they are and represent. “Especially for combat Veterans - a lot of people don’t understand about PTSD, and finally after all these years many of us Vietnam Veterans are finally being understood better,” Morris said. “Some of us went through pretty bad ordeals and people didn’t

See Vets, page 16

Desert Warrior 2 High May 3, 2013 Army Values

wHo we Are

Brig. Gen. Ted Martin Commanding General

What employers can do to break the gossip cycle

Command Sgt. Maj. Lance P. Lehr Post CSM Col. Kurt J. Pinkerton Garrison Commander Command Sgt. Maj. Dale Perez Garrison CSM Pamela Portland Public Affairs Director

High Desert Warrior staff Gustavo Bahena, Editor (760) 380-2909 Agustin Rodriguez, Editorial Assistant agustin.rodriguez1@us.army.mil

Aerotech News Eric Jackman, Graphic Designer

HigH deSert wArrior Part 3 of 3 By John Winkfield director, equal employment opportunity ntc and Fort irwin

While regulating gossip can be very difficult, there are some things that employers can do to minimize negative gossiping and rumor mongering in the workplace: • Communicate regularly and consistently with employees. Regular communication minimizes the influence and need for

gossip because everyone is “in-the-know.” A communication vacuum is a breeding ground for gossip. • Discourage gossip in official office policy. Convey to your employees that such talk is injurious to morale and productivity and will not be tolerated. • Nip it in the bud. If an employee comes to you complaining of gossip, or if you know an employee to be a gossiper, be proactive. Tell the offender that you are aware of his or her behavior. Describe how his or her behavior negatively impacts the workplace and request a new behavior. • Incorporate employee driven group

discussions and expectations about gossiping. This gives coworkers permission to hold each other mutually accountable for having a “gossip-free” workplace. • As a supervisor or manager—do not engage in gossip yourself. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. Supervisors and managers have the responsibility of creating an environment that is safe and healthy for all their employees. When an individual or individuals are allowed to create an environment that is not conducive to the workforce, those individuals need to be held accountable.

Healthy equal opportunity environment key in unit readiness By sgt. 1st Class Darryl A. Avery equal opportunity Advisor 11th Armored cavalry regiment

This country was founded on the basic values of freedom, dignity, respect, and opportunity for all. In an ongoing struggle to ensure that these rights are enjoyed by all, we must continue to educate each other on the importance of equal opportunity. Values, attitudes and prejudices gained before enlistment or commissioning do not automatically dissolve or change when someone puts on an Army uniform. Too often these values, attitudes and prejudices can lead to the misunderstanding, frustration and suspicion of others. Knowing and accepting this will help you to understand the impact of effective EO education on command climate. A positive, proactive EO environment helps units’ effectiveness. It promotes morale, teamwork, and results in a high degree of unit cohesion and esprit de corps. People perform most efficiently in an atmosphere free of intergroup friction and discord. Therefore, a healthy EO environment is a key factor in developing and maintaining unit readiness. Army Regulation 600-20 (Army Command Policy) defines equal opportunity as: “The right of all persons to participate in and benefit from programs and activities for which they are qualified. These programs and activities will be free from social, personal, or institutional barriers that prevent people from rising to the highest level of accountability possible. Persons will be evaluated only on individual merit, fitness, For more information go to www.irwin.army.mil

capability, and potential, regardless of race, color, sex, national origin, or religion, except as prescribed by statute, or other Service policy.” This policy: (1) Applies both on and off post, during duty and non-duty hours. (2) Applies to working, living, and recreational environments (including both on and off-post housing). (3) Additionally, in some circumstances, the Equal Employment Opportunity Complaint system in AR 690–600 may provide guidance. The Army provides EO and fair treatment for Soldiers, Family members and Civilians without regard to race, color, gender, religion, national origin, and provides an environment free of unlawful discrimination and offensive behavior. Be on the look-out for weekly information posted about the Army’s EO and SHARP programs and initiatives specific to the NTC and Fort Irwin Community. Questions comments or concerns pertaining to this and future articles should be directed to the 11th ACR EO Office at 380-2513 or darryl.a.avery.mil@.mail.mil. NTC Fort Irwin Equal Opportunity Advisors: NTC Fort Irwin Equal Employment Opportunity John Winfield: 380-4961 NTC Fort Irwin Equal Opportunity Advisor Sgt 1st Class Chad Breit: 380-4963 11th ACR EOA - Sgt 1st Class Darryl Avery: 380-2513 916th Sustainment Brigade EOA - Sgt 1st Class Octavius Jackson: 380-3087

High Desert Warrior, a civilian enterprise newspaper, is an authorized publication for members of the United States Army and Fort Irwin community. Contents of this newspaper are not necessarily official view of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, Department of Defense, Department of the Army or Fort Irwin and the National Training Center. High Desert Warrior is prepared weekly by the Public Affairs Office, National Training Center and Fort Irwin, P.O. Box 105067, Fort Irwin, CA, 92310-5067. Telephone: 380-4511 or DSN 470-4511. FAX: 380-3075. High Desert Warrior is distributed Monthly 12 Months per year. It is produced at Aerotech News and Review, 456 East Avenue K-4, Suite 8, Lancaster, CA, 93535, (661) 945-5634. Printed circulation is 6,500. Aerotech News and Review is a private firm in no way connected with the Department of the Army and is responsible for the commercial advertising found in this publication. Everything advertised in this publication will be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national orientation, age, marital status, physical handicap or political affiliation of the purchaser, user or patron. A confirmed violation of this policy of equal opportunity by an advertiser will result in refusal to print advertising from that source. The appearance of advertisements in this publication does not constitute an endorsement by the Department of the Army of the products or services advertised. Printed by Aerotech News and Review, Inc. (877) 247-9288, www.aerotechnews.com.

NEWSPAPER AWARDS 2nd Place, 2009 U.s. Army IMCOM-West Newspaper Competition — Tabloid Category Honorable Mention, 2008 Dept. of the Army Maj. Gen. Keith L. Ware Newspaper Competition — Tabloid category 3rd Place, 2007 U.s. Army IMCOM-West Newspaper Competition — Tabloid Category

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Send your questions, suggestions, or problems to: 1. Your chain of command 2. ICE (Interactive Customer Evaluation) 3. CG’s Hotline: 380-5463

3 Your Community High Desert Warrior May 3, 2013

Members of “the Movement”

Photo by Gustavo Bahena, Public Affairs Office

FORT IRWIN CHILDREN PART OF A CAMPAIGN TO STOP BULLYING: Members of the Middle School Teen Center gathered at the Post Theater to watch the film “Bully,” here, March 27. The movie was presented for free as part of a community effort to stop bullying. The campaign, called “The Movement,” was formalized by Fort Irwin Garrison Commander Col. Kurt Pinkerton. The campaign is about recognizing bullying for what it is: a choice. It challenges people to stop, think and remember that their choices matter; it encourages all to treat everyone with respect and take a stand against all forms of bullying in their presence. Cortney Vaughn, Middle School Teen Center assistant director, explained that the movie viewing was a great way for teens to see the benefit of anti-bullying and combating the problem. “What’s important about sitting through and watching this movie is what they’re telling you: these are children’s lives, just like our children, who went through school and who were bullied and made decisions based on that,” Pinkerton said. Pinkerton then told the audience at the theater: “I hope, if you’re parents, you talk with your children, or if you’re children and your parents aren’t here, go home and talk to them about it.” The 2011 documentary “Bully” follows five stories of children and families, who are affected deeply by bullying during the course of a school year. With intimate glimpses into homes, classrooms, cafeterias, and principals’ offices, the movie gives insight into the real lives of bullied, ridiculed children. “Bully” will be shown free at the Town Center at 8 p.m., tonight. Watch the movie and join “The Movement.”

Alcohol Awareness month a chance to reflect on life-altering decisions Fort Irwin hosted presentations from MADD and motivational speaker Thomas R. Williams during April to highlight individual choices about drinking By Gustavo Bahena public Affairs office, ntc and Fort irwin

The month of April was Alcohol Awareness month – an observance started in 1987 by the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Inc. According to the NCADD, the April campaign is an effort to increase public awareness and understanding aimed at reducing the stigma associated with alcoholism that may prevent individuals and families from seeking help. Information at the NCADD Web site points out that more than 18 million individuals or 8.5 percent of Americans suffer from alcohol-use disorders. The NCADD also states that 25 percent of children in the United States have been exposed to alcohol-use disorders in their family. According to the NCADD, the economic cost of alcoholism and alcohol abuse has recently been estimated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to be $223.5 billion ($746 per person) or about $1.90 per drink. Researchers found the costs largely resulted from losses in workplace productivity (72 percent), health care expenses caused by excessive drinking (11 percent), law enforcement and other criminal justice expenses related to excessive alcohol consumption (9 percent), and motor vehicle crash costs from impaired driving (6 percent). An organization that actively campaigns about the dangers of driving while intoxicated is Mothers Against Drunk Driving. Representa-

tives from MADD spoke to Soldiers on this installation during two presentations, April 11. The presenters had something in common with the founder of MADD – they had loved ones killed by drunk drivers. This disheartening reality made the presenters’ stories very poignant and makes their passion for the campaign strong. They told Soldiers, “We’re like bulldogs” and “We want these people put away for life.” – in reference to seeking justice in cases against drunk drivers. Following the MADD presentation, Thomas R. Williams provided a motivational brief to the audience. He played professional football for five years, but retired in August 2012 after a career-ending injury. The 28-year-old Williams spoke about challenges he faced when playing professionally and explained about one occasion when he turned to alcohol after being cut from the New England Patriots. He questioned himself, “Why did it have to happen to me? I’m the one who put in the time. I’m the one who sacrificed. I’m the one who was committed, dedicated. I did my prayers. It didn’t work

out – why?” He said he went out and bought a “bottle of forget,” or Crown Royal liquor, and proceeded to finish the bottle in his home. “I’ll never forget the feeling when that last drop left the bottle and I didn’t have enough to get to where I was trying to go – which was to forget completely about everything,” Williams said. “And God put in my heart: ‘What are you running from? You’re problems are still going to be there. Whatever you’re trying to escape, whatever you’re trying to leave – they’re still going to be here.’” Williams said that from that point forward he understood that life is meant to be lived. He realized that alcohol was nothing but depression and that it takes away from life. “What you’re fighting for, alcohol will take it away,” Williams told the Soldiers. “And I’m not trying to tell anybody how to live their life, I’m just sharing with you how I decided to live mine. I’m here today to tell you that you’re that good. You don’t have to add anything to it.”

Courtesy photo

Thomas R. Williams, ex-NFL player and motivational speaker, met with Soldiers from the Warrior Transition Unit - Company A during a visit to Fort Irwin, April 11. During a presentation, Williams thanked Soldiers for fighting for his freedom. “Without you I could not have gone to college, been drafted by USC, and played in the NFL,” Williams said. “Thank you from the bottom of my heart for what you do, because you are all my heroes.” For more information go to www.irwin.army.mil

Desert Warrior 4 High May 3, 2013 Legal

Bad decisions By Capt. steven shim

trial counsel SJA, ntc and Fort irwin

People today like to make light of the things people do and say after they’ve had too much to drink. Most people probably laughed when Vince Vaughn’s character in the movie “Wedding Crashers” said, “let’s get drunk and make some bad decisions,” as if it was something to brag about. It’s not. Those “bad decisions” have lasting consequences. In one Soldier’s case, the consequences were life changing. Staff Sgt. Christopher Cabrera is a Soldier in the Army Reserves. He enlisted out of high school, and deployed three times. He was a top performer in his unit. During one deployment he was personally selected by a major general to serve on his personal security detachment. In the general’s opinion, Cabrera performed at the level of some lieutenant colonels. He wanted to try out for Special Forces.

Everyone agreed that he was on the fast track and had a real future in the Army. Prior to his last deployment, Cabrera was activated to go on temporary duty to obtain an additional skill identifier for his military occupational specialty. While TDY, he was selected as the class leader. During that course, he would make a series of fateful decisions that would jeopardize his career and change his life forever. One weekend, Cabrera took a pass with two of his female Soldiers, a specialist and a sergeant. Even though they were his subordinates, he decided to share a hotel, socialize and drink with them. After a night of drinking, dancing and barhopping, one of the Soldiers got really drunk; so drunk that Cabrera had to help carry her back to their hotel room. Cabrera made his first mistake when he dropped his professionalism and

decided to get drunk with his Soldiers. The second and most serious mistake occurred when he decided to put his own desires ahead of the welfare of his Soldier. The Army expects good noncommissioned officers to take care of their Soldiers. The staff sergeant knew his Soldier was extremely vulnerable because she was so drunk. Instead of taking her back to the hotel room and making sure nothing happened to her, he took advantage of her. The victim’s battle buddy tried to step in. The specialist told Cabrera that it would be wrong to try to have sex with the victim while she was drunk. But he didn’t care. He waited until the specialist went to sleep, and had sex with the victim anyway. To answer for his crimes, Carbera was involuntarily called to active duty and assigned to Fort Irwin for six months. This past February, he was tried by a General Court-Martial.

Cabrera pled guilty to maltreatment of a subordinate and committing an indecent act. He was sentenced to 18 months confinement and a bad conduct discharge. The sentence also requires total forfeiture of all pay and allowances and reduction to the grade of E-1. Despite his honorable service during three deployments, Cabrera is no longer eligible for most benefits, including the post-9/11 GI Bill. If he paid into the Montgomery GI Bill, he lost that. Additionally, he will most likely not receive any benefits at all from the Department of Veterans Affairs. With a bad conduct discharge on his DD214 form, and a felony conviction, finding civilian employment will probably be very hard. Cabrera went out and made some “bad decisions.” Don’t follow in his footsteps. Take care of each other, do what’s right, and stay out of jail.

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5 Legal

High Desert Warrior May 3, 2013

Article 32(b) provides soldiers with UCMJ rights By sgt. John Lemus paralegal, trial defense Service SJA, ntc and Fort irwin

It is very important for Soldiers to know their rights when being accused of committing a crime under the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Soldiers’ rights are most commonly referred to as “Article 32(b) rights” and can be found in the UCMJ. Briefly, these rights are: (1) the right to be informed of the charges against you; (2) the right to be told your accuser; (3) the right to be represented by counsel; (4) the right to be told of the witnesses and evidence against you; (5) the right against selfincrimination (i.e. the right to remain silent); (6) the right to have witnesses produced on your behalf; (7) the right to produce evidence, and; (8) the right to make a statement in any form. All of these rights afford Soldiers the opportunity to defend themselves. The right to be informed of the charges against you is in place because how could


you possibly produce evidence to protect yourself if you don’t know what you’re being accused of? The right to be informed of your accuser was established so no one could, without consequences to themselves, anonymously ruin someone else’s life by making wild accusations. The right to be represented by counsel was established to provide you with a specifically trained legal expert to speak on your behalf at no cost to you. The right to be informed of the witnesses and evidence against you allows you to prepare an effective defense. The right against self-incrimination requires the government to prove its case against you with evidence that doesn’t come from you. The right to produce witnesses

and other evidence enables you to defend yourself. The right to make a statement in any form allows you to plead your own case and explain your own actions in any way you want, including through silence. Imagine a private takes Christmas leave for 30 days, and upon his return, his commanding officer calls him into his office. The CO informs the Soldier that he is suspected of abusing illegal substances. The CO questions the private and says that he is issuing a lawful command that requires answering the questions. The CO informs the Solider that his accuser’s name is not important, because it will have no effect on any punishment issued. The CO finishes by telling the private that he will be afforded the opportunity to speak with

legal counsel only after an appointment is arranged. What should have happened? First, if the CO suspects the private committed an act of misconduct, he should have read the rights mentioned above and then asked the Soldier to waive those rights and make a statement. Without being read his rights, the Soldier might not be aware of the fact that he does not have to answer any of the CO’s questions or make any statements, and that he can go immediately for legal advice. Though the private is generally subject to his CO’s lawful commands, the command to “spill it” in this case is unlawful. The CO also did not disclose the accuser’s identity. The CO has gained evidence that likely can’t be used in court against the Soldier. If you have any questions about this article or your rights, visit the Trial Defense Service in building 288 or call 380-3282.

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7 Community Calendar High Desert Warrior May 3, 2013

For additional events and on-going, scheduled activities see the Community Calendar at www.irwin.army.mil or the FMWR site at http://fortirwinfmwr.com/

ONGOING SKIES Unlimited encompasses instructional programs for children and youth ranging from six weeks old to adolescence. Sign up your child for Reading and Math tutoring, Piano and Vocal lessons, Karate or Dance. Call 380-7751 for schedules and pricing.

MAy 3 “Bully” movie showing. 8 p.m. Town Center. Free PG-13 movie presentation in support of “The Movement” to end bullying on Fort Irwin. Drinks and food sales available. 380-6880.

MAy 3-5 Country Fair In The Sand. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Commissary. Mini-case lot sale. Food, produce, plants/flowers, paper products, baby products and more. May 4 will have country fair themed activities. 380-3560.

MAy 6-8 Post-Wide Spring Clean Up. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Installation-wide clean up as part of the ongoing NTC initiative to enhance the appearance of cantonment and housing areas.

MAy 10 • Mothers Day Tea Party. 3:30-5:30 p.m. Middle School Teen Center. A chance for mom’s to enjoy tea and snacks with their children. Door prizes. Call 3803732 by May 6 to reserve your spot. • Military Spouse Appreciation Day. 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Exchange (mall area). Military spouses, let us say “Thank you,” for the vital role you play in keeping our Army strong. Join Army Community Service as we celebrate you and all you do.

MAy 10 AND 12 Seafood Roadshow. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Commissary. Purchase lobster, crab legs, shrimp, salmon and more. 380-3560.

MAy 11 • Wienermobile visit. 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Commissary. Re-visit childhood memories and make new ones with your kids while visiting this iconic vehicle. 380-3560. • Hike To The Hollywood Sign. Outdoor Recreation. Sign up by May 4. Adults, $25; kids up to 13 years, $18. Call 380-4327 by May 4 to register and inquire about other trips in Southern California.

MAy 12-18 Coupon Contest. Commissary. For every transaction with $50 or more in coupon savings, you’ll receive one raffle ticket for an opportunity to win a flat screen TV. Use your rewards card in conjunction with paper coupons to receive two tickets. 380-3560.

April 2013 Middle school and teen Center events: Middle School Activities May 1 Leadership Day Classes, Girl Scout book drive (May 1-15) May 2 Paparazzi Club, Cooking Club May 3 “The Bully Project” movie showing in the Town Center at 8 p.m. May 8 Leadership Day classes: SMART Girls, Passport to Manhood, Torch Club, Keystone Club, Youth Resiliency Class May 9 Paparazzi Club, Cooking Club May 10 Mother’s Day Tea, 3:30-5:30 p.m. May 15 Leadership Day classes, Youth Resiliency class May 16 Paparazzi Club, Cooking Club May 17 A Mid Summer’s Night in Paris Ball in sup-

Worship services Catholic Mass Center Chapel Sunday, 9 a.m. Contemporary Protestant Center Chapel Sunday, 11 a.m. Multi-cultural Gospel Center Chapel Sunday, 1 p.m. Traditional/Liturgical Protestant Blackhorse Chapel Sunday, 10 a.m. Latter Day Saints Blackhorse Chapel Sunday, noon Catholic Daily Mass and Confessions Center Chapel Thursday, 11:30 a.m. Islamic Prayer Jumah/Congregational Prayer Center Chapel Friday, 1 p.m.

port of the Anti-Bullying Movement campaign May 20-22 Volleyball Tournament May 22 Leadership Day classes May 23 End of School Year bash May 28 Summer Camp begins May 28-31 Fearless Summer Camp week May 29 Leadership Day classes Teen Activities May 3 Teen Night: Basketball Night May 4 Teen Night: Basketball Night May 10 Teen Night: Billiards Night May 11 Teen Night: Billiards Night May 17 Teen Night: Volleyball Night May 31 Teen Night: Basketball Night

Chapel Activities Salah Magrib Center Chapel annex Monday-Friday, 7:30 p.m. Earth Based Center Chapel annex Tuesday, 4 p.m. Jewish Service Center Chapel Holy Days; 380-3562

Chapel Activities Protestant Women of the Chapel Center Chapel Tuesday, 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. Mothers of Preschoolers Center Chapel Second and fourth Wednesday, 9 a.m. AWANA Center Chapel Wednesday, 4 p.m. Military Council of Catholic Women Center Chapel Thursday, 9 a.m.

Middle and High School Youth Group Center Chapel annex Sunday, 6-8 p.m. High School Leadership Center Chapel annex Monday, 6-8 p.m. Operation Helping Hand Center Chapel 380-3562/3440 Men’s Bible Study Blackhorse Chapel annex First and fourth Thursday, 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Pacific Islander Bible Study/Fellowship Blackhorse Chapel annex Sunday, 4:30 p.m. Phone numbers: Installation chaplain: 380-3562/3440 11th ACR chaplain: 380-4913 Operations Group chaplain: 380-6048

MAy 18 Start Smart class for teen drivers. 1 p.m. CHP office at 300 E. Mountain View in Barstow. Free class on driving for teenagers. Learn about responsibilities of driving and rules of the road. Sign up by May 15. (760) 255-8706.

MAy 19 Tour de Irwin bicycle race. 6 a.m. Outdoor Recreation. The 41-mile race: categories include ages 13-35, 36-45 (masters) and 46+ (silver). The 10.5-mile fun race: categories include ages 13-35, 36-45 and 46+. The 2.5 mile youth race: for ages 12 and younger. Team racing available for the 41-mile race. 380-4327.

MAy 24 Soldier Show. Freedom Fitness Center. Everyone is welcome to enjoy this fantastic, high-energy performance packed with singing, dancing, and a whole lot of HOOAH! 380-3685.

JUNe 8 • Cali Swag Car Show III. 10 a.m-4 p.m.Town Center and Jack Rabbit Park. Free and open to the public. Pre-registration, $25; same-day registration, $30. Categories in cars, motorcycles, trucks, people’s choice and best of show. Call (760) 267-1726 or email at ftirwinboss@gmail.com • Ludacris concert. Army Field.

KNTC “The Heat”at 88.3 FM Mon. 8-9 a.m. — “Flashback to the 80’s” Song requests can be sent to 80swithKate@ gmail.com Tue., 8-9 a.m. — “Garrison Community Updates” with J & J in the Morning Tue., 12-1 p.m. — “Chitchat” with Silvia & Shea Wed., 7:30-9 a.m. — “Cruiz’n with Gus and Newsmakers” Wed., 12-1 p.m. — “11th ACR Hour” Wed., 2:30 p.m. — “Col. Pinkerton’s Facebook Roundup” Thurs., 8 a.m.-9 a.m. — “Renita’s Rewind Hour” Thurs. 12-1 p.m. — “The TNT Hour” with Tony Untalan

May 3 7 p.m. The Call (R) May 4 6 p.m. Dead Man Down (R) May 5 4 p.m. The Incredible Burt Wanderstone (PG-13) 7 p.m. Admission (R) May 6 7 p.m. 21 & Over (R) May 10 7 p.m. G.I. Joe: Retaliation (PG-13) May 11 4 p.m. The Croods 3D (PG) 7 p.m. The Host (PG-13) May 12 4 p.m. The Croods 3D (PG) 7 p.m. G.I. Joe: Retaliation (PG-13) May 13

7 p.m. Olympus has Fallen (R) May 17 7 p.m. Evil Dead (R) May 18 4 p.m. The Croods 3D (PG) 7 p.m. 42 (PG-13) May 19 4 p.m. The Croods 3D (PG) 7 p.m. Jurassic Park 3D (PG-13) May 20 7 p.m. Evil Dead (R) May 24 7 p.m. Jurassic Park 3D (PG-13) May 25 4 p.m. Cars 2 3D (G) May 26 4 p.m. Cars 2 3D (G)

Tickets: Adult - $5.00/3D-$7.00, Children 6-11 - $2.50/3D-$4.50 Five and Under are FREE. This schedule is subject to change at the last minute to accommodate changes in movies and free showings. ID cards are required from all personnel not in uniform when purchasing movie tickets. For more information and movie updates, call 380-3490.

For more information go to www.irwin.army.mil

Desert Warrior 8 High May 3, 2013 Your Installation

Respite Care benefit available for eFMP Families dures including changes in eligibility criteria and Family Services Needs Matrix. An EFMP Respite Care panel was established to review and recommend approval or exceptional Family Member program Manager Army community Service, ntc and Fort irwin disapproval of all respite care submissions to the garrison commander, who is the decision authority. The Exceptional Family Member Program offers ReRespite Care procedures: spite Care as a temporary rest period for Family members • Family completes Department of the Army form 5189 responsible for regular care of persons with disabilities. “Application for Respite Care for Children and Adults Respite Care may be provided in the EFMP Respite Care with Disabilities” user’s home or other settings, such as special needs camps • Provide copy of EFMP summary to EFMP manager and enrichment programs. Respite Care is not an entitle- to verify enrollment status ment or a guaranteed benefit; it is time-limited and based • An individual Respite Care plan is completed on the Exceptional Family Member’s medical condition • A Family needs assessment is completed and availability of funding. Eligibility is based on EFMP • A Family Services Needs Matrix is completed enrollment and the EFM’s severe chronic conditions or • The primary care physician is given a DA form significant medical needs. 4700 “Medical Record-Supplemental Medical Data” to The EFMP standardized and streamlined the process complete, along with written guidance on respite care for delivering Respite Care to eligible Families in need eligibility. of support. The intent is to ensure EFMP Respite Care Relatives or friends living in the home of the serviceis effectively managed and Family members with severe, member and EFM will not be authorized to be paid as chronic medical conditions and significant medical needs respite care providers. Family members who knowingly have access to quality Respite Care services. In an effort provide false information will have Respite Care services 9.5 in. to enhance service delivery to EFMP-enrolled Families, discontinued immediately. Servicemembers who knowIMCOM revised EFMP Respite Care policies and proce- ingly provide false information to obtain respite care By evelyn Villalobos

services may be subject to disciplinary action for offenses under the Uniform Code of Military Justice. For more information regarding EFMP or EFMP Respite Care, contact Evelyn Villalobos at 380-3698 or evelyn.sandovalvillalobos.civ@mail.mil.


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9 Safety

High Desert Warrior May 3, 2013

Life of the party, death on the streets Dave Key Safety director, ntc and Fort irwin

Every day, almost 30 people in the United States die in motor vehicle crashes that involve an alcoholimpaired driver. This amounts to one death every 48 minutes. The following is some information to consider before you begin enjoying beverages at home or at an event: • Prior to drinking alcohol, designate a nondrinking driver when you’re with a group • Alcohol impairs judgment. If you’re hosting a party where alcohol will be served, designate a responsible person to remain sober. The sober person ensures that guests don’t drive impaired. • If you know someone has been drinking, give them a ride home or call a taxi. • Most people that have been drinking are persistent about not being impaired and will ensure you that they are “Ok” to drive. Blood alcohol concentration levels as low as .02 affects driving ability and crash likelihood. The chance of a crash

begins to increase significantly at .05 BAC and rapidly after .08 BAC. California’s Laws • California has the strictest impaired driving laws in the nation. A license suspension or revocation occurs immediately upon arrest for a person driving with a BAC of 0.08 or more. Commercial drivers are deemed impaired with a BAC of 0.04 or higher. • Felony driving under the influence charges result when a serious injury is caused and/or when an individual is charged with a fourth DUI within a 10-year period. It also applies to a person that has been charged with a DUI and has a prior felony conviction within 10 years. • If a driver is convicted of a DUI involving an accident that results in great bodily injury, a “strike” under the Three Strikes Law can be administered. • California has an implied consent law. A driver can be arrested for DUI if the individual refuses to submit a breath, blood, or urine sample to a law enforcement officer.

• California has a “Under 21 Juvenile DUI Zero Tolerance Law.” A driver under 21 years of age convicted of driving with a .01 BAC or higher will result in a one year driver’s license suspension. If the underage driver is convicted of driving with a BAC of .05 or higher, two points will be added to the driving records. Impaired Driving Statistics • Most DUI convictions on Fort Irwin involve a BAC well above the legal limit. The national BAC average of a convicted DUI offender is 0.15. • The average age of a person arrested for DUI in California is 30 years old. Less than one percent of all DUI arrests involved persons under age 18. Just over eight percent were under 21 years of age. • 34 percent of fatality accidents involving alcohol were between 21 and 24 years of age and most were males. The proportion of females convicted of DUI has risen consistently every year since 1989. • Nearly half of the alcohol-impaired motorcyclists killed each year are age 40 or older. Motorcyclists ages 40-44 have the highest percentage of

deaths with BAC’s of 0.08 or greater. • Drivers with a BAC of 0.08 or higher involved in fatal crashes were four times more likely to have a prior DUI conviction.

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11 Your Environment High Desert Warrior May 3, 2013

Happily coexisting with wildlife in the desert Spring season wildlife issues to know about on Fort Irwin By Heidi Jo erickson wildlife Biologist, directorate of public works ntc and Fort irwin

Wildlife activity at the National Training Center and Fort Irwin is increasing as winter has transitioned into spring. Near the end of March, reptiles within the Mojave Desert emerged from winter dormancy. Most reptiles at Fort Irwin pose no threat to human safety and the only snakes in California considered dangerous to humans are rattlesnakes. All rattlesnakes have a rattle at the end of their tails and triangular heads, which are noticeably larger than the neck. In contrast, the 13 species of non-venomous snakes at Fort Irwin have tapered tails with heads about the same width as the neck. Fewer than 20 rattlesnake bites have

been reported since the inception of the NTC in 1979. The risk of rattlesnake bites is extremely low when considering nearly five million Soldiers, contractors, and federal civilians have passed through the NTC. Most snake bites occur when untrained individuals attempt to capture or kill the snake or do not follow safety precautions. In general, snakes only bite when they feel threatened and will often retreat into the desert when left alone. However, a rattlesnake in or near a building is a legitimate safety concern. Springtime is also a busy period for birds. The breeding season for many birds in the Mojave peaks in spring but nesting continues throughout the summer. Most native birds in the Mojave build open cup nests. However, a common non-native species, the European starling, nests inside cavities. They are particularly fond of attic vents found

See WILDLIFe, page 12

Photo by DPW, NTC and Fort Irwin

Sidewinder rattlesnake

For more information go to www.irwin.army.mil

Desert Warrior 12 High May 3, 2013 Your Environment from WILDLIFe, page 11 on houses. Residents should make sure protective screening is in place on attic vents during the spring breeding period.

If not, you will likely get a noisy, messy starling nesting in your attic. Once you have an attic nest, coordination between DPW Environmental, All-Pro Pest Con-

Photo by U.S. Fish and Wildlife

European starling.

trol, and Pinnacle Housing is required to remove the nest before vents can be re-screened. One of the most serious wildlife issues at Fort Irwin is humans subsidizing food for coyotes and ravens. Not only is it against Army regulations to intentionally feed any wildlife, but feeding coyotes often has unfortunate consequences. Coyotes fed by humans lose their natural fear of people and can become aggressive. Once this happens the animal must be captured and euthanized so that it doesn’t bite an adult or child. Many coyotes living near cantonment become infected with mange, an infectious parasite that causes skin disease. Some citizens feel sorry for these animals and give them food to be “kind.” However, negative consequences for both the coyote and the human community far outweigh benefits a coyote gets from such handouts. Often, a “fed coyote is a dead coyote.” People can practice some basic precautions to reduce negative interactions with wildlife. Ravens, coyotes, and small mammals thrive on human trash. Con-

centrations of small mammals, in turn, attract snakes. Properly disposing of trash and keeping dumpster lids closed dramatically reduces negative wildlife encounters. Because rattlesnakes are nocturnal, ambush-predators that sit and wait for prey to walk by, it is a good practice to wear boots and long pants when camping or hiking in the desert, especially at night. Snakes, bird nests and coyotes account for most of the nuisance wildlife calls to DPW Environmental. Other common wildlife reports include desert tortoise sightings, injured or baby animals, feral burros in the cantonment area, and an occasional bobcat. In most cases, wild animals will leave you alone if you leave them alone. However, if a wild animal becomes a safety issue, you can call DPW Environmental at 380-5044 for assistance (Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.). Assistance after business hours is coordinated within cantonment through the Fort Irwin Police Station by calling 380-4444 and in training areas through Range Operations at 380-3878.


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Desert Warrior 14 High May 3, 2013 Your Installation

Fort Irwin Garrison Facility Holiday Hours for Memorial Day, May 27 Exchange Exchange Main Store building 918: 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Starbucks building 323: 6 a.m.-1 p.m. Starbucks Town Center: 7 a.m.-6 p.m. 24 Hour Express building 34: Normal operating hours Einstein Bagel building 21: 7 a.m.-noon Blackhorse Shoppette: Closed Taco Bell building 21: 10:30 a.m-7 p.m. MCS: 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Manchu Wok building 21: 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Dust Bowl Troop Store: Closed Burger King building 979: 7 a.m.-9 p.m. Class 6 building 5112: 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Popeye’s building 979: 10:30 a.m.-9 p.m. Service Station building 909: 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Anthony’s Pizza building 918: 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Theater building 310: Closed Charley’s building 918: 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Dust Bowl Burger King: Closed Baskin Robbins building 918: 11 am-6 p.m. Furniture Store building 308: 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Robin Hood building 918: Closed Subway: 7 a.m.-7 p.m. Pizza Hut: 11 a.m.-7 p.m. Brigade Quarter Master: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Bradley’s Monogram: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Firestone: 9 a.m.-4 p.m. GNC: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Barber Shop: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Stylique Salon: 10 a.m.-5 p.m.

Dental Clinic: Closed Enterprise Car Rental: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Bradley’s Alterations: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Game Stop: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. LC/DC: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Petal and Blooms: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Comics and Cards: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Oasis Day Spa: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Premier Group/Penske: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. MWR ACS Barstow Outreach Center: Closed ACS, building 109: Closed ACS, building 1317: Closed Arts & Crafts Center, building 976: Closed Auto Craft Shop, building 910: Closed CDC, building 4150: Closed CYSS Admin, building 1317: Closed CYSS Parent Central building 109: Closed DFMWR, building 1317: Closed FCC, building 1313: Closed Freedom Fitness Center, building 362: 6 a.m.-9:30 p.m. Hawaiian BBQ, building 127: Closed HIRED! & Edge, building 1300: Closed Ingall’s Recreation, building 361: Closed Irwin Event & Catering Center, building 37: Closed J&J Mexican, building 6074: Closed King Leroy’s Burgers & Fries, building 127: Closed Leisure Travel, building 976: Closed Library, building 331: Closed

Memorial Fitness Center, building 322: Closed MST, building 1315: Closed Oasis Pool, building 325: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Outdoor Recreation, building 4100: Closed SAC, building 1322: Closed Sam Adams Grille, building 37: Closed SFAC, building 1034: Closed Sgt Fuzz Buddies, building 978: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Shockwave, building 272: Closed SKIES, building 128: Closed Special Events Group, building 976: Closed Strike Zone, building 905: 8 a.m.-9 p.m. Warrior Zone, building 361: Closed Youth Sports/Fitness Connection, building 127: Closed Other DECA: Commissary: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Dining Facilities: Both open normal hours MEDDAC: Mary E. Walker Center and ancillary clinics closed. Emergencies proceed to the Emergency Room at Weed Army Community Hospital. For appointments call (866) 460-5305. Dental Clinic: Closed May 24 and 27 Veterinarian Clinic: Closed May 24 and 27 Emergencies: (760) 217-3853 Post Office: Closed RCI: Closed Pinnacle: Closed. However, Sandy Basin Pool is open 10 a.m.-7 p.m. DHR, ID Cards/DEERS: Closed

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National Training Center and Fort Irwin Commander Brig. Gen. Ted Martin and wife, Stephanie Martin, wave to Vietnam Veterans and Soldiers arriving by motorcycle to the NTC and Fort Irwin, April 10.

Photo by Pamela Portland, PAO Director

Vietnam Veterans and Soldiers arrive to the National Training Center and Fort Irwin for a Welcome Home ceremony honoring Veterans of the Vietnam War era, April 10.

Photo by Pamela Portland, PAO Director

Photo by Gustavo Bahena

from vets, page 1

understand that type of thing and they started labelin Over the years, the decades, the population has separ [servicemember], and I think that’s a huge thing – in the politics part of it. I’m really glad to see that.” Gary Bell, who made the trip from his home in Uta served four years with the Marines from 1965 to 19 Vietnam. Welcome home ceremonies were not held b “I couldn’t even wear my uniform when I came hom down on us,” said Bell. “This [ceremony] salutes the V before.” Bell’s daughter, Dianna Ross of Barstow, wanted ceremony this year. “I thought it would be a really good experience for h to this event before, and I knew he would really enjoy wonderful people, who have served our country.” Some Vietnam Veterans continued to serve the Arm uniform. One such Veteran, Bobby Gumz, served in from 1968 to 1969. In 1981 he came to the NTC a supporting the training mission as a contractor emp

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him,” Ross said. “I’ve been it. You get to meet a lot of

my after they hung up their n Vietnam with the Army and Fort Irwin and began ployee. He was director of

Training Support Division when he passed away Dec. 12, 2012. During the ceremony, an American flag was folded by members of the Fort Irwin Sergeant Audie Murphy Club in honor of Gumz. His wife Beverly was presented the flag by NTC and Fort Irwin Command Sgt. Maj. Lance P. Lehr. The narrator for the ceremony provided the audience with the following commentary: “On behalf of the President of the United States, the U.S. Army, and a grateful nation, please accept this flag as a symbol of our appreciation for your loved one’s honorable and faithful service.” After the ceremony, Veterans were treated to a lunch where they got to socialize with fellow Veterans, servicemembers and civilians. Stories were swapped, laughs shared and words of wisdom imparted. Charlie Ross, a Veteran living at the Barstow Veterans Home, enjoyed a sandwich and potato salad as he spoke about being drafted and serving one year in Vietnam, from 1969 to 1970. Originally from Baton Rouge, La., when he returned from the war he became a traveling musician, playing guitar until he retired. In 2005, hurricane Katrina forced him to leave Louisiana and he came out west. He’s been living at the Veterans Home for seven years. The cheerful, smiling gentleman appreciated that day’s events and thanked today’s servicemembers. “A heartfelt thanks to all active duty troops stationed at Fort Irwin and overseas,” Ross said. “May God be with you.” Photo by Gustavo Bahena

Left: Vietnam Veterans are greeted by fire fighters with Station 11 and 12 of the Fort Irwin Fire Department, April 10. RIGHt: Sergeant Audie Murphy Club member Sgt. 1st Class Jeremy Lovell walks with a folded flag in honor of Bobby Gumz, who served in Vietnam with the Army from 1968 to 1969. Gumz was director of Training Support Division, here, when he passed away Dec. 12, 2012. Photo by Gustavo Bahena

Photo by Gustavo Bahena Photo by Gustavo Bahena

ABOVe: A motorcycle rider passes Fort Irwin fire fighters and their truck during his ride to a welcome home ceremony honoring Vietnam Veterans, April 10. fAR Left: Gary Bell made the trip from his home in Utah to attend a Fort Irwin ceremony honoring Vietnam Veterans, April 10. He served four years with the Marines from 1965 to 1969, and had two tours to Vietnam. Welcome home ceremonies were not held back then, he said. “I couldn’t even wear my uniform when I came home, because people looked down on us,” said Bell. “This [ceremony] salutes the Vets who didn’t get saluted before.” Left: John Dawson (Vietnam Veteran with Marines, 1967-69) and Charlie Ross (Vietnam Veteran with Army, 1969-70) attended a ceremony honoring Vietnam Veterans, here, April 10. Both men live at the California State Veterans Home in Barstow, Calif. RIGHt: National Training Center and Fort Irwin Command Sgt. Maj. Lance P. Lehr presents a folded flag to Beverly Gumz, widow of Bobby Gumz. He was director of Training Support Division when he passed away Dec. 12, 2012 and had supported the training mission, here, as a contractor employee since 1981.

Photo by Gustavo Bahena

Photo by Gustavo Bahena

Desert Warrior 18 High May 3, 2013 Youth in Motion

Fort Irwin eighth grader to compete at scripps National spelling Bee story and photos by Gustavo Bahena public Affairs office, ntc and Fort irwin

Because she is a voracious reader, perhaps it’s no surprise that Zerin Wetzel, 13 years old, is a regional spelling bee champ and scheduled to compete at the national level, May 27. Zerin will be attending the Scripps National Spelling Bee with her dad, Maj. Kevyn Wetzel, chief of orthodontics with United States Army Dental Clinic Command, here. Zerin’s road to Washington D.C., began with success at Fort Irwin Middle School, where she attends the eighth grade. She placed second at the district level and went on to win a regional event. Her last triumph qualified her for a trip to the nation’s capital. She is nervous about the competition, but has an ease with words she has attained through reading. “I just read a lot, so I have a lot of words in my memory,” Zerin said. The self-described avid reader has completed all the “Harry Potter” books and the “Lord of the Rings” series. Her favorite subject in school is language arts and she has an interest in being a fantasy writer. “Since literature and language arts are Zerin’s favorite subjects, it follows that spelling comes pretty naturally for her,” her father explained. “Zerin has always enjoyed doing things that she is good at, so even though she has had to overcome initial nervousness, she likes the challenge of the spelling bee.” According to the Web site of the Bee (as the competition is affectionately known) the event is the nation’s largest and

longest-running educational promotion, administered on a not-for-profit basis by The E.W. Scripps Company and local spelling bee sponsors in the United States, American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Department of Defense Schools in Europe; also, the Bahamas, Canada, China, Ghana, Jamaica, Japan and South Korea. The purpose of the program is to help students improve their spelling, increase their vocabularies, learn concepts, and develop correct English usage that will help them all their lives. The Bee’s Web site provides students with some preparation tips, two of which are: 1) Read great books. You’ll be entertained while you effortlessly improve your spelling and increase your vocabulary. 2) Scour the dictionary in search of words to stump your parents and teachers. Zerin’s training regimen includes reading the dictionary and her dad explained that he has helped set up a study schedule and encourages her to tackle study aids a little at a time. “We know that no matter how things go at the national bee, if she has made a strong effort to prepare, she will be pleased with her performance,” Zerin’s dad stated. Wilson Malana, Zerin’s eighth grade social studies and history teacher at FIMS, has helped three students (including his two sons) who have participated at the Bee. He has provided Zerin with information on the competition and on the type of review materials she would find useful. Malana mentioned that Zerin’s love of reading is a strength that should help her; her academics are also an indicator of a commitment to doing well.

“She’s been in my history classes for two years now,” Malana explained. “It is within this capacity that I observed her impeccable discipline and organization. She is one student who would always turn in outstanding work ahead of everyone. Her dedication to excellence is truly admirable.” Zerin displays a modest demeanor, but she appreciates a desire to perform well. “I’m expecting real tough words,” Zerin said. “But at least, I want to get past the first round.” Dad is proud of Zerin for her composure and perseverance in her spelling bee endeavors and achievements. He was a little shocked when he found out she won the regional (he was unable to attend), he said. “Even though Zerin is very talented, I know there are a lot of kids regionally who are likely just as talented and motivated,” dad said. “I’m excessively proud of Zerin. Competitions like the National Spelling Bee are intense and the competitions leading up to it are just as nerve-racking. Zerin has shown a lot of poise and determination that makes me very proud.” Zerin is enthusiastic about visiting Washington again. Having been there at age four, she doesn’t remember much. Dad and daughter are the only ones scheduled to go from the family. The young role-model is older sister to five siblings, who will remain home with mom. “Zerin is very excited and looking forward to going to Washington, D.C.,” dad said. “I think she is just as excited to see the National Capitol and other historic sites as she is to participate in the National Spelling Bee itself.”

Get to know the competition this year, 281 spellers will participate. they originate from the 50 U.s. states, the District of Columbia, American samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, U.s. Virgin Islands and Department of Defense Dependents schools in europe; as well as the Bahamas, Canada, China, Ghana, Jamaica, Japan and south Korea. • Bee Week 2013 marks the first visit to the nation’s capital for 97 spellers • Tara Singh, of Louisville, Ky., is the youngest speller in this year’s competition at age 8

Zerin Wetzel, a 13-year-old eighth grade student at Fort Irwin Middle School, is scheduled to participate in the 2013 Scripps National Spelling Bee in Washington D.C., May 27. She is a huge fan of fantasy genre books and currently is reading the dictionary as part of her preparation for the event. For more information go to www.irwin.army.mil

Zerin Wetzel plays the flute during a Story Time event for children at Fort Irwin, April 24. The well-rounded eighth grader at Fort Irwin Middle School won five spelling bee competitions to qualify for an appearance at the 2013 Scripps National Spelling Bee. Her favorite subject in school is language arts and has an interest in being a writer or a teacher.

• The spellers range in age from 8 to 14 years old, but 89 percent are between the ages of 12 and 14 • The program is open to students who have neither turned 16 nor passed beyond the eighth grade

19 Professional Development High Desert Warrior May 3, 2013

Battle ready Battle Staff Non-Commissioned Officer Class 09-13 graduates: Staff Sgt. Fabrizio A. Bustos, Staff Sgt. Elias Bonilla, Master Sgt. Bobby Estrada, Staff Sgt. Jerard Brown, Sgt. Jose Gutierrez, Sgt. 1st Class Christopher Flagg, Sgt. 1st Class Troy Barnes (assistant instructor), Staff Sgt. Madeorgracia Elisan, Sgt. 1st Class Donald Ploger, Command Sgt. Maj. Noel Foster (graduation address speaker), Sgt. 1st Class Joshua Shirley (assistant instructor), Sgt. 1st Class John Kohne, Staff Sgt. Jesus Morales, Sgt. David Le, Sgt. 1st Class Michael Leipheimer, Master Sgt. Juan Perez, Sgt. 1st Class Omar Mijango and Sgt. 1st Class Jeffrey White. These 15 non-commissioned officers of the National Training Center and Fort Irwin graduated from the 22-day course during a ceremony, here, March 26. The course was administered locally via video-teletraining from the U.S. Army Sergeants’ Major Academy at Fort Bliss, Texas. The course educates NCO staff members on how to operate as part of a battalion or higher staff. The course is an intense, fast paced, performance-oriented program of instruction that concentrates on the battle staff duties and responsibilities of the coordinating and special staff sections, regardless of the NCO’s functional area of assignment.

Photo by Casey Slusser, Training Support Center

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Desert Warrior 20 High May 3, 2013 Unit Spotlight

Bronco Team demonstrates desert strong fitness By Maj. Ray G. McCulloch II Brigade pAo trainer, Bronco team operations group, ntc and Fort irwin

Bronco Team with Operations Group at the National Training Center and Fort Irwin held a morale building competition at this installation’s obstacle course, March 26. The competition was designed to facilitate team building and improve unit cohesion and camaraderie among the Broncos, which serve as Brigade Trainers for rotational units. According to Capt. Shawn McNicol, Bronco 03A and director of the competition, the best part of the training was the change of pace and getting out of the office. “It was a great event,” McNicol said. “We definitely accomplished our mission.” The competition consisted of two parts: a team building run from Barstow Road to the obstacle course on Outer Loop Road and completion of the obstacle course. Bronco Team Soldiers competed in teams based on their brigade training specialty and the event winner was the group with the shortest

completion time. The obstacle course included walls, monkey bars and ropes – all with names that allude to their difficulty. Two of the most challenging are called the “Tough Nut,” and the “Dirty Name!” The teamwork required to complete them increased the bonding for the participants. “My team motivated me to finish the course,” said Sgt. 1st Class Michael Abrams, a trainer with Bronco Team. Brigade S3 Trainer Maj. Thomas Laybourn noted that “this was a good way to build resiliency within Bronco Team.” “We wanted to do something fun for the team, which would emphasize fitness and cohesion,” Laybourn said. The hardest obstacle for the team appeared to be the “Weaver,” an obstacle that required everyone to weave between horizontal bars up and down a pyramidal structure. “It was a good, physical challenge,” said Sgt. 1st Class Amanda Reuter, a Brigade Unit Ministry Team Trainer. “You definitely need a lot of upper body strength.” The winning team was comprised of members of the Brigade Signal Trainers, who finished with a final time of just over 34

minutes. They were aided by the presence of a former drill sergeant on the team, Chief Warrant Officer 2 Douglas Mahanke. Mahanke attributed their victory to a strong team. “We made quick evaluations of the obstacles and communicated among each other in order to decrease our times on each obstacle,” Mahanke said. The senior trainer for Bronco Team, Col. Chris Doneski, mentioned that it was a good event. “Beyond some bumps and bruises, no one was hurt and we all had a great time,” Doneski said. Team members wanted an “outside-the-box” method for developing comprehensive Soldier fitness. Within that framework, the Bronco Team started with an Engagement Skills Trainer weapons qualification scenario earlier that week. The second event for the Broncos was completing the obstacle course. Future planned events include a family get-together/picnic, Equal Opportunity/Consideration of Others Training, and Point in the Desert dedications. “All these events are designed to keep our leaders sharp,” Laybourn said. TOP LEFT: Captain Joseph Sahl, of Bronco Team with Operations Group, goes through the high crawl obstacle at the Fort Irwin obstacle course, March 26. TOP RIGHT: Captain Kevin Cox assists his teammate Sgt. 1st Class Amanda Reuter at Fort Irwin’s obstacle course, March 26. Cox and Reuter are with Bronco Team of Operations Group and were participating in a team building challenge with the Broncos.

Photo by Maj. Ray G. McCulloch II

BOTTOM LEFT: Captain Dominic Garritano, Sgt. 1st Class Stanley Dyke, Sgt. 1st Classn Phillip Cantrell and Lt. Col. Alex Pham cross the finish line at the Bronco Team obstacle course competition, March 26. The four are trainers with Inform and Influence Activities under the Bronco Team in Operations Group.

Scouts Out

Photo by Cpt. Shawn McNicol

Specialist Nathan Moskal (foreground), a cavalry scout with Dragon Live Fire training team in Operations Group, tracks opposing forces through his binoculars from an observation post during a Dragon Team Scout Technical and Tactical competition, here, March 28. The competition assigned opposing tasks to each scout screening or zone reconnaissance team, reinforcing their skills. The screening scouts swept through a 1.5km by 6km area looking for enemy presence and mapping terrain while the opposing zone reconnaissance team chose and occupied observation posts to detect their opposition’s advance.

Photo by Maj. Ray G. McCulloch II

For more information go to www.irwin.army.mil

Photo by Capt. Jeffrey J. Tebo, Operations Group

21 Health

High Desert Warrior May 3, 2013

Fill out those surveys By serina Viers public Affairs, uSA MeddAc ntc and Fort irwin

Have a great provider? Wait times too long? We want to know! Patients are the most important part of our job at Weed Army Community Hospital and we need your feedback to improve and make changes. Did you know that by responding to your APLSS survey, you help fund new staff and programs? Army Provider Level Satisfaction Survey also known as “apples,” is a great way for patients to rate the services they receive during visits. APLSS is a confidential survey administered by the Office of the Surgeon General. Patients are randomly selected and the surveys are typically sent out within 48 hours of their appointment. United States Army Medical Department Activity/WACH officials want all patients to be able to “voice their opinion” concerning their overall visit. APLSS asks patients about certain

aspects of their visit, and most importantly, their overall satisfaction level with the entire visit. The survey consists of 10 to 25 questions, and takes five to 10 minutes to complete. If you receive an APLSS survey in the mail, you can either mail it back in the pre-addressed envelope, or go on-line to complete the survey. The surveys are a key tool to identify areas we can improve while providing world-class military medicine. The surveys can also earn MEDDAC money. With this money MEDDAC is able to increase the number of service providers we have and improve our facilities for you, our patients. We appreciate all your comments! The greater the number of responses, the better we can serve you! The next time you receive an APLSS survey in the mail, respond online or by phone, and participate in improving WACH. Help us make Weed Army Community Hospital a better place!

Operation Homefront supporting Wounded Warriors

Sgt. Jonas Allen (with wife Sharonda and children A’Myriah and Na’Zyriah), Spc. Randall Douglas and Cpl. Joshua Sanders hold laptops donated by FedEx and provided through Operation Homefront. The Soldiers are with Warrior Transition Unit-Company A under MEDDAC, here. Operation Homefront provides emergency financial and other assistance to Families of servicemembers and Wounded Warriors. “Operation Homefront understands the sacrifices servicemembers and their Families make for our country and are trying to do their part to support those that sacrifice for us,” said Sarah Rangel, Family Readiness Support Assistant with WTU-A. “The Fort Irwin MEDDAC and Warriors in Transition Unit wish to thank Operation Homefront Southern California.” For more information about Operation Homefront, visit their website at www.operationhomefront.net/ california.

Photo by Sarah Rangel


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For more information go to www.irwin.army.mil

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Advanced Hearing Systems CA Lic #HA3245

Wayne & Shanon Ellis – Owners CA Lic. #687623 For quality fencing, call ELLIS FENCE CO. located in Barstow, phone 760-256-3270 for a FREE estimate. ELLIS FENCE CO. does all types of fences, from chain link, wood panel, fencing for privacy, to vinyl. They also do wrought iron and build custom gates, both single and double. If you need fencing, either repair or replacement, call upon the professionals at ELLIS FENCE CO. to do the job in the least possible time, and at the lowest possible cost. They stand behind their work, and fully guarantee every job they do. If you're looking for real quality, reliability, and economy, call ELLIS FENCE CO. for your fencing needs. They have been pleasing the people of this area for years, and you'll appreciate their professional and ethical business practices! They thank all their valued customers and join everyone in thanking all our troops at Fort Irwin.

Oak Tree Inn Like to "get away from it all" but just are not prepared for a long trip? By making reservations at the OAK TREE INN located at 35450 Yermo Rd. in Yermo, phone 760-254-1148, you CAN enjoy a real holiday with only little expense and a short drive! Their fabulous "weekend vacation" is your ticket to a few days of restful relaxation. Right next door you will find PENNYʼS DINER, open 24-hours and offering fabulous daily specials in a unique fifties atmosphere. This outstanding motel has ALL of the things you look for! There are queen-size beds, bath-shower combinations, air conditioning, color television and much more! The OAK TREE INN features a beautiful heated swimming pool, fitness gym, free WiFi Internet and other fun things to do while you're here. You'll find that a weekend at the OAK TREE INN will leave you relaxed, refreshed and ready to face another week on the base. Plan now to "escape for the weekend" to this magnificent motel and enjoy yourself for a lot less than a regular vacation. The staff thanks the troops for their hard work and dedication and look forward to seeing you soon.

Gulley’s Livestock Disposal Locally Owned & Operated By Brent & Judith Gulley

GULLEYʼS LIVESTOCK DISPOSAL located in Oak Hills, phone 760-949-7957, is providing an excellent service to farmers and stockmen. They have the truck, the experience and the equipment necessary to render the best service. Their trucks are thoroughly disinfected after each load, are kept in the most sanitary condition, and are not disease carriers. Feel free to call them whenever a loss occurs. They specialize in prompt service, regardless of your location and make removal of dead stock without disturbance or inconvenience to you. It is a great deal safer to call them for removal services then to do it yourself. GULLEYʼS LIVESTOCK DISPOSAL has served the farmers and stockmen very well in the High Desert area for quite some time, and we, the writers of this 2013 Look At Business, feel you will receive the best and prompt service by phoning GULLEYʼS LIVESTOCK DISPOSAL. Brent and Judith thank the troops at Fort Irwin for their hard work. They also thank all their friends and clients in the High Desert.

Statewide Mini Storage Bill & Sue Trautman – Resident Managers Do you face piles of household goods and seasonal toys and sports equipment that you must store? Do you spend all winter fighting the plastic over your boat because there is no room in the garage for it? Is your garage so full of boxes that the poor car is left out in the cold? Is every corner of your business or office stacked with boxes of important papers that must be kept? But where do you put it all? There is no reason for anyone to face such problems when the convenient services of STATEWIDE MINI STORAGE located at 1500 State St. in Barstow, phone 760-256-8846 are available. This storage facility offers rental units of various sizes for whatever you need to store on a month-to-month, or a long-term basis. You rent it…you lock it…and all in complete security. Contact STATEWIDE MINI STORAGE to make arrangements for storage of anything from office records, to extra business supplies, to RVʼs and boats! Costs are minimal, and think of all the extra room you will have in your home, apartment or business. Bill and Sue thank all the troops at Fort Irwin and they look forward to seeing you soon!

Exit Strategy Realty

Of the many conditions that can affect our well being, hearing loss is one of the least diagnosed and treated. Hearing loss becomes apparent through your inability to communicate with others. You may find that you hear, but donʼt understand. You may hear menʼs voices, which are low tones, but not womenʼs or childrenʼs, which are high tones. You may not hear your watch ticking, birds singing, or the laugher of your children or grandchildren. Donʼt miss out on life! Hearing problems can be helped! Visit ADVANCED HEARING SYSTEMS located at 14201 Kenwood Blvd., Ste. 2 in Victorville, phone 760-952-2727 today for your FREE hearing screening and consultation. Determine if your life can be improved by hearing aids, and listen to the sounds of life again. ADVANCED HEARING SYSTEMS carries state of the art hearing aids, including the latest in digital technology. They also offer the most thorough, professional and personal follow-up service available anywhere. The writers of this 2013 Look At Business suggest that you contact this reputable firm when you have the need. The staff thanks the troops at Fort Irwin for their hard work and dedication.

Manufacturers Of Quality Lapidary Equipment www.diamondpacific.com The rock houndʼs headquarters, thatʼs what they call DIAMOND PACIFIC TOOL CORPORATION located at 2620 W. Main St. in Barstow, phone 760-255-1030. This well established manufacturer features everything for the professional or amateur enthusiast, and a complete assortment of tumblers, saws, diamond saw blades, abrasives, and other equipment for the treasure hunter, and you can get in on this exciting (and profitable!) hobby for a lot less than you may think. DIAMOND PACIFIC TOOL CORPORATION manufactures an entire line of high quality lapidary equipment. They also feature a complete line of beautiful gifts, jewelry, USGS maps, and much more. The writers of this 2013 Look At Business are pleased to be able to list this fine lapidary equipment manufacturer to our readers. The shop would like to thank all the troops from Fort Irwin and invite you to stop in often!

Rimrock Convalescent Hospital Mary Lou Miller – Executive Director

This exceptionally fine convalescent hospital is trusted throughout the High Desert area by many families. RIMROCK CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL is probably doing more to promote the health and happiness of our seniors than any other similar facility. They are located at 27555 Rimrock Rd. in Barstow, phone 760-252-2515. RIMROCK CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL is equipped for total care, on a 24-hour basis, and is competently staffed by professionals who provide care with dignity and respect. All precautions for comfort, safety, and well being are taken, with complete rehabilitation therapy, doctor availability, planned activities, medication management, and more. Realizing that everyone likes to eat wholesome, appetizing food, the staff of RIMROCK CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL also specially prepares food for the special diet needs of the individuals. To find out more about this friendly, family style care center, or any other information, just phone, 760-252-2515. We, the writers of this 2013 Look At Business, know youʼll be glad you did. RIMROCK CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL is always looking for qualified caring individuals in the nursing and rehabilitation field.

Barstowʼs Professional Pharmacy For 27 Years Catering to the family in the old fashioned tradition, THE PRESCRIPTION SHOPPE is the modern pharmacy with "old time" service! In fact, they are specialists in service. Located at 400 S. 2nd Street, Ste. 101 (across from the post office in the Shadowridge Complex) in Barstow, phone 760-256-5614, this is one pharmacy where personal service and individual attention is not a thing of the past. A friendly smile, a cheerful greeting and prompt, personal service are what you'll get every time you walk in. No wonder they're the favorite pharmacy of so many families in the area. THE PRESCRIPTION SHOPPE is the only compounding pharmacy in town and they also have a complete line of medical supplies, senior discounts, free pickup and delivery in Barstow and the lowest prices in town for your prescriptions. The writers of the 2013 Look At Business suggest that all of our readers shop where service and the customer are the main products. Maher and his professional staff thank all the troops at Fort Irwin and invite you to stop in often.

Locally Owned & Operated By Curtis OʼBrien Lic. #01522926

Barstow Senior Citizens Thrift Store

When you're looking around today's tough, critical real estate market for the best place to put your money, trust EXIT STRATEGY REALTY to help you find the home or property that YOU want! With offices located at 1316 E. Main St. in Barstow, phone 760-256-2299 or visit www.exitstrategyrealty.com, this respected broker has more to offer in terms of listings and services. Whether you're looking for a building site, a new home, an older house, or vacation property, this is the one to see! With some realistic prices and some diligent effort, EXIT STRATEGY REALTY can and will find just what you're looking for. They have access to property throughout the state and can assist you in every conceivable manner. When it comes time to sell your existing property, this reliable broker will get more for you! Trust them with your real estate matters! We heartily suggest that you contact this well-known firm for your real estate transactions. Curtis thanks all the troops in Fort Irwin for all of their hard work and dedication and looks forward to helping you with your real estate needs!

There is something in all of us that loves a bargain. The perfect place to discover hidden treasures is BARSTOW SENIOR CITIZENS THRIFT STORE. Gently used clothing for men, women and children is available for all seasons and all reasons. BARSTOW SENIOR CITIZENS THRIFT STORE accepts donations of clothing, toys, bedding, linens, furniture and appliances. This makes them the perfect place to find that dress or suit that somebody only wore once or furnish that new apartment with new-to-you dinnerware, curtains or a sofa. The best thing about BARSTOW SENIOR CITIZENS THRIFT STORE is the price of their merchandise. Their are quality used and sometimes new, outfits for every member of the family at a fraction of the price. Profits made by BARSTOW SENIOR CITIZENS THRIFT STORE are used to support local seniors and "Meals On Wheels." When itʼs time to clean out your own closet, b r i n g t h o s e i t e m s t o 9 2 9 E . W i l l i a m s S t . i n B a r s t o w, p h o n e 7 6 0 - 2 5 6 - 0 7 5 5 . A l l contributions are tax deductible. Visit to investigate the unbelievable bargains. They thank all their supporters and the troops at Fort Irwin for your hard work. All military personnel receive a 15% discount on purchases.

“A Look At Business” - continued -

Holiday Homes Spacious lots, plenty of parking and much, much, more awaits you at HOLIDAY HOMES located at 701 Montara Rd. in Barstow. This is one of the local area's finest mobile home parks. You'll love the convenience and easy lifestyle that characterizes this quality mobile home community. This is a great place to relax because of it's private, quiet atmosphere. The management of this park has made it a point to keep it clean and well maintained. You will find the rates reasonable and your neighbors friendly. There's plenty of room for you at this fine mobile home park and you're sure to love the carefree atmosphere that prevails. If you're looking for the nicest place in town to park your mobile home, we, the writers of this 2013 Look At Business, suggest HOLIDAY HOMES. We know you'll enjoy living in this pleasant park. So give them a call at 760-252-3511. We know youʼll be glad you did.

Alliance Management Group Where Your Property Is Our Business

Have you had trouble locating a suitable rental home for your family? Maybe you own rental property and are having a hard time finding tenants. ALLIANCE MANAGEMENT GROUP offers a unique service that solves both problems! Located at 240 E. Williams St. in Barstow, phone 760-256-4663 or 1-888-BARSTOW, this outstanding rental housing firm specializes in the listings of ALL types of rental properties, including residential and commercial. Many smart landlords in this area have turned over all of their rental units to this experienced firm for convenience and profits! Renters, too, benefit from the services that ALLIANCE MANAGEMENT GROUP provides. They can choose from a great selection of rental homes and find the one that's just right for their needs AND their budget! As the writers of this 2013 Look At Business, we suggest that ALL prospective renters AND all landlords contact ALLIANCE MANAGEMENT GROUP. We know youʼll be glad you did!

Tattle Tales Grooming

Locally Owned & Operated By Brenda Dilbeck Specializing in grooming and caring for all breeds of dogs and cats, TATTLE TALES GROOMING offers complete facilities for the pet owner. Located at 1105 E. Main St. in Barstow, phone 760-256-9021, this well known kennel features complete boarding and care facilities as well as expert grooming of all breeds. Leave your pet here when you're going away for a few days. He's in the very best of hands and will be fed, groomed, bathed and cared for expertly. It's a "home away from home" for your precious pet! TATTLE TALES GROOMING also specializes in grooming and trimming of all types of show dogs from poodles to Yorkshires to Afghans. Their careful grooming has been very helpful in securing top prizes for many of their customers and they have years of experience in this fine art. Trust YOUR pet to this outstanding grooming facility. The writers of this 2013 Look At Business think that you'll be glad you did. Brenda would like to honor all the troops for their hard work and dedication and thank all their friends and customers; she appreciates your business.

Image Collision Center Inc. Locally Owned & Operated

People in the High Desert area DON'T have to look far and wide for a body shop that is capable of doing the highest quality auto body work and painting. IMAGE COLLISION CENTER INC. located at 2521 W. Main St. in Barstow, phone 760-256-2738, can refinish and re-paint ANY car or truck, foreign or domestic. The vehicles of today require a specialist to repair or replace body panels and refinish them to their original beauty by matching the new paint perfectly with the original paint, and IMAGE COLLISION CENTER INC. offers work that is well known for quality throughout the Desert and beyond. They fully understand body and fender work as well as auto painting and have gained a great reputation since 1988. Rest assured that the work will be done to your exact specifications. From a small crease to a major collision, you can do no better than to trust YOUR car to the professionals here. Remember that insurance companies must permit you to choose the body shop YOU like best. After all, it IS YOUR CAR! We suggest you choose IMAGE COLLISION CENTER INC. for your auto body repair and painting needs. Everyone at the shop wishes the troops All the Best.

ARC Towing

Locally Owned & Operated By Denise Flores & Joel Valenzuela Since 1990 For dependable towing, call ARC TOWING located at 821 W. Main St. in Barstow, phone 760-256-3028. This well-known firm has a reputation of ability and experience to expertly handle all towing jobs, large or small. They feature 24-hour service and radio-dispatched equipment along with courteous, understanding personnel who will professionally handle the job so that you do not have to worry about anything. This firm is insured and meets both local and state requirements. They will go anywhere at any time for your convenience. For emergency, long or short distance tow service, and 13 trucks available including light, medium and heavy duty wreckers, flat beds, wheel lifts and recovery service, ARC TOWING cannot be beat. They are well liked in this area. We, the writers, of this 2013 Look At Business suggest to our readers that you remember the name ARC TOWING when in need of towing. Keep 760-256-3028 handy throughout the year. Denise, Joel and their crew salute all the troops in Fort Irwin for their hard work and dedication and look forward to serving you when needed.

High Noon Saloon

Alex Bernal – Owner Former Owner Of The Club Casanova A favorite with the people in the High Desert area, is the HIGH NOON SALOON located at 30386 Hwy. 58 in Barstow, phone 760-256-6496. This saloon is popular for friendly people, cold beer and drinks, and good times! Whenever you drop in at the HIGH NOON SALOON, you can relax and enjoy yourself, and of course, everybody is always welcome. There are a lot of taverns in the area, but very few that have earned the distinction of a regular stop in Barstow. The writers of this 2013 Look At Business proudly point to the friendliest place in town, the HIGH NOON SALOON. We suggest you stop in your next time in town. Alex and his staff appreciate their customers from Fort Irwin and they invite you to stop in often and they thank them for all of their hard work and dedication!

Food 4 Less

Israel Sanchez – Store Director Food prices are a major concern these days and smart shoppers are always trying to find good buys on the items they need. At FOOD 4 LESS, you not only save money, you get the quality too. FOOD 4 LESS is located at 580 E. Virginia Way in Barstow, phone 760-255-2233. This warehouse supermarket features everything you could ever need in a grocery store, and more. From farm fresh produce and high quality meat dept., to a beautiful bakery/deli dept. specializing in party trays, special order cakes, and 6 foot sandwiches. At FOOD 4 LESS their name says it and their prices prove it. While saving money, you'll enjoy the friendly employees and outstanding quality delivered everyday. The writers of this 2013 Look At Business suggest that ALL of our readers make shopping at FOOD 4 LESS a regular habit. The management and staff appreciate all their friends and customers and would like to join everyone in the area in SUPPORTING OUR TROOPS.

A Tech Transmission John Hogue – Owner

Don't ask an ordinary garage to repair your car's transmission. With shop facilities located at 10675 Hesperia Rd. in Hesperia, phone 760-956-8324, one of the area's #1 transmission specialists, A TECH TRANSMISSION stands ready to serve you with expert repairs in this critical area! For a complete overhaul or replacement, do business with A TECH TRANSMISSION when it comes to transmissions! Since they can repair all makes and models and offer exchange service on rebuilt units, there is no reason your vehicle should be tied up for more than a few days in most cases. A free inspection and easy terms are just a few more reasons why you should always consult this outstanding transmission shop for any service your car may require. The writers of this 2013 Look At Business are glad to suggest A TECH TRANSMISSION to all of our readers. They would like to join other area businesses in thanking our troops at Fort Irwin.

Desert Empire Drilling Water Well Services

Warren Wallis – Owner With 48 Years Experience Lic. #432905 Homeowners, ranchers and smart land developers know all about the advantages of a good water well on their property. The homeowner is, of course, concerned with pure, fresh water for his family. The rancher needs stock wells at strategic locations to take care of his livestock. The developer knows just how much a good, free-flowing well can add to property values. Your reasons for needing a well may be different than these but, when you need a well, there's a company to call and that's DESERT EMPIRE DRILLING. Located at 3890 Lenwood Rd. in Barstow, phone 760-253-5637, this is one well drilling firm that makes customer satisfaction their motto. They'll drill your well in a very short period of time and their rates are competitive. DESERT EMPIRE DRILLING is also your authorized dealer for famous brand name pumps. They can handle any pump repairs and installation, too. Call the pros today if you want good, pure water. We think you'll be more than pleased with the results of that call. Warren and his crew thank all the men and women at Fort Irwin for their hard work!

High Rank Tattoo Company Pete Castaneda – Owner & Artist (Prior Military)

Tattoos are a beautiful way of expressing your unique individuality. If you are thinking about a tattoo, you have probably realized that it is important to know the reputation of your tattoo artist. HIGH RANK TATTOO COMPANY are tattoo artists with whom you can trust with complete confidence in providing a Health Dept. approved sterile environment. They do custom tattoos, fine lines, bold colors, portraits, as well as tattoo re-coloring, tattoo cover-up and piercing. HIGH RANK TATTOO COMPANY is located at 605 E. Main St. in Barstow, phone 760-256-5791 or visit www.highranktattoo.com. They are open Mon. – Fri., 11am – 8pm, Sat. by appointment only, and closed on Sun. They are favorably known for reliable service and fair prices. Their popularity is due to the fact that they stand behind the quality of every tattoo they do. Come in today and see what kind of beautiful artwork they are capable of creating for your personal enjoyment. The writers of this 2013 Look At Business agree that if you are searching for a talented tattoo artist, Pete is one of the best! He would like to join other businesses in the area that salute our troops!

“A Look At Business” - continued -

Tanalyze Tanning Salon Melodee Buroff – Owner If you'd like to maintain a dark summer tan year round, come in and visit the folks at TANALYZE TANNING SALON and let them help you look and feel your absolute best! Located at 204 N. 3rd Ave., Ste. A in Barstow, phone 760-255-3030, TANALYZE TANNING SALON features safe tanning facilities for men and women. Keeping that summer tan only takes minutes per week, and the professional tanning counselors at TANALYZE TANNING SALON will make sure that you get only the necessary amount of exposure in accordance with your present tan or particular skin type. So, if you always wanted to look like you've just returned from a fun filled vacation in the sun, come in to TANALYZE TANNING SALON and keep the winter blues away. You'll like the friendly service and the wonderful results. They would like to join area businesses in thanking the troops at Fort Irwin.

Unique Landscaping

John Heald – Owner With 30 Years Experience Lic. #771073 Serving All The High Desert & Surrounding Counties The art of creative landscaping is a job for an experienced professional. Long considered to be one of the local area's leading landscape contractors is UNIQUE LANDSCAPING located in Barstow, phone 760-256-5296. This reliable firm specializes in the beautifying of your lawn and garden with the addition of shrubs, rocks, fences and many other distinctive decorator items which only a true artisan can use properly. Johnʼs 30 years of experience and his dedication to do a professional job are your assurance that your grounds will look better than ever before. When you call UNIQUE LANDSCAPING to do your landscaping, you get more than just a job, you get the environmental designs of a master! The ecology isn't forgotten when this skilled company is on the job and they specialize in producing "natural" effects. Call them today for a finer looking yard! To find out more or to look at some of their beautiful work you can find them on the Internet at www.myuniquelawn.com.

Summit Inn Restaurant C.A. Stevens – Owner Over 60 Years of Excellent Service

When the people of this area sit back and relax in comfortable friendly surroundings t o enjoy a breakf ast, lunch or dinner, t hey are probably sit t ing in t he pleasant surroundings of SUMMIT INN RESTAURANT located at 5970 Mariposa Rd. (right on Route 66 at the top of Cajon Pass) in Oak Hills, phone 760-949-8688. The SUMMIT INN RESTAURANT is known in this area as the finest restaurant to obtain a delicious breakfast, lunch or dinner prepared exactly the way you want it, and served with all the trimmings. When the owner decided to open, he had one primary goal in mind, and that was to offer the people of this area the finest food, served among friendly people in a pleasant atmosphere, and always with the best service in town. The fact that he has achieved just exactly that is evidenced by the ever returning number of people that have made SUMMIT INN RESTAURANT their place to dine. We take this opportunity to suggest SUMMIT INN RESTAURANT. C.A. and his staff thank all their customers and join other area businesses in saluting the troops at Fort Irwin.

Divine’s Market & Liquor Sandi Thomas – Owner & Operator

Barstow Real Estate Group Looking for a better buy in real estate? See the friendly people at BARSTOW REAL ESTATE GROUP and get into that new home for a lot less than you'd think! Located at 240 E. Williams St. in Barstow, phone 760-256-6843 or 1-800-BARSTOW, this respected firm offers a greater selection of new and older homes than most anyone in the area. They specialize in finding the kind of property that YOU want at the kind of price YOU can afford. In addition to finding the type of home you want, this reliable broker can arrange bank financing and other plans to fit your budget. Need rental property? Vacation property? Investment property? This well established realtor has it all! Their listings are kept current due to the large volume of business they do! In writing this 2013 Look At Business, we, the writers, would like to make particular mention of BARSTOW REAL ESTATE GROUP. They would like to thank the troops at Fort Irwin.

Desert Inn Motel On your next shopping or business trip to Barstow, make plans to stay at the DESERT INN MOTEL located at 1100 E. Main St., phone 760-256-2146. Here you will find ample accommodations, clean spotless rooms, free movie channels and they are close to restaurants and shopping. As a result of their reputation, this motel has become very well known in this area as the ideal place to spend a weekend vacation, away from the kids and daily routine. When you come to town shopping or on business, stay over a night or two and relax. Remember too, DESERT INN MOTEL is an ideal place to put up your out-of-town guests. They will appreciate the fact that you made reservations ahead of time for them here. We, the writers, suggest DESERT INN MOTEL to everyone. Regardless of your length of stay, you are always welcome at this fine motel and will appreciate the friendly people that run it! They appreciate all their guests from Fort Irwin and they thank them for all their hard work.

Carol Watson – Manager Linda White – Assistant Manager Spacious lots, plenty of parking, laundry facilities and much, much, more awaits you at SUNRISE PASS ESTATES located at 1000 Windy Pass in Barstow, phone 760-252-3000. This is one of t he local area's finest manufact ured home parks. You'll love the convenience and easy lifestyle that characterizes this quality family community. This is a great place to call home with 2 and 3 bedroom homes for rent or sale. T h e management of this park has made it a point to keep it clean and well maintained. You will find a recreational facility, club house, the rates reasonable, the neighbors friendly and you are close to schools and shopping. There's plenty of room for you at this fine park and you're sure to love the carefree atmosphere that prevails. If you're looking for the nicest place in town, we, the writers of this 2013 Look At Business suggest SUNRISE PASS ESTATES. We know you'll enjoy living in this pleasant park. They would like to join other businesses in thanking our troops.

The Cutting Edge Hair & Nail Salon Multicultural & Family Salon Amber Woods – Owner & Stylist

Occupying a unique niche in the modern scheme of big business is DIVINEʼS MARKET & LIQUOR, a grocer in the old fashioned tradition of friendly, personal service. If you're tired of putting up with all the hassles involved in shopping at the large "discount" stores, get back to a mellower atmosphere by shopping this popular market. Located at 25181 W. Main St. in Lenwood, phone 760-253-2211, this well known grocer stocks a very complete line of all your favorite products. Their complete departments have won the respect and admiration of all who sample its wares. DIVINEʼS MARKET & LIQUOR features all of your favorite brands of soft drinks, whiskey, gin, tequila, vodka, scotch, rum, brandy and other quality liquors. They also specialize in ice-cold beer in bottles, cans and kegs. Wine, too, is featured here and they have one of the finest selections anywhere. They also have an ATM machine, all of your sundries and now carry moonshine. We, the writers, are exceptionally happy to mention this fine, friendly market. You won't find better quality or better service anywhere. Sandi and the crew thank all their valued customers from Ft. Irwin and invite you to stop in often.

Full service hair care to suit the entire family is what's featured at THE CUTTING E D G E H A I R & N A I L S A L O N l o c a t e d a t 1 2 5 1 E . M a i n S t . , # 9 i n B a r s t o w, p h o n e 760-255-9060 and find them on Facebook. This well known salon features professional stylists to shape, cut, perm and color YOUR hair into a style that is, "distinctly you." Their modern techniques and professional hair care products assure you of the most natural and healthy hair possible. You'll look better and feel better every time you stop in at this full service hair care salon. In addition to exceptional hair care, THE CUTTING EDGE HAIR & NAIL SALON also features manicures, pedicures and artistic nails. They specialize in all phases of hair and beauty care. Their hours are Mon. – Sat., 10am – 6pm. Although walk-ins are welcome, appointments are recommended. Today or the next time you are in town, give them a try. Amber and her staff thank all the troops at Fort Irwin and they look forward to handling your hair care and nail needs!


Deluxe Cleaners

Winner of the prestigious KOA Presidents award, this family owned and operated KOA offers a haven of rest and relaxation! Perfect for the road weary traveler or as a favorite vacation destination spot, this KOA offers the finest amenities. BARSTOWCALICO KOA offers Wireless Internet, cable TV, a fully stocked store as well as a pool. It even has a playground with a rock climbing wall (for those restless young ones), archery and horseshoes (for the restless older ones) and bicycling for everyone! If you donʼt have a tent or camper there are 2 beautiful cabins and a tee-pee available to accommodate you though tents are available for you to rent if you prefer! BARSTOW-CALICO KOAʼs newly renovated restrooms and showers will help wash away the dusty miles off your body and their full service Laundromat will do the same for your clothes! Their campground is newly graveled and the beautiful flowering bushes between each will give you all the privacy you could hope for in this desert oasis. Whenever you are in the High Desert area, we suggest you consider BARSTOW-CALICO KOA as your travel destination!

Specialists in all types of cleaning, DELUXE CLEANERS have won the respect and admiration of area residents for their fast service and their fine quality work! They are located at 1000 E. Main St. in Barstow, phone 760-256-1803, and theyʼre waiting to serve YOU! They are open 6:30am – 7pm, Mon. – Fri. Whether you need shirt service, suede cleaning, drapery pleating or any number of specialized services, these are the recommended cleaners for the High Desert area. Their reputation for delivering the finest quality cleaning in the shortest possible period of time, have won DELUXE CLEANERS friends and customers from all over. Why not make it a point to start taking all of your cleaning to DELUXE CLEANERS? Youʼll find their service to be friendly, their prices competitive and their quality to be vastly superior! We suggest the fine services that DELUXE CLEANERS has to offer. DELUXE CLEANERS wishes to join the area businesses in thanking our troops. They offer same day service, in by 7am, out by noon and next day service, Mon. – Thurs. to the military at no extra charge.

35250 Outer Highway 15 North Yermo, CA 92398 760-254-2311

Bring in or mention this ad for 10% off!

Locally Owned & Operated

Bring in this ad for 10% off.

“A Look At Business” - continued -

Y2K Enterprise Locally Owned & Operated By Micah Gray Need an auto or truck part? Short of cash? Call Y2K ENTERPRISE and see just how little a good new or used auto or truck part can cost. Located at 1295 Riverside Dr. in Barstow, phone 760-256-5108, this community-minded business has what you want! The people of the High Desert area have come to depend on this reliable parts store for service and quality when it comes to parts…and for good reason! Their business was built on efficiency and customer satisfaction. People come back again and again when they know that low prices and great service go hand in hand at Y2K ENTERPRISE. If you have a junk car or truck that needs to be removed, Y2K ENTERPRISE will buy it for cash! The writers of this 2013 Look At Business feel that no listing would be complete without prominent mention of this fine firm. Micah and his crew thank all their valued customers from the greater Fort Irwin area and look forward to seeing you soon!

Purdy’s Quality Meats Casey Speer – Manager & Head Cutter Serving The High Desert For Over 45 Years Everyoneʼs concerned about quality these days. Everyoneʼs also concerned about price. Well, at PURDYʼS QUALITY MEATS you can be assured of getting the absolute finest, both quality and price wise, when it comes to custom meats, groceries and fresh produce. Stop in at 800 Montara Rd (2 blocks from Walmart) in Barstow, phone 760-252-3122 and see for yourself. The careful selection of animals that this shop makes consistently provides better beef, pork, lamb and poultry for your meat dollar. Speaking of your dollar…hereʼs one firm that is able to keep your cost at an absolute minimum through their wise marketing practices. Call and get a friendly price quote on a quarter or half of beef. There are also several "packages" available at PURDYʼS QUALITY MEATS! Theyʼll do custom butchering for you, too! The writers of this 2013 Look At Business believe youʼll agree that itʼs tough to beat the kind of value and quality youʼll find at PURDYʼS QUALITY MEATS. The staff would like to thank all the troops for their hard work and invite you to stop in often.

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DUPLEX FOR RENT 3-Bedrooms, 1.5 Bath 10 Minutes from Ft Irwin Large Unit, Approx. 1,500 sqft. Includes All Appliances Laundry Inside $730/Mo+Security Deposit Call 818-378-9069

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Ads Print Friday, May 10th

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All real estate advertised in this publication is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race color, religion, or national origin, or an intention to make such preference limitation or discrimination. Real estate advertisements that are in violation of the law shall not be accepted for publication. All dwellings advertised in this publication are available on an equal opportunity basis.

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You can use your Military Star card for your dental treatment. Our state-of-the-art dental facilities are outfitted with the latest advancements in dental technologies and comfort features. Our facilities are equipped with the latest game consoles (Xbox 360, Playstation III, Wii) and games for your enjoyment, such as the new Guitar Hero Aerosmith version. Plus, we have massaging dental chairs and video googles so you can receive massages and watch movies during your dental treatment.

Come and visit Fort Irwin’s newest dental facility.

FORT IRWIN FAMILY DENTAL What you can expect from your dental visit: Excellent Service Massaging Dental Chairs DirecTV During Procedures High Tech Dental Equipment 1 Hour Zoom Whitening Wii, PS3 & XBox 360 The clinic is now accepTing DoD civilians anD conTracTors!!! we accepT all inDemniTy anD mosT ppo insurances. (TRICARE DEnTAl, UnITED ConCoRDIA, DElTA, AETnA, METlIfE, CIgnA, ETC.)

402 Langford Lake Rd. Fort Irwin, Ca 92310

(We are behind the PX and next to the Fire Station.)

www.basedental.com (760) 386-7777

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